Smart Styles CS.indd


Smart Styles CS.indd
Smart Styles for InDesign
The best way to style your documents efficiently & consistently
■ Award-Winning Smart object styling
■ Style complete tables within a snap
■ Smart text styling with automatic format recognition
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
© 1998-2003 WoodWing Software bv. All Rights Reserved.
WoodWing Smart Styles for InDesign User Guide.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of WoodWing
The information in this book is furnished for informational use only and is subject
to change without notice. The software described herein is furnished under a
license agreement, and it may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms
of the agreement.
Smart Layout, Smart Styles, Smart XML, Smart Tables, Smart Catalog, Smart Connection and Smart Connection Pro are trademarks of WoodWing Software. Adobe,
InDesign and InCopy are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Apple, Mac,
Macintosh and Power Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. registered
in the U.S. and other countries. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT and Windows
2000 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation registered in the U.S. and/or other
countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Production Note:
This book was created electronically using Adobe InDesign CS, Adobe InCopy CS,
WoodWing Smart Layout, and WoodWing Smart Connection Pro.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Smart Styles User Guide
Smart Styles delivers powerful formatting capabilities to Adobe InDesign
users. All formatting options of a page item, including multiple text styles,
can be set in one sweep using Smart Styles from the Style Library. Using
Smart Styles improves your workflow by decreasing the need for repetitive
formatting of page elements, tables and text selections. It allows you to focus
more on the quality of your design and on content, thus improving the overall
quality of your publication.
By taking out the pain of repeated formatting, Smart
Styles saves any InDesign user’s time. Multiple
layouts with comparable formatting, such as those
in magazines, newspapers and advertisements,
become effortless.
Powerful formatting
With a single drag-and-drop, Smart Styles applies
table and page item properties, multiple paragraph
styles and attributes, and per-paragraph multiple
character styles and attributes.
Smart Styles supports:
Page item properties – all standard page item
properties are applied: stroke properties (color, width, type, etc. ), fill
properties, colors including tints and gradients, drop shadows, feathering,
transparency, corner effects, inset, number of columns, and many more
Paragraph Styles and attributes – Smart Styles applies a sequence of
paragraph styles and attributes. This allows you to set the formatting for
the first paragraph(s), the last paragraph(s) and repeated formatting for
the paragraphs in-between. Repetition is not limited to a single format,
but can consist of several paragraph formats. InDesign CS Nested Styles
are applied as any other Paragraph Style.
Character Styles and attributes – Per paragraph Smart Styles allows the
specification of a sequence of character styles and attributes from the
start and end of the paragraph. This allows you to make for example the
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
first three words of a paragraph bold or format all characters up to the first
comma without having to set a special invisible “end of style” mark first.
Table formatting – Smart Styles can format one table or each table in a
document identically, including InDesign CS running headers and footers.
Text selection – Smart Styles can be applied to text selections as well as
on entire page elements.
Re-Apply – Make two different Smart Styles with the same name: re-applying the second will automatically update all elements with the first style.
Selective application – Apply only specific styles from a Smart Styles element, such as only the text properties of a styled table, or only the border
style of a Smart Style for an ad.
Style Libraries – Smart Styles are stored in Style Libraries. Each standard
InDesign library can be used as a Style Library.
Easy definition – Smart Styles are defined by creating an example page
item with the desired formatting and dropping it into a Style Library.
Smart Layout – Using Smart Styles in combination with Smart Layout,
another WoodWing product, will unleash the power of article-based publishing: complete Smart Layout items consisting of multiple elements can
be formatted at once. Properties for all elements (e.g. head, intro, body)
can be set differently as well as sequences of paragraph and character
formatting .
Efficiency – By using Smart Styles, the number of actions needed to
format page items decreases at ratios of 5:1 and more. Formatting a page
item with InDesign requires an average of 10 actions. With Smart Styles it
can be done with only one.
No ‘read’ plug-in needed – Applying Smart Styles will not result into a
Smart Styles ‘footprint’; it’s all plain InDesign and you don’t need the
Smart Styles plug-in to open the document.
New in Smart Styles CS
Support for running headers and footers
Support for nested styles
Properties can be turned on or off independently
Smart Styles can be applied to text selections
Modify elements previously defined with one style to have another style
with the Re-apply command
Smart Style can be applied to all tables inside a text frame
Text wrap property support
Support for optional styling of WoodWing Smart Catalog items and Text
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
After registration of your Smart Styles license you are entitled to free web and
email support. If you need support with the installation, usage or configuration of Smart Styles, please visit the WoodWing site at
support. There you will find a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and further
directions on how to submit questions.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Installing Smart Styles
Adobe InDesign CS
Operating System
• Mac OS X v.10.2 through v.10.3
• Microsoft® Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 2, Windows XP Home Edition, or Windows XP Professional Edition
Hardware: same requirements and recommendations as standard
InDesign. See for details.
Installing Windows version
Steps to install Smart Styles for Windows:
Start installation program SmartStylesCS
Read the license agreement and continue after agreeing with it.
The setup will show the path to InDesign CS where Smart Styles will be
installed. In case you have multiple InDesign versions installed on your
machine you might want to select a different InDesign directory. You need
to select the directory containing the InDesign application.
Select the components to install:
• Plug-in – the software.
• Documentation – this document.
• Example – Example InDesign document and libraries.
• If you selected to install documentation and/or documentation you
will be prompted for the installation location. Default location is a
WoodWing folder within the InDesign folder.
Clicking Next will install the files.
Installing Macintosh version
The Macintosh version of Smart Styles is delivered in two ways: installer on
Mac CD or a compressed file (.hqx, .sit or .bin) containing the installer. When
downloading from the internet you will always get a compressed file. Before
installation you need to use StuffIt Expander or another utility to uncompress
and access the file’s contents. StuffIt Expander is a free utility for accessing the
contents of compressed files. For more information about StuffIt Expander,
visit the Aladdin Systems Web site:
Steps to install Smart Styles for Mac:
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Start installation program Smart Styles CS Installer.
Read the license agreement and continue after agreeing with it.
Select the components to install:
• Plug-in – the software.
• Documentation – this document.
• Example – Example InDesign document and libraries.
• In case you selected to install documentation and/or example you will
be prompted for the location to install this into. Default location is a
WoodWing folder within the InDesign folder.
The setup will show the path to InDesign where Smart Styles will be
installed. In case you have multiple InDesign versions installed on your
machine, a list will be shown with all InDesign installations that have been
Clicking Next will install the files.
Authorization and registration
After installation you need to authorize your copy of Smart Styles within
30 days. After this demo period Smart Styles will cease working. In order to
authorize your copy you need to purchase a valid license. With this purchase
you will receive a serial number needed for authorization. For CD delivery this
serial is typically found inside the box.
During the 30-day demo period Smart Styles will prompt you regularly at
startup to authorize your license. The authorization process can be started
from the WoodWing About dialog menu:
To authorize your license:
On Windows, select the Help:About WoodWing Plug-ins menu.
On Mac OS X, select InDesign:About WoodWing Plug-ins.
The “About WoodWing” dialog shows all WoodWing products installed with
their respective authorization status (demo, authorized or expired). From this
list select Smart Styles and press the Authorize button.
Note: if you purchased Smart Styles as part of a WoodWing software bundle,
you can select all products from the bundle.
On-line authorization and registration
For authorization the plug-in will connect to WoodWing’s authorization server
via the internet. Only information shown in the authorization dialog will be
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
If you don’t have an internet connection or you don’t want to use an online connection to authorize your software, you can select the “I don’t have
access...” checkbox to obtain an authorization code by E-mail or fax.
If you decide to authorize your software on-line, you will be prompted to enter
your serial number and whether you want to register your copy.
Only registered users have access to free support and upgrades.
The next screen in the authorization process prompts you to enter your registration details. After entering these, the plug-in will connect to the internet.
If you’re using a proxy server, you must specify its settings before connecting.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Smart Styles basics
User Interface
A Smart Styles library is an InDesign object library with a twist. Dragging
an item from it will allow you to apply the styles defined in the Smart Styles
library object to a selected page element.
When you start InDesign after having installed Smart Styles, you will not find
any obvious reference to it, unless you already have defined some InDesign
object libraries. So, where do you have to look to find Smart Styles?
You will find Smart Styles in the following places:
As a menu item “Smart Style Library...” under File > New to create a new
Smart Style library
In every InDesign library palette’s pop-up menu
you will find Smart Style Library to toggle
the behavior of the library between standard
InDesign Object library and Smart Styles library.
If you created a new Smart Styles library, or
turned an existing InDesign object library into a Smart Styles library, a
menu item Apply (and/or Re-Apply) Smart Style appears in the pop-up
menu of the Library palette.
In the “About WoodWing Plug-ins...” menu item in the Help (Windows)
or InDesign (MacOSX) menu showing version, copyright and license information.
A basic example of a Smart Styles workflow
In order to get an overview of the power of Smart Styles, try the supplied
sample file with examples numbered 1 to 8:
Open the installed sample InDesign document Smart Styles Sample Doc.
indd via menu File-Open. This example document is normally installed
inside a WoodWing folder in your InDesign folder. The sample document
contains 3 pages with 8 (numbered) examples.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Open the installed sample library Smart Styles Samples.indl via menu FileOpen from the same folder as the InDesign example document.
Pop-up the library’s window pop-up menu to make sure this library is set
up as a Smart Styles library.
The example styles have been numbered for the frames they have been
designed for. Drag and drop the styles numbered 1 to 6 one by one to the
frame with the corresponding number. Note that the examples continue
on page 2.
Example 7 explains Smart Styles’ table behavior:
Drag the styles named 7 - Three Funny Tables from the library and drag it
over the text frame. Note how the cursor changes above tables. Now drop
the style outside the tables to style the complete text frame including
frame attributes, text styles and table styles.
Undo this Smart Style by choosing Undo from the Edit menu and drop the
same Smart Styles on one of the tables to style just this single table.
Drop the style named 7 - One Styled Table on another table to style that
First look at example 8. This page element consists of 2 columns holding
one table. The table has a row that serves as a header row. The Smart Style
you’re about to apply in this example uses InDesign CS’s new running
headers and footers feature. Drag the Smart Style of example 8 to the
page frame next to the number 8. Immediately the table is styled, including the running headers.
The setup of these examples is described in detail in the section “Creating a
new Smart Style” below.
NOTE:: The Library palette’s pop-up menu has an Item Info... option. Selecting
this menu item opens a window where you can set the name of your Smart
Style. This window also contains a pop-up menu where you can set the charac-
teristics of the object, such as Geometry, Text, PDF, etc. This pop-up menu and
its options do not affect how Smart Styles works; it doesn’t set any options
except the icon in the Library palette.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
So, if you like to have a visible clue as to what type of page item your Smart
Style refers to, feel free to use any of these options and change the icon in the
From the examples, it is clear that using Smart Styles is very simple. First you
create a text or image element on the page and apply all paragraph, character,
border, and other styles that you want it to have, until it looks the way you
want it to. Let’s say you want to create a standardized ad box for your newspaper. The first thing you do is create such an ad with all formatting applied.
You will add this element as a Smart Style to the Smart Styles Library. You can
drag and drop the item onto the library palette, or add it to the library using
the other methods that we will discuss further.
Now, every time you want to add an advertisement to a page and have it look
like the standardized ad you created previously, just create the text element
on the page, type the ad text. You don’t need to add any styles; just drag and
drop your standardized ad from the Smart Styles Library to the text element
on the page.
Your text element will not be replaced by the library item, but will change
looks: its appearance will be identical to the Smart Style item. Repeat this for
every ad you want to give the standardized looks.
There are two methods to apply Smart Styles:
Just drag the desired style from the library and drop it on the page item
to be styled
• Select one or more page items, select the desired style from the library
and select Apply Smart Style from the library’s popup menu. This way
you can style multiple page items at once.
You can style text elements, table elements, image elements, text selections,
tables with or without running headers and footers, and complete text frames.
NOTE: You can always add or remove formatting to/from an item or text selection using the regular InDesign styling features after you have applied a Smart
Style—the item, table, or selection remains completely editable.
Let’s take another basic example: suppose you want to style a table on a page.
The table is an in-line element following text and followed by some other text.
Now you have two options: you can either drop a Smart Style on a table to
style only the single table. If this is what you do, the cursor will change in a
brush with a tiny table next to it, to let you know it’s just this one table you’re
going to style.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
The second option is to drop the style on a text frame to style the complete
text frame including frame attributes, text styles and all tables inside the text
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Creating a new Smart Style
You can create a new Smart Style library in various ways.
To create a new Smart Style Library, do the following:
Select File > New > Smart Style Library
1. Create an object library by selecting File > New > Library
2. Change this newly created library to a Smart Style library by
selecting Smart Style Library from the library’s pop-up menu.
The same pop-up menu item can be used to turn an existing object library
into a Smart Style library. You can switch freely between InDesign objects and
Smart Style objects by selecting either Smart Style Library or Object Library
from the pop-up menu.
You can use the menu’s List View and Thumbnail View to change the way the
styles are shown in the palette.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Creating new Smart Styles
Creating page item, text selection and character
Creating new Smart Styles is done ‘by example’. Just create a new page item
using standard InDesign tools and features. When you’re done designing the
page item, drag it into the Smart Style Library, double click to specify a name
and it’s ready to use.
The next sections describe the properties that are applied with Smart Styles
and some instructions for creation. For most usages you don’t need to fully
understand all the details. Just creating an example will do the job most of the
time without any special tweaking.
Page Item properties
These page item properties are applied to the target page item:
Stroke: weight, miter limit, type, start, end, cap, join.
Attributes: overprint fill, overprint stroke and non-printing.
Colors (stroke and fill) including tints and gradient colors with their angle
and start and end points.
Drop shadows.
Transparency settings.
Corner effects.
Text Wrap.
Text Frame and story properties
If the target page item and the Smart Style are both text frames, the following
properties are applied in addition of the page item properties.
Columns: number, width, fixed width and gutter
Inset values
First baseline settings
Vertical justification values.
Ignore text wrap.
Optical margin alignment settings.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Text Style
Paragraph styling
Smart Styles lets you define sequences of paragraph styles which are recognized automatically by Smart Styles. This allows you to use a specific style for
the first paragraph, another one for the middle and yet another style for the
last paragraph.
You can define a sequence of paragraph styles to be used:
At the top of the story
At the bottom of the story
As a repetition pattern for the paragraphs in-between.
You define a Smart Styles sequence by inserting paragraphs containing
dummy text with the desired style.
This is how the concept works:
<style1> -> used for first paragraph, e.g. head
<style2> -> used for second paragraph, e.g. sub-head
<style n> -> used for nth paragraph
<In between styles 1> -> used for paragraphs ‘in between’
<In between styles n>
<In between styles 1>
<In between styles n>
<style last-n> -> used for last but n paragraph
<style last-1> -> used for last but one paragraph
<style last> -> used for last paragraph, e.g. credit.
This is a basic workflow:
1. Set up your first paragraph using the style elements you want it
to have.
2. Set up the second paragraph (the in-between paragraphs) with
its own style elements.
3. Copy the paragraph from step 2 to another paragraph with the
same style elements to make sure Smart Styles recognizes these
two paragraphs as your in-between styles..
4. Set up the third paragraph that ends the sequence.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
‘In-between’ paragraphs are defined by using the same sequence of
paragraph and character styles and attributes for two (or more) subsequent paragraphs. In order to be considered the same by Smart Styles
they should be exactly equal. The best way to ensure this is to style one
paragraph and to copy this paragraph.
When a Smart Style contains multiple repeating paragraph style
sequences, the last occurring repeating paragraph style sequence is used
as the ‘in-between styles’, the other repeating paragraph styles will be part
of the starting sequence.
Smart Styles searches for the longest repeating sequence of paragraph
styles. A text frame using the paragraph style sequence A-B-B-C-B-B-C-D
will use B-B-C as the repeating sequence, not B.
Take care not to have an additional carriage return after the last style, this
would become part of your end sequence.
Character Styling
Smart Styles not only applies the sequence of paragraph styles, but also
the formatting inside these paragraphs. For each paragraph, Smart Styles
will recognize a sequence of character styles at the start and the end of the
paragraph. You can define nested styles inside your paragraph style and
these styles will automatically become part of the Smart Style definition.
Smart Styles also offers an alternative or addition to nested styles—character
styles—that are even easier to apply because in contrast to nested styles, you
must define a Smart character Style only once by example.
Smart Styles will analyze the changes in formatting within a paragraph and
identify what kind of delimiter is causing each change.
This delimiter can either be:
The last character of the styled text part
The first character of the next part
The character after the first/last space (for 2-character delimiter – useful
for dashes). In general all non-alphanumeric characters can be recognized
as delimiters.
Some delimiters are preferred to others:
Line feed
Dash - any type, such as dash, em dash, en dash, etc.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
For a complete list of preferred delimiters and their precedence, see Appendix
B – Delimiters.
Together with the delimiter, Smart Styles determines the number of occurrences of the delimiter in the styled text. This allows you to style the first or last
words of the paragraph.
If Smart Styles can’t determine which character serves as the delimiter, it will
take the number of styled characters to apply the style to. This allows you to
style the first character of the paragraph or any other fixed number of characters.
As soon as Smart Styles has identified all delimiters, it will analyze which
delimiters should be considered at the start of the paragraph and which at the
end. If the delimiter is closer to the start of the paragraph than to the end it is
considered to be part of the start sequence. In all other cases, it is considered
to be part of the end sequence.
When applying a Smart Style, Smart Styles analyzes the target paragraph to
find the delimiters as they were set in the Smart Style definition. If a delimiter
cannot be found, Smart Styles will skip the remainder of the sequence.
Remember that you can drag the object itself that was used to create the
‘definition’ from the library when you press the Option (Mac) or Alt (Win) key
before starting to drag. An example will clarify how delimiters work:
.....other text
The format changes in the above example were triggered by two delimiters:
the first is a colon, and the second is a tab. The first delimiter is closer to the
start of the paragraph, so it will be part of the start sequence. The tab is closer
to the end and is therefore part of the end sequence.
When this Smart Style is used to format ads, the text up to the first colon will
be styled bold, followed by roman text. The text following the last tab will be
styled bold.
Tips for character styling
The positions of a delimiter at the start or at the end of the paragraph
determine if the defines a formatting style at the beginning or at the end.
You can control this relative position by entering some additional dummy
text either before or after the delimiter.
InDesign supports different types of spaces. These different types of
spaces can be used efficiently as delimiters.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Applying a Smart Style to page items and text
Applying Smart Styles to page items
There are a few methods to apply Smart Styles to page items:
Just drag the desired style from the library and drop it on the page item
to be styled
• Select one or more page items, select the desired style from the library
and select Apply Smart Style from the library’s popup menu. This allows
you to style multiple page items at once.
You can also select a Smart Style in the Smart Styles palette and control-click
(Mac OS) or right-click (Windows) to recall the context menu. The context
menu will have three options: “Smart Style Options”, “Apply Smart Style”,
and “ReApply Smart Style”.
Reapplying a Smart Style implies that you apply a new Smart Style to items
styled with identically named Smart Styles. This effectively replaces all formatting from the previous Smart Style by the new Smart Style.
To apply a new Smart Styles formatting scheme to existing Smart Style
elements throughout your document in one action:
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
1. Option-drag (Mac OS) or Alt-drag (Windows) the Smart Style
object you want to change to a page or the pasteboard.
2. Change its formatting.
3. Drag the element back to the Smart Styles palette.
4. Double-click the Smart Style you just created to change its name.
Change the name from untitled to exactly the same name as the
Smart Style you’ve just altered.
5. Select ReApply Smart Style from the pop-up menu or use the
context menu as described above.
All Smart Style elements in the document that previously were formatted with
a different style but an identical name will now take on the new formatting.
NOTE: You can use ReApply to re-apply an existing Smart Style that you
changed and to quickly changes styles throughout an entire document.
Applying Smart Styles to text selections
To apply a Smart Style to text selections instead of whole page elements:
1. Select the text on the page.
2. Choose the style from the Smart Styles palette.
3. Control-click (Mac OS) or right-click (Windows) on the selected
palette-tile with the Smart Style you wish to apply and select
Apply Smart Style from the context menu or palette pop-up.
NOTE: If the selection is part of a paragraph, Smart Styles still applies the complete paragraph style and attributes, unless you deselect specific attributes in
the Options dialog.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Creating Smart Styles for
table formatting
To create a Smart Style to format a table:
1. Create a text frame with a table inside.
2. Style the table.
3. Drag the text frame to the library.
The following properties are applied to tables:
Table options: table border, table spacing, row strokes, column strokes
and fills.
Cell options: cell inset, vertical justification, first baseline settings,
clipping, rotation, cell strokes, cell fills, row height, column width, keep
options and diagonal lines.
Text style: for each cell Smart Styles will use its full text styling capabilities
as described in the previous section about text styling.
Table Style sequences
When applying a table style, Smart Styles analyzes the sequence of styling
in both horizontal and vertical directions. This allows for example to have a
specific styling for the first row, an ‘every other row’ rhythm style after the first
row and again a different style for the last row.
Because Smart Styles analyzes this for both the rows and columns you can
setup a very powerful style. Take a look at example 4, the music chart. Press Alt
(Win) or Option (Mac) and drag style 4—Music Chart from the example Smart
Styles library.
Take a look at the rows. The first and second row are styled differently. This
will be used as a 2-row starting sequence. The third and fourth row are both
formatted identically, marking this row style as the repeating sequence (of one
row at a time).
The last two rows are formatted differently, defining the end sequence as a
2-row end sequence. In this example the repeating sequence consists of one
row style, but it could be any number.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Suppose you want to have 2 different rows repeating. In that case you need
to duplicate those 2 rows in your example so that Smart Styles can determine
which rows belong to the repeating ‘in-between’ rows (the concept is the
same as with tables).
If you apply the style to text frame 4 in the example document, you can see
that it works as intended with a different number of rows.
Let’s take a closer look at the formatting of the third column of the repeating
sequence. These cells have several ranges with a different style:
The first delimiter is a figure space, which allows you to use normal spaces
inside the artist’s name without disturbing the style. The next separator is a
Notes on Table Styling
When setting up a table style with sequences, the rows that define the repeating sequence should be formatted exactly the same to be recognized by
Smart Styles as repeating sequence. The definition of the music chart at first
glance seems to have 4 rows styled the same. However, a closer look reveals
that the first of these does not have a white stroke at the top and the last one
has a grey stroke at the bottom.
Applying a table style
Smart Styles supports two methods to style tables.
To format a complete text frame with all tables inside:
1. Drop a Smart Style on a text frame outside any of its tables. This
will format the complete text frame including all tables inside. If
the target text frame contains more tables than defined in the
Smart Style, all additional tables will be formatted identical to the
last table in the Smart Style.
To format a single table:
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
1. Drop a Smart Style on top of a table. This will only style this
single table. The first table inside the Smart Style definition is used
to style the target table. If the example page item doesn’t contain
a table nothing will happen.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Applying only parts of a style
Smart Styles enables you to create very complex table, paragraph and character styles that contain many different attributes. But what happens when
you want to apply only some of these attributes or style elements? Back to
InDesign’s regular formatting features, which makes you loose the ability to
streamline your workflow? Not necessarily.
Smart Styles gvies you options. These options are accessible from the Smart
Styles Library pop-up menu by selecting Smart Style Option.
The Option dialog window then opens and allows you to select just the style
attributes you need: Object Style, Text Style, Table Style. Within these
options, there are yet other options that you can turn off or on individually,
such as Transparency Setting, Stroke Setting, and even (if you have Smart
Catalog installed) Smart Catalog Text Attribute and Smart Catalog Item Attribute.
Note: When using Smart Styles to set Smart Catalog text fields, Smart Styles
will only create the link but will NOT update the text. To update the
text, use Smart Catalog’s Update Field or Update Document after
applying Smart Styles.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Modifying a Smart Style
Modifying for future use.
To modify a Smart Styles Library item:
1. Retrieve the Smart Style as a page object from the Smart Style
Library by holding Alt-dragging (Windows) or Option-dragging
(Mac OS) the Smart Style to the page.
1b. Switch the Smart Styles Library to an object library temporarily by
selecting Object Library from the Library palette popup menu.
The page item can now be altered using standard InDesign functionality.
When you’re finished, turn the page element back into a Smart Styles object.
To recreate the changed item as a Smart Styles Library item:
1. Drag the changed item back to the Style Library.
2. Remove the previous version from the Style Library.
Modifying previously styled Smart Style elements
throughout a document
Reapply a Smart Style and you apply a new Smart Style to an item that was
formatted with an identically named Smart Style. This effectively replaces all
formatting from the previous Smart Style by the formatting of the new Smart
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
To apply a new Smart Styles formatting scheme to existing Smart Style
elements throughout your document in one action:
1. Option-drag (Mac OS) or Alt-drag (Windows) the Smart Style
object you want to change to a page or the pasteboard.
2. Change its formatting.
3. Drag the element back to the Smart Styles palette.
4. Double-click the Smart Style you just created to change its name.
Change the name from untitled to exactly the same name as the
Smart Style you’ve just altered.
5. Select ReApply Smart Style from the pop-up menu or use the
context menu as described above.
To see how the installed sample styles were defined, you can create a page
item from the examples using one of both methods.
Management of paragraph styles and swatches
Paragraph styles and swatches used by Smart Styles are copied automatically
to the document whenever they are not yet available within your document.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Appendix A – Scripting
This appendix describes Smart Styles’ additions to InDesign’s scripting object
model. Knowledge of InDesign scripting is required to understand this appendix. For more information on InDesign scripting see the InDesign Scripting
Guide that can be found in the Technical Info folder on the Adobe InDesign
application CD.
NOTE: To Smart Style v2 users. Due to changes Adobe made to InDesign’s
scripting architecture, there are minor differences between the v2
naming and CS naming of scripting methods and properties. Please
check and change the naming of your v2 scripts to make sure they work
with CS.
Smart Styles extends the asset and library object.
Additional asset methods:
apply smart style
to [a (list of )page item(s)]
Applies the asset as Smart Style to
the page item(s)
Example code:
-- This example applies the first item of the first library
-- as Smart Style to the first page item of the active document
tell application “InDesign CS”
set mydoc to active document
set firstlib to first item of libraries
set ast to first item of assets of firstlib
tell ast
apply smart style to {first page item of mydoc}
end tell
end tell
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Additional library property:
Value type:
What it is
smart styles
Toggles the library between an Object and
Smart Styles library
Example code:
-- This script toggles the first library from Smart Styles
-- to Object library or the other way around
tell application “InDesign CS”
set lib to first item of libraries
tell lib
set isSSLib to smart styles of lib
if isSSLib then
set smart styles to false
set smart styles to true
end if
end tell
end tell
Visual Basic
Smart Styles extends the Asset and Library object.
Additional Asset method:
What it does
(list of) PageItem(s)
Applies the asset as Smart Styles to the page
Example code:
‘ This example applies the first item of the first library
‘ as Smart Style to the first page item of the active document
Set myApp = CreateObject(“InDesign.Application.CS”)
Set myLib = myApp.Libraries.Item(1)
Set myAsset = myLib.Assets.Item(1)
Set myItem = myApp.ActiveDocument.PageItems.Item(1)
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
myAsset.ApplySmartStyle Array(myItem)
Additional Library property:
Value type:
What it is
Toggles the library between an Object and
Smart Styles library
Example code:
‘ This script toggles the first library from Smart Styles
‘ to Object library or the other way around
Set myApp = CreateObject(“InDesign.Application.CS”)
Set myLib = myApp.Libraries.Item(1)
If (myLib.SmartStyles) Then
myLib.SmartStyles = False
myLib.SmartStyles = True
End If
Smart Styles extends the Asset and Library object.
Additional Asset method:
What it does
(list of) PageItem(s)
Applies the asset as Smart Styles to the page
Example code:
// This example applies the first item of the first library
// as Smart Style to the first page item of the active document
var myLib = app.libraries.item(0).assets.item(0);
var myItems = [app.activeDocument.pageItems.item(0)];
myLib.applySmartStyle( myItems );
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Additional Library property:
Value type:
What it is
Toggles the library between an Object and Smart
Styles library
Example code:
// This script toggles the rst library from Smart Styles
// to Object library or the other way around
if( app.libraries.item(0).smartStyles == false )
app.libraries.item(0).smartStyles = true;
app.libraries.item(0).smartStyles = false;
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Appendix B – Delimiters
The number of characters recognized as delimiter is limited. The table below
provides an overview.
Unicode symbol
0x0007 - 0x0009
Line feed
0x0021 - 0x002F
0x003A - 0x0040
0x005B - 0x0060
0x007B - 0x007E
0x00A1 - 0x00BF
¡¢£¤¥¦§ “©a«¬®o±23’μ¶
· ‚ 1 ° » 1⁄2 1⁄4 3⁄4 ¿
0x200C - 0x20CF
Several symbols
0x2500 - 0x27BF
Box, block and other symbols
In line items
0xFE50 - 0xFE6F
Several symbols
Normal space
0x2000 - 0x200B
Special spaces
Hard space
Preferred delimiters
A number of delimiters have preference over other delimiters. This means
that if two possible delimiters are found, and one of them is preferred, the
preferred delimiter will be used.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Unicode symbol
0x0007 - 0x0009
Line feed
Line feed
Line feed
0x2010 - 0x2015