Styles User Guide.indd


Styles User Guide.indd
WoodWing Software
“Improve Your InDesign Productivity Today”
Smart Styles 2
for Adobe InDesign 2
User Guide
© 1999-2002 WoodWing Software bv. All Rights Reserved.
WoodWing Smart Styles User Guide
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
WoodWing Software.
The information in this book is furnished for informational use only and is
subject to change without notice. The software described herein is furnished
under a license agreement, and it may be used or copied only in accordance
with the terms of the agreement.
Smart Styles, Smart Layout, Smart XML Export, Smart Connection, Smart
Tables and Smart Catalog are trademarks of WoodWing Software.
Adobe, InDesign and InCopy are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Apple, Mac, Macintosh and Power Macintosh are trademarks of
Apple Computer, Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. Microsoft,
Windows, Windows NT and Windows 2000 are trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation registered in the U.S and/or other countries.
All other company and product names used herein may be the trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Production Notes
This book was created electronically using Adobe ® InDesign® and
WoodWing™ Smart Layout ™ for page layout and Adobe InCopy™ and
Smart Connection™ for editing and editorial workflow .
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Smart Styles Quickstart
Smart Styles delivers powerful formatting capabilities to Adobe® InDesign
users. All formatting options of a page item, including multiple text styles,
can be set at once using Smart Styles from the Style Library. Smart Styles
makes repetitive formatting much more efficient, saving time for creative
tasks. By using Smart Styles for repetitive formatting the quality of your
publications will improve.
Smart Styles is profitable for any InDesign user doing multiple layouts with
comparable formatting, like magazines, newspapers and advertisements.
Powerful formatting
In a single drag, Smart Styles applies page item properties, multiple paragraph styles and attributes, and per paragraph multiple character styles and
attributes. The highlights:
• Page item properties – all standard page item properties are applied:
stroke properties (color, width, type, etc. ), fill properties, colors including
tints and gradients, drop shadows, feathering, transparency, corner
effects, inset, number of columns and many more
• Paragraph Styles and attributes – Smart Styles applies a sequence of
paragraph styles and attributes. This allows setting the formatting for the
first paragraph(s), the last paragraph(s) and repeating formatting for the
paragraphs in between. This repetition is not limited to a single format,
but can consist of several paragraph formats.
• Character Styles and attributes – Per paragraph Smart Styles allows the
specification of a sequence of character styles and attributes from the
start and end of the paragraph. This allows you to make for example
the first three words of a paragraph bold or format all characters up to
the first comma.
• Smart Layout – using Smart Styles in combination with Smart Layout,
another WoodWing product, will unleash even more power: complete
Smart Layout items consisting of multiple elements can be formatted
at once. Properties for all elements (e.g. head, intro, body) can be set
differently as well as a sequence of paragraph and character formatting .
• Efficiency – By using Smart Styles, the number of actions needed to
format page items decreases enormously. Formatting a page item with
InDesign requires on the average 10 actions, with Smart Styles only one!
Applying Smart Styles will not result into a Smart Styles 'footprint', so
after applying it's all plain InDesign and you don't need the Smart Styles
plug-in to open the document.
Denition by example
Creating new Smart Styles is a piece of cake: it’s all done by example.
• Style Libraries – Smart Styles are stored in Style Libraries. Each standard
InDesign library can be used as a Style Library.
• Definition of Smart Styles – Smart Styles are defined by creating an
example page item with the desired formatting and dropping it into a
Style Library. That’s all! No struggling through dialogs or cryptic definition, just create an example and you’re done!
Difference with previous versions
Differences with version 1.5
• Improved ease of use.
• Support for paragraph and character attributes on top of the support
for paragraph and character styles. This means Smart Styles no
longer forces you to work with paragraph and character styles.
As a result of this new functionality the paragraph and character styling
behavior of Smart Styles has changed slightly.
• Support for the new InDesign 2 features like drop shadows, feathering
and transparency.
• Powerful table styling which can be applied to single tables and as part of
styling a text frame and its content.
• Scripting interface which allows you to access Smart Styles functionality
from AppleScript on Mac or VB on Windows. For details, see Appendix
A - Scripting.
• InDesign 2 has moved the library menu items, these are now located
within the File menu. File-Open is now used to open Smart Style libraries,
File-New-Smart Styles Library to create a new one.
Differences between version 1.5 and version 1.0
Support for complex repeating sequences of paragraph styles.
Support for character styles.
Menu item to create a new Smart Style library directly.
Greatly improved manual.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Upgrading your existing libraries
Smart Styles uses InDesign's library functionality to store Smart Styles.
Adobe has changed the storage format of these libraries which requires
you to convert your existing libraries. The Adobe InDesign application CD
contains a folder Goodies with the InDesign 1.5 Library Converter and PDF
document how to convert your libraries.
After registration of your Smart Styles license you are entitled to free
web and email support. In case you need support with the installation,
usage or configuration of Smart Styles, please visit the WoodWing site which contains a FAQ (Frequently Asked
Questions) and further directions how to submit questions.
• Adobe InDesign v2.x
• Operating System
• Mac OS version 9.1, 9.2x, or Mac OS X version 10.1
• Microsoft® Windows® 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium,
Windows NT® 4.0 Workstation with Service Pack 6, Windows
2000 with Service Pack 2, or Windows XP operating system
• Hardware: same requirements and recommendations as standard
InDesign. See for details.
Installing Windows version
Steps to install Smart Styles for Windows:
• Start installation program SmartStyles2.exe.
• Read the license agreement and continue after agreeing with it.
• The setup will show the path to InDesign 2 where Smart Styles will be
installed. In case you have multiple InDesign versions installed on your
machine you might want to select a different InDesign directory. You need
to select the directory containing the InDesign.exe application.
• Select the components to install:
• Plug-in – the software.
• Documentation – this document.
• Example – Example InDesign document and libraries.
• In case you selected to install documentation and/or documentation
you will be prompted for the installation location. Default location is a
WoodWing folder within the InDesign folder.
• Next setup will install the files.
Installing Macintosh version
The Macintosh version of Smart Styles is delivered in two ways: installer on
Macintosh CD or a compressed file (hqx, sit or bin) containing the installer.
When downloading from the internet you will always get a compressed
file. Before installation you need to use StuffIt Expander or another
utility to uncompress and access the file’s contents. StuffIt Expander is
a free utility for accessing the contents of compressed files. For more
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
information about StuffIt Expander, visit the Aladdin Systems Web site:
Steps to install Smart Styles for Mac:
• Start installation program Smart Styles 2 Installer.
• Read the license agreement and continue after agreeing with it.
• Select the components to install:
• Plug-in – the software.
• Documentation – this document.
• Example – Example InDesign document and libraries.
• In case you selected to install documentation and/or example you will
be prompted for the location to install this into. Default location is a
WoodWing folder within the InDesign folder.
• The setup will show the path to InDesign 2 where Smart Styles will be
installed. In case you have multiple InDesign versions installed on your
machine, a list will be shown with all InDesign installations that have
been found.
• Now setup will install the files.
Authorization and registration
After installation you need to authorize your copy of Smart Styles within 30
days. After this demo period Smart Styles will cease working. In order to
authorize your copy you need to purchase a valid license. With this purchase
you will receive a serial number needed for authorization. For CD delivery
this serial is typically found on the back of the package.
During the 30-day demo period Smart Styles will prompt regularly at startup
to authorize your license. The authorization process can be started from
the WoodWing About dialog (Windows: menu Help-About WoodWing
Plug-ins..., MacOS9: menu Apple-About WoodWing Plug-ins..., MacOSX:
InDesign-About WoodWing Plug-ins...).
The WoodWing about dialog
shows all WoodWing products
installed with the authorization
status (demo, authorized or
expired). From this list select Smart
Styles and press the Authorize
button. Note: in case you have
bought Smart Styles as part of
a bundle with other WoodWing
product(s), you can select all products from the bundle.
For authorization the plug-in will
make a internet connection with
WoodWing's authorization server.
Only information as shown by the
authorization dialog will be transmitted. In case you don't have an
internet connection or you absolutely don't want to authorize via
the internet you can select the I
don't have access... checkbox to
authorize via email or fax.
Next you will be prompted to
enter your serial number and you
can choose whether you want to
register your copy. Note that only
registered users have access to
free support and upgrades.
The following screen prompts you
for your details for registration.
After this the plug-in is ready
to connect to the internet. In
case you're using a proxy server
you can specify the proxy server.
Make sure you have an internet
connection and press Next to
authorize your copy.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Using Smart Styles
User Interface
Smart Styles enhances standard InDesign
libraries for usage as Smart Styles library.
Dragging an item from a standard
InDesign library will add this item to your
document. When the library is set to be
a Smart Styles library, dragging an item from library will
instead allow you to drop the library item on a page item to
perform Smart Styles' magic.
Smart Styles appears within the InDesign User Interface at
the following places:
• Menu item Smart Style Library under File - New to
create a new Smart Style library
• Two menu items have been added to the library window popup menu:
Object Library and Smart Style Library to toggle the behavior of the
library between standard InDesign Object library and Smart Styles library.
• Menu item Apply Smart Style in popup menu of Library windows.
• About WoodWing Plug-ins... menu item in Help (Windows), Apple (Mac
OS9) or InDesign (MacOSX) menu showing version, copyright and license
Applying Smart Styles
The use of Smart Styles is very simple:
• Just drag the desired style from the library and drop it on the page item
to be styled.
• Select one or more page items, select the desired style from the library
and select Apply Smart Style from the library’s popup menu. This way you
can style multiple page items at once.
For tables you have 2 choices: you can drop a Smart Style on a table (cursor
) to style only a single table or you can drop it on a text frame
(outside any table, cursor shown:
) to style the complete text frame
including frame attributes, text styles and all tables inside the text frame.
In order to get an overview of the possibilities of Smart Styles, walk through
the supplied examples number 1 to 7:
• Open the installed sample InDesign document Smart Styles Sample
Doc.indd via menu File-Open. This example document is normally
installed within a WoodWing folder within your InDesign folder. The
sample document contains 3 pages with 7 (numbered) examples.
• Open installed sample library Smart Styles Samples.indl via menu FileOpen from the same folder as the InDesign example document.
• Pop-up the library’s window pop-up menu to see that this library is set
to be a Smart Styles library.
• The example styles have been numbered for the frames they have been
designed for. Drag and drop the styles numbered 1 to 6 one by one to the
frame with the corresponding number. Note that the examples continue
on page 2.
Example 7 explains Smart Styles' table behavior:
• Drag the styles named 7 - Three Funny Tables from the library and drag it
over the text frame. Note the cursor changes above tables. Now drop the
style outside the tables to style the complete text frame including frame
attributes, text styles and table styles.
• Undo this Smart Style by choosing Undo from the Edit menu and drop the
same Smart Styles on one of the tables to style just this single table.
• Drop the style named 7 - One Styled Table on another table to style
that table.
The construction of these examples is described in detail in the section
Creating a new Smart Style below.
Creating a new Smart Style Library
A new Smart Style library is created via the menu File-New Smart Style Library.
A different approach is to create
an object library via File-NewLibrary and tell the newly created
library to become a Smart Style library. You do this via the library’s popup
menu item Smart Style Library. The same menu item can be used to turn an
existing object library into a Smart Style library. The library's pop-up menu
Object Library is used to switch back to a object InDesign library.
The menu's List View and Thumbnail View can be used to change the way
how the styles are shown within the library.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
A note on recovered libraries
If you have a library opened when InDesign is quit in an abnormal way, .e.g.
by switching the computer off, InDesign will recover the library the next
time it is started. As a result of this, the library will be read-only. You can
see this by the little lock icon at the bottom of the library. When a library is
read-only you are unable to add items to it and it's not possible to switch the
library type between an Object and Smart Styles library. You can make the
library writable again by closing it with the library's window pop-up menu
Close Library and opening it again via File-Open.
Creating a new Smart Style
Creation of new Smart Styles is done ‘by example’. Just create a new page
item using standard InDesign tools and features. When you’re done designing the page item, drag it into the Smart Style Library, double click to specify
a name and it’s ready to use.
The next sections describe which properties are applied with Smart Styles
and some details for creation. For most usages you don't need to fully
understand all those details. Just creating an example will most of the time
do the job without any special tweaking.
Page Item properties
These page item properties are applied to the target page item.
• Stroke: weight, miter limit, type, start, end, cap, join.
• Attributes: overprint fill, overprint stroke and non-printing.
• Colors (stroke and fill) including tints and gradient colors with their angle
and start and end points.
• Drop shadows.
• Feathering.
• Transparency settings.
• Corner effects.
Apply Shaded box
Example of applying stroke, fill and drop shadow to a page item.
Text Frame and story properties
In case the target page item and the Smart Style are both text frames, the
following properties are applied on top of the page item properties.
Columns: number, width, fixed width and gutter
Inset values
First baseline settings
Vertical justification values.
Ignore text wrap.
Optical margin alignment settings.
Apply Columns
Example of applying number of columns and gutter
Text Style
Paragraph styling
Smart Styles lets you define sequences of paragraph styling which are
recognized automatically by Smart Styles. This allows you for example to use
a specific style for the first paragraph, another one for the middle and again
another style for the last paragraph.
You can define a sequence of paragraph styles to use from the top of the
story, a sequence of paragraph styles to use from the bottom of the story
and a sequence of paragraph styles that will be repeated for the paragraphs
in between.
Definition is done by inserting paragraphs containing dummy text with the
desired style:
<style n>
<In between styles 1>
<In between styles n>
<In between styles 1>
<In between styles n>
<style last-n>
-> used for first paragraph, e.g. head
-> used for second paragraph, e.g. sub-head
-> used for nth paragraph
-> used for paragraphs ‘in between’
-> used for last but n paragraph
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
<style last-1>
<style last>
-> used for last but one paragraph
-> used for last paragraph, e.g. credit.
Below you can find an example that uses a style for the first paragraph,
two repeating styles for the middle and again another one for the last
Paragraph Style
First Line
Alternate 1
Alternate 2
Alternate 1
Alternate 2
Last Line
starting sequence
repeating sequence
ending sequence
Construction of a Smart Style using a repeating sequence consisting of two
paragraph styles (sample 3)
• ‘In between’ paragraphs are defined by using the same sequence of paragraph and character styles and attributes for two (or more) subsequent
times. In order to be considered the same by Smart Styles they should be
exactly equal. The best way to ensure this is to style one paragraph and
to copy this paragraph.
• When a Smart Style contains multiple repeating paragraph style
sequences, the last occurring repeating paragraph style sequence is used
as the ‘in between styles’, the other repeating paragraph styles will be
part of the starting sequence.
• Smart Styles searches for the longest repeating sequence of paragraph
styles. A text frame using the paragraph style sequence A-B-B-C-B-B-C-D
will use B-B-C as the repeating sequence, not B.
• Take care not to have an additional carriage return after the last style, this
would become part of your end sequence.
• When dragging a new page item into a library, make sure that you
don’t have overset. This will be removed when adding to the library and
therefore that text will not be taken into account for the Smart Style.
Character Styling
Besides the sequences of paragraph styling, also formatting within these
paragraphs is applied by Smart Styles. For each paragraph Smart Styles is
able to recognize a sequence of character styling from the beginning and at
the end of the paragraph.
Smart Styles will analyze the changes in formatting within a paragraph and
identify what kind of delimiter is causing each change in formatting. This
delimiter can either be the last character of the styled text part, the first
character of the next part or in case of a space the character after the
first/last (for 2 character delimiter – useful for dashes). In general all nonalfanumeric characters can be recognized as delimiters. Some delimiters are
preferred to others, the preferred are:
• tab
• line feed
• comma
• colon
• dashes (dash, em dash, en dash, etc.)
For a complete overview of (preferred) delimiters and their precedence, see
Appendix B – Delimiters.
Together with the delimiter also the number of occurrences of the delimiter
in the styled text is determined. This allows you for example to style the first
or last n words of the paragraph.
In case a delimiter cannot be found in the Smart Style, the number of
characters styled using the particular style is taken as delimiter. This allows
you for example to style the first character of the paragraph.
After identification of all delimiters Smart Styles will analyze which should
be considered from the start of the paragraph and which from the end. If
the delimiter is closer to the start of the paragraph than to the end of the
paragraph it's considered to be part of the start sequence otherwise it's part
of the end sequence.
When applying a Smart Style, the target paragraph is analyzed to find the
delimiters as identified in the Smart Style definition. If a delimiter cannot be
found, Smart Styles will skip the remainder of the sequence.
The example 5, shown below, displays some of these features. Remember
that you can drag the 'definition' of a Smart Style from the library when you
press the Option (Mac) or Alt (Win) key before starting to drag.
delimiter 1
delimiter 2
The format changes are identified with 2 delimiters: a comma and a tab.
The first delimiter is closer to the start of the paragraph, so will be part
of the start sequence. The tab is closer to the end and thus part of the
end sequence.
So when we apply this Smart Style to one of the
advertisements, the text up to the first comma will
be styled bold, followed by roman text and after
the last tab the text will be styled bold.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Tips for character styling
• The position of a delimiter from the beginning and position from the end
of the paragraph determines if the delimiter is taken into account from
the beginning or from the end. You can control this relative position by
entering some additional dummy text either before or after the delimiter.
• InDesign supports different types of spaces. These different types of
spaces can be very handy as delimiter.
Table Styles
Smart Styles supports two ways to style tables:
Style complete text frame with all tables inside: Dropping a Smart Style
on a text frame outside any of its tables will styled the complete text
frame including all tables inside. In case the target text frame contains
more tables than defined in the Smart Style, all additional tables will be
styled like the last table of the Smart Style.
Style a single table: Dropping a Smart Style on top of a table will only
style this single table. The first table inside the Smart Style definition is
used to style the target table. In case the example page item doesn't
contain any table nothing will happen.
Creation of a Smart Style is done the same way for both cases: a text frame
is created with a table inside, styling is done and the text frame is dragged
to the library.
The following properties are applied for tables:
• Table options: table border, table spacing, row strokes, column strokes
and fills.
• Cell options: cell inset, vertical justification, first baseline settings, clipping,
rotation, cell strokes, cell fills, row height, column width, keep options
and diagonal lines.
• Text style: for each cell Smart Styles will use its full text styling capabilities
as described in the previous section about text styling.
Table Style sequences
When applying a table style, Smart Styles analyzes the sequence of styling
in both horizontal and vertical directions. This allows for example to have
a specific styling for the first row, an 'every other row' rhythm style after
the first row and again a different style for the last row. Because Smart
Styles analyzes this for both the rows and columns you can setup a very
powerful style. Let's have a look at example 4, the music chart. Press Alt
(Win) or Option (Mac) and drag style 4 - Music Chart from the example
Smart Styles library:
start sequence row 1
start sequence row 2
repeating sequence
end sequence - row 1
end sequence - row 2
Let's have a look at the rows. The first and second row are styled differently,
this will be used as 2-row starting sequence. The third and fourth row are
both styled the same which marks this row style as the repeating sequence
of one row. The last two rows are styled different again being the end
sequence making a two row end-sequence.
In this example the repeating sequence consists of
one row style, this could be any number. Suppose
you want to have 2 different rows repeating. In that
case you need to have those 2 rows duplicated in
your example making 4 rows together.
If we apply the style to example text frame 4, we
see that it works as intended with a different number
of rows.
Lets have a closer look at the styling of the third column of the repeating
sequence. This cell has several ranges with a different style:
delimiter 1
delimiter 2
We see that the first delimiter is a figure space, this allows us to use
normal spaces within the artists name without disturbing our style. The next
separator is a comma.
Notes on Table Styling
When setting up a table style with sequences, the rows that define the
repeating sequence should be formatted EXACTLY the same to be recognized by Smart Styles as repeating sequence. The definition of the music
chart at first glance seems to have 4 rows styled the same. However a closer
look learns that the first of these does not have a white stroke at the top and
the last one does have a grew stroke at the bottom.
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Modifying a Smart Style
A Smart Style can be modified via the following steps:
• Get the Smart Style as page item from the Smart Style Library by pressing
Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) before starting to drag the Smart
Style from the Smart Style Library. A different way is to switch the library
to an item library temporarily with the Library’s window popup menu.
• The page item can now be altered using standard InDesign functionality.
• Drag the changed item back to the Style Library.
• Remove the previous version from the Style Library.
• To see the definition of the installed example styles you can create a page
item from the example libraries using the description above.
Management of paragraph styles
and swatches
Paragraph styles and swatches used by Smart Styles are copied automatically to the document whenever they are not yet available within your
Appendix A – Scripting
This appendix describes Smart Styles' additions to InDesign's scripting object
model. Knowledge of InDesign scripting is required to understand this
appendix. For more information on InDesign scripting see the InDesign
Scripting Guide that can be found in the Technical Info folder on the Adobe
InDesign application CD.
Smart Styles extends the asset and library object.
Additional asset command:
apply smart style to [a (list of )page item(s)]
Returns: What it does
Applies the asset as Smart
Style to the page item(s)
Example code:
-- This script creates two new text frames on the rst page of
-- the active document and applies the rst asset of the rst
-- library as Smart Style to these new items
tell application “InDesign 2.0”
set libs to libraries
tell libs
set lib to item 1
tell lib
set asts to assets
tell asts
set ast to item 1
end tell
end tell
end tell
set myDoc to active document
tell page 1 of myDoc
set myTF to make text frame with properties {geometric
bounds:{0, 0, “18p”, “18p”}}
set myTF2 to make text frame with properties {geometric
bounds:{“18p”, 0, “36p”, “18p”}}
set mySet to {myTF, myTF2}
tell ast to apply smart style to mySet
-- if you pass myTF as parameter, the style will
-- only be applied to that item.
end tell
end tell
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Additional library property:
Value type:
contains smart styles boolean
What it is
Toggles the library between an
Object and Smart Styles library
Example code:
-- This script toggles the rst library from Smart Styles
-- to Object library or the other way around
tell application “InDesign 2.0”
set libs to libraries
tell libs
set lib to item 1
tell lib
set isSSLib to contains smart styles of lib
if isSSLib then
set contains smart styles to false
set contains smart styles to true
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
Visual Basic
Smart Styles extends the Asset and Library object.
Additional Asset method:
Returns: What it does
ApplySmartStyleTo (list of) PageItem(s) nothing Applies the asset as Smart Styles
to the page item(s)
Example code:
' Applies rst asset of rst library as style to rst and
' second page item of rst document
Dim myID As Application
Set myID = CreateObject(“InDesign.Application.2.0”)
Dim myDoc As Document
Set myDoc = myID.Documents.Item(1)
mylib = myID.Libraries.Item(1)
myAssets As Assets
myAssets = mylib.Assets
myAsset As Object
myAsset = myAssets.Item(1)
Dim myItms As InDesign.PageItems
Set myItms = myDoc.Pages.Item(1).PageItems
If (myItms.Count > 1) Then
Set myItm1 = myItms.Item(1)
Set myItm2 = myItms.Item(2)
Dim myArr()
myArr = Array(myItm1, myItm2)
myAsset.ApplySmartStyleTo myArr
‘ If you pass myItm1 as parameter, the smart style
‘ will only be applied to that item.
End If
Additional Library property:
Value type:
read/write Toggles the library between
an Object and Smart Styles library
What it is
Example code:
' Toggles library type of rst library
Dim myID As Application
Set myID = CreateObject(“InDesign.Application.2.0”)
Dim mylib As Library
Set mylib = myID.Libraries.Item(1)
Dim libType As Boolean
libType = mylib.ContainsSmartStyles
If (libType) Then
mylib.ContainsSmartStyles = False
mylib.ContainsSmartStyles = True
End If
WoodWing Smart Styles
User Guide
Appendix B – Delimiters
The number of characters recognized as delimiters is limited. The table
below provides an overview.
Unicode symbol
- 0x0009
Line feed
0x002F ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . /
0x0040 : ; < = > ? @
0x0060 [ \ ] ^ _ `
0x007E { | } ~
0x00BF ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ® ¯ º ± ² ³ ’ µ ¶ · ‚ ¹ ˚ » 1⁄2 1⁄4 3⁄4 ¿
0x20CF Several symbols
0x27BF Box, block and other symbols
In line items
0xFE6F Several symbols
0x2000 - 0x200B
Normal space
Special spaces
Hard space
Preferred delimiters
A number of the delimiters have preference over other delimiters. This
means that if two possible delimiters are found, and one of them is preferred, this preferred delimiter will be used.
Unicode symbol
0x0007 - 0x0009
0x2010 - 0x2015
Line feed
Line feed
Line feed