3.1_Country Presentation SOP Barbados File
3.1_Country Presentation SOP Barbados File
BARBADOS TSUNAMI WARNING PROTOCOL AND STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Technical Standing Committee on Coastal Hazards (TSCCH) 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................................1 LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES AND BOXES.................................................................................................................2 ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS ..............................................................................................................................3 RECORD OF CHANGES ...........................................................................................................................................5 A PURPOSE.......................................................................................................................................................6 B. SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................6 C. SITUATION AND CRITICAL ASSUMPTIONS................................................................................................7 1. 2. SITUATION ......................................................................................................................................................7 CRITICAL ASSUMPTIONS ....................................................................................................................................7 D THE BARBADOS TSUNAMIS WARNING PROTOCOL .................................................................................9 E CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 NOTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................................. 11 ACTIVATION ................................................................................................................................................. 12 W ARNING .................................................................................................................................................... 13 DISSEMINATION OF ALERT AND W ARNING........................................................................................................ 14 TSUNAMI W ARNING RESPONSIBILITY AGREEMENT ............................................................................................ 15 ACTION PLAN FOR TSUNAMI BULLETINS RECEIVED FROM PTWC......................................................................... 16 SAMPLE OF TSUNAMI BULLETIN ...................................................................................................................... 16 G DIRECTION AND CONTROL ...................................................................................................................... 18 H BARBADOS TSUNAMI WARNING FOCAL POINT SOPS.......................................................................... 19 1. 2. GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 SOP A (CARIBBEAN EARTHQUAKE).......................................................................................................... 20 C. PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................................... 22 a. Tsunami Warning: SOP A Immediate Actions Checklist................................................................ 22 SOP B (ATLANTIC OCEAN EARTHQUAKE GENERATED TSUNAMI) ......................................................... 24 B. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................... 24 C. PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................................... 25 a. Tsunami Warning: SOP B Immediate Actions Checklist................................................................ 25 3. 4. SOP C (NO POTENTIAL FOR TSUNAMI)................................................................................................... 27 A. B. C. a. 5. PURPOSE.......................................................................................................................................... 27 GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................... 27 PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................................... 27 SOP C IMMEDIATE ACTIONS CHECKLIST ........................................................................................ 27 SOP D (CANCELLATION) ........................................................................................................................... 28 A. B. C. PURPOSE.......................................................................................................................................... 28 GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................... 28 PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................................... 28 1 a. 6. SOP D IMMEDIATE ACTIONS CHECKLIST........................................................................................ 28 SOP E (TEST MESSAGE)............................................................................................................................. 29 A. B. C. a. PURPOSE.......................................................................................................................................... 29 GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................... 29 PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................................... 30 SOP E IMMEDIATE ACTIONS CHECKLIST ........................................................................................ 30 I. ORGANIZATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................. 30 1. 2. O RGANIZATION............................................................................................................................................. 30 RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................................................... 31 J. RBPF AND BFS PUBLIC TSUNAMI ALERT AND WARNING PLAN........................................................... 36 1. 2. CRITICAL ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 36 ALERT ZONES ................................................................................................................................................ 36 K. ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISITICS ........................................................................................................ 39 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................................... 39 NATIONAL BROADCAST SYSTEM (NBS)............................................................................................................ 40 ADMINISTRATION.......................................................................................................................................... 41 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................. 41 EMERGENCY PROCUREMENT........................................................................................................................... 42 LEGAL LIABILITY AND PROTECTION................................................................................................................... 44 LOGISTICS .................................................................................................................................................... 44 L. PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................... 46 M. GLOSSARY.................................................................................................................................................. 48 ASTRO RADIO SYSTEM............................................................................................................................................... 48 TELEPHONE RING DOWN EMERGE NCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM .................................................................................. 48 FIXED LINE ALERTING SYSTEM (FLAS)......................................................................................................................... 48 SYMBOLIC FLAG POSITIONING..................................................................................................................................... 48 APPENDIX A. TYPES OF TSUNAMI BULLETINS ISSUED.................................................................................... 49 APPENDIX B. TSUNAMI WARNING RESPONSIBILITY AGREEMENT DOCUMENT.......................................... 52 APPENDIX C. SAMPLE PRODUCTS..................................................................................................................... 53 APPENDIX D. SAMPLE BROADCAST MESSAGES .............................................................................................. 63 LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES AND BOXES FIGURE 1: I LLUSTRATION OF THE BARBADOS TSUNAMIS W ARNING PROTOCOL................................................................. 10 FIGURE 2: I LLUSTRATION OF THE THREE STEPS INVOLVED IN THE CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS ................................................. 11 FIGURE 3: I LLUSTRATION OF BARBADOS TWFP/TWCP STANDARD O PERATING PROCEDURES (SOPS ) ............................... 17 TABLE 1. RESPONSIBILITIES OF SPECIFIC AGENCIES /ORGANIZATIONS ................................................................................ 32 TABLE 2: ALERT ZONES OUTLINING THE AREAS OF JURISDICTION OF THE RBPF AND BFS FOR ALERT AND W ARNING ............. 37 TABLE 3: RADIO STATIONS BROADCASTING IN BARBADOS .............................................................................................. 39 BOX 1: THE BULLETIN DESIGN................................................................................................................................... 50 BOX 2: BROADCAST MESSAGE FOR BROADCAST MEDIA PARTNERS................................................................ 63 BOX 3: BROADCAST MESSAGE FOR MARINERS ................................................................................................. 63 2 ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS BARNUFO - Barbados National Union of Fisherfolk Organizations BCBRA - Barbados Citizen Band Radio Association BCG - Barbados Coast Guard BDF - Barbados Defence Force BFS - Barbados Fire Service BMS - Barbados Meteorological Service CTIC - Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre CTWC - Caribbean Tsunami Warning Centre DEM - Department of Emergency Management (Barbados) DEO - District Emergency Organization NEAS - National Emergency Alerting System EOC - Emergency Operations Center EMWIN - Emergency Management Weather Information Network EQ - Earthquake ERFs - Emergency Response Functions FLAS - Fixed Line Alerting System FUNSIVIS - Venezuelan Foundation for Seismic Research FWI - French West Indies GIS - Government Information Service GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications GTS - Global Telecommunications System IPGP - Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, French West Indies JMA - Japan Meteorology Agency Km - kilometer Mon - Monitoring NDMC - National Disaster Management Committee NEOC - National Emergency Operations Centre NWPTAC - Northwest Pacific Tsunami Advisory Center PRSN - Puerto Rico Seismic Network 3 PS - Participating State PTWC - Pacific Tsunami Warning Center RANET - Response and Assistance Network RBPF - Royal Barbados Police Force SMS - Short Message Service SRC - Seismic Research Centre SSA - Sanitation Services Authority TEOC - Tourism Emergency Operations Centre TNC - Tsunami National Contact TWC - Tsunami Warning Centre UHF - Ultra High Frequency UWI - University of the West Indies VHF - Very High Frequency WC/ATWC - West Coast/Alaska Warning Centre 4 RECORD OF CHANGES Change number Date of Change Date entered Made by (Signature) 5 A PURPOSE 1. The purpose of this Protocol is to provide the authority and operational framework within which, preparedness, response and recovery actions for the Tsunami hazard are implemented within the context of Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) and its alignment with the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). 2. Although the Tsunami Hazards demand specific responses, alert, notification, evacuation and sheltering, there are other common Emergency Response Functions (ERFs) and systems that will be used to effectively meet the needs of the population. 3. The discourse that follows, provide the concepts, systems and organization used to alert and warn the public of any highly probable or immediate danger or disaster. B. SCOPE 1. The protocol is intended to facilitate the planning process as well as from the point of initiation to when the “All Clear” is issued. 6 C. SITUATION AND CRITICAL ASSUMPTIONS 1. Situation a. When the public is threatened by an immediate or potential emergency situation, it is essential that timely alerting and warning be accomplished to protect the public. The alerting process draws the public’s attention to the likelihood of a possible or imminent threat. The warning process provides accurate information and instructions to guide responses in taking appropriate protective actions. b. Hazards vary both in predictability and speed of onset. The time available for warning varies. c. Effective response relies on public education measures taken prior to an emergency. 2. Critical assumptions This Protocol is built around several assumptions: a. The possibility exists that an earthquake or volcanic eruption may occur at any time triggering a Tsunami. b. The primary cause of a Tsunami is an earthquake. 7 c. There will be a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center but in the interim warnings will continue to be provided by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. d. Depending on the scope of the event triggering the tsunami and the type of assistance needed, the essential emergency services and other agencies may be unable to respond immediately. e. Some people who are directly threatened by a hazard may ignore, not hear, or not understand warnings issued by the government. f. Special needs groups such as the hearing-impaired, physically disabled, or institutionalized (e.g. QEH, Psychiatric hospital, senior citizen’s homes, poly clinics, children’s homes etc.) require special attention to ensure a workable warning system is established. g. Emergency response organizations such as the BFS and RBPF may be called upon to help warn the public. h. The Barbados Meteorological Services (BMS) as the Tsunami Warning Focal Point (TWFP) will have the capability for receiving and analyzing a Tsunami Bulletin, and initiating response actions. i. The necessary resources, human and materials will be available to provide a national capability for effective Tsunami Preparedness, Response and Recovery. 8 j. The technology and equipment used for communicating and disseminating Tsunami bulletins follows a strict maintenance and testing regime. k. All Radio/TV stations will issue warning announcements. l. Certain hazard-specific emergencies may require automatic emergency alerting, warning and notification of the general public and emergency response organizations. m. The Barbados population is sensitized about tsunami preparedness by the execution of an effective public education and awareness campaign. D The Barbados Tsunamis Warning Protocol a. The Barbados Tsunamis Warning Protocol upon which the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are developed is illustrated on the next page. Figure 1 provides a graphical description of the requirements for alert and notification as well as the identification of the national organizations, public and private sectors, non-governmental organizations and community based organizations, and individuals. This will ensure that the national alert and notification process is fully operational when a tsunami warning is issued. b. Operationalization of this protocol entails the involvement of a multi-agency team committed to the effective execution of their roles and responsibilities. The section that follows outlines how this protocol may be operationalized. 9 Figure 1: Illustration of the Barbados Tsunamis Warning Protocol 10 E CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS 1. General a. The Concept of Operations involves executing the following steps when there is a likelihood of a tsunami: Figure 2: Illustration of the three steps involved in the concept of operations 2. Notification This section describes the methods used to notify key government officials and emergency response organizations. a. The Tsunamis Warning System for Barbados is initiated by the Pacific Tsunamis Warning Center (PTWC), until the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center, (CTWC) is established. 11 b. The PTWC collects sensor data from global and regional monitoring networks (Figure 1) and analyses it. This data is then formulated into a tsunami bulletin (See appendix #) and disseminated to the TWFP. c. The Protocol requires that the TWFP immediately assesses bulletin information, determine whether or not Barbados will be affected by a tsunami and if so, identify the vulnerable locations. Information is further converted into actions messages which may involve: a. immediate alert, b. increased readiness, c. cancellation of earlier alerts, or d. a declaration of a “no Tsunami” notification. d. These messages are then transmitted to DEM who in turn notifies the first responders which include key government agencies and emergency response organizations. 3. Activation a. DEM has the primary responsibility for the activation and operations of the NEOC. b. In addition, the satellite EOCs within the safe zones will be activated by the DEOs. b. The DEM will also activate the emergency evacuation SOPs for coastal communities which will be most vulnerable to a tsunami. 12 4. Warning a. There are five (5) critical elements in our national warning System: i. Hazard identification, Risk Assessment and Vulnerability ii. Detection and Monitoring iii. Emergency Management System iv. Local dissemination v. Public Education and Awareness b. Each element involves strategic planning and an investment of resources. This protocol addresses each critical element. c. The narrative in this section: i. Describes the methods and warning devices used to disseminate emergency alerts and warning to the public for the types of hazards that threaten the Barbados ii. Identifies types of warning devices (sirens, telephones, radio alerts, route alerting, etc.) used iii. Describe the special procedures required to warn the hearingimpaired and non-English speaking groups iv. Describes the Tsunami warning responsibility protocol.(See Figure 1) v. Defines the meaning of all warning signals. The concept of warning typically includes the activation of all or part of the national emergency management system and communicating with the general public to ensure that they are aware of the impending danger. 13 d. When the TWFP determines that it is necessary to warn the citizens of Barbados of a potential or imminent threat to public safety, a strategy appropriate to the situation will be implemented. This strategy will involve the coordinated use of many of the facilities, organizations and techniques as described in the following paragraphs, to ensure complete coverage of the affected area. 5. Dissemination of Alert and Warning a. Public alerting and warning will be accomplished through one or a combination of means. These include: i. Sirens ii. Astro Radio system iii. VHF Radio System (Amateur Radio Society, BCBRA, VHF Network) iv. Broadcast interrupt for radio and television. v. Telephone Ring Down Emergency Communication System vi. Fixed Line Alerting System (FLAS) vii. Telephone fan-out calls to schools, major employers, hospitals, nursing homes, day care centres etc. viii. Facsimile transmissions ix. Mass SMS alerting system x. Email notification xi. Symbolic flag positioning 14 xii. Selected Indoor alerting/warning systems xiii. Door-to-Door alerting and warning, and route alerting and warning performed by the Royal Barbados Police Force, Barbados Fire Service, or other designated emergency personnel utilizing vehicle, boat or aircraft-mounted public address systems. xiv. Pagers/cellular phones carried by key emergency response personnel b. The use of the means listed above is intentionally designed to create redundancies in an effort to ensure that every citizen of Barbados receives a clear warning. c. In the case of special groups such as the hearing impaired and non-English speakers warnings via the prescribed mediums (See paragraph (a) will be used to reach them. 6. National Tsunami Warning Responsibility Agreement a. The National Tsunami Warning Responsibility Agreement is provided at Appendix B. The document outlines the responsibility of BMS to activate the SOPs for Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warnings. 15 7. Action Plan for Tsunami Bulletins received from PTWC a. The action plan for tsunami bulletins is illustrated in Figure 3. It outlines the requirements of the BMS to address four (4) different bulletins that may presently be received from the PTWC. b. The four (4) tsunami bulletins are: a. Tsunami Warning b. Tsunami Watch c. Tsunami Advisory d. Tsunami Information Bulletin/Statement 8. Sample of Tsunami Bulletin a. Sample products from the Communication Plan for the Interim Tsunami Advisory Information Service for the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions can be found at Appendix C. 16 Figure 3: Illustration of Barbados TWFP/TWCP Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) 17 G DIRECTION AND CONTROL 1. The BMS will receive and analyse all Tsunami alert and warning information from the PTWC/CTWC. 2. The BMS will then disseminate the interpreted warning information to DEM, RBPF, BFS, BDF-BCG. If time does not permit (that is impact within 10 minutes), the BMS can disseminate the interpreted warning information to the general public via agreed upon means. 3. On receipt of the information, DEM will activate the National Mass Alerting System. 4. In some circumstances, the RBPF, or BFS or BDF-BCG may activate the National Mass Alerting System. All agencies will initiate their internal tsunami response SOPs. 18 H BARBADOS TSUNAMI WARNING FOCAL POINT SOPs 1. General a. The Barbados TWFP SOPs are developed based on the Tsunami Bulletins (see Appendix A) received from the PTWC. Additionally, an analysis of each bulletin will advise on the estimated time of arrival of the wave and the time required to evacuate vulnerable locations. The PTWC Information Statements will be used to: i. activate a full Alert (includes immediate evacuation in vulnerable areas), ii. monitor the situation, or iii. take no action. b. There are basically five SOPs: i. SOP A: For any potential Caribbean generated tsunami whether it is considered local or regional. ii. SOP B: For any potential Atlantic generated tsunami (distant tsunami) and in the event of early notification of a potential volcanic eruption which may result in sea water displacement. iii. SOP C: For any bulletin advising about an earthquake with no potential for tsunami occurring either in the Caribbean or in the Atlantic. iv. SOP D: For Cancellation bulletins from the Tsunami warning Centre advising there is no longer a threat from a tsunami. v. SOP E: For test bulletins. 19 2. SOP A (CARIBBEAN EARTHQUAKE) A. PURPOSE a. To provide procedural guidance and action steps to be followed in responding to a PTWC issued TSUNAMI WATCH BULLETIN or a TSUNAMI INFORMATION STATEMENT due to a local/regional seismic event to determine whether the Tsunami Watch Bulletin identifies Barbados as threatened or a significant “felt earthquake” is experienced. B. GENERAL a. Please note: When a significant “felt earthquake” is experienced, and before any bulletins are received, the BMS is authorized to activate all components of SOP A, Immediate Actions Checklist. b. The PTWC will issue TSUNAMI WATCH/INFORMATION STATEMENT BULLETINS under the following conditions: i. An earthquake occurs with a preliminary 7.1 to 7.8 or greater magnitude in the Caribbean where the depth of the earthquake is equal to or less than 100km. ii. An earthquake occurs with a preliminary 6.0 to 7.0 magnitude in the Caribbean where the depth of the earthquake is equal to or less than 100km. iii. Arrival time of Tsunami generated by this preceding event is less than 1 hour. While this does not mean there is significant time with which to evaluate danger or to begin warning the public; it does provide more opportunity for the 20 TWC and BMS to evaluate the situation and make better forecasts for wave arrival time and arrival locations.***verify with CZMU 21 C. PROCEDURE a. Tsunami Warning: SOP A Immediate Actions Checklist (add column to accommodate checklist for 24 hour agencies) SOP A IMMEDIATE ACTIONS CHECKLIST BMS DEM 1. Duty officer must review message from PTWC and determine if the tsunami is forecast to arrive at Barbados [ ] 2. 3. Assess the Bulletin and simplify message [ ] IF THE TSUNAMI THREATENS BARBADOS Receive message from the BMS [ ] [ ] IF THE TSUNAMI THREATENS BARBADOS Contact the DEM [ ] Contact the RBPF [ ] Contact the RBPF [ ] Contact the BFS [ ] Contact the BFS [ ] Contact the BDF [ ] Contact the BDF (Use Astro radio system and Ring down system) Advise -- Tsunami Evacuation Alert.(Use Broadcast Message—Tsunami Evacuation Alert, Appendix D) [ ] Activate NEOC [ ] [ ] Activate public alerting CONTACT RADIO, TV, AND CABLE BROADCAST STATIONS. 4. INITIATE EVACUATION EVACUATE VULNERABLE COASTAL AREAS ACTIVATE PUBLIC ALERTING AND INITIATE EVACUATION [ ] [ ] EVACUATE VULNERABLE COASTAL AREAS EVACUATE ALL COASTAL AREAS [ ] [ ] EVACUATE ALL COASTAL AREAS [ [ [ [ [ [ Activate public alerting CONTACT RADIO, TV, CABLE BROADCAST STATIONS. CELL PROVIDERS 22 ] ] ] ] ] ] 5. 6. Report to the Director DEM at the NEOC [ ] ONCE TSUNAMI THREAT HAS DISSIPATED CONTACT FOLLOWING AGENCIES AND INITIATE STAND DOWN PROCEDURE ONCE TSUNAMI THREAT HAS DISSIPATED CONTACT THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES AND INITIATE STAND DOWN PROCEDURE Record message received from BMS Contact the DEM Contact the RBPF [ ] Contact the BFS [ ] Contact the BDF [ ] Contact the RBPF [ ] Contact the BFS [ ] Contact the BDF [ ] [ ] [ ] Notify the public of stand down 7. IF THE TSUNAMI DOES NOT THREATEN BARBADOS [ ] IF THE TSUNAMI DOES NOT THREATEN BARBADOS Contact the Director, DEM [ ] Record message received from BMS [ ] Contact the RBPF [ ] Contact the RBPF [ ] Contact the BFS [ ] Contact the BFS [ ] Contact the BDF [ ] Contact the BDF [ ] 23 (sops should be appendices) Internal sops should address how each agency will record messages received) 3. SOP B (ATLANTIC OCEAN EARTHQUAKE GENERATED TSUNAMI) 1(verify with CZMU local/regional/tele-tsunami classification) A. PURPOSE a. To provide procedural guidance and action steps to be followed in responding to a PTWC issued TSUNAMI WATCH BULLETIN due to a distant (ocean wide) seismic event To determine whether the Tsunami Watch Bulletin identifies b. Barbados as threatened. B. GENERAL a. The PTWC will issue a Tsunami Watch Bulletin or Tsunami Information Statement under the following conditions in the Caribbean: i. An earthquake occurs with a preliminary 6.5 to 7.8 in the Atlantic Ocean. ii. An earthquake occurs with a preliminary 7.9 or greater magnitude in the Atlantic Ocean. b. Arrival time of Tsunami generated by either of the preceding events is over 3 hours. While this does not mean there is 1 SOP B may also be used for tsunamis expected as a result of an anticipated volcanic eruption when there are several days to prepare for both the volcanic eruption and the expected tsunami. 24 significant time with which to evaluate danger or to begin warning the public; it does provide more opportunity for the TWC and BMS to evaluate the situation and make better forecasts for wave arrival time and arrival locations. C. PROCEDURE a. Tsunami Warning: SOP B Immediate Actions Checklist SOP B IMMEDIATE ACTIONS CHECKLIST BMS DEM 1. Duty officer must review message from PTWC and determine if the tsunami is forecast to arrive at Barbados [ ] 2. 3. Assess the Bulletin [ ] IF THE TSUNAMI THREATENS BARBADOS Receive message from the BMS [ ] IF THE TSUNAMI THREATENS BARBADOS Initiate dialogue with the PTWC Duty Officer to verify assessment of tsunami wave arrival time, potential for size of wave, etc. Contact the RBPF [ ] Contact the BFS [ ] Contact the BDF [ ] Contact the CMO? [ ] Activate public alerting [ ] Activate NEOC [ ] [ ] 4. IF THE TSUNAMI THREATENS BARBADOS Contact the DEM [ ] Contact the RBPF [ ] Contact the BFS [ ] Contact the BDF [ ] Activate public alerting (If after 30 minutes no contact has been made with DEM , RBPF, BFS, BDF activate public alerting) [ ] 25 5. INITIATE EVACUATION CONTACT RADIO, TV, AND CABLE BROADCAST STATIONS. [ ] EVACUATE VULNERABLE COASTAL AREAS OR EVACUATE ALL COASTAL AREAS [ ] [ ] (Use Astro radio system and Ring down system) Advise -- Tsunami Evacuation Alert.(Use Broadcast Message—Tsunami Evacuation Alert, Appendix D) 6. Report to the Director of DEM at the NEOC [ ] CONTACT CELL PROVIDERS 7. IF THE TSUNAMI DOES NOT THREATEN BARBADOS [ ] IF THE TSUNAMI DOES NOT THREATEN BARBADOS Contact the Director, DEM [ ] Contact the RBPF [ ] Contact the BFS [ ] Contact the BDF [ ] [ ] Record message received from BMS **There is no action required to be placed on the statement 26 4. SOP C (No Potential for Tsunami) A. PURPOSE a. To provide procedural guidance and action steps to be followed in responding to a PTWC issued TSUNAMI INFORMATION STATEMENT due to a local or regional seismic event. B. GENERAL a. The PTWC will issue a Tsunami Information Statement under the following conditions: i. An earthquake occurs more than 100 km from the surface for all locations and is less than or equal to 6.0 magnitude in the Caribbean or 6.5 magnitude in the Atlantic. C. PROCEDURE a. SOP C IMMEDIATE ACTIONS CHECKLIST SOP C IMMEDIATE ACTIONS CHECKLIST BMS (add columns for DEM & 24 hour agencies) 1. Review message from PTWC [ ] 2. Contact the Director, DEM [ ] Contact the RBPF [ ] Contact the BFS [ ] Contact the BDF [ ] 27 3. No further action required 5. SOP D (Cancellation) A. PURPOSE [ ] a. To provide procedural guidance and action steps to be followed in responding to a PTWC issued TSUNAMI INFORMATION STATEMENT due to a local or regional seismic event. B. GENERAL a. The PTWC will issue a Tsunami Information Statement in the form of a Cancellation Message advising that all danger of a Tsunami has passed. C. PROCEDURE a. SOP D IMMEDIATE ACTIONS CHECKLIST SOP D IMMEDIATE ACTIONS CHECKLIST 28 BMS 1. DEM TWFP Duty Officer must contact the DEM and report receipt of cancellation message from the PTWC but take no further action. Contact the DEM [ ] Contact the RBPF [ ] Contact the BFS [ ] Contact the BDF [ ] Notify the public of cancellation [ ] No further action required. [ ] 2. 6. SOP E (Test Message) A. PURPOSE Contact the RBPF [ ] Contact the BFS [ ] Contact the BDF [ ] No further action required. [ ] a. To provide procedural guidance and action steps to be followed in responding to a PTWC issued TSUNAMI TEST BULLETIN. B. GENERAL a. The PTWC will issue a Tsunami Test Bulletin every 1st Thursday of the month. i. Full end to end communications testing will occur 4 times a year: March , June , September, December 29 b. This will i i. C. PROCEDURE a. SOP E IMMEDIATE ACTIONS CHECKLIST SOP E IMMEDIATE ACTIONS CHECKLIST2 1. 2. I. BMS Duty Officer must contact emergency services and report receipt of Test Bulletin from the PTWC. Contact the Director, DEM [ ] Contact the RBPF [ ] Contact the Barbados Fire Service [ ] Contact the Barbados Defence Force [ ] No further action required [ ] ORGANIZATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Organization a. The organization with overall responsibility for the dissemination of alert and warning sourced from the TWFP is DEM. 2 It is recommended that Barbados TWFP and Director, DEM develop a series of tests of their tsunami systems to coincide with receipt of each PTWC Test message. Such exercises can be used to update contact information lists and identify weaknesses in operations which can then be remedied. 30 2. Responsibilities a. Any situation requiring the alerting and warning of the citizens as a result of an approaching Tsunami would undoubtedly be received by DEM. The duty officer on duty will execute the alert and warning fan-out list in accordance with the SOPs outlined earlier. b. The Director of DEM, or their designated representatives may direct that additional warnings and protective actions be disseminated to the public. c. The table that follows outlines the responsibilities of specific agencies and organizations in the event of an imminent Tsunami. 31 Table 1. Responsibilities of specific agencies/organizations AGENCY Barbados Meteorological Services (BMS) RESPONSIBILITY Review and assess messages from the PTWC until the CTWC is established Communicate messages from PTWC/CTWC to DEM Department of Emergency Management, DEM Verification of the information from the BMS and ensure that the entire emergency management system is notified and alerted Activation and operations of the Emergency Operation Centre, if appropriate. The Royal Barbados Police Force Alert and notification within the Police Force as well as assisting in mass alert and notification through its existing methods. The Barbados Fire Service Mass alert and notification Search and Rescue Operations. The Fisheries Division Continued notification and alert within the Fisheries Sector Evacuate the office due to its vulnerable location on the coast. Barbados National Union of Fisherfolk Organizations Working with the Fisheries Division in protecting the Fishing Fleet (BARNUFO) and the livelihoods of fisherfolk The Ministry of Tourism (MT) Notification and alert within the Tourism /Sector using predetermined methods. 32 AGENCY RESPONSIBILITY MT will also assist in the emergency coordination of the sector in the TEOC setting and also assist in the evacuation of the tourists. Barbados Defence Force Invoke their internal mechanism to protect life and property within the force if they are included in the vulnerable area. BDF will be responsible for specific notification and alert to the Barbados Coast Guard (BCG) who may be in a vulnerable area along the coast. The BDF will also be responsible for assisting in the evacuation of vulnerable communities Invoke its internal emergency procedures for a Tsunami. The BCG because of its vulnerable location may have to evacuate itself as well as assist in securing the national fishing fleet. The Ministry of Public Works Coordination of transportation assets for mass evacuation. Provide a Transportation Coordinator in the EOC. Support the RBPF with traffic control efforts. Activate Public Works SOPs and mutual aid assistance with private sector entities and with other relevant agencies as necessary. Consider activating Public Works Depots to support actions in 33 AGENCY RESPONSIBILITY vulnerable communities. Coordinate with Sanitation Services Authority (SSA) on debris removal Transportation Concessionaires (public and private) The Transport Board, the ZR Private Concessionaires and the Taxi Association will assist where possible in the swift evacuation of the vulnerable coasts. Coastal Zone Management Unit Provide representation at the EOC if activated. Evaluate coastal impacts and provide technical assistance in the recovery efforts. Provide technical information to inform the identification of vulnerable areas including areas of inundation. Evacuate the Office if it falls within the vulnerable area. National Conservation Commission Assist in the coastal evacuation process in accordance with approved SOP. Barbados Light and Power Maintain electricity at critical installation outside of the vulnerable areas. Maintain a presence in the Emergency Operating Centre, EOC and provide support to the Utility Coordinator. 34 AGENCY RESPONSIBILITY Conduct an assessment after the “All clear” and invoke recovery operations Coordination of utility issues including electric, gas, water and sewer will be undertaken by the chairman of the Standing committee on Public Utilities Ministry of Education Evacuating key installations especially plant at Spring Garden and Garrison. Activate and operate the National Shelter System outside of the vulnerable area. Coordinate the evacuation of schools in the vulnerable area Ministry of Health Conduct a damage assessment of schools after the “all clear”. Providing and maintaining the health sector according to SOP. Evacuate health facilities in the vulnerable areas and conduct a damage assessment after the “all clear” The Chamber of Commerce Continued notification and alert within the Business sector 35 J. RBPF and BFS Public Tsunami Alert and Warning Plan 1. Critical Assumptions The RBPF and BFS Public Tsunami Alert and Warning Plan is based on several assumptions: a. RBPF and BFS will have access to vehicles and equipment to warn the citizens of Barbados. b. Each Police station and Fire station will have at least two vehicles available to warn the public. c. All of the equipment required to warn the public is installed and in working condition. d. All of the equipment required to warn the public undergoes a frequent maintenance regime. e. All the roads that the RBPF and BFS have to traverse are passable and there is no hindrance preventing the safe navigation of the officers responsible for alert and warning. f. That the warning received from the BMS is given at least one hour and 20 minutes before the first wave is estimated to arrive. g. That the existing ‘Bridgetown Emergency Traffic Management Plan’ is used in conjunction with the RBPF and BFS Public Alert and Warning Plan 2. Alert Zones Sixteen (16) zones (Table 2) have been delineated along the coast of Barbados for warning and alerting the public about an imminent Tsunami. 36 Police and Fire stations have been assigned jurisdiction in and around the coastal communities in close proximity to where there are situated. Table 2: Alert Zones outlining the areas of jurisdiction of the RBPF and BFS for Alert and Warning Alert Police Station/Fire Zone service 1. District ‘C’ Police Station From Salt Cave To Point Bath, St. John (Gemswick), St. Philip 2. St. John Fire Station, Four Martin’s Bay, St. John Foster Hall, St. John Roads, St John 3. 4. District ‘F’ Police Station Belleplaine Police Station Three Boys Rock, St. Barclays Park, John Joseph Barclays Park, St. Joseph Pico Tenerriffe, St St. Lucy 5. Crab Hill Police Station Pico Tenerriffe, St Lucy Clinketts, St. Lucy 6. District ‘E’ Police Station Clinketts, St. Lucy Weston, St. James 7. Weston Fire Station Weston, St. James Holetown Police Station 8. Holetown Police Station Holetown, St. James Paynes Bay, St. James 9. Arch Hall Fire Station Payne’s Bay, St. James Batts Rock, St. Michael 10. Black Rock Police Station Batts Rock, St. Michael Deacon’s (Entrance to Coast Guard) 11. 12. Central Police Deacons, St. Michael Old Harbour Police Station/Traffic Station Bay Street, St Department Michael Barbados Fire Service HQ Old Harbour Police Entrance Needhams Probyn Street, Fire Point Station Bay Street, St Michael 37 Alert Police Station/Fire Zone service 13. Hastings Police Station From Entrance Needhams Point To Rockley New Road (Bubba’s Junction) 14. 15. 16. Worthing Fire Station Rockley New Road, Entrance St. Christ Church (Bubba’s Lawerence Gap, Junction) Christ Church Entrance St. Lawrence Maxwell Coast Road Gap (Croton Inn) Oistins Police Station/ Maxwell Coast Road Salt Cave Point District B (Croton Inn) (Gemswick) Worthing Police Station [INSERT MAP ILLUSTRATING ALERT ZONES HERE] 38 K. ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISITICS 1. General a. The maintenance of the DEM Operations Control room and associated alert and warning equipment is the responsibility of the Director of DEM. These responsibilities further include all procedures, personnel staffing and training related to emergency operations. b. The maintenance and testing of the associated alert and warning equipment housed at commercial AM and FM radio stations (Table 2), the television broadcast station (Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation) and telecommunications providers is the responsibility of each individual establishments. Table 3: Radio stations broadcasting in Barbados Call sign Frequency 1. CBC Radio 900 kHz 2. Christ Is The Answer Radio (CITA) 90.1 3. Barbados Broadcasting Service (BBS) 90.7 4. Ministry of Home Affairs Broadcast Station 91.1 5. Public Broadcast Service (PBS) 91.9 6. BBC World Service 92.1 7. Voice of Barbados 92.9 8. CBC Radio 94.7 9. HOTT 95.3 95.3 10. MIX 96.9 96.9 11. Caribbean Super Station 97.5 39 12. The One 98.1 13. WE FM 99.9 14. Quality FM 100.7 15. SLAM 101.1 FM 101.1 16. Faith FM 102.1 102.1 17. Love FM 104.1 104.1 18. Radio GED 106.1 19. Globe Drive-In Radio station 107.3 c. Stewards of the alerting and warning equipment are encouraged to factor maintenance costs in their budgets to ensure that the equipment is fully functional in case of the onset of a Tsunami. d. A monthly maintenance and testing report should be submitted to the Telecommunications Unit. The report should be short and simple detailing the date and time that testing occurred and the regime followed. Failure to submit reports will result in………………. 2. National Broadcast System (NBS) a. The NBS is composed of all commercial AM and FM radio (Table 2) and the television broadcast station that has remained on air during a declared Tsunami Warning. b. In the event of an immediate tsunami threat to Barbados, the BMS may issue an island wide Tsunami broadcast. In all other cases such a broadcast must be processed through the DEM Operations Control Room. 40 3. Administration a. Reports are required from involved agencies/departments and government to provide the Director of DEM, and other government officials with information concerning the nature, magnitude, and impact of a Tsunami , and for use in evaluating and providing the most efficient and appropriate response. Reports required include, but are not limited to: i. Situation Reports ii. Proclamation of Emergency iii. Requests for assistance. iv. Damage Assessment Reports. 4. Financial Management a. Specific emergency expenditures are not normally integrated into the budgeting process of DEM. Nevertheless, Tsunamis may occur, requiring substantial and necessary unanticipated obligations and expenditures. b. Barbados will incur disaster-related obligations and expenditures. Records will be kept by all participating organizations/agencies; in order to separately identify disaster related expenditures and obligations from general programs and activities. 41 5. Emergency Procurement a. In an emergency which requires immediate purchase of supplies or contractual services (equipment, materials, rentals, etc.), the Accounts Department will be involved to ensure a rapid response. The Accounts Department is authorized to secure at the lowest obtainable price, either by open market purchase or from a single source, any supplies, equipment or services, regardless of the amount of expenditure, when such purchases are necessary to prevent delays in the work of the using organization/agency which may vitally affect the life, health or general welfare of citizens. b. Upon receipt of notification of a Tsunami and the activation of the NEOC, the Accounts Department’s representative will, when specifically requested, report to the NEOC. c. Upon receipt of requirements, either verbally or in writing, the Accounts Department or representative will order the required supplies or services and provide the vendor with a purchase order number for confirmation at a later date. The vendor will provide the items ordered and make billing against the purchase order number assigned at the time the order was placed. d. If an Tsunami occurs during regular business hours, and procurement personnel have not been directed to report to the NEOC, the using organization or agency or NEOC personnel (if activated) should immediately contact the Permanent Secretary in the Attorney 42 General’s Office, or buying personnel in the Central Purchasing Department by telephone and outline the emergency requirement. The Accounts Departments personnel will take immediate and appropriate action to acquire the required supplies, equipment or services, as outlined above. e. If a Tsunami occurs at times other than regular business hours and the NEOC has not been activated with procurement personnel present, or when the Accounts Department is not available to make the required emergency purchase, the head of any using organization or agency may make such purchases. The requiring organization/agency shall, whenever practicable, secure competitive telephone price quotations and place a verbal order with the lowest bidder. f. Requisition and delivery records for emergency purchases must be documented to explain the necessity of the emergency purchase and to provide accurate data to the Accounts Department. At the conclusion of the emergency situation, the Accounts Department will obtain account codes and funds certification and prepare and distribute confirming purchase orders so that vendors can be paid for supplies, equipment and services furnished during the emergency. 43 6. Legal Liability and Protection Liability a. All agencies may be subject to legal action because of injuries or damages resulting from their acts or omissions. Agency employees maybe personally liable for any of their acts or omissions that involve gross negligence, malice or unlawful conduct. An emergency does not justify improper or unlawful conduct. Protection b. Agency personnel may request legal representation from the Legal Aide department. 7. Logistics a. DEM will develop and maintain current resource information on supplies, equipment, facilities, and skilled personnel available for emergency response and recovery operations. b. Emergency resource information will include procedures and points of contact to facilitate rapid acquisition of needed resources. c. NEOC will establish priorities of allocation of emergency resources, coordinating as deemed necessary. 44 d. Unless covered in a mutual aid agreement/Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), emergency resources may not be requested outside Barbados unless approval is granted by the Cabinet or designated representative. e. Cabinet DO NOT HAVE the authority to appropriate services and equipment from citizens as necessary in response to a disaster. 45 L. PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE a. The development and maintenance of this annex is the responsibility of the Working Group on Warning, Communications and Dissemination of the Technical Standing Committee on Coastal Hazards (TSCCH). b. This annex should be reviewed annually by the TSCCH and officers of DEM based on deficiencies identified in simulated or an actual tsunami occurrence or due to organizational or technological changes. c. It may be necessary to develop a system to keep track of comments and changes as the document is reviewed by each member of the TSCCH. d. The change number and current date shall be placed (lower right hand corner) on any page that is changed. Changes will be highlighted with a margin line to aid plan holders in recognizing updated information. All changes shall be recorded on the Record of Changes (page 5) by the TSCCH. e. For electronic review, the track changes feature of Microsoft Word can be employed. Each reviewer should choose their own colour for the comments balloons and text inserted and ensure that their initials accompanies the changes made in the document. f. A meeting should be held to finalize and accept any changes made during the review. 46 g. The deadline for the submission of the proposed changes for this annex is March 31st yearly. 47 M. GLOSSARY Astro Radio system This system is an Ultra-high Frequency Radio communication system used by Government agencies for emergencies. This system is tested three times a week, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1000 hrs. Telephone Ring Down Emergency Communication System A telephone ring down is a dedicated communications pathway between two or more standard telephone sets. Over a single pair, with a phone at either end, merely going off hook with one phone immediately rings the other phone. When picked up you have a complete intercom path to talk, there is no dialing necessary. Fixed Line Alerting System (FLAS) Fixed Line Alert System (FLAS) enables voice message dissemination of earthquake/tsunami warning to reach public in affected areas through the fixed telephone line. Symbolic flag positioning The RBPF uses this method which involves the use of flags, which vary in shape and colour, to alert the public of any imminent threat. 48 APPENDIX A TYPES OF TSUNAMI BULLETINS ISSUED When established, CTWC will issue Tsunami Warning Bulletins based on its own assessments and data gathering points. (It is expected that additional seismic monitoring and sea level monitoring including deep sea monitor devices will become operational before the activation of the CTWC.) It is further anticipated that the CTWC, when operational, will provide messages to the CDEMA PS that are similar to those provided by other international warning centers, as follows: Tsunami Warning The highest level of Tsunami alert. Warnings are issued due to the imminent threat of a Tsunami from a large undersea earthquake or following confirmation that a potentially destructive Tsunami is underway. They may initially be based only on seismic information as a means of providing the earliest possible alert. Warnings advise that appropriate actions be taken in response to the Tsunami threat. Such actions could include the evacuation of low-lying coastal areas and the movement of boats and ships out of harbors to deep water. Warnings are updated at least hourly or as conditions warrant, to continue, expand, restrict, or end the warning. Tsunami Watch The second highest level of Tsunami alert. Watches are issued by the TWCs based on seismic information without confirmation that a destructive Tsunami is underway. It is issued as a means of providing an advance alert to areas that could be impacted by destructive Tsunami waves. Watches are updated at least hourly to continue them, expand their coverage, upgrade them to a Warning, or end the alert. A Watch for a particular area may be included in the text of the message that disseminates a Warning for another area. Tsunami Advisory The third highest level of Tsunami alert. Advisories are issued to coastal populations within areas not currently in either warning or watch status when a Tsunami warning has been issued for another region of the same ocean. An Advisory indicates that an area is either outside the current warning and watch regions or that the Tsunami poses no danger to that area. The Center(s) issuing the Advisory will continue to monitor the event, issuing updates at least hourly. As conditions warrant, the Advisory will either be continued, upgraded to a watch or warning, or ended. Tsunami Information Bulletin/Statement A text product issued to inform that an earthquake has occurred and to advise regarding its potential to generate a Tsunami. In most cases, a Tsunami Information Bulletin indicates there is no threat of a destructive Tsunami, and are used to prevent unnecessary evacuations as the earthquake may have been felt in coastal areas. A Tsunami Information Bulletin may, in appropriate situations, caution about the possibility of a destructive local Tsunami. A supplemental Tsunami Information Bulletin may be issued if important additional information is 49 received such as a sea level reading showing a Tsunami signal. A Tsunami Information Bulletin may also be upgraded to a watch or warning if appropriate. “ 3 In the meantime, the PTWC currently provides limited bulletins to the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions based on the data available. The PTWC in providing interim services currently issues the following Bulletins whose labels may be somewhat misleading in reference to the urgency of the potential situation: Tsunami Watch Bulletin for the CDEMA Participating States stating a “potential for a destructive” Tsunami under the following conditions: An earthquake occurs with a preliminary 7.1 to 7.8 or greater magnitude in the Caribbean where the depth of the earthquake is equal to or less than 100km (arrival time 5 to 60 minutes after the earthquake). An earthquake occurs with a preliminary 7.9 or greater magnitude in the Atlantic where the depth of the earthquake is equal to or less than 100km (arrival time 60 plus minutes after the earthquake and depending on the location may be longer than 3 hours). Tsunami Information Statement stating a very small potential for a Tsunami under the following conditions: An earthquake occurs with a preliminary 6.0 to 7.0 magnitude in the Caribbean where the depth of the earthquake is equal to or less than 100km (arrival time 5 to 60 minutes after earthquake). An earthquake occurs with a preliminary 6.5 to 7.8 in the Atlantic Ocean where the depth of the earthquake is equal to or less than 100km (arrival time 60 plus minutes after the earthquake and depending on the location may be longer than 3 hours). Tsunami Information Statement stating that an earthquake with no potential for a Tsunami occurred under the following conditions: An earthquake occurs more than 100 km from the surface for all locations and is less than or equal to a 6.0 magnitude earthquake in the Caribbean or 6.5 magnitude earthquake in the Atlantic. BOX 1: The Bulletin Design The Tsunami Bulletins are divided into a few general sections: A header lists the product number beginning at 1 for each distinct event. The number is incrementally increased when and if subsequent bulletins are issued for the same event. The header also indicates the PTWS as the issuing agency and records the time the bulletin issued. The header is followed by a statement about who the bulletin is intended for… all areas of the Region. A banner line is a banner indicating the type of bulletin, a Tsunami Information Statement or a Tsunami Watch Message. If a TW is in effect, the countries in the watch are listed. 3 http://www.prh.noaa.gov/ptwc/about_messages.php?region=3 50 Preliminary earthquakes parameters including the origin time, coordinates, location name and magnitude. Sea Level Observations are provided if it is available. TWC Event Evaluation: Descriptive language about the potential for destructive Tsunamis. If a Tsunami Watch is issued estimated arrival time for forecasts points within the watch area are provided. 51 APPENDIX B TSUNAMI WARNING RESPONSIBILITY AGREEMENT DOCUMENT The following is a form of document which outlines the responsibility of the BMS and DEM to implement SOPs for Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warnings. It can be used as a summary document to inform all government and non government agencies and to obtain a formal sign off from the Prime Minister’s Office for the activities. BARBADOS TWFP RESPONSIBILITY & FUNCTIONS AGREEMENT BMS staff receive a Caribbean TSUNAMI WATCH BULLETIN or TSUNAMI INFORMATION STATEMENT via pager or cell phone, EMWIN, or email advising about an earthquake which has occurred somewhere in the Caribbean or Atlantic Oceans from the PTWC. The TWFP Duty Officer will follow the appropriate Tsunami Warning SOP. In the event of a local earthquake where Barbados is vulnerable to a tsunami potential: 1. All other TWFP staff (non-duty officers) will immediately report to the Emergency Operating Centre (EOC) in their area. If unable to SAFELY respond to the EOC, they will proceed to an alternate location. TWFP/TWCP staff that are unable to respond to EOC should communicate their alternate location to the EOC. 2. TWFP staff will use discretion during off duty hours. 3. At a minimum, TWFP staff should be aware as to whether primary driving routes from residence or other location where they may be to the EOC traverse published tsunami evacuation routes. ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT The TWFP Duty Officer is responsible for maintaining a copy of the TSUNAMI BULLETIN/INFORMATION STATEMENT SOPs in the SOP Operations Manual. All TWFP staff should be provided a copy. The TWFP will ensure that all staff are familiar with the SOP, that appropriate training about the SOP is conducted, and that all staff are drilled and prepared to respond quickly following receipt of a Tsunami Bulletin. DEM, in collaboration with TWFP will ensure that all government agencies and nongovernment agencies are educated about the Tsunami Risk, Tsunami Response SOPs, and any and all related responsibilities required of these agencies. Recommendations for additions, deletions or modifications to the SOPs will be submitted TWFP for final approval. The Director of DEM will report to the TWFP any changes in alert and notification equipment or procedures or status of equipment that might affect procedures for executing this SOP. APPROVED: _____________________________________ DATE: ___________________ 52 APPENDIX C SAMPLE PRODUCTS 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 APPENDIX D SAMPLE BROADCAST MESSAGES BOX 2: BROADCAST MESSAGE FOR BROADCAST MEDIA PARTNERS URGENT TSUNAMI WARNING BROADCAST SCRIPT A TSUNAMI WARNING HAS BEEN ISSUED. THIS IS AN URGENT TSUNAMI WARNING FOR [ ] 1. ALL COASTAL AREAS OF BARBADOS OR [ ] 2. ALL VULNERABLE COASTAL AREAS OF BARBADOS 4 A TSUNAMI HAS BEEN GENERATED. IMMEDIATELY EVACUATE ALL BEACHES AND ALL LOW LYING COASTAL AREAS. MOVE INLAND TO HIGHER GROUND BOX 3: BROADCAST MESSAGE FOR MARINERS URGENT TSUNAMI WARNING MARINERS WARNING SCRIPT A TSUNAMI WARNING HAS BEEN ISSUED. THIS IS AN URGENT TSUNAMI WARNING FOR BARBADOS A TSUNAMI HAS BEEN GENERATED. DO NOT APPROACH HARBORS UNTIL THE TSUNAMI ALL CLEAR HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED. IF YOU ARE NEAR THE HARBORS MOVE AWAY FROM LAND TO A LOCATION FURTHER OUT. STAY TUNED FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. 4 The locations of Vulnerable Coastal areas (when identified by analysis) will be listed in Appendix E. 63 64