Si wafer - The Accelerator Laboratory at University of Helsinki
Si wafer - The Accelerator Laboratory at University of Helsinki
Strålningsskador vt 2014 Säteilyvauriot kl 2014 Radiation Damage Spring term 2014 10. Macroscopic/application consequences of irradiation 10.5 Beneficial electronic properties n Basic semiconductor physics teaches that to get any beneficial electrical functionality out of Si, one needs to dope it with impurity dopant (dopning / douppaus tai seostus) atoms n Most common ones B as acceptor of electrons, P and As as donor n Basic idea is simple: introduce atoms into Si lattice places n But achieving this with a uniform concentration is actually not so easy n [Pic: Dopning_%28fysik%29] Diffusion was first used, but does not lead to an uniform concentration n Since the 1970’s, it has been done industrially by ion implantation Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund The Si implantation process physics, 1 n The Si dopant implantation process actually proceeds in many steps and involves complex defect physics n Here we present the directly implantation-relevant parts, neglecting all the other lithographic, deposition, etching, etc. methods that are of course also crucial for processing n Step 1: ion implantation of entire Si wafer (300 mm in industry) Accelerator Energies ~ keV [Ventra, ed.: Intro to nanoscale science & techn.] Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund 5 – 300 mm The Si implantation process physics, 2 n Initially the implantation leads to defect buildup, measurable e.g. by Rutherford backscattering/channeling (RBS-C) (Rutherfordbakåtspridning/kanalisering/ Rutherford-takaisinsironta/kanavointi) n Measures fraction of He scattered backwards due to defect atoms in crystal channels n After a fluence of the order of 1015 ions/cm2 the Si typically amorphizes (= 100% displaced atoms in RBS-C) n More accurate value: nuclear energy deposition of 6x1023 eV/cm3 => amorphization [Dennis and Hale, J. Appl. Phys. 49 (1978) 1119] Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund [K. Nordlund et al, Phys. Rev. B 52, 15170 (1995)] The amorphization mechanism of Si? n Although any number of experiments has shown the amorphization, the mechanism was long debated n There are two basic models: Each ion amorphizes ”pockets” in Si directly Overlap of am. pockets leads to full amorphization n 1. Heterogeneous or ”Direct impact” amorphization n 2. Homogeneous or ”defect stimulated” amorphization Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Irradiation produces point defects homogeneously When the defect density exceeds some threshold, the lattice collapses to an amorphous state The amorphization mechanism of Si? n TEM experiments show that direct amorphization of Si is possible: amorphous pockets produced by a single ion have been seen, first clearly by Ruault n However, even Ruault concludes that these pockets can not fully explain amorphization of Si n Unfortunately point defects not visible in TEM due to migration Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund [Ruault et al, Phil. Mag A 50 (1984) 667] The amorphization mechanism of Si? n MD of prolonged irradiation can reproduce the amorphization Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund [Nord et al, Phys. Rev. B 65, 165329] The amorphization mechanism of Si? n Detailed analysis of this, as well as other MD work, showed that in fact that the amorphization of Si can usually not be put into the single “heterogeneous” or “homogeneous” box, but that numerous mechanisms are active at the same time n I have counted up to 8 known mechanisms (detailed understanding of these not necessary on this course: Thermal Athermal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Direct impact amorphization Defect-stimulated ”heterogeneous” Cascade-induced amorphous zone growth at a-c interfaces Cascade-induced partial recrystallization at a-c interfaces Recoil-induced defect recombination I-V recombination by thermal defect migration Thermal annealing of damage Recrystallization of a-c interfaces by mobile defects Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund The Si implantation process physics, 3 n The desired dopants are in the implanted layers, but only crystalline Si works electrically as desired => recrystallization needed n Standard recrystallization is nowadays a very rapid so called rapid thermal annealing or flash anneal where the sample is heated with a intense rapid light burst (flash) up to ~1000 oC for timescales of a few seconds or less n This recrystallizes the Si in a manner that the dopant end up on perfect lattice positions at about the implantation depth n Although especially for boron a variety of radiation-enhanced diffusion (RED) called transient-enhanced diffusion (TED) can move the dopants beyond the implant depth. Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund The Si implantation process physics, 4 n But the substages of annealing are also complex and fairly well understood after intense research in the 1990’s and 2000’s n Before the material is fully recrystallized, it undergoes several stages or reduced defect density, illustrated on the following slides n A few good more recent references: Cristiano et al, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 216 (2004) 46; Colombeau, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83 (2003) 1953; for BCA+KMC modelling Pelaz et al, J. Appl. Phys. 96 (2004) 5947; Marquez et al, Mater. Sci. Engr. B 124 (2005) 72 Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund The Si implantation process physics, 4 1. Implantation Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Si wafer The Si implantation process physics, 5 1. Implantation 2. Amorphization Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Si wafer The Si implantation process physics, 6 1. Implantation 2. Amorphization 3. Recrystallization by high T => small defect clusters remain Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Si wafer The Si implantation process physics, 7 1. Implantation 2. Amorphization 3. Recrystallization by high T 4. Small clusters emit interstitials which coalesce to form 311 rodlike defects and stacking faults Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Si wafer The 311 defect in Si n The mentioned 311 defect, also known as the rod-like defect, is a special defect in tetrahedral semiconductors n It contains a zig-zag pattern of interstitial atoms ordered on 311 planes such that all atoms have tetrahedral coordination and is hence pretty stable n It is an interstitial-type linear defect but not a dislocation! Experimental TEM image [Eaglesham et al, APL 65 (1995) 2305] Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Atomic structure deduced from HRTEM experiments [Parisini and Bourret, Phil. Mag. A 67 (1992) 605; Nordlund, J. Appl. Phys. 91 (2002) 2978] The Si implantation process physics, 8 1. Implantation 2. Amorphization 3. Recrystallization by high T 4. 311’s and SF’s 5. 311’s emit interstitials and stacking faults unfault to form a low concentration of perfect dislocations => device works as intended finally! Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Si wafer 10.6. Optical properties n As discussed in section 6, single point defects in ionic crystals affect the colour of materials! n Atom-level effects have directly a macroscopic optical outcome n Among the multitude of other optical effects of irradiation, we will now review briefly another one relevant to modern optoelectronics Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Example: speeding up VCSEL lasers n Modern optical telecommunication relies to a great extent on so called VCSEL (Vertical-cavity-surface-emitting-lasers) lasers that allow sending GHz frequence pulses to optical fibers Metal contact Upper Bragg reflector Lower Bragg reflector Substrate Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund SESAM mirrors and their irradiation n One of the crucial part of the VCSEL is the Bragg reflector structure made with a Semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) [Short intro to SESAM:] n For increasingly high frequencies, it is crucial to achieve ultrafast operation of the SESAM’s n Ion irradiation can be used to speed up their operation! 2. InGaAs QW 3. GaAs QW 4. InGaAs QW 5. GaAs 6. AlAs DBR Increased speed 1. GaAs 7. GaAs DBR 8. GaAs 9. n-GaAs sustrate 1 µm SESAM Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund [Dhaka et al, Semic. Sci. and Techn. 21, 661 (2006); Electronics Lett. 41, 23 (2005)] The reason to the speedup n By introducing defects that act as traps for carriers, the irradiation reduced the free carrier lifetime and hence speeds up the possible operation speed of the SESAM n How this happens on the molecular level is not clear, but heavy ions give a stronger decrease in decay time n This indicates that defect clusters are more efficient in trapping the charge carriers Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund [C. Björkas, K. Nordlund, et al, J. Appl. Phys. 100, 053516 (2006).] 10.7. Magnetic effects n Irradiation can also be used to modify the magnetic effects of materials n Defects can have magnetic moments, and irradiation Fluence varying with y coordinate change of composition (ion beam mixing) can lead to changes in ferromagnetism n Recent example: Pt / Co / Pt multilayers structures were irradiated with 30 keV Ga ions and magnetic properties measured Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund [Maziewski et al, Phys. Rev. B 85, 054427 (2012)] Magnetic effects: example for Pt/Co/Pt multilayers n The irradiation in this case changed the magnetisation in several stages. n E.g. for 3.3 nm Co thickness, ferromagnetic hysteresis loops opened up twice(!) n Other measurements (not shown here) also showed the magnetization changed from the in-plane to the outof-plane direction n Reasons not known but likely related to ion beam mixing Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund 10.8. Chemical effects n Irradiation of materials tends to change their surface structure and hence often also the surface chemistry n An easy-to-understand outcome can be a change in the hydrophobocity (hydrofobicitet / hydrofobisuus) of a surface, i.e. how strongly it repels water n Example: 25 eV Ar ion irradiation of mica after aging n Reasons attributed to sputtering of K+ ions from the mica surface which affects the hydrocarbon and water abnsorption - Detailed mechanism not known, though Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund [Keller et al, J Chem Phys. (2011) 134(10):104705] Plasma ion treatment of wood against termites n Ion treatment can also change the surface properties of wood n A particularly non-obvious possible advantage is for protection of wood against termites. Blantocas and Al-Aboodi [Wood and fiber science, 10/2011; 43(4): 449-456] report that 1 keV H2 ion bombardment of pieces of wood dramatically reduces the rate at which termites eat the wood! n Reason attributed to increased hydrophobicity making the wood less wet and thus less attractive to termites Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Chemical effects: radioactive ion implantation into stents n In treating heart and other diseases related to blood (and other bodily fluids) flow, a standard technique is to use so called stents (stent / stentti), a mesh typically of metal inserted into blood vessels to prevent them from closing up n This is a common part of modern surgery n However, in some cases blood tends to clog up back on the stent Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Chemical effects: radioactive ion implantation into stents n Somewhat startlingly, ion implantation or plasma immersion ion implantation of radioactive isotopes (!) can be used to improve on the issue n The radioactive isotope slowly naturally decays, and the radiation from the decay keeps the stent in a state to where blood does not stick [Example ref: Hehrlein, Circulation. 1996; 93: 641-645; Kelly Pike, US Patent US 6224536 B1 ] Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund 10.9 Biological effects of irradiation n Irradiation is used in many ways in biology n In addition to the cancer treatment (see section 7) it is routinely used to kill bacteria, i.e. sterilize stuff n Including food [] n A more extreme example: since the anthrax letter terror campaign in the U.S. in 2001, the postal service started electron irradiating government mail sent in the Washington capital district area up to doses of 56 kiloGray to kill any anthrax spores n Huge dose, remember that 2 Grays is lethal to humans n Has the downside that the letter paper itself tended to turn yellowish… n Official source: Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Biological effects of irradiation n A few groups in the world (including Surrey / Karen Kirkby and the Bundeswehr University in Germany / Günther Dollinger) have special facilities that allow irradiating living cells n By combining irradiation by single ions with biological labeling techniques and microscopy, it is possible to follow in situ how an ion irradiation event modifies living cells! [] Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Biological effects of irradiation on living cells n The experiments allow detecting how DNA is damaged and repaired associated with ion irradiation n One of the observations is that during pulsed beam irradiation, the damage and repair does not come directly by the irradiation, but a bit later and not at the same position n Likely explanation: actual DNA damage more likely to be done by radicals formed in the cell nucleus due to the irradiation n Repair done by biological processes much later (~15 minutes) [Hauptner et al, Matematisk-fysiske Meddelelser 52, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen (2006) p. 59-85; Radiat Environ Biophys (2012) 51:23–32] Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Biological effects of irradiation on living cells n Direct citation to give a taste: n Details not important for this course “Left side: fluorescence micrographs (optical slices) of HeLa cell nuclei irradiated with single 29 MeV 7Li or 24 MeV 12C ions, respectively. The direction of the ion tracks encloses an angle of 10◦ with the image plane. 15 min after irradiation the cells were fixed and 53BP1 DNA repair factor accumulations were visualised by indirect immunofluorescence (green signal)… Right side: Corresponding three-dimensional reconstructions of image stacks were performed for the immunofluorescence signal using rendering software. The foci structures (red colour) of the DNA repair factor accumulations along the ion tracks reveal the distribution of DSB sites at the time of cell fixation.” [Hauptner et al, Matematisk-fysiske Meddelelser 52, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen (2006) p. 59-85; ] Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund Irradiation of seeds to make mutations n Irradiation of seeds is a fairly commonly used technique to induce mutations that may be biologically useful! n Mutation breeding has long been standard part of biology, and irradiation induces mutations, so this makes sense… n Cotton, rice, etc. n Ion irradiation may be more efficient than gamma or e because it induces bigger DNA strand breaks n Can even produce new kinds of fllower shapes! [] Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund [] Final word: cost n Cost is a serious issue in making practical applications… n And related to this time of processing => time is money n Ion beams perceived to be extensive, but not necessarily: n Ion guns are cheap and small, and for many of the effects presented, a few keV is enough n Plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII, PI3) can achieve very high fluxes and hence be fast, and works also for non-flat systems n Even swift heavy ions are used in application [Klas Hjort]: fluence is small => time is small n For applications demanding both high-energy and highfluence, cost remains an issue n Nevertheless, as the examples in this sections have shown, ion beams have a multitude of practical applications, and many more can be coming! Strålningsskador 2014 – Kai Nordlund