Roadrunner Review - Bonnyville Centralized High School
Roadrunner Review - Bonnyville Centralized High School
Roadrunner Review 4908 49th Avenue Phone: 780-826-3366 Bonnyville, Ab T9N 2J7 Bonnyville Centralized High School Fax: 780-826-2959 Website: D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 Merry Christmas, Everyone! As we enter into Christmas Holidays, we take time to reflect on all of the blessings we have received in 2015. We hope that everyone has a chance to spend time with those they cherish the most over the break! When we return in January, it will be a busy time to wrap up our first semester, as students head in to their final exams! Take time to reflect on your year, get lots of rest, because we know that 2016 is going to be a wonderfully busy year at BCHS. We wish you the best during the holidays! Sincerely, Corey Baker—Principal Jacey Burkholder—Assistant Principal tuden S d ff an a t S ool! the h c m S o igh s! Fr H a d m e t z trali Chris n y e r C r Me yville n n o B ts of PAGE 2 Safe and Caring Some of BCHS students were part of a presentation where the School Resource Officer came in and shared some information with students about the negative effects of drug use. Student Learning Opportunities In Military History, students recreate an epic battle. They also have puppets! Student Achievement BCHS Former student and one of our co-valedictorian’s last year received a $2000.00 Entrance Scholarship from Concordia University! Congratulations Brooke Winter! ROADRUNNER REVIEW PAGE The World of Work & Citizenship Math 10-4 and 20-4 students completed a financial program with Mrs. Etter and Jonathan Berube from Lakeland Credit Union. After learning all sorts of important banking information we were able to take a tour of the new facility here in Bonnyville and ask questions to many different employees in the building. Students found this experience very rewarding and 88% of them felt they knew more about banking and finance after having went through this program. Lifelong Learning Social 10- learning about industrial revolution and assembly line? Reviewing through Games! Students in Mr. Wizniuk’s Science class is playing an interactive game of Kahoot in order to review for their upcoming exams! 3 BCHS Hosts Senior Volleyball Provincials! BCHS knows the true meaning of Christmas! NLSD Superintendent Rick Cusson was here to greet the students of Duclos when they visited the Toy Shop, played games, had milk and cookies, and a surprise visit from Santa! HEB, Iron River, Ardmore School and BCHS came together for a Christmas Concert in the Lyle Victor Albert Centre. BCHS Student Jasey makes a gingerbread house as a part of her cooking class. Grade 11 student, Lauren McGhie submitted her Christmas Card design and won! Here she is presented with a prize, as well as her framed work. Presenting this award are Board Members Michael Topykli, Nestor Kunec, and Gary Kissel. Mackenzie Hutcheson also won for her card, but was not available for a photo. Associate Superintendent Roy Ripkens and Bonnyville Mayor Gene Sobolewski spent some time at BCHS wrapping Christmas gifts for Santa’s Elves! 23 Students used the Homework room Grade 9 Students in Ms. Gertz’s class served a Festive lunch to friends and family! during the month of December. The BCHS Basketball season is now well under way! BCHS hosted a Blood Drive at the School on December 1st. Canada Blood Services not only was at BCHS collecting blood and saving lives, but spoke with our Bio 20/30 classes and blood typed students (with permission forms). A Word of Thanks! BCHS Grad Fundraising Committee would like to thank all of the graduates who have participated in our fundraising efforts so far. Top Sales were—Matthew Mercier, Emma Parker, Morgan Wild, and Dylan Selezinka. Each of these students received a Tim Horton’s gift box and a $5.00 Gift Card (generously donated by Tim Horton’s). For our Grad fundraising Christmas student raffle basket, we would like to thank our generous community sponsors Burger Baron KFC Express Pizza Subway C2 A&W Tim Horton’s Buster’s Pizza Wow! These sponsors really stepped up to make this basket wonderful! Thank you so very much! If you remember when visiting one of these businesses, please pass on a Thank You from the Grad Class! BCHS Parent Support Group Society would like to thank : Allen Mercier, Linda Eyles, Lana Patey, and Sharon and Michael Topylki for working our Camrose Casino! It is greatly appreciated that you donated your time to do this for the benefit of our BCHS students! This is what we are having for lunch in January—in our BCHS Concession!