Brigadeiro Recipe


Brigadeiro Recipe
Cooking time: 45 minutes to 1 hour; Prep time (rolling): 10-20 minutes
1 can condensed milk
1/4 cup of chocolate powder (Nesquik or Toddy)
Chocolate sprinkles
Margarine / butter for hands
Pour condensed milk into saucepan over low-medium heat. Mix with
chocolate powder. Stir continuously until consistency is thicker than
caramel. Remove from heat, place in fridge overnight to cool.
When fully cool, place small amount of margarine on hands. Pour
chocolate sprinkles into a shallow plate. Take tablespoon of condensed
milk, shape into a ball using hands. Roll ball into sprinkles and place into
small foil cups.
Total number of brigadeiros will vary. One can will approximately make
20-30 brigadeiros.