THE WORD OF HOPE - Hope Moravian Church
THE WORD OF HOPE - Hope Moravian Church
THE WORD OF HOPE Our Mission: Know the Bible, Follow Jesus, Serve All APRIL 2016 812.546.4641 A Brother's Gift of Grace For any family, times around the dinner table can either be delightful or full of drama. At our table, the issues tend to be about the food not being to our children's liking. Of course, Karen and I want them to eat something beyond macaroni and chicken nuggets, so we try to offer a variety of dishes to open up their palette (and by "we" I mean Karen, as she gets the true credit for cooking our great meals, not me!). We are not the type of family that will cater to each child's need and cook up various options each evening to suit every desire. As we say, "You get what you get and you don't give a fit!" If they choose not to eat, that's up to them, but then they get...."NO SNACK!!" (And saying it in unison, loud and strong, has become one of our fun family traditions). Our 5 year old Curtis, tends to be the greatest offender these days when it comes to not touching his food. A few weeks ago, something amazing happened, that made me so proud as a Dad. Graydon saw that Curtis was struggling to eat his dinner. Without us knowing, he quickly ate ALL of his brother's food so that he would be ABLE to get a SNACK! He did for Curtis, what Curtis was unable to do for himself. That's what we call GRACE! Sounds pretty familiar, doesn't it? By defeating sin on the cross and rising from the dead, Jesus did for us what we couldn't do for ourselves! We were totally unable to finish our plate - live a perfect life and thereby get the coveted snack - a renewed life with God and a home in heaven. It was so special to see Graydon love his brother so much; and it was special to point them to the amazing grace that Jesus give us! Beyond Easter, may we all live in the Grace and Victory of our Savior! Pastor Andy For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. Titus 2:11 APRIL BIBLE READING "Open the Bible each day - In step with Jesus you'll stay!" April 1 Proverbs 2 Galatians 1 April 2 Proverbs 3 Galatians 2 April 3 Proverbs 4 Galatians 3 April 4 Proverbs 5 Galatians 4 April 5 Proverbs 6 Galatians 5 April 6 Proverbs 7 Galatians 6 April 7 Proverbs 8 Ephesians 1 April 8 Proverbs 9 Ephesians 2 April 9 Proverbs 10 Ephesians 3 April 10 Proverbs 11 Ephesians 4 April 11 Proverbs 12 Ephesians 5 April 12 Proverbs 13 Ephesians 6 April 13 Proverbs 14 Philippians 1 April 14 Proverbs 15 Philippians 2 April 15 Proverbs 16 Philippians 3 April 16 Proverbs 17 Philippians 4 April 17 Proverbs 18 Colossians 1 April 18 Proverbs 19 Colossians 2 April 19 Proverbs 20 Colossians 3 April 20 Proverbs 21 Colossians 4 April 21 Proverbs 22 1 Thessalonians 1 April 22 Proverbs 23 1 Thessalonians 2 April 23 Proverbs 24 1 Thessalonians 3 April 24 Proverbs 25 1 Thessalonians 4 April 25 Proverbs 26 1 Thessalonians 5 April 26 Proverbs 27 2 Thessalonians 1 April 27 Proverbs 28 2 Thessalonians 2 April 28 Proverbs 29 2 Thessalonians 3 April 29 Proverbs 30 1 Timothy 1 April 30 2 Proverbs 31 1 Timothy 2 From the Elders: Devotion led by Brother Mark Bolander. Approval of February 9th, 2016 minutes. Pastor Andy will be away April 3rd due to Spring Rally, as well as May 1st for Western District Synod, and July 3rd for vacation. Josh Burnett will fill in for April 3rd and July 3rd. Reviewed Holy Week schedule and readings and set Elder of the day schedule through May. The next meeting is set for April 12, 2016 From the Trustees: March 10, 2016 Items of action Approved Financial, Committee and Cemetery reports Appointed committee to review MOC rental rates Items of discussion Installation of POTS line by AT&T The recording of automatic on-line giving Closet cleaning and organizing (To be done soon) Maintenance items (filters and roof leaks) Sealing of the bricks on MOC Caulking N and S FH doors Cemetery clean up 3 Financial Update - Hope Moravian Church Budget Income Budget Expenses Net Budget Gain / (Loss) February 29, 2016 $19,804.53 $24,157.06 -$4,352.53 Fiscal YTD Other Income Other Expenses Net Other Gain / (Loss) $3,685.10 $3,085.38 $599.72 $6,335.49 $6,314.08 $21.41 Capital (Building Fund) Income Capital (Building Fund) Expenses Net Other Gain / (Loss) $735.00 $0.00 $735.00 $1,235.00 $0.00 $1,235.00 TOTAL Income TOTAL Expenses Total Gain / (Loss) $24,224.63 $27,242.44 -$3,017.81 $48,509.06 $55,988.99 -$7,479.93 $40,938.57 $49,674.91 -$8,736.34 submitted by David Epperson, Treasurer Financial Update For Morning Star Preschool Income Expenses Total Gain or Loss (-) February 29, 2016 $3,945.46 $3,567.96 $377.50 Fiscal YTD $25,414.99 $30,493.92 -$5,078.93 submitted by David Epperson, Treasurer Note: Preschool Fiscal Year runs August 01 through July 31 Thank you to everyone who came to the Easter sunrise breakfast and supported our youth! All proceeds will be divided among the youth that helped with the breakfast to aid in the camping expenses throughout the year. 4 Sanctuary Renewal Committee Since the last update, we have been patiently awaiting the artistic rendering, which was done per gratis by Joe Dodd. I received it, and need to run it past the committee, the joint board, and finally to the entire congregation. We will begin then, fund raising, which we estimate to be around $90,000 to 100,000 range. This would include demolition of walls, addition of railing, extension of about three feet to the front of the stage, recarpet everything, entire repaint, and all electronics we need. Ironically, a lionshare of the expenses lie with the painting and recarpeting. But these have to be done now or we will kick ourselves for not doing them when we should have. Best regards, Ken Seim SPRING RALLY Theme: “Surprised by Jesus!” Spring Rally is April 1-3 at Camp Camby Conference and Retreat Center 10740 East County Road 700 South Camby IN 46113. Please keep the campers and staff in your prayers this weekend that they may have a wonderful spiritual weekend and safe travels there and back. Campers: Brendan Boewe, Jenna Boewe, Ashley Chambers, Dannielle Fields, Naomi Gollmer, Emily Harker, Serena Hendershot, Grant Huffman, Michael Hughes, Ben Johnson, Sam Johnson, LeAnn Lux, Sydney Schoen, Ryan Seim, Jazmyn Skirvin, Aaron Sweet, Joe Sweet, Ben Swinford, Megan Swinford, Ellie Trotter, Pete Trotter, Will Trotter, Emma Watkins, Connor Wilson, Clayton Wilson, Rodrigo Narcizn Staff: Bryce & Lauren Bell, Berjanelle Budier, Christine Huffman, Amy Keller, Andy Kilps, Joy Lux, Anita Watkins, Amy Swinford 5 CEC News-March New business at the March CEC meeting focused on a few youth topics – Children’s Church, youth groups and VBS. Besides receiving an overview of the new curriculum for Children’s Church, we became more familiar with how the rotation of leaders for Children’s Church works. If anyone is interested in being a part of this ministry, please contact Brandy Walters for more information. We received an update on VBS. It will be a one day event on June 18th this year, so save the date. Watch for future announcements on needed donations. Next month’s meeting will focus on Mother’s Day and Graduation. Have a great month! Michele Seim Sunday School Superintendent VBS Save the Date: Saturday June 18 Location & Time: Still TBD This year it is the Baptist Church’s turn to host our Community VBS. We are trying something new this year and doing a one day VBS. Stay tuned for more info with opportunities and way’s you can help make this a great VBS for all the kids and their friends. **A few items that we can start working on are: large soup or coffee cans (Clean Please) for canteens, Camo fabric – straps for canteen, Camo, red, white or blue duct tape – to wrap metal cans, Plastic bottles (shampoo, dish detergent, etc) – to use as water squirters You can email Brandy Walters at [email protected], text 812-603-4824, home phone 812546-0543 or see me in person. We appreciate everyone’s help to make our VBS be successful. If you don’t have any of these items don’t fret… There will be plenty of volunteer opportunities ahead! 6 S.W.A.T. SWAT is gathering after church on Sunday, April 17th. Lunch will be B.Y.O.L. (Bring Your Own Lunch). We are doing a service project from Noon to 2pm at Elsbury's/Duck Creek Gardens where we will help with cleaning and getting the grounds ready for spring. As a reward for all of their hard work, the kids will be treated to some ice cream at the Corner Cafe! We're excited about this opportunity for our group to be a blessing in our community. Join us! The R.O.C.K “Reflections of Christ the King” We will meet on Friday April 15 from 6pm-9:30pm WE will play games, paint t-shirts, enjoy a bonfire and food! Everyone needs to bring a plain white t-shirt for neon painting. The Baptist Church is having a community showing of the movie “War Room” on Sunday April 3rd at 6pm in their Family Life Center. Please feel free to join and invite other to see this wonderful movie! 7 Please check the online calendar for updates and changes of events. Also check when planning your committee events to avoid conflicts. 8 Please see calendar attached separately. 9 NO MEETINGS AT THE PARSONAGE IN APRIL!!! Senior High Youth April Calendar/Event Information: APRIL 1-3: Moravian Spring Rally/Camp Camby Conference and Retreat Center Sr. High Youth join with grade 6-Age 21 for the annual Mid-States Moravian Spring Rally. A new site, Camp Camby Conference and Retreat Center at 10740 E County Rd 700 S/Camby, IN 46113, has been selected for this year’s Spring Rally. Youth depart from the church at 5:30PM on Friday, April 1, and are expected to return before noon on Sunday, April 3. Registration forms should have been turned in to Registrar Amy Keller and transportation needs communicated to Anita Watkins. APRIL 16: Surprise Event A couple of ideas have been ‘cooked up’. Please stay tuned to texts/e-mails to find out which date and activity will rise to the top of for these 2 possible dates on our April event calendar! APRIL 30-May 1: Hauser Junior-Senior Prom and After Prom While the Junior-Senior Prom/After Prom is not a youth group event, we did want to be mindful of this activity when making plans for the month. Youth…please, be safe this weekend as you have lots of fun and make memories to last a lifetime! Did you know… Sr. High Youth Group is active? Well, we are, and we want 9th -12th graders to know they are invited to be a part of Sr. High Youth! Come join us J We text…send us your number! Michele Sweet: 812-593-5156 Dawn Wilson: 812-371-1623 [email protected] [email protected] 10 THANK YOU, ANITA WATKINS… Youth grade 6-Sr. High would like to thank Anita Watkins for organizing and coordinating Easter Breakfast preparation, meal service, and clean-up for our entire church family and guests. The Mother's Day Buffet will be Saturday, May 7 at 6:00PM. The doors will be open at 5:30. We will be having a b ffet dinner prepared by Tracy Fugate and Simmons' Winery. We will have pork loin or chicken, side dishes, and desserts prepared by church members. The cost is $13 for adults, $5 for children ages 6-12, and free to those 5 years and younger. Reservations will be taken April 17 and 24 after church or by calling the church office. The deadline is May 1. Everyone is invited to attend. Our theme this year is "A Family Affair." We encourage those attending to let us borrow a framed family photograph that will be used as part of our table decorations. Please put your name on the back and place them in the labeled box in the Fellowship Hall. Please do this by May 1. Our program will be our version of Family Feud. In order to make this authentic, we need Everyone to complete a survey of questions by April 24. Please place your surveys in the labeled box in the Fellowship Hall or give to Sally Scrogham or Stephanie Gates. Family Feud Survey Questions If you were to choose a number between 1 -10, which would you choose:__________________ 2. What is your favorite color? _____________________________ 3. How many families in the Hope area went to Florida for Spring Break? _____________________ 4. What is Hope’s best tourist attraction? 11 5. Where is your favorite place to eat within the Hope city limits? ____________________________ 6. What animal is the favorite pet in Hope? ___________________________________________ 7. What is your favorite part of Hope Heritage Days? _____________________________________ 8. Which fast food chain filmed a commercial in Hope, Indiana? ______________________________ 9. What is your favorite sport to watch at Hauser High School? ______________________________ 10. Which sport do you predict that Hauser High School will win a state championship in the next 5 years? ________________________________________________ 11. What type of business was first in the building that houses the Yellow Trail Museum? ___________________ 12. What is your favorite celebration on the Hope Town Square? _______________________ 13. About how many kids play on the playground on a nice day? _________________________ 14. What is the favorite color of car/truck in Hope, Indiana? ____________________________ 15. How many diesel pickup trucks are in Hope? ___________________________________ 16. If you could choose to live on any street in Hope, which would it be? _____________________ 17. Which type of tree is planted in Hope the most? _______________________________ 18. How many benches are around the square? _______________________________________ 19. Give the family name of one of Hope’s first settlers.___________________________________ 20. What time is Easter Sunrise Service? _______________________________________________ 21. Name a Moravian Sunday School class. ______________________________________________ 22. Who makes the final decision in your family? 12 ___________________________________ BIRTHDAYS Evan Huffman Bill Johnson Jareth Baldwin Joey Ross 1 2 3 4 4 Madison London 4 Jonathan Cooper 5 Sandy Marlowe 5 Wyatt Imlay 6 Ryan Berkenstock 7 Dalton Dodd Ellen Coner 7 Evan Watkins Jackie Runion 9 10 11 Tom Lux 12 Jessyca Swinford 13 14 15 15 15 15 16 Kathryn Jackson APRIL ANNIVERSARIES 1 Glen Keller Natalie Berkenstock Evan Clouse Jodi Clouse Linda Herron Adam Tauer Lachlan Toross Sharron Harker Victoria Shaw Kristin Toole Jennifer Wiwi Stacy Huffman Mac Trotter BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES 8 Katelin Nading 16 17 18 19 19 20 20 20 22 22 24 Ed Hendershot Jordan Magner Sally Scrogham Drew Runion Joyce Garrison Dave Baldwin 24 25 25 27 28 29 Cole Olibo Adam Settle Alvin & Mary Schaefer Mark & Tammy Hege David & Tammy Clouse Ron & Rosie Trotter David & Jennifer Wiwi Garret & Cristy Coner Paul & Linda Kidwell Dale & Sharon Shrader 13 Morning star preschool 14 The Mission Work that was done in South Carolina and in Hope was a success!! Thank you to all who help to make this possible! SOUTH CAROLINA: Seleah Settle, Gary Dodd, Kenny Calender, Don Settle, Kurt Heilman, Alvie Schaefer, Tim Thayer. HOPE: Jim Stafford, Gary Huffman, David Wiwi, Shawn McNeely, Mike Crull, Andy Kilps. 15 HOPE MORAVIAN CHURCH 202 Main Street Hope, IN 47246 Return Service Requested Email: [email protected] NON-PROFIT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Hope, IN 47246 Permit No. 20 16