This Week in Proverbs - Jackson Street church of Christ


This Week in Proverbs - Jackson Street church of Christ
Volume 5
July 5, 2015
Issue 27
Church of Christ
Jackson Street…Weekly Reader
Don Goin
Roy Keith
Larry Terry
Scott White
Paul Garris
Paul McLendon
Stephen Zorsch
 Southern Christian
 Paragould
Children’s Home
 In Search of the
Lord’s Way
 Benin, W. Africa
 Worldwide Spanish
Literature Ministry
 International
Gospel Hour
 21st Century Global
 Bibles for China
 John Bryant
(Harding Student)
Minister: Brian Mickey (870) 562-9674
Youth/Campus Minister: Joel Bailey (870) 814-9608
Church Office (870) 234-3053
This Week in Proverbs
Sunday - July 5
Proverbs 5:5- Is there someone that may be leading you “down to death”? If so,
how can you remove yourself from their influence? How can you become the
leader and lead them to life?
Monday - July 6
Proverbs 6:6- How might this verse help on days that you feel “sluggish” about
your Christian life? Who is someone in your Christian (ant) colony that might
ease some of the burden you are carrying?
Tuesday- July 7
Proverbs 7:7 - Who do you see that needs godly wisdom? How can you better
place yourself so you can be a positive force in their life and a source of
Wednesday- July 8
Proverbs 8:8 - Is this something you could have said before you went to sleep
last night? What steps can you take so that you could say these words as truth
at the end of tomorrow?
Thursday- July 9
Proverbs 9:9 - What a wonderful thought to help us stay motivated as we
continue our Proverbs Challenge!
Friday- July 10
Proverbs 10:10 - When we “wink our eye” we are telling a lie. Is this a habit in
your life? How can you better remain truthful in your speech?
Saturday- July 11
Proverbs 11:11 - On a recent Sunday morning, we talked about the “life and
death” the tongue can speak. Choose this day to speak words of blessings and
silence all wickedness.
May God bless the reading and study of His Word.
Volume 5
July 5, 2015
The Proverbs Challenge
Who built the city of Nineveh?
Last Week’s Answer: What king of Babylon ordered
that Jerusalem be burned? Nebuchadnezzar (2 Kings
Our hearts go out to Kandy Wyrick, and her family,
on the death on Tuesday of her dear husband and
our brother in Christ, TONY WYRICK. The funeral
was Friday here at the church building.
Please keep our youth group in your prayers as
they travel to the Dallas Metroplex this week.
Following the PM Service
Every family is asked to bring a drink
and enough food for your family plus extra for
our guests.
We are to the point where we should be rereading the
chapters for a second time this summer. I want to
encourage you to begin searching for new things. Don’t
just read through a chapter and latch on to your
favorite verse or saying. Try to take a different
approach this time.
Maybe decide before you read that you are going to
pay particular attention to a random verse. Maybe on
July 6 you stick to our plan of reading chapter 6, but
you decide to pay particular attention to verse 6 and
how you may apply it to your life. As we saw last week,
I’m sure the ant in Proverbs 6:6 has many lessons to
teach each and every one of us!
Thank you very much for the phone calls, cards,
flowers, food, visits, and your kind support of our
We have been truly blessed beyond
measure by this congregation’s love and support.
We especially thank you for the memorial to the
Southern Christian Home on behalf of our mother.
Your prayers have sustained us.
The Moss Family
By Donna Keith
Wanted! Saddle up your horses for a
great ride at this year’s VACATION
CHURCH OF CHRIST, Camden, on July
20-23, 9:00 AM ‘til noon.
For the Record (06-28-15)
Weekly Budgeted Goal
Year to Date
I hope and pray that you are faithfully
reading the book of Proverbs with us this
summer. There is something wonderful
about a group of God’s people reading the
same verses each day and then coming
together to discuss them.
No matter your approach, I hope you are engaging with
God’s word in a practical way and not just reading it to
complete a challenge. God’s word is powerful and will
change your life. We have been reading a lot about
how those words can make you wise, but if we choose
to ignore those words we simply become one of the
fools Solomon writes so much about. God Bless.
Fellowship Meal
Sunday, July 26
Wednesday PM
Bible Study
Worship AM
Worship PM
Issue 27
Last Sunday morning, DESTAVIA
DAVIS responded asking for the prayers
of the congregation.
+$ 370.92
Post-It Notes, Vanilla
Gatorade, Off Insect Spray
Volume 5
July 5, 2015
Issue 27
Harding University
Thursday, July 16, 2015
You may have seen the article by Bobby Ross, Jr. in the April 2015 issue of The Christian Chronicle
documenting the continuing decline in membership in the Churches of Christ. The article went on to ask, “Is
U.S. Culture To Blame?” and cited the research found in the book Churchless by George Barna and David
Kinnaman of The Barna Group.
Here at Harding University we take that question seriously. In fact, we have invited David Kinnaman to
come to our campus and make a personal report. In addition, we have asked some of our own scholars to
also make presentations that will help us understand what is going on in our fellowship.
David Kinnaman is the President of the Barna Group, where he has supervised or directed interviews with
more than 500,000 individuals and overseen hundreds of nationwide, representative research studies. Barna
Group’s research is frequently quoted in major media outlets such as USA Today, The Wall Street Journal,
CNN, and The New York Times. David Kinnaman is the bestselling author of unChristian, You Lost Me, and
most recently, of Churchless.
We are inviting church leaders and all Christians who are interested in the future of the church to take part in
this conference.
REGISTRATION: The registration fee is only $25 for the first individual from a congregation, and then $20
for each subsequent individual from that church. To register, contact Teresa Castleman at 501-279-4449 or
email her at [email protected]
HOUSING: Out-of-town participants who wish to book lodging in the Heritage Inn may do so by calling:
If you have any questions, or would like more information, don’t hesitate to contact me. We hope to see you here on
July 16!
-Dan Williams, Vice-President for Church Relations
501-279-4449 [email protected]
Volume 5
July 5, 2015
Issue 27
Serving List
Sermon Text
Song Leader
Nursery Workers
Today, July 5
Joel Bailey
Open: Jeff Venable
Close: Roy Keith
Brandon Wallace
Marcia Jester
Yady Smith
Sue Glass-(Tabatha Burdine’s mother) in Willis
Knighton, North, in Shreveport, in critical condition
Lewis Gabbard-(Clara Betts’ brother) moved to the
Veteran’s Center; not doing well
Diane Nolan-(Clara Betts’ sister) experiencing heart
problems again; will have pace maker and
defibrillator replaced tomorrow
Sermon Text
Joel Bailey
Open: David Sisson
Close: Bopie Booth
Song Leader
Brandon Wallace
Next Week, July 12
Brian Mickey
Open: Carl Burdine
Close: Roy Baskin
Brandon Wallace
Kathy Gann
Sandy Keith
Song Leader
Nursery Workers
Song Leader
Brian Mickey
Open: Mark Keith
Close: Steve Haston
Brandon Wallace
(Please notify Paul Garris or Randy House if you cannot be
present to perform your assigned duties.)
Elder in Charge for July: Don Goin
313 South Jackson Street
P.O. Box 307
Magnolia, AR 71754-0307
Sunday’s Opportunities:
9:00am Bible Classes
10:15am Worship
6:00pm Worship
Wednesday’s Opportunity:
7:00pm Bible Class
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 870.234.3053
Garvis Arrington-Dudneywood
Margaret Dennis-Room 310, Magnolia Health & Rehab
Mary Jarnigan-Room 606, Hedden House, Wentworth
Linda Warner-Room 10, Hughes House, Wentworth
Dick Wideman-Room 12, Monroe House, Wentworth
Sick and/or Chronically Ill:
Brooke Bearden
Michael Blair
Luther Booth
Jennifer Carter
Sammy Couch & Daughters
Jada Dean
Dianne Garner
Wanda Green
Lynda Harris
Steve Haston
Kerry Keith
Jo Miller
Avis Moses
Billie Owen
Charleen Skyme
Chris Smith
Joe Warga
Sue Whatley
Rose Ellen Woods
Kirk Workman