PArABLE: a physical image used to
IN WBC FAMILY LIFE... For a complete listing of our Family Life announcements, join us on The City. T ech Upgrade: Thank you to our devoted tech guys who put in a very long weekend updating the church’s servers! We appreciate you Jesse Jones, Igor Galloway, Matt Shumacher, Jeremy Bloomstrom, and Zach Layman! B ack to school: It is that time of year again. Today we would like to pray for all of our educators, school employees, students, and their families as they make the transition to a new school year. 1 6 Au g u s t 2 0 1 5 Parable: a physical image used to illustrate a spiritual truth Join Us Today: If you would like to join WBC’s common communication tool, fill out the information below or go online to where you can request an invitation from Jake Davies to create a personal account on The City. For more information or help check in at our Welcome Desk in the foyer. WELCOME! proverbs & parables Please tear off and drop in the offering basket or at the Welcome Desk in the foyer. Welcome To Wasilla Bible Church. If you would like to be contacted by a pastor, please fill out this form, tear it off and drop it in the offering basket. Name: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Home phone: _________________________ Cell phone: ___________________________ Request: [ ] I would like more info about WBC (getting connected or becoming a member). [ ] I would like to speak to a pastor (about a personal concern, getting baptized, or becoming a Christian). [ ] I would like to join The City (our church’s private online communication tool). We are so glad you joined us today! If you are new or have recently started attending, our Welcome Team would like to meet you! We invite you to stop by the Welcome Desk in the foyer to pick up helpful info about WBC and find ways to get connected. Our prayer is that you experience His grace as you worship with us today. W O R S H I P TO G E T H E R . L E A R N TO G E T H E R . S E RV E TO G E T H E R . 1651 W. Nicola Ave, Wasilla, AK 99654 • (907) 376-2176 • MINISTRY NEWS TODAY August 16 SERMON: Proverbs and Parables, our summer sermon series, will alternate each week between a chapter from the book of Proverbs and a parable of Jesus from the Gospels. Each of the chapters from Proverbs will match the date of the Sunday on which the sermon will take place. Our desire in this series is to build our practical wisdom through the Proverbs and our understanding of God’s Kingdom through Jesus’ parables. Bookmarks with the reading schedule can be picked up at the Welcome Desk. Today Pastor Ashley will preach from Matthew 25. Today’s worship team: Sean Tracy, Mike and Jan Schwartz, Cora Doner, Laurel Morris, Thomas Doak, Libby Brockie, Igor Galloway, Malcolm Toll Today’s Psalm: Psalm 13 Sunday School for infants through 4 year olds/Turtles is downstairs during both 1st and 2nd service. 9:30am 1st Service 11:15am 2nd Service 12:45pmStarting Point 6:30-8:30pm Young Adults - Contact Pastor Josh 315-9388 CoffeeHouse CoffeeHouse THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS Wednesday, August 19 10:00-2:00pm 7:00-8:30pm 7:00-8:30pm Quilting/Craft - Ruth Sanford 745-7884 Middle School Youth Group (Crosswalk) High School Youth Group (Crossfire) Rm.B03 Auditorium Rm.B03 Thursday, August 20 9:30-11:00am Hilltop Prayer Group Rm.203 M onthly congregational potluck: Our monthly potlucks will resume on Sunday, September 6th. This will also be a time to learn about the Philippines trip from the young adults. We look forward to fellowshipping with you! K id's sermon notes: Hey, kids! Don't forget to pick up your page from the foyer on which to draw a picture of the sermon. The staff will choose 3 each week. If yours is chosen, you can pick up a gift card for an ice cream cone at the Welcome Desk. Last week’s winners: 6 and under Maya Sandefur 7 through 9 Anna Layman 10 through 12 Paige Cone-Clark Everyone did a great job! M IDDLE SCHOOLERS! Crosswalk begins this Wednesday, August 19th, 7:00pm8:30pm in the Auditorium. H IGH SCHOOLERS! Crossfire begins this Wednesday, August 19th, 7:00pm-8:30pm in room B03! Pizza Provided! V OLunteers needed: Children’s Ministry is in need of Sunday morning volunteers for the school year, both teachers and helpers. If you are interested, please contact Tonya Jones at [email protected]. C hildren’s check-in registration: Parents, don’t forget to register your children for our new check-in system. You can do this either at the back of the auditorium, or log onto your account on The City! extended ministries J GO ONLINE For more details and a complete schedule of our church events, ministry activities, Bible studies, and more visit our Event Calendar on our website at on & MaryAnna Casey are our short-term Extended Ministries partners in Alaska, serving in a village church planting ministry. They have recently moved to Nulato, AK, a village 33 miles west of Galena, AK. They are currently moving into a local house and are busy preparing it for the upcoming winter. If you have an interest in helping in this ministry please check out their needs on The City or talk to Pastor John. Please keep the Caseys and their ministry in your prayers.
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