St John Beacon February - St. John Missionary Baptist Church


St John Beacon February - St. John Missionary Baptist Church
The St. John Beacon
February • 2015
Featured Ministry of the Month —
Black History Committee
The Pastor’s Pen
Beloved Members,
It is my prayer that this letter of encouragement finds you
doing well. The month of February is commonly known as the
month of Love. During this
month we shower accolades and
gestures of appreciation on
those we love.
I want to take personal privilege to salute my wife of thirtyseven years and Your First Lady
Jacquie Renee Jemison who
will celebrate on the 14th and
18th of this month. Happy Valentine Day and HAPPY
The month of February is
also the time when we celebrate
our heritage. There is a great
deal of excitement being generated around the observance this
year. The Black History Committee has planned a tremendous series of events covering a
broad spectrum of helpful topics. What a tremendous legacy
we have. It is ours to remember
and to embrace.
In your leisure read psalm
107. It is a wonderful account
of the Steadfast Love of God.
“Give thanks to the LORD, for
he is good; his love endures forever” (Psalm 107:1). This is the
reoccurring theme of Psalm
107. The psalmist speaks of the
steadfast love of God. In Hebrew, the word means an eager
and ardent desire and refers to
the fact that God’s love never
gives up. We sing about the
steadfast love of God in our
music and hymns of praise.
It is this love of God which
By Charles Shephard
Dr. Major L. Jemison, Pastor
is steadfast in its pursuit and
makes the difference in our
lives. It is the thing that finally
gets to us, melts away the iceberg around our hearts, breaks
the back of our rebellion, and
sets us free from our emotional
hang-ups. We might use a term
that is more easily understood
in our day. Instead of steadfast
love, we may call it unqualified
acceptance. Whatever the case,
this is what God’s love does. It
accepts us without reservation.
“Whoever is wise, let him
heed these things and consider
the great love of the LORD”
(Psalm 107:43). That means
you are to think about all this!
Ask yourself how this relates to
you. Many people are going
through a difficult situation.
Many are wandering, restless,
hostile, or bitter. They are held
prisoner by some attitude, outlook, or habit. Or they are sick,
neurotic, emotionally upset.
Perhaps some are fearful;
troubled by a crisis that is over(“Pastor’s Pen”
continued on page 11)
Imagine, at the age of 26 you
lead the Montgomery Boycott
or at 35 you win the Nobel
Peace Prize, do you know who I
Or what about this, My name
is Jocko Graves, my statue is
seen in white yards all across
the country, but do you really
know my story? Or do you know
who Thurgood Marshall helped
to break the color barrier at the
OU School of Law? And what
about this, who were the key
people who lead the Oklahoma
City, garbage man strikes?
These questions are some
that many of you may or may
not know but at St. John Missionary Baptist Church,
there is a committee, lead by
First Lady Jackie Jemison,
called the Black History Committee and it can answer those
questions. The Committee has
been in existence for quite some
time but Sister Jemison has
been the chairperson for the
last 5 years. She has 2 co-chairpersons Malcolm Stoughtenborogh and Sister Lorie
Stephens. The Committee is
designed to recognize, in the
month of February, those
Community, City and State history makers. They seek out Doctors, Lawyers, College Presidents and Civic leaders who had
made this state and nation
what they are today. They
chose February because it is
Black History month, a widely
known time to highlight
Sis. Jacquie Jemison
those who paved the way for
many of us to be in the positions
we are in today.
The committee usually has
African-American displays
throughout the church during
this month, invaluable artifacts
that depict the African-American struggle in this City, State
and Country. Here are the
answers to the questions in the
1. Dr. Martin Luther King,
2. George Washington assigned me to hold the horses on
the Delaware river during the
Revolutionary War, I froze to
death while doing this. 3. Ada
Lois Sipuel Fisher, 4. Clara
Luper and Dr. W. K. Jackson.
The Black History Committee is planning awesome events
for the month of February. The
speaker for 4th Sunday is the Dr.
(“Black History Committee”
continued on page 5)
Page 2
The St. John Beacon
February • 2015
Submitted By Rev. Lawrence C. Kirk, Christian Education Director
What can we
learn from
Introduction. Since the
Book of Proverbs is one of the
books of wisdom, it is especially
good that we study it. The book
has been called “Wisdom,” “All
Virtuous Wisdom,” The Wise
Book, and “Educated Wisdom.” The design of Proverbs
is simply to impart wisdom.
The nature of Proverbs.
“Proverbs” is from the Hebrew
root, “to be like.” The word
“proverb” is often used generically. There are a number of different types of proverbs found
in Proverbs. There are metaphorical proverbs that announce some moral truth under
a figure drawn from nature or
life, and then there are what we
call enigmas, riddles or obscure
questions which need thought
to explain, are also present.
There are true parabolic proverbs, presented in allegorical
form and there are also didactic
proverbs that offer precise instruction on points of morals.
Author(s) and sections of
Proverbs. Proverbs appears to
have been written by several
men, all of whom were inspired.
Solomon ; Agur; and Lemuel
are identified as contributors.
There are also the “words of the
wise” (22: 17-24: 34). There are
nine natural sections seen in the
Book of Proverbs. The introduction (1: 1-6), fifteen discourses
(1: 7-chapter 9); Solomonic
proverbs (10-22); words of wise
(22:17-24: 22); further words
of the wise (24: 23-34); second
Solomonic collection (25-29);
words of Agur (ch. 30); words
of Lemuel (31: 1-9); and the virtuous woman (31: 10-31).
While written under the Law
of Moses, the general principles of Proverbs are universal. Attitude toward sin and sinners; upbringing of children;
and a high standard of morality
are plainly taught. Wisdom is
By Deacon Raymond Payton
Prayer’s Unbroken Fellowship
presented as practical and available to all who seek her. God’s
commandments are revered and
During the month of February let me invite you to come
and study the book of proverbs
from 12:00 noon until 1:00pm
every Wednesday. If you are retired or work close to the
church, take a break and join us
for one fantastic hour as we gain
wisdom from God’s word!
“When Moses came down
the mountain…he wasn’t aware
that his face glowed because he
had spoken to the LORD face
to face. Exodus 34:29
Close and continued prayer
fellowship with God will in due
times have its mark and be evident to those around us. Just as
Moses did not know that his
face shone, we ourselves will be
unaware of the light of God shining from us. The sense of God’s
presence in us may often cause
others to feel ill in our company.
However, true believers will
prove by humility and love that
they are indeed persons like
Submitted By Clara L. Rhone, Chairperson
Greetings St. John
I will bless the Lord at all
times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. Ps. 34:1
What a whirlwind 2014 was
for this ministry. Just getting
on our feet as a ministry and trying to keep up with Pastor
Jemison’s busy schedule for
membership visitations, speaking engagements, anniversary,
birthday and other activities has
been exciting. We finally made
it through the end of the year
with his Christmas card mail
I am so grateful for the members of this ministry and their
support for whatever the task we
need to accomplish or event we
are to attend in support of the
Pastor. I look forward to whatever is on schedule for 2015 and
I know we will be up for the task.
We are continuing to support
Pastor whenever he is speaking
or on program with our presence and support. We invite you
to come out and support him as
well. Whenever he is speaking
an announcement is usually
made from the pulpit prior to
the date.
Please pray for our Pastor
and his family as he shepherds
this great church with the support of his family. We are his
church family and we are to pray
for him and his leadership for
this church. His family also
needs our prayers as they are his
first line of support.
The Lord truly blessed this
ministry in 2014 and we will
pray for the Lord’s continued
blessings in 2015.
It is a good thing to give
thanks unto the Lord, and to
sing praises unto thy name, O
most High: Ps. 91:1
those around them. And yet
there will be the proof that they
are people of God who live in
and unseen world.
The blessing of communion
with God can easily be lost by
entering too deeply into communion with people. The spirit
of inner prayer must be carried
over into a holy watchfulness
throughout the day. We do not
know at what hour the enemy
will come. This continuance of
the morning watch can be maintained by quiet self-restraint, by
not giving the reins of our lives
over to our natural impulses.
When the abiding sense of
God’s presence has become the
aim of the morning hour, then
with deep humility and in loving conversation with those
around us, we will pass on into
the day’s duties with the continuity of unbroken fellowship. It
is a great thing to enter the inner chamber, shut the door, and
meet the Father in secret. It is a
greater thing to open the door
again and go out to enjoy God’s
presence which nothing can disturb.
Let us continue to pray daily
wherever you are at 12:00 noon
for our Pastor, Dr. M. L.
Jemison, his family, health,
strength and guidance. The
Pastor’s Partners in Prayer Ministry meet on the second
Wednesday from 6:15 p.m. to
7:00 p.m. and every Sunday
morning at 9:30 a.m. in the
Pastor’s office to pray with him.
Come join us and God bless
You Tell Us ...
We Tell Them.
Page 3
The St. John Beacon
February • 2015
Diana Ross Franklin, Ambassador for Parish Fellowship Ministry
Mrs. Lisa Nichols
February 2, 1994
Years Married: 21
Isaiah & Donetta Preston
February 7, 1978
Years Married: 37
Larry & Joyce Jones
February 11, 1971
Years Married: 44
Ernest & Valerie Helaire
February 14, 1981
Years Married: 34
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Johnson
February 15, 1975
Years Married: 40
Jimmie Curtis
February 17, 1961
Years Married: 54
Mr. & Mrs. Lacurrius Fulce
February 17, 2006
Years Married: 9
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Payton, Sr.
February 18, 1984
Years Married: 31
Walter Holland
February 22, 1989
Years Married: 26
Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone Bills
February 26, 2011
Years Married: 4
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Robinson
February 26, 1998
Years Married: 17
Thomas & Reaner Timmons
February 26, 2000
Years Married: 15
COLOSSIAN 3:14 and the most important piece of clothing you must wear is LOVE. Love is what
binds us all together in perfect harmony.
IS WHAT WE DO! This is the
mission for the Parish Fellowship Ministry. Throughout the
year, the workers in this ministry have done a fantastic joy
sharing God’s love and meeting
the needs of this membership.
Together, many acts of kindness
have been demonstrated and
This ministry allows God’s
Spirit to shine out from each of
us as a beacon of love to others.
We let the love of God influence all that we think, say, and
do. Because we are allowing the
love of God to flow from us, we
are fulfilled. We feel good
about ourselves and the world
around us
Our church is an oasis for
hopeful and hurting people.
Each P. F. Worker (Deacons,
Monthly Coordinators, and
Group Leaders) is truly appreciated. This ministry can only
exist and function with them. I
am grateful that each one has
agreed to provide service for the
Lord in this capacity. My life is
wonderful because of my association with them.
Our goals for 2013-2014
were met. With God’s help, we
prevailed and kept going. Our
achievements were a result of
efforts put forth beyond the call
of duty by the monthly teams in
this ministry. Our major goal
for 2015 will be to update the
membership rolls as we continue our work. Led by the
Lord, the workers in each month
have done a magnificent job!
This ministry’s first responsibility is to register new members, encourage completion of
Orientation classes, and support
the new member’s efforts of receiving the Right Hand of Fellowship thus becoming a part
of the church discipleship. The
membership clerk, baptismal
team and the Orientation class
staff are the facilitator-teachers
of this process.
The Registration team under the leadership of Deacon
Johnnie Nesbitt has done a wonderful job with the new member intake procedure. We are
thankful and appreciative of the
work they do. Praise God!
During the 2013-14 program
year, thirty-nine (39) people
joined this body of believers –
twelve (12) by baptism, nineteen (19) by Christian Experience, and eight (08) reinstates.
Thirteen (13) were baptized.
The Baptismal team is made
of the Pastor Jemison, Rev.
William Myles, Deacons
Leland Kennedy, Raymond
Payton, Reginald Richardson,
Deaconesses Anna Sharp, Clara
Rhone and Robin Washington.
Sisters Ana Sharp and Aneesa
Sharp serve as certification
preparation clerks. This team
is great. They work together all
year in a most efficient and professional manner. They are always available, do a magnificent
job for the Lord and expect
nothing for what they do. God
bless each one. All of their efforts were appreciated.
The Orientation team
helped thirty (30) new members
successfully complete the orientation classes and receive the
right hand of fellowship. Seventeen (17) new members are continuing to participate in the
classes and are at various stages
of completions.
The orientation team members are great ambassadors and
serve as a well-oiled machine for
Christ. The members include:
Rev. Lawrence Kirk, Rev. Keith
Carter, Deacons Ernest Helaire,
Patrick Wilson, Sisters Margie
Harris, Vanessa Krizan, Beverly
Kirk, Linda Carter Janet
Kennedy Gaines, and Valarie
Clemmons. Thank you for a
dependable, efficient job.
Sister Janet Kennedy Gaines
resigned from her Sunday
School Class and will not be
working with us. We appreciate her work with the little Children. She did a magnificent job
and we wish her well.
Sis. Beverly Kirk served as
chairmen for each New Members tea. Each activity was creatively prepared. The new
members and leaders had a
great fellowship and the attendance was wonderful. The support given her was much greater
than expected. Thank you Sis.
Kirk for a job well done
magnificent job of encouraging
the membership to attend both
the Simultaneous and Fall Revivals. Each Person who participated received a blessing.
The Fall Revival averaged 325
+ people per night. The numbers are attributed to the dynamic preaching from our Evangelists and the leadership of our
Pastor, Deacons and members.
God’s direction was evident by
the effort exhibited and the
blessings received by the membership.
The Parish Fellowship Ministry provided approximately
sixty (60) Baskets for families
during the Christmas season
2013. Special thanks to all persons who provided food and
helped fill the baskets. Also,
Bro. Herman Murray and the
St. John East Team volunteers
provided Cornish hens for
members who did not need or
want a large turkey. The LA(“Parish Fellowship”
continued on page 4)
The St. John Beacon
Page 4
February • 2015
Submitted by Deacon Johnnie Nesbitt
Evangelism Ministry – Abounding in Every Good Work
II Corinthians 9:7, 8 — “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God
loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound towards you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may
abound to every good work:”
Evangelism Team: (left to right) Curtis Hawkins, Dianne Wright, Roosevelt Callaway,
Sis Townsend, Bro Townsend, Sis Diana Franklin, Bro Johnnie Nesbitt, Sis. Rhonda Residents of Heritage Pointe Apartments receivHall-Williams and Sis Katherine Mozee.
ing Christmas Meal Baskets
The Christmas basket
project to provide food for the
tenants at Heritage Pointe
Apartments, during the Christmas holiday was a great success.
Your generosity in donating
food items and money made it
possible for many less fortunate
families to enjoy a nutritious
meal, during the holiday. This
the Lord’s Church provided
Christmas baskets for fifty-four
(54) households, totally 164 individuals. The tenants were very
appreciative of the church’s expressions of love toward each
of them. I would like to personally thank, Sis. Franklin and our
(“Parish Fellowship” continued from page 3)
BORERS OF LOVE spearheaded the delivery of dinners
to our homebound members.
Thank you to Sister Sherry
Richardson and Deacon
Reginald Richardson.
We regret that Sis. Gwen
Hornbeak, our October P. F.
coordinator, resigned her position. She felt like she needed to
give more time to her family
members. Thank you, Sis.
Hornbeck, for a job well done.
Your work is appreciated.
has agreed to become the October P. F. Coordinator. She
brings a love of people, a desire
to do the work and creativity to
the position. We thank her for
accepting the position and we
know she will take the group to
the next level of love.
We give special kudos to our
Group leaders in each month.
They are unsung Heroes and
Beacons of love for this church
family. They are wonderful and
their work is appreciated!
Parish Fellowship ministry
group Leaders (Deacons,
Monthly Coordinator, and
Group Leaders) are dynamic,
awesome, dependable and a
model of LOVE IN ACTION.
Believe me when I say, this work
would be impossible without
God leading us in all our efforts.
Giving all honor to God
through Jesus Christ, and the
Holy Spirit for the successes
that come as a result of the work
of our ministry leaders. Our
goal is to share CHRISTIAN
Pastor Jemison and members of St. John Missionary Baptist church, I thank you for allowing me to share the fruits of
the Spirit with You.
Parrish Fellowship groups for
supplying the food items for the
baskets, as wells as her committee, who put the baskets together. I would also like to
thank, Sis. Dianne Wright, (who
initiated the project), Sis.
Rhonda Hall-Williams, Sis.
Deena Thomas, Katherine
Mozee, Bro. and Sis. Henry
Townsend and Bro. Roosevelt
Calloway, for assisting in putting the baskets together and the
distribution of the baskets. The
bible states that it is more
blessed to give, than to receive,
this was indeed true in this endeavor. We were blessed above
We are currently conducting
our Mission Project: Operation: “Hand Up”, twice,
monthly and our Bible Study
classes, twice, monthly, at the
Apartment complex. We solicit
your continued prayers and support in this great work.
The St. John Beacon
Page 5
February • 2015
Frankly Speaking
By Patricia T. Brewer,Luella Dunn Children’s Department Minister
Why I Think Children’s Church Is Important
Our Children’s Church provides worship services that involve children and draw them
into worship. God blessed children with extra energy and the
desire to move; they have
unique needs and characteristics that make them uncomfortable and even bored in an adult
worship service. Children’s
worship service can provide a
useful outlet for that energy, actually harnessing it to enhance
children’s worship experiences.
The main worship service
here at St. John Missionary Baptist Church has become known
to our children and workers as
“Big Church”. In our Children’s
Church, we teach the same
Jesus, the same death on the
cross and the same resurrection
that is being taught in “Big
Church”. Just because children
have been placed in the adult
service in the past doesn’t mean
that it was the best way; it was
just the only way.
An adult worship service is
for adults. Vocabulary is not on
a child’s level; concepts can be
abstract rather than concrete,
which is difficult for children
to understand; and the method
of delivery doesn’t sufficiently
reach the generation we’re
teaching today.
Most adult worship services
feature a sermon that can vary
in length from 20 to 60 minutes
– far longer than the attention
span of young children. Songs
in an adult worship service are
chosen to be meaningful to
adults, but the songs often include terms and concepts children can’t grasp. Our children
leaders have the advantage of
choosing songs children can
We have the best children’s
church this side of judgment.
Why? Because we have the most
faithful, available and teachable
group of God fearing children’s
workers that can’t be matched
Most children today are
looking for a place to belong.
Our Children’s Church can be
that place. We are here to unleash your child’s gifts. Today’s
bully may be tomorrow’s
Wednesday Nite Explosion
Hour is Coming Back!!!!
Each Wednesday night there
will be a special session for children 4-11 during the Adult
Prayer Meeting Hour. So, don’t
leave your children at home
when you come to Prayer Meeting.
There will be a bounce
house, video games, board
games, and Bible Study, food
and much more. The Children’s
Wednesday Nite Explosion
Hour will be held in the gym
and the nursery area. We will
begin at 7:00 p.m. and close out
at 8:00 p.m. sharp!
(“Black History Commitee” continued from page 1)
Dr. Willie B. Smith, Jr.
Willie B. Smith Jr., Senior Pastor of the Bethlehem Baptist
Church in Lawton, Oklahoma.
The bio of Dr. Smith is as follows:
Dr. Willie B. Smith, Jr., was
born in Tucson, Arizona to Mr.
and Mrs. Willie B. Smith. He is
married to Delouis Smith and
they have four children, Marlow,
Gabriel, Lashell, and Isaiah.
Professional Education
Dr. Willie B. Smith, Jr. is a
graduate of Pueblo High
School, Tuscon, Arizona. He
earned an Associate Degree
from Pikes Peaks Community
College in Colorado Springs,
Colorado, and a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree in
Theology. Dr. Smith also
earned a Doctorate in Ministry
(summa cum laude) from A. L.
Hardy Academy of Theology in
Seattle, Washington. He was
also awarded Outstanding
Achievement for completion of
the Requirements in the Certificate of Progress Program
presented by the Department of
Christian Education Accreditation and Credentials of the Sunday School Publishing Board of
the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
Pastoral Experience
Dr. Smith served as pastor
at The Church of the Lord Jesus
Christ MBC, in Temple, Okla-
homa (June 2002 – February
2009). During his tenure as pastor, Dr. Smith spearheaded the
project development and new
construction of a multi-purpose
facility from ground zero. The
facility features a computer lab,
an afterschool mentoring program, game-room, and a banquet entertainment area.
Dr. Smith is the current Senior Pastor of the Bethlehem
Baptist Church in Lawton, Oklahoma, where he served as an
Associate Minister for three
years before becoming Pastor
more than six years ago.
Dr. Smith has served as the
President of the Western District Congress of Christian Education and 3rd Vice President
of Oklahoma State Baptist Convention. He has taught in both
State and District congresses
and as an instructor for the
Oklahoma School of Religion.
Dr. Smith is also certified with
the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., (COPP) Program for Christian Education.
Dr. Smith was invited, and
proudly accepted the invitation,
to be Devotional Speaker at the
2014 Oklahoma State of the
State address in Oklahoma City.
Other Experiences
Dr. Smith has also served his
country in the United States
Army from which he retired as
a Master Sergeant after 22 years
of service. He was a business
owner in Lawton, Oklahoma
for ten years.
He is a member of the
Lawton Interdenominational
Minister’s Alliance (LIMA), He
Chairs the Cameron Campus
Ministries (Cameron University) and the Co-Chair of the
Oversight Committee for
Lawton Public Schools.
The St. John Beacon
Page 6
February • 2015
Nursing Corps
By Angel Johnson, RN
Godly Habits for Your Heart
We worship our Father in
many different ways; prayer,
song, financial stewardship,
parenting, and being a positive
partner in our community, to
name a few. For every way we
worship our Lord through godly
habits, we impact our health,
mind, body, and spirit.
As we are fortunate to celebrate another American Heart
Month, let us focus on Godly
habits for your heart also known
as healthy habits. I beseech you
therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye may present
our bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptable unto God, which is
your reasonable service. Romans
12:1 ~ KJV.
Coronary Heart Disease
CAD happens when arteries
that supply blood to the heart
muscle become hardened and
narrowed. This is due to a
plaque buildup made of choles-
terol and other materials found
in blood. The sticky buildup is
called atherosclerosis or ‘blood
clots’, which grow as other materials such as calcium and fibrin attach to it. The larger the
clots become the more narrow
the arteries become. The function of the heart muscle deceases
considerately as the oxygenated
blood flow is restricted. Most
heart attacks occur when a blood
clot completely blocks off the
heart’s blood supply, causing
permanent damage.
Coronary heart disease is the
most common type of heart disease and the leading cause of
death in America affecting both
men and women. Due to early
introduction of convenience
foods, and lack of exercise, a significant amount of plaque
buildup can be found in children as young as 10 years of age.
By worshipping the Lord
through healthy habits in our
daily lives, we increase our quality of life and our ability to be
more effective in ‘leading by
Risk Factors
Three preventable risk factors CAD affecting both men
and women are; smoking, high
cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes.
Smoking – the Surgeon
General has called smoking
“the most preventable cause of
death in the United States.”
Smoking harms almost every
organ in the body. The chemicals in tobacco smoke harms
blood cells which flow through
the entire circulatory system
(blood vessels/lungs). The damage smoking causes to the arteries increases the risk of atherosclerosis.
Management – Stop Smoking! This is truly easier to say
than to do. The book of Proverbs (3:5) instructs us to trust
in the Lord for your help. There
are many free smoking cessation resources in your community. Almost all can be found
online or by asking a healthcare
professional. Www.OKhelp,, and are among numerous free resources that are available.
High cholesterol (hyperlipidemia)
Cholesterol is needed by the
body to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help
your body digest food. Our body
makes all the cholesterol it
needs (National Institutes of
Health – NIH). However, additional cholesterol is also found
in much of the prepackaged and
fast foods we eat. There are usually no signs or symptoms of
high cholesterol and many
people do not know that their
levels are too high. Cholesterol
is a major component of the
plaque buildup that leads to atherosclerosis.
Management – to maintain
a healthy total blood cholesterol
level, eat foods that come ‘natural’ in life which include a variety fresh fruits, vegetables, plant
and seed oils, and whole grains.
When it comes to proteins lean
meat, poultry, and fish are great
choices. Avoid foods that high
in saturated fats. Have your cholesterol checked at least once a
year. This involves a blood test.
If your cholesterol is high, follow your doctor’s orders by increasing your activity level and/
or taking medication as prescribed.
(“Nursing Corps”
continued on page 12)
The St. John Beacon
Page 7
The Audio/Video/Visual Presentation Ministry is looking
for people to join their team. This would be a wonderful
way to enhance your worship experience. No experience
necessary, training will be available. If you are interested,
you may contact Deacon Charles Shepherd at 405-620-5024
or email him at [email protected].
February • 2015
Real Estate
Solutions Today
By Jerri Shepherd, Real Estate Broker
The membership can keep abreast of what is going on
at St. John by submitting your news to the BEACON
newspaper mailbox no later than the Third Sunday of
every month.
Bus Transportation
Jerri Shepherd
“Need a ride to church services?”
Thank You,
Kenneth Washington
A blessed service, rendered
by the church
DIAL: 478-5644, Ext. 160
The Bus Transportation Ministry will pick-up individuals for the Enrichment Hour (Sunday School),
Worship Service, Prayer Meeting, including P31 and
SOS and most other church programs. Please call
this number at least two (2) hours before your services or program start time. Leave at message on
answering services giving us your name, address and
phone number. On Sunday mornings, Transportation Ministry will take individuals home immediately after service. Anyone one desiring to stay after
church for dinners or other programs will need to
make provisions for their transportation back home.
The Beacon
Published monthly to communicate more effectively the
mission of the St. John Missionary Baptist Church.
Debra Johnson • Edwina Romby
Diana Bell • Barbara Newton Moss
Ronald Luper • James Nichols • Ruby Nichols
Happy 2015 to you home
and land owners! Are you ready
to start the year by organizing
your family real estate? Let’s
begin with the basics. Make a
list of all real estate you own.
The location and descriptions
are very important. Include
property you share with other
family members and any real
estate you’ve inherited. Remember, inherited real estate
becomes more difficult to prove
ownership as the years pass.
This task may become time consuming; but, it’s worth the effort since there’s no deadline for
To make life easier, make
some calls to family members
to get correct names and addresses. If you find that you cannot locate some property, ask
for help, and you’ll be surprised
to discover it’s a question others want to ask, too.
Continue to pay the taxes on
your real estate. Maintain good
records. And, finally, count it a
blessing from God if you own
real estate! If you may have any
questions, please contact me at
[email protected]
Bus Drivers are needed
Individuals needed with both standard and commercial licensed drivers. Will provide training to obtain commercial
license. If interested, please contact Brother Kenneth Washington directly at 682-1704 or call the church at 478-3344.
You may view the Beacon on the church website
St. John is a Five Star Church in progress
You can now follow us on Facebook:
St. John Missionary Baptist Church of OKC
St. John Baptist Church
Schedule of Prayer Hour
Monday — Saturday
Early Morning
6:30 - 7:30
Noon Day
12:00 - 1:00
Wednesday Night
7:00 - 8:00
The St. John Beacon
Page 8
February • 2015
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
“To Thank You”
“Perhaps you sent a lovely card, or sat quietly in a chair. Perhaps you sent a floral piece, if so we saw it there. Perhaps you
spoke the kindest words, as any friend could say; perhaps you were
not there at all, just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to
console our hearts, we thank you so much whatever the part.”
The family of L. McCullough – Savannah Jackson, Wanzetta Woody,
Alberta Mitchell, Felicia Tayor, Marsha Jones
By Sis. Diana Bell
The St. John A. J. Dean
Bowling League has seven (7)
teams bowling this season. Even
though the league is smaller this
season, we are still in existence.
The teams currently bowling
with the league are:
•Team 1 - On The Ball Erwin Shelby, Larry, Lavern and
Kevin Jackson
•Team 2 - Killer Bees Sharan Robinson, Cecil Ray,
Maxine and Kenneth Washington
•Team 3 - Amazing Four Jewel Hicks, Robert Bogan,
Dewayne Mitchell and Booker
•Team 4 - Thunder Up Daisy Looney, Willeva Reed,
Melvin Howell, Brandon
Croley* and Cecelia Gray
•Team 5 - Two Plus Two Janice Austin, Leonard Cayton,
Loretta Gunn and Robert
•Team 6 - Just Bad - Al Cooper, Billy Broughton*, Rhonda
Wright, Diana and DeSota Bell
•Team 7 - 3 Men & A Lady
- Darrel Jones*, Jeff Stanfield,
Kamino and Marcus Crownover*
*New members to the league
We appreciate all of the new
members who joined the league
this season. We are in our 19th
week of bowling. Standings after 19 weeks of bowling with St.
John members are: fifth place,
Two Plus Two with Leonard
Cayton; sixth place, Just Bad
with Diana and DeSota Bell and
seventh place, Killer Bees with
Sharan Robinson, Maxine and
Kenneth Washington. Individual standings with St. John
members are:
Men’s Handicap Game
Leonard Cayton
Men’s Handicap Series
Kenneth Washington
Women’s Scratch Game
Maxine Washington
Diana Bell
Women’s Scratch Series
Sharan Robinson
The male high average for
St. John members is Kenneth
Washington at 179 and for
women, Maxine Washington at
147. The high game for non-St.
John members are Kevin Jackson. High average for non-St.
John members are Jeff
Stanfield, 192 and Rhonda
Wright, 201. League play begins at 6:15pm every Saturday,
at Holiday Bowling Center, 44
SE 44th Street. If you are interested in substitute bowling with
the league, please contact
Maxine Washington, league secretary, at 405/682-1704. We
encourage St. John members to
come out and support this
league which has been in existence over 40 years.
“With Heartfelt Appreciation”
“During such a difficult time, your kindness meant so much,
and your thoughtfulness was really touching. Thank you for all
your sympathy and caring.”
Thank you for the heartfelt Resolution and prayers for our
family during the passing of our Dear Grandfather Clark.
The Wilson Family. Patrick, Angelia, Colby & Myles
“Thanks so much for your help – A little kindness makes such
a difference in a day… Your thoughtfulness certainly made a difference in mine.”
To Pastor Jemison and the St. John Church Family. Please
keep us in your prayers. One never forgets acts of kindness, and it
is never too late to say sorry or thanks
From: Members of the Tevyn Thompson Family
“Thank You”
I am extending heart felt thanks to Dr. Jemison, associate pastors, and the church family, for the spiritual guidance and friendship experienced here at St John. I ask that you keep me in your
thoughts and prayers as I return to my home and former
church in Albany, Georgia on January 4th.
Ms Rean McWhite
“Gratefully acknowledging and thanking you for your kind
expression of sympathy.”
On behalf of the family of Dexter Brison Sr., we would like to
thank you for all your prayers and thoughts
God Bless, The Brison Family
“St. John Youth
Participate in GMWA
Christian Pageant
By Sis Cadelia Rucker
The Oklahoma City Chapter of the Gospel Music Workshop of America, Inc. (GMWA)
will present its Annual Christian Pageant, Debutaunt Cotillion and Beautillion on Saturday, February 28, 2015. The
pageant is being held at St. John
at 6:00 p.m.
Contestants representing St.
John this year are: Armoni
McCoy in the Lil Miss category,
Michayla Tate in the Pre-Teen
section, and Ray Robinson in
the Teen section. These young
people will competed in the categories of PERSONALITY,
Most Industrious.
Please come out and show
your support to these young
people in this gala event as they
share their God given gifts and
The St. John Beacon
Page 9
February • 2015
Luella Dunn Youth Annual Report for Year 2013-14
December 1, 2013 through November 30, 2014
Submitted By Debra Johnson, Youth Minister
The Youth Department is
made up of the following programs: EnRich Sunday School,
Service, P-31 Club for Girls,
SOS Ministry for Boys, Youth
Visual Praise, Youth Jr. Deacons, Youth Hospitality and
Youth Ushers.
Featured Event & Activities
for CY 2014
• Children & Youth Annual
Christmas Program was held on
Sunday, December 15th at 9:30
a.m. Our youth presented a traditional skit entitled “Christmas
By The Book”. Our kids did an
excellent job presenting this
skit. Thanks you Sis Lori
Stephens for giving leadership
to the program.
• Ebony Awareness Bowl:
The 2014 Kappa Ebony Awareness Bowl competition was held
Saturday, January 25th at the
Tabernacle Baptist Church. Our
team this year was Kenya Perry,
Brittany Knight and Jonathan
Richardson. Out team took 3rd
place overall. Brittany Knight
and Elijah Carrasquillo competed for the Senior Challenge
where Brittney took 1st place
and Elijah placed 2nd. We are
always proud of the efforts of
our kids. Special thanks to Sis
Penny Emery & Marjorie Harris and ‘Nykkia Harris as sponsors.
• Black History Emphasis:
In honor of Black History
Month, the movie “The Butler”
was shown in P-31. We’ve had
good attendance at these movie
sessions. Our youth enjoyed this
series…each of them voiced
learned something they did not
know about their history.
• Youth Explosion 2014:
Youth Explosion was held on
Friday, March 14th at St. John.
The theme was “To Save A Life”
which focused on teen bullying
and suicide. This event was promoted to several middle and
high schools in OKC metro area.
Approximately 200 kids attended youth Explosion. This
event was one of the highlights
of our year..the lives of those in
attendance was changed for the
• Children & Youth Annual
Day: March 16th was the Children & Youth Annual Day. Rev.
Lee A. Edwards Jr., a graduating senior from Baylor University, George Truett Seminary
was our guest preacher for
morning worship. At 5:00 p.m.,
our children and youth was
scheduled to present their annual musical but was cancelled
due to inclement weather.
• Children & Youth Annual
Easter Program: On April 20th,
the Children & Youth gave Easter recitations in the Sanctuary
at the 9:30 hour. Our youth did
an excellent job present themselves. As Ray Robinson expressed, Easter morning God be
praised, Christ has risen from
the grave…Hallelujah!!
• Vacation Bible School:
For VBS, the youth 12-18 combined for specific teaching to the
boys and girls. Both girl and
boy classes focused on the topic
“The Father Factor”. Girls
theme was Precious &
Priceless…That’s Me! The boys
theme was “I Just Want to be
Like you’, taken from the Man
Up Movie by LeCrae. Mask;
Dance of Restoration
• Fall Break Blitz: A Fall
Break Blitz was held October
17th. The theme was “Left Behind”. Approximately 40 youth
and adults travel to Tinseltown
to see the movie. The movie
left a definite impression on several of our youth such that the
movie was address further in our
Encounter. Special thanks to
Bro Kenneth Washington for
transporting the group to
Tinseltown and to Sis Willa
Johnson for providing financial
• Teens-On-Pointe: In
2014, the Youth Department
began an evangelism outreach
to the youth residing at Heritage Pointe Apartments. We call
this outreach effort Teens-OnPointe. Outreach activities were
held on July 19th (presented my
Hope America Video) and September 27th (presented movie
by LeCrae Movie entitled “Man
Up”). Apartment management
provides Pizza and St. John supports with drinks, popcorn, etc.
Although attendance of the
youth resident has been low at
each event, we believe this is a
worthwhile effort….we feel it’s
something we should be doing.
It’s our intent to have a TeensOn-Pointe event at least every
other month. Thanks to Bro
Johnnie and leaders for their
• Excell: Our Excell College & Career Ministry continues to provide ACT Practice
Session sessions for our kids
here as well as those in the community at large. This is done in
partnership with Competitive
Edge, Inc. (Leonard Franks,
owner). Two sessions were held
in 2014 with approximately 10
students attending. Additionally, Excell has recently entered
into a partnership with the Urban League to assist their Peak
Program at Douglass High
School. Main services provided
is enrolling students in
OKPromise Scholarship program, hosting college prep enrichment activities and performing call center services in
outreach to parents.
• En-Rich (Sunday School):
In 2014, we began using a new
format for En-Rich. This new
format included food, games,
Debra Johnson
lesson, quizzes and prices.
Youth responded well to new
format. Increased attendance is
still a goal.
• P-31: P-31 is doing well.
We have approximately 10 girls
who attend on a regular basis.
Our goal is to increase attendance for 2015. Harding Charter School has been designated
as our target school for outreach.
Goal is to also determine a core
curriculum, which incorporates
a study of the Bible. Annette
Burleigh gives leadership to P31.
• SOS: SOS has had a great
year. Average attendance is 27
boys per week! Notable mention is the Bible knowledge being acquired by the Boys. The
knowledge they have acquired
during their studies culminates
in a “Bible World Series”! Rev
Keith Carter provides leadership to SOS along with a host of
• ENCOUNTER: The Encounter Worship Service is
Youth Church and is held on the
2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays, with
the exception of special and annual days. Thus, the Encounter
Service was held 12 times in
2014. For 2014, we turned a
corner with the Encounter…
attendance is picking up and the
Youth have taken ownership and
(“Luella Dunn Youth”
continued on page 10
The St. John Beacon
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February • 2015
(“Luella Dunn” continued from page 9)
have become more engaged.
YOUTH CHURCH!! We utilize, YouTube videos to support
the service from a fine arts
perspective…showing music,
praise dance and mime videos
to enhance the worship. We also
utilize Minute-to-Win-It games
during our Gametime…this is
a big hit with the youth. Bro
Shawn makes a personal financial investment at each Encounter to encourage the kids to participate. A spiritual message
that is real and relative is delivered each Encounter. Afterwards, small group sessions are
held to drill down into the lesson further and provides a time
for youth to give input and ask
questions. Like I said, our Youth
love the ENCOUNTER!! Total offering given through the
Encounter is $4,311.77. Adult
leaders for the Encounter are
Shawn Emery, Randy Thomas,
Lorie Stephens, Clint
Blackwell, Sonya Blackwell,
Marsha Beatty, Nykki Harris
and Brian Eakers who now provides ministerial support to the
Encounter Service.
Focus for Goals for 2015
Church Year:
Major focus will be placed
on upon the following aspects
of the youth program for the upcoming church year:
• Implement Student Leadership Team
• Star Student Implementation
• 2015 Youth Conference in
partnership with OTBC
• Develop Youth Break-out
Session for 2015 Teacher Training Workshop
• Continue to Enhance and
Improve the ENCOUNTER
• Excell and Urban League
Partnership – Support to
Douglass Students & Potentially
• Evangelism Outreach –
Heritage Pointe Apartments &
Outreach Concerts
In conclusion, it has been a
pleasure to serve our youth this
past year. God has kept and sustained us through all the events
held in 2014. I want to extend
special thanks to adult leaders
who volunteer their services to
our youth on a regular basis. We
pray that God will continue to
You Are Invited
to a Workshop
extend his favor and blessing
upon our efforts. As always, we
thank Pastor and Rev Kirk for
their confidence and guidance,
as well as our youth leaders and
workers for their commitment
in working with our kids. I
close with the Youth
Department’s motto: Youth
Fulfilling God’s Purpose….
And We Ain’t Play’n!
Report on Other Ministry Areas
under the Leadership of Debra
• Website: We continue to
manage the website content and
maintenance, receiving assistance from team members
Raymond Payton II, and Sherill
Davis…..I want to thank each
of them for their service. We
continue to receive positive
feedback from the site. Ministries leaders are getting the message that the website is a valuable tool for advertising ministry events and relaying other
messages. Two new ministries
were added to the website, i.e.,
The Wellness Ministry (under
the leadership of Sis. Mary
Carey) and the Pastors Aid Ministry (under the leadership of Sis
Clara Rhone). A new version
of the platform software for our
website is available; and the existing software will be unsupported. This may result in the
need to over-haul of our website
in 2015.
•Facebook Pages: New
Facebook “business” page has
been created for the church and
will be launched in January,
2015. A business page will allow Raymond and I are creating a page will allow the
church’s page to serve as a “parent page” and other pages to
link to it. This will allow us to
make pages for Segue and SOS
a subset of the church’s page.
Cosmetic modifications were
made to the SOS page to enhance it visually. Also a new
page is also being created for P31 ministry and is planned to
be launched no later than February 2015.
• Beacon: The Beacon
Newsletter continues to be a
valuable media for distributing
the news to our members. Under the leadership of Bro James
Nichols, the Beacon is printed
and prepared for mailing on a
monthly basis by a team of
members. I began coordinating the Beacon Newsletter in
December, 2012…I’ve made it
2 full years!! The Beacon is
doing very well…Auxiliaries
and staff are consistently presenting articles and other news
for publication. We’ve increased the number of pictures
we submit in support of our
articles….certainly a picture is
worth a 1000 words.
“African-Americans and End-of-Life Care”
PLACE: St. John Missionary Baptist Church,
Dr. M. L. Jemison Conference Center
Saturday, April 25, 2015
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m.
(Lunch for Workshop Participants in Fellowship Hall)
REGISTRATION: The workshop and luncheon is free but
you must register by April 12, 2015. You may call the church
office at 478-3344 to register.
Expert panelists will be featured including hospice staff members, clergy, physicians and family members who have cared for
loved ones under hospice care. This workshop is a collaborative
endeavor of the St. John Wellness Initiative and the VIP Ministry
for Seasoned Saints.
June 8-11, 2015
Page 11
The St. John Beacon
February • 2015
(“Pastor’s Pen” continued from page 1)
whelming their lives. This experience may very well be your
situation. Stop and think about
how God accepts you, how He
loves you, how He is deeply concerned about you and will meet
you right where you are and
take you just as you are. His love
does not change a bit whether
you are a failure or a success. It
does not make any difference to
Him how you appear in the eyes
of others. God loves you; He is
concerned about you and has
already received you, already
given you access to everything
you need in Jesus Christ. Begin
to rejoice in that fact. You will
find that love will set you free
so that you can live and act in
the newness of life
When you think about your
relationship to others, give heed
to these things. Have you ever
tried unqualified acceptance
with your spouse? Or, your coworker who may have personality challenges? Or, the neighbor next door who is so mean
and difficult? Have you ever
tried unqualified acceptance
with your children when they
are giving you so much trouble,
your teenagers who make you
mad every time they come in the
door? Have you ever tried unqualified acceptance with your
parents who are always on your
back and never seem to give you
a break? Have you ever tried
unqualified acceptance with
those who are difficult or demanding of you?
Everyone longs for enduring
love. Where can we go to experience this unqualified acceptance? How can we ourselves
freely give it? In Christ we can!
The Apostle Paul says, “I can
do all things through Christ who
strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13). In
Christ we find the will, the
power and the example to be the
manifestation of His steadfast
The unqualified love of God
is designed for every situation
(good, bad or otherwise) we may
encounter. There is nothing too
severe that genuine bonafide unconditional love cannot conquer.
The hymn writer put it best,
“when nothing else could help,
love lifted me”
Love You,
Great Start for
Grands Ministry
By Anthony Jackson
The initial kick
off for the Grands
Ministry has yielded
a total 40 Grand relationships (grandparent/grandchild)! The
Grand Ministry is an
ongoing ministry under the leadership of
the VIP/Seasoned
Saints ministry. All
members of St John
are eligible and encourage to participate in this
ministry. The requirements for
participation is a desire to ensure every member of St john
feels loved and cared for.
Participants volunteer to be
responsible for checking on
their grandparent or grandchild
regularly. For example, if you
see your grandparent or grandchild at church, speak to them.
If you do not see them at church,
reach out and check on them.
If you have not signed up for
the Grands Ministry or you
would like more information,
contact Anthony “Aj” Jackson
or Mae Burge.”
Page 12
The St. John Beacon
February • 2015
WMU Highlights
By Penny Emery, President
What a great start to a new
year! The WMU kicked off our
Annual Membership Drive
which will conclude on April
1st with a drawing of 5 names.
Those persons whose names are
chosen will receive a complimentary meal at the April Fellowship Luncheon to be held
Saturday, April 11th. WMU
dues are only $24/year. If you
would like to activate your
membership and join the St.
John Women’s Missionary
Union, just give your dues to
our Treasurer, Sis. Patricia
Brewer or any Circle Chairperson.
Gerchel Holbert and Penny
Emery represented St. John at
the POBSC President’s Recep-
tion hosted by State Women’s
Department President, DesJean
Jones. In that meeting, we heard
all of the wonderful plans for
this year and local WMU
President’s from around the
state shared goals, ideas, and
plans for furthering the work of
the Lord.
January 16th, we participated in the annual Daughters
of the King Conference hosted
by the East Zion Consolidated
District of the National Baptist
Convention. It was a great time
of fellowship and ministry.
Saturday, January 24th, the
WMU hosted our annual WMU
Workshop with over 50 women
and men in attendance. Special
guest, Sis. Verlene Farmer
Goatley challenged us to be
people of prayer and a session
on leadership was facilitated by
Penny Emery. Thank you for
your participation and attendance.
Our plans for the month of
February are to support the efforts of our Black History Committee. Saturday, February 7th
marks the NEW meeting time
for Circle #1, Circle #5, and
Circle #9(OHJ). These Circles
have changed from meeting on
Monday night. They will now
meet the first Saturday of every
month beginning February 7th
at 11:00am in the M.L. Jemison
Conference Center. Circle #2
will meet February 7th at
12noon in the M.L. Jemison
Conference Center and the entire WMU will gather in the
Fellowship Hall at 1:30pm to
assemble “Love Baskets” for
distribution to all of our sick &
shut-in members. If you would
like to help deliver these “Love
Baskets,” please meet us in the
Fellowship Hall at 1:30pm on
Saturday, February 7th.
The WMU Calendar of
Events for February can be obtained from any of our WMU
Chairpersons. Thank you for
your continued prayer support
and for your financial support.
We appreciate you and always
solicit your prayers.
(“Nursing Corps” continued from page 6)
Type 2 Diabetes
In the early stages of this disease it is easily ignored, but just
like smoking it affects every
major organ of your body.
People with diabetes are more
prone to the development of
plaque in their arteries than
those who do not have diabetes.
The high level of glucose causes
blood proteins to become sticky
and dysfunctional in the inner
lining of the blood arteries.
High blood glucose levels lead
to atherosclerosis. Due to the
caustic qualities of high blood
glucose the incidence of plaque
buildup breaking loose is increased. Which often leads to
heart attack and strokes.
Management – remember,
type 2 diabetes can be prevented
and eliminated. Work closely
with your doctor to create a plan
that will work for you. Healthy
eating habits as mentioned
above applies to all of us. We do
not have to have a disease con-
dition or illness to eat right, this
is part of our reasonable service.
When physical activity is added
to heathy eating, the need for
type 2 diabetes medicine will
diminish over time.
By worshipping the Lord
through healthy habits in our
daily lives, we increase our quality of life and our ability to be
more effective in ‘leading by example.’ Everything we do effects
our wellbeing, through mind,
body, and spirit. Keep this in
mind in your daily worship.
“Above all else, guard your
heart, for everything you do flows
from it.” Proverbs 4:23 ~ NIV
Figure A shows a normal
coronary artery with normal
blood flow. The inset image
shows a cross-section of a normal coronary artery. Figure B
shows a coronary artery nar-
rowed by plaque. The buildup
of plaque limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood through the ar-
tery. The inset image shows a
cross-section of the plaque-narrowed artery.
Page 13
The St. John Beacon
February • 2015
Ebony Awareness Bowl
Do You Need
A Mid-Week Lift?
St. John youth will participate in the 30th Annual Kappa Alpha Psi Ebony Awareness Bowl competition being held on Saturday, February 20th @ 1:00 p.m. @ the Tabernacle Baptist Church.
The team members this year are Anai Robinson, Rikki Adams
Please come out and cheer them on to victory.
Come join us every Wednesday at
12:00 Noon & 7p.m.
For The Study of Proverbs
St. John Missionary Baptist Church
5700 Kelley Ave. • Oklahoma City, Okla. 73111
(405) 478-3344
Pastor M.L. Jemison • Rev. Lawrence Kirk
You Tell Us ...
We Tell Them.
Piano Lessons Available for Children & Youth
By Cherryl Barnett
Does your child show an interest in learning how to play the
piano? If so, piano lessons are available for:
o Learning the fundamentals of
o Playing sacred music
o Playing classical
o Ear Training
o Piano Technique
For further information, please contact Terry Spigner, Fine Arts
Director by calling the church office at 478-3344.
Page 14
The St. John Beacon
February • 2015
St. John Youth Participate in MLK Day Silent March
Page 15
The St. John Beacon
February • 2015
St. John Youth Participate in MLK Day Silent March
The St. John Beacon
St. John Missionary Baptist Church
5700 N. Kelley Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73111
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