“New Policies Needed to Maintain Momentum of Economic Growth”


“New Policies Needed to Maintain Momentum of Economic Growth”
Twitter: @President_Post
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The President Post
IDR 20,000
February 2013
Vol. 2 No. 2
There will be no better option for this country than to rely
on our renewable energy resources for achieving our future
energy security and for our sustainable and equitable
development. – Page A6
The investment growth outside Java had been
encouraging as a result of the implementation
of the Master Plan for the Acceleration
and Expansion of Indonesian Economic
Development (MP3EI). – Page B3
Chinese custom of zuo yuezi, or “sitting the
month is based on ancient theories of Chinese
herbal medicine dividing foods into “warm”
and “cold” categories. Each food is linked to a
health benefit for new mothers. – Page C1
Renewable Energy Development
is the Way to Go
BKPM Wants More
Investment Outside Java
New Mothers Turn to
An Old Chinese Diet
Rachmat Gobel, IRES Chairman
“New Policies Needed to
Maintain Momentum of
Economic Growth”
The President Post/Rians Rivco
JAKARTA (TPP) – Professor of Economics at
University of Indonesia Anwar Nasution, in
a roundtable discussion held by President
University and the President Executive Club
at the President Lounge last month, called on
the government to revamp current monetary
and fiscal policies as a move to dampen the
adverse impact of the global crisis caused by
economic woes in the Eurozone, the U.S. and
asution noted that
Indonesia’s balance
of payment has taken a severe beating
by the economic crises that hit the three main pillars of the world’s economy.
“This effects in a negative
manner our economic growth
rate, which in turn leads to higher unemployment, higher inflation and a weaker Rupiah,” he
“The deficit in our current account is now larger as exports
have gone down, as well as remittances from our migrant
workers,” he added.
“As the Eurozone, the U.S.
and Japan face economic crises, they have scaled down imports from China and India. As
a result, the two countries have
drastically reduced importing
coal and other mining products
as well as palm oil from Indonesia,” Nasution, a former senior
official of the central bank, Bank
Indonesia, said.
Remittances from migrant
workers have also gone down as
the government last year banned
Indonesian manual labor from
seeking employment overseas
due to several cases of mistreatment, mostly in Saudi Arabia
and Malaysia.
Nasution recommended a fivepoint plan which in his view
would help the country cope better with the current situation
that analysts say will take some
time to recover.
• Easing budgetary discipline
and restructuring expenditure—Indonesia’s strict adherence to the IMF program
of capping a budget deficit of a
3% of the GDP and a debt ratio
of 27% against the state budget is laudable, he said, but it
comes at the expense of infrastructure, which is in dire
straits and leads to higher logistics costs. Nasution wants
to see more state funds for infrastructure and less subsidies for fuel and electricity,
whch he noted are being enjoyed more by high income
• Development of non-primary
commodities—Boosting manufactured goods is not only
good move in itself but also
creates jobs.
• Mobilize national savings—
This is a move to lessen dependence on the state budget deficit and foreign banks’
loans by way of Postal Saving Banks (BTP). Following
the prime examples of countries such as Japan, Singa-
Minister Armida Attends
Groundbreaking of
Jababeka’s Senior
Minister of State for National Development Planning
(Head of Bappenas), Armida S. Alisjahbana visited Jababeka industrial area on
February 6th in order to obtain input from an industrial area developer. She also
lent her support on the development of Senior Living
@D’Kahyangan, a housing
complex for elders.
According to Armida, the
Jababeka industrial area is
well known as ‘the first ecoindustry’ industrial area in
“Jababeka is an industrial
area that developed sustainable development principles
that are in line with government policy," she said.
Armida added that the
ministry deems it is necessary to take a closer look and
exchange ideas with Jababeka’s developer to gain input
for planning in related sectors.
To Bappenas, she said, the
site visit is very important as
it helps the state body to refine development plans, especially by involving all stakeholders, including business
and industry actors.
“It is possible that the government will develop similar industrial areas in another parts of Java, even outside
Java,” said Armida.
Anwar Nasution, Professor of Economics at University of Indonesia.
pore, and Taiwan, BTPs need
to be bolstered for at least
three purposes. Firstly, to mobilize savings of small savers;
secondly, to sell insurance to
low-income groups; and thirdly, to develop business logistics in the delivery of mail and
• Reject narrow sense of nationalism—By failing to take advantage of an open market in
free trade agreements or com-
pete in the global market, Indonesia has shown a tendency to erect barriers on the
foreign presence. In reality,
for example, foreign banks
here have made the country’s banking business better and more efficient, Naution said.
• Build reliable government institutions—Nasution calls for
institutions that guarantee
legal certainty as the curent
legal system is flawed. The deployment of thugs as debt collectors reflect rampant legal
uncertainty here, he said.
The two-hour discussion was
attended by top CEOs, among
others Sukamdani S. Gitodardjono of Sahid Group, SD Darmono of Jababeka, Jos Kamdandi of Datascript and Brian
Yaputra of Eztu Glass, academics and the media.
In addition, said Armida, the
purpose of the visit is to make
notes of the industry’s expectations of government policies over
the coming years.
“Hopefully, through this visit
we will develop a conducive communication so things that have
been considered as bottlenecks
can be identified by each party
in order to find the solution,” she
In the visit, Minister Armida
launched the groundbreaking
of Senior Living@D’Kahyangan.
Armida said, “The private sector should not only seize business opportunities but also try to
maintain idealism by providing
best services to senior citizens by
way of integrating housing development with the supporting infrastructure.”
President Director of Jababeka
SD Darmono said, “We are the pioneer in building senior housing
with 24-hour health facility so elders can enjoy their old age.”
Darmono added that senior
citizens are often overlooked.
“They are often regarded as a
useless bunch. In fact, they are
actually really rich in experiences and knowledge and as such
they should get preferential treatment,” he said.
Senior Living@D'Khayangan
occupies an area of eight hectares in the early stages of the
overall total area of 24 hectares
at the end of the plan. The project
features 280 units of Senior
Care (41 square meters)
and 102 units of Senior
Village (120 square meters and 180 square
meters). Prices per unit
vary but begin at Rp
430 million.
Armida S. Alisjahbana,
Minister of State for National
Development Planning
(Head of Bappenas)
ILO: Labor, Employer Win Together or Lose Together
The President Post/Rians Rivco
As the country faces what
seems to be interminable labor
relations in this country, marked
by turmoils not only between labor and employers but among labors themselves, Peter van Rooij,
Country Director of the International Labor Organization (ILO),
said that the roots of the labor
problem here is productivity and
“Indonesian labors still need
more vocational training and
skill development in order to
maximize gtheir productivity”,
he said.
The level of education of most
labors in Indonesia is still low,
which means they are lacking
in knowledge, especially science
and technology. Low level of science and technology is the cause
of minimum level of productivity
and has direct impact on quality
of goods and services they produce.
If productivity is achieved or,
even better, exceeds the target,
obviously, employers will not
hesitate to invest more on capital
and labor’s salary.
Peter added that there is a
view that the relationship between labor and employer is like
a soccer game: if one team wins,
then the other one loses. "I think
there is a problem with this assumption. Labor and employer
relations should win together or
lose together," said Peter.
Therefore, continued Peter, it
is necessary to have a real social
dialogue between labor and employers in order to reach a common interest and not to harm
each other. "In such a challenging situation, if both sides can
sit together to talk and listen,
they will be able to find common
grounds to solve problems," explains Peter.
Peter also encouraged the
government and all parties involved to stay focus. “What kind
of economy do you want to be?
What kind of labor relations do
you want to have? What kind of
companies do you want to have?
What kind of investments do you
want to attract?" said Peter.
“With a clear focus it will be
easier to formulate the best policy for the country. Moreover, In-
donesia will hold presidential
election that will have a direct
impact on investment,” he added.
He said that it is natural that
nowadays everything is being
politicized before the election.
"So I predict the road ahead will
be bumpy. In the near future investment in Indonesia will face
cloudy days but still remain
bright and shiny,” Peter concluded.
APINDO Chairman Sofjan Wanandi
Peter van Rooij, Country Director of the International Labor Organization (ILO), said
that the roots of the labor problem here is productivity and education.
Hopefully, the next
government will not
have to face the same
process and will have
better coordination
and a better team so
that our economic
growth could go above
On the same occasion, the
chairman of the Indonesian Employers’ Association (APINDO),
Sofjan Wanandi, said that “we
have to pay for being a democratic country.”
"Now labor thinks they can get
what they want through demonstrations because by way of negotiations they can’t get what
they want. This is the only way
they can put pressure on the
government,” said Sofjan.
According to him, the government is unfair to employers and
he hopes Law No. 13/2003 on
Labor will be revised as he says
it is detrimental to employers.
He emphasized that “the minimum wage rise is already a fact.
Big companies or small companies should pay more. But it is
not fair as small- and mediumsize enterprises and labor- intensive industries cannot afford
to do that.”
Furthermore, Sofjan said
"some companies have reported they will move to other areas
that offer cheaper labor. Some of
them will even close down and
leave Indonesia."
He is also said worried that
some companies are now looking
to use more machines than people. “So where will be the jobs?
With massive labor resources
that we have, we need huge job
opportunities,” he said.
However Sofyan sees all that
is happening now is a learning
process for this country. "Hopefully, the next government will
not have to face the same process and will have better coordination and a better team so that
our economic growth could go
above 8-9%,” Sofjan concluded.
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
The Importance of the Service Economy
deal of opportunities, including
transportation and communcations, business and finance,
construction and environmental
services, education and health,
tourism and travel.
It should also be noted that a
large part of FDI (foreign direct
investment) inflow into ASEAN now goes to the service sector. This will give Indonesia the
opportunity to accelerate the
growth of the service sectors to
underpin every part of the production process to develop many
areas of tourism and travel, to
expand to several regions of
the country, to bolster also the
growth and development of creative industries in the outer regions of the country.
By Atmono Suryo
Asia has the potential to increase the services sectors, and
WTO suggests that greater emphasis be given by Asian countries to the growth of the service
sector. ADB also predicts that
Asia will look even more to services to create jobs for the millions who join the workforce every year.
Aside from Europe and North
America, Asia seems to be the
next group of countries which
have the potential to boost the
service sectors to a significant
ASEAN Exports and Imports of Services
Source: WTO Secretariat, ASEAN Secretariat's calculations
degree. Singapore, India, South
Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia and
Thailand are well on their way to
further develop their service sectors. It is now up to countries like
Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Myanmar to follow the
lead of Singapore, a small country which has become the largest exporting country of services in Asia.
Developments in ASEAN
pore, Malaysia and Thailand
are the pace-setters, followed at
a slower pace by Indonesia and
Among the countries in ASEAN, Indonesia’s service sector is
lagging behind, especially in the
area of exports of services.
Looking into the WTO classification, the service sectors cover
a very wide area and offer a great
According to ASEAN Secretariat data, services takes up
45.9% of total ASEAN GDP in
2009 amounting to $343 billion.
It was only 38.6% in 2002 and
the trend went up reaching the
45% mark. On average an ASEAN country generates about 4050% of its GDP from the service
sectors. Within ASEAN Singa-
Actually the
development of the
service sectors does
not always require
huge amount of
capital but it would
require well-trained
people and expertise
in their specialized
fields. It is an area of
special importance for
Medium Enterprises
and the growing
Middle Class society of
Actually the development of
the service sectors does not always require huge amount of
capital but it would require welltrained people and expertise in
their specialized fields. It is an
area of special importance for
Medium Enterprises and the
growing Middle Class society of
In conclusion, it is of strategic
importance for Indonesia to spur
the development of the services sectors. To sustain high economic growth, expand job creation, improve competitiveness
and spur innovation urgently
needed by Indonesia.
TO (World Trade
Organization) Director
Pascal Lamy in
his speech in Beijing May 2012 stressed that the
global economy is being transformed at an unprecedented
speed. At the heart of that transformation is the service economy.
Globalization would not have
been possible without improvements in information and communications technology. Services underpin every part of the
production process: from research and development to design, engineering, financing,
transportation, distribution and
US$ Billion
Aside from Europe
and North America,
Asia seems to be
the next group of
countries which have
the potential to boost
the service sectors to
a significant degree.
The writer is former ambassador
to the EU.
Will Molinas Soon Enter the Market?
The biggest problem
in moving to that
stage is not how to
get the technology
or how to prepare
the infrastructure or
after sales service,
but to make the
right business model
and to establish
cooperation with
component suppliers.
By Suyoto Rais
tate Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan
was lucky to survive
a terrible crash when
he conducted a test
drive on the Tuxuci electric car
prototype in Magetan on 5 January. Luckily, the accident didn't
discourage him from continuing developing the national electric car (molinas). Dahlan also
set the month of May as the date
to launch the molinas in line
with President SBY's instruction
(Kompas, 8/1). But with all of his
optimism, is the molinas project
really going to move to the mass
production level?
The biggest problem in moving to that stage is not how to
get the technology or how to prepare the infrastructure or after
sales service, but to make the
right business model and to establish cooperation with component suppliers.
Business model
The business model includes
sales target, marketing strategy, production plan and optimalization of all assets so that
the company can make profit under whatever condition. A
good business model also needs
to be coupled with ROI (return
on investment) and strength
and weakness (SWOT) analysis
as part of the management risk
The business model adopted
by Reva Electric Vehicles is quite
interesting to examine. The company had from the very beginning targeted city people in 24
countries as consumers due to
the small Indian market. They
also set a low production capacity at only 1000 units/year and
has to date only sold around
4500 units (http://www.mahindrareva.com). Nevertheless, the
company was still able to make
profits because it could cut production cost by purchasing
components and assembling
them at countries where the
cars are sold (Takanori, 2010).
business model, car producers will not be able to survive for
panies. There are also Tier-2,
Tier-3 and so on with around
20,000 companies. In South Korea, China, India and Malaysia,
the conditions are quite similar.
Although the number of suppliers are not as many as in Japan,
they are developing cooperation and developing their component industry in line with the
launching of their national cars.
Without all that, the car project
is bound to face SQCD (safety,
quality, cost, delivery) problems
and could potentially violate intellectual property rights for
mass producing them.
Component suppliers
Another important factor to
take into account before going
into mass production is to establish a mutually beneficial cooperation with component suppliers. Information gathered by
the author showed that electric
cars comprised 12 thousand to
18 thousand components. These
components are supplied by
more than 100 suppliers for every model. Components that establish a car's performance and
design are usually dedicated
only to a certain model.
Meanwhile, Nissan has sold
about 50 thousand units of Leaf
since its launch at the end of
2010. Since the beginnning it
had targeted the Japanese, US
and European markets which
demanded noiseless but fast
electric cars or almost the same
as conventional cars. Mitsubishi, Toyota, Honda, GM, BMW,
Ford and others also have their
own business model to enter
and to compete in the electric
car market. Without the right
Mitsubishi, Toyota,
Honda, GM, BMW,
Ford and others
also have their own
business model to
enter and to compete
in the electric car
market. Without the
right business model,
car producers will not
be able to survive for
Hopefully, the developers of
the national car in Indonesia
have taken all the points mentioned above into consideration.
Japan, which has nine car
producers, has component suppliers that are categorized as
Tier-1 (supplies go straight to car
producers) of around 400 com-
The writer is an analyst
on Indonesia's national car
The President Post
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CEO & EDITOR IN CHIEF: Rachmat Wirasena Suryo I CONTRIBUTORS: Atmono Suryo; Jeannifer Filly Sumayku;
Andri Marsetianto; Suyoto Rais; Paulus Khierawan; Hendra Manurung; Iqbal Alaik; Majalah RESPECTS
REPORTER & PHOTOGRAPHER: Rians Rivco; Heros Barasakti I CIRCULATION: Seny Rosgandasari
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PUBLISHED BY: PT Kawasan Industri Jababeka. Menara Batavia 25th Floor
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Printed by: PT Dian Rakyat
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Investment in Indonesian
Mines Remains Attractive
The efforts to attract
foreign investors in
the mining sector
must be supported
by good governance,
a stable economic
system, and political
and legal certainty.
Multiplier effects
of the mining
industry include
the development of
basic infrastructure,
increase in regional
revenue, job
opportunities, and
improvement of
employment skills,
development of
supporting activities,
and community
development in
cooperation with the
regional government.
ndonesia continues to be
a significant player in the
global mining industry.
Geologically, Indonesia is
a potential region for the
formation of various energy and
mineral resources. Exploration
activities that have been carried out since 1800’s up to the
present time, have successfully uncovered these resources in
numerous areas. Among these
various resources, oil, gas, coal,
coal, tin, nickel, copper, and gold
have so far given important contribution to the Indonesian economy. The country also produces
significant quantities of bauxite,
phosphates and iron sand, and
has the potential for alluvial diamond production. The majority of Indonesian territory has not
been explored thoroughly, and
therefore the chance to discover new economical energy and
mineral deposit is likely to be
The efforts to attract foreign
investors in the mining sector
must be supported by good governance, a stable economic system, and political and legal certainty. Multiplier effects of the
mining industry include the development of basic infrastructure, increase in regional revenue, job opportunities, and
improvement of employment
skills, development of supporting activities, and community
development in cooperation with
the regional government.
Mining production growth is
relatively high. At the last ten
years the average growth pro-
ment and development. It is expected that Indonesian mine
production will continue to increase, as existing mines maximize their operations.
Foreign mining companies have become valuable strategic partners for Indonesia’s mining industry. In addition to equity, financing
and investment, foreign miners bring a combination of new technology, global marketing advantages and experience from other
significant mining regions around the world.
duction are coal 15%, copper
15%, gold 15%, nickel 9% and
tin 7.5%. Export demand relatively higher than domestic demand. For instance, export demand to total production are
coal 75%, tin 87.5%, gold 87.5%,
silver 80%, tin 96.5% and nickel 100%. Within the year 20072015 domestic coal demand will
increase significantly, mainly
due to the crash program of coal
power plant development.
Foreign mining companies
have become valuable strategic
partners for Indonesia’s mining
industry. In addition to equity, financing and investment, foreign
miners bring a combination of
new technology, global marketing advantages and experience
from other significant mining regions around the world. Over the
five year period, foreign shareholders have contributed a significant portion of the financing requirements for Indonesian
mining projects, and represent a
large proportion of new invest-
According to a report by Market Research, recent changes to
Indonesia's mining code have no
doubt reduced the overall level
of attractiveness for investment
in the country. While there is a
possibility for further reforms,
especially in the run-up to the
2014 general election, it believes
the worst is behind and does not
expect significant policy changes in the near term. Although
rhetoric against foreign miners could step up, it believes a
moderation in the government's
stance is more likely to happen
owing to two reasons. The below consensus forecasts for base
metals prices does not bode well
for domestic miners in Indonesia. They forecast metal prices
to head broadly lower over the
course of 2012 and 2013 and
believe the government may reconsider measures in a period of
lower prices and profits for the
mining sector. The paramount
importance of the mining sector, which constitutes 12% of Indonesia's GDP, further reinforces
the conviction that policies that
would jeopardize growth in the
mineral sector will not be implemented.
Overall, they forecast Indonesia's mining industry value
to reach $135bn by 2017, growing at an annual average rate of
6.9% from 2011 levels. This will
mark a drastic slowdown from
the 2006-2011 period, during
which growth averaged 19.6%
per annum. Nevertheless, Indonesia will remain a dominant
mineral exporter in the region
and retain its status as the largest thermal coal and tin exporter
in the world.
Two new mining bills were
signed into law during Q112
that give more clarity to previous statements by the Indonesian government. First, actual threshold specifications for
raw material exports have now
been revealed through the passing of Law No. 7 of 2012. Second,
a new law was also passed that
will require foreign investors to
divest at least 51% of their ownership in Indonesian mining assets 10 years after initial production. The key risk for these two
rulings is whether they will be
applied retroactively or partially to existing contracts. Another
risk is that thermal coal exports
have been left alone so far and
have the risk of additional taxes
in the future.
Despite additional regulations,
the country's geological resources and geographical location
continue to make it an attractive destination for investment.
In South East Asia, Indonesia remains the top location for
new mining projects, followed by
the Philippines and Vietnam. A
large number of these are green
field and brown field exploration
projects for coal and copper-gold
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
The 2nd Annual
Indonesia Mining 2013
The conference will
provide the upto-date insights
from an expert
line-up of industry
practitioners on how
they are strategizing
to meet current
regulatory & on-theground operational
constraints, review
potential partnership
areas to manage
ongoing risk, identify
available long term
opportunities while
striving towards
ensuring the security
of investments in
Indonesia's mining
He has experience in conducting supply-demand analysis for a wide range of feasibility
studies & due diligence reports
particularly for iron ore, zircon/
rutile/ilmenite, kaolin, graphite as well as many other minerals & metals. Mr. Lines has
gained experience with high
purity quartz for uses such as
crucibles and solar panel materials.
lariden Global is
pleased to present
the 2nd Annual Indonesia Mining 2013
conference as a key
platform for mining industry
stakeholders to work towards
managing critical regulatory and operational constraints
into 2013, identifying available
long term opportunities as well
as improving security of investments amidst this period of uncertainty.
The 2nd Annual Indonesia
Mining 2013 Conference will
take place in Bali, Indonesia on
February 25th, 2013.
The conference will provide
the up-to-date insights from an
expert line-up of industry practitioners on how they are strategizing to meet current regulatory &
on-the-ground operational constraints, review potential partnership areas to manage ongoing risk, identify available long
term opportunities while striving towards ensuring the security of investments in Indonesia's
mining industry.
The conference will be chaired
by David Rimbo and Murray
Lines. David Rimbo has been involved in many transactionalbased Due Diligence, M&A and
Financial Advisory roles involving transactions and assets in
the primary energy and downstream energy sectors. He has
led various due diligence and
lead advisory assignments relating to numerous O&G PSC and
TAC assets, domestically and
overseas, as well as coal mining (CCOW, PKP2B, IUP) companies. Selected clients in the
ECU (Energy, Chemical & Utilities) sector include: Pertamina,
Shell, APEC, China Senangol,
SK Energy, LG International, Essar Minerals, PVC Coal, Sumitomo, Kepco, EMCO, Peabody, PTT
Plc, Antam.
Meanwhile, Murray Lines is
the Founding Director of Stratum
Group, an independent minerals consultancy providing information, supply demand analysis
& advice on policy developments
for the mining industry. Stratum Specializes in the Asian region which accounts for around
80% of the projects during the
past 16 years.
He has been responsible for
conducting feasibility studies &
providing consultancy services on various minerals & metals
such as iron ores, thermal and
metallurgical coal, paper raw
materials, mineral sands, titanium dioxide and other minerals
and metals operations throughout Australia & Asia.
He has extensive experience
with many minerals and metals
including iron ores (both hematite & magnetite), rare-earths,
kaolin, halloysite lithium compounds, magnesia, bentonite,
silica, talc, zinc oxide, titanium
dioxide, fumed silica, precipitated silica, colloidal silica, silica
gel & silica fume. He is also involved with thermal coal exports
around Asia region.
Other than the two prominent chairpersons, the conference brings up global speakers
from mining and exploration
companies as well as banking and investment companies, among others, Bambang
Setiawan, President Commisioner PT Meares Soputan Mining; Tony Wenas, Executive
General Manager - Indonesia
Intrepid Mines; Nico Kanter,
President Director & CEO PT
Vale Indonesia Tbk.; Ilham A
Habibie, President Director PT
Rekatama; Rozik B Soetjipto, President Director PT Freeport Indonesia; Wisnu Susetyo, General Manager, Quality,
Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) PT Adaro Energy
Tbk and Chairman of Environmental Committee Indonesia
Mining Association (API-IMA);
Patrick Hanna, Executive Director Cokal Limited; Julian
Ford, Managing Director Sumatra Copper & Gold Plc; Jeffrey Mulyono, President Director PT Pesona Khatulistiwa
Nusantara; and Tato Miraza, Director - Development PT
Antam (Persero) Tbk.
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Laws & Regulation
CSR Programs Ought to be Integrated
With Government Schemes
Regional governments
should be able to
make a grand design
for CSR programs
for their respective
regions that could
serve as a reference
for companies to hold
a CSR program. With
this grand design,
companies will have
guidance on the types
of CSR activities that
could bring a wide
impact. The CSR
programs should be
coordinated so that
they can support one
ILUSTRASI: www.effervescent.in
if all companies build a school
for their CSR activities but the
roads that head to the schools
are in poor condition or the
number of students in those areas are only a few. Wouldn’t that
be ineffective?
By Paulus Khierawan
he intention to set up
a company is to make
profits. But in practice companies are
required to take the
responsibility over the environmental changes that they created. That’s why it’s important to
know about the Corporate Social
Responsibility concept and to
socialize it to entrepreneurs and
the public in general. Actually,
CSR cannot be separated from
business ethics in which companies have the moral responsibility towards their employees,
surrounding communities and
In Indonesia, CSR is regulated under Article 74 of Law No.
40/ 2007 about limited companies (UUPT). This article stated
that the social and environmental responsibility is aimed to create a sustainable economic development which is intended to
improve the living and environmental quality that would benefit local communities, the public in general and the company
itself as the company builds a
harmonious, balanced relationship in accordance with local
values, norms and culture. But
based on the regulation, only
companies in the natural resources sector are required to
conduct CSR programs. Regardless of the pros and cons about
the CSR obligation, in reality
many companies that aren’t required to conduct it actually hold
CSR cannot be separated
from business ethics in
which companies have
the moral responsibility
towards their employees,
surrounding communities
and environment.
CSR programs. This is because
they feel that CSR programs
could bring many benefits both
directly or indirectly, such as
tax incentives, minimized social
conflicts, and improve the company’s public image.
However, there is one important point in the CSR program which is “the form of the
CSR program itself”. Nowadays,
many companies want to hold
CSR programs but are not of
what activities they wanted to
hold. Eventually CSR programs
come in various forms especially
since not many companies have
a CSR team in their organizational structure.
This is unfortunate because
CSR programs are actually potential to support the government’s programs. Therefore,
companies need to make a grand
design needed for their CSR programs so that they could make
a significant impact. Imagine
That’s exactly what’s happening right now. Regional governments should be able to make a
grand design for CSR programs
for their respective regions that
could serve as a reference for
companies to hold a CSR program. With this grand design,
companies will have guidance
on the types of CSR activities
that could bring a wide impact.
The CSR programs should be
coordinated so that they can
support one another. For instance, building a school to
support the education system,
building a community health
center to support the health
sector, building a road to support the infrastructure sector,
reforestation to support the environment.
In the grand design, the government can determine which
sectors that can be included in
the CSR programs and which
areas that needed them the
most. State-owned enterprises
and regional-owned enterprises, which are required to conduct CSR programs, can start
implementing this policy. CSR
programs can play a major role
in improving the people’s welfare if their CSR programs are
integrated with the government’s programs.
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Renewable Energy Development
is the Way to Go
IRES has been consistently urging the government to gradually eliminate fossil fuels subsidies
and use part of the money for renewable energy and low carbon infrastructure development, but
little has been happening in this area, as the government seems to have fallen into a political
quagmire held ‘hostage’ by its own political allies.
Despite the increasing size of
the ‘middle class’ that seems to
have helped the economy grow,
there is a rapidly growing gap
between the rich and super-rich
in the country and the vast majority of low level income people,
the farmers, fishermen, workers who have to fight hard to get
their minimum wage approved
by the government and agreed
by their employers, as well as the
energies have gained a strategic
spot in the country’s legislation
through the Energy Law, the
Geothermal Law, the Electricity Law, and the establishment of
a government body dealing with
renewables and energy conservations – the DG-EBTKE – but
there still appears to be no guarantee for the development to take
place as we, the renewable energy proponents, have expected.
Much has still to be done to ensure that the development continues to get the necessary support from the government and
from society in general. Fortunately, innovations and industries have made enormous progress in making renewables like
solar and wind more and more
competitive against fossil-based
IRES (Indonesia Renewable
Energy Society) has been consistently urging the government
to gradually eliminate fossil fuels subsidies and use part of the
money for renewable energy and
low carbon infrastructure development, but little has been happening in this area, as the government seems to have fallen
into a political quagmire held
‘hostage’ by its own political allies.
But this situation can no longer be tolerated without having a
severe impact on our future economic resilience.
people working in the ‘informal
Meanwhile, almost 30% of our
GDP (over $110 billion in 2012)
is spent to subsidize fossil fuels,
which increasingly handicaps
the government in trying to build
the strategic infrastructure required for conducting sustainable and equitable development
for all people. You need only
On the other hand, we have to
admit that fossil energy resources will still be needed to meet the
growing demand for energy for
Indonesia’s development and in
the global context for many decades ahead. But undoubtedly these resources are depleting, and we will eventually run
into a serious energy crisis if we
do prepare ourselves for the time
that these resources will become
really scarce and therefore extremely expensive.
In the more than a decade that
IRES has been promoting the development of renewable energy to
reduce our dependence on fossil
energy and steering public policy toward supporting such development, some strategic progress has been made. Renewable
IRES is also concerned about
what we consider the excessive
exports of our precious energy
resources, because by doing this
we tend to neglect the energy
needs of our own future generations and our own energy security. The government has to seriously take the necessary actions
to reduce, if not entirely stop, exporting these resources especially our oil and natural gas, and at
some point our coal, while at the
same time increasing the pace
of the development of renewable
energy which this country has in
abundance. With almost 30GW
geothermal, 80GW hydro and
enormous potentials of other renewable energy resources like
solar and bio-energy, Indonesia
could be the envy of the world.
But sadly the fact is that overall,
we currently lag behind other
countries in taking advantage of
these resources. We need to seriously improve this current situation if we are not going to be
overwhelmed by other countries
within the increasingly ‘integrated’ world economy.
So, there will be no better option for this country than to rely
on our renewable energy resources for achieving our future
energy security and for our sustainable and equitable development.
Indonesia’s First Magazine
Dedicated to Clean And Renewable Energy
In 2011, a collaboration between the German Marshall Fund, the World Resources Institute (WRI)
and the German Heinrich Boll Stiftung published a work-paper report on the need for ‘smart’
renewable energy policies in developing countries. The report is a survey of findings from research
conducted in 12 developing countries including Indonesia. Their findings show that a bottom-up
approach is needed to ensure the effectiveness of policy for making renewable energy meet its
strategic roles in the countries’ search for sustainable development, and that sharing international
experience could improve the chances of success in renewable energy development on the
department: solar energy
German Experience and Indonesia’s Potential
The renewable energy sector in Indonesia is currently undergoing a considerable development.
New and improved legislation for the sector is in progress and Indonesian as well as international
companies see the country as a promising future market for renewable energy applications.
The international exchange of experience between experts and pracitioners could help identify
remaining barriers and caveats to get speedier development.
Is It Time to Have Green Development Banks in Indonesia?
Having dedicated financial institutions for green business could help encourage renewable energy
developments, because according to recent market analysis, financial innovation is the real key to
scale-up the market demand, which in return will boost industry growth.
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For further information:
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nesia ... RM15
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of W
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This is made to appear as the
government’ ‘genuine’ obligation to keep the dynamic economy going, but it isn’t going very
well according to the commonly used measure for a country’s economic development, the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Indonesia has been praised by
the international community
for its economic performance
as it has chalked up an average 5-6% GDP growth during
the last five years. But does this
multi-year growth performance
benefit the common people?
You don’t need to be an economist to find out that it doesn’t.
look at the daily traffic in Jakarta and other big cities to figure
out how much money is burnt
and wasted evey minute the traffic is jammed on the roads. The
costs of such road congestion
does not even include the social and environmental burdens
such as health costs, air pollution and other ‘opportunity losses’ caused by the congestion.
: 20
By Rachmat Gobel
Indonesia Renewable Energy Society
(IRES) Chairman
National Economy has always
been very much influenced by, and is vulnerable to, the global price
volatility of fossil fuels. We have
experienced crises of varying
sizes almost automatically every time there is a radical price
hike for oil in the global market,
especially since this country
has become a net importer of
oil fuel. This vulnerability is increasing every year, as we learn
every day from the media, how
billions of US dollars are spent
by the government to keep people moving from one place to
Au apore
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Jalan RC Veteran No. 29 B, Bintaro, Jakarta
Selatan 12320
Phone / Fax: +6221 - 7342253
Email: [email protected]
Website: http//www.respectsmagazine.com
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Indonesia-Taiwan Relations
Grow Significantly
The latest progress is the signing on Dec.
4 of a Taiwan-Indonesia memorandum
of understanding on a plan to jointly
develop Morotai Island, one of Indonesia's
northernmost islands.
ilateral relation between
and Taiwan is increasing substantially in many areas
though the two countries have
no diplomatic ties due to Indonesia’s One-China Policy.
According to KDEI (Indonesian Economic and Trade Office) in Taiwan, the trade value
between Indonesia and Taiwan
in the period of 2007 to 2011
grew, on an annual average, by
6.62%. However KDEI expects
that the trade value between
Indonesia and Taiwan in 2012
will be at least equal to the position in 2011, which is $12.27
As of October 2012, Taiwan’s
import from Indonesia reached
$6.30 billion, up by 1.49% compared to the same period in
2011. Meanwhile, Taiwan's export value of Indonesia as of October 2012 reached $6.23 billion, up by 1.49% compared to
the same period in 2011.
It means that Indonesia is still
surplus in the period of January-October 2012, but when
compared to the same period in
2011, surplus for Indonesia decreased by 6.78%. This is due to
the increase of Indonesia’s capital goods import from Taiwan.
In terms of investment, the
realization of Taiwan’s investment in 2007-2012 showed an
encouraging development, and
reached the highest record in
2012. Taiwan’s foreign direct investment is ranked 13th in Indonesia. Quoting Commonwealth
Magazine, published in Taiwan,
Indonesia is one of the world's
fastest growing emerging markets and the place where Taiwan's high-tech companies are
looking to drive future growth.
A survey conducted by the magazine also said that Indonesia is
the second hot spot for investors
from Taiwan.
The largest sector of Taiwan’s
investment in Indonesia in the
period of 2007-2011 is paper industries, paper products and
printing with a value of $361.8
million (9 projects), followed by
basic metal industries, metal
goods, machinery and electronics with a value of $44.2 million
(43 projects), non-metallic minerals industries with a value of
$43.1 million (7 projects), rubber industries, rubber and plastic goods with a value of $27 million (18 projects) and the textile
industries with a value of $25.9
million (22 projects).
The major locations of Tai-
In addition, there was an MOU
signed by Sekolah Tinggi Menengah Industri with Taiwan
universities, among others NTUST, in terms of industrial technology exchange and human resource development.
KDEI Chief Ahmad Syafri. According to KDEI (Indonesian Economic and Trade Office)
in Taiwan, the trade value between Indonesia and Taiwan in the period of 2007 to 2011
grew, on an annual average, by 6.62%.
Indonesia and Taiwan are planning to make Morotai as
a special area with international air and sea ports. Thus,
Morotai will be the central area of logistics.
wan’s investment in the period
of 2007-2011 were Banten with a
value of $295.2 million (46 projects), West Java with a value of
$113.5 million (79 projects), East
Java with a value of $57.8 million (42 projects), North Sumatra
with a value of $53.6 million (10
projects), and Riau with a value
of $47.4 million (3 projects).
In the field of industry, with
the strength of Taiwan's industrial development, KDEI collaborates with the Ministry of Industry to increase investment/joint
venture of Taiwan’s manufac-
turing industry to Indonesia in
main sectors such as ICT industry and metal and machinery
industries, especially in capital
goods industries such as CNC
machinery industry, and textile/
garment machinery industry.
KDEI has done several attempts to enhance Taiwan’s investment in manufacturing
industry in Indonesia. For instance, KDEI held the investment tour for TEEMA (Taiwan
Electrical and Electronic Manufacturing Association) to Indonesia.
In tourism, Taiwan’s tourists
visit to Indonesia from year to
year continues to increase. Indonesia is the Taiwanese’s 8th most
favorite tourism destination in
Asia and ranks 3rd among ASEAN countries after Thailand and
On the subject of employment,
by the end of 2012 the numbers
of Indonesian workers in Taiwan
is 189,494 people, or 43% of the
total foreign workers working in
The latest progress is the signing on Dec. 4 of a Taiwan-Indonesia memorandum of understanding on a plan to jointly
develop Morotai Island, one of Indonesia's northernmost islands.
Indonesia and Taiwan are
planning to make Morotai as a
special area with international air and sea ports. Thus, Morotai will be the central area of
With the MoU, the government of both countries expect
the Morotai Development Project will soon be realized through
the establishment of the Steering
Committee, followed by a Focus
Group Discussion (FGD) involving various parties, including
the private sector, to formulate
in detail the steps and priority
actions to be carried out.
Venezuela Committed to
Strengthen Partnership
with Indonesia
Indonesian Ambassador
to Venezuela Prianti Gagarin
Djatmiko met with Venezuelan Deputy Minister for AsiaPacific and Oceania David
Nivel Velasquez in his office
in Caracas last month. During the meeting, the Ambassador and Deputy Minister
David discussed a number
of bilateral issues and both
countries’ commitment to
increase the partnership between Venezuela and Indonesia.
At bilateral level, Deputy Minister David cited the
implementation of the Third
High Level Joint Commission (HLJC), which would
take place in Venezuela in
In addition, they also discussed Indonesia’s plan to
host the meetings by FEALAC and WTO and a series
of APEC meetings and petition of support for the nomination of Dr. Mari Pangestu as the Director General of
With regard to ASEAN, the
Venezuelan Deputy Minister also discussed the agreement on ASEAN Committee
in Caracas (ACC) and the
prospect of organizing a dialogue between ASEAN and
In turn, Ambassador Prianti said that the trade cooperation between RI and Venezuela has developed quite
“The fact can be seen from
the success of seven Venezuelan businesses who managed to book a transaction
worth around $26 million
or the seventh biggest transaction made by participants
of the Trade Expo Indonesia
that took place in October
2012,” explained Ambassador Prianti.
Prianti Gagarin Djatmiko
Indonesian Ambassador to Venezuela
The fact can be seen
from the success of
seven Venezuelan
businesses who
managed to book a
transaction worth
around $26 million
or the seventh biggest
transaction made by
participants of the Trade
Expo Indonesia that
took place in October
The Indonesian Ambassador also extended an invitation
to Venezuela to attend a training program for diplomatic officials by taking part in the International Mid-Career Diplomatic
Course organized by the Centre for Education and Training of
the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On the same occasion, the Indonesian Ambassador also congratulated the appointment of
Elias Jaua (the former Venezuelan Vice President) as Foreign
Minister replacing Nicolas Maduro, who currently holds the
position as Vice President of Venezuela.
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
The President Post/Rians Rivco
General Da'i Bachtiar Receives
Adjunct Professorship Award from
Australia’s Edith Cowan University
General Bachtiar’s past role as Chief of the Indonesian
National Police was instrumental in establishing police
cooperation between the two countries.
Bachtiar, President of
the Indonesia Crime
Prevention Foundation
and former Chief of the Indonesian National Police, received
an Adjunct Professorship from
Edith Cowan University in Western Australia.
The award which was presented by Professor Kerry Cox, the
Vice-Chancellor of Edith Cowan University, in recognition for
General Bachtiar’s contribution
to combating global crimes, particularly in the areas of terror-
Ohio University to Collaborate
with President University
Two representatives of Ohio
University, Prof. J. Michael Geringer and Katy Goring, visited
President University to discuss
the possibility to collaborate in
Cross Culture Immersion Program (CLIP) or also known as
Strategic Consulting. The program will be organized for a period of 6 to 10 weeks involving
several groups of students, each
consists of 4 to 6 members (a mix
of American and local students)
with diverse backgrounds. The
program aims to introduce the
participants in real working environment abroad and seeks to
develop a project based-team
which is expected to give solutions towards some of the real
problems occurred in the companies.
Through this collaboration, it
is expected that President University will gain prominence in
the US market.
Also attending the meeting
were Dr. Chandra Setiawan,
MM., Ph.D, the Rector of President University; T. Manivasugen, MBA, the Vice Rector
III; Jhanghiz Syahrivar, SE.,
MM., the Head of Public Relations Division; John Mewburn,
MA.TESOL., the Head of International Collaborations Office;
and Lina Rosmawati from PresUniv Internship Career Center.
ism, drug and human trafficking.
Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Greg Moriarty who attended the Award Ceremony, explained that General Bachtiar’s
past role as Chief of the Indonesian National Police was instrumental in establishing police cooperation between the two
“This successful partnership
between our police laid the practical foundation for cooperation
between Australian and Indonesian authorities to investigate
several major terrorist attacks
in Indonesia,” said Ambassador
Moriarty. He went on to say that
“General Bachtiar’s successes in many ways reflect the story of the strong security relationship between our two countries
In 2003 the Australian Government recognized General
Bachtiar’s service to Australia
– specifically his role in establishing a joint investigation taskforce following the Bali bombing
in 2002 – by awarding him an
Honorary Officer of the Order of
Prof. J. Michael Geringer from Ohio University (left) and Dr. Chandra Setiawan, MM.,
Ph.D, the Rector of President University.
The EducationUSA Fair is an annual advising activity coordinated by AMINEF/
EducationUSA that provides accurate and impartial information on studying in
the United States by facilitating direct interaction between students and university
EducationUSA Fair Spring 2013
EducationUSA, in partnership with 24 prominent
US educational institutions,
launched the Spring 2013
EducationUSA Fair: a nationwide education road
show for Indonesian students covering five major cities in Indonesia.
The EducationUSA Fair
is an annual advising activity coordinated by AMINEF/
EducationUSA that provides
accurate and impartial information on studying in
the United States by facilitating direct interaction between students and university representatives. This
Fair also enhanced students’
exposure to the thousands
of possibilities of majors, programs, scholarships and assistantship opportunities available
at U.S. academic institutions.
This year’s fair include the
workshops that began at JW
Marriot Hotel in Medan (February 1), Le Meridien Hotel in Jakarta (February 3), Shangri-La
Hotel in Surabaya (February 6),
Sanur Paradise Hotel in Denpasar (February 8), and Sam
Ratulangi University Auditorium in Manado (February 11).
Attendees will be able to meet
university representatives or follow activities through EducationUSA’s website www.educationusa.or.id and social media
channels, including Facebook,
Skype, and Twitter.
The President Post
Assets of Bank Mutiara up 17.2%
PT Bank Mutiara Tbk (Bank Mutiara) reported a healthy growth in 2012
with assets growing 17.2% on-year to Rp15.3 trillion by Dec. 31 , 2012.
The management of the bank attributed the growth to improved financial performance in 2012 .
A news release by the bank on Sunday said that the third party funds
it held grew 20.2% to Rp13.4 trillion with outstanding credit rising 18.7%
to Rp11.1 trillion by the end of 2012 compared to a year earlier. Prudential
banking principle was strictly observed in the credit expansion as reflected by the decline in net non performing loan ratio to 3.4% from 4.5% percent, the statement said.
The statement said the strong growth of third party funds and credit expansion indicated improved public confidence in the former scandal
hit Bank Century.
Investigation into the legal case of Bank Century has been dragged until now over controversial Rp7 trillion bail out by the government in 2009.
The Corruption Eradication Commission has named two former deputy
February 2013
Vol. 2 No. 2
governors of the central bank as suspects in the case which also implicated a number of other top officials of the government .
Ahmad Fajar, acting president director of Bank Mutiara, said the management is set to continue to improve the public confidence in the bank.
Ahmad said strong capital structure also contributed to the expansion of
business of the bank.
The bank recorded Rp1.3 trillion in equity by Dec. 31 , 2012 or an increase of 37.2% from a year earlier. Its core capital rose by 29.3% to Rp1
trillion in the same period.
and 35.5% shares of the market of car of their respective types. Sales of
Mitsubishi Colt Diesel trucks reached a monthly record of 6,062 units in
October. Altogether Mitsubishi has the third largest share of car market in
the country after Toyota and Daihatsu.
VIVAnews/Fernando Randy
Mitsubishi Car Sales Up 10.8% in 2012
Mitsubishi car sales rose 10.8% on year to 148,981 units in 2012, PT
Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motor, the sole agent for Mitsubishi cars in
Indonesia, said.
The company attributed the rise in total sales mainly to a strong growth
in the sales of passenger cars. Sales of passenger cars surged to 22,463
units in 2012 from 13,935 units in 2011, the company said in a news release issued on Friday.
Outlander Sport and Mirage, a new model of passenger cars launched
in 2012, made a significant contribution to the rise in sales of Mitsubishi
passenger cars, it said. Sales of Pajero Sport, a passenger car of Multi
Purpose Vehicle (MPV) type, reached 13,935 units, it said.
Meanwhile commercial cars Colt L300 and Strada Triton had a 68.6%
Mitsubishi Mirage along with Outlander Sport made a significant contribution to the rise in
sales of Mitsubishi passenger cars
Number of Bank Account
Holders Increased in 2012
The number of bank account holders in the
country had increased by 30% in 2012.
President and CEO of GE Indonesia Handry Satriago
GE Indonesia to Focus
On Energy Business
entral Bank`s Director of Payment Systems and Accounting,
Boedi Armanto, said
the number of bank
account holders in the country
had increased by 30% in 2012.
“More Indonesians have access to banking services. Banks
encourage the use of electronic
money (e-money) in retail transactions,” said Boedi Armanto on
Boedi said as of now, the number of e-money transactions has
reached Rp 24 trillion per year.
Bank Indonesia (BI) should encourage people to use e-money.
“It will be beneficial to Bank Indonesia if people use e-money,”
he said.
Bank Indonesia is keen to increase the number of credit and
debit card owners from 30 to
60% in 2013. “Last year, 21 million cards were used for retail
transactions,” he said.
Bank Indonesia will also encourage the implementation of
branch-less banking services
in rural areas. Banking transactions should be as easy as
adding credit to a pre-paid cell
phone, Boedi added. “The new
system will reduce operational
cost of a bank. Customers will
find it easy to carry out banking
transactions,” he said.
The branch-less banking system has been successful in Kenya, Africa. More than 200,000
customers have benefited from
a branch-less banking system.
This system enables banking
transactions to be carried out by
third parties, without the need to
go to a branch or an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine).
Last week, Bank Indonesia began to accelerate the standardization of e-money or electronic money. This way, electronic
money transactions will be more
efficient and effective.
State Owned Enterprise to
Control Air Traffic
Bank Indonesia will encourage the implementation of branch-less banking services in rural areas. The branch-less banking
system has been successful in Kenya, Africa. More than 200,000 customers have benefited from a branch-less banking
system. This system enables banking transactions to be carried out by third parties, without the need to go to a branch or
an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine).
The government has established a flight navigation service
firm, Perum Navigasi, on January 16, said Indonesia`s State
Owned Enterprises Minister,
Dahlan Iskan, on Tuesday.
Perum Navigasi will enhance
the current air navigation system. Previously, air traffic was
handled by two government enterprises, PT Angkasa Pura I
and PT Angkasa Pura II.
According to Dahlan, the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises
and the Ministry of Transportation will supervise the new traffic control company. “The new
traffic control company will improve the quality of service. It
will also look into the safety of
passengers. Perum Navigasi
will take over the national traffic control function completely in
the next one or two years,” said
the minister.
Although there has been an
increase in the volume of air
traffic in the past few years, the
country is struggling to effectively manage the high traffic of
planes at its airports. Currently, there are around 200 airports
in Indonesia. There are 707 aircrafts operating in the country
- 434 commercial planes, 259
chartered planes and 14 cargo
The Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is said to be the
16th busiest airport in the world
based on the number of passengers arriving and departing from
the airport. It was able to accommodate 50 million passengers in
2011, more than its annual capacity of 22 million passengers.
Jasa Marga’s 2013 Capex Set at Rp7t
State owned road construction company PT Jasa Marga
has set its capital expenditure
(capex) for 2013 at Rp7 trillion,
up from Rp4 trillion in 2011, according to the company`s president director.
PT Jasa Marga President Director Adityawarman told a press
conference on Thursday that his
company`s income in 2012 was
expected to reach Rp5.6 trillion,
up 14.5% from Rp4.9 trillion in
the previous year.
“We have set our income target for 2013 at Rp6.5 trillion,”
Adiyawarman said, while speak-
ing about his company`s performance in 2012 and making predictions for this year.
He said toll road services contributed Rp5.5 trillion to the
company’s annual revenues,
while business sectors contributed Rp0.11 trillion. “The volume
of traffic flow on our toll roads
reached 1.2 billion vehicles, up
8.9% from 1.09 billion in 2011,”
Adityawarman stated.
Regarding the capital expenditure target of Rp7 billion for this
year, Adityawarman said most of
the funds would be used to build
new toll roads. “About Rp4.7 tril-
lion would be used for that purpose. About 70% of the budget
would be obtained from a banking syndicate, while the remaining 30% would come from equity,” he explained.
Adityawarman noted that
most of the capital expenditure
last year was also on toll road
construction. “Of the Rp4 trillion, some Rp2.8 trillion was
spent on the construction of new
toll roads.”
“We are currently working on
nine toll road projects in Indonesia, five of which are expected to
be completed this year,” he said.
The five toll roads expected to be
ready by the end of this year include the 10km-long Bali toll
road, which will link Nusa Dua
with Ngurah Rai. It is expected to be completed ahead of the
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference in October.
“About 75% of the construction
work is complete,” Adityawarman
noted. “The second one is the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR)
W2 north, Section I, linking Kebon Jeruk with Cileduk. It is approximately 60.5% complete,” he
“Once this toll road is ready, it
will reduce traffic jams in Jakarta,” Adityawarman said.
The third and fourth toll roads
will be constructed in Central
Java. One of them will link Semarang with Solo. Stretching for
12 km, it is about 62.5% complete. The other one, 13.6 km
long, will link Gempol with Pandaan.
The fifth toll road will link Krian with Mojokerto in Surabaya,
East Java. “If the land clearance
for this road could be completed
in March, its construction would
be finished by the end of the
year,” Adityawarman said.
GE (General Electric) Indonesia said its business focus this year will be on the
energy sector including in oil
and gas equipment and electric energy.
“This year we will work
more in the energy sector
providing oil and gas equipment and technology and
electric energy,” President
and CEO of GE Indonesia
Handry Satriago said.
Last year business in the
sector of aviation and locomotive transport were the
largest contributor to the
company`s income, Handry
said here on Tuesday. “The
sector contributed more
than 50% to the company`s
income in 2012,” he added.
This year business in the
oil and gas sector is expected to grow three times larger, he said.
“The Energy sector will be
the primadonna in 2013 and
is likely to be the largest contributor to the income of GE
Indonesia this year,” he said. He said he is optimistic GE
Indonesia will post a twofold increase in income from
business in all sectors, energy , land and air transport,
and health.
“GE Indonesia will still
maintain partners from the
government and state companies. Around 70% of the
partners will be from the
government as the company will operate more in infrastructure based business.
The government has most
of projects in the infrastructure sector,” he said.
In addition, GE Indonesia
plans to provide facilities for
the human resource development to promote talented
local players to become global players, he said.
“To become a strong leader with global perception
and concept ones need to
have a global mindset. If we
have global mindset, we will
be able to face foreign competitors,” he added. A global
business player will produce
competitive products in global market, he said.
Aprindo Upbeat on
Growth of Retail Business
The Indonesian Retail
Business Association (Aprindo) for West Java is optimistic that retail business in Indonesia, in West Java, in
particular, will gain positive
growth in 2013, an Aprindo
executive said.
“Based on the development of retail business in
West Java in the past several
years, we are optimistic that
in 2013 this business will
still gain positive growth,”
Hendri Hendarta, the secretary of Aprindo West Java,
The retail business in West
Java in 2012 grew by 16% so
that this business still gas
the potential to gain positive
growth in 2013, he said. He
said that the retail business
in West Java grew and develop evenly across the province
and help boost the development of small and medium
scale business (UKM).
Besides that, the retail
business also helped encourage UKM products to
obtain certification and to
have retail business standards. “The volumes of UKM
products absorbed by retail
businesses continue to increase and this condition is
promising the UKM future,”
the Aprindo secretary said.
Modern retail sales in Indonesia grew 12.5% to Rp135 trillion this year from Rp120 trillion last year. The growth was
also marked with the rapid expansion of outlets of mini markets especially in new residential complexes, deputy secretary
general of Aprindo, Satria Hamid
Ahmadi said meanwhile.
However, on national scale
the business would have to go
through heavier challenges in
2013, Satria said.There will be
an increase in electricity tariff
and distribution cost, he cited.
He said recent regulation to
raise workers` wages would not
necessarily result in an increase
in sales as the prices of goods
also have climbed with report
of energy cost. He said increase
in the workers` salary should be
compensated with an improvement in infrastructure, and
business incentives.
He said that flat growth is expected in retail business next
year, adding sales would increase but not because of an increase in sales but more on price
hike. “Another big challenge is
the fact that regional minimum
wage in Jakarta is 5% higher than in other provinces,” he
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Garuda Set to Take Over
Batavia Routes
Garuda also plans
to serve direct flight
between Manado and
Surabaya in East
aruda Indonesia is
ready to take over the
routes of Batavia Air,
which has been declared bankrupt, a
minister said.
“The routes that were previously served by Batavia could
now be served by Garuda because the airline has the capacity to do so,” State-Owned Enterprise Minister Dahlan Iskan
said here on Thursday.
The minister noted that the
airline had the capacity to expand their flight schedules to
serve the routes left by Batavia
tween Manado and Balikpapan in June on growing
demand for the service, an official of the nation`s flag carrier, said.
Minister Dahlan Iskan noted that the airline had the capacity to expand their flight schedules to serve the routes left by Batavia Air.
Air. “Garuda can surely serve
these routes,” he said.
However, Dahlan pointed out
that taking over the routes might
not be `as easy as it seems because Garuda must first consider the size of their fleet`. “Procuring airplanes requires funds and
a long time,” the minister said.
Earlier, Batavia Airlines was
declared bankrupt by the Central Jakarta District Court.
“Batavia Airlines is bankrupt,”
said Presiding Judge Agus Iskandar as he read out the verdict
on Wednesday. “Batavia Airlines
had met the requirements of
Law No. 37/2004 on bankruptcy. Hence, Batavia Airlines has
been declared bankrupt,” said
the Presiding Judge.
The IFLR had filed a bankruptcy petition with the court because the airlines had not been
able to pay its debts, amounting
to $4.68 million, which matured
on December 31, 2012.
Garuda to serve flights between
Manado and Balikpapan
Garuda Indonesia will serve
direct flight in a new route be-
“Demand for regular flights
between Manado and Balikpapan is relatively high,” Piktor Sitohang, the general manager of the airline in Manado,
said. Piktor said the opening
of the new route is part of the
airline`s program to increase
public service especially as
the East Kalimantan city has
airport with good quality.
Garuda also plans to serve
direct flight between Manado
and Surabaya in East Java,
he said. In 2014, the airline
will start direct flights between Manado and Denpasar
of Bali, he added.
Govt Tells Pos Indonesia To Make it on Its Own
The government will not inject
funds in the form of state equity participation (PMN) to state
postal firm PT Pos Indonesia to
expand its businesses, State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan
“In principle, we will no longer inject funds to state firms for
whatever their reasons. Except
strategic state firms and state insurance companies, no any other state firm will receive state eq-
uity participation,” he said here
on Tuesday.
sarily from the government,” he
The government will not respond to any request from the
management of PT Pos for a
capital injection, he said. “True,
PT Pos needs funds to expand
its businesses. But should the
funds come from state capital
injection? By improving its performance PT Pos will have many
ways to find funds, not neces-
PT Pos is currently focusing
on developing its businesses,
ranging from logistics, banking
services, property to retail business. In its 2013 business plan,
the company allocates an estimated Rp873 billion for capital
expenditure. Of the total, Rp580
billion will be used for investment of its subsidiaries, Rp10
billion for property, Rp245 billion for fixed assets, and Rp37
billion for intangible assets.
The company had originally planned to make an initial public offering (IPO) of its
shares this year to raise funds.
However, the State Enterprises Ministry as the authorized
shareholder does not allow the
company to float its shares to
the public.
Asked to comment on the
company`s plan to set up a
bank in association with state
lender Bank Mandiri and
state insurance company PT
Taspen, he said the plan is a
good step.
“I agree they will synergize.
It is up to PT Pos. What is important is that it will not rely
on state equity participation. It
is okay it will issue bonds and
make bank loans,” he said.
Japanese Companies
Eye North Sumatra
The Japanese become more interested in
venturing in North Sumatra after seeing
Chinese and Taiwanese companies are
aggressive in expanding operations in
that region
A group of Japanese
business leaders has visited North Sumatra to study
business opportunities in
that province.
The group led by Kazuhisa Matsui of JAC Business Centre met with leaders of the North Sumatra
branch of the Indonesian
Chamber of Commerce
“They want more information from Kadin and hope
that Kadin members agree
to become their partners
in doing business in North
Sumatra,” Tohar Soehartono, deputy chairman of
the North Sumatra branch
of Kadin said.
The Japanese become
more interested in venturing in North Sumatra after
seeing Chinese and Taiwanese companies are aggressive in expanding operations in that region, Tohar
The Japanese acknowledged that they have been
a little late in seeing the potential business opportunities in North Sumatra, he
said. However, the Japanese
companies believed there
are still wide areas not yet
touched by foreign investors
in the province.
After PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium, an aluminum smelter, in which the
contract of Japanese investors will expire this year,
They want more
from Kadin and
hope that Kadin
members agree
to become their
partners in doing
business in North
Tohar Soehartono
Deputy Chairman of the
North Sumatra Branch of Kadin
Japan has no significant investment in North Sumatra.
The group especially
wants to invest in the energy
sector, such as power generating projects, Tohar said.
“Kadin hopes that both the
central government and the
provincial administrations
would facilitate the Japanese companies in seeking
business license,” he said.
Chairman of the investment and business promotion committee of North
Sumatra Kadin Suwanto said the Japanese investors have been offered to
invest in hydro power generating projects, and factory machine industry and in
sectors in partnership with
small and medium enterprises.
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
He said the entry of Apple Inc to Indonesia was a special pride now
that Apple Inc products had so far entered Indonesia via Singapore,
which is an authorized reseller.
It was not impossible for the company to open its plant in Indonesia in view of its huge market which always searches feverishly for the
newest gadget released by Apple Inc., he said.
Apple to Invest $3b
State-owned postal service
companApple Inc, a Californiabased computer hardware corporation, has confirmed a plan to
invest $3 billion in Indonesia this
“This year, a number of companies have expressed interest
in investing in Indonesia. One of
them is Apple Inc,” said Basri.
Apple Inc planned to invest in Indonesia after Taiwan-based Foxconn Technology Group, which supplies and assembles Apple Inc
products, intended to relocate its plant in Indonesia, he said. In the
first phase, Apple Inc would open stores and online stores in Jakarta, he said.
Deputy for investment control to BKPM head Azhar Lubis shared
Chatib`s view saying Apple Inc, which has increasingly become popular for its iPhone and iPad would soon set up its distribution center Indonesia.
“At present stores or resellers in Indonesia which sell Apple products
must buy them from Singapore so that the prices of the products sold
to domestic customers are relatively high,” he said.
Besides Apple Inc, other companies that have confirmed a plan to invest in Indonesia are Lotte of South Korea, Nippon Shokubai of Japan,
Middle East Coal (MEC) of Singapore, National Aluminium Company
(NALCO) of India, and Huadian Power of China.
Investment up 24.6% in 2012
Realization of domestic and foreign investment in 2012 from January to December rose 24.6% to Rp313.2 trillion from Rp251.,3 trillion
in 2011.
“Investment has jumped very high. This is encouraging as it is the
highest in the investment history in Indonesia,” Basri said. He said the
investment record of Rp313.2 trillion was 110.5% higher than the target of Rp285.5 trillion.
He said domestic investment in the year reached Rp92.2 trillion up
from Rp76 trillion in the year before while foreign investment was recorded at Rp221 trillion rising from Rp175.3 trillion. “The realization of
domestic and foreign investment in 2012 also surpassed the targets
respectively by 120.2% and 106.2%,” he said.
Basri said the mining sector has drawn the biggest foreign investment in 2012 reaching $4.3 billion (17.3%), followed by transportation
at $2.8 billion (11.4%), chemical $2.8 billion (11.4%), basic metal industry $2.5 billion (10%) and shipment and transportation $1.8 billion
Based on countries of origin Singapore was the biggest investor
with its investment reaching $4.9 billion, followed by Japan $2.5 billion,
South Korea $1.9 billion, the US $1.2 billion and Mauritius $1.1 billion.
The sector that attracted the biggest domestic investment in 2012
meanwhile were food industries drawing Rp11.2 trillion in investment
(11.2% percent), following by non-metal mineral industries Rp10.7 trillion (11.6%), food crops Rp9.6 trillion (10.4%), transportation and telecommunication Rp8.6 trillion (9.3%) and others Rp41.6 trillion (45.1%).
Interest of Foreign
Investors High: IDX
According to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX),
investments made by foreign
investors in Indonesia will
boost the growth of the domestic capital market.
“The Finnish government
understands that Finnish
investors are keen on investing in Indonesia,” said the
Director of Trade and Members Settings at IDX, Samsul
Hidayat, on Friday.
He said according to the
Indonesian capital market
authority, Finnish investors
believe the Indonesian financial market will grow.
“Finnish investors are impressed by Indonesia’s polHead of BKPM Chatib Basri
BKPM Wants
More Investment
Outside Java
The investment growth outside Java had been encouraging as a result
of the implementation of the Master Plan for the Acceleration and
Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development (MP3EI).
he Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)
will encourage investment outside Java,
such as Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua.
“The most important thing to
support this plan is more infrastructure facilities such as power
plants and asphalted roads outside Java,” said Head of BKPM
Chatib Basri at the BKPM building in Jakarta on Tuesday.
Basri added the investment
growth outside Java had been
encouraging as a result of the
implementation of the Master
Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic
Development (MP3EI).
side Java and Rp52.7 trillion or
63.2% in Java. This compared
to Rp22.1 trillion or 31.4% outside Java and Rp48.1 trillion or
68.6% in Java in the same period a year earlier. “But the distribution of investment in and outside Java is yet to be ideal,” said
Meanwhile, the total investment outside Java in the January-December 2012 period
reached Rp137.6 trillion (43.9%),
up slightly from the same period a year earlier when the figure
was recorded at Rp103.2 trillion (41.1%). “We want the ratio to run into around 40-60%
or even 50-50 per quarter,” he
According to BKPM data,
Rp30.6 trillion or 36.8% of the
realized investment in the fourth
quarter of 2012 was made out-
Basri said the realization
of MP3EI programs should be
monitored, particularly to find
other potential investors to in-
vest their money outside Java.
“Frankly speaking, if the MP3EI
projects run smoothly, investors will come there on their
own. Many companies have expressed interest to invest outside
Java,” he said.
“But they have a problem with
the lack of infrastructure facilities outside Java.”
The big five domestic investment destinations in the fourth
quarter of 2012 were East Java
(Rp9.5 trillion), West Java (Rp2.6
trillion), Jakarta (Rp2.1 trillion),
Central Kalimantan (Rp1.3 trillion), and Riau (Rp1.3 trillion).
Meanwhile, the big five foreign investment destinations in
the same period were West Java
($1.2 billion), Jakarta ($1.1 billion), Banten ($0.9 billion), East
Java ($0.9 billion), and Papua
($0.5 billion).
Celanes to Build Ethanol Factory
US-based Celanes Corporation would carry out its plan to
build an ethanol factory in Indonesia toward the end of this year,
an official said.
The project is coal gasification
to turn out methanol to be processed in ethanol for fuel and
for chemical feedstock, Director
General of Base Industries Panggah Susanto said.
“Construction of the project
will kick off in the last quarter of
this year,” Panggah added.
The project, to cost up to
US$2.5 billion, will have a production capacity of 1.1 million
tons of ethanol, he said here on
Tuesday. The production will be
used as fuel and feedstock in
chemical industry, but mainly
Construction of the
project will kick off in
the last quarter of this
Panggah Susanto
Director General of Base Industries
for fuel, Panggah said.
The project is part of the
government`s program to develop downstream sector of mineral industry restricting export of
raw minerals in favor of finished
commodities. “It is in line with
the program of developing downstream mineral industry and
at the same ti to produce more
clean fuel,” he said.
Construction of the project
is expected to take two to three
years, he said. Location of the
project, however, is yet to be decided as there are a number of
factors to be studied including
proximity to source of basic material and availability of infrastructure, he said.
It is almost certain that the location is outside Java, as Java
has no coal mine, he added. Celanses will team up with state oil
and gas company PT Pertamina and the production would
all be for domestic consumption,
he said. Industry Minister M.S.
Hidayat said the project would
be built in Kalimantan , the
country`s largest coal producer.
IDX Director Ito Warsito
icies on the development of infrastructure and the capital
market,” he said.
Finnish investors are conducting a comparative study of capital markets in the the region. Indonesia is one of the countries
they are studying,” he said.
“They believe Indonesia’s capital market is strong despite the
recent floods in the region,”
he said.
The Director of IDX, Ito
Warsito, said stocks of issuers that are traded on the
IDX will push foreign investors to invest in the domestic
capital market. He said foreign investors are investing
in the domestic stock market because they are confident that companies listed
on the stock exchange will
perform well.
“This year, foreign investors have invested Rp2.52
trillion in the domestic stock
market. This is certainly a
reflection of foreign investors’ confidence in the Indonesian shares,” he said.
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Buying Property at a Time
When Prices Rise
Investment on property was one of the most attractive investment alternatives besides gold and
mutual funds because it not only generated capital gain but it could also bring in passive income
through leasing, build-operate-transfer (BOT) or build-transfer-operate (BTO) mechanism.
By Andri Marsetianto
was a golden year for the
government as
it faces major challenges to improve the macroeconomic condition and to keep it stable and
productive as the economies in
Europe and the United States
have not shown signs of recovery
anytime soon.
Indonesia’s population, according to the BPS, stands at
around 237 million people based
on the 2010 census. McKinsey &
Co estimated that there are 45
million middle- income class Indonesians last year with strong
purchasing power and with income per capita of $3,600 or
about Rp 34.1 million per year.
It’s expected that the number
will continue to rise in line with
Indonesia’s economic growth.
Population growth reaches 1.5% per year while Indonesia’s population is expected to
increase to about 250 million in
2013 and 255 million in 2014.
The population growth is in line
with Indonesia’s relatively high
economic growth in 2012 that
reached 6.3% (Bank Indonesia
data). With a relatively low inflation rate of 4.3%, Bank Indonesia has been keeping its benchmark interest rate unchanged at
5.75% since February.
It’s predicted that the 2014
general election will unlikely spur Indonesia’s economic
growth simultaneously because
the five-yearly democracy party is bound to consume much of
political elites’ time as they will
focus more on their parties’ bid
to win parliamentary seats and
the presidential race rather than
improving the productivity of
their cadres in the government
and state enterprises.
Property was one of the sectors that posted growth in line
with economic progress because
it wasn’t much affected by the
rupiah exchange rate against
the US dollar, weakening export
demand from European countries and the United States, volatile oil price and the regional labor wage increase which will be
adjusted in line with the government’s plan to increase the basic
electricity rate this year.
Land, house, shop house,
apartment, condominium, condotel and retail spaces at shopping centers and industrial land
are some of the properties chosen by Indonesians to invest in
amid their stronger economic power and banks’ low houseownership credit (KPR) and
(KPA). The relatively stable macroeconomic condition resulted in
low credit rates for property ownership and a growing demand
for new houses of about 1.4 million units in addition to the 13.6
million backlog. This condition
caused property prices in 2012
to rise by about 10-15% compared to the previous year.
Investment on property was
one of the most attractive investment alternatives besides gold
and mutual funds because it
not only generated capital gain
but it could also bring in passive income through leasing,
or build-transfer-operate (BTO)
mechanism. Although property is not as liquid as investments
on gold or mutual funds, property demand continued to grow. BI
the building quality and the
development progress of the
area whether it was in accordance with what the developers promises in the brochure.
anticipated bubbles in the property sector from speculations by
issuing a new regulation that required a minimum down payment of 30% of the total property
price. The following are several
property investment strategies
when prices go up:
• Strategic location
Strategic locations such as
flood-free areas, easy transportation access and proximity to toll road plus developers’ commitment to stick to
the site plan are some of the
New House or
Second-Hand House?
By Andri Marsetianto
Having a new house is every
new couple’s dream. But given
the high price and the fact
that some consumers have
to wait between 14 and 16
months since signing the credit
agreement with the lender bank
or since signing the purchasesales agreement (PPJB) with
the developer to get the house,
consumers often turn to secondhand houses where they could
move in immediately. Some
of the options of the locations
mostly preferred by consumers
houses are Tangerang, Depok,
Bekasi and Cikarang. The
option is adjusted in accordance
with the consumers’ respective
financial capability, consumers’
mobility and with their work
place/school or their desire to
live near their friends, families
or their parents in laws.
Areas in the outskirts of
Jakarta are growing rapidly in
line with the economic growth
of the areas especially since
they have many access to
Jakarta that can be reached
through toll roads, trains,
feeder buses or other public
transportation. This has in turn
caused demand for various
types of properties in cities such
as Tangerang, Karawang and
Bekasi to soar. This also caused
houses in areas such as Alam
Sutera, Bintaro Jaya, BSD,
Lippo Karawaci, Summarecon,
Citraland and even in Jababeka
areas to rise especially since
they are supported by facilities,
development concepts while
their prices are also relatively
affordable for new couples or
couples who have long lived in
A second-hand
house will not just
be a choice to buy
a home but also an
investment option
before buying a new
house especially if it’s
located in areas that
continued to grow
and it is supported
with facilities.
The prices of second-hand
houses vary, depending on
the size of land and building
and the facilities provided by
the developers. Here are some
points that need to be taken into
consideration before purchasing
a second-hand house:
• Identify your need for a house.
Consumers should know how
many rooms they need, for
instance room for children,
study room or others. For an
initial investment, one should
choose a functional type of
house rather than focusing
on the esthetics of the space,
for instance gardening space,
space for children to play or a
study room.
• Survey the location of the
house and areas around it.
Consumers should choose a
house with the prospect that
the property value will grow.
For instance, it’s located in a
growing industrial area, floodfree, close to education and
business facilities, close to
toll gates or that a new train
station is set to be built in
the area or that there will be
developments of new clusters
around it.
•Buy the house straight from
the owner or through a broker.
The price would be much
cheaper if we could purchase
the house straight from the
owner than buying it through
a broker. A broker from a
reputable and trusted property
several options in accordance
with the consumer’s needs.
• Check the physical condition
and the house ownership
documents. Consumers are
entitled to know the history
of the house, for instance the
year it was built, when it was
last renovated, what aspects
covered by the developer if the
house’s structure is damaged.
Check the house ownership
documents, for instance, the
expiry date of the building
concession certificate (SHGB)
or whether the name in the
land ownership certificate
(SHM) matched with the
name of the person who was
selling it or whether there
plans to build roads on that
land that could take up some
of the land or that it would be
used for other public facilities.
This information is usually
provided in the situation
picture in the certificate.
Check whether the building
permit (IMB) is in accordance
with the information written
in the most recent land and
building tax document (SPPT
PBB), and the latest bill
payments for electricity, water
and environment.
Thus, a second-hand house
will not just be a choice to buy
a home but also an investment
option before buying a new house
especially if it’s located in areas
that continued to grow and it is
supported with facilities.
main factors to consider when
investing on property. Consumers should make a site
visit after an exhibition to observe the model unit to check
• Right timing
According to investment
philosophy, the right timing to
invest is as earliest as possible
and as little as possible. After conducting financial check
over our capability to obtain
a credit we should start to attend pre-launching events
more regularly to get a lower
price compared to the prices
offered during exhibitions. We
could even get the down payment installment facility.
There is also a chance to
take over credit of a house
from another consumer who
asked the developer’s marketing unit to sell the property.
In this case, we could benefit
because we could get the old
price and acquire the property sooner.
If our money is really tight,
we should start saving by
purchasing land because the
price of land is bound to increase from year to year. The
bigger we invest in the land,
the higher the investment value will be in the future. However, land owners are also required to construct a building
on the land after a certain period of time so that it will not
be categorized as an abandoned plot of land which could
be seized by the state.
• Support from bank creditor
A good developer will gain
trust from a bank or several banks, either private or
state banks, including sharia banks for property credit.
That’s why if we want to invest
in property we must take note
of the creditor bank because it
displays the level of trust given by the bank to the developer both in terms of the financial aspect and the value of
the property that were being
• Quality of the developer and
the area development
An area which is managed
professionally is one of consumers’ basic considerations
in choosing an area to be invested in. Your property investment value will grow if you
chose a developer that has a
bigger area and unique development quality. For instance,
whether the developer built
an integrated school area that
comprises elementary schools
to postgraduate studies.
• Optimum property value
The prices of property which
continue to rise in line with
limited land availability in big
cities such as Jakarta has led
to the development of vertical residences such as apartments, condominiums and
condotels. As consumers, we
need to be able to see the prospects of the property’s value
in which we’re planning to invest in such as the prospect to
rent it, for instance, to expatriates working in Indonesia for
a certain period of time or to
students and employees who
needed easier public transportation access and free from
traffic congestion and floods.
Consumers can also choose
condotels which are professionally managed by hotel operators in areas that experience tourism-driven economic
growth or business-economic
The high property price
doesn’t necessarily show that
the property price was already optimal because it’s related to the development of the
area from year to year. That’s
why consumers should not be
easily tempted to buy cheaper
property. Consumers should
neither diversify too much of
their property investment on
the same property type for instance by only buying apartments or just kiosks/shop
houses but should pay attention to the area’s future potential to make diversifications
boost property investment values.
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Dahlan Proposes Establishment of a
State-owned Airlines Holding Company
After the integration, Dahlan is optimistic that Indonesia could
overtake Singapore in international aviation industry.
State-owned Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan
tate-owned Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan plans to incorporate PT Angkasa Pura
I, PT Angkasa Pura II
and PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk
(GIAA) into one holding company.
“It will be in one holding company and will be developed internationally,” said Dahlan on Friday (01/02).
After the integration, Dahlan is optimistic that Indonesia
could overtake Singapore in international aviation industry.
He added, “Singapore Airlines is
great due to Changi Airport and
its property.”
As a response, PT Angkasa
Pura I Persero welcomes Dahlan’s proposal to establish a stateowned airline holding company.
Corporate Secretary of Angkasa Pura I Farid Indra Nugraha
said the establishment of stateowned aviation holding company will cause efficiency in human resources and assets.
“Pak Dahlan’s idea is good as
it streamlines the performance
of state-owned airlines,” said
Farid, Monday (4/2).
According to Farid, similar
proposals have been revealed by
former minister of state-owned
enterprises but never came to a
He does not expect the company’s internal cash and assets
will be reduced when the integration is realized.
“Later, they can facilitate Garuda Indonesia’s performance and
be synergized like in Dubai and
other countries that have similar
merger schemes between airport
operators and state-owned airlines,” he explained.
MNA Teams Up with
Singaporean Agency
on Pilot Training
In a bid to speed up availability of pilots qualified to
fly Airbus A320 passenger
planes it would operate in
the near future, the staterun airline, Merpati Nusantara Airlines (MNA), set up
cooperation with Singapore
Technology Aerospace to
train MNA’s pilots.
“The Singapore Technology Aerospace is a prominent pilot training agency
in Asia, certified by European, China and Singaporean
aviation authorities,” MNA
Senior VP Corporate Secretary Herry Saptanto said in
the statement.
The MoU regarding the
training program for MNA
pilots in Singapore Technology Aerospace was signed
here by the agency’s president Peh Teng Keng and
MNA President Director
Rudy Setyopunomo. Under
the agreement, the Singaporean pilot training center agreed to train 150 pilots employed by MNA per
year. The training sessions
will be conducted in Singapore and Australia.
“Licenses that certify pilots to fly will be issued by
the government’s Directorate General Civil Aviation,”
Herry said.
Indonesian Pilots Federation Chairman Hafriansyah
said earlier that Indonesia
is facing pilot shortages at
the moment. He said that
the country requires 800
to 900 new pilots to comply
with the increasing flight
business in the country. Indonesia now has 5,500 certified commercial pilots, according to the federation.
Kuala Namu International Airport
Set to Opreate in March 2013
The new Kuala Namu International Airport in North Sumatra will be inaugurated in March
2013. Spread over 1,365 hectares, the Kuala Namu Airport
will be Indonesia`s second largest airport after the SoekarnoHatta International Airport in
Kuala Namu Airport is situated in the former area of stateowned plantation firm PT Perkebunan Nusantara II Tanjung
Morawa in Kuala Namu, Ber-
ingin village, Deli Serdang regency. It is designed to replace
the 70-year-old Polonia Airport,
which has been operating beyond capacity.
The airport’s project manager, Joko Waskito, expressed
hope that the airport will be operational by March 2013. “90%
of the airport is completed. The
airport will be operational before
March 2013,” he said.
Waskito explained that the
1,365-hectare airport has a terminal area measuring 118,930
sq meters, a parking area measuring 50,820 sq meters and a
cargo garage measuring 13,000
sq meters.
“The airport has sophisticated equipment. The airport can
accommodate up to 8.1 million
passengers every year,” he said.
According to him, the airport
will have a 3,750 meter long runway, which is 80 meters wide,
and 53 airport aprons, where
aircrafts can be parked, including the Airbus A380.
Separately, Deputy Transportation Minister Bambang Susantono said that railway facilities supporting the airport also
will be ready in March to coincide with when the new airport
will be fully operational. The railway system stretched from Medan city center to the airport and
will be heading towards the airport building.
Spread over 1,365 hectares, the Kuala Namu Airport will be Indonesia`s second largest airport after the Soekarno-Hatta International
Airport in Jakarta.
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Events Review
European Union-Indonesia
Relations: What Next?
The President Post/Rians Rivco
EU considers trade
relations with
Indonesia most
important compared
to other ASEAN
countries. In 2012,
though the EU was in
crisis, trade went up
by over 20% and FDI
is at the highest level
ndonesia, which is experiencing great economic growth, is an important country for the EU.
“However Europe wants
Indonesia to become stronger,”
said Julian Wilson, European
Union Representative to ASEAN
and EU Ambassador to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam in
a Breakfast Dialogue held in Financial Club Jakarta.
EU considers trade relations
with Indonesia most important compared to other ASEAN
countries. In 2012, though the
EU was in crisis, trade went up
by over 20% and FDI is at the
highest level ever. Overall FDI
went up from EUR800 million
in 2006 to an estimated EUR2.8
billion in 2012, with main sectors in transportation, mining,
food processing, chemicals, services, and others. Over 1,000 EU
companies employ over 1 million
Julian Wilson, European Union Representative to ASEAN and EU Ambassador to
Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam.
Now Indonesia and EU are
facing a great opportunity to implement the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
(CEPA), which is set to facilitate
more investments from EU to Indonesia.
This CEPA should be based on
a free trade area as the foundation in WTO terms, and have a
triangular architecture: market
access, capacity building and
facilitation of trade and investment. The ambition of the CEPA
would be present in all three elements. It is the complementarity
and interaction, also over time,
of these three elements which
will engender the desirable development impact for Indonesia via
higher-value added exports and,
at the same time, turn Indonesia
into a more attractive market for
EU goods and services as well as
a promising investment location.
CEPA is formulated by Vision
Group that examined how commercial relations between the
EU and Indonesia could be deepened. According to Vision Group,
relations between Indonesia and
the EU are generally good and
economic relations healthy. Nev-
ertheless, the status quo is unsatisfactory, leading to underperformance and ever more missed
opportunities for both partners
in the longer run.
Julian said, “Status quo is not
bad but potentially enormous benefits for both are in our grasp.
Now do we go for it, enriching the
EU-IDN relationship? Or do EU
and IDN settle for the status quo
and miss out on this obvious
Julian also noted that the EU
has gone through the greatest
economic crisis last year. Now
the EU’s economic growth has
been positive marked by export
growth and stability of the Euro
currency. But growth and employment are now the challenge.
The unemployment rate of young
people remains high.
“We will invest in technology
in order to employ young workers in most productive sectors,”
said Wilson.
Indonesia and EU are
facing a great opportunity
to implement the
Comprehensive Economic
Partnership Agreement
(CEPA), which is set to
facilitate more investments
from EU to Indonesia.
Increasing the Role of Human Capital in
Indonesia’s Economic Development
The President Post/Heros Barasakti
Ernst & Young Indonesia and
Financial Club Jakarta held
an Afternoon Business Forum
themed “Increasing the Role of
Human Capital in Indonesia’s
Economic Development”.
Stefan Koeberle, Country Director of World Bank Indonesia,
stated that health and education, the two cornerstones of human capital are the basis of an
individual’s economic productivity.
But the major challenge is improving the quality of health and
education in Indonesia. The fact
is, only 10% of the labor force
has higher education.
Regarding health, major progress has been made. Life expectancy at birth increased from
45 years in 1960 to almost 70
years in 2010. Infant mortality rate dropped from 128 to 27
per 1,000 live births from 1960
to 2010.
Furthermore, Stefan encourages Indonesia to be highly intensive in human capital. Out
of the 117 million Indonesians
in the national labor force, 60%
(65 million) are informal workers. Two-thirds of these informal workers are not covered by
health insurance, and only 0.6%
of informal workers are insured
against work accidents, thus
over 60 million workers have no
Hence, a significant percentage of the Indonesian economy
(over 40 million workers) is at
risk of lost and decreasing productivity and wages due to ill
health and slow recovery from
medical issues.
However, the government has
made a significant leap forward
in its commitment to improving
access for all through its planks
to provide universal health insurance coverage by 2019. Expanding insurance coverage presents
Stefan Koeberle, Country Director of World Bank Indonesia.
a massive challenge given the
short time frame and many implementation hurdles remain. In
particular, covering 65 million
informal sectors will be daunting due to logistical and administrative challenges (50% work in
agriculture) – it took South Korea 12 years to cover their informal workers.
In conclusion, Stefan stated
that Indonesia has made great
progress in enhancing enrollment in primary and secondary
levels of education. However, to
grow in a more sustainable way
and move up the value chain, Indonesia will need more and better qualified workers. Improving
access and quality of education
is critical for the future, but it
will not solve skill constrain in
the short-run. Upgrading the
current labor force is urgent and
On health, reducing the risk of
lost and decreasing productivity
and wages due to ill health and
slow recovery from medical issue
will also be necessary. Here a decisive implementation of the universal health coverage initiative
is called for.
On the same occasion, Adrianus Mooy, former Governor of
Bank Indonesia, stated that Indonesia had concentrated on
quantity but often forget quality. “So, what is important now
is to improve the quality of development, including the quality of growth, quality of democracy, quality of law enforcement,
quality of human resources, and
quality of education,” he said.
“Investing in human resources is necessary, since the best
human capital is quality human
resources,” Mooy concluded.
To grow in a more
sustainable way and
move up the value
chain, Indonesia will
need more and better
qualified workers.
Improving access and
quality of education is
critical for the future,
but it will not solve
skill constrain in the
short-run. Upgrading
the current labor force
is urgent and possible.
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Pictorial Events
Credentials Ceremony at Istana Merdeka
The President Post/Rians Rivco
resident Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono received nine
new Ambassadors who
submitted their credentials on Monday (14/1) at Istana
Present on the occasion were
ambassadors of State of Georgia
Zurab Aleksidze; Russian Federation Yurievich Mikhail Galuzin; Kingdom of Thailand Paskom
Siriyaphan; Jamaica Claudia
Cecile Barnes; Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Chandradath
Singh; Republic of Estonia Andres Unga.
Also present, ambassador of
Mongolia Chimeddorj Battumur;
Republic of Sierra Leone Abubakarr Multi-Kamara, and Republic of Seychelles Waven William
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs following the credentials
ceremony held at the Presidential Palace.
Adam Malik Award 2013
Ambassadors follow the memorial service in front of the Presidential Palace.
Prudential and Master of
Management UI MoU Signing
The President Post/Rians Rivco
Media has become a very important partner in the implemenation of foreign policy and diplomacy. This role is carried out
through the distribution of information to the public.
The Adam Malik Award is issued annually by the ministry to
media outlets for their accurate
presentation of the facts, creating balanced and objective public opinion and educating the
public on Indonesian foreign policy.
PT Prudential Life Assurance
(Prudential Indonesia) signed
a cooperation agreement with
the Master of Management
- Faculty of Economics,
University of Indonesia (MM-
UI) as the initial step in the
collaboration between the two
organizations to realize the
opening of the Post-Graduate
Masters program of Actuarial
also held a discussion on
the importance of Actuarial
Management program for
the development of the
financial industry, especially
The President Post/Heros Barasakti
News portal Detik.com won
the award this year in the online
category, while SCTV was recognized in the television category.
Jakarta Globe daily won in print
media category and State broadcaster Radio Republik Indonesia
won in the radio category.
Indonesian Foreign Minister with the winners of Adam Malik Award 2013
Inauguration of the New ASEAN
Secretary General, Le Luang Ming
William Kuan, President of Prudential Indonesia delivers a speech
The President Post/Rians Rivco
Taking place in the building of
ASEAN Secretariat, on Wednesday (9/01) Le Luang Minh from
Vietnam was inaugurated as the
new ASEAN Secretary General
replacing Surin Pitsuwan from
In the inaugural speech Minh
stated that he will work hard to
expedite the process of economic
integration, political, peace, and
social culture in ASEAN.
Minh previously served as
Permanent Representative of
Vietnam to the United Nations in
New York, USA (2004-2011).
The ASEAN Secretary General position handover was also attended by the ambassadors and
Minister of Foreign Affairs Marty
The discussion about the Post-Graduate Masters program of Actuarial Management. (Left to right) Budi Tampubolon,
Rhenald Kasali, Ruslan Prijadi, and Nini Sumohandoyo
Le Luong Minh making his first speech as secretary general of ASEAN
Happy Golfing Day Tournament
at Jababeka Golf and Country Club
The President Post/Heros Barasakti
Exchange of MoU between Jossy Prananta file Moeis (Dean FE-UUI) and William Kuan (chairman Prudential Indonesia)
witnessed by delegates of both parties.
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Pictorial Events
Indogas 2013
The President Post/Rians Rivco
inister Jero Wacik
opened the 6th International
Gas Conference & Exhibition (Indogas 2013), Monday
(21/1). Present at the ceremony
were Deputy Minister Susilo Siswoutomo and Chairman of SKK
Migas Rudi Rubiandini.
In his speech, the Minister
said Indogas is an event that is
important for Indonesia and the
Asia Pacific region, as Indonesia
is has become the attention of
the world in the field of energy.
This year’s event, themed
“Sustaining Growth Towards a
Golden Age of Gas”, was held on
January 21 to 23. The event also
featured seminars, business forums and exhibitions.
Opening Speech by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in
Indogas 2013 event
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Jero Wacik accompanied by Wamen Susilo Siswoutomo (center) and
Chairman of Working Unit for Oil and Gas Rudi Rubiandini (left) hit a gong to mark the opening of Indogas 2013 held
at the Paradise Lounge, Jakarta Convention Centre (JCC)
Health Minister Inaugurates JEC @ Kedoya
Minister visiting one of the participant booths in Indogas 2013
Mobile Clinic Citibank Serves
Jakarta’s Flood Victims
The President Post/Heros Barasakti
Health Minister dr. Nafsiah
Mboi inaugurated the Jakarta
Eye Center (JEC) @Kedoya on
Saturday (02/02). The event was
attended by dr. Darwan M. Purba as Director of JEC @ Kedoya,
Secretary General of Health Ministry dr. Supriyantoro, Director
of Cicendo Hospital Eye Bandung dr. Hikmat Wangsaatmadja,
Chairman of Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association (Perdami) dr. Nila F Moeloek, Founder
of Gerakan Mata Hati Panji Wisaksana, and ASEAN delegates
of the Association of Eye Hospitals from Singapore, Malaysia,
Thailand, and Vietnam.
In her speech Nafsiah said
blindness is still one of main
health problems in Indonesia.
An estimated 1.5% of Indonesia’s
population, approximately 3.6
million, is blind. The main cause
of blindness are cataract, glaucoma, refractive disorder, retinal
disorder, corneal disorder, and
other diseases associated with
old age, but she emphasized that
70% or more blindness can be
JEC @ Kedoya has the latest
technology in handling refractive eye disorder. The technology
is called 6 Dimension Z-LASIK
(Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis), wherein the method is using laser beam with high
accuracy and excellent safety to
treat refractive eye disorder. Patient pays around Rp 21 million
to use this technology.
Symbolic inauguration of JEC by the Minister of Health, Nafsiah Mboi and Director of JEC Darwan M. Purba
All the employees of Citibank and its management participated directly as
volunteers in various locations; one of them is in Kampung Pulo, Kampung
Melayu on Friday (25/1). Tigor M. Siahaan also participated as a volunteer.
Minister Nafsiah Mboi delivers a speech
Minister visiting the 6 Dimension Z-lasik
Citibank Indonesia in collaboration with HOPE Foundation
Indonesia provide free health services for flood victims through Mobile
Clinic in 10 locations and is expected to serve about 5,000 victims in
the Jakarta area.
Through Citibank Mobile Clinic, the community is allowed to get
medical treatment from doctors and medical personnel for free. All
the employees of Citibank and its management totaling 155 people
participated directly as volunteers in various locations.
The 6 Dimension Z-lasik
Charity Night for Cancer with Miss Universe 2012
Cutter Project by AIESEC
The President Post/Rians Rivco
Grand Sahid Jaya presented “An Evening with Miss Universe 2012 Olivia Culpo and
Gala Charity Dinner in support
of Jakarta Breast Cancer Foundation, Saturday (2/2).
“This activity shows the support and commitment to the
Breast Cancer Foundation Jakarta (YKPJ) which not only
cares for people with cancer, but
also its early detection prevention,” said Othniel, Head of Public Relations Grand Sahid Jaya
The event was also attended
by Puteri Indonesia 2013, Whulandari Herman, the newlycrowned Puteri Indonesia, and
featured two famous Indonesian
singers Rio Febrian and Sandhy
Miss Universe 2012 Olivia Pulco
Puteri Indonesia 2013 Whulandary Herman
Rio Febrian and Sandhy Sandoro were guest stars at the event.
Miss Universe 2012 Olivia Pulco talks to Jeremy M Cooper (General Manager of Hotel Grand
Sahid Jaya)
AIESEC President University held a Cutter Project involving seven
exchange participants, namely Danilo from Brazil, Martin from Argentina, Charles from Taiwan, Candy from China, Dalia from Egypt,
Sayana and Maria from Russia.
Present in over 113 countries and territories and with over 86,000
members, AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-run organization. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development,
AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to be global citizens, to
change the world, and to get experience and skills that matter today.
AIESEC EI PresUniv is located in Cikarang, Indonesia.
The President Post
February 2013
Vol 2. No. 2
New Mothers Turn to An Old Chinese Diet
PHOTOS: Los Angeles Times/Al Seib
Chinese custom of zuo yuezi, or “sitting the
month is based on ancient theories of Chinese
herbal medicine dividing foods into “warm” and
“cold” categories. Each food is linked to a health
benefit for new mothers.
ive months into her
pregnancy, Jessica Su
was already thinking
about what she would
eat after her baby was
On a rainy Saturday afternoon, Su and her husband were
sampling soups: pigs feet with
dates and peanuts, pork chop
with green papaya, beef and carrots with Chinese yam, sesame
oil chicken. The makeshift cafe
in Walnut was packed with pregnant women helping themselves
from metal urns.
Nicole Huang, the tasting
event’s sponsor, rushed from table to table answering questions
posed in Mandarin and English:
“Am I allowed to eat fruit?” “Can
you provide translations, so I
know what I’m eating?”
Su hadn’t decided whether
she would fork over $2,000 to
get Huang’s meals delivered to
her Buena Park home, or hire a
nanny to cook similar foods and
tidy the house. Whichever she
chose, she planned to observe
the Chinese custom of zuo yuezi,
or “sitting the month,” after giving birth.
According to believers, the
monthlong regimen helps women recover from childbirth, produce more breast milk and recalibrate their bodies. In addition
to the special diet, new mothers
are supposed to rest in bed and
avoid contact with water — that
is, no shampooing or showering
for 30 days.
Skeptics say the health claims
are not scientifically sound and
that the high-fat, high-protein
foods can be harmful to mother and child. Still, the practice
is widespread among Southern
California’s Taiwanese and Chinese immigrants. Families call
on companies like Huang’s Jing
Mommy as a way to follow tradition while sparing themselves
from the kitchen.
“You need to do it. All women
need to,” said Su, a 35-year-old
homemaker, of yuezi. “My sister
in Taiwan said you really have to
or your body will deteriorate. It
freaked me out, and I said, ‘OK,
I’ll do it.’ “
Yuezi is based on ancient theories of Chinese herbal medicine dividing foods into “warm”
and “cold” categories. Each food
is linked to a health benefit for
new mothers: liver replenishes
lost blood, green papaya stimulates milk production and kidney helps with aches and pains.
According to yuezi theory, follicles expand during childbirth,
leaving the body vulnerable to
cold. Postpartum women are advised to stick to “warm” foods
like ginger, chicken and pumpkin.
The prohibition against cold
goes beyond diet. In the month
after giving birth, women should
not wash their hair or go outdoors. Hard-core yuezi observers stick to sponge baths.
After having her first child, Su
gave the hair washing ban a try.
But she ended up caving, sneaking a shower when her mother,
who enforced the rules, was out.
This time, she is determined to
last the whole month.
“I give it three days,” said her
husband, David.
Like religion, Yuezi has its true
believers and those who follow
along just in case there’s something to it. Some do it to appease
family, while others are mainly
interested in the convenience of
home-delivered meals.
“At this point, I’m just trying
to find food,” said Vickie Wu, 35,
a physician expecting her first
child. “I don’t think I believe in it,
but it is readily available, and it
doesn’t seem to hurt.”
Besides, Wu’s husband, Daniel Sanchez, added, it will make
his mother-in-law happy.
Other cultures also have postpartum diets favoring warm
foods over cold. Koreans eat seaweed soup, Mexicans eat chicken broth, Nigerians, salty gruel.
Southern California maternity
wards with many immigrant patients are familiar with the drill
— skip the orange juice and offer
hot soup instead.
Charlotte Duh, owner of Meal4Mom, shows a few of the herbal soups and stews that she delivers to her postpartum clients from her
Temple City studio.
Like religion, Yuezi
has its true believers
and those who follow
along just in case
there’s something
to it. Some do it
to appease family,
while others are
mainly interested
in the convenience
of home-delivered
“Ginger vinegar soup with pig
trotter — to me as a dietitian, I
can’t stand it,” Hong said. “The
cholesterol, the saturated fat — I
don’t think we can pass the Department of Health if we served
that kind of soup.
Lily Hong, clinical nutrition
manager at San Gabriel Valley Medical Center, worries that
yuezi doesn’t provide enough
calcium and that the rice wine
and ginger in Chinese soups will
be transmitted to breast-feeding babies. She tells new mothers to drink plenty of milk and to
choose white meat over innards.
Hong couldn’t avoid doing a
modified form of yuezi herself, at
her mother’s insistence, after her
two sons were born.
Charlotte Duh, who started the home delivery business
Meal4Mom in Temple City three
years ago, believes Western
women can benefit from yuezi
too. Duh would like to attract a
broader clientele among those
who may already lean toward alternative therapies.
“If you eat the right foods, it’ll
help a lot. If you’re more open to
herbs, you’ll find they taste really good,” said Duh, 40, a licensed
acupuncturist who also teaches yoga.
She bathed, and she refused
the traditional Cantonese soup
of pigs feet and vinegar. She
smuggled helpings of boba tea.
To keep her mother happy, she
ate lots of chicken soup and eggs
and didn’t leave the house for a
Engaging full-bore in yuezi
requires a wide-ranging palate.
The foods contain ingredients
unfamiliar to Westerners yet can
taste somewhat bland because
there is little added salt or sugar. To follow through on the hy-
Try Smaller Bites,
Sips to Eat Less
It may seem a little obvious, but one way to eat less
is to take smaller bites.
Researchers from the
Netherlands published a
study Wednesday in the
journal Plos One that looked
at what happened when 53
people ate soup, taking various size sips – when they
were focused and when they
were distracted.
People who took small
sips consumed about 30%
less than those who took big
sips and those who decided
the size of their sips. And,
those who took larger sips
underestimated how much
they ate.
“Consuming small bites
rather than large bites involves more bites for con-
sumption of the same amount
of food. Due to a relatively higher number of bites … small bites
may lead to lower food intake,”
the researchers wrote. It’s also
possible, they said, that lower intake results from diners’ beliefs
about how much they are eating.
“These findings stress the importance of cognitive factors on
satiation,” they said. So if you
think you are full, that makes a
But if a diner’s attention is distracted, those factors are also affected, and several studies have
shown that people eat more
while they are distracted by TV
or other things.
The study subjects, ages 18
to 35, ate creamy tomato soup,
with the sip sizes determined by
a pump. They ate raisin rolls
beforehand so they did not
begin the study very hungry
– a factor that might override
other factors affecting their
behavior. They could stop
eating when they wanted to.
The researchers concluded that the food industry
could design products that
encourage smaller bites or
sips as one way to reduce
A study published almost
a year ago in the same journal showed that pairs of
women eating together tended to mimic each other’s eating patterns. Does all of this
mean you can design a dinner party that will keep you
from eating too much? Perhaps. LATimes
gienic imperatives, a tolerance
for itchy scalps is a must.
On day 24 of the 30-day regimen, Ginny Hung greeted visitors
with her unwashed hair knotted
in a braid and covered by a white
stocking cap. The greasiness no
longer bothered her, she said —
it just felt like she was wearing a
lot of conditioner.
Since giving birth to a son,
Hung had stepped outside her
Hacienda Heights town house
only once, to snap photos of her
two older children in their Halloween costumes.
By the third week of yuezi, her
main course had shifted from
liver and kidney soups to chicken soup with sesame oil, thought
to promote an intense healing
that the body can’t handle in the
initial weeks.
Hung believes the month after
giving birth offers a rare chance
to tweak the body’s inner workings. Her hands and feet no lon-
ger get cold after she observed
yuezi with her first two babies,
she said. She hopes the benefits
will continue into old age.
If nothing else, yuezi offers a
chance for a little relaxation be-
fore the hard work of child rearing begins.
“This is the only moment you
feel like a princess,” said Lisa
Lee, 31, a Diamond Bar mother
of two. “Later, you’re like a housemaid with no pay.” LATimes
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Fecal Transplants Successful
in Treating Intestinal Ailment
A new study has found that an infusion of feces from a healthy person into an ailing
patient’s gut was significantly more effective than a traditional antibiotic treatment —
raising hopes that the unconventional approach could one day help combat obesity,
food allergies and a host of other maladies.
he study, published
online Wednesday
by the New England
Journal of Medicine, demonstrated that the fecal
transplant cleared up a recurrent bacterial infection far more
reliably than the routinely prescribed medication. In fact, the
transplant was so successful
that the research trial was ended early so that patients in the
control groups could be given
the remedy as well.
As a treatment for recurrent
Clostridium difficile infection
— an ailment that affects nearly 1% of patients hospitalized
in the U.S. and plays a role in
an estimated 100,000 deaths
a year — the transplant had
a 94% cure rate, three times
greater than for those who took
only the antibiotic vancomycin.
“It’s a strange concept to use
stool, which has always been
looked on as something dirty,”
said Dr. Lawrence Brandt, a
gastroenterologist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York who has conducted transplants for 14 years
but wasn’t involved in the study.
“We’re entering a very exciting
new chapter in medicine.”
Viewed for many years as a
fringe medical treatment, fecal
transplants are generating new
interest among physicians and
patients. This is due largely to an
explosion in cases of C. difficile
infection, or CDI, among elderly
patients in nursing homes and
hospitals who are getting more
difficult to treat because of a proliferation of antibiotic-resistant
Though the precise mechanism by which the transplant
fights disease remains unclear,
scientists believe it has to do
with restoring microbial diversity to an ailing gut. Feces from a
healthy donor contain a rich and
complex assortment of organisms that have developed beneficial, symbiotic relationships with
humans over millions of years of
evolution. These gut bacteria influence our metabolic rate, immune system performance,
muscular function and even our
mood, Brandt said.
The new study, conducted in
the Netherlands, is the first randomized clinical trial to demonstrate that fecal transplants can
work without causing serious
adverse effects. It follows more
than 300 case reports from Europe and North America that
have endorsed the procedure.
“The study is very exciting,”
said Dr. Colleen Kelly, a gastroenterologist at Brown University’s Alpert Medical School in
Providence, R.I. Kelly, who was
not part of the Dutch research
team, is a vocal proponent of fecal transfusions and has performed them for four years.
“I hope this will help to change
minds. Those of us who do them
know they’re effective, and to our
patients, it’s like a miracle.”
The remedy was made by
combining freshly excreted stool
from a healthy donor with a pint
of lightly salted water. After stirring and straining, the concoction was delivered through a nasal tube that snaked down to the
first section of the small intestine, bypassing any opportunity
for patients to taste or smell the
The medicinal use of stool to
treat illness dates back to 4th
century China, when the physician Ge Hong described fecal solutions for the treatment of food
poisoning and severe diarrhea.
The remedy was considered a
“medical miracle that brought
patients back from the brink
of death,” Dr. Faming Zhang of
Nanjing Medical University wrote
Is Medical Marijuana
Good Medicine?
The Los Angeles City Council voted Tuesday to ban medical marijuana dispensaries in
the city, the culmination of years
of controversy over the sale of
pot here. Meanwhile, in Oakland, a federal crackdown closed
the nation’s largest dispensary amid protests and demonstrations. But authorities rarely seem to address the real issue
about marijuana in California:
Is it good medicine?
Some proponents of medical marijuana argue that pot is
“natural” and therefore better,
or at least no worse, than legally prescribed drugs, which may
be addictive and may carry dangerous side effects. But natural
is not the standard for whether a
drug is safe and effective.
Marijuana advocates also
say that physicians who warn
against marijuana merely want
to push prescriptions. But just
because some doctors practice
bad medicine with legal drugs
doesn’t make marijuana good
medicine. In most cases, it isn’t.
Anyone who wants to get a
medical marijuana card knows
there are unscrupulous doctors
who will give you a recommendation with few questions asked.
Without doubt, medical marijuana hands a get-out-of-jail-free
card to people who just want to
get high. Those who get a card
and indulge in the infrequent use
of marijuana will probably experience few problems. But the situation is different with chronic
marijuana use.
Marijuana acts on cannabinoid receptors in the brain.
These receptors, which are the
most prevalent in the nervous
system, influence just about every bodily function, including
memory, attention, disposition,
arousal, motivation, perception,
appetite and sleep.
Many chronic marijuana users insist that marijuana is not
addictive the way alcohol and
other drugs are. However, neuroscience, animal studies, clinical reports of withdrawal in humans and epidemiology all show
that marijuana is potentially addictive.
As to its benefits, controlled
clinical studies show they exist,
but they are limited. Marijuana
can effectively treat neuropathic pain, and it has been shown
to improve appetite and reduce
nausea in cancer and AIDS patients.
Glaucoma Research
Foundation disputes the idea
that medical marijuana is good
medicine for the disease.
“The high dose of marijuana
necessary to produce a clinically
relevant effect,” the foundation’s
website explains, makes it a poor
choice for the treatment of glaucoma, especially given its “significant side effects” and the availability of safer effective drugs.
In addition, those who use
marijuana to treat mental health
symptoms might be surprised to
learn that studies show it not
only may not help such symptoms, it may cause them.
As to its mental health effects,
marijuana is linked to long-term
psychiatric problems such as depression, anxiety and psychosis.
“Marijuana often is regarded
as a ‘soft drug’ with few harmful effects,” says Dr. Joseph M.
Pierre, co-chief of the Schizophrenia Treatment Unit at the
Department of Veterans Affairs’
West Los Angeles Healthcare
Center. “However, this benign
view is now being revised, along
with mounting research demonstrating a clear association between cannabis and psychosis.”
Habitual marijuana use is
helpful for very few medical conditions. It can cause insidious
changes in personality and attitude that are clear to everyone
but the users themselves. There
are nearly 400,000 emergency
room visits per year due to marijuana use. Before we advocate
for medical marijuana, and before another person doses himself with it, we have to ask: Is
medical marijuana making us
in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.
Later, in the 16th century
Ming Dynasty, herbal healers
prescribed fermented fecal solutions for abdominal ailments,
calling the concoction “yellow
soup” to make it more palatable.
Doctors in the West were more
reticent, although it was known
that certain mammals, such as
dogs and camels, consumed excrement when they were ill, and
that veterinarians sometimes
used a fecal solution to treat ill
horses. It wasn’t until 1958 that
the first scientific paper on the
use of fecal transplants in humans appeared in the United
States. Kelly and Brandt, who
have championed transplantation in the U.S., are organizing a
double-blind test trial here that
will be funded by the National
Institutes of Health.
Proponents acknowledge that
the treatment has a PR problem.
“There is still a gross factor,”
Van Nood said. “We see this
mostly in younger patients. Older patients who have suffered
several recurrences are only
thinking, ‘How can I be relieved
of this CDI?’”
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Five Cruise Ships Stop By
in Bali in January
PT Pelabuhan
Indonesia III, a
state-owned harbor
regulator, has stated
that five cruise ships
have stopped by in
Benoa Harbour, Bali,
in January.
hose ships brought
thousands of tourists to Bali. The latest one was Costa Neo Romantica Cruise, which
stopped by here on January
23,” PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III
Benoa Harbour general manager Iwan Sabatini said here on
“About 800 tourists aboard the
Costa Neo Romantica Cruise,
who were travelling from Australia to Singapore, stopped by at
Bali,” he continued.
“During their one-night stay in
Bali, they visited popular tourist spots, one of which was Kuta
Beach. They also also enjoyed a
Kecak Dance performance before moving on to Singapore,” Sabatini noted.
Several days before the arrival
of Costa Neo Romantica, he said,
the Azamara Journey Cruise
brought 350 foreign tourists to
Bali. “They visited Buleleng, Bali
and Komodo Island in East Nusa
Tenggara,” Sabatini added.
Assuming that at least half of
Europe will be in the grip of cold
weather until March, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III stated that
cruise ships would continue to
visit Benoa Harbour as European tourists plan holidays in tropical areas such as Bali. “In February alone, seven cruise ships
have confirmed their arrival in
Benoa,” Sabatini said.
MV Clipper Odyssey Visits
Banda Aceh
MV Clipper Odyssey, a cruise
ship with hundreds of tourists from various countries on
board, arrived at Banda Aceh
last month.
Banda Aceh culture and tourism office spokesman Reza Fahlevi said the cruise ship carried
hundreds of tourists from the
United States, the Netherlands,
Germany, Hong Kong, Canada,
Argentina, Serbia, South Africa,
and Australia to visit and enjoy a
number of tourism attractions in
the Aceh provincial city.
“The MV Clipper Odyssey
cruise ship has docked at Banda Aceh port for several hours
for the tourists to go for sightseeing at a ship that was washed
ashore by tsunami, the tsunami
museum, Baiturrahman grand
mosque, and Putroe Phang
park,” Reza said here on Friday.
He said that when the ship arrived that the port, the tourists
were greeted with Ranup Lampuan dance, and some cultural attractions to promote Banda
Aceh tourism. Besides, the tourists were also entertained with
popular dances of Guel, Seudati, Rapai Geleng, Tarek Pukat
and Saman, and then served
with various Acehnese typical
Meawhile, tour leader Alex
Leksmono Santoso said the
tourists were amazed and fascinated with the cultural attractions. Leksmono explained that
the cruise ship started its voyage from Australia to Papua,
Bunaken, Ternate, Tidore, Raja
Ampat, Bitung, Logian, Banggai, Baubau, and then to Banda Aceh.
According to him, the Clipper Odyssey is a 110-passenger
luxury expedition vessel, ideally suited for expedition cruising.
The cruise ship carries a fleet of
Zodiacs, which allows the tourists to land anywhere nature
or curiosity dictates. All cabins
have an ocean view, safe, minibar, individually controlled heat/
air conditioner, in-room music
system, and sitting area with
Tourism Contributes $8.5b to State Revenues
The tourism sector became
the fifth largest contributor to
national revenues by generating
$8.5 billion last year.
Citing Central Statistics Agency (BPS) data, Deputy Minister
of Tourism and Creative Economy Sapta Nirwandar said the
tourism sector contributed $9
million to national revenues in
2011, increasing from $7.6 million in 2010.
“In terms of contribution to national revenues, tourism ranked
right after oil and gas, coal, palm
oil and manufactured rubber,”
he noted.
The tourism sector contributed Rp296.97 trillion to the gross
domestic product (GDP) of Indonesia, constituting 4% of the national GDP.
Nirwandar noted that the sector employed 8.53 million people,
accounting for 7.72% of the national workforce. “Total wages in
the sector amounted to Rp96.57
trillion, up by Rp11.77 trillion
from 2010,” he pointed out.
“Tourism’s contribution to indirect tax revenues in 2011 was
Rp10.72 trillion, accounting for
3.85% of total tax revenues,” Nirwandar said, adding that revenues came from restaurant tax
(2.28%), hotel (0.35%) and recreation and amusement (0.28%).
Earlier, Minister of Tourism
and Creative Economy Mari
Elka Pangestu had stated that
the tourism sector would continue to perform well in 2013. “According to official data, the tourism sector of Indonesia grew by
5% in 2012, which is higher than
the global average of 3 to 4%,”
she noted.
“We achieved our 2012 target
Sapta Nirwandar
of having 8 million visitor arrivals. Therefore, we are optimistic
that the numbers will continue
to rise this year,” Pangestu added.
In terms of
contribution to
national revenues,
tourism ranked
right after oil and
gas, coal, palm oil
and manufactured
Salai Festival Set to Be a
National Tourism Item
The government of Central Halmahera district in
North Maluku is keen to include the Salai cultural festival in its list of annual national tourism activities.
The Central Halmahera
government’s spokesman,
Basri Amar, said the Salai
festival, which is held in January, should be included in
the list of annual tourism activities.
“The festival is celebrated in January to mark the
anniversary of the Central
Halmahera district. We will
work closely with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative
Economy to ensure that the
festival is included in the list
of annual tourism activities,”
he said.
He said various cultural attractions, including the
Salai traditional dance, will
be performed during the
Salai festival. “Many cultural attractions in Central Halmahera are at the brink of
extinction, and therefore, we
should preserve them,” Basri said.
Indonesia Tourism Profession
Open to All
The government will not
protect tourism profession
ahead of free ASEAN labor
market, according to the
Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry.
“Protection is no longer
justified. What we are going
to do is improving competency standards,” the head of
the ministry`s tourism and
creative economy resource
development board, I Gde Pitana, said here.
“One of our flagships
is strengthening and
improving educated
and trained workers in
the tourism field.”
In the era of ASEAN Economic Community as of
2015, there will be borderless movement of goods, services and human resources,
he said. The era is inevitable
so that Indonesia must be
able to take advantage of it,
he said. “So protection is no
longer possible in this case.
Therefore, we must strengthen our human resources,”
he said.
The ministry will only
send skilled and semi-skilled
tourism workers abroad,
he said. In 2011, a total of
15,51 tourism workers were
certified by nine certification institutes, compared to
5,000 a year earlier, he said.
Though the number of certified tourism workers is limited, their “selling value” is relatively high at ASEAN and
global levels, he said.
This can be done by improving competency, among
others, he said. “One of our
flagships is strengthening
and improving educated and
trained workers in the tourism field,” he said.
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
The Emerald of West Java’s
Southern Coast
PHOTOS: Alaik, Abe, Felish
The Green Canyon
or Cukang Taneuh
is famous for its
strong river currents
and the high cliffs
that surrounded the
river and the giant
stones which makes
it suitable for water
rafting. This reminds
us of the landscape at
the Grand Canyon in
Arizona, United States.
river water. The river current
took us through the big stones
which pumped our adrenalines
really fast.
We not only had to get through
big stones but we also had to
climb high corals to avoid areas
that aren’t safe to go through.
This activity really tested our
nerves because we also had to
jump from the height of 8 meters
to return to the water. Each and
every one of us jumped back to
the water, not only once but several times.
After going through a series
of strong currents, cliff climbing and taking big plunges, we
then went with a calmer current
that led us to the downstream
of Cukang Taneuh. We rested
our bodies in the water and let
the current take us to the downstream slowly. The blue skies,
green trees and water splashes
seemed to move in slow motion.
It was almost four hours since
we started the adventure before
we finally reached the finish line.
Some tourists came only to enjoy
the sceneries at the downstream
of the Green Canyon as they
swam to enjoy the cold water.
By Iqbal Alaik
y friends Felish,
Abe, Keyra, Griska and I headed towards Batu Karas,
a well-known and
a beautiful beach with friendly
people to escape from the hustle
and bustle of Jakarta life.
Batu Karas is also known as
the best surfing point for beginners. Aside from that, Batu
Karas is also close to other tourism objects such as the Pangandaran beach, Karang Nini, Batu
Hiu and the Green Canyon.
This trip felt special because
we went there with a VW Combi,
a German-made car produced
in 1974. Its wide cabin is suitable
for long journeys because the
van can carry many people but
still offered comfort to its passengers. Yes, this time we had
to drive around 393 kilometers
from Jakarta to reach to Batu
Karas. We chose to leave at night
to avoid traffic jam. At around
9 in the evening, we left Bandung and took turns driving as
we headed to the southern part
of West Java.
At 4.30 in the morning, we
arrived at the parking lot of the
Green Canyon, our main tourism destination before going to
Batu Karas. All of us felt asleep
in the van as we waited for the
sun to rise. We were able to sleep
comfortably because we had
turned our seats into beds.
It felt like we’ve only slept for
a few minutes when the sunlight
woke us up. The Green Canyon
or Cukang Taneuh is famous for
its strong river currents and the
high cliffs that surrounded the
river and the giant stones which
makes it suitable for water rafting. This reminds us of the landscape at the Grand Canyon in
Arizona, United States. It’s green
water and thick tree leaves which
decorated the surrounding area
prompted foreign tourists to call
it the Green Canyon. This tourism spot is located in Kertayasa village, Cijulang subdistrict,
in Ciamis district, West Java. It’s
only about 31 km away from the
Pangandaran beach which had
long gained its fame.
During the weekend, the
Green Canyon is full of tourists
who wanted to enjoy the serenity of the green cliffs or to swim in
the river. We decided to do body
rafting and went 3 km through
the river without using a rubber
boat and simply by flowing with
the strong current. For your information, body rafting should
only be done during the dry season because the water debit is
not so high and the green river water looks better in photographs.
A small car picked us up to
take us to Guha Bahu, the starting point of our adventure. After
walking a little bit, we finally arrived at our destination. A cave
full of bats welcomed us with that
specific bat scents. The strong
river current in front of the cave
promised us a great adventure.
It was an awesome starting point
with high cliffs, trees with thick
leaves and the sound of the river
water that gave anyone who went
there the feeling of peacefulness
and calmness.
Kang Dede, our guide, gave us
instructions so that we can carry on with our activities safely
and still have fun. Without any
hesitance, all of us jumped immediately to the cold and fresh
After taking a short break
and dried ourselves, we continued our journey. We reached the
Batu Karas beach after a 20minute drive. The delicious seafood was the perfect meal to end
the day at a serene beach as the
sound of the waves and winds
relaxed our minds and bodies.
It’s a perfect place for refreshment with friends.
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Acer Announces
a “Budget” Tablet
iPad 128GB Comes
With Retina Display
As one of the leading IT brands, Acer is the first to now venture into the “budget
segment” with a real sensation. Acer has announced a new 7-inch Android Jelly Bean
tablet with one big compelling feature, at a sub-$150 price tag. Acer touts its latest
7-inch tablet, dubbed Iconia B1-A71, as lightweight, handy and powerful.
In Singapore, the Iconia B1 is
priced at S$199. While the specs
certainly don’t compare to the
S$349 Nexus 7, the B1 makes a
great and cheaper alternative for
folks who don’t need all the extra
The 7-inch tablet is also up
for grabs in Indonesia, where it’s
currently being offered by retailer Bhinneka for $135. Once the
special promotion is over, the
Iconia B1 will go for $165.
he 7-inch tablet is powered by a 1.2 GHz dualcore CPU with Cortex
A9 cores from MediaTek, supported by a
PowerVR SX531 graphics chip
from Imagination. Both are certainly not premium range, but
they aren’t bottom of the barrel
either. The working memory has
a capacity of 512 MB and the 8
GB internal memory can be expanded via the microSD slot.
The screen also follows the
present trend with a diagonal of
seven inches. In return, the resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels is
rather mediocre. Acer promises
a 70 degree viewing angle stability from every direction.
To date, Acer’s Iconia B1 is
available in a Wi-Fi only version.
Whether a 3G version will follow
is not yet certain.
In January 29, Apple® announced a 128GB version of the
fourth generation iPad® with
Retina® display.
The 128GB iPad with Wi-Fi
and iPad with Wi-Fi + Cellular
models provide twice the storage capacity of the 64GB models to hold even more valuable
content including photos, documents, projects, presentations,
books, movies, TV shows, music
and apps.
Other countries in the region
where the Iconia B1 has been
launched include India. The B1
was launched there last week
at $150. Those in Europe, Middle East, and Africa can expect
to see the tab land this month
for €119.
To date, Acer’s Iconia B1 is available
in a Wi-Fi only version. Whether a 3G
version will follow is not yet certain.
iPad continues to have a significant impact on business with
virtually all of the Fortune 500
and over 85 percent of the Global
500 currently deploying or testing the product. Companies regularly utilizing large amounts of
data such as 3D CAD files, Xrays, film edits, music tracks,
project blueprints, training videos and service manuals all benefit from having a greater choice
of storage options for iPad. The
over 10 million iWork® users and
customers who rely on other incredible apps like Global Apptitude for analyzing team film and
creating digital playbooks, Auria for an incredible 48 track recording system, or AutoCAD for
drafting architectural and en-
gineering drawings, also benefit greatly from having the choice
of an iPad with more storage capacity.
The fourth generation iPad
features a gorgeous 9.7-inch Retina display, Apple-designed A6X
chip, FaceTime® HD camera,
iOS 6.1 and ultrafast wireless
performance. iOS 6.1 includes
support for additional LTE networks around the world, and
iTunes Match® subscribers can
download individual songs to
their iOS devices from iCloud®.
iPad runs over 800,000 apps
available on the App Store®, including more than 300,000
apps designed specifically for
iPad, from a wide range of categories including books, games,
business, news, sports, health,
reference and travel. iPad also
supports more than 5,000 newspapers and magazines offered in
Newsstand, and more than 1.5
million books available on the
Rumors about iPad version
with 128GB just emerged couple
days ago and recently Apple officially announced that the fourth-
The fourthgeneration iPad has
the same design
and hardware
as the previous
generation iPad.
generation iPad has a 128GB
version with Retina display.
So far, the iPad only has models that range in 16GB, 32GB,
and 64GB. So the fourth-generation iPad with 128GB model is the first time. Well, do not
be surprised if the fourth-generation iPad with Retina display is
priced starting at $799.
The fourth-generation iPad
has the same design and hardware as the previous generation iPad. The fourth-generation
iPad has a 9.7-inch Retina display, Apple-designed chip A6X,
FaceTime HD camera, and runs
on iOS 6.1. And now we can enjoy more than 800,000 apps
available for the iPad in the App
Store, including over 300.00 exciting gaming applications.
The fourth-generation iPad is
scheduled to be available starting on February 5, 2013. The
new iPad will be available in
two different colors, black and
white. iPad 4 with Retina display
128GB version will be available
in two models, the first model is Wi-Fi which priced at $799
and the second model is the 4G
which will be sold for $929.
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
The 6th Faldo Series
Championship to Inspire
Young Indonesian Golfers
Golfers aged 12 to 21 will compete over 36 holes at the BSD Course in West Java. Three
boys and two girls will qualify for the seventh Asia Grand Final, to be hosted by the six-time
Major winner at Mission Hills Golf Club in China on March 13-15.
amai Indah Golf will
again host the country’s top young golfers when the sixth
Faldo Series Indonesia Championship returns to the
BSD Course on February 7-8.
Competitors will be inspired by
Cahyo Adhitomo, who last year
became the first Indonesian to
win a Grand Final title.
Golfers aged 12 to 21 will compete over 36 holes at the BSD
Course in West Java. Three boys
and two girls will qualify for the
seventh Asia Grand Final, to
be hosted by the six-time Major
winner at Mission Hills Golf Club
in China on March 13-15.
Last year’s winner of the Indonesia Championship is Jakarta’s
“Bobby” Adhitomo, who went on
to claim the Boys’ Under-21 title
at the 2012 Asia Grand Final.
Younger children from the local community will also attend
the Indonesia Championship
to watch the competitors in action and enjoy a free golf clinic as
part of a joint drive by the Faldo
Series and Damai Indah Golf to
help grow golf at the grass-roots
Established in 1996, 40 Faldo Series tournaments now take
place in 30 countries world-
World Golfers to Compete
in CIMB Niaga 2013
Indonesian Masters
Although it will not be attended by defending champion Lee Westwood, the CIMB
Niaga 2013 Indonesian Masters 2013 will continue to
show world-level golf competition by world class golfers at the tournament which
will be held 2 - 5 May at Royale Jakarta Golf Club in Jakarta.
A number of golfers stars
will compete in the tournament that provide a total of
$50,000 in prizes.
Daren Clarke from Ireland, Simon Dyson from
England and Michael Campbell from New Zealand will
all join the upcoming tour-
A total of 156 golfers
will be competing,
with Indonesia
presenting 25 of its
best golfers and four
amateur golfers in this
nament. They will compete with
other Major champions such as
Ernie Els and John Daly.
The presence of Clarke and
had won several tours, makes
this prestigious event more interesting because they will compete
against the best players from the
Asian Tour.
Gatot Subagio, Corporate
Communications Head of
PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk
(CIMB Niaga), stated that
the excitement comes with
the presence of foreign players who will compete in this
Gatot Subagio added that
besides developing this international
they will also give space for
younger players of the Amateur League and provide
A total of 156 golfers will
be competing, with Indonesia presenting 25 of its best
golfers and four amateur
golfers in this tournament.
Last year’s winner of the Indonesia Championship is Jakarta’s “Bobby” Adhitomo, who went on to claim the Boys’ Under-21 title at
the 2012 Asia Grand Final.
wide with more than 7,000 golfers participating each year. Past
winners include Major champions Rory McIlroy and Yani
Chinese Taipei, Vietnam, Hong
Kong, Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Malaysia,
Japan, Pakistan, Indonesia and
The 2012/2013 Faldo Series
Asia schedule features a record
18 tournaments in 15 countries,
including four in mainland China and others in the Philippines,
The Faldo Series Asia is supported by major partners ISPS,
Mission Hills and The R&A. It is
endorsed by the Asian Tour and
the Asia Pacific Golf Federation.
Established in 1996,
40 Faldo Series
tournaments now take
place in 30 countries
worldwide with more
than 7,000 golfers
participating each
February 2013 Vol.2 No. 2
Java Jazz
Java Jazz 2013
The President Post/Daniel Trioska
The world’s largest music event, the
Jakarta International Djarum Super Mild
Java Jazz Festival, is right around the
corner (March 1st-3rd). The event will be
held at the Jakarta International Expo in
Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.
he ninth edition of Java
Jazz Festival, themed
“Jazz Up The World”,
brings out international and national legends,
Grammy winners/nominees, today’s top lists, the masters of the
‘game’ and shiny newcomers.
This year’s Java Jazz Festival will feature special shows
from three exceptional ladies,
namely British legendary singer Lisa Stansfield, soulful Joss
Stone, and emerging superstar
Basia. Other than these three
girls, there are also many great
names. Bob James and Chuck
Loeb will have their own shows
besides playing as Fourplay with
the other two compatriots. The
piano prodigy Eldar Djangirov,
who stunned everyone when he
was still a very young boy some
years ago, is also listed. Special
collaborations which will bring
back memories will be there too,
such as George Duke and Stanley Clark, with their all time hit
“Sweet Baby”. And of course Lee
Ritenour and Dave Grusin who
have been supporting each other
for some decades both on stage
and recordings.
A special project paying tribute
to Miles Davis, “Miles Smiles”,
will be brought by big cats Larry Coryell, Joey DeFrancesco,
Omar Hakim, Daryll Jones and
Rick Margitza.
The Grammy Award winning,
and one of the best post bop saxophonists, Kenny Garrett with
his Quintet, Magnus Lindgren
with special guest Gregory Porter, Jose James, James Carter
Organ Trio, Wouter Hamel, The
Soul Rebels, Emily Elbert, David Helbock and Gregory Porter Quartet will also be featured.
Legendary groups Sypro Gyra
will make its return to Indonesia,
also Phil Perry, New York Voices,
Roy Hargrove (in RH Factor and
Quintet), Roberta Gambarini,
Marcus Miller and in-house residence Brian Simpson.
There are many names who
will make their first appearance
at the Java Jazz Festival such
as the legendary Jimmy Cliff,
the person who can place soul
and gospel into his reggae taste,
the famous Japanese-American
singer whose music embraces
mixtures of jazz, soul, R and B,
Java Jazz 2013 Press Conference. According to Program Director EQ Puradiredja, there will be about 56 shows per day, spread
in more than a dozen stages There will also be tributes to Indonesian legends every day covering Ismail Marzuki, Utha Likumahuwa
and Elfa Secioria.
pop and dance Monday Michiru,
Balance and The Traveling
Sounds, Butterscotch, Chucho Valdes from Cuba and Fernandez4 from Argentina among
others. Representing our own
neighboring country is Mellow
Motif from Thailand. The lead
singer of this group, Natasha
Patamapongs, performed at the
5th Asean Jazz Festival last year
in Batam. Now she’s back with
her group which also features
Eugene Ang. A complete list of
confirmed International Artists
can be seen in this page: http://
For national artists, there
will be no less than 120 selected groups. Indro Hardjodikoro and the Fingers are going to
make their first landing this
year featuring Tompi, and beautiful talented pianist Meri Kasiman too. Legends such as Indra Lesmana (with LLW), Dwiki
Dharmawan (and String Quartet), Tjut Nyak Deviana Daudsjah (ft Dip’ah), Oele Pattiselano,
Karim Suweileh & Jazzy Quin-
tet, Benny Likumahuwa Jazz
Connection, and Donny Suhendra Power Fusion Trio are also
scheduled. Oddie Agam will celebrate his four decades of music;
the new face of AB Three, now
called B3, will also be there too.
Piano teacher Andi Wiriantono
is making another appearance
this year.
Barry Likumahuwa Project
(BLP) will pay a tribute to Weather Report, while other popular
groups especially among youngsters like Maliq & D’Essentials,
Abdul and the Coffee Theory, Calvin Jeremy, Sister Duke,
The Extra Large,Matthew Sayersz and Tulus are participating as well. If that’s not enough,
there are many other mouthwatering artists/bands including Dewi Sandra, Glenn Fredly,
Andien, Cindy Bernadette, The
Groove, The Jongens Quartet,
IYR, Krishna Balagita, Manna,
Heaven on Earth, Bandanaira
(Irsa Destiwi and Lea Simanjuntak), guitar maestro I Wayan
Balawan in Balawan Bifan Trio
(with bassist Fajar Adi Nugroho
and drummer Dion Subyakto) ft
Didiet violin, Manna and Sandy
Winarta Quartet. If you love The
Beatles, don’t forget to check GPluck Beatles’ show. The unique
collaboration between Agam
Hamzah and Rafly together with
Adi Darmawan, Jalu G Praditina and Saat ‘Borneo’ Syah as
Rafly Wa Saja will bring unique
jazz in Aceh flavour.
ering Ismail Marzuki, Utha Likumahuwa and Elfa Secioria.
Peter F, Gontha, the founder of Java Jazz Festival, said the
event will be aired in live streaming via Youtube to all around the
world via First Media. “So far
Java Jazz is the fourth event to
be broadcasted live in the world
and enjoys huge number of hits
through Youtube,” he explained.
With the support sponsors
Djarum Super Mild, BNI, Garuda Indonesia, Tebs, Telkomsel and Blue Bird Group, as well
as the Ministry of Trade and the
Ministry of Tourism and Creative
Economy, it is expected to draw
large crowds. Between 110,000
and 115,000 people is expected to attend the festival, up from
2012’s 108,000.
From Rumah Musik Harry Roesli (RMHR) in Bandung
comes 57kustik with the theme
“For Better Life Movement”. Representing the blues line is Ginda
and the White Flowers, also from
Bandung. On more confirmed
Indonesian artists, please refer
to http://www.javajazzfestival.
Preceding the event and in
order to spread the hype and
the mood of the Jakarta International Djarum Super Java
Jazz Festival 2013, the organizers launched the Djarum Super
Mild Java Jazz on the Move (JJOTM) in several malls and cafes
across Jakarta. The JJOTM is
held on the third week of January 2013 at the Sumarecon Mall
Serpong, Black Cat Jazz & Blues
Club, Margo City Depok, Puri
Mall, and Supermall Karawaci.
According to Program Director EQ Puradiredja, there will be
about 56 shows per day, spread
in more than a dozen stages
There will also be tributes to Indonesian legends every day cov-
So get ready for the 9th edition
of Jakarta International Djarum Super Mild Java Jazz Festival 2013. This spectacular music
show only comes once a year. Be
sure you don’t miss it!