Jan/Feb. 2016 - Morocco Shrine
Jan/Feb. 2016 - Morocco Shrine
the Volume 63, Number 2 moroccan OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF MOROCCO SHRINERS Follow Us on Facebook.com/moroccoshrine JACKSONVILLE, FL MARCH - APRIL 2016 Website: www.moroccoshrine.org POTENTATE’S WESTERN BALL APRIL 23, 2016 POTENTATE FRANK CRUCE AND HIS LADY BETH 30 $ Requests Your Presence to the Western Ball MOROCCO SHRINE AUDITORIUM RESERVATIONS: CONTACT BOB CURRY 904-591-2186 email: [email protected] Per Person ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ MOROCCO SHRINERS Potentate’s Message Oasis of Jacksonville 3800 St. Johns Bluff Rd., S. Jacksonville, FL 32224-2620 Tel.: 904-642-5200 Elected Divan Illustrious Potentate ................ Frank Cruce Chief Rabban ................... Comadore Perry Assistant Rabban ........................... Hal Mix High Priest & Prophet......... Hansford Joiner Oriental Guide ........................... Bruce Ford Treasurer ............................. Andy Westhoff Recorder ........................ Gary Thigpen. PP Appointed Divan 1st. Ceremonial Master ......... Kurt Morauer 2nd. Ceremonial Master ..... James Hodges Captain of the Guard ............. James Jones Finance Committee Frank Cruce, Potentate Comadore Perry, Chief Rabban James Keane (2016) John Wood (2017) Paul Cummins (2018) Wilford Lyon, P.P. Shriners International Iowa Corporation Representatives Wilford Lyons, Jr. P.P., Emeritus George Ferber, P.P. Emeritus Frank Cruce, Jr., Potentate Comadore Perry, Chief Rabban Jerry Smith, P.P. Jimmy Holderfield, P.P. Southeastern Shrine Association Russell P. Lea, P.P., Past President SESA Frank Cruce, Jr., Potentate Comadore Perry, Chief Rabban Gary Thigpen, P.P., Recorder Florida Shrine Association Norman Blackwell P.P. Frank Cruce, Potentate Comadore Perry, Chief Rabban Hal Mix, High Priest & Prophet Hansford Joiner, Oriental Guide Andy Westhoff, Treasurer Gary Thigpen, P.P., Recorder Brian Painter, 2nd Vice Potentate Shriners Hospital for Children Tampa Board of Governors Board Members Robert Curry, Sr. – Member Cecil G. Kimberly – Member Appointments Director – Brian Painter, P.P. Parade Marshal – Jim Suber, Coordinator Marshal – Jerry Gartman Outer Guard – Ralph Rawles Emeritus Members Chaplain .................................... Billy Collier Chief Photographer ........................ Joe Tull Colonel of Motor Corp.......... Horace Leprell Director ............... William E. “Ed” Anderson Director .................................... Jim Hodges Assistant Director .................... Jim Peebles Treasurer .......................... George Baccash WOW! — Good things are happing in 2016; it’s already been filled with enthusiasm, fun, and excitement. What a great New Years Eves Party. We had a great time as we danced the night away right into midnight. Thank you Illustrious Donnie Boree and Lady Terri for a great year in 2015, we had a fantastic year. A Great Big Thank you goes out to our 2nd Ceremonial Master Jim Hodges and the Morocco A-Team for putting together a great evening. January was busy starting with the 6th attending the Daughters of the Nile Supreme Queen Visit with her Majesty Sharon St. John. We enjoyed a wonderful evening meeting and talking with the Supreme Queen. Next was Saturday the 9th and that was Shrine Day. I want to personally thank everyone who helped in making Shrine Day a huge success and a very memorable day for Lady Beth and I. It was an honor having my brother, William “Bill” Cruce there as Installing Marshall. We also had our son, daughter, their children and a few of my sisters, another brother and a few others from my family who were able to attend. Thank you to Ill. Sir Jimmy Holderfield, who appointed me in 2010 to the Divan, he was the Master of Ceremony, and did an outstanding job, thank you Sir. A lot of information was handed out from the Board of Directors. Other Committees had reports that were also given out. Again, thank you to everyone for your help. I was very honored to create our first Noble of the year, my son-in-law Josh Lee. Welcome Josh and we also had four other candidates who I also had the privilege of making them Shriners the same day. Welcome to all, I hope you become active and join a Unit or Association for an experience of a lifetime. Lady Beth, with the assistance of her Ladies, put together a great Ladies Luncheon and program. They enjoyed the entertainment of one of our Shrine Patients, Jessica Vickers, who is a very talented singer. Her mother was the guest speaker for the ladies luncheon sharing their story of how Jessica became a Shrine Patient. We are “Crusin” – as we visited West Jax Shrine Club for their Official Visit and Installation of Officers. It was an honor to install my Shrine Club Officers. Thank you WJSC and I hope Eddie and Becky have a very successful year in 2016. Next was the Motorcycle Escort Official Visit, was another great evening of fun and fellowship? Lady Beth and I, were honored to have received donations of $2500 each for our projects for the 2016 year. Thank you to the Motor Cycle Escort, you do an outstanding job putting together the Motorcycle drawing each year. A lot of hard work goes into the success of such a great event. Nobles and friends show support and purchase your ticket. February started out with our first Steak Night dinner and what a great night it was, with over one hundred sixty dinners. Our A-Team Chief, Bubba and the A-Team members, put together a wonderful Steak Dinner, with all the trimmings. Thank you to all the A-team, for all your hard work and giving of your time. Thank you to Franklin Ritchey for providing the evening with great entertainment. We held the Annual Memorial Service, February 21st, and 2nd Ceremonial Master, Noble Jim Hodges, provided us with a very nice program. The beginning of Parade season is fast approaching, so get your parade vehicles cleaned and shined and let’s go “Crusin” in the parades. I encourage you to get involved and if you don’t have a parade vehicle, come out anyway, wear your FEZ and let the people see us having fun. The Spring Bazaar on March 12th & 13th and the Ballyhoo Children’s, Annual Easter Egg Party is also the 12th of March. I’m finishing with membership, we need members, on Shrine Day I challenged each Noble to search out and obtain one Petition. And I want to say, you have started, we have made eleven (11) new Nobles in the first two months. Let’s keep the numbers growing, with the momentum and enthusiasm I see, we can make a difference. My Theme, CRUSIN’ To make a Difference, “Together we can.”. I look forward to seeing you at future events. I want to say, have a Happy Easter. 2 • The Moroccan – March - April 2016 Frank Cruce FRANK CRUCE – Illustrious Potentate, 2016 the moroccan Dear Ladies of Published bi-monthly in the interest of Shrinedom by Morocco Shriners, 3800 St. Johns Bluff Rd., S., Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2620. Issued bi-monthly. Postage paid at Jacksonville, Florida. Ruth Saunders, Editor (cell) 904-401-3291 Dorfus Fain . . . . . . . . . . . Photographer Frank Elkins . . . . . . . . . . . . .Staff Writer ADDRESS ALL NEWS, PICTURES OR COMMUNICATIONS TO: E-Mail: [email protected] (Deadline: Friday following Stated Session) Deadline: May/June Issue – April 15th September/October – August 12th Patrols Official Visit Potentate Cruce and Bill Hudson. First Lady Beth and Susan Wilson. Morocco Shrine Well, we have gotten off to a great start. I have heard nothing but compliments on Shrine Day Jessica Vickers was the star of the day!! I hope we will be seeing a lot more of Jessica and her family in the future. I want to personally thank all who helped make this such a great Day!! I would like to thank Lady Pam Holderfield for presiding over our Shrine Day Program. Also, I was truly honored by the attendance of the Past Potentates Ladies. I have always admired you all and will be looking to you for your advice and wisdom during the year. To Cindy Cummins a huge Thank You for the decorations, they were absolutely beautiful. My Heartfelt thanks goes out to Debbie Boree and her helpers for the wonderful meal that we all enjoyed. The A-Team as always did an outstanding job and Thank you so very much for all you do. There are so many others behind the scene that also helped to make this a great day, a Special Thank You to all of you!! To the Divan Ladies, without you and your help and support we could not do what we do to make Morocco Great!! Our first steak night was a huge success as we had over 150 steak dinners served and as always the ATeam did a remarkable Jor!!!! Thanks to everyone who helped make this a success. We have already had our stated session for February and we had a wonderful turnout for it. The food was outstanding and a Great big thank you to the Family Kitchen Crew for another fantastic meal. Thank you, Ralph Rawles for the beautiful bouquet of Roses that I gave away to the ladies. And Guess who won!! None other than our very own Decorating Chairperson Mrs. Cindy Cummins. We also had the Canine Companions who gave a talk and a show of all the great work they do with the dogs they train to be companions to persons with disabilities. They were awesome so if you missed it you missed a great event. Thank you Chaplain Sam Bennett for introducing them and having them come and share their great work with all of us. We have our Spring Bazar on March 12th & 13th so come on out and let’s see what new ideas have sprung up and let’s support this great event. I hope to see a lot of you there!! Please mark you’re Calendars for April 23rd as this will be the Potentates Ball, I hope you will be able to attend: It is going to be a Western Theme only $30 a person and just a fun filled night. So polish your boots and press your jeans and come on out and have some fun with us. See the Moroccan page about the Ball for more information. Ladies, we have a Cruise planned for May 21-26, traveling out of Port Canaveral to Amber Cove, Dominican Republic and Grand Turk. We have a Bus lined up to take us to the port and bring us back for an additional fee. We will have a good time on the bus and no worries about parking etc. So come join us for a fun trip. I want to say Thank you to all who have donated to my projects so far, we are doing great!! Thank You with all My Heart!!!! With Love Lady Beth The Moroccan – March - April 2016 • 3 Chaplain’s Corner By Samuel Bennett Look at Ephesians 4:16 where Paul says that the whole body — the church — is, “joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love as each part does its work.” Please note three key words that stand out in this verse: “whole,” “every,” and “each.” I want our Nobles and Ladies to understand the importance of these words. Please understand that you are one of the individual parts, and that WE fit into the whole — in the subject case “Morocco Shriners.” We all know that we are speciallygifted for service in this Temple and so when we meet, we join a local body of believers and get involved. You know, the human body contains an almost endless list of organs and cells and systems and sub-systems, each of which fulfills a vital function when it comes to keeping the body healthy. How anyone could believe that we humans just accidentally evolved is beyond me! Well, the older I become spiritually the more I understand that the local body of Morocco is just as complex. I mean, there are tons of jobs to do here, each of which contributes to the health of this local body known as the Morocco Shriners. The comparison doesn’t work on all levels, but in a very real sense this Temple has parts that resemble those in an actual physical human body. For example, there’s what I think of as our “digestive system,” those body parts who feed us nutritious information in our Stated Sessions, Steak Nights, etc, etc. Remember, as Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” And then, there’s what I refer to as our “repair system,” those people who serve on the building and grounds committee and keep our facility looking good. They keep a constant watch on needed repairs whether it involves new carpet or a new roof or a new AC System. They keep the physical facility healthy so we can have a place to gather. There’s also our “circulation system,” those body parts that circulate financial resources needed for the PTF, Building Fund, and Charity Resources that support our Hospitals. Next, there’s the heart of Morocco, those people that keep our fellowship loving and strong by planning events, preparing our meals and cleaning up afterwards. This also includes those people who serve on the Divan, and as In Memoriam These We Do Not Forget “ES AELAMU ALEIKUM” We do not lose the ones we love They only go before, Where there is everlasting life Where sorrow is no more. And there the soul will always live And peace is everywhere. We do not lose the ones we love God takes them in his care. IN HONOR OF THOSE WHOM WE REMEMBER Charles D. Towers, Jr. Michael W. Stoinoff Keep the families of these Nobles in your prayers. 4 • The Moroccan – March - April 2016 Potentate Aides, Deputy of the Guards, Parade Marshal, Photographer, etc, etc. who preserve harmony in the body helping us to love one another so we can function together as one. I could literally go on and on and on and on. I mean you would not believe all the different things that have to be done in order for us to function and be healthy, so mature believers understand this principle and they are fully involved! They know that this “body” didn’t just accidentally evolve, but that God specifically designed us, gifted each individual body part — and because He did, each believer, no matter how insignificant he/she may appear, has a ministry to other believers. Maturing believers know that the Body grows as the individual member grows, and they grow as they feed on the Word and minister to, and with each other. Well, let me ask you. Are you involved? Are you using your giftedness at the Morocco Shriners or are you just a spectator? Are you just dating this body, or have you made a commitment to it? SHRINER OF THE MONTH IS MANNING WOODLEY (No photo available at press time.) You are cordially invited to the 23rd Annual Ballyhoo Ladies Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 12, 2016 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Morocco Shrine Activity Building 3800 St. Johns Bluff Road, South - Jacksonville, FL 32224 COME AND JOIN US FOR: Food • Fun • Easter Egg Hunt • Dancing And SPECIAL GUEST ... The Easter Bunny! RSVP by March 2, 2016 Maggie Shuman: Call or text 904-571-0522 or Email: [email protected] Publically Speaking DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE KHEM TEMPLE NO. 85 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE 2016-2017 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS, QUEEN-ELECT DEBBY BOREE WILL BE INSTALLED AS QUEEN OF KHEM TEMPLE NO. 85, SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2016 AT 2:30 PM MOROCCO SHRINE CENTER - ACTIVITIES BLDG. RECEPTION FOLLOWS Circus Ads Two new sheets have been added to the Circus Program this year, A Buck-ALine sheet and a $5 Buck-A-Line sheet. Circus Ad sheets and The Buck-ALine sheets are available to you by Email. Send your request by e-mail to: [email protected] and I will send you the Circus Ad and Buck-A-Line sheets by e-mail as a .pdf and as a .doc file in reply to your e-mail. By Frank Elkins February Meeting The dinner meeting opened with the Beaches Shrine Club Honor Guard making the presentation of colors. We had 80 attendees, of which five were Past Potentates. The meeting began with Noble Bob Curry providing some enlightening information regarding the Shriners Hospitals for Children. Noble Bill Hudson followed with great news concerning the Morocco Circus from May 12 – 15th. Illustrious Sir Frank Cruce received presentations for the PTF from Cheryl McCain with the Ladies of the Quiltfest in the amount of $2,300. This contribution was raised from a silent auction from the quilts the members of Quilt Fest Inc. of Jacksonville Florida provided at a recent three day event. Noble Vince Gomez and Noble Jim Gaskins also donated $71 additional from the Quiltfest from placing a Fez on the display table. Noble Tommy Edwards, P.P., requested your presence at the Potentate’s Ball on April 23. See details elsewhere in the Moroccan. Pam Brickle invited everyone on the five night sailing onboard Carnival Valor. You must act fast as the deadline for final payment is March 8. See details elsewhere in the Moroccan. Vickie Smith, along with many of her team, gave an interesting presentation regarding Canine Companions for Independence. This organization trains and provides assistance dogs. Read more about this wonderful group at www.cci.org. Noble Manning Woodley was announced and congratulated as Shriner of the Month. March 5 begins this parade year with the Azalea Festival at the Putnam County Shrine Club followed by the Fernandina Beach Parade on March 19 and then the Crescent City parade at Bass Capitol Shrine Club on April 2. Every Noble was requested to bring in a petition for the next Ceremonial. Cindy Cummings won a dozen roses with a vase, in a drawing presented by First Lady Beth Cruce. Sally Rosier won the 50/50 in the amount of $80. Sweetheart’s Corner ... Sweethearts are widows of Shriners, we meet once a month usually the third Thursday at 10:30. We have such a great time, enjoying our get together and luncheon each month. We sincerely appreciate our Potentate and each one that helps make this possible. we average 25 to 30 widows each month. We all try to schedule our other (doctors) appointments accordingly. As a reminder, any widow of a Shriner is welcome to any function at Morocco Shrine. We meet in the dining room. Please contact me if you have any questions. Jessie Booth, Chairman at 928-8772. http://www.shrinershq.org http://www.moroccoshrine.org http://www.fla-shrine.org http://www.glflamason.org http://www.seshrine.org WEBSITES: The Moroccan – March - April 2016 • 5 Shrine Day Above: Shrine Day Hospital Patient Jessica Vickers and her mom. Motorcycle Escort Official Visit with First Lady Beth and Past Potentate Dennis Green. Left: Josh Lee, Potentate’s Son-in-Law, first new Shriner for 2016. Past Potentate Dennis Green and Potentate Frank Cruce accepting a donation. 6 • The Moroccan – March - April 2016 2016 Hospital Days Yearbook Orders If you ordered a Morocco yearbook or photo last year and have not received please contact Mark Erwin at Summerfield Studios for a full refund. The telephone number is 330.730.7662 or you may email [email protected] If you paid with a credit card the simplest way to receive your refund is to contact your credit card company. Please contact our Recorder Gary Thigpen 904.642.5200 ext. 17 or by email [email protected] if you have any questions West Jax Shrine Club Annual Golf Tournament June 4, 2016 • Hyde Park Golf Club 6439 Hyde Grove Ave 32210 Gary Murfitt-Club Pro 904-786-5410 Registration 11:15am/BBQ Lunch 12:15 Shotgun start 1:30pm • Captain’s Choice Format $75 per golfer paid by May 27, 2016 All entries are first come first served based on the date your entry is received with payment. ***Priority given to entries pre-paid with registration Awards to 1st, 2nd & 3rd place teams Proximity prizes, door prizes, range balls, two drink tickets per golfer for non-alcoholic beverage on course. • Car/Prizes for hole-in-one on Par 3’s Sponsored by Nimnicht GMC Buick GOLD: $1,000. Entry for foursome, Hole Sign, Name on Sponsor Board and on Sponsor sheet in all golfer gift bags. SILVER: $500. Entry for foursome, Hole Sign, Name on Sponsor Board and on Sponsor sheet in golf bags. HOLE SPONSOR: $100. Sign with Company/Group name. OTHER SPONSORS: $25. Sponsors, name Recognition on Sponsor Board in sign-in area. For more info contact: John Short 904-778-7288 (home) 904-874-2340 (cell) Email [email protected] “Proceeds to benefit WJSC and are not tax deductible” SHRINE MEETING PROTOCOL ADDRESS A Potentate or Past Potentate is always addressed as “Illustrious Sir.” The proper manner of address at a Shrine Meeting is: Illustrious Sir, Illustrious Sirs, Members of the Divan and Nobles. Imperial 2016 Tampa, Florida Dates: Sunday, July 3rd, 2016 – Wednesday, July 7th, 2016 Please note, the Hospitality Room will be closing Wednesday, July 7th, 2016 by 12:00 p.m. Also, the deposit amount for everyone will be $200.00 whether you are traveling stag or with your Lady. Name and Address of Hotel: Barrymore Hotel 111 West Fortune Street Tampa, Florida 33602 There will be free parking for personal and parade vehicles (to include trailers). This area will be patrolled by hotel security 24 hours a day. The hotel will also provide a complimentary shuttle service within a 2 mile radius to include the Marketplace. According to the Imperial website, the parade will be held Monday, July 4th, 2016, in the evening. (All Nobles, please remember that parading is a requirement). Marketplace Address: Tampa Convention Center 333 Franklin Street Tampa, Florida 33602 The Potentate’s Reception will be Sunday, July 3rd, 2016 beginning at 4:00 pm in the 1st floor ballroom. The Moroccan – March - April 2016 • 7 What Should We Focus On As Shriners for 2016? Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. We have nearly 200 temples (chapters) in several countries and thousands of clubs around the world. It is the mission of Shriners International to: Be the premier fraternal organization for men of good character • Provide attractive, quality programs and services for its members, their families and their friends in a spirit of fun, fellowship and social camaraderie • Foster self-improvement through leadership, education, the perpetuation of moral values and community involvement • Serve mankind through the resources of its philanthropy, Shriners Hospitals for Children Looking at our Mission Statement I would suggest that there are three themes that we should be constantly focused on. • Developing the individual Shriner as a man of good character, good morals, and on educating him on the Masonic principals of brotherly love, relief and truth. • Developing activities and quality services for our members, our families, and our friends. • Serve mankind through the resources of our philanthropy, Shriners Hospitals for Children. Looking at #1. Although many of us assume that our moral development is the duty of the Blue Lodge, this is the most common theme of our Shrine Mission Statement. So our Temple should be helping us pursue the search for further Light. At minimum we should holding ourselves accountable for the obligations that we took at the Altar. We should be treating each other positively, recognizing that how others perceive us with each other should be an incentive for them to want to become a Shriner. It even looks like we are being held to a doubly higher standard than just being a Mason. Since we may be reviving the theatrical aspect of our initiation process in 2016 we may want to look at what additional esoteric work or education that we could do throughout the year. I would also highly recommend that you look up the original Masonic definition of “charity”. You may be surprised of what it originally meant. Looking at #2. The decline in membership of our Fraternity has really hurt us here. It’s hard to have the volunteers and finances to maintain the Shrine social fabric of twenty years ago. Our Clubs and our Temple are suffering from the lack of funds and lack of Noble’s with the expertise needed to maintain them cost effectively. Our Clubs and our Units are closing due to aging membership. Most of us are already trying to do the best that we can with what we still have to work with. But closings, consolidations, and partnerships are our future. Looking at the bigger picture for Morocco is paramount. 8 • The Moroccan – March - April 2016 Trying to fill some of the old expectations using fewer resources is crazy. Its time to honestly look at our strengths and weaknesses. Trying to keep a Club and facility going with three active members is impossible. Change will happen whether we are willing for it or not. Let’s work together to face these sad realities with Brotherly love and mutual support. It’s OK to have smaller events for friends and family. Let’s relook at local community visibility. Let’s start anew with sponsoring a school, helping another organization’s food drive, sponsoring a Child ID activity, letting the Boy Scouts use our facilities, or holding a meal for our service people or local police and fire department. It’s also OK to help other Clubs with their events. We can have a lot of fun together, and have positive visibility in our communities, by doing smaller, more organized, and better quality events. Looking at #3. This is one area that we have been hugely successful. Our philanthropic activities are now legend. Our hospitals are financially sound. Our Transportation Fund, however, is drastically underfunded. Let’s be honest and acknowledge that we are one patient transport away from having to pull significant money out of our general fund, which would result in further deterioration of our Temple. Each of us can make a big difference if we simply have the funds we raise assigned to the Patient Transportation Fund. It still all goes to the Hospital and to service our kids. In closing, I really am looking forward to a lot of good things happening for Morocco in 2016. I also know that we will need to make a lot of changes in both form and function. Illustrious Sir Frank Cruce and his Lady Beth are already building on some of the changes initiated by his immediate predecessors. There is still much to be done. Each one of us is a part of the answer to the challenges that we are facing, and will continue to face for the remainder of this decade. The core of being a good Mason is being in service to each other. As Shriners we are additionally fortunate in that we can be of service to our kids and have fun with our families at the same time. Qualifications to Attend Prilgrimages to the Imperial The qualifications for pilgrimages to the Imperial are the same as they have been for the past few years. In order to qualify you must have 2016 dues paid, you must sell $300.00 worth of ads, work at least three complete circus shows and sell your eight circus ticket coupons that will be mailed to you. The sales will need to be turned into the office so they can be tabulated and money deposited, and your circus participation will be recorded at the circus. This process will qualify you for your hotel room and hospitality room. In order to qualify your spouse, she will need to work three complete circus shows. Circus Ads must be turned into the front office by March 28, 2016. Join Potentate Frank Cruce and his Lady Beth on their 5 night cruise sailing May 21, 2016 2016 Morocco Shrine Family and Friends Cruise Onboard CARNIVAL VALOR Date Sat, May 21 Sun, May 22 Mon, May 23 Tue, May 24 Wed, May 25 Thu, May 26 Port Port Canaveral (Orlando), FL Depart: 4:00pm Remark: Dock Fun Day at Sea Remark: Fun at Sea Amber Cove, Dominican Republic Arrival: 9:30am Depart: 5:30pm Remark: Dock Grand Turk Arrival: 8:00am Depart: 4:00pm Remark: Dock Fun Day at Sea Remark: Fun at Sea Port Canaveral (Orlando), FL Shrine Day and Stated Session Saturday January 9th Shrine Day opened in due form with one of our Shriners Hospitals for Children patients, Jessica Vickers, singing the national anthem. There were 10 Past Potentates present as the new 2016 Potentate Illustrious Sir, Frank Cruce, performed his welcoming remarks and made us aware of his new slogan “Cuisin’ to make a difference.” Presentations. Morocco Thunder was presented the traveling trophy for the seventh consecutive year by Larry Giggey. The Thunder participates in an average of 25 events each year. Gainesville Shrine Club contributed $2,000 for the Patient Transportation Fund. Hal and Arlene Mix donated $1,000 for the campaign fund. Announcements: Ceremonial is June 10th and 11th. Paper Drive is May 14th and October 29th. For more information on the paper drive, contact Keith Dobson. 29 Associations, Clubs and Units were in attendance. Stated Session Stated Session was attended by nearly 75 attendees of whom nine were Past Potentates. 10 petitions for initiation, affiliation, and association combined were elected by a clear ballot. Treasurer’s report was $9,000 positive for 2015 for Morocco and the Patient Transportation Fund was $2,000 positive. 2016 budget was approved as a zero based budget for $557,000. February 21st is the Memorial Service at 2 p.m. Three new members were sworn in at 1:30. S ER M O D ST NTE U C WA CAN’T BE LATE FOR SPRING BAZAAR MARCH 12 & 13 MOROCCO SHRINE AUDITORIUM JACKSONVILLE, FL Group Rates: 4D – Inside Stateroom $724.87 per person 8B – Balcony Stateroom $839.87 per person A bus will be available to and from Port for $45.00 per person, leaving Morocco at 9:00 a.m. Make check (for Cruise Bus) out to Morocco sent to Gary Thigpen at Morocco All rates quoted include the cruise, port charges, taxes and pre-paid gratuities. For Additional information contact: Pam Brickle Phone: 904-384-9954 Leave a message if no answer. Bring A Friend!! SHRINE SPRING BAZAAR MARCH 12 & 13, 2016 SHRINE AUDITORIUM 3800 ST. JOHNS BLUFF RD., S. JACKSONVILLE, FL 32224 904-613-1942 “Come See Us!!” The Moroccan – March - April 2016 • 9 ST. AUGUSTINE Full House By Don Williams We had a full house for the February meeting as the members enjoyed a tasty meal prepared by Chef Kenny. The future of the St. Augustine Shrine Club looks rosy as we continue to attract new young members and put on successful events such as the “Johnny’s Famous Fried Chicken” on the last Friday of each month and our special events such as the “Super Bowl Ribs to Go.” Thanks to all those Nobles that Help! After the Great year that was enjoyed by Past Pres. Jerod Meeks and his Crew, our new Pres. Mike Grace and Crew has a great line up of FERNANDINA BEACH Winter Hanging On! By Philip Harris Winter still plagues Amelia Island keeping most activities inside. During these dreary days the club’s time is spent maintaining the clubhouse and equipment. Our “mule” (the Model A Touring Car seen in all the parades) and the trailer that hauls it to and from parade venues, have had extensive repairs which are mandatory if we plan to keep calling on them. Winter (especially) is a good time for us to remember our roots in the Blue Lodge and to attend as many of those meetings as we can and many of our members are doing just that. The proceeds from our most recent money raising activities allowed the club to present the Temple a check for $2,200 which went directly to the Transportation Fund. Eyes are on the Azalea Parade on March 5 and the Fernandina Parade on March 19. This club will host a lunch after the Fernandina parade at the club house on 14th St where hamburgers and hotdogs will be served to the public for a $5 donation. We are anxiously awaiting Florida weather to return. events and will continue to recruit more new members for our Shrine Club. We will be looking forward to having Johnny’s Famous Fried Chicken Nights, the Annual Spring Fling (temporarily scheduled for May 7th) which is always a fun event for every one and our Annual “Bubba Braddock” Memorial Day Fish Fry that is enjoyed by the St. Augustine community. Pres. Mike is taking us in a different direction for our dinner meeting menu with Chef Kenny preparing all kinds of tasty meals that vary from our normal Steaks and Chops. Change is always good for the palate. A special thanks to Chris Schenkel for power washing the entire back deck and our outside storage building, looks like new out there! A few more fix up projects need to be attended to in the very near future. “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss KEYSTONE HEIGHTS Welcome By Russell Raulerson We are two months into the New Year, we have installed our new leader Noble Richard Davis as our President. This was done by Noble Bruce Ford our newly elected Oriental Guide as Installing officer and myself as Marshal. I know he has some outstanding plans in store for us for the coming year. We are looking forward to the Parade season so we can go meet with our fellow Nobles to have fun and raise monies for our Children’s Hospital and Transportation funds. We meet on the second Saturday of each month. We invite you all to come visit with and have a great meal and socialize with us. In closing May God Bless and Keep you until we meet again and MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA. 10 • The Moroccan – March - April 2016 STARKE Gettin Their Ducks In a Row By Ted Barber President Scott Noble Roberts used his new gavel for the first time following his January 7th Stated Communication. Noble Mark Griffith, WEST JAX ‘Cruising’ Along By Jerry Elliott West Jax is “Cruising” through 2016 with Potentate Frank Cruce and his lovely Lady Beth. Expecting busy year! President Eddie Edwards and his Lady Becky are not “Letting the Grass grow under their feet.” We are off to a great start for the new year. March will be busy. “Hot News Flash” March meeting moved to Saturday, March 26! The meeting will be before/with Steak Night! Make your Reservations Early! No yellow tickets!! Other times in March: March 5: Azalea Parade in Palatka, great time Friday nite at the Club!! Great BBQ dinners after parade. March12: Annual Ballyhoo Easter Egg Hunt! March 19: Fernandina Beach Parade, super parade with lots of hospitality at the Club. April 2: Catfish Festival in Crescent City. Lots of shopping downtown. Always a great Catfish Dinner at the Club, after the parade. April 16: West Jax Motorama-Scavenger Hunt and Steak Night. April 22: Regular meeting night. April 23: Potentate’s Ball. Great event, lots of fun and dress is Country Cowboy, please get three or four couples together, reserve a table and come have a ball! Illust. Sir Frank guarantees you will enjoy yourselves. April 23: Downtown Jacksonville: Springfield Cruise any type car old/new/buggy, etc. come cruise with us! May 4–8: Florida Shrine Association, Orlando. Competition Friday, May 6. Last note: West Jax website up and running. Pres. and his lady Becky are posting regularly. Round-up will be on in March. Treasurer, presented President Scott with a two inch gavel as a joke. Then he presented President Roberts with the real gavel the Club provided. Seven Starke Shrine Club members and four guests (two of the four guests, Brothers Richard Kniesley, Worshipful Master of Bradford Lodge No. 35 and Mason Thompson, also an officer of Bradford Lodge No. 35, are becoming Shriners in the near future) enjoyed the supper. Fried Chicken and Linda Magyari’s pork chop and potato casserole were the main dishes 2016 President Scott Roberts on right and Noble Mark Griffith outgoing. together with other sides and desserts made the supper outstanding. Our Parade Unit was expanded by one new member and the 2016 approved schedule was provided to the members. Insurance decals were approved for the Parade Unit. Paper Drives were approved for March 26 and September 17 with backup dates of April 16 and October 8, 2016. Our Official Visit by Illustrious Frank Cruce and his Divan on April 7th was briefly discussed. Prayers were requested for Noble Bob Holder and his Lady Cynthia for the passing of their daughter Michelle Keels, Julie Griffith for a broken wrist, and praise was offered by Noble Freddie Magyari for his recovery from a heart attack. BEACHES Shrine Club News The January meeting is set aside for the outgoing President to show his appreciation to members of the Club and to install the new Officers. When the meeting was called to order, all were surprised to have 125 people comprised of members, children, and guests. This is the largest noncatered event for us. At the January meeting, we learned that we have six (6) sitting Worshipful Masters who are members of the Beaches Shrine Club: Noble & WM R. J. Aenchbacher of Duval Masonic Lodge 23 Noble & WM Vernell Robinson of Temple Masonic Lodge 259 Noble & WM Dwight Shuman of Arlington Masonic Lodge 309 Noble & WM Jeff Starke of Mandarin Masonic Lodge 343 Noble & WM Sam Sheider of J. Wendell Fargis Masonic Lodge 356 Noble Past President & WM Joe Wright of Lewis A. Armistead Masonic Lodge 403 One the goals of the Beaches Shrine Club is to provide support to Morocco when the Club is needed. When there was a need to present the flags at Morocco events, the Club decided it would create a new Unit within the Club. This Unit would be called the Honor Guard and is led by Noble Commander Bob Rustmann. We have sixteen (16) members in the Honor Guard. The Honor Guard Unit will provide the presenting of the flags at Morocco events. At the February meeting of Morocco Shriners, members of the Honor Guard presented the American and State of Florida flags. The Club is beginning to sell the annual raffle tickets. Noble David Mosley has agreed to coordinate the raffle sales. Khem Temple of the Daughters of the Nile and Orange Park Masonic Lodge 267 has agreed to assist. The prizes are: 1st Place - $400.00 CASH 2nd Place - $200.00 CASH 3rd Place – Boy’s Bike The Beaches Shrine Club meets on the third Friday every month. The Social Hour begins at 6 PM. The Dinner Meeting starts at 7 PM. If you enjoy having fun with others and your family, come and attend one of our meetings. PUTNAM Mark your Calendar By Robbie Marshall Mark the first Saturday of March on your calendar, because it means spring is just around the corner and it’s the day of the Azalea Festival in Palatka. That’s right, March 5th will bring a crowd of Shriners from throughout Morocco, along with our Illustrious Potentate and Divan to participate in the Parade. After the parade, plan on attending our Annual Spring BBQ at the Club. Pork or chicken with all the fixins will be available to eat in or take out from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. There will be live music, cake sale and auction. The Child ID team from the 13th Masonic District will also be set up to offer free children’s Indentification to the public in the form of a CD for their safekeeping should the need ever arise. Our Friday Night Steak Night sill remains popular, with seating overflowing into the Ballroom. Folks have also been staying after dinner to enjoy music and karaoke with Stan Burgoyne. There have been many new faces along with some whom we haven’t seen in a while. It’s refreshing, and rewarding to the Nobles and ladies who donate their time and hard work to make these events possible. Please come out and support your PCSC, and any and all help of any kind is always needed and appreciated. Our general membership meetings are held on the last Thursday of every month beginning at 7:00 pm and remember to support your Blue Lodge. SPITFIRES Stand By for The News!!! By Bruce Oliver It seems that Perez. Joe and Director Tom are working on a plan to revive the Spitfires into a great parade Unit again, instead of a Steak Club. The order has been sent out for all Spitfires to tune up their Rupp’s and have them ready for this parade season. There are a couple of things missing, but not to worry, as we will have Anne Smith to give the final word in place of Ruth Stewart and she will also bestow Buddy O’Steen logic! Like many of our Morocco Brothers in parade Units we have had some obstacles to overcome, but we should be back in the parades this year with good leadership. We still have a group of Spitfires that know how to wheel the Rupp’s around the streets and we may even split the middle or even circle around P.P. Poncho Ferber’s parade car. The Spitfires have a long heritage, going all the way back to 1967 when the Unit was formed. Now our members have to take it to the next level. P.P. Jerry Smith is always ready to do so, as is P.P. Bill Sistare. Jamie, Cliff and Jimmy have ran out of excuses, so let the money fines begin, which may build up our treasury, depending on who misses a parade. Even Brian and Scooter are on board with the effort to having fun and burning up the streets again. Even Cecil said that he needs to get his Rupp running again. Director Tom has his work cut out for him this year, but we must test him, but have fun doing it. We do have a couple of openings in our Unit, if you think that you have the skills to wheel a Rupp, drink Goats Milk and eat steak at our monthly meetings. If you think you have what it takes to be a Spitfire we’ll give you a chance to see if you really have a set or not. Contact me at, [email protected], and we’ll set up the test for you. FUNSTERS Mark your Calendar By LOCO The Funster’s participated in the Memorial Service at Morocco Temple. It was a humbling experience for all. Now to move forward to more pleasant activities. On March 5th we have the Azalea Parade (Palatka), then on March 12th the Ballyhoo Easter Egg Hunt and on March 19th Fernandina Beach Parade. On April 2nd we have Crescent City Parade and April 24th Beach Parade and possibly the World of Nations April 21st through 24th. Don’t forget March 13th is Daylight Savings Time. So you are going to spring forward one hour. As always we are looking for fun loving people to join us. Our meetings is the first Wednesday of the month. A light snack at 6:00 pm and our meeting starts at 7:00 pm. WRECKING CREW We Need You!! Nobles the Wrecking Crew are asking for Nobles who enjoy ritual work to contact us. We would like to begin a schedule for rehearsals in order to confer the first section at our ceremonial in May. Please contact Noble Tom Bauman: 904-237-2021 THOMAS.BAUMAN@POOLC ORP.COM FLAG PROTOCOL The Salute to the Flag shall be given six (6) paces prior to the Flag reaching the Noble and shall be held until the Flag is six (6) paces past – at that point the salute shall be dropped. The Moroccan – March - April 2016 • 11 DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE Khem Temple No. 85 By Rochelle Alford, PQ Public Relations Chairman As we close out our year Khem Temple is planning for future events. Soon to be Queen- Elect Debby Boree has proclaimed Sunday, March 13, 2016 as her installation date. Queen Renee Algrim closed out her reign with the White Rose Luncheon on February 13. January 23rd was the coldest day in Jacksonville in over a year. That didn’t stop over 100 folks from braving the chilling wind for an Italian Night. Because of donations of time, talent, food, door prizes and silent auction items it was a food and financial success. Pr. Karen Maguire was the lucky 50/50 winner. Pr. Judy and Noble Keith Dryden ran the kitchen crew and prepared much of the food. Did you try Queen Renee’s homemade lasagna? Yummy stuff! A big Khem thank you to everyone who worked and attended; especially, PQ Susan Martin for emceeing, Khem Dancers and Patrol for their participation. A beautiful memorial service was conducted by Chaplain Rose Doss at Stated Session on February 3. This annual service recognized Nile members lost through death in the past year. FEBRUARY 11 – Sewing Donations, including Valentine items to be delivered to Tampa hospital FEBRUARY 20 – 25 – Queen’s Cruise to Cayman Islands and Cozumel/Bus Departs Morocco FEBRUARY 21 – Morocco Memorial for deceased Nobles at 2 PM Activity Bldg. MARCH 2 - Stated Session – Election of Khem Temple Officers 7 PM MARCH 13 – Khem Temple Installation 2:30 PM, Activities Bldg. As Sewing Chairman I am proud to announce your donations and volunteer hours will exceed 2014. If you have labels, can tabs or other items, please bring to February Sewing. Our official count ends on March 31, and must be reported to the Supreme Sewing Chairman. Valentine items were shipped to Chicago and delivered to Tampa. Your participation and support was invaluable in making these two parties fun for the kids. Registration forms for Supreme Session the week of June 13, 2016, are now available online and from the Recorder. On line registration is greatly improved over last year. Don’t be shy about trying it out. A gentle reminder: Dues are due. Check your dues card and be sure it is up-to-date. Sickness & Distress – We were saddened by the loss of three of our longtime members in the past month. Your prayers for ill members, care givers and the kids in our hospitals are needed. Plans for Florida Days 2017 in Daytona Beach are well underway. The committee is open to any volunteers. Keep your eyes and ears open regarding day trip(s) that will be fundraisers to meet expenses of Florida Days preparations. There will be a myriad of tasks to be completed prior to and at the event in September 2017. Mark your calendars for Florida Days coming in September 2016 in Tallahassee. Have you made your dinner reservations yet??? Stated Session Dinner Reservations are due by Monday, Noon prior to meeting. Stated Session is the 2nd Wednesday of the month (except January, July and August) Call the office at 642-5200, ext. 13 The Cooking Crew Thanks You!!! 12 • The Moroccan – March - April 2016 10% Moroccan Discount Illustrious Sir James H. “Jim” Raines and Lady Ann • Family-Owned and Operated • Cremations • Prearranged Plans • Monuments and Headstones • National Cemetery Service 904.284.4000 www.broadusraines.com Morocco Supports the Eagle Scouts Saturday, February 6, the Black Creek District, Clay County, celebrated its 34th Eagle Scout Annual recognition Dinner. At this Dinner, 230 people honored those thirtyeight (38) Boy Scouts who attained the flagship rank of Eagle Scout in Clay County in 2015. The Guest Speaker at this Eagle Scout Dinner was Eagle Scout Dr. David Heekin, the founder of Heekin Orthopedic Specialists and the Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at St. Vincent’s Medical Center, Riverside. To become an Eagle Scout, each Boy Scout had to earn at least twenty-one merit badges, served as a Troop Leader for at least six (6) months, and completed an Eagle Project. The Eagle Scout Projects were constructed and supervised by these new Eagle Scouts to benefit their community. These thirty-eight (38) Eagle Scout Projects required a total of 6,544 volunteer hours and garnered $26,813 of donations to complete these Projects. Along with members of the Clay County Board of Commissioners, the Clay County Superintendent, the Chairman of the Clay County School Board, and representatives from some governmental and social agencies gave to each new Eagle Scout a letter, a certificate of appreciation, or a certificate of recognition. Morocco Shriners were represented by the 1st Vice President of the Beaches Shrine Club, Noble Jason Cowart. (Noble Jason is also a member of Morocco’s Membership Committee.) From Morocco Shriners, the Eagle Scout was given a Certificate of Achievement from our Potentate, Illustrious Sir Frank Cruce. Of those 230 people attending this Dinner, it was discovered that Eagle Scout and Noble Bill Hudson had the honor of being the man who has been an Eagle Scout the longest. He became an Eagle Scout in 1946. One of the founders of this event is a member of Morocco Shriners, Noble Dr. Jerry Linder. Some of Morocco’s Newest Shriners Francis J. Cicly Eric Colon James A. Galloway William T. Carpenter Gregory A. Miller Louie L. Johns, III Joshua W. Lee Harold F. Green Jeffrey Starke, and Jason R. Ashton Chris Russell Above: Carpenter, Russell and Miller. January / February Donations Patient Transportation Fund Gainesville Charitable Foundation Gainesville Shrine Club Quiltfest Motorcycle Escort William & Judy Raulerson Ronald Braddock Daughters of the Nile Khem Temple In Memory of Betty Webb Bill Hudson & Family In Memory of Bob Ballantine, P.P. Tom & Beth Daugherty At Right: James A. Galloway In Memory of Jesse Keene, P.P. Christine Dittmar Cushman In Memory of Lee Umstead Jeffrey & Courtney Miller Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control Arthur & Mary Harmon In Memory of Charles Powers, Jr. Horace & Gayle Leprell In Memory of James Michael White, II Horace & Gayle Leprell For Rent Keystone Shrine Club Available for Birthday Parties, Weddings, Family Reunions, Dances, etc. Located at: 5593 SE 3rd Ave. Keystone Heights 32656 Call: Richard Geraci 352-284-2337 The Moroccan – March - April 2016 • 13 Azalea Parade (Palatka) March 19: Ocala SC Golf Tournament Board Meeting Pilgrimage Committee Stated Session Spring Bazaar DON Installation Dayliight Savings 6 Keystone OV Spring Bazaar Ballyhood Egg Hunt St. Patrick’s Day Azan Potentates Ball Fern. Bch. Parade Branford SC Official Visit Steak Night Sweetheart Happy Easter Crescent City Parade Marzuq Potentate Ball Starke SC Official Visit Board Meeting Pilgrimage Committee Callahan RR Days Stated Session Sweetheart Luncheon 6 Beaches Parade For the latest updates visit our webpage www.moroccoshrine.org in the member resources tab 14 • The Moroccan – March - April 2016 Morocco Potentate Ball Morocco Potentate Ball Cornhole Tournament Two New Shriners Nobility ticket vouchers will be mailed out beginning March 1st, 2016. If your mailing address has recently changed, please ensure you have updated that information with the Recorder, Illustrious Sir Gary Thigpen P.P., either by telephone, 904-642-5200 ext. 17, or by email, [email protected]. The redemption period for vouchers will be April 11th, 2016 thru April 29th, 2016 at the Business Office. Please be advised that the Business Office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. West Jax SC Official Visit Francis J. Cicly and Eric Colon. ATTENTION A TTENTION T RACE CE F FANS! ANS ANS! Spend a day at the races and send your Love to the rescue®. Support Shriners Hospitals for Children® by purchasing tickets to select International Speedway Corporation hosted NASCAR races. To purchase tickets ticket go to RaceTickets.com/Shriners A portion of ticket sales will be contributed to Shriners Hospitals for Children. Seeking Seeking Shriner Shriner support: support: t 8th 8th A Annual nnual Sam Sam Swope Swope Memorial Memorial Charity Charity Ride Ride Please check the website regularly for the most up-to-date ticket offers for select NASCAR races. This promotion is open to Shriners, potential Shriners, their friends, families, Shriners Hospitals employees, and others who support Shriners Hospitals for Children. VISA and MasterCard Accepted ... Did you know you can pay for Dues, Meals, Tickets, etc. with your VISA or MasterCard? A great Convenience, Record Keeping and a Time Saver! Rev up engines for 8th Annual Rev u p yyour our e ngines fo or tthe he 8 th A nnual Sam Ride on Sam Swope Swope Memorial Memorial Charity Charity Ri de o n March Orlando area's most March 6 - one of tthe he O rlando ar ea's m ost exciting events wheels. exciting ccharity harity ev ents on ttwo wo w heels. Last motorcyclists Last yyear ear more more tthan han 1,000 1,000 m otorcyclists took forr a sscenic 50-mile took to the the road road fo c e n ic 5 0-mile rroute o u te from Shrine Temple the from Bahia B a h ia S h r in e T emple to th e Seminole Harley-Davidson Dealership Seminole H arleyy Davidson De alership iin n Sanford. nearly $2 Sanford. This This event event has has rraised a is e d n e a r ly $ 2 million for Shriners Hospitals Children h rin e rs H ospitals ffor or C h ild re n million fo or S Tampa! Nobles are needed att tthe re n eeded a he Tampa! N o b le s a Seminole Harley-Davidson Dealership alership tto o Seminole H arleyy Davidson De welcome and Please nd ssupporters. u p p o rte rs . P le a s e welcome rriders id e r s a contact Jessica Hill att ill a contact Je ssica H [email protected] 813-972-2250 je [email protected] or 813-9722250 x7613 x7613 to sign sign up. up. We We hope hope to to see see you you th there! e re ! ! 3 Burial Plots For Sale Oaklawn Cemetery, 5801 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32207- close to a nice shade tree. They are together in Lot No. 14 Section N Plots 6, 7 and 8. The present price is $7,295.00 but asking $6,500.00. For additional information – please call Jenny Chandler at 502-5532330. From the estate of James Roy Crowther. The Moroccan – March - April 2016 • 15 MOROCCO SHRINERS 3800 St. Johns Bluff Rd., S. Jacksonville, FL 32224-2620 NON-PROFIT ORG. U. S. POSTAGE PAID Jacksonville, FL Permit No. 236 March 26th Steak Night at Morocco Social 5:30 Dinner begins 6:30 Steaks Cooked to your order Chicken for the kids Morocco Shrine • Baked Potato with all the trimmings • Salad Bar • Assorted Desserts Cash Bar Music by D.J. Franklin Bring your kids, family and friends! Make your reservations at 642-5200 ext. 13 All this for only $ 1250 Per Person Kids eat for $5.00 Saturday, April 30th Sign-up 4PM, Play starts at 5PM Activity Building Bring-your-own-teammate WATCH E-BLASTS FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS! Jax BBQ + Beer Available! 3800 St. Johns Bluff Rd., S. – Jacksonville, FL 32224 Phone: 904.642.5200 Proceeds are for the benefit of Morocco Shriners and are not tax deductible Thursday Friday Saturday May 12th, 2016 7:00 PM May 13th, 2016 7:30 PM May 14th, 2016 10:00 AM, 2:30 PM, 7:30 PM Sunday May 15th, 2016 1:00 PM & 6:00 PM The doors and Midway will be open to the public 1 hour prior to each show also 1 hour afterwards. All volunteers, please arrive 30 minutes prior to the public arriving.
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