Retirement Planning


Retirement Planning
Online Interactive-Video
Retirement Planning
Prepared for Wespac
July 2010
Solution Overview!
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About vWise!......................................................................................................................3
The Solution: SmartPlan Enterprise!..................................................................................5
Solution Framework!.........................................................................................................11
Solution Overview!
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Driving Desired Behaviors — Using Interactive-Video
People donʼt read. So how do you educate and motivate people — especially when
the topic is perplexing, like employee health and financial benefits?
At vWise we create compelling rich-media
internet applications based upon our custom E3
(thatʼs E-Cubed, for Educate, Entertain,
Engage) platform. Our solutions use a mix of
live-action HD video and interactive
applications, to educate people — such as 401
(k) plan participants or health care plan
members — and guide them through a decision
making process (e.g., plan enrollment) or a
relationship-oriented behavior modification
Within a rich-media format that includes professional actors in live-action HD video,
accompanied by helpful graphics and interactive screens, our learning environments can
achieve levels of engagement comparable to live meetings, at a fraction of the cost. And,
can integrate with your database and coordinate with your other outreach efforts, to
create a comprehensive solution. Best of all, our online systems are available 24/7/365,
and record every interaction for precise recordkeeping.
Secure Solutions
From our start serving the financial services industry, our highest priority has been the
security and integrity of our web-based solutions. All data transferred between the client
and our applications are encrypted using Secured Sockets Layer (SSL).
Solution Overview!
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Standard Web Services Integration
Our solutions are designed to integrate easily with any web-based application. As webbased solutions, they do not need to be installed in the same way a traditional
application must be loaded onto a single PC or integrated into an existing IT
infrastructure. Instead, our solutions can integrate with any system that can be accessed
by web services. Using standard web services APIs, we have successfully integrated our
401(k) and 403(b) retirement plan solutions with several participant database
applications, including the applications from Charles Schwab Retirement Technologies®,
SunGard (Relius® and Omni®), and Envisage Systems™.
To learn more about our company and the solutions we create, visit the following link:
WEB LINK (click to open in a web browser): (corporate site)
Solution Overview!
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The Solution: SmartPlan Enterprise
SmartPlan Enterprise: a revolutionary interactive-video system proven to increase
plan participation and help to fulfill fiduciary duty, while reducing the need for
print communications and on-site meetings.
SmartPlan is designed to educate, entertain and engage employees. Video hosts
discuss plan features and the benefits of participation, and then guide users through an
interactive process that helps them discover their individual retirement needs and risk
profile, as well as choose plan investments and contribution amounts. And SmartPlan
Enterprise is fully integrated with the provider database, facilitating automated user
enrollment and updates.
SmartPlan Enterprise won a First Place Eddy Award for
Best Multimedia Solution 2008.
Solution Overview!
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The SmartPlan environment features a familiar interface that makes it easy to navigate,
even for novice users, and allows a participant to go at his or her own pace. When
launched, the program looks and sounds just like a TV show. Our video hosts offer a
brief video overview of plan basics, followed by a discussion of selected features — such
as auto-enrollment, matching contributions, loans, etc. — is customizable for each
sponsorʼs plan. Users can also find relevant text-based information, such as a glossary,
support, and disclosures.
Using simple interactive forms, our video hosts then guide participants through a
complete plan enrollment or update process, including individual retirement needs and
risk profile surveys, and selection of investments and contribution amounts, that
generates a personalized investor profile, which is updated in the provider database
automatically. Additionally, SmartPlan Enterprise can be used to send electronic copies
of Summary Plan Documents and other plan materials, reducing printing costs.
SmartPlan is an Engagement Engine that combines the power of HDTV, direct
marketing, and interactive applications, to foster:
Higher enrollment
Increased contribution levels
Fewer on-site live meetings
Improved financial education
Reduced support costs
Helps fulfill fiduciary duty
Solution Overview!
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A Powerful Outreach System
Outreach is an important part of what makes SmartPlan Enterprise so effective. You can
use the integrated email and video outreach tools to deploy automated outreach
campaigns; use existing email outreach templates, or choose pre-designed email
templates from our library, which we can customize with your content. Download readymade print promotions, such as postcards, posters, and payroll stuffers. Additionally,
SmartPlan Enterprise includes short video “ads” that can be placed on any website to
promote the system, as shown below.
vHost video ads can be inserted into any web page and pop up when the page opens.
They include audio and video controls, and can be programmed to link to any URL.
Solution Overview!
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Simple Web-Based Administration
The intuitive SmartPlan Enterprise environment is complemented by a powerful
administration portal, making it easy for you to create and manage multiple sponsor
plans. Customize each plan with your logo and the sponsor’s, and choose plan
provisions to be included. The simple, menu-driven interface makes it easy to send
email outreach, and review analytics for each plan. And, of course, comprehensive
support documentation, a QuickStart Guide, and full User Guide are available within the
administration portal, and as PDF downloads.
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Web-Based Solution Integrated via Web Services
SmartPlan Enterprise is hosted by Rackspace in their Zero-Downtime Network
distributed server environment, ensuring secure, fast, reliable access 24/7/365. Two-way
integration with the database gives SmartPlan Enterprise the ability to deliver a custom
experience, and send member information and choices back to the database.
SmartPlan is designed to run in a web browser, using Flash player 9 or later, and an
internet connection speed of at least 128kb. Security measures, such as corporate
firewalls, may prevent some video content from displaying properly. To minimize this risk,
SmartPlan can be deployed in a secure environment, behind a login page.
Microsoft Windows XP v2002 SP2, or later
Macintosh OS X 10.x
Web browser (IE 6, Firefox 2, Safari 3, or later)
Flash 9 player plugin required
Connection speed: 128kb or greater recommended
Security: Firewalls will prevent site from displaying properly. URL must be added
to “approved” list; site can be run behind firewall/login.
More technical information regarding SmartPlan Enterprise and its hosting environment
is available upon request.
Solution Overview!
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SmartPlan: A Proven Success
Harrahʼs Entertainment deployed a non-integrated version of SmartPlan in 2008 and,
with minimal promotion of the system, generated plan enrollment rates comparable to
live, on-site meetings – for a fraction of the cost.
Harrahʼs Entertainment: SmartPlan Performance 2008
Now in use with national plan providers, and integrated with the leading recordkeeping
systems at Charles Schwab and SunGard, SmartPlan Enterprise is proven to increase
plan participation, help to fulfill fiduciary duty, and reduce the need for print
communications and on-site meetings. To learn more about our SmartPlan Enterprise
solution, visit the following websites:
WEB LINKS (click to open in a web browser): (SmartPlan non-integrated sample) (corporate site) (video ad sample)
Solution Overview!
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Solution Framework
SmartPlan Enterprise (SPE) includes the following functionality:
Tutorials of plan basics
How-to get started
Promotional video segments
Investments Library
Interactive applications:
Retirement Needs
Risk Profile
Administration Portal
Using a simple interface, administrators can specify options and manage each plan.
Plan provisions, including Modules to be featured
vHost video ads, ready to be placed on sponsor intranet or plan site
Email outreach system interface
o Simple menu-driven interface
o Choose from pre-designed and written templates
o Full tracking of campaign results
Analytics/Reporting interface
o Access full analytics through simple menu interface
o Pre-configured reports covering relevant activity
o Report types can be added or customized
Solution Overview!
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Outreach for SmartPlan Enterprise can be integrated into existing outreach programs,
using language and images from our templates, or vWise can supply a library of readymade print and email campaigns. Additionally, the solution includes two short video “ads”
that can be placed on any website to promote the system. Features include:
Introduction of system (system name can be branded for Provider)
Issue-oriented emails for popular topics, e.g., rollovers, market fluctuations, etc.
Video ads with links to system, for placement on websites
Reporting & Analytics
A simple but powerful web-based reporting and analytics system is built into SmartPlan
Enterprise. It contains a variety of reports on site traffic and user behavior, and can be
customized to deliver additional reports, as needed. Available reports include:
User Profile saved for each participant
Session data, including date, time, sections visited
Traffic patterns and usage
Sponsor-level reports and custom reports available
Database Integration:
SmartPlan Enterprise shall be integrated with customer recordkeeping database, using
standard web services APIs. Functionality shall include:
Upload/download of participant personal data
Download of plan investments data to SPE environment
Upload of participant choices to database
Solution Overview!
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We help our provider clients integrate SmartPlan Enterprise
into their operations and get the most out of our powerful
solution, by offering a package of services we call our
“SmartLaunch” program. Our experts will work closely with
your marketing and technical teams to help craft strategies
and materials for the following:
Placing SmartPlan and vAds in your participant
website to maximize usage
Email and print materials to promote SmartPlan to
participants, including:
Email templates (over ten to choose from)
Payroll Stuffers
Training for your administrators
Support in your demonstrations and training to
sponsor companies
SmartLaunch is designed to make integrating SmartPlan into
your operations quick and easy. We can customize a
SmartLaunch program to suit your requirements.
Solution Overview!
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Subscription Fees
Subscription fees are charged according to the number of Sponsor Plans a provider
deploys, as tracked through the Administration Portal, at a rate as low as $4 per sponsor
Plan, per month. Minimum monthly fee: $1,500 (e.g., 150 plans x $10/plan).
Monthly Subscription Fee Schedule:
50 - 250
> 250
> 500
> 1000
> 2000
51 - 100
101 - 1,000**
* Provider shall be billed according to the number of active Plans during a billing period, but not less than
a minimum of $1,500 per month total.
** Over 1,000 employees, contact us for pricing.
Integration & Customization Fees
vWise charges a fee of $5,000 to link SmartPlan Enterprise to each recordkeeping
database used by a provider (waived for Schwab RT, DST, Relius, and ExpertPlan), and
a fee of $5,000 to provide customized interface and promotional materials.
Production Fees and Schedule
The subscription fees above include everything listed in the Solution Framework, but do
not include custom video production or custom programming. Customization is available
at an additional charge. Please ask us for details. The SmartPlan Enterprise service can
be made available within four weeks of contract execution, or eight weeks with custom
video and/or application programming.
Solution Overview!
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