Industria Nacional De Autopartes, AC
Industria Nacional De Autopartes, AC
Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. VISION: Being the most important Organization representing companies in the automotive parts sector with manufacturing interests in Mexico. MISSION: Supporting growth and sustainable development of its members through the promotion of the global market and manufacturing of automotive and auto parts industry in Mexico. GOAL: Leaning on the importance of the sector and the companies that comprise it, to achieve the best representation with government authorities (with special emphasis on the federal government), the automotive sector, academia and society in order to promote growth and development of auto parts industry in Mexico. 2 A.C. Industria Nacional De Autopartes, Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. INA has created a group of working with various associations of the automotive sector in mexico with this, we can achieve a better representation of mexican automotive sector. INA has cooperation agreements with associations worldwide Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Present and Future of the Supply Chain in Mexico 1. International Perspective Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Production of vehicles in the World, 19972021 Annual average rate of growth , 2014-2021 Global Markets 2.8% Developing Markets 4.8% Source: IHS Global Insight Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Production Export/Domestic Market Ratio, 2014 Mexico exports 79% of its vehicle production production. Source: INA with information from OICA, ANFAVEA and AMIA Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Light Vehicle Production in NAFTA Region EUA 63% Canadá 10% México 27% Mexico 10% Mexico 17% NAFTA = 18.6 Millones de unidades *From 1997- 2013 data from AMIA for Mexico and OICA for USA and Canada. From 2014- 2019 forecast from IHS Global Insight. Source: INA with information from AMIA, IHS Global Insight and OICA Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Production of light vehicles in Mexico 2002-2021 + 50% Source: INA with information from AMIA Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Exports of light vehicles per region 2002 vs 2014 Total 2,642.9 6% 4% 9% 10% Total 1,312 15% 71% 85% Source: INA with information from AMIA Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Forecast of Light Vehicle Production in México, 2015-2021 Forecast of production of light vehicles in Mexico, 2015-2021 (Units) OEM Renault/Nissan General Motors Volkswagen FIAT Chrysler Automobile Ford Honda Toyota* KIA Mazda Mercedes-Benz** BMW Audi Infiniti** Total 2015 803,325 654,841 452,899 469,929 427,206 245,967 101,817 2016 795,711 627,766 450,970 481,498 449,482 223,097 135,465 193,462 198,920 60,577 1,673 3,349,446 3,425,159 2017 822,077 773,364 514,376 581,483 439,097 220,450 124,155 172,299 206,729 18,956 2018 859,253 819,669 586,635 595,874 407,071 252,805 138,661 213,495 209,126 81,680 2019 2020 2021 861,650 844,584 824,347 867,189 861,334 870,586 615,412 625,807 613,499 587,610 566,631 555,220 501,749 541,400 544,602 253,958 259,817 287,385 245,558 244,025 250,826 242,092 241,714 230,730 201,465 225,288 229,781 110,515 165,377 161,737 44,431 88,538 155,084 147,213 155,777 152,405 144,417 138,384 48,025 60,217 103,238 102,779 96,954 4,068,224 4,380,263 4,787,272 4,911,711 4,959,135 *It includes production which is made on the plant of Mazda in Salamanca ** The production will take place at the Nissan plant in Aguascalientes Source: INA with information from IHS Global Insight Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Production and exports of heavy vehicles, 20002014 + 60% Source: ANPACT Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. 2. Mexico Auto Parts Perspectives Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Auto parts manufacturers located in Mexico The location of the most important auto parts around the world strengthens Mexican productive chain. Example of auto parts manufacturers in Mexico Origin of the auto parts manufacturers located in Mexico 19% 29% 4% 4% 18% 27% Source: ProMéxico Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. USA Japan Germany France South Corea Other Production of auto parts per country, 2014 In 2014 Mexico was the sixth largest producer in the world of auto parts with 81.4 million dollars Fuente: ProMéxico con información de Global Insight e INEGI. Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Czech Republic Thailand India Canada Brazil Mexico Mexico South Korea Germany USA Japan China Forecast to 2015 is 85.5 billion dollars Auto Parts Production per State, 2014 (includes engines and transmissions) Northern Border 53.2% 3.1% 14.2% 18.7% 10.3% 5.5% Bajío Zone 28.1% Baja California Sonora Chihuahua Coahuila Nuevo Leon Tamaulipas Tampico Tuxpan Guanajuato Querétaro San Luis Potosí Aguascalientes Jalisco Veracruz 5.6% Manzanillo Lázaro Cárdenas Fuente: INA con información de EMIM de INEGI, incluye maquila 6.7% Mexican Exports & Imports of Auto Parts per Country, 2014 Balance Trade of Autoof Parts, Mexican exports and imports auto 2014 parts, 2014 (millon dollars) (millones de dólares) Exports % Country Imports Country USA Canada Brazil China Germany United Kingdom Japan South Korea Spain Nicaragua Australia Rusia Thailand Argentina Colombia 58,390 1,470 839 680 372 349 263 191 140 130 126 126 112 107 93 Total 64,527 Trade Balance 22,535 90.1% 2.7% 1.4% 0.7% 0.7% 0.4% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 100% USA China Japan Canada Germany South Korea Brazil Taiwan Nicaragua Thailand Italy India France Spain Zcech Republic Total % 22,370 5,409 2,697 1,927 1,854 1,848 548 544 496 393 379 334 332 308 236 41,992 54.6% 11.7% 6.1% 4.6% 4.5% 4.3% 1.6% 1.4% 1.3% 1.1% 0.9% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.5% 100% Source: Global Trade Atlas Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Main Auto Parts Exported, 2014 Main auto parts exported by Mexico, 2013-2014 (million dollars) Auto parts 2013 2014 Harnesses and cables 7,071 7,866 Seats for vehicles and its parts 4,531 5,440 Engines 4,188 4,602 Parts, stamped parts and accessories of bodies 2,582 2,794 Differential axles and its parts 1,950 2,232 Air bags and its parts 1,997 2,182 Air conditioning devices 1,253 1,733 Devices for audio and video 1,483 1,717 Automatic regulation or control instruments 1,297 1,496 Selected auto parts 26,352 30,061 Total 57,696 64,527 Source: INA with information from Global Trade Atlas Growth (%) 11% 20% 10% 8% 14% 9% 38% 16% 15% 14% 12% Source: INA with information from Global Trade Atlas Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Main Auto Parts Imported, 2014 Main auto parts imported by Mexico, 2013-2014 (million dollars) Auto parts Components for harnesses Parts, stamped parts and accessories of bodies Engines and its parts Devices for audio and video Seats for vehicles and its parts Air bags and its parts Automatic gearboxes and its parts Differential axles and its parts Tires Clutch and its parts Selected autoparts Total 2013 2,690 1,743 1,773 1,488 1,222 1,032 725 775 511 516 12,474 38,297 2014 2,622 1,984 1,742 1,547 1,418 1,114 953 848 581 564 13,372 41,992 Growth (%) -3% 14% -2% 4% 16% 8% 32% 9% 14% 9% 7% 10% Fuente: INA con información de Global Trade Atlas Source: INA with information from Global Trade Atlas Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. 3. Program to Develop the Domestic and Export Market. “Strategic Program of the Automotive Industry: 2020 Vision” Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Program Vision • The vision of the Mexican Automotive Industry is integrated by two main axes: 2020 Reach a domestic market size of new vehicles that promotes new investments in the sector. Turn Mexico to the top three world destinations for design and vehicle manufacturing, as well as auto parts and components. Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. • Pillars of the Program It was agreed to work on 4 pillars : 1. Strengthening of the domestic market STRATEGIC PROGRAM OF THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY 2. Improve the business environment for the Automotive Industry 3. Access to foreign markets 4. Research, technological development and innovation Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C. Thank You Ing. Oscar Albin President Industria Nacional de Autopartes [email protected] Industria Nacional De Autopartes, A.C.
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