AnniversAry newsletter - Prague Security Studies Institute


AnniversAry newsletter - Prague Security Studies Institute
Anniversary Newsletter
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
PSSI’s Co-Founders Roger W. Robinson, Jr. and Oldřich Černý
Message from the Co-Founder
PSSI’s tenth-anniversary year would normally be a period of genuine celebration
over the distance the Institute has travelled
and its impressive array of educational and
policy-related accomplishments. Such festivities, however, were displaced by our
collective grief over the passing of our beloved Executive Director and Co-Founder,
Olda Černý, at the end of March. Olda’s
endearing personality and visionary professionalism permeated every sinew of PSSI
and to say that he will be deeply missed is a
vast understatement. That said, Olda would
be the first to instruct us to dismiss the
gloom and carry on with the proud, living
legacy that he bequeathed to us.
PSSI enters its tenth year as the leading foreign and security policy think tank
in the Czech Republic and the fifth most
influential public policy organization in
Central and Eastern Europe, according to
a 2011 survey conducted by the University
of Pennsylvania. Its programs continue to
be enriched and expanded. New technologies and internet platforms are enabling us
to broaden our reach and will ultimately facilitate global access to our distinguished
speakers, lecturers, courses, conferences,
and other events. The Institute’s hundreds
of alumni are generally prospering in their
security policy and other fields of endeavor and are proving to be an invaluable
resource to our current and future students
and young professionals.
We decided that an Anniversary
Newsletter would help us take an inventory of our “greatest hits” and most valued
programs and conferences. We also hope
that it serves to connect us better with
like-minded individuals, institutions, and
sources of support to advance our worthy
mission. This exercise has also surfaced an
avalanche of poignant memories of our
many successes and the personalities that
made them happen, foremost of which was
Olda. We are most grateful to all of you
that have served and supported PSSI, in
a variety of ways, and given us a durable,
fascinating, and rewarding home to undertake our work.
Roger W. Robinson Jr.
PSSI Co-Founder and
Acting Executive Director
George W. Bush, President of the United States, delivering the keynote speech at the “Democracy and Security: Core Values and Sound Policies” conference
security considerations. PSSI regards itself as the equivalent of “special forces” in
the competition of foreign and security
policy ideas.
Mission Statement
INSTITUTE (PSSI) is a non-profit, nongovernmental organization established
in early 2002 to advance the building of
a just, secure, democratic, free-market society in the Czech Republic and other
post-communist states.
PSSI’s principal mission is to build an
ever-growing group of trained, securityminded policy practitioners dedicated to
the preservation and expansion of democratic institutions and values in the
Czech Republic and within its regional neighbors. PSSI offers programs that
meet the critical requirements associated
with equipping new generations of young
leaders to manage the complex, securityrelated challenges of the 21st century.
To fulfill its mission, PSSI conducts
a range of activities under its Security
Scholars Program, Program of Atlantic
Security Studies, Regional Outreach
Program. PSSI aims to identify and
analyze select foreign policy and securityrelated concerns in transatlantic relations
and other theaters of the world and to
propose sound, achievable policy responses. It is especially alert to the intersection
of global finance/energy and national
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
Participants of the first PSSI Summer School
The founding of PSSI was the result of
nearly five years of planning and development. In 1997, the National Security
Assessments Program (NSA) was established as an entity within the Civic
Institute, one of the Czech Republic’s first
non-profit policy groups following the
Velvet Revolution. The initial focus of the NSA Program
was to enrich the national and regional debates with respect to the security-related
dimensions of post-communist governance. Over a two-year period, the NSA
Program made substantial progress in
informing and influencing the largely underdeveloped national security policy
agenda of the Czech Republic.
The NSA Program, headed by Roger
W. Robinson, Jr. and Petr Vančura, convened three annual conferences, each
with over 200 participants. The first conference, “NATO and Central European
Security in the 21st Century” held in April
1999, was convened on the fiftieth anniversary of NATO. The second conference, “A
Tenth Anniversary Assessment of Central
February: 2002
PSSI Established
February–December: 2002
European Freedoms” in April 2000, was
held to commemorate this historical development. The third, “Trans-Atlantic Missile
Defense and Security Cooperation,” took
place in April 2001.
Speakers from roughly eight Western
and Central European countries and
the US attended each of these annual conferences. The distinguished
speakers included former CIA Director,
James Woolsey; former US National
Security Advisor, Richard Allen; US
Ambassador to the Czech Republic, John
Shattuck; former US Assistant Secretary
of Defense, Richard Perle; prominent
Soviet dissident, Vladimir Bukovsky;
former Advisor to the Prime Minister
of Poland, Piotr Naimsky; Air Marshal
and former Chief of British Defence
Intelligence, Sir John Walker; Professor
of International Security Studies at the
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at
Tufts University, Dr. Robert Pfaltzgraff,
Jr.; German Ambassador Hagen Graf
Lambsdorff; Sorbonne Prof. Francoise
Thom; Director of the Institute for
Strategic Studies in Bonn, Dr. Holger
Mey; William F. Martin, former Deputy
Secretary of the US Department of
In 2000, the NSA Program was spun off
from the Civic Institute to create The Bell
Association for Freedom and Democracy.
In the succeeding two years, the concept
July: 2002
1st Collegiate Network GeoStrategic Journalism Course
February–December: 2003
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
Robert A. Manning, Senior Counsel for Science and Technology, US State Department; Abdulaziz F. Al-Khayyal, Senior
Vice President of Saudi Aramco and William F. Martin, Chariman of PSSI’s Corporate Council
of a security-minded training program
for future policy practitioners evolved
and led to the founding of the Prague
Security Studies Institute in early 2002,
led by former Czech National Security
Advisor and Director of the Foreign
Intelligence Service, Oldřich Černý and
Roger W. Robinson, Jr.
March: 2003
NATO Future Security
July: 2003
2nd Collegiate Network GeoStrategic Journalism Course
October: 2003
NATO and the Greater
Middle East Conference
February–December: 2004
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
PSSI’s Co-Founder Roger W. Robinson, Jr. and Václav Havel, former President of the Czech Republic
Security Scholars Program
PSSI’s mission is being substantially
advanced by its central educational initiative, the Security Scholars Program.
Prior to the establishment of our co-sponsored Master’s Degree Program in Security
Studies at Charles University, students
conducting degree work in the Czech
Republic had precious few opportunities
to pursue the fields of national security
and strategic studies.
Robinson-Martin Security
Scholars Program
To address this shortfall, PSSI launched
its flagship project, the Robinson-Martin
Security Scholars Program, in early 2002,
consisting of an advanced, two-semester
introductory course held on the premises
of PSSI for a highly select group of Czech
University students with a specialization in
International Affairs. Then and now, our
scholars are encouraged to assist and attend the Institute’s conferences, workshops
and roundtables, where they can interact
with foreign policy luminaries from around
the world in small group settings. We have
July: 2004
3rd Collegiate Network GeoStrategic Journalism Course
October: 2004
Energy and Security Conference
also included field trips to NATO, EU
headquarters and elsewhere, in the interest
of developing a growing number of young,
visionary security policy professionals
across a wide spectrum of security-related
Among the distinguished lecturers engaged in the RMSSP lectures have been
Alexandr Vondra, Minister of Defense;
Petr Kolář, the Czech Ambassador to
Russia and former Ambassador to the
US; Luboš Dobrovský, Former Minister of
Defense; Karel Kovanda, former Deputy
Director General responsible for CFSP,
DG RELEX, EC; Cameron Munter, US
Ambassador to Pakistan; Ándor Šándor,
former Head of Military Intelligence;
David Elliman, Chairman of Elmrock
Capital; Richard Graber, former US
Ambassador to Prague; Josef Zielenec, former Minister of Foreign Affairs; Reuel
Gerecht, Resident Fellow, American
Enterprise Institute and Jiří Šedivý, former
Chief of Staff of the Czech Armed Forces.
Master’s Degree in Security
Studies at Charles University
In 2006, PSSI approached Charles
University with an offer to provide the
initial funding for a Master’s Degree
Program in Security Studies which commenced in the fall semester of 2007 within
the Faculty of Social Sciences. Since that
February–December: 2005
March: 2005
US Relations with the New
Europe Conference
RMSSP students with Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of Estonia
time, we have remained a co-sponsor of
this advanced degree work. The current
curriculum provides students with solid theoretical training as well as detailed
knowledge concerning a number of prominent global “flashpoints.” The senior
lecturers attracted to this MA degree program offer courses well beyond regional
and transatlantic security concerns. They
also cover the Middle East, East Asia and
other theaters as well as disciplines like international economics, intelligence and
global energy security. PSSI continues to
coordinate closely with Charles University
with a view toward making its MA degree
even more beneficial to current and prospective students.
The most recent expansion of our
partnering arrangement with Charles
University is the introduction of an
English-language curriculum this fall for
our co-sponsored MA Program. This will
enable English speaking students from the
region and around the globe to take advantage of this highly affordable advanced
degree that benefits from the lectures and
guidance of a number of high-level security policy practitioners, past and present.
James Q. Whitaker
Lecture Series
In close cooperation with Charles
University, PSSI also established the
May: 2005
Security System
June: 2005
4th Collegiate Network GeoStrategic Journalism Course
James Q. Whitaker Chair and Lecture
Series in Security Studies, focusing
on free-market economic and geopolitical issues, policy solutions important
to Central and Eastern Europe as well
as the security dimensions of the transatlantic relationship. Scores of highly
qualified University students attend
these lectures annually, often leading to
a decision to undertake associated course
work. Over the past seven years, under
the auspices of the James Q. Whitaker
Lecture Series, the Faculty of Social
Sciences has offered several graduate
courses and individual presentations by
leading international experts including:
the “Geostrategic Importance of Central
Europe,” prepared by Prof. Otto Pick, former Deputy Czech Minister of Foreign
Affairs and the Director of the Institute
of International Relations; “National
and Global Security in a Volatile World:
Shared Risks, Uncommon Challenges,
New Opportunities,” presided over by
Carol Dumaine, Director of Energy
and Environmental Security at the US
Department of Energy; and David Robson,
Head of Energy and Environmental
Foresight of the Scottish Government;
and a lecture entitled “Armed Groups and
Irregular Warfare: A Major 21st Century
Security Challenge” by Professor Richard
Shultz from the Fletcher School of Law
and Diplomacy at Tufts University.
May: 2005
International Security
and NATO
August: 2005
RMSSP Scholars' Visit to Japan
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
Summer School students during a workshop
NATO Summer School
Since 2005, NATO’s Public Diplomacy
Division has joined forces with PSSI to offer a select, but intensive, course of study
for an elite group of graduate students
in the political science, international relations and other relevant fields from
NATO’s member states and partner countries concerning future challenges for
NATO and pressing issues on the global security agenda. Each year we receive a
record-breaking number of applicants, a
testament to the international notoriety our
joint Summer School commands. While
many of our students hail from the Czech
Republic and Slovakia, PSSI also places an
emphasis on students from Eastern Europe
and the Caucuses region, as outreach
to this region remains critical to NATO
The one-week course, conducted in
English, includes lectures, presentations,
group discussions and simulations led by
Czech and foreign security experts. Our
Summer School traditionally covers a
broad range of today’s most pressing priorities facing NATO, including Afghanistan,
energy security, Russia, its new Strategic
Concept and transatlantic relations.
The retreat-type setting in the UNESCO
heritage town of Telč provides a unique
networking opportunity for approximately
25 participants from as many as 15 countries. Over the years, we have observed that
September: 2005
1st Summer School
October: 2005
Business and Security
this off-site venue permits round-the-clock
chances for students to engage in discourse over breaking global developments
and the lectures or discussions which they
attended during the day. Visiting speakers have included senior government and
NATO officials, leading NGO security policy experts, academic scholars and private
sector executives.
The student participants receive a valued
certificate upon the successful completion
of the program. They are also encouraged
to enrich the public debate concerning
present and future NATO activities.
November: 2005
International Security
and NATO II.
February–December: 2006
Dr. Condoleezza Rice, former US Secretary of State, delivering a keynote speech at the international conference, “Ronald Reagan: Inspired Freedom”
Overview of Major PSSI
International Conferences*
NATO and the Greater Middle East
October 17–19, 2003
Program of Atlantic
Security Studies
The Institute’s Program of Atlantic
Security Studies (PASS) aims to identify and analyze select foreign policy and
security-related issues that primarily affect the transatlantic community. These
challenges extend beyond the traditional
political-military portfolio and include cyber and space security, the eurozone crisis,
economic and financial sanctions/warfare,
energy security, and Asia-Pacific and
Middle East security “flash-points.” The
PASS program engages selectively, and
leans toward less-developed security issues
in need of a “deeper drill.”
With its primary focus on organizing
conferences, roundtables, workshops
as well as research, the PASS program
creates venues that bring together highlevel security policy practitioners, opinion
leaders, and experts in a number of fields
from different countries and disciplines
that would, in many cases, not be exposed
to one another under normal professional
January: 2006
MA Program in Security Studies
at Charles University Accredited
May: 2006
Security System
The aim of the conference was to analyze the highly complex issues of the
Greater Middle East and the potential role of NATO in contributing to the
resolution of the region’s protracted security challenges. Among the speakers were:
Václav Havel, former President of Czech
Republic; Madeleine Albright, former US
Secretary of State; H.R.H. Prince Hassan
bin Talal of Jordan; and Nicholas Burns,
US Permanent Representative to NATO.
Energy and Security: Global Challenges –
Regional Perspectives
October 19–21, 2004
The conference discussions addressed a
broad range of issues, including: rising oil
prices; the mix of energy resources that
can achieve sustainable economic development; environmental quality; national
security; and energy security. Speakers included: Jerzy Buzek, former Prime Minister
of Poland; Paula Dobriansky, US Under
Secretary of State; Susan Eisenhower;
Chairman of the Board of Directors of The
* Speakers’ affiliations reflect the position they held during the respective
July: 2006
5th Collegiate Network GeoStrategic Journalism Course
July: 2006
2nd Summer School
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs Karel Schwarzenberg delivering opening remarks at the international
conference “Asia-Pacific Security Challenges: Implications for Europe and the Atlantic Alliance”
Eisenhower Institute; and David Waller,
Deputy Director General of IAEA.
Canada; and Alexandr Vondra, Minister
of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
Business and Security: Who Will Pay
the Price?
October 10–12, 2005
Democracy and Security: Core Values
and Sound Policies
June 5–6, 2007
The conference concentrated mainly on the
benefits and limitations of economic sanctions and other market-relevant policy tools,
emerging geopolitical threats affecting business interests and the use of global capital
markets by bad actors to help fund malevolent behavior. Speakers included: Gen.
James L. Jones, Supreme Allied Commander
Europe; Mike Moore, former Prime Minister
of New Zealand & former Director General
of WTO; Milen Veltchev, former Minister
of Finance, Bulgaria; Patrick Hardouin,
Deputy Assistant Secretary General for
Regional, Economic & Security Affairs,
NATO; and Fatih Birol, Chief Economist,
International Energy Agency.
This conference served as a forum for debate and discussion among some 50
prominent dissidents, pro-democracy advocates and political leaders to examine
anew the nexus between democracy and
international security. Among the speakers were: George W. Bush, President of
the United States of America; Toomas
Hendrik Ilves, President of Estonia;
Joseph Lieberman, US Senator; José
María Aznar, former Prime Minister of
Spain; Natan Sharansky, Chairman, The
Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies at
the Shalem Center; and Garri Kasparov,
chess champion and head of the Politician
United Civil Front.
Club of Prague: Energy – Empowering
the Individual and the Community
October 10–12, 2006
Asia-Pacific Security Challenges:
Implications for Europe
and the Atlantic Alliance
September 7–9, 2008
The principal objective of the conference
was to create an Asian-European-American
forum to strengthen exchanges, skill-sets
and cooperation among the regions’ leading energy experts. Speakers at this Club
of Prague gathering included: Andris
Piebalgs, EU Energy Commissioner; Kim
Campbell, former Prime Minister of
October: 2006
Whitaker Chair in Security Studies
Established at Charles University
This gathering was arguably the first of its
kind in the Czech Republic and the region
and was based on the premise that the security challenges confronting East and South
Asia, in particular, have global implications especially for Europe and the Atlantic
Alliance. The speakers included: Karel
October: 2006
Club of Prague Conference
October: 2006
PSSI Washington Established
Former Czech President Václav Havel addressing the Institute’s Asia-Pacific Security Conference
Schwarzenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Czech Republic; Anand Sharma,
Indian Minister of State for External
Affairs; Alberto Romulo, Philippine
Executive Director of the International
Energy Agency; Richard Lawless, former US Under Secretary of Defense for
Asia-Pacific Affairs; and Pierre Morel, EU
Special Representative for Central Asia.
NATO’s Strategic Concept:
Response to Our Concerns?
January 12, 2010
The conference discussions focused on the
views of allied states, particularly from
Central and Eastern Europe, regarding
NATO’s future role in Europe and elsewhere. A number of speakers addressed the
issue of striking the right balance between
territorial defense and out-of-area missions
as well as NATO’s commitment to Article
5. Speakers included: Madeleine Albright,
former US Secretary of State; Jan Kohout,
Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs; Geoff
Hoon, former British Minister of Defense;
and Ronald D. Asmus, Brussels Office
Executive Director, German Marshall Fund.
Provincial Reconstruction Teams –
What’s Next?
January 25–27, 2010
The conference was designed to deliberate on the successes and shortcomings of
Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs)
December: 2006
The Global Futures Conference
February–December: 2007
in Afghanistan. The concept was rather
straightforward: to gather a broad spectrum of professionals involved in PRTs
for a candid discussion of what works
and how PRTs could strengthen coordination and effectiveness. Given the Czech
Republic’s key contributions to the ongoing efforts in Afghanistan, Prague was
a natural choice for the over 250 participants from 38 nations. The conference
speakers included: Ghulam Jelani Popal,
General Director, Independent Directorate
for Local Governance, Afghanistan; Tomáš
Pojar, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Czech Republic; and Barbara Stapleton,
Senior Political Adviser to the EU Special
Representative for Afghanistan and
US-EU Dialogue
on Sustainable Energy Security
June 16–18, 2010
The conference examined current efforts
to transform the supply and consumption
of energy to create a sustainable energy
future for Central Europe, while emphasizing the goal of effectively integrating
energy security, environmental responsibility and economic prosperity. Among
the conference participants were: Václav
Bartuška, Czech Ambassador-at-Large for
Energy Security; Maciej Wozniak, Special
Advisor on Energy to the Polish Prime
Minister; Branko Terzic, Chairman of the
United Nations Economic Commission
January: 2007
Security System
April: 2007
Third Site: Missile Defense
in Europe Conference
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
Group photo of speakers at the “Space Security through the Transatlantic Partnership” international conference
for Europe (UN ECE) and Energy &
Resources Group, USA; Peter Taylor,
Head of the Technology Policy Division,
International Energy Agency; Christopher
Smith, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office
of Fossil Energy, US Department of
Energy; and Laszlo Varro, Senior VicePresident for Strategy, MOL Group.
Space Security
through the Transatlantic Partnership
June 12–14, 2011
The overarching goal of the conference was
to draw out and assess both converging
and diverging views on the multi-faceted
subject of space security. It also sought to
establish an on-going non-governmental
process designed to assist with the crafting
of a future architecture for the management of this key dimension of space policy
on a trilateral, and eventually global, basis.
Among the speakers were: Admiral Dennis
C. Blair, former US Director of National
Intelligence and Commander-in-Chief
of the US Pacific Command; Giuseppe
Morsillo, Director of Policies, Planning
and Control, European Space Agency;
Frank Asbeck, Principal Advisor, Security
and Space Policy, European External
Action Service, European Commission;
Pierre-Louis Lempereur, Counselor for
Outer Space Issues, Office of the EU
Representative for Non-Proliferation and
Disarmament Issues; and Hirofumi Katase,
April: 2007
PSSI Honored by Templeton
Freedom Award
June: 2007
Democracy and Security
Headquarters for Space Policy, Cabinet
Secretariat, Japan.
Ronald Reagan: Inspired Freedom
June 30–July 1, 2011
PSSI teamed with the Ronald Reagan
Presidential Foundation to commemorate the centennial birthday of the former
US President during the week of freedom
commemorating the 20th anniversary of
the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact. The
conference discussed both the politics, values and principles of President Reagan
and their historic impact on the peoples
of Central and Eastern Europe as well as
his main message for managing 21st century security challenges (i.e. peace through
strength). Former US Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice delivered the keynote address. Panelists included: John
O’Sullivan, Executive Editor, RFE/RL,
USA/Czech Republic; Charles Kesler,
Senior Fellow, The Claremont Institute,
USA; and Pete Wilson, former Governor
of California, USA. The conference events
culminated in a special dedication to
Ronald Reagan through a street renaming
ceremony in Prague 6 that runs in front of
the US Ambassador’s residence.
July: 2007
6th Collegiate Network GeoStrategic Journalism Course
September: 2007
3rd Summer School
Admiral Dennis C. Blair, former Director of National Intelligence and Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Command, delivers
the keynote speech at the “Space Security through the Transatlantic Partnership” international conference
Regional Outreach Program
Since its inception, the Prague Security
Studies Institute has coordinated a range
of outreach activities, beyond its core
academic, research and security policy
The main purpose of these seminars
and workshops is to share the know-how,
technical expertise and professional experiences gained during the Czech Republic’s
transition to democracy with students
from post-communist countries, those still
living under largely authoritarian regimes
and young American journalists interested
in this historical period.
One of the pillars of our Regional
Outreach Program is our Security Reform
Initiative, which provides participants
from transition countries with the lessons
learned from the radically-altered foreign
and security policy agenda of the Czech
Republic (Czechoslovakia) in the 1990s.
PSSI has worked closely with graduate
students and young professionals from
Ukraine, Moldova and Kosovo as well as
organized a series of meetings with, and
briefings by, current and former Czech
September: 2007
Security System
Reform-Moldova II.
security policy experts and practitioners
from Parliament, the sitting government
(Foreign, Defense and Interior ministries)
as well as security-minded NGOs.
PSSI’s Regional Outreach program
teamed with the Intercollegiate Studies
program from 2002-2009 to enable young
American foreign correspondents to visit
the Czech Republic as part of a comprehensive Foreign Correspondent Course.
This cooperative venture between PSSI
and Intercollegiate Studies Institute resulted in some 60 American students
traveling to Prague over this period. Each
year, PSSI arranged meetings with senior
Czech politicians, scholars, security policy experts and journalists, advancing
their understanding of the political and
economic journeys of Central and East
European countries.
In addition to the activities referenced
above, PSSI conducted other successful initiatives such as the NATO Winter
Academy, which provided more than
30 participants from Russia and other members of the Commonwealth of
Independent States member countries
with detailed analyses of NATO’s history and its present and future role in the
European security system. Moreover,
the Institute has been a member of the
Friends of Ukraine Network, an international group that supports Ukraine’s full
September: 2007
Security System Reform-Kosovo
November: 2007
MA Program in Security Studies at
Charles University Commenced
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
Collegiate Network students
integration into Europe and the Atlantic
alliance. Our Regional Outreach program has helped to bring dignitaries
from various regions to Ukraine to deliver high-impact presentations, with an
aim of keeping those issues most important to freedom-loving Ukrainians in the
public eye and policy debate. These initiatives were validated by the “Orange
Revolution,” despite the troubling erosion
of those freedoms that has occurred since.
February–December: 2008
Corporate Council Program
The Corporate Council Program was established in the fall of 2003 in recognition of
the educational benefits of integrating the
management and decision-making skills
of leading business executives from across
the globe into the lectures and presentations offered by PSSI’s Security Scholars
and Regional Outreach Programs. This
initiative is guided by William F. Martin,
who serves as its Chairman.
Corporate Council Program involves
constructing mutually-reinforcing relationships between select multinational
corporations/banks and PSSI. Interested
companies, for example, can send executives to conduct informal seminars with
our security scholars, engage in mentoring, provide business and/or public policy
“case studies,” and recruit from our highlyqualified pool of students and alumni. In
return, the Institute provides Corporate
Council members with access to some
of the finest and most energetic young
minds in the Czech Republic and the region, high-level international conferences,
February: 2008
Ballistic Missile Defense: Security Guarantees
for the Czech Republic Conference
July: 2008
4th Summer School
Mary Thompson Jones, Chargé d’Affaires, Embassy of the United States of America; Mohammad Mustafa Mastoor, Deputy Minister for Finance Affairs, Ministry
of Finance of Afghanistan; Jiří Schneider, Program Director, Prague Security Studies Institute; Jeffrey Gedmin, President, RFE/RL; Tomáš Pojar, Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic at the “Provincial Reconstruction Teams – What’s Next?” conference
workshops, roundtables, and research
projects often relevant to various business
The Program’s more notable guest
speakers include Abdulaziz F. Al-Khayyal,
Senior Vice President of Saudi Aramco,
who visited PSSI to discuss current
trends in the global oil markets; David
Elliman, Chairman of Elmrock Capital,
who lectured to RMSSP students on the
importance of capital markets to global security; James Kemler, Group President of
Stryker Corporation, who addressed PSSI
staff and supporters on the issue of health
care as a national priority and its linkage
to defense spending; and an expert roundtable with Dr. Dale Klein, Head of the US
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, on the
challenges of nuclear energy in the coming years. The Corporate Council Program
has also arranged international visits for
our students, including a ten-day trip to
Japan with a group of PSSI alumni, organized and hosted by Konosuke Sugiura
and his colleagues from Tokyo Electric
Power, Kansai Electric Power, Chubu
Electric Power and Tohoku Electric Power
The Club of Prague, an initiative organized under the Corporate Council banner,
seeks to provide a forum for enhanced dialogue and cooperation among the regions’
leading energy experts. The main aim of
the initial Club of Prague Conference,
July: 2008
7th Collegiate Network GeoStrategic Journalism Course
September: 2008
Asia-Pacific Security
Challenges Conference
held in 2006, was to bring together senior
energy experts from Europe, the US and
Japan to discuss many of the same pressing
challenges that we face today. Speakers included: EU Energy Commissioner Andris
Piebalgs; former Prime Minister of Canada
Kim Campbell; Czech Foreign Minister
Alexandr Vondra; CEOs of Japanese and
EU corporations; Presidents of US and
Middle Eastern National Laboratories,
as well as European and Chinese scientists. This initiative continues to serve as a
valuable outlet and may well evolve into a
separate Energy Security Program at PSSI.
February–December: 2009
February: 2009
NATO's Winter Academy
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
International conference “Democracy and Security: Core Values and Sound Policies”
Alumni Initiative
PSSI views its alumni as its single greatest
asset. We are immensely proud of the nowhundreds of students who have passed
through our Robinson-Martin Security
Scholars Program, NATO Summer
School, and Charles University Master’s
Degree Program. Many of them already
occupy senior positions within the Czech
policy community, regional NGOs, the
EU, NATO, academia, the media, and
the private sector. Fortunately, a number
of our alumni have remained engaged in
Institute activities and often lend a hand in
pulling together our larger conferences or
help guide special projects, like those we
undertake with the Czech government.
We are determined to strengthen those
bonds further by offering: an interactive,
web-based alumni networking site that
will seek to identify relevant career opportunities for our students and young
professionals; internships and exchanges
in the US and elsewhere; notice of relevant career-building events (e.g. jobs fairs,
etc.); Institute and/or University lectures;
and other subjects of potential interest.
June: 2009
8th Collegiate Geo-Strategic
Journalism Course
June: 2009
Forging a Strategic US-EU
Partnership Conference
We also hope to meet at least once a year
in a larger alumni gathering as well as offer
a standing invitation to smaller PSSI receptions and social events on our premises.
Many of our alumni have helped us
advance this Initiative by kindly taking
the time to fill out our alumni survey so
that we can better remain in contact and
tailor our new site to meet their needs.
Graduates from our PSSI programs will
hopefully remain part of our extended
family and derive concrete benefits from
so doing.
Accordingly, please find below the list
of students and alumni of RMSSP, our
NATO Summer School, MA Degree
Program in Security Studies as well past
and present Institute staff.
A Ramzi Abu Eid, Ulugbek Adambaev,
David Adamec, Jan Alexa, Afsheen
Bashir Ali, Naďa Aliová, Petr Anděl,
Sigrun Andresdottir, Anna Ayvazyan,
B Václav Bacovský, Ioana Ban, Andrej
Bančanský, Vojtěch Bartoň, Martin Bednář,
Klára Bednářová, Irina Beikert, Vadim
Beldiman, Miroslav Beňáček, Monika
Benešová, Antonín Berdych, Alžběta
Bernardyová, Jaroslav Bican, Prokop Bílý,
Petr Binhack, Zuzana Blahutová, Zdeněk
Blažek, Kateřina Bocianová, David
Borek, Gergely Böszörményi Nagy, Klára
Botlíková, Tomáš Bouška, Věra-Karin
Brázová, Tomáš Brodec, Tomáš Bruner,
Anna Bulakh, Jiří Bulan, Ondřej Burda,
July: 2009
5th Summer School
September: 2009
Vilémov Talks: Czech-Polish
Foreign Policy Objectives
José María Aznar, former Prime Minister of Spain; Václav Havel, former President of the Czech Republic and Natan
Sharansky, Chairman The Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies at the Shalem Center (from left)
Olga Burenko, Noémie Bürkl, Pavlína
Buzková C Jana Cagašová, Jakub Čeněk,
Kamila Čermáková, Veronika Černá,
Markéta Černá, Dmitrij Černikov, Tomáš
Černý, Jan Černý, Matěj Černý, René
Cienciala, Tereza Čížková, Gábor Cserkúti
D Pavel Daněk, Pavla Danišová, Vakhtang
Darchiashvilli, Andrew Davenport, Mia
Delic, Ivan Dimitrijevic, Kristýna Divišová,
Martin Doležel, Veronika Doskočilová, Vít
Dostál, Michal Drábek, Tomáš Dražný,
Pavel Drlík, Jana Drlíková, Aleš Ducháč,
Martin Ducháč, Václav Duda, Martin
Dunaj, Julius Dunton, Marek Dvořák
E David Emler, Samuel Emmerling,
Jakub Engelmajer F Alena Falathová,
Filip Faltejsek, Árpád Fazekas, Pavel
Fidler, Lenka Filípková, Adam Fireš,
Jitka Fojtíková, Pauline Fossat, Rostislav
Fridrich, Iva Friedrichová G Jan Gallas,
Lucia Gallíková, Elena Gladkikh, Patricia
Gonzales, Michaela Graeberová, Kristýna
Greplová, Martin Gřešák, Hugo Barcia
Gutiérrez H Lukáš Hadrava, Jan Hájek,
Tomáš Hájek, Endre Halasi, Daniela
Hálová, Jaromír Hanzal, Daniel Harmach,
Annbjorg Hauvik, Matt Hays, Jiří Hejtich,
Nikola Hiklová, Kristina Hlaváčková,
Jakub Hlávka, Vojtěch Hledík, Mikuláš
Hodovanec, Martina Hodulová, Radko
Hokovský, Jiří Holík, Barbora Holková,
Petr Holý, Petr Hrubeš, Dana Hruby,
Milan Hudák, Eduard Hulicius, Kateřina
Husová, Michael Hutchings Ch Andrea
November: 2009
Smart Grids, Clean
Coal Conference
November: 2009
Visegrad Countries, the EU
and Russia Conference
Christensen I Marcela Ibánez Espinel,
Beata Ilnytska J Andrea Jančárková,
Lukáš Jandura, Vladimíra Janková, Jakub
Jaroš, Petr Jelínek, Marie Jelínková,
Veronika Jemelíková, Jan Jindřich, Alžběta
Jirásková, Veronika Jírová, Lucie Jirsenská,
Tomáš Jungwirth K Anna Kacerovská,
Anna Kadlečková, Lucie Kadlecová,
Ondřej Kaleta, Irena Kalhousová, Boris
Kaliský, Zuzana Kalusová, Kristine
Kamshilova, Petr Kaplan, Kateřina
Kaprasová, Helena Kašperová, Iwona
Kepa, Vasyl Khomiak, Natalia Kierczak,
Robert Klan, Jakub Klepal, Kateřina
Klevarová, Tomáš Klůz, Martina Knapová,
David Kocourek, Tomáš Kocourek,
Ondřej Köhler, Hana Konířová, Tomáš
Kopečný, Hana Kořínková, Iva Košatková,
Lenka Kovačovská, Jana Kovalská, Lucie
Krahulcová, Eva Kratochvílová, Lukáš
Kraus, Karolina Křížová, Tomáš Kučera,
Vasil Kuchukhidze, Iva Kudláčková,
Martin Kudrec, Tomáš Kulda, Jakub
Kulhanek, Irina Kurdadze, Martin
Kusák, Justin Kutner, Michal Kuzmič,
Jan Kužvart L Jan Lalic, Petr Lang,
Romana Lantorová, Marcin Lapczynski,
Vít Lichtenstein, Jan Lipavský, Dan
Lošťák, Denisa Loužecká, Jan Ludvík,
Miloslava Lukášová, Yuliya Lyamzina,
Hanna Lysenka M Martina Macáková,
Dan Macek, Kristína Mackuliaková,
Milan Malý, Pavla Mandátová, Radka
December: 2009
Security System Reform-Kosovo
February–December: 2010
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
Jeroen van der Veer, Vice-Chair of NATO’s New Strategic Concept Group of Experts, Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State of the United States and Chair
of NATO’s New Strategic Concept Group of Experts and Jan Kohout, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic at the conference on New NATO’s
Strategic Concept
Manoušek, Tomáš Mareš, Petr Mareš,
Jan Marian, Kateřina Marková, Tania
Marocchi, William F. Martin, Jiří Martinů,
Alexander Martynau, Rudolf Matúš,
Petr Matyáš, Ondřej Matyáš, Veronika
Melich, Hynek Melichar, Mariana Mendes,
Jana Menšíková, Corbin Miller, Zuzana
Mjartanová, Luděk Mohr, Filip Moravec,
Luděk Moravec, Michal Mravinac, Lilly
Muller N Gergely Nagy, Tomáš Nagy,
Martina Neckářová, Dagmar Nehněvská,
Vit Nejedlo, Jan Nejedlý, Václav Nekvapil,
Jana Neupauerová, Uliana Nezgorenko,
Duong Nguyen, Andrej Nosko, Pavel
Novák, Jana Novotná, Tereza Novotná O
Cillian O‘Donoghue, Borivoje Obradovic,
Ion Osoian P Barbara Padrťová, Justinas
Pagirys, Adam Pajgrt, Jan Palán, Jiří
Panenka, Tamar Papavadze, Serhiy
Pardus, Jiří Paták, Jan Paul, Zuzana
Pavelkova, Michaela Pavlisová, Vendula
Pelikánová, Mary Grace Pellegrini, Soňa
Bohumil Peterka, Eva Petrlová, Irina
Petrova, Kateřina Petružálková, Olexander
Picková, Nino Pkhikidze, Henry PlaterZyberk, Martin Plesný, Petr Pojman,
Nataliia Polyviana, Filip Popovič, Petr
Pöschl, Jan Prášil, Václav Prášil, Eliška
Prchlíková, Kristina Pribilskaya, Eva
January: 2010
Provincial Reconstruction Teams
in Afghanistan Conference
Procházková, Zlatoslava Procivová, Petr
Prouza, Jan Pýcha R Ivana Radová,
Ele Raik, Jan Rajniš, Martin Reinisch,
Grace Robinson, Jana Robinson, Robin
Robinson, Roger W. Robinson, Jr., Ingrid
Roger, Hugo Rosák, Jakub Rozsypal,
Ondřej Roztomilý, Ken Ruml, Jan
Růžička, Olga Ryantová S Sercan Salgin,
Janine Salibová, Ondřej Šamonil, Pavel
Sáňka, Jan Šaršon, Alice Savovová, Nikola
Schmidt, Jiří Schneider, Petra Schwarzová,
Filip Šebek, Nikoletta Sebestyén, Martina
Semlali, Martin Shabu, Josef Sharfen,
Martin Šik, Eva Šikulová, Chloé Simeha,
Michal Šimůnek, Tomáš Šindelář, Jan
Šír, Anna Skalická, Jiří Skoupý, Marek
Slavický, Michal Smetana, Tomáš Šmíd,
Shanelle Smith, Ivana Smoleňová, Jan
Šnaidauf, Ganna Soldatenko, Ilona
Solodkina, Juxhina Sotiri, Václav Štindl,
Tomáš Stráník, Adam Strauch, Petra
Suchardová, Anna Suková, David Sulek,
Ondřej Šumavský, Petr Šupolík, Silvia
Šütőová, Katarína Svitková, Krystýna
Syslová, Karolina Szuppe T Jeanne
Tadeusz, Terezie Täubelová, Michal
Thim, Kamila Tichá, Kateřina Tkáčová,
Václav Trejbal, Michaela Třeštíková, Jana
Trnková, Mariam Tsitsishvili, Dominika
Tůmová, Johana Typoltová U Yaroslav
Udovenko, Karel Ulík, Diana Urganova
January: 2010
NATO's Strategic Concept: Response
to Our Concerns? Conference
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic Alexandr Vondra
Vlaďka Váchová, Lukáš Vacík, Eva
Vaculíková, Vladimír Vaďura, Matěj Válek,
Emilie Valentová, Karolina Vančurová,
Gita Vašíčková, Soňa Vašků, Luboš Veselý,
Tereza Veverková, Vlastislav Vilímek,
Alexandr Vondra, Konstantyn Voronin,
Ondřej Vosátka, Vlaďka Votavová, Marie
Vrbová, Petr Vrchota Y Cheng Yu Chin Z
Jakub Záhora, Dmitry Zakharov, Zuzana
Zalánová, Barbora Zamrská, Michael
Žantovský, Tomáš Zapletal, Michaela
Zápotocká, Vitaliy Zavadskyy, Veronika
Zdeňková, Andrew Zellers, Erik Žíla,
Marcin Zubek, Jakub Zykmund, Olga
February: 2010
Czech Republic and Israel: 20th Anniversary
of Renewed Relations Conference
June: 2010
US-EU Dialogue on Sustainable
Energy Security Conference
July: 2010
6th Summer School
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
Kai-Uwe Schrogl, Director of the European Space Policy Institute and Oldřich Černý, Executive Director of the Prague Security Studies Institute
Funding Sources
PSSI would like to thank the following
organizations and corporations for their
generous support:
Institutional Sponsors
International Affairs, Atlantic Council
of the United States, Atlas Economic
Research Foundation, Bawd Foundation,
Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs
Institute, Carthage Foundation, Center
for EU Enlargement Studies, Central
European Foundation, ČEZ, Charles
University in Prague, Chubu Electric
Czech Coal, Czech-Israeli Chamber of
Commerce, Dassault Systèmes, Diana
Davis Spencer Foundation, Donner
Foundation, Embassy of Afghanistan
in Prague, Embassy of Denmark in
Prague, Embassy of France in Prague,
Embassy of Israel in Prague, Embassy of
the United States of America in Prague,
European Social Fund, European Space
February–December: 2011
10th RMSSP
Agency, European Space Policy Institute,
Europeum-Institute for European Policy,
Eurotel, Foundation for Social Studies
and Analysis, Foundation for Strategic
Research, Friends of Israel, Geneva Centre
for Democratic Control of Armed Forces,
German Marshall Fund of the United
States, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Institute
for Democracy and International Security,
Institute for Public Policy, Intercollegiate
Studies Institute, Interdisciplinary Center
Herzliya, Interel, International Relations
and Security Network, International
Visegrad Fund, Jagello 2000, John
Templeton Foundation, Kansai Electric
Power, Kathryn W. Davis Foundation,
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Kosciuszko
Institute, Marsh, Masaryk University in
Brno, Ministry of Defense of the Czech
Republic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Czech Republic, Ministry of Interior
of the Czech Republic, Ministry of
Transport of the Czech Republic, NATO,
Natoaktual, New York University in
Prague, Office of Naval Research Global,
Office of the Government of the Czech
Republic, OMV, Open Society Fund, Play.
cz, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty,
RWE, Senate of the Czech Republic,
Shalem Center, Slovak Foreign Policy
Association, T-Mobile, Taipei Economic
and Cultural Office, Tohoku Electric
Power Companies, Tokyo Electric Power,
Unipetrol, Volvo Auto Czech
May: 2011
Where is Turkey Heading? Conference
May: 2011
Security Sector Reform-Moldova
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
Ukrainian participants of the Security Sector Reform Module
Individual Donors
Dr. James Q. Whitaker, David Elliman,
Craig and Debbie Stapleton, Craig Smith,
William F. Martin, Yoshio Matsumi, Jonna
Bianco, William Irwin, Larry Hirsch, Marc
Special Thanks
PSSI would like to thank the following individuals for their special contributions:
Dr. James Whitaker, Richard Mellon
Scaife, R. Daniel McMichael, Michael
Gleba, Hon. Craig and Debbie Stapleton,
Amb. Curtin Winsor, David Elliman,
Brad Lips, Alejandro Chafuen, Caroline
Stoessinger, Kai-Uwe Schrogl, Běla
Plechanovová, Corbin Miller
June: 2011
Space Security Conference
June: 2011
Ronald Reagan: Inspired Freedom Conference
June: 2011
MA Program in Security Studies in English
at Charles University Accredited
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
This Anniversary Newsletter is dedicated to our beloved Executive Director, Olda Černý (*1946 – †2012), as is our work ahead.
We believe that PSSI has, over the past
decade, demonstrated a capability to
produce asymmetric results from our security-minded educational and policy
programs. Accordingly, we plan to continue our emphasis on engaging selectively in
areas of security policy and emerging global “flash points” that are less developed
and in need of analysis and a prestigious
public forum. The Institute is very skilled
at convening such events, often in august
settings and always in a cost-effective manner, a key ingredient of our sustainable,
high-impact operating model.
PSSI is well-positioned to expand its
reach in the decade ahead for a number of reasons already in evidence today.
Specifically, we have: harnessed a valuable “force-multiplier” in the hundreds of
alumni of our Robinson-Martin Security
Scholars Program, NATO Summer School,
and co-sponsored Master’s Degree at
Charles University; staffed up our partner organization, PSSI Washington
(PSSIW), so that we can increasingly offer transatlantic gatherings, presentations,
internships, exchanges, and programs;
July: 2011
7th Summer School
January: 2012
Islam and Democracy
introduced an English-language curriculum for our co-sponsored degree at
Charles University which will substantially broaden access to this advanced
degree program (commencing this fall);
advanced our planning for an Energy
Security Program that will hopefully partner with a leading educational institution
in this field; upgraded our applications
of technology for distance learning, teleconferencing, and global access to our
programs and speakers; realized the benefits of increasing interaction with our
Board and Executive Committee members;
and committed to seeking an ever-growing
community of students, young professionals, NGO representatives, security policy
practitioners, academics, business executives, media professionals and other parties
seized with the importance of understanding the present security challenges facing
the world today as well as those to come.
As PSSI expands its network of NGO relationships, we have found that partnering
arrangements, particularly with respect to
large conferences and Institute programs,
with other like-minded organizations are
both cost-effective and content-enhancing. We also receive valuable advice and
support from the Czech government and
academic community. As one of our priority issue areas is the intersection of
global finance/energy and international
security concerns, we are hopeful that the
February–December: 2012
11th RMSSP
February: 2012
Ensuring Energy Security
in Europe Conference
Jan Fischer, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Oldřich Černý, PSSI’s Executive Director and Jiří Dienstbier, former
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czechoslovakia at the conference on Czech-Israeli Relations
European and American business/banking communities will also take note of the
“risk management” value proposition offered by PSSI.
In conclusion, we will remain on course
with respect to the Institute’s mission, but
will seek to leverage new technologies
as well as social, professional and other
media platforms to execute our core programs. We will likely remain of modest
overall size, even including our partner
institution, PSSI Washington, as we envision ourselves operating more like “special
forces” than a think tank with an army of
analysts, administrators, and staff. We
salute those generous individuals, foundations, governments, and companies that
have consistently supported PSSI and provided a most welcome endorsement of all
that we do, and will seek to do in the decade ahead.
May: 2012
Gulf Region Conference
June: 2012
Interagency CivilianMilitary Traing
PSSI 10th Anniversary Newsletter
International conference “Provincial Reconstruction Teams – What’s Next? – Challenges of Reconstruction in Afghanistan”
PSSI’s Boards
in memoriam
• Václav Havel, International Advisory Board
Member (2002–2011)
• Oldřich Černý, Co-Founder and Executive
Director (2002–2012)
international advisory board
• Elie Wiesel
• Dennis C. Blair
• R. James Woolsey
• Alexandr Vondra
• Timothy Garton Ash
• Michael Žantovský
• Michael Novak
• Adam Michnik
• Robert Pfaltzgraff
• Dorothy Stapleton
• H.R.H. Prince Hassan
• Karel Schwarzenberg
• Madeleine Albright
• Petr Kolář
• Jiří Schneider
executive committee
• R. Daniel McMichael, Chairman
• James Q. Whitaker
• Curtin Winsor, Jr.
• Jan Ruml
• Brian Kennedy
• Alejandro Chafuen
• C. Richard D’Amato
• Jonna Bianco
acting executive director
• Roger W. Robinson, Jr., Co-Founder
Contact Info:
Prague Security Studies Institute Pohořelec 6, 118 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic
Tel./fax: +420 233 355 735 [email protected]
Queries about PSSI activities and projects can also be directed to
Petr Lang ([email protected]), Program Director.
Your Support is Appreciated
As the Institute is expanding its activities and regional outreach, we would welcome your support for these efforts.
Tax deductible contributions from the US can be made to PSSI through the Atlas Economic
Research Foundation, 1201 L Street, NW, 2nd Floor, Washington, D.C. 20005. Our primary
contact at the Foundation is Mr. Bradley Lips, Chief Executive Officer (e-mail: brad.lips@, tel. +12024498449). Such donations can also be directed to the Institute’s tax-exempt partner organization, PSSI Washington, 1002 Wisconsin Ave, Townhouse Levels 3 & 4,
Washington, D.C. 20007.
Bank Account
Our direct PSSI Account is located at the Komerční banka, a.s.
(Na Příkopě 33, 11407 Prague 1, Czech Republic):
IBAN CZ7401000000512281850237 BIC/SWIFT Code: KOMBCZPP