ST. ROSE OF LIMA - CHULA VISTA Adoration reconciliation
ST. ROSE OF LIMA - CHULA VISTA Adoration reconciliation
ST. ROSE OF LIMA - CHULA VISTA November 10 Mass Times Adoration Saturday: 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. (Español) Fridays in pastoral center chapel: 8:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Sunday: reconciliation 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m. 10:00 am. (sign language) 11:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m. - Español 5:00 p.m. saturday: 8:00 a.m. (or by appointment) daily: Baptisms & Weddings: thursday: Call the Parish Office: 6:15 a.m. & 8:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. - Español (619) 427-0230 saturday: 7:30 am. Inside: Mama Dee Gala 293 H Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910 phone: (619) 427-0230 fax: (619) 427-5786 Thirty-SECOND Sunday in Ordinary Time parish staff Fr. John P. Dolan, Pastor Fr. Augustine Obasi Associate Pastor Deacons: Charlie Frice; Greg Smyth; Gerardo Marquez Sr. Dolores Social Outreach Trudy Balestreri: (619) 427-7637 Denise Jantz: (619) 427-7637 Pastor’s Message Dear Friends, Thank you to all who have expressed interest in our Capital Campaign. If you have any questions or suggestions about how you can help make a difference in reaching our goal, please call Maggie Reynoso, our Campaign Director, at (619) 427-0230. Please keep in mind that this Monday is Veteran’s Day and we will have only one Mass at 9:00 am. The office will also be closed on Monday. Our Mama Dee Gala is coming up and people are signing up for this special event. Please see the information on the next page, or visit our website at to reserve your place on-line. Have a great week! Father John Why we need a new Hall School Principal Jeff Saavedra: (619) 422-1121 School & Social Outreach Marketing & Development Rosy Vasquez - (619)427-0230 Hispanic / Deaf Ministry Deacon Gerardo Márquez (619) 427-0230 Music and I.T. Joseph Advento (619) 427-0230 Business Manager Patti Favela: (619) 427-0230 Thy Kingdom Come Campaign Maggie Reynoso: (619) 427-0230 St Rose of Lima has been our parish home for over 5 years. it has become an integral part of our life. We would love to help build a new parish hall because the needs of the community have grown and changed from when it was originally built. Hopefully, with a new hall we can expand our activities and continue to reach out to our community. 2 To RSVP BY NOVEMBER 25: please Complete this Form or register and pay on-line at www. Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: __________________________________ I would like to attend this event for $115 per person ________ # of people. Enclosed is a check for $ _____________ The St. Rose of Lima Marriage Ministry invites you to dive deeper into the Word with your spouse through reflections and commentaries on bible scripture. Maggie Reynoso (619) 427-0230 fax: (619) 427-5786 In 1975, “Mama Dee” as she was affectionately known, became a pastoral associate and the director of social concerns at St. Rose of Lima Parish. Her ministry to the poor became well known in Chula Vista, Tecate, Mexicali, and Tijuana where she coordinated a variety of programs. She also founded a community food pantry at St. Rose of Lima that continues to provide food to hundreds of families each year. Doctors Trace & Leticia Polanco Catholic Charities (619) 498-0722 293 H Street Chula Vista, CA 91910 Sister Dolores was born on April 17, 1928 in San Francisco, California and entered the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family on July 2, 1951. She ministered as a religious educator in parishes throughout California. Under the auspices of the Latin American Mission Program, she also served in Baja California as a catechist. Her love for children was remarkable. “Mama Dee” believed the way to a child’s head was through the stomach. Consequently, many of her efforts were aimed at providing food to struggling families with children. Several orphanages in Baja California (more on page 4) Religious Education: Sister Patricia Weldon OSF (619) 426-6717 High School Confirmation, Youth Ministry: Sarah Wright (619) 427-0230 Sister Dolores (Mama Dee) Molina Campaign Director, Our Lady of the Assumption Center We will meet in the parish rectory for fellowship followed by our study of the weekend’s readings on Saturday, November 9th and November 23rd, in the Parish Rectory at 6:15 p.m. Refreshments and FREE BABYSITTING will be provided! (619) 427-0230 [email protected] St. Rose of Lima Church Did you know that a Mass may be offered for the intention of your deceased friend or loved one? St. Rose of by Lima Church 3 Please stop the parish office to schedule a Mass intention. Join us for Faith Day ST Rose MGO’s UNITE! IIf you ever wonder how your gift to Mama Dee helps others, read this ... Men’s Retreat November 22-24 Join men from St. Rose of Lima & South Bay Ask yourself ... Faith Day is the closing ceremony for the Year of Faith of the Roman Catholic Church in the Diocese of San Diego that had been proclaimed by Benedict XVI. During this Year of Faith Catholics were asked to do acts of faith, increase their knowledge of their faith, and help others to discover Faith in Jesus Christ. At this closing ceremony Catholics and their Parishes have been invited to show the fruit of their efforts. Faith Day will be held: Sunday, November 24, 2013 12pm – 5pm (4 pm Mass with Bishop Cirilio Flores) Mater Dei High School Campus 1615 Mater Dei Drive Chula Vista, CA 91913 St Rose of Lima will have a church booth on display! Any interested MGO’s please send a representative to our Faith Day planning meeting on November 4th, 2013 at 6:30 pm in the east conference room in the Pastoral Center. Please RSVP with Rosa Vasquez, 619-427-0230 ext 114 or at the church office. Let’s all work together to share the wonderful acts of charity and evangelization by our Ministries, Groups and Organizations! For more info on the event, visit www. Are you an Agent of God? The cost is only $125 and will include a t-shirt, 2 nights and 5 meals At Whispering Winds Catholic Conference Center Give yourself a weekend retreat and rest your body, mind, and soul! register on-line at or with the form below ————————————————————————————————————— The Cost is $125 for two nights lodging and five meals and t-shirt. Please RSVP Before November 4, 2013 Return this portion with your payment RSVP on-line at or call 619-427-0230 Name _____________________________ Email______________________ Phone _____________________________ Cell _______________________ Shirt Size: S ____ M _____ L _____ XL _____ XXL _____ Address _____________________________ City ____________ Zip _______________ Mama Dee Congratulations to Denise Jantz (Continued from page 3) A many of you know, Denise Jantz has been a long-time partner in the Sister Dolores Outreach program here at St. Rose of Lima. In addition, she has been past coordinator of our school’s Christian Action committee, is an Extraordinary minister of the Eucharist, and the coordinator for our Altar servers at the English Masses. also benefited from her work. Visiting families in the poorest colonias, and offering food, clothing, medicines, blankets, and other household items was one of her greatest passions. Sister Dolores developed a tremendous relationship with the St. Rose of Lima community and beyond. She had a remarkably dedicated and enthusiastic cadre of volunteers and benefactors that supported her mission to serve the poor. From collecting day old bread, driving trucks to the Food Bank, and painting dormitories at the orphanage, Mama Dee’s team touched so many lives. Recently, Denise was nominated to receive the Matthew 25 Award for her stewardship to those in need. Bishop Flores will celebrate a Mass at USD on November 21 to recognize Denise and other recipients throughout the diocese. Following her death in 2001, St. Rose of Lima parish established the Sister Dolores Social Outreach Program, in honor of her love and dedication to the poor. Her life continues to be an inspiration to the volunteers and patrons who strive to keep her efforts alive. Nearly 300 people a month receive food, clothing, shelter, and other services from the outreach program. The generous donation of time, talent, and treasure by so many of our parishioners and friends make this possible. 4 St. Rose of Lima Church If you see Denise, recognition! St. Rose of Lima Church congratulate her on this deserved 5 Faith & Light of St. Rose of Lima Faith and Light is a community made up of persons with an intellectual disability, their families and friends, particularly young friends, who meet together on a regular basis in a Christian spirit, to share friendship, pray together, fiesta and celebrate life. !""#$%&$&'#"'$($)(*(+,!"-$$&'$'"!".$($/01/2',3%,&!-$ 34"(/"$/033&'%$/%5$'&/"$&6$4,)($/27&&4$18$34(2,!*$8&0'$&'#"'$.,%79 GATHERING SUNDAY AFTERNOON NOVEMBER 10, 2013 In the Parish Hall 2:30-5:00 P M $ 4:;$:<$=:9$$>>>5?@AB?CD=5E:F$ 0DB$&<GH<B$2:IB9$$/%'&/"&64,)($ /BGGBCJD$6HCD=$!?FB9$$3%*$$ /BGGBCJD$4?D=$!?FB9$$3%*$ Theme of the year: Let’s continue the adventure! ! Theme for this month: The Joy of Meeting in a Community WORD OF THE MONTH: Dividing the bread (reference text: Mark 6, 34-44 ) ! ! ! Boy Scout Troop 800 will be holding its Pancake Breakfast after all morning masses on Save the Date ! PARISH TALK BY Nationally Known FATHER LARRY RICHARDS Topic: “The Family” January 11, 2014 at 9:30am St. Rose of Lima Chula Vista, Ca November 17 The ICF will be Sponsoring Thy Kingdom Come Cafe December 22nd with coffee, espresso, Cannoli’s, and homemade Italian Christmas cookies. Proceeds will go toward Thy Kingdom Come Building Campaign. Cannoli’s and/or Cookies by the box make for great last minute Christmas gifts. Get your pre-orders in for your Christmas and New Year parties early. Choose from boxes of 8 mini Cannoli, 3 large Cannoli, or 18 homemade Italian cookies each for $10.00. The ICF would like to thank all our loyal supporters in helping the ICF raise $742.00 at the semi-annual Italian Meatball Sandwich sale held this past September. The Sister Dolores Social Outreach Program will be selling tickets to see the film “Mary of Nazareth”. The film will be shown on Saturday, December 14, at 11:00 a.m. and Sunday, December 15, at 11:00 a.m. at UltraStar Theater in the Chula Vista mall. Tickets are $10 each and both showings are expected to sell out, so buy early 6 Thy Kingdom Come Cafe The Legion of Mary of Saint Rose of Lima Parish will hold its annual luncheon for auxiliary members in appreciation of their support and prayers. Luncheon will be on Saturday, November 16, 2013 at the Parish Hall at 12:00 P.M. Current auxiliary members as well as those parishioners who are interested to become members are very much welcome to attend. Please call Christine at (619) 422-4643 if you have any questions. St. Rose of Lima Church St. Rose of Lima Church 7 Young Adult News Mondays, 6 - 7:30- p.m. Liberty Station in Point Loma (Cushing & Roosevelt) [email protected] Monastery of Poor Clares - Santa Barbara Trigesimo Segundo Domingo The Poor Clare Nuns constitute the second branch of the Franciscan Order, founded in the thirteenth century by St. Clare under the inspiration and guidance of St. Francis of Assisi. Renovacion Carismatica ¿Qué es un sacerdote diocesano? The Poor Clares of Santa Barbara were founded in August 1928 and are situated just one block from Old Mission Santa Barbara. Misas a las 6:30 pm - Cada Jueves El sacerdote diocesano es un puente entre sus hermanos y Dios The Poor Clare nuns of Santa Barbara follow the Colettine observance which includes: Nov 14 - Misa con Padre David Hurtado, de Mexicali y hora de Adoracion —Bare feet Nov 21 Misa con Padre Papias Cruz, de Tijuana —Mendicancy y hora de Adoracion —Perpetual fast —Strict enclosure Become a Franciscan —Traditional habit Vocations Inquiries Dan Lackie, OFM 20444 Magnolia St Huntington Beach CA 92646 (408) 903-3422 [email protected] Mas informacion: 619-213-3559 Email: [email protected] —Night rising for The Liturgy of the Hours Franciscan friars first came to the west coast in 1769, with the arrival of Franciscan Friar Blessed Junipero Serra in California. Franciscans from Mexico and Spain continued Serra’s work, establishing a total of twentyone missions from San Diego to the San Francisco Bay region. In 1872, friars from Germany arrived in California and founded a number rural and urban parishes. By 1915, the Province of St. Barbara had been formally established by the Franciscan Order. Today, 275 Franciscans friars are members of our province. We typically have about 40 men in formation as simply professed friars, novices, and candidates. In addition, a number of solemnly professed from other provinces live and work with us. Approximately 200 men contact us each year, wanting to join us in this vocation. Nov 28 - Dia de Gracias (NO Misa) Is God calling you to the Poor Clare contemplative life? General requirements: Single Catholic woman, 18–30 years of age, basic good health, emotional maturity, free of financial obligations. No dowry is required. PRE-PREBAUTISMAL PARA PODER BAUTIZAR SE LES RECUERDA QUE LA PROXIMA CLASE DE PREPARACION PRE-BAUTISMAL CONSISTIRA EN DOS DOMINGOS. FECHA: 17 Y 24 DE NOVIEMBRE 2013 HORARIO: 11:30 A 12;30 LUGAR: EN LA BIBLIOTECA DE LA ESCUELA DE SANTA ROSA DE LIMA TELEFONO 427-0230 Si tienes dudas acerca de la vocación sacerdotal y te sientes llamado, visita nuestro Departamento Vocacional de la dioceseis de San Diego Maggie Reynoso Directora de Campaña For more information: Monastery of Poor Clares 215 E. Los Olivos St. Santa Barbara, CA 93105—3605 (805) 682—7670 8 -la administración de los sacramentos, que son encuentros reales con el misterio del Dios que se da a sí mismo, perdona, y santifica; -el ejercicio de la caridad pastoral, que como otro Cristo, Buen Pastor, guía y cuida del rebaño de Dios a él encomendado en las diversas realidades que nos rodean: parroquias, movimientos, colegios, universidades, h o s p i t a l e s , instituciones civiles, obras de caridad y beneficio social, etc. Prayer is her first work. Along with the daily Eucharistic celebration the Poor Clare nun prays the full Liturgy of the Hours each day. Whether the task is in the monastery kitchen, sewing room, or garden; whether it be creating floral arrangements to adorn the altar, or caring for the watch dogs, the nun works in contemplative silence. Esta tarea la cumple principalmente a través de: -la predicación de la Palabra de Dios, que es la transmisión de los sentimientos del corazón de Dios mismo hacia nosotros; The day begins for the nun in the middle of the night. The Poor Clares of Santa Barbara have retained the midnight rising, lifting their voices in prayer and praise in the dark stillness of the new day. In keeping with the sacred heritage received from Saint Francis and St. Clare, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is an integral part of the daily horarium. El sacerdote diocesano es aquel sacerdote, que en comunión con su obispo, quiere vivir como otro Cristo en medio nuestro, reside en su propia diócesis, región que lo vio nacer y donde ahora sirve a sus hermanos siendo puente entre ellos y Dios. Nuevo Salon (619) 427-0230 [email protected] St. Rose of Lima Church St. Rose of Lima Church 9