Freyssinet - 2000 annual report
Freyssinet - 2000 annual report
> > > > Annual report 2000 Group profile > Three leading companies… Freyssinet > ● Menard Soltraitement ● Reinforced Earth ...created by three inventors Eugène Freyssinet > ● Louis Ménard ● Henri Vidal have combined their skills in… structures > ● soils offer high value added services in civil engineering ● construction ● industry contents A group devising solutions. Identity card Group profile 1 Editorial 2 Key figures 4 Innovation & development 5 of 2,700 employees. A subsidiary of VINCI, Operations in 2000 6 the Freyssinet group is one of the world's Financial information 14 leaders in specialised civil engineering. The Freyssinet group worldwide 16 In 2000, the Freyssinet group had a managed turnover of 450 million euros with an average Annual report 2000 page 1 Group profile > Three leading companies… Freyssinet > ● Menard Soltraitement ● Reinforced Earth ...created by three inventors Eugène Freyssinet > ● Louis Ménard ● Henri Vidal have combined their skills in… structures > ● soils offer high value added services in civil engineering ● construction ● industry contents A group devising solutions. Identity card Group profile 1 Editorial 2 Key figures 4 Innovation & development 5 of 2,700 employees. A subsidiary of VINCI, Operations in 2000 6 the Freyssinet group is one of the world's Financial information 14 leaders in specialised civil engineering. The Freyssinet group worldwide 16 In 2000, the Freyssinet group had a managed turnover of 450 million euros with an average Annual report 2000 page 1 EDITORIAL Editorial A growth dynamic In an economic context that is still extremely volatile, with the relative slowdown in the dynamism of the American economy and its consequences especially on the Asian economies, the orders taken recorded at the start of 2001 remain buoyant, with, for example, the soil improvement for the future Airbus 380 platform at Hamburg, in Germany, the repair of the Mont Blanc tunnel T he Freyssinet group experienced profitable growth during in France, and the construction of structures for high speed rail lines in Taiwan. the year 2000. Consolidated turnover rose to 377 million euros, showing an increase of 4.8% (12.3% on a constant basis*). Consolidated operating profit increased to 16.5 million euros, or 4.4% of consolidated turnover and consolidated net profit – the group's The Freyssinet group is starting 2001 with a solid order book and a healthy financial situation, both major strengths in ensuring continued profitable growth. Jean-Pierre Marchand-Arpoumé part – at 7.1 million euros, has increased by 48% in relation to the CEO – Managing Director previous year. This solid growth is principally the result of the continued expansion of the Freyssinet group's international network. The year 2000 was particularly noteworthy for the integration of two companies, STTP and MTS, bringing complementary business to Freyssinet in France, for the start-up of a structures related business in the United States, and for the strengthening of the group’s presence in Africa, due to our * Change of the group’s basis concerns Freyssinet S.A. (Spain) and its subsidiaries and results from the agreements concluded with Freyssinet S.A.’s Spanish shareholder, which today holds 50% of the capital. increased shareholding in the Egyptian and South African subsidiaries. With a wider range of services – in structures and soils – and the technological niches where it grows, the group is even better placed to provide customers with innovative solutions and meet the demand of the market. Due to this market fit, the group has increased orders by 3.5% over the CEO – Managing Director Jean-Pierre Marchand-Arpoumé Operational Managers previous year. Noteworthy amongst the major contracts won in 2000, are: Deputy Managing Directors Soils Division Pierre Berger the construction of the Sungaï Praï bridge in Malaysia, the Deux Lions France Division Bruno Dupety Structures Division Pierre Mellier suspended footbridge at Tours, in France, the repair of the Pigua bridge in Mexico, the soil improvement for the construction of a shopping centre at Financial and Legal Division Jean-François Gouédard Northern and Eastern Europe Division Claude Mortier Alexandria in Egypt and the repair works on the Burnley Tunnel in Australia. Latin Division Joël Ponsoda The Freyssinet group's success is also founded on the dynamism of its teams and the capacity for innovation that they continually demonstrate. The manner of sharing know-how around the group by cross-fertilisation and the exploitation of internal synergies is, along with continued efforts in research and development, a significant advantage for clients in guaranteeing North America Division Thomas Lesgourgues United Kingdom Division Roger Warwick Human Resources and Communication Director Claude Lascols Asia Pacific Division Jean-Pierre Marchand-Arpoumé Jean-François Gouédard Scientific Directors Jean-Marie Cognon Jean-Philippe Fuzier the success of their projects. Freyssinet group page 2 Annual report 2000 page 3 EDITORIAL Editorial A growth dynamic In an economic context that is still extremely volatile, with the relative slowdown in the dynamism of the American economy and its consequences especially on the Asian economies, the orders taken recorded at the start of 2001 remain buoyant, with, for example, the soil improvement for the future Airbus 380 platform at Hamburg, in Germany, the repair of the Mont Blanc tunnel T he Freyssinet group experienced profitable growth during in France, and the construction of structures for high speed rail lines in Taiwan. the year 2000. Consolidated turnover rose to 377 million euros, showing an increase of 4.8% (12.3% on a constant basis*). Consolidated operating profit increased to 16.5 million euros, or 4.4% of consolidated turnover and consolidated net profit – the group's The Freyssinet group is starting 2001 with a solid order book and a healthy financial situation, both major strengths in ensuring continued profitable growth. Jean-Pierre Marchand-Arpoumé part – at 7.1 million euros, has increased by 48% in relation to the CEO – Managing Director previous year. This solid growth is principally the result of the continued expansion of the Freyssinet group's international network. The year 2000 was particularly noteworthy for the integration of two companies, STTP and MTS, bringing complementary business to Freyssinet in France, for the start-up of a structures related business in the United States, and for the strengthening of the group’s presence in Africa, due to our * Change of the group’s basis concerns Freyssinet S.A. (Spain) and its subsidiaries and results from the agreements concluded with Freyssinet S.A.’s Spanish shareholder, which today holds 50% of the capital. increased shareholding in the Egyptian and South African subsidiaries. With a wider range of services – in structures and soils – and the technological niches where it grows, the group is even better placed to provide customers with innovative solutions and meet the demand of the market. Due to this market fit, the group has increased orders by 3.5% over the CEO – Managing Director Jean-Pierre Marchand-Arpoumé Operational Managers previous year. Noteworthy amongst the major contracts won in 2000, are: Deputy Managing Directors Soils Division Pierre Berger the construction of the Sungaï Praï bridge in Malaysia, the Deux Lions France Division Bruno Dupety Structures Division Pierre Mellier suspended footbridge at Tours, in France, the repair of the Pigua bridge in Mexico, the soil improvement for the construction of a shopping centre at Financial and Legal Division Jean-François Gouédard Northern and Eastern Europe Division Claude Mortier Alexandria in Egypt and the repair works on the Burnley Tunnel in Australia. Latin Division Joël Ponsoda The Freyssinet group's success is also founded on the dynamism of its teams and the capacity for innovation that they continually demonstrate. The manner of sharing know-how around the group by cross-fertilisation and the exploitation of internal synergies is, along with continued efforts in research and development, a significant advantage for clients in guaranteeing North America Division Thomas Lesgourgues United Kingdom Division Roger Warwick Human Resources and Communication Director Claude Lascols Asia Pacific Division Jean-Pierre Marchand-Arpoumé Jean-François Gouédard Scientific Directors Jean-Marie Cognon Jean-Philippe Fuzier the success of their projects. Freyssinet group page 2 Annual report 2000 page 3 Innovation & Development Key figures Consolidated turnover: Workforce: 2,700 people 377 million euros Managed turnover: (consolidated 2,550) Resources for innovation T 446 million euros he Freyssinet group's spending on Research and Development represents more than 1% of its turnover. It has increased, in relation to previous years, to 4.4 million euros invested in 2000. Workforce Breakdown by activities Thanks to these investments, to the various test centres run both in France and abroad and to industrial partnerships, the Structures 61% year 2000 saw new developments in the fields of structures and soils. Technicians 33% Soils 39% New Works 31% Engineers and executives 17% In the structures field, suspension cables, in particular, have benefited from these efforts. In France, this work was awarded the FNTP's (National Civil Engineering Federation) prize for innovation for COHESTRAND™, a new highly protected strand that can be replaced individually, which makes it easier to maintain structures on which it is used. In the soils field, the group continued to develop controlled modulus columns and perfect the technologies used for precast arches and retaining walls. This has Foremen and workmen 50% Repairs 30% led to the design of a new system called FREYSSIBLOCK™. In total, the Freyssinet group’s patent portfolio includes today 190 patents. Within this context, the "Structures" and "Soils" divisions, each with its own Scientific and Technical Department, make a very high Breakdown by divisions value added methodological and technological contribution to operations worldwide. Northern and Eastern Europe 4% United Kingdom 6% 200 Group’s patents They are the main vectors of technology transfer, which may go New as far as setting up a joint venture with a local company to Existing Asia 21% North America 14% facilitate transfer of the technologies used in a project. 150 150 Regarding quality certification issues, the Freyssinet Latin 21% As ia - Pa ci Structures & Soils 15% fic Di Fr vi an si on ce St 87 D ru iv 9 is La ct i on ur tin es 54 Di & 3 vi So No si o i rt n ls h 37 Di Am 2 vi si er o n ic An s3 a gl Di 37 ov No is Sa i rt on xo he n 19 rn Di 6 vi Eu s ro io n pe 116 Di vi si on 10 9 group regularly renews the certification of its various subsidiaries and agencies and supports the measures 100 100 taken by those entities that are not already certified in order to operate in strictest conformity with the current international standards. Today, most of its 50 50 subsidiaries are ISO 9000 certified. France 19% 0 1998 Freyssinet group page 4 1999 2000 Annual report 2000 page 5 Innovation & Development Key figures Consolidated turnover: Workforce: 2,700 people 377 million euros Managed turnover: (consolidated 2,550) Resources for innovation T 446 million euros he Freyssinet group's spending on Research and Development represents more than 1% of its turnover. It has increased, in relation to previous years, to 4.4 million euros invested in 2000. Workforce Breakdown by activities Thanks to these investments, to the various test centres run both in France and abroad and to industrial partnerships, the Structures 61% year 2000 saw new developments in the fields of structures and soils. Technicians 33% Soils 39% New Works 31% Engineers and executives 17% In the structures field, suspension cables, in particular, have benefited from these efforts. In France, this work was awarded the FNTP's (National Civil Engineering Federation) prize for innovation for COHESTRAND™, a new highly protected strand that can be replaced individually, which makes it easier to maintain structures on which it is used. In the soils field, the group continued to develop controlled modulus columns and perfect the technologies used for precast arches and retaining walls. This has Foremen and workmen 50% Repairs 30% led to the design of a new system called FREYSSIBLOCK™. In total, the Freyssinet group’s patent portfolio includes today 190 patents. Within this context, the "Structures" and "Soils" divisions, each with its own Scientific and Technical Department, make a very high Breakdown by divisions value added methodological and technological contribution to operations worldwide. Northern and Eastern Europe 4% United Kingdom 6% 200 Group’s patents They are the main vectors of technology transfer, which may go New as far as setting up a joint venture with a local company to Existing Asia 21% North America 14% facilitate transfer of the technologies used in a project. 150 150 Regarding quality certification issues, the Freyssinet Latin 21% As ia - Pa ci Structures & Soils 15% fic Di Fr vi an si on ce St 87 D ru iv 9 is La ct i on ur tin es 54 Di & 3 vi So No si o i rt n ls h 37 Di Am 2 vi si er o n ic An s3 a gl Di 37 ov No is Sa i rt on xo he n 19 rn Di 6 vi Eu s ro io n pe 116 Di vi si on 10 9 group regularly renews the certification of its various subsidiaries and agencies and supports the measures 100 100 taken by those entities that are not already certified in order to operate in strictest conformity with the current international standards. Today, most of its 50 50 subsidiaries are ISO 9000 certified. France 19% 0 1998 Freyssinet group page 4 1999 2000 Annual report 2000 page 5 OPERATIONS IN 2000 / STRUCTURES structures OPERATIONS IN 2000 Porto Rico, construction of San Juan metro. Spain, AVE high-speed line between Madrid and Barcelona. Australia, completion of Park Plazza building in Sydney. New constructions structures & soils THE GROUP’S CONSOLIDATED TURNOVER WENT UP BY 4.8% AT 377 MILLION EUROS Prestressing. Business in this field, the original speciality of the Freyssinet group, held up very well in 2000. Civil engineering works In Puerto-Rico, for the construction of the new San Juan metro, the group is involved in the building of several viaducts with a total length of 9 km. In Spain, Freyssinet has secured an important contract on the new high-speed rail link between Madrid and Barcelona. The work includes participation in the construction of two sections (eight viaducts), the supply and installation of the prestressing systems. In Thailand, the group won the contract to supply, install and provide technical assistance about the prestressing systems and for the design of the construction methods for the Wat Nakorn In bridge and its approach works (5 contracts in total). In Australia, the group supplied and installed the prestressing systems for an 8.5 km railway viaduct linking Brisbane to the international airport. Buildings Again in Australia, it is noteworthy that in March the company finished the prestressing of the floors of the Park Plazza office building (210 m high, 53 floors, four of which are underground), a total of 120,000 m 2 of prestressed concrete slabs. In Great Britain, work started in late 1999 on the new exhibition centre on the Thames, the ExCel centre (65,000 m 2, opening in 2001), with a high load bearing capacity (20 kN/m 2) for heavy exhibitions, was finished. The group also built the two truck access road slabs and the West Podium slab, giving a total area of 78,600 m 2 of prestressed concrete slabs built in record time. In Singapore, the group prestressed slabs and girders for the construction of nine residential buildings with 19 stories and of a 7-level car park, totalling 104,000 m 2 of prestressing work. Industry In Taiwan, the construction of the three largest LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) reservoirs (80,000 m 3 each) on the island at Mia-Lao has been completed in the Formosa Plastics Complex. In Turkey, Freysas has supplied and installed the prestressing systems for three gas tanks in an LNG (liquefied natural gas) storage complex at Aliaga. The project started in February 2000 and should end in April 2001. Annual report 2000 page 7 OPERATIONS IN 2000 / STRUCTURES structures OPERATIONS IN 2000 Porto Rico, construction of San Juan metro. Spain, AVE high-speed line between Madrid and Barcelona. Australia, completion of Park Plazza building in Sydney. New constructions structures & soils THE GROUP’S CONSOLIDATED TURNOVER WENT UP BY 4.8% AT 377 MILLION EUROS Prestressing. Business in this field, the original speciality of the Freyssinet group, held up very well in 2000. Civil engineering works In Puerto-Rico, for the construction of the new San Juan metro, the group is involved in the building of several viaducts with a total length of 9 km. In Spain, Freyssinet has secured an important contract on the new high-speed rail link between Madrid and Barcelona. The work includes participation in the construction of two sections (eight viaducts), the supply and installation of the prestressing systems. In Thailand, the group won the contract to supply, install and provide technical assistance about the prestressing systems and for the design of the construction methods for the Wat Nakorn In bridge and its approach works (5 contracts in total). In Australia, the group supplied and installed the prestressing systems for an 8.5 km railway viaduct linking Brisbane to the international airport. Buildings Again in Australia, it is noteworthy that in March the company finished the prestressing of the floors of the Park Plazza office building (210 m high, 53 floors, four of which are underground), a total of 120,000 m 2 of prestressed concrete slabs. In Great Britain, work started in late 1999 on the new exhibition centre on the Thames, the ExCel centre (65,000 m 2, opening in 2001), with a high load bearing capacity (20 kN/m 2) for heavy exhibitions, was finished. The group also built the two truck access road slabs and the West Podium slab, giving a total area of 78,600 m 2 of prestressed concrete slabs built in record time. In Singapore, the group prestressed slabs and girders for the construction of nine residential buildings with 19 stories and of a 7-level car park, totalling 104,000 m 2 of prestressing work. Industry In Taiwan, the construction of the three largest LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) reservoirs (80,000 m 3 each) on the island at Mia-Lao has been completed in the Formosa Plastics Complex. In Turkey, Freysas has supplied and installed the prestressing systems for three gas tanks in an LNG (liquefied natural gas) storage complex at Aliaga. The project started in February 2000 and should end in April 2001. Annual report 2000 page 7 OPERATIONS IN 2000 / STRUCTURES >>> New constructions Cable stayed structures Cable stayed bridges Suspension bridges and footbridges In the United States, the group finished installing the stay cables of the bridge over the Charles River in Boston, which has an average span of 227 m. Its originality lies in its width (a world record) and the asymmetrical nature of two carriageways out of a total of 10, which are placed in cantilever to the east of the bridge. In France, work has finished on the bridge over the Rhône linking Tarascon with Beaucaire. On this 410 m long bridge, with a central span In France, Freyssinet, as main contractor, constructed a 235 m span footbridge at Tours, a light structure designed by the architect Alain Spielmann crossing the river Cher. In Belgium, for the Pont de l’Observatoire, a structure with a total length of 200 m designed to link the future Guillemins TGV station (near Liège) and the E25 motorway, Freyssinet supplied and installed 42 hangers and the anchors for the foundations of the hammer piers supporting the deck of the additional viaduct. INAUGURATION OF THE MY THUAN BRIDGE (VIETNAM) On the 21 st of May 2000, the My Thuan bridge, crossing the north arm of the Mekong river, was inaugurated. Located 140 km south of Ho Chi Minh City, it is the first cable stayed bridge in Vietnam. It measures 1,535 m in length, 23.66 m in width and has a main bridge (660 m in total) cable stayed by Freyssinet and two access viaducts. The My Thuan bridge was opened to traffic at the end of 2000, after 3 years under construction. OPERATIONS IN 2000 Great-Britain, completion of works at the ExCel exhibition centre in London. of 192 m, Freyssinet supplied and installed the 96 stay cables. In the Dominican Republic, the group supplied and installed 88 stay cables on a 606 m bridge over the Rio Higuamo, at San Pedro de Macoris. Another notable achievement of last year was the completion of the Seohae bridge in Korea, over the bay of Asan. On this 7,310 m long structure, Freyssinet was involved both on the main viaduct (prestressing the towers, supply and installation of the stay cables) and on 52 access spans (prefabrication of the segments, deck erecting equipment, prestressing the deck and the piers, supply and installation of the bearings). Freyssinet group page 8 In The Netherlands, Freyssinet provided suspensions made of 22 Macalloy bars and two stay cables for a bridge for pedestrians and cyclists specially designed to fit into a landscaped park located near Amsterdam's Schipol airport. In Poland, Freyssinet has just finished constructing three cable stayed footbridges: the one at Bedzin, located on route No.1 linking Warsaw with Katiwice, the Luk Gandski footbridge on motorway No.4 linking Warsaw with Gliwice, and another at Luk Erosa, near Opole, also on the A4. In Romania, Freyssinet supplied and installed the 56 hangers of an arch bridge with a span of 172 m, providing the main road access to the town of Cernavoda, in the Constanta region. Lastly in Spain, Freyssinet installed the stay cables of the Murta stadium roof in Xativa near Valencia. France, bridge linking Tarascon and Beaucaire over the Rhône. Turkey, LNG storage complex at Aliaga. France, Deux Lions footbridge at Tours. Improvement and durability of structures Repair In Kosovo the renovation of the west bridge at Mitrovica was achieved by associating the local communities, who had clashed during the conflict that shook the region in 1999. In France, the total renovation of a 240 m travelling crane located in a factory belonging to Ciments Calcia in the Yvelines department should also be mentioned. Another emergency repair was made at the Vincennes zoo (near Paris) for the big cat house, for the Algazelles alley and for the keepers' station alley. Again in France, the repair of the Saint-Just-SaintRambert bridge, to the north of Saint-Etienne, on the Loire is worthnoting. In Spain, various repair works were undertaken in 2000, notably, the Puente Vell in Bocairent near Valencia. Replacing equipment In Malaysia, the stay cables were partially replaced on the Penang bridge (inaugurated in 1985) without interrupting traffic. The work began in February and finished in December. In France, the suspension cables of the Chartrouse bridge, in the Camargue, were replaced with new cables designed by Freyssinet (FNTP innovation award in January 2001). This 80 year-old bridge was showing signs of very advanced corrosion of its cables. As well as completely replacing them, the maximum load was increased from 12 to 19 tonnes. Annual report 2000 page 9 OPERATIONS IN 2000 / STRUCTURES >>> New constructions Cable stayed structures Cable stayed bridges Suspension bridges and footbridges In the United States, the group finished installing the stay cables of the bridge over the Charles River in Boston, which has an average span of 227 m. Its originality lies in its width (a world record) and the asymmetrical nature of two carriageways out of a total of 10, which are placed in cantilever to the east of the bridge. In France, work has finished on the bridge over the Rhône linking Tarascon with Beaucaire. On this 410 m long bridge, with a central span In France, Freyssinet, as main contractor, constructed a 235 m span footbridge at Tours, a light structure designed by the architect Alain Spielmann crossing the river Cher. In Belgium, for the Pont de l’Observatoire, a structure with a total length of 200 m designed to link the future Guillemins TGV station (near Liège) and the E25 motorway, Freyssinet supplied and installed 42 hangers and the anchors for the foundations of the hammer piers supporting the deck of the additional viaduct. INAUGURATION OF THE MY THUAN BRIDGE (VIETNAM) On the 21 st of May 2000, the My Thuan bridge, crossing the north arm of the Mekong river, was inaugurated. Located 140 km south of Ho Chi Minh City, it is the first cable stayed bridge in Vietnam. It measures 1,535 m in length, 23.66 m in width and has a main bridge (660 m in total) cable stayed by Freyssinet and two access viaducts. The My Thuan bridge was opened to traffic at the end of 2000, after 3 years under construction. OPERATIONS IN 2000 Great-Britain, completion of works at the ExCel exhibition centre in London. of 192 m, Freyssinet supplied and installed the 96 stay cables. In the Dominican Republic, the group supplied and installed 88 stay cables on a 606 m bridge over the Rio Higuamo, at San Pedro de Macoris. Another notable achievement of last year was the completion of the Seohae bridge in Korea, over the bay of Asan. On this 7,310 m long structure, Freyssinet was involved both on the main viaduct (prestressing the towers, supply and installation of the stay cables) and on 52 access spans (prefabrication of the segments, deck erecting equipment, prestressing the deck and the piers, supply and installation of the bearings). Freyssinet group page 8 In The Netherlands, Freyssinet provided suspensions made of 22 Macalloy bars and two stay cables for a bridge for pedestrians and cyclists specially designed to fit into a landscaped park located near Amsterdam's Schipol airport. In Poland, Freyssinet has just finished constructing three cable stayed footbridges: the one at Bedzin, located on route No.1 linking Warsaw with Katiwice, the Luk Gandski footbridge on motorway No.4 linking Warsaw with Gliwice, and another at Luk Erosa, near Opole, also on the A4. In Romania, Freyssinet supplied and installed the 56 hangers of an arch bridge with a span of 172 m, providing the main road access to the town of Cernavoda, in the Constanta region. Lastly in Spain, Freyssinet installed the stay cables of the Murta stadium roof in Xativa near Valencia. France, bridge linking Tarascon and Beaucaire over the Rhône. Turkey, LNG storage complex at Aliaga. France, Deux Lions footbridge at Tours. Improvement and durability of structures Repair In Kosovo the renovation of the west bridge at Mitrovica was achieved by associating the local communities, who had clashed during the conflict that shook the region in 1999. In France, the total renovation of a 240 m travelling crane located in a factory belonging to Ciments Calcia in the Yvelines department should also be mentioned. Another emergency repair was made at the Vincennes zoo (near Paris) for the big cat house, for the Algazelles alley and for the keepers' station alley. Again in France, the repair of the Saint-Just-SaintRambert bridge, to the north of Saint-Etienne, on the Loire is worthnoting. In Spain, various repair works were undertaken in 2000, notably, the Puente Vell in Bocairent near Valencia. Replacing equipment In Malaysia, the stay cables were partially replaced on the Penang bridge (inaugurated in 1985) without interrupting traffic. The work began in February and finished in December. In France, the suspension cables of the Chartrouse bridge, in the Camargue, were replaced with new cables designed by Freyssinet (FNTP innovation award in January 2001). This 80 year-old bridge was showing signs of very advanced corrosion of its cables. As well as completely replacing them, the maximum load was increased from 12 to 19 tonnes. Annual report 2000 page 9 OPERATIONS IN 2000 / SOILS soils >>> Improvement and durability of structures Prestressing the Régébéton® process was carried out at the Kodak plant at Châlon-sur-Saône. In Italy, work started in October 1999 and has continued this year on the six viaducts on the Brenner Pass, between Bolzano and Chiusa (girder bridges dating from the end of the sixties). The work on the upper side includes waterproofing and the replacement of expansion joints; and on the underside, the concrete will be repaired. The work is planned to finish in 2002. Watertightness works carried out in France included repair of water towers in Châtillon, Rambouillet, Bouloc and Vacquier (both in Haute-Garonne department) FreymingMerlebach, and repair of the Olivettes dam in Hérault department. In Spain, the restoration of the Santa Inès In Kuwait, the general work on strengthening and rebuilding four spans of the Bubiyan bridge, destroyed during the Gulf war ended during 2000. The works included the rebuilding of the spans by assembling, the launching of box girders and the strengthening of the deck by additional prestressing. In France, the Viosne viaduct, in the Val d’Oise department, was strengthened by additional prestressing. Widening decks In Vietnam, the Saigon bridge, to the north of Ho Chi Min City, was widened from 19.1 to 24 m to deal with the increased traffic on one of the country's main roads and strengthened to increase its load bearing France, works for the water treatment station in Reims. United States, road bridge abutments for the Moranci mine. Spain, TechSpan® arch at Torremocha on the AVE line. New works Reinforced Earth®. In 2000, the business of building retaining walls and bridge abutments experienced OPERATIONS IN 2000 a sustained level of demand. France, Gargenville plant (Ciments Calcia). capacity to 30 tonnes. Inaugurated on the 30 th of June 2000 after two years work with no interruption of the traffic, the bridge has two new carriageways. Strengthening and Protection In France, we should note the strengthening carried out from mid-April to mid-June on the floor of three levels of a hospital building in the Pas-de-Calais department. This was done by the cold bonding of TFC® instead of metal reinforcement. Working in this way saved considerable time and meant that the building could still be used without interruption, as well as reducing the space taken up by false ceilings. Bonded TFC® fabric was also used from mid-October to mid-December in the rehabilitation project of an A7 motorway bridge in the Drôme department. A concrete treatment operation using Freyssinet group page 10 monastery (founded in 1375) in the centre of Seville, made up of a set of cloisters, outbuildings and courtyards is of note. Other historical monuments were restored; the Sant Domenech convent, and, more original, the blast-furnace of Sagunto, also in Spain. Installing instruments and monitoring In Portugal, instruments were installed at the start of 2000 on the stay cables of the Santarem bridge the group had finished installing in December 1999 so that various Portuguese institutions could check the tensions at a later date. The following works should also be mentioned: accoustic monitoring of the Rande bridge near Vigo in Spain, and analysis of concrete, installation of sound instruments and behavioural survey of an industrial building suffering structural disorder at Suippes (Marne department) in France. Retaining walls and bridge abutments Tunnels and underpasses In the United States, on the Moranci mines project, composite abutments (TerraClass and Terratrel) were used to create a road bridge. In Venezuela, a new motorway required the construction of about fifteen bridge abutments and their access ramps. In Europe, the most notable projects were, in France, the construction of 12,000 m2 of walls on the A51 motorway and in Spain, where several motorway projects resulted in the construction of retaining walls and abutments. In Malaysia, 20,000 m2 of walls were designed and supplied as part of the construction of the elevated motorway from Ampang to Kuala Lumpur. In Australia, the group has won a contract to provide the abutments for 12 bridges to be built on the Kwinana motorway and to build a 17 m high wall in TerraMet (semi-elliptical facing elements in galvanised steel) for the Pilbara iron mine. The construction of tunnels and underpasses was also very important in 2000. In Great Britain, the creation of the Millennium Coastal Park on industrial wasteland interspersed with railway lines required the construction of two landscaped tunnels covering the lines. Built using TechSpan® arches, this project received the Institution of Civil Engineers Prize and two nominations for the British Industrial Construction prize, thus recognising the success of this turnkey project executed within a tight budget and lead times. In Spain, TechSpan® arches were installed on the new AVE high-speed rail line under construction between Madrid and Barcelona. In Australia, an arch was installed to carry a motorway over a railway line near Perth. Associated with retaining walls in Reinforced Earth®, the half-shells were installed in two days, which is a real technological feat. Annual report 2000 page 11 OPERATIONS IN 2000 / SOILS soils >>> Improvement and durability of structures Prestressing the Régébéton® process was carried out at the Kodak plant at Châlon-sur-Saône. In Italy, work started in October 1999 and has continued this year on the six viaducts on the Brenner Pass, between Bolzano and Chiusa (girder bridges dating from the end of the sixties). The work on the upper side includes waterproofing and the replacement of expansion joints; and on the underside, the concrete will be repaired. The work is planned to finish in 2002. Watertightness works carried out in France included repair of water towers in Châtillon, Rambouillet, Bouloc and Vacquier (both in Haute-Garonne department) FreymingMerlebach, and repair of the Olivettes dam in Hérault department. In Spain, the restoration of the Santa Inès In Kuwait, the general work on strengthening and rebuilding four spans of the Bubiyan bridge, destroyed during the Gulf war ended during 2000. The works included the rebuilding of the spans by assembling, the launching of box girders and the strengthening of the deck by additional prestressing. In France, the Viosne viaduct, in the Val d’Oise department, was strengthened by additional prestressing. Widening decks In Vietnam, the Saigon bridge, to the north of Ho Chi Min City, was widened from 19.1 to 24 m to deal with the increased traffic on one of the country's main roads and strengthened to increase its load bearing France, works for the water treatment station in Reims. United States, road bridge abutments for the Moranci mine. Spain, TechSpan® arch at Torremocha on the AVE line. New works Reinforced Earth®. In 2000, the business of building retaining walls and bridge abutments experienced OPERATIONS IN 2000 a sustained level of demand. France, Gargenville plant (Ciments Calcia). capacity to 30 tonnes. Inaugurated on the 30 th of June 2000 after two years work with no interruption of the traffic, the bridge has two new carriageways. Strengthening and Protection In France, we should note the strengthening carried out from mid-April to mid-June on the floor of three levels of a hospital building in the Pas-de-Calais department. This was done by the cold bonding of TFC® instead of metal reinforcement. Working in this way saved considerable time and meant that the building could still be used without interruption, as well as reducing the space taken up by false ceilings. Bonded TFC® fabric was also used from mid-October to mid-December in the rehabilitation project of an A7 motorway bridge in the Drôme department. A concrete treatment operation using Freyssinet group page 10 monastery (founded in 1375) in the centre of Seville, made up of a set of cloisters, outbuildings and courtyards is of note. Other historical monuments were restored; the Sant Domenech convent, and, more original, the blast-furnace of Sagunto, also in Spain. Installing instruments and monitoring In Portugal, instruments were installed at the start of 2000 on the stay cables of the Santarem bridge the group had finished installing in December 1999 so that various Portuguese institutions could check the tensions at a later date. The following works should also be mentioned: accoustic monitoring of the Rande bridge near Vigo in Spain, and analysis of concrete, installation of sound instruments and behavioural survey of an industrial building suffering structural disorder at Suippes (Marne department) in France. Retaining walls and bridge abutments Tunnels and underpasses In the United States, on the Moranci mines project, composite abutments (TerraClass and Terratrel) were used to create a road bridge. In Venezuela, a new motorway required the construction of about fifteen bridge abutments and their access ramps. In Europe, the most notable projects were, in France, the construction of 12,000 m2 of walls on the A51 motorway and in Spain, where several motorway projects resulted in the construction of retaining walls and abutments. In Malaysia, 20,000 m2 of walls were designed and supplied as part of the construction of the elevated motorway from Ampang to Kuala Lumpur. In Australia, the group has won a contract to provide the abutments for 12 bridges to be built on the Kwinana motorway and to build a 17 m high wall in TerraMet (semi-elliptical facing elements in galvanised steel) for the Pilbara iron mine. The construction of tunnels and underpasses was also very important in 2000. In Great Britain, the creation of the Millennium Coastal Park on industrial wasteland interspersed with railway lines required the construction of two landscaped tunnels covering the lines. Built using TechSpan® arches, this project received the Institution of Civil Engineers Prize and two nominations for the British Industrial Construction prize, thus recognising the success of this turnkey project executed within a tight budget and lead times. In Spain, TechSpan® arches were installed on the new AVE high-speed rail line under construction between Madrid and Barcelona. In Australia, an arch was installed to carry a motorway over a railway line near Perth. Associated with retaining walls in Reinforced Earth®, the half-shells were installed in two days, which is a real technological feat. Annual report 2000 page 11 OPERATIONS IN 2000 / SOILS Improvement and durability of soils Improving existing works Another star project of last year using the TechSpan® technology was carried out in Italy to widen the A1 motorway between Milan and Naples from two to three carriageways. It consisted in widening two tunnels near Orte a Fiano, to the north of Rome, by 11 m. The work was done at night, so as not to interfere with the traffic. As far as road widening is concerned, the group constructed TerraTrel walls combined with 60 m, to create an area of land whose surface has small irregularities thus allowing the setting up of an activity estate. In Germany, the consolidation of land fill allowed the IBM research centre at Mainz, whose soil covered an old quarry, to be extended. Ménard tested dynamic compaction on a limited area and was thus able to apply a maximum vibration abatement procedure in order not to disrupt the computer production operations being carried out in the existing buildings OPERATIONS IN 2000 Italy, laying of arches at Orte A Fiano. anchor rods that pass through the Reinforced Earth® banks on the RN 2 at Kei Cuttings, in South Africa. They ensure the short and long term stability of the excavations of this structure. In France, a historic monument (a church built in 1776) strengthened at Saint-Nicolasla-Chapelle in Savoie. The building, built as an overhang on a spur of rock and on a morainic bank that slips 1 mm a year, had many cracks. The strengthening consisted of installing vertical micropiles associated with an anchored wall to support the terrain. In situ soil treatment Many soil treatments were carried out in 2000. In France, of note was the dynamic compaction of 4 hectares of open cast mines near Saint-Etienne with a land fill height of about Freyssinet group page 12 and requiring a vibration threshold of less than 70 micrometers per second. The whole site of 65,000 m2 was treated in 6 months and the improvement measured by regular pressiometric drillings. In Korea, soil improvement works – in heavy clay and at great depths – were carried out by preloading associated with vertical drains. This solution was chosen in preference to traditional solutions using piles. The hockey stadium at Kangso Gu, near to Pusan, will be built on this land (more than 20 hectares including the main stadium, which will accommodate 20,000 spectators). The first phase, now completed, included the installation of more than 700,000 linear metres of vertical drains, the second phase, involving more than a million linear metres of drains, started in July 2000. Korea, Jangyoo water treatment station site. France, Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle strengthening. Noteworthy also was the completion of the work on the Jangyoo water treatment station (started in August 1998) with impressive results: 85,000 m2 compacted to a depth of 6 m using the novel Vacuum® solution. Bulk treatment with incorporation of materials In France, important work has been carried out on the Paris Oise development area at Longueil. Dynamic compaction combined with stone blocks has improved the land before 73,000 m2 of building are constructed. The last two phases consisted in installing stone columns using vibratory compacter with acounting damping. In Reims, the group built 30,000 metres of controlled modulus columns (CMC) in only two months and a half, to stabilise the soil on which a new water treatment station was to be built. France, Paris Oise development area at Longueil. Another important site was the Bouc Bel Air project in Southern France. The work consisted in improving 12,000 m2 of soil to compensate for a difference in level between the two platforms. The project was successfully converted in three months. In Malaysia, stone columns were created on the Kajang ring road, to the south of Kuala Lumpur, on a surface area of 4,700 m2. The works were carried out using the bottom-feed process. Annual report 2000 page 13 OPERATIONS IN 2000 / SOILS Improvement and durability of soils Improving existing works Another star project of last year using the TechSpan® technology was carried out in Italy to widen the A1 motorway between Milan and Naples from two to three carriageways. It consisted in widening two tunnels near Orte a Fiano, to the north of Rome, by 11 m. The work was done at night, so as not to interfere with the traffic. As far as road widening is concerned, the group constructed TerraTrel walls combined with 60 m, to create an area of land whose surface has small irregularities thus allowing the setting up of an activity estate. In Germany, the consolidation of land fill allowed the IBM research centre at Mainz, whose soil covered an old quarry, to be extended. Ménard tested dynamic compaction on a limited area and was thus able to apply a maximum vibration abatement procedure in order not to disrupt the computer production operations being carried out in the existing buildings OPERATIONS IN 2000 Italy, laying of arches at Orte A Fiano. anchor rods that pass through the Reinforced Earth® banks on the RN 2 at Kei Cuttings, in South Africa. They ensure the short and long term stability of the excavations of this structure. In France, a historic monument (a church built in 1776) strengthened at Saint-Nicolasla-Chapelle in Savoie. The building, built as an overhang on a spur of rock and on a morainic bank that slips 1 mm a year, had many cracks. The strengthening consisted of installing vertical micropiles associated with an anchored wall to support the terrain. In situ soil treatment Many soil treatments were carried out in 2000. In France, of note was the dynamic compaction of 4 hectares of open cast mines near Saint-Etienne with a land fill height of about Freyssinet group page 12 and requiring a vibration threshold of less than 70 micrometers per second. The whole site of 65,000 m2 was treated in 6 months and the improvement measured by regular pressiometric drillings. In Korea, soil improvement works – in heavy clay and at great depths – were carried out by preloading associated with vertical drains. This solution was chosen in preference to traditional solutions using piles. The hockey stadium at Kangso Gu, near to Pusan, will be built on this land (more than 20 hectares including the main stadium, which will accommodate 20,000 spectators). The first phase, now completed, included the installation of more than 700,000 linear metres of vertical drains, the second phase, involving more than a million linear metres of drains, started in July 2000. Korea, Jangyoo water treatment station site. France, Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle strengthening. Noteworthy also was the completion of the work on the Jangyoo water treatment station (started in August 1998) with impressive results: 85,000 m2 compacted to a depth of 6 m using the novel Vacuum® solution. Bulk treatment with incorporation of materials In France, important work has been carried out on the Paris Oise development area at Longueil. Dynamic compaction combined with stone blocks has improved the land before 73,000 m2 of building are constructed. The last two phases consisted in installing stone columns using vibratory compacter with acounting damping. In Reims, the group built 30,000 metres of controlled modulus columns (CMC) in only two months and a half, to stabilise the soil on which a new water treatment station was to be built. France, Paris Oise development area at Longueil. Another important site was the Bouc Bel Air project in Southern France. The work consisted in improving 12,000 m2 of soil to compensate for a difference in level between the two platforms. The project was successfully converted in three months. In Malaysia, stone columns were created on the Kajang ring road, to the south of Kuala Lumpur, on a surface area of 4,700 m2. The works were carried out using the bottom-feed process. Annual report 2000 page 13 >>> Financial information Financial information > Consolidated balance sheet (in thousand of euros) Assets 2000 1999 Fixed assets Goodwill Tangible assets Long-term investments Shareholdings Other long-term investments 6,716 23,524 24,057 8,523 4,138 4,385 6,400 24,288 25,610 6,742 3,054 3,688 Total fixed assets 62,820 63,040 Inventories and work in progress Trade notes and accounts receivable Other receivables Short-term receivables and other investment securities Cash 31,990 137,052 22,671 33,156 134,083 17,460 8,382 15,068 15,253 22,567 Total current assets 215,163 222,519 Total assets 277,983 285,559 > Consolidated income statements (in thousand of euros) 2000 1999 377,480 6,743 384,223 -367,745 359,966 4,023 363,989 -344,075 Operating profit or loss 16,478 19,914 Financial expenses Financial income Net allowances for amortisation and reserves -4,681 970 721 -3,325 2,122 -1,495 Financial profit or loss -2,990 -2,698 Pre-tax income before extraordinary items 13,488 17,216 Extraordinary expenses and income Extraordinary reserves -2,860 1,781 -7,189 473 Exraordinary profit or loss -1,079 -6,716 Employee profit - sharing Net tax expenses Amortisation of goodwill -571 -2,506 -1,434 -510 -2,533 -1,110 7,898 6,347 377 270 Net profit 8,275 6,617 Minority interests -1,154 -1,826 7,121 4,791 Sales Other income Operating income Operating expenses Net income from consolidated companies Liabilities Group share in equity interest 2000 1999 Capital Consolidated reserves - group share Net income of the period - group share Shareholders’ equity Minority interests Contingencies and loss provisions Long-term debt over one year 15,625 20,356 7,121 43,102 5,778 33,291 26,260 15,625 13,295 4,791 33,711 8,654 37,152 25,225 Total long-term capital 108,431 104,742 Down-payments from clients Trade notes and accounts payable Other payables Payables and debts under one year 6,984 73,480 43,487 45,601 16,576 82,592 49,072 32,577 Sales Foreign sales Net income - group share Shareholders’ equity after income of the period Contingency and loss provisions Total current liabilities 169,552 180,817 Total liabilities 277,983 285,559 As from 1st January 2000, consolidation of Freyssinet S.A. (Spain) and its subsidiaries, previously through the global integration method, is now through the proportional integration method. This modification results from the agreements concluded with the Freyssinet S.A.’s Spanish shareholder, who today holds 50% of the capital. All balance sheet and profit & loss account items are affected by this change. Freyssinet Group page 14 Net income (group share) > Past three years (in thousand of euros) 2000 1999 1998 377,480 279,176 7,121 43,101 33,291 359,966 280,165 4,791 33,710 37,152 225,767 160,666 2,143 26,689 25,974 Cash flow 15,567 16,011 13,205 Investments of the period: Industrial investments Financial investments 19,442 12,340 7,102 26,621 11,026 15,595 27,037 5,138 21,899 2,552 2,767 2,023 Average number of employees Annual report 2000 page 15 >>> Financial information Financial information > Consolidated balance sheet (in thousand of euros) Assets 2000 1999 Fixed assets Goodwill Tangible assets Long-term investments Shareholdings Other long-term investments 6,716 23,524 24,057 8,523 4,138 4,385 6,400 24,288 25,610 6,742 3,054 3,688 Total fixed assets 62,820 63,040 Inventories and work in progress Trade notes and accounts receivable Other receivables Short-term receivables and other investment securities Cash 31,990 137,052 22,671 33,156 134,083 17,460 8,382 15,068 15,253 22,567 Total current assets 215,163 222,519 Total assets 277,983 285,559 > Consolidated income statements (in thousand of euros) 2000 1999 377,480 6,743 384,223 -367,745 359,966 4,023 363,989 -344,075 Operating profit or loss 16,478 19,914 Financial expenses Financial income Net allowances for amortisation and reserves -4,681 970 721 -3,325 2,122 -1,495 Financial profit or loss -2,990 -2,698 Pre-tax income before extraordinary items 13,488 17,216 Extraordinary expenses and income Extraordinary reserves -2,860 1,781 -7,189 473 Exraordinary profit or loss -1,079 -6,716 Employee profit - sharing Net tax expenses Amortisation of goodwill -571 -2,506 -1,434 -510 -2,533 -1,110 7,898 6,347 377 270 Net profit 8,275 6,617 Minority interests -1,154 -1,826 7,121 4,791 Sales Other income Operating income Operating expenses Net income from consolidated companies Liabilities Group share in equity interest 2000 1999 Capital Consolidated reserves - group share Net income of the period - group share Shareholders’ equity Minority interests Contingencies and loss provisions Long-term debt over one year 15,625 20,356 7,121 43,102 5,778 33,291 26,260 15,625 13,295 4,791 33,711 8,654 37,152 25,225 Total long-term capital 108,431 104,742 Down-payments from clients Trade notes and accounts payable Other payables Payables and debts under one year 6,984 73,480 43,487 45,601 16,576 82,592 49,072 32,577 Sales Foreign sales Net income - group share Shareholders’ equity after income of the period Contingency and loss provisions Total current liabilities 169,552 180,817 Total liabilities 277,983 285,559 As from 1st January 2000, consolidation of Freyssinet S.A. (Spain) and its subsidiaries, previously through the global integration method, is now through the proportional integration method. This modification results from the agreements concluded with the Freyssinet S.A.’s Spanish shareholder, who today holds 50% of the capital. All balance sheet and profit & loss account items are affected by this change. Freyssinet Group page 14 Net income (group share) > Past three years (in thousand of euros) 2000 1999 1998 377,480 279,176 7,121 43,101 33,291 359,966 280,165 4,791 33,710 37,152 225,767 160,666 2,143 26,689 25,974 Cash flow 15,567 16,011 13,205 Investments of the period: Industrial investments Financial investments 19,442 12,340 7,102 26,621 11,026 15,595 27,037 5,138 21,899 2,552 2,767 2,023 Average number of employees Annual report 2000 page 15 The Freyssinet group worldwide Thanks to its very dense international network of almost 80 establishments in 50 countries, the Freyssinet group by capitalizing on its worldwide experience, can provide its local customers with the best solutions. Country Company > Italy > Japan Freyssinet-Terra Armata Italia S.R.L. > Korea Country > Argentina > Australia > Belgium > Brazil > Canada > Colombia > Denmark > Egypt > Finland > France > Fyrom (Macedonia) > Germany > Great-Britain > Greece > Guatemala > Hong Kong > Hungary > India > Indonesia > Irland Company City Freyssinet - Tierra Armada SA Buenos Aires Austress Freyssinet Pty Ltd Sydney Reinforced Earth Pty Ltd Sydney Freyssinet Belgium N.V Vilvoorde Terre Armée Belgium Vilvoorde STUP Premoldados Ltda Sao Paulo STUP Freyssinet Ltda Rio de Janeiro Terra Armada S.A. Rio de Janeiro Reinforced Earth Company Ltd Ontario S.T.U.P. de Colombia Bogota Tierra Armada Bogota A/S Skandinavisk Spaendbeton Vaerlose Freyssinet Egypt Giza OY Jannibetoni AB Vaerlose Freyssinet International (STUP) Velizy Freyssinet International & Cie Velizy Freyssinet France Velizy PPC Saint-Remy Menard Soltraitement Nozay Terre Armée Velizy Freyssinet Balkans Skopje Bewehrte Erde GmbH Plüderhausen Menard Dyniv GmbH Hamburg SBT Brüeckentechnik GmbH Plüderhausen Freyssinet Ltd Telford Reinforced Earth Company Ltd Telford Freyssinet Ellas S.A. Athens Fredra S.A. Athens Presforzados Tecnicos S.A. Guatemala City Freyssinet Hong Kong Ltd Kowloon Reinforced Earth Pacific Ltd Kowloon Pannon Freyssinet Kft Budapest TAI Aimil Joint Venture New Delhi PT Freyssinet Total Technology Jakarta Reinforced Earth Co Kildare Freyssinet group page 16 > Kuwait > Malaysia > Mexico > Morocco > Netherlands > New-Zealand > Norway > Philippines > Poland > Portugal > Romania > Salvador > Singapore > South Africa > Spain > Sweden > Switzerland > Taiwan > Thailand > Tunisia > Turkey > United Arab Emirates > United States > Venezuela > Vietnam City Rome Freyssinet KK Tokyo Terre Armée KK Tokyo Freyssinet Korea CO, Ltd Seoul Sangjee Menard Seoul Freyssinet International et Cie Safat Freyssinet PSC (M) SDN. SHD. Kuala Lumpur Menard Geosystem SDN BHD Selangor Reinforced Earth Management Services SDN BHD Kuala Lumpur Freyssinet de Mexico S.A. de C.V. Mexico DF Tierra Armada S.A. de C.V. Mexico DF Freyssinet Maroc Rabat Freyssinet Nederland BV Waddinxveen Terre Armée BV Breda Reinforced Earth Ltd Auckland A/S Skandinavisk Speenbeton Snaroya Freyssinet Philippines S.A. Quezon City Freyssinet Polska Sp.Zo.O. Milanówek Armol-Freyssinet S.A. Lisbon Terra Armada Lda Lisbon Freyrom S.A. Bucharest Fessic S.A. de C.V. La Libertad PSC Freyssinet (S) Pte Ltd Singapore Reinforced Earth (S.E.A.) Pte Ltd Singapore Freyssinet Posten (Pty) Ltd Olifantsfontein Reinforced Earth Pty Ltd Johannesburg Freyssinet S.A. Madrid Tierra Armada S.A. Madrid A/S Skandinavisk Spaendbeton Malmö Freyssinet S.A. Moudon Freyssinet Taiwan Engineering Co. Ltd Taipei Freyssinet Thailand Ltd Bangkok Freyssinet Tunisia Tunis Freysas Istanbul Reinforced Earth A.I.S. Istanbul Freyssinet (Middle East) LLC Abu Dhabi Freyssinet LLC Chantilly Menard LLC Vienna The Reinforced Earth Company Vienna Tierra Armada CA Caracas Freyssinet International et Cie Hanoï Freyssinet group communication department Design-Production: Polynôme © Photolibrary Freyssinet (Ian Berry, Claude Cieutat, Adrian Hall, Francis Vigouroux) The Freyssinet group worldwide Thanks to its very dense international network of almost 80 establishments in 50 countries, the Freyssinet group by capitalizing on its worldwide experience, can provide its local customers with the best solutions. Country Company > Italy > Japan Freyssinet-Terra Armata Italia S.R.L. > Korea Country > Argentina > Australia > Belgium > Brazil > Canada > Colombia > Denmark > Egypt > Finland > France > Fyrom (Macedonia) > Germany > Great-Britain > Greece > Guatemala > Hong Kong > Hungary > India > Indonesia > Irland Company City Freyssinet - Tierra Armada SA Buenos Aires Austress Freyssinet Pty Ltd Sydney Reinforced Earth Pty Ltd Sydney Freyssinet Belgium N.V Vilvoorde Terre Armée Belgium Vilvoorde STUP Premoldados Ltda Sao Paulo STUP Freyssinet Ltda Rio de Janeiro Terra Armada S.A. Rio de Janeiro Reinforced Earth Company Ltd Ontario S.T.U.P. de Colombia Bogota Tierra Armada Bogota A/S Skandinavisk Spaendbeton Vaerlose Freyssinet Egypt Giza OY Jannibetoni AB Vaerlose Freyssinet International (STUP) Velizy Freyssinet International & Cie Velizy Freyssinet France Velizy PPC Saint-Remy Menard Soltraitement Nozay Terre Armée Velizy Freyssinet Balkans Skopje Bewehrte Erde GmbH Plüderhausen Menard Dyniv GmbH Hamburg SBT Brüeckentechnik GmbH Plüderhausen Freyssinet Ltd Telford Reinforced Earth Company Ltd Telford Freyssinet Ellas S.A. Athens Fredra S.A. Athens Presforzados Tecnicos S.A. Guatemala City Freyssinet Hong Kong Ltd Kowloon Reinforced Earth Pacific Ltd Kowloon Pannon Freyssinet Kft Budapest TAI Aimil Joint Venture New Delhi PT Freyssinet Total Technology Jakarta Reinforced Earth Co Kildare Freyssinet group page 16 > Kuwait > Malaysia > Mexico > Morocco > Netherlands > New-Zealand > Norway > Philippines > Poland > Portugal > Romania > Salvador > Singapore > South Africa > Spain > Sweden > Switzerland > Taiwan > Thailand > Tunisia > Turkey > United Arab Emirates > United States > Venezuela > Vietnam City Rome Freyssinet KK Tokyo Terre Armée KK Tokyo Freyssinet Korea CO, Ltd Seoul Sangjee Menard Seoul Freyssinet International et Cie Safat Freyssinet PSC (M) SDN. SHD. Kuala Lumpur Menard Geosystem SDN BHD Selangor Reinforced Earth Management Services SDN BHD Kuala Lumpur Freyssinet de Mexico S.A. de C.V. Mexico DF Tierra Armada S.A. de C.V. Mexico DF Freyssinet Maroc Rabat Freyssinet Nederland BV Waddinxveen Terre Armée BV Breda Reinforced Earth Ltd Auckland A/S Skandinavisk Speenbeton Snaroya Freyssinet Philippines S.A. Quezon City Freyssinet Polska Sp.Zo.O. Milanówek Armol-Freyssinet S.A. Lisbon Terra Armada Lda Lisbon Freyrom S.A. Bucharest Fessic S.A. de C.V. La Libertad PSC Freyssinet (S) Pte Ltd Singapore Reinforced Earth (S.E.A.) Pte Ltd Singapore Freyssinet Posten (Pty) Ltd Olifantsfontein Reinforced Earth Pty Ltd Johannesburg Freyssinet S.A. Madrid Tierra Armada S.A. Madrid A/S Skandinavisk Spaendbeton Malmö Freyssinet S.A. Moudon Freyssinet Taiwan Engineering Co. Ltd Taipei Freyssinet Thailand Ltd Bangkok Freyssinet Tunisia Tunis Freysas Istanbul Reinforced Earth A.I.S. Istanbul Freyssinet (Middle East) LLC Abu Dhabi Freyssinet LLC Chantilly Menard LLC Vienna The Reinforced Earth Company Vienna Tierra Armada CA Caracas Freyssinet International et Cie Hanoï Freyssinet group communication department Design-Production: Polynôme © Photolibrary Freyssinet (Ian Berry, Claude Cieutat, Adrian Hall, Francis Vigouroux) 1 bis, rue du Petit-Clamart 78140 Vélizy-Villacoublay - France Tel.: +33 1 46 01 84 84 Fax: +33 1 46 01 85 85
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