printable version of 1961-62 holiday scrapbook


printable version of 1961-62 holiday scrapbook
- Being the reconstituted & slightly augmented holiday scrapbook of Jo D.
Saturday August 26th 1961
After a very good journey accomplished in 4 ½
hours, including a stop at Attleborough for
coffee [at what is now The White Lodge in
London Road – ed.], we arrived at Scratby at
about 1pm to find an enjoyable lunch awaiting
Edna [Hobday], David and family left within an hour, and,
after lunch, Berty took the boys down to the beach, whilst
Mum and I made the beds, unpacked and generally got
ourselves sorted out. We then did the day’s shopping, after
which we joined Berty and the boys on the beach about 4pm.
The weather was lovely, and the children thoroughly enjoyed their first dig and paddle. We came up for tea
about 5pm, and then took a walk to the shop along the coast road, where the boys each bought a plastic
catamaran. We spent a cosy and relaxing evening knitting or reading, having settled the children into bed with
no trouble.
Sunday August 27th 1961
As I expected, we were all awake early and by 6.30am the
children were ready to get up, so we went down to the beach
before breakfast. Being a lovely morning, I took the
opportunity to have my first swim, which I found most
We returned to breakfast about 8.15, after which Mum and I
set about our chores, whilst Berty took the boys back to the
beach. We joined them soon after 10am and spent a lovely
morning paddling, digging and making sand models.
Lunch over, we all returned to the beach
with the shrimping nets, and, after another
swim, Berty the boys and I did a little
shrimping. This proved quite successful,
providing us with a good two pints of
shrimps. The boys also sailed their boats in
the pool which is left when the tide goes
After tea, we took a short stroll along the
footpath to the steps at the end of the
coast road, and back home along the beach.
The boys were then settled into bed and
Mum and I prepared the shrimps, which
Berty had cooked. The rest of the evening
was spent as yesterday.
Monday August 28th 1961
Another glorious morning. We all slept later, so did not go out
before breakfast, but after the days work was done, spent the
day on the beach and in the sea. The children behaved
themselves extremely well, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves
paddling, digging and running up and down the cliffs.
A lovely sunny afternoon followed, but considerably more
breezy, so after a short swim I changed and took some ices
back to the family, who were dam-building and sailing boats in
the pool.
Tea finished, we went along to the coast road
shop, leaving Berty and the boys flying kites on
the beach. I bought a couple of gifts and some film
for the childrens’ cameras, and we rejoined the
boys for a leisurely stroll home.
During the evening, Mum did a bit of ironing and I
made some pastry and washed my hair. We are all,
by now, taking on a rosy hue!.
Tuesday August 29th 1961
Yet another glorious morning. Started with a swim before
breakfast, and the morning was spent sun- and sea- bathing
mainly. Berty took Paul and Stephen for a short boat trip and
the boys took some photographs.
After dinner, we returned to the beach and played with the
children in the little pool. It was really hot again, and by
teatime it was obvious that I for one have got somewhat burnt.
After tea, Berty and Mum took the boys
for a walk, while I stayed at home, with a
slight tummy upset, and played Jokari in
the garden for a while. I then did a bit of
knitting until they came home, when we got
them to bed and settled down to our usual
cosy evening.
Wednesday August 30th 1961
We slept later this morning and, despite the sun pouring
through the window, I did not go for a swim before breakfast.
Immediately after breakfast, Paul and Stephen went down to
the shop for a paper and some comics, and then Berty took all
three of them down to the beach whilst Mum and I did our
daily duties. Just as we were about to join them, they
returned, saying it was uncomfortably windy. So we had some
coffee and then went out in the car to Potter Heigham, to
have a look at the boats.
We enquired about hiring a boat out, but there
were none to be had, so we returned via
Hickling and Sea Palling. The wind remained
pretty strong, and the sea looked rather
rough, so we did not go in the water. We got in
a bit more sunbathing, though, and played
catchball. Berty and the boys flew the kites
and climbed up and down the cliffs – John as
After tea, we went for our usual stroll, and
returned to settle the children to bed and have
a quiet evening.
Thursday August 31st 1961
I went in for a dip before breakfast, but could not actually
swim, as the waves were a bit too strong for me, and were
breaking at the crucial point.
The wind has dropped a lot this morning, so the whole morning
was spent on the beach. I went in for a little swim again, but
the sea was still a little too boisterous to be very brave.
The afternoon was spent much the same as the morning, and we
all went in the sea for a while. The waves were quite rough,
but it was great fun and the sun was lovely and warm. We did
not go out after tea, as we were rather late coming up from
the beach, and we bathed all the children. I finished knitting
Paul’s pullover after they were in bed.
Friday September 1st 1961
For the first time, we were not awakened by
the sun this am. It remained overcast and misty
all day, but as we had planned a day in
Yarmouth, this was all to the good.
We left home soon after 10am, having packed
our lunch, and on arrival went to buy slippers
for Mum and one or two gifts. We then had a
cup of coffee on the front, and spent the rest
of the morning in the childrens’ funfair where
they went round and round and up and down on
practically everything.
We had our lunch on the front and then walked along the
promenade, where the children all had a ride in a pedal car,
and on to the miniature village which was very picturesque
and well worth a visit. We took several snaps there, and
bought some minute tins of biscuits.
After leaving there, the boys had a ride in a
pony cart, and visited the Zoo. Finally we went
on the pier, where we bought a name disc for
Susie, and mum bought me a lovely jewel box
for our anniversary tomorrow. The children
spent half and hour and lots of money on the
slot machines.
We came home to tea about 5pm. Afterwards, Berty and the boys walked down to the paper shop, and then we
played cards with them until they went to bed. During the evening, I had a bath and did some embroidery.
Saturday September 2nd 1961
Another dull morning, so no swim before breakfast. Afterwards, Berty, the boys and I went into Ormesby to
find a butcher shop, and called at the vegetable stall on the way home. Mum stayed behind to clear up, and
then we both prepared the dinner.
After a cup of coffee, we all piled into the car and drove to
Reedham, where we bought some more presents from the
feathercraft shop and had a drink at the Lord Nelson, a
very pleasant little spot. Whilst there, the sun broke
through beautifully, but it was still a bit misty when we got
back to Scratby.
The mist persisted in the afternoon, but Mum,
Stephen and I went down to the beach, whilst
Berty took the other two boys into Yarmouth
to meet his mother, arriving back only at
4pm. We only stayed on the beach for a
short while and then came back for tea.
During the evening, Berty and I went to the
pictures at Yarmouth, where we saw the
Pyjama Game and Badman’s Country.
Sunday September 3rd 1961
Still dull this am, so we went for another drive out to the
Broads. We passed through Ormesby, Heigham, Wroxham,
Salhouse and Ranworth, where we stopped for a while. We
came back through Acle to have another drink at the Lord
Nelson in Reedham, before returning home via Halverton and
At lunchtime it looked as though it might be a sunny
afternoon, though still windy, so we decided to take a walk
along the beach. After about an hour, however, it became
obvious that we were in for rain or a storm, so we returned
about 4pm and played table tennis until tea time.
After tea, Berty took his mother back to the
station. The boys went with him, and, while
they were gone, I made some peanut ice cream
and played Jokari for a while, while Mum
played patience.
When the children got back, they had some
cornflakes and went to bed. Berty and I
walked along the coast road to the caravan site
to get some cigarettes, and then back along the
beach. The rest of the evening I spent doing
some more embroidery and having a bath.
Monday September 4th 1961
It started raining at breakfast time, so we decided to
spend the morning in Lowestoft, where we arrived about
11am. We spent an interesting morning looking at the
fishing boats in the harbor and wandering along the
It brightened up after lunch, so we spent the
afternoon on the beach, but the sea was rather
rough and it was a bit chilly, so we did not go in.
We came home to tea about 5pm. Afterwards, Berty and
the boys walked down to the paper shop, and then we
played cards with them until they went to bed. During the
evening, I had a bath and did some embroidery.
Tuesday September 5th 1961
Dull again today, so we decided to pack up
lunch and have another day in Yarmouth. The
children had paddle boats out. While we waited
for them, we met Roy, and then went to join
Joyce, Lesley and Geoffrey at their beach hut
for coffee.
When we left them, we went to the fair. I
took John and Stephen on the merry – go –
round, and Berty took Paul on the ghost train
and all three of them on the helter – skelter.
They had some pennies on the slot machines,
and the two younger ones went on the boats on
We all then went into the mirror maze, which gave us our
biggest laugh yet.
After eating lunch in shelter by the ponds, Mum and I went
shopping, while the boys had a go on the pedal cars and
another go on the paddle boats.
At 3.30pm we had another drink and we all
took a trip on the waterways. A very
enjoyable day, with a ballpoint pen to show for
it, which I won at darts!
After tea, Berty took the boys along to the
paper shop for some comics, whilst Mum and I
washed up. We all then went for a walk along
the path, and back along the beach.
The boys having been bathed and put to bed,
the rest of the evening was spent as usual.
Wednesday September 6th 1961
By breakfast time the clouds were piling up, so we went for
another drive to Ranworth. We stopped at the Ferry Inn in
Horning for a drink; a very pleasant spot.
Arrived home 1pm to find Eileen and Peter
had been there about an hour.
Too cold and wet for the beach after lunch,
so went down to Yarmouth again, where we
spent an hour or so at the funfair. Took the
children on the bumper cars and the helter
– skelter, and Peter went on the roller
coaster [having chickened out of this after
he had paid for me – ed.]. The children
also went on the Caveland trip and several
roundabouts, and we all spent some pennies on
the slot machines.
Berty won a stick of rock on the archery and I won a pack of
cards on the darts. Stephen got two packets of Polo on the
slot machines, and Paul got quite a few coppers back.
Altogether, a good time had by all.
After tea, we had a few card games with Paul until 6.15pm,
when Eileen and Peter left. The children then went to bed and
we settled down for a quiet evening.
Thursday September 7th 1961
Grey skies this am. We kept getting heavy
showers, so, after doing the shopping and
preparing lunch, we drove around the Broads,
through Stalham to Coltishall, where we
stopped just long enough to take our last two
snaps, returning home through Wroxham and
Joyce, Roy and family arrived about 3pm and, after a cup
of tea and a chat, we all went down to the beach for a
little exercise. The children occupied themselves all
afternoon playing ‘funfairs’. Before leaving, Roy took a
snap of us all in the garden. When they had gone we had
tea, and then went for a short walk before putting the boys
to bed and settling down.
Friday September 8th 1961
Dull again this am, so, at Paul’s suggestion,
drove to Burgh Castle and spent an
entertaining half hour looking at the old walls
of the Roman fort. We had a cup of coffee in a
very pleasant little tea garden before
returning through
Gorleston, buying our lunch from the fish and
chip shop.
During the afternoon, drove up to Horsey Mere to see the
windmill, and then on to Palling, where we stretched our legs
along the nice beach there [only eight years after the
devastating flood of 1953, and probably before the sea wall
was built - wonder what it looked like then? –ed]. On the
way back, looked at Stubb Mill and Hickling Broad, another
nice spot.
After tea and our customary walk, went down to Yarmouth to
see the lights, before putting the boys to bed.
Saturday September 9th 1961
Rose early to a lovely morning, promising to be a scorcher!. After breakfast, Berty took the boys onto the
beach, whilst I did the packing and Mum cleaned up.
We left Scratby about 11am, stopping at Scole [on the Norfolk / Suffolk border, east of Diss and 19 miles
south of Norwich – ed] for a coffee.
We had lunch just outside Newmarket [perhaps at the
famous Comfort Café at Fourwentways ? – ed.] before
getting home about 4pm. The boys were very good on the
journey, but went wild when we got home!.
Saturday July 21st 1962
Leaving home at 8.40am in a crowded car, we stopped
between Bury and Scole for a coffee, and arrived at
Scratby soon after 1pm.
We had lunch, then Berty and I went in to Yarmouth
to pick up the trunk [which had been sent by train –
ed.] and do some shopping, while Mum and Auntie Alice
did the rest of the shopping and took the children to
tbe beach. We joined them about 4pm and all returned
at 5pm for tea.
After tea, we played Battleships with Paul, then
made the beds and unpacked the trunk. The children
played up a bit but finally settled down. Berty and
I took a short walk to the steps and then back
along the beach, after which we had supper and got
to bed around 11pm.
Sunday July 22nd 1962
Did not go down to the beach before breakfast, as it
looked a bit too breezy for a dip, but Berty took the
boys down for a short time, while I did the shopping and
prepared lunch, and Mum and Auntie did the household
After this we all spent the rest of the morning on the beach.
In the afternoon it was rather showery, so we
went for a drive through Potter Heigham, where I
bought an ashtray for Pam, and on to Wroxham.
After tea, Berty and the children and I went to the
beach to try a little fishing, but failed to catch
anything. The children went to bed about 8pm and
settled down a lot better than the night before. I did
some knitting during the evening.
Monday July 23rd 1962
A fairly bright morning, so after doing some
shopping went to the beach. Whilst Berty and Paul
fished unproductively, I had my first dip. It was
lovely, and I was able to sunbathe for a short
In the afternoon it was rather showery, so we went
for a drive through Potter Heigham, where I bought
an ashtray for Pam, and on to Wroxham.
After tea, Berty and I took the boys for a walk
along to the steps. Berty, Paul and Stephen came
back via the cliffs, while John and I took the easy
route across the beach. Spent the evening having a
bath, making ice cream, and knitting.
Tuesday July 24th 1962
First thing after breakfast, Berty and I took the boys
into Yarmouth, where we did some shopping and booked
seats for the circus [probably at the Hippodrome –
ed.] tomorrow evening. ater, after a cup of coffee, we
all went down to the beach, where Berty and I had a
swim. Back to the beach after lunch, where we played
with the children and Berty did a bit of fishing.
We had a fairly early tea, and then the boys Berty and
I walked along to the coast road shop, where I bought a
new pair of sandals (I had managed to burn my others by
trying to dry them in the oven!). Back down the steps
[wooden in those days – ed.] and along the beach. The
boys then had a bath and went to bed, whilst I prepared
the meat for tomorrow and finished off the evening
Wednesday July 25th 1962
Spent an hour or so on the beach this am and had a
short dip, though I did not take my feet off the
bottom as the waves were too strong. We all had a
couple of drinks at Horning Ferry, before returning
home to lunch.
After lunch, down to the beach again where we
played with the children until 5pm and then returned
to get ready for the circus. We all enjoyed the
show, particularly John. Once home, the children
went straight to bed, and were asleep within
Thursday July 26th 1962
Raining this am so we went to Cromer as planned.
Unable to look around much, because of the rain, but it
made a nice drive.
The afternoon remained wet, so stayed at home apart
from a short trip to the shop to buy some groceries
and jigsaw puzzles. I spent most of the afternoon
making pastries and cakes, though the oven let me down
and most of the products were somewhat burnt
After tea, the children did some drawing, and Berty
and I played several games of table tennis which I
thoroughly enjoyed. The evening was rounded off
with knitting and more jigsaw puzzles.
Friday July 27th 1962
A lot brighter this am, though still rather breezy, so
after Berty, John and I had been into Ormesby to get
the meat, we all went down to Yarmouth and spent an
hour or so, and loads of money, in the funfair.
After lunch, I did the rest of the weekend
shopping, and we then went down to the beach,
where we played cricket for a while and had a
After tea, Berty went fishing for an hour or so,
whilst Mum, Auntie and I played cards with Paul,
while the other two amused themselves.
Saturday July 28th 1962
We had a busy time first thing getting the beds shifted
around. After this we went to the beach and I had a dip
though the waves were still too strong for me to swim.
Berty then went down to meet Mum and the children Rob
and Pauline, arriving home about 2.15pm. We all had a
very good afternoon on the beach, and another dip in the
After tea, Berty Mum and I took all the children,
except Stephen, along to the steps and back across the
Once the children were in bed, Berty and I went for a
drive around, and had a drink at The First and Last
[still in Yarmouth Road, Ormesby St Margaret –
Sunday July 29th 1962
Had a dip during a long morning on the beach, before
coming up about noon to cook the Sunday lunch. This
turned out quite a success, despite all my worries.
After lunch, Mum and Auntie stayed at home, while
Berty and his Mum and I took the children down to
the beach again. Berty and I had a short dip.
After tea, Berty took the two Mums out for a
short drive, while Auntie and I got the two younger
boys to bed and played cards with Robert and Paul
for a while.
Monday July 30th 1962
This am, Berty took his Mum and the children into
Yarmouth, where they spent the morning on the pier and
in the funfair. Mum, Auntie and I went in by bus and
spent the morning shopping for gifts. Mum bought
herself a watch.
After lunch, Berty took the boys down to tbe beach.
His Mum and I were just about to follow them when it
came on to rain, so we spent the rest of the afternoon
playing with the children indoors.
After tea, we took them for a short walk and left the
three older ones on the beach. Then Berty and I went
down to Yarmouth to see Anne Shelton’s show, which
was very good indeed.
Tuesday july 31st 1962
First thing after breakfast, Berty went along to
the paper shop, while I did the other shopping; then
we all went down to the beach. We played with the
children and set them on a treasure hunt until about
12.30pm, when we came up for lunch.
After lunch, Mum and I went up to the vegetable
stall, and then on down to meet the others on the
beach. We had a most enjoyable swim since the sea
was really calm. Berty went shrimping and caught
about half a pint.
After tea, Berty took Auntie and the children for
a drive round the Broads. Returning about 8pm, he
left Stephen and John at home and took his Mum,
Auntie Alice and the other three children down to
Yarmouth for the rest of the evening.
Wednesday August 1st 1962
First thing, Berty and I went down to Yarmouth, to see
about the train for the family to go home tomorrow, and
do some shopping. We then spent an hour or so on the
beach with the family.
After lunch, I did some more shopping and then headed
for the beach again, where Berty and I had a nice swim.
After tea, we taok Mum and the children along to the
paper shop and back along the beach. After getting
them all to bed, Berty and I did some fishing, but could
not stay long since it got dark so quickly.
Thursday August 2nd 1962
After re-shuffling the beds, we all spent a very
pleasant morning on the beach. I had a swim and did
some sunbathing.
We had a cold lunch and Berty took his family down
to the station about 2.15pm. when he got back
around 3.30pm, we all went to Potter Heigham
where the boys did a little fishing, getting back to
Scratby about 6pm.
When the boys were settled in bed, Berty and I
went for a drive through Thurne and Potter
Heigham to Horning Ferry, where we had a drink.
Berty brought home fish and chips for Auntie and
himself, and so the evening was rounded off.
Friday August 3rd 1962
After breakfast,Berty, Stephen, John and I went into Ormesby to buy meat. Then, after doing the rest of
the shopping and preparing the lunch, we all spent the morning on the beach. Berty and I swam and then
played with the children.
After lunch, Berty took the children down to the beach
again until tea time.
After tea, we all went for a last visit to Yarmouth fun
fair [the Pleasure Beach at the south end – ed.].
Then, whilst I prepared lunch for the journey tomorrow
and did as much of the packing as possible, Berty went
down for a last fish.
Saturday August 4th 1962
The trunk is in a rather battered condition, so we
decided not to risk sending it by train. We
nevertheless took Stephen and John to Yarmouth
straight after breakfast to do some shopping.
When we got back, David and Edna had arrived, and
we had a cup of tea before leaving Scratby soon
after 11.30am.
We stopped for lunch at a pleasant spot soon after
1pm, and had a cup of coffee at the same place as on
the journey up.
We arrived home about 4.30pm, and I got the
unpacking done after tea while Berty bathed the
children. When they were all in bed, we took Susie
for a walk across the fields, leaving Mum and
Auntie to babysit.
The End of our magical holidays but the beginning of a lifelong love of NE Norfolk
– thanks Mum & Dad. Edna &David, our two grandmothers, & all the lovely people of the Broadlands.