2 - St John Ambulance NT
2 - St John Ambulance NT
.-u--v1 D----T-l miil0UllOmGC @ t.r O oco a zo U) c o € -o l 0_ I a o_ g a :f _o Ec) c) .o o) 0) I KATIIERIlIE Proudly Supporling 5f John fNI/ KN@TTS GROSSI]NG ,',-* RIO \ N;-,,, :.: TIl\TO Berrimqh NT 0828 Telephone: (081 8e32 2766 \"{ 1jr " ,ft, \dhrn lf \ ij r;c. *d,H lrrlm lodft n"tr r.iil : Hosts Christine, Brion & Peter Welcome AII Visitors To Kotherine Executive Suites - Fully a Convention Facilities RIO TINTO EXPTORATION PTY. TIMITED l Skm Post Stuort Highwoy [R?ESCo)RTX - o o o Self-Contained and Fax Large Family Rooms a Caravan and Camping With Cooking Facilities Motel Rooms o Budget Cabins Swimming Pooland Spa a Katies Bistro Marndarpa Restaurant Licensed Pool Bar Garden Restaurant Sites With Ensuite o a Phone: 8972 2511 Fox: Fax: 8972 2628 (08) 8932 3286 Cameron St (Cnr Giles St) Katherine NT 0850 NT ABORIGINAL EYE HEALTH COMMITTEE INC GPO BOX 4832 DARWIN NT OSOI TRACHOMA INFORMATION FOR ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES & COUNCILS What Is It? Trachoma, or sandy blight as it is somctimcs known, is an eye infection which can cause visual impairment or cven hlindncss in latcr lif'e. What Causes It? The orga,nism that causes trachonra is Chlamydia trachomatis. Living conditions havc a strong inf'luence upon the prcvalcncc of trachoma. History has shown that trachoma disappears whcn living conditions improve. What makes Trachoma worse? Impairment of vision is morc likely to occur in the fbllowing circumstances: 'Repcated infection with trachoma'Othcr concurrcnt eyc infcctions. A dry, dusty cnvironment ancl flies Who does it affect? Active trachoma is a discasc of childhood and adolcsccnce. Many Aboriginal childrcn who have trachoma expcrience littlc or no eyc discomfort, so thcy are unaware that they havc an infection. Elimination of Trachoma Trachoma disappcars whcn living conditions and pcrsonal hygicne, i.e. f'ace washing, improvc. It is esscntial that housing, watcr and sanitation facilities in Aboriginal communitics arc upgradcd to an acceptablc level so that trachoma can bc eliminated. For further information phone David Parrish on: Phone (08) 8981 5866, Fax (0S) 8981 2644 ;{} $F\ Communique Business Manager's Report Training Manager's Report Operations Branch News and Views 28 Alice Springs Cadet Division 3l Priory Pictorial Meetings 9 Investiture of NT Deputy Prior Lord Mayors Reception l3 NT Government Reception Capitular Procession 14 Deputy Prior's Reception Operations Branch Assembly Presentation to Charles Campbell Morning l5 Tea Breakfast on the Esplanade Happy Hours t7 Australian First Aid Championship Presentation Dinner Dance t9 NT District Championship Teanr 21 1997 Rescue/Disaster Management Course 23 Preventing the Transmission of Tuberculosis in the Pre-Hospital Environment 25 C()vef: A very interested spectator at the Australian First Aid Championships. ORNASTEEL PTY LTD SrrrrwoRK AND WrprNG . Structurol ond Steel Fobricotion o U-Bolts . Site Welding . Punching, Cutting ond Threoding Telephone: Dorwin (081 8984 4771 - Fox (08) 8947 0517 Lot I 8l 3, Mokogon Rood, Berrimoh, N.T. 0828 Seasons Greetings to EtJohng{mbulance memb ers and familie s from Supporting StJohn Ambul&nce PnuoION HNULAGE Prv * lro Regular Darwin - Katherine Service * Weekly Service - Lajamanu and Kalkaringi * General Cartage - Hay, Fencing CoNSTRUCTIONS PrY LrN Civil Engitr.eering Cotttra,ctors Gear, Building Materials etc. ZIMIN DRIVE, KATHERINE 8972 1736 AH: 897 1 0764 FAX: 8972 2966 PHONE= Ph: (08) 8e83 1s82 Mob: 018 893 415 Fax: (08) 8983 LTOS Howard Springs 0835 rcke Ports ACN 000 049 30I I Kitchener Road, Darwin, NT 0800 PO Box 775, Darwin, NT 0801 I ourancx AMBULANCE, summer ]997 Stevedoring, Contoiner Terminol ond Moteriol Hondling Fqcilities throughout Austrolio Telephone: (08) 898f 8533 Facsimile: (08) 894f 0604 Telex 85200 Cable Address 8D Conaust G0MMUNtqUE General F|anagerb report My opening comments this month ore reseryed for Councillors, staff, rnernbers, fomilies ond friends of St lohn, together with sponsors, the NT Government, Loerdol, Territory lnsurance Office, Ansett Austrolio, Motorola, Seoview Wines ond Territory Heolth Services for o marvellous contribution to the success thot wos Priory Week - 1997. Thank You. I t certainly takes some adjusting I after the franric pace of prepaI rations for and the actual I conduct ofthe Priorv Conference, L.r,nrrrg )emlnar and tlrst Ard Championships. I know many staff gratulating Richard on his award of the AM, announced on tle Queens tage of these discussions will be our entry into a more appropriate busi- Birthday weekend. It was most remiss of me not ro specifically menrion the support and assistance extended to St John by ness planning cycle with THS. Finally, farewell and happy rerire- ment to Clem Larcombe, former Katherine Regional Manager, who wandered around, seemingly in a daze, for quite a while, but we are Territory Health Seryices during the Priory Week (and the other 51), so leaves us to redre now back to normal. for that I apologise yet? Good Luck and Thank You. I hope readers enjoy this - mainly photographic - edition of Outback This edition of Outback Ambulance, quite correctly in my opinion, features so many of the magic moments that naturally occurred during the Priory Week. We have tried to find the right blend of formal, business and social reflections and we hope rhey bring back fond memories. Special mendon, however, I rhink needs to be made of the Chairman and Chief Minisrer's presentarions during the NT Governmenr Reception at Parliament House, when Rachel Greenrree, Shelley Patterson and Chrissie Frampton received their Bruce Perkins Scholarship funds and Makaylia Bretag accepted the proceeds from the Eric Johnston Memorial Fund. It really was something special, as was the final Presentation Dinner Dance on Sarurday at the Aviation Heritage Centre. Then again, I suppose we will all have our own special memories. Casuarina Headquarters has certainly taken on a new appearance with the completion of the Tiaining extensions and the refurbishment of the Workshop and Store areas. It is planned to conduct a formal opening of the Ricbard Morris Cen re at - and thank you. On the domestic front, I am pleased that the review of the NT Operations Branch appears ro be receiving a fair trial. Once the changes are fully comprehended, particularly the philosophical changes, I am confident it will be a good model for other, smaller States. District staff and Operarions I am sure everyone at StJohn joins me in con- Ricbard Morrb, David Baker General Manager contribution to parchase ambulance aebick Rural Response Group called into action - after a shaky start. Lionel Crompton and the group are to be congratulated on their community contribution as a supplement to the service. Continuous Quality Improvement, Enterprise Bargaining and Infection Control policies were also all implemented recently and these will result in an even better service than before. Negoriations with Territory Health AM witb cheqae Particularly pleasing Services over our service agreethe time of publication appear headed for an long-serving Chairman, you also to see the Noonamah appropriate recognition for our future. In addition to this very it finds well. Merry Christrnas and a Happy New Year. Branch Members are to ment for the next three to five years continue, and at in Ambulance and that Minister for Heahb Serzsices, Hon D. Burke MILI presenting Cbairman be congrarulated. the an appropriate juncture in ????? Well Clem and Shirley, made your minds up imminent sacisfactory conclusion. One major advanWinter 1997, OUTBACKAMBULANCE E clry Kindly in support of St John Ambulance members and families from... SHOPPING BATCHELOR GENERAT 2B Smift St Moll Dorwin Plrone: (O8) 8941 8638 STORE AIRPORTSHOPPNG Providing Fuel, LPG Groceries, Chemist Lines Dorwin Internotionol Airport Clothing and Footwear Takeaway Food, Ice OPEN Z DAYS A WEEK AND FOR ALL INTERNATIONAL DEPARTURES AND ARRIVALS Hardware, Gardening Phone: OO8 8OO 58O or (08) 8945 2688 Supplies, Automotive Accessories, Camping Gear, Photocopying and KORMILDA COIIEGE Fax Facility in the Centre DARWIN, NORTHERN TERRITORY of Town. KORMILDA COLTEGE is Darwin's newest independent co-educational secondary day and residential school in a multi-cultural setting. The college is corporately administered under the joint auspices of the Anglican and Uniting Church. FREIGHT SERVICE (Batchelor - Dannin Batchelor) TOURIST INTORM.ETION The 'New Kormilda" has met with resounding success in the development of academic excellence, and now includes lnternational Baccalaureate Diploma in the Managers: E and GA DREWES cuniculum offerings. EI.IOUIRIES ON ANY . . . . . Of IHE FOIIOWI{G ARE IIffIED: Courses (Year 8 to Year 12) from school assessed subjects to the unequalled lnternational Baccaiaureate. lnspection of facilities, both residentral and day school. Discipline, dress, expectations. Pastoral care and academic extension Youth training (after school activities) programmes lor development of self-management Telephone: programmes. Scholarships lot Isolated Studnts lhe Limited scholarships are available for students with skills. academic potential. (08) 8ez6 004s FULL DETAILS ARE AVAII-ABLE Please phone the Registrar, Mr David Barrett on (08) 8922 1611 or write to THE REGISTRAR, KORMILDA COLLEGE LTD, PO BOX 241 BERRIMAH' NT 0828 Fax: (08) 89ZG 0232 CD INSIIITANOII IIITOKIIITS IDTY Ij'lI) AIIOIIIGINAL COiIIIIJNITII]S AND ISOI^'ATIID IIIS KS 3299 Fax: (08) 8396 0570 Flnancial Planning - Tax Planning - Wealth Greation Specialising in Telephone: (08) 8265 in conjunction with Ilorchester Secudties (IfT) Pty Adelaide 4577 (08) 83s5 nax (08)'8395 4505 Phone Tennant Creek 2qqq 1992 (0q) q9q? (08) 8962 ttd Alice Springs (gq) q9?? (08) 8952 9933 99ll Authorised Representative of Greater Weslern Financial Services Go. Pty Ltd !l ouralcx AMBULANCE, summer 1997 Darwin (qq) q94q 4:q1 (08) 8948 4375 Buslness Managerb report s we approach another St John Ambulance Australia (IVQ Inc AGM the financial has finally been completed with all award staffreceiving a 37o increase. A statements reflect a year of consolidation and srabiliry. to have it comply with the new structural requirements and to update any The three-year agreement with review of the Award will be conducted trritory obsolete clauses. In a process of looking at measures close to finalisation for a further for StJohn Ambulance Australia Si"f) Inc to become more cost-efficient we have moved to the NT Govemment Health Services expired on 30June 1997 and negoriacions are three-year contract to provide the Ambulance Service for the Northem Territory. controlled telephone directory system. With the completion of the fire centre in Alice Springs we now In June we conducted a major Subscription Scheme recruirmenr have all centres accessing campaign which was extremely suc- this option, which will cessful, boosting our numbers by some 650 members. The new option provide us with subsrantial cost savings in the coming years. St John (NT) again participated in The Expo of providing members the oppomrni- ty to join for more than one year (up to three years) was very popular and we now have members who are paid beyond the year 2000. We have received and are using the new imported Ford F2 50 Ambulances and await the arrival of four new GMC vehicles from the USA in December this year. These new, powerftrl machines have been very popular with the staff, and the diesel option is proving most econqm= ical. The projected lifespan of these vehicles is expected to extend beyond the existing five-year program. The enterprise bargaining process expecting babies and the cause has been clearly placed on the "ryping chair". With others within the team wishing to avoid such an occurrence, the chair has disappeared and all ryping is now done standing up. In closing I take this opporruniry to thank everyone for their supporr over the last year and to wish everybody a Merry Christrnas for 1997. Ross Coburn Jenny, Barb and Kzren, some oftbe belpers assi*ing duringPriory Business Manager and Territory-wide Show circuit, which are always very good promotional exercises for us. I take this opportuniry ro thank all the staff and volunteers who actively supported these events and in particular to congrar- ulate the Alice Springs stand fbr winning the display of the Show, Presently we have a few administrarive staff Seasons Greetings to aII St Joftn Members and Statf trom Ar.mu Kwc & SoNs CoNsrRUcrroN pry Lrp * Earthworks * (A Proven Contractor to NT Govl DeptsJ Drainage * Road Sealing * Servicing the needs of Govt Depts Councils & Aboriginal Communities PO - Box 568, Katherine 0851 Phone: l08l 8971 0070 Fax: (081 897 | 2299 Mobile: 015 612 912 I997. OUTBACK AMBULANCE From the Training Department It is with a greot deol of pleosure thot I introduce this orticle by offering my sincere thonks ond congrotulotions to oll those who in sorne woy were involved in moking Priory '97 ond the Notionol Instructors Seminor such an overwhelming success. While much hos been soid about the success of these events, I would like to specifically torget my oPpreciotion to the Troining Department staff in Dorwin for their tireless efforts during the lnstructors Seminor. Without your willing suPqort and involvement we could not hoye presented such o well received seminor. I would also like to thank our | .,r.ry speclal guest presenters | *tto helped out during the I seminar bv presenting interI .rting and diuerse sessions. These were: Dr Phil Alderslade from the NT Museum and Art Gallery, who presented a most enjoyable and information packed session covering marine Mr Graeme Gow for a very interactive session about snake bite; Dr Antje Haase for her session covering tropical diseases; Mr Tony Neale envenomation; who presented an informative session covering hearing impaired students; and Mr Tim Bowen, Laerdal State Manager for SA/NT who spoke on public access defibrillation. In particular, I would like to acknowledge Thnya Griffith's contri- bution to the organisation of the Instructors Seminar. After all her hard work Thnya did not get the opportunity to attend the final product as she went into hospital the night before the seminar commenced for the birth of her second child, Tahni, a sister for Jake. Congratulations to Thnya and Rick. In researching information for the 1997 AGM, it was again very pleasing to see an increased pardcipation rate in our public education programs with a corresponding increase in Departmental revenue generated for rhe 1996/1997 financial year. I would like to thank the entire Tiaining Team, including Part-Time and Associate Instructors, for their valuable contribution in this area. The current edition of Australian First Aid is undergoing a major rewrite at this time. When the next edition is ready for publication it will be a combined Volume One and fivo version with enhanced graphics and text presentation. In conjunction with the rewrite of this book is the national project to 'modularise' our First Aid course content throughout all levels of courses combined with a standardisation of course ddes. Once complet- ed, it will be possible for particular client groups to construct their own First Aid course using a number of 'core' modules supplemented by a selection of industry relevant 'elec- tive' modules. The standard Public First Aid course will comprise a set of modules which will be almost identical to those topics currently included in the program. The long awaited Clinical Quality Graduation 1997 - Associated Diploma Grad.aates witb Dr Lionel Crompton, Senior Med.ical Adaiser ! ournncx AMBULANCE, summer 1997 Improvement program is now well on its way to being introduced throughout NT Ambulance Operations. It is anticipated that this program will be run in tandem with St John (NT) involvement in the Institute of Ambulance Officers 6 Tnaining manageF'$ Repont (Australia) National Recognition Program. The CQI Implementation Team will hold their first Worlshop in October at which time program introducrion suategies will be formulated in an effort to involve all Operational Staffin the venrure. Quality Improvement is not simply a maner of St John coordinating a Qualiry Improvement Program, it is something that every member will be encouraged to be involved with to ensure a continual enhancement to our already high standards of pre- hospital patient managemenr. Qualiry Improvement is, more tian anything, a process which must be owned by key stakeholders and not simply by t}le organisarion providing the vehicle for its introduction. Ambulance Officer education and training continues to form the lynchpin of AOTC activities with courses recendy completed including Rescue & Disaster Management and Advanced Clinical Studies One. A number of existing Student Ambulance Officers have elected to transfer fiom the fusociate Diploma in Applied Science (Emergency Care) to the newly accredited Advanced Diploma in Health Srudies (Ambulance, Pre-Hospital Care) by way of picking up various Extension His Honour the Ad.ministrator and Deputy Prior Dr Neil Conn A0 during Senior First Aid. Class uitb Instractor Paul Barnes Elsewhere Units to existing programs. This facility is available not onlv to existing Students, but also to past Srudents who may wish to upgrade their qualification. Remember, howeveq that there is no organisational requirement that the Associate Diploma credential be upgraded as it is recognised as being the equivalent of the new award. in this edition of Outba& we have, with permission, reproduced an assignment which was written by Darwin Student Ambulance Officer Virgrnia Dowson. The assignment, submitted as the second of three for Clinical Srudies One in the Cerrificate in Ambulance Studies (Distance Education) pro- Anyone thinking of upgrading their qualification should discuss their situation with the Ambulance gram, is entitled Preventing the tansmission of Tlberculosis in the Pre-Hospital Environment. The work presented by Mrginia makes Education Officer, Marrin Kelly. very interesting reading and is also a fine example of essay structuring and the appropriate use of referencing. The presentation style of this work may be of great value to others who are required to submit assignments as part of their course requirernents. ln closing, I would like to extend early Seasons Greetings to all St John members and their families and wish you all a very merry Christrnas and a safe, healthy 1998. Brendan Quirke Training Manager Ayers Rock Resort Campground. Now with Cabins. SA dza1l44f caattdcclr?.d ,na44 e Reception and Kiosk r Pool o Caravan Sites e Powered Sites o Overnight Cabins with Linen included o Grassed Tent Sites o Hot Showers and Anrenities r Facilities for Disabled o LP Gas r Ice e Souvenirs o Laundry Facilities anrl Dryers o Barbeques o Playground o Cames Room o Phones o Coach Facilities We look forward to welcoming you soon Regards Rudi and Anne Krepelnik Ayers Rock Po Box 96 Yulara NT 0872. Phone (o8) s956 2055 - Fax (os) s956 2260 Summer 1997, Resort Campground OUTBACK AMBULANCE E Alternative Payment ! Did you know that by asking the Power and Water Authority for your customer lD No., collecting a form and writing to your salaries division, you can arrange to have deductiorrs taken from each Pay? You can ask Power and Water or the Post Office for a voucher payment book to pay in instalments before your bill arrives. Dorwin Petroleum Services DARWIN Telephone (08) 8981 21 80 Focsimile (08) 8981 7585 Sobodin Petroleum ALICE SPRINGS Telephone (081 8952 6222 Focsimile (081 8952 1214 Mobilcord Telephone 1800 032 218 M@bil rL- Telephone (OB) 8952 8611 Fax (08) 8953 2909 PO Box 3970, Alice SPrings, NT 0871 ACN 009 627 418 Millers of Quality Products since 1899 Always on hand, a comprehensive range of: Plain, Bakers, Wholemeal and Self-Raising Flour packed in 1Okg Calico Bags and 15kg Drums; Oaten and Wheaten Chaff, Lucerne Chaff; Uni-Mix - a Lucerne/Cereal blend, Equus Horse Blend with Molasses; a range of Horse Pellets and Nuts, Horse Bran, Layers Pellets, Chicken Crumbles, Meatline Starter and Finisher Pellets, Dairy and Goat Pellets and Nuts, Pig Feeds, Rabbit Pellets; Whole Wheat, Barley and Oats, Rolled Oats, Crushed Barley; a range of supplements and manY other lines Buy Direct from the Manufacturer and Save LAUCKE FLOUR & FEEDS 74 Elder Street Alice Springs 0871 I ourancxAMBULANGE, Summer ]997 NORTHERN TERRITORY SEGONT'AIrY GOIrRESPONDENGE SGHOOL DO YOU WANT . AJunior Secondary Studies Certificat_e QSSC)? . ANorthern Territory Certificate of Education (NTCE)? . A second chance at school, no matter how old you are? . To study at home at Your ourn Pace? . To prepare for tertiary education? . To study to improve your employment or promotion prospects? . To improveyour communication skills? If you do, contact: Freecaff 1SOO 062 235 Phone (08) 8922 2292 Fax (08) 8922 2258 PO Box 40471Casuarina NT 081I Pniony Photognaphs COMMUNITY CARE BRANCH DTNNER'97 PRIORY COMPETITION TEAM MANAGERS MEETING DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS MEETING DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS MEETING LIBRARY STANDING COMMITTEE NATIONAL COUNCIL MEETING Summer 1997, OUTBACK AUAUUHCE I Christmas GreeJings to St John Members and Families from: THg NOnTH AUSTRALIAN PASIORAI CONNPANY PTY TII\,trTED at :r Alexandria:station . Gallipoli Station r Soudan Station "You Can't Make It Rain" - the history of the Company 1877-1991 is available from NAP in Brisbane @ A$40 plus A$5 Postage per Copy Write to; The North Australian Pastoral Company Pty Limited GPO Box 3tr9, Brisbane OId 4001 - Telephone (07) 322123;66 DASA DRUG & ALCOHOL SERVICES ASSOCIATION ALICE SPRINGS INC Phone (08) 8952 8412-89528419 Proud to supporl St tohn Operotives in the ferritory sIOCH]'RtC PROSPCfiIIIg Hlt Drinking can be pleasant, but it can also be hazardous. If you drink too much then you should be aware of the possible consequences. If you are a drinker, then you have a responsibility to yourself and others to drink sensibly. If you are concemed about your drinking lifestyle or your level of consumption, then DASA can assist you to stop or control your drinking. Please feel free to MIilCRRt CIPLORRIIOII l3l Reichordt Rood tulllllcttlc perhaps lelephone: 81147 1333 call us when in Alice Springs. " o' n y ; ;i'f : #,';,# ;;, x!, f ,' " tn n ce Tipperary Group of Stations Daly River & Daly Waters NT l[ ourancx AMBULANGE, summer 1997 i t Pniory PhotoSraph$ NHQ STAFF OPHTHATMIC HOSPITAL STANDING COMMITTEE **-: **l* Nr*l _:" s {"-..*S.*J $*T f, T' /9. I :.Ns $ \N\\\\\*.,..N\" Y-,/,' {*"' t {$ ffr I PROFESSIONAL OFFTCERS MEETING TECHNIGAT ADVISORY COM MITTEE DtsTRtcT srAFF OFFTCER (CADE[) MEETTNG TRAINING STANDING COMMITTEE Summer 1ee7, 0UTBACK nmnUUHCr lll |"r The Yapakurlangu Regional Council wishes to thank the Tennant Creek St John Ambulance Staff for their dedicated service to the people of the Barkly Tennant Creek NT 0860 Phone (08) 8962 1990 Greetings to St t(ortn lohn (NT) from the -\rr-/- MDt) AUSTBAUAN Lryomanu Store For . Groceries . Frozen Food . Deli Lines . Air Charter . Petrol ^ AND ELECTR?NIC SERy/CES . Satellite Telephones complete with Voice, Fax and Data . Two-Way Radios HF, VHF, UHF . Rentals - Short and Long Term . On-Site Vehicle lnstallations CODAN HF RADIOS 8945 2473 Fax 8945 0566 61 Dalwood Crescent, Malak NT0812 . Diesel AII Mechanical Repairs Senticing and Tune-Ups PACIFIC SALT T+U WHYALLA SA (08) 8645 s044 ALICE SPRINGS NT 8952 1433 DARWIN NT 8984 3217 Aagas let AL FueI Thkeautay Foods THE POOL SALT SPECIALISTS Phone 897s 0895 Fax 8975 0613 l[ ourencr AMBULANCE, summer 1997 {elstra MOBILE SATEUITE SupplierC of all Grades of Salt Port Augusta Bd, Whyalla SA Fax (08) 8645 9377 & RADIO SERY'CEs AWHORISED DEALER, Pniony PhotoSnaphs INVESTIN'RE OF 1{T DEPUTY PRloN Tbe Inaestiture of His Honour tbe Adminisn'ator as the Depaty Dr Neil Conn AO Prior ofNT LORD TIAYOR'S RECEPTIOITI L. Shing, C. Sbanley, T Bouen and L. Fiorifrom sponsors Laerdal GOVERNMENT RECEP]ION 'tIT kt. j $l $ .+1hu ,:$ il $;.:'1.iF * Fff ksr. t $# gF $r, "l $r r ffii NT Cbairman Mr R. Mon'is, NT Ahninistrator and Deputy Prior Dr N. Conn, Cbief Minister Tbe Hon S. Stone and Cbancellor Mr P. Hendcrson NT Gouet"mnent Reception held. on Speaken Green at Pariament House Summer 1997, OUTBACK AMBULANCE lE Pniony PhotognaPhs CAPIIULAR PR(rcESSION DEPUW PRIOR'S RECEPTION ,U Knor, B. McCffirE, A. Bromwicb, M- Moonqt and A' Asche OPERATION BRANCH ASSEMBLY S ourancx AMBULANCE, summer 1997 D. Marquis, D. Price, J. Perkins and G. Morris Pniony Photognaphs FAREWELL PRESENTATION Presentation to Priory Sec.reury Cbarlcs Campbell by Ian Kaye-Eddie and Jobn Dauies MORNING IEA r I Gaests of tbe Morning Tba bosted by Mrs Gael Morris BREAKFAST ON THE ESPTANADE I Summer 1997, 0UTBACK AMBULANCE lE Bnruoestone In support of StJohn FISHER STE\trART (NT) PTY LTD SURVEYORS ENGINEERS AND DEVELOPM ENT CONSULTANTS tr ALICE SPRINGS tr DARWIN tr DARWIN T1 TENNANT CREEK Elder Street Phone ALICE SPRINGS 8953 0077 89 Smith Street Phone DARWIN 8981 6633 Cnr Berrimah Road and Stuart Highway Berrimah Phone DARWIN 8984 4377 Patterson Street Phone TENNANT CREEK 8962 2361 Licensed Surveyors, Land Engineering and Mining Surveying Manager I Undoolya - Bud Pratt Road Alice Springs tr KATHERINE 1129 Victoria Highway Phone KATHERINE 89723929 or phone 13 1229 to connect directly to your nearest Bridgestone Tyre Centre Phone 8953 0522 Fa< 8953 0623 Christmas Greetings to St John Ambulance Members and Families from the Management and Staff of the \TGOMEX -I\,- DRILLING REVERSE CIRCULATION WET AND DRY SAMPLE SPLITTING DUST SUPPRESSION CYCLONE 9OO PSI BOOSTER ON-SITE MINE DEWATERING BORES (08) 8e71 006e Fax (08) 8971 0035 or (08) 94ss 1114 2881 Florina Road Katherine PO Box 746 Katherine 0851 l[ ourencx AMBULANGE, Summer 1997 ARRERNTE COUNCIL OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA ALICE SPRINGS, NT 0871 Phone (OS1 8953 1533 Fax (O8) 8952 6702 Pniony Photognaphs HAPPY HOUR Abooe: Tbe zoinning team from NSW Happy Hourc uere a grea.t time to mingle AUST FIRST AID CHAMPIONSHIP t Aboae and. Belou: Austnlian First l'l' : Aid Championsbip beld at the NT Museum and An Gallery Grounds Summer 1997, OUTBACK AMBULANCE ln CUSTOMISED TOTAL INJURY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Northern Territory and East Kimberley . Return to work for injured employees . Injury prevention training programs . Workplace,management Telephone: 8946 3463 for your nearest office details WELDING Ites as Dasy WARNING Several workers have recently been electrocuted or received electric shocks while arc welding' especially when using AC welding machines. / / / avoid body contact with electrode voltages take special care when working in hazardous or wel environments avoid working in damp or wet clothing An electric shock from the secondary outlet of a welding machine with a no-load voltage can be fatal. TO INVEST IN TERRITORY BONDS! Secure a rich and rewarding future for your young family members now. It's never too early to start so telephone the hotline today for more details on the most rewarding investment you'll ever make! 1800 089 119 For more information, consult A51674.2 or contacl Work Health Ofhcer Mr Joe Pisani on 8999 5117. ITORY TIIDOTB AM IISD DIIIN'I'S Territory Wide Services . Pool Tables . Juke Boxes . Video Games 'Tables Reclothed . Darts, Boards and Accessories ' Fundraising Equipment PRoFlr sHARE BASIS ' sALEs,,:,,*lERVfcE -,,H,1,I,5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fFX l[ 898I.r.' 8eE ourelcx AMBULAilCE, S9BI. ,:,$eru summer r997 .I8:.SISHOP"Sjf Sif,':,,Utnif PfinX Pniory PhotoSnaphs f Mr and Mrs Motris Prof and. Mrc Marchall Aboue: and at the Presentation Dinner Dance Summer 1997, OUTBACK AMBULANCE E KAIIIDRIND Sentstt q4eztln? h all St lalrn n.t/tulaacp L4"*tlt",rrt aal 6]a.nlru lrrr* f.A. coNcRETING ' Snnvrcns We Specialise in All Concrete Work" No fob Too Small INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL DOMESTIC Michael and Dianne Wyatt Driveways ' Shecls ' House Pacls ' Patios'Verandahs Phone 8972 1186 3 Makryllos Circuit Brinkin Fax 8972 1631 Phone Moblle Servlce o4l8 892 5t4 9 Donegan Crescent Katherine 0850 fax 8927 3313 toR AN OBUGAilON FREE QUOrt, AFMEX AFnneco MrNrNo AND Specialisingl in: D(ptoRATroN Pw . IIVESTOCK SEILING/MARKEfl NG MERGHANDISE SATES/QUOTATFilS RURAL PROPERTY SALES I INSURANGE o FINAI{GE & INVESIMENI SERVICES r r For allyour Merchandlse Supplles lncludlng: , Complete ronge of Slock/oods . , Fencing Equipment . Woler Supp/y Equipment , , Collle Hondling Equipment . Fertiliser & Chemlco/s . . AnimolHeollh Producls . . RM Willioms. 8/unds/one , Redwing , Akubro . , Wesformers Dolgety own Skppo Dogfood , a/h a/h a/h a/h a/h a/h alh Proudly Supporting St John /Nr/ I833 COONAWARRA ROAD Clothlng lncludlng: Neville Chalmers - Branch Manager Doc Cunningham - Salesperson Tony Clark - Salesperson Dennis Milde - Merchandise Manager Brad Walker - Merchandise Salesperson Stephen Dunkin - Office Manager Rachelle Mills - ReceptionisVClerk LTD ACN 009 758 481 WINNELLIE NT OB2O 8952 1879 8952 1156 8952 8953 8952 8952 8952 4956 5358 4956 1230 1774 Phone (0Sl 898 4 3327 Fox (081 8984 4351 @.*rMA @ OufalcxAMBULANCE, Summer 1997 cRoup NT District Championship Team What a lungful! Can you imogine three men originating from o smoll dot in the East Arnhem Region of the Top End of the Northern Territory, taking the NT titles ond vying for the grand gool of Australian First Aid Champions. Alos, we did not ochieye our objective; yet the experience for outweighed the loss of this yeor's title. Wotch out 1998! ark Twomey, Bruce Whittington and myself found ourselves thrust into the Northern Corp Championship titles with three weeks to train. Mark is a security officer at Nabalco, a company that mines and processes bauxite in Nhulunbuy (where is that! I hear you say, can you spell it please?). Mark has been involved with St John Ambulance Nhulunbuy as a Casualty Care Officer (CCO), and operations branch member since 1996. Mark has completed his Occupational Health and Safety/Mines Rescue training with Nabalco, instructing in Senior First Aid in his spare time (what litde he had). I think Mark's tentative 'yes' Forgetting the most valuable tools we have are our senses and what we have around us. It was an effon for all of us to prac- tice the DRABC action plan and not the ABC of pre-hospital care. For example in first aid all casualties (patients, clients) with an altered conscious state or unconscious are managed in the stable side position. That is a firm, number one rule due to the airway being the first aiders' priority in all situations. In the ambulance industry - adjuncts such as oral airway's, airway manoeuwes, endo-tra- cheal incubation, and suction allow the patient to be managed in the supine position. This point alone for us. We approached the local Northem caused considerable difEculty on the phone, to my asking his parricipation in the competitions. was the Corp competitions very nervous first step towards three months of indeed. I have never seen gum chewed chaos for us all. more furiously or guys so charged during the time leading up to our 20 minutes given for the scenario. Our Bruce is employed in Nhulunbuy as an Ambulance Officer and readily agreed to advance his skills as a first aider and ultimately his role as an ambulance officer. Bruce offered the team his booming voice and calm manner, off setting Mark's social edquene. Bruce came to Nhulunbuy two years ago, making the nip from Karatha in West Australia. Using his mechanical qualifications Bruce worked on anything from a lawnmow- er to 100 ton bauxite trucks in his career at Nabalco. I had been in the first aid competitions once before and failed dismal- ly. Being an ambulance officer is a help and hindrance at the same time. First aid is basic life suppon, a factor often forgotten by AO's and Paramedics. One can soon lean too heavily on monitors, drugs, suction, and a four ton ambulance for help. main fear was not that of the scenario, was of a lady called Ed Sinclair. Ed is an lntensive Care Officer and longterm terrorist of competition teams due to her scenarios always pushing the absolute limit of resources and coping mechanisms for the teams. An it excellent challenge for three green beans like ourselves. Suffice to say our first scenario was casualties, and the adjudicators like they were handicapped and your lover 3. Maintain command and control fu a result of some hasty training and support from the operation branch members in Nhulunbuy we had won. fu a result we were off to Darwin ag'ain for the NTTides. The gift to us now was the total support from St John members in Nhutunbuy enabling scenario after scenario to be placed in front ofus for devouring or making a mess of. Some of these were toally over tle top. very similar to Edt, and odrers were even more testing. We felt sharp and in control, our lnowledge of first aid had never been more perceptive. This was one gift that would stay with us for ever more - the leaming and ability to improvise with a box of matches and a broom handle. We had figured t-hat because the Northern Corp Competitions were difficult that the NT Titles would be a walk in the park, albeit a hard walk, yet one we would win. Well, let me tell you, in my ten years as an Ambulance officer I have never come across a more chaotic and difficult scene. I feel Ed deserves a medal or should be locked away so no more scenarios like this one can be unleashed on the defenceless insane, involving multiple fractures, head injuries, spinal injuries, an first aider. unconscious casualty and very limited a resources. We loved it. I think the crowd was stunned at our coordinated and aggressive approach. During our tlree weels of training we had developed three simple rules that were cyclone, screaming and blood flowing, the scene almost was overwhelming. Especially when one goes to lift a rock applied to our scenarios: I Have frrn 2. Communicate to each other, the With eight casualties at the base cliff, scattered like petals in of a off a screaming child with multiple open fractures, with haemorrhaging (bleeding), and the ro& breaks in two falling back onto the fracture site. The rock is then lifted offagain and breals Summer 1997, 0UTBACK AMBULANCE E NT distnict championshiP team apart, one portion ofthe rock bouncing off the ground into the casualty's chest. At least the child could then genuinely scream. One highlight of this day was removing our clothing, down to underwear once back in isolation. Due to mud and sand marking our uniform it unfair to notify Nhulunbuy does have electricity, T[ telephones and even shops. After standing in the elevator, at the Holiday Inn, for ten minutes, one of us finally decided if we wanted to move in an upward direction a button opposition of any potential clues. had to be pushed to transport us to the designated floor. We looked at each we thought the Eyebrows were raised as three, semi- other in mute embarrassment then naked, sweat-drenched first aiders marched into isolation clutching uniforms so as not to display any evidence. We did hear later that the laughter took over our thousand faces reflecting in tle crazy mirrors decorating the lift. Country life! It can lead to alienation with technology, can't it? Southern Corp Champions (a more We had decided that a run each morning at 0600hrs would be a good start to the day enabling oxygen and energ'y to circulate to our brains. A half-hour time frame was set with the first morning welcoming cold lovely group of people you could never meet) were vainly searching the sea as for casualties during their scenario, they thought we had a water rescue, thus the uniforms coming off. Effective psychological warfarel We did survive the day, absolutely jubilant that we had won. The Nationals loomed in the near distance. With Mark and Bruce away for weeks at a time, our training was going to be tight. Once again we had the joy of flying to Darwin again for the StJohn Ambulance Australia 1997 Priory. Representatives from all States and Territories in Ausoalia were going to be present, battling for and dark. Whose idea was this, anyThe run was fantastic, the sunrise very beautiful, Mark's cracking pace difficult to keep up with, and the energised feeling to our bodies way? well worth the effort. Or was it? Twelve hrs later Mark could hardly move from back pain. Bruce was hobbling around like a cripple, and my knees felt like they were filled with rusty nails and crushed glass. the \A/hat a joke. The closest we got to National Tides in Fint Aid. The township of Nhulunbuy was behind the NT team all the way. We demonstrated our skills to the communiry via a scenario in the Town Square. Managing to make a mess of things yet dumping our pre-competition nerves and finally displaying to our families why we had been av/ay so exercise again was chasing casualties much in the past three months Regrrlar articles tn Arafara Times (the local weekly newspaper) and a radio interview on Gove Top FM gave :Jrte us the valuable support we needed to represent the NT in the Australian First Aid Comperitions. We would like to thank and praise members of St John Ambulance Nhulunbuy, who were our teachers in the scenario and dancing our socks Webber production, and we felt very proud to be part of such an event. A mn away vehicle had crashed into a picnic area, smashing into a tree. The casualties were as follows: . Driver of vehicle, . Passenger of vehicle, pale and sweaty, screaming and running around the scene. . \tsually impaired hyperventilating casualty. 'Casualty with open abdominal scenarios. Jenny Kirby, our chosen Team Tiainer, was in Darwin, some 1000km away. The tyranny of distance allowed brief phone calls and valuable advice yet only gave way to "5 to Nhulunbuy next year. Carol Worbs and Julie Roggio took up the task of scenario management, with direct and honest feedback at the end ofeach exercise. 0UTBACK AMBULANCET Summer 1997 unconscious, with head injury and spinal injury. . your kind words and wicked humour. Hopefully, we will smuggle you over offat the Aerodrome. The competition day was fantastic. The scene was like an Andrew Loyd and feedback mechanism during the frustration. Thank you Jenny for E One would thinJ< going to Darwin was not such a big deal. After all, injury'shocked'. now realise the expectations of competitions and want another crack at the tides. I feel the highlight of the week was meeting and mingling (dancing mainly) with the teams and their Support crews (almost every team had merchandise, sponsorship and full Divisional support behind them, a major boost to team morale) from all over Australia. I never realised the professionalism and total dedicadon that was applied to the first aid competitions. Most of the teams included a Paramedic, MICA officer or nurse to complement the vast first aid experience of team members (most were previous National Title holders or close contenders). This collection of people, most of all, were fim. Lots of fun. St John Ambulance Australia is a huge organisation, with the arms of StJohn reaching across the world. To be part of that and to talk to so many was exhilarating. My perception of the value of first aid and partnership with St John NT and Australia has Ambulance forever changed. There are a thousand tales to tell, some of them true, some slightly exaggerated and some never to be told. The boys did look like a pot of gold dressed smardy in their tuxedos; Andrew Hebbron (NI Individual) is a-party animal and everything you hear about him is true: playing Yahtzee, cricket and slide the plank along the carpet was lots of fun in isolation. Mark is a master at sucking and blowing plastic saxophones while the delicious Sublimes weave their sultry magic around him; and you can attend a church service with certain metabolic demands being placed on your body. That is our tale until next year. Priory could not have been possible witlout the background work of St John Ambulance NT, From t}le time David Rosenburg picked us up at Partial thiclmess bums to the lep of lovely Julie-Ann, screaming faithfirl!y throughout the scene the airport to the cold beer I had with David Baker under the towering bulk of the B-52 bomber, I Casualty with open, profusely realised the depth and scope ofwork bleeding bilateral fractures of the that had been completed by man- forearms. agers and New South Wales took the National Tide, with honours I must say. Their team members were a lovely bunch, very bright and totally dedicated to the best performance possible. We came fifth out of a total of eight, with only a handful of points separating first and fifth. We staffalike. Watch out for us in 1998. Hopefully we will mount a challenge and do the ultimate deed: that is to win the Australian Titles. I would like to personally thank Bruce and Mark. Without their drive and magic we would never have placed a foot out of Nhulunbuy. 1997 nesGue/disaster manasement couF$e Lefi: Wbat baue jou gays done zaitb tbe rest oftbe bouse? fi Below: Tbat's good Jason, nolt put tbe petrol away and la's try aater .:i \\]Ni\:i:..::,.'\_*i Aboue: Yes, r:: \\$s. Andrew, you are different! d '$\ l\ t:: .$ !,"rN ---'r T. N$si:":{RN!:"\:lL* Right: Cooking luncb Barhly s4tle Summer 1997, 0UTBACK AMBULANCE E ^% BOCGASES The Gases Company TITCHFIELI) PHYSIOTHERAPY CTINIC Guus von Gerhardt m.a.p.a. General Physiotherapy Worh and Sport Related Injuries that delivers ... oll sgrvicg Mon,'Wed and Fri 1.00pm-5.30pm Tues and Thurs l2noon-4.00pm Phone S9S3 1812 Shop 4, Stavris Complex Coolalinga Proud to support St John Ambulance Howard Springs Australia's leading health assessment and advisory service . Health Assessmenfs . Occupational Health and Safety Seruices . Worker's Compensation Seruices . Travel Health Services . Consultancy Services Phone Alice Springs (08) 8952 4922 (08) 8e84 3811 Darwin AIURSERY FOR SALE These services are provided by a Public Health physician and an Occupational Health Nurse with additional specialist back-up if necessary. GPO Box 9821 Darwin NT 0801 Phone (08) 8981 7492 'l st Floor Cavenagh Centre 43 Cavenagh Street Darwin NT 0800 Proudly supporting ST JOHN AMBULANCE (PRrcE oN APpLtcATtoN) g@a,.n@[email protected] PRA..K TRVEN.Tl and o Great Prices o Great Variety Polml Notives, (ycods, - Ferns - - No Pets CaIl in and say hj-!9 nop or Lynn on the Arnhem Highway "57 km t'rom {tuart Highway SPECIALISING IN + Non manipulative spinal realignment (NSD) * Back and neck pain * Muscular tension x Stress management * Deep tissue * Tendon and ligament *MASSAGE'' woRr(s realignment * Sports injuries VERONICA SCHULTE Accredited Remedial Massage Therapist Dip.MFR, Dip.RSTM, Shop 3,53 Ross Smith Avenue [l Parap.0820 Assoc.Dip NSD Phone (08) 898f 7455 * Appointment necessary * ouralcx AMBULANCE, summer 1997 €9ff$CV99IQgRgL * Rooms * Camping * Meals * Snacks * Cold Beer * Ice NOW OPEN Located conveniently at Coolalinga Shopping Village Darwin NT 0835 THE GUIISiTITH SHOP For all Repairs . Books . Ammunition . Accessories . Nostalgic Metal Signs for your Room, Games Room or Den SAFES ALSO AVAILABLE Phone/Far lOSl 8983 3166 gam Open to 6pm Monday to Saturday preventlng the transm lsslon of tuberculosls In the pre.hospltal envl ron ment The outhor of this worls Virginio Dowson, is o member of the St /ohn Ambulonce Austrolio, Northern Territory District Operotions Bronch, ond o Student Ambulonce Officer with St lohn Ambulance Austrolio (NT) lnc studying through the NT Ambulonce Officers Troining College. Yirginia's work wos submitted os the second three ossignments for the unit SIA I 0 I - of Clinical Studies One, the frrst of three units comprisingthe Certificate in Ambulance Studies and the Certificate in Ambulance Studies (Distonce Educotion). The work is reproduced with the permissiori of the authon TUBERCULOSIS - THE DISEASE Tirberculosis is an infection by the tubercle bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis. While there are five patch shrinks to a small scar (lesion). TLberculosis may appear simultaneously in various parts of the body. Military tuberculosis is the spread of variants of the bacterium, only the disease from the primary infec- Mycobacterium tuberculosis and tion by transport of bacilli in the Mycobacterium bovis are common infections in humans (Wingate P., Wingate R. 1988). Tubercle bacilli thrive in the presence of malnutri- blood stream. The ll.rnph nodes are to some degree involved in all forms tion or infection by other bacteria and may suddenly become active if P, Bovine Tuberculosis is usually spread Pulmonary tuberculosis is the most common form of the disease and primarily develops as a small patch of inflammation in the apex of the lung. A small abscess forms with is destroyed, surrounded by further inflammation and healing. Lymph nodes located at the root of the lung are also inflamed. In most cases the disease develops no firrther and the attempts to keep pace with the damage being inflicted on the tissue; however, the balance is delicate and affected by tle general health of the patient at the time of the infection. Wingate to humans by ingesting untreated milk from infected cows illness, injury or stress is present. a central area where tissue of tuberculosis (Wingate R. 1988). infection or a fresh infection. Chronic abscesses form and the cycle recommences. Healing resulting in the primary infection developing in the intestines ([,Vilson, Waugh 1996). The infection spreads from the intestine or the throat and can also be carried throughout the body (Wingate P., Wingate R. 1988). The disease may remain dormant for months or years following the primary infection. Further episodes of the disease (active Tirberculosis) may be a revival of the primary SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Continual ill health is probably the most constant sign of Tuberculosis. Symptoms may include weight loss, fever, night sweats, cough and coughing up blood (haemoptysis). In isolation, none of these symp- toms are peculiar to Tuberculosis and may be absent. The presence of active pulmonary Tuberculosis is established by finding tubercle bacilli in the sputum (Wingate P., Wingate R. 1988). The presence of Ti-rberculosis in other locations in the body may be discovered during Summer 1997, OUTBACK nmAUUHCf @ Borristers ond Solicilors . Criminol Low . Victims Assistonce Applicotions . Legol Advice for lncorporoted Associotions Greetings to St John (NT) Members and Families . lmmigrotion Low Advice from THE KAI,ANO COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED Unit 25, Level I Covonogh City Centre 24 Covonogh St Dorwin . GPO Box 4570 Dorwin NT 0801 Austrolio Phone 8941 8995 Fox 8e4l 8ee6 Afler Hours Mobile Number 0412 193 El4 Northbank Farm Katherine NT 0851 LASER DENTISTRY i(.E. oNG LTO. & ASSOCTATES PTY. Ean i[ffiF:" . bu",itur"J Ong. MichaelRees e Cosmetic and Shop 10, Malak Shopping Centre Chambers Crescent Malak NT 0812 . . Phone 8945 1005 illilTfJ8'ss411 . Functional Rehabilitation lmplants Crown and Bridge TMD Headache Tranquil buoh eeLLing amonqeLLhe WeeL MacDonnell Kanges - Family VeL welcome - 8952 2372 llparpa Road,15 km from Alice 1pringe fro* Tiuwanpa Outstation Resource Centre Aboriginal fnc. Welcome to o'II Trauellers Fuel, Cold Drinks, lnf ormation, Telephone, Spare Parts and Repairs, Aboriginal Artefacts Hermannsburg NT 0872 Phone (OE) E956 7404 Fax (OE) a9r6 7199 pMB 133 Nice Springs NT 0872 @ ourancx AMBULANCE, summer 1997 COMMUNITY STORE (Daly River) * Croceries * Frozen Food * Fruit and Vegies * Clothing * Ceneral Merchandise . Monday-Friday 9am-1 2noon and 2pm-5pm Saturday 9am-12noon . Sunday 5pm-6pm Your Hosls: Andrea and Michael St John Ambulance Members Fax (08) 8971 0105 NAUIYU Narnqurbi Carauanlarh Kindly in support of (08) 8972 2588 Dentistry Karen Fisher Qg Phone r Family and Proactive Phone (08) 8978 Iru 2422. Fax (08) B97S 2382 SupponT oF ST JoHII NT Lorue Srnn SERvrcE SrnrroN Mobil ONE SToP FUEI Rruo TRxEAWAY PRreRson Sr TrruNnNT CREEK r Puor'rE (08) 8962 2855 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7.OOAM To 9.OOPM BATCHELOR - NORTHERN TERRITORY THE GATEWAY TO LITCHFIELD PARK . - ONE HOUR'S DRIVE FROM DARWIN Conference and Convention Room o 22 Motel Units . Dining Room . Bars and Swimming Pool Phone: (O8) 8976 OL23 Fax: (08) 8976 0230 In Support of St John NT diagnostic procedures for a variety of differing conditions. . If possible, selecting a crew that has had annual Mantoux . TRANSMISSION OF Caroline (199t) suggests that Tirberculosis is not a highly contagious disease. Generally the transmission of the disease occurs in groups of people who have a continual exposure to the infected individual; e.g. tiose . If used, particular care is to be taken when cleaning suction John equipment; suction equipment is susceptible to becoming a reservoir where bacteria live and multi- Ambulance 1994), . lf available, a high efficiency particulate air respirator should be worn by the Ambulance Officer (McSwain et al 1997), o living in the same household. The high risk groups could be defined as communities living in poverry, communities with limited access to health care as well as the homeless and sub- ply (St John Ambulance 1994). . Clean the used stretcher and straps with either hot soapy water, mixture of household bleach and Ensuring an ample supply of barrier protection deviees, e.g. gowns, masks, protective eyeware, gloves (Caroline 1995), . Ensuring supply of red infection control plastic bags (St Jobn a water (l:10) or an approved disin- fectant and allow items to dry . Ambulance 1994), stance abusers. is . During transport wearing barrier spread either by droplet infection protection and changing when Pulmonary Tuberculosis from an individual with active Tirberculosis or by dust contaminat- necessary . Washing hands immediately after ed by infected sputum (Wilson, Waugh 1996). The incubation period for Pulmonary Tirberculosis is four to eight weeks and can only be considered communicable when an active lesion develops in the lungs. The communicable period lasts as long as infective tubercle bacilli are being discharged in the sputum. Tienty four to forty eight hours after antibiotic treatment commences, the presence of tubercle bacilli in the sputum is negligible (Caroline 1995). TIINIMISING TRANSMISSION OF THE INFECTION Although it has been suggested that Tuberculosis is not a highly contagious disease (Caroline 1995), the Ambulance Officer has a fundamental responsibiliry to prevent the transmission (Caroline 1995). (tuberculin) test, Covering all unnecessary equip- ment with sheets (St TUBERCULOSIS liquid sterilisation solution of the disease in the pre-hospital environment. Careful consideration of the patient's signs and symptoms, cou- pled with the patient's history, should alert the Ambulance Officer that the patient may be suffering from active Tuberculosis. If in removing gloves and at pletion of every case. tle com- thoroughly (NlcSwain et al 1997). Clean up body fluid spillages and dispose of fluid in appropriate container. Clean spillage area and inside of the Ambulance with an approved disinfectant or a mixture of bleach and water (1 : I 0). . Thoroughly air out the Ambulance and if practicable park Ambulance in the sun. Sunshine will kill most bacteria MAINTAINING ASEPSIS IN THE AMBULANCE According to Caroline (1995) no special measures are required for cleaning a vehicle after transporting a patient suspected of having . (St John Ambalance 1994). Wash your hands thoroughly. SUMMARY The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates rwo to three million new cases of Ti:berculosis world active Tirberculosis. Flowever, the Ambulance Officer does have a responsibility to ensure that the Ambulance is maintained in an a'septic condition and ready to respond. To achieve a condition of readiness while eliminating the possibility of disease transmission, the Ambulance Officbr must thoroughly clean the Ambulance following each Ambulance 1994) are practised by the case. Particular emphasis is required Ambulance Officer. wide every year (Wingate P, Wingate R. 1988). Consequently, the likelihood of an Ambulance Officer transporting a known or suspected Tirberculosis case is reasonable. It is therefore imperative that all appropriate precautions, and strict adherence to routine procedures, (St John on the completion of a communicable disease case and considerations . Maintain Body REFERENCE LIST Wingate are as follows. Substance lsolation (BSI) when cleaning contaminated equipment and disposirg of contaminated waste used stretcher and place in the desig- 1988 England Wilson K.J.W, Waugh (McSwain et al 1997). . Strip used linens from P., Wingate R. The Penruin Medirul Ennclooedia. 3rd edn, Penguin Books Ltd, Middleser, 4., 1996 Ross and Wilson Anatomv and Pbrsiolon in Health and lllness, 8th edn, Churchill doubt the Ambulance Officer should treat t}le case as a possible commu- nated receptacle at the hospital, e.g. red infection control bags for Liuingston, London nicable disease. linen used on a communicable dis- When transporting a known or suspected active Tuberculosis ease Patient. Caroline, N.L. 1995 Emergency Care in tbe Streets, 5tb edn, Brown and patient the Ambulance Officer should apply the universal precautions commensurate witi inhalation of infected droplets and contact with contaminated materials (linen, handkerchief etc) containing spurum from an infected person. Appropriate considerations and precautions for the transport of a Tirberculosis patient include: . Dispose of all disposable equipment in an appropriate receptacle. If used on a patient suspected of having a communicable disease, items are to be placed in a red infection control container. . Clean all used non disposable equipment using a disinfecting solution recommended by the manufacturer, e.g. disassemble the bag-valve-mask unit and soak in a Company, Boston. St John Anr.bulance Australia NT 1994 Distance Education Package Clinical Studies One. Vol 1, Ambulance Oficer Tiaining College - Darutin. McSwain, N.E., Wite, R.D., Paruras, 7.L.. Metcalf. WR. 1994 The Basic EMT Comorehensiue Prebosoital Patient Care. Moshy Lifeline, St Louis Summer 1997. OUTBACKAMBULANCE E Ben Minchin - king donut eater extraordinaire Representacives from St John AmbuJance, NT Police and NT Fire Services gulped their way into the record books at a recent Donut Eating Competition held at Palmerston. Needless to say, Ben Minchin won the day. Pat Murray put in a valiant effort, but could not surpass the efforts of Ben. Ben's prize was more donus, which he handed out to the watching crowd. Well done, guys. Photo supplied by cadx Makaylia Bruag. Grand Prior's Award Congrarulations to Peter Morris (Cadet Band Division) and Andrew Hebbron (now with Alice Springs Adult Division) on receiving their Grand Prior's Award at the Investiture and Graduation Ceremony held at Government House on 2l May 1997. Lefi to Right: Peter Morris, Deputy Prior His Honour the Administrator Dr Neil Conn, AO and Andreu Hebbron Out and abOut at public dutieS .a yolunteer's day is always funl II - KircE Wanen sening burgers Left: Tbny Orford, Pat Munay and Martin Kelly at McHappy Day Below: McHappy Day 1997 s *i ,/ t ri t$m-*l '$utt*ut ssillff hnmmef' @ OUfelcx AMBULANCE, Summer 1997 o \p s\. rcrrrA|tsJu&lltr.tF Left: Foot Patrol at Darwin sbozt, Aboae: Public Duqt stand at tbe sbou Polocrosse St John members played a scratch match with Polocrosse C Grade. It would appear our expertise is not only limited to First Aid as the final score was 2 all draw. Standing: Karen Joyner, Pbil Brigbt, Jarrltab Kirby, Amanda Malhy, Sberee Schneid.er; Kneeling: Lynda Rodgers, Thnya McKenna Finnis River Station Charity Picnic Day Held each year to raise firnds for various Charities, was attended by Mark Grayden andJason Callanan. I St John on display Palmerston and Rural Cadet Division at "Palmerston Jbwards Tomorrow" celebrations at Marlow's Lagoon. Callanan in tbe tug-of-war aith tbe kids! W Ss' [:* l:s i l::.--T Summer 1997, 0UTBACK IfUaULIHCf @ \ Creetings to St John Members and their Families from PROU DLY TERRITORY lvtADE Show your support for lerritory Business 2oAssorred Ftavours I"F*€&l Y in 11 Litre Drums $ .": Chocolate and , ,,,+r+:li.,ritiiriiji* Vani|la in 2 Litre U5ifi containers MICROWAVE OR OVEN MEALS Lasagne, Chilli Con Carne (Beef & Chilli) Spaghetti Bolognese nTf Lt,('astra i,,,,,trrr rn T '*tfl?3[l??o?"';#* Rw'l Iaw Handbook PTY TTD OWNED BY THE KULALUK ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY Providing Housing for the General Aboriginal Community and Happy Sunset Years for the Elderly at Juninga Old Folks Home Phone ,,i#^ii1ii{lsffit, THE LAW HANDBOOK The NT DUI.ANGWA (oS) Greetings to all St John Ambulance Members and Families from the Management and Staff of the NGADUNGGAY 2nd edition is a plain English, user friendly and practical guide to law in the NT. It contains 704 pages of NT specific information on the law and how it affects HOMEIAND RESOURCE CENTRE Lake Evella via Nhulunbuy NT 0880 ordinary people. lt can help people help themselves. The Handbook contains 23 chapters on areas such Phone (O8) as: system * the legal * consumers * family relationships * debts * housing x criminal offences x defamation x legal aid * euthanasia * wills and estates * discrimination * employment 8$l Boo * social security * and much more 8987 91.19 leibor,orx ""#Nl. INSURANCE WORK. PRIVATE WORK . FULLY EQUIPPED SPRAY BOOTH. CHASSIS STRAIGHTENER The NT taw Handbook, at $60 or $48 NO JOB TOO BIG OB TOO SMALL _ OUB PBICES WON'T BE BEATEN concession and $5 postage, is available from Phone 8953 5155 31 Elder Street Alice Springs 'You Bend lt! We Mend It' Darwin Community Legal Service PO Box 3180 Darwin 0801 Phone: 8941 3394 and mention this ad. HIDDEN TREASURES just woiting to be discovered! to some of noture's most exquisite gems ond minerols including gold, ogote, quorla omethyst, gornet, zircon ond pyrite, The Northern Tenitory is home Why not discover the undiscovered whilst visiting some of the Tenitory's most scenic sites? All you need is o Fossicker's Permit, informotion on the best digging spots ond o good sense of odventurel For tossicking dgtoils tolk the Alice Springs Otfice on (08) 89Sl 9658 or coll inlo Minerols House 58 Horlley Streei Alic€ Springs. Northern Territory Covernment Depdtment of MLnes ed Ener$r @ nolif;Z!ffH";I:f:- Building $120,000 Contenls $40,000 il,tor cosrF64"1 EXCESS /l ^ 7 - oUffnCx AMBULANCE, summer 1997 - lf your ctaim is tess than $500 [,9"!L]|| "1"[$ *! g.[,,T",I ",.1J RINGNow T2Gavenaghst 8946 2888 Darwin Alice Springs cadet division he Alice Springs Cadet Division is under the direc- tion of Pat McQuillen OIC this year and Joan Hunt Divisional Officer Cadets. Divisional Officer Di Munro is also lending support, as is CSO Noel Thlbot. The Division started off the year with a Knowledge of the Order course for all. Competition was very strong between the younger and older cadets as to which could hand in the best assignment and I think many parents probably now know as much about the Order as the Cadets do. As this course finished, Anzac Day was upon us and it only seemed right to choose the boy and girl cadets who obtained to best results in the Knowledge of the Order course to lay the wreath. David Pearson and Jessica Hosking were the top students. We were all very proud of them and for the first time we received a certificate of apprecia- rion from the RSL. The May Day parade he May Day parade in Alice Springs this year had lor its theme, Alice Springs past, present and future. Keeping this in mind, the cadet divi- sion dressed in many of the old style uniforms we have in our Historical Box, some in present day uniforms, and a couple in what they would like for the future. rl$$i$lpi Summer 1997. 0UTBACK AMBULANCE E Ilice Spnings cadet diuision Cadct Peter Williams was presented. uitb his Knowledge oftbe Ordzr badge by Cbief Ofict - Cadcts Lyn Dansie The Alice Springs Cadct o;fficers witb L1m Dansie Cbief - Cadets Tltis year tbe Alice Springs Cadcts z:isited tbe Air Corps and. excbanged drill t'ainingfor a Fint Aid. dzmonstration E 0UTBACK AMBULANCE, Summer 1997 Y.M.C.[. HI Wf,Y INN . Budget Accommodation with Ensuite . Colour TV with In-house Video . Fridge and Laundry . IDD/STD Phones . Pool, BBg and Recreational Area . Ample Free Parking . Caravan and Full Kitchen Facilities 8947 0979 Fax 8947 0606 43O Stuart Highway Winnellie NT ON THE BANKS OF TODD RIVER IN THE CENTRE OF ATICE SPRINGS . . . . . . .l08 ffF I'I ali ce Springs Resort Spocious, well-oppointed, oir-conditioned suites ond fomily rooms Solor heoted swimming pool with swim up pool bor Reloxed oll-doy dining Polm's Restouront Gumtree Lounge ond Bor Speciol Holidoy Rotes Avoiloble Reservotions Freecoll r 800 805 055 34 Siott Terroce, Alice Springs, NT 0870 Phone: (08) 8952 6699 Fox: (08) 8953 0995 Australia's N orthern Gateway DARWIN INTERNATIONAT Committedto Rrral Arrstralia AIRPORT Seasons Greetings to St lohn Ambulance MembeYs and Families A . Fe&ral ArrDorts r Corporation Telephone +61 I8920 1811 Facsimile +61 8 8920 1800 2 Fenton Court Darwin Airport PO Box 40996 Casuarina 0811 "As Territorions we con support our locol economy by keeping on eye out for this symbol-every time we go shopping. lt represents Territorion monufoctured product ond -. jt o sure sign, through your purchose you'll be helping the Northern Territory to grow ond prosper. By choosing NT Mode products over interstote ond overseos ; olternotives you'll help to expond businesses, creote iob "%,*'#, opportunities ond ultimotely increose the stondord of \St '\.# living for oll Terrilorions. *t." A decision you moke will ensure your dollor stoys in the Territory. The decision is simple. Bosed on true Territorion spirit. Buy NT Mode." ffi.*t.*-Gr.* ' ,, '. Hon. Eilc Poole MLA Minister for Asian Relations, Trade & lndustry For more informotion on the NT Mode logo ond Territorion products phone 8999 7916 Sydney Perth Brisbane 2 nigbts from just 3 nights from iust 2 nights from iust Adelaide Cairns 2 nights from iust 5 nights from just r649 eR9 #,ffi$ Broome 3 nights from just $429 589 --s\ jY fol*izs't 1739 1779 1789 ffi .:' Darwin Travel Centre Includesaccommodation and return airfares ex Darwin. All prices per person, twin share conditions apply. Y;'S"t'"'#3.? ctob.er to 894L 3666 Casuarina Travel Centre 8945 L233 EI Ar.rsrrrAusrRAlrA Aroen Ausnalia NSV Lic No 2 TA 000827. SA Uc No 0018-2. VIC Uc No 30170. \vA Lic No 9 TA 00261. QLD Lic No 465. ACT Uc No 2,14lD/1. TAS Lic No 048. TMOSOCOG 1995