WELCOME to ALDERSGATE - Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Announcements WELCOME to ALDERSGATE We’re delighted to have you with us today! Our desire is that you sense the love of Jesus during your time here and that you discover how much God values you. If we can serve you in any way, please feel free to call on us. Our Identity/Vision We exist to: “Reach with the Heart of God for the Lives of our community!” Our Mission/Purpose Gathered to Grow - Scattered to Sow: “To reach and grow disciples in Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!” Aldersgate Staff Troy Howell, Pastor: [email protected] David Watkins, Assistant Pastor: [email protected] Sheri Dohner, Director of Worship Ministries: [email protected] Kathleen Blazey, Preschool Director: [email protected] Jodie Dodson, Director of Children’s Ministries: [email protected] Carol Diffenbaugh, Director of Health Ministries: [email protected] Sheryl Behr, Youth Director: [email protected] Sandi Tobias, Discipleship Director: [email protected] Carol Purdom/Christy Zakis Malpass: [email protected] Carl Wagner, Facility Manager: [email protected] Maureen Nacci, Child Care Provider Kristi Prowell, Accompanist Office hours: Monday—Thursday 8:30 am—3:30 pm, Friday 8:30 am—12:30 pm SUNDAY SCHOOL Birth - 23 months: Infant Nursery 2 Year Olds: Toddler Nursery 3 Year Olds: Room 102 4 Year Old/Pre-K: Room 104 Kindergarten: Room 207 First Grade: Room 210 Second Grade: Room 205 Third Grade: Room 201 4th/5th Grade: Rooms 206/208 PRAYER CONCERNS We are Privileged to Hold One Another in Prayer: Bernice Shaffer; Zedna Haverstock; Pastor Galina; Dixie Baer; Jane Campbell; Ron Campbell; Nancy S; Rob Yoho; Gertrude; Sandi P.; Heath and his parents; Dottie Stepp and family upon the death of Dottie’s sister Joy; Kelly Shaffer; Patricia Baker; Tammy Tharp; Stewart Moyer; Ryan and Katie Eisenhour upon the death of their son Eli Mitchell; Lee W and family; Johnny; Bill M and family; UMC General Conference Delegates; Barb Metzler; Sandra Cramer and family upon the death of her mother Active Military Personnel Serving Overseas: David Gallagher; Seth Bake If you know an active duty soldier you would like lifted in prayer, please contact the church office or [email protected] and share his/her name. We will list their name in the bulletin and continue to hold them in prayer until you notify us they have returned safely home. Want to Make a Request or Receive Ministry Information? Please use the Communication Card to provide or change your contact information and/or to request information about any aspect of church life at Aldersgate. Just drop it in the offering plate, leave it at the Welcome Center, or bring it to the church office. VBS is for Both Children and Adults! VBS Season is Coming Soon! Catch the Wave of God's Amazing Love June 6-10 from 6:15-8:30pm. VBS is open to all children 2 years old by January 1st, 2016 through 5th Grade. Adults ~ we need you as well! Being a Crew leader is an awesome way to experience VBS through the eyes of a child. We also need assistance in Games, Crafts, Snacks and Floaters. Willing to “step up” and lead in VBS? Perhaps this is the year to get a little more involved. Key leadership roles are still needed to make our VBS a success. Help is definitely provided. You’re never alone! Please prayerfully consider stepping up this year and contact me, Jodie Dodson at 737-7923 x107 or [email protected] with questions or for more information. Volunteers and participants can register on-line at https://2016.cokesburyvbs.com/aldersgatetrailblazers Pager System Now Available for Nursery and Toddlers We are excited to announce a peace of mind feature to help parents transitioning their children in the Nursery or 2 year old room. We now have pagers that will quietly "buzz" you should you be needed while your child is in our care. Each week, Maureen Nacci, Sharon Seibert, Kylie Peters (2 year olds) and a volunteer, all cleared to meet Safe Sanctuary guidelines, look forward to caring for your child. However, sometimes the need for mom or dad arises and this call system will allow you to enjoy the Worship Service knowing that you are just a "buzz" away. Small group study materials Do you have any Bible studies or books that you have used here at Aldersgate over time that are gathering dust at your house? If so, would you consider bringing them back to the church where they can be placed in the Resource Room to be available to be used by other groups or individuals? Items can be brought to the church office and given to Sandi Tobias, Director of Discipleship Ministries. We will then try and catalog them so they can be signed out by others wishing to use them. If your small group is in need of materials, check the Resource Room for ideas. Divorced: You don’t have to go through it alone! Come and join a DivorceCare group. Meet people who understand the pain your divorce has caused. DivorceCare has started meeting every Thursday evening at 6:30pm. You are invited to join us any week and become part of a small group of people who are also experiencing divorce. You’ll meet others who understand what you are feeling and who will be able to offer you encouragement. DivorceCare meets weekly for 13 weeks, featuring 13 dynamic video seminars featuring renowned experts on divorce and recovery. DivorceCare is nondenominational and features biblical teaching for recovering from divorce. Weekly seminar topics include: What’s Happening to Me, The Road to Healing/Finding Help, Facing My Anger, Depression, Loneliness, New Relationships, KidCare, Financial Survival and more… Come join us for the next 13 week session which started Thursday March 17th, 6:30pm to 8pm at Aldersgate United Methodist Church. To register or for more information contact Carol at 737.7923 ext. 104. “Lost & Found”: AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) & Al-Anon (Family/Friends of Alcoholics) EVERY SATURDAY 6pm to 7:15pm in the Youth Room. The Lost & Found Group combines AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) & Al-Anon (Family & Friends of Alcoholics.) A speaker from each (AA and Al-Anon) will share their story followed by discussion. “Program Birthdays” are celebrated each month. At Al-Anon group meetings the friends and family members of problem drinkers share their experiences and learn how to apply the principles of the Al-Anon program to their individual situations. They learn that they are not alone in the problems they face, and that they have choices that lead to greater peace of mind, whether the drinker continues to drink or not. Find out more about Al-Anon at www.al-anon.org. For additional information contact Carol Diffenbaugh at 737-7923 ext. 104. AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) *Additional Day* Starting May 17th EVERY TUESDAY and THURSDAY at 6:30pm in Room 206/208. Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem. Find out more about Alcoholics Anonymous at www.aa.org. For additional information contact Carol Diffenbaugh at 737-7923 ext. 104. Graduates to be recognized and celebrated On Sunday, June 12, at the 8, 9:30 and 11 am worship services at Aldersgate Church, we will recognize and celebrate those who have graduated from High School, earned a post-secondary college degree, or who have completed a certificate, technical or vocational program. PLEASE assist us in gathering names of those who have achieved one of these education milestones! Use the yellow Communication Card in the worship bulletin (any available space, front/back) to note the Graduate’s Name; School/program; Major/degree; Any future plans. Deadline for submission is June 5th for inclusion in the June 12 worship service bulletin. UPCOMING IRONMEN EVENTS May 19 "A Story Worth Living" Film 7:30pm June 13 GOLF OUTING: Hanover Country Club 9am Shotgun August 20 BBQ and Game Night 4:30pm September 16-18 CABIN Retreat Potter County (Limited to 8 spots) November 11 Veterans Day To register or questions contact Todd Cressler: [email protected] or 810-6966 Visit www.ironmenstrong.org FACEBOOK: IRONMENAUMC SUMMER EMPLOYMENT FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS Rewarding opportunity to gain valuable experience working with troubled youth in a Summer Day Program beginning in June. Seasonal employment is available to coincide with semester breaks. Preferred qualifications: At least 21 years of age by June 1, 2016; Pass background clearance and physical. We hire through the PHEAA work study program. You will receive valuable experience, training in several specialty areas, and a summer full of memories to last a lifetime. To apply, write to: Summer Day Program OR contact: 5120 Simpson Ferry Rd. E-mail - [email protected] Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Phone - Loren at 717-766-7652 Learn to Knit or Crochet Have you ever seen a handmade scarf or maybe one of our beautiful prayer blankets and think, “I’d like to learn to do that sometime”? Well now is your opportunity to learn. Aldersgate’s Wool and Flax group is offering knitting and crochet instruction classes. If learning to make no-sew blankets interests you, we provide instruction on that also. Join us for some fun as you learn to make your own unique handmade gifts. Mondays at 6:00 pm and Wednesdays at 1:00 pm in Room 203. If you have any questions, contact Kim Dolbin at [email protected] or Sue Shockey at [email protected]. Volunteer Opportunities VBS Work Session Dates Announced Mark your calendars, VBS will be here before you know it! Work sessions will be held Wednesdays May 11 and 18 from 6:30-8pm. Come when you can and stay as late as you are able. Help prepare for Surf Shack VBS: Catch the Wave of God's Amazing Love being held June 6-10th. Dogs for God This ministry consists of a group of caring individuals called to spread the joy, happiness and the name of Christ using the assistance of their bonded relationships with their dogs to reach the elderly, homebound, hospitalized, etc. Please mark your calendars for: May 11- 6:30- The Bridges May 17 - 630- The Jewish Home May 31- 630- Sarah Todd For more information contact Pam Caserta at [email protected] New Hope Work Night: May 10 from 7-9pm A scheduled work night at New Hope is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10th 7 - 9 pm. We will be sorting and packing food. This is a great outreach opportunity, great activity for families. Email Pam Caserta at [email protected] if you can attend. Bethesda Mobile Mission– May 27 As part of the Bethesda Mission, the Mobile Mission is an outreach program that goes into the heart of Harrisburg from 9:00 pm to 12:00 am to meet the needs of the homeless by bringing food, clothing and necessities and share the love of Christ. The next Mobile Mission is May 27, 2016. Please meet at the church parking lot at 8:15 pm to carpool. If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please contact Lorraine Wagner at 717-732-5487. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The Holy Land Christian Solidarity Cooperative is our Ministry guest Sunday, May 15 at the 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am worship services. Please, pray for them. Support a Christian family in Bethlehem! For centuries, Bethlehem Christians have relied on tourism for their livelihood. Because of war and conflict tourism has been virtually nonexistent during the past ten years. Unemployment reached its highest limits and Christians have been struggling for daily bread. The Christians are leaving the Holy Land. For the first time since Jesus resurrection, the Christian population of the Holy Land is only 1%. Imagine the land of Jesus without Christians! We need your help! After and between all services on May 15 a display of a beautifully hand-carved olivewood religious articles will be for sale including Nativity sets, crosses, angels, Christmas ornaments, candle holders, religious figures & many more. The olivewood is a beautiful hard wood that will stay intact for generations. Buying one piece supports a Christian family for a few days! Nothing is more special than a Nativity Set that is carved by a Christian family in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Bethlehem Christians are in need of your support. Let us carefully tend, and protect our Christian roots in the Holy Land. Your generosity is deeply appreciated! www.holylandcsc.com Holy Land Christian Solidarity Cooperative Dear Pastor Howell, April 5, 2016 On behalf of the Christian families of Bethlehem in the Holy Land, I would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to come to Aldersgate Church on May 15, 2016. THE HOLY LAND CHRISTIANS WILL BE OUR GUESTS HEAR THEIR STORY AND BUY THEIR BEAUTIFUL OLIVEWOOD CRAFTS On May 15, and during all services, we will be hearing about the Christians of the Holy Land, and after each service we will be hosting at the church fellowship hall a nice display of handmade olivewood religious articles from Bethlehem available for purchase. These carvings include olivewood Nativity sets, crosses, Christmas ornaments, candle holders, angles and many other religious crafts that make nice wedding, baptism, confirmation, Easter and mostly Christmas gifts. These carvings are handmade by Christian families in Bethlehem who rely on it for their daily bread. For more than ten years those Christians have been enduring many hardships as tourism in Bethlehem has plummeted and access to other sources of income has been sharply restricted due to the ongoing conflict and the volatile war situation in the country. Many Christians left their homeland. The Christian population of the Holy Land went down from 30% in the last century to almost 1% today. Please help support our Christian brothers and sisters in the town where Christ was born by purchasing their carvings. George Ghanem, an indigenous Christian from Bethlehem will be sharing the story of the Christians of the Holy Land and he will be presenting these carvings after each service. Proceeds go to support Christian families in Bethlehem. It is never too late to help! The website showing the olivewood religious carvings is www.holylandcsc.com Faithfully in Christ, Dr. George Ghanem Stewardship of Our Financial Gifts & Our Presence for the Week of May 1, 2016 Together, We Give Faithfully Because Of God’s Great Faithfulness. Our $894,215 Spending Plan for Ministry in 2016 calls for weekly tithes and offerings of $17,103. Our Year-to-Date Offerings = $317,485.20 Our Year-to-Date Projected Need = $307,854 Attendance Attendance 8:00 9:30 11:00 98 307 114 Sunday School Youth x 26 x Sunday Night Youth 47 Trailblazer Sunday Worship Serving Today May 8, 2016 Acolyte: 8:00 9:30 11:00 Emma Dovenspike Evelyn Coburn Caden Dolbin Nursery: 9:30 11:00 Maureen Nacci, Sharon Seibert, Nancy Wible Maureen Nacci, Sue Royer Ushers: 8:00 9:30 11:00 Lisa Boyer, Tom Boyer, Scott Evans, Margaret Evans Gary Mann, Tomianne Mann, Pansy Cheng, Pat Wolaver Tony Cerullo, Norm Runk, Chris Burger, Brent Burger Welcome Center: 8:00 9:30 11:00 Lynn Shick Tink Hayes Nancy Runk Worship Leader: Praise Team: Mike Benson Dennis McMichael, Sheri Dohner, Dan DeArment, Elise DeArment, Hannah Haverstock George Behr Alex Haubert Sound Technician: Computer Support: Activities for the Week of May 8 , 2016 You may view the full calendar on www.aldersgatechurch.net. Aldersgate Church A United Methodist Congregation Sunday 05/08 8:00 am Sunday Worship Service 9:30 am Sunday Worship Service 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Sunday Worship Service Monday 05/09 4:00 pm IronMen Small Group-Room 203 6:00 pm Wool & Flax-Room 203 6:30 pm Hearts & Hands- Chapel 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal– Sanctuary 7:00 pm Stewardship & Finance Committee- Room 101 Tuesday 05/10 6:00 pm Zumba Fitness- FLC 6:15 pm IronMen Small Group-Room 203 Wednesday 05/11 1:00 pm Wool & Flax-Room 203 6:30 pm Operation Timothy for Men- Room 203 6:30 Operation Timothy for Women- Room 201 Thursday 05/12 6:00 pm Girl Scouts- Room 201 6:30 pm AA Meeting- Room 206/208 6:30 pm Divorce Care- Room 202 7:00 pm Praise Team Rehearsal- Sanctuary 7:00 pm Trustee Committee Meeting- Resource Room Friday 05/13 9:00 am M&M Volunteer Ministry-Resource Room 9:00 am IronMen Small Group-Room 203 Saturday 05/14 7:30 am IronMen Bible Study- Youth Room 6:00 pm Lost & Found Group (AA/Al-Anon)- Youth Room “Reaching with the Heart of God for the Lives of Our Community” May 8, 2016 Gathered as God’s Church at Aldersgate Gathering and Greeting in Jesus’ Name Choir Anthem as Our Worship Call (11 a.m.) Lifting Our Voices in Praise of God! Drama Ministry Moment: Relay for Life Presenting God’s Tithes and Our Offerings “For God so love the world that he gave …” – John 3:16 Going Before God in Prayer By prayer, come as you are that you might become what God intends … Opening the Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 13:11-13 The Message In Christ, U R Destined to be Better Than Average! Faith (Leads to a little more Determination) ... Hope (Leads to greater TRUST)... Love (The God action that rocks the cradle and moves the world) Sunday 05/15 8:00 am Sunday Worship Service 9:30 am Sunday Worship Service 9:30 am Sunday School 11:00 am Sunday Worship Service 4:30 pm Youth Praise Team– FLC 5:45 pm Girl Scouts Troop 10567- Room 210 6:00 pm Youth Sunday- FLC Aldersgate is a "Safe Sanctuary Church" What does that mean? “Safe Sanctuary” means that all ministry staff and volunteers working with children or youth under age 18 (and vulnerable adults) have obtained the appropriate Pennsylvania and FBI criminal and child-welfare clearances, and have received direction for compliance with Safe Sanctuary Policy of The United Methodist Church. Your children - God's children - are important to us! Any questions regarding Safe Sanctuary and how to obtain the clearances, etc. can be directed to Jodie Dodson, Director of Children’s Ministries, who oversees Safe Sanctuary here at Aldersgate Church. 1480 Jerusalem Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 (717) 737-7923 x 100 Fax: (717) 737-9977 www.aldersgatechurch.net // email: [email protected] Scattered as God’s Church Alive! Overflow to the World with the Measure Christ Has Given You!
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