Glad Tidings - First United Methodist Church
Glad Tidings - First United Methodist Church
1 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, June 14– Sat., June 20 PRAY Everyday 12:00noon* Sun.-8:30am PeaceTime Worship 9:45am Sunday School 10:55am Worship, Sanctuary No Adult Fellowship until August No UMYF 6:30pm Evening Worship Mon. Operation 206-Youth Ministries 1:30pm Staff Meeting Tue. Operation 206-Youth Ministries9:304:30 Children “Waterpark” trip 12 noon– Bulletin insert deadline Wed Operation 206-Youth Ministries Thu Operation 206-Youth Ministries Fri. Operation 206-Youth Ministries Sat. Sunday, June 21—Sat., June 27 PRAY Everyday 12:00noon* Sun. 8:30am PeaceTime Worship 9:45am -Sunday School 10:55am Worship, Sanctuary No UMYF No Adult Fellowship until August No Evening Worship Mon. 9:00-11:30am VBS Kickoff 1:30 Staff Meeting Tue. 9:00-11:30am VBS 12 noon– Bulletin insert deadline 4:00pm – Newsletter Deadline Wed. 9:00-11:30am VBS Thu. 9:00-11:30am VBS Fri. 9:00-11:30am VBS w/closing ceremony Sat. Glad Tidings Potter’s Wheel June 11 2015 by Rev. Tom "Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account." (Mt. 5:11, NRSV) Popularity is overrated. Social acceptance is fleeting, and frequently artificial. Ask Bruce Jenner in about 5 years. Would it shock you to find out that a movie opened last weekend which grossed-grossed-$607? $607. It was some movie about how great the FIBA world soccer organization is, or something. You know, the organization that just had 14 of its officials arrested for fixing games? $607, The movie cost $29 Million to make. It opened in ten cities, including Los Angeles and New York. It brought in a total of $607. In Phoenix, it brought in a whopping $9. ONE man paid to see it. Rumor has it there was plenty of popcorn to go around. The farther we go on our Christian Walk, the lonelier we'll be. As Christ's call goes out to drop the things of the world, take up the cross, and follow Him, fewer and fewer people stay the course. As the old poem goes, "Broad is the path that leads to death, and many people travel there, but narrow the path that leads to heaven, with here and there a traveler." Or, to bring in a couple of classic rock references, "The fact that there's a Highway to Hell, and only a Stairway to Heaven, says a lot about anticipated travel numbers." Join us in worship. Stay active (or get active) in Sunday School. June 21 There is nothing like a Father’s Let's plan to run out of popcorn at the Church this summer! In Joy, Tom 2 Sunday School * 2015 Breakfast Hosts Don’t forget to stop in the Fellowship Hall for a quick breakfast and fellowship before class…. For those of you who have children and don’t know it, (Pun intended!) we offer Sunday School for all ages from birth to 125! 2015—June: Parlor Classes-14th-The Word, 21stWesley, and 28th-John Rundle Class July:Growing Closer August-The Flock *Each class, please remember to clean up after breakfast. A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the Envelope -A-Thon! You may have experienced some “technical difficulties” in watching (or hearing) our 3 live TV broadcasts in the past weeks. The problem is not at our end, and we have brought it to the attention of Channel 72. It wouldn’t hurt, however, for them to hear from more than just the church office. We thank our Lord for the Youth Flower Ministry. This group came smiling with flowers and love by their leader Jason Anding, Monday afternoon, June 1. Love & Prayers, Johnny A. Dinas 2015 scheduled offering counters June—Travis Carpenter & Gwen Lott July-Henry Brister & Travis Carpenter If you feel led to serve as a counter or want to be removed from the list, please contact our office at 226-3148. Adult Fellowship (Sundays at 5:30) will adjourn for the summer and begin meeting again in August. 3 “Small Talk” Children’s Ministry SUNDAY SCHOOLS: Our teachers are (Early Elementary) Cathy Haltom, Becky Taylor, Elin Juchheim, (Middle Elementary) Michelle Crawford, (Older Elementary) Renee Geiger, (Tween) Glenn DeHart Acolytes: June 14-Carson & Drew June 21Russ & David June 28- Bratton & Peyton July 5-Ethan & Chloe July 12-Josh & Bryce July 19-Phillip Ch & Charlie July 26-Evey & Blake Summer Events: June 16th-Waterpark @ Philadelphia, MS (Meet at FUMC 9:00am) June 22-26 VBS @ 9:00-11:30 for Preschool to 6th grade children. 1– Will Hunt, Sloane Reid, Andrew Williams 2– Paige Juchheim, Pacey Whitt 3– Chase Brown, Heather Burnett, Mike Chandler 4– Beth Roberts 5– Tate Brister, Sam Waits 6– Camille Vance 7– Evey Moore, Fran Strider, Robert Wade III, Doris Weatherall 8– Garrett Kyle, Brent Thomas 9– David Crawford 11– Tyler Turner 12– Kayla Golden, Allen Elizabeth Stanford, Drew Klinck 14– Linda Lehman 15– Madelyn Harlow 16-Donna Bright 17– Susie Carter, Jolene Duke 20– Reid Stanford 21– Brent Dalton, Karlyn Grubb, Linda Mann, Gracie Willis 22– Renee Branson, Woodsy Hobgood, Becky Taylor 23– Jane Ashley, Kathryn Dambrino 24– Margaret Burris, Jason Tice 25– Roy Lee Whittemore 28– David McElwrath 29– Becky Carson, Patrick Chaney, Elizabeth McElwrath , Muffet McPhail 30– David Carter, Frank Collins, Katherine Smith July 7th-Zoo in Memphis, TN (Meet at FUMC 9:00am) July 21st-Swimming @ TBA 5:00-7:00 Notes: VBS volunteers needed: Contact Amy @ 230-3839 3-Tim & Linda Whitehurst 6-Charles & Ryan Williams 10– Carl & Renee Branson 14 Jerry & Rena Dantone 17-Casey & Amy Killebrew 22-Chris & Sara Miller 22-Mal & Cecile Young 4 DEBT REDUCTION FUND May 31, 2015 Sundays: Sunday School with Mr. Jimmy Brown 9:45am-3rd floor. June 14-No Youth (Day before OP 206) June 21-Father’s Day (No Youth) June 28th-(Tentatively) Tubing at the lake! We will go to The Brown’s lake house. 3:00pm-7:30pm. Summer Plans: OPERATION 206 The following is a report of our outstanding debt at Regions Bank with regard to our property purchases and parking lots. Reduction of this debt and the amount paid in interest is made through your offerings in pledges and Debt Dollar donations. BEGINNING LOAN BALANCE—AUGUST 2010 $366,500.00 PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS2010 THRU 2014 209,500.00 INTEREST PAYMENTS2010 THRU 2014 $43,781.77 LOAN BALANCEJANUARY 1, 2015 PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS2015 __________ $157,000.00 15,000.00 Yearn: Psalm 63:1 (NASB) June 15-19, 2015 BigStuf July 10-13, 2015 INTEREST PAYMENTS2015 $ 2,428.62 TOTAL INTEREST PAYMENTS $ 46,210.39 _________ LOAN BALANCE— May 31, 2015 $142,000.00 Our current monthly interest cost at a rate of 3.85% is $455.58. 5 The people of this Church have been so thoughtful and kind to me during my illness. All of the cards I received would make my day. The food you brought was great and Chuck and I were so thankful! But most of all the prayers you gave me have helped in my recovery. I could not have made it without my husband Chuck, Lynn and Henry Brister, and Susan Brown, who went above and beyond, and I will forever be thankful and grateful. There is a definitely a sweet, sweet spirit this Church! P.S. A special thanks also to Carol Trussell, Jason Anding and the youth in taking over the flower ministry during this time. You are great with flowers and the people you visited! Love in Christ, Kathy Williams Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ! Thank you FUMC for the privilege of representing you as your lay member to the 2015 Mississippi Annual Conference in Jackson, MS. Bro. Tom gave highlights of the conference in his e-note. In case you didn’t read it, here is what he said. Our Mississippi Annual conference was a huge success last week. Best I can remember. Our Conference stood strong against the proposed ordination of homosexuals. Again. As always. Our conference stood strong on human trafficking, on strength in numbers and diversity, and on the need to bathe everything we do in prayer. We elected the most conservative delegation to General (World) Conference I can remember, both clergy and laity. In fact, our own Greenwood District Superintendent, Rev. Mattie Gipson, was the very first to be elected on the clergy side! We used a new electronic voting system for the first time. It worked flawlessly. Rev. Trey Harper (Ray and Sue’s boy) served as the Secretary of the Conference. He performed admirably. Now, I will offer a few highlights. The worship services were led by our Bishop James E. Swanson, Sr.; Bishop Young Jin Cho; and The Reverend Dr. Sharma Denise Lewis. Their sermons were very powerful! We were blessed to experience beautiful music by local church choirs, soloists, and the Africa University Choir. With voices raised, the Africa University Choir gave a spirited performance during the Mission Offering and many other times during the Conference. FUMC gave $669 to the Mission Offering. All the monies from the Mississippi Annual Conference will support the Mississippi-Africa University Partnership; assuring the future of Africa University with endowments. FUMC is challenged to participate in the endowment campaign. To endow a scholarship for one year-$130,000; one month-$14,400;one week$3,600; one day-$725. I hope we will accept the challenge in the coming year. A bit of trivia: Our Mississippi Conference purchased the United Methodist symbol, the flame and the cross for the entrance sign at Africa University and the United Methodist Men of the Mississippi Conference were the ONLY group in the United States to show an increase in membership in the last year. Wow! We shared in the celebration of retirees. The 2015 retirees represented 624 years of faithful ministry. A memorial service was held for deceased clergy, clergy spouses and minor children who died from May 9, 2014 to May 13, 2015. The disability committee gave the conference members an etiquette list to use with persons with disabilities. United Methodist Men and United Methodist Women gave an informative talk on “Domestic Violence: Awareness to Action”. Many petitions and resolutions were read and voted on. A worshipful service of ordination and commissioning was held. Here are the numbers of men and women accepted as ministers: 3 Associate Members; 11 Commissioning; 1 Ordination as Elder; 1 Ordination as Deacon. I saved the best for last! I am thrilled to share with you that Rev. Tom Potter and his family will return to Grenada First for another year of ministry. Praise God! Renee Geiger U N I T E D GLAD TIDINGS F I R S T M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H Samaritan Fund The Samaritan Fund will receive donations every “first” Sunday (July 5). Please prayerfully consider giving to this fund. The money collected is well spent helping people in need in our local community. Soup Kitchen Donations continue to be needed for the Soup Kitchen. Every “second” Sunday we will collect non-perishable items (specific need of whole kernel corn and mixed vegetables) (June 14). May 31 Sunday School,-129 8:30 service—60 10:55 service-147 Family Night Supper– 82 June 7 Sunday School/Prison ministry: 133 8:30 service-82 10:55 service—146 6:30 Service– 26 FUMC Staff will be serving lunch at the Community Feeding Program at the City Auditorium. This program will be ongoing all summer. Need a place to serve? Need a way to leave the building? TV broadcasts are on local cable channel 72 at 8:30, 10:55, and 6:30. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED [email protected] E-MAILS & NEWSLETTER 662-226-3162 FAX 662-226-3148 OFFICE GRENADA, MS 38901 161 SOUTH LINE STREET FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PERMIT NO. 307 GRENADA, MS US POSTAGE PAID NON-PROFIT ORG. 6