August 2014 - FUMC Waxahachie
August 2014 - FUMC Waxahachie
FIRST c on n e c t i on s THE NEWS OF FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH | AUGUST 2014 Nearly 1 in 4 kids in Ellis County is at risk for hunger. -Feeding (Feeding America) America Help us feed the community, one child at a time… First UMC Waxahachie’s Backpack Program will be providing healthy snacks for children who may not have access to food on weekends during the school year. This year our focus is on the children of Shackleford Elementary. Feeding 1 child costs... $5.50 per weekend $22 per month $209 per school year Donate G I V E O N L I N E : F U M C WA X A H A C H I E . O R G / B A C K PA C K P R O G R A M O R I N D I C AT E O N Y O U R C H E C K “ B A C K PA C K P R O G R A M ” . 1 0 0 % O F P R O C E E D S G O D I R E C T LY T O F E E D C H I L D R E N . FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Glorifying God • | 5 0 5 W. M A R V I N AV E . WA X A H A C H I E T X 7 5 1 6 5 | 9 7 2 . 9 3 7 . 4 4 0 0 Sharing Christ • D i s c i p l i n g B e l i eve rs • Serving Others INTRODUCING A NEW STAFF MEMBER Rev. Dr. April Fehler, Associate Pastor (p/t), Director of Community Engagement Rev. Dr. April Fehler was born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas. She brings to the church 15 years of teaching experience at the university level and 9 years of research experience in both for profit and nonprofit fields. Dr. Fehler serves as the Director of Community Engagement, currently focusing on addressing the needs of our community’s schools. Rev. Dr. Fehler is married to Damon, who has a law practice in downtown Waxahachie, and they have two young sons, Ian and Drew. She and her family live in Midlothian. She currently teaches at the University of North Texas in Denton. COMMITTEE NEWS COMMUNITY ENGAGMENT Help us feed the community, one child at a time. First UMC Waxahachie’s Backpack Program will be providing healthy snacks for children that may not have access to food on weekends during the school year. This year our focus is on the children of Shackleford Elementary. Feeding 1 child costs $5.50 per weekend, $22 per month and $209 per school year. Donate online now at or indicate on your check “backpack program”. 100% proceeds go directly to feed children. • Please contact Rev. Dr. April Fehler, Community Engagment Chair, at [email protected] for any questions or concerns. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN The United Methodist Women will be hosting a brunch on Thursday, August 21 at 10:30 am in Fidelis Hall. We want to invite all women of the church to come for this event and get to know about our ministry to the church, community and the world! We always welcome new members to be a part of this exciting ministry of our church. UMW will participate in WOW Sunday with making Little Dresses for Africa. UMW/Laity Sunday is coming up in October and plans are underway for a special Christmas event for the women of the church. This year's theme will be "Nativity". • Please contact Jane Shipp, UMW President, at [email protected] for any questions or concerns. FINANCE We ended the first six months of the year with all current bills paid except for 1⁄2 of June’s apportionments payment to CTC. Financially overall, we are right at where we thought we would be through six months. The air-conditioning is repaired and the good news is that members of this church donated $6,110.00 to help pay for the repairs to the A/C. The invoice for the repairs totaled just over $7,100.00 so the budget expense is just over $1,000.00. We also had two other invoices for repairs, one for the electrical due to a power surge, and the other being a replacement thermistor on the main chiller unit outside that is not included in the above numbers. Overall revenue through six months totaled $425,070.70, with expenses through this same time at $424,245.46. As you can see, that is very close dollars. As we press into the last six months, we need to keep expenses in line and hopefully revenue will continue at a great enough pace to end the year strong. The budget process for next year will be starting in the next two months and it is my intent to set the budget based on history with each month’s budget based on actual figures from years past. By doing this we can better estimate our financial needs on a month to month basis. I will also be looking at ways to implement control procedures in various areas of the budget in order that we can all understand what every department’s responsibility is. This will allow us to monitor and manage the budget better. • Please contact Ed Loveland, Finance Chair, at [email protected] for any questions or concerns. COMMITTEE NEWS ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD The Administrative Board met on Tuesday July 15, 2014. Connor Linguist, Youth Council Advisor, stated that attendance has been good lately at the summer events. Jerry Galloway advised they are currently interviewing for a youth director and FLC facilities worker. Ginger Robinson is the Interim Praise band leader. April Fehler has completed Local Pastor School. SPRC will make a request to the Bishop to have her appointed as a part time pastor in August. Lay Leadership Committee will meet later this month to select a new lay leader to replace Ray Morgan. Finance Committee has paid all bills with the exception of half of one apportionment payment. However, low attendance through the weeks with AC problems in the main building would probably hurt income and create a shortfall in the coming weeks. Finance Committee will monitor closely and adjust as required. Trustees reported that there will be a Church wide “dream session” to allow input from the entire church on their design thoughts and future space and functional needs related to our Master Plan. HH Architects provide this as part of their planning process. Additionally, Trustees reported that a recent power surge damaged a television, computer and the upstairs air conditioner. In October we will have Children’s Sunday, Laity Sunday and Trunk or Treat on Friday, October 31st. Lord’s Acre will be Saturday, November 1st • Please contact Dale Higginbotham, Administrative Board Chair, at [email protected] for any questions or concerns. MISSION Both Central Presbyterian Church and Ferris Heights UMC will be participating in Worship Outside the Walls with us this year. Worship Outside the Walls (WOW) will be on Sunday, September 21. Eric gave a summary of the Youth Mission Trip. It went very well and was powerful for our students and adults. The next Mission Meeting will be Tuesday, August 19, at 6:00 pm. The entire meeting will be about WOW. All who want to have a leadership role in WOW are invited! • Please contact David Linguist, Mission Chair, at [email protected] for any questions or concerns. NOW ENROLLING FOR FALL: 2014-2015 Spots are going fast so call today to reserve one for your child! Meet the Teacher Night: 8/28, 6-7 p.m. First Day of Funday School: 9/2 UPCOMING CHILDREN’S MINISTRY DATES: Wednesday, August 13 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. | Kid’s Club and Disciples Rollin’ Video Games Wednesday, August 20 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. | Kid’s Club and Disciples Popsicles on the Playground Wednesday, August 27 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. | Kid’s Club and Disciples Back to School Party: UPCOMING YOUTH MINISTRY DATES: All Youth will continue to meet on Wednesdays in the Foundation Rm. 6-7:30 p.m. HSO (High School Only) Bible Study: A deeper look at the scriptures in a small group of high school students (entering grades 9-12). Dinner included! We are studying the book, Seven, and discussing the Biblical implications of the “seven deadly sins”. This is a student-led study. Meeting Sunday nights, August 10th and 17th this month at the Linguist‘s. JHO (Junior High Only) Fun Events: This is a fun time to fellowship with kids your age who are entering 6th through 8th grades! This month, on Tuesday, August 12th, 7-9 pm, we will be swimming and making our own sundaes at the Fays’ house, 313 Spring Grove. Wear your swimsuit, bring a towel, your favorite sundae topping, and a friend! YOUTH WEEK August 18-23: Make your own pizza, movies, paintball, Rangers game, pancakes and more! Get ready for every-night-fun-and-fellowship on the last week of summer before school starts! Sunday, August 24: Messy Game Day at FUMC, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. TO DOWNLOAD A COMPLETE YOUTH CALENDAR, VISIT: Like us on Facebook: HEALING HEARTS Healing Hearts Center is a non-profit domestic violence and sexual assault center. Their SPOTLIGHT of fumcmissions mission is to eradicate domestic violence and sexual assault by providing emergency housing, crisis intervention, and prevention education throughout the community. They offer the following services: 24 Hour Hotline 1-800-828-7893, Individual Counseling, Support Groups, Emergency Housing and Community Outreach They have volunteer opportunities available. If you are interested in making a tremendous impact in the lives of abused families, give us a call at 972-388-4777. connect PRAYER AUGUST BIRTHDAYS New Prayer Requests this Month: Margaret Nooner, Amy Leath, Pete Ann Norrell, Jack O Bannion, Bob Ratzman, Paul Littleton, Bob Hayes, Patsy Patton, Luke Nix (grandson of David & Cindy Nix), Nelda Brayden 8/01 Marie Hall, Tom Morris, Ernest Villarreal 8/02 Olivia Ewing, Rachel Horak 8/03 Austin Clark, Brittney Duvall, Penny Higgins, Mary Poarch, Dinah Weable 8/04 Tyler Martin 8/05 Ashley Pitts, Tracy Terry 8/06 Melissa Ballard, Rebecca Dickson, Amy Hollywood, Josh Patton, Jason Smithey 8/07 Ron Bowler 8/08 Sharon Cooper, Patsy Patton, Doris Walter 8/09 Jackson Wyatt 8/10 Cassie Harris, Matt Howard, Pam Roye, Clayt Spitzer 8/12 Jack Denny, Justin Horak, Becky Morgan, Summer Stevens, Jonathan Willis 8/13 Timothy Capone 8/14 Michael Anderson, Mandi Hudgins 8/15 Ernie Barker, Peggy Linguist 8/16 Patsy Burnet, Nelda Curlin, Lauren Miller 8/17 June Bergeron, Gail Harrell, Ryder Payne, Madelyn Ward 8/18 Pearl Gaither, Matthew Montgomery, Pam Stoker 8/19 Matt Christian, Vicki Gore, Jerold Kirk, Cliff Loveless, David Shoemaker, Angie Starnes 8/20 Ainsley Sandall, Chesney Wilson 8/21 James Burns, Heather Ludwig 8/22 Sean Ellis 8/23 Betty Payne 8/24 Betty Jonte, Mark McClain, Helen Swenson 8/25 Brianna Christian, Christian Casey, Pat Hernandez, Mark Martin, Lori Peebles, Callie Sparrow 8/26 Judy Loveless, Robert Moren, Jerry Roberts, Susan Sargent 8/27 Susan Barker, Caroline Clifton, Louis Farrar, Tucker Shugart, Cody Walsh 8/28 Bradley Dawson 8/29 Kevin Bartos, Melissa Jones 8/30 Emily Duhs, Jet Gaither, Evan Jones, Harrison Ludwig, Shari Moore 8/31 Annette Cooper, Leslie Fairless, Betty Richardson Please continue to pray for our homebound/shut-in friends and family If you have additional prayer requests or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let FUMC as a church family know in order that we may pray for you. A new list is composed each month. Send your requests to Cathy To: [email protected] Military: Capt. T. Matthew Duhs (USMC), Lt. Sean Ellis (Fort Drum, New York), Capt. James Robinson (Helicopter Pilot US Army, Afghanistan), Spec. Darrell Fisher (US Army, Africa), Lt. Quinn Baskin (U.S. Navy), 1st Lt. Rush Baskin (USMC), SSgt. Matthew Dickson (U.S. Army, Fort Sill, OK), Carson Bell, Lee Bell, Spec. Justin Bullock, (US Army in Iraq), Aaron Howard (U.S. Navy), Col. Von Pigg, and Hunter Bevill (Iraq), Rachel & Robbie Neal (Ft. Bliss), Private Michael Hullet (US Marine) (Chuck Smith’s Nephew), John Stephenson (US Army, Ft. Benning, GA) CHURCHES VISITED Fred & Olivia Harrington visited Ardmore FUMC in Ardmore, Oklahoma on June 29th and El Pueblito United Methodist Church in Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico on July 6th and 13th CHURCH TRIUMPHANT Rev. Jim Olney, July 30, 2014 In lieu of flowers, family requests memorial gifts to be made to LifePoint UMC or Texas Wesleyan University. ASSISTED LIVING Buffalo Creek Pat Bond (140) Barbara Hays (127) Ennis Care Center Betty Cameron (109A) Pleasant Manor Billie Fuller Laurenwood Nursing Home Alline Bosh (140) Park Manor Angela Hanson (311A) Covenant Keith Murray (110) Dorotha Loveless (102) Trinity Mission, Italy Laverne Lewis Maxine Lipscomb MEMORIALS Ruth Almand Rebecca Jeffers Virginia L. Hill David & Margo Lewis Charles (Mac) McClain Bettie Johnston Lona Potts Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Robinson, Doris Jean Smith, Stephen & Lisa Smith Nelda Simmons Edwin & Carol Farrar WAXAHACHIE CARE Toiletries: toothpaste, toothbrushes, laundry detergent, dishwashing soap, shampoo and conditioner are the items we are collecting for our local food pantry, Waxahachie Care this month. You may place your items by the Fidelis Hall in the designated box. HEATING / AIR CONDITIONING Improvement Project 400,000 FUMC American Red Cross Blood Drive FUMC will be hosting a blood drive on Sunday, August 17, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Blood is especially needed this time of year, so please schedule your donation today by calling the church office: 972.937.4400. 300,000 Pictured Below: Jr. High Group goes to the movies! 200,000 100,000 174,912 Pictured Below: A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the Immigration Crisis. HVAC PROJECT CURRENT AMOUNT RAISED: $174,912 Goal: 400,000 Please visit: for more information to give to this project FIRST UNITED METHODIST WA XA H A C H I E First United Methodist Church Waxahachie 505 W. Marvin Ave. Waxahachie, TX 75165 Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED to stay up to date on additional ne ws visit: www.fumcwaxahachie.or g/connect share christ • disciple belie vers • serve others