March 2013 - FUMC Waxahachie
March 2013 - FUMC Waxahachie
March 2013 FIRST NE WS WAXAHACHIE CONNECTIONS Read Inside: • Kids Against Hunger • Holy Week & Easter at FUMC • Confirmation 2013 • Glen Lake Summer Camps • Spiritual Fingers Youth Choir North Texas Tour • Worship Outside Walls Spring 2013 ...and more! l f Have you heard about Kids Against Hunger? What a great opportunity! Our church is joining hands with the Rotary Club and Central Presbyterian on this project to feed the hungry. April 27th is Assembly Day at FUMCWAX. All three groups (in addition to anyone else who wants to be involved) are raising money to provide as many meals as possible. We will purchse however amount of product we can raise money for, and then we will join together on that Saturday to assemble as many meal packets as we possibly can. The more money we raise…the more packets we can assemble…and the more people we can feed! Our Christmas Eve and Lenten offerings have been designated to this project. On Ash Wednesday, First Kids were given daily devotionals and collection boxes to save their money all through the Lenten season for Kids Against Hunger. Extra boxes are available in the church office or you can collect money in your own container. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to teach their kids about kids and adults affected by the world hunger epidemic. There is no limit to what we can do together. Our goal is to get area communities involved too, so our church can become a KAH network Satellite. Sources of volunteers are area churches, businesses, civic clubs, Boy and Girl Scouts, seniors groups, public and parochial schools and college students. Can you help us get the word out? Mark your calendars to join hands and make a difference! KIDS AGAINST HUNGER HOW YOU CAN HELP: visit: GET THE WORD OUT: Spread the word in your area church, business, club, school...etc. *Share Facebook statuses about this mission #KAH and tag us @fumcwax HELP RAISE FUNDS / GIVING: Lead a fundraiser at your club, school, business...etc. Opportunities to give at FUMC are available now through Easter. Simply designate your check “kids against hunger” and drop it in the offering plate or bring it by the church office. ASSEMBLE: Mark your calendars for APRIL 27 to come assemble meals at FUMC! First United Methodist Church Meal-Packing Event: April 27, 2013 Amount collected so far: $1900 / 1 / Holy Week & Easter at First United Methodist Church Join us for Holy Lenten Lunches Stations of the Cross will be available in the Fidelis Hall beginning Palm Sunday. Come reflect and pray any time of the day Noon: March 25-29 Fidelis Hall Maundy Thursday Worship Service: March 28 | 7 p.m. | Sanctuary (Main Building) Good Friday Cantata Worship Service March 29 |7 p.m. | Sanctuary (Main Building) The Chancel Choir will present John Purifoy’s “Shadows of Sacrifice” with members of our Chancel Orchestra. Shadows of Sacrifice will invite the congregation to the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ before Pontius Pilot, and Christ’s final moments on the cross. Holy Saturday Worship Service: March 30 | 7 p.m. | Sanctuary (Main Building) Palm Sunday: March 24th & Easter Sunday: March 31st Worship Services Traditional Worship: 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. | Sanctuary (Main Building) Contemporary Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. | Family Life Center Invite your friends and don’t forget your baskets! Palm Sunday Easter Egg Hunt will be held immediately after the 11:00 services on March 24th on the front lawn of the church. We also need donations! You may donate plastic eggs and candy in the designated box by the church office. Thank you! 12 P.M. Palm Sunday March 24 / 2 / First United Methodist Church Waxahachie | 505 W. Marvin Ave. Waxahachie spiritual fingers youth choir Great Wolf Tour Our youth choir will take a tour this year in North Texas and spend the weekend of April 5th, 6th, and 7th, in Grapevine, Texas at the Great Wolf Lodge (youth must be in good standing with rehearsal attendance to attend). The tour will begin here in Waxahachie with a concert at Central Presbyterian Church on Friday, April 5, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. Please invite your friends to attend this concert and support our youth choir. The tour also consists of giving a concert at the Edgemere Retirement Community of Dallas and singing for the residents on Saturday, April 6th. We will conclude our tour with leading worship at Martin United Methodist Church in Bedford, Texas on Sunday, April 7th. Please keep Spiritual Fingers in your prayers for a successful tour. -Ed Gibson, Director of Music neighbor helping neighbor update Cards + Calls + Communion A quick update on the Neighbor-Helping-Neighbor program: Connection • The list of clients continues to change as people come on or go off for various reasons but we currently have 36 people on our list. • Cards are still being sent monthly. Valentine’s cards were just sent. • Calls are being done to those who can receive calls. • Visits are picking up as we have increased volunteers to help with at this time. • Communion is being taken to those who have requested it. Beth Whittington has improved the spreadsheet that we use for our client list. It is easier to use and/or update. Good job Beth – Thanks. Beverly Worthington can still use some more people to help with visits. If you are interested, please contact myself or Beverly. We will be sending out Lenten Devotionals to all of our clients this month. We are going to have a volunteer appreciation dinner in April or May. The exact date is to be determined. This is something I would like to have on an annual basis. I very much appreciate all those who help with this program. The coordinators of each area of service are: Peggy Atwell coordinates the sending of cards, Beth Whittington coordinates the calls, Beverly Worthington coordinates the visits and Diane Szymczak along with Jackie Wray coordinate the communion. Ray Morgan Neighbor-Helping-Neighbor Program Facilitator foundation youth So, what where you doing, oh let's say, about 264 days ago...if today was March1st? Otherwise add the number of days past March 1st. I can tell you what some of the students of our church were doing. They were on their “Beyond Me” Mission Trip 2012. They were assisting around our Waxahachie community, as well as neighboring communities. They were growing a deeper relationship with God, their teams, and people within our church and community. We are so blessed to have a church that loves and supports our student ministries. It is hard to believe that we are already in the process of planning for the 2013 summer mission trip as well as camp. We are also planning for Confirmation, which will begin this March. As we are attempting to put all of these things together we have come to the conclusion that... WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! Here are a list of things we could use your help in to assist our ministry: • CHIPS • TRAIL MIX • FROZEN BITE SIZE FOODS • GATORADE • POWDERED KOOL-AID • FUN-SIZE CANDY • TWO LITER BOTTLED DRINKS • CONFIRMATION MENTORS • SUMMER MISSION TRIP SPONSORS • A SOCIAL NETWORKER • COMPUTER GURU • WEDNESDAY NIGHT SNACK/MEAL PROVIDERS (once a month) WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 6:00 - 7:30 PM • AN ACOUSTIC GUITAR PLAYER • MODERN CONTEMPORARY SINGER • A CREATIVE MIND TO HELP MAKE YOUTH ADS • PRAYER PARTNERS FOR WEDNESDAY • SOMEONE WHO LOVES TO CLEAN • 2 SHORT-SKIT PEOPLE (ONCE OR TWICE A MONTH) If you need further information, please contact Shannon Poarch, our Youth and College Director who appreciates all you have done! Please Register for our upcoming events: JUNE Youth Mission Trip: June 16-22 Per Person Fees: • $275 with $100 deposit by March 8, 2013 • $300 with full payment after April 5, 2013 • For groups of 25 or less • Youth: Completed 8th through 12th grades in spring 2013. Adults Sponsors: Ages 21 and over. Some restrictions may apply to young adults 21 to 24. Junior leadership positions may be available for young adults under 21. Exceptions may apply for primary paid youth staff person under 21. JULY Junior High Mission Trip: July 14-19 Per Person Fees: • $225 with $100 deposit by April 5, 2013 • $250 with full payment after April 5, 2013 • Completed 6th through 8th grades in spring 2013 Adults Sponsors: Ages 18 and over. Some restrictions may apply to young adults 18 to 24 For all trips, two adults are required for every five youth participating. To comply with the conference Abuse Prevention Policy, adult volunteers for all trips must be active participants with a congregation of the Central Texas Conference for at least six months before participating. GlenLake Camp: June 9-14 Grades 6-8. Per person fees: $375 Weeklong camps begin Sunday at 4 p.m. and conclude Friday at 4 p.m. Please visit for more information FUMC a p r i l 1 4 FUMC a p r i l 2 0 1 3 WORSHIP OUTSIDE 2 0 1 3 WORSHIP OUTSIDE WALLS COMMUNITY 1 4 WALLS CENTERED COMMUNITY CENTERED FUMC a p r i l 1 4 FUMC a p r i l 2 0 1 3 WORSHIP OUTSIDE 1 4 COMMUNITY CENTERED FUMC a p r i l 2 0 1 3 WORSHIP OUTSIDE 1 4 2 0 1 3 WORSHIP OUTSIDE WALLS COMMUNITY WALLS CENTERED FUMC a p r i l 2 0 1 3 WORSHIP OUTSIDE WALLS COMMUNITY 1 4 WALLS CENTERED COMMUNITY FUMC a p r i l 1 4 2 0 1 3 WORSHIP OUTSIDE WALLS COMMUNITY CENTERED CENTERED FUMC a p r i l 1 4 2 0 1 3 WORSHIP OUTSIDE WALLS COMMUNITY CENTERED #WOW Have you signed up yet? Worship Outside Walls is Sunday, April 14, 2013 WOW Sunday is dedicated to going outside our church to serve our community through various service projects and worshiping with those who are homebound. It is motivated by the reconciling work of God and extends His grace and mercy to others outside of our church walls for His glory and not our own. It is an expression of love and the stewardship of grace given to us, marked by humility, generosity and hospitality and empowered by a passion for spreading God's love. Connect Prayer New Prayer Requests this Month: Zach Baugh, Dave Galloway (Jerry Galloway’s dad), Barbara Hays, Tom Brayden, Clift Bevils, Elanor Raze (Ed Gibon’s grandmother), Johnny Brothers (Joy Denney’s brother), Betty Bulkley, Lt. Sean Ellis (Army Signal Corps, Fort Drum, NY), David Husted (brother of Mary Jane Henry), Nella Wicker, D.D. Hobbs, Dorothy Crawford, Emil Ludwig (Andy & Heather) Please continue to pray for our homebound/shut-in friends and family If you have additional prayer requests or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let FUMC as a church family know in order that may pray for you. A new list is composed each month. Send your requests to Cathy To: [email protected] Military: Lt. Sean Ellis (Army Signal Corps, Fort Drum, NY), Capt. James Robinson Helicopter Pilot (US Army, Afghanistan), Spec. Darrell Fisher (US Army, Africa), Lt. Quinn Baskin (U.S. Navy), 1st Lt. Rush Baskin (USMC), SSgt. Matthew Dickson (U.S. Army, Fort Sill, OK), Carson Bell, Lee Bell, Spec. Justin Bullock, (US Army in Iraq), Aaron Howard (U.S. Navy), Col. Von Pigg, and Hunter Bevill (Iraq), Rachel & Robbie Neal (Ft. Bliss) March Birthdays 03/01 Jennifer Beller, Joe Rust, Sarah Whittington 03/03 Clint Draper 03/04 Lou Anne Carroll, Robyn Nicholson, Brittany Strouse, Ed Tadlock 03/05 A.J. Berning Jr., Bob Lynn, Alan Loosier 03/06 Audrey Bell, William Major, Cali Pennock 03/07 John Hines III, Jaycie Weable 03/08 Alton Chambers, Phyllis Chambers, Kathy KinKaid 03/09 James Burr Hall, Justin Smithey 03/10 Alysann Roye 03/11 Meredith Jones 03/12 Joey Borders, Ginger Kelley 03/14 Marissa Blum, Mary Kate Clark, Barbara Hays, Justin Horak Jr., Kathy Sparrow 03/15 Patrick McClendon, David Shelton 03/16 Bill McCowan, Philip Musselman, Patrick Wilson 03/17 Joanna Jones, Verna Six, Maxey Sumlin, Becky Wilson 03/18 Geneva Clark, Kristy Pennock, Lucile Roye, Payne Roye 03/19 Victoria Norman, Matthew Owens 03/20 Jennifer Stevens 03/21 Betsy Engelbrechtsen, Margaret Hines, Janic Kirk, Evan Power, Zach Ward, Walter Williams 03/22 Tom Borders, Jr, Suzanne Culbreath, Katie Kelley, Eric Melton 03/23 Sterling Johnson, Maggie Maples 03/24 Caleb Rodgers, George Terry 03/25 Julia McGee, Christine Smith, Daniel Walker, Sarah Welch 03/26 Johnny Ryder 03/27 Lauren Borders, Peggy Carley, Jeff Hughes, Martha Knox, Annette Tunnell 03/28 Mandy Allen, Wesley Brown, Jake Durbin, Emily Estes, Max Mills, Jenny Nivens, Jack O’Bannion, Charles Shugart Haley Strouse 03/29 Heather Cleveland, Paul Marshall 03/30 Taylor Jones, Jerry Peebles 03/31 Patrick Moore, Debbi Rust, Beck Sullivan MEMORIALS John Bellamy Charles & Bettie Johnston Harrell and Larry Griesenbeck Fred & Olivia Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. J. V. Cooper Jr. Lorene Kirkpatrick Cathy & Jimmy Spitzer, Mr. & Mrs. A.D. Whitten & Family, Beverly Crawford, Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Payne John Born Jack & Shirley Willis Madie Curb Mr. & Mrs. J.V. Cooper Jr., Jack & Beverly Robinson, Fred & Olivia Harrington Roger French Fred & Olivia Harrington Oretha Justice Carole C. Dole Grace Thompson Patsy Patton, Carole Dole Bobbie Taylor Martha Knox birth Sheldon Ellis, son of Keith & DeeAnn Ellis, welcomed a baby boy with fiance Lauren Ellis. Congratulations to Keith and DeeAnn for their first grandchild, Mason Ellis. Thank you “I want to thank the members of this church for all the prayers, phone calls, visits, cards, food and flowers sent to me following my cancer surgery. On several difficult days, the prayers were so helpful. Thank you so much for your concern. I am so fortunate to be a member of such a caring church.” –Bettie Johnston “Thank you for the use of your church for a Family Group Conference. Your continued support is appreciated.” –Dena Zack, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Assisted living Buffalo Creek Wanda Barron (119) Pat Bond (140) Wanda Chiles Barbara Hays (127) Covenant Place Keith Murray (110) Ennis Care Center Betty Cameron (109A) Laurenwood Nursing Home Alline Bosh (140) Legend Oaks Health & Rehab Gloria Claud Park Manor Angela Hanson (311A) Pleasant Manor Dorothy Crawford Joan Hines Trinity Mission, Italy Laverne Lewis Ruth Larrabee Summer & Fall Registration Funday News • Current Students: Summer Program & Fall/Spring 2013-2014 registration begins February 28. Current Funday Families will have first opportunity to enroll their children. • Waiting List Students: Summer Program & Fall/Spring 2013-2014 registration will begin March 19th. • Open to the Public: Summer Program & Fall/Spring 2013-2014 registration will begin March 26th. Please visit our offices to pick up an enrollment form. • Summer Dates and Fees: We are excited to offer two sessions again this summer! You may register for one or both sessions. A one-time $25 registration fee is required whether you attend one or both sessions. Session 1: May 30- June 20 (7 days) Sessions 2: July 9- August 1 (8 days) • Tuition: • Summer tuition will be $135.00 per month for 2 days a week and $70.00 per month for one day a week for summer. • Fall tuition will go up to $140.00 per month for 2 days a week and $75.00 for one day per week. • Fall Registration Fee: There is a one-time registration fee of $50 to enroll your child for Fall 2013. This fee is non-refundable and due at time of registration. This ensures your child’s spot. Fall 2013 will begin on 9/3/2013. Please contact the Funday School office if you would like to enroll your child, have any questions or would like to visit our facility. 972-937-4113. You may also email: [email protected] Funday School is a ministry of FUMC We are located in the Family Life Center at First United Methodist Church of Waxahachie 505 W. Marvin Ave. Waxahachie TX 75165 CONFIRMATION 2013 Confirmation Classes will begin for 6th-8th grade students who are seeking to: know the story of their church and core foundations of our beliefs; confirm their own faith in salvation and the sacraments; and begin to live their commitment in Christ and his holy church. Shannon and Val will lead this confirmation class study with an organizational meeting on Sunday, March 17th, at 3:00pm in the Fidel us Hall. If you are planning to attend, please let us know so we will have enough materials. Contact Shannon or Val through the church office or e-mail us at [email protected] or [email protected] for more information. Week Sunday, March 24 at 3:00 p.m. in TBD Session 1 Thursday, March 28 at 5:30 p.m. in Foundation Rm. Session 2 (Meal provided.) Friday, March 29 at 5:30 p.m. in Foundation Rm. Session 3 (Meal Provided.) Sunday, April 7 at 3:00 p.m. in Foundation Rm. Session 4 Saturday, April 13 Worship Outside Walls RETREAT Weekend Sunday, April 14 WOW SUNDAY Service Session Sunday, April 21 at 3:00 p.m. in Foundation Rm. Session 6 Saturday, April 27 Kids Against Hunger – Service Session Sunday, April 28 at 3:00 p.m. in Foundation Rm. Session 7 Sunday, May 5 at 3:00 p.m. in Foundation Rm. Session 8 Sunday, May 19 CONFIRMATION GRADUATION GLEN LAKE Summer Camps Glen Lake Camp has provided a Christian Summer Camp experience for kids & youth since 1939. Children and youth come from all over our state to learn about God and enjoy activites such as: zip line, rock wall, waterpark, archery, hiking, fishing, volleyball, basketball and more. Camps for grades 4-6 are on July 14th-19th at a cost of $375.00. Camps for grades 3-4 are on July 21st-24th at a cost of $225.00. Camps for Grades 6-8 are on June 9-14 at a cost of $375. Weeklong camps for youth begin Sunday at 4 p.m. and conclude Friday at 4 p.m. Family camps and Day camps are avaliable for Kindergarten-2nd graders throughout June and July. As you make your plans for summer, please contact Val or Shannon in the church office if you would like to attend as a group from FUMC WAX. Please see a full camp schedule and price list online at A Lenten Study by Adam Hamilton Led by Rev. Jan Baldwin on Sundays at 5:00 p.m. in Room 108. Everyone is invited! Books are available in the office for $13.00. East District UMC 2013 Leadership Training Sunday, March 10 | 2:30-4:30 pm @ | FUMC Mansfield This training is for all PPR, Trustee, and Finance Chairs in the East District. Dr. Bob Holloway, Dr. Randy Wild, Marty Nelson, and Rev. Gary Lindley will be leading breakout groups to specifically address your role in the local church and some best practices you can utilize along the way. Pastors are welcome to attend as well. Drinks and light refreshments provided. Mansfield UMC Address: 777 N. Walnut Creek Dr. Mansfield, TX 76063 Thank you from rev. kevin and cheryl wilson Cheryl and I humbly express our gratitude to the 1st UMC Waxahachie faith family. The expressions of love were evident in your prayers, cards, giving, and well wishes. Thank you for your friendship, fellowship, and Christian caring. Thank you to the staff for making the last Sunday in Waxahachie very special - Praise God! We have been well received in Meridian. The congregation shared a lunch in our honor and "pounded" us with an abundance of food. We can eat cornbread from now until Thanksgiving. And yes we like cornbread. We are slowly moving into the parsonage and will soon be able to call it home. We have already received joys and faced challenges that come with directing a church community. We ask that you continue to pray for the church and our transition. Maintain your focus on God. I know God will reveal a plan that will surpass all our expectations. -Blessings in Christ, Kevin Wilson "aka Kev da Rev" VBS 2013 Kingdom Rock: Where Kids Stand Strong for God will be held June 24-27. Please save these dates for an epic adventure that empowers kids to stand strong! God’s victorious power isn’t a fairy tale, it changes kids forever. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 24-27 News quarterly scrip contests Quarterly Scrip contests continue among Sunday School classes. The Sunday School class with the most money in scrip orders each quarter (the total of 3 months orders) will receive breakfast provided by the ABC class. Sunday, March 3rd concludes the first quarter. Get your orders in! Scrip Order forms may be found in the church office. You may place your orders in the ABC Mailbox in the church office before or during the Sunday School hour on Sunday, March 3rd. Orders are taken the first Sunday of each month. what is scrip? Scrip is a substitute for money in the form of certificates or gift cards that can be used like cash to purchase products or services from merchants who have issued them (such as HEB or Walmart). These certificates/gift cards may be used to purchase anything from groceries, fuel, clothing, toys, cosmetics to entertainment and electronics. Gift Cards also make great gifts! What makes the scrip fundraiser a valuable and effective fundraising tool for our organization is that we may use gift cards to buy our favorite everyday products and services, with a percentage of what we spend on our daily purchases going directly to the church. For example, if you purchase a gift card to Walmart, the church will receive 2% of the value purchased. Or, if you purchase a gift card to Sears, the church receives 4% of the value purchased. The list goes on and on, such as Dillards at 9%, or Chili’s Restaurant at 11%. Merchants like to participate in scrip programs too, because it is a way for them to support their communities both effectively, and continuously. waxahachie care C OV E N A N T MISSIONARY: Join Moms on the Grow each Thursday at 9 a.m., We are currently studying together “God is in the Laundry Room.” This study centers on seeking and finding God in our everyday life. All moms are welcome! box tops Please continue to bring Box Tops for Education and Campbell Soup Labels to the Church and put them in the brown envelope on the Mission Board. Thank you for supporting this mission! Pancake & Chili day The Covenant class would like to thank everyone who helped make Pancake and Chili Day a success. $2800 was raised. A special thank you goes out to the girls from the Methodist Children’s Home. PRAYer ministry Cereal, oatmeal, sugar, flour, cornmeal mixes, cornbread mixes, pancake mixes and syrup are the items we are collecting for our local food pantry, Waxahachie Care. Thank you, Church Family, for supporting this ministry. P R AY F O R O U R MOMS ON THE GROW Intercessory Prayer Ministry: The Prayer Ministry has changed their meeting time to Thursday mornings at 11:00 a.m. in Room 108 in the Main Building. They welcome you to weekly open prayer meetings. Guillermo Berman Manos Juntas VIM, Mexico HVAC project www.handstogether HVAC Replacement Project Update Total Project Goal: $400,000 BALANCE @ March 2013: $75, 548 To give a one time or monthly donation to this project, please contact Linda Mitchell in the church office: [email protected] First United Methodist Church Waxahachie 505 W. Marvin Ave. Waxahachie, TX 75165 Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED
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