The North Shelby Baptist - North Shelby Baptist Church


The North Shelby Baptist - North Shelby Baptist Church
N o r t h S h e l b y B a p t i s t C h u r c h , P . O . B o x 3 8 0 8 1 6 , B i r m i n g h a m , A L 3 5 2 3 8 - 0 8 1 6
4 1 0 0 B e l c h e r D r . , B i r m i n g h a m , A L 3 5 2 4 2 ; P h o n e ( 2 0 5 ) 9 9 5 - 9 0 5 6 ; F a x ( 2 0 5 ) 9 9 5 - 9 3 2 5
E - m a i l : O f f i c e @ n o r t h s h e l b y b a p t i s t . o r g
w e b s i t e : w w w . n o r t h s h e l b y b a p t i s t . o r g
The North Shelby Baptist
Pastor Allan Murphy, Minister of Music & Administration Randy Tingle,
Interim Director of Preschoolers & Children Anita Hardy, Interim Student Ministry Coordinator John Murphy
Report from 2-22-15
ATTENDANCE: Sunday School – 291; Morning Worship – 329
GIVING: Budget - $19,089.35; Debt Retirement - $450.00
D.O.C. (Deacon on Call)
March 1 - 7
Darrell Bedgood
980-0357 (H); 296-4586 (C)
Sunday, March1, 10:15 am: Baby Dedication; Called
Church Business Meeting
Thursday, March 5, 6:30 pm: Ladies Bound Together
Book Club
Friday, March 6, 7:00 pm: SOPA Composers Forum
Friday, March 6 - Sunday, March 8: Student Disciple
Now Weekend, Southeastern Bible College
Sunday, March 8 (Daylight Savings Time begins),
10:15 am: Gideon Testimony
Friday, March 13, 6:30 pm: SOPA Spring Concert
Friday, March 13 - Saturday, March 14: WOM Ladies
Retreat, Camp Sumatanga
Friday, March 20 - Sunday, March 22: College &
Career Lake Weekend
Sunday, March 22, 6:00 pm: Evening Worship led by
our youth
March 30-April 3: Shelby County schools Spring Break
March 31 - April 4: Stoney Creek Camp, Cullman
County, Mission Project
Thursday, April 2, 6:30 pm: Ladies Bound Together
Book Club
Friday, April 3: Church Office closed for Good Friday
Sunday, April 5, Easter Sunday, 8:00 am: Early Easter
Service; 10:15 am: Morning Worship (No children’s
church); No Evening Activities
Sunday, April 19, 6:00 pm: Evening Worship led by
our youth
Saturday, April 25, 10:00 am: Taste of the South
Sunday, April 26, 10:15 am & 6:00 pm; Monday,
April 27 - Wednesday, April 29, 7:00 pm: Revival with
Evangelist Mike Shaw
Friday, May 8, 6:30 pm: SOPA Dance Recital
Sunday, May 10, 10:15 am: No Children’s Worship
Friday, May 15 - Saturday, May 16: SOPA Spring
Saturday, May 16 - Saturday, May 23: Guatemala
Mission Trip
Thinking Allowed
We are all aware that America and now
Alabama are deeply in moral crisis,
thumbing our nose at God’s Word and
being told to institutionalize immorality
as “holy matrimony.”
I do not have easy answers to offer.
Christians must pray, we must vote, and
we must serve in public policy life and
at the highest levels of government.
Christians must be more Christian than
American. We must obey God, rather
than men.
Christians must stop supporting immorality by our entertainment choices.
Christians must live by and stand up for
biblical truth. Christians must not say
that it is none of our business.
Christians are not to hate sinners, but
surely not approve of their sin. We
must think biblically and make moral
February 26, 2015
Sunday, March 1, 10:15 am
Babies Patti & John Browning,
Marsha Coggins
Anita Hardy
Twos Jennifer & John Thorne
Threes Carol Lewis, Paula Roland
Sunday, March 8, 10:15 am
Babies Anna Burton, Caroline Jones,
Leigha Marlow
Cassie & Rod Burchell
Twos Julie Faurot, Laura McCormick
Threes Becky & David Carlee
Danny Belk, Bill Blankenship, Matt Burns, Ken Carbonie,
Guy Curlette, Greg Houston, James Murphy, Scott Norton,
Wayne Simmons, Derek Woods
AM: Larry Huys, Jeremy McCormick, Larry Riggins
PM: Jeff Hester
Wayne & Jan Duke, Patty & Larry Huys,
Jerry & Edna Earl Jones, Susan Kurtz
“Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus!”
decisions, decisions about what is right
and what is wrong conforming to the
We are all aware that our nation and the
world are in an Islamic terrorism crisis.
We have abandoned our embassy in
Yemen, and we have abandoned the
Yemeni people, as we abandoned the
Iraqis and the Afghanis. Thus, Islamic
terrorists are more emboldened every
Christians must pray, we must vote, and
we must serve in public policy life and
at the highest levels of government.
We must serve in the military. We are
not to be blood-thirsty and cruel, but we
must take action to protect the innocent
and to protect free communication of
the Christian Gospel.
As to the Christian Gospel, a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ can bring
forgiveness for moral sins. Through
faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit of
God can change a life and lead us into
all truth. A personal relationship with
Jesus Christ can bring forgiveness for
any and all sins and turn hatred and
anger into peace and love. The best
way to defeat an enemy is for him to
become a brother.
I love you,
Brother Allan
PS: Please pray for Sunday’s business
meeting, as the congregation decides on
the nomination of Jonathan Jeffries as
Minister of Education and Family. At the
end of Morning Worship, we will go into
business session to consider questions
and then to vote.
I encourage you to let elected officials
know your convictions related to the
Pastor’s Thoughts to You
moral issues and defense issues we are
facing as a state and nation.
The youth led Sunday evening service is
a real blessing. Our young people use
their talent for the Lord. Thank you.
Welcome into the North Shelby
Baptist Church Membership!
Paul & Charlotte Clark
5001 Kelham Grove Circle
Birmingham, AL 35242
(205) 531-6571
Brad & Bethany Sheffield
1140 Ashford Lane
Birmingham, AL 35242
(205) 240-3038