The Courier First United Methodist Church of Canoga Park


The Courier First United Methodist Church of Canoga Park
T h e Couri e r
First United Methodist Church of Canoga Park
November 2014
22700 Sherman Way, West Hills, CA 91307-2396
Telephone: 818.340.2950; FAX: 818.340.2951; Preschool: 818.340.6639
[email protected] website:
Join us at church Sundays at 10:00 am
Heart to Heart
The day Mark and Marilynn were moving, I went to keep Marilynn company.
I arrived before the movers came, because the day could be confusing for a
person living with Alzheimer’s.
At first, we sat on the patio. Marilynn said, “I like the trees; they are lovely.”
She said, “Look at the sky; it’s beautiful.” And she said, “See the birds; I like to
watch the birds.”
Once again, she said, “I like the trees…. Look at the sky…. See the birds….”
Then, we circled back to trees, sky and birds. We found our conversation stuck
in a loop like the phonograph needle repeating the same few seconds on LP
records when I was a teenager.
Eventually, she said, “I’ve had a wonderful life. I am blessed. God is good.”
We talked about children and grandchildren. Sometimes she remembered
their names. Then, she said, “I’ve had a wonderful life. I am blessed. God is
When it got hot outside, Marilynn and I moved inside to the table. We talked
about her children and parents, both of whom are alive and dead at the same
time in her mind. And every time one of four movers came into the house, she
asked, “Does he belong here?” She also talked about a wonderful and blessed
life and said, God is good.
I took Marilynn to lunch and helped her with her order. When our lunch
came, I was going to pray, but Marilynn began praying. And suddenly her
words came together with beauty and power, as she talked to God with
gratitude for our many blessings.
As we ate, Marilynn kept asking, “When is Mark coming?” She also wanted to
know, “What’s happening next?” And in-between, she said many times, “I’ve
had a wonderful life. I am blessed. God is good.”
When I went home at the end of the day, I was tired. I thought about the
people who care for a loved one living with Alzheimer’s. The care they
provide is a labor of love, but it is labor nevertheless. So I whispered a prayer
for care-givers, for strength and patience.
And I prayed that I live a life filled with gratitude. If I were to forget so many
things like Marilynn, I hope I will still remember with her absolute conviction
that I’ve had a wonderful life; I am blessed; and God is good.
Pastor Lynn
Lynn Westover
Preschool Director
Wendy Finley
Music Director/
Paul Cady
Christian Education
Margaret Cates
Rebecca Roe
Courier Layout
Sharon Mountford
Resident Bishop
Minerva G. Carcaño
North District
Rev. Cedrick D.
Bridgeforth, EdD
November Calendar
Weekly Activities
1 Kenneth Dimmick
2 Gabrielle Dimmick
3 Thomas Roe
Chandra Seeger
Analyssa Tallas
5 Sharon Mountford
11 Shawn Alvarado
15 Alondra Laguna
Frank Wilken
19 Jane Bayless
21 Laura Gazca Hernandez
22 Elvera Deonik
30 Midge Herder
Doris Hood
Jean Smith
Henry Willauer
13 Mark & Karen Yokley
15 Martin & Margaret
If your special day is missing,
please contact the church office.
Sunday Peace Evangelical Church, Hall, 9:30 am
Hindi Urdu UMC, Sanctuary, 5:00 pm
Monday Senior Exercise Class, Hall, 9:00 am
Tuesday Shower Ministry, 10:00 am - noon
Sacred Dance Rehearsal, Sanctuary, 7:00 pm
Boy Scouts, Scout Room, 7:00 pm
Wednesday Men’s Stag AA meeting, Parlor, 7:00 pm
Thursday Choir rehearsal, Choir Room, 7:30 pm
Other Activities
Saturday 1 Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, Denny’s, 8:30 am
Topanga Canyon Blvd., just north of Roscoe Blvd.
Sunday 2 Daylight Saving Time ends
All Saints Sunday
Tuesday 4 Leisure Club, Lounge, 11:00 am
Thursday 6 UMW Mission Team, Room 10, 10:00 am
Monday 10 Administrative Committee, Library, 7:00 pm
Tuesday 11 Veterans Day, Church office closed
Saturday 15 Courier deadline for October issue
Sunday 16 Dessert Musicale, Gym, 6:30 pm
Tuesday 18 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Library, 10:00 am
Sunday 23 Thanksgiving Sunday, Joint Worship, 11:00 am
Wednesday 26 Education Ministry, Library 4:00 pm
Thursday 27 Thanksgiving Day, Church office closed
Friday 28 Church office closed
Sunday 30 United Methodist Student Day
Upcoming in December
Monday 1 Advent Study: Travel the Highways of Advent,
Library, 11:00 am and 7:00 pm
Tuesday 2 Leisure Club Christmas luncheon
Saturday 6 Men’s Fellowship Breakfast
Sunday 7 Hanging of the Greens, Sanctuary, 2:00 pm
2 Liz Rogers in honor of the ladies
of the Prayer Shawl Ministry
9 PJ Umphres in memory of her
two sons
16 Judith Austin in memory of her
23 Open
30 Jasper Hood in honor of Doris’
Liturgist Schedule for
Pastor Lucas
Stan Westover
JoAnne McColloch
Geri Allen
Judith Austin
November 11
UMW Mission Team Meeting
Thursday, November 6, at 10:00 am
Room 10.
Angel Tree 2014
Our annual Angel Tree will be placed in the
Parlor on November 23 and remain until
December 14. It will be decorated with angels,
each bearing the name of a child in the care of
the Department of Children and Family
Services through the Adopt-A Child-AbuseCaseworker program. We hope you will
participate in this program by taking an angel
and purchasing a gift for the child.
Quiet Disciple
At the UMW Santa Barbara District annual meeting,
Ruth Albrecht was awarded a Quiet Disciple award.
She was recognized in church on September 28, where
she received her certificate and a lovely peace lily.
Candle of Commitment
Our unit submitted the name of Pat Ferrin,
who was honored at the Cal-Pac UMW Annual
Celebration on October 25 at Bell Memorial
UMC with the burning of the candle for one
minute. The Candle of Commitment supports
the mission programs of the United Methodist
UMW Afghan
Robin Abernathy was the recipient of the
beautiful afghan made by Ruth Albrecht at the
annual church barbecue. Proceeds from the
sale of tickets go to UMW mission projects.
UMW Annual Christmas Silver Tea
Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 1:00 pm
All are invited: mothers, daughters, grandmothers,
granddaughters, sisters, aunts, friends and neighbors.
Some husbands enjoy attending. There will be beautiful
decorations, lots of pretty tea sandwiches and cookies
and plenty of time for visiting. Come and enjoy musical
entertainment and fellowship. UMW women are
encouraged to donate finger foods. A goodwill offering
will be taken for our Good Samaritan Fund. Please
RSVP to Shirley Thomson at 818-348-0414 or by e-mail
to [email protected].
UMW Circle Meetings
Faith, Hope & Love
Sarah Circle
Thursday, November 13
10:00 am ... Library
The selection of books for 2015
will be made.
Wednesday, November 19
7:00 pm
Nancy Summer’s home
Thanksgiving basket
will be prepared.
Thursday, November 13
9:30 am
Breakfast at Coco’s
News from our Preschool
Last month, we had our Back-to-School Night when
each teacher shared her plans for the school year with
the parents of their students. We also had pictures
taken and, of course, our Halloween festivities, which
included our parade, Trick-or-Treating, and singing
our Halloween songs. A big thank you to Pastor Lynn
and Rebecca for joining in the Trick-or-Treating! Thank
you to our church friends who came and joined our
Halloween celebration as well!
In November, we look forward to Thanksgiving and
our communal feast. The children will all participate in
bringing and sharing food, and we’ll include a canned
food drive to help them understand about sharing on a
larger scale. School will be closed on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week.
Grant Simmons (standing), Stan Westover and Tim
O’Connor cleaning the kneeler pads
Our Guys at Work Again
A fall cleaning project found Grant Simmons,
Tim O’Connor and Stan Westover using our
new Rhino Carpet Extractor to clean all of the
pew and communion kneeling cushions in the
sanctuary. Our many thanks. What will their
next project be? Would you like to help?
Outreach Videos
Know someone who can’t make it to church?
Sometimes school, work, health or other
circumstance keeps us from being here in
person. The church is producing videos so that
wherever we are we can be part of our church
family’s worship.
The first video is on YouTube at:
If you’d like the link sent to you, just email the
church office. Please share the link with family,
friends and anyone who would enjoy being part
of our family.
From the Mailbox
Special thank you to all on our
prayer chain and others praying
for the success of my eye surgery
and during my recovery. My eye
is very much improved, yet is
still in the healing process. Thank you also to those
who sent encouraging notes, cards and calls. It is
really good to know of your caring. I am encouraged.
God is good! . . .
Your brother in Christ, Roger Johnson
Dear Church Family,
I wanted to let all of you know how much I appreciate
all the prayers, cards, emails, calls and Shirley‘s visit
with my beautiful pillow from the United Methodist
Louis and I also appreciate the prayers of condolences
in the passing of my father-in-law.
Love and blessings to all, Anita Parrinello
Dear Prayer Shawl Committee,
Thank you so much for the beautiful prayer shawl
given to me while I was hospitalized. It’s absolutely
beautiful and most comforting during my recovery.
You are all angels doing the Lord’s work.
God Bless, Lori Dimmick
Howard Anderson
died on Friday,
October 10.
He served his churches
as treasurer, choir
member and as a
gifted oboe soloist.
United Methodist Student Day
November 30, 2014
Embraced by a New Family
When he was growing up, Ricky Blue’s parents
were addicts. “We often didn’t know where our
next meal would come from,” he recalled. “I
thought, ‘If God loved me, why would he put me
in this situation?’”
One of the low points in Ricky’s life came in the
seventh grade when his father lost their home due
to gambling. Then a friend invited him to attend
Luling UMC. Beginning with his first visit, the
congregation embraced him.
Members of the United Methodist Women took
turns bringing Ricky to church each week and
making sure his life was on track. These acts of
kindness, including assurance he had food each
day, deeply nurtured his faith journey.
“Thanks to my home church,” Ricky said, “I began
to understand that God had a purpose for me and
the rest of my life.” He eventually felt God’s call to
become an ordained minister.
His church, with less than 100 members, raised
$4,000 for Ricky to begin school. In addition, he
received a Gift of Hope scholarship made possible
by contributions to the United Methodist Student
Day offering.
Ricky works in Illinois at Troy UMC, where 100
students are active, thanks largely to his
In Memoriam
November 4
11:00 am
At our October meeting,
Doris Hood treated us
to a fascinating presentation about Art Fraud.
Some of the most famous paintings in the world
have been copied by great artists in their own
right. They were so perfect that they were sold for
millions of dollars. Unbelievable! She had pictures
of many of the counterfeits.
Coming up in November, Norm Coleman has
prepared a collection of pictures taken of a recent
vacation trip he and Bonnie made to Hawaii. Bring
your dish to share, and we'll enjoy having lunch
together. Be sure to come.
Generosity – 2015
Through October 21, we have received 61 Estimate
of Giving cards totaling $136,542.80. A complete
update will be provided by year’s end. Thanks to
everyone who has sent in a card!
From the Librarian
Bonnie Coleman
Please check around the house for the following
books which have gone AWOL from the church
library. Drop them off on the desk in the library or
give them to Bonnie.
Longing to Pray
More Bad Girls of the Bible
The Noticer
They Poured Fire On Us
Amish Grace
Caring for Mother
Two Old Women
The Other Game
After Anne
A Monk in the Inner City
leadership. He is a certified candidate for ministry
and hopes to be appointed to a retreat ministry that
will enable him to reach out and minister to other
young people.
When you support United Methodist Student Day,
you make it possible for more students like Ricky to
serve the world God loves.
All Saints Day
Travel the Highways of Advent
November 2, 2014
A Small Group Study for Adults
All Saints is a day of remembrance for the saints,
with the New Testament meaning of all Christian
people of every time and place. We celebrate the
communion of saints as we remember the dead.
We plan to have an Audio-Visual presentation
including pictures of all the saints important in our
lives, including parents, spouses, siblings, children,
friends, etc. The names of the following persons
who have died in this congregation since All Saints
Day last year will also be solemnly read in
Howard Anderson
Darold Cates
Mel Davis
Connie Durham
Nancy Elliott
Dodie Mandel
Margaret Nelson
John Rowe
This Bible study, written
by Stan Purdum, is based
on particular pathways to
Jesus during Advent. The
focus of the study is to
encourage the readers to
engage in spiritual
practice or do something
specific that will help
them grow in faith. This
small group experience is
designed for
transformation and for applying the study of the
Bible to everyday, practical life experience. It is
intended to nurture and encourage faith
development and spiritual growth.
December 1 - The Straightened and Leveled
December 8 - The Highway of Reversal
December 15 - The Highway In Between
December 22 - The Highway of Enthusiasm
Thanksgiving Sunday Worship
November 23 at 11:00 am
World Communion Sunday Worship with the
Hindi Urdu United Methodist Mission
congregation was a joyful service. We worshiped
and ate together. We enjoyed strong attendance 186 in worship and 150 for lunch.
We look forward to another Joint Service on
Thanksgiving Sunday, September 23, at 11:00 am.
As we worship together, we can become friends
and discover how to work together for God.
Write the date and time on your calendar.
Fellowship Time Workers
Each Sunday, we have a team of workers
providing food, serving and cleaning up for the
Fellowship Time following worship.
1st Sunday: Mervin Hewitt, Dixie Smith and Linda
2nd Sunday: JoAnn Chadwick-Ellis and Toby Lane
3rd Sunday: Barbara Caldwell, Shirley Ilgenfritz
and Lynne German
4th Sunday: Margaret Cates and Bonnie Coleman
Pastor Lynn Westover will lead the class on
Mondays at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm. You are invited
to preregister for the class, so that enough
paperback books will be available.
When shopping on-line,
remember the Methodist portal which benefits
your church with every purchase you make.
Sign up at
Mary Mackay helps to coordinate the Fellowship
Time, and our thanks to Ann Peterson for being a
floater and always willing to help.
If you would like to help provide refreshments on
a given Sunday, let these people know. There is a
sign-up sheet each month.
Our many thanks to Ken and Lori Dimmick for
serving as a 4th Sunday team for so many years.
We are giving them “time off” while Lori regains
her health and strength.
CROP Hunger Walk Congratulations,
Marjorie Forrester!
The 39th annual San Fernando
Valley CROP Walk will be held on
Sunday, November 2, 2014. The
sponsor is the Northridge United
Methodist Church, 9650 Reseda
Blvd. Registration is at 12:30 pm
with the walk starting at 1:30 pm.
There will be a 5K Walk,10K “Fun
Run” and a Tot Walk. See Joe
Buttemeier if you would like to
participate. FUMC of Canoga Park
has been a active participant for
over 20 years.
Walkers come from businesses,
schools, colleges, churches,
synagogues and community
groups. They have ranged in age
from 4 months to 94 years.
All donations to the CROP Hunger
Walk are tax-deductible. Church
World Service (CWS), founded in
1946, provides sustainable selfhelp and development, disaster
relief, and refugee assistance
around the world. Twenty-five
percent of the funds raised in this
year’s Walk will benefit the Meals
on Wheels program and Food
Pantry Coalition of Valley
Interfaith Council, based in
The remainder of the funds will
benefit the programs of CWS,
providing tools of hope that
empower people to meet their own
needs in the U.S. and in more than
80 countries worldwide. The
Valley CROP Hunger Walk
typically raises about $20,000. See
Joe Buttemeier if you would like to
walk or make a contribution.
Marjorie has served the church in
remarkable ways. She was recently
awarded a pair of frilly plastic
gloves recognizing her steady
service cleaning up after fellowship
time. When Marjorie was still able
to attend church, Pastor Lynn
always found her at the end of the
morning with her hands in the
kitchen sink washing dishes.
Marjorie touched the lives of our
young people. Brian Mountford
remembers a Sunday School class
she taught about the kings of the
Old Testament. When he took a
literature class in high school that
covered the kings of the Bible, he
knew more about them than the
students who had gone to Hebrew
school. Rebecca Roe holds dear the
memory of her letters and thank
you notes. “They were works of
art,” says Rebecca, “and I received a
card at every milestone – at junior
high and high school graduations
and for awards I received at
Dessert Musicale
Sunday, November 16
Come for a
scrumptious dessert
and the great singing
of the
San Fernando Valley
Youth Chorus
Howie Anderson and Janine
Stanley (in the death of their
father, Howard Anderson)
Erin Landrum
Johnny Ramirez
Jack Taylor
Delores Butler
Dawn Hromadka
Marjorie Forrester
Pat Ferrin
Walter Deonik
Barbara Dimmick
Hope Schmidt
George and Jackie Dutcher
John Caldwell
Willie Wilhelm
Jack Falgien
Jonathan Ferrin
Evelyn Heim
LaDean Owen
Robin Abernathy
Paul Morrison
Pat Eaton
Martin & Margaret Shuler
Churches to pray for
November 2
Tarzana: St Paul’s UMC
Ventura: First UMC
November 9
Simi Valley: UMC
Van Nuys: UMC
November 16
Thousand Oaks: UMC
Newbury Park: St Matthew’s
November 23
Santa Clarita: UMC
Ministry Candidates
& their Mentors
November 30
Clergy Spouses & Families
Camp Arroyo Grande
To receive Prayer Chain e-mails,
please contact Robin Abernathy at
[email protected]
22700 Sherman Way
West Hills, CA 91307-2396
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Canoga Park, CA
Permit #1
November 2
Your Scout Troop
We had a blast,
thank you so
much for making
your wonderful
space available to
us. It was a great
Cub Scout Sleep-Over