April/May 2016 - New Life United Methodist Church
April/May 2016 - New Life United Methodist Church
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ April-May 2016 Open Hearts Open Minds Open Doors ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From the Pastor, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our risen savior! I have been the interim pastor at New Life UMC for five months now and it has been nothing but a life learning and spiritual journey each day. I see God working in so many miraculous ways with the members on Sunday morning. We’re growing together in Christ and that’s the best way I can explain the beauty of it all. And also the rewards are tremendous when reaching out to help others in the name of Christ at the New Life Community Outreach program. On that note, I have recognized that so many volunteers are helping because they understand that it is a command of Jesus and his example (and not just something to keep busy!), that motivates their actions. The United Methodist Church has a strong emphasis on servant leadership – which was the type of leadership that Jesus set before us. Jesus was a leader but he was truly a servant. No doubt, the foot washing exercise found in John 13:1-17 was a visible parable of kingdom expectations. This lesson shows us that there is only one kind of greatness, the greatness of service. We recognized all of the New Life Community Outreach volunteers on February 14 during worship service. I would like to further extend a special thank you to all of the “unsung heroes” who faithfully do a magnificent job of helping and serving when others are not even aware of what goes on behind the scenes. It’s a continual and oftentimes thankless job that they do. But I and the members of New Life UMC are so grateful for all that is being done. What the volunteers at New Life Community Outreach do is an encouragement to each of us as we contemplate what God is calling us to do on a daily basis. The Monthly News Magazine of New Life United Methodist Church At our recent Maundy Thursday Service with King Ave. UMC I preached about the Christian Calling which referenced the John 13 passage. I ended with these words: Is there a need you can meet? Is there someone near you who needs his or her feet washed—some practical service that could make that person’s burden lighter? May the Lord open our eyes to dirty feet and give us a heart to wash them. Yours in Christ, Pastor Alyce Hardin-Cook Clothing Room Volunteer-of-the-Month Pam Boh is our volunteer for the month of April. She comes to us from Linworth United Methodist Church. Pam is a wonderful part of our Clothing Room ministry. She has been volunteering for about 1 year. Pam says: I retired from teaching for 30 years in 2014. I have been married to my husband Boris for almost 31 years. We don't have children, but we do have a fluffy black and white cat named Freckles! Now that I'm retired, I've become more involved in activities at my church, and I do quite a bit of volunteering. I especially like helping out at New Life! Pam, thank you for the services that you provide to our neighbors love, support and encouragement. Simona Clardy, Clothing room Steward “Every Sunday” in April is Invite a Friend Sunday! Fill your pew, invite strangers, coworkers, neighbors and the unchurched to New Life UMC one or more Sundays in April! New Life United Methodist Church 25 West Fifth Ave. If you would like to volunteer in the Clothing Room, contact Simona Clardy. She has orientation for new volunteers every Tuesday at 8:30 AM. [email protected] 614.976.5197 Columbus, Ohio 43201 Sunday worship—10:30 AM 2 SPIRITUALITY AND THE GIFT OF MUSIC "Again when the mind is doubtful, when the mind drinks deep of doubt-poison the senses have no capacity to inject faith into the mind. Here also music comes to the rescue." --Sheri Chinmoy I have taken many paths over a lifetime in my spiritual quest, much the same as others of my generation. It was the music that brought me back to my roots. Take me home, country roads and gospel music. However, the spiritual nature of music transcends any one genre. I have been lifted by Mozart, gospel, Gregorian chanting, drumming and even rock 'n roll! Music transcends politics, different beliefs and conflicts (at least for a time). It reconnects all of us to our divine nature which is spiritual. We are all on the same page, both literally and figuratively when we sing or play music together. Maybe the world would not be in such discord if we could just sing to each other. Music is the sound of spirit. It is a form of prayer. A good friend of mind who is also on a renewed musical journey talks to me about singing and breathing when we practice. Spirit comes from the Latin word spiritus, which is translated as breath, the essential nature of something. I have always considered myself a "doubting Thomas," or at least a "questioning Thomas," but music has always lifted me from despair. Music places us above our doubts and fear and selflimiting beliefs. It has been a real privilege to have become a part of the music program at New Life. Pastor Alyce has been a great musical and spiritual inspiration to me and to others in our journey forward. Thanks be to God in gratitude and thanks be to Pastor Alyce for inspiration. Elaine Buhrlage Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Psalm 100:1 3 Youth Fun Event at New Life New Life held a fun event for youth in January. It was called the "Fear Factor" because for almost 2 hours, youth from grades 5-12 played various versions of "hide and seek" (even using cell phones!) throughout the entire church except for the lower level. The youth and adults had a great time learning all the "nooks and crannies" of our historically old church. This event, hopefully, helped the youth understand the different aspects and meaning of the church building and why certain areas were built in such a manner. Thanks to Mr. Tom Householder who shared so much information about the church and also led in some of the games! In the pictures you will find kids hiding by being squeezed up in the bell tower while trying to hide! The other picture shows the little ones who played in the children's area while the older ones played hide and seek. Another fun event is being planned now for all of the youth for the spring. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed pizza donated by Papa John's Pizza on N. High Street. Parents donated beverages and other snacks. A special thanks to all the parents and volunteers who helped make this a fun experience. Pictures taken by Cassie Chenoweth. Rev. Alyce Hardin-Cook 4 Organization; It is a very busy time for the NLCO. The connection to New Life church is widening. The Board and the members of the Finance, Trustees and Administrative Council are getting to know each other better. This has brought an even greater appreciation for the administrative volunteers. A lot goes on that is generally unseen. Fund Raising; These events are the major source of income for the ministries. Please plan on not only attending but sharing the information with your friends and family. An Evening of Bluegrass our annual fund raising event is scheduled for Saturday, April 16 at Trinity UMC at 7:00. See the flyer in the newsletter. The Buckeye Season Kickoff Party is our annual late summer fundraiser. This year the date it August 30 at Vila Milano. Keep the date open. We will have more information by June. Many churches continue to provide clothing, food, personal items and money for the ministries. All are appreciated and valued. Many individuals also make monetary donations. Thank you to all the donors and if you haven’t please consider giving. Grants: We have applied for and received a grant from the Endowment Fund at Church of the Messiah for help in purchasing a newer bus for the breakfast ministry. The bus will have to be painted, it can’t be left yellow. A major central Ohio company has promised to help up get the bus painted. NLCO is also applying for a grant from the United Methodist Church West Ohio Conference. Community; The NLCO is also connecting with the Short North Alliance so we can see how to improve the community. We are also reaching out to the Columbus Coalition for the Homeless as we continue to try to maximize our services and resources to better serve our neighbors in need. Finally, we want to thank Pastor Alyce Hardin-Clark. She walked into a very tough situation and has done a remarkable job in supporting the NLCO. We have been blessed by her presence. Troy Salyers NLCO Board President 5 From the Director of Christian Education It is such a blessing to be a part of helping the youth learn the Christian faith tradition and to help them grow in their relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I want to lift up thanks to God for the moms, dads, aunts, and church van drivers who provide transportation to and from church for the youth every Sunday morning. Without the support of relatives and mentors, the youth would not have the opportunity to be a part of our faith community. Sunday, February 14th was Volunteer Appreciation Sunday in which we honored all those from New Life UMC, from our partner churches and from community organizations who serve as the hands and feet of Christ in our outreach ministries. To aid in the celebration, the youth cut out valentine hearts and for a couple of weeks, they gathered personal messages of appreciation and thanksgiving from neighbors attending Sunday morning breakfast which they distributed during Sunday morning worship. The youth also traced and cut out handprints of neighbors on fabric which were used to make a permanent for the altar for that Sunday symbolizing the many hands that come together to show the love of Christ to the community. On Palm Sunday, the youth engaged the congregation in a reenactment of Jesus entering Jerusalem. Youth told the story and lead the adults in waving palm branches, laying down cloth in the aisles, and shouting “Hosanna!” as Jesus (represented by Liam Timmons) rode in on a donkey. The youth also blessed us with their voices, singing “This is the Liam Timmons rode this very donkey Day that the Lord Has Made.” I am so proud of the youth and down the aisle on Palm Sunday. their ongoing contributions to leading worship. Please pray for the youth, their families and the adults from a half-dozen different churches who give of their time to be a part of our van ministry. Our van drivers are not just “safe drivers”—through their conversations and actions they also serve as Christian witnesses and mentors for the youth. Peace and Joy, Pastor Wendy 6 New Life United Methodist Church Year-end 2015 and first quarter 2016 7 New Life United Methodist Church 25 West Fifth Avenue Columbus, OH 43201 Mission statement To love, welcome, and serve all people in the name of Jesus Christ New Life News is the monthly news/magazine of New Life United Methodist Church 25 West Fifth Ave Columbus, OH 43201 614-294-0134 [email protected] www.newlifeunitedmethodist.org Pastor The Rev. Alyce Hardin-Cook Christian Educa Coord Wendy Hansen-Smith Pianist Elaine Buhrlage Guitarist Bill Henning Collating Alice Brooks Clothing Room Steward Simona Clardy Custodians Norm Moore & Michael Reeves Editor Maarlene Haught