Jan-Feb 2014 Newsletter - Ionia First United Methodist Church


Jan-Feb 2014 Newsletter - Ionia First United Methodist Church
“A Symphony of Praise and
Service to God”
A publication of
First United Methodist
105 E Main
Ionia, MI 48846
[email protected]
Traditional service 9:30 am
Contemporary service 11am
Office Hours
The time has come for me to announce that Beverly and I will be retiring from full time
ministry in the United Methodist Church this summer on June 30. This of course means
that we will end our shared ministry here with you at Ionia First. We probably would
have preferred to wait a little longer to announce this, but we want the Bishop and District Superintendent to have time to carefully and prayerfully select your next spiritual
leader (in consultation with our Pastor Parish Relations Committee). It is at times like
this that I most appreciate the United Methodist way of appointing pastoral leadership (it
should be a smooth transition July 1).
Let me try to answer some questions you may have:
“Why are you retiring now?” I will be 62 years old in April and will have completed 25
years of ministry in the West Michigan Conference. This was a goal I set when I began
in 1989.
“Where will you go after June 30th?” We do not have any specific place but we are hoping to move closer to Lake Michigan (our favorite side of Michigan, of course we love the
middle too!). Also, I believe it is best to move outside of the Ionia area so as not to interfere with the ministry of the new pastor.
“What will we do?” We are not sure, but we know we will continue to serve others in
new and different ways (with a little music thrown in, no doubt).
We would like to finish our ministry here on a strong note and help prepare the church
for it’s new pastor. We hope you will join us in getting all things ready.
God Bless you all,
Pastor Larry and Bev
Bible Ventures
Welcome Back!
Well, not exactly...there’s no school yet! What a wild and wintery couple of weeks. We
do hope you will return to Bible Ventures at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday morning. We’ll start
out the new year with:
(One to watch)
So, don’t miss a Sunday! Lots of Fun activities.
We love kids at Ionia First!
Have you noticed that our wonderful nursery
teacher, Lynette Nagy, is soon to have her baby?
Yes, the time is getting VERY near. She is due in
just 2 weeks! If you could volunteer for several
weeks to be with our little ones, that would be
great. Let Bev know and we’ll sign you up. Also, stop
by the nursery and wish Lynette well with her delivery. She has been such a blessing to our church. We
want to be a blessing to her.
Community Youth Vision
January/February 2014
Hello to all our fellow Eskimos, we hope that
you are all having a safe and warm
beginning to the New Year. It is a cold and
snowy one. With that being said I would like
to tell all of you and we will be trying to hold
Y.C.O.R.E. and all the special events as
planned but unfortunately with the weather
and road conditions please stay tuned with
us to find out if any of these events are going
to be cancelled.
We are also excited that with the turn of New
Year, Dare 2 Share is just around the corner.
I cannot believe it just 3 months away. It is
so exciting but there is also a lot of work that
needs to be done as well. We have
fundraising and inviting friends to come to
Chicago with us. Please be on the lookout
for flyers for the event coming soon.
We also having been participating in the bimonthly Chrysalis Rushes that are put on by
the Chrysalis community. These events are
for every High School student that HAS been
on a Chrysalis Flight or has NOT been on a
Chrysalis Flight. Hope to see all the high
school students there.
We also have a very special event coming
up in February that we don’t want to give too
much information away but parents if you
want to know more please contact us. This is
going to be a great time for all the students.
Blessings to you all and stay warm.
Your CYV team
Up Coming Events
Y.C.O.R.E. (youth group) takes place every Sunday from 2
to 4 at First United Methodist Church in Ionia
Homework Club takes place every Wednesday from 3 to 5 at
First United Methodist Church in Ionia
January Special Events
Pop Can Drive 11am to 3pm
1st UMC Ionia
Chrysalis Rush Leave by 4pm
Arrive back 8pm
Movie Night
7pm to 930pm 1 Christian of Muir
February Special Events
Special Surprise
Coming Soon
Spaghetti Fundraiser
Look for Flyer
Contact Information
Andria Hunt
Kayla Epps
Kelly DeWeese
Or Visit us on Facebook
This year our Cassie Stewart Circle Meetings have undergone a change of focus. The meetings have consisted of not only fellowship and devotions but have also become a “hands-on” activity group. Just to review, in October we assisted Joan MacDonald in trimming the cereal boxes and preparing them for shipping. In November, we decorated shoe boxes and in December
we cut nativity figures for the flannel boards which were presented to the children In the Sunday School.
As we begin our 2014 year, we are discovering that there are many opportunities for the group to become an active service
group. We are continuing to meet the second Monday of each month in Fellowship Hall at 1:30 p.m. We have become less formal and are keeping our “treats” very simple. We have had a decline in attendance mainly due to many being ill, having doctor’s
appointments, and meeting other challenges. However, we continue to pray that the group will gain strength once more and remain active.
We did continue our December tradition of delivering poinsettias to our shut-ins and sending special messages to those outside
our local area. This effort has always brought a smile to the recipients and also assured them that they are remembered and
missed and continue to be in our prayers and thoughts.
We invite anyone who has an hour once a month and would like to lend a “helping hand” to join us second Monday of each
month at 1:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. We usually to some calling just to get an idea of how many cups of tea to prepare but
even if you don’t get a call, come any way. We always have plenty.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For your generosity, your diligent offer of time, your expertise, your encouragement, your assistance...just “Thank you” for being You! Women’s Sunday, Festival of Tables, All Church Bazaar, the presentation of the Children’s Nativity Books, and the Christmas Basket Mission Project…all of these
events went well and were successful because of you, our devoted church family. We learned, we had fun, we met
new people, we enjoyed the fellowship of our “old” friends, and we accomplished a so much as we served the Lord
and spread good-will. Each event was a rewarding experience in its own very special way.
Our Festival of Tables was again a unique event. We thank “Harmony” so much for a beautiful concert. We also
thank all those who shopped, the men who served, and all the hostesses who so creatively decorated the twelve tables and invited their friends to join them. This event has become an ecumenical “kick-off” to the holiday season and we thoroughly enjoyed the fellowship.
Just a brief report on the Christmas Basket Project. We served 14 families plus 8 single individuals which totaled 72 people.
Each person received two gifts, one of clothing and one personally requested gift. Each family received a well-balanced supply
of food, paper products, and a blanket. Each family was contacted several times and informed of and invited to join us in worship during the holiday season and afterwards. And all was delivered prior to the “big” ice storm! Our Mission was truly one
that brought smiles to many faces and warmed the heart of each recipient. I am sure that the Lord smiled and blessed each one
of you who participated in any way. Again! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Now, we begin to plan anew! We will review our 2013 projects and look forward to 2014.
The UMW Board begins the year by hosting the Church Women United potluck luncheon meeting on January 3rd. Then,
throughout the year, the board will meet at 1:30 P.M. the first Tuesday of each month, special meetings called when the need
arises. The Pizza Hut is up and doing business so watch for the announcements of our “Pizza Hut” fund raiser scheduled for
February 20th. Plan to eat “out” that day. The percentage that we earn will benefit our 2014 projects.
We will be participating in the Heartland’s District UMW activities, the first being the Valentine Tea scheduled for February
15th, 2014 in Weidman. Again watch for announcement on the bulletin board. And then we are alerted that Lent begins on the
5th of March. Our Lenten Potlucks with a short program each night will be scheduled for that day and the next 6 Wednesdays.
Our Lenten Breakfast will be on April 12th, the Saturday prior to Palm Sunday.
We hopefully will slow down a little in May. In June, and July we will be spending time preparing for our August Trash and
Treasure’s Sale and enjoying the Music on the Green concerts. . Believe it or not, I already have heard of some who are already
saving items for that event. So as you, “house clean or rearrange “your" treasures, start a cache for this event.
Fall! The fair will have come and gone, vacation Bible School will have come and gone, and school will have started. We will
be deep in planning for all the fall events, both local and district and for another Holiday Season.
Just keep watching the bulletin board for special notices and dates, marking your calendars, and planning on participating. We
will all anticipate an exciting and activity-packed 2014. We look forward to a fun-filled fellowship New Year with all of you,
our wonderful First United Methodist Church Family.
Please greet at the
parking lot door from
9:15am to 9:35am
and then again from
10:45am to 11:00am
before the second service. In
case something happens that
prevents you from greeting,
please call the church office
5 Al/Marge Irby
2 Lucille Leslie
12 Marie/Stuart Church
9 Pat Arnold
19 Peg/Don Fell
16 Ann and Ken Felice
26 Louie Slater
23 Judy and Ron Rozeboom
*Monthly/Weekly: The 1st Sunday of each month is always Communion Sunday.
Prayer Group meets every Tuesday at 9am.
Youth Group meets every Sunday, 2pm, homework club every Wednesday 3-5pm
(see page 2).
9 Women’s Bible Study, 6:30pm
13 Cassie Stewart, 1:30 p.m.
13 Ad Board, 7pm
16 Women’s Bible Study, 6:30pm
3 Investment, 12:30
4 Friendship Group, 9:30
4 UMW, 1:30pm
10 Cassie Stewart, 1:30pm
16 CYV Spaghetti Fundraiser dinner (more info to come)
What’s happening with the
If you attended the All Church Bazaar , you saw some of the beautiful hand and machine quilted pieces made
by the quilters. Every Thursday morning from 8 to noon we’re at work. Blocks are cut with a rotary cutter,
laid out in a pleasing design, stitched together, layered with batting and backing, stitched, turned and tied.
From 8 to 12 baby quilts and lap robes are completed every month and donated to: Eight-Cap, Rave, Pregnancy Services, Green Acres and Heartlands. Six to eight women are involved in the many steps it takes to
finish these quilts. We always have a large quilt on the frame. We’ve quilted many quilts for our own church
members and for others in our community including the Ionia Free Fair Raffle Quilts.
Over the years much fabric has been donated. We’re running low right now and
we’re in need of cotton fabric and thread, leftovers, remnants, scraps. Donations are
very much appreciated. We welcome volunteers. Join us at the quilting frame. It’s
not hard to do and the fellowship is priceless!
Isn’t our new café beautiful? We have enjoyed meeting there
for coffee, for special meetings, a few concerts and even a
movie! The café will be hosting the Music on the Green Fall
Series! Thanks to everyone who helped make this space so inviting and beautiful.
What we need now is a person, a couple of people, or a family to be in
charge of set up, making coffee and cleanup each Sunday morning. A
“First Service” person could come at 9:00 or so and make it ahead of the
first service. Or if you are a “Second Service” attendee, you could come
around 10:00 and get everything set up for the 10:30 coffee time.
It truly is a ministry position. You would be serving in a capacity that so
many appreciate. Think of all the wonderful people you’ll meet and see! If
you are looking for a place to serve in the church, this might be the spot
for you. Give Bev a call if you have any questions.
Recycling Depot
Just a reminder that we are still very active in our recycling projects. What do we collect?
Pop can tabs for Methodist Community House renovations
Box tops and soup labels for education
Requested items for RAVE (see listing on bulletin board)
Computer Ink Cartridges for missions
Cereal boxes for Haiti (must be 8 inches long)
Clothing, bedding, towels, etc-Service Center
The Recycling Depot is in the room next to the down stairs UMW bulletin board.
Julius Caesar established Jan. 1 as the
first day of the year in
46 B.C. He did this
partly to honor the
month’s namesake,
Janus, the Roman god
of beginnings. Christian
leaders in medieval
Europe replaced Jan. 1
as the first day of the
year with days carrying
more religious significance, such as Dec. 25,
which is the anniversary
of Jesus’ birth. In 1582,
Pope Gregory XIII reestablished Jan. 1 as New
Year’s Day.
Just a note of thanks to our congregation for coming together to make our commitment of $1,000 to the “World
Thank Offering” possible this year. Through our noisy offerings and fund raisers throughout the year, we were
able to send our gift to the District in November.
God Bless You!
Jana Fedon, UMW Treasurer
2 Marge Irby
1 Andy Badder
8 Miller Hotchkin
7 Hunter Roundtree
10 Abby Frost
8 Jan Powell
14 Jack Manciu
10 Marie Church
16 Frances Carr
11 Jim Martin
23 Lacy Fulcher
13 Joan MacDonald
4 Al & Joan MacDonald
24 Forest Schumacher
14 Adam Frost
28 Bill and Frances Carr
27 Al Irby
15 John Ransom
27 Katie Lincoln
16 Lois Johnson
16 Lucille Leslie
17 Jan Fate
18 Jerry Winter
21 Roberta Sterner
23 Jenifer Stout
24 Sharon Hartman
Please submit birthday
and anniversary dates to
Mindy in the office if we
do not already have
27 Larry Ransom
(E-mail prayer requests to [email protected])
Jeff Winters
Quinn Batista
Prayers for those in the military:
Sally Wilcox
Jim Martin
Clyde Stout
Ceballos Family
James Jarosch
Mark Workman
Adam Cook-Green Beret,
Carol Bookie
Tracey Lhamon
Polly Buckingham
Eric Fulcher
John Clark
Mildred Sherman
Carol Newkirk
Colleen Thompson Nancy Rowan
Joel Christiansen
Steve Lampman Lori Zimmerman
Jason Hotchkin
Jim Edlin Sr.
Susan Heft
David Ruehs
Lucy Dickinson
Nick Murray-Helicopter pilot,
Key West
Andy Hoort-Nurse, Walter Reed
Daniel Zander-Major U.S. Army
Ft. Lewis-McChord
Duane Baliff
2014 Leadership Directory
Janet Winter (Chair)
Pastor Larry Brown
Pastor Larry Brown
Al Irby
Jan Powell
Al Irby
Mindy Talbot
Al MacDonald
Ric Buys
Peg Fell
Ethel Clark
Gladys Stout
Al MacDonald
Jodi Hagen
Bev Brown
Jerry Winter
Larry Ransom
June Faulkner
Ted Paton
Joan MacDonald
Investment Fund
Jerry Winter (Chair)
Janet Winter
Bill Carr
Avis White
Marge Irby
Ruth French
Mindy Talbot
Jack Hausserman
Ken Felice
Kimarie Fish
Stuart Church
John Fate
Jerry Winter
James Wagner
Miller Hotchkin
Roxanne Stiles
Ted Paton
Nancy Haight
Wanda Buys
Kiplynn Moore
105 E. Main Street
Ionia, MI 48846
Traditional Service 9:30am
Contemporary Service 11am
Check it out!
Winter Sermon Series
Joins us this winter for Pastor Larry’s sermon series based from the Gospel of John.
The Gospel According to John, commonly referred to as the Gospel of
John or simply John, is an account of the public ministry of Jesus. It
begins with the witness and affirmation of John the Baptist and concludes with the death, burial, resurrection, and post-resurrection appearances of Jesus. This account is fourth of the canonical gospels, after the
synoptics (Matthew, Mark and Luke), and is often referred to in New
Testament scholarship as the Fourth Gospel.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him should not perish but have
eternal life.” John 3:16