Reaching The Unreached - Valley Baptist Church
Reaching The Unreached - Valley Baptist Church
WORSHIP ATTENDANCE June 5, 2016 8:00 am 108 10:45 am 93 ****************** What’s coming up this week at Valley? Valley View June 8, 2016 Reaching The Unreached Time after time we shared the story of how the one true and living God created all things. A story that any of you who are reading this readily know and could accurate relate to others. Yet, time after time after we shared this story we asked if the people in that home had heard the story. More often than not, they indicated that they had never heard this story. This was the situation during our time with the people group with whom we were working on the Amazon River this year. It is hard for us to believe that there are still people in the world who do not have a basic knowledge of how we got here (creation) and how we got in the mess we are in (sin). Of course, in these same homes there was no concept of the God who loves us so much He has sent One to save us from your sins. Please keep Pastor Lolo, from the Cocama tribe, and his wife Aneida, a Ticuna native, in prayer. They have a great desire to see both of these tribes come to know the one true and living God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We look forward to the opportunity to return next year for further ministry and to help equip them to carry the gospel into regions where they have access but we do not. At the same time, we need to understand that in the Fox Valley there are people who are unaware that they can have a personal relationship with the God who created this world. They have heard bits and pieces about God and about Jesus but do not have a grasp of the truth of sin and salvation in such a way that they can make the choice to receive God’s gift of forgiveness and life through our Lord Jesus Christ. Never assume that the people who live around you, work with you and those you otherwise encounter on a regular basis know how to enter into a personal relationship with the one true and living God. Ask yourself these questions: If not me who would be praying for their salvation? If not me who would be demonstrating a transformed life before them? If not me who will clearly share the gospel message with them? Take advantage of the increased opportunities we have in Wisconsin during the summer to interact with those around us to help them be prepared to meet Jesus. Thursday, 6/9 9:00-10:30 am, Women’s Bible Study 5:00-7:00 pm, Let’s Play Together Friday, 6/10 6:30-9:00 pm, Casa Women’s Bible Study Saturday, 6/11 9:00 am, Worship Team Sunday, 6/12 12:30-3:30 pm, Church Picnic 1:00-3:00 pm, Hmong Service Monday, 6/13 Tuesday, 6/14 7-7:30 am, Group Prayer 7:00 am-5:30 pm, Worship Center open for prayer Wednesday, 6/15 5:15-5:45pm, Connexion Café 6:00 pm, Student Ministries Grades 6-12 Pathfinders grades 1-5 Adventure Club ages 4-K 6:15 pm, Valley Connex Sunday Childcare 8:00 Babies 10:45 Babies 10:45 1-3 Yr. Sun. 6/12 Chuck & Mary Barclay Jen Boon Cori Wokosin NEED Janice O’Connell Sun. 6/19 Mandy Volkman Kathie Steward Kurt & Jean Kielisch NEED NEED Ben & Jennie Barclay Nick & Hannah Sattler Kellie Burns Jerry Sitor Sun. 6/26 Birthday Blessings! 8-Mike Pawlowski 9-Joan Banals 9-Lorin Krause 10–Dianna Grindstaff-Abbott 12-Brooke Sleik 12-Tony Beach Anniversary wishes! 9-Tim & Kathie Steward CHURCH PICNIC VBS MEETING Sunday, June 12 Saturday, June 18 12:30-3:30 pm 9:30 & 10:30 am On The Menu: June 15, 2016 Baked Potato Bar Salad Dessert ** Signup REQUIRED online or on the bulletin board by Sunday afternoon** Don’t miss out on: Games for all ages, face painting, good fellowship, and a Best Pie Contest Church will provide burgers, brats, hotdogs, baked beans and water. Please bring a dish or two to share. Questions? Contact Pam Creamer or Peggy Barger 920-358-5705 or 920-740-1782 5000 Aster Lane, Grand Chute Pastor Tony challenged us over the last two weeks out of Philippians 4 and 1 Corinthians 13 to pray more intentionally, love more intentionally, and share more intentionally with our neighbors. Here is a resource with a bunch of helpful ideas to build Christ-centered relationships with the people around you: The book mentioned there is especially helpful! “Turning Your Heart Toward God” Discover What It Really Means to Be Blessed In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus identified attitudes that bring God’s favor: weeping over sin, demonstrating meekness, and more. Some of these phrases have become so familiar that we’ve lost sight of their meaning. In this powerful study, you will gain a fresh understanding of what it looks like to align your life with God’s priorities. Here you will discover anew why the word blessed means walking in the fullness and satisfaction of God, no matter your circumstances. As you look closely at the meaning behind each of the Beatitudes, you will see how these truths can shape your choices of ever day—and bring you closer to the heart of God. Class dates: June 9, 16, 23, 30, July 21, 28 This will be a 40 minute, no homework, inductive study. We will use the book Turning Your Heart Toward God by Kay Arthur, David & BJ Lawson. Sign up and books available in the lobby starting May 22. No childcare will be available. Questions? Contact Christina Warne at 920-213-6753
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