

Winner of a Solomon Schecter Award for Excellence in Synagogue Bulletins
Elul / Tishrei / 5775
Volume 69, Number 1
Simchat Torah
2014 Honorees
High Holidays 2014
Erev Rosh Hashana
Wednesday, September 24
Ma’ariv Service
1st Day of Rosh Hashana
Thursday, September 25
K-12 Programming
Mincha & Ma’ariv
2nd Day of Rosh Hashana
Friday, September 26
Family Services
K-12 Programming
Mincha & Ma’ariv
See article inside
Erev Yom Kippur
Friday, October 3
6:45pm Sharp! Kol Nidre
K-7 Programming
Yom Kippur
Saturday, October 4
K-12 Programming
Ma’ariv & Havdalah
7:20pmShofar is blown
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are on my mind. In truth, they are always on mind . . . even during Channukah . . . even during Pesach. Such
is the nature of being a congregational rabbi. What will make High Holy
Day services more meaningful? What will make the time that people
spend in the synagogue more compelling? How, over the course of the
Rabbi Adam
three days that most of the congregation is in shul, can Cantor Freedman
and I – and all those who play a role in our services and High Holy Day
programs - artfully and engagingly share the richness of our tradition and vibrancy of our faith?
I know that when you come to the synagogue for these holidays, that you will come with anticipation – anticipation of what you will hear, how the services will impact you and in what ways you may be changed by the
experience. The services of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are a time for reflection as well as for consideration of what will be. The High Holy Days are a time to assess our growth over the past year and to plan for
the ways in which we would like to grow in the year to come.
As we prepare for the holidays which begin a new year, I share with you the following piece authored by a
colleague, Rabbi Elaine Zecher of Temple Israel in Boston.
At my high school prom many decades ago, the organizers chose Billy Joel’s “Just the Way You Are” as the
theme. I thought it was the most ridiculous choice, and I voiced it loudly. Why wouldn’t we change? Mention
high school to any adult and very few would want to go back. Now with many years between that time and this
moment, I have reached a point where I see more wisdom in the desire to stay just the way we are.
As the years pile on, life’s travails, challenges, and triumphs coat us with experiences. The layers add on and
we become hardened and affected, for good and bad, by what we have learned along the path. For sure, we
gain wisdom, understanding, and hopefully maturity. And yet we forget some of the truths we know about ourselves; what we like, what makes us happy, what gives us meaning. They get buried unintentionally under the
layers of the years though they remain dormant, like seeds buried deep in the earth.
How many years did we all spend growing up? As some distant achievement we looked to the future to be
grown up. There was much mystery in that aspiration because we couldn’t necessarily predict what we would
turn out to be like. But then at what point does it change when we flip the switch and we turn to growing older?
Maybe the answer is in the growing part. Just as a seed grows from the root and develops and blossoms, so too
should our root system remain strong. That’s our core. Uncovering the layers to rediscover ourselves, to find
once again the essence of our being, allows us to celebrate that person we once knew. We are ever in the need
of nurturing our own root system, our very core. Grow up or even grow old, just don’t stop growing; for that
is just the way you are.
“Grow up or even grow old, just don’t stop growing.” What a fantastic slogan for the new year we are about
to begin! What a terrific mantra for life!! Repeat it to yourself; share it with your friends.
Remind yourself that it may be necessary to dig a little to recall the ideals, the hopes and the dreams that had
once generated your enthusiasm and excitement for each new day. The coming year is filled with possibilities
and you can begin now to prepare yourself to grow in areas and in ways you had given up on or not considered. I hope that the time you spend in the synagogue will help you to discover what would make this year
an even better year than the one about to end.
Let me close by wishing you a Shanah Tovah u’Metukah – a good year, a sweet year, a year of growth and a
year of peace. My family – Shira, Tamar, Hana and I – wishes you a wonderful 5775!
I’m feeling very proud these days, proud of many things! In no particular
I’m proud of my son Adam, who as you know is serving in the Israel Defense Forces in the Golani Brigade. His unit saw action in Gaza during the
Cantor Stephen
recent hostilities between Hamas and Israel. While there, he helped to
uncover terror tunnels and caches of munitions. Thank God, he was not
injured in any way.
I’m proud of my wife Randi for successfully undertaking the challenge of learning a Haftarah, something her
congregation did not allow girls to do when she became a Bat Mitzvah. She chanted at a Shabbat service last
month and did extremely well (in my unbiased opinion!)
I’m proud of our Temple Sinai community for attending the rally for Israel, held at Love Park in Philadelphia
in July, in such great numbers. Not only did we fill a bus, but many, many others made their own way to
the rally. It was a privilege for me to have led everyone in the singing of Hatikvah and Oseh Shalom at the
conclusion of the program.
I was proud to represent Temple Sinai at two events “down the shore” this summer. It was an honor to help
lead Kabbalat Shabbat services with a number of rabbinic and cantorial colleagues at one of the “Devotion
by the Ocean” services in Ventnor. And it was a pleasure serving as co-chair of the 10th annual summer
concert presented by the Delaware Valley and New Jersey Regions of the Cantors Assembly. Over two dozen
cantors participated in the program, which was held in Margate. I’m proud to report that Temple Sinai members comprised almost ten percent of the audience!
Join us for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah!
Wednesday, October 15
Erev Shemini Atzeret
Ma’ariv & Yizkor
Thursday, October 16
Shemini Atzeret
Shacharit & Yizkor
Thursday, October 16
Erev Simchat Torah
Simchat Torah
Happening for Preschoolers and Families
Mincha-Ma’ariv/Hakafot 7:00pm
Friday, October 17
Simchat Torah
Shacharit 9:30am
Mincha-Ma’ariv 6:15pm
Each year, on Simchat Torah, our congregation honors members who through their participation and/or leadership have
made significant contributions to our synagogue.
This year, our Hatan & Kallat Torah (the designation given to the individuals who are called to the Torah for the reading
of the final aliyah in the Torah) will be Nancy & Bruce Fagan.
Nancy & Bruce have been members of Temple Sinai since 1987. An active member of Sisterhood, Nancy has served as
a Vice-president and co-chaired Sisterhood Shabbat for many years. For their dedication to Sisterhood, Nancy and her
sister, Roz, were awarded the distinction of being Women’s League Torah Fund honorees. Nancy served 6 years as a cochair of Temple Sinai’s Religious Committee and regularly assumes the roles of a gabbait, ritual usher and Torah reader
on Shabbaott and holidays. She also volunteers as one of the “Women” in the Kitchen.
Bruce is an active member of the Men’s Club, having served as our chapter’s President and as Executive Vice-president
on the regional level. For his outstanding service to Temple Sinai’s Men’s Club and our synagogue, he was honored with
our club’s Joseph A. Fine Award. A minyanaire for the past ten years, Bruce delivers a bi-weekly D’var Torah. Bruce has
been involved with the marketing and promotion of Temple Sinai and also served as synagogue webmaster. And he has
lent his musical talents for numerous events for the religious school and synagogue arms.
Both Nancy and Bruce have served on the synagogue’s Board of Directors and Nancy was on the congregation’s Executive Committee when she held the position of Secretary. Together they have volunteered as co-chairs of the synagogues’s Keruv/Intermarriage Outreach, the Leadership Development Committee, and the “Oybay” auction fundraiser.
When they are not at Temple Sinai, Nancy is Director of the Child Welfare Department at Jewish Family and Children’s
Service of Greater Philadelphia and Bruce runs his entertainment and promotional marketing company. They have been
married for 38 years and have two married children - Gina (and Matt) in Baltimore and Andrew (and Robin) who along
with their daughter Lucy live in Philadelphia.
Roz & Frank Romanoski will be called to the Torah for the first aliyah as we begin once again the reading of Sefer Bereshit
(The Book of Genesis) and thus will be honored as our Chatan & Kallat Bereshit.
Roz and Frank have been members of Temple Sinai for 37 years, having joined a year before their move to Dresher. Roz
has been a member of Temple Sinai Sisterhood since 1977 and has served as Treasurer for several years. She was a
Sisterhood Torah Fund honoree along with sister, Nancy. For more than 15 years, Roz served as a Member of Board of
Directors, and has chaired or co-chaired the Religious Committee and Youth Activities. At Shabbat and holiday morning
service’s she can be easily spotted as she performs her duties as “floor” gabbait, assigning honors and assisting b’nai
mitzvah families. She is also a devoted member of Men in the Kitchen. In addition to volunteering at Temple Sinai, Roz
is very active in the Wallenberg Chapter of Hadassah, having served as Treasurer and President.
Frank has been a member of Temple Sinai Men’s Club since 1977 and is a Past President of the club and a recipient of
the Joseph A. Fine Award. Frank has served for many years on the Temple Sinai Board of Directors and the Executive
Committee, and as a Past President of Temple Sinai is now a life-member of the Board of Directors. He has also chaired
the Nominating and Governance Committee. Frank enjoys attending the morning minyan and he and Roz are often the
first people to answer the call when another person or two is needed for an evening minyan.
Roz and Frank have been married for 38 years and have two children, Adam and Sara, both of whom were educated in
Temple Sinai’s Religious School. Adam currently lives in Philadelphia and Sara in New York City. In addition to Temple
Sinai, Frank and Roz are very passionate about their other Temple (University), particularly its sports teams.
We hope that you will join us on the morning of Simchat Torah (Friday, October 17) to help us honor these very worthy
members of our congregation.
Edwin Altman
Each year as Yom Kippur approaches my mind goes back to an earlier time in my life. As a college student at the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem I witnessed firsthand a society transition from peace to
war time with the outbreak of the Yom Kippur war.
Having just returned to my dorm room after morning services sirens
suddenly pierced the calm of the day. Within seconds everyone was
glued to a radio and soon we all new that once again Israel was at
war, this time with Egypt and Syria. Every few minutes broadcasts were interrupted with codes such as
Shemuel78 which was how people knew that they were being called up and needed to immediately report
to their units. By around four o’clock in the afternoon all my Israeli friends had vanished. What I didn’t
understand at the time was that I would never see a good many of them again.
With heavy casualties on both the Golan Heights and Sinai, the first days of the war were exceptionally difficult for Israel. Having been caught by surprise Israeli forces had to wage a huge defensive campaign before
being able to take the offensive.
As an American studying in Israel I was of course somewhat overwhelmed by what was happening around
me but soon found ample ways to help: donating blood for the very first time at Hadassah Hospital, working
at a bakery, sorting mail at a post office and volunteering at Kibbutz Mishmar HaNegev. My kibbutz work
found me in chicken coops running after and stuffing chickens into crates for transport to the front lines
where they would be slaughtered. After watching me struggle and stumble for an hour or two the lady in
charge finally said, “here, watch me”. With unbelievable acuity she grabbed two chickens in each hand by
their legs, lifted them up like they weighed nothing and had them in the back of the crate in seconds. While
I never came close to her level of productivity I did finally get the hang of it; not bad for a city boy.
While the war was being fought civilian life changed dramatically. Evening blackouts, almost no public
transportation, limited store supplies, school and business closings, military caravans on the roads…and so
many other signs of a disrupted economy and society.
What stays with me more than anything are the memories of friends who lost their lives. My close childhood friend Yoel who I spent years playing and studying with who lost his life as a tank commander on the
Golan Heights; my classmates Rami and Yotan whose positions were overrun on the first days of fighting
and my Hebrew U hallmates who never made it home.
This year I am feeling more connected to those memories and thoughts because of the renewed fighting in
Israel that has gone on over the summer. The never ending aggression of the Arab world towards Israel and
the need for young Israelis to again sacrifice their lives is a powerful reminder of the world we live in. And
our need as diaspora Jews to do everything in our power to support Israel remains constant.
I close with a wish that in spite of all we have endured, this New Year brings us the greatest blessing of all;
peace across the land of Israel.
Ann and I wish each of you and your extended families a sweet New Year filled with sustenance, health and
Shana Tova U’metuka,
As hard as it may seem to believe, the summer months are behind us
and the High Holidays are just a few weeks away. Looking back over
the summer months much was happening at Temple Sinai. Camp MacMessage
cabee had a wonderful summer and a great deal of time and effort was
expended to enhance our Preschool facilities. We welcomed our new
Director of Education, Shira Weissbach, who has been hard at work preHampton
paring for the upcoming Religious School year. Also, during the summer
we held daily minyan, weekly Shabbat services, Shabbat Under the Stars and Devotion by the Ocean. The
summer would not have been complete without the annual performance by the Israel Scout Caravan. This
performance was not only highly entertaining, but also an opportunity for us to show our support for Israel.
Over the past few months, we have performed some well needed maintenance in our facility. Long overdue
repairs have been started in the Library, improved access has been created in the Preschool classrooms, safety improvement was a focus in the Preschool wing, many additional energy saving efforts were instituted and
a great deal of preventive maintenance was undertaken.
Our building, like our own homes, requires constant upkeep and, from time to time, significant improvements. Our Sisterhood and Men’s Club are supportive in funding many of these efforts and projects and we
are very lucky to have this generous financial support. Unfortunately, this funding alone is not enough and
given the age of our facilities, you can be assured that additional improvements will be required. Each of us
should think of Temple Sinai as being a second home and a place that we should be proud of. It is in our collective interest to make sure that our Synagogue is well maintained, our physical plant is up to date and our
facilities are physically appealing. Please keep this in mind as you consider your Annual Appeal pledge this
year. Thank you in advance for your financial support and commitment to Temple Sinai.
The High Holidays provide us not only with the opportunity to celebrate and reflect, but also the opportunity
to reconnect with our Temple Sinai friends and family. I encourage you to take full advantage of our High
Holiday services and programming and to spend some time catching up with old friends. There is nothing
better than spending a few minutes catching up with friends during the High Holidays, whether out in the
hallway, on the walk in from the parking lot or after services conclude. Please also keep an eye out for our
new members and be sure to greet them and welcome them to our Temple Sinai family.
I look forward to seeing you at High Holiday services and I will do my best to greet as many of you as possible.
From my family to yours, L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu – May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for a good year.
ZAHAVA / Temple Sinai’s Young Sisterhood
Wednesday, Oct 1st
Feel free to bring ONE book idea so we can compile a list of books
to read throughout the year.
We will have wine and appetizers and welcome you to contribute a dairy or parve item.
Join Sisterhood for $36 to become a member of ZAHAVA
Please contact Stacie Frutkin for more information / [email protected]
Temple Sinai Sisterhood, Men's Club, Hazak and Adult Education Committee
are proud to host a pre-festival screening for the
Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival's Fall Program
Lost Town
Directors: Richard Goldgewicht, Jeremy Goldscheider
This remarkable documentary chronicles the lost Ukranian
town of Trochenbrod, first made famous in Jonathan Safran
Foer’s Everything is Illuminated. The only all-Jewish town to
exist outside of Palestine, Trochenbrod's 5000 Jews were all
but obliterated by the Nazis. Except for the 33 townspeople
who escaped the massacre there, the town has since ceased
to exist. Following one man’s obsessive quest to understand
his family history and to connect to his father, Lost Town has
triggered a resurgence of interest in Trochenbrod and has
helped to reconnect the few remaining survivors and their
descendants. Utilizing contemporary documentary footage,
original animation, and survivor testimonials, Lost Town
demonstrates how far people will go to claim their sense of
Join us for a discussion with Special Guests
Israel Milner, Trochenbrod Descendant, in conversation with
Sara Wenger, Immediate Past-President, Temple Sinai Sisterhood
When: Monday, September 29th, 8:00 pm
Where: Temple Sinai, Dresher (in the Chapel immediately following minyan)
Tickets may be purchased through the PJFF website as of September 2.
Visit pjff.org and use discount code: SINAI when purchasing your tickets to receive
$2 off admission.
Special price for TS congregants $5.00
Shana Tovah from our
Herma & Lester Abramson
Marilyn Adelman and Family
Debby Albert & Glen Feinberg,
David & Noah
Flossie Albert and Family
Lynn & Charles Alexander and Family
Myrna & Lawrence Allen
Ed & Ann Altman
Linda & Mitchell Barrer
Cheryl & Joseph Baum
Diane & Howard Becker
Michelle & David Berk and Family
Shelley & Alan Bilsky and Family
Arthur, Ilene and Marcia Blatman
Judy Blumberg
Marilyn & Jody and Brittany, Zachary, and
Cory Borgman
Brandywine Senior Living at Dresher Estatates
Elysa & Jeff Brenner and Family
Ellen & Larry Bressler and Family
Mark, Meredith & Jordyn Breuer
Amy & Josh Brody and Family
Leonard & Doreen Brown
Susan & Alan Budman and Family
Chelsea & Elliot Busch
Nadine & Neil, Brian and Jessica Canter
Mariyln & Joseph Carp and Family
Gloria & Morton Ceasar
Cantor Nathan & Beverly Chaitovsky
Beth Ellen Chernoff
Marcia, Steve, Brian and Lauren Cherry
Howard & Audrey Cohen and Family
Carol & Ed Cohen and Family
Robyn & Adam Cohen and Family
Andrea & Samuel Domsky and Family
Debra, Barry and Joshua Drossner
Jimmie, Beth and Lauren Edelman
Samantha Edelman & Matthew Bloch Vicki & Howard Edelman and Family
Betty Gross Eisenberg & Barry Bressler and Families
Don & Diane Factor and Family
Nancy & Bruce Fagan
Helene & Gerald Feldman and Family
Craig & Amy Firestone and Family
Renata Fisher and Family
Ilene & Stu Fredd
Cantor Stephen & Randi Freedman and Family
Lauren & Jeff Gladstone and Family
Marcy & Mark Gohen and Family
Linda & Alan Goldberg and Family
Paula & Cliff Goldstein and Family
Nancy & Jeff Gordon and Family
Hilda Greenberg and Family
Sally & Len Grossman
Phyllis Haas
Jill & Jeffrey Hampton and Family
Terry & Gene Heller
Herzberg/Kurland Family
Aileen & Irwin Hollander
Cindy & David Horowitz and Family
Enid & Mark Horowitz and Family
Janet, Larry and Ali Isaacman
The Izes Family
Becky & Roy Jackel and Family
Temple Sinai Family 5775
Bonnie & Bill Kanefsky and Family
Sheila & Alan Katz
The Kepniss Six
Ellyn & Bob Klein
Joyce & Peter Klugherz
Karen & Bill Kramer and Family
Debbie & Alan Krochtengel and Family
Faye Laveson and Family
Jodie Levinson & Family
Betsy & Franklin Lewinson
Clifford & Lenore Lipkin
Marge Listman
Stephen & Barbara London and Family
Nadine & Neil Lubarsky and Family
Janet & Eric Lynn and Family
Audrey & George Marcus
Jay & Judy Marku
Benne & Bill Marmer and Family
Laurie & David Matez
Ellen & Charlie McGrother
David & Gladys Menaker and Family
Joan & Bob Parkin and Family
Pam & Marty Pearlmutter and Family
Tracey Perchick
Karen & Bill Petkun
Rob & Stacy Pressman and Family
Mary & Nathan Relles
Frank, Roz, Sara and Adam Romanoski
Betty & Bernie Roseman
Barbara & John Rosenau and Family
Nancy & Rob Rosenthal and Family
Sally & Ed Rosenthol
Jonathan & Linda Roth and Family
Meryl & Howard Roth and Ariel
Meryl & Howard Roth and Ariel
Faith Rubin
Marjorie & Len Schwartz and Family
Monna & Barry Schwartz
Ruth & Steven Segal and Family
Sara Segal
Mindy & Jules Shamberg and Family
Alan, Ina, Beth & Eric, Adam, and David Shore
Shelly & Howard Shotel
Merle, Mark and Sara Silverman
Dottie & Rich Singer and Family
Arlene Smuckler
Evelyn & Marty Snyder and Family
Gertrude Solkov and Family
Ellen & Garry Spear
Renee Starr & Marc Shapiro and Families
Meryl & Larry Stern and Family
Marilyn & Heshy Stock
Maxine & Asher Stutman
Charla & Mark Sussman and Family
Susan & Steve Teich and Family
The Teleha Family
Ellen & Buzzy Walters and Family
Harriet & Phil Weinstein and Family
Gail & Marty Weiss
Randi & Gregg Weiss and Family & Roni Gold
Stacey & David Weiss and Family
Shira & Coby Weissbach
Bob & Sara Wenger
Harriet Winokur and Family
Joan Winokur
Rabbi Adam & Shira Wohlberg and Family
Thank you all for your warm welcome to my new position at Temple
Sinai. I am thrilled to be the new Director of Education at such a vibrant congregation! We have so many exciting programs and initiatives; and I am blessed to work with this amazing community of lay
leaders and professionals to maximize our potential and success. I
have spent the summer meeting with our religious school teachers,
evaluating curricula, planning for the High Holidays, meeting with
the youth group advisors, developing new incentive programs, getting to know my dedicated religious school
committee and much more! I have been so impressed with the level of professionalism and commitment
from everyone connected with this congregation.
Director of
I’m drawn to the Religious School’s mission statement and if you haven’t had a chance to read it you should
check it out on Temple Sinai’s website at http://www.tsinai.com/education/religious-school/. The first tenet
in our mission statement is “to have a positive religious school experience”. A positive experience includes
all aspects of the program, including the academic and social components. This is my top priority for all students at Temple Sinai. I have been working with our teachers to ensure that all students arrive with smiles
and leave happy as well.
We are making several changes to our school to ensure a positive experience such as creating smaller classes, introducing new books with the consultation of teachers and colleagues, and making significant curricular changes to several grades. Although many of our classes are split for a more intimate and effective
learning environment, there will be time during each class session for the group to come together for learning, fun, and socialization. Another way to ensure a positive religious school (and synagogue) experience is
to encourage participation instead of imposing requirements. Our new incentive program, for 3rd through
6th graders, The Road to 18, will allow students to feel great about everything they do in their life that has a
Jewish connection. This program will give students “points” and recognition for all of their Jewish activities
in the synagogue, home, and beyond. Examples include attending Shabbat services, hosting a “Guess Who’s
Coming to Shabbas” dinner, volunteering, and much more!
Parents, positivity starts with you! Please tell your child how important religious school is and why it is
special to be part of the Temple Sinai community. You are their role models and your words (and actions)
mean more to your children than anything else. If at any point you have a question or concern please do not
hesitate to call, email, or arrange a time for a conversation.
I look forward to a year of learning, community, and fun.
On your mark, get set, go! And we are off. Off to a new year of
experiential learning, building loving friendships and engaging in
fun activities. All children attending the Ann Newman preschool
will have the core components of our curriculum during their
morning classes. They will be involved in literacy, mathematics,
science, social studies, and the arts. Our new afternoon enrichment program extends these activities in specific way.
Our older afternoon students will participate in:
Monday- Handwriting without tears
Tuesday- Science/Nature
Wednesday- Mathematics
Thursday- Art and Artists
Friday- Literature
This structure supports the fact that we are first and foremost a learning facility whose students are guided by
quality educators that understand children and their potential.
Despite being “on the go” here at the preschool, as the High Holidays approach, I encourage you to slow down
and as the Supremes referred to in their hit song “STOP! In the name of love” Although it is a song about a
couple, the chorus can be applied to children lost in the shuffle of a very busy world.
“Stop in the name of love. Before you break my heart. Think it over.”
Please take time in your busy day to stop, lower your body, make eye contact and share a wholehearted
quality few moments with your child. It builds self-esteem, communication skills, verbal comprehension and
social competency. They deserve it and so do you!!
L’shanah Tovah
Tracey Perchick
“Together we engage and interact in activities that are the source which
leads to the creation of meaningful memories and moments in our Judaic journey.”
I am honored to help lead in the responsibility of maintaining and creating opportunities for Jewish engagement at Temple Sinai.
This year, as Director of Family, Youth and Community Engagement, I am
already planning three exciting Family Engagement programs that will
coincide with three favorite Jewish holidays: Simchat Torah, Chanukah and Purim. If you joined in any of these
celebrations in past years, you will remember that hundreds of your family and friends turned out for the
Simchat Torah gala as well as for the Purim celebration.
These programs are designed to help people connect across age groups and interests and are a way for each
of us to connect to the synagogue and Jewish life. If you have already joined in one of these events, I hope you
have felt a sense of belonging. If you haven’t yet joined us at one of these events, then start by taking small
steps: call a friend or family member and join one of the many groups and/or activities here at Temple Sinai. I
believe we have something for everyone and you will reap both individual and group rewards each and every
time you are part of a Temple Sinai event.
I hope you will take the time to look at the new Youth Engagement trifold. It includes information about all of
our youth groups: Makor (Gr 3 – 5); Kadima (Gr 6 – 7); Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing (Girls Gr 6 – 12); Shevet
Achim: The Brotherhood (Boys Gr 7 – 12); USY (Gr 8 – 12). Add Tot Shabbat for our PreSchoolers (and their
families) and Knesset Mishpacha for all families and there is something for everyone!
Temple Sinai has a long, wonderful history of nurturing and sustaining a strong sense of community. I encourage you to attend a new group or event this year in order that you may continue to feel the belonging our
Temple Sinai community offers.
“Together Everyone Achieves More”
Our first Family and Community
Engagement Program
Simchat Torah
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Temple Sinai’s
Congregational Family Social Dinner (5:45pm RSVP early)
Preschool Simchat Torah Program
Religious School, Day School and all
other Congregants Numbers
Challenge Activity
(6:30pm Service celebration at 7:00pm)
Students will have been taught a
dance by grade to lead the
congregation for each Hakkafah
The “Experienced and Wise”
This article is being written in the summer not too long after I have
been elected as the new president of HAZAK for the coming 5775
year. A number of very interesting programs have already been
planned for the year and although we have a good size group, we
would like more members of the congregation, who are 55 and older,
to participate in our social and educational experiences.
In addition, HAZAK is open to others who are not members of our congregation, so feel free to invite your
friends and relatives to our meetings. Annual dues are $20 per person and this will get you a $3 discount per
meeting for our great Sunday brunches. We also look forward to joining with our Men’s Club and Sisterhood
to present programs of general interest.
Our opening brunch on September 7th, “Power of Laughter”, with comedian Al Kustanowitz who has written
a series of seven books called Jewish Humor on Your Desktop, promises to make you chuckle and give you the
opportunity to tell your own jokes for the web, so come prepared. Our brunches usually start at 10:00 AM,
but because of the length of this program, we ask that you arrive for a 9:45 start time.
On September 18th, we will visit the Mummers Museum for a tour, dairy lunch and entertainment by a Mummers’ String Band. Both Hazak and Non-Hazak members are invited to this event. Join us for this “Power of
Music” event. The cost is $45 which includes transportation, tour, lunch and entertainment.
On Friday, October 10th, we are planning a Sukkot dinner in the auditorium catered by Men in the Kitchen.
Dinner will follow services in the Chapel and blessings in Temple Sinai Sukkah. Rabbi Fredi Cooper from the
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College will have just returned from Israel and will update us on the current situation in the region after dinner.
Some events for the rest of the year are also in the works including a Veteran’s Day program, a Movie and review by Steven Rea, “The Power of Technology” brunch on 3-D Printing and its impact on our future, Stu Weitz
and company music gala, “The Power of Weather” – Glenn “Hurricane” Schwartz from NBC will discuss Global
Warming from a weatherman’s perspective and “The Power of Sports”-Merrill Reese, play by play announcer
for the Philadelphia Eagles will join us. In addition our Rabbi Wohlberg and Cantor Freedman will host programs next spring which are sure to be both educational and entertaining. In addition, we have arranged
an AARP driver’s training course on January 15th for those who want a deduction from their auto insurance.
Stay tuned for additional programs and updates.
Our officers for this year include: Steven Rosen, President, Rose Beck, Treasurer, Dorothy Singer, Secretary,
Lori Lichtenfeld, Catering, Judy Caplan and Janet Rosen, Program Co-Chairs.
I want to thank all of you for your tireless assistance in making our HAZAK chapter great.
If you are interested in getting yourself or some of your relatives or friends added to our mailing list, please
call the Temple Sinai main office or e-mail me at [email protected].
Join us Friday, October 10th for services at 6PM followed by blessings in the Sukkah, dinner and
an after dinner Israel update by Rabbi Fredi Cooper who recently returned from Israel.
Rabbi Cooper teaches at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and has two daughters in Tel Aviv.
$18 per person
Please make checks out to HAZAK and mail to:
Rose Beck
P.O. Box 1448
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Last week, I was driving with a buddy of mine on our way to go mountain biking in Philadelphia’s Wissahickon Valley Park. On the way, conversations led to preschool costs and ultimately to the sizeable check
he writes each month to his synagogue for membership, preschool and
assorted fees. It was clear that he was frustrated by the increasing
costs for membership, especially given his confession that he only goes
to his synagogue twice per year. I knew exactly where he was coming
from. He was venting, just as I and many of my peers had done countless times before. However this time,
something felt different. Being so active in Temple Sinai and living with a spouse who is equally (if not more
so) involved has given me a different perspective on synagogue membership. Sitting in on the executive
committee’s reports, I participate in the discussions about budgetary windfalls and shortfalls. For years, I’ve
watched my wife battle the challenge of keeping preschool pricing low while meeting the demands of a school
with shrinking enrolment.
Men’s Club
I admitted to my friend that I no longer shared his sentiment, mostly because I feel like my family is getting
great value for our membership dollar. Temple Sinai has become our second home. We are here all the time…
picking up, dropping off, attending services , cooking in the kitchen, holding meetings, eating Shabbat meals
or simply parking our car in the lot as we take a few laps around Mondauk Park. I recognize that many of my
peers may share my friend’s sentiments and that is why I have become so passionate about our Men’s Club.
My goal is to encourage the involvement of Temple Sinai’s male members in all facets of congregational life
and to make their time at our shul, and the membership dollars they spend here, as valuable and meaningful
as possible.
With those motivations in our hearts, our club members aggressively recruit new members, from preschool
dads who may not yet be synagogue members to the long-time congregants who were looking for ways to
expand their networks and have more fun. Each year, we develop and sponsor programming to promote fun,
camaraderie, spirituality, community and philanthropy. 5775 promises to be a great year and we encourage
all male members to learn more about our Men’s Club programming at our first Pub Night at 730pm on Thursday, September 11th at MaGerk’s in Fort Washington. Here's to our Temple Sinai community in the new year!
We are pleased to welcome the following
new congregants to Temple Sinai
Jamie and Craig Appelstein & Family
Rachel and Michael Blum & Family
Ellen and Paul Brenner
Michelle and Brad Cohen & Family
Laura and Corey Cohen & Family
Jamie and Harris Cohen & Family
Lainie and Richard Cottrell & Family
Paul and Rosalyn Grand
Heather and Scott Haimovitz & Family
Elisa and Neal Hoffman & Family
Jamie and Larry Jakubowitz & Family
Ricki Lang Yahav & Family
Lisa and Jeff Rosenberg & Family
Michele Shour & Family
Luba and Greg Star & Family
Wendy and Joel Steinberg & Family
Shira and Alan Woronoff & Family
Robin and Greg Zappin & Family
Letter from the Sisterhood President
As I begin my second year as Sisterhood president, I marvel at all the
great things we were able to accomplish last year and all the wonderful project and programs already in place for the coming year. Over
the summer there has been a flurry of activity planning our Opening
Event featuring a wonderful guest, Mary O’Conner Ward. Mary is the
sister of the late Cardinal O’Conner and recently found out that her
mother was Jewish. She will talk to us about her thoughts about this surprising revelation. Please join us on
the evening of Monday, October 20th for this interesting event. Pay only $36 for your Sisterhood membership on or before October 20th and the event is free.
Over our Sisterhood’s 75 years, we have learned, laughed and supported each other, our synagogue and our
community. Why not help us celebrate our 75th anniversary with a $75 Sisterhood 75th Year Sponsor Membership. See the membership brochure for more details. Help celebrate our long history and our future.
Also this fall, following up on our wonderful year-end event with the Jewish Film Festival and the showing
of Lady in No. 9, we will be a preview site for one of this year’s films. Join us on Monday, September 29th
for a preview of the film Lost Town.
Although we will not be having the rummage sale this year, we still have a place for you to dispose some
of your used items. For our Mitzvah project, we are collecting old or torn towels, blankets, and sheets.
These items will be given to the Montgomery County SPCA in Conshohocken, and PAWS in Philadelphia, to
provide warm bedding for pets this winter. We are also collecting gently used iPods (shuffles) and chargers
for Alzheimer's patients involved in Music and Memory, Inc., a non-profit improving quality of life through
personalized digital music technology. If you have any of these items to donate, please leave them in the
boxes provided in the pre-school entrance lobby.
And finally, save the date for our 2nd annual Holiday Boutique. Come out to get your holiday gifts on Tuesday, November 18th between 2 and 8pm. If you know anyone who would like to be a vendor, contact me at
[email protected]. It’s sure to be another great sisterhood event!
Pick up a membership brochure and learn about all Sisterhood has to offer. Our calendar is full and we are
always looking for members to brainstorm, plan, run and come to our events. All levels are participation are
welcome. Come find out how our Sisterhood can be your Sisterhood!
Sisterhood Jewish Living
by Joan Winokur
Once again we approach the New Year grateful for reaching the season, mindful of the seriousness of the
Days of Awe and aware of our responsibilities. We look back on the year past and look forward to 5775.
May our account of the past year reflect a list of goals well met and the understanding that we are not
In the spirit of the season, I ask your forgiveness for hurts or slights I unwittingly visited on you this past
year and pray that for 5775 you and yours will be inscribed for a year of good health, joy and good deeds
in a world working towards peace.
Living the season properly, adding our forgiveness of ourselves to that of G-d and our family and friends,
we should feel cleansed and balanced. We remember mistakes to not repeat them and remember loved
ones gone to be blessed by their memory. We dip the apple in honey – or honey cake in schnapps if you
were at Bata’s – and we look forward to a sweet year.
Contributions: Thank You For Your Support
Florence H. Albert Preschool Activities
In Memory of
Ida Poplow .................................................. Gertrude Solkov
Boy Scout
In Honor of
Engagement of Traci Budman to Dustin Hojnacki .................
............................................... Randi & Ken Zeitzer & Family
In Memory of
Irene Kofsky ........................... Randi & Ken Zeitzer & Family
Rochelle Carlton............................................. Arlene Carlton
Lea Field .......................................................... Edward Field
Risé Bressler Chesed
In Honor of
Birth of Tali Libove Doran ......................................................
.. Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg and Michelle Bressler
.........................................................Nadine & Neil Lubarsky
Speedy recovery for Dennis Suplee ......................................
Speedy recovery for Jeffrey Goldis........................................
...............................Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
Engagement of Samantha Edelman to Matthew Bloch .........
.............Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
Engagement of Philip Yanofsky to Rachel Fox .....................
Birth of Ophira Austen Lacks .................................................
.............Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Children
Engagement of Beth Shore to Eric Pasternack .....................
........................................................... Ellen & Larry Bressler
In Memory of
Helene Dublisky .....................................................................
Marjorie Balick........................................................................
S. Robert Polis .......Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
Joan Jacobs ...........................................................................
Sylvia Kivitz ............................................................................
.............Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg & Families
Harry Toran ............................................................................
...... Barry Bressler and Allison Bressler Goldis & Edward Goldis
Helene Dublisky ................................... Benne & Bill Marmer
........................................................... Ellen & Larry Bressler
Dr. Alan Jeffrey Smith ............................................................
.............Betty Gross Eisenberg & Barry Bressler & Children
Sylvia Kivitz ............................................ Ralph & Ellen Levin
Dr. Alan Jeffrey Smith ................... Sondra & Mitch Levinson
Harold K. Goldberg ............................................... Ellyn Karp
Ethel Goldis .......................................... Helen & Harry Gross
.............................................................. Jackie & Dale Baver
Joseph Menin ........................................... Marjorie Schwartz
Ruth Levinson ............................................Mitchell Levinson
Fannie Levin............................Ralph & Ellen Levin & Family
Samuel Levin ..................................................... Ralph Levin
Harry Karp ....................................................... Stephen Karp
Cantor’s Charity
In Honor of
Marriage of Daniel Fisher & Alexis Barth ...............................
Birth of William Dashiell Sussman ... Vicki & Howie Edelman
Cantor Stephen Freedman ..............Renata Fisher & Family
In Memory of
Gerald Cohn ...........Barry Bressler & Betty Gross Eisenberg
..........................................................Evelyn & Marty Snyder
.........................................................................Gail Wolfberg
............................................................... Ralph & Ellen Levin
......................................................... Vicki & Howie Edelman
Mel Fisher ............................................... Dave & Arline Olim
....................................................Nicholas & Claire Batuyios
Norman Lerner .....................Robin Lerner & James Jolinger
..................................................................... Sharon Herman
Morris Freedman ........................ Cantor Stephen Freedman
Belle Teitelbaum ..............................................Ellen Brenner
Helene Dublisky .................................... Gene & Terry Heller
.............................................................. Jackie & Dale Baver
Aaron Milner ....................................................... Israel Milner
Sylvia Kivitz ............................................. Reda & David First
Cook For A Friend
In Honor of
Marriage of Daniel Fisher & Alexis Barth ...............................
........................................... Susan & Alan Budman & Family
Speedy recovery for Herma & Les Abramson .......................
.............................................................Susan & Steve Teich
Jonah Carver becoming a Bar Mitzvah .................................
.............................................................. Terry & Gene Heller
Cook For A Friend (continued)
In Memory of
Benjamin Heller...............................................Eugene Heller
Lois Marks .........................................Evelyn & Marty Snyder
Louis Glick....................................................... Ilene Blatman
Milton Reich ........................................................ Sheila Katz
Abby Cooper Religious School Scholarship
In Honor of
Engagement of Beth Shore to Eric Pasternack.....................
...................................................... Sondra & Mitch Levinson
In Memory of
Keren Friede ..................... Amy & Dan Rosenberg & Family
Lilly Dubin Children’s Garden
In Memory of
Rudy Leis ......................................................... Rochelle Leis
Joe Karr..............................................Sandy & Alex Murland
Florence & Rubin Dworkin Scholarship
In Honor of
Birth of William Dashiell Sussman .......... Dina & Hal Rovner
In Memory of
Rubin Dworkin .......................... Dina & Hal Rovner & Family
Alan Markovitz................. Jackie & Stan Silverman & Family
Herbert L. Goldfine Scholarship
In Memory of
Rose Goldfine ........................................................................
Hyman Goldfine .............................................Marilyn Keesal
Martyn S. & Fannie Goldstein Minyan
In Honor of
Don Factor ........................................................... Larry Allen
Speedy recovery for Herma & Les Abramson .......................
........................................................ Beth & Jimmie Edelman
................................................................Marty & Gail Weiss
............................................................................. Rose Beck
................................................................ Sheila & Alan Katz
Speedy recovery for Herma Abramson .................................
...............................................................Don & Diane Factor
........................................................................ Faye Laveson
...................................................... Helen & Sidney Feinberg
.............................................................. Janice & Jerry Dunn
....................................................... Louis & Helen Shankroff
Joan Beyer's birthday................. Lester & Herma Abramson
Engagement of Traci Budman to Dustin Hojnacki .................
...............................................................Myrna & Larry Allen
In Memory of
Mildred Cohen ........................................................................
Henry Cohen .............................. Herma & Lester Abramson
George Abramson..................................................................
Gerald Cohn ............................... Lester & Herma Abramson
...............................................................Myrna & Larry Allen
Helene Dublisky ............................................ Marge Listman
Jack Krevitz ................................................... Marlene Graub
Karl Katz................................................................. Alan Katz
Harry Stutman ........................................................................
Fannie Stutman ............................. Asher & Maxine Stutman
Perry Stutman ............................................... Asher Stutman
Mel Fisher ................................... Barbara & Barry Goldstein
..................................................................... Debra Drossner
Sarah Cooperstein .................................................................
Joel Goldstein .............................................. Barry Goldstein
Robert Rosedale ....................................................................
Jeanne Schwartz....................................Diane & Don Factor
Nathan M. Carp ................................................. Joseph Carp
Mel Fisher ..............................................................................
Ruth Brodsky........................................ Karen & José Castel
Fred Goldstein........................................................................
Jean Esterkin Stern................................ Larry & Meryl Stern
Israel Richman .................................................. Marcie Cohn
Esther Listman .............................................. Marge Listman
Bertha Brown .........................................................................
Abood Franco......................................... Meryl & Larry Stern
Sylvia Kivitz ........................................... Ruth & Leon Visnov
Rabbi Greenberg Scholar-in-Residence
In Memory of
Sylvia Kivitz .....................................Helen Barufkin & Family
Nancy Schnabel .............................................. Howard Stock
Sylvia Kivitz ............................................................................
Harriet Cove ...................................... Marilyn & Heshy Stock
Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas
In Honor of
Flossie Albert's special birthday ..................... Faye Laveson
.........................................................Nadine & Neil Lubarsky
Speedy recovery for Herma Abramson ...........Flossie Albert
In Memory of
Nathan Silberstein..................................................................
H. Joseph Matusow ...............................................................
Harry Silverstein.....................................................................
Charles H. Laveson ........................................ Faye Laveson
Sylvia Kivitz ......................................................Flossie Albert
Jean Setleis............................................................Lisa Blum
Handicap Accessibility
In Honor of
Engagement of Traci Budman to Dustin Hojnacki.................
................................................................ Susan & Paul Bratt
In Memory of
Sylvia Kivitz ........................ Susan & Alan Budman & Family
................................................................ Paul & Susan Bratt
Richard Harris Memorial
In Honor of
Rachel Harris becoming a Bat Mitzvah ....... Rebecca Singer
In Memory of
Ruth Brodsky...................................... Mary & Nathan Relles
Harriet Cove ...........................................................................
Thelma Peikes .............................................. Jerry Leventhal
Ruth Brodsky................................................ Rebecca Singer
......................................................... Renee & David Sackey
Mel Fisher ........................................ Renee & David Sackey
David Hertzberg Scholarship
In Memory of
Jacob Hertzberg...............................................Flossie Albert
High Holiday Choir
In Memory of
Sylvia Kivitz ..................................................... Faye Laveson
.............................................................. Judy & Jerry Caplan
Holocaust Education
In Honor of
Engagement of Traci Budman to Dustin Hojnacki.................
......................................................Audrey & George Marcus
Marriage of Renee Greenberg's daughter .............................
.................................. Samantha Edelman & Matthew Bloch
In Memory of
Rose Weinstock ....................................................Alan Stern
William Goodman........................................ Jerald Goodman
Mel Fisher ............................................. Martin & Toby Adler
Charles Teitelman ......................................... Phyllis Gardner
Abraham Dembowski .....................................Rebecca Miller
Joyce Flacker .....................................................Sheryl Stern
Herman Schwartz ......................................... Susan Budman
Imagine 613
In Memory of
Irene Kofsky ...................................... Julie & Alan Gubernick
Harriet Jacobs Education
In Memory of
Abraham Citrin .............................. Gladys & David Menaker
Keren Friede ..................................................... Jackie Baver
Martin Josephs Library
In Memory of
Abraham Z. Shanzer ......................................Bruce Shanzer
Ronald Field .....................................................Gregory Field
Ann Kay Adult Education
In Memory of
Leonard Altschul ..............................................Karen Petkun
Maynard Petkun .............................................William Petkun
Kiddush & Oneg Shabbat
In Memory of
Helene Dublisky ..........................Doug & Lori Most & Family
Louis & Hester Laver Youth Activities
In Honor of
Engagement of Beth Shore to Eric Pasternack .....................
........................................... Marcia & Steve Cherry & Family
(Continued on page 2)
The Temple Sinai Players Announce Their
2015 Production of OLIVER!
“Please sir, I want some more.” More what, you may ask – more of the joyously entertaining stagecraft of the
Temple Sinai Players. This year, the Players will present the beloved musical Oliver!, about the lonely orphan
boy from the London workhouse who boldly asks for more. After leaving the workhouse, he finds friendship
and adventure in the streets of London with Fagin, his gang of pickpockets led by the Artful Dodger, and Nancy, the woman who helps him find his true family.
Nothing works on the stage like a well-crafted tale, and Oliver! is such a show. Based on the Dickens novel,
Oliver Twist, the show will engage adults and children alike with its pathos and drama, while delighting everyone with its outstanding musical numbers. Food, Glorious Food, I’d Do Anything, Where is Love?, Consider
Yourself, As Long As He Needs Me, Who Will Buy and Reviewing the Situation are musical theatre classics.
All parts are open, and girls may play some boy roles—including the parts of Oliver and Dodger.
Oliver! has a large cast of all ages.
Won’t you join us for more – more singing, more dancing, more acting, and of course, the opportunity for
more camaraderie, friendship and a rollicking good time with some fabulous people. The Players are always
looking for those who can play an instrument in our orchestra, who enjoy building, painting and creating
masterful sets, who enjoy marketing, advertising and raising money for our synagogue, who like to sew and
design costumes, or simply want to spend a few hours helping in rehearsal or during the show. If you have
any questions, please contact Jenn Goldberg at (267) 716-4157 or [email protected], or
stop by the synagogue during our rehearsals. Follow the sound of laughter, singing and dancing and you will
be sure to find us. As they say in Oliver!, “consider yourself part of the family.” L’Shana Tova.
www.Boscovsalacartecatering.com & Event Planning - Dave [email protected]
Wednesday, October 8 - Erev Sukkot
Mincha & Ma’ariv............................... 6:00pm
Thursday, October 9 - First Day of Sukkot
Shacharit............................................ 9:30am
Mincha & Ma’ariv............................... 6:00pm
Friday, October 10 - Second Day of Sukkot
Shacharit............................................ 9:30am
Mincha & Ma’ariv............................... 6:00pm
Saturday, October 11 - Third Day of Sukkot
Shabbat Morning............................... 9:30am
Sunday, October 12 - Fourth Day of Sukkot
Morning Minyan................................ 8:00am
Monday, October 13 - Fifth Day of Sukkot
Morning Minyan................................ 7:00am
Evening Minyan................................. 7:30pm
Tuesday, October 14 - Sixth Day of Sukkot
Morning Minyan................................ 7:00am
Evening Minyan.................................. 7:30pm
Wednesday, October 15 - Hoshana Rabbah
Morning Minyan................................. 6:45am
Wednesday, October 15 - Erev Shemini Atzeret
Ma’ariv & Yizkor................................. 7:30pm
Thursday, October 16 - Shemini Atzeret
Shacharit & Yizkor.............................. 9:30am
Thursday, October 16 - Erev Simchat Torah
Preschool Simchat Torah Happening................. 6:30pm
Mincha & Ma’ariv/Hakafot................ 7:00pm
Friday October 17 - Simchat Torah
Shacharit............................................ 9:30am
Mincha & Ma’ariv............................... 6:00pm
In your hectic life, how can you fit in another “to do”?
You may not even need it (God willing) for a long
time. Why not put off thinking about it for now?
Why not? Because no one knows when the need will arise.
When it does, many tasks must
be handled and decisions made in a limited amount of time.
Contacting loved ones
Selecting and purchasing a gravesite
Making funeral arrangements
Handling the affairs of the deceased
Now is the time to lessen the burden placed on your family by
purchasing a gravesite for that
inevitable need. Having one less decision to research and make
during that difficult time is
one of the greates gifts you could give them, along with the peace
of mind of knowing that
everything has been arranged exactly the way you wanted.
Temple Sinai has available gravesites at nearby King David
Memorial Park in Bensalem, PA at reasonable costs for its
members and their families.
For more information, please call the
Temple Sinai office at 215.643.6510 or
email [email protected].
Selichot Program & Service
Preparing ourselves for the High Holidays
Rabbi Adam Wohlberg & Cantor Stephen Freedman of Temple Sinai
Rabbi Joshua Kalev & Cantor Elizabeth Shammash of Tiferet Bet Israel
Rabbi Saul Grife & Hazzan Arlyne Unger of Beth Tikvah B’nai Jeshurun
Saturday, September 20
Temple Sinai
1401 North Limekiln Pike
Dresher, PA 19025
Havdalah & Refreshments
Professor Fred Lazin
“In the Aftermath of the Gaza Conflict What Does the Future Hold For Israel?”
Selichot Services
Join together for an evening of music, learning and prayer.
On the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah, Jews throughout the world assemble to recite the service of
selichot (requests for forgiveness) which are typically recited in the early morning hours during the week leading
up to the High Holy Days.
For many years now, our congregation has shared this service with the members and clergy of Beth Tikvah-Bnai
Jeshurun and Tiferet Bet Israel. Once again, we will be hosting our three congregations for a selichot program
and service to which the community is invited.
The evening will begin with havdalah and a light reception at 8:30 PM. Our program will feature Professor Fred
Lazin who will be speaking on the current situation in Israel. Professor Lazin was born in Boston and grew up
in Sharon Massachusetts. He received his undergraduate degree from UMASS Amherst (where he was elected
to Phi Beta Kappa, graduated Cum Laude and served as president of Hillel) and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Political
Science from the University of Chicago. In 1975, he joined the faculty at Ben Gurion University (BGU) in Israel.
At BGU, he established an Interdisciplinary Urban Studies Program and the Department of General Studies and
chaired the Departments of Behavioral Science and Politics and Government. Professor Lazin has taught at the
Hebrew University, NYU, UCLA, GWU, Cornell, Tufts and City University of New York (John Jay College and Hunter
College) and has served as a Visiting Scholar at universities in Australia, Sweden, France, China, Czech Republic,
Canada and the US.
Professor Lazin has authored an array of scholarly articles and has written and edited eleven books dealing with
public policy in the US, Israel and developing countries, Israeli politics and society and Jews in American politics.
His current research projects involve a study of the role of Christian clergy in the struggle for Soviet Jewry and a
study of relations between Israel and the American Jewish Committee in the 1970s.
The Selichot service will begin at 10:00 PM and will be led by the rabbis and cantors of all three congregations.
We hope that you will join us for this meaningful beginning to the High Holy Days
Temple Sinai
Yom Kippur Martyrology
Saturday, October 4
We are looking for hosts for our
10th Annual
Temple Sinai Sukkah Hop
Sunday, October 12
It’s the first Mitzvah of 5775
Open your Sukkah and
let everyone join in the fun!
Jewish-Catholic Relations
From Pope Pius XII to Pope Francis
Presented by Dr. Phillip A. Cunningham
Be sure to join us as Dr. Cunningham presents the changing
relationship between the religions from the time of the
Holocaust to the present and into the future.
Dr. Phillip A. Cunningham is a Professor of Theology and Director of the Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations at St. Joseph University in Philadelphia. He serves as vice president of the International Council
of Christians and Jews, and has served on the Advisory Committee on Jewish-Catholic Relations for the
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Dr. Cunningham is also a member of the Philadelphia Consortium
of Holocaust Educators and the author of several books on this topic.
When can you open your sukkah?
Times available:
Please contact
Len Schwartz
[email protected]
Life Cycle Events
Tali Libove Duran, daughter of Jessica Libove & Mauricio Duran, granddaughter of Laura & Alan Libov Brody
William Dashiell Sussman, son of Lucinda & Andrew Sussman, grandson of Charla & Mark Sussman
Ophira Austen Lacks, daughter of Matthew & Shara-Kay Lacks, granddaughter of Debbie & Stan Lacks
HaMakom Menachem (May God Comfort)
Albert Morrison, brother of Harriet (Bernard) Cohen
Marty Weinberg, grandfather of Rachel Sollberger, great-grandfather of Grace & Lily Sollberger
Ruth Brodsky, mother of Bernard
(Joyce) Brodsky
Gerald Cohn, uncle of Randi (Cantor Stephen) Freedman
Alan Jeffrey Smith, sister of Joanne (Richard) Green, uncle of Dr. Stuart Green and Reesa Greene
Keren Friede, sister of Rotem Friede (Jason Serafin), aunt of Oren, Ben and Arielle Serafin
Sylvia Kivitz, esteemed congregant.
Irene Kofsky, mother of Phillip (Pam) Kofsky, grandmother of Lindzy, Brittany and Dak Kofsky
Norman Lerner, father of Robin Lerner (James Jolinger), grandfather of Sam, Emma and Isabelle Jolinger
Helen Dublisky, sister of Len (Marjorie) Schwartz, aunt of Stephanie Schwartz (Noam Kutler) and Jeremy
(Stacey) Schwartz
Gail Shusman, wife of Dennis Shusman, mother of Rachel (Scott) Levitt, grandmother of Ella& Brynn Levitt
Engagements & Weddings
Engagement of Samantha Edelman daughter of Beth & Jim Edelman to Matthew Bloch
Engagement of Reesa Joy Greene, daughter of Joanne & Richard Greene to David Benjamin Sherin
Engagement of Traci Amanda Budman, daughter of Susan & Alan Budman to Dustin Hojnacki
Marriage of Daniel Fisher & Alexis Barth son of Renata & Melvin
Refuah Shelamah
Sally Grossman
Les Abramson
Herma Abramson
Camp Tel Yehuda spends the night at Sinai
End of camp carnival celebration
The conductor collects his tickets for
Shabbat services during Transportation
Week at Camp Maccabee
The kids at Camp Maccabee loved having Iz Milner read to them
An easy way YOU can help
Temple Sinai save money!!!
RECYCLE your empty ink cartridges
We receive credit towards free or reduced prices on office supplies.
With your help, we save about $500 a year!
Please drop off empty cartridges to the main office.
Temple Sinai Sisterhood Gift Shop
1401 N. Limekiln Pike / Dresher, PA 19025
All sales support Temple Sinai
Sunday: 10:30am - 12:30pm
Monday thru Friday: 10:30am - 1:30pm
Tuesdays: 4pm-6pm
B’nai Mitzvah
Joshua Ullman
Son of
Dawn & David
Ryan Goodman
Son of
Jodi & Matthew
Melanie Flexner
Daughter of
Alan & Susan
September 6
October 18
October 25
Joshua is an honor roll student and will
be entering 8th grade at Pennbrook
Middle School in the fall. He began
his Jewish education at Temple Sinai
Hebrew School. Joshua loves to play
piano and guitar. He enjoys spending time with his friends and playing
sports and video games.
Joshua’s mitzvah project involves
something very special to him. He
has been working with an organization that rescues greyhounds. He
volunteers at the American Greyound
Rescue society. He has a soft spot for
animals and is very keen on helping
those that are abandoned and can’t
fend for themselves.
Josh is very excited about his Bar Mitzvah and will share it with his parents,
Dawn and David, as well as friends and
Ryan is an eighth grader at Sandy Run
Middle School. He began his Jewish
education at the age of 2, attending
the Ann Newman Preschool and Camp
Maccabee. There, he began long lasting friendships with some of his closest friends today. Ryan loves watching
all sports and has a particular interest
in playing soccer, tennis, and basketball. An avid Philadelphia sports fan,
Ryan has loved attending home Eagles
games with his family. His other interests include: fantasy football, playing
soccer for the Upper Dublin Red Atoms, and spending time with family
and friends. Ryan spends his summers
at Camp Nock-A-Mixon, his home away
from home with lifelong friends that
have become his summer family.
Ryan is known for his kind hearted
leadership traits. He understands the
meaning of doing Mitzvot. For his Mitzvah project, Ryan has helped champion
for the less fortunate through The Mitzvah Circle Foundation. He organized a
fundraiser, where he raised money for
and collected clothing and food items
for a local homeless shelter. Always
one to root for the underdog, Ryan has
a passion for helping anyone in need.
Ryan shares this special day with his
parents, Jodi and Matthew, and his
older brother, Blake. He is very lucky to
celebrate with his 4 grandparents, Susan and Irv Fliegelman and Rhoda and
Mert Goodman. Ryan is thankful to
be celebrating this day with his many
aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.
Melanie is a 7th grade honor student
at Keith Valley Middle School. She
began her Jewish education in the Ann
Newman Preschool, attended Camp
Maccabee, and plans to continue in
the Religious School after her Bat
For her mitzvah project, Melanie
volunteered at Taylor Made Farm in
Buckingham, PA, where she helped in
the care and feeding of horses.
Melanie enjoys soccer, basketball,
dance, piano and especially skiing. She
spends her summers at Elbow Lane
Day Camp.
Melanie will be sharing this simcha
with her parents Susan and Alan Flexner, sisters Ashley and Shayne Maister,
grandparents Sidney and Annette
Flexner, Marlene Freed-Epstein and
Stanley and Brenda Weiss, and all of
her family and friends.
B’nai Mitzvah
Hailey Roffman
Daughter of
Tracey & Adam
Michael Kalman
Son of
Debbie & Marc
November 1
November 8
Hailey is a 7th grade student at Unami
Middle School. She began her Jewish
education at The Ann Newman Preschool at Temple Sinai and Camp Maccabee. Hailey continued her religious
studies at Temple Sinai and has participated in the youth groups Makor and
Kadima as well as studying with Cantor
Freedman in the Yad Squad.
Michael is a 7th grader at Jack Barrack
Hebrew Academy. His early education
started at the Ann Newman Preschool
and continued at Perelman Jewish Day
School. Michael’s favorite subjects are
science and math. He enjoys the outdoors, bike riding, playing tennis, cooking and performing in theater productions at school and camp.
Hailey loves spending time with her
family and friends. She also enjoys
cheerleading for the Warrington
Warriors, reading and performing in
her school shows and with the Temple
Sinai Players. Hailey has also enjoyed
many summers at Willow Grove Day
Camp and is looking forward to becoming a CIT next year.
Michael’s mitzvah project was an easy
choice. He and his family have been
regularly volunteering at JRA for the
past few years and have just become
members of JRA’s Chai Club for volunteering 18 times. Michael has decided
to organize a tuna drive for JRA and
has set a personal goal of donating 200
cans. He is looking forward to having
his friends and family join him on October 12 at JRA to help with his Bar Mitzvah project.
For her mitzvah project Hailey thought
about raising money for a cause that
has touched her life. She is selling
Cookies For A Cause through the
Maurer Foundation where 100% of the
proceeds goes toward Breast Cancer.
Hailey is so excited to share this very
special day in her life with her parents
Tracey and Adam, sister Emmi, brother
Zach, grandparents Harriet and Jon
Sherman, Annette and Fred Roffman,
aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. She
would like to thank Rabbi Wohlberg,
Cantor Freedman and all of her teachers for helping her make it to this very
special day.
Michael is excited to be sharing his special day with his mom and dad, Debbie
and Marc, his sister Emily and especially his family and friends that will be
traveling from up and down the east
coast to be here with him.
Jessica Cheifetz
Daughter of
Meredith &
November 15
Jessica is currently a 7th grader at
Sandy Run Middle School. She went
to Temple Sinai preschool for pre-K
and continues at Temple Sinai religious
Jessica is an excellent student. Some
of her favorite subjects are math and
writing. She likes to work hard in
school and feel rewarded with a good
Participating in sports gives Jessica the
most happiness. She enjoys soccer,
hockey, basketball, and especially
tennis. She is trying out for the Sandy
Run Middle School tennis team. Other
interests include listening to music,
hanging out with friends, and dance.
Jessica’s favorite season is summer.
The main reason for this is her passion
for Camp Kweebec. The friendships
she has made at her summer home
will last a lifetime.
For Jessica’s Mitzvah project she had
a food drive at Mondauk Park with
her friend Hannah Kieserman. They
collected 4 large bins of food which we
donated to Manna on Main Street, a
soup kitchen in Lansdale. Jessica also
volunteers weekly at Boys and Girls
Club in Ambler.
We are very proud of the young woman Jessica has become. Her entire
family wishes her the best of luck and
is looking forward to celebrating her
Bat Mitzvah.
B’nai Mitzvah
Brooke Shapiro
Daughter of
Marci & Scott
From the bottom of our hearts,
We congratulate our beloved
Recipient of the Saul Meisels Award for Hazzanic
Excellence at the
67 Cantor’s Assembly!
November 15
Brooke is a 7th grader at Wissahickon
Middle School. She began her Jewish education at Temple Sinai’s Ann
Newman Preschool and continued her
studies in the religious school. Brooke
is very active in Makor and Rosh Chodesh.
Brooke enjoys being very active with
her extracurricular activities. She
participates in many sports with her
favorites being soccer, softball, and
skiing. Brooke has also always had a
love for singing and acting. In addition
to plays at school and camp she has
always looked forward to the acting
parts she has had as a member of the
Temple Sinai’s Players. Brooke is even
more excited this year to have her
sister Noa joining her.
Brooke loves to spend her summers
at Camp Timber Tops and has met so
many wonderful lifelong friends. She
also looks forward to fun summer days
on the beach with her best friends and
sisters, Noa and Emma.
For Brooke’s Mitzvah project, she
will be volunteering at the Abramson
Center for Jewish Life. She loves the
elderly and is hoping to put smiles on
each of their faces.
Brooke has worked so hard preparing for her Bat Mitzvah! We are very
proud of her for all of her accomplishments, her dedication to working
hard at everything she does, and most
importantly for the wonderful young
woman she has become.
You changed all of our lives in so many ways.
With the utmost love and respect from just a few of your former
Temple Sinai choir members.
Debbie Albert
Paul Bratt
The Caplan Family (Judy, Barry, Craig and Deborah (Dall)
Beth Ellen Chernoff
Irv Fischer
Cantor Neil B. Goldstein
Larry Indik
Laurie Izes
Randi Lasson Jacobs
Steve Kasloff
Yaakov Katzin & Marlene Katzin
Alan Katz
Sherrie Rosenberg Klein
Deb Kolodner
Barbara Kolodner Levine
Nancy Lasson Lustig
Jill Marcus Magerman
Becky Miller
Annalise Nossbaum
Ivette Nossbaum Maoz
Jeff Nossbaum
Marilyn Selby Okoshi
Bernice Leibovitz Popa
Jackie Raginsky
Yonina Rosenberg Schuchman
David Seltzer
Debbie Seltzer Cohen
Lisa Selby Silverstein
Steven Winokur
We appreciate everyone’s help in
continuing to keep our building secure
by NOT propping doors open or opening the
doors for people you don’t know.
Additionally, we thank you for parking
only in appropriate spaces in our lot and
for driving through our grounds in
accordance with the specified traffic patterns.
If you have any security concerns, please
do not hesitate to contact
Ed Altman at 215.643.6510 x 105
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4:00pm Boy Scouts
9:30am Religious School
12:00pm Makor/Kadima
Sukkot Event
7:00am Tour de Shuls
9:30am Religious School
10:30am Adult Ed Book Club
1:00pm Sisterhood Challah
4:00pm Boy Scouts
9:30am First Day of
Religious School
10:00am Hazak Brunch
1:45pm Boy Scouts
1:30pm Creative Crafting
with Faith Rubin
8:00pm Screening of film
“Lost Town”
1:30pm Creative Crafting
with Faith Rubin
1:30pm Creative Crafting
with Faith Rubin
6:00pm Preschool Back to
School Night
1:30pm Creative Crafting
with Faith Rubin
7:30pm Sisterhood Board Mtg
Offices Closed
No Evening Minyan
8:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
4:30pm Religious School
8:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
4:30pm Religious School
8:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
4:30pm Religious School
8:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
8:00pm Men’s Club Board Mtg
First Day of Preschool
Labor Day
6:15pm Erev Rosh Hashanah /
Erev Rosh Hashanah
8:00pm Board Meeting
7:00pm Executive Committee Mtg
September 2014
7:00am Cook for a Friend
8:30am Rosh Hashanah Services
10:30am K-12 Programming
7:15pm Mincha/Ma’ariv
Rosh Hashanah
9:00am Hazak Mummers Trip
7:30pm Men’s Club Pub Night
Rosh Hashanah
6:15pm Mincha/Ma’ariv
10:30am K-12 Programming
8:30am Rosh Hashanah Services
6:30pm Shabbat Under the
6:00pm Minyan Sameach
Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbat
6:00pm Preschool PTO
Shabbat Dinner
Sundays ………..8:45am
Parashat Ki Tetze
9:30am Services
7:35pm Havdalah
Parashat Haazinu
Shabbat Shuvah
9:30am Services
7:46pm Havdalah
8:00pm Selichot
Parashat Nitzavim/
9:30am Services
7:58pm Havdalah
9:00pm USY Regional Dance
Parashat Ki Tavo
9:30am Services
8:09pm Havdalah
Bar Mitzvah of
Joshua Ullman (pm)
Sundays (@TBI)…7:00pm
Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated)
9:30am Religious School
10:00am Hazak brunch with
Men’s Club
12:00pm Kadima Event
1:45pm Boy Scouts
1:30pm Girl Scouts
9:30am Religious School
10:30am Adult Ed Book Club
12:00pm Makor Event in Sukkah
1:00 Sukkah Hop
6:00pm Men’s Club Sukkah Event
1:30pm Creative Crafting
with Faith Rubin
6:00pm Sisterhood Opening
1:30pm Creative Crafting
with Faith Rubin
1:30pm Creative Crafting
with Faith Rubin
8:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
with Faith Rubin
7:00pm Executive Comm. Mtg.
7:00pm RS Back to School Night
7:30pm Men’s Club Board Mtg
8:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
4:30pm Religious School
4:30pm Religious School
7:30pm Religious Committee
Red Cross Blood Drive
8:00pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
4:30pm Religious School
4:30pm Religious School
61:30pm Creative Crafting
9:00am Men’s Club
Donuts with Dad
9:30am Religious School
1:30pm Girl Scouts
1:45pm Boy Scouts
October 2014
Erev Sukkot
8:15pm Congressional
8:30am Sisterhood Theater trip
to NYC
8:00pm Board Meeting
6:20pm Candle Lighting
7:30pm Ma’ariv/Yizkor
6:00pm Mincha / Ma’ariv
Offices Closed
Preschool Open
Offices Closed
Preschool Open
9:30am Services
6:30 Preschool Simchat Torah
7:00pm Simchat Torah
Family Celebration
7:00pm Mincha/Ma’ariv Hakafot
Shmini Atzeret
9:30am Sukkot Services
6:00pm Mincha/
7:00am Cook for a Friend
Erev Yom Kippur
Offices Closed
Preschool Open
6:00pm Minyan Sameach
Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas
6:00pm Preschool Shabbat
6:00pm Minyan Sameach
9:30am Services
7:00pm Mincha/Ma’ariv
Simchat Torah
9:30am Sukkot Services
6:00pm Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00pm Hazak & Sisterhood
Dinner in the Sukkah
Offices Closed
Preschool Open
6:45pm Yom Kippur
Kol Nidre
Sundays ………..8:45am
Yom Kippur
Parashat Chol Hamoed
9:30am Services
Parashat Noach
Rosh Chodesh
9:30am Services
6:52pm Havdalah
10:00am Togather: Knesset
Bat Mitzvah of Melanie Flexner
7:02pm Havdalah
10:30am Junior Congregation
11:30am Sisterhood Rosh Hodesh
Parashat Bereshit
Birkat Hachodesh
9:30am Services
Bar Mitzvah of Ryan Goodman
7:12pm Havdalah
11:00am Tot Shabbat
9:00am Yom Kippur Services
10:30am K-12 Programming
5:30pm Ne’ilah/Ma’ariv
Sundays (@TBI)…7:00pm
Daily Minyan Times (unless otherwise indicated)
Temple Sinai
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Temple Sinai
1401 North Limekiln Pike
Dresher, PA 19025
E-mail: [email protected]
Main Office: 215.643.6510 / Fax: 215.643.9441
Jodie Levinson / Executive Directors Assistant
Suzanne Teleha / Rabbi’s Assistant
Jackie Baver / Religious School Assistant
Marcy Lyons Gohen / Accounting
Ellen McGrother / Accounting
Religious School215.643.7626
Ann Newman Preschool
Gift Shop
Professional Staff
RabbiAdam Wohlbergx106
Founding Rabbi
Dr. Sidney Greenberg
CantorStephen Freedmanx108
Cantor Emeritus
Nathan Chaitovsky
Executive Director
Edwin Altman
Director of Education
Shira Weissbach
Early Childhood
DirectorTracey Perchickx113
Coordinator of
Enhanced Education
Faith Rubin
B’nai Mitzvah
Marjorie Schwartz
x 107
Director of
Family Engagement
Shelly Shotel
USY Advisor
Carie Cantor
Temple Sinai Officers
Jeffrey Hampton
Executive Vice President
Jeffrey Gordon
Vice President/Education
Robert Milrod
Vice President/Fundraising
Larry Florin
Vice President/Membership
Janet Lynn
SecretaryRobert Moskovitz
SecretaryErica Rubenstein
TreasurerAlan Gubernick
ComptrollerDavid Weiss
Immediate Past President
William Kramer
SisterhoodStacy Pressman
Men’s Club
David Kepniss
HazakSteven Rosen
Be sure to follow us on
Pinterest for great holiday
recipes and ideas!