cherished - Cherish the Children Foundation
cherished - Cherish the Children Foundation
CHERISHED Times IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF CONNECTICUT CHILDREN’S LIVES w w w. c t c h i l d r e n . o r g 2015 EVENTS A N N W H A T W E D O & H O W W E H E L P OUR STORIES Quality of Life or Medical Necessity WITH U L T A H E 2 5 T H | GOLF C L A S SIC MAY 18TH, 2015 GLASTONBURY HILLS CC The 15 th al nu n A OCTOBER 16TH, 2015 BEACON WOODS STABLES SOUTH GLASTONBURY CATERED BY MILL@2T CHERISH THE CHILDREN FOUNDATION 100% VOLUNTEER is a organization, with no paid staff nor expenses for offices. We raise funds through our two annual events listed above. T H E S U P P O RT O F O U R D O N O R S A N D VO LU N T E E R S , O U R G R A N T S H E L P W H E N T R A D I T I O N A L F U N D I N G FA L L S S H O RT O R I S N O T AVA I L A B L E T O A FA M I LY FAC I N G F I N A N C I A L H A R D S H I P D U E T O I L L N E S S O R U N I Q U E C I R C U M S TA N C E S . Chantelle Chantelle is an incredible teenager living with a very rare diagnosis (70 known cases in the world) despite tremendous issues with her health and mobility. She has to undergo medical procedures very regularly and is often in a lot of pain due to the constant growth of collagen based tumors throughout her body. Cherish the Children Foundation has come to our rescue supporting various needs for Chantelles care including ongoing trips to Boston and New Haven for surgeries and treatment. Thank you, Francesca C. Bryon Bryon’s new van is such a blessing to us, and helped us get him to his appointments at the hospital many times during this harsh winter weather and will sustain us for years to come. Thank you to Cherish the Children Foundation for your help with our van purchase. -Linda from Bristol Madison &Amanda how YOU can help: CTCF helped Madison & Amanda’s family to fund the purchase of a realiable, gently used vehicle to transport the girls to doctor visits and medical treatments. Since their diagnosis, it has been our mission to keep Madison and Amanda healthy and beat Cystic Fibrosis which entails regular doctor visits, near and far. In these winter months to have your car break down in the cold or not start was a becoming all to real for us. Without the help of Cherish the Children we would not be able to get a reliable vehicle needed for the safety of our children. With all the traveling we do to see specialist and regular visits and even those occasional surgeries the car at times seems to be where we spend more time than want. From the bottom of our hearts we thank Cherish the Children for all the help. I feel we have one less thing to worry about and will continue to focus on the health of the Madison and Amanda. ~ Thank you! Jennifer M. OUR 2014 VOLUNTEERS Lauren Bafumi Michelle Bafumi Laura Bailey Donald Balducci Emily Balducci Carina & Michael Bies Justin Burtchell Doug Brown David Carroll Deborah Carroll Elizabeth Casey Carolyn & Christian Didden Laurie Claflin Carolyn Clark Kate & James Clark Lynn Contois Jamie Cross Jean & John Cunningham Ellen Dove Valerie Duncan East Catholic H.S. Men’s Basketball Team Gail Gillman Elansky Ashley Fazzino Lisa Fazzino Maria & Mike Fazzino Stephen Fazzino Cindie Friedman Donn Friedman Diane Giansanti Glastonbury Dance Center Chelsea Gority David Gority Rich Gority Joel Harss Daniel Hughes Darci Hughes Sean Hughes Christopher Jenard Dean Jenard John Jezkowski Kelleanne Jones Noel Jones Ryan Jones Fran Knights Kylee Knights Scott Knights Chris Foohey Sharon & Bob Fuller Dan Fuller Jacqueline Gillette Nick Girouard Luke Hagearty Madison Hagearty Carrie & Collin Hill Alysse & Kevin Hoagland Julia Hyland Kelleanne Jones Maria & Mike Fazzino Kim & Gene Langan Lisa Lauretti Charlene Law Rochelle Lint Bobby Lord Julie Lord Christy Lybass Pamela McCue Lori & Philip McDermott Jennifer Mann Jack Meotti Rachel Meotti Tom Meotti Max Modlesky Robin Montstream Mike Nicol Amy Orsini Janey Ostrowski Matthew Ostrowski Barbara & Bill Pattison Kelcie Queen Justin Quinn Laura Quinn Matt Quinn Pamela Quinn Thomas Quinn Luke Reilly Cindy & Phil Rischall Carol M. Robinson Michael Romanski Marsha Rupp Zachary Russo Joe Salafia Ryan Schneeloch Doug Schwarz Wendy & Charlie Scott Dianne &Tom Scotton Gail & Larry Shapiro Sue Smith Matt Stauble Stephanie Tishler Kris & Peter Urbanik Alisha Verdone Lisa Voorvaart Rose Voorvaart Amy Whitehead David Williams Pandora Wohler Our Terrific Teens Jake Carbone Thomas Carlson Rachel Gray Maggie Hughes Camille Kefor Griffin Kretzmer Kelly Langan Brendan Looney Elizabeth Lybass Allison McArdle Noah Malsky Tracy Nardi Julia Ostrowski Austin Rupp Jacob Russo Stephen Quinn Carly Schwarz Megan Smith Zach Tabellione Sondra Whited Paige Wucherpfennig Please let us know your interest or talent that you are willing to share with us. Any amount of time, in-kind donation or corporate support that you can give is of great value to the success of Cherish the Children. To name a few: s2AFmE!UCTION$ONOR or solicitor s#ORPORATE3PONSORSHIP s4EEN-ENTORING s$ATA%NTRY!DMINISTRATION s-ARKETING Communications Our Media Sponsors: Rob Dibble (ESPN) Rachel Lutzker & Renee DiNino (The River105.9) Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, but they have the heart. LIKE us on facebook! CONTACT US: [email protected] PO Box 128 Glastonbury, CT 06033