Glastonbury is a three-day festival that takes place every year at the
Glastonbury is a three-day festival that takes place every year at the
3W' Glastonbury is a three-day festival that takes place every year at the end of June on a farm in the south-west of England.The farm changes completely when the fields are full of stages, dance tents, market stalls and people. ?#i l' .: Li::.:: i :.: i: .qÈ V# "--l+ rffi , ';;'. isthe largestmusic Glastonbury festivalin the world.In 2003many famousbandssuchasRadiohead, REM,MobyandTheSugababes playedthere.But there is alsojazz, reggae,indieand hippymusic.There isa comedystage,a cinematent,a circus, a dancetent and a children's playground adventure too. isfamousfor its mud Glastonbury althoughthe lastfew yearshave beenquite dry.1997wasthe wettest festivalever.At Glastonbury everyonesleepsin tents,sothe festivalwassoonfull of mudcoveredpeople. You aren'twell-dressed at you wear Glastonbury unless something silly.Angelwingswere verypopularin 2003. ln 1970farmerMichaelEavisdecided to holda musicfestivaland about 1,500peopleattended.Entrycostf1 and festival-goers* receivedfree wasa laid-back, hippyfestival and one newspaper calledit "one of the weirdest*eventseverseenin modernBritain."Local*peopletried to stopthe festivalbecause of noise.