Introducing: Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair Beth Schafer


Introducing: Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair Beth Schafer
d’var sinai
June/July 2015
Introducing: Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair Beth Schafer
For the past eight years, we have enjoyed being
a clergy team of three. We have complemented
each other; we have cooperated with each
other; we have challenged each other, and we
have certainly known how to laugh with each
other. Yet, as much as we have felt privileged to
serve this congregation as a team of three, we
have always had the sense that something – or
someone – was missing.
After all, there are four seasons in a year, not
three. There are four primary directions on a map,
not three. The Passover Seder would never be
as much fun with only three cups of wine. And
everyone knows that 4-Square is arguably the
Pictured (from left): Rabbi Elana Perry, new Bunzl Family Cantorial
best game on the playground. While all of these Chair Beth Schafer, Rabbi Ron Segal and Rabbi Brad Levenberg.
are true, the real reason is more closely connected
to the mystical resonance of the number four: It symbolizes building a strong foundation; it is the number of
stability and completion. As a clergy team, we have been missing that fourth element, the person who will make us
stronger, better, and finally complete. That is, we have been missing her until now.
We could not be more excited to welcome Beth Schafer to our clergy team, and to the Sinai family, as our new
Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair. Beth comes to Temple Sinai with an abundance of talent, a wealth of experience, and
an infectious menschlichkeit spirit. Through her music, her energy, and her comforting presence, she has the ability
to touch the hearts of many and to lift our congregation to new spiritual heights.
We hope you will join us in welcoming Beth when she begins her tenure at Temple Sinai this summer. Shabbat
services in July and August are a wonderful opportunity to get to know Beth and to experience for yourself just why
we are so excited for her arrival!
Please take advantage of at least one of these opportunities to “Share a
Shabbat with Beth”: July 3, July 10, July 17, July 24, July 31, Aug 7,
Aug 14, Aug 28, Sept 4
**And if any songbirds are interested, Beth will also be directing the
choir. Contact her directly to sign up or to just say hello: bschafer@
With great optimism and joy, Rabbi Ron, Rabbi Brad, Rabbi Elana
To meet all three of Sinai’s newest
staff members, Jamah Maman,
Interim Director of Sinai Preschool,
Molly Okun, Director of Youth
Engagement, and Beth Schafer,
Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair,
please see pages 6 & 7.
A warm Sinai welcome to all!
D’var Sinai | Sivan/Tammuz 5775
Temple Sinai President & Staff
To reach President Scott Zucker, email president@ To reach staff via email,
please use first initial last [email protected]. Ex: [email protected]
Spiritual Leadership
Ronald M. Segal
Bradley G. Levenberg
Elana E. Perry
Philip N. Kranz, Emeritus
Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair
Beth Schafer
Executive Assistant to Rabbis
Rachel DeLine
Administrative & Programming Staff
Executive Director
Jack J. Feldman
Facilities/Event Director
Lillie Janko
Director of Operations
Shelly Dresdner
Program Director
Judy Thomas
Communications Director
Kathy Powell
Communications Associate
Erin Greer
Errol Atlan
Member Services Manager
Simone Kallett
Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
Jordan Adonailo
Administrative Assistant
Linda Tiller
Facilities Manager
Andre Parker
Your Journey. Your Home.
Education Staff
Director of Education
Marisa Kaiser
Religious School Director
Caren Feingold
Religious School Administrative Assistant
Jenny Mopper
Director of Youth Engagement
Molly Okun
B’nei Mitzvah Coordinator
Elise Halpern
Librarian, PNK Learning Center
Adelle Salmenson
Interim Preschool Director
Jamah Maman
Preschool Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Adams
D’var Sinai
Published by Temple Sinai
5645 Dupree Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30327
P: 404.252.3073; F: 404.252.8570
Be sure to visit
our website to
register for
upcoming events.
D’var Sinai Submissions
should be emailed to
[email protected]. The deadline for
the August issue is July 25. Thank you!
Advertise with Us
The D’var Sinai has a circulation of approximately 1,500
households and is published 11 times per year. Our
advertising rates are very competitive. Please email
[email protected] for information.
Do you “Like” Temple Sinai Atlanta?
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Accessibility Services
The Accessibility Concierge is a
new initiative recently initiated
by the Hineni Committee to
engage and serve congregants
with special needs. The goal is
to assist in finding the resources
necessary to participate in
Temple Sinai worship services
and programs, as well as in the
Atlanta Jewish Community.
Ina Enoch, ina.enoch@gmail.
com, and Jan Jay, concierge@, Hineni
committee members, have
volunteered to become the
first congregational concierges.
They know the importance of
creating a warm and welcoming
environment to all congregants,
regardless of abilities.
Temple Sinai is very fortunate
to have Jan and Ina leading this
What Does It
Mean to Belong?
Friday, June 5
Rock Shabbat and Camp
Coleman reunion, 6:30 pm
Friday, June 26
Tot Shabbat, 6:30 pm
Friday, July 24
Tot Shabbat, 6:30 pm
Friday, July 31
Reform Movement Shabbat
Service*, 6:30 pm
*Join us at Temple Sinai as the
entire Atlanta Reform
community gathers together for
a communal
Shabbat Service
with Oneg to
Prospective Member Brunch
Sunday, August 9
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Temple Sinai
If you are considering joining
Temple Sinai or know someone
who is looking for a synagogue
home, this family-friendly brunch
is perfect for you! Our clergy,
lay leaders and staff will answer
any questions you might have
about life at Sinai, give tours of
the building and provide you
with information regarding
Please RSVP to Simone Kallett at
org by Wednesday, July 29. If you
know anyone else who might be
interested in attending, please
call the Temple Sinai office at
404.252.3073. | 404 . 252 . 3073
Over the last
few months,
as hundreds of
Sinai members
have participated
in our Imagine
Sinai strategic visioning process, one
message has continued to resonate
with me. Although many of our
members are engaged in the life of
our synagogue, whether through
worship, education or social action,
there are still many more who
continue to struggle with the feeling
of “belonging.”
Certainly, belonging to a
synagogue should be much more
than just paying dues and coming to
services during the High Holy Days.
Experiencing a sense of belonging
should also include an emotional
connection to the sacred community
that is part of that synagogue. Truly
belonging to a community brings
with it a feeling of inclusiveness and
an understanding that there are
others who will support you during a
loss and celebrate with you on happy
occasions. In essence, genuinely
belonging to a synagogue should
make one feel like you are part of a
greater family.
However, engendering this sense
of belonging cannot just be the
responsibility of our clergy, staff
and lay leaders. It needs to be a
priority for every Sinai member
to make others feel welcome and
comfortable, to help instill the
genuine sense that everyone’s
presence matters. The poet Maya
Angelou captured this sentiment
beautifully: “I’ve learned that people
will forget what you said, people will
forget what you did; but people will
never forget how you made them
feel.” I want to challenge each of
us to work harder to ensure that,
regardless of how long one has been
a member or how involved they may
be in synagogue life, everyone knows
that they are a valued part of this
wonderful community and feels as
if they are “home” at Temple Sinai.
As members of this congregational
family, each of us should do our very
best, at each and every moment, to
help foster the kind of community to
which we ourselves want to belong.
This goal of strengthening the
personal bonds at Sinai was, in
part, the genesis of our Imagine
Sinai initiative. The important work
done to date has shown us a great
deal about where we are strongest,
but also how we must continue to
engender the sense of belonging
so essential to synagogue life. With
deep appreciation, I want to thank
Imagine Sinai chair Ted Blum and
President-elect Marcia Nuffer for
overseeing this critical project. I am
also grateful to the entire task force
which has included Rabbi Segal, Tami
Schwartz, David Mann, Brad Marcus,
Warren Zindler, David Rubinger, Mark
Cohen, Dennis Bates, Jeanine Belsky,
Lindsey Vicente and Jack Feldman.
Certainly, Temple Sinai finds itself
in a unique place, one centered
on the foundation of a strong and
engaged membership. But we still
have work to do…all of us. Over the
next few months we will commence
the planning and implementation
of the vision created by our Imagine
Sinai efforts, one that has been
shaped by more than 300 Sinai
members. We will begin to work
on many goals, but surely none is
more important than our desire
to strengthen the relationships
between members and break down
any walls which may prevent us from
truly connecting to one another.
As we march down this vital path
together, let us do so as a truly sacred
community, each with a clear goal in
mind: a Temple Sinai congregational
family where every member feels at
home, where each of us feels like we
Special Themed
Shabbat Services
Worship & President’s Message
Board of Trustees Message | Scott Zucker, President
Annual Fundraiser: A Night in Monte Carlo
A Night In
Temple Sinai offers its sincerest thanks to this year’s sponsors for making the fundraiser
a resounding success:
Ace of Spades:
Queen of Diamonds
Queen of Diamonds cont’d:
Candy and Steve Berman
Viki and Paul Freeman
Joy and Alan Greenberg
Shirley Leaderman
Melanie and Allan Nelkin
Gina and Sam Shapiro
Robyn and Martin Tanenbaum
Anonymous (3)
Alli and Mitch Allen
Susan and Jon Barry
Karen and David Birnbrey
Amy and Mark Bubes
Debbie and David Dermer
Laura and Michael Drucker
Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care
Sari and Olen Earl
Ina and Harold Enoch
Sharon and Howard Fagin
Ellen and Howard Feinsand
Nicole and Jack Feldman
Jane and Alan Fishman
Robin and Darrin Friedrich
Cindy and Howard Gibbs
Cindy and Jeff Hopkins
Sharla and Brian Kahn
Marisa and Michael Kaiser
Susanne and Philip Karlick
Sydney and Howard Katz
Barbara Kaufman
Candace and Jeff Kerker
Ellen and Jack Koransky
Suzanne Simkin and Howard Krinsky
Debbie and Doug Kuniansky
Lois Kuniansky
Sheri and Steve Labovitz
Carrie and Jeffrey Leavitt
Rebecca and Rabbi Brad Levenberg
Debbie and Edward Levin
Simone and Kevin Levingston
Tara and David Mann
Robin and Adam Mayer
Andi and Gordie Morse
Karen and Andy Much
Marcia and Kevin Nuffer
Lori and Allan Peljovich
Rabbi Elana and Craig Perry
Debbie and Richard Pinsky
Barbara and Marty Pollock
Dr. Paul and Lydia Rabinowitz
Lynn and Lewis Redd
Penina and Bruce Richards
Linda and Jerry Richman
Evelyn Sacks and Cary Rodin
Maxine and Ron Rosen
Shelly and Brian Satisky
Margo and Peter Savitz
Ellen and Sandy Schwartz
Lisa and Daniel Seigle
Marcy and Marshall Siegel
Linda and Mark Silberman
Johanna and David Skid
Pat and Charlie Stark
Arlene and David Taylor
Nora and Wayne Taylor
Lara and Josh Tolchin
Laura and Larry Weiner
Angie and Danny Wildstein
Stacy and Kevin Wolff
Ellyse and Warren Zindler
Your Journey. Your Home.
King of Hearts
Anonymous (2)
Linda and Mark Bachmann
Karen and David Balser
Brooke and Randy Baras
Debbie and Frank Butterfield
Sharon and Michael Corenblum
Susan and Bernie Eisenstein
Amy and Charles Fox
Gina and Peter Genz
Lauren and Mitchell Gersten
Judith and Robert Golomb
Sylvia and Barry Hyman
Jodie and Steven Jackson
Nancy and Mark Kaufman
David Kuniansky
Debbie and David Kurzweil
Ellen and Raphael Levine
Rita and Bill Loventhal
Judy and Arnie Rubenstein
Jacquie and Harvey Sacks
Lynn and Jan Saperstein
Tamara and Marc Schwartz
Jill and Rabbi Ron Segal
Tracy and Craig Seligman
Donna Weinstock
Melanie and Scott Zucker
Many thanks to our Presenting
Jack of Clubs
Temple Sinai Preschool PTO
Shelly and Andrew Dresdner
Lindsey and Karlo Vicente
In-Kind Sponsors
Bold American Events
Classic Tents & Events
FerFer Photogrpahy
The Flower Buds
Monte Carlo Productions
POP’S! Wine & Spirits
The Wine Shop at Parkaire
Thank You from Our Co-Chairs
With gratitude,
Shirley Leaderman and Robyn Tanenbaum | 404 . 252 . 3073
Laughter, music, dancing, eating...
more laughter, cards, dice, cameras, shopping...
those are just a few of the words that describe A
“Night in Monte Carlo”. The most important words:
journey, home, belonging, spirituality, connection,
inspiration and community were felt by those that
attended the fundraiser April 25, 2015.
As one walked through the doors of Temple Sinai,
one felt at home (a fun, noisy and loud home but a
home nonetheless!). The vibe felt good. The energy
was warm, and everyone was just happy to be
together. People met new friends and old friends
gathered. Groups of people cheered each other
on and the room felt unified.
The night was not possible without the generosity
of so many individuals and companies: our
presenting sponsor, Fifth Third Bank, a special
thank you to Shelly Dresdner, Lindsey Vicente, Matt
Weiner, Kathy Powell and ALL of the Temple Sinai
staff who spent so much time and energy behind
the scenes, the sponsors who helped to support
the evening, the guests who came out, our silent
auction co-chair, Brooke French Baras, Renae
Popkin who helped to organize the silent auction
and the in-kind sponsors that included: Bold American Events, Classic Tents and Events, Event Prints,
FerFer Photography by Chris DeLine, The Flower
Buds, FranceeCraigEvents, Monte Carlo Productions, POP’S! Wine&Spirits and The Wine Shop at
Also, thank you to our wonderful rabbis, Rabbi
Levenberg, Rabbi Perry and Rabbi Segal, who
kept the night on schedule and added such fun
and vibrancy to the entire evening.
The night was a team effort made possible
because everyone had a similar goal: TEMPLE
SINAI...our home, our community. The end result: we
were able to raise over $166,000 because of the
generosity of so many people. The money raised
will go to the operating expenses for Temple Sinai.
Bottom line: we are all joining the conversation
and want you to join in the conversation to continue making Temple Sinai your home, your community,
your place to belong. Thank you for allowing us
the honor of being able to serve Temple Sinai and
for having the opportunity to plan an evening that
we will never forget.
Annual Fundraiser: A Night in Monte Carlo
Welcome to Our Newest Staff Members
Get to Know Jamah Maman, Interim Director of Temple Sinai Preschool
Jamah has close to 10 years of experience in early childhood academics. A Georgia
Certified Teacher for PK-5th Grade and a member of the Early Childhood Educators
of Reform Judaism, she is trained in the Orton Gillingham Method, a multi-sensory
method of teaching reading and phonics. Jamah received her B.S. in Sociology from
North Georgia College and State University and an M.A. in Teaching Early Childhood
Education (PK-5) from Brenau University. Jamah and her husband Shlome have two
On her journey to Temple Sinai:
Rabbi Brad married Shlome and Jamah in 2007, so when it was time to find a preschool for their oldest daughter,
joining the Temple Sinai Preschool family was an “easy decision.” Jamah was a preschool parent for several years
before joining the staff as a teacher.
How do you define success?
“A successful day at preschool is helping each child achieve personal and academic goals. At the end of the day, it
is all about being able to reflect on what you have done to meet the needs of children and the fun you have had
doing it.”
One way in which you’d change the world, if you could?
“As early childhood educators, we are helping to change the world every day by shaping our next generation. We
get to be a part of so many small but incredibly significant life moments for these children. Our hope is that the
education and experiences that we give our children at a young age will in turn positively impact our world.”
Get to Know Molly Okun, Director of Youth Engagement
Your Journey. Your Home.
Molly spent the past year living in San Diego, Calif., working as the Programming Associate for Camp Mountain Chai. Born and raised in Tampa, Fla., she earned a degree
in Sociology from Florida State University. She says her passion for informal Jewish
education began at the age of eight when she attended the URJ Camp George - her
first of eight summers there. Her activities with camps continued up to and throughout her college career at FSU, where she continued to be active in NFTY as a Youth
Group Advisor for Temple Israel in Tallahassee.
What do you hope to bring to Temple Sinai to shape our future?
“During a conversation with Rabbis Segal, Levenberg, and Perry, we discussed that youth group cannot be a one
size fits all kind of program. One of my goals for the future of youth programming at Temple Sinai is to create a
variety of programs and options for our Kindergarteners – 12th graders. I am really looking forward to the opportunity to be creative and innovative. I am excited to work with the rest of the Sinai staff to create Family Fun
days, and to partner with members of our community to engage teens and youth with their family. Temple Sinai
is a place that I want everyone to be able to call their home away from home.”
A fun fact about you?
“I can recite every line from the Harry Potter movies. If I went to Hogwarts I would be in the Hufflepuff house
because I believe in their values of hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play.”
Favorite holiday?
“My favorite holiday is New Year’s Eve! This holiday is about reflection, new beginnings, and having fun. I love
looking back on the past year on all the adventures, new friendships, goals accomplished, and more...”
Welcome to Our Newest Staff Members, cont.
Get to Know Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair Beth Schafer
“I grew up in New Jersey and have been a guitar player since the age of six, beginning with classical training and
moving to blues and jazz. I was a song leader at my temple while in high school and taught guitar from the age of
14. I later attended University of Miami and received a degree in Music Theory and Composition. After college I
became the youngest course director at Full Sail Center for the Recording Arts teaching how to use computers in
the recording studio.”
On her journey to Temple Sinai:
“I had been an artist-in-residence several times at Temple Sinai and also spent time with your rabbis as faculty
at Camp Coleman. I can’t wait to join not only a team of colleagues whom I respect, but who I also consider my
friends... I look forward to co-creating dynamic worship experiences that feature various voices and instrumentation, both large scale and intimate. I see many different age groups participating in many choirs. I hope to introduce visual tefila to both Sunday school worship and mainstream worship.”
A fun fact about you?
“In 2006, I won the American Idol Underground competition for faith-based music and
appeared in American Idol magazine.”
Favorite holiday?
“I LOVE Pesach. I love seders-the storytelling, the singing, the journey. It is a universal
story of redemption and freedom told in the intimate setting of the dinner table-an
absolutely brilliant tradition.”
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Sisterhood/Neshamot & Brotherhood
Sisterhood - Celebrating Another Successful Year
Temple Sinai women continued to share and grow together in 5775!
Moving our monthly Rosh Chodesh programs back to Temple Sinai inspired us to learn about sacred
space and to develop an evolving symbol of our spirit. Thanks to member Judie Jacobs, we have a
beautiful arch, which we decorate at our monthly sessions. Some of the highlights of our Rosh
Chodesh celebrations this year included:
a study of the evolving role of mikvah and a trip to the Mikvah at B’nai Torah led by Rabbi Perry, of course!
a women’s potluck and study session in the Sukkah
a broadened understanding of Christianity and Hinduism through women speakers at our Rosh Chodesh meetings.
A special thank you to the Rosh Chodesh chairs Linda Bachmann and Andi Siegel.
Other Sisterhood/ Neshamot events from this year included:
• Nationally renowned Judaica appraiser from New York Jonathan Greenstein spoke and evaluated pieces members brought to the event.
• Temple Sinai women created Jewish holiday and life cycle event tables for a festive gathering, featuring an over
view of holidays and meal traditions.
• Hands-on challah baking lesson with local baker Sara Franco in the Temple Sinai kitchen
• Dessert and discussion along with Brotherhood members following the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival movie “Dough”
Sisterhood/Neshamot supports a number of Temple Sinai service programs and events. This year we supported Family
Promise, Social Action Sunday, Scholar in Residence, and Atlanta Jewish Coalition for Literacy. We also support Women’s Reform Judasim (WRJ) on a regional and national level. Co-chairs Susan Barry and Jane Cohen are finishing their
terms of Sisterhood/ Neshamot leadership. They offer thanks to all the volunteers who helped make their term so
fulfilling. It takes a village. . .
See page 21 for details on our Sinai Women’s Retreat this Fall at Reynolds Plantation, Lake Oconee.
Banner Year for Brotherhood
2014-15 was a year full of great events for Brotherhood. We hope you were able to participate in some of them, but
if you didn’t, here is a sample of what you missed:
Your Journey. Your Home.
NFL Monday Night Football kick-off party at The Fred Bar
Two Texas Hold’em Poker Tournaments at Hudson Grille
Interesting Sunday brunches with speakers such as GA Attorney General Sam Olens and DOT experts
discussing the new Braves stadium
Brotherhood Bowling Night at Stars and Strikes
AJFF movie, Dough, with a dessert reception at Double Zero Nepoletana
Firearm safety course at the Sandy Springs Gun Range hosted by Sandy Springs Chief of Police Ken DeSimone
Sinai Superbowl Party
Outing to watch an Atlanta Silverbacks professional soccer game
A conversation with Rabbi Ron on “Men and Spirituality” and BBQ dinner at the home of Jerry Richman
NCAA Sweet Sixteen pizza and beer night at Harry’s Pizza
A special event on “Adult Depression and Ending the Stigma of Mental Illness” led by an exceptionally
qualified panel of doctors
Another great season of Temple Sinai Men’s Softball in the Atlanta Synagogue Softball League
Co-chairs Mort Epstein and Josh Tolchin have a lot of great ideas planned for 2015-16. Please join Brotherhood for
the coming year by paying the $50 Brotherhood dues listed on your summer Temple Sinai statement.
If you have any ideas, suggestions or questions, please let us know at [email protected]
Keep your eyes open for more information about our annual Brotherhood kick-off party to be held in early
Sinai’s ROMEO Club
Tuesday, June 16
Sinai Business Alliance
After Work Networking
1:00 pm
5 Seasons Brewing Company
Prado Shopping Center
5600 Roswell Road
Sandy Springs
Tuesday, June 9
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
The Hearth on Hammond Drive in Sandy Springs
Tuesday July 21
1:00 pm
The Brickery Bar & Grill
6125 Roswell Rd
Sandy Springs, GA
We’re all about networking. Bring your business
cards and get together with other Sinai professionals
in a casual networking program. $15 in advance per
person for each event, $20 per person at the door.
Bring your friends and co-workers. Lots of fun and
good food! Please RSVP online.
More fun ahead with the ROMEO Club. Join us this
summer for some fun socializing and eating.
RSVP to Charlie Stark at [email protected].
Adult Programs
Tuesday, July 15
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Hammocks on Roswell Road
“Crafternoon” Crafting Program
Wednesday, July 29
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Bring your own crafts, and we’ll play together. Whether
you knit, embroider, play with clay or jewelry, bring
With the Romeo Club off and running (thanks to the
your craft items! We’ll provide drinks and snacks, you
efforts of Charlie Stark), we are now forming a “Juliet”
just show up. If you don’t have a craft, just come to
club. If you are female and retired or soon-to-be retired
schmooze and share. If you are interested in attending,
and are interested in getting together monthly with other please contact Judy Thomas at 404-252-3073, ext. 330.
recently retired women, contact Judy Thomas at 404252-3073, ext. 330 or [email protected].
Gallery Tours
Thursday, June 11
12:00 pm
Mah Jongg Madness!
Lunch at Superica, 99 Krog Street in the Krog Street
Classes: June 2, 9, 16, 9:45 am - 11:00 am
Market, followed by a 2:00 pm visit to the Whitespace
First monthly gathering: June 16, 9:45 am - noon
Gallery, 814 Edgewood Avenue, to view the works of
Second Gathering: July 21, 9:45 am - noon
Constance Thalken, Georgia State University professor.
Juliet Club for Retired Women
Tuesday, July 16
12:00 pm
Lunch at Capers Restaurant and Bar, 1635 Old Highway
41 N.W., Suite 403, Kennesaw, followed by a 2:00 pm
visit to the Zuckerman Museum of Art, 492 Prillaman
Way, N.W., Kennesaw, to view a group show exploring
art and empathy and a solo exhibit by a painter who
focuses on computer gaming culture.
For questions or to discuss carpolling options, contact
Andy Steinman at [email protected]. | 404 . 252 . 3073
Want to learn? Join us for classes! Already play? Join us
for a monthly game! We are forming Mah Jongg groups
this summer, which will meet monthly on Tuesday
mornings. If you don’t know how to play, come to our
scheduled classes. Classes are free; you are strongly
encouraged to take all three classes. We’ll have coffee
and a nosh. Mah Jongg madness is coordinated by
Candace Kerker and Debbie Cohen. For questions or to
sign up, please contact Judy Thomas at 404.252.3073,
ext. 330, or [email protected].
Adult Beginning Hebrew
Learn the Hebrew alphabet. Read prayers in
Hebrew. Become a more active participant in services. Keep up with your kids and grandkids.
No prior knowledge of Hebrew is necessary. This class is Hebrew 101.
For more information, please contact Sharon Fagin at [email protected].
Religious School
Youth & Education Programs
2015 - 2016
Registration is going on now.
Torah Tots
Teen Wednesday Night Program (7th, 8th, 9th)
Confirmation (10th)
L’atid (11th & 12th)
Please visit the Sinai web site for all registration materials.
Questions? Contact Caren Feingold, Religious
School Director, 404-252-3073, ext. 316; cfeingold@
Thank You to Our Teachers!
Thank you to our amazing teachers in our Religious
School, Hebrew School and Teen Education Programs:
Heather Dittus, Michelle Debowsky, Shannon Lasky,
Lindsay Pace, Allison Briskin, Susan Pepper, Erin Pirkle,
Paige Lefont, Sheila Riegel, Kellie Scheer, Donna Jaffe,
Jess Scheer, Dana Spector, Daniel Deitch, Ralph Kurland,
Joey Unger, Rae Bellman, Dana Gussoff, Scott Peskin,
Buttons Hunter, Melissa Jainchill, Heidi Morton, Gillian
Gussack, Mollie Singer, Stephanie Scalise, Tyler Brown,
Drew Cohen, Jamah Maman, Bernie Berkeley, Elana
Ellman, Abe Sharony, Ronit Hassan, Bryce Farbstein, Bob
Bahr, Kris Bonnejonne, Joel Deitch, Ina Enoch, Simone
Kallett, Susanne Katz, Janet Lefkowitz, Suzanne Simkin,
Brad Covert, Ellyse Zindler, Robyn Faintich
Your Journey. Your Home.
Honoring Our Madrichim
We are so honored to have our teens serving as role
models in our religious school:
Rebecca Aman, Micah Behrman, Jan Berland, Logan
Botnick, Audrey Cunninghis, Madison Cunninghis, Jonah
Epstein, Drew Evans, Brett Feldman, Hannah Feldman,
Kevin Feldman, Molly Fortnow, Jordy Frankel, Stephen
Goldstein, Leah Greenberg, Rebecca Greenberg, Jessica
Hartz, Hailey Kessler, Sophia Jaye, Jacob Marks, Ethan
Menaker, Lauren Milstein, Rachel Morochnik, Alex
Moses, Sam Moss, Rachel Much, Matthew Rankin,
Madison Rudin, Naomi Sachs, Anna Laura Scheer, Abby
Schwartz, Adam Segal, Emily Smith, Sarah Tolchin, Zach
Tolchin, Lexie Wolff
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We love our new Outback. Thank you!”
Temple Sinai members Robin Miller and Jason Rockman
Call me to test drive any of our new or used cars!
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10:30 AM
totally original invitations and event graphics
Tot Shabbat
Mazel Tov to our Graduates!
Join us for our monthly
family-friendly service designed for
children 0-5 years old.
Top right: Our two pre-K classes, the
Shining Stars and the Super Stars.
Below right: Our TK class, the Hooting
Mazel Tov to our Pre-K Graduates
Brady Baron
Juliet Biggar
Caleb Blank
Izzy Eisenmen
Carly Goldstein
Jackson Griset
Penelope Guest
Alyssa Herzkowitz
Madeline Hoff
Makenzie Hoff
Benjamin Kaiser
Ella Maman
Hudson Nelson
Sophia Nowak
Owen Peretz
Jackson Perkel
Lilah Perry
Hayden Printz
Jacob Royal
Nate Richmond
Sydney Serotta
Brandon Shmalo
Lindsay Socoloff
Lalya Szikman
Mitzi Thaler
Ella Winters
Seth Yehudai
Lara Zuckerman
Pre-K students will be attending
the following schools in the Fall:
Davis Academy, Dunwoody Elementary, The Epstein School,
Heards Ferry Elementary, Mt. Bethel Elementary, Pace
Academy, Sope Creek Elementary, Spalding Drive Charter
Elementary, Temple Sinai TK, Vanderlyn Elementary,
Warren T. Jackson Elementary
Mazel Tov to our
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Graduates
Riley Bodner
Liam Dardik
Riley Dutta
Evan Levenberg
Estelle Levitt
Simon Mielnikowski
Jagger Sheffield
Emily Shmalo
Jacob Viente
Ben Weiner
Our TK students will be attending
the following schools in the Fall:
Davis Academy (2), The Epstein School (2), Heards
Ferry Elementary (2), Mt. Bethel Elementary (1),
and Pace Academy (3)
year for children 12 months through
Kindergarten. | 404 . 252 . 3073
For more information or to schedule
a private tour, please contact Interim
Director Jamah Maman at 404.255.6200.
Registration forms are available on our
Temple Sinai 2015 Summer Camp
Ages 18 months to 5 years old
Come for 1 week or stay for all 8...The choice is yours!!
June 8 - July 31
Themes for Each Week
Week 1 - The Great Camp Out; Week 2 - Once Upon a Time;
Week 3 - Wild Wild West; Week 4 - Party in the USA;
Week 5 - Rainforest Adventure; Week 6 - Music Makers;
Week 7 - Olympics; Week 8 - Under the Big Top
Activities include: Picnics, Special Events, Arts & Crafts, Sprinklers,
Wading Pools, Music, Playball, Dance, Gardening, Soccer, Golf and FUN!!
Summer Camp registration forms are available
online at
Early Childhood Education & Temple Sinai Preschool
Friday June 26 and Friday July 24
6:30 pm
For more information please contact the Preschool at 404.255.6200.
Preschool registration is
now open for the 2015/16 school
June 2015 | Sivan/Tammuz 5775
7 am - Traditional
7 am - Traditional
First day of
Preschool Camp
9:45 am - Mah Jongg
beginner class
9:45 am - Mah Jongg
beginner class
6 Behalotecha
6:00 pm - Israel
Bonds dinner
honoring Ina &
Harold Enoch
5:30 pm - Sinai
Business Alliance
7 am - Traditional
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
9 am - Torah Study
6:30 pm - Camp
Coleman reunion
and Rock Shabbat
10 am - Shabbat
Service and Adult
B’nei Mitzvah
13 Shelach
12 noon - Gallery
Tour (away)
6:30 pm - Shabbat
7 am - Traditional
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
9 am - Torah Study
10 am - Shabbat
Sinai Israel Trip June 7 - 16
7 am - Traditional
9:45 am - Mah Jongg
beginner class
7 am - Traditional
1 pm - ROMEO (away)
7 am - Traditional
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
6:30 pm - Shabbat
7 am - Traditional
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
Your Journey. Your Home.
6:30 pm - Shabbat
Service; Tot Shabbat
7 am - Traditional
Hosting Family Promise at Temple Sinai May 24-31
20 Korach
9 am - Torah Study
10 am - Shabbat
27 Chukkat
9 am - Torah Study
10 am - Shabbat
July 2015 | Tammuz/Av 5775
3 Offices closed
4 Balak
7 am - Traditional
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
6:30 pm - Shabbat
4 pm - 92nd Street
Y - What’s Next for
7 am - Traditional
7 am - Traditional
7 am - Traditional
10 am - OLLI at
Emory Faith in Film
Class with Bob Bahr
10 am - OLLI at
Emory Faith in Film
Class with Bob Bahr
9:45 am - Mah Jongg
10 am - OLLI at
Emory Faith in Film
Class with Bob Bahr
2 pm - Retiree’s
Mitzvah Cook Off
7 am - Traditional
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
6:30 pm - Shabbat
5:30 pm - Sinai
Business Alliance
12 noon - Gallery
Tour (away)
6:30 pm - Shabbat
7 am - Traditional
10 am - Meditation
and Movement
7 am - Traditional
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
6:30 pm - Shabbat
Service, Tot Shabbat
1 pm - ROMEO (away)
7 am - Traditional
10 am - OLLI at
Emory Faith in Film
Class with Bob Bahr
1 pm - “Crafternoon”
7 am - Traditional
Hosting Family Promise at Temple Sinai May 24-31
5:45 pm - Kabbalat
6:30 pm - Reform
Movement Shabbat
9 am - Torah Study
10 am - Shabbat
11 Pinchas
9 am - Torah Study
10 am - Shabbat
18 Matot Masei
9 am - Torah Study
10 am - Shabbat
25 Devarim
9 am - Torah Study
10 am - Shabbat
Our Sinai Family
The listings below are May’s Sinai Family Updates. Get
“real-time” updates on our Sinai Family every Thursday
evening in the weekly “From Shabbat to Shabbat”
Welcome New Members
Dale & Richard DeSena
Lisa & Ned Kreiss
Marcia Epstein
David & Anna Socoloff
Carol & Alan Grodin
Deborah Young
Mazel Tov to...
Enid Kam on her 90th
Linda and Jerry Richman
on the birth of their
granddaughter, Peyton
Madison Polli.
Dede and Bob Thompson
on the birth of their
granddaughter, Ella Pearl
Free Dinner + Spa Offer
Condolences to…
Ernie and Robert Dreyer on the death of their daughter,
Karen Dreyer Friedman.
Stacey Geer on the death of her grandfather, Gus Kass.
Neil Hilsen on the death of his mother, Eve Hilsen.
Allan Hytowitz on the death of his mother, Dorothy
Hytowitz. Condolences to Neil Hytowitz, grandson, as well.
Steven Jaffe on the death of his wife, Ruth Jaffe.
Kevin Leff on the death of his grandmother, Jennie Leff.
Free Specialty Dining for 2*
* Book a balcony stateroom or above on any 7 night or
longer Caribbean, Bahamas or Europe sailing departing
May 1 - Dec. 31, 2015. Must deposit by 4/30/15.
Jay Levitt on the death of his wife, Susan Levitt.
Condolences to Billy Moscow, brother, and Chad Levitt, son,
as well.
Your Journey. Your Home.
Lynn Savage on the death of her mother, Helen Fichtman.
Ann Schoenberg on the death of her cousin, Audrey
Jim Taratoot on the death of his father, Louis Taratoot.
Thank you for your
Free Spa Treatment */**
** Book a Junior Suite or above and receive a complimentary Spa Treatment for one PLUS Specialty Dining
Experience for two guests.
Contributions can be made online using the
Tributes & Contributions icon on the front page of
our website or by mail.
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Addison Benio, daughter of Jill
and Brian Benio
Addy has been donating her
time helping out at Trinity
Rescue. Their mission is if they
can save one horse from abuse,
neglect, or abandonment and
place them in a loving home, then all of the hard work
is worth it. This facility survives on volunteer efforts.
She donates her time as a volunteer for something she
is so passionate about horses. She donates her time
cleaning stalls, filling water buckets, dumping manure,
mending fences and of course loving on these beautiful animals that are either hoping for adoption or
simply living out the rest of their lives.
Matthew Feldman, son of
Nicole and Jack Feldman
Matthew volunteered at Temple
Sinai’s Social Action Sunday
events throughout the past year.
He helped set up for the event,
participated in the activity, and
helped clean up afterwards. Matthew is planning a
‘Toy Drive’, where he’ll collect gently used toys from
friends, neighbors and family members, which will be
donated to Ronald MacDonald House in Atlanta. | 404 . 252 . 3073
Ari Isenberg is the son of Leslie
and Doug Isenberg
Ari has produced a magic benefit show – the “Magical Mystery
Mitzvah” – for the day after
his bar mitzvah, at the Jewish
Federation of Greater Atlanta,
to benefit two organizations:
The Blonder Department for
Special Needs at the Marcus Jewish Community Center and Hocus Focus. In
addition to his performance at the show, three of the
world’s greatest magicians, Joshua Jay (World Magic
Seminar Champion), Ken Scott (Atlanta Magician of
the Year) and Kevin Spencer (International Magician of
the Year) will perform. Ari’s magic show sold out with
250 tickets and raised about $6,000 – 100 percent of
which will go to the Blonder Department and Hocus
Isabelle Cate Skid, daughter of
Johanna and David Skid
Isabelle designed and created
over 300 unique Rainbow Loom
bracelets for foster care children
placed by the Juvenile Court in
the legal custody of the Fulton
County Department of Family
and Children Services. Isabelle
presented the bracelets to the
court and was honored by Chief Presiding Judge Bradley
J. Boyd. Isabelle used donated materials collected from
local businesses and through personal donations.
May B’nei Mitzvah
Claire Schoenfeld, daughter of
Rebecca and David
Inspired by her love of theatre
and children, Claire designed her
community service project involving
the local elementary after school
program, PALS (Positive Academic
Learning Stars). Claire submitted
her proposal to school administrators, detailing how to
incorporate theatre arts into assisting reading fluency
and vocabulary and as a tool to build self-confidence. She
created teaching plans utilizing several mini plays and
directed the students in learning scripts, ultimately presenting the plays to a large audience. She worked with
the children two afternoons a week. Claire also continues
to volunteer at the local animal shelter and enjoys participating in Temple Sinai Social Action Sundays.
Contributions | April 2015
Arlene & Bruce Turry
Programming Endowment Fund
in honor of
Cora Benamy’s Bat Mitzvah
David & Marie Turry’s
Elaine Turry’s Birthday
Marie Turry’s Birthday
Paul & Andrea Turry’s
in memory of
Helen Kern
Jean Turry
Roni Sakonas
Jeff Levenberg
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah for
Bruce Turry
Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair
in memory of
Jeff Levenberg
Cantor Sid Gottler Music
Endowment Fund
in memory of
Jeff Levenberg
Chesed Fund
in honor of
Ina & Harold Enoch
in memory of
Jeff Levenberg
Your Journey. Your Home.
Cultural Arts Special Fund
in memory of
Owen Halpern
Early Childhood Fund
in memory of
Doreen Steg
Finn Dana
Ms. Ann Holtz’s Mother
Ellyse & Warren Zindler
Technology Fund
in appreciation of
Linda & Ron Wand
Lindsey Vicente
Warren & Ellyse Zindler
in memory of
Alice Simensky
Jeff Levenberg
Jennie Leff
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah for
Andre Parker
Michael Blonder
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah for
Lynne Halpern
Nancy Harris
Family Promise Fund
in memory of
Jeff Levenberg
Jerry Zuckman
Kranz Institute for Jewish
Learning Endowment Fund
in honor of
Harvey Merlin’s 84th Birthday
Rabbi Kranz’s continuing
interfaith leadership
Fred Ellman Culinary Enrichment
in memory of
Caroln Shustick Zweig
Harold Ellman
Irwin Greenbaum
General Endowment Fund
in honor of
Shirley Leaderman & Gary
in memory of
Craig Movsovitz
Dorothy Hytowitz
Jimmy Glenn’s Sister
George Robbins Enrichment
Endowment Fund
in memory of
Jeff Levenberg
Gerzon Parzen Holocaust
Endowment Fund
in memory of
Carolyn Zweig
Goldie V. Morris Music
Enrichment Endowment Fund
in memory of
Dorothy Hytowitz
Eve Hilsen
Jeff Levenberg
Sylvia Fagin
Kesher Special Fund
in honor of
The birthdays of David &
Debbie Dermer
Ilse Reiner’s 85th Birthday
in memory of
Bernice Fitterman
Frank Robinson
Jeff Levenberg
Jimmy Glenn’s Sister
Marion Eisenstein
Philip Hilsen
Susan Levitt
Kranz Institute for Jewish
Learning Endowment Fund
in memory of
Dorothy Hytowitz
Eva Hilsen
Jeff Levenberg
Michael Alembik Memorial
Endowment Fund
in memory of
Finn Dana
Izzy Skibell
Jeff Levenberg
Murial Torch Eichel Education
Endowment Fund
in memory of
Dorothy Hytowitz
Jeff Levenberg
Operating Enhancement Special
in honor of
Jackson Cohen’s Bar Mitzvah
Matthew Hersh Feldman’s Bar
in memory of
Alan Venzer
Anna Knopf
Leonard Ross
Anne Frolman
Irene Kanarish
Jay Weinstein
Jeff Levenberg
Joseph Lutin
Morris Krinsky
Rosalie Oxman
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah for
Andre Parker
Philanthropic/Social Action
Special Fund
in memory of
Jeff Levenberg
Susan Feinberg
PNK Learning Center Special
in memory of
Clifford C. Abrams
Eve Hilsen
Hortense Bernstein
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah for
Jay Levy
Sarah Hytowitz
Prayer Book Special Fund
in memory of
Lily Wener
Preschool Fund
in memory of
Jeff Levenberg
Sarah Gordon
Victoria Schauer
Rabbi Levenberg Discretionary
in honor of
Adam Tropauer’s Bar Mitzvah
The Conversion of Hana &
Bobby Weber
The Marriage of Scott
Goldman & Mandy Baer
in memory of
Bella Gordon
Deborah Kitay
Elsie Turner
Herbert Michael Zoghby
Jeff Levenberg
Helen Rolnick
Sarah Schneider
to thank
Rabbi Brad Levenberg
Rabbi Richard Lehrman
Memorial Endowment Fund
in memory of
Henry Michalove
Larry Frankle
Mike Levitt
Rabbi Ron Segal Endowment
in memory of
Monte Lubel
Rabbi Segal Discretionary Fund
in appreciation of
Rabbi Ron Segal
Richman Spiritual Relationship
in memory of
Jeff Levenberg
Mart Chalet
in memory of
Bob Klineman
Fay Ellis
George Lieppe
Irving Kolker
Joe Sandler
Leonard Ross
Lily Wener
Magdalena M. Moser
Paula Boze
Robert Leibowitz
Sonya Alterman
Robert S. Janko Children’s
Enrichment Fund
in honor of
Betty Golden’s 89th Birthday
Religious School Special Fund
in memory of
Finn Dana
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah for
Stanley Cohen
Rose & Marvin Sugarman Library
Endowment Fund
in memory of
Finn Dana
Second Helpings Special Fund
in honor of
Paul Freeman’s Birthday
The Engagement of Shirley
Leaderman & Gary Bernes
in memory of
David Israel
Finn Dana
Jeff Levenberg
Mark Leopold
The Mother of Marty
Theodore Arno
Susan & Jay Levitt Outreach
Endowment Fund
in memory of
Susan Levitt
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah for
Lynne Halpern
Sophia & Irving Hite Kesher
Endowment Fund
in honor of
Enid Kam’s Birthday
in memory of
Jeff Levenberg
Stanley & Shirley Cohen Bldg &
Grounds Endowment Fund
in memory of
Jeff Levenberg
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah for
Ivan Bock
Nancy Harris
• Asset Management
• Fee-Based Planning
• Retirement Plans - For Small to Medium Sized Businesses
• Insurance - Long-Term Health Care, Long-Term Disability, Life Insurance
Torah Learning Special Fund
in memory of
Dorothy Hytowitz
Helen Kuniansky
Larry Brill
praying for Refuah Sh’laymah for
Rona Balser
Youth/Teen Program &
Scholarship Fund
in memory of
Finn Dana
Jeff Levenberg
Rose Sugarman
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Cary Tye
Jerry Zuckman
Contributions | April 2015
in honor of
Adam Tropauer’s Bar Mitzvah
The Baby Naming of Forest
The Bris of Robert Jacob
The Marriage of Erica Bubes
& Michael Ruder
Securities offered through Triad Advisors, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC
Philip N. Kranz Learning Center
Learning Center News
Each year the Temple Sinai Sunday School students from kindergarten through third grade are invited to participate
in the Reading Program at the Rabbi Philip N. Kranz Learning Center. Participating students must read four books
found in the library and fill out a form reviewing the book. This year we are proud to announce that 46 students
successfully completed the Mitzvah Mania Reading Program! They were honored with a special pizza party Sunday,
April 26 (pictured below). Congratulations to these terrific readers!
Lila Baron
Richard Lurey
Rebecca Stifel
Abby Blate
Noa Maman
Tyler Strauss
Rachel Branum
Ella Marks
Abi Streger
Nathan Cheplak
Lily Medintz
Evie Stern
Seth Eisenstein
Hannah Much
Maya Stern
Sophie Flynn
Jo Pearlstein
Eli Suddeth
Ethan Greenfield
Adelyn Plaisance
Lila Suddeth
Jake Greenfield
Sophia Rose
Ella Sugarman
Alexandra Harris
Lexi Rothman
Jordan Ulin
Oren Horak
Ari Royal
Addison Voynich
Olivia Jones
Rachel Sailor
Cate Wasserman
Jaclyn Kabakoff Michael Seigle
Jack Wasserman
Lacey Kass
Ava Silver
Ella Weiner
Joshua Loventhal
Jacob Simpson
Katherine Wetstone
Ellie SiskinOlivia SiskinAnna Young
Carly Solow
Thank you to Mary Baron who served as Library Chair during the 2014/2015 school year, Susan Golden and Bobbi
Gross, library volunteers as well as our Sunday madrich, Stephen Goldstein. Your commitment to the Learning
Center is invaluable.
If you are planning to do any travel this summer, you might want to stop in at the Learning Center to check out the
books geared toward the Jewish traveler. There are a number of books that contain valuable information about
Jewish sites around the world. If you are doing a road trip, we have a few audio books as well.
Your Journey. Your Home.
Summer hours start in June:
10:00am – 5:00pm
10:00am – 3:30pm
10:00am – 5:00pm
9:30am – 12:30pm
The Learning Center will be only be open on request
during the month of July. Enjoy the summer! Keep reading!
Happy Birthday to the following
Birthday Book Program honorees:
Evan Levenberg, Jordan Koransky,
Reid Koransky, Noa Maman, Ella Maman,
Marin Lily Mitchell, Jordan Palgon
Library Guild
Thank you to the following members for
renewing their membership to the
Library Guild:
Joy Greenberg, Barbara Krinsky, Ron &
Maxine Rosen, David & Arlene Taylor,
Larry Weiner, Larry & Danyse Weinberg,
Reene Weinstein
For more information about the Learning Center
and its programs, please call Librarian Adelle
Salmenson at 404.252.3073 ext. 320.
Monthly Collection:
How many times have
you sat in a room where
someone asked the
question, “Any volunteers?”
At work, in a committee meeting, at school
or even among friends and family we’re often
asked to take on a task we’re not obligated to
Note: We always collect soda/beer can tops to benefit the
Ronald McDonald House and hearing aids and eyeglasses
to benefit the Lion’s Club of Georgia.
Temple Sinai and our
volunteers, along with the
12 other Family Promise North Fulton/Dekalb
congregations, support homeless and low-income families in
their journey toward financial stability and a better life.
You may remember Arthur; he has been the only dad that
has come through our doors… Arthur is a single father of
a 10-year-old son. He had been without employment for a
couple of months and was staying in an extended stay hotel.
He did not have a car and he had run out of money.
Arthur interviewed and was accepted into the Family
Promise of North Fulton/ DeKalb program. Once he and his
son entered into the program, he took advantage of all of
the services that were offered. He met with our job coach,
Gerald Aldridge, to get started on his job search where he
received assistance with his resume and interviewing skills.
He and his son are among our recent successful graduates.
Arthur secured employment and an apartment in
Philadelphia. He and his son moved there so he can start
his new job. Arthur wrote, “I just wanted to thank Family
Promise from the bottom of my heart for all you have done
for my son and I. It has been hard this past year with being a
single parent and not working, but being in the program has
made me realize that it can be done.” We are so happy for
them and we wish them both the greatest of success!
According to the volunteer organization Points
of Light, there are more than 140 million
volunteers in the world. If they became a
nation (Voluneeristan?) it would be the 9th
largest country in the world! U.S. volunteers
provide more than 8 billion hours of service
each year with an estimated value of about
$170 billion. That’s a lot of hands in the air.
This summer we encourage you to consider
becoming a Second Helpings Volunteer. You’ll
spend about 90 minutes a month rescuing
good, nutritious food and delivering it to those
in need. The more volunteers we have, the
more food we can rescue.
But what’s in it for you?
Myron Smith, a passionate and devoted
Second Helpings volunteer puts it like this,
“For me, volunteering is about making
connections, building relationships, making
the impossible possible. It’s about dreaming,
then seeing those dreams turn into realities.”
Myron says Second Helpings has opened his
eyes to the challenges of the food insecure
in our community. And it’s been a source of
relationships with other people who care about
Want to know more? Contact Program
Coordinator Julie Elster at volunteer@ See how good it feels to
put your hand in the air.
Come get yours!
Calling all Second Helpings drivers. Our new,
attractive car magnets are a great way to
spread the word about Second Helpings. Pick
one up at the Temple Sinai front desk. | 404 . 252 . 3073
He said that he really appreciated the job coaching and that
it was one of the major assets of our program that helped
him to be able to find employment. He also appreciated
and utilized other services like weekly intensive case
management, the networking opportunities at the various
congregations, transportation assistance to and from school
and job interviews, MARTA passes, and the budgeting
counseling he received. He felt the volunteers at the
congregations were helpful to his son with his homework,
and they were encouraging with him about different job
opportunities. He succeeded in our Family Promise program
because he took advantage of the services that we offer.
Social Action
Throughout June and July, Temple Sinai will collect
food items to benefit the Community Assistance
Center in Sandy Springs. In August, we will collect school
supplies for the center.
“Any volunteers? Can I
see a show of hands?”
Congregant Ordained
Temple Sinai is proud to announce the rabbinic ordination of Rabbi Alexis Pinsky,
daughter of Dr. Richard and
Debbie Pinsky. Alexis grew up
at Temple Sinai and brings a
deep commitment to synagogue life, having watched
her parents’ involvement over
the years. Debbie is a past
president of Temple Sinai and
now serves on the national
Board of the Union for Reform Judaism. During her years at
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC),
Alexis served as a student rabbi for Beth Sholom Temple in
Fredericksberg, Va., and as a rabbinic intern for two years
at Temple Emanu-El of the city of New York. Alexis earned
her undergraduate degree in Jewish Studies from Tulane
University and is thrilled to return to New Orleans this summer for her first position as Assistant Rabbi of Congregation
Gates of Prayer in Metairie, La.
Mazel tov to Alexis and to the entire Pinsky family!
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L’dor V’dor: Finding Support to Create the Next Generation
August 30, 7:00 pm
Temple Sinai
Are you or someone you know facing challenges with
creating a family? Please join WISH for its inaugural
community-wide event. Light refreshments will be
served (dietary laws will be observed).
At this special event, a panel of fertility and legal experts
will share important information and resources, and
will be available to answer questions from attendees.
Presenters include:
• Dr. Daniel Shapiro of Reproductive Biology Associates,
an expert in reproductive endocrinology and infertility
• Attorney Lynn Holland Goldman of Claiborne, Fox &
Bradley, LLC, who specializes in adoption and surrogacy
• Dr. Angela Arnold, Atlanta psychiatrist who specializes
in infertility issues, post-partum depression, and
psychopharmacology of mood disorders in women.
Nobody should have to face infertility challenges alone.
Please RSVP online or by calling the Temple Sinai office
at 404-252-3073.
All are welcome. Come WISH with us!
For more information about WISH or this event,
please email [email protected].
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Meditation and Movement
Wednesday, July 22
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Join us in the chapel for a Tai Chi Chih session with Sheryl
Sinai Women’s Retreat 2015 Adair. Tai Chi Chih (pronounced tie chee chaw), a meditative
Engage, Enrich, Enjoy
Treat yourself to the
gift of time away.
form of exercise comprised of 19 simple movements and
one pose, requires only socks or comfortable shoes. Gentle
movements make this perfect for everyone. $10 for the class.
RSVP to Judy Thomas, [email protected]
Mitzvah Cook Off
Wednesday, July 8
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Calling all retirees - Please join us in a mitzvah cook off as we
benefit The Community Assistance Center in Sandy Springs.
Your Journey. Your Retreat.
The Ritz-Carlton Lodge
We’ll make one-pot chicken dinners for indigent families. For
Lake Oconee
Nourish Yourself.
questions or to RSVP, please contact Judy Thomas, jthomas@
Prices: Sisterhood members are $325 single room/$215
double room; Non-members are $375 single room/$275
New Ownership at Crest Lawn Memorial Park
double room. Prices will increase on September 1.
Blake and Jennifer Blomquist purchased Crest Lawn Memorial Park and are soliciting congregants for their business.
Start making your plans to join us.
Registration is available now at The appearance of Temple Sinai’s exclusive area has improved, and other improvements are to come. The cost to
Space is limited.
Temple Sinai members for grave sites is $2995. The
Please email [email protected] or
Blomquists are on site available to meet with you and [email protected] if you have any questions.
swer any questions or concerns. (404) 355-3380.
Temple Sinai Women’s Retreat
October 18-19 | 404 . 252 . 3073
Sunday, October 18 Monday, October 19
The Ritz-Carlton Lodge
Reynolds Plantation,
Lake Oconee
Imagine Sinai
Over the past five months, over 500 members of the Temple
Sinai community have contributed to the Imagine Sinai
strategic visioning process – sharing thoughts on the
synagogue today, the vision for the future, and ideas on how to get there. As a result of this
broad-based input, five vision themes have emerged describing who we collectively want
to be as a community in 2025. These themes, presented at the annual meeting and shown
below, will drive our strategy and priorities over the coming years.
The Imagine Sinai Task Force, once again in partnership with clergy, staff, and numerous
congregants, is now working to prioritize the myriad strategy ideas that have been
suggested over the past few months. The goal is to identify the highest impact actions that
will move us toward our vision in the next 3-5 years. You can expect to see tangible
examples of these changes announced in the coming months, as well as continued
opportunities for involvement.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Imagine Sinai to date, and to all of you who
will contribute in the future. Together, we are creating the future of our congregation.
Temple Sinai Vision
In 2025, Temple Sinai:
• Is a congregational family where we all feel known and valued. We are an
inclusive community that nurtures meaningful relationships, personal friendships
and a deep sense of connection in all areas of synagogue life.
Your Journey. Your Home.
• Provides diverse pathways to deepen Jewish spiritual experience. Through
inspiring worship and music, and an environment rich with intentional sacred
moments, we find personal meaning and ongoing opportunities to explore our
• Creates learning experiences that inspire a love of Jewish life. Our exciting and
innovative learning experiences connect kids, teens, families, and members of all
ages to each other, to Temple Sinai, and to the greater community, and enable
them to live as confident Jews in the 21st century.
• Attracts and engages a vibrant community of adults and families in their 20s
and 30s. Younger members find a place for themselves within the Temple Sinai
community, and are engaged in shaping every aspect of congregational life.
• Is an integral and relevant part of our lives, both within and beyond the walls of
the synagogue. Our innovative approaches enable us to connect personally and
spiritually, wherever we are and whenever we need.
Above: Retirees Tour Kennesaw State University
Right: Friendly faces at the 50s & 60s Jazz Night
Below: What a beautiful and FUN day at our first Sinai Family Fun Fest. Close to 200 people came out to enjoy the
beautiful day, food from the grill, and a Havdalah service by Rabbi Perry. | 404 . 252 . 3073
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Temple Sinai June/July Worship Schedule
Friday, June 5
6:30 pm
Camp Coleman/Rock Shabbat
Service 
Saturday, June 6
10:00 am
Shabbat Service & B'nei Mitzvah
of the Adult B'nei Mitzvah Class 
Saturday, July 4
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
Friday, June 12
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service 
Friday, July 10
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service 
Saturday, July 11
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
Saturday, June 13
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
Friday, July 17
6:30 pm Friday, June 19
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service 
Saturday, June 20
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
Saturday, July 18
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
Friday, June 26
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service 
Tot Shabbat
Saturday, June 27
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
Friday, July 3
6:30 pm Shabbat Service 
Shabbat Service 
Friday, July 24
6:30 pm
Shabbat Service 
Tot Shabbat
Saturday, July 25
10:00 am
Shabbat Service 
Friday, July 31
6:30 pm
Reform Movement Shabbat Service 
Can’t make it to synagogue?
Look for the  icon indicating that the service will
be streamed live. Visit to