The Three Parishes - Cherwell Valley Benefice
The Three Parishes - Cherwell Valley Benefice
The Three Parishes February 2016 Your Local Newsletter for Ardley-with-Fewcott, Fritwell, Souldern and surrounding area IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS for your notice board Bin Collection Bus services Carers support Oxfordshire Church benefice office Cherwell District Council Citizens’ Advice Community Transport Scheme Counselling (adults) Counselling (children) Electrical Power Cut Environmental Health Financial Hardship help Floodline Food Bank 01869 357181 or Gas smell Housing Mains Water Parish Council Ardley Parish Council Fritwell Parish Council Souldern Police non-emergency Policy station Bicester Roads and Verges RSPCA School Street Lights Village Hall Ardley Village Hall Fritwell Village Hall Souldern Waste water/sewerage Weather—Met Office 01295 227003 01869 241 500 0845 050 7666 01869 233687 01295 227001 08444 111 444 0300 30 30 125 116 123 0800 11 11 08000 727 282 01295 227001 0800 138 1111 0845 988 1188 01869 600113 0800 111 999 01295 227004 0800 316 9800 01869 346996 01869 345930 01869 345931 101 01865 841148 01295 227007 0300 1234 999 01869 345283 0800 317802 01869 346632 01869 345229 07812 501604 0800 316 9800 0370 900 0100 Please let the editor know what other numbers should be included here. REGULAR EVENTS Mon-Fri 10am-noon Bicester Pop-in café over-60s Tuesdays 10.30am over-50 Social Café Ardley Village Hall Wednesday every 2nd week Mobile Library Fritwell May’s Close 11am and Souldern Pond 11.40am [p2] Wednesdays 1-2.30pm Playbus Ardley Village Hall Wednesdays 4pm Kids’ Zumba Fritwell Village Hall Wednesdays 5pm Tiny people’s ballet Fritwell Village Hall Last Wednesday of the month 7pm BINGO Fritwell Village Hall Thursdays 8pm ‘Thirsty Thursdays’ + quiz Fritwell Village Hall Fridays—monthly—Fritwell Cushion Club Movie Village Hall Fridays Beavers 5pm, Cubs 6.15, Scouts 8pm Fritwell Scout Hut 3rd Saturdays Souldern Village Market Sundays 4pm Tae Kwon Do Fritwell Village Hall 2nd Sundays Messy Church St Olav’s Fritwell 4pm 2nd & 4th Sundays Ardley Craft Group The smallprint is on p14 DATES FOR YOUIR DIARY FEBRUARY 2 Feb Trip to Anglesey Abbey NB BROUGHT FORWARD FROM 23rd [p8] 9 Feb Fritwell Forget-me-Nots Lunch [p12] 13 Feb ARUFC away match Crowthorne [p4] Valentine’s Disco Ardley [p10] 20 Feb Souldern Village Market [p2] ARUFC home match [p4] 28 Feb Craft Club Ardley [p3] 21 Feb AwF Village Plan meeting [p9] AwF Speed monitoring meeting [p8] 25 Feb AwF Village Plan meeting [p9] 26 Feb Cushion Club Fritwell [p11] MARCH 2 Mar Fritwell Neighbourhood Plan meeting [p12] 5 Mar Fritwell Neighbourhood Plan meeting [p12] 5-6 Mar Ardley Litterblitz [p7] 6-13 Mar KHH Care for a cuppa week [p4] 17 Mar Souldern Parish council meeting [p13] 18 Mar Cheese and Wine [p8] Fritwell Cushion Club [p11] 19 Mar Souldern Village Market [p2] KHH Fundraiser stall Adderbury [p4] 21 Mar Fritwell Parish Council meeting [p12] 23 Mar Ardley EFW plant public tour [p2] APRIL 16 Apr Souldern Village Market [p2] Fritwell Village Spring clean [p12] 20 Apr Viridor Liaison meeting [p10] 22 Apr Fritwell Cushion Club [p11] MAY 7 May Comedy Night Fritwell [p11] 13 May Garden Party at Windsor [p8] 18 May Ardley EFW plant public tour [p2] 19 May Souldern Parish council meeting [p13] 21 May Souldern Village Market [p2] JUNE 11-12 Jun Queen’s birthday celebration weekend 25 Jun Souldern Wacky Races [p3] JULY 18 Jul Ardley EFW plant public tour [p2] AUGUST 20 Aug Fritwell Flower Show [p11] SEPTEMBER 15 Sept Souldern Parish council meeting [p13] OCTOBER 24 Oct Ardley EFW plant public tour [p2] NOVEMBER 17 Nov Souldern Parish council meeting [p13] 21 Nov Ardley EFW plant public tour [p2] The Public Face of the Ardley Incinerator FRITWELL & SOULDERN BIN DAYS We have just spent a fascinating morning at the Ardley Viridor incinerator. We had a wonderful guide and were shown all over this amazing place and would strongly recommend it to anyone interested in recycling and wants to know what is going on there. Our visit was advertised in the Banbury Guardian. Sandy and Diana Gray ARDLEY & FEWCOTT BIN DAYS DATES OF VISITS FOR THE PUBLIC in 2016 Wednesday 23 March 2016 10 am – 12pm Monday 16 May 2016 2pm – 4pm Monday 18 July 2016 10am – 12pm Monday 24 October 2016 2pm – 4pm Monday 21 November 2016 10am – 12pm To book please email [email protected] or call 01869 343660 Mobile Library Timetable 2016 The mobile library visits on alternate Wednesday mornings: Fritwell May’s Close 11.00 to 11.30 Souldern Pond 11.40 to 12.10 Dates for the rest of the year 3 and 17 February 2, 16 and 30 March 13 and 27 April 11 and 25 May 8 and 22 June 6 and 20 July 3, 17 and 31 August 14 and 28 September 12 and 26 October 9 and 23 November 7 and 21 December Madeleine’s Country File What extraordinary weather there was in December and it extended half way into January and then BOOM winter has arrived and with it the cold, frost and promise of snow. Ah well, I suppose it had to come. Of course with all that mild but very wet weather I could hardly believe it when in early January I saw masses of celandines in full flower in the Churchyard with primroses, daffodils and even the green, green grass growing so soon and so well. People were even mowing the grass in January! As I cycle along the lanes and past hazel shrubs I have noticed the beautiful catkins already decorating the hedgerows and this is heart-warming. I know that hazels are early anyway but seeing so many is fantastic. I was amazed to see a ceanothus in beautiful full blue bloom, long before it should have been, in early December. The birds think it is spring and are singing their hearts out and showing signs of looking for mates. I heard a great tit and a thrush advertising themselves the other day. With most of January, February and March still ahead the very cold weather might nip all this in the bud so that Spring 2016 is delayed, but let us hope not. Locally produced provisions, cakes and pastries, Plants and vegetables, art and craft (subject to availability) Breakfasts Sausage and bacon baps, tea and coffee (to eat in or take out) It was sad to see a beautiful young buck Roe deer had been killed by Ardley Woods and someone had cut off its antlers as well. How cruel! I only hope the poor animal was dead when this occurred. What was exciting was that as I cycled by two red kites were taking advantage of a good meal, so nothing is wasted. And on a much happier note as I passed by the wood I heard the sound of a woodpecker hammering there advertising itself as a potential mate. What joy despite the freezing cold. VILLAGE HALL 9am—12 midday (3rd Saturday of the month) 2016 dates: February 20th March 19th April 16th May 21st June tbc Tel 01869 345931 or email [email protected] for more details or to book a stall 2 FRITWELL C of E SCHOOL Happy New Year! The good behaviour and manners of the pupils at our school are often commented on when we take them on school trips or out for sporting events. The children always make us feel very proud to be their teachers. We put a lot of this down to the support we receive from parents in implementing our Behaviour Policy (which is reviewed every year by staff and governors), and the work we do in school with regards to our whole school values. It took the staff and governors a good six months to discuss and decide on our vision statement and the values that we want our children to display. We now look at each of those values every term in our worships and try to weave them into every aspect of school life. Children who show the values in school are rewarded with a “hexagon” which they can display in the School Hall. Anyone can award a hexagon: teaching staff, lunchtime supervisors, visitors, children, and when the display board is full the children receive a whole school treat. This usually means coming off timetable for the afternoon and enjoying extra-curricular activities like board games, junk modelling, photography, craft etc. You’d be surprised how many Year 6 boys like to go to Foundation Stage to build with the bricks! Now that our values are fully embedded into our school, it would be great if the community could get involved too. If you see any of our pupils outside of school displaying any of our values, please let us know either by phone or e-mail and we’ll ensure they receive a hexagon. The values are displayed on our website, but are listed below as a reminder. Respect and compassion Personal success with humility Inspired minds and wisdom Love and agape Confidence, self-belief and endurance Community, citizenship and service New Craft Group Ardley w Fewcott Village Hall Debbie McLeod Headteacher 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month 2pm til 4pm PC Brown’s visit to the Ardley Coffee Club Starting Sunday 28th February PC Brown and her colleague paid us a visit and talked about crime fighting and prevention in our area. I picked three pieces of useful information to pass on to you. £2 a week (with tea & cake) If someone comes to your door claiming to be a police officer, you can call 101 and have their identity checked. Struggling to find time to do your arts and crafts at home? Maybe you’d like to learn a new craft. Make a note of your electronic items’ serial numbers – that way, should they be stolen and recovered, they will find their way back to you. Come along for 2 hours of uninterrupted time just for you and your craft Children and young people need to feel that they can go to the police if they are in danger. Therefore please don’t tell children that you’ll call the police if they are badly behaved. This will make them afraid of the police. Contact Stephanie Hicks for more details 07767 41308 [email protected] 25th June 2016 Places limited to start with until we have an idea of interest so please let me know if you want to come – also I need to know how much cake to get! 3 ALCHESTER RUGBY CLUB NEWS V Abingdon at home Jan 9th: (Final score Alchester 7 : Abingdon 20). The heavens opened just before the 2:15 kick off and set the scene for a well contested and physical game in what was more stereotypical 'rugby' weather than 2015 had offered. Alchester had a couple of opportunities for points in the first half, this included a five minute spell with most of the pack attempting to barge through the opposition defensive line. Abingdon were however far more clinical and their number ten converted the only two first half penalties in the Alchester half to give them six points on the board at half time. Abingdon's clinical work with the boot continued with two breakaway tries either end of the second half from well placed balls over the top. Alchester's try came around sixty minutes in courtesy of winger, Neil (Buzz) Bee), under the sticks. The try followed persistent efforts for the line by Alchester's forwards in the bottom left hand corner. Alchester again dominated possession but struggled to breakdown the league's strongest defence. Alchester man of the match was awarded to Matthew Beckley who put in a real shift ahead of his fortieth birthday next week. It was also good to see fullback Robin Tyeman, back in the side after a year out with injury. Katharine House Hospice News 25th Anniversary 2015 marks the 25th Anniversary of Katharine House Hospice, and we will be celebrating with events and campaigns all year. To keep up to date with happenings, call, email or check our website—all information at the end of this article. Festival of Open Gardens We’re celebrating our 25th anniversary by organising our biggest Festival of Open Gardens to date. If you’re proud of your garden, why not open it as part of this Silver Anniversary? Or get together with a group of friends from your street and all open on the same day? We will support you throughout and will feature every garden in our 2016 Festival of Open Gardens booklet, to be sent out with our next newsletter. Please contact us before the closing date to register gardens - Friday 19th February 2016. V Wheatley away Jan 16th: (Final score Wheatly 3 : Alchester 7). Alchester secured their first win of 2016 in a tight game away to league strugglers Wheatley. The low temperatures weren't able to shore up a boggy pitch so, despite the good conditions on the day, both teams were going to have to work overtime to compensate for a surface giving next to no resistance. Alchester began brightly with a number of passages of play in the final third before Wheatley were able to clear their lines. The first score of the game came during Wheatley's first venture into the Alchester twenty two as their centre converted from in front of the posts. Soon after Alchester had the opportunity to level. Number ten, Adam White, stepped up to match his opposite man however, the sludgy surface hindered his supporting foot and the ball fell short. For the latter part of the first half and most of the second the game mainly saw Alchester dominate possession in the opponent half but unable to convert the pressure into points. Wheatley dominated scrums, on one occasion the Alchester pack skidded some ten metres back, and they held a tight line and used the boot to reset time after time. The Wheatley balls over the top were met with excellent performances from Man of the Match Danny Mac and fellow winger (and second row by trade) George Merry. Early in the second half Alchester again failed to convert with the boot, this time Adam Thompson's kick falling just short. However, soon after Alchester were able to convert a period of pressure in the corner to seven points. Charlie Surman crashing then wriggling for the line with veteran Matt Beckley applying the downward pressure to secure the try (converted by Adam White). The time spent in their opponents half will give Alchester confidence going into an away game at Chesham, but they will know that such dominance will need to lead to more points on the board. Care for a Cuppa Week: 6th – 13th March 2016 Why not hold a coffee morning or afternoon tea for Katharine House between Sunday 6th – Sunday 13th March 2016 (or anytime convenient!). Invite your friends and family round for a cuppa, cake and chat, and ask for donations towards cake and coffee. We will provide you with a fundraising pack complete with posters, invitations, recipes and top tips to make your event a success. Every penny you raise by organising a Care for a Cuppa event will make a tremendous difference to local patients and their families. Local Lottery. Local Winners. It costs £5,000 to run the Katharine House inpatient unit for one day. In 2016, the Hospice would like to raise enough money from the Katharine House Hospice weekly Lottery to fund that inpatient unit for one day each week. By joining the lottery you can make a huge difference in your local community, and you’ll be in with a chance of winning one of 20 prizes each week, with a top prize of £1,000! Each week, the lucky winners receive a call – and a big cheque - from Wendy, our Lottery Coordinator. Join today and next week it could be you! Results are also printed in the Banbury Guardian and posted on the Katharine House Hospice Facebook page each week. Katharine House Hospice Stall Sale: Saturday, 19th March 2016 – 11am – 2pm Pat and Dot are having their annual Katharine House Hospice stall sale at The Institute in Adderbury. Browse for a bargain at this wonderful annual event, bric-a-brac, donated items, books, cakes and toys. Katharine House Hospice on Social Media Did you know? You can follow us on your favourite social media channels to keep up to date with news, events, and photos from Katharine House Hospice. Join the conversation – we’d love to hear from you! Facebook: katharinehouse/ Twitter: If you are interested in joining our club as a player, we train on Thursday nights at 7pm at Fritwell Playing Fields or if you fancy coming to watch on a Saturday afternoon at one of our home games our fixture list is below. Either way, you can be assured of a warm welcome. For more information contact Keith on 07714168471 or check out our web page www.pitchero/clubs/alchester. Fundraising contact: Sarah Brennan [email protected] 01295 816484 13th Feb Crowthorne Away [email protected] 20th Feb Gosford All Blacks Home 4 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANS It is likely that the Neighbourhood Plans will take up a lot of space and discussion in this magazine in the next couple of years so I thought it would be a good idea to use this issue to include some information about that plan, in order that we can all understand what is under discussion. Ed. Mid-Cherwell Neighbourhood Plan Forum The Government’s 2011 Localism Act introduced new rights for Parish Councils and other representative groups, for community led planning via Neighbourhood Plans. A Neighbourhood Plan for Mid-Cherwell could act as an important stimulus to better decision-making. Cherwell District Council is offering active support for this major initiative, which represents 17% of the population of the District. The Plan can address issues such as where any housing development should go. But there are other possible benefits too. By addressing wider issues, the community might benefit from clear articulation of its wishes, influencing decision-making by the statutory bodies and others. To achieve our aims, we are working closely with Parish Councils and resident associations in the Mid-Cherwell area, the Cherwell District Council, and The Dorchester Group – the land owners of Heyford Park. Map below of the participants in the Mid-Cherwell Neighbourhood Plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. It is our intention that the Neighbourhood Plan should deal also with transport, employment, education, health provision, leisure facilities and other issues that affect the Area. Duns Tew Parish Council pop. 478 North Aston Parish Meeting pop. 212 Somerton Parish Council pop. 305 Fritwell Parish Council pop. 736 Ardley with Fewcott Parish Council pop. 751 (lead parish for legal purposes) Upper Heyford Parish Council pop. 1295 Middle Aston Parish Meeting pop. 110 Steeple Aston Parish Council pop. 947 Lower Heyford Parish Council pop. 492 Middleton Stoney Parish Council pop. 331 Kirtlington Parish Council pop. 988 Heyford Park Residents Association and the Dorchester Group site developers. Two influences affect the need for our Neighbourhood Plan: 1. Cherwell District Council’s recently-adopted Local Plan requires a significant increase in numbers of new dwellings in the District. 2. The major development already under way at Heyford Park, which could see an increase to 2675 homes. Many decisions have already been Mid-Cherwell Neighbourhood Planning Forum taken about development here, but there are many more issues still to be 52 Camp Road decided. Upper Heyford Oxfordshire OX25 5HD OUR AIMS Telephone: 01869 238 200 The aim of the Mid-Cherwell Neighbourhood Plan Forum is to develop a Email: [email protected] strong, collective voice for the residents of the Mid-Cherwell area, by fully representing and recording the aspirations and hopes of the local community for the foreseeable future. This will foster a more cohesive approach to decision-making across the area. Source: Source: 5 CHAPEL NEWS Fritwell Chapel Souldern Chapel Sunday 3rd. January was our Covenant Sunday when we shared a service of renewing our commitment to faithfully serve God through the Lord Jesus Christ. This followed John Wesley's liturgy This was instituted by him on the 25th December 1747 when he urged all Methodists to renew the Covenant which God had made with His people through Jesus at the Last Supper. We at Souldern Chapel have followed such a pattern for many years and feel that it is a good way to begin a New Year with a new and fresh commitment to God when we promise to be willing to do whatever task He may have planned for us Christian greetings for 2016 from all the members. What mild weather we had for the build up to Christmas, making traveling easy as we journeyed to friends and relations. We say ‘what’s happening to this world today?’ But God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform. Why not come along and learn more of God’s love? The carol service was enjoyed by all who attended. Led by Alan, one of our members, our accompanist was a friend from Brackley as Joan was in Hospital at the time. It was a joy to have our friends join us from St Olave’s. You too can do this in the quietness of your Church, your home or your special place where you meet with God in daily devotion. Our first service for the new year was led by The Rev Frank Ultsch who gave some sound advice stating that we may not change the World as Individuals but we can make a lot of difference in our own community. Perhaps you are aware that Audrey Westbury is still in the John Radcliff Hospital. This is her third hospital over the past 3 months or so. She is hoping to be coming home when a care package can be put in place. Physically she is far from well but she still very bright and alert in her planning and conversation. Please continue to remember her in your prayers. It is good to know that Joan is now out of hospital and recuperating with her sister in Oxford, Joan we all miss you very much and are looking forward to the day you will be with us again. May God give you strength we all send our Christian love. May you all have a peaceful and a very happy New Year. Preachers for February—all services at 10-30am Rev. John W. Goulder. Sunday 7th Sunday 14th Sunday 21st Sunday 28th Our Preachers for Feb and March 2016 at 2.30 p.m. Don Walker Mr A Giles Wendy Manley. Vera Douglas. Claire Harthrop. 7th Feb Mrs. Margaret Goulder 14th Feb Mr. John Neil. 21st Feb Mr. Malcolm Wainwright. 28th Feb Mrs. Wendy Manley. 6th Mar Joint Mother's Day Service. Speaker. Mrs. Helen Goulder see church pages for more information. Tel 346674. MID CHERWELL NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN PROGRESS STEPS We are currently at this stage. Source: 6 ARDLEY-WITH-FEWCOTT GENERAL NEWS: Please continue to keep an eye on lonely, poorly or elderly neighbours and of course Mr. Brahmbhatt of Fewcott House is always delighted when anyone can visit residents there. Just give them a call on 345501 if you can spare a moment or two for a chat. A GENTLE REMINDER: It is now time to return your £3 Three Parishes sub for the year to the person who delivers your newsletter OR to Fritwell Post Office if this is easier. PLEASE if possible return the brown envelopes as you read this. Many thanks. FOUND: Is this yours? A lovely dark navy blue beanie hat has been found on the bench by the telephone booth at the top of Ardley Road. Also a yellow plastic key ring in the shape of an owl with the hat. If this is yours and you are looking for it please ring 345269 and it can be returned to you. BICESTER FOOD BANK: Please continue to support this very worthy cause and the great work it does with helping so many in these difficult times. The Bicester Food Bank is always delighted with anything you give. Thoughtful gifts of tins of soup, cereals, eggs, biscuits, cans of vegetables/meat/fish, soft drinks, packets of rice/pasta/couscous, long life milk, tea/sugar/coffee/chocolate and other non-perishable foods are the sorts of items they are able to distribute. So with January, February and March ahead of us this wonderful service is even more important. Please help if you can. Contact Angela Chamberlain (345332), Madeleine Horn (346621) or Madeleine Gilpin (345269) who can tell you where you can leave your gifts in the Village, or you can take your gifts direct to the Food Bank yourself, which is in Market Square, Bicester. As you know access to vouchers for help from this Charity is only through a doctor, Social Services Departments, Citizen's Advice Bureau or a Church Vicar. SIDESPERSONS ROTA FOR FEBRUARY 2016; 7Feb Madeleine Gilpin; 14 Feb Jenni Carr; 21 Feb Madeleine Horn; 28 Feb Brian Gilpin; 6 April Gill Simmonds. GREAT GARDEN BIRD WATCH: Don’t forget the Great Garden Bird Watch for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) which will take place this year on 30 th and 31st January, (January’s last weekend). It entails JUST ONE HOUR of your time on either the Saturday or the Sunday watching birds (either in your garden or at some other identifiable place) and noting down the greatest number of birds of each type which are in that place AT ANY ONE TIME. 49ERS CLUB: As you know Camelot has changed the National Lottery and increased their Lotto Numbers to 59 from 49. We hope we have solved the problem and you will by now have received a letter outlining this solution. We will remind you in your next renewal. In the meantime if you do NOT wish us to pay your winning cheque directly into your Bank you need to return the form you received and we will make a note of your request. MOBILITY AIDS: A-w-F Fuel Charity has two Village wheelchairs and one walker available to all local residents if and when needed. These are held at Millwood, Water Lane (Tel: 345269). AFECT NEWS: AFECT Committee are seeking to find a solution to a problem regarding the completion of the Footpath project. Financial assistance is still on-going and we have not entirely given up hope of receiving funds from Viridor Credits. Meetings with OCC and with potential contractors have been arranged. Clarification of OCC’s Highways conditions for acceptance of our Project are still being investigated. We will keep you all informed of our progress. COMMUNITY CAFÉ: The Community Café is going from strength to strength with regular numbers in the 20s. A wonderful rota of helpers is making all this possible so that many residents from Ardley-with-Fewcott and the surrounding area are coming along to enjoy a social hour of interest and social conversation at a friendly gathering. So why not join for refreshments, cakes and a chat from 10.30 to 11.30am every Tuesday. On Tuesday 5th January Caroline Brown and colleague came to fill us in on the work of our Community Police. CHURCH TIDY-UP: We are hoping for great things from the Springtime date which will probably be early March. 7 CHRISTMAS NATIVITY & NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS: This took place at 4pm on Sunday, 20th December to a full Church. Despite having only had one extremely rough run through followed by a second marginally better try, the final production was successful and everyone seemed to enjoy it with the actors and Chorus pulling out ALL THE STOPS. Many thanks to all who took part for their wonderful efforts. The Nine Lessons and Carols had marvellously clear readers from amongst the young people of the Village who were entirely responsible for that part of the Service. Everyone sang the Carols heartily and Steven Wright was our talented organist. The Church had been decorated splendidly and the PCC had ensured the smooth running of everything. Thank you all. CAROL SINGING IN FEWCOTT NURSING HOME: On Tuesday, 15th December Carols with the Christmas Story took place. It was somewhat disappointing for the first time ever with very few folk turning up to bring some Christmas cheer to the Residents, however, nothing daunted, everyone present sang beautifully and it was lovely to hear folk singing so well and enjoying themselves as they sang. A really heartening and rewarding experience. Thank you to Mr. Brahmbhatt, Cristina Panov and all the Staff for helping to make the evening so successful. LITTER AND THE ‘SOAPBOX’ AGAIN: At risk of repetition, how lovely it would be if Villagers were able to make sure the area around their home is free of litter by picking up paper, cans, crisp and sweet wrappers littering the street area and disposing of it all in their bins. This would make our Villages look so pleasant and attractive, especially to visitors. It only takes a moment to pick up one piece of litter whereas if it is left it takes Litterblitzers in March much more time to do the whole Village. PET OWNERS: On another tack, considerate dog owners already think of other street and field users by picking up after their pets and disposing of the bags sensibly inside the dog bins provided by the Parish Council, the emptying of which is paid for through the precept. How wonderful it would be if every dog owner could follow the example of considerate residents. Unfortunately when dog litter is left on pavements, the quarry field or footpaths it means others have to avoid this and it is sometimes difficult with a pram, toddlers or mobile chair or in the dark. We also have residents who have sight problems so please be thoughtful of others. That would be really kind. CAR PARKING: Just lately there have been a spate of cars parking right across the pavement. This is illegal and causes real difficulties for pedestrians, mothers with pushchairs, unsighted folk and people in mobile chairs as they have to go into the road to get round these cars, which is dangerous for them. It would be considerate if car-owners could remember that pavements are for people. RENEE BARBER’S SUCCESSFUL FUND RAISING EVENT: Renee has received a wonderful letter from Garine Komchouyan of the Supporter Donations Team and Steven Goodrick, Wiltshire Fundraising Manager. In Renee’s November fundraising event a total of £550 was raised and in total, over the years Renee has been supporting Macmillan, she has raised an amazing £8,447. As you know these funds are used to do a lot of good by helping Macmillan make sure no one faces cancer alone. Support like this for the charity ensures their vital work is possible. Macmillan were effusive in their thanks to Renee. AND HERE ARE TWO MORE PUBLIC SPIRITED CITIZENS: With the winter months not only cars but road signs become covered by mud splattered from passing traffic. On 6th December Nicki Lewis and Victoria Embleton-Spencer spent some considerable time cleaning off road signs at the entry to the Village. Well done you two. Now we can actually see what they say! Many thanks. LITTERBLITZ WEEKEND THIS YEAR: This will take place on Saturday 5th March from 10am until 1pm and on Sunday 6 th March from 11am until 1pm. Do try and join the merry throng of volunteers giving up a little of their time to help clean up the Village (this year for the Queen and indeed for us also). ARDLEY-WITH-FEWCOTT design & location of a new seat for the woods, which was expected to complement the environment & it was also suggested that the appearance of the field could be enhanced. Woods Warden paper outlining options & suggestions about maintaining & developing the woods to be distributed to council members. Council to place plaque on bench overlooking the green as memorial to Mick Day. More applications for funding were in progress for the Fritwell to Fewcott footpath, with support from Smiths & Tim Wise from Highways Dept. However while both Parish Councils are agreeing to the development on safety grounds, some questions are still being raised about the public perception of the need for the footpath. Issues to consider include drainage; the gap between path & road; the ongoing maintenance cost on completion & if development would impact on free school travel. Ardley & Fewcott Gardening Club Our next event weather permitting is a coach outing subsidised by a grant obtained from ‘Sovereign Housing’ to see the Snowdrops at ‘Anglesey Abbey’ Cambridgeshire that has been brought forward to Tuesday 02 February 2016 this is due to the snowdrops putting in an early appearance. The coach will’ depart from Fritwell at 7.45 am, Ardley 7.50am Bucknell Rd Buckingham Rd, Bicester at 8.05am. We are scheduled to arrive at 10.30am; the coach will depart approx. 2.30 -3pm. A raffle will be held on the return journey. On Friday 18 March a social event open to family and friends to commence with a ‘Cheese & Wine at 6pm. Followed by a singing performance from the ‘Brackley Male Voice Choir’ Tickets cost £7 The choir and hall are being paid for from monies raised at the ‘Christmas Craft Event. District Councillor:- McDonalds larger restaurant application for Baynards Green progressing. Next Viridor liaison meeting is the 20th January, with Lighting review progressing. OCC have removed dangerous tree on the stream, but further work required to remove huge stump & make the wall safe. They have undertaken to do that. First potential flooding threat when a grid became blocked with weed and water flooded the White Lion car park.Grid cleared & the water receded. Following recent changes by the Boundary Commission, the whole of CDC is up for election again in May. AwF will become part of a super ward called Heyfords & Fringford, which will have three elected members. Assuming all are from the same party, the area will probably be divided up into manageable responsibility sectors but if it has three members from different parties it may be more difficult to manage because of its size. More information is available on CDC’s website. Friday 13 May a Royal Celebration Afternoon Tea Party at Savill Gardens Windsor in honour of Her Majesty the Queens 90th Birthday. Further details are to follow. Jean McGarry Ardley & Fewcott Garden Club There are still rooms available for the visit to Wales 15th – 18th April 2016—Open to Non-Members The weekend break to the gardens of Wales consists of ‘Luxury’ coach travel from local pick up points. Developments:- Village hall car park, planning permission was granted as per application and preliminary surface work will start in the next couple of weeks. There will be a gap before the main build starts later in February. Dates will be confirmed in an update newsletter due out later this month. Meanwhile the bottle banks will be removed from the car park & probably from the village. 4 days, 3 night’s accommodation to include breakfast and evening meals. Staying at The Angel Hotel, Cardiff This beautiful Victorian landmark hotel is located at the very heart of Wales’ capital city, neatly positioned between the Millennium Stadium and Cardiff Castle. Rural Housing. Updated Rural Housing Pack has been made available for consideration & new survey forms were given to Parish Councillors to distribute immediately to all local housholds since the forms needed to be completed & returned by 5th February 2016 to gauge level of interest. Proposed excursions, (to be confirmed): Dyffryn Fernant Garden, Aberglasney & Saint Fagan’s Museum, National Botanical Garden of Wales AND On the return journey home—A visit to Tredegar House & Gardens Neighbourhood Plan. New draft constitution for the Executive Committee was distributed with request for any comments before 13 th January meeting. Consultation on the overall plan to be discussed & agreed across all parishes to provide one comprehensive plan. Consult & engage activities with parishoners to be completed by 31st March 2016 & it was agreed to hold an extraordinary Parish Council meeting to agree a way forward for local plan. Suggested that the public consultation about the Neighbourhood plan could be incorporated the afternoon of 21st February. A further presentation to be arranged for one evening in the following week. Contact Jean McGarry – Secretary/Group Organiser 01869 345581. 27 Ardley Road, Fewcott, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX27 7PB Minutes of Ardley Parish Council Meeting 11th January 2016 Local safety: The annual village clean up wIll take place 5-6 March & hopefully address the misuse of dog bins by parishoners with bags being scattered around the bins. Woods Warden will regularly walk around the village & advise on necessary safety action following discussions on overgrown hedgerows & uneven & slippy footpaths which have now been raised with the Council. Issues re 40 MPH speed signs were raised & the review of Incinerator Lighting awaited. Vehicles are still parking on pavements & police will be requested to perform another inspection. Broadband dispute still ongoing, with a possible interim solution suggested by local villages but it was suggested that Gigaclear be contacted directly to understand their position & get a quote. Winter preparation, move salt bag off car park onto the road side of the fence. Agreed to buy St John Ambulance defibrillator & jacket to be located in the White Lion. Training to be arranged. Speedwatch 2 traffic warning signs to be purchased for use with speed gun. Public update meeting on use of speed guns, arranged for morning 21st February at Village Community Centre. Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations. Week-end 11th & 12th June 2016 suggested time for a street party. Committee to be formed to co-ordinate event. Stewart Deakin, Clerk to Ardley with Fewcott Parish Council. [email protected] Woods & footpaths: A meeting on 12th January was to discuss the 8 ARDLEY-WITH-FEWCOTT A Message from Ardley with Fewcott Parish Council BIG CHANGES ARE COMING Cherwell District Council's recently-adopted Local Plan requires a significant increase in numbers of new dwellings. The major development already underway at Heyford Park could see an increase to 2,675 homes. Some developers are already planning new housing schemes in local villages, against the wishes of the community. There could be big changes in our area. Your Parish Council has joined forces with 10 other local parishes to form the Mid-Cherwell Neighbourhood Plan Forum to draw up our own plan for the future. Once approved, the Neighbourhood Plan will be a statutory document able to resist unwelcome development and promote beneficial changes desired by local people. Come and tell us what you want and what you do not want in your neighbourhood at two informal meetings on: Sunday 21st February 2016 at 2pm and Wednesday 25th February 2016 at 7.30pm Both meetings will be held in St Marys Church Village residents, organisations and businesses need to: Think about what might happen. Protect the things we value. Plan to get some benefits from the changes. The Neighbourhood Plan Forum has started working on this. Come and hear what we have discovered and let us know your views on the way forward for our two villages and neighbourhood Produced by Ardley with Fewcott Parish Council and 9 ARDLEY-WITH-FEWCOTT Ardley with Fewcott Village Hall Valentine's Disco Saturday 13 February Looking for a Special Venue for a Party? This year, why not book the hall for your party! The spacious hall gives them masses of room to run around and has a high roof that can easily accommodate a bouncy castle. There are fairy lights from the ceiling to help make it special, a well stocked kitchen and, of course, a fantastic play area outdoors. Returnable Residents Non-Residents Damage Cleaning Deposit for all of the below is £30 Per Day Per Day Hour (24hrs) Hour (24 hrs) Why not come and enjoy Valentine’s at the village hall, come and party the night away! 7:30pm to 12 midnight AwF Village Hall Licensed bar £5.00 per person 16 years old and over Tickets available from Karl 07557799052 or [email protected] All monies raised will be split evenly between the village hall and the raffle winner’s choice of charity. STUDENTS: FEWCOTT FUEL ALLOTMENT TRUST IF you are about to go to university or are already on a course. IF you are in some form of job related training, or IF you attend other classes, say in the evening, to learn vocational skills, AND You are a resident of Fewcott or the surrounding area then FEWCOTT FUEL ALLOTMENT TRUST a small local charity may be able to assist you with a grant for books or other items or tools you require in connection with your studies. The Trust has helped a number of local residents needing to purchase books and art equipment in connection with university and college courses. Hall Meeting Room Hall & Meeting Room Kitchen Ovens Sessions during 9am to 4pm £11 £ 5.50 £16.50 £110 £33 £133 £5.50 £27.50 £35 for 4 Hours. £11 for every extra Hour £5.50 £27.50 £45 for 4 Hours £16.50 for every extra Hour Evening Party Week Day Week Day Main Hall + Kitchen 4pm to Midnight (Includes clean up period to 10am the following day £66 + £110 + £88 + £132 + £60 £100 £80 £120 Damage Damage Damage Damage /cleaning /cleaning /cleaning /cleaning Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Week End £16.50 £8.25 £24.75 £165.00 £55.00 £220.00 Week End For more information visit or to arrange to view the hall, contact telephone Lynne 01869 346632 or email: [email protected] Please apply in writing with your contact details, what you need to buy, and why you think you should be considered for a grant to: Tikki Potter, 1 Ploughley Close (Tel.346709) or Nicki Lewis, Penlington, Fritwell Road (Tel. 345424),or Madeleine Horn, 19 Russet Road (Tel.346621) or Colin McGarry (Tel. 345581) VIRIDOR LIAISON MEETING: Meeting at incinerator took place on 20th January 2016 with 20 present. After introductions and apologies, Minutes signed as correct. Matters arising covered road signage and litter on B430 concerns with both these aspects to be checked and improved, especially for lorries leaving site not satisfactorily covered. Once again leachate concerns, especially at Bucknell, debated. Re-positioning of wheel wash for vehicles debated with improvements outlined. Concern on forthcoming OCC changes to recycling site debated due to OCC’s £20M cutbacks. Re-siting within Northern Oxon needed where people are. Bicester/Banbury area suggested. Viridor agreed extension to facility to 2017 and prepared to continue further providing agreement with OCC. Redbridge being replaced. Operations report covered landfill restoration measures, reporting on monitoring issues, closure of asbestos disposal, movements and safe disposal of bottom and fly ash, surface water flows, concerns about quantity of waste imports with re-submission of planning application and public consultation to take place with 3 Parish Councils, night time lighting problems with photographic records being arranged at 5 locations – local residents to be involved from Middleton Stoney, Bucknell and Ardley-with-Fewcott to find ways of improving situation. Environment Agency gave Presentation at end of main meeting covering regulatory and planning matters, emissions and tonnage clarification. Community issues covered above plus highways maintenance concerns. AOB gave vote of thanks to Rebecca Harwood moving to different OCC department, update on visitor numbers (2,500) to facility and work with Bicester Secondary School children to encourage future careers in waste management. Date of next Meeting 20/4/16 at 5pm. Minutes to include feedback on Presentation. 10 FRITWELL— 1st Fritwell Scout Group We would like to thank everyone who contributed to and supported our recent jumble sale. Despite awful weather we had a brilliant turn out, a huge amount of ‘stuff’ to sell and a fantastic atmosphere on the day! We raised £520 at the sale and a further £211 from selling items on eBay making a grand total of £731 – this is the most we have ever raised at a jumble sale. This money will go towards our annual subscription to National Scout Headquarters which this year will be almost £2000. THE END IS NIGH FRITWELL VILLAGE HALL Saturday May 7th 7.30 FOR 8pm Looking ahead we now have dates for this year’s camps. Cub Camp will take place on the spring bank holiday weekend, 27th – 30th May at Youlbury Scout Camp. This will be a special camp to celebrate 100 years of Cub Scouting! National Archery Competition for Scouts and Explorers is scheduled for 6, 7, 8 May at Phasels Wood Camp in Hertfordshire. We have done very well in this competition in past years! The Explorer Scouts are busy fund raising and hope to have enough funds to visit a Scout Camp in America in late July. Scout Camp is scheduled for 22 – 27 August at Blackwell Adventure which is not too far from Bromsgrove. We have booked one of the tented villages; for more information about the site and huge range of activities on offer visit: Tickets £15 in advance from Wrightons, East Street, Fritwell Or call Gail Barnhill 01869 345887 Chilli and French bread supper available for £5 extra (please state meat or vegetarian option when ordering) Comedy band 'Jonny & The Baptists' (Jonny Donahoe and Paddy Gervers) have risen rapidly to cult-status in the last year,making the finals of the 'Amused Moose Laughter Awards', the '2013 New Act of the Year Awards' and the 'Musical Comedy Awards', and being featured on 'The Now Show' (BBC Radio 4), 'The Infinite Monkey Cage' (BBC R4), 'The Gadget Show' (Channel 5) and 'Sketchorama' (BBC R4) For more information about 1st Fritwell Scout Group please contact Sheila Ultsch on 346665 or [email protected] The Face of Fritwell 1900-2000 By Charles Hughes Cushion Club Cinema Fritwell Village Hall 8pm Feb 26th Mar 18th April 22nd May 20th June 17th July 15th Aug - TBC Sept 16th Oct 14th Nov 18th Dec 16th Sales of “the Face of Fritwell” are going very well with over 100 copies being sold in the first two weeks, this book is a pictorial account of Fritwell from the turn of the 20 th century up to the beginning of the 21st century, there are over 230 pictures of which 200 are in colour, depicting community events. Copies can be bought from Wrightons’, butchers and Coles’ bookshop in Bicester. All profits to go to St Olave’s in Fritwell. In 2015, we showed some of the best: Pride, The Water Diviner, Woman in Gold, Wild, 2nd Marigold Hotel, The Imitation Game, The 100ft Journey, and The Theory of Everything. Membership is £25 per year, which allows you to come to all events. For single showings, an admin fee of £5 is levied. Membership subs are due by the May date shown. Fritwell Village Hall Every Thursday is Thirsty Thursday in Fritwell Village Hall, from 8pm. SIGN UP FOR FILM NEWS Fritwell Flower Show A great quiz, with good company, beers and wines. We are a friendly lot, you will be made very welcome. Congratulations to all the winners in our Flower Show this year, and a big thank you to everyone who took part. The number of exhibits exceeded our expectations, thank you. The quiz is not compulsory, just have a drink with friends (including your furry friends) A thank you to everyone who helped, on the day and before. See you next year, when we hope to have a bigger Flower Show. So watch this space, put the date in your diary Saturday 20th August 2016 and start thinking about what you will be exhibiting. 11 FRITWELL— Fritwell Forget Me Nots FRITWELL PARISH COUNCIL The event in January took place in Fritwell Village Hall and was the second in our luncheon club programme, which has been funded by the Red Nose grant we received. Forty members attended. Cathy and Sue provided a lovely light lunch of vegetable soup and a roll or rolls as it turned out…as bowls were replenished with the lovely soup. Tea and biscuits followed and the afternoon was completed with an excellent presentation on the Role of the Country Carriers. The photographs and information brought back lots of memories and was thoroughly enjoyed. Mid-Cherwell Neighbourhood Plan: The Parish Council has now approved the Constitution along with the other ten parishes involved, ensuring the Plan has legal status. Two Public Engagement Meetings where the plan can be explained and residents can become actively involved in making their views known are on Wednesday 2nd March 7.30pm and Saturday 5th March 10.00am, both in Fritwell Village Hall. All residents are warmly invited to attend and raise their questions and comments. Please put these dates in your diary now! Pond: We are delighted that the vegetation and rooted material have finally been removed from the pond, facilitating a faster flow of water and preventing flooding. The work was carried out by Russell Young with his JCB who completed a very professional and thorough job. Thanks to John and Dawn Malins for allowing the material removed to be deposited on their land, making the work much cheaper. The meeting, on the 9th February is the annual lunch which will start at 1.00pm in the village hall. The cost of the lunch is being subsidised for members, from the Red Nose grant and Club funds, and will cost £12. Should space be available, the cost for non members is £18.50. If you would like further details on any of the lunch menu and to reserve your seat please phone Vivienne on 01869 346771 or if you would like to find out more about the club please ring Denise on 01869345250. Community Speedwatch: we now have the signs and the Speedwatchers are operational, targeting areas of the village where concerns have been raised. Please support our efforts by driving carefully through the village. We are always on the lookout for more volunteers to help keep our village as safe as possible so please get in touch with the Clerk if you can help. Emergency Plan: This is now on our website . Best wishes and a happy new year. Denise ST OLAVE’S PCC Financial Matters: Our budget for 2016-17 was approved at the meeting on 18th January 2016 and residents will be glad to hear that we are able to maintain the precept at 2015-16 levels. A belated Happy New Year to everyone! THANK YOU! Christmas seems a long time ago now, and the PCC sincerely thanks everyone who helped in any way, however large or small, to make the Christmas Services and Festival of Trees so successful (the latter raising over £1000 for church funds). As always, there are a few who deserve special mention. Janet Britton organised the Festival of Trees for the first time and made it the usual festive occasion. There were several who helped out, the chaps who did the heavy lifting and shifting, those who helped before and on the day by giving their time, making cakes, making donations for raffle prizes and so on, so thank you. Special thanks also go to the children and staff of Fritwell School who made decorations for the large tree, sang beautifully at the Festival of Trees and read so well at the carol service. Thanks also to Geoff and Hope Price who organised an Advent Workshop Year 6 and an Epiphany Christingle Service. Thanks go to our Church Wardens who work tirelessly behind the scenes at all these events. Spring Clean: Our annual Spring Clean and Litter Pick has been scheduled for Saturday 16th April 2016, starting from the Village Hall at 10.30am. We are hoping to serve bacon butties after the event as this was well received last year. Please come along and help to keep Fritwell neat and tidy. Sewerage Works: Residents will be relieved to know that the recent work on the pumping station necessitating numerous tanker trips through the village, has now been finished. Anglian Water have apologised for any inconvenience caused. Bus Routes: Two Councillors have kindly represented Fritwell at a recent meeting with the County Council and bus companies. The aim of this meeting was to discuss possible solutions to the withdrawal of bus subsidies and the likely closure of some routes. We will keep residents informed of progress. Tree works: The ash tree at the crossroads between North Street and East Street has now been trimmed by Appreciate Landscapes to ensure that good visibility for road users at the junction is maintained. Family Communion Service: following the results of the questionnaire and a request from another Parish, the PCC is considering changing the time of the 11 o’clock Family Communion Service on the third Sunday of each month to 9.30am. If you have any objections to this could you please inform one of the church wardens or Rev. Stephen Griffiths or Rev. Geoff Price. Non- Designated Heritage Assets: We are pleased to announce that we have been informed by CDC that the village pump in East Street and the Reading Room in North Street have recently been added to their register of Non-Designated Heritage Assets. Thanks to Charles Hughes for his hard work over an extended period to enable these sites to be awarded this recognition and protection. Evensong: the time will revert to 6pm from March onwards. Annual Parish Church Meeting and Election of Church Wardens: These will take place on a date yet to be fixed, but before the end of April, so please look out for notices which will give full details. If you are interested in serving as a Church Warden or on the PCC, please, don’t be shy, and get further information from Rev. Stephen Griffiths, Grace Williams or Mike Dockrey (our present Church Wardens). Next Meeting: Monday 21st March 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Gill Simmonds Parish Clerk Address: East Stone Lodge, 5, East Street. Telephone 345930 email [email protected] Messy Church: This has been very well attended recently (look on the Facebook page Fritwell Church for what has been going on) and the children enjoy it hugely, so come along and see for yourself. Helen Metcalfe, Secretary to the PCC 346697. 12 SOULDERN— Souldern Village Hall 100 Club winners Souldern United Charity Registered Charity number 1002942 A local Charitable Trust set up and administered to provide financial help, support and relief in a private manner to residents and affiliates of the village community. Anyone in need who would benefit from financial assistance, perhaps towards purchase of tools, books, equipment, etc. can request help either directly themselves or by proxy nomination through another Souldern resident. Help has been given previously for; Educational benefit to students or school leavers moving into higher education or undertaking apprenticeships. Promoting personal development and betterment. alleviating hardship in exceptional times of need, including Christmas Vouchers for some residents over 60 or in particular distress ; (PLEASE APPLY FOR AS BELOW , IF NOT ALREADY IN RECEIPT ) Contributing towards expenses incurred with frequent hospital visits. Enabling useful employment to be gained or maintained. Please apply in writing to Carol Couzens, Charity Secretary, 2 Cotswold Court, Souldern, OX277LQ , outlining the particular case you wish to highlight and the committee will be pleased to consider it confidentially and sympathetically, within the Charity guidelines. Other trustees who can be contacted for information are; Chris Rothero, Norma Jones, Geoff Price, David Blunt and Sue Medhurst, who is also your contact point for allocation of available allotments. 3 Parishes distributor needed in Souldern to deliver in the High Street and also round The Pond & The Hill areas Please contact Barbara 345931 if you able to help TO BOOK SOULDERN VILLAGE HALL Please contact Kate Green—07812 501604 [email protected] HIRE CHARGES Souldern Groups £7 per hour (up to 5 hrs.) £40 per day (more than 5 Hours) Deposit £50 Souldern residents £7 per hour (up to 5 hrs.) Deposit £60 £60 per day (more than 5 Hours) Non-Residents Hire Costs: £13 per hour (up to 5 hrs.) £120 per day (more than 5 Hours) includes cleaning charge Deposit £100 November 2015 1st No.157 Jerry Carey - £20 2nd No.71 Frank O’Connor - £10 December 2015 1st No.57 Mr & Mrs Croot - £20 2nd No.7 Graham Waters - £10 Christmas Bonus No.67 Sue Medhurst - £30 THANK YOU FROM RODNEY ALLAN’S FAMILY It is now about a year since Rodney died. We, his brother John and sister-in-law Judith, would like to take the opportunity of saying on our own behalf and that of the Allan family how very greatly we appreciate all the friendliness, good neighbourliness and numerous kindnesses Rodney received from the people of Souldern while he lived there, the messages of generous sympathy and vivid recollections which were sent to us after he died, and the presence of so many of his friends in the Three Parishes at his funeral. We would also like to say how pleased and consoled we were by the splendid concert given by the Choir in the Church on 24th October. SOULDERN PARISH COUNCIL Gigaclear: Connection is anticipated by 29 th January. All works are expected to be completed by the first week in February. Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations: Sunday 12th June the Church and the Chapel will be holding a special joint service in the Church. Garden party with entertainment by kind permission of Diana and Sandy Gray at Souldern House. Saturday 25thJune Soap Box Derby and Pitstop Party. Dog Bins: These will be emptied weekly on Thursdays. Nancy Bowles Wood: About half the trees have been identified and coppiced. The apple tree is to be replaced. Football Club: The Club are still doing well this season and are top of the table by 2 points, they have won their last 7 games. Another player from Souldern is about to sign up with the club. Precept for 2016/17: This will be kept at £5,700 for the coming year. Planning: 15/01753/F – Bowcombe House, Bates Lane; Erection of detached garage; single with part two storey extension; garage conversion with associated interior and external works- Refused 15/01795/F – 1 The Old Stores, High Street; Single storey garden office - Permitted 15/02005/F – 2-storey new build dwelling – The Hill. Permitted 15/02003/F – Single storey detached garage & replace existing garage - Beech House. Application withdrawn Footpaths: Bridleways 13 and 8 are being cleared, footbridge on footpath 18 to be replaced, tree down on footpath 8. Key contacts: Planning – Dara Masterson-Jones Playground & Football Club – Nick Oakhill 345784 Village Hall & Dog Bins – Kirsty Allpress Roads, verges, maintenance, gritting, parking, safety - Bruce May Footpaths & Bridleways – Katy Draper Website – Nick Oakhill, Katy Draper & Barbara McGarry Pond and 3 Parishes Mag – Barbara McGarry 345931 For regular updates, register on the Souldern Database email: [email protected] Next meeting March 17th 7.30pm 13 Thames Valley Police Report The smallprint Website: Facebook: Subscriptions: For subscription or delivery problems, and to arrange a new subscription please contact the editor: Vicky Hibberd. [email protected] Tel: 345830 / Mob: 07788 560174 We were working hard throughout the Christmas and New Year period and although the usual excesses of the season lead to some unruly behaviour, thankfully it remained relatively calm. One member of the team assisted Banbury Rural in a police operation following a spate of burglaries on the area and also supported the national drink drive campaign. Letters, comments, articles, drawings, pictures, contributions, opinions etc. are very welcome. Whilst the editors do not necessarily agree with the content of contributions and reserve the right to edit for space, all are considered equally. There is a 400 word limit on all contributions please. If your item is not time-sensitive, it will not necessarily be included in the first issue after you submit it, but you will be informed when it will appear. All contributions by email will be acknowledged. In relation to crimes reported, we have seen diesel thefts from farm vehicles, holes punched in vehicle locks, several sheds were broken into and garden tools stolen and tools have been stolen from vehicles. A caravan was stolen off a driveway one night around 23.30 but thanks to a vigilant neighbour, an identical theft the following night was prevented. The helicopter and dog unit were involved in the search for the perpetrators. For contributions and subscriptions, e-mail is the best way to contact us: [email protected]. You can leave typed articles at any of the collection points below. Please include your name & contact details and deliver your article, or your £3 subscription money to: David Blunt, Gibbs Field House, Foxhills Lane, Souldern, Madeleine Gilpin, ‘Millwood’, Water Lane, Ardley G B Wrighton and Son, East Street, Fritwell Members of the team recovered a large quantity of stolen power tools and a male has been arrested and the investigation is ongoing. PREVENT CARAVAN CRIMEEach year around 1,400 caravans are stolen in the UK. Very few are ever returned to their original owner, partly because they can 'disappear' into an illicit network of buyers and sellers, and partly because, when a caravan is found by the police, all identifying marks have been removed - it is not uncommon for thieves to grind out the VIN number from the caravan windows. Business Advertisements: Stephanie Hicks—Email: [email protected] Tel: 07833 383 563 Rates for 10 issues (1 year) Advertise from just £3.50 per issue: 1 /8 PAGE £35 / ¼PAGE £70 / ½ PAGE £140 / whole page £280 Deadlines for contributions 2016 Issue Deadline for copy March 19th February April 18th March March 19th February April 18th March May 15th April June 20th May July 17th June Aug/Sept 22nd July Oct 16th Sept Nov 21st Oct Dec/Jan 18th Nov Have a reliable alarm fitted and switch it on whenever you leave your caravan, even if only for a few minutes. Always lock all doors and windows every time you leave your caravan. Always lock your roof light and gas compartment as well. At home, always keep caravan keys in a safe place out of sight from windows and doors and take valuables with you when you leave the vehicle. When your caravan is not in use, leave curtains and cupboard doors open - thieves can be put off by a caravan that is obviously empty. Write your vehicle identification number (VIN) in several hidden places. Use a permanent marker to write the VIN under drawers, in cupboards and on wooden surfaces. Etch the VIN on to the windows using an ultraviolet pen. This makes the caravan easy to identify if it's stolen. Use good quality, heavy-duty chains and hitch locks. Fit lockable wheel nuts and wheel clamps. Never leave valuable items on display inside the caravan. Consider forensic and security marking your personal items. Immobilise your caravan when the caravan it is parked, even when you stop for short periods. Padlock gas cylinders to fixing clamps. Never leave vehicle registration documents inside the caravan. Fit a tracking device. Police will be able to track your caravan if it is stolen. As we start a new year we are looking at planning and what events are taking place on the rural area. If you have any events such as fetes, coffee mornings, village fund raisers or similar and would like us to attend then please E Mail me the details at [email protected] and we will do our best to ensure someone can attend. Archery/Badminton for All Mondays 8.05-9.05pm payment pro rata Zumba Gold Thursdays 5-6pm payment pro rata Workshops on Saturday 30 January: How to use your Sewing Machine 9.30-16.30 £40 Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage 10.00-12.45 £18 Get Blogging 10.00-16.00 £34 Drawing with Confidence 10.00-16.00 £34 Applemac for Beginners 10.00-15.00 £30 Anyone Can Sing Workshop 10.30-13.00 £18 So Now You Can Sing Workshop 14.00-16.30 £18 Workshops on Saturday 5 March: Introduction to Roman Blind or Curtain Making 9.30-16.30 £40 Traditional Upholstery 2 (takes place on 14 May as a 2 day course) 9.30-17.00 £90 Introduction to Reflexology 10.00-12.45 £18 Badminton and Table Tennis 10.00-11.00 £6 iPad / iPhone for Beginners 9.30-12.30 £20 Yoga for Healthy Hips and Knees 10.00-13.00 £18 Bicycle Maintenance 10.00-14.30 £27 Painting Using Special Effects 10.00-16.00 £34 Improving Your Blog 10.00-16.00 £34 Chocolate Workshop – Cake Decorating 10.00-16.00 £42 Anyone Can Sing Workshop 10.30-13.00 £18 Archery 11.05-12.05 £6 iPad / iPhone for Improvers 13.00-16.00 £20 So Now You Can Sing Workshop 14.00-16.30 £18 Community Education at the Marlborough School, Woodstock Tel: 01993 813592 TO BOOK WEEKLY CLASSES Yoga and Pilates groups start in the week beginning 22 February: Yoga Monday 9.40-11.10am £39 Yoga Thursday 9.30-11am £39 Pilates Monday 11.15am-12.15pm £28 Pilates Thursday 11.15am-12.15pm £28 Yoga Monday 7.30-9pm payment pro rata Yoga Tuesday 4.30-6pm payment pro rata Yoga Wednesday 7-8.30pm payment pro rata Workshops on Saturday 14 May Patchwork (by machine) for Beginners 9.30-16.30 £40 Badminton and Table Tennis 10.00-11.00 £6 Digital Photography for Beginners 10.00-15.00 £56 Yoga for Opening your Lower Back and Hips 10.00-13.00 £18 Acrylic Painting 10.00-16.00 £34 Sugarcraft – Tiered Cakes 10.00-16.00 £42 14 the boundary. Councillor Calling Planning brings some good news (for a change!) to start the year. The 2015 annual monitoring report we have to produce to show how the District is doing against the government’s housing supply targets reveals that we are achieving the vital 5year supply. In fact, projecting forward for three 5-year periods, 2014-19 shows 5.1 years, 2015-2020 shows 5.3 years and 2016 to 2021 shows 5.8 years supply. Such an increasing trajectory with a wide margin for error, slippage and mishap makes the figures even more secure. This is vital as aggressive developers routinely challenge the whole basis of these figures (like any future projections, they rely on assumptions which can always be questioned) in planning appeals – though the last such challenge, during the recent Kirtlington appeal, was turned down flat by the Inspector. The reason all this arcane figure work matters to you, me and developers is that, with an adopted Local Plan and 5-year housing projections above target, planning applications have to be in accordance with District plans to be approved: without them, there is a “presumption in favour” of unbridled development. So this is good news in that it gives our villages some protection. Obviously, all of this needs a lot of skill as well as sweat, so there is a lot of support available both to ensure the projects work and that the end results are safe and comply with Building Regulations. The reason I mention this is that we’ve had two plots in Steeple Aston in the Build! programme and there is huge interest from people around here in the Graven Hill site so, if you’d got the time and want to use that in place of money, have a look on the Cherwell DC website. James Macnamara Christmas Float Thanks Bicester Lions Club would like to extend a very big thank you to all the residents of Ardley & Fritwell Bicester for their support of our annual Christmas charity collection. This year our Christmas float with Santa visited several other locations including Langford Village, Launton, Caversfield, Tesco’s at Pingle Drive as well as participating in the Christmas market in Sheep Street. We collected £2854 and also received two very generous donations from local businesses. The club would also like to thank KJN Plant Hire for their kind support. Neighbourhood Plans form part of the Local Plan, once finalised, and therefore this also gives them substantial weight – or should do. This is important for all those putting effort into our Mid Cherwell Neighbourhood Plan to protect our villages. So it was extremely disappointing when a Planning Inspector overturned Cherwell’s decision to refuse 54 houses in Hook Norton because they didn’t fit Hooky’s Neighbourhood Plan. We think the Inspector was wrong in law by not applying the NP’s stipulation that no more than 20 houses should be built in one place at one time. We are therefore going to challenge this in court: it will be expensive but the principle that NP’s should be followed is so important, for Mid Cherwell especially, that it is worth the price. Bicester Lions will use this money to help those disadvantaged within our community who need assistance. We are part of an International organisation of over 1.3 million members in more than 200 countries who contribute to international relief efforts. However, the primary focus of Bicester Lions is our local community. Without the generosity of local people, we wouldn’t be able to help those in need who live locally. If you are interested in helping to raise funds and support your local community, we would be delighted to welcome any potential new members - please do contact us via our Facebook page ‘BicesterLions’ “Need not Greed” is the combative name of another challenge, this time made by a number of conservation bodies led by CPRE (the Campaign to Protect Rural England: I declare an interest, as a member) who are challenging a body called the Local Economic Partnership over their projections for Oxfordshire’s jobs and housing. Although the LEP includes Council leaders, including Cherwell’s, its members are mainly appointees from business interests and it meets in private without published minutes, which seems dodgy. Despite this, Inspectors treat its figures as sacrosanct, driving the ridiculously inflated housing numbers now being inflicted on Bicester, Banbury and Upper Heyford. So, although this is a bit of a conflict of interest for me, I am glad to see the LEP’s processes and housing numbers challenged and will watch Need not Greed with interest. Many thanks again to all who contributed. pp Tony Hodgson President, Bicester Lions Club Oxfordshire Carers Forum Are you aware of Oxfordshire Carers’ Forum? We are a charity based in Abingdon who provide support and services to Carers all over Oxfordshire. If you or someone you know is a carer you can take advantage of this information. We provide three very special services to Carers: 1. Carers Voice We enable carers to have their voice heard and influence services by keeping them informed about changes, finding out what they think about them and making sure their views are passed on to those who can do something about them. 2. Confidence 2 Care Aimed at improving support for carers aged 18 and over, free local group sessions allow development of caring knowledge and skills. Confidence 2 Care will: Help build on strengths as a carer. Give the opportunity to share experiences and learn from others in similar situations. Provide up to date information about services available to carers. Help with decisions about changes to the caring role. 3. Telephone support and Signposting opportunities We provide a telephone support service on 01235 520440 between 09:00 and 16:00 daily. We also work in partnership with Carers Oxfordshire a newly established organisation in Oxfordshire who provide support to Carers who are new to the role or established carers when things have changed. Carers Oxfordshire can also give benefits advice and support through home visits. Contact: Michelle Evans, Oxfordshire Carers Forum. Charity No. 1032918 Tel: 01235 520440 Building isn’t always bad, of course, when it’s in the right place. Cherwell has been picking up accolades for its Build! scheme of “self build” homes. This is where people get homes at more affordable prices by doing some or all of the work themselves (the rather unattractive term “sweat equity”!). There are four levels available depending on the site: final finish involves just decorating and outside landscaping self finish involves a lot more: fixtures and fittings, doors, walls and ceilings, kitchens and bathrooms as well. These first two are suited to flat refurbishments in town centres and urban regeneration. watertight shell means you do everything inside, all internal structures, partitions, plumbing and wiring. You are more likely to find this in villages and on new estates around the edges of towns. serviced plot is the ultimate self build, as on Graven Hill in Bicester. All you get is planning permission and utilities up to 15 CHURCH NEWS Dear friends, By now we will already be well into 2016, but may I wish you all a Happy New Year. And while it’s still fresh in my mind I’d like to say what a pleasure it was to take part in so many joyful and well-attended Christmas services around our benefice. Thank you to all who helped prepare for these services, through music, refreshments, flowers, readings, performances in nativity plays, lighting candles and clearing up. It’s always a delight to see our churches playing their part in community life, especially at Christmas. As I reflect back on two years of ministry as Team Rector I am struck by how many connections exist across the villages of the benefice. It’s something that is a real strength of this area. There are family ties between the villages, participation in social groups and clubs, people visit the shops and catch up on local news, the schools and churches draw together people from the villages, play groups and toddler groups, pubs, social media groups, sports and scouts, fetes and parties, poetry and art groups…the list could go on. They all play their part in keeping us living and working together. It’s easy to overlook how important these activities are for us. As with many aspects of life we sometimes take the ordinary things for granted, but would really miss them if they were gone. None of us want to feel isolated, and even if we don’t participate actively in many groups it’s good to know that there are things going on which keep community spirit alive. I often hear people say how they miss the community spirit of the past when people were ‘real neighbours’ and many villages were largely self-sufficient. In my experience all is not lost. There is still a tremendous amount of goodwill to be had if we play our part. But we have to come to terms with the fact that our lives are much more spread out than in the past. We belong to families scattered all over the country (or world), do our shopping miles away or on-line, and form our opinions from a global perspective. Yet we still look to the local community to provide certain important aspects of our lives. An internet chat-room cannot replace a real live ‘hello’ as we walk down the street! In most of our villages new people move in from time to time. I think the true test of community spirit is how well we welcome those new people. In fact I believe the true test of any organisation or interest group is how well it welcomes the newcomer. A former Archbishop of Canterbury, William Temple, said ‘The Church is the only society that exists for the benefit of those who are not its members.’ We should always be outward facing in our ministry. I’m sure we can all remember occasions when we valued a friendly face or helpful information when we faced a new start in life. Could you take the opportunity to be a friend to a stranger? What do you value in your life that you could share? Perhaps you can extend an invitation to the local pub, or a church service, or social group? Building up community spirit through friendship and inclusion is one small but significant way of keeping our Christian values alive. In the life and teaching of Jesus Christ we see how God invites all people to share in his blessings. This is one of the most powerful ways of working against the division and hatred so often seen at work in our world. And it is a work that can begin on our doorstep. With all good wishes for 2016. Yours in the service of Jesus Christ, Stephen 5 CHERWELL VALLEY SERVICES Ardley Fritwell St Mary's St Olave's Lower Heyford & Caulcott Somerton Souldern St James ABVM St Mary's 31-Jan 7-Feb Upper Heyford St Mary's Heyford Park The Chapel Benefice Communion Service - 11am Upper Heyford 8.30am 1662 HC 11am Family Worship 11am 1662 HC 4pm Evensong 11am Matins 9.30am Communion 11am Communion 7.30pm Holy Communion & Ashing 9.30am Morning Prayer 11am Morning Service 10.00am Holy Communion & Ashing 10-Feb 14-Feb 9.30am Communion 8.30am 1662 HC 11am Family Worship 9.30am Sunday Club 11am Sung Communion 21-Feb 9.30am Morning Prayer 11am Family Communion 11am Morning Prayer 9.30am Matins 8.30am 1662 HC 9.30am Morning Prayer 11am Morning Service 28-Feb 9.30am Family Worship 4pm Evensong 11am Family Communion 9.30am Family Service 11am Morning Prayer 8.30am 1662 HC 11am All Age Service 6-Mar 8.30am 1662 HC 11am Joint Mothering Sunday Service with the Wes Ref Chapel 9.30am Communion 11am Communion 13-Mar 9.30am Communion 8.30am 1662 HC 20-Mar 9.30am Morning Prayer 11am Family Communion 9.30am Morning Prayer 9.30am Morning Prayer 11am Morning Service 11am Morning Service 11am 1662 HC 2:30 Joint Mothering 4pm Sunday Evensong Service with the Wes Ref Chapel 11am 9.30am Sung Sunday Club Communion 11am Family Worship 11am 9.30am Communion Matins & HC Service 8.30am 1662 HC Services described as 1662, Matins or Evensong follow the traditional form as laid out in The Book of Common Prayer. Services described as CW (Common Worship) use modern language and follow the revised form given in the Common Worship Service and Prayer Book. Services described as Family Worship or Contemporary Worship are suitable for all ages, including children. The Cherwell Valley Benefice in the Diocese of Oxford Rev Stephen Griffiths 01869 222572 [email protected] Rev Geoff Price 01869 346262 [email protected] Benefice Office 01869 233687 [email protected] CHURCHWARDENS Ardley with Fewcott Angela Chamberlain—345332 Madeleine Horn—346621 Fritwell Mike Dockrey—345178 Grace Williams—345870 Souldern Clive Smith—346795 BENEFICE OFFICE *** OFFICE HOURS *** Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:30-2:30 572 Brice Road Heyford Park OX25 5TE 6 To book a wedding or baptism Tel: 01869 233687 [email protected] CHURCH NEWS Sunday 6th March St Olave’s Fritwell invites you to Souldern Church & The Wesleyan Reform Chapel Will join together for a Messy Church! MOTHERING SUNDAY SERVICE 2:30PM AT THE CHAPEL St Olave’s Church, North Street, Fritwell Guest Speaker: Mrs Helen Goulder 4:00-5:30 14th February Theme: Jonah and the Whale (All Welcome) Cherwell Valley Churches Lent Course Love’s redeeming work The Power of Anglican Spirituality Past & Present All ages are welcome for a time of craft, stories, celebration and food. Children need to bring an adult! Everyone welcome - just come along! (Admission Free – Donations Welcome) For any enquiries fontact Grace on 07908 227 625 (each meeting begins at 7:30 with compline) Thursday 18th February Cherwell Valley Churches Thursday 25th February MENS FORUM St. Olave’s Fritwell—Pilgrimage St. Mary’s Lower Heyford—The Scriptures TUESDAY 1st MARCH 2016 Thursday 3rd March Thursday 10th March Reconstructing Ancient Battles Salamis & Plataea By Willie Shepherd Thursday 17th March The Reading Room, School Lane Upper Heyford OX25 5LG St. James’ Somerton—A Reformed Faith ABVM Souldern—Writers & Poets Heyford Park Chapel—A Global Vision from 7:30pm to 9:30pm (Donations given during our Lent Course will support the Barnabas Fund) Benefice Trail Round The Seven Churches Of The Cherwell Valley Benefice 21st-30th May 2016 RSVP Rev’d Geoff Price Tel: 346262 or Colin Simpson Tel: 345183 Create are planning a faith in BENEFICE TRAIL of exhibitions in each of the churches across the Cherwell Valley If you are interested in taking part in any way please contact Barbara on 01869 345931 or [email protected] for further information 7 ADVERTISEMENTS Licensed to sell alcohol t: 01869 250861 m:07773 853640 e: [email protected] 1 ADVERTISEMENTS Search for your Ancestors Home FOOT CARE experience the relief and comfort from Search For Your Ancestors provides you with a committed, experienced researcher and genealogist at a very reasonable cost. gentle footcare, in the relaxed environment of your own home. Are you interested in who your ancestors were & where they lived? Do you want to find out what they did for a living? Perhaps one of your ancestors fought for his country? Perhaps a branch of your family emigrated? Did they have a brush with law? Nail cutting and reduction Removal of Corns and callus Fungal nail treatment Cracked ,dry Heels. Foot Massage. Maybe you have done some of your own research and have got stuck...... Angie Ward SAC DIP,FHPT,FHPP. Perhaps I can help you 07796 881157 Contact: Sue Wyatt [email protected] [email protected] Fully Registered and Insured. you're in safe hands. 2 ADVERTISEMENTS Bicester Computer Centre Making I.T. work for you Est. 1999 Providing helpful, professional and friendly advice We stock most hardware from full computers to mice, wired and wireless networking components. We also repair and service all makes of desktop and laptop computer form hardware replacement to virus removal. PC running slow or overheating laptop DC jack socket or screen broken? Home visits arranged Give us a call on: 01869 600123 or mobile 07796 486508 Or pop into the shop: 50 Bucknell Road Bicester OX26 2DG Email: [email protected] Website: Local and fully independent Bullguard antivirus approved reseller with local support The Fox & Hounds at Ardley R.J. Wakelin Traditional Real Ales Great Home Cooked Food Daily Specials Accommodation Excellent Sunday Roasts Function Room with Bar available to Hire May to September Painting And Decorating Specialist Private/Commercial Interior/Exterior 01869-243264 Opening Hours PORTWAY CATTERY Monday to Friday 12-3pm and 5-10:30pm Saturday Open All Day – 12 - 11pm Sunday Open All Day - 12 - 10pm NOW OPEN (formerly known as “Homecomforts”) Food Served Mon to Friday 12-3pm and 5- 9pm All day Saturday & Sunday Customers old & new welcome E: [email protected] T: 01869 345186 M: 07508 797224 Telephone 01869 346883 3 ADVERTISEMENTS ROBERT McGARRY YOUR LOCAL PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEER Hackertys Way, Mill Lane, Souldern Telephone: 01869 345280 ROBIN JAMES YOUR LOCAL CARPENTER & JOINER Telephone: 07931 661001 A L LOAKES Oil Fired Boiler Service & Repairs Tel: 01295 269718 / 07966 533524 ACKERMAN & NIECE Purveyors of superior petroleum products Finest service & keenest prices to Three Parishes customers We look forward to your call Tel: 01869 340202 Fax: 01869 340074 4 ADVERTISEMENTS Mels Manicures Home Salon based in Fewcott CND Shellac Finger £20, Toes £20 Glitter on top of Shellac £5 IBX £5 Minx metallic nail wraps £20 Eye Lash Extensions £30 for 1 hour Waxing Hi Brow waxing Sienna X Spray tanning/Moroccan Tan £20 Call 07704-523 682 or Email [email protected] £5.00 off all treatments with this advert 5 ADVERTISEMENTS Vicky Hibberd SILVERSMITH Originals, commissions, cleaning, repairs Tel: 07788 560174 Email: [email protected] Shop online: people/VickyHibberdSilver Find me at Souldern Village Market every 3rd Saturday and at Deddington Church Craft Market every 4th Saturday. OPEN WORKSHOP every Thursday noon-9pm Opposite 22 The Lane, Fritwell OX27 7QW Mobile: Email: LOCAL DOG BOARDING - IN HOME DOG BOARDING - DOG DAY CARE - FULLY INSURED - PRIVATE FARM LOCATION 01869 345747 AWCANINE.COM 6 07872 003149 [email protected] ADVERTISEMENTS A Cohen Airport runs Travel in comfort and style in one of our luxury air-conditioned cars For the holiday maker or business traveller we ensure your journeys are relaxed PR HANDYMAN SERVICES For all those Odd-Job Needed around the Home Call us free on 07880 734895 for a no-obligation quote or email us at [email protected] Erecting Shelves, Curtain Rails, Boxing pipes, to building Flat Pack Furniture All aspect of DIY undertaken No job to small A Cohen Please call Paul on 01295 722490 or 07796300238 For a Friendly Reliable Service at Reasonable Prices 7 ADVERTISEMENTS TYRES BATTERIES BULLSHEAD GARAGE (SOULDERN) LTD 01869 345281 MOT Testing Station Servicing & Repairs to most Makes of Cars & Light Commercial Vehicles Most Credit Cards accepted hga N P SMITH PAINTING, DECORATING & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Architectural Consultants Interior & Exterior Work Undertaken Drawings for new build, alterations and extensions Planning and Building Regulations Residential and Commercial 25 Years Experience Local & Reliable Hamilton Gould Associates Ltd Tower Fields, Souldern, Bicester OX27 7HY Tel: 01869 345156 Contact Nick on 01280 840496 or 07979 756734 email: [email protected] 8 ADVERTISEMENTS LOGS FOR SALE The children appear happy and secure in this welcoming and stimulating environment. They have a strong sense of belonging and settle well. Adults encourage the children to be critical thinkers and solve problems through experimentation, trial and error. Children learn that there is more than one way to achieve a goal, and the process and experience is just as important as the result. A & P BLAKE FORESTRY SERVICES We offer education and care for children 2 – 5 years old. We provide morning, lunch club and afternoon sessions during term time. We provide a happy, safe, secure and stimulating environment where the children are encouraged to develop their own learning potential through structured play and social activities. Quality seasoned hardwood split logs for sale, various sizes logs & loads available. My son has thoroughly enjoyed his time at pre-school, having no trouble settling in with the great team who work there.” “My daughter sees everyone as an extension to her family. I’m thrilled with the progress she’s made.” “The teaching and welcoming environment is second to none. What better start could a parent wish for, for their child’s first few years of education.” Free Local Delivery!!! 01869 277815 or 07970 258165 We have 30 years experience in delivering logs in Oxfordshire so why not try us today. We admit children from all areas, although the majority are in local catchment and go on to attend Dr Radcliffe’s School. We maintain close links with the school, enabling the smooth transition from preschool to the Reception class. To arrange a visit or discuss availability for next term contact us on: 01869 340863 Full Diagnostic Hearing Tests ● Latest Digital Hearing Aids Troubleshooting/Reprogramming ● Servicing & Repairs Batteries ● Noise Protection ● Swimplugs Up to 60 day trial period Practice Rooms in Horton Hospital and John Radcliffe Hospital ● Home Visits available. Souldern based family business. Tel. 0845 680 1227 / 07974735811 Email: [email protected] 9 ADVERTISEMENTS Kenneth Ozog Your local painter and decorator Free quotes Over 20 years experience The Lane, Fritwell 01869 345507 or 07941 626984 e-mail: [email protected] 10 ADVERTISEMENTS Seamstress Kim Steventon PETER SOUTHAM "A stitch in time is my line" Building & Home Maintenance Service Sewing, Alterations, Tailoring & Re-designing. Roofing, guttering, chimney problems * *Carpentry, fencing, brick/stonework, concrete paths, drives, patios & Garage Doors * Insurance approved *For a personal service Contact: Evenings - 01869 345385 Mobile - 07980 477851 Ring 01869 278333 or 07721 633220 11 ADVERTISEMENTS Village Green Quilters R.SPITTLE & Sons BARNES MEMORIAL HALL SOMERTON Every other Tuesday 1.30pm to 4.30pm PAINTERS & DECORATORS FOR ALL YOUR DECORATIVE NEEDS PROFESSIONAL TEACHER Tel : 01869 252494 Mobile: 07850 475730 Email: [email protected] Come and join us or pop in the meet the group £7.50 per session with No joining fee Contact 01869 346546 Come and join us with your little ones all children welcome from 1 day old to school age We meet Friday mornings during term time from 10.00 am to 11.45 am at the Hethe Village Hall, Hethe OX27 8EY £1.50 per child & £1.00 for siblings It includes a snack for the little ones and tea or coffee for you. Hand-crafted animal houses "A great way to meet other local parents and for the children to make new friends." Poultry Sheds Dog Kennels Hutches Built to last Contact Katherine Morse on 07974 405137 [email protected] We have various models & sizes available or we can manufacture to your own specifications. Contact Adrian on: 01869 345753 or 07984592080 or visit us at: 12 Banbury & District Community Bus Project and Bicester Rural Children’s Centres Contact 01869 327587/ 233151 PLAYBUS DROP-IN SESSION Families with children under five Come aboard and play!! Ardley Village Hall Car Park Wednesdays 1pm - 2.30pm 13 14
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