1939-11-09 - Hagaman Memorial Library
1939-11-09 - Hagaman Memorial Library
*Mii>--eJ¥'«fcift . THE ERANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1030 Page Eight t h a i which used to characterize thr man, "Soaring wings;" Thompson, temperancy appeal. T h e r e was no "I lost my EngUsh a c e n t " Sheean, a t t e m p f t o "stir up the emotions b.v "Not Peace b u t a sword;" Wain, picturing the tragic effects of Services In the local churches on soslon drunkenness, no a t t e m p t to scan Reaching for t h e s t a r s ; " Phall and John Shcffeld of Tarzan Sunday will be: HOLLYWOOD GOSSIP Juvenile—Alice, Runaway Linda;" anybody Into total abstinence b: J u d y Garland adding her foot- Flnd.^ a Son" fame. "Manuela's birthday;" Mis Joyce Bean entertained her St. Augu.stlno's R. C. Church, Rev. By E C. iinU N. U. CAllPENTER threatening them with a drunkard's Bannon, The actor, Ralph Bellamy currcn William Brewer, pastor, Mrs. Ed- 4H club a t a Hallowe'en party on p r i n t s to others of Hollywood Krcnt grave; but on the contrary, Just i Coevering, "Real boys and girls go i n t h e ; forecourt of Grauman's tly In t h e 2nd big feature on this ward Daly, organist choir director, last Thursday afternoon a l iier Hamilton, "Complete plain simple statement of scientific blrdlng;" Chinese T h e a t e r where s h e recently wonderful hold over program at tho Ma.ss will bo celebrated at 0:15 a m. home on Quarry Road. Miss Betty facts to sliow what alcohol really is model aircraft m a n u a l ; " Floherty, SPOILING GREAT DAYS "Premiered'' with Mickey iSoonBy In Loew Poll College, with Randolph Sunday School will follow with In- Shaw, New Haven County Club I have been asked to write some- and w h a t it does. First emphasis "Make way for the m a i l ; " Jordan, "Babfes In Arm8''.,....,.....Tho Marx Scott, Francis Deo and Walter Con structions by Dominican Nuns from Agent and Miss Ellen Carlson, local things about this. It means using war placed on the value of alcohol Homemade dolls in foreign dress;" Brothers requesting t h a t their now nolly In t h e United States Coast New Haven. leader were honored guests. great and often sacred days In In Industry, In automobile readl- Kelly, "Girl who would be queen;" picture, "At the Circus," bo held up Quart story, wore his officers such a way t h a t they lose all of ators. In very many lines of m a n u - Leaf, "Fair play;" Nolan, "Hobnaila day so aa ncit to be previewed on uniform on location at tho Catallna The Young People's Society e n - their real meaning. Hallowe'en is faoturlng. But all of these values Zion Episcopal. Church, Rev, F r i d a y tlio l3th..-..,.......Robert Mont- Islands Guard Station. For scenes Francis J. Smith, Rector, Mrs. Paul joyed a Hallowe'en p a r t y at the Al- such a day. It was first observed In pertain to alcohol OUTSIDE THE ed boots;" in Columbia's "Coast Guard," ho feomery In, early tor "The Earl of R. Hawkins, organist and choir di- lelic Club IIOU.S0 on Friday night. 098 A. D. as a day of prayer for BODY. Then attention was directed PARTY GIVEN AT CAWLEY'S cau,sed considerable rector Holy Eucharist will be cele- MI.SS Vera Barker a n d Miss Luella ChlcttKo" ........i..,.Mlckoy Rooney In apparently souls said to be still in purgatory. to the fact t h a t used INSIDE THE At the home of Mr. and Mrs. contusion among the enlisted men. ' vllcd l o ^ s l l o n the bench by Coach brated at 0:30 o'clock. Sunday Hughes were co-chairmen. There was a custom of children go- BODY alcohol always does harm. George Cawley of Branford Hills, a Slip Madlgnn during the contest bo- Everyone hcmet promptly saluted, School will follow. ing from door to door to beg for The rest of the time was given to much to Bellamy's amusement and T h e Boy Scouts mot on Wednes- apples or cake. Now the original explaining Just why and how this Hallowe'en party was held with the Iwceh Loyola and St. Mary's....... guests: Edith Cawley, North Branford Congregational day evening of this week a t the purpose h a d back of It a worthy Is true. The.se children will be able following Elcurior Powell receiving a record amazement. Ho had to stop and exLeona Cawley, June Cawley, Mary i n f l u x - o f . f a n mall from South plain t h a t hb wos and actor and Church Rev. G. Dlllard Lcssley, Jerome Harrl.s'on School. motive. But see what we have done from now on to understand t h a t Landio, Louise Blondella, Grace America....,,h....Spottcer Tracy m a k - t h a t it was unnecessary to give him pastor, Mrs. Douglas B. Holabird, to the day. Just degraded it until I there Is a sound logic behind the Rita Mrs. Alden J. Hill, roll call chair- .siippose but few think of It as a n y - stand of Christian pelople against Bernard, Helena Rosepal, ing the most of show-going during official recognition. Finally, after organist and choir director. Miss his two woek.'i vacation trip to New patiently explaining for several Ethel Maynard assistant. Morning men of the local branch of the Red thing more than an a n n u a l child- the drinking of alcoholic beverages, Grelgo, Betty Bradley, Stasia Pinsky, Warren Cawley, Leo Bernard, •york...,..,..,..I'reddlc Bartholomew re hours, Bellamy solved the problem worship will be a t H o'clock, Sunday Cross attended the luncheon meet- ren's frolic, or worse. even if they are offered at social Albert Tucker, Morton McGee, Na, iiorllni; to the Bpord of Education by rotiirnlng a snappy naval salute School will convene In the Chapel ing a t the Now Haven Lawn Club on And there Is Christmas. The day functions or In private homes. t h a n Cawley, Walter Burbon, Nick himself I I t wasn't until then t h a t at 10 o'clock, Miss Edna Griswold, Tuesday. Plans for t h e coming year t h a t Is honored as the birthday of Would t h a t all parents would make for hl.s Kcml-nhnual examination..., Burbon, Michael Hobelick, Paul J a were outlined The drive will, begin Je.sus Christ, whom vast numbers of It eaiiy for thorn to abstain. Dennl-s O'Koofe turnhiB lyric writer, he was being 'kidded' by the superintendent. vorski, William Burns. on Monday, November 11, Armistice people reverse as the Saviour of t h e lor Kiiy Kysor, Tlio n a m e of the guardsmen, with whom he later N. H. C. Hallowe'en parlies were hold at Day. Kong Is ''Artd So 'What",..,....,.,.Tom became close friends. World. The story as given In t h e . Ncal officially , opening his now Watch For These Hits Coming Soon the Center School on Tuesday. CosNew Testament Is one of t h e lovA public Hallowe'en old fashioned liest ever told. Santa Clans I A r a g Mr. Smith Goes To Washington tumes were Judged for tho prettiest homo at Mallbu Beach with a dance was held by t h e Civic Assowith James Steward and Joan and for the funniest. Games were house wnrmlnB..,„.,.....Georgc Murphy a-nruffln, wearing moth eaten whisciation In the town hall on S a t u r - kers t h a t probably harbor germs "Balalaika" wlthNel- played and refreshments served. treating the cast of Broadway Arthur day night. son Eddy and Illona Massey Molociy of 1040" to and ice cream enough to s t a r t a pestilence. Giving Services were held on Wednesday party on the set honoring the dim- "Ninotchkn" with Greta Garbo and out silly platitudes to a few childThe North Branford F i f e ' a n d ren who have not as yet acquired "Northwest In tho Catholic a n d Episcopal inutive Juggler, Frltzlo FrischantI,,,'. Melvyn Dougla,ss The following books were addea FLAT WORK Drum Corps will m e e t on Friday much mentality. But t h e age of InMickey Rbonoy and Judy G a r - Passage" wltli Spencer Tracy and Churches. to the H a g a m a n Memorial Library night for drill at the club house. "2000 Men A Jand, co-starred for the first time In Walter Brennen; nocent and unquestioning belief during September and October. WET WASH Mrs. J . Stewart Forbes entertained gets lower and lower all t h e time. / "Babes In Arms", now shpwing for Year" with Randolph Scott and Adult fiction—Baird, J o h n ; BaldMiss Eva Karplch and Miss Oath But everyone must make gifts. No t h e Zlon Parish Guild on Tuesday a 2nd Big week a t t h e Loew Poll Preston Foster , win, "Career by Proxy;" Bassett, SOFT DRY See You In The Movies, a t her home on Beech Road. A cov- orlne Parplch of New Haven were m a t t e r whether they have any real Collego: theatre, is Mickey's first "Son of t h e sea;" Colver "Where Your Movid Guyed ered dish luncheon was followed by recent visitors of Mrs. Daniel M. reason for so doing or not. They musical, and they are flanked by t h e h e a r t goes;" Ermine, "Cowboy a business session and a period of Doody's. Just must do It. The city will decor- say your p r a y e r s ; " Forester, "Capthe largest accumulation of IloUysowing on a quilt. ate Us streets with cart-loads of woDcl's Juvenile talent assembled to T h e recent rains h a v e made bare greens {which would look better in tain Horatio Hornblower;" Haycox, dale in one picture, While musicals Border t r u m p e t ; " Hughes, "In HazFINISHED WORK the trees much to t h e disappointThe Ladles Sowing Society m e t on the woods where God p u t them) aro nothing now to Judy, they are Continued from Pago One Wednesday In t h e chapel. Dinner m e n t of beauty lovers and much to electric lights galore, and flaming a r d ; " McCord, "Sweet for a seato Mickey and ho makes t h e most Phlllpotts, "Monkshood;" to take up w h a t then seemed an was served at 12:30. Mrs. G. Dlllard the delight of h u n t e r s who found advertisements of every conceivable son;" BACHELOR SERVICE of it, offering the intriguing oijporeven more urgent calling, t h a t of Lcssley presided at the business tho thick foliage a real h a n d i c a p . , - glmcrack tied up with holly. All of Pentecost, "Cancelled In r e d ; " Rawtunity to "Andy Hardy" dancing, son, "Footprints on t h e celling;" tho soldier. these things and m a n y more say Seltzer, "Arizona J i m ; " Stevenson, giving impersonations and, in fact To this new way of life he you Just must buy. Yes, and there "Green Money;" Taylor, "Spring doing everything in the entertainbrought t h e broad and sympathetic Is the Christmas Club. You Just h a r r o w i n g ; " Thomson, "Footlights ment book. understanding of h u m a n nature acTel. 572-2 — 572-3 must blow in t h a t money In some on a h e r o ; " Wlddemer, "She knew Mickey Ropncy plays t h e son of a dulred In his years of' pastoral way, whether the rent Is paid or the three b r o t h e r s ; " Wormser, "We ask , famous vaudeville team. Inheriting work. Now h o . looks back oh one B. W . Kolaon, P r o p . baby h a s any shoes or not. You a r e so l i t t l e ; " all Ills father's talent, ho Is the of the groat experiences of his life. a piker and a traitor if you do n o t Adult non-flctlon—Conn, "RegisBuldlng light, of the go-gottlng Captain Gallaudet commanded spend It all. ter and m a n u a l ; " Webester's "unayoungsters and the central Ilguro of F Battery, 303d Field Artillery, In And there Is Thanksgiving Day, bridged dictionary. 2nd e d ; " Eloesa puppy lovo story t h a t Involves its training period at home and ovonce a day for giving t h a n k s to ser, "Modern German literature Judy Garland, tho ugly duckling, erseas, and a t the front in tho God for his n;erclcs, now a day for LIddell Hart, "War In outline, 1014and June Prelsser playing an ex- Brley of offensive east of St. Mlhlel. District of Branford, ss. Probate stuffing, not the turkey only. 1018;" Schevll, "History of Europe,' soroon baby .star who h a s tho looks All except J o h n and Rudy were His book, while written In verse. I t Is proper t h a t mention bo made And Mothers' and F a t h e r s ' days. Johnson, "Rolling along In song;' Court, October 4th, 1930. Estate of and money needed to stage his Is essentially a collection of all .sorts In this column of t h e passing of an dressed for long distant hiking. Can How ardently you are. urged not t o Wilder, "Garden flowers in color;' Susan J. Howd late of Branford in show. ' of short stories covering a wide old employee Joseph Zebrowskl. Al- they take ill forget them. And July 4, the day Partridge, "Country lawyer;" Put- District, deceased. The cast also features Charles range of action and observation Ihought not having worked here The Court of Probate for the t h a t made our country free, a n d "Winnhiger, Ouy: . KIboe, Grace and exhibiting tho responses of or- since IJovember 2,1938 h e h a d spent Disrtict of Branford h a t h limited New Tinnei-s Shop made us the envy of t h e whole Hayes, Betty Joynes, Douglas Mq- dinary men to a novel a n d specific a large port of h i s life In our emSTATE OF CONNECTICUT and allowed six m o n t h s from t h e Tho new Tinners S h o p which afPERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Environment.' Hero are no heroes ploy, s t a r t i n g his career with us on fords us more space, a n d t h e use of world. As far as t h a t is concerned, a date hereof, for t h e creditors Utile sanity Is a t last overtaking u s EXAMINATION NOTICE and no cowards, but men reacting April 14, 1014. As a fireman In the a few of the Chllllngworth Mfg. Go's estate to exhibit their claims and eventually It may be redeemed p „ s i t i „ „ . j „ „ i o ^ Microbiologist normally to the stresses and strains Annealing D e p a r t m e n t he had maclilnes is about completed and for settlenient. Those w h o of war. Readers who have shared shown great loyalty and ability in Joe Valltte a n d his assistant D e m - and p u t to some useful and patrlo (No. 138) SI500-1080 per a n n u m . neglect lo present their acE a s t Haven Captain Gnllaudet's experience will his work. His m a n y friends in the onic Sansone will b e . moved there tic purpose, rather t h a n being a day 'm Main St,, Application forms a n d detailed counts properly attested, within for killing the Innocents. About best realize the psychological valid- Company mourn his death, and within a few days. information m a y he, obtained a t said time, will be debarred a recovmost of tiiese. great days we could ity of his report. Sun., Mou., 'I'ues., Nov. O-O-T t h e Personnel Department, Slate ery. All persons Indebted to said wish to express tlieir kindest symsay the same thing: CommerclalCapllo,! Hartford, or a t 1 ocal Estate are requested to make i m HMyrna Iioy, Tyrone P o w e r and pathies to his widow and three Mrs. Gabriel Barba h a s r e t u r n e d zied, degraded, perferted, and u t t e r offices of t h e Connecticut Slate mediate- payment to Ellsworth B. daughters. George Brent in to h e r home from Grace Ho.spital ly ruined, as far as t h e original Employment Service in Ansonia, Foote, Executor, North Branford, "The EAINS CAME" where she h a d a tonsilectomy. T h e purpose was concerned. Bridgeport, Bristol, Danburj', Conn. Continued }rom papa ona !•: AUSO :-! operation was performed by Dr I am n o t so sure but we ought to Ernie Better Daniclson, Hartford, Mcriclen, District of Branford, ss. Probate B e r m a n and Dr. Capplnolla. have one more great day. We might J a n a W i t h e r s in Ernie Johnson Is reported resting Middletown, New Britain, New Court, October 0th, 1930. Estate of with pearl Juliette cap, which was 'Chiclceii Wagon Family^ worn by tho bride groom's mother comfortably at t h e Manchester Mr. and Mrs. Domonic Bontatlbus call It "The Day of Recovery" when Haven, New London, Norwalk, Grace T. Ives late of Branford in 25 years ago. She carried white roses Hospital. Jake Bauer was among the entertained a t a Halloween Party we will try to recover w h a t we have • Norwich, Stamford, Tlionipson- District, deceased. WVil'./l'liunj—Nov.'s-a and gardenias. Her a t t e n d a n t was visitors to see h i m Sunday. He r e - a t their Wlldmere Lodge on Queach lost, and put back Into these beauvillc, Torrlngton, Wateibury, WillOarolo Lombard, Gary G r a n t The Court of Probate for t h e gowned in old rose taffeta of Col- ported t h a t he was sitting up in bed. Road Monday evening. Those a t - tiful days something of their origimanlic. Applications must be tending were Mr. and Mrs. Maurltz inal purpose. The governor of Verand K a y Pranoia in onial stylo, and carried an old fashsubmitted to the Personnel De- District of Branford h a t h limited ioned bouquet.^ p a r t m e n t not latef t h a n Novem- and allowed six m o n t h s from the "IN NAME ONLY" A few of Ernie's friends from tho Montelius, Mr. and Mrs. George m o n t h a s rebelled against multidate ' iiereof, for the creditors A reception In tho vestry follow- M.I.P. are selling chances on a prize Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hoad- plying special days, announced by ber 15, 1939. ;•: ALSO :-: ed tho ceremony. In the receiving of ten dollars for his benefit. C h a n - ley, Mr. a n d Mrs. Harold Smith special proclamations. Good for Dale of Examination: November estate to exhibit their claims "Nancy Drew and the for settlement. Those who lino besides t h e bridal party, were ces m a y be h a d from any of tho Mrs. May Palmer and Miss Frances iilml Maybe he could tell us how 24, 1939, Hidden Stair Case" neglect to present their acthe parents of tho bride and m o - boys in Dept. No. 11 before Novem- Stovlc. Maurltz coveted tlie prize to get back t h e r e a l , p u r p o s e and t h e real Joy of our greatest a n d for t h e most original costume-May with Bonita Oranvillo and counts properly attested, within ther of the groom. Mrs. McClena- ber 23d, at which time the drawing most sacred days. West, while Dom h a d t h e funniest P r a n k i o Thomas said time, will be debarred a recovghan was dressed In black velvet will t a k e place. representing Mr. Jlggs of the F u n n y ery. All persons indebted to said E. C. .0 with corsage of orchids. T h e groom's Ladies Gift Nights Paper. Estate are. requested to make immother was dressed In royal blue Fri., Sat.—Nov. l O O l Mike De Leonardo, one of t h e THEN AND NOW mediate payment to Hope Ives Colvelvet and wore, a shoulder bouquet electric truck operators was injured lins, Executrix, Branford, Conn. The older ones who listened to B a r b a r a Stamvyok, Adolpho of yellow roses. A.G. Godlalis went fishing one last Thursday. Tho accident occured Menjou, William Holdon in H a r b o r and Maple Sts., Following a.wedding trip to Now day last week and c a u g h t forty four the Scientific Temperance DemonROUTE MEN WITH CARS WANTED Willie h e was placing a loaded fourYork, the couple will live a t 01 Midblack fish. If he h a d n ' t missed those stration In the Short Beach Union "GOLDEN BOY" lo supply finest quality g u a r a n wheel-truck to connect to t h e elecdlesex Street, Springfield, and will "big ones" t h a t got away, he would Chapel School last Sunday morning 1-: ALSO !-: QUALITY LIQUORS teed Auto, Farm a n d InsUtutional tric, truck. His left foot slipped and h a v e fitly two. A.G. says lie found should h a v e been impressed- with Sidney Tolor, Paulino Mooro in be at homo to their friends after one of t h e wheels r a n over It. products to regular customers. t h e difference in approach from AT LOW PRICES Nov. 15. The bride's traveling outfit out t h a t cloudy days are t h e best "CHARLIE CHAN at Pays $30 to $60 weekly, Savings of teal blue with lynx trim because tlie fish are not blinded by Club Bonus Extra. Lifetime posiTREASURE ISLAND" was I t h a s been noticed by one of our tlie sun a n d they c a n see the bait face. Tlie other boys escaped with mlng and brown accessories. The P h o n e B r a n f o r d 942 tion with large progressive comII Play Honey Sat. Evenings bride was employed in tho office of reporters t h a t quite a mumber better, only a tew bruises. pany. Write E. L. Descli, Pres., the Van Norman Machine Co. Mr. of workers throughout t h e p l a n t are 1330 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Fa. wearing tennis shoes, basket ball Hunter is a graduate of Yale UniJolin Knudsen h a s returned from shoos, a n d some very soft moccasGlenwood comb, range, $iO. Crawversity and is in the sales departt h e New Haven Hospital where he ins. These soft sole shoes are all was confled with ulcers of the stomford, Monogram. Quality gas ment of the Van Norman Arm. right in their places, but the factory range, $18. Beanliful electric r e Week end guests of Mrs. Grace R ach. Ho is reported as recuperating frigerators, $35, $45. Brand new Hunter for the.wedding were Mrs, is not all right for them. If employ- favorably a t his house, and planis to stoves, refrigerators, reduced' 25Vrl, f7»(.—Nov. ;i-'i W. H. Cochran and daughter. Miss ees wore h a r d toe-cap shoes with r e t u r n to work hi a week or so. 48%. Furniture, rugs. 59 'Whalley Margaret Cochran of Precport, L. I. h a r d soles therfc would be fewer "BRIDAL SUITE" Avenue. Open evenings. August A. and Eugene A. Seastream foot injuries. 17 Meadow Street — Branford Boys Injured w i t h AnnaboUa, R o b e r t Y o u n g ] of Bayonne, N. J., Miss Letltia H. While on their way to meeting Ross of Brooklyn, N. Y. and Dr. Wili-: ALSO :-! "The worm turns"-or as J o h n last Saturday, In Waterbury Mr. H. Klrsohncr of West Haven. Cameron puts It, " T h e worm r e - Michael Zvonkovic, Mr. J o h n F. 'Mr. Wong in Chinatown' liam All of the above with Mrs. Hunter t u r n s " Don Sawtollo arrived back Longgard, Mr. Walter Williams a n d 42 inch sink and tub combinations vnth Boris KarlolT and Mrs. Margaret J. Murphy of from Cleveland Monday morning. Mr. Carl Enlund m e t with a n , a c c i this p\aco attended t h e wedding. 2$,95 complete. Toilet outfits He did not show up for 22 r.iUo hike d e n t which resulted in the over t u r n Sun., Jlon., Tucs., Nov. 5-G-7 we wrote about in last week's M.I.F. of t h e car on the wet pavement'. complete $12.95. B a t h tubs $14.50. news; however, J o h n and Rudy T h e boys were fortunate In only Wall Basins $5.45. Conn. Plumbing "THUNDER AFLOAT" Smith walked the distance. The hike having been severely shaken u p . and Heating Materials Co., 1730 , :-: WITH :-: started Sunday A.M. at 0 o'clock However, Williams and Enlund are State St, New Haven, Conn., W a l l a c e Bcory, V i r g i n i a . Groy and finished Sunday night at 8:001 confined to the hospital having re Phone G-0028. ;-: ALSO :•: ! P.M. There were ten in t h e party, celved several lacerations about t h e Mr. and Mrs. Prank Atvvater, of A n n Sothern, J a m e s Ellison In Open From 9 to 1 A. M. DrlscoU Road announce tho birth TYPEWRITERS ALL JIAKES HOTEL for WOMEN" of a daughter, Mary on October 20 .Vew, Rcbulits, Kcnta! rortabics, In the Hospital of St. Raphael. Supplies I Wet]., Thurs.—Nov.'B-!) THE MOVIE GUYED NORTH BRANFORD All In The Day's Work Books Added To Hagaman List BRANFORD LAUNDRY Writes New Book Legal Notice Capitol Theatre Local Man Weds Harbor Package Store JV-' Pequot Theatre MEADOW GRILLE Business Directory DINNERS & LUNCHEONS Just Arrived B U R N I S H E D GOLD CHINA NIGHTS B e l t y Grable, J a c k i e Ooogan in "MILLION DOLLAR LEGS" !-: ALSO :-: ' "6,000 ENEMIES" Mr. and Mi's. Robert Osborne Ritchie of New Haven announce the birth of a daughter Linda, October 27 In New Haven Hospital. Mrs. Ritchie was, before her marriage. Miss Beverly Langdale. Corcoran-Sundqulst Post, Anierl can Legion will meet in t h e Armory Monday November 0 a t 8:30 p . in. RHEINGOLD BEER On Draught Duke Lacko and Frank Skolonis, Proprietors Convenient Terms RELIANCE TYPEWRITER CO. C. B. GUY, Mgr. Telephone 109 Crown Street, 7-2738 New Haven ; LOST—Pass Book No., 11573. If found return to Branford Saving! Bank, Branford, Conn, THE HOME TOWN PAPEtt — of — BRANFORD ~ NORTH BRANFORD STONY CREEK — PINE ORCItARD SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK GRANNIS CORNER — MORRIS COVE — EAST HAVEN THE BOME NEWSPAPER IS A VITAL FORCE IN EVERT TOWN PORTRAYING AS IT DOES LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN FASHLIAR LANGUAGE AND EAST HAVEN NEWS Price Five Cents Branford, Connecticut, T h u r s d a y , November 0, 1939 VOL, x n — N O . 31 Red Men Degrees Huntsmen Find DuckingTo Be Conferred Gratifying Fall Sport; By Pawson Tribe Others Prefer Woods Town Clerk Has Issued 136 Hunting Licenses So Far This Year—Duck Hunters Coming Back With The L i m i t Small Game Plentiful Upstate. At a meeting last Friday evening of t h e stale officers of the Improvde Order of Red Men and a few of t h e men of East Haven who are lo become the charter members of t h e new tribe now being organized It was decided t h a t if possible the Institution of the new tribe would be Wednesday evening November 22 a n d the place the town hall, present a l this Utile meellng t h a t was entirely Informal were Great Sachem Raymond I. Petersen of Stratford, G r e a t Keeper of Wampvmi Alfred W. Smith of Short Beach and New Haven, Past Great Sachem George A. Falrchlld of Bridgeport, Deputy G r e a t Sachem Walter Newton of Branford and P a s t Sachem Alfred Hattcrsley of Stratford. Also George Cunningham, Henry Coughlln, Oscard Boldtman, George Mix, George FInta, J o h n Peach. John Garrlty, and Harold Brombcrg. PAST GREAT SACHEM Short Beacfi PTA Armistice Day Parade Sponsors A Play j With Big Laughs Saturday Will Unite a'ho Short Beach PTA will sponsor a play, "Doln's In a Backwood'.": Sloro" lo be given by the Good Fol.low.shlp Dramatic club Thursday evening, Nov. 10 In Riverside Hall. Under Ihc direction ot Mrs. Eric Swunson the play Is well rehearsed and offers a fine cast, each one well versed In his part. "Doln'a In a Backwood's Store" Is a tarclal cntortalnmcnl and offers a good many laughs. Members of the ticket coiiimltloc are Mrs. Victor H\itclilnson, chairman, Mrs. D. W, Owona, Mrs, John Martin, Mrs, Hazel Lchr, Mrs, Charles Gaugglo, Mrs, Gustavo DeBroull, Mrs, Carl Grecnvall. Its cast consists ot the Mesdnmos Hazel Lehr, Barara Charlotte, Helen Martin, Ingebord Halldcn Ruth Cuslck, Winnie Rlnker, and tlie Messrs. Victor Hutclil'nson Al Cur tlsa, Dick Shannon, Don Haywood, Al Poulton and Herman Lehr. Boy Scouts will bo ushers and llckol collectors. Various Organizations War Time Chaplain, Father Edmund A. Cotter Will Give Invocation—Lt. Col. Ernest L. Avorill Will Give Principal Address at 11 o'clock at Cenotaph. Past Commander Robert B. Gate, Sportsmen agree t h a t wood h u n t Marshal of the Day urges all townsing here is "not so h o t " and t h a t people as well as tho various organthere is more game far afield to the izations to Join with tho Corcoran North of us. Pheasants, partridge, Sundqulst Post 83 In lllllnBly oband the fur.bearlng , gray squirrels All'ivil l.i^Miiirii', I'lisl, (li'i'iU serving the Armlalloo Day. More and rabbits are all more plentiful Siiclii'in. Inipiiivcil (inlor cil' lied t h a n ever should Americans find upstate t h a n around this vicinity. thomsolvos one people, r a t h e r tlian iMon, stall.' nl' ('(iniu'i'lii.'\it, incmEnthusiasts are all looking for "The activities of the American Corcoran-Sundqulst Post No. 831 a dlslntegrnted group of nationalcolder nights. lier 1)1' Nonoumnluc. 'rrilio, Now But ducking is superb. More ducks Red Cross," says Edward O'Neal, Will hold tho Annual Armistice ties. Lonilon. After t h e parade which extends have shown up t h a n in many years president of the American Farm Danco this year on Armistice Eve, from Chestnut Street on tho oast even though the birds are not yet Bureau Federation, "depend upon November 10th, In t h e Armory. The to Bradley Street on tho west, all down from Canada. i the support of t h e people a t the Popular old fashioned dance or- will assemble at the Bowl to join Forty Broadbllls were taken off] time of the Roll Call. Only once a chestra fi'oni Now Haven with Loo year does t h e Red Cross come lo In t h e simple services at 11 o'clock. Pawson P a r k last week by a party I t was decided at this meellng of duck shooters taken out by I r v - us; and then only to help u s during McOrall calling Uio dances will play Willi tho close of t h e bell ringing t h a t an open preliminary mnellng the balance of tho year. ing Baldwin. Duck hunting he says for both old fn.slilonod and modern and whistles, the Rev. Father BdThe Branford branch begins lis be hold on Thursday evening of this Is unusually good but t h a t It will be dancing. Doughnuts and elder will muncl A. Cotlor, Wav-tlmo C h a p Continued on page eight lain, will give the Invocation. even better when colder weather enrollments on Armistice Day and be available betwoeii dances, and separates the big Hocks now way continues until Thanksgiving Day. Inimedlalely following tho I n dancing will bo from 0 lo 12. As in the past the roll call will be out. . vocation the Colors ot tho various Time Still l e f t ' T o E n t e r Contest m a d e through the malls and are beFlight of Woodcocks organl'zalloiis will bo massed on tho Surely on this year wo hnvo so F o r $500 I n B r e r Rabbit MoJ. Arthur Bradley h a s boon out ing posted today. very much cause lo colobrato. And dias of tho Cenotaph. Thoii tho post lasscii Contest Mrs. James J. Walworth, chairsome and says t h a t there are a good w h a t more fitting way could wo do Commander Robert Richardson will many h u n t s m e n to be seen and m a n , announces t h a t t h e Junior it t h a n by a dance, with one ot our I present t h e Legion and its purposes Beautiful new Brer Rabbit Mot h a t last week a small flight of Red Cross hero h a s organized a own local helping lo entertain, supported by Marshall Robert Calo lasses Recipe Books are being mailThe Allegro Music Club h a s plan- Then too, t h e proceeds from tho a n d Ills aides, Past Commandors woodcocks gave hunters their limit. [permanent council, meeting weekly a n d volunteered to assist in the ed lo every contestant In the Brer ned the following series ot programs This week t h e flight Is gone. Coolao and s m i t h . Following this In response to numerous Inquir- Rabbit Molasses Contest. Will you for the year; November—March of dance help to care for tho sick and a n n u a l roll call by addressing and Gray squirrels are plentiful but needy veterans, so while wo danco Lt. Col. Ernest L, Averlll will make ies concerning the observance of get yours? tilling envelopes. War Music; leader, Helen Hnglln , will be h u n t e d more with colder tho principal address, we also serve. T h e American Red Cross will Thanksgiving Day, t h e Post Office Alert housewives aro taking ad- Ralsmaii; hosts. Hazel and Edwin weather. T h e season continues Tho observance will close with Department h a s issued tlic follow- vantage ot t h e golden opportunity Mlchaelson. December—Christinas place a wreath a t the Cenotaph through Tlianksglving Day and cartho placing ot a wreath tor dopftrting bulletin: The President's pro- offered by tho Brer Rabbit Molasses Party In the homo ot Eugenia'HamArmistice Day. ries a' season limit law of 30. H u n t , cd Comrades and a Roll Can, Firing clamation designates Thursday, the Contest to win a national prize ot mer. January—Music Marches On, ing gray squirrels within limits of Squad and Taps. 23rd of Novenihor, 1039, as a day ot a year's supply'of groceries—$500 leader, Edwin Mlchaelson; host, Eucity or boroughs is prohibited. Marshal Calo asks nil. organizageneral thanksgiving and t h a t day worth-^pr.'$500 Vn cash, or t h e local g t n l a 'Kinney. February — ClassiLikewise there are lots of rabbits tions to assomblo a t tho State Arwill be the legal iioliday in the pos- weekly prizes of,^$1.00 or cans of m o - cal versus Swing Music ;,lcttdor8, b u t they are not as commonly giininnry a t I) o'clock sharp, J ( i t u r d a y , ^ „ , , ^ tal service t h i s year. If November 4as,sp&^T.h£-^cp(|i5bpk, Jsi;B.snt;-xou Alan a n d ' Harry Llndbcrg;>.Jiost, ned .until later as t h e . s e a s o n conNSv&.rBJl'-nrs&nrtEl'lMfe'liSflrfi'^^ 28rd^lB=-noi;^-obBOPved:ilooajiy,n,-n0cQs-: even if you wltfiiono of these prizes' .David Baldwin. March— Enso'mblo -'•Hlriiiie!rthiTraBh*-Decomber.rand--por» no delay. , ,' ,' ' ' sary service should be rendered to -it's yoiir gift for *onterin[r tho Program; loader, Robert Norton; mlts a dally bag of 3 with a season I t is the endottvor of the Post to • hostess, Mrs. S. V. Osborn. April— A reception was hold in the Ac. the public on t h a t day. As it a p - contest. limit of 30. , Musical F u n ; leader, Jocelyn Bald- ademy on the green Sunday, from bring together nil the organl:sallons pears quite certain t h a t ConnectiThe contest, which Is running loWiUlam Kclls h a s skill in the win; hosts, Gertrude and Milton 4 until 7, In observance of tho 50th ot the town on this day in,closer cut will observe November 30th as Major J o h n T. Seddon, Public Recally in this newspaper, h a s two Brandrlff. May—Second woods and Richard Hosley's luck has realization of our obligations to tho Anniml Thanksgiving Day, tho Branford more weeks to go, and t h e n tho Scholar.shlp Concert. June—Annual wedding anniversary ot Mr. and United States ot America. I t Is to been r u n n i n g good. J o h n Kells and lations Secretary for the New EngPost Office win remain open NovMrs. Charles J. Lounsbury given by land States, announced today t h a t winner of t h e gi'and national prize Everett Mason are excellent h u n be l\oped t h a t they will accept this their son and daughtcr-In-law, Mr. lie would like business men, organ- ember 23rd to rciider any service win bo announced shortly there- picnic. ters. Invltatloh and Join In projeotlng which may be required by Its p a and Mrs. Louis C. Lounsbury, also izations, and individuals to be on after. So get your recipes In, and Leonard Murray h a s returned this day to a fuller meaning In tho trons. of .Indian, Neck. Because of the In. t h e alert for solicitors collecting perhaps you will win not only one minds ot Branford's citizens. from Boston Corners, N. Y., where clement weather only 75 were able funds supposedly for Thanksgiving Tho Armstlce Day committee is; of the weekly.iprlzes,.,but the big he went lor partridge. He reports lo attend. and Christmas dinners, many of AMERICAN FLAG Continued on page \wo one as well. seeing deer. Mrs. Lounsbury carried an oldwliom supposedly represent The GIVEN LEGION Mrs. J. C. Carr, Rogers Street, Our demon Uneotype operator, T h e Court ot Honor for Branford fashioned bouquet. Tho room was Salvation Army. He strongly urges h a s been awarded $1.00 for iier r e Ted Dudley, in company with a few and t h e East Shore will be held Fri- decorated with yellow and gold HARVEST FESTIVAL under no condition should people In At a special business meeting ot cipe, and her reolpo is automaticalothers, who h a s a eagle eye for rab- suburban areas respond to any type day evening, November 10th at tho chrysanthemums, roses', gerbors, auIN CHURCH VESTRY Corcoran--Sundqulst Post on Mon- ly entered in tho Brer Rabbit MoCommunity House In Branford. Tho tumn leaves, ferns and palms. A bits wltli his 12-gauge six shooter of collection, tambourine of otherday, which wos held for t h e purpose lasses Contest to compete for the Board ot Review will take place at buffet lunch was served the table Continued on page seven wise, unless the collector Is properly of making final arrangements for The annual Harvest Festival ot Grand National Prize, 7:00 PM, with Commis.sloner Cla- being very attractlvoly decorated the First Baptist church will bo Identified by a state permit in addi- the ArniLstlce Eve Dance and the Runners-up In the ,sccond week's rence Loomls Presiding, and tho With a Chinese flower tree, assem. held Tuesday evening, November 14, tion lo carrying credential letter Armistice Day Parade, Past Comcontest were Mrs. A. J. Pfelft and Court of Honor will start at 8:00 bled with wire, flowers broken short In the church vestry. This annual from the local committee chair- mander Clarence Bradley presented Miss Beatrice Gorskl- v/ho will each PM. Mr. Harry Sweltzcr of Madison taped with yellow satin ribbon shar event to which all tho jmrlsh is i n man. the Post with a very beautiful silk receive a can ot Brer Rabbit Mowill preside at t h e meellng. Parents ping It Into the form of a tree illusvited opens a t 0:30 o'clock with He went on to say t h a t , about this American Flag, Needless to say this las.ses. and friends arein vlled to be present trated from the Chinese keels ad. supper being served. Following tho time of year, towns and villages are will be greatly treasured by the This is how the contest is Judged: for the affair. Scouts are expected orning tlie branches and three smal .supper a social hour will bo held The funeral of Mrs. Grace Sted swamped with bands of sereraders P o s t , ' and t h e people of Branford Each week, the best five recipes to receive recogi)lllon for tests pasler parakeets representing the chiland an address will be givon. Tho m a n Shepard, widow of Lewis P. playing musical Instruments, with v/IIl have an opportunity to see it in submitted lo llils paper will be sosed from: Branford, Short Beach, dren. following commltteoso will direct Shepard, 17 Harbor street, was con- collectors going from door to door, the parade on Saturday. The mem- Iccled. T h e best pf the five will reStomy Creek, Gulllord, Madison, Mr. and Mrs. Lounsbury wore the the various parts of the program; ducted Saturday afternoon with and. In many Instances, people have bers ot the Post gave Pa-st Com- ceive $1.00, a n d will be entered in and North Branford. recipients of many gifts. Including the supper committee Mrs, Hugh services a t her late residence by the t h e Impression t h a t t h e money Is mander Bradley a rising vole of the national competition. And the basket of 50 large chrysanthemums MacLeod, Mrs, William. Kremsor, t h a n k s for Ills very generous and Rev. Robert J. Plumb, rector of used for local charlty-when In most Continued on page eight OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY from Nashawena Council, D. ot P.; Mrs. Ilerbort White, Mr.s. Paul Mcpatriotic gift. , Trinity Episcopal Church. Bearers cases its goes out of the community Woodland Temple No. 27 Pythian a like basket of chrysanthemums Lean, Mrs. Sidney Ward, Mrs. were: Patrick H. Dunn, G. A. R. The regular monthly business entirely. Sister will obsorvoi their 18lh Annl. from Widow's Son Lodge, No. 00, A. Hobart Page and Mrs, Percy Swift. ON COMMriTEE Hamre, Daniel P. Avcrlll, Roy V. of Corcoran-Sundqulst Should there be interested Indi- meeting Averlll. Burton Shepard a n d Waiter Mr.s. Stasia Brada Is a member versary a t the next regular meeting F. and A. M..table lamp from Ma- Tho program committee Mrs. S.V. viduals who would like to place Post 83 will be held at the ComHosley. the committee planning the Fifth November 10th a t Svea Hall. A cov- son Rogers Corps; 50 yellow roses Osborn, Jr., Mrs. Irving Adams, Cortheir gift with some assurance t h a t munity House, Tuesday, November annual charity toy bUigo sponsored ered dish supper will be served at from an Ice cream company; desk nelia Osborn. Mrs. James Lawrence I n t e r m e n t was in Center ceme- it win be economically used, t h e y 14. by the Good-Will Workers. A party 0:30. There will also be Ron CaU and set, Pawson Tribe, I O. R. M.; tele, will direct the work ot decorating tery. should mail it to any of t h e local will be given December 7 and 8 following the meeting Cards and gram from the Unity Court, O. of which will follow autumn coloring. Mrs. Shepard fell a few weeks ago Salvation Army Treasures in their SPONSOR PICTURIi o'clock In. St. Michael's Hah, 234 Bingo will be played and prizes aw- A; money and nearly 300 anniver- The committee arranging equlpa t her door step and fractured her respective communities. The SalvaBranford School Council will radod. sary cards. raeht Robert Osborn, Carl Swift a n d hip. She was removed to the Hos tion Army will be happy to act as .sponsor "Hollywood Cavalcade" at Greene Street, New Haven to which I t Is hoped t h a t all members will At the regular meeting ot Geor- Weston Shepherd. pltal of St. Raphael. She was the guardians' of t h a t interest, through the Branford Theatre, Nov. 14, 15 the admission Is one new toy. There make an effort to attend. gia Chapter, O. E. S., an annlxetsary will be door prizes. , oldest member ot Trinity Church their own local welfare,committee. and 10. party was held for Mr. and Mrs. and an honor member of Trinity Newspaper editors, Chief of Lounsbury, who were presented with SHOW SOUND FILM Guild. She leaves one daughter Police, or others are cordially Invibouquets of flowers a n d a sum ot AT ROTARY CLUB Mrs. Virginia Averlll. She was born ted to cooperate In this connection. money. Also a gift ot money from In Branford 04 years ago the daughthe past officers. A fine program In Bound tllm.s on "America MarchSoldiers Broke I n t o Houses A n d beauty spot of New Haven, v/hlch ter ot Harry Stcdman and Betsy British I n v a s i o n P l a y e d ImporVandalized Aa Thoy Wont—' charge of Mrs. Stanley Schmld'was ing On" and "Frontiers ot the F u played a very active p a r t In t h e Foote and lias spend her entire life QUILT HISTORY ture were shown Monday noon at here. RELATED TODAY t a n t P a r t I n W h a t Is Now British Invasion during the Revolu- T r e a s u r e s N o w W i t h New H a v - presented. t h e weekly meeting of the Branford K n o w n As F o r t H a l e P a r k tionary War. en Society Rotary Club by the National AssoREPUBLICAN DANCE The Half Hour Reading Club held Fort Hale Park was not always a Minister's Meeting The Young Republican Club will ciation of Manufacturers. Tho p r o an open meeting today in Trinity To many F o r t Hale Park is just a park such as wo know It to day, b u t hold an old-fashioned dance Fri- gram was In charge ot F r a n k BlgFinal plans were completed at a Parish House. Mrs. Roy G. Pavy nice place lo go swimming In t h e a busy community. In fact, war was which would help give command ot day, November 10 a t the Italian- elow, recent minister's meeting for the was the speaker and took as her Summer, or perhaps a suitable fought there. The forts today are tho water, They felt It would also be American Club on Beach Street. Monday's five minute speaker wise to arm some of the country subject, "Grandmother's Quilts for still In existence. In later, year.s it Union Thanksgiving service of proplace to go for a picnic on a warm Bud Smith and his orchestra will was Dr. Philip H. Gorlack who spoko roads leading to New Haven, but the World of Today." Those who a t was still a busy place because a salt Icstant churches, to be held In the summers day, yet how many realize be there with Bud Smith acting as on "Veterinary Medicine." First Baptist Church on Wednesday tended brought old or odd quilts or have any knowledge of the h i s - factory was situated t h e r e . ' T h e r e due to lack of money, nothing fur- prompter for' the dancing, There were 44 attending. Visiting which Mrs. Pavy identifled and tory of this quiet, .serene park liiat are some old "Morris Covers" t h a t t h e r wa,s done about it. However, evening, November 29. Rev. Frank A turkey raffle will be held and Rotarians were Clarence M. Blair, Black Rock was v/eil fortified, and a gave their history. remember t h a t old factory. cools our heated brov/ In the sumM. Swaffled of the Calvary Baptist there will be refreshments. R, J, Relgeluth, and Bulkelcy Sraitli Following the meeting, members mer, and where others find solace The British Invasion played an beacon was placed a t I n d i a n Hlh, Church of New Haven will deliver aU'ot New Haven, (had an opportunity to meet Mrs. In the winter time by skiing, sliding Important part In w h a t Is now now known as Beacon Hill or Fort the sermon. The cooperating Cheshire Charter Night wlU bo MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Wooster Park, which Is about a half Pavy In the home of Mrs. S. A. Gris- and other forms of winter sport. knownas Fort Hale Park. Then It Churches are First Baptist, First Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Anderson, o t December 5th a t Waverly I n n . Sevmile from Port Hale. T h e ' b e a c o n wold. Tea was served was known as Black Rock. T h e ConThe large pipes extending Congregational, Trinity Episcopal fire was to bo lighted it there was Montowe.se Street announce the eral from this place plan to atitond. through the harbor from Fort Hale necticut colony was active in s u p - an attack and three cannons were marriage of their son, Carl Ernest to and Tabor Lutheran. BUSSINESS MEN MEET to the Tomlnson Bricge v;as a .short plying for t h e Army and Navy, fit- , also to be fired as a signal. BRANFORD SIGNS Ann Cullen, daughter of Mr and I Associated Business of Branford WILL ENTERTAIN time ago a famllar sight. Thousands ting out several expeditions, Tjoth Very attractive road signs have T h e Fourth ot July in the year Mrs. Thomas B. Cullen of Huston Georgia Chapter, No. 48, O. E. S. I held a supper meeting in Althea's of tons of mud was being drained for land and water, against the been placed west of P l a n t ' s bridge Street, New Haven. Tea room Tuesday evening. h a s issued invitations to the off! through the harbor and filled in t h e enemy. People were fearful t h a t 1770 fell on a Sunday. AtA a public! T h e wedding took place in New and also a t t h e power house indiThree new members joined, Charclal visitation of the Worthy Grand meadows of Fort Hale Park. Some New Haven's location right on tho meeting plans were made for t h e ' Haven on November 4th. They are cating to tourists t h a t , t h e y are les Close, Mr. Shaw of Chevrolet Co. day a road will be built along t h i s harbor front would cause an attack celebration t h e following, day. No now residing at 58 Coe Avenue, Bast' entering, the town ot Branford. Matron, Mrs. Dorothy L. Labensky, and Levi Bartholomew. Koonerhad the peoplereturhed.from by water. I t . w a s decided t o have a and her associate grand officers In I The a n n u a l meeting win be held shore marking a very, pretty land These signs fill a long .'felt need. Haven. 'Continued on page eight mark. I t Is one of the historic cannon placed at various points '• Masonic Hall, Monday evening, at Althea's Dec, 5th. December 4th. Juniors Assist In Red Cross Roll Call Post office To Remain Open November 23rd Winning Recipe Contest Prize Is Announced Needy Veterans Will Benefit By Armistice Dance Allegro Club Features War In November IpJ 75 Guests Attend Golden Wedding In Salvation Army ^aaefeLy^Asks,., Cooperation COUET OF HONOR SET FOR NOV. 10 Grace S. Shepard Dies At 94 Years Forts Today St-ill In Existence VSI mm fc^9^^ie::*.v*j;q-i/tF««-)Mf"»-i Page Eight THE BRANPORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1030 -srsx'lktBKJ THE MOVIE GUYED 1 t h a t which used to characterize t h r man, "Soaring wings;" Thompson, | l e m p e r a n c | appeal. There was n o "I lost my English a c e n t ; " Sheean, a t l e m p t ' t o stir up t h e emotions b.v "Not Peace but a sword;" Wain, (picturing the tragic effects of Reaching for the s t a r s ; " Services In tho local churches on seslon drunkenness, no a t t e m p t t o s c a n Phall and John Shcffeld ot Tarzan Sunday will be: lIOLLyWOOD GOSSIP JuvonUe—Ahee, Runaway Linda;" anybody Into total abstinence b; ,tu(ly Onrltt'iul adding h e r foot- Finds a Son" fame. "Manuela's birthday;" Mis Joyce Bean entertained her St. Augustine's R. C. Church, Rev, By E C. a n d N. U. CAttPENTER threatening them with a drunkard'.? Bannon, T h e actor, Ralph Bellamy curren- William Brewer, pastor, Mrs, Ed- 4H club a t a Hallowe'en party on p r i n t s t o others ot Hollywood great grave; but on t h e contrary. Just i Coevering, "Real boys a n d girls go i n t h e forecourt ot Q r a u m a n ' s tly In itho 2nd big feature on this ward Daly, organist choir director. last Thui'.sday afternoon a t her Hamilton, "Complete plain simple statement of scientific blrding;" Chincso T h e a t e r where she tecently wonderful hold over program a t the Mass will be celebrated a t 0:15 a m. home .on Quarry Road. MLss Betty facts to show what alcohol really is model aircraft m a n u a l ; " Floherty, SPOILING GREAT DAYS "Prcmleredv with Mickey h o o n e y In Loow Poll College, with Randolph Sunday School will follow with In- Shaw, New Haven County Club I have been asked to write some- and what it does. First emphasis "Make way for t h e m a l l ; " Jordan. "Babes I n Arms"..; i.Thd Marx Scott, Francis Deo a n d Walter Con structions by Dominican Nuns from Agent a n d Miss Ellen Carlson, local things about this. It means using war placed on t h e value of alcohol Homemade dohs In foreign dress;" B r o t h e r s requesting t h a t their now iiolly In t h e United States Coast New Haven, leader were honored guests. great a n d often sacred days In In Industry, In automobile readl- Kelly, "Girl who would be queen;" picture, "At t h e Clr6us," bo held up Q u a r t story, wore his officers such a way t h a t they lose all of alors, In very many lines of m a n u Leaf, "Fair play;" Nolan, "Hobnana d a y so as hot t o be previewed on uniform on location at t h e Catallna Tho Young People's Society e n - their real meaning. Hallowe'en Is factuHng. But all of these values ZIon Episcopal. Church, Rev ed boots;" F r i d a y t h e -ISMi,.!, ...Robert Mont- Islands Guard s t a t i o n . For .scenes Francis J. Smith, Rector, Mrs. Paul joyed a Hallowe'en party a t the Alsuch a day. I t was first observed I n ' p e r t a i n to alcohol OUTSIDE THE 'Boniory lir early, for "The Earl of In Columbia's "Coa,5t Guard," he R, Hawkins, organist a n d choir d i - lelic Club Hou.se on Friday night. caused considerable rector Holy Eucharist will be cele- Miss Vera Barker and Miss Luella 008 A. D. as a day of prayer for BODY. Then attention was directed PARTY GIVEN AT CAWI.EY'S Chicago" .,.,.ij.,.,.Mickey Rooney In apparently souls ••said to be still In purgatory. to tho fact t h a t used INSIDE THE At the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' vited t o ' S i t on t h e bench by Coach confusion among the cnlLsled men. brated a t 9:30 o'clock. Sunday Hughes were co-chairmen. There was a custom of children go- BODY alcohol always does harm. George Cawley of Brantord Hills, a Everyone hcmot promptly saluted, Blip Madlgan during t h e contest be School will follow. ing from door t o door to beg for The rest of the time was given to much to Bellamy's amusement a n d Iwcon Loyola a n d St, Mary's...., The Boy Scouts m e t on Wednes- apples or cake. Now tho original explaining Just why and how this Hallowe'en party was hold with t h e amazement, Ho h a d to stop a n d exguests: Edith Cawley, Eleanor Powell receiving a record North Brantord Congregational day evening of this week a t t h e purpose h a d back of it a worthy is true. These children will be able following Intiiix of fan mall from South plain t h a t he was and actor and Church rtey. G. Dlllard Lessloy, Jerome Harrison School. from now On to understand t h a t Leona Cawley, Juno Cawley, Mary motive. But see w h a t we have done Landio, Louise Blondella, Grace America ..Speticor Tracy mak t h a t It was unnecessary to give h i m pastor, Mrs. Douglas B. Holabird, to t h e day. JU.st degraded it until I there Is a sound logic behind t h e Ing t h e mo.'it of show-going during official recognition. Finally, after organist a n d choir director. Miss Mrs. Alden J. Hill, roll call chair- suppo.se but few think ot It as a n y - s t a n d ot Christian pciople against Bernard, Helena Rosepal, Rita h i s two Weeks vacation trip t o Now patiently explaining for several Ethel Maynard assistant. Morning men ot the local branch of t h e Red thing more t h a n a n annual child- tho drinking of alcoholic beverages, Grelgo, Betty Bradley, Stasia P i n •York.......,..„Preddlo Bartholomew re hour.'J, Bellamy solved t h e problem wor.-ihlp win be a t 11 o'clock. Sunday Cross attended the luncheon meet- ren's frolic, or worse. even If they are offered a t social sky, Warren Cawley, Leo Bernard, porlUu! to the Board of Education by returning a snappy naval sdlulo School win convene In the Chapel ing at t h e Now Haven Lawn Club on functions or in private homes. Albert Tucker, Morton McOee, N a And there is Christmas. The day Would t h a t all p a r e n t s would make than Cawley, Walter Burbon, Nick for Ills Koml-ahnual examination..,. himself I I t wasn't until then t h a t a t 10 o'clock, Miss Edna GrLswold, Tuesday. Plans for the coming year t h a t is'honored as t h e birthday ot he was being 'kidded' by tho Burbon, Michael Hobelick, Paul J a It easy for them t o abstain. bonnl.fi O'Kocfe turning lyric writer, were outlined Tho drive will begin superintendent. Jesus Christ, whom vast numbers of vorskl, William Burns. for K a y Kysor. The name of t h e guardsmen, with whom ho later on Monday, November 11, Armistice N. H. C. people reverse as the Saviour of the became close friends. song Is "And So What",,, ,...Tom Hallowe'en iiartles were held a t Day. World. The story as given in the Watch For These Illla Coming Soon Noal officially opening his new tho Center School on Tuesday. CosNew Testament is one of tho lovMr, Smith Goes To Washington tumes were Judged for tho prettiest A public Hallowe'en old fashioned homo a t Mallbu Beach with a llest ever told. S a n t a Clausl A r a g : Jiousewarmlng aeorge Murphy with James Steward and Jean and for tho funniest. Games were dance was held by the Civic Assoa-muftln, wearing moth eaten whis"Balalaika" wlthNol- played a n d refreshments served. ciation In the town hall on S a t u r t r e a t i n g the cast of Broadway Arthur kers tiiat probably harbor germs day night. . .Melody 6s 1940".to a n d Ice cream son Eddy a n d Illona Massey.., enough to s t a r t a pestilence. Giving party ori the set honoring t h e dim- "Nlnotchktt" with Greta Garbo and Services were held on Wednesday out silly platitudes to a few child"Northwest In tho Catholic a n d Episcopal The North Brantord Fife'and inutive Juggler, Frltzlo Frischanti...'. Mclvyn Douglass ren who have not as yet acquired The following books wore added FLAT WORK Drum Corps will meet on Friday Mickey Rooney a n d Judy G a r - Passage" with Sponcer Tracy and Churches, much- mentality. B u t the age of i n - to t h e Hagaman Memorial Library night for drill a l the club house. ...."20OO Men A larvd, co-starr6d for the first time In Walter Brennon nocent a n d unquestioning belief during September a n d October. WET WASH Mrs, J. Stewart Forbes entertained "Babes In Arms", now shpwlng for Year" with Randolph Scott a n d gets lower a n d lower all the time. Adult fiction—Baird, J o h n ; BaldMiss Eva Karplch a n d Miss C a t h tho ZIon Parish Guild on Tuesday a 2nd Big Week a t t h e Loow Poll Preston Foster :....., But everyone must make gifts. No win, "Career by Proxy;" Bassett, SOFT DRY College theatre, la Mickey's first See You In Tho Movies, a t her home on Beech Road. A cov- erine Parplch of New Haven were m a i l e r whether they have a n y real musical, and they are flanked by Your Movld Guyed e>ed dish luncheon was followed by recent visitors of Mrs. Daniel M. reason for so doing or not. They "Son ot t h e s e a ; " Colver "Where t h e h e a r t goes;" Ermine, "Cowboy a bu.slness ses.slon a n d a period ot Doody's. t h e - l a r e e s t accumulation of HollyJust must do it. The city will decor- say your p r a y e r s ; " Forester, "Capsewing on a quilt. wood's Juvenile talent assembled to ate Us streets with cart-loads ot date i n one picture, Whllo musicals The recent rains have made bare greens (which would look better in tain Horatio Hornblower;" Haycox, Border t r u m p e t ; " Hughes, " I n HazFINISHED WORK The Ladies Sewing Society mot on aro nothing new to Judy, they are the trees much to the disappointContinued from Pago One the woods where God p u t them) Wednesday In tho chapel. Dinner ment of beauty lovers a n d much to electric lights galore, a n d flaming a r d ; " McCord, "Sweet for a seato Mickey and ho makes t h e most son;" Phlllpotts, "Monkshood;" to take up w h a t t h e n seemed an BACHELOR SERVICE was served a t 12:30. Mi-s. G, Dlllard tho delight ot hunters who found advertisements of every conceivable of it, offering t h e Intriguing opportunity t o "Andy Hardy" dancing, even more urgent calling, t h a t of Ijossloy presided a t t h e business the thick foliage a real h a n d i c a p . ,- glmorack tied up wllh holly. All ot Pentecost, "Cancelled In red;" Rawson, "Footprints on t h e ceinng;" giving, impersonations and, In fact the soldier. these things and many more say Seltzer, "Arizona J i m ; " Stevenson, To this new way of life he doing everything in t h e entertalnyou Just must buy. Yes, a n d there "Green Money;" Taylor, "Spring brought the broad and synipathctlc montbook, is t h e Christmas Club. You Just h a r r o w i n g ; " Thomson, "Footlights Mickey Rooney plays tho son of a understanding of h u m a n nature a c Tel. 572-2 — 572-3 must blow in t h a t money in some on a h e r o ; " Wlddemer, "She knew quired In his years o t ' pastoral way, whether t h e rent Is paid or the three b r o t h e r s ; " Wormser, "We ask 1 famous vftudbvlUo team. Inheriting work. Now he looks back on one B . W . Nelson, P r o p . baby h a s a n y shoes or not. You are so little;" all h i s father's talent, ho is t h e ot tho great experiences of his lite. a piker and a traitor If you do not guldlrig light of t h e go-getting Captain Gallaudot commanded Adult non-flctlon—Conn, "Regisspend It all. youngsters and t h e central figure of F Battery, 303d Field Artillery, In ter a n d m a n u a l ; " Webester's " u n a And there Is Thanksgiving Day, bridged dictionary. Znd e d ; " Eloesa p u p p y love story t h a t Involves Us training period a t home a n d ovonce a day for giving t h a n k s to ser, "Modern G e r m a n l i t e r a t u r e ; " Judy Garland, tho ugly duckling, erseas, a n d a t t h e front In the God tor his mercies, now a day for Llddell Hart, "War In outline, 1914and J u n e Prolsser playing a n ex- Drley of offensive east ot St. Mlhlel. District of Branford, ss. Probate stuffing, not t h e turkey only. screen baby star who h a s tlio looks His book, whllo written In verse, 1918;" Schevll, "History of Europe," It Is proper t h a t mention be m a d e All except J o h n a n d Rudy were And Mothers' a n d F a t h e r s ' days. Johnson, "Rolling along in song;" Court, October 4th, 1930. Estate of and motley needed to stage h i s Is essentially a collection of all sorts dressed tor long distant hiking. Can In this column of t h e passing of a n How ardently you a r o urged n o t to Wilder, "Garden flowers In color;" Susan J . Howd late of Branford ID show. ot short stories covering a wide old employee Joseph Zebrowskl. Al- they t a k e It I forget them. And July 4, t h e day Partridge, "Country lawyer;" P u t - District, deceased. , The cast also features Charles range ot action a n d observation t h o u g h t n o t having worked here The Court ot P r o b a t e for t h e t h a t made our country tree, a n d Wlnnlnger, Guy , KIbeo, Grace and exhibiting the responses of or- since IJlovembor 2,1938 he h a d spent Dlsrtict of Branford h a t h limited New Tinners Shop m a d e us t h e envy ot t h e whole \ HByes, :Botty Jaynes, Douglas Mc- dinary men to a novel and specific a large p a r t ot h i s life In our e m STATE OF CONNECTICUT and allowed six m o n t h s from t h e Tho new Tinners Shop which afenvironment. Here are n o heroes ploy, starting h i s career with us on fords us more space a n d t h e use of world. As far as t h a t Is concerned, a PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT date hereof, for t h e creditors little sanity is a t last overtaking us nv 4 . I T I » " . ~ . 7 I ; ' ; ' . ' . V ^ EXAMINATION NOTICE and no cowards, but men reacting April 14, 1014. As a fireman In t h e a few of t h e Chllllngworth Mfg. Go's estate to exhibit their claims j„nior Microbiologist for_ _settlement. normally to tho stresses a n d strains Annealing D e p a r t m e n t h e h a d m a c h i n e s Is about completed a n d and evenluaUy i t m a y be redeemed Position. Those w h o and p u t to some useful a n d patriowar. Readers who have shared shown great loyalty a n d ability In Joe Valltte a n d his assistant Dom (No. 138) 5I500-1G80 p e r a n n u m . I neglect to present their a c tic purpose, r a t h e r t h a n being a day East Havon Captain Gallaudet's experience will his work. His m a n y friends In tho 281 Main St., Application forms a n d detailed counts properly attested, within onlc Sarisone will b e , m o v e d there for killing t h e Innocents. About best realize the psychological valid- Company m o u r n h i s death, a n d within a few days. information m a y be, obtained a t said time, will be debarred a recovmost of these, great days we could Sun., Moil., Tucs,, Nov. 5-(l-7 ity of his report, t h e Personnel Department, Slate ery. All persons indebted to said wish to express their kindest symsay t h e same thing: CommerclalCapito,! Hartford, or a t 1 ocal Estate a r e requested to make i m pathies t o his widow a n d three M y r n a Loy, T y r o n e Power a n d Mrs. Gabriel Barba h a s returned zied, degraded, perforted, a n d u t t e r offices of the Connecticut State m e d i a t e - p a y m e n t to Ellsworth B . daughters. George Bront in to h e r homo from Grace Hospital ly ruined, a s t a r as t h e original Employment Service in Ansonia, Foote, Executor, North Branford, "The RAINS CAME" where she h a d a tonsllectomy. T h e purpose was concerned. Bridgeport, Bristol, Danbury, Conn. Continued from pacra one :-! ALSO X operation was pertormcd by Dr I am not so sure but we ought to Ernie Better Daniclson, Hartford, IMeriden, District of Brantord, ss. Probate Herman a n d Dr. Capplnella. Jano W i t h e r s in have one more great day. We might Ernie Johnson Is reported resting with pedrl Juliette cap, which was Middlctown, New Britain, New Court, October 6th, 1030. Estate of Mr. a n d Mrs. Domonic Bontatlbus call It "The Day of Recovery" when comfortably a t t h e Manchester ' Chicken Wagon Family' worn by tho bride groom's mother Haven, Now London, Norwalk, Grace T. Ives late ot Branford in 25 years ago. She carried white roses Hospital. J a k e Bauer was among t h e entertained a t a Halloween Party we will try to recover what we have • Norwich, Stamford, ThompsonDistrict, deceased. WnL/J'lMU'ij—is^ovrs'-i) and gardenias. Her a t t e n d a n t was visitors to see him Sunday. He r e - at their Wlldmero Lodge on Queach lost, and p u t back into these beauvillc, Torrington, WatcTbury, WiilOarolo Lombard, Oaiy G r a n t gowned In old rose taffeta of Col- ported t h a t h e was sitting up In bed. Road Monday evening. Those a t - tiful days something of their origThe Court ot P r o b a t e for t h e imantic. Applications must be and K a y F r a n c i s i n tending were Mr. a n d Mrs. Maurltz inal purpose. The governor of Veronial style, a n d carried a n old fashsubmitted to t h e Personnel De- District of Branford h a t h limited ioned bouquet., " I N NAME ONLY" A few of Ernie's friends from t h e Montellus, Mr. a n d Mrs. George m o n t h a s rebelled against multip a r t m e n t not l a t e r t h a n Novem- and allowed six m o n t h s from t h e A reception In the vestry follow- M.I.P. are selling chances on a prize Hansen, Mr. a n d Mrs. Irving Hoad- plying special days, announced by date ' hereof, for t h e creditors ber 15, 1939. :-l A L S O ;.! ed the ceremony. I n the receiving of ten dollars tor his benefit. C h a n - ley, Mr. a n d Mrs. Horold Smith, special proclamations. Good for Dale of Examination: November estate to exhibit t h e i r claims "Nancy Drew and tho hue besides the bridal .party, were ces may be h a d fi'om any of t h e Mrs. May Palmer a n d Miss Frances him I Maybe ho could tell us how for settlement. Those w h o 24, 1939. Hidden Stair Case" tho jiaronts ot tho bride and m o - boys In Dept. No. 11 before Novem- Stovlc. Maurltz coveted t h e prize t o get b a c k ' t h e real purpose and neglect to present their acvirith Bonita Granvillo a n d ther ot the groom. Mrs. McOlena- ber 23d, a t which time t h e drawing for t h e most original costume-May t h e real joy of our greatest and counts properly attested, within F r a n k i o Thomas West, while Dora h a d t h e funniest m o s t sacred days. ghan was dressed In black velvet win take place. said time, will be debarred a recovrepresenting Mr. Jlggs of t h e F u n n y with corsage of orchids. Tho groom's ery. All persons Indebted to said E. C. .C Ladies Gift Nights Paper. mother was dressed In royal blue Estate a r e . requested to make ImKri,, Sal,—Nov, 10-11 Mike Do Leonardo, one of t h e THEN AND NOW velvet and wore, a shoulder bouquet mediate payment to Hope Ives Colelectric truck operators was InJ ured B a r b a r . i Stamvyck, Adolpho The older ones who listened to ot yellow roses. lins, Executrix, Brantord, Conn. A.G. Godlalls went fishing one Menjou, William Holdon i n Following a wedding trip to I'lew last Thursday. Tho accident occured day last week a n d caught forty four the Scientific Temperance DemonHarbor and Maple Sts., j n O U r E MEN WITH CARS AVANTED York, the couple will live a t 01 Mid- while h e was placing a loaded four- black fish. If h e h a d n ' t missed those stration In t h e Short Beach Union "GOLDEN BOY" to supply finest quality g u a r a n dlesex Street, Sprlngflold, a n d will wheel-truck to connect to t h e elec- "big ones" t h a t got away, he would Chapel School last Sunday morning :•: A L S O ;•! QUALITY LIQUORS teed Auto, F a r m a n d Institutional tric, truck. His left foot slipped a n d should have been Impressed' with S i d n e y Tolor, P a u l i n e Moore i n be a t home to their friends after have fifty two, A.G. says h e found products to regular customers. one of t h e wheels r a n over It. the difference In approach from Nov. 15. T h e bride's traveling outflt AT LOW PRICES out tliat cloudy days a r e t h e best "CHARLIE CHAN at Pays S30 lo $G0 weekly, Savings was ot teal blue with lynx trimbecause t h e fish are not blinded by Club Bonus Extra. Lifetime posiTREASURE ISLAND" ming and' brown accessories. T h e I t h a s been noticed by one of our t h e s u n a n d they can see t h e bait face. The other boys escaped with Phone Branford 942 tion with large progressive comPlay Honey Sat. Evenings bride was employed. In t h e office of reporters t h a t quite a mumber better. only a few bruises. pany. Write E. L. Desch, Pres., the Van Norman Machine Co. Mr, of workers throughout the plant a r e 1330 Vine Street, Pliiladelphia, Pa. Hunter Is a graduate ot Yale Uni- wearing tonnls shoos, basket ball J o h n Knudsen h a s returned from shoos, a n d some very soft moccasversity a n d Is In t h e sales departGlenwood comb, range, $40. Crawtho Now Haven Hospital where he Uis, These soft solo shoes a r e all was eonf led with ulcers of t h e stomm e n t of tho'Van Norman Arm. ford, Monogram. Quality gas r i g h t In their places, b u t the factory range, $18. BeantituI electric r e Week end guests of Mrs. G r a c e R ach. Ho is reported as recuperating frigerators, $3.5, ?4p. Brand new Hunter tor tho wedding were Mrs, Is n o t all right for them. It employ- favorably a t h i s house, a n d plams to [ l''ri., .Sat.—Nov. IJ-'l stoves, refrigerators, reduced' 25W. H. Cochran a n d daughter, Miss ees wore hard toe-cap shoes with return to work in a week or so. 49%. Furniture, rugs. 59 WhaWey Margaret Cochran of Froeport, L. I, h a r d soles there would be fewer "BRIDAL SUITE" Avenue. Open evenings. August A. a n d Eugene A. Seastream foot Injuries. 17 Meadow Street — Branford Boys Injured w i t h Annabella, Robert Y o u n g of Bayonne,.N. J., Miss Lotltla H. Whllo on their way to meeting :-: A L S O ;-: Ross of Brooklyn, N. Y. a n d Dr. Wil"The worm turns"-or as J o h n last Saturday, In Watorbury Mr. H. Klrsohnor ot West Haven Cameron puts it, " T h e worm r e - Michael Zvonkovlc, Mr. J o h n F. 'Mr. Wong in Chinatown' liam All o t the above with Mrs. Hunter tui-ns" Don Sawtelle arrived back Longgard, Mr. Walter Williams a n d w i t h B o r i s Karloff and Mrs. Margaret J. Murphy of from Cleveland Monday morning. Mr. Carl Enlund m e t with a n acci42 inch sink a n d tub combinations this place attended tho wedding. 2$.93 complete. Toilet outnts Ho did not show up for 22 mile hike; dent which resulted in t h e over t u r n Sun., JIoii., 'I'uos., Nov, 5-G-7 we wrote about in last week's M.I.F. ol t h e c a r on t h e wet p a v e m e n t complete $12.95. B a t h tubs $14.50. news; however, J o h n a n d Rudy The boys were fortunate in only Wall Basins $5.45. Conn. Plumbing "THUNDER AFLOAT" Smith walked t h e distance. The hike having been severely shaken up. and Heating Materials Co., 1730 I !-: WITH ;-i started Sunday A.M. a t 9 o'clock However, Williams a n d Enlund are State St, New Haven, Conn., W a l l a o o Beery, Vii'ginia G r e y a n d finished Sunday night a t 8:00 confined to t h e hospital having r e Phone G-0028. i-: A L S O :-: P.M. There were ten In t h e party. ceived several lacerations about the Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k Atwater, of A n n Sothern, J a m e s Ellison in Open From 9 to 1 A. M. Driseoll Road announce the birth Ti'PEWKITERS — ALL MAKES of a daughter, Mary on October 20 "HOTEL for WOMEN" New, Rcbullls, Rentals, Portables, In t h e Hospital of St. Raphael. Suppliea jWccl,, Tlmrs.—Nov,'8-1) Mr. a n d Mrs. Robert Osborne B U R N I S H E D GOLD Convenient Terms Ritchie ot New Haven announce the CHINA NIGHTS birth, of a daughter Linda, October RELIANCE TYPEWRITER CO. I B e t t y Grable, Jaolrio Ooogan i n 27 In New Haven Hospital. Mrs. C. n. GUY, Mgr. Ritchie was, before lier marriage. "MILLION DOLLAR Telephone 7-2738 Miss Bevei'ly Langdale. 108 Crown Street, N e * Haven LEGS" Duke Lacko and Frank Skolonis, Proprietors Corcoran-Sundqulst Post, Amerii-! ALSO ;-: ' : LOST—Pass Book No. 11573. U can Legion win meet in t h e Armory found return to Branford Savingi I "6,000 ENEMIES" Monday November 0 a t 8:30 p . m. Bank, Branford, Cohii. NORTH BRAN FORD All In The Day's W o r k Books A d d e d ToHagaman List V r r A l FORCE IN EVERT TOWN PORTRAYING AS I T DOES LOCAL Town Clerk Has Issued 136 Hunting Licenses So Far This Year—Duck Hunters Coming Back With The Limit— Small Game Plentiful Upstate. Harbor Package Store Pequot Theatre EADOW GRILLE NOW SERVING DINNERS & LUNCHEONS Just Arrived At Moderate 'Prices RHEINGOLD BEER On Draught W: Business Directory Short Beach PTA Sponsors A Play With Big Laughs At a meetlnK last Friday evening of tho state ofticcrs of t h e Impvovde Order ot Red Men a n d a few of the men of East Haven who are to become the c h a r i e r members oC the new tribe now being organized It was deckled t h a t If possible t h e Institution of t h e new tribe would be Wednesday evening November 22 and t h e place tho town hall, prcscnl at this little meeting t h a t was e n tirely informal were Great Sachem Raymond I. Petersen of Slrattonl, Great Keeper of Wampum Alfred W. Smith ot Short Beach and New Haven, Past Great Sachem George A. Falrchild of Bridgeport, Deputy Great .Sachem Waller Newton ot Brantord and P a s t Sachem Alfred Hattersloy ot Strotford, Also George Cunningham, Henry Coughlin, Oscard Boldtman, George Mix, George Flnta, J o h n Peach, J o h n Garrlty, and Harold Bromberg. The Short Coach PTA will .spoU.sor a play, "Dnin's in a Cnckwood's stove" lo be given by the Good Fel. low.shlp Dramntlc club Thursday evening, Nov. 10 In Riverside Hall, Under the direcllon of Mrs. Eric Swniison t h e play is well rehoi\r.sod and otters a fine oast, each one well vcr.sed In his part. "Doln's In a Dackwood's Store" Is a tarcial entertainment and offers a good many laughs. Members ot the ticket coihmltloc arc Mrs. Victor Hutchinson, chairman, Mrs. D. W. Owens, Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. Hazel Lohr, Mrs. Charles Gaugglc, Mrs. Guslnvc DcBrcuU, Mrs. Carl Greenvall. Us cast consists o t tho Mosdames Hazel Lehr, Barnra Charlotte, Helen Martin, Ingcbord Hallden Ruth Cusick, Winnie Rinker, a n d tlie Mcisrs. Victor Hutchliison Al Cur llss, Dick Shannon, Don Haywood, Al Poulton and Herman Lohr, Boy Scouts will bo ushers and ticket collcclors. Armistice Day Parade Saturday Will Unite Various Organizations War Time Chaplain, Father Edmund A. Cotter Will Give Invocation—Lt. Col, Ernest L. Averill Will G-ive Principal Address at 11 o'clock at Cenotaph. Past Commander Robert B, Cato, Sportsmen agree t h a t wood h u n t Marshal of the Day urges all townsing here Is " n o t so h o t " a n d t h a t people as well as t h e various organthere Is more game t a r afield to the izations to join wllh tho Corcoran North ot us. Pheasants, partridge, Sundqulst Post 83 In Iltllngiy oband the fur.bearlng , gray squirrels serving tho Armistice Day, More All'ri'il liifiouric, I'IIKI tircnl a n d -rabbits a r e all more plentiful t h a n ever should Americans And Miu'lu'lii, Inipi'iiVc'il dnli'i' nl' Hod upstate t h a n around this vicinity. thomsolves one people, r a t h e r t h a n Jli'n, slnli' 111' Cciiiiu'i'tiiMit, moniEnthusiasts are all looking for a dislnlegrnled group of national"The activities of t h e American colder nights. Corcoran-Sundqulst Post No. 83 ties. lior (if Kdminianliic Trilic, Now But ducking is superb. More ducks Red Cross," says Edward O'Neal, Will hold tho Annual Armistice l.omUin. have shown up than In many years president ot t h e American F a r m After t h e parado which extends Dance this year on Armistice Eve, even though t h e birds are not yet Bureau Federation, "depend upon November 10th, In tho Armory. The from Chestn\il Street on tho oast the support of t h e people at tho down from Canada. to Bradley Street on tho west, all Popular old fashioned dance or- will assemble at the Bowl to join Forty Broadbllls were taken oft time ot t h e Roll Call. Only once a chestra tiom New Haven wllh Loo In tho simple services a t U o'clock. Pawson P a r k last week by a party year does the Red Cross come to I t was decided a l this mcellng of duck shooters taken out by Irv- us; a n d then only to help us during McGrall calling tho dances will play Wllh the close of tho bell rlnglnB t h a t a n open preliminary mcellng ing Baldwin. Duck h u n t i n g h e says the balance ot t h e year. for both old fashioned a n d modern and whistles, tho Rov. Father E d be held on Thursday evening of this The Brantord branch begins Its Is unusually good but t h a t It will be dancing. Doughnuts a n d older will mund A. Colter, War-time C h a p Continued on paqe eiaM even better when , colder weather enrollments on Armistice Day and lain, will give t h e Invocation. be available bolweori dances, and continues until Thanksgiving Day. separates t h e big flocks now way Immediately following: tho I n dancing will bo from 0 to 12. As in the past the roll call will be out. Time Still l e f t ' T o E n t e r Contest vocation tho Color.H of tho various made through tho malls a n d arc beFlight ot Woodcocks Surely on this year wo have so organlzatlohs will bo massed on Iho F o r $500 I n Bror Rabbit MoJ. Arthur Bradley h a s been out ing posted today. very much causo to colobralo. And dlas ot t h e Cenotaph, T h e n tho post lasses Contest Mrs. James J . Walworth, chairsome and says t h a t there are a good w h a t more fitting way could wo do Commander Robert Richardson will m a n y huntsmen to be seen a n d m a n , announces t h a t t h e Junior It t h a n by a dance, wllh ono ot our present tho Legion a n d Its purposes Beautiful now Brer Rabbit M o t h a t last week a small flight of .Red Cross here h a s organized a supported by Marshall Robert Cato The Allegro Music Club h a s plan- ovm local helping to entertain. and his aides. Past Commandors lasses Recipe Books are being mail, woodcocks gave h u n t e r s their limit. [permanent council, meeting weekly and volunteered to assist In t h e ed to every contestant In t h e Brer ned t h e following series ot programs Then too, tho proceeds from t h e Coolao a n d Smith. Following this This week t h e flight is gone. In response to numerous Inquir- Rabbit Molasses Contest. Will you for t h e year: November—March ot dance help to caro tor tho sick a n d Gray squirrels are plentiful but a n n u a l roll call by addressing a n d needy voLprnns. veterans, so so whllo whllo we we dance dance Lt. Col. Ernest L. AverlU wUl make ies concerning the observance ot get yours? —• -Haglln »-,,...nnHu War Music; leader, Helen will be h u n t e d more with colder filling envelopes. tho principal address. Thanksgiving Day, tho Post Office we also serve. The American Red Cross will Alert housewives are taking a d - Ralsman; hosts. Hazel a n d Edwin weather. T h e season continues Tho observance will close with Department h a s issued t h e followDecember—Christinas through Thanksgiving Day a n d car- place a wreath a t t h e Cenotaph ing bulletin: T h e President's p r o - vantage of t h e golden opportunity Mlchaclson, tlio placing of a wroatli tor departParty In t h e home ot Eugenia'Hamoffered by t h e Bror Rabbit Mola.sses ries a' season limit law of 30. H u n t . Armistice Day. ed Comrades a n d a Roll Call, Firing clamation designates Thursday, t h e mer. January—Music Marches On. Ing gray squirrels within limits of Squad a n d Taps. ! 23rd of November, 1939, as a day of Contest to win n national prize ot leader, Edwin Michaelson; host, E u city or boroughs is prohibited. Mar.shal Cale asks all organlza; general thanksgiving a n d t h a t day a year's .supply^ ot groceries—$500 gisnla -Kinney. February - ^ ClassiLikewise there are lots of rabbits ttons to nssomblo a t tho State Arwill be the legal holiday in t h e pos- worth—pr .$500 In cash, or tho local cal versus Swing. Music; leaders. b u t they are h o t as commonly g u n t a l , service this year, if November weekly prizes ol^fl.OO or can.s ot m o - Alan,;and'';:.Ilarry,., Llndbergjijipst, m a r y a t 0 o'clock ^sharp. Saturday lasse§,;,.J'hg£cori(i^pkvJs,;^^^ ned u n t n later as t h e , season c o n •a8rdi48% nol^obsorvod dooaPyv;;3ioodsDavid Baldwin., •Mafoh:^.Bn3oihbio '•''''tlnues-thrcttieh*'t'«!emberTaiKl—porano dolay. , '• *_' • sary service should be rendered; to even if you vidnnbne off these.prizds |program; loader, Robert Norton; mlts a daHy bag of 3 with a season the public on t h a t day. As it a p - •it's your gift for •'entering t h e hostess, Mrs. S. V. Osborn. April— It is tho endeavor of t h e Post t o A reception was hold In tho Ac. contest. limit of 3D. . pears quite certain t h a t Connectibring together all the organlzotlons The contest, which is running lo- Musical F u n ; loader, Jocelyn Bald- ademy on the green Sunday, from of tho town on this d a y Inoloaor Wniiam Kelts h a s skill in t h e cut, wni observe November 30th as Major J o h n T. Seddon, Public R e - Thanksgiving Day, tho Branford cally in this newspaper, h a s two win; hosts, Gertrude and Milton 4 uutll 7, In observance of tho 50lh realization of our obligations lo tho woods and Richard Hosley's luck h a s Brandrlff. May—Second Annual wedding anniversary of Mr. a n d been running good. John Kells and lations Secretary for t h e New Eng- Post Office will remain open Nov- more weeks to go, and then t h e Scholarship Concert. June—Annual Mrs. Charles J. Lounsbury given by United States ot America. I t Is to Everett Mason are excellent h u n - land States, announced today that ember 23rd to render any service winner of t h e g^and national prize picnic. bo Hoped t h a t thoy will accept this he would like business men, organ- which may be required by its p a - will be announced ahorlly t h e r e their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. Invitation and join In projecting ters. izations, a n d Individuals to be on and Mrs. Louis C Lounsbury, also trons. Leonard Murray h a s returned after. So get your recipes In, a n d this day to a fuller meaning In tho ot Indian Neck. Because of the i n . minds of Brantord's citizens. from Boston Corners, N. Y., where t h e alert for solicitors collecting perhaps you will win not only one funds supposedly tor Thanksgiving clement weather only 75 were able h e went for partridge. He reports Tho Armslice p a y eommlttoo Is; ot tho weekly•• prizes, ^but t h e big and Christmas dinners, m a n y of AMERICAN FLAG to attend. seeing deer. Continued on page 'ivjo one as well. whom supposedly represent The Mrs. Lounsbury carried a n oldOur demon llneotype operator, GIVEN LEGION Mrs. J. C. Carr, Rogers Street, The Court ot Honor for Brantord tashloned bouquet. The room was Salvation Army. He strongly urges Ted Dudley, in company with a few has been awarded $1.00 tor h e r r e - and the East Shore will bo held Friwith yellow a n d gold HARVEST FESTIVAL At a .special business meeting of cipe, and her recipe Is automatical- day evening, November 10th a t tho I decorated others, who h a s a eagle eye for r a b - under no condition should people In "• ~ — . suburban areas respond to a n y type C o r c o r a n - S u n d q u l s t Post on MonIN CHURCH VESTRY bits with his 12-gauge six shooter. ly entered In t h e Brer Rabbit Mo- Community House in Branford, T h e ? ' " y ^ ' ' " " ' ^ ' " " " ; « ' '^°'"'^' Bfbers, au ot collection, tambourine ot other- day, which was held tor tiio purpose t u m n leaves, ferns a n d palms. A lasses Contest to compete for tlie Board ot Review wHl take p l a e o a t ' ' ' " " ! " ''=''^««' '""^"^ "-""^ P-^'ms. > Continued on page seven wise, unless t h e collectbr is properly of making final arrangements for buttct lunch was served the table Tho annual Harvest Festival ot Gr.and National Prize. 7:00 PM, with Commls.sloner Cla being very attractively Identified by a state permit In addi- the Armistice Eve Dance a n d t h e decorated tho First Baptist church will bo Runners-up in the .second week's rence Loomis Presiding, a n d tho tion to carrying credential letter Armistice Day P a r a d e , Past Comwith a Chinese flower tree, assom. hold Tuesday evening, November 14, contest were Mrs. A. J. PlellT and Court ot Honor win ,slart a t 8; 00 from the local committee chair- mander Clarence Bradley presented bled with wire, flowers broken short In tho ehurch vestry. This annual Miss Beatrice Gorski who will each PM. Mr. Harry Sweltzer ot Madison man. taped with yellow satin ribbon sha-- event to which all tho parish Is Inthe Post with a very beautiful sUk receive a can ot Brer Rabbit Mowill preside at t h e meeting, P a r e n t s ping It Into the form of a tree Illus- vited opens at 0:30 o'clock with He went on t o say t h a t , about this American Flag. Needless to say this la.s.ses. and friends areln vlled to bo present trated from .the Chinese keels a d , supper being served. Following tho time ot year, towns a n d villages are will be greatly treasured by t h e This Is how t h e contest Is judged: tor t h e affair. Scouts are expected lorning the branches and three smal supper a social hour will be held The funeral ot Mrs. Grace Sled- swamped with bands ot sereraders Post,' and t h e people ot Branford Each week, t h e best live recipes to receive recogijltion for tests p a s lor parakeets reprosenting tho chil- and a n address will be glyon. Tho m a n Shepard, widow of Lewis F, playing musical instruments, with v/111 have an opportunity to see It In submitted to this paper will be sesod from: Branford, Short Beach, dren. Shepard, 17 Harbor street, was con- collectors going from door to door, the parade on Saturday, The m e m - lected. The best pf the five will r e following commlttee.so will direct Stomy Creek, Gulltord, Madison, Mr. and Mrs. Lounsbury were the tho various parts ot t h e program; ducted Saturday atternoon with and, in many Instances, people have bers of the Post gave Past Com- ceive $1.00, a n d will be entered in and North Branford. recipients of many gifts. Including the supper committee Mrs. Hugh services a t her late residence by the t h e impression t h a t t h e money is mander Bradley a rising vote ot the national competition. And t h e basket ot 50 large chrysanthemums MacLeod, Mrs. William, Krcmsor, Rev. Robert J. Plumb, rector ot u.sed for local charlty-when in most t h a n k s for h i s very generous and Continued on pauc eight OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY from Nashawena CouncU, D, of p : ; Mrs. Herbert White, Mrs, Paul Mc, Trinity Episcopal Church. Bearers cases its goes out ot t h e community patriotic gift. Woodland Temple No. 27 Pythian a like basket of chrysanthemums Lean, Mr.s, Sidney Ward, Mrs. were: Patrick H. Dunn, G. A. R. The regular monthly business entirely. Sister will observe! their ISlh.AnnI from Widow's Son Lodge, No, 08, A. Hobart Pago a n d Mrs. Percy Swift. ON COMMITTKI! Hamre, Daniel F. Averin, Roy V. ot Corcoran-Sundqulst Should there be interested Indi- meeting versai-y a t t h e next regular meeting F, a n d A. M,.lable lamp from Ma- The program cbinmlttee Mrs. B.V. Averill, Burton Shepard a n d Walter Mrs. Stasia Brada Is a member Post 83 will be held at the Comviduals who would like to place November lOlh a t Svea Hall, A cov- son Rogers Corps; 50 yellow roses Osborn, Jr., Mrs. Irving Adams, CorHosley. their gift with some assurance t h a t munity House, Tuesday, November the commlllee planning tho Fifth ered dish supper will be ,served a t from a n Ico cream company; desk nelia Osborn, Mrs, James Lawrence annual charily loy bingo sponsored I n t e r m e n t was In Center ceme- It will be economically used, they 14. by t h e Good-Will Workers. A party 0:30. There win also be RoU Can a n d set, Pawson Tribe, I O. R, M,; tele, will direct the work of decorating tery. should mall It t o a n y of t h e local following the meeting Cards a n d gram from the Unity Court, O, of which will follow autumn coloring. will be given December 1 a n d 8 Mrs. Shepard tell a tew weeks ago Salvation Army Treasures In their SPONSOR PICTURE Bingo will be played a n d prizes a w - A; money and nearly 300 anniver- The committee arranging equipat her door step a n d fractured her respective communities. The SalvaBranford School Council will o'clock in, St. Michael's Hall, 234 raded. sary cards.. ment Robert Osborn, Carl Swift a n d hip. She was removed to the Hos- tion Army will be happy to act as sponsor "Hollywood Cavalcade" a l Greene .Street, New Haven to which It Is hoped t h a t all members will At the regular meeting of Geor- Weston Shepherd, pital ot St. Raphael. She was the guardians' ot t h a t Interest, through tho Brantord Theatre, Nov, 14, 15 the admission is one new toy. There make an effort t o attend. gia Chapter, O. E, S., a n annlxei'sary win be door prizes. , oldest member of Trinity Church their own local welfare.committee. and 18. p a r t y was held for Mr. a n d Mrs. and a n honor member of Trinity Newspaper editors, Chief of Lounsbury, who Were presented with Guild. She leaves one daughter Police, or others a r e cordially Invibouquets of flowers a n d a sum ot Mrs. Virginia Averill. She was born ted to cooperate In this connection money. Also a gift of money from in Brantord 94 years ago the daughtho past officers. A fine program In Sound films on "America March.' ter of Harry Stedman and Betsy beauty spot of Nev/ Havon, which Soldiers Broke I n t o Houooa A n d British Invasion Played Impor•Vandalized A s Thoy 'Wont— charge of Mrs. Stanley Schmld'was Ing O n " and "Frontiers of tho F u Foote arid h a s spend her entire lite QUILT HISTORY played a very active p a r t In t h e presented. ture were shown Monday noon at here. RELATED TODAY t a n t P a r t I n W h a t Is Now Brlll.sh Invasion during tho Revolu- Treasures Wow W i t h N e w H a v the weekly meeting of the Branford K n o w n As P o r t Hale P a r k tionary War. en Society REPUBLICAN DANCE Rotary Club by the National AssoThe Halt Hour Reading Club held F o r t Hale Park was not always a Minister's Meeting The 'VfounB Republican Club will ciation ot Manufacturers. Tho p r o an open meeting today In Trinity To many F o r t Hale Park Is j u s t a park .such as v/e know It t o day, but hold an old.tashlohed dance Fri- gram w a s In charge of F r a n k Big- " Final plans were completed a t a Parish House. Mrs. Roy G. Pavy nice place t o go swimming In t h e a busy community. In fact, war was which would help give command of day, November 10 a t the Italian- elow. recent minister's meeting tor t h e was the speaker a n d took as her Summer, or perhaps a suitable fought there. The forts today are the water. Thoy felt It would also be American Club on Beach Street. 'Monday's five minute speaker Union Thanksgiving service of p r o - subject, "Grandmother's Quilts for place to go for a picnic on a warm still In existence. I n later years It wise to a r m some ot the country Bud Smith a n d his orchestra will tostant churches, to be held In t h e the V/orld ot Today." Those who a t - summers day, yet how many realize was still a busy place because a salt roads leading to Now Haven, but be there with Bud Smith acting as was Dr. Philip H. Qerlack who spoke on "Veterinary Medicine." First Baptist Church on Wednesday tended brought old or odd quhts or have any knowledge ot t h e his- factory v/as situated there. • There due to lack of money, nothing fur- prompter t o r ' t h e dancing. There were 44 attending. Visiting evening. November 2D. Rev. F r a n k which Mrs. Pavy Identllled and tory of this quiet, serene park t h a t are some old "Morris Covers" t h a t ther was done about It. However, A turkey raffle will be held a n d Rotarlans were ' Clarence M. Blair, gave their history. Black Rock was well fortitied, a n d a cools our healed brov; in t h e sum- remember t h a t old factory. M. Swaffied of t h e Calvary Baptist Following t h e meeting, members mer, and where others find solace i T h e British Invasion played an beacon was placed a t Indian Hill, there will be refreshments. R. J. Relgeluth, a n d Bulkeley Smltlv Church ot New Haven will deliver had an opportunity to meet Mrs. In t h e winter time by skiing, sliding important part In w h a t Is now now known a s Beacon Hill or Fort all'of New Haven. the sermon. The cooperating MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED [Pavy in the home of Mrs. S. A. Grls- and other forms of winter sport. Cheshire Charter Night will bo knownas Fort Hale Park. Then It Wooster Park, which Is about a half Churches are First Baptist, First Mr. and Mrs. 0 . P . Anderson of December 5th a t Waverly I n n . SevI wold. Tea was served known as Black Rock. T h e Con- mile from Fort Hale. T h e beacon Congregational, Trinity Episcopal The large pipes extending was necucuL colony cuiuuy was wan active oi^nvii i.i in u«i, s u p - I fire was to be lighted it there was Montowe.se Street announce t h e eral from this place plan to a t t e n d . through t h e harbor from Port Hale necticut and Tabor Lutheran. plying for t h e Army and Navy, fit-1 a n attack a n d three cannons were marriage of their son, Carl Ernest to BUSSINESS MEN MEET to t h e Tomlnson Brlcge was a short plying for t h e Army and Navy, f l t - , „ „ „.»».... BRANFORD SIGNS Ann Cullen, daughter of Mr a n d Aissoclated Business of Brantord WILL ENTERTAIN time ago a f amllar sight. Thousands ting out several expeditions, Tsoth also to be tired as a signal, Very attractive r o a d signs h a v e Mrs. Thomas E. CuHen of Huston ,hcld a supper meeting In Althea's for land and v/ater, against t h e | T h e Fourth of July In t h e year Georgia Chapter, No. 48, O. E. S. of tons of m u d v/as being drained Street, New Jiavcji, Haven Tea room Tuesday evening. treet, new .been placed west of P l a n t ' s bridge has Issued invitations to the otti. through the harbor a n d filled In t h e enemy. People were fearful t h a t l';70 fell on a Sunday. AtA a public Three new members joined, CharNew Haven's location right on t h e meeting plans were maae lor i,ne. T h e ' w e d d i n g took place In New a n d also a t t h e power house Indlclal visitation of t h e Worthy Grand les Close, Mr. Shaw of Chevrolet Co. meadows of Fort Hale Park. Some New Haven's location right on t h e meeting plans wbre made for t h e t h a t , t h e y are day a road will be built along this h a r t o r front would e" u.^ie a n attack celebration t h e following day. No Haven on November 4th, They a r e ca Ing to tourists Matron, Mrs. Dorothy L. Labensky, and Levi Bartholomew. , and her associate grand ottleers in I The a n n u a l meeting will be held shore marking a very, pretty land b r w a t e r I t ^ s dee^^^^ -Continued on page eight Haven. I, These signs tUl a long felt need, mark. It is one of t h e historic c L n o r p l a c e d a t various points' Masonic Hall, Monday evening, a t Althea's Dec. 5th. December 4th. Juniors Assist In Red Cross Roll Call Post office To Remain Open November 23rd P-.-f.i.i- Price Five Cents Branford, Oonncotiout, T h u r s d a y , N o v c m h e r 0, 1039 Red Men Degrees Huntsmen Find DuckingTo Be Conferred Gratifying Fall Sport; By Pawson Tribe Others Prefer Woods Legal Notice Local Man Weds A N D EAST H A V E N NEWS VOL. XU—NO. 31 BRANFORD LAUNDRY Capitol Theatre HAPPENINGS IN FABOLIAR LANGUAGE Writes New Book m THE HOME rovm PAPER — of — BRANFORD — NORTH BRANFORD STONY CREEK — PINE ORCIMRD SHORT IJEACII — INDIAN NECK OKANNIS CORNER — RIORRIS COVE — EAST HAVEN THE BOSIE NEWSPAPER I S A Winning Recipe Contest Prize Is A n n o u n c e d Needy Veterans Will Benefit By Armistice Dance Allegro Club Features War In November 75 Guests Attend Golden Wedding In Salvation Army -JSecjretajx-Asksu^ Cooperation COURT OF HONOR SET FOR NOV. 10 Grace S. Shepard Dies At 94 Years Forts T o d a y Still In Existence SHOW SOUND FILM AT ROTARY CLUB m •\\''i\ n mi * - - i J " ' ^ ' * ^ ' * ^ * * '*'-i;-B*.'*'» -» • 1 ?>ji,.T*'«>*«*V> THE BRANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1039 THE BRANFOBD REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1039 ,ca^e Two Riverside News Motc:^ By Helen Shoemaker 41WIHM i^ll )l' III W p IlllMWW'llMHI 1,111 a T|ic Riverside Fire Department has' Installed automatic garage doors. Harrlspii Ave. School Notes *=*s*T*=fta*rf*=i *.*..^,*.^.<>K^»*J SHORT BEACH t.. -•wsiic .5e«ns;-,a«M:,3)!««iB:;::;««)Bi3 STANLEY ZIOLKOWSKI JOINS SALESFOROE Union Chapel ] Street. Sunday, November IJ, 1030 II A M. Sermon by the pastor, Rev. Twenty members of the Woman's E. C. Carpenter Topic: The Friend Auxiliary of the S h o r t Beach H. H. Waiting a t the Door. Anthem by the and Ladder Co. m e t Monday for Choir: • luncheon In the Ilrehouse. Luncheon 0:45 a. m. Sunday School, George was s e r t e d by Mrs. William Hall and Brown, Superintendent; The Chris- her committee. tian's Chief Concern: Putting God's Mrs. M. D Stanley, Mrs. Hall and kingdom First. Mrs, Guslave DuBreull, charter Friday, November 10, 7:45 p. m. members were appointed to revise Choir Rehearsal the membership list. At a social hoiir t h a t followed Mr. a n d Jv^fs, Harry Tlicl<er were selections were, given by Mrs. Donald Hayward, Mrs. A. J. Peterson In ''i^hlla^elp'hla Tticsdayi and Mrs: Eric Swansoh. Mrs. Archie Young won t h e mystery packiflxs. J p ^ n T. DooUttle, o( Main age. S t r i c t Is'recpVerln'g "f^oih 'aii Illness. School Notes Room 1 Enjoys Soci.il The boys and girls of Rooml have made owls and witches'' h a t s with which they have decorated t h e room. They enjoyed a social on Thursday afternoon with a short program. Trade 1 and 2 are making a study ot seeds. In connection with this activity, the children are bringing In seeds to p u t On c h a r t s showing the different types ot seeds. Marlyn Erickson a n d Edward Murphy are leading t h e class In arthmetlc. GRADE 1 The following prpgfam V/RS presented for t h e pafonts of (.jie puAs p a r t of o u r observance ot American Education Week, a Visit Lcroy Murray was 111 a t his home pils In Grade 1, In observance ot National Education Week: I n g D a y for p a r e n t s and friends this week. Song, America, by the classl A was held a t thosohool oh November 7t 1039. I t was largely attended, The Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gacy have Safety Play, T h e Matches Spoke, Robert Stevens, Rocco Luclati foUbwlng program arranged for the moved to New Haven. Francis Donnarumma, Slebrenc observance of Armistice Day was Ras, Valdomar ' Itdgers, Donald rendered a t 0;^p A. M. Work during Thayer, Tommy Purcell, Fred t h e remali'lder of the day proceeded Bllcker, Cornelius Van Wllgen as usual, . George Barron, Henry Cutler, EsSong, Star Spangled Banner, folkll Enqulst, /jnriounoer, Harold By Cbarlotls TannK lowed by Plag Salute, EiVtlro school; Levy. Recitation, For My Country, Allen Rhythm Games, Ellen Royka, Rathburn, Jerry Haywood; ReeltaROOM 2 Ernest Johnson ha.s returned from Elizabeth GrltTln, Anna Mature, A costume party was given last lyll's. Oscar Bplcl^Hiann of Short Wednesday by Mrs. Donald Hay, tion;.your Flag and Mine, Marjoric Manchester Hospital and Is slaying Virginia Johnson, S a n t a Palala, The pupils h a d ' a deUghtful H a l loween Party last Thursday afterAltmixnsborger,' Nancy Fox; Roolta- with Mr. and Mrs Frank Dcndas Joan Brada, Sharlcno Carlson. Befipjl RoaJI'wa's'ln'^dSttin, Sutiday, ward for the following members of The Alderman Furniture Comp- noon. The children wore costumes. tlori. On Armistice Day, PrlsclUa her Sunday School class; Carol En Alyce Thayer. Recitation, October's ony of Congress Avenue, New H a . Good pollpwshlp D.rama^lc Club glehart, Barbara Allen, Nancy Fox. Charles Hoyt of grade IV won the Miss Charlotte Young la 111 a t her Party, by t h e class; Nursery Rhymes Shorey; Song, Armistice Day, entire von announces t h a t Stanley Ziol- humorous' prize; Harriet* DooUttle school; Recitation, Our Flag, Au- home Jn Stone Street A Story and Song, Ten Indians; A meefo''Mpn4ay eV9nlrig' i t the home Catherine Pacheo, Joan Hallden kowski ot 67 West Main Street, of grade IV won the prize for the drey'Doijljttle; Recitation, MarchPlay, The Good Health Helpers, ot Mr. aritl, Mrs, victor I^ulchlnSon Jerry Hayward. Branford is nov/ affiliated with prettiest costume. Salvatorc Pacllto h a s returned Joan Austin, Vanessa Petrlllo, Joan ing Soldiers,' John Poulton, Aiinold them a s salesman. • Roliearsals for "D,o(n's In a BackPhilip Bernard Is In charge ot The Short Beach P a r e n t Teacher Peterson; World Peace, S|:ophon from the hospital. lie has a frac- Nygard, Nancy MIschler, Janet Mr. Zlolkowski married the for- a group of boys and girls who are Tousey, Elizabeth Johnson, J a n e t woods Stb'rp" will b'oheld In ^piycr- executive board will meet Monday Wolfe; A Poem of Thanks,'Ocbrg'o tured hip. mer Miss Mary Bomboliskl, is a slcie '^alV'Tucaday' arid Wednesday Interested in learning the right afternoon in the school. VIshnd, Ester Aeeto, Lee Blanchard, Prout, Robert Burns; member of t h e local Croatlans a n d technique in "Toothbrush P a i n t Short ^3each Sunshlnqrs mot Barbara Wood. Songs, Frost Pic- evenings. ' S o i i B , Thanksgiving, entire school. Is a well-known Branford resident. Monday at the home o f M r s . lijuing." Interesting results of leaves Mr. and Mrs. John R. Taylor ot 17 tures, Song of Halloween, God Bless Recitation; Wd Thank Thee, Joan He attended St; Startislaw school and flowers have been obtained so Bradley Avenue were hosts at a Hallden, J a n e t Eastwood; Reclta- ggne Fonn for a committee meet- America. in New Haven and Is t h e son of ing. ' , . _ : , . In celebration of National Edutar, Buffet Supper In their home on • t l o n / ^ n Remembrance, PhlHp MaThe name of CorneUu.s Van Wll Mrs, Henry Stauby, of Main St., gen was' omitted from t h e list of cation Week, Lauretta A.' Plumley, f^rlday, Nov. 3rd lii celebration ot Louis Zllkow,ski, dairyman ot Mount J o h n Wigg spent last week end a t soii; Recltaflon, A Phlld Wonders, Carmel. well known author and lecturer will ti;ielr 11th wedding anniversary. the World's Fair. .^^atrlcla White; Fjag Etlquotlo, has'moved to Now Haven for the pupils who w e r e ' p r e s e n t every day By appointment, (Branford 804) apealt to the Shore Beach P a r o n t winter, Attending were: Mr. a n d Mrs. Howard Sanzero, Ruth Berger, Donald pourtsal; Song, America, during September and October. Tcacher Association on Nov. 20th a t Philip E. Bulger, Mr. and Mrs. Ho. he win drive p a t r o n s to t h e store to and Mary Bernard spent t h e week Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hallden e n Eiitlro^ohpol; Eocltalion, Armistice inspect furniturO. 8:00 p. m . In t h e school. ward E.' Jansen, Mr. and Mrs. Donend with relatives out of town. .Day, David.Samson; Roollatlon, A tertaliicd Leonard Ilanfion and Wal. GRADE 2—H. F. Zacker Her subject will be "Present S t a Kenneth Guenther h a s Invited Prayer for Armistice Day, Nellie lace Carpenter of West Haven on All the pupils of Grade 2 took tus and Desirable Changes In E d u - a:id Charlotte of Short Beach and Miss Belle Cheney and Mr. Wlh'am the class to hear the choir singing sstPSSBSiaBsass •Rathburn; . Rocltatlo|i, My Land, Saturday. p a r t In t h e program arranged fo'r cation." D'. Drlscoll of New York. at Trinity Church on Sunday. KenJoan Moran; Armlslloe Day Story P a r e n t s ' Visiting Day on' November This timely subject should prove n e t h is one of t h e choir boys. THE BOY AND THE BEAR written and read by Helen Meshako 7th.' ' of liHerest to a great many'people. Nellie Rathburn, Grudo 0 I^oqi|:a|,lon, Tha)iktulne!iS, Anna The following numbers were pre- The public Is cordially Invited. ' ROOM I I I In a little log cabin near the sented: America, song a n d acrostic; /Woyphowsl^y; Song,' America, The A social hour with refreshments The pupils 6f this room h a d a n woods lived a family of pioneers. Halloween Jack-O-Lantern," sketch, will follow. .Beautiful;.entire school. Conffnueil / r o m pagt on* Mrs. William B. George Chicago The family consisted of'four mem- Safety Flnst, .songs, jingles; Over • Program loader, Dnvld aSmson. J o h n Coolac, Maurice Smith, John h a s completed a two weeks stay enjoyable Halloween Party, last , ; The program wna arranged by ber.'), mother, father, a Uttlo boy the Rainbow, Cpme, Little Leaycs, with h e r sister, Mrs. Paul McLean Wednesday. Elrhira- DooUttle won Pictures of t h e Yale-Penn game J. Ahern and Clarence I. Bradley. the prize for t h e funniest costume Miss k Beer, Miss H. Purcell and named John, about ten years old songs; Thinks We Gaiinot See, were shown Tuesday night hi RlvA ^LEA FOR MEMBERS^;? ot AverlU Place. and Rosella Altermatt for t h e pretand his lltlie brother. sketch; Jonn's Book, A Health Play- ei-slcic ilaH' th'rough''the courtcsi' of Miss M. Prances Shepard. Twenty one years ago victory tiest ' costume. ' Elmira Doblittie, 1 •• One day hLs parents went to a let; the "iralb Athletic Association tor came to t h e Allied Armies, in which Miss Martha Beckley of Hotchklss Shirley Llnsley, Rosella Altermatt, POEM i distant vlllnge and loft" Jfahn' and The parents showed a great In- the Shore Beaoh Athletic Assocla^ the American' soldier played such Grove attended a recent-meeting of and Alberta Kane were t h e commitVVrltton by Nolllo Rathburn of his baby brother alone, Later In terest In visiting our school. Our tlon. an important part. , , . Mary Clap Wbostcr Chapter, D. A. R. tee in charge. •> • •• Grade 0 and sent to hpr teacher on the afternoon, John p u t a'kdttle of room had 26 iriothers visit us dur As.'dstlng at ttie meeting were Out of our war service was born ^^ j,,g ^^^^^ ^ j ^^.^ jj,,^^,. pig^.j^„ the occasion of the lattor'o Illness. water on t h e crane over the fire- Ing the day. Gertrude Pond spent Friday in Paul Barnett, J a c k Lynch and oth the American Legion, to continue of New Haven. New York. ,, . ; place. When t h e water began to boll ors. The npxt meeting will also be giving service to our country and I missed you evory day a t school. In Walked a bear arid started for the ' The' boys of this room are enjoyan e n t e r t a i n m e n t and is sot for our comrades In peace time. We, GRADE 3—E. Brannlgan, teacher And wished t h a t you were there, baby's cradle. •' •' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Green, Miss ing a new football. who w'prc called to t h e colors, were ''The following program was p r o - the second Tuesday In December. 1 hope t h a t you'll bo bettor soon. Quickly J o h n .seized the kettle spntbd for Visiting'Day; A Welcpmo Isabella Robertson apent last With a charter momberahlp of 71 too filled with the enthusiasm and Florence Green and Miss Helen And given t h e best ot care. and poured the boiling water on b y , F e r n Knowltori; Song by tlie the membership list Is stui open to glory of the G r e a t Adveiiture to Kellough of East HaVen were Sunday in Bridgeport. - " the bear's face. With a how! the ontlre class. T h e Red Apple; A ta^k anyone Interested In athletics^ Alberta K a n e spent Sunday in fuUiy realize the torn h e a r t s and week end guests a t West Point Curtis Whalon visited his grand- bear r a n from t h e house Into the New Haven: • • • '• ~' about Robert Loul's Sleyehson, Rob.' Arrangement are underway for m e n t a l anguish ot our mothers, Military Academy. mother In New Jersey over the I woods. ' fathers and^ wives or sweethearts. evt Vlshno; Poems by' Robert t . ] volley ball games. '• week end. " Th'ls story teaches us to be pre- Steven.sdn, Tile Wind,' recited by Mr. D. W Owens is chairman of How m a n y of us t h e n could fully Barbnrii Allen visited h e r aunt In I pared for a n emergency and to Jahyce Wood, ^orp'thy" $podonl', I Athletics. picture them down on their knees Mlltord.-' • Ih'ink and act quickly. praying for th'p satq^ retlirri of t h e R u t h HqoghkU'k, Eyolyn K n a p p , NaiVcy' Nbr'i'ls;' My Einaddw,' "PtitSy Linda IVfprt ^ell.fl'pm a tabic this B'dy's'''''Over"Theije;:''' ' "f" Reynolds, Rpsombni:| Nalmo, iiaJiel w e e k a h d ' b r o k e ' ^ e r arm. ' ' But now that we have become Boamon, Naiicy Norr(s: Lori'tiilio fathers, maiiy of US with boys old For soUcl car^ffee copifort this wii^ter install a Dolina, Isabelle Havens; 'Spng, Mrs. D. W. Owens will attend a eno'ugft t'or war service', we can Dancing on the Green Rlcliard pon'heotlcul PTA State board moet- s t a r t to 'realize t h a t . W h a t are * e Dolan, "Ronald Anderson, p p r o t V y . ' " S ' n Hartford tpmorrov/. going to do to prevent bur h e a r t s Spadonl, Llnsley Blgo|ow, Jo-Anhl ——from being torn? W h a t a r e we gorionadlo, Anha-Ros'o Harrison. ' IV^rs. Clarence Johnson ot Clark ing to do to keep our sons from t h e A playlet. Talking Books, t h e . Avpnup entertatned Tuesday a:t a terrible slaughter t h a t is' again I charaotors were: Tom Sawyor, h m c h c o n ' b r i d g e a t hef hopiq. I^e^ taking place overseas? Product of T h e American Legion, with over Locally Made Richard Dolan; Red-Rldlng Hood guests were;' Mrs...,,Arlene Stokes', Peggy Holman; Cinderella, Phoebe Mrs. Nan Cole,' Mrs. Helefl Jeiikins, one million mei;nbers, is, a n d will Malleable Iron Nationally Hlgley; Robin flood, Francis P a - Mfs. lylaybelio Barby of ilartford; oo'ntlhue" to exert all its influence vettl; Snow White, Elizabeth G u m - Mrs, Lillian CoVert, Mrs. Marion to keep us from t h a t catastrophy. j Fittings Oo. FainouB kowskl; William Toll, Robert A n - Stephenson, I«(r's. Lillian :^urgess. There are, however, about threes derson; Small Boy, Richard p a l - Miss" I^arrlpt Clark' of ^ a s t Ha,ven. million more veterans who are n o t • kins; A poem Points of 'View, Forn ^vs'• Bpiilai^ Culvoij't, D.ovon'; IWr's. members of the Legion. Some ot | Knowlton, Walter Smith, A n n a - ' ^i^'^''='-folinson," Branford and lytrs. t h e m have joined other veteran ; Rose Harrison, Patsy Reynolds,, I'lolen Buck of Shor^ Bpach'. organizations and are carrying on I ItlRlit around the corner in Branford Is produced an Oil burner as we are. Many of ' the veterans Ronald Anderson, Richard Pierce. I " leoognl'/ed thiouuhnut t h e nation as being one of t h e t h e genuine Song by t h e class, Game ot Flow- | J e a n e t t e Thompson fell this week have been members of t h e Legion '. culstanding quality oil b\n'nera produced In America. ors; Sketch, The City Mouse a n d and broke her arm. She ' Is ' tl;^e but ha:ve dropped out for various I the Country Mouse: characters, T h e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robevt reasons. Others have never taken When you finally decide \ipon oil heat do not ?aH to take a d City Mouse, Jo-Ann Donadlo; T h e Thpnipson ot Bl'tstpl Strpet. ' vantage ot this fact. •• ' '• ' ' the Interest to ascertain t h e purHeadacKes are often caused by eyestrain. pose of t h e Legion. Of those who Country Mouse, Robert Potts; T h e These doaler.s will bo glad to give yo\i complete details on w h a t dog, Donald Ward; The cat, Alfred ^''PV'' S w c h phapel p o r k e r s wlU have dropped'out. In m a n y cases it Eyestrain frequently results from reading a Brn;itoid Installation will do, and what It will cost. Hansen. meet, '^ue'sday attevnpori a t t h e h a s been in protest to t h e actions or working' in poor artificial light. You A poem. T h e Pilgrim, Qeorge ,'''°"?'=-9-"^ Mrs. yrankUn Bur^go, MaU^ ot some individual, t h e actions ot Nc\Yiravon EastHavon can prevent headaches from this source Ghlroll, Charles RlchltelU, Marl-1 T" • ^: . this post, or the actions ot t h e e n New Haven Coal Co. East Haven Coal Co, lyn Donadlo, John Nygard, D a r - • Zurkus, Robert Dwyer, Lewis Close, tire AiTiorican Legion: P e r h a p s you and subsequent irijury to eyesight by; lyne Austin. Betty Palala; Reclta-, Valdeiiiar Giistafsbri; Pussy Cat, were Justified. But consider' this: Branford — E. C. E^iquist' using proper size lamps. it t h e .Influence ot t h e Legion were tlon, September by t h e class; Songs, Joan Llnsley, Patricia Dolan, BetMALLEABLE IRON FITTINGS COMPANY by tho class: Wooden Shoo Dance; ty Paradls, Marilyn Cox; Hey Did- t h e deciding factor In t h e proven-1 Ood Bless America; Oood-by, Eliz- dle Diddle, Yellow Bird, Pony G a l - tlon of t h e slaughter ot our young Branford, Conn. loping, Twinkle Little Star, Class; m e n , as the American Army was abeth Gumkoskl. Wo had 25 visitors during tho Rhythm Band, T r a m p T r a m p ! , the deciding factor In t h e Allied Matches, Russian Polk Tune, PoUy Victory, would n o t t h a t achieveday.' is ideal for reading and study lamps, Put t h e Kettle on. Reap t h e Flax, m e n t alone far "overshadow all of Swablan Folk Tune, Aridaiite; Di- our failures? Are ydu who are not KINDERQARTEN kitchen ceiling units, table, floor and bridge B a r b a r a now Legionnaires justified In r e The parents and friends ot Kin- rectors, Jorry Devlin, lamps. It 'costs'but 15c to buy and less m'alning out? Is it not' true, t h a t if dergarten children were Invited' to Steglna. than 1/3 of a cent an hour to use. visit schoolon'November 7th, I n The Afternoon Group presented we could secure a n o t h e r million addition to our regular work t h e a similar program: S a n d r a H e m - r()embers, we could have Just twice the'influence to keep us out of READRULESCAREfULLYI following program ot S9\igs an'd ming and Ann Sudcnia, sang Rook;EXTRA'AWARDS EVERY 1.' Wtlt« OH «n» strta «' b«i>«r. Under rhythms was present In t h e m o r n - abye Baby; Huiiipty Dumpty, J o h n war? We h a v e ' m a d e mistakes, we r*ctt»«< print ,ir writ* iilnlalr y«*** WEEK—CA$H and BRER THE CONNECTICU; naiuo Anil «<]itraM> IGHT& POWER Ca ing: God Bless Our Loving F a t h e r ; Johnson, Robert Masey, Jimmy admit them. We a r e ashamed of J. Sitnd Nt mitty r«K-|pei •« yoti wlnh, RABBIT MOLASSES but •Mouh tu «»M r w l M DM l»bi>l Salue to t h e Flag;"Qod Bless Amer- Corcoran, Edward Sopneskl; Jack theili, b u t we a r e striving to do ffom a cart uf Bnr RibbU M O U M M . • Don't mis') tliuso wroekly conica, Class; Rock a bye Baby, B.ar- and Jill, Bette Jean Larrabee, Rich- more good, and our most i m p o r t a n t ' • " " " " " Branford Review tcstsl All you do li eond In it bara Stegina, Betsy Kaehrlo, Ann art! Padzlnskl; Pumpkins are Gay, task now is to' " ^ e e p 'us ' out ' ot recipe that culls for molasses. ' ' ' '. riiilger; J a c k and' Jill, "Jean A n - Betty Ann West, Stephanie p y k u n , War." Glnitcrbread, cookies, mufjlns, thony, Jimmy FltzGerald;' lied Caryl Cudgma; Pussy Cat, Sonya 'Won't you help u s to accomplish piiUdliiitB—any rcclpii In which t V E I K L Y PRIZES Leaves, Softly, Softly, Class; Here I Bodle, Glorle BrecclaroU, Natalie t h a t task by uniting with us a n d moIa's!>es is used. BMt racip«—Sl.oe I n tath come with my Jack-o-lantern, Lupplno, Audrey Arrlngton; Diddle "Join t h e American Legion?"— 4 nfKl bMt—Ka<|t a ««n of B n r Rabbll M a l u u l A BEAUTIFUL NEW RECIPE BOOK Eleanor 'White, Barbara Donadlo, DumpUng, Bobby Williams, Bobby Robert H. Richardson, Commander, T & i four r«l|>«» winnliit l^lrij J*''*?* Agnes Dudley, Patricia Dolan, J e r - Branchlnl, Donald HoUmann J e r - Coreoran-Sundqulst Post No. 83. f R £ ? i q EVERY CO^NTESTANT \rtU IM ttUturaatliMltr •ntcivd la tha JIr«r RabW* Mtil<*ii4t Cs'tnitftMl LunfM* ry D^vlinT Jimmy FltsjOerald, Paul ome Long, Timothy Hannlford, lor tba . .- . Tho First Prize onch week U « ENDURING THE TEST OF TIME Burkhardt, Paul Rlnker; David Hogstrom; Yellow Bird, J a n T a b o r Lutheran Church every QRAND PRIZE crisp now 51.00 bill! The four of • Te«r'» iiivply ,.r flrectrlM. WlnIs Bramble, Rosalie Washington, member canvass will take place n«r mil racalta « tSH order on ItU next best each fict a can of Dror Jack-o-lantern Burns his Canor her jrocer^ur J5OT In M i l l . Uobbl^ Molashes. Kilter ottoii— dle, Pumpkins are Qay, Jack-o- K e n n e t h ponadlo, Billy Hlgley. Tho November 12th to December 21 i n you may win more tlian'onco. lantern, Columbus Day, Class; director of t h e R h y t h m B a n d was clusive. .Scrid a recipe todnyl lit » n t i i t ttoHt Oct. IS Rhythms, Mavohtne, Skipping, Bobby Williams. Sni canloit cIMii Nov. 4 Windmills, Jaek-ln-box, High step- During the two programs we h a d Mrs. Carrie Lee of Mlddlotown is SnI «anuil cIMii Nov. U 4th vonMit ciMit Ns*. I t Visiting her sister, Mrs. Eugene V. ping Horses, Heel and Tpe March; almost 50 visitors t . Raclrw* will ba Imltad for o.rUIPony. EUg-Tall Indian, Choo-Chop,| On November 2, Philip Polrler Rowley, 185 Cedar Street. nallty. prafllcalaaai and iliwit ra- Granite Bay Arrnlstice Day * Stony Creek GAD-A-BOUTS BRANFORD GIL BURNER HEADACH CHASERS The 10p-watt Mazda Since 1897 •ulti. Na aorrlai reiuriiad. AU priaawlttalat ra«lp«a Iwoima'Iha prop, art! ot tha nacksra ot llrar Habbit MolRiaoi. nectalon at tuiJtaa Mill ba tiaal. Judntti | , I l i i ' Cleoiantlita l>«ddtetord. Food Kdltor ot CArfiMoa HtnilJ. Mildred Jaliluod. Arllna Holland. I 7. NBBIRI of all winnrra. witll prlloMlitnlaft rai'lpol, wilt t>» pulillibttd l a tbla uapar. mmim Class; Baa Baa Black Sheep, Ann i transferred to our group from th^ Bulger; Mary Had a Uttle Lai\ib, kindergarten of Tattle School, East Robert Hummell, of Alps Road Joan Tobln, .Tane Mason, Dganna Haven. Betty Ann West has also en- has recovered from an illness. Luclan, 'Virginia Hopghkirk; Diddle rolled. This brings: the KlndergarDumpling, Roger Anderson, Jerry ten enrollment to 61 and unless a David, Oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. DevUn, John Blgelow, Michael vacancy occurs no additional cUU- Charles Lelmster Is now home from New Haven Hospital. BontatlbusjBumpty Dumpty, John dien may be admitted. HAVE SET A HIGHER STANDARD OP QUALITY pure one now. But, it is a s near perfect as We can possibly get It, We have those all-Important factors, freedom of the press, tree '^.^B^^'J^ltf^^^gwiyg|^M»^C5alBB speech, and t h e right to worship as J,„,^„ ,.,„ ,,„.,„„ . „ we please. England, France, a n d the S.'.FETY AND HEALTH ASSEMBLY united States (and especially the The subject of t h e assembly held United States) stand as examples of November 3, was "Safely a u d i how tine democratic government Health," Dr. Prohauka, who spoke '^'^'^ he Right noW', we sec all t h e strife to the students, W a s introduced by Miss Wfirren of t h e faculty. Alden and bloodshed In Germany. Surely, Peck of t h e freshman class was it the German people could have had their say, they would never student c h a i r m a n . Dr. Prohaska discussed accidents have asked to go through t h e long, agonizing period of war again. It Is and said t h a t accidents could h a p pen to anyone. He explained t h a t in Inconceivable t h a t the G e r m a n school t h e teachers helps us to face people would vote for war a g a i n afthe hazards ot life but outside of ter so short a time 1ms elapsed since t h e last one. school we are on our own. England and France, in a n effort The assembly was then addressed by Mr. Neetus who spoke on Hablt- to preserve t h e freedom of Poland, Formlng. Life Is made easier by have been forced to take u p arms the formation of good habits. Mr. against Germany. This action h a s Neetus then showed pictures illus been n o t only to help Poland, but trating t h e fundamentals of s a f e : ' ' ' ™ / " preserve their own democdrivlng. A live year period in Con-|'^'''^^'' Carolyn Glance, English H I A necticut shows t h a t although ac Senior High Notes I n d i a n Neck ScliQol Notes ASSEMBLY PROGRAM Thursday, Novcmber2, Grades 1,2,3 Salute to the Flag, Entire group; Song, "America", Entire group; Welcome", Peter Idleman, Ruth Roller, Sherwood Boyd; Song, 'Snow Frosting". John Sullivan, John Sokolowsky, Harriet Boutellc. Kent Rotman, Ann Olson, Thomas Rltzingor, Mary P. Jones, Janice 'Worth, J a n e t Do Barnardl. Original stories and poems, Richard Baldwin. Mary B. Jones, Richard MonglUo, Ann Olson, Lillian FerroUl. J o h n Sokolowsky. Grace Coates, J o h n Sullivan, Winifred Krcmser. Song, "Mother's Cookies", Arnold Knowlton, Ronald Devlno, John Holmes, Gloria Barba, Betty HoUman, Ann Connelly, Richard Vincent, R u t h Colbert, Lorraine Vincent, Helen Bent, Philip Worth, Paul Richardson, Knuie Hansen. Poem " A Naughty Kitten", (a safety recitation), Virginia Adams, Joan Roth, Richard Baldwin; Songs Jack Frost" and "When You Ride A Bicycle", Entire group; Closing, Peter Idleman, R u t h Roller, and Sherwood Boyd. Junior High Nptes T h o Trylou and Tctisphcrc The Trylon a n d Perlsphcre a r e tho theme center of th6 wonderful New York World's Fair, T h e Tryibn is a tall' obolLsk, W h i c h Is Uic entrance of t h e Pcrlspherc. T h e Pcrlsphorc Is a hugh round ball.' I n it is t h e "World ot Tomorrow." Thd Tryibn and Pcrlspherc a r e very Incresling objects. Many people visit them' every day. Jr. High Jean Adams helped me In my study ot Africa In geography. Henry Armstrong Jr. High BILLBOARDS Once while rldlng,ln a car I saw standing hear and far BlUboaidsl Blllboardsl everywhere '' Even on Planes In the olrl Advertising Braiid new cars Cigarettes and candy bars Telling you what to do If you're tired and feeling blue Where to live and how to diess All saying IJiey're the best. But no n a t u r e can I see With all t h e blll|)oarc!s In front of niel ' ' ' '' William Haydcn Jr. High DURBAU In geography we have been studyP E D CROSS ELECTS ing t h e Union of South Africa. One 8-1—Submitted by Leliorc Palumbo 3f t h e ports we discussed was At a recent iudollng ot ihb Jimlor Durbau.It was founded In 1831 a n d Red Cross In Junior and Sbnior named after Sir Benjamin D. High school nomliiatloiis were as Urbnnn. The business section of follows; President Alborl Tucker; the town Is situated mostly on low vice president, Joart dllll!!, sccffclary lying land n o r t h of t h e harbor, Doris May Barker;' trehsurer, Robknown a s Port Natol. Tho residenert Geler; 'dhiiU'mali'Of' publicity. tial district Is on the rouge of hills Morion Mageo.' ' " ' called t h e Bcrea. Durban exports large quanlltcs ot Coal to India ARMISTICE DAY TRIBUTE By Oga Hynovlch 7-4 ' ' bjt Adrlonno t3urhs-r8-l' To Impy, a Cat, by J a n e t Olson 7-1 This day hiy thod'ghls a r e over there ' ' ''' ' Little Calkin, playing witli the Whore our soldiers foiight and bled. windy grass. Soon your playful kitten days will Could one so humble, such as you Honor enough those gallant dead. quickly pass. Then upon some pillow or bed Could we Just send a word ot cheor t h a t once you j-ollcd, You will lie thinking over your To one whom they left to weep There In heaven those boys would little kitten days of old. hoar Soon perhaps, you too, will watch And smile in peaceful sleep. your children play And think of when you were once When eleven o'clock comes today young and gny. NOW let this be a lesson, little And the morning sun bathos tholr graves. kitten, play! While you a r c still small and can I I'll send a prayer upon Its ray And bless 'tho lives they gave. Don't sleep your time awayl Paero Throe ij 1 1 JLaurei Strpet School Notes «C';=,'WK::3MK!iTsj«awccu»0K:;ss»S3,-s TO PROMOTE CITIZENSHIP Tho pupils ot Miss Lehnert's grade fl. Laurel Street School, p r e sented talks on "Education Loading To Good Citizenship", on Visiting Day. Nancy jacocks. Chairman, ?ave a n Introduolory talk o n " a o t t Ing An Education In t h e United States", and presented pupils who dealt with Health, Safely; alid DevelophiR Personality Traits as a means to promote good cltizenfihlp. Those partlolpatlng wore; Health Thomas Calkins, Margaret Morawskl, Douglas Welch, Dorothy Kllch. Llndborg Aceto, Betty ' Hlnchoy, Rudolph Prahovlch. Safety; Ruth Harrison. Donald Stevens, Joan Norrls., Mario Pope, Eleanor Delgrego, Edward Koback, Edward Cooke, Ruth Olson, Ruth Thompson, Francis Palala, Gladys Edwards. Personality; Ernest Bernado, Charles Lake, Janice Skoma'i's, Eliza Barnes, Rose Clmlno. Betty HInchey lead tho class In singing a group ot songs. I i . I l l PI- farmer killed the poor turkey a n d t h a t was the last ot the Puffed Up Turkey." Anna Laird Gr. 5 Snowball Snowball Is a big police dog. Wo got him from the Yale Store. He broke a window because ho didn't like living In a store. IIo Is a good watch dos. lie plays with me and follows mo aroimd. I am never afraid of nnylhlng when ho is with me. He Is very oiilet and never barks except for some good reason. I think my dog Is about the best friend I have. Ervin Barker, Gr, 5 Harbor Street School Notes Program held by Grade 1, Miss Anna Hlgglns, loaehor.| DEMOCRACY Salute to the Flag, School, Song, In tliese trouble times of conflict America, School, Playlet, HelpfulAmerica's greatest gift is h e r demoness, Tho Reward, characters, Aucracy. Our problem Is how to stay a Unnn, Jean Erickson; Birds, Bobby democracy, b\it first Wo must know Nyholt, Frances PaproskI, Helen what a democracy is. A democracy IColowslcl, Alio Forsmah, Panla Klcis a govenment by t h e people who zynskl, Walter Dennlson, David are governed. Welch, Salvatorc Saturno, Richard OBSERVE EDUCATION WEEK I think t h e first thing we should Tliose taking pari In the obser- MlHor, Richard Hngslrom, Pagquale do is to take George Washington Dohotrlo; Blue Bird, Betty a o r d o i i ; vance of American Ed\icaUon Week, advice and stay out of European Miss Pelela's room. Grade t> wero; Robin, Rose Giordano; Maple Treo, The Rose troubles. We know t h a t this Is Katherino Molesko, Joanne Cur- J a n e Brazeau; lillm '^'roo, J o h n sound advice from experience In . The rose is red as red can bo, lona, Mildred Merryman, A, A. Mbrigll'lo; Chestnut Tree, Llcla I asked the rose, "Arc you for 1017. If instead of getting Into Milne, Ella Hlgglnson, Anna Laird, Oli^lllo; Cedar Tree; EUgehla ZafmeV" European troubles we use this opBarbara Opjiel, Elaine Levy, Kon- no; Jack Frost, David Vukslnls; The rose said, "I am on this bush portunity to improve our democracy noth Wall, Lazarus Anastaselou, North Wind, James Andrews; ,Song, tor you." we will be much better off. If we DEMOCRACY ' ' • Norma Bricclarlll, Mary Palala, Little Words,'school. ' • ' I hojic you win like me, too." A democracy is a form ot govern- use this time to Improve living conRobert Lake, Florence Ghlroll, T c s Grace Coates, Gr 3 A Safety Riddle,' Rose Giordano; m e n t which is governed by elected ditions and make a stronger goverale Nalmo, Cloo Carter. A Satety Dialogue, J o h n MonglUo, representatives of the people, and ment for bur people we really will ,Tean Erickson;' T h e Story ot t h e The Leaves • t h e people themselves have a voice be doing something worth' while. ARMISTICE DAY OBSEHVED Pllgrlnis; Betty Gordon, J a n e B r a In Autumn the leaves change InOur democracy is the nearest to a in political affairs. Lam-el Street School will observe zeau, James Andrews, Rose Qlor^ real democracy in t h e world but it to m a n y beautiful colors. After a The United States Is a democracy. Armistice Day on Friday, Novem- dnno, David Vukslnic, Eugenia Z a t can still be bettered. It all ot us while they fall to t h e ground. Then We want to keen it as such. This Is ber 10th, at l;00 o'clock. Songs, p o - no; Song, The' pumpkhi, SchoAlj' young and old, stand together with Jack Frost comes along and paints MORE EXCUSES CHILDREN CAN submitted by 'Wm. Haydcn, 8-3 difficult when f e are surrounded, them a frosty white. Carol McCarthy has boon oloclod ems, and readings appropriate to Poems, Time to Rise, School; Whole by fascist, communist, and social-1 ^^^ ' ^ ^ ^ ° ' making democracy in USE I F THEY DON'T DO THEIR J o h n Sokolowsky, Gr. 3 a ropresonlatlvo to t h e Junior Rod tho occasion will be conduoled In Duty of Children, School; God ist governments. I believe t h a t when i "^•=^<' United States'better a n d surer HOMEWORK Bless America, School. Cross. T h a t makos two reproson each of the rooms. cliildren ot the United States first ^or t h e people we will be too busy In 1. My page was torn. The Pretty Leaves tatlves from 8-3. s t a r t to school, they should bo ^ ' ' s e United States to ae bothered 2.1 left my book at t h e library. All t h e leaves are turning yellow, AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK The eighth grade hos new science t a u g h t to have t h e true "spirit of with any outside troubles' which brown a n d orange. As you look from 3. I h a d to take my music lesson Program for GradoO, Laurel HIGHLY PRAISED FOR democracy," and learn to love it so v/ould be able to harm or Injure In tree to tree you can tell it is Au and when I got homo It was to late hooks now. They arc called "Undor.standing Our World," by Franklin Street, Mary K. ReaJan, Program t h a t it will become li p a r t of them, any way oUr democratic govern tumn because ot the beautitully to do It. ii, . leader, Rose Mario Morglllo. B. Carroll. and they will never want to live ment. 4. I forgot. colored leaves. I hope the winter A.s far as I can soo all tho rooms ' Tho.so taking part wero; Emily • R i t a Peck does n o t come too soon because the under any other form of govern5.1 wont to a party. Nygard, Elalno'Bedard, Evelyn Denhave now American Flags. Junior trees are so pretty. ment. 0. My mother wasn't home, so T h e buzzer in Mr. Beaton's room nlson, Jerome' ' Garrlty, Marlon I t Is probably the lack of demoshe couldn't help nie. * J o h n Sullivan, Gr. 3 h a s lost Its buzz. I t Is so soft you Klockars, B a r b a r a Sclarlnl, Lutlna cratic ideas in t h e people t h a t h a s My Favorite Sliort Story 7. I forgot my pen. Riip«rliv. a IrMiuimloui lujvaneii Van Wllgen, Dorothy Mlhallch, Immanatfl), can hardly hear It. caused democracy to fall In other ot.or mr,r«-«nflnnry ruiticJUa' The story I'enjoyed most was "To 8.1 had to rake up tho leaves. Autumn Leaves wayl Diwttir, Dewey Ghlroll, Mary Gordon, Ray countries. Perhaps it is because of Build a Fire" by Jack Lohdon. Spend 45' ewTli today at any Hood data 0. I lost my pencil. Jack Frost paints the leaves yelmond Bond, Stephen Hanchuruck, storo 8-4 tof n boUlo of Bucklfv'n CANADtoC t h e lack o f ' t h i s knowledge t h a t The reader picture a ' v e r y cold low, orange, and brown. Boys and 10.1 had to listen to a radio p r o Mixturs (Irlpitt i r t l n i ) , by fur tho lorsest Those with perfect attondanco Wollcr Smith, Billy HInchey, Viola tolling cougti modicino—fof these countries are at war. ewiRtii duo to day a n d ' a m a n trying to reach girls like to play in t h e leaves. Some gram. for tho month of October a r e ; Rutli Kopjanskl, Mildred Loban, Robert coldi or bronchial IrrllaUoni—In all v*ir\\ry In t h e United States we enjoy the camp before lie freezes to d e a t h . He times they see squirrels In the trees, Canmla, Takw-a -eowpla ot dol9t—'tp«1\ U»_^-i" — By Jean Adams, 7-1 Petersoii, Dorothy Corcoran,^ Betty : Barbu, Melon Clgleh, lioso Bqvnldl, quick, powerlut, punyant action .ipraad rights of "lite; liberty, and t h e p u r - knows t h a f ' l i l s numb face' "art'd Tlie boys a n d girls like to watch the Inru throat, tiaad and bronchial tubau'lt' suit of happiness," and "freedom of h a n d s are slowly f r e e z i n g ' b u t : he squirrels as they play among the 8-3 submitted 'by William J^ayden HInkley, Angelina Bandazie; Ohar-' ,E!ohnor'Pai*dzln3kl, 'pbrotjiy M a t - acta at enca to looian U|> ho'ws, John Knnpp, l i a t h r y n Cos- thick,tiulckly—Itarit choking phlagm, aoofha raw momlotto Santbs,Mario Gnldenzl, Kenspeech, freedom of worship, and continues his journey undaunted by pretty Autumn leaves. Some of you have probably soon branaj—mako . brnathlnf qailar. ;Contaln# Orulhers, grove, Claire Storms," lilolvln Blgb- no freedom ot t h e press." Let us hope this new terror. Then disaster over lutar lo can ba uied by dlabollci. Mary B. Jones, Gr. 3 In t h e paiDcr t h a t t h e New York n e t h . Newton, Prank Ibw, Peoiia CIrlllo, Kenneth Bray, Joan Nortlmm, t h a t our country will always remain shadows t h e m a n ! The Ice breaks •ucKlay'a CANADIOL. tvllKture now oo : children have .spoiled a great deal sal* and modq In America—acta Ilk* * Claire Poulton, Mildred Cutler. a democracy. flath on couBhi du* to coldf or bron*iital under his weight and now h i s teet Dr. D a n a Blanchard is building a of the World's Fair by carving and THE PtJFFED UP TURKEY Irrllatloni. Cot Ilucklay'i CAI^ADIOL MixFriday will be Visiting Day.' Alice Collins, are wet and cold. He must build a tv/o car garage next to Ills liome. painting their Initials on everyI t was near Thanksgiving. J o h n ture today. CNor 10 tnilllon bolt)ea sold. The class Is having a photograph tire. While doing this his h a n d s bething. You would no doubt think Branftnil Drug Co. contest on Friday. T h e committee was very hapiiy fur ho would go to DEMOCRACY come so stiff t h a t now h e c a n h a r d The Mrs. Nettie Footc house, 53 t h a t woiddn't h a p p e n . i i i our town in charge is I d a Euzzlne, Gloria .see grandmothor whom he didn't ;asl Huvnii Aitl,, Molcalf Drug Store In my opinion, democracy Ls the ly clutch t h e firewood. Without Montowcse Street is liaving a new but a look at some benches and see very oflen. J o h n walled p a t i e n t finest form of government there is warning, snow falls ' from a " tree roofing Job and minor repair work poles would change your mind. I Acoto, Jean Northam. ly until Thanksgiving D a y . T h a n k s - BhorthaniJ, 'fypewrltlng, BooliCertainly, every country should overhead a n d comiiletely ^. ^ smothers done. personally think 'the person who giving mdrtilng ho was so excited Itettping, Accountlnu, Bu»lni\33 submitted by May Llndberg, 7-2 .'J^.y^io^ eovernmejit In which the the f f e . Panic striken the m a n trios destroys and u^es public property Dlctkphorie,' t h a t h e could hardly eat any broak- Administration, Doniild Tigney iuis been absent people's representatives have a wrongly should be tarred a n d COLLEGE IlECEl'TIGN Comptometer,'Day and Evening fa.st. Finally they wore on the way for some time due to asthma. Wo share in helping to make t h e laws. T h e n , h e remembers how a man The Springfield Alumni Assocl feathered. Besnlons. Co-education.il. Enter hope h e will be well a n d In school and soon reached grandmothers. How can one m a n know all the once saved himself by crawling into ation for the State of Connecticut at any llrne. After they h a d oaten a good soon. needs of his people. They must The warm skin of a wolf. T h e n e a r - is sponsoring a Reception and Tea Armistice Program dinner, John asked grandfather to Thereae BorzlUo Is well now and have representatives to bring their ly-frozen m a n tries to kill his dog in lionor ot Mr. and Mrs. Ralpli I, STONE COLLEaE 1. Todays program will bo given ' - ' toll him a story. Orandfatlier said, needs to light. taut his mumb, senseless h a n d s are Cheney of Greece, to be held in the by Room 212 assisted by the Verse Is a regular attendant. 129 Terapla St., N<rw I l a r c o Last week we were not able to "How would you like to lioar the All of us have, a t one time or a n - useless. He pulls on his mittens, New Haven Y M C A Sunday, Nov- Choir. story ot the Puffed Up Turkey?" other, studied American History. Let rises from t h e ground, a n d begins ember 12 a t 3:00 p. m. Our opening number will be the have our class meeting. Everyone I "OhI" cried John, "Please tell I t , t o us therefore think, tor instance, of to r u n hoping to reach c a m p but Littell R. Stone of the Stone Col- first and last verses ot "The Star think was rather disappointed. me." "All right," said Grandfather, GOSSIP COLUMN our own problems in the years 1760 knowing in his heart t h a t he never lege and President of the New Ha- Spangled Banner" followed by t h e "I'll tell you tho story:" Then j submitted by Norma Du Bols 1776. We h a d no representatives in will. Suddenly he stumbles a n d falls ven Chapter will preside. Mr. Chen- Flag Salute. grandfather began. parliment, therefore laws and acts on t h e ground. His numb limbs will ey win speak on the International 2. Carrol Davis will read the DO YOU KNOW WHY; Home Owned b|/ ' were continually being passed which not permit him to rise and he .situation and all members of the Governor's Proclamation. "Once upon a time there was a Margaret Craig h a s such black crippled us more and more. STANLEY C. TOLMAN turkey who thought he was tho knows t h a t death is near. The dying Alumni a r e most cordially invited 3. A selection by Robert Adams, hair? Evelyn Morris' hair is so long she greatest creature on earth, He was Democracy, a s everyone knows, man feels sleepy and is thankful and urged to attend this meeting. FISHING EQUIPMENT 4. A selection by Eleanor Noblle very proud and always puffed h i m is a government by the people. Ev- t h a t death will be so painless. The OAUbEN TOOLS 5. T h e school will now sing t h e sits on It? . en our democracy is n o t wholly a night passes a n d the dog watts in Janice Baldwin Is so very, very self up. T h a t was why everyone A»TO BUPPLIEa ' Miss Mary J a n e Sanders Council- flnst a n d last verses ot "America tlie called him the puffed-Up-Turkoy. tall? vain for his master to build a fire. lor ot t h e class' of 1912, Whcaton Beautiful". BIOYOLES, KADI08 Katherlne Connelly Is so u n a t - One day the farmer said. "It's nen'He advances toward the still form College returned to t h e college for PAINT, Etc. 0. Selections by The Verse Choir. Thanksgiving time and I think I'll tached to Donald Hlgney? and now he knows v/hy—his master week end activities. 7. T h e school will now sing "Ood 270 Main St. Branford WHEN IN NEED OF Vincent Ghlroll is so unpopular have .Turkey for my Thanksgiving Is dead. Bless America." Tsl. 733 dinner." So t h e next day, tho on the football field? WALLPAPER Doris Polastrl He was so regular, so the same. It 8. Our next number will be or PAINT Sophomore was just like a half a million other Pageant tor ArmLsllce Day. During submitted by Olive Barker, 7-4 the scene when the Lords Prayer VISIT people would do on a golden vifeddCeno Nardella h a s turned over a My Favorite Fiction People ing. Not too rich and yet rich is Is said all members of the school UNITED WALL PAPER new leaf and h a s decided to e a t Good authors make their charac- something better t h a n gold—happi- are asked to bow their heads and CO. peaches In.stead of gum. unite in saying the prayer. ters live in your imagaration. Here ness. We are going to have a hobby 93 Cro-wn St.. New H a v e n Q. We .shall close with all singing are six t h a t will never die In mine. "There is one Among my favorite .show In our room Thursday. Olive "We Save You Money" Maudle. t h a t loveable, world fiction characters whom I don't like the first a n d last verses ot Barker and Doris Skroza are going learned girl whose adventures and Mr. Charles Frockley. I am quite "America" Lenore Palumbo Jr. High to have charge. wit have brought happiness with siire Pirandello m e a n t his readers Sword Fish — Mackeral —'Salmon — Flats — Fillets her always. Maudie is a typical girl, to have this impression one word BOOK REPORT Halibut — Haddock —- Cod — Lobsters — Clams she likes t h e boys, she isn't always can describe Prockly "snig". I t Is a I have Just finished a book called loyal to h e r own'sex and s h e loves slang expression meaning one who FEEE DELIVERY to have a good time. Maudle is an thinks he cannot do wrong. The r e a - The Flying Carpet. I t was written Telephone 1386 Sliort Beaoh expert on t h e subject of love and son h e is a favorite of mine is t h a t by Richard Halliburton. The scene of the p a r t I am repother authors have made her loved by he is made up of the same ingredIng on Is laid In Venice. The time Is all her readers: For Maudie Is the ients of some people I knovi FLAT WORK girl who v/omen want to t h i n k was Earnest, of Hawthorne's "Great around 1000. a picture of them when they were Stone," is one of the greatest people One of the p a r t s I liked best was The following Armistice and WET WASH belles; a n d who girls want to think in fiction I know Hawthorne where Halliburton a n d Whoopee Thanksgiving program was given by they will b e ' like w h e n they are brough out the soul of this boy. tried to swim t h e Grand Canal. T h e Grade 2, Katherlne O'Brien, teacher BOFT DRY belles also. Words cannot tell t h e magnifi- race started a t t h e railroad stotlon Arnerlca, Flag Salute; Story of Ann Fitzgerald; P. G. Wodehouse's Jeeves is a cent characterization. I shall always and ended a t a bridge two and one Thanksgiving, character t h a t h a s brought so many remenber Earne.st for as Hawthorne half miles away. They dove In, clad Song,, God gave Us Dear' Arnerlca; correctly only in their under pants. T h e Song, Let us tell again t h e story; amusing plots to help us be gay for said (if I remenber a minute, he will s t a y ' a s long as "Every day he lived the world was a people gathered, to witness t h e Poem, Peace, Richard Brewer, B a r Furniture Draperies FINISHSID WORK spectacle. They swam quite a ways bara Rodman, Betty Ann Rogers, better place because of it. humor Is in this world. Bedding Rugs. I have given six story people. They before they were sighted by two Walter Rose, Walter KaczlnskI, P a Frisky little Ump in " A s a Dog BACHELOR SERVICE should" captures the heart'of every are my choice. They will be my poUcemen. They dived In and tried tricia Kennedy; Song, America t h e Ranges Radios reader. Dog stories carry with them friends and comrads in forth comm- to catch Halliburton a n d Whoopee. Beautiful; Song, When t h e moon Is Electrical Appliances' a sort ot misty magic which makes Ing yeans. Others will join. them. To see what happened after t h a t rising high; Poem, Thanksgiving; Song, Bonfire Burning bright; Song you' love t h e heroic creatures in They help me to forget for a while you win have to read t h e book. leading characters a r e Come little leaves; Poem, Olr Flag, them. Ump risked his life for his and enable me to escape. People are | The Tel. 872-2 — 572-3 always wanting to escape from Richard Halliburton and Npye Alice Prokovlch; Song, When you're master "as a clog should." watching a parade; Poem, There I Stephens. 'No one holds sucli a tender place something. B. W, Holson, Pro^. Beryl Sullivan I like the book because It was ex- are many fiags; Song, F a t h e r wo in my h e a r t a s the father telling t h e Elm Street New Haven t Sophomor Class citing a n d t h e p a r t about Africa h a n k Thee; story of t h e "Golden Honeyinoon Corner Orange cldonts have Increased t h e loss ot lite h a s decreased. Cooperation of schools and safety-minded individuals helps because many students today learn t h e principles of safety which adults never had t h e opportunity to learn. The students ot Branford High are grateful tor t h e Interest taken in us by our faculty and Dr. Prohaska a n d Mr. Neetus in providing this timely assembly. I a m sure t h a t we drivers and future drivers will be mindful ot these safety facts and good habits. Paul J. Birbarie, Senior ERONGHmL COUGHS! M. D. STANLE'y FRESH F!SH BRANFORD Caeoe Broiok School Notes Complete Home Furnishers BULLARD'S M"' m H . ; ^ W « - t - % i ^ J S t q | f - ^ . . ^ » , U ^ 4.-)*••*-*--» • • • - ^ m , «-»-H»*l-*,- f-i Page Four THE BRANPORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1939 THE BUANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1939 t m¥'v^mf^^^^^^m t^{]t IBraiifflrJj KfuUw EntabUiiliHI U U riiklMic4 JCnrf T t i a n t a ; M Hrmntnfil, C M H I . by : \ I I t lenders in business wcro tied d o w n 1,0 non-floxihle rules, there could 1)0 no improvement, Tho spirit of a d v a n c e m e n t would b e lacking. A TIMELY REMINDER All In The Day's Work i^VifW'TwVf »¥W FROP^ OUR READERS •J ?& Editor Branford Review, scramble by all the men trying to Dear Sir: find the pieces t h a t fit Into their Enclose six m o n t h s renewal of the nightshirts. They had torn them in nm taAKFORH RKvirw, inc. Through t h e nge.i people w)io home paper—Lssuo of October 10, >7 Rono SlToet the wire fences and bushes chasing received yesterday seems unusually have been g r o u n d down u n d e r n OANGKllorS AND DEGRADING full ot Interest In local Items, build- this critter. Burt said ho didn't betyrant, s t r u g g l e d to scouro freeADVUIITISING ing activities and school notes. The lieve there was a perfect m a n ' s inrntR tistnxn PUUMIM ftUCE T. P m t n a o N B<Ute. dom, And w h e n freedom was seI mean some of the advcrlLilng two latter Items are a valuable fea- nightshirt on Brushy Plain. Also the cured, there was rapid advanceh a t Is now coming over t h e radio, ture of interest to former residents. r e m n e n t of what was left wouldn't Am I dreaming? to read, an In- dust a fiddle. ment and r i s i n g living stnnu'irds. t is undoubtedly dangerous to life Tahjiikniio Braafard tVt teresting article on chemistry writBut t h e old m o m m a s had on t h e BiibscrlpUon Rat*; •,nd health. I have in mind some of The United Slates hM iicen the ten by a curly headed little shrimp old white Victorian reglan with an tS.OO a Tear, PA/&hla tn Advano- greatest example of this ' a n d is ho nostrums t h a t are certain of who seemed "knee-high to a gras.'; Inch and a half hem basted around IdVOT-tlslng Rntes, On ApplkaUai then contain large a m o u n t s of hopper." How I'd like t o see htm the lower edge and slightly frazzled. proof t h a t freedom is a synonym '.celanllld, an extremely dangerous now, and all the dear family re- They all carried flat-irons. for incentive aiul inHpiration. Iriig inilcss used by a .skilled phy- maining. I asked Officer Ililg w h a t In M«mh<ir Of Music d e m a n d s froo expression. M. C thunder kind of a critter this was. Ntw EnxUail PreiiK AsmdtottuB lelnn. Undoubtedly these remedies BnsincsH, like nnisio, cannot thrive Florida He described It like this, about vlll cure paln-dcad folks are not twenty foot long with six legs on a Dnterod i\ii ,t«eend elam m<iUM on a code of roslriction. aipposed to suffer any pain. RAID OP THE GLAWACKUS ON side, while one eye was green and Oolober 18, 1KB, at tha Post Officv We have rfiost stringent laws t'other red. Positively there was no ftt nj'antorrl, Oonn^ undar Aa4 s BRUSH PLAIN iboul unauthorized people practicMarsh 1, IIIBT. tall light. I t was also enveloped In ing medicine, and this Is a great By the Baron a kind of vapor and looked as If he .protection against quack doctors. had steam up, because every time 3 u t now we are allowing anyone to I have read with much Interest In Thursday, November 0, 1930 he would put his foot down In the urge people to go to the store and the daily papers ot t h a t my.stcrlous snow a cloud of smoke would come lurchasc any sort of drug t h a t they and .supposed Prehistoric Mammel up from It's feet. With all t h e men do not understand at all on the called Qlawaekus of Glasonbury as and Police after this strange bozo BABES UNARMED By JAMKS PRESTON promise t h a t It will cure some around t h a t p a r t of .the s t a t e where It got av/ay and went craishlng I • I II i i r i i r i i ' . • • • • « * . * * > **••' ;roublo. This Is a dangerous practice. folks locked them.solves In their througlrt the woods towards Col. Tho American people want If there Is no law to prevent It, then homes and listened day and night J o h n Coolac's of t h e Todds HIU there .should be one. standing guard in tear of It appearpottco unci HO docs hnsincss. The Rough Riders. For h a r d and realistic descripAnd some of this radio advertis- ance. Being of tlie h e - m a n type us toy manufaolurcrH of Iho U.S.A. tions ot w h a t somothlnt' really After the excitement h a d died ing Is degrading and demoralizing. Cedar Street men gave It only a GIVE THANKS nrfi d o i n g their part, for less than means It's usually a good Idea to It promises people some great r e . pafsslng thought b u t my experience down t h e police began to take Ingo to tho dictionary or encyclopedventory ot the damage done on t h e Thiinksgiviiig iipprouches a g a i n tliis .vcar, and on thi.s occasion ward for practically nothing, or later h a s t a u g h t me one thing, not ono porconl of ChristniaH playdla. Tho dcrinltlons contained there tin! presence (it war abroad m a k e s more i m p o r t a n t tlum over o u r very little. I t Is the old play on the to be .'50 cooky. plain. According to the survey this things will bo war-like. Thm slunvt In may not be very poetic, b u t they Mooting a gentleman from Glas critter came down Lydla's knocked American habited' pausing for a d a y a n d c o u n t i n g our lilcssings. Eveir gambling ln.stlnct, one of t h e strongest In h u m a n and one t h a t onbiiry he said this scare was n o down two flag poles in front o t t h e dlfCeropco between; fooling to- give a real picture ot the hard tacts. tlie dill'cronee of opinion this y e a r e o n c e r n i n g ' t h e date on wliicli t h e Here's the definition of war conhistory shows to be one of the most- Joke. I n t h e first place it seemed to Donadlo Castle, ate two h a m s off d a y Olid in ]!)]<1-18, w h e n 25 per- tained In the encyclopedia; event will be celebrated points t o s o m e t h i n g ' A m e r i c a n for -wliicli wc dEStru"ct"lvc to moral character. I t have a desire for anything fat. This Stent's pigs and drank one tub of cent'bl! American toys were of a "Tho (ict of war consKstsln the ought Id be thaiilitui—the democratic r i g h t to disagree a b o u t nmtter.s Is the hone of getting something started me thinking a n d putting water and fifteen gallons of milk tor nothing. Hero are a tew lllustra. two a n d two together. I figured out and eight gallons of gasoline of Joe mililfiry n a t u r e . Tn Unropo 50 per- destruction of men's bodies and the involving lis siilely :is individuals. work of their hands." tlon.s. "Vote tor your favorite piano the reason everyone was trying to Zwlaiilid. Ate 1 feather bed a n d four W h a t , ill Kill!), are some ot the tilings tor which wo onglit to bo cent of Saiila'H paelt will ho given More and more, as reports from player. I t will not cost you one cent, reduce around town. So down town pounds of h a r d soap ot Ales Struzt h a n k f u l ? Surely it is w o r t h w h i l e to pause in w h a t e v e r wc a r e d o i n g over to nniformcd dolls and small all over t)io world come pouring Inand If your favorite wins he will the other day I noticed Mr. Mason inski, one and a h a l t barrels to at the m o m e n t and. list some ot the reasons wc arc glad t h a t we a r e get enough "Consolidated Fine Cut of the Rassman firm now cats all wood ashes and throe turkeys of Joe mechanized armies, b u t American to Washington, experts are being made to rcallzo the destructive ot- Americans. Whisk Broom Food t o last t h e outer leaves of t h e cabbage a n d Meglln's. Last of all I t knocked toys-deal willi peaceful arts, sei- fcot of war, either directly or indirW c Hlmiild be thankful, most ot all, for two precious heritages his family until t h e day of lettuce also roots off the turnips down twenty feet of stone wall In eiiccf! and indnslric!. T o y l a n d ' s ectly, to the "work ot men's h a n d s " our torcfathers gave iis, heritages tliat it is w(H-th o v c r y t b i n g in the Judgement. Now If you w a n t to do and tators. Fred Allen liv'es on front of the Ryer's Homestead. to the Industry and enterprise Seeing tho havoc wrought by this leading tllenic t h i s ' y e a r is trans, , « , ' ,„, , ,. , , , ,. r ' , this player a favor just h u r r y up, cracked lee. Dan Daly on falling t h a t In time ot peace arc devoted to for this contest Is limited. All you petals t h a t fall off the flowers on raid we should suggest t h a t the portation, a n d ,1„ i r . Connors, making tho material lite ot people world tor us to preserve, these two l u n d a m e n t a l s arc trcedoni a n d have to do Is to go to the store and his desk. This h a s m a d e Win Mor- Selectman put a guard a r o u n d the o p p o r t u n i t y . They arc characteristic ot America in a m a n n e r and dc^ buy a package, cut out t h e coupon, gan feel bably because he alnt fat town hall because If the Glawackus Goodrich vice-president, estimates happier and more comfortable. grec not matched in a n y other l a n d . fill It In and mall It. T h a t Is all you nother. This condition, my friends, should make a raid on t h a t Institut h a t 100,000,000 tiny molded tires The first observation naturally AVo should be thankful, in a world at war, Unit we a r e at peace do. And you c a n vote just as many was brought on i n t e a r of the d r e a - tion we would never be able to deswill bo used for toy aiitos, trnclcH, made by economists on this subject cribe t h e scene. witli all nations, and t h a t there exists in this c n u n t r j ' a public will to times as you wish, and every mem- ded Gawackus. Also a warning to Pine Orchard pianos and—newest a t all—thou- Is t h a t war expenditures Ecnerally peace. W e should be grateful for our system n t r e p r e s e n t a t i v e dcmoc- ber of the family also" Of course the Now It came to pass In t h e year of are not w h a t Is called "productive." catch In It Is obvious, except for a 1939 A.D. t h a t I was asked to go fox a n d Indian Neck for it's taste m a y siinda of small (motors, sonio of raey, wliich g u a r a n t e e s the t a c t t h a t tins pvdilic will to pence will bo To put It another way, money few poor people who were born h u n t i n g with Buet Taylor, a most not always run to fat. , which come in sets complete with t h a t goes Into an explosive shell heeded. blind. They deserve to lose their particular friend of mine. I told P.S. I would for Senator Enqulst t o does not produce anything. Instead AVe should be thankful for the high s t a n d a r d ot living this coun- postage stamp. Or there m a y be a him I never cared to go hunting. use his influence with the legislaplows, planters, stireiidcrs, mowIt destroys n o t only lite but other try possesses; foi* the fact t h a t its real wealth, whicli is nteasured in great prize and a lot ot lesser ones This sitting behind a bush with a tor to set aside part ot Rogers Street ers and oven disc; harrows. Anoth- things which al.so cost money. terms ot automohilcs a n d r a d i o s and the material objects t h a t all tor anyone who will write some very gun waiting until some little fox as a Game Preserve for this strange , A tractor, for example. Is produc simple t h i n g t h a t looks.so easy t h a t camo by so.that I could shoot it v/as, cr.eature. If and when it is caught. or modern popular item is radio tlvo if It Is used to plow ond p l a n t Americans can use and enjoy, is more Avidely distributed J J u m i s t h a t sonnd o/Tnets set t o roprodnco a farin. Tho food It produce's goes of liny o t h e r nation. We slinuld bo even more thankful t h a t the system It seems impossible to lose. But In no fun for m e . "But", said B u r t I Tom G a r d i n e r order to enter the contest you must noiscj of galloping horses, rain, to the general benefit. But If the u n d e r wliicb we live is designed to raise those s t a n d a r d s oven higlier buy a package of this wonderful have a new way to make this fox hunting more pleasant. I was up in product called "The Ne Plus Ultra Main last summer and I m e t an old Arc und such w \ l h anthcntio mi- tractor Is covered with armor plate in llie future. and turned Into a tank. It becomes W h i l e otlier nations arc a t w a r , or r e m a i n precarious n e u t r a l s Bread" made from the leaves ot Indian and this Is w h a t be told me. cvophono to«hni(pic. . a destructive rather than a conSkunk Cabbage, Jimson Weed, Cat. It was an old secret of his, If you with armies poised on their b o r d e r s , wc in America look, forward to a structive weapon. nip and Rag Weed. "Just serve this don't believe mo a.sk Postmaster future g r o w i n g before our eyes in the lalioriitories of i n d u s t r y , wbern Thus the present war like all o t h delicious bread to your friends and Drlscoll and Arthur Merrill because ers Is proving 0 serious drain upon new p r o d u c t s and new services a r c being developed t h a t will m e a n they will love you forever, and send BUSINESS they were with me, by tying asafi MEDITATION every nation. I t would appear t h a t more j o b s a n d i)ayrolls. tlov/ers to your funeral (hoping t h a t tide on a dogs tall as h e h u n t s t h r u . ,^ Original, by Louise Lomarlra most Amorlcons now realize t h a t B u t we must not merely be thankful. This o p p o r t u n i t y is also a n "the d'ay'"may soon "aTrlv'e) t h e woods h e wags his tall a n d Repeal last week by Congress of without, perhaps, having, p u t It i n obligation. T h a t obligation lies in our m a k i n g every ell'o'A to use I b o ] We have to listen to such things leaves a trail of a r o m a from t h e So often when I'm all alone ' tho embargo to w a r r i n g nations to those words. Certainly Industry, a d v a n t a g e s wc have hero to the utmost—not to lie taiiitheartcd, not to O" ' h e radio in order to get chance asafltlde. The fox smell this and as ou munitions and a r m s will give, as Its alttltude Is reflected through neglect the opimrtnnities t h a t exist here, n o t to abuse t h e f , . c e d o m I ' ° ' ' ' ' ^ ' ' ^ ° ' " ' ^ " ^ ' " S t h a t we really are they have a weakness for this they My thoughts do chance to stray To t h e lands across t h e ocean o t course, trcmpndo'us impetus to the recent anti-war declaration ot , , I Interested In. But I strongly advise follow the trail. You set behind a Wnere injustice seem to lay. tho National Association of M a n u •(\c a i b grameci. ^ I my friends and neighbors to l e t bush, as they come by, bang! a n d tho aviation ind,nstry. As many as facturers realizes It. American m a n 1 hus i hanksgiving tins y e a r o u g h t a t once to be a d a y in wbicb these dangerous and degradlni there lies the fox. ( t h a t Is If you '7,800 pbmos m a j ' b e b o u g h t by ufacturers would a lot rather sell Wher(> treaties have no meaning wo c m m t our blessings, and ono. on wbieli we remcnibcr t h e respwnsi- things alone. kill h i m ) . Franco and Unglaud, a nmnboi ploys t h a n swords, for plows proBroken !is the hearts of men For ages someone h a s tried to bilities ( h a t arc ours. But where do we get t h e huntin amounting to nearly 50, per c e n t of duce goods which a former can sell Men who kill t h e other discover the secret of perpetual mo all tlio planes over built in tbis for money with which to buy more tlon, and how to lift one's self by dog? T h a t put m e to thinking. Then Be it relative or friend. a thought c a m e . A r t h u r Bradley's one's boot straps, and how to get oounl,r,v. Allied purchases a r c ox plows. Eattlcfields just drenched with AN IMPORTANT D I S T I N O T I O K ' something for nothing. So far no dog. H a ! Ha! So Burt and I rubbed pootod to cover a wide range of some asafltlde on ourselves and blood Confidential reports which have one has succeeded. other pr()du(J4,|,''^'too, including just reached Washington tell a went WHford Avenue. Soon wo T h e wounded and t h e dead. The recent indictment of (be nominal head o t tho American E. C. C. h e a r d a bark. You see when t h e motor trucks aHij.h)6toreyeles,nia. tragic story about the cost of war Communist P a r t y , Hart t i r o w d e r , turns t h e spotlight, upon tlie ConHelpless cripples left alone smell of t h a t asafltlde got mes.sin; Babies to be fed. ohaino tools, field ranges, oxplo to tiny, neutral Switzerland. t r a s t between two w a y s nt life and two habits of tliimgbt. IN TIME OF WAU around on t h e air t h e dogs Just Perohod high In tho Alps a n d facsives, surgical instruments, hospiTho c u r r e n t Issue ot the Union U r o w d o r lias bi-cn indicted tor travelling to iMdse.ow on forged couldn't resist it's calling. Well we paragraphs Subs being sunk by the minute tal supplies, searchlights, g a s ing belligerent on two sides, the passports, an act wliieb lie f r a n k l y a d m i t t e d in s w o r n t c s t i m n n y be- Signal quotes several had our dog a n d away we started. Swiss are well aware t h a t their torAh! m a n y an Innocent soul masks, pontoon equipment, water- tile plateau and valley lands offer toro the Dies (i'cnniiiitlce a sliort time ago. Now lie is a b o u t to stiiiil from a strong s t a t e m e n t Issued by But first I m u s t tell you it is aga the World's Council of Churches Goaded to an unmerciful death purifying units, ambulances, tents, one ot the best strategic military trial, protected by all the C o n s t i t u t i o n a l r i g h t s t h a t giuirantce Inst the law t o sell this drug uiy I which is being circulated among t h e As only survivors have told saddles, telephones and radio routes around the Mnglnot Line and citizen o t t l i i s c o u n t r y , no m a t t e r how heinous his crime,,a fair h e a r i n g . ' e h u r c h e s ot G r e a t Britain. Space so I hope you wont say anything about It, I sneaked into the drug compasses. B u t : n o t all liusino.ss- the Siegfried West Wall. To avoid All Europe's In a turmoil P i c t u r e a similar situation if it had o c c u r r e d u n d e r one of tbe'P'^™"^^ °"'y °- ^^^ excerpts from a store. My good friend J o h n Connelmpii must l()olt for'.soaring pros- offending any nation, and thus , I 1- , ' . ! , .• I , • , , . , 1 very heloful s t a t e m e n t of the Chris ly let m e have two pounds of It, The Statemen have gone m a d ottering a n excuse for Invasion, they Not calm enough to reason perity, tor the word from London have made neutrality almost a re sy,steiiis u n d e r which these protections do n o t exist, a n d t o w a r d s j,j,„ ^^tr^^,^. ^^^^^.^ ^^^^^, ^^^^. Away we W e n t on our way t o wliich IJrnwiler, it lie hiid his way, would willingly d r i v e tliis conn- "We urge t h a t preaching and pray, Brushy Plain. First we tied a bunch Wliat .the meaning "war" h a s had. is t h a t the Knglish y i l l have t n Uglon. curtail purcli!vsR,'ot many o t h e r They have carried this so far t h a t t r y , Tiio victim would not receive an open a n d fair liearing but a starjCr should be truly Christian. Prayer on the dogs tali and rubbed some Or have they all forgotten— things they '•'afc ' accustomed t o when their President recently visit- (ilianiber |»riieecding, and as soon as the adniixsion was drawn from ™"st not degenerate into p. m e a n s on ourselves. B u r t put the dog in Tho consequential p a r t liim t h a t bo had nsed forged pas.sports, (lie firing .S(|uad _woiild bi 'of national propaganda. \Vlille we t h e woods and took his place behind ed the frontier on an Inspection importing from America, includJ u s t line again the vivid p a s t may not forget our sense ot soUdar- a Juniper bush. Then I went on furtrotted out to do its work. Ity with our own people and our ther Into tire woods. The object ot Now-faded from your h e a r t . ing passenger autos, tobaoeo, tour ho gave cigarettes to both the French and Germon soldiers posted Yet, in this c o u n t r y wliere the riglils ot the individual a r e •so'.loyalty .sn| to our respective nations, rubbing on oiu-selvos t h e asatltled women's apparel, shoes, d r i e d on the border. .ioabnisly giiiirdod, the fnllowers of Ilie C o m m u n i s t ehiet a r c even now preaching must not seek to create How could you kill a fellow m a n was so t h a t tlie dog could find me. fruits, and lloHywood's movies. But the neutrality Is a n armed complaining that he is being persecuted merely because he is n Kod. hatreds of other nations. War Wagging ot hlstall a s lie h u n t e d Just for the sake of greed Undoubtedl,V; tljb'samo goes for neutrality. The Swiss are determinJ u s t for the sake of one m a n ' s W c trust—indeed, we k n o w — t h a t H r o w d e r will, have iiis Con.sti- should not be presented as a holy through the woods soon the foxes ed to defend their land against any the Frcncli. crusade, but preaching should call word Invader. Consequently, their eraft.s- tntional right to a t r e e trial, t i n t it i.s i m p o r t a n t tn m a k e the distinc- men to , repentance for a common got busy and before the dog found All others must take heed. men who a r e famed throughout t h e tion, so frequently a n d easily neglected by the enemies of this coun- sin, and urge the righteousness of Mo B u r t had killed five fox. While wo were dlcussing whether to put world tor their ability to m a k e del- try as soon as they h a p p e n to step out ot bounds, bet-\vccn the j u s t Cod's Kingdom." the dog into t h e woods again we Heed to smother out a life icate mechanical devices have been "The Churches and all Christian lu'otection ot cilizens a n d t h e i r " r i g h t " to violate the eoinitry'.s l a w s V I O L I N S A N t ) LOOOMOTIVES heard a terrific roar. I t was so ter- Of a poor and Innocent soul called, to take up arms. T h a t Is people should strive to make con rifying, so ghastly. Nothing like it Just to satisfy a whim in the inlerest ot undermiiiiiig (be very (.'onslitutinn to wliieb they where the tragic p a r t of the story Crete our Lord's injunction, "Love h a v e we ever h e a r d before. T h e n And reach their selfish goal. Music 'nujl l)'[isinoss are b o t h enters. so brazenly appeal. your enemies." The true Christian the police siren started screetchlng. bused on harmony. They c a n n o t Reports seeping Into Washington spirit ot forgiveness does not arise We started on the r u n . Arriving on We have forgotten all the scenes be placed on ono idnndnrd a n d be tell t h a t It Is costing Switzerland ed a Joint meeting of t h e college and from a condoning of evil, but from the Plain we found tilings In a mess. T h a t tears the coldest h e a r t more t h a p amllUon dollars a day to expected to adVance. As when a mother bids farewell the Danbury Teachers' College held the knowledge t h a t we our selves You see dawn was just breaking. I'ioccs written, for tho South- keep the workmen mobilized. T h a t a t Hotel Taft, October 27th. Miss have been forgiven. To cultivate The road was full o£ men in their And ot lovers torn a p a r i . Is a tremendous sum when one re Palumbo Is treasurer of the F e d e r a - good will towards all, n o t only those night shirts and armed with pitchland, suchfts"iMy'Old lCenl\ieky membors t h a t the Swiss govern Let's never fail to utter tion of International Relations Club within, but also those without the forks. The women In their nightH o m e , " " O l d n i a e k J o e , " "IDix- meat's expenditures for all purposes Christian fellowship; to spread the gowns. You couldn't hear anything This prayer most sincere of New England. PhlUp Tarbell, Jr. of Chldsey Avi e " , etc., seem m o r e a p p r o p r i a t e In: 1838 were only $125,87S.O0O. Main spirit of forgiveness a n d trust; t o but the word skowsky, sklowski and Asking God to guide us when played with a harnu)nica tabling h e r present army alope enue and Stanley Chlsholm, of Brad increase the habit of charitable And protect our loved ones hore. Miss Alma Ellsworth Is among the ludgement: to widen knowledge and heavens knows what. Burt and I guitar, violin or, banjo. The m o r e would cost nearly three times t h a t ley Avenue, East Haven were home I came to the consluslon it might be a much, from Mount Herinon, Northfleld, students a t New Haven State T e a - understanding ot t h e causes of We leave it all to Him alone subtle musie of today needs to be. chers' College who- will r e a d to conflict^-^these things help to r e . I raid by the Glawackus we heard so Even more Important Is t h a t Mass. for tho week end. To Him and Him alone m u c h about. And t h a t Is exactly l)layed l)y n modern orchestra. groups of children at Grace HospiSwitzerland's foreign trade Is dismove t h e psychological roots of war Whose word is ju.st a n d merciful Music ohijnges a n d reliects the appearing. I n the one of Septembei: Among this fall's enrollments at tal. The work Is In connection with and are, characteristic fruits of t h e w h a t it was. J u s t t h e n Officer Otto All Sinners must atone. Ililg came from across the lot. He the chlldrens literature course c o n the Swiss lost 54 per cent of their Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, Is spirit of Christ." timos. If m i i s j c w e r e restricted to h a d been In h o t pursit ot this m y s ducted a t t h e college. Another mode of activity recom- terious critter. In his arms he had a Dear Father of ours In Heaven a certain s t a n d a r d , it would not trade. So long as-her men stay mo- Richard Meek ot this olace. bilized, Switzerland will have the mended Is t h e call to prayer. Of this bundle ot white rags. When h e Cast us not aside advance. I terrifically Ineroased- cost t o meo^ Miss Milllcent Palumbo New HaDave Hylcsnkl is enlarging his we m a y say more n e x t week. threw them down there was a T r i u m p h o'er our enemies Business is the same as m u s i c . ' a n d reduced Income to m e e t It. ven State Teachers' College, a t t e n d - Sportsmen Tavern, on Hillside Ave. N. H Let peace o'er all abide, ' Bar K C and N. JL OABPENTSB POErS CORNER '~f V' u College Notes r ' i \i Si EAST HAVEN k***«*iMMk tWASHINGTON; SNAPSHOTS 1 .JjISj^IS 9T9 Highland School PTA meets tonight at 7;45 In the schoolhousc. •Announcement Is made by Mr, and Mrs. Robert E. StapUns, Mill Street ot the engagement of their daughter, Mildred E. to Mr. Allen Patterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Patterson. The Women's Guild of Christ Church win hold an apron and food sale November 15th from 2 to 6 o'clock In the Rldgcwood Dairy Store, Main Street The ladles ot Bradford Manor Auxiliary will sponsor a booster pinochle tomorrow evening in the flrehouse. Hostesses will be Mrs F r a n k M. Dooley, Jr., Mrs. S Jackson, Mrs. Milton Johson and Mrs. Eugene Daniels. MILK-FED Morris Cove Grannis Corner By VIRGINIA STEVENS The Morris Cove Garden Club will hold a garden exhibit December 13, in the Community House. T h e chairman for this annual exhibit will be Mrs. Bernard Kenerson, and Mrs. Emery Mitchell will act as cochairman. Among the flowers displayed will be winter bouquets, Christmas wreaths, table flowers, and various decorations of dried and green flowers. The Girl Scouts of Morris Cove will participate In this exhibit. FACE RUMP 29 The regular Monday evening soChrist Church will hold a parish cial was held In the Community social this evening at 8 o'clock in House Monday evenng. Many Morris H a g a m a n Memorial Library when Cove people attended this event and Dr. C. H. Brewer will present a tra-1 ,:;jo7„ ^^g^^^pVcTed'nexrweekV'The velogue "A Trip Around the World" admission Is twenty-flve cents A social hour with refreshments which Is for the benefit of t h e win follow. Community House. RIB ROAST 27 Mrs. V/llllam Chldsey, of Park The regular monthly meeting of Place entertained Parish House t h e P a r k Methodist official Board Group 1 of the old Stone Church was held last evening in the home Monday evening. ot Mrs. Ethel Winans of Townsend Avenue. Archibald Young, 81 o t 139 French Avenue passed away Friday. Many of t h e Lady Aiders t u r n e d Funeral services were held Mon- out in spite of last Tuesday's storm, day in the Beecher and Bennett to the home of Mrs. J o h n Wood, parlors. New Haven. I n t e r m e n t was where they h a d a very enjoyable In Evergreen cemetery. meeting. Due to the illness ot the President, Mrs. Ethel Winans, Mrs. ftobert Sperry h a s recovered from "Hope Borden presided. a recent Illness and has resumed his studies Many women from the Park Church attended the Now Haven Edward Marsett 414 Main Street Women's Church Union Conference is home from Grace Hospital. which was held at the First Methodist Church today. The meeting beFormer Commissioner Robert H. g a n at 9:30 this morning, and conGerrlsh and Edgar S. Bacon have tinued throughtout t h e day. Rev. been appointed to the Board of Hilda Ives, President ot the New Finance. England Town and Country Church Association was guest speaker. J o h n H. Corbett h a s been ap pointed full time secretary to the The monthly Sunday evening Board of Education. service was held last Sunday evening in the P a r k Church. A q u a r t e t Miss Mary McVey, County chair- of soloists from New Haven consistm a n of p a r e n t education spoke last ing ot Miss Ethel Barry, Mrs. R u t h n i g h t a t a Tuttle School PTA meet- Dahlberg, Paul Behlcr, and Ellison ing In the h o m e ot Mrs. Robinson Beckwith, participated in two soSperry, 45 Deerfield Street. los and a n a n t h e m . Many old church favorites were sung by the T h e Thlmblin Club will meet in entire congregation, which gave t h e home of Mrs. Ralph Hewett a t t h e service a very friendly spirit. 12 Sidney Street, on Friday afternoon a t 3:30 P. M. with the followMrs. Carl Canfield, Mrs. Vlck ing officers presiding: president, Boardman from Prospect,'and Mrs. Leona Munroe; vice president, O. E. Hoadley ot Pine Orchard, Mrs. Shirley Newton; secretary, Clare Anna Ford of Short Beach, Mrs. Belle Tucker; treasurer, J e a n Ayr; Nellie Holsteln, of New Haven, were and reporter, Barbara Meardsley. the guests of Mrs. C. S. Bremner of Hillside Avenue, on Wednesday. More About Stylo Show Today's Rotary meeting took the Miss Grace Blackman spent the form of a forum for the discussion week end with her sister, Mrs. Gerof the card party .style show and ald Growley of New York, a n d on other m a t t e r s ot business. her return she brought Mrs. CrowFrom all Indications t h e tables ley back with her to visit her m o t h for the card party are selling v/ell, er, Mrs. J . Blackman. and a final effort Is being made to reach 100. An Interesting style show The Sunshine Assembly o t the will take place the same evening. St. Andrews Church is holding a church supper November 10, in the Harry R. Bartlett Post, American Chapel. Mrs. Harry Longyear of Legion, win observe Armistice Day East Haven, is the c h a i r m a n of this Saturday with special services at affair. the honor roll on the Green a t U a. m . Services will be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ward H. Clemons a firing squad and taps. Commander William F. Geenty requests t h a t formerly ot Morris Cove and Milail members of the Legion whether ford will soon make their new home uniformed or not, report a t the Le. on French Avenue, East Haven". Mr. glon rooms in Thompson Avenue at and Mrs. Clemons are t h e guests ot 10:30 a .m. The parade to the Green Mr. Clemons parents this week, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Clemons of win be a t 10:45. 109 Fort Hale Road. On the evening of Armistice Day a party for Legion members and also Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P . Clemveterans in East Haven will be held In the Legion rooms, starting at ons attended t h e Yale and Dart8:30 o'clock. Anthony Caruso, in mouth game Saturday, with their charge ot this part of t h e celebra- daughter and son In law, Mr. and tion, announces there will be refresh Mrs. Robert Baursfeldt, and guests from New Jersey. m e n t s and entertainment. The Delta K a p a Phi sorority met The Thanksgiving school vacation In t h e home of Miss Phyllis Ameiln is scheduled to start Nov. 30. of Lighthouse Road, Monday eveHenry D. Boardman and Layette ning. Among the girls present at S. Boardman of East Haven this the meeting were Miss Helen Hoey, week lost their appeal from an a p . Miss K a t h r y n Trainer, Miss Doris praisal ot $5,684 placed on their Pearson, Miss Evelyn Demond, and property by State Highway Com- Georgianna Cawley. The girls are missioner William J. Cox, who is planning a dinner dance to be givtaking the land for the East H a . en sometime In December. ven cut-off. Superior Court Judge Mrs Jennie Evans, mother of Dr. Carl Foster accepted the report of State Referee Frederick M. Peasley George Evans of this place died this who found t h a t $5,684 was the true week at the age of 88. She passed value of t h e property, a n d ordered m a n y winters In Branford. Judgement for Co.mmissloner Cox Narpes Society will meet Decemagainst t h e Boardmans. Commissioner Cox filed an action ber 14th in lieu of December 7th to take over the land May 25. The Mrs. Oscar Wadstrom, Branford land is bounded by land on the New Point will be hostess. Haven railroad and Kimberly Av. Officers will be elected a t this evenue. East Haven, and consists of about .12 of an acre. T h e Board- enings meeting ot the G r a n g e In mans claimed the property was Svea Hall. worth more t h a n the sum offered. Miss Corene Kenyon, leader, will Miss Sonya Welnsel, of Brooklyn meet with Girl Scout Troop No. 18 New York is the guest of Mr. a n d In t h e Congregational Church p a r lors at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Harry Spevack, Chestnut St. PORK LOINS 19 SHOULDERS 15* FRESH 4-6 LB AVERAGE SMOKED HAMS ITCHUP 2^ 25c ANS"'-*"2"»?23c JUICE 2 t f „ r 2 9 c 4 " n s ' 2 5 ^ I BUTTER FINAST MIRABEL Rasp, a n d Straw. DEL MAIZ 00DS''sfa!:f;^4 O ii ^y i -I SALAD DRESSING lAYONNAISE "NAST DINTYMOOREsTEw2 BISQUICK TWIN SERVING SET FREE BELLVIEW AAAMONIA 2 lb jar 2 1b lar 12 oz cans cans quart lar pint lar cans large Pkg quart bottle 25 SUGAR CURED WHOLE or HALF EITHER END LEAN ENDS 27 MILDLY CURED CORNED BEEF 25c CHICKENS 29c 29c 29c TURKEYS 27c 29 19c FISH SPECIAL 29c 28c SWORDFISH >29c NEW ENGLAND DRESSED Zh-V/z LB AVERAGE j ,u ' J C < M ^ T FRESH YOUNG NORTHWESTERN 8-12 LB AVERARACE SLICED 9c BOTH Fresh Fruits and Vegetables CHEESE RITZ N.B.C ^ I S C ROYAL LUNCH " " « . „«-, 2 0 c TOASTERETTES EDUCATOR 9oipkg I R I S H BREAD >°>i 12c G R A H A M CRACKERS N.B.C 2 H 2 9 c "B.C ,y, 2 5 c PARKERHOUSE R O L L S w K " i ' ' « 1 0 c W H E A T S W O R T H U N E E D A BISCUITS N.B.C 2 pi«» 9c FINAST BREAD S'o'.r" 8c CAPE C O D C O O K I E S ^""fo*^?," 1 19c O X Y D OL SCOTT PRODUC:TS 3 S 25c 2 X 41c TISSUE 3 » !22c IVORY SOAP C ^ O large O K . a a TOWELS 3 0 25c meillum bar 3 C O bars X 3 C WALDORF IVORY FLAKES or TISSUE rot 4 c SNOW iiiiiliiiliii PKa 21c ORANGES 2 ' f 43'Florida 2 51 37* GRAPEFRUIT ^""""^ 4 ^ 17e GRAPES CSR *> 6c O N I O N S fANCY YELLOW APPLES MCINTOSH APPLES NATIVE COOKING 10""19C ^ «»17c ^ ""15C STORES 'fi'-'- > A. -„^ t.^^^^^ ^ '^ai^iSSi^-afe.dp,^^ fc.itx*.«*^'W-*««~tt.*Sf ^'.f' j^ '•y*^'^"'^'' *'' .tv''' Page Six i .• THE BRANFOED REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1030 Baseball Football Boxipg LATEST SPORT NEIWS Joseph M. Z<^ffino :-: Sports Editor Wrestling Basketball Hockey wofj TWO successive ' OfJ FIELD .Not a Icist bit discouraged by Inst Friday's defeat at the hands of a strong Stratford teanij Coach John Knedii's Bi'dnforcl jiigh school gridders will make it strong bid at defeating'the'Milford eleven when the Milfotditcs corric to Hammei' Field Saturday afternoon in a Housalon'ie Valley league clash., the last home game of the season for the Knechth\ori,' starting at 2:30. iv Brantord high has a fairly good club which has not made such a greater showing, Ujan Cofich IJerb French's Milford team'-so far'.'On the other hand thb Branforti grldsters arc showlnB a little Improvement and are duo to got back Into Uoston Ifecl Sox Owner Nat Cwlitin Iho win coltimri^this week end.Tli'e^'rc,'FoWl For Orinic'"'' Coach Kn'boht'iias been putting his team through soine strenuous drills this •week as the Branford Boston, Mass (NN3).—While the high gridders readied for the Armls Boston Red Sox have on flle estimates fi'pm two of the Ipadlng manlice Day battle Herb French's Westahoremon high ufadturcrs of lighting systems as to cloven has been showing a definite what It Would'bost'tb In.stall lights improvement in Its running game In Fenway lPark,'Tom •vTaWkey does this week, but whether or not they not plan to have his Rod Sox play arc strong enough to take over any games at homo urtdor lights. '•What It nlgllt games "do add bvBranford, remains to be seen. Milford his shown great Improve- or 100,000 to the' attenddnce In ment In Its last two games, and cities like Chicago and Cleveland, with this groat sign, they have high I'm still not sure that they arc the hopes for a win over Brnnfdi'd, 'de- bost thing tor the game." says the ' ' •• ' .splte the fact, that tho Gallagher Boston'owner. ' ratings show ' Milford as 50th dhd "'When we Install lights you can Branford as 35tli In tho ratings of bo sure that wo fool that night high schools Branford,'however, In games arc inevitable and that splto of only having won two games time hasn't come as ypt. Wo don't on which to; rate, with such great believe that as yet." • • - •> Jiacks as Barba and Tamulevlch; Slnco •yawkey acquired the club __appear a_blt,too strong for • tho from Bob Qulnn tho Red Sox have Mllforrtltos, but as hqs been men- played before 3,700,000 spectators, tioned bofbro, previous records and but tho cllib Is still 111 the rod beratings mean little In a traditional cause of tiiD lavish • hand of the Branford-Mllford struggle owner. This'year the Rod Sox drew Coach Herb French may start In more fans on tho road 025,000, than hla lineup Saturday; Buchanan and they did at home, 570,000. McCoy at tho ends, Campbell and Kot at tackle positions, with Shea Philadelphia, Pa. (NNS).— When and Slckerskl holding down the Pennsylvania boat Yale smd Harguard berths with Tanoll at center vard this sooson It duplicated tor position. In tho baoklleld will be the'llrst time a feat aooompUshod In Dungan at quarterback. Chandler, .1804. Only"lri these t'wb years have lofthalt, Brewster rlghlhalf and two'of Big Three tcains fallen beTaylor, fullback. fore Pennsylvania. November 10 the Knechtmon tra. vol to 'Watcrbury for their last game. Road The branford Review Tom Yawkey Opposes Arcs Fenway Bark ;"'\'' ' Si 'i Conn. University Huskies Mhode Bob Pohnelly, Star Junior Back, injured Storrs, Conn. (Special)—The objective game of tho seaSon Is ahead of the, U Conn Huskies'when they moot the Rhode Island Rams on storrs. Conn. (Special)—Bob DonSaturday. "This annual mcetingj nelly of Branford; Conn., star junior promises , ... to• bo . , one , , , •of, .the . outsland _ , J left halfback oiilithe University of ing gridiron battles In New England football team, was Incoiiogo circles. The University of Connecticut jurod in the first quarter of last Connecticut 'grlddovs have coisted Saturday's game against Textile thr6'ugh''fhb past two games by de-j Institute. X-rays taken by the Colteatlng'the" 'University of B'liffdlo logo Physician and later by an or20-7 and Lowell Textile ;nstit\ite thopedic specialist In Hartford in20-0. The Imp'rovbmerit In their play dicated that Domieily's Injury was in the' past two weeks haS been outstanding enough to give them an oven rating with tl'ie Rams. During'tho past'lliree'yecirs, Connocticiif has woii two out of tli'rce games, defeating Rhody in 1030, 33,-0; in 10?7"]3-7; and losing last yenV's 'gam'b 81 to 30 here at Storrs. Ot the (irOsent varsity squad, six of tho boys had a part in the 13.7 win aiid the 21-20 loss and these same Last year's Vols-Oklahoma Battle Gained Hearts Of FloridiUisi And toniwy'are looking: forward'to this Placed Contest On Par With Rose Bowl—Now Thiisly Establish- opportunity to avenge the unexed, They Arc Ready T o P,ull Away /^nd i^|;n|<e ^t Reading Contest pegted defeat of a yeav ago. Rhode Isidhcl c'dmb from behind with a sco're of 20-7 against them at the Miami, Florida (NNS).—Down here, where the Rose Bow half to score 14 points during the Bob Dniuielly long, long way off, fhe Orange Howl Committee is already busy .second'half to eke qiit a victory of not as bad a.s flrst c:;i)0'.;tcd. In all reading the Sunday papers ' w i t h ' a n " e y e to tlie national''f'6olball 21-20 'i'n'bite of the greatest thrillers probability the injured shoulder will scores. Last •\'ear the Orani;e bowlers, with Tennessee and Oklahonia of Ihb" Cohnoctlout-^Rliode Island bo licaiod up .soon and Donnelly can corralled for the big game, definite.—' —•— ' scries. start in with his basketball at an ly placed their contest on a par ncssoe these days in Miami Flor- The loss of Bo(3' Donnelly, star early date. with Pasadena's Rose Bowl and New ida and'In' Teniicssee the- liolne left halfback, in tiie first quarter Donnelly was enjoying his best Orlean's Sugar Bowl. And now that folks can do mucii more easily against toweii last Saturday cjid year of football nndwa? just beit Is thus establlsed, thoy are ready climb tn th car ancl run down to not' dampen the spirits of the team ginning to hit his stride to real to pull away and maltb the contest Mminl'tor HVC''t5anie'l)ian they can and Charlie Horvath;'a step- greatness when the mishaps occur. junior, . --,---.No., 1 In the natloh. ''' '" ' ' libad weston"v:a.''aa w'lthPusadena ped Into his position anc( carried on' red. Circumstances alter the Bowl pic- thb"promlsca land,"" In' fine style. Hor'vath lias the Qxtva I'' Cgntinqcd from Sports Page tures so tl|a| It Is partly a ma||er of luck just 'w^io gots th6' best11 Providence, R, X. (NNS)-;-Thc jinx teams. In Miami'' they're hoping that'AlSdy'liierr,' Col'gdte cottch, that Major Robert Noyland and his holds over 'Tuss MoLau'eKry, Brown Tennessee 'Volunteers finish out coach, stlH prevails tho season with a recofd worthy of The $c;-a\l^iivy-?Ierr r|valry goes abowl bid. And they hope all the back to 1907 when Tuss was tho bowls bid Jqr ffeylaj^d's eleven—be^ star fullback o\\ the P|iaron, fa,, cause they' think they have the In- high school el'eveh'an^ •kferl' Was Last Satiu'day night ot the New New Haven'District League side edge. coach at Pittsburgh Central High. Haven YiyiO^ Alleys" the ^ranfbrd New Havei YMCA T e a m ^ I P bowlers won all three games Tennessee's visit here a year agp The t\vo sc^iools'were aroh-rlvals, C.'Ferrara ......... ..139 137 108--3B4 was a happy one. Not only was the but from 1907'tlii'ough lold'the Kerr from the Strong "•y" team, in the T Faico : ..IOC 110 lio- -342 final count ny^x Oklahoma In one coached team defpalQd tlie MpLaugh District Bowling league. 133 125. 94--351 This is the first sot back reoclycd of the roughest games''ever played ry-fullbaeked teaih''evbrj; ')/eat' for MacDowall .. 97 102 91- -290 by the YMCA tearii this sea'sdn. Thoj* here, a hdppy one for Neyland, but four in a row. " " ' ' ' ' Giiinnotti ..136 08 l U - -3^5 had won 10 games and lost 2 herethe 'Volunteers were given a terrific In 1920 the rivalry wps renewed, I ' buUd-up as'the first team of na'- this'time with both' a's''cpabhbS in tdfpre' ' Total ..010 578 524- 1712 tlonal reputation to compete In the their present positions. Kerr's Col- The M I P team has been doing Branford MIP T e a m Orange Bo\yl, gate team wpn in 1029 a.nd ?pr sev- some consistantly good bowling the J Rourke ..124 121 111- -350 Evorythln'^ was so line and d^r^dy bVimpro years after that. ' past few weeks and Is gradually E K a m b 95- -331 ..113 123 that amid 'fresiV ''protestations of T^ils year the series was resumed, working to the ton of the 18 team S Kamb ..109 •93 113- -315 e'^teora f ollq^\ng' «ie game. 'Jj'ennes- anc^^rowii was (avorltq to give Mo- league. Bob Linden, the captain, has R Linden ..143 120 118--390 sso and OrA'^^b''B4wl' offlolals biili- ttueHry'lils fl'rsji win against a jcevr boon doing exceptlpnally'well. •W Packer .132 128 106- -300 bled over i^ftj-jnHtUat %tovat>Qn.l«W9.nefl Mm- m\Wmv SCPV9 "Next Saturday the team rolls at That's why they're pulling fpr Ten- was Colgate 10— Brown 0. New Haven Elks Totals ..621 594 543- 1758 iami Fans Rooting For Tennesse Vols As Orange Bowl Entry For J^ei;^ Year RIGHT DOWN ' ti GAMES aOALS BY PLAYERS WHO HAD, As the .sparkling winds of autumn 7^S/£a. KICHEO A PLACEMENr BtrOKEIfJ THCIH LlVesI push new life Into'young and old. Junior wants to 'play football. As JOHNNY KELLEtiER, youth gets what 11 desires In these WHO /.AYCO. PRcse^/rso tlmeii, he probably will, assuming he run poaraAiLL. ro has a chance. But as parents pb.scrve the Tdugh and'tumble of the Of /^I^UTB eocKNS gridiron some of thom thlcli of foot^ ^o^-^Ata 3 PUHDUs. O ball- accidents, 'riioy have what Juiilor calls the "wllllos." Some boys should not play football. Tho game calls for powerful hehrts and muscles, and 'the wind of a mountain climber:' It's a dangerous thing to bo young and youth, and youth's parents, hdVo tb take their choice of perils It' tho kid doesn't play this game, you-will bo spared tho distress of seeing him limp off the Hold with a sprained ankle, possibly of (seeing him carried out on a stretcher. But hemaV do'Hhlngs that give him a moral limp through life.. If the hours ho might have spent In'fbbtbttU "'practice, are given to •^^ y THE OTHEH SY almle'Ss l6aflng on' the curbstone, or too sportlhg life with none too fine mm STEVENSON companions, ho may got a character BHILLIANT PASSBB. ON fractui'b ' worse than any broken THE 'm/SH 'TEAM, WINNING bones''from a strenuous game. ) THE fslOTae CA/VTE While passing and kicking that 'OEO/aOfA TECH GAME football, he may be stained, by the ISY THE SCO/3B /7 /•4' filATlON'Ntae Sf^ORT Newi dirt'bf the playing field, but his heart Is clean. He Is learning to rule his temper, which Is not Iqarncd In sorSqusly hurt at football. Mean- contacts of life. You can repair a the Joafing hang-out nor while step- while many more non-players are broken arm or leg, but you can't ping oh any gas. A few players are more .seriously Injured In the social mend smashed Ideals. This Aniiual Fracas Promises To Be One' 0 ( ' Oiitstanilihff • Gridiron ii^tllos In New England ' ' ' NORTH BRANFORD STONY CREEK Just, Arr ilford High Gridders Here Fpr Sa BALL Meet Walling ford Walcos Brarifprd Team In Fine SHALL THEY P L A Y SPORT ODD!TIES - - By Archie Ellis, jr. SundayAfternoon Nov. 19 Shape ForHousa tonic Contest At Local Field Kncclimicn T o jVlakc Strong Bid At Defeating Improved Milford Coiiibinb—Locdls Hold Slightly Better Record Tlian Visitors, But Margin Js ^'ciy Slim—Contest Will Be At Ilaninier Fibid, 2:30 St. Thorcso Church I bert Pettlt Will speak 6li%bulliig.'' Haven on Dcccniber 2. The Confraternity of, the Rpsary The Boy ScoutS: will give an exhibl. win hnld their meeting > Mpiidlvyliioiv rff/thBlf'Wprk. 'RcfreSi'meJits night. ATtlmtnogo'snlb will bh haia, ,,^111 bie scr^eH. Miss Mary Hogarty ot South Nor~ 1 Continued on Page Seven temorrow from D a. m. to 4 p m By Aclrlcnnc NorUiam wnlk and Sachem Head spent tho The CatUpUc -Youth Asspclntlon Tho library branch here will be Services In the local churches on the annual membership drive and week end at the Hill Homestead. ' house to house calls will be made held their meeting at 7:30 Wednes. closed Ai-rtiHttce'Day! NdVcmBcr' 11. mendous punts which he has been Sunday will be: day night. St. Augustine's R. C. Church, Rev. from Avmlsllce Day until Thanksgetting off CHURCH OP CHRIST ThCJilnlor League met Monday As far as line play goes, it would William Brewer, pastor, Mrs. Ed- giving. Tlie Center and North Street The annual County Farm Bureau Rev. Kcnnolii Brookes, Pastor membership drive is now being will be canvassed by Ml.ss Ethel 1>»J.) ...*^,< ^.; evening.' Otflcers'ni'c;' 'Pr^siaeiit, seem that the ^«'° ""^^ " " ^'^°^^ ward Daly, organist chpir director, Sunday Services, Church School Sylvia conducted under the captaincy of Mavnard; Branford Road and 'Twin Jannneltl, vice-president, evenly matched and in all probabil- Mass will be celebrated at 0:15 a m. 10:00 A. M., classes >fpr all oges. Peter Brngerelll, secretary, Anna Lakes Road. Miss Lillian White;! Percy Bean and his assistants. ity, the line which shows the great- Sunday School will follow with InMorning. Wership, 11:00 A. M., est fight and drive offensively and striic'tlons by Dominican Nuns from Quarry and Quarry Road, Prank Frank H. Snow, Clifford Harrison, Choli-'iinthen>;"Glve I'enbe in Our 'Balestriiccl;"' trcasin'eiV''' Shirley O'Neill. llosictt; Totoket section; Miss Mar Charles Llnsley, and Frank Delia defensively will find themselves on New Haven. TlmC'^Wilson; 'Offertory SPIP— Mr. and Mrs.^ Edwin Blakeslec of the winning side at the final gun. ion Doody and Miss Germaine Sen- Camera. "There Is no Death" O'Hara, sung Ronald Matson was six years old Fair Haven announce tho birth of a Connecticut gees Inlp the Rhede Zion Episcopal Church, Rev ecal. by Edwin Burne; Sermon—"Mcas A gala party was held recently October 28tii.' '," - daughter, -Betty Ann, November l.Island game with a record of four Francis J. Smith, Rector, Mrs. Paul It is expected that there will be a Mrs. i31akosioe'ls the former Sophie victories and two defeats, while R. Hawkins, organist and choir di- largo enrollment as a dental clinic In tho" Jerome Harrison School ure for Measurt;.' when tho teachers entertained Christian, Endeavor, 7:30 P. M., The Stony Creek Drum Corps Adam's of Brantprd.' Rhode Island sports a record pf 3 rector Hply Eucharist will be cele- for children ot the Center and wore entertained at' a supper by the vlctprles, three defeats and one tie. brated at 0:30 p'clock. Sunday JeromrHar'rlson Schoors"was a.ssis-1 members of the School Board and all young people Invited. var- November 8, Turkey Supper. Greenwich Corps In arcbnwlch Nov- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Ollson, of On the basis of compartive scores, School will follow. tod by Red Cro,s.s funds last yearilUe Stale Supervisors, A wide iety of costumes were worn by the ''"' ' ' :480 Thompson Avbntic'iEasii'HAveh the teams look even, but In this old Maite reservations with Mrs. Edwhi ember 2nd. and a course In First Aid given the announce the birth bt a sen, Rbbert series, records don't mean a thing. North Branford Congregational North Branford Volunteer Fire De- gliosis and after a grand march, Burne er Mrs. John Ross. awards were made. Games and Mr. Louis Milne spent the week- Llpyd^ OotPber 27t\i In Grtee ItpsFootball followers of New England Church Rev. a.. Dlllard Lessiey, partnient. stunts were Indulged in and Hallo- Mr. and Mrs. John Bralnerd en. end at the home of'Mr. iindMl's. plfiil. Mrs.' OUspii''was Miss Marion who elect to see the Rhodelsland— pastor; Mrs. Douglas B. Hoiablrd, ppwles 'pf Now Hiiven'bitoro'lidr Conneiitlcut game will probably see organist and choir director,'Miss Several from North Branford at- | ween refreshments were scvVed. tcrtaincd at a card party Friday ;aerald Milne ot 'Wetlicrsflold; liiarrldge. .'" "' ' " ' one of the best games bf the' year. Ethel Maynard assistant. Morning tended the funeral of Dr. John J.|i The room was gaily decorated with night. Guests weri Mr. and Mrs. Tho atony Creek Men's Club met worship Will be at 11 o'clock. Sunday Mlniter of North Haven who died Halloween panels and fi'ieze. • • Olaf Oppde,'Mrs; Lcote, sen, Mr p,-IwUtkflthreez at the Church ot Christ WbndAy : A sen, Robert Albert, was born School will convene In the Chapel suddenly at his home on Satm-day Frank Lcctfc. Warren Brockctt and Ml.ss Maria evening and elected the' follo'wlhg bctoBor 27 lii"Now^Ha'von Hbs^Uiil at 10 o'clock. Miss Edna Grlswold, morning. Shaw, New Haven County Club Miss Olive Pratt has moved from officers for tho coinlnis'yea'r;'prbsl. to Mr and Mrs.''CIiartoiS''Hu'tzloi''ot' superintendent. Agents met with several persons WlUlam Dew secretary, Tlio East Haven. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bean attend- Interested In 4-H work In the town her summer home, Tanganl, (0 Vil- dent, Continued from Sports Page mas La'coy'; Treasurer, Wlltlaih WA'yThe sudden death ot Frank Oil ed the oyster supper served at the on Wednesday evening at the Jcr-J la Vista Mrs. Oliver Beokley, of Hotchklss lett. ' " ' • • '" Woudbrldge Town Hall on last FriGrove Is" in/ charge ot tlie caiidy During the past two seasons. bert; one ot North Branford'.s oldest day evening, served to captains and ome Harrison School. Quests Pf Mrs. James Milne Satresidents, came as a distinct shock booth of d dcssbrt bridge; Nev. 21 Coach'J. o.•• Christian has relied! urday aftcrnopn wiire Miss LPUlse Tho Parent Teachers' Association wlli'moot Tuesday the 14th. Mr; Ro In Plymouth Cbngregatlpnal churcli heavily on 'Donnelly for practically to neighbors. On Monday afternoon ofllcers ot tho New Haven County Mr. and Mrs. Earl lloude ot Hotch Brainerd tind M.r. Lee' Storm. ' vail the forward passing and for the he was about his chores as usual Farm Bureau. kiss Grove celebrated their second running at the all-lmportant left when he noticed some diUlculty in The North Branford Plfo and wedding anniversary Nev. 2nd. Mr. Mrs E. Accbo Is recovoi'lng from haiftJick position in addition' to do- breathing and went to his house to Drum won first place in New Houde's birthday was October 31. Injuries received from a fall. ing'sortie of the kicking. Donnelly rest. Witliln a half hour the end BritainCorps on Saturday when they par- So the couple observed the two an. has 'dene aU these things well. In had come. Christian Endeavor will .meet at niversarles at the same time. WILL KEEP YOU IN A-1 CONDITION a'ddltlPi'i tP the abeve, BO|J was one He is survived by his wife. Mrs. ticipated in an indoor meet.,. 7:30 in tho church parloi'S SuhdaJ. On Saturday of tills week, Armla I'V > l..\., .-, i M ,.';' ,.:: : I " . ' . I ' I 1. I. I K ' l , ' ef the'finest defensive'men on the Hattie Gilbert, who has the sj'niOn 'Monday night thfc' '.society" \Vlll Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rushlow lice Day, tho boys will participate Got the habit of stopping over here for u game or two in team and time and again he brought pathy of • the entire community. ot WinoskI, Vt. announce the mar- attend d social In' North Giilltol'd In Walllngtord'3 big Armistice Day the nCterimon or evening and notice how much fetter Funeral services were held on down opposing runners when he Irage of their d'aughtor, Irene to for the Whlttlold Uriibii' you'll feel. Alleys iivailable from noontime on • was the last man between the run- Wednesday afternoon at Lamb's celebration. At Uils time a now Mr Charles Paokicvlcz of Branford. ' There \Vas a lare'e attendance at Funeral parlors in Brantdrd. Inter- monument will be dedicated and it enf and the goal. the 'church supper WediV6sdai'. The wedding took place In Vermont. Cpach christian is fortunate in ment followed in the Evergreen is expected that the town will experience a record crowd. ha'ving a good replacement in the Cemetery. Rev. and Mrs; Kenneth BroPkcs Park Place The Fife and Drum Corps has al- Mrs Robert Lancratt and her In- wore dinner 'guests' Of Mlss^ OllVb Juiilor halfback, '"charles Hervath, Open All Day Saturday fant son. Robert have returned from so received an invitation 1, 0 march Mrs. Alden J. Hill, roll call chairwho' is doing his best to' carry on in Pi'att Monday eVonlhg.' '' ' In IheSanla Claus Parade in New: Grace Hospital. man has announced her helpers In Dbrinelly's stead. ' In atidltlgn tP being a star tootball'Player Donnelly was an outstanding member of the past season's "Cbnneotlcut basketball team which flrilshfed the seasoii with nine straight victories. Connecticut State aurels Face Undefeated riic Gridiron Game Of Today Teaches Boy.s Cjean Fun And fine Sportsmanship Page Seven THE BRANPORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER D, 1030 Bob Donnelly, Branford Lad, Out Tor Season—Will Be Replaccil By Charlie, Horvalh, Jiinior Star speed necessary to make up for some of Donnelly's finesse whicii he may lack. Charlie is, a better than' average passer and kicker and has the speed and drive to be a great back. One of the first thing he did on entering tlic game last Saturday was to Intercept a Lowell pass on his own 45 and run it back 55 yards through the entire Lowell team for a touchdown. Ho capped off the day's work with a touchdown sprlni of 10 yards around the Lowell left end to give liim 12 points total for tho day. The rest of tho Connecticut team should be treated to a fine punting as all of them canie out of the Lowell game without Injury. Much ot tile time during the week has been spent in perfecting the pass defense against the Rhode Island plays and in an attempt to bottle up Rhode Island's great individual back Duke -libbruzzi, as well as to take care ot the passing wiilch is expected from AbbruBzi, •Warner; Keaney and Duranlcau. • New England fans who are tortiuiatc enough to see tills contest hsoukl be treated to a fine punting dual. Captain Herb Peterson of the Huskies has cdnsistently outpunted every player whom he has met during the'year and has been easily one of the best punters in New Eng land during the past three years. •Warner Keaney 240 lb. son of Coach Kcancy of Rhode Island; lias startled everyone this year-by his treConlinucd 9x1 Fate Seven Clancy's Green Wave Gridders Will Make Their First Invasion Of Meriden This Season, Tra\'cling T o Silver City Sunday T o D o Battle W i t h Meriden Maroons — Contest Set For 2:30 P. M. The undefeated, untied and unscored on Branford Green Wave eleven will take to the road for the first time this season to tackle the fast strong, undefeated and unscored on Meriden Maroons, in what nromises to be the feature attraction of Center Connecticut this Sunday afternoon. The battle will take place at the St. Stanislaus Stadium with the kickoff slated for exactly 2:30 p. m. It is hard to figure who will come out victorious in this Sunday's encounter as both outfits to date are undefeated. The Green •Wave eleven rate three points better than the Meriden gridsters according to sta. tistics. They hold a D to 0 win over the Blue Smokies of New Haven, Tamulevlch And Barba Star For while the Meriden Maroons hold a 6 to 0 decision over the same New ' Local High Gridacrs Haven team. That makes things The Stratford high school team look pretty even, and this coming showed that its'victory over Bran- conflict upstate ought to be a close ford high was no flash In the pan affair which should pack plenty ot at the Stratford ball field last Fri- action, as botli clubs are gunning day afternoon in a bitterly-fought for a win which will give them uncontest that resulted in a few minor disputed rights ot meeting the Injuires to players oh both clubs, highly-touted •Walllngford Waleos, with Branford as the victim. Start- leaders in the semi pro league tho ford entirely outclassed the Knecht following Sunday, November 19th. men In practically every department A sizeable contingent of local root, of the game to win the 10-0 deci ers will make the Meriden trip to root for the local favorites. sion before hundreds ot fans. The Stratford score was made in Tlie Meriden Maroons will boast the third and last quarters when ot a strong passing array in the T. 'Walker, Petrovich and Denzol hopes of eliminating the Laurels went over for a touchdown apiece. from wiiat over title hopes tlicy The points after touchdown all fail- may.possess but Coach Stu Clancy ed The last two scores came in the banking on the powerful line plungclosing minutes of tho game when ing tactics ot Pete (Bull) Panaroni the Branford team seemed to be nad Pat Pesca, the adept slicing ot pretty tired when Denzel went Stan Sokoiowsky coupled with the around the end for the final tally. speedy Quido Panaroni, will at/Mention..of outstanding play for tempt to ^nap • thoj Maroon's, win. Branford would have to Include ev- ning streak and perk up the offense ery man on the team. Tamulevlch witli a diversified attack. did some splendid ball carrying and ] The knowledge that the future of kicking out of danger and confined • Branford football will depend in no his effort largely to running the'small measure upon the result of team, and did a fine job of it de-j the contest lias enthused the Lausplte the bigger, heavier opposition. | rel players to the point that they feel that a win Is all that remains Hanover, N, H. (Special)— After in store for them. the Yale 33.0 win for the Dart- On the other hand the Meriden mouth Indians, Coach Blaik admit- combine will be seeking this v/iU-to ted today tliat at no time in his put tlicm up in the top place ranlcs coaching career was lie more thor- with other outstanding grlddei's oughly surprised at the outcome 0 and are determined to let no stone a game in wliich ills team was play be unturned in their quest for big ing, and furtlier stated that lie had time recognition. never liad an eleven play so much| Both clubs will hold practice tobetter tlian he an anticipated. night in preparation ot this big tilt. DAILY BQWMt^a Branford High Goes Down To 18 ToO Defeat Eleanor Laich, Local Star To Play Basketball With All Anierican Red Heads Leaves For Cassville, Missouri To Join World's Champion Girls Basketball Club Practlng Hard For Coming Schedule — Team iSIiiy play At West Haven Next Month While Touring East Coast Eleanor Laich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. -Laich of Maple Street, Branford, who joined the Red Heads team, the best girls basketball club iii the country, is training hard these days at Cassville; Missouri; preparing for their strentious schedule that gets under way November 15 and • • includes games practically in every' The Red Heads travel in a comstate in the Union. With Miss Laich fortable $3,000 12 passenger public is a Guiitord player. Hazel Smith, speaker equipped bus, and they alSo a brilliant court performer. .know how to play basketball as the The Red Heads, under the man-1 game should be played. They are agement of C. M. Olson, are eon- Bood ball handlers and have develop sidered tiie world's best drawing od a passing game that man men's card. In the 503 games played In teams might envy. The Red Heads the past three seasons, they have really put on a remarkable exhibiattracted. well over 000,000 speeta-'tlon ot the hoop game. They are tors who were thrilled from start to:very popular with the fans finish. The Red Heads have been] Mastering all the clever antics of featured In News Reel Shorts and basketball, Olson 's All American arc now In receipt of an offer from Red Heads, world's champs girls a well known producer in Holly- hoop quintet play before crowded audltorums and keep the'spectators This Saturday, In a Southern Con- wood to make a sports movie. necticut Girls Leagijs' match, the Eleanor Laich, who towel's some In burst of laughter as the feminfive feet, 10 inches, last year playine hoopmen score baskets at will. East Haven Cappy's Girls will come to branford' to oppose the local ed sensational baskball wltli the The Red Heads will take the floor Ozark Hill Billies and thus earned in flashy red and blue uniforms girls'.' Branford is holding second spot in the League, 'three points I her position with the All American! which present one of the finest down from Wailiingford Star, Cap- Red Heads. Miss Laich a graduate exhibitions of the cage sport ever py's Girls are a new entry, this jot Branford high school, was an,seen in the country. season and are about half way down I outstanding star player on the I According to reports we have reIn tho team' standings. 'However, . local girls high combine a few celved from C. M. Olson; the Red they are ' expected to give a good I years back, also played with the Heads will be touring the Eastern account of themselves and Branford jEast Haven Jeffs Girls team, which]Coast soon and may play a game in considered the best girls team West Haven agalrist'the Red DevwlllhaVe to dp bowl their'utmost to |was lin the state. All her many friends lis sometime in the middle of De. k^ep'thelr 'place.'The' 'match is .wish her success throughout the|comber. This game will draw one of scheduled for 7:00 o'clock. 'entire schedule. ' ' 1 hte biggest • crowds in • basketball ALLEYS Bob Donnelly i : BranforcJ Bpy/\\r\9 M^ Huntsmen Find Continued from Pate On» had excellent results last Saturday •When he came home with two rabbits ant^ pthbr wild game. ' Scattering of Birds Generally, there is an oven scattering of birds for the man with gun and dog and. a week ago yester. day a fUght of woodcock hit east of town. The law allows a dally bag limit of 4 v/oodcock until Nov. 20. ' ' The Masons, forest, Louis and E. W. Mason started partridge in Co•Jentry. Partridges may be takpn from" October 20 including Thanksgiving Day with a season Upilt of 15 It is best to ^0 away from town for such game. ' Edgiir'Williams had a good v/eeW in Monroe at Dr. Porter's carnp. in f'aot he saw so many partridge that He lett today with Jolin Opel and deorge Mason 'i;o try it 'again. Clarence Munger's luck hasn't been anything to write home about. Following rcDorts of good ducking off Sachem's Head he, Edward Nesblt and Rudoloh Illlg were oft Tuesday with their guns but Clarence thinks the ducks saw them coming. He hasn't been into the woods yet and after all that Is where he shines. " CUftord Collins, Indian Neck says duck hunting will be splendid until the season closes December 5th.' He has taken oartles out since the season oDoned October 23- Among his passengers have been Carl Reynolds Harry Nichols, Yale students, T. A, D. Jones, Jr. and Mr. Avery Dally bag limit on wild ducks is 10 of v/hich not more than 3 of any pne or more than three In tho ag. gregate inay bo canvasbacks," Redheads, Buffleheads,' arid Ruddy Ducks-Possession limit,'2 days bag llniit Dally bag limit for coots is 25. John Hamre of East Main Street, president of the Braptord Gun Club Is employed in Hartford and has not been in the woods this year. He has seen some game on his frequent trip to and from his work. No one has reported a wild cat find but if they do there Is a bounty of $5 paid from the town treasury from the surpliis dog license money. To date, Tpwn Clerk Winfleld Mprgan has issued 138 hunting Uoenses pf which 100 were made out during October. Twenty combination hunting and angling licenses are granted, one combination trapping and hunting and special he. enses have been issued to 20 hunters over 65 years of age for tlje privilege of hunting and angUng, Compared with the town clerk's records for 1938 it appears that there is greater interest this autufrih. For the entire year of 1938 103 hunting licenses were permltted;24 hunting and angling, 4 hun mg and trapping and' 15 spec als making a total Pf H" for the entire year. . i'^ EADED BY THE boldly different and uniquely beautiful new Torpedo Eight, the 1940 Pontiacs open up a whole new world of luxury at low cost! Because the essence of luxury is B ; F 4 t ; T y - b e a u t y that captivates the eye and leads the motor parade. A n d already Pontiac with its eyestopping style and new interior richness is being hailed as the Number One beauty of the year! Add t o that: greater length, H 8ftew''Tor|»edo*^t|rSi8|g wis&s BEING RAILED AS ^ E ^ E S ^ . FRESHEST NOTE IN THE 1940 MOTOR PARADE CENTRAL 64 Main Str^Qt 'Plioiie more room, increased comfort, t^riHing performance and record economy, ana you'll know why the'1940, ?liye.r S^^ea^. are enjoying the greatest success in Ronciac history! Come in today! T?' ' « J ^ ? < 3 P Mich'igan. Traniportalion based on rilll fates, siate'ind. local taxoi^if.anr), dpiiondl eqiiipnient aiid aicessorits—extra• ^P"? subject to change MmUt'nolke/Generdt Mdlori icfiiis lo suit ydur purse: '"'' I •>J 'ov ^r£de af»4 gfegfogmaCTCO GARAGE 968 |IIp>illii, .imm^r-' ''MiMi^Mi^^^iiii^-s .'%' - • *^ « * *\*j «»'#** •«>-H>«M^tt-4M»>«M^i#»*n'«ud^>fV]ivt».«.4wiiv ^.v a*j|®SSPjiS| ,.»....»<*•«••»'»•'"««' THE BRANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1039 Page Eight Forts Today THE MOVIE GUYED Hafipy Birthday oSOCIETY Continued from page one the meeting before t h e signal was given by means ot t h e gun. The GOSSIP FROM HOLLYVVOOD: Home enemy's large fleet of ships had Betty Paradls, Granite Bay, w r s Robert Montgomery chrlstonltiE Mrs, Raymond D. Warner (Gercome to anchor In the harbor! h i s new car by driving t o t h e stutlve years old Nov. 4th. Lome Para- trude Toole) ot Fargo, N, D, Is the .There was nothlngg the colonists dio to s t a r t h i s new film "The Earl dls will be two on the 13th.. They are j u e s t of her mother, Mrs. Thomas could do until morning. of Chicago." The following day Rev. Ezra Stiles t h e children of Mr. and Mrs. Lorin J. Toole, ot Montowese Street. This A n n Rutherford homo after b e week she went to New York to Join Continued Jrom pao* <>"« Hank LaCrolx, and Carl Bannls. President ot Yale College at t h e Paradls. J o s e p h F l n l a ot Dept, 0 h a s boon ing crowned Queen of t h e Cotton Mr, Warner, Starring in a losing cause for I l a d - time, with his spyglass In h a n d four others will each receive a can transferred to t h e Machine Dcpt, Festival a t Greensville, South Caro Ison were Iloldrldgc, Reynolds and went to the tower of the College Mary Ann, daughter ot Mr and ot Brer Rabbit Molasses. Attends Dance Uno. t •\«*mwif!f where he will serve his nnprcntlceOwnos. LaCrolx and Rbyden stood Chapel ond saw m u c h to his dismay Mrs, Harry Viola celebrated her 3rd Rules of t h e contMt arc simple. ,shlp in tool making, Miss Kaye Baldwin ot Pino OrEleanor Powell showing t h e por that, boats, tilled with armed men, out lor the locals. This week's game table dance floor designed to flt In See t h e advertisement on page 'i. birthday November 8 a t h e r new chard attended a donee Saturday were making way from their ships with Guilford h a s been postponed. This week's entries follow: night at the New Haven Country t o t h e rear compartment of h e r new home In Foxon Road. Ernest Dougherty is again in our to the shore. Molasses 1'tttfy Cooklcsi Club, car. I employ and Is working In d e p a r t As the news became known fam1 cup crisco Mr. Milton Hart, of t h e Castings Mickey Rooney and July, Garland Bobby, son ot Mr. and Mrs: Paul m e n t 0 where ho was always considilies took as many supplies as could Daughter Engaged 1 egg, well beaten Department fipcnd the week end a t accepting, honorary memberships ered n. con.'jclcntlous and faithful conveniently be carried, and fled to Rlnkcr, Main Street, Short Beach Vi cup warm water Mr, and Mrs, J, Ray MacLean ot his home In Trenton, N. J. In t h e Police Athletic Union ot New will be entitled to a birthday cake worker. Welcome back to our midst places they tliought would be more 2 tca,spoons baking soda (level) Pine Orchard announce the enYork City. ' • on Monday, the 13th, secure t h a n the New Haven colony Ernie. gagement ot their daughter, Mar1 teaspoon Blngcr T h e Plan for Hospital caro h a s Jeanetto MaoDonald back from a was a t this time. Among the places 2 cups, brown sugar announced t h a t the mcmber,'ihlp flying trip to San Francisco. Mrs. Victor Hutchinson of Short jorle Elizabeth to Mr, Traver A, T h e r e are quite a few boys who they .sought refuge were Hamden, 1 cup Brer Rabbit Molasses h a s pa.ssed t h e 115,000 mark. Last RoViort Young signing for the Beach received best wishes Monday Cowles, son ot Mr. and Mrs, Lewis are working In dirterent d c p a r t Mt. Carmel, etc. 1 teaspoon vanilla (extract) A, Cowles ot Whitney avenue, H a m m o n t h there was another group leading role in "Plorlan". ment.i about t h e factory who are The British were equipped with November 6th, 1 tcapsoon lemon (extract) den, Miss MacLean Is a graduate t h a t joined from the M.I.P, Anoth-I *.... ^ —. Rosalind Russell getting pre members ot t h e Brantord Battery or group is forming for enrollment approximately 46 ,small ,slzed ves4 Clips flour from Highland Hall, Hollldaysburg Thanksgiving "goodies" from her Greetings and gifts to Mrs, Eric and who will be In camp for a - - -^<--.,— tlcnio o'hnco Kblns VJ teaspoon salt New England homo. on December 1, Applications m u s t sels. These ,shlps h a d about two Swanson, of Short Beach, yesterday. Pa., and Women's College ot the week's training from November Cream shortening with sugar University ot North Carolina, Mr, bo In by November 20th .so It there thousand marines and three t h o u s 10th to 25th Inclusive, attended Roxbury. school In When bettor pictures are made, Add egg. Boat well. Combine baking are any who v/lsh to join we .sug- and soldiers. The enemy divided A birthday party was given S u n . . „Cowles „ _ F r a n k Capra will make them. U n - soda and water. Add molasses and gest t h a t they get In touch with their men, having h a l t land on t h e day, Nov, 5 In honor ot Joanne Cal- Cheshire and Is a graduate ot Sev The new attractive house which West shore and the remaining on til t h e time however, we'll sit light lltiuld to first mixture. Beat well, add Bltt Anthony Itkovloh ot the P a t t e r n P r a n k Blgelow as this will probably the Ea.st Shore, General G a r t h was abre.se, d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. crn school, Baltimore, Md and urihestltatingly declare Cop- flavorings, mix thoroughly. flour, measure, and slit with salt Department is having built up in bo t h e last group because the P l a n the commanding Brigadier at the William C. Calabrese, Main Street, ra's "Mr. Smith Goes to Town" the Short Beach. |Marriage and ginger. Add first mixture, boat Foxon Is noarlng completion and requires a minimum ot ten appli- West shore. greatest picture of his hit-packed William R, Cowles, .son ot Mr, and Those attending were: Vrlglnia cants. well, li'orm dougli in small balls The day was h o t and the British Herlth, Betsy a n d David SamsOn, Mrs. Ellsworth W. Cowles, ol Tyler careor........and, therefore, the great- press with a fork. Bake in moderate win ,soon ,bo ready tor occupancy. est picture ever to come out ot oven (35noF) until brown. Opportunity knocks but once so soldiers were In none too good a Joan and Junior Armstrong, Terry Street, on October 1 married Miss We are all of t h e opinion t h a t Hollywood. It Is sold: Mr, Jameson usually r e - mood. Many of t h e soldiers broke Morehouse, Billy Calabrese. There • Shirley W. Woods, daughter ot Mrs. Send In by t h e swimming season Is over a t the vandalized us as uicy, they |P. J. Woods ot Memphis, Tenn. The a n a vanaanzeo . This film is now showing at the Mrs. R. II Richardson "Brantord Shores," but evidently tors to a distasteful task as "skin- Into houses and were games, all In wedding took place In Morion, Arning 0 skunk," Yesterday, low a n d went along. A story ot a woman who \ keeping Loev^r; Poll 'Oollego for a 2nd Big with relreshments, Hallowe'en decora72 South Montowese St., not from w h a t we wo hear about Harry Harry nnig a .•ijiunn., j.uaiv;.u„j, , „ , . llvodin a home facing the New| iirnnv>intr T-TnUnwR'fin dDCora- kansas. Week, t h e cast comprises ot J e a n Brantord, Connn. Llndberg and Zeko Radovlcy ot the behold, a skunk appeared outside tions a n duritVi accessories. Haven Green illustrates only too Arthur and James Stewart, it in a o n Burner Dept, I t has Just gotten his window a t the opportune time, clearly how cruel t h e soldiers were. stirring, h u m a n spectacle cioalori Andrew Corcoran observed cole, Miss Covert Married burrowing carnivore was Here Is a delicious Spice Cake out t h a t they wont out wild duck The I Miss Grace Russell Covert ot Wll. by Capra out of t h e very h e a r t ct c a u g h t In t h e basement window The woman complained to Adjutant bratlons last Sunday. shootlng one day last week, and,, Campbell tliat a soldier had vlolentcontaining molassesl Try Itl I ford Avenue and John Floyd McAmerica, filled with all the laughter after being In hiding for quite opening and copld not, escape. We yl t a k e n a gold ring from her finSour Milk Spico Citko , the iovo, t h e pain, and t h e Joy of Edward Dennlson, Commodore ofiCutcheon ot Worcester, Mass., were understand thati our animal loving some lime a flock finally c a m e Into ger, Campbell said t h a t It she could the Brantord Outboard Club o t | married by Rev. Robert J. Plumb in 2 cups flour • the everyday business of living. sight. Harry and Zeko waited until yard foreman removed the ncjotur- point t h e soldier out ho would see to 1 la teaspoons baking soda Maple Street, celebrated a birthday j Trinity Church, Monday. Miss Cov The second great feature on this nal polo cal betore A. H, J, h a d an t h e ducks were, within .shooting It t h a t he was justly punished. Vj tcapsoon salt erl was tormerly a teacher in tlie wonderful hold over program is last Monday, November '5th. opportunity lo display his skill. rnngo ot tlielr mu.skets, and during However, Campbell never hod a 1 teaspoon cinnamon Brantord schools. Mr. McCutcheon, "Stop, Look ond Love" wtlh William T h a n k Heavens, t h e excitement, they m u s t liavc chance to carry out his plans be'A teaspoon nutmeg Prawley a n d J e a n Rogers, , Mr. a n d Mrs. Ralph Smith gave a now retired, was connected with shot at t h e same duck because only cause a tow m i n u t e s later he was , 1 cup brown sugar birthday p a r t y for their daughter, the Bradley Car Co.,ot Worcester, See You in the Movies one ot t h e flock dropped. They ,shot. One may see his dressing ca,so 1 CU15 sour milk Arleiie Ann, who celebrated h e r Mass., tor a number ot years, Mr, Your Movie Guyed quickly went lo retrieve It out or today by only going to t h e Now ',4 cup shortening 8tli blrtliday Sunday, November 4th. ond Mi's, Ruol Covert ot West H a r t , the water and Zeko reached out tor Haven Society, I t seems t h a t his 1 egg Many ot her scliool friends a t t e n d - ford and Mr, and Mrs, Richard CoTUBERCULOSIS SEAL SALE t h e lonely duck, but to his surprise .servant stole It and sold It In Now 1/3 cup Brer Rabbit mola.sscs [vort ot New Britain attended t h e ed the celebration. The sale ot tuberculosis seals bo lie discovered It was ,so weighted Continued from page on« Haven and It now Is in the sate Vj cup raL'ilns wedding, Mr, and Mrs. McCutcheon gins December Ist with Miss Ella n d s ui of this New Haven society Cream .shortening and add sugar. down with buck.shot tha,t tlie boat week, November 9 a t tlie West End h aluiuti WHO Ktw x^u.,^.. ..^, j,jlgg Rogoniary Dwycr was hostess left Immediately after the ceremony M c O r a i l a s sale chairman. Upon Slit salt, soda and spices with flour. capsized and thoy both w e n t over- Fire House and .that all men ot East Another story Is the one of Mrs Saturday n i g h t a t a p a r t y a t h e r tor Orlando, Flo,, where they will advice of the State Committee t h e Boat egg well with molasses and board. This Is t h e way we h e a r d It. Haven be Invited to attend. At this Wooster, the widow ot General j ^ ^ ^ ^ ; „ g,^„j,j ^^^^^ ^^^^ occasion spend t h e winter. local sale will bo conducted t h i s sour milk. Add dry and liquid Inmeeting the name Momauguln will Woostcr and d a u g h t e r ot President ^ ^ 1 , ^ ^ ^^^^. birthday. year through the mails instead ot gredients alternately, to creamed This is Just a reminder Irom be ralltlcd or anotlier n a m e selectMrs, Alfred Bloomberg ot Rogers Guests were; Mr, and Mrs, Joseph through t h e school children, as In mixture. Add raisins. Bake In their m a n y friends ot Capt. George ed and m a t t e r s pertaining to the Clap ot Yale College, Mrs, Wooster was living in t h e Wooster Mansion, Fltzpatrlck, Misses Georgle Hola. Street Is in Grace Hospital where provlpus years. Marsli and Capt, George Hansen, Institution ot the new tribe discuss-' located wliero Wooster Street now bird, Nan Vaughn, Dorothy O'Brien, x-rays were taken yesterday. greased pons 25 minutes, 350° F. Miss McGrall will be assisted by Cover with butter frosting. who are anticipating some plea.surc ed among tliem being officers the Is. Hoping t h a t lier age and position Ann Tileston, Mary Tyler Catherine Miss Mae Murphy, Mrs, Annie Hart, boat riding n e x t summer t h a t they lodge hall and d u b rooms. Send In by would protect lier against t h e i n - Whelen, a n a d Leonard Cole, Robert Adam Kelly is recuperating from Miss Vera Barker, Mrs. F r a n k Abh a d better pull thoir c r a t t s out of Ingeborg HoUden Present at this meeting Thursday vading soldiers she remained In h e r Miller, J o h n Green, Herbert Beebe, an illness at the home ot Mr. a n d londl, Miss Mary Batrow and Mrs. RPD No, 1 the water boloro tlio river freezes evening will be a number of the home. This m e a n t little to the m e n Robert Salisbury, William Capley Mrs. T. J . H a n a t o r d , Alps Road. Catherine Dowo. Brantord, Conn, over, so as not to liave a n y disap- s t a t e officers of t h e - o r d e r and-dele- and they destroyed 'lieflovely "fur- and Donald Vincent, pointments, "Wliat say boys lots Saturday was also the birthday ot gations from Pawson tribe of B r a n - niture and took oil her valuables. give them a h a n d . " :, The East shore was tlie next Leonard Cole. My cake t h a t never falls. ford and Hammonasseti tribe of Sour nillk Spico Cake New Haven. P a s t Great Sachem one to be approached by t h e Mr, and Mrs. Gabriel B a r b a reFriends and well-wisliers Join in 1 cup sugar Alfred Lgourlo ot New London a soldiers. They were not very cor ceived m a n y congratulations last {281 M a i n St., East Haven '/. cup shortening member of Nonowantuc tribe ot dlally greeted as their commanding extending congratulations to t h e Friday, November 3rd, t h e .occa.sofficer was killed by the small comfollowing who celebrate their b i r t h 1 egg t h a t city Is expected to bo present lon being thoir n i n t h wedding anSun., Jlon., Tues., Nov. 12-13-14 1/3 cup Brer Rabbit molasses a n d make a short address. P a s t pany of men t h a t were stationed days. H a r b o r a n d Maple Sts., niversary. here. When t h e y finally did land, 1 cup sour milk Great Sachem LIgourle h a s been a W a l l a c e ' Boory i n they did give up their aim a n d A surprise party was given r e ',i tsp. baking soda Fred Ackerman and Sherwood 'bomber ot the order for a n u m b e r QUALITY LIQUORS THUNDER AT-LOAT' 1 tsp. each ot cinnamon, clove Rowley are seriously consldorlng °! ^f'^''^ ^ " ^ ' " oddlllon to h i s a c - fought every i n c h ot the way a n d cently to celebrate the 21st b i r t h ady ot Miss Francis Stankwltz ot finally succeeded in capturing Bea-1 _ !-! ALSO :-! 2 cups flour AT LOW PRICES formlng a "Bingo Club." for the "^'""^^ '^'"^ *<= ^"^ ^"'^ '^ P'^°'"1 tsp. ttlLsplce m a n y who seem to enjoy t h i s pas- '""""^ 1" Military clrcl^ps In t h e oas- con Hill and Black Rock Port a n d East Haven. I "These Glamour Girls" '/j cup raisins tlme, w o will h e a r more about this "^"^ P'^'''' °^ ^^° ^ate being a c a p - the garrison of m e n were made pri-1 P h o n e B r a n f o r d 942 vatli Lew Ayros, L a n a T u r n e r | William Francis Rodman was M. cup n u t s club whon t h e i r plans a r c com- * » ' " °^ """^ °^ ^'^'^ Infantry com- soners. New Haven at this time c a r r i e d : b o m November 18th, 1982 Vanilla panics a n d Is also identilied with I W e d . , Tlnirs.—Nov. in-lG By adding more fruit this makes pleted. T h e r e Is more proflt in.rals tho mony civic organizations ot the on an extensive trade with the Bar Ing chickens and trukeys, Fred, whaling city, I n addition to being badoes and various oilier islands of Birthday celebrations are in store LOST spectacles at Prann's Corner flue t r u l l cake, i "Stronger Than Desire" but lots ot luck just: tho same. tho speaker a t t h e , open meeting t h e West Indies, and lliey had great tor Miss Beatrice Gorski and her November 7 in a Parker Jones Bake in slow oven 40 minutes. ! ;.; VillTH !-: niece, Eugenia Zafflno, ot West End Thursday evening he will t a k e an supplies of sugar, molasses, and r u m Case. Reward. E. S. Ball, Stony Send In by Joseph Giordano ot D e p a r t m e n t 0 Virginia Bruoc, W a l t e r P i d g c o n Avenue on November l l t i i . Important p a r t In t h e Institution ot In their cellars wliich was an a t t r a c Creek. Tel. 791-3 Mrs. J. C. Carr is building a n attractive six room ;-: ALSO x t h e new tribe. tion t o the Invading British. They 85 Rogers Sreet bungalow with all m o d e r n imMrs. Z. Zalllno ot 50 Kirkham Brantord, Conn I t Is expected t h a t the degrees ot h a d quite a time ot it and became "Good Girls Go To Paris" provements on Gordon Street, the tlie order will be conferred a t the very drunk. Mony ot t h e m were Street, also observes a birthday on Brantord Gardens. Tho toundatlon Institution ot this now East Haven seen lying in t h e streets and on t h e the l l t i i of November. M e l v y n Douglas, J o a n Blondoll Molasses Puffs Is already built and ho expects to tribe the t e a m ot Pawson tribe ot Green, and other public places. This 1/3 cup shortening ; Ladies Gift Nights move in by Christmas so a s to en- Brantord, A rehearsal of t h e team state ot a l t a i r s troubled General Lest you forget—Leshine family— ',G cup sugar . Joy the Yuletlde in his new house. is to be hold Friday evening after Garlli, and was no doubt one ot t h e I t Is Mrs. Meyer Leshlne's birliiday 1 beaten egg TIMOTHY J. MCCARTHY P r i . ; S a t , - r - N o v . 17-18 ',2 cup Bror Rabbit molasses t h e business meeting. Past Sacliem m a i n reasons tor leaving town t h e November 16th. "There m u s t bo some hikers George Barba h a s notified all the next day. E d w a r d G. Rohingon i n rsi cups flour Landscape Garrteniiig among t h e M.I.P. employees" r e - members ot the t e a m to be present ' A council was hold; the principal I P = B R O W N I N G K I N G & C O . r r = 'A teaspoon salt "BLACKMAIL" marked Don Sawtelle who is a so Ihey can go through the p a r t s , 1 teaspoon baking powder officers made a n inspection by| !-: A L S O !-: ISranford, Wilford Itoad, member of t h e New Haven Hiking . Already 40 m e n have slgnltled m e a n s of a birds-eye view from t h e \<2 teaspoon soda Club. Don would like to form an Ihelr Intention to became chorter top of Admiral Foot's home. I t was Joo E . B r o w n , Max'tlia Rayo i n 1 teaspoon ginger Conn. Phono 223-4 M.I.P. Hiking Club. There a r c many members ot t h e East Hoven tribe t h e n t h a t General G a r t h exclaimed '$1,000 a TOUCHDOWN'! Vb teaspoon n u t meg interesting trips tiiat could bo tok- and 75 arc expected before Novem- his piirase t h a t is often quoted " I t ',{i teaspoon cinnamon 42 inch sink and tub combinations Play Honey Sat. Evenings | % cup sour milk en n o r t h aiid east of Brantord. ber 22nd, is too pi-etty a town to burn." T h a t Those who enjoy the great outdoors 2$.9j complete. Toilet outfits or butter milk evening a banquet wos given in Past Sachem Louis E, Peck of Cream shortening and sugar, add are urged to see Don a b o u t plans Stratford who Js In charge ot the honor ot the Brltisli oftleers by t h e complete $12,95, Bath tubs $14.50. _'gg and molasses, beat well. Add he h a s for Fall and S p r i n g hikes organizing of this new East Haven loyai.mcn ot t h e town In t h e old " F O R M E N WHO Wall Basins $5.45. Conn. Plumbinff flour, sifted with salt, baking pow- as well as skiing during t h e winter tribe will report a t t h e open moot- Cliandler liouse, which later became and Healing Materials Co., 1730 CARE" der, soda, and spices, alternately season. t h e home ot Henry B. Sargent, one ing on Thursday to tho slate State St, New Hiyen, Conn,, with sour milk. Fill greased cup cake time mayor of New Haven, ond the officers and the mon present t h a t P h o n e C-0028. IDistinctly Slylcil P r o m P r i . , Sat,—Nov. 10-11 The M I . F , Volley Bail t e a m open- instilutlons ot new tribes at Gull- m o n t h a t started the Sargent p a n s h a l t full and bake In moderate ed their season Tlnn-sday night ford, Clinton a n d Norwich will be factory I m p o r t e d and Donicstiu Lewis Stone, Mickey Rooney i n oven (350oF) 20 minutes. Top with whipped cream or sot- with a smashing victory over t h e held In t h e near future at least beALL MAKES TYPEWRITEUS Tryon returned, to his camp in Fabrics "THE HARDYS HIDE tencd cream cheese. Madison Town Team. Tlio game tore Christmas, East Haven. Orders were given at N'cw, Kcbulits, Rentals, Portables, was played in the H a n d High Send in by HIGH" sunrise tho following day to march. Supplies Mrs R. H. Richardson School Gym, Tho experienced MadiAs manyf of t h e Soldiers had not :-! A L S O :-! llETURN FROIM HONEYMpON son team who had played togeth72 South Montowese St., Convenient Terms slept off their carousal it was necesMelvyn Douglas, Louise P i a t t in Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Beavls have Brantord, Conn. er since 1935 were tavorltcs to win sary to got t h e m to the wliort by t h e game, but once tho M,I,F, team returned from their honeymoon trip RELIANCE TYPEWRITER CO. m e a n s ot wagons, wheelbarrows, "TELL NO TALES" got going t h e r e was n o slopping to Nov/ York, yesterday. They were My Mola.sses Cake C. B, GUY, Mer, c a r l and wagons. As the last boat them. Fine t e a m play was shown by married November 4th a t Killing1 cup molasses (Brer Rabbltload left Long Wharf t h e enemy Sun., Mon., Tues., Nov. 12-1,3-H Telephone 7-2733 2 cups flour stirred into the mo t h e M.I,P. boys and a successtul worth. Mrs. Rudolf Beavls was the Hred at a storehouse built upon It. ttj Crown Street, New Ilavcn expeciea. Tlie i n o local locai tuuiuiMlss Helen Kowalski ot Moose Hill season is expected, loom lasses On tlio East Haven shore a man "THE WOMEN" includes Irving Hoadley, Jack Za-'G\iUtord. They are now residing at Vz teaspoon cloves llenwood comb, ranfe, $'0, Crawnoticed their departure and made !-! WITH ;-: wackl, Bod Linden, Harvey Roydon, 99 Ivy Street, Brantord. ',i teaspoon allspice ford, Monogram, Quality gas a n offensive gesture. Instantly he N o r m a Shearer, J o a n Crawford ',i cup butter a n d Crisco ranee, $18, Beautiful clcctrlp r c was fired at and killed by a shot i-: A L S O ;-! 2/3 cup boiling water with scant frigCTators, 535, S12. Erand new from one ot t h e vessels. Another Use Our Convenient soda and a little salt disstoves, refrigerators, reduced 25m a n was killed a t Block Rock Fort "Indianapolis Speedway" teaspoon solved in it and p u t In cake last 40%. Funiilurc, rugs. 59 M'halley and he was going to well for some Payment Plan with P a t O'Brien, A n n S h e r i d a n Raisins it you like and frost it with Avenue, Open evenings. water. New Haven at last was free chocolate. ot these soldiers who preferred noLOST—Pass Book N"O. 11573. I t Wed,, Thurs.—Nov. in-lG Send In by llilng more t h a n to see t h e destrucfound return to Branford Savings Mrs. S. C. Goddard, tion ot public properly. BURNISHED GOLD Bank, Branford, Conn. Brantord, C o n n CHINA NIGHTS After thinking of the m a n y h a r d ships and difficulties our foreFOK LOCAL NEWS 'THEY ALL COME OUT' fathers h a d to endure we should LIBRARY AVILL CLOSE Chapel a t H i g h Sts,, witli R i t a Johnson, T o m Neal feel very fortunate t h a t we live in READ THE Blackstone Memorial Library will New Haven J New Haven in t h e 20th century and !•! A L S O !-! be closed Armistice Day, November BRANFORD REVIEW not t h e 18th century. "Everybody's Hohby" nth. I Winning Recipe I ! O.CJ*.^ '^.^Vw. RedMenDegree.s Capitol Theatre Harbor Package Store Business Directory t TOPCOATS OVERCOATS Pequot Theatre 29.50 to 44.50 R. C. BALLOU THE nOME NEWSPAPER IS A VITAL FORCE IN EVERY THE n O H E TO^VN PAFEtt — of — BRANFORD — NORTH BRANFORD STONY CREEK — PINE ORCUARD SHORT UEACII — INDIAN NECK URANNIS CORNER — M O R R I S COVE — EAST HAVEN TOWS rORTRAYLVG AS IT DOES LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN FAJUHAR L,VNGUAGE A N D EAST H A V E N VOL. X I I I — N O . 32 NEWS B r a n f o r d , Connecticut, T h u r s d a y , Novemher 16, 1039 Chester Prann Response Good Funeral Services In Roll Call Held Yesterday For Red Cross SENIOR SAG.i\MORE Price Five Cents Contest Closes Red Men Favor \Branford Battery Leaves Saturday Night Tribal Name For $500 Cash Of Pequot Early Saturday Morning For Field Training Work Mrs, R, H. Richardson Is L a s t ; Institution of Rod Mon Dogrocs Will Be P a r t i c u l a r l y Remembered 'The American Red Cross," says W e e k ' s Local "Winnor P o r H e r P o r Active I n t e r e s t I n John L. Lewis, President ot the UnWill Bo Oonforrod I n E a s t ited Mine Workers ot American and Recipe for Molasses Puffs Baseball Circles H a v o n November 27th President .Congress ot Industrial First Time Camp Of This Kind At This Time Of Year Has Chester Webb P r a n n , tor 4B years Organizations," tiirough its services Into Us third and final successful Groat Senior Sagamore Hera resident ot Branford.and one ot to the people, has long merited, the wcc!-: goes the Brer Rabbit Molo.sses Ever Been Proposed—Battery Now At Full Strength bert E. Moore, a member of Keits best -loved citizens, died at 8:30 support of all Americans. Its unity Canlest —wlillo recipes continue to —Capt. Rush Thanks Employers of Members. Monday morning at his home, 44 ot purpose is odmlrable and I pour in from the housewives ot liow tribe ot Wlnsted will be one ot tho ottlolating chiefs at the InAverlU Place, otter o tour months strongly recommend t h a i It receive Binnford and vicinity. stitution of Pequot tribe of the I m unanimous support during Its Roll The Branford Battery will leave Illness. He was born In Wetherslleld In last week's contest Mrs. R. H, tho armory Saturday morning at 7 in 1864, the son ot John Wlieeler Call for members. Richardson ot 72 South Montowese proved Order ot Red Men In the town hall. East H a v e i on Monday I At noon today $105 had been cplo'clock tor one week ot field training and Helen Webb Prann. His m a r Street won the, llrsl prize ot $1.00 at Wlnstod. This unit will make p r e riage lo Alice Ellso Stannard took lected in this year's roll call. for lior recipe ot "Molasses Puffs." evening, November 27lh. This date was decided at a meeting of a group The Brontord broncli ot the Amparations for the n r r i v a t o f t h e r e Not only does Mrs. Rlcliordson j i l a c e in Westbrook September 24, llcrlicrt E . Jlooro, Groat Senior ot tiie c h a r t e r members ot the new erican Red Cross is now working on mainder ot tlio regiment, which |. receive t h e $1.00 weekly prize which 1888, and three years lotcr he mov.Sugauuiro,! iin|)r(iV(Ml Ord tribe held last Friday evening. I t its annual roll call a n d Invites evwill leave for t h e c a m p Sunday morn " Is ottered during t h e duration of ed his family to Brontord. ing. Tho regiment will bo quartered Wltii his brotlier.ln-law, George eryone to contribute for just now Red mcM, .stale of ('(iinu'cticut, the contest, bul her recipe Is a u - was originally Intended to liold the in one of tho buildings belonging'to monibor of Kclicjw Tribe of Wiii- tomatically entered in Hie national hislilullon on November 24th but . R. Stonnord, as a partner, he pur- tile need is very great. There are many citizens of Hie Mr, Lester Nichols is tlio contrlbu. the North Mfg. Co., Wlnsted, equipBrer Rabbit Molasses Corttest lo owing t o t h e town hall hot being chased the grocery business of the sleil. compete for the G r a n d National available it was necessary to change ter ot tho following list of como- ped with h e a t and eleotriolty, glv. late Cliarles F . Bradley and started town who are not on the Red Cross the dale. Also at the meeting of dilles and their prices gleaned from ing tho men much comfort at night Prize ot a year's supply ot grocerthe first ot P r a n n & Stannard. Ev moiling list simply because they the c h a r t e r members us consldor- records kept by a Connecticut otter a hard day of maneuvers In members; so ies—$500 worth or $500 in cash. cntually the partnership grew to liave never become oblo o]iposltion to the n a m e MomCountry Store in the years 1840.41 tho open. The m e n have all been isoccupy the two easterly stores In Ihey would not recleve an appeal tor The tour runners-up in last week's auguln had developed 11 was voted The bar was only a bit separated sued tlio newstyio army mooklnaw, the Hosley Block and was shortly tile Roll Coll as solicitation is made contest will each receive a con ot to.call t h e tribe Pequot, The n u m - from the dry goods counter. The which, will give w a r m t h and ,aIlow through the mails and not a house thereafter dissolved. Brer Robbltt Molasses, These win. comparison bolwoen tho prices ask- freedom ot movement, and t h e now ber ot tlie new tribe will be 71, Mr. P r a n n and Mr. Stannard con- to house canvass Since a special ners are: Mrs. Ingeborg Haiiden. ed those days and those today are army gloveswlU be Issued before d e tinued tor several years however, in appeal is being made by the n a RFD No. 1; Mrs. J . C Carr of 85 Groat Senior Moore during the Interesting but not disheartening the grocery and hardware business tional organization for m a n y new Rogers Street; Mrs. S. C. Goddard; institulion ot the new East Haven when wo consider t h a t the same parture. This is the first time t h a t a c a m p respectively, side by side, at the old members to help carry on the relief and Mrs. R. H. Richardson tribe will have charge ot t h e war- account book listod credits for '/aday of the wor refugees, as well as to aid Continued on page eight There is still time for you to get riors a n d a t tiie conclusion of the labor a t but ,34cents, 2 days labor of this kind at this time of year h a s wlien disaster strikes In our own Over lOO tables were reserved for your contribution in. Send it along work will give an address. Ho is art oven been proposed. The Branford country, the local Branch is asking the style show and card p a r l y Tues. today. I t might win tor you that- oi'olor of ability and every Red Mon Is listed at $1,67, Later in the records Battoi-y is ot full strength, with a p VJ day lobor jumped as high as all those who can,.to become mem. day n i g h t sponsored by tiie Easi $500 prize—and whl.sk away your opporcnlly enjoys t h e talks t h a t he proximately 20 men on tho waiting 60 cents, bers, by paying one dollar lo t h e list for enlistment, if and when a Haven Rotary Club in tlie auditor- grocery bills tor a year. Think ot gives from time to time treasurer Mr. C. N. Baxter a t t h e 38 vacancy occurs. Continued on page jour At t h i s Institulion t h e degrees of V2 Bu, Clams I library or to any member of t h e ium ot St. Vincent dePaul's Church. .j 80 1 Tonigiit the battery will hold its the order will bo conferred by the 8 lbs. pork Proceeds will be u.sed for a spcoexecutive committee. Donations ot 82 last drllj before leaving for tho loam from Pawson tribe ot Bran 11% lbs. Cheese ., ial Christmas party tor East H a . Continued ori page five 5 lbs. Sugar i 50 Field, ' completing Its loading of ford h e a d e d by past Sochem George ven's underprivileged children. 0% lbs. Codfish 31 trucks with all equipment and bag. Barbo, Rehear sals for t h e degree The style sliow- displayed men's gttgo. CohUnued on page three work a r e now being hold in the wig clothing and women's a t t i r e from Capt. John L. Rush, commander The Muslcol Art Society will p r e wom ot t h e Brantord tribe. Muriel's and Bond clothier's and of tho b a t t e r y w i s h e s to express his sent a n Old Folks' . Concert in LiContinued on Page Seven was In,charge of Mrs. William Fagsincere t h a n k s to tho employers ot brary Hon, November 28. A program erstrom and Miss Alice Hall. mon who hove been pormlttod to go ot old favorite songs will be p r e . Local models included; Miss Eisa to camp a t a great sacrince to them senled with gowns worn by members Plerson, Miss Ann Gorman, Miss Mrs. R. Earl Beers, P r o g r a m selves and their business, realizing •of "the'cWorus"authentic for the v a r ch.airingn_Ior,ffi[ Virginia Dohna,,Mrs. Eric Dohna, vjrgmia uonna,,ivirs. lijic u o n n a , chali -i^ious perlodSIiXhaJ!hor4la-wUl-J30.uii-|»^»J.^»<->,~-.«- MMrSjffflk-^-TV-n-sl^TlWfSr -'TftlflCr [ " O T enlfirlaffifdi'rtiesday'a'ftefnobii ' Coritlnutd on pajit two reeled by Mrs. Raymond Plnkhom, A monthly meeting of the Halt Bishop; Mrs. M. J. Maupas, Lillian at a lunclieon for h e r committee, and t h e Instrumental numbers by Attending were, t h e new presiMrs. George FoUsor; The Allegro Hour Reading Club was held Thurs Dimminslein, William Clancy, Dick The Womans' Republican Club dent, , Mrs, S.A. Griswold, Mrs. Music Club Quartet will assist by day afternoon in Trinity Parish Parilla, Daniel Dempsey. Eugene Thomas Paradise, Mrs. C.A. Nott will meet Monday afternoon a t the liouse. It wos on open meeting and Clark, Wilbur Clark, Dr. Arthur presenting several numbers. very largely attended. The speaker Blsliop, Mr. Fagerstrom, Wollace Mrs. H.E. Cox, Mrs, F r a n k Stone and The Branford Battery will spon- homo of Mrs, Cliarles Goldsmith, The chorus Includes Alice Col. Mrs Alden J Hill, Sara B, Crawford, secretory of of the afternoon, Mrs, Roy G, Pavy sor its first Old Fashion and Mod. Uns, Catherine Daley, Mary Devlin, of Westfield, Mass,, on the .subject Coker, Nick Spegnessl a n d Stanley After the luncheon the Garden crn dance tomorrow night Novem- stale will come from Hartford lo Wentworth. J a n e Moltson, Helena Odenkirchen "Grandmother's Quilts for the Edward Strelle and Mrs. William Club s Program for t h e coming year (jor 17 with Bud Smith prompting. speak on her office and Its duties. Mrs. Rudolph F. Bailey, of Wll. Alice Warner, Marion Adams, ChaV- World of Today" gave valuable i n . Mrs. Grace R. Hunter will be a s - ford Avenue will open her liomo announced, and Miss was m a d c a p and will probably go^Last year the dances held at the lotte Adams, Audrey Rogers, Laura formation on the quilts brought in Fagerstrom sistant hostess with Mrs. Harold lo press about J a n 1. November 24 for a luncheon meetArmory were very successful; the Ayer, Pauline Korn, Isabel MacLeod by members, some of which dated Betty Danlelson sang. Tho club urges t h e public not to Armory being filled wltii dancers Smith. General chairman, F r a n k Clancy ing ot tlio Branford Visiting Nurso Ruth Oliver, Doris Cox, Edward back to the last quarter of the 18th Mrs. Clarence Munger, president gother for decoration tlio following hod assisting him Dr. A r t h u r BisAssociation. from all parts of tlie State. Micliaelson, Alfred Gale, Brent century. Most of the quilts brought and Mrs. Milton Bradley, president "untouchobles," ot which the supply hop, Tom Rellly, William Hoyt, Many ot the local dance enthusFollowing is tho report of the Vis. Barker, F r a n k Blgelow, James Cos- in were in tire early 180O's. of the county association will pour remaining in Connecticut is limited John Murphy and William Foger. iasts, have been anxiously looking Itlng Nurse Association for the m o n grove, Harry Llndberg, David Bald, at a tea to follow. Three new members were taken Strom and F r a n k Sullivan. liolly, laurel, black aider, ground j'forward to the attoirs to be held in the of October; Under care during win and Willis Pratt, Those who desire transportation the month, 581; visits made 388. pine (princess f e a t h e r ) , ground the Branford drill shed, as it is tho I n s t r u m e n t a l group; Margaret in. Miss Ella T. McGrall, Mi's. Frederick R. Houde and Mrs. J. Howard should be at tho post olllce by 2; 45 cedar, running pine (reindeer well.chlld conferences, three, with a only floor t h a t can accomodate so Fouser, Harry Llndberg, Alice Burr, Adams. Following the meeting Mrs. moss), slag horn partridge berrv. great on omount ot sets for the old or may telephone Mrs. Grace H u n - total attendance of 58; t o t a r time Florence Smith, Cornelia Osborn, S. A. Griswold entertained at a tea wlntorgreen, or oilier forest ground ta.shlon numbers, making It possible ter or Mrs. Roland Geler. 533 hours; three dental clinics; 73 Nellie Osborn, accompanist. In her home so liiat members could « cover. visits made to eight schools; 860 i n for m a x i m u m enjoyment ot the Allegro quartette; Edwin Michael- meet Mrs. Pavy. Pouring were Mrs. dividual health inspections In the The Garden Club will meet In Li- dance. son, Brent Barker, Dave Baldwin, George Adams, president and Mrs. schools. brary Hall, November 24 at 8 P.M. The old fashion and modern Willis Pratt, Robert Williams. The next meeting Among those loaning gowns; Mrs, December 14 will be a Christmas The sole of tuberculosis seals will s t o n e College ot Business, New lo show t h e federated Christmas dance will be continued every Frl. Dosrway Slides ot 1938. The meetday night throughout the winter begin December 1st and will be conS, A. Griswold, Mrs, Harold Bald- p a r t y in the home of Mrs Frederick Haven, oldest commercial college in ing is public and is hoped to s t i m monies derived from theso dances ducted this year by mall instead of win, Mrs, Kelscy, Edith Weels, Mrs. T. Catlln ot Pine Orchard. Miss H a r - Connecticut, will celebrate its 75th by the school children as in former Williom Rice, Mi-s. Laura Ayers, riet Cox will be the reader. Members anniversary on Friday evening, No- ulate Interest in t h e decoration ot win go into the Battery treasury doorways during the Christmas seayears. Miss Ella McGrall Js c h a i r - , and Is anticipated t h a t purchases Mrs. Sidney V. Osborn, Jr., Mrs. are requested to bring gifts unwrap, vember 17, a t t h e Cavaiary Baptist man of of seal committee. Chauncey Upson, Mrs. Roy Cox, Miss ped a t this time tor t h e Visiting Church, corner ot Chapel and York son. The garden club ot East H a - will be m o d e for recreational equip ven, Morris Cove, Gilford and ment t o be used in the recreation Marlon Thatcher. s t r e e t s a t 8:00, Nurse Association. Leete's Island are invited to at rooms, a n d new furniture tor the The funeral of Mrs. Emilia Kwle. Mrs. William Rice is chairman. Tills college was established In tend. Rev. A.W. Jones will be Battery parlor, and as hos been the clenski ot 28 Hillside Avenue was SERVICES HELD FOR I t is expected t h a t tickets will 1864 as t h e United States College ot reader for tho showing ot the slides. custom in the past to establish a held from her late residence S a t u r sell exceedingly well as the proceeds COST ACCOUNTANTS JAMES E. O'NEILL Business and Finance; in 1873, Its mess fund tor camp. day morning, with requiem high win be given to tlie Visiting Nurse n a m e was clianged to National BusTO HEAR KILDUFF The funeral of James E. O'Neill, I t is expected from returns now mass In St. Mary's cliurch. Rev. EdAssociation. iness College; in 1878, t h e Yale Busreceived from advanced sales of ward J. Domonsko was celebrant. 53 Harrison Avenue, was held this iness College, and was acquired in On Thursday, November 23d, t h e tickets t h a t their affair will bo a James E. Cosgrove, vocal soloist, morning from W. S. Clancy & Sons CRAFTSMAN DEGREE New Haven Chapter of t h e National 1901 by its present owner Nathan B, sang "Mother of Chlrst". Bearers Mortuary Home with requiem high great success. Stone, since which lime it iias been TO BE E X E M P L I F I E D A&socatlon of Cost Accountants known as t h e Stone College. As t h e season progtressea every were Joseph Zjmleskl, Anthony Cas- mass in St. Mary's Church. Burial v/Iil meet at the Morris Cove Comeffort will be made by t h e dance ey, Steve O'Learoyk, Paul Anlske was in St. Agnes cemetery. I t s oldest living graduate is Lester Ho was S3 years of age and was Postmaster Joseph Driscoll an- committee to co-operate with those vlch, J o h n Choromanski and Stevo The Perfect Craftsman degree munity House. The Speaker will be J. Nichols, Secretary ot t h e Malleanounces t h a t tho Brantord Post attending dances regarding sug- Wiezkotki. The burial was In St. born in this place the son of Mich• will be exemplified In full form next Frederic W. Kilduff, Management ble Iron Fitting Co; of Branford, ael O'Neill and Mary Ahernc. He had office will be open for city and full gestions for better Wednesday night by the degree Consultant of New York City. His enjoyment of Agnes cemetery. t e a m of Widow's Son Lodge in t h e subjects will be "The Economic Ef- who graduated from t h e college in window service on Nov. 23. Rural these affairs. There will be procured Mrs. K\ylccienski was the widow been In poor health for the p a s t 1806, and who will be present ot the carries, according to post office r e - in the future the services ot other ot Wadlslaw Kwiecienski and passed three years. For a number of yijars Lodge rooms. This is a n a n n u a l fects of Positive Inventory Control". Mr. Kilduff Is a member of t h e exercises. The principal .speaker ot ulatlons will have t h e day off. T h e leading a n d popular prompters glv away in New Haven Hospital after he had been employed as a plumber event and is looked forword to with the evening will be Dr. J a m e s Gorlocal office will observe Thanksgiv- ing t h e p a t r o n s a variety as t h e a long Illness. She was born in by Frank McKeon. He is survived by greot enthusiasm by the members Amerlcon Institute of Accountants of t h e Fellowcraft Club. This is to and the American Society of don Gilkey, ot Springfield, Mass., ing Nov. 30. season roils on. Contact Is being Chatu, Poland 75 years ago and for four brotiiers,- J o h n H. of K a n s a s and President Stone will present Mechanical Enginers and is an be strictly a home affair and no In connection v/lth t h e overseas made with Enew England's great the past 30 years had been a resi City, Mo.. Charles W. of Guilford: visiting clubs have been invited. outstanding authority on the sub- diplomas and award degrees to the holiday period of parcel post m a i l - one and only "Spats" Decker who Is dent of Branford, making her home Joseph V, and F r a n k M. of B r a n Members of t h e club taking p a r t ject of Inventories and inventory 1939 Graduating Class, ing, Patons ot the Branford Post now on a barnstorming tour. with her son in low, Victor T r o j a n - ford; .two sisters, Florence E. a n d G r a d u a t e s ond former students Office are advised t h a t on account Katherlno A. of Branford.: are R. E. Moddern, Harold F. Tou- control practices. His books are: oskl. sey, Norman C. Clark, Fred Bllck"Standard Inventory Manual"; from all p a r t s of Connecticut are ot the war in Europe parcel post Surviving h e r are three g r a n d , Bearers were; J o h n Donnelly, TURKEY SUPPER er, Louis Milne, Frederick Simpson, "Inventory Pratlce and Materal cordially Invited lo attend. service h a s been suspended with children, Miss Evelyn Trojanoskl, James Hart, William P'NeiU, Daniel Chas. P. Close, Carl Gulians, David control"; "Auditing and Accounting Czecho-Slovakla, Danzig, G e r m a n y Pilgrim Brotherhood will hold its Erwln Trojanoskl, botli ot this place F. Daly, Frederick R. Houde a n d Champagne, Louis Close and Hen- Handbook". and Poland. The r a t e s have also annual turkey supper and Ladles and Henry Trojanoskl of H a m d e n ; Joseph H. Driscoll. ROTARIANS TAKE TOUR Night a t t h e Congregational Church r y Close and William Wilson, There He Is a m.ember of t h e faculty of Under the guidance of Valdcmar been increased for parcel post and four great grand children. GOOD REPORT will be a full rehearsal held in the New York University. T h e meeting Hammer and F r a n k Blgelow, the packages addressed to Gibraltar, Nov. 21, Tuesday a t 6:30 p. m. Following supper Prof. Harry Ru Academy on Monday evening at will be preceded by an old-fashion- Branford Rotary Club toured the Latvia, Lithuania a n d t h e Union of Miss Stasia Brada, local- c h a i r To Attend Mlchigan-Pcnn Game din of Yale will speak in the church 8:00 P . M. m a n of t h e Good Will Workers r e ed home cooked Thanksgiving Din- Malleable Iron Fittings Company Soviet Socialist Republics (Russia). Miss Shirley E. Leshine ot Forbes ports a satisfactory sale of tickets auditorium. ner a t 0; 30 P.M. P l a n t on Monday following the The post office d e p a r t m e n t h e r e Tickets for supper are limited to Place, East Haven, will spend tho to the Fifth Annual Charity Toy weekly luncheon at the Congrega- is sporting a brand new ton I n t e r MOTHERS' CLASS MEETS 200 and should be obtained as well wcek.end in Philadelphia where sha Bingo to be held in St. Michael's tional Church Parlors, BUILDS HOUSE national truck. Today a t 2:30 a t the Health Cenin advance as possible from any of will attend the colorful Pennsylvan- Hall 234 Greene St. New Haven, The tour was arranged by How. Mrs. Marlon p o a n e h a s broken ter t h e Mothers' Class will meet tor the toilowine committee; Charles ia-Michigan game. She will meet T h u r s d a y December 7 t h a t 8:00P.M. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ground for a new home in Pine Or- ard J a n s e n and Louis Basselt of the t h e last lesson ot the series. Bcdlent, Harold Baldwin, S. A. P e - her sister Rhoda, who Is a s t u d e n t The admission is a new t o y . ' T h e Mr. and Mrs. R a l p h Smith of Next week another series of 7 chard Road. Robert H. S. Booth ot Vocational Service Committee, trlllo, Edwin Mlchaelson,, Stanley at the University of Michigan. purpose of t h e affair Is to provide Attorney Earle A, Barker was t a - Double Beach Road celebrated lessons will s t a r t . The class meets North Haven is the architect. Schmld and William E. Hitchcock Christmas Toys for under-privilegken into membership under the their t e n t h wedding anniversary on Thursdays at 2.45 anyone interested Jr. ed children. TO ERECT RESIDENCE The Junior and Intermediate classification of "Probate Law," Monday, November 13th. is invited to attend. F. Sherwood Boyd is building a There were 46 present. Visiting choirs ot t h e First Congregational Hope Circle meets tonight in the There is slight Improvement In new home in' Brookhill. Douglas The a n n u a l meeting of T a b o r L u . The post office flag was half .mast Church will hold a food sale at t h e Rotarians were R. F. Bailey, R. H. Orr is the architect and Peter Lar. theran Cemetery Association will be yesterday in honor of Mr. Chester church at 2 o'clock Saturday after Curllss and H, L. Philo of New H a - home of Mrs. Clifford Reynolds, of! the condition of Mrs. Otis Enqulst held a t 7:30 t h e 20th ot t h i s week. ven. I Lincoln Avenue. jivho is Ul In Buearland Texas,' ~ ] son of Hamden, t h e contractor. • Prann. Holiday Staples Cost But Little 100 Years Ago Underprivileged Children Profit By Rotary Club Visiting Nurses Receive Benefit From Concert Meets To Work Out Program For Winter Half-Hour Club Christmas Party Scheduled Soon , 1 Sara B.Crawford Will Speak Here leans Old Fashioned Dancing Again In The Armory Visiting Nurses Plan Luncheon Lester Nichols Oldest Graduate Mrs. Kwiecienski Dies Following Long illness P. O. Remains Open Nov. 23 :,M *-*WV«.>Vv*.^< ^ i'i*-2> 2* •?'i^ •?>-t^-^'r w%