The Book of Urantia = Biggest Crock of Bullshit I`ve Ever Read


The Book of Urantia = Biggest Crock of Bullshit I`ve Ever Read
The Book of Urantia = Biggest Crock of Bullshit
I've Ever Read # 3
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 835667
United States
7/20/2011 9:47 PM
It is just so ridiculously stupid. It is the most basic, rehashed principles of every new age religion. It
reminds me of when Cartman started a Christian music band just to make money.
Quoting: bozz723
You are entitled to your opinion, however, what you said, does not describe the book at all. I
obviously make the statement you have not seriously read it and are copying what others have
falsely reported about it. There is NOTHING new age in it.
You could express yourself better, please make a list of all the "new age" stuff in it, and be fair. Do
the work and impress us! The Urantia Foundation is not exactly getting rich on the publishing of
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 1
Love is the highest motivation which man may utilize in his universe ascent. Love is the
desire to do good to others-Urantia Book
Moral acts are those human performances which are characterized by the highest intelligence,
directed by selective discrimination in the choice of superior ends as well as in the selection of
moral means to attain these ends. Such conduct is virtuous. Supreme virtue, then, is
wholeheartedly to choose to do the will of the Father in heaven. UB
Fresh Revelation for this age found in The Urantia Book, The Phoenix Journals, The Course in
Miracles (the 365 lessons, NOT the URTEXT which is FULL of BLING and otherwise google
Candace Frieze. Also visit [link to] , Dolores Cannon, and
Conversations with God, in which the main God giving the material is Buddha.
We must build a new SANE world, ONE THAT DOES NOT USE MONEY, for the reason money is
the root of all evil, is that it Enslaves the SOUL. Be about watching Aaron Russo's From Freedom
to Fascism.
Seeking Visionaries,who can and will create the many messianic missions needed to heal Earth
and her peoples, and bring balance. Seeking those who Know their truth, ( as they listen to Their
Father Fragment) and will strive earnestly to stand in that truth 100% of the time, making every
moment of everyday, a Holy Event. TWO OR MORE IN MY NAME. There is no special Day for
God. Forget your Sabbath Days. Every Day is the Lord's Day.
User ID: 1474070
United States
7/20/2011 9:56 PM
User ID: 1474070
United States
7/20/2011 10:13 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 2
There is no special Day for God. Forget your Sabbath Days. Every Day is the Lord's Day.
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 835667
United States
7/20/2011 10:33 PM
There is no special Day for God. Forget your Sabbath Days. Every Day is the Lord's Day.
Quoting: riderr
Hi Riderr, a suggestion, would you consider bolding your signature file where you have that There
is never a finish line. It's a great short teaching! I haven't viewed the video, I guess the link did not
stand OUT at me. I will try to remember to do that, tonight is busy, not going to be time.
I seen now its a facebook link. not a video.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 3
If you can't figure how to bold something in the signature file (always my case), you can bold it IN
a post to copy to clipboard and then delete it from the post. Ii have never figured how to use my
computer to bold stuff, like in the signature files here, so that is how I accomplish the task. Bold it
here like this and then copy and paste.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/20/2011 10:42 PM
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1475540
United States
7/20/2011 10:48 PM
you are misinformed. I am involved deeply with the UB in a variety of ways and if you notice, I did
post in response to questions asked. You have openly accused ME of stuff that is incorrect and I
will defend Michael of Nebadon's work of which I AM his leader ON this plane. That you don't
understand is not my problem and it does not negate this work.
Much of our education is an extension of the Urantia Book. Because he has returned. As I said,
you can take or leave it, but your beliefs do not invalidate OUR WORK on this planet. Michael has
been teaching on this plane for 30 plus years now, personally. And it is important to all readers of
the UB to know that he was returned and is busy, so just what is YOUR PROBLEM with that? I do
happen to know what I do, I built this organization, the ground portion of it. There are others
chosen who will serve the 50 to 100 subadministrative centers that are not yet known to me, but
we have about 10 that are known and on my team at this time. Michael did NOT come here to just
have a nice little life, he came here to start the solution of the problems of this world and other
involved in the REbellion. I know a great deal of information that is NOT in the UB because you
don't give THUGS advanced notice.
I have been to the supposed Caligastia website, it is fraudulent. He is not here. He was deposed
and picked up at some point also returned for judgement. The Lucifer Rebellion has been
adjudicated, including all its' main principles. Lucifer chose Uncreation, Satan chose additional
rehabilitation, after being removed from here in the 1930's. Caligastia's mind continued to fall apart
and he is still in custody pending this issue of his highly fractured mind which causes difficulty in
determining the final outcome of the case.
Those that betray to this level are never put back in such positions again. I am a Mighty
Messenger, I was born first in Nebadon long ago, Michael is my creator father, and I do know
more than a little about the administration of worlds like this and I know a lot of detail we have
never released publicly abut what is going on with this world. I am in training here for higher
administration in preparation of the outer space regions which will bear life.
I have NEVER put out that there is a "mother ship" going to do whatever you said it is doing. You
have been copying trash about me from the Internet, it's rather obvious. Ashtar Command is
REAL, it associated with Orvonton and it's main purpose IS to evacuate planets in big doo doo. It
will do so when that becomes necessary. In fact it does periodically in various areas, it did some
during he recent Japanese Tsunami. The New Jerusalem IS the Command Craft of Ashtar
Command, and even the UB mentions when planets are to undergo great destruction, those
salvable are removed to other worlds. Now hoe on earth is that done, except by CRAFT? To many
UB readers tend to believe still in the magic wand theories of God.
I was guided to the UB in either 1995 or 96. I did not buy it at that time, and read portions every
time I went to the book store. I finally found small funds to purchase in 2001. I continue to read this
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 4
copy. It full of notes, bookmarks and the like. I did not buy the cheap copy, I bought one of the
better quality ones. It is sitting beside me now.
I was commissioned by Michael fully in 2003 and my organization put into place for this purpose
prior to then. I am directly en-circuited with him. I assume you know the meaning of that word
since you are a UB reader. :its all good::peace on earth:
Well I just reread all of your commentary and you are not who you pretend to be, by your fruits.
You have come on purpose to defame this project. By the way, I happen to KNOW one of the
Mighty Messengers who wrote 3 of the papers in the UB. She has been bastardized by the CIA on
new age sites, she is Skekhmet. She does not command Nibiru et all, or any of that silly stuff. She
wrote papers 22, 28 and 30. Alcyone her mate wrote several of the others and I have met him too.
By your fruits you are bastardinzing our work. And by the way, this is a complex planet and the
plans do change. The thugs were offered much and turned it all down. so other things were
decided upon. I have review my work many times, it is as it should be and I have no issues with it.
I suggest you stop copying what other write about me and reproduce it here. In fact many you are
the one who wrote it and spread? Only you know.
There are several excellent telepaths all chosen by Michael on this team. I am not the only one.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
Look, I don't know about your project, I don't care enough about you to worry about what you think
you are. Unless your project has the blessings of the official Urantia Foundation, you are nothing. I
have read nothing other than this topic about you, Trust me kiddo, Michael of Nebadon would not
work this way through you or encircuit you
but he will say " I know you not" when the time comes. You mentioned your organization, our
work, and unless you have a mouse in your pocket, you are out of your bleeping mind. Are you
saying you are Candace? The other people here are calling you Candace... Most Urantians are
telepaths and empathics, I am but it is because I worked hard to combine my human and divine
mind. That is between god and each individuals thought adjuster. Now you are a mighty
messenger. For the purposes of this forum, I am adding the Urantia Book Paper/paragraph on
mighty messengers
15:10.12 The remaining three orders, mighty messengers, Those High in Authority, and Those
without Name and Number, are glorified ascendant mortals. The first of these orders came up
through the ascendant regime and passed through Havona in the days of Grandfanda. Having
attained Paradise, they were mustered into the Corps of the Finality, embraced by the Paradise
Trinity, and subsequently assigned to the supernal service of the Ancients of Days. As a class,
these three orders are known as Trinitized Sons of Attainment, being of dual origin but now of
Trinity service. Thus was the executive branch of the superuniverse government enlarged to
include the glorified and perfected children of the evolutionary worlds.
Now it says ascended which means you would have had to die, gone through hundreds of years of
training, and then be subject to the ancients of days not Michael. Ascending mortals mustered into
the corps of finality do not come back to the planet of their nativity. You are a liar a fraud and
insane. You are a disgrace to Urantians, and I hope nobody on this forum believes you. I am
exactly who I say I am, I took over for Stella Religia and resigned under Ms Bishop. Stella and
Norman are good friends of mine and I attended her study group for many years.
You know what I just stopped and looked up Candace Frieze, you are that Jews_are_great freak,
you claim to be reincarnated over and over here. That is an absolute no no
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 5
Urantians do not believe in reincarnation and you are claiming to channel Michael. You are
nothing you are worse than nothing. You obviously are Manic and or Schizoprenic.
Urantians do not channel, you are a prostitute for money.
You are an opportunist, nobody has to stop you because nobody believes you. The Urantia
Foundation knows who Hurchel is. You better hope we are never in the same room.
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1475540
United States
7/20/2011 10:59 PM
Correction to last post,"You know what I just stopped and looked up Candace Frieze, you are that
, I wrote Jews_are_great, somehow the pharse jews are great, came up someone has a link or
glitch on this name, lets see if it does it again..
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1475540
United States
7/20/2011 11:01 PM
Correction to last post,"You know what I just stopped and looked up Candace Frieze, you are that
, I wrote Jews_are_great, somehow the pharse jews are great, came up someone has a link or
glitch on this name, lets see if it does it again..
Quoting: hurchel
This website does not like the name of her organization the intials are A H, but it is printing jews
are great. I think smeone has a whammy on this name subject.
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 835667
United States
7/20/2011 11:25 PM
Correction to last post,"You know what I just stopped and looked up Candace Frieze, you are that
, I wrote Jews_are_great, somehow the pharse jews are great, came up someone has a link or
glitch on this name, lets see if it does it again..
Quoting: hurchel
yes some of the not so funny mods have done that. it has to be typed Jews_are_great unless they
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 6
have messed with that too. You can not use the @ for the first 2 or it will change to that.
Ok they had some fun since the other day, not that does not work either. lets see, abund@ant
hope dot net
My project has the blessings and was co created with Michael. It matters NOT if the Urantia
foundation supports it. It was not created by them, and their interest is the book and its multiple
legal issues that have faced them, and the other issues, the translations, all of this. I am not their
mission, nor are they mind at this point.
As I have said, I have met Michael personally in his body he is using for his return, He meets often
with folks ON THIS plane and in the underground bases and he must be visible. I have been on
the PHoenix quite a few times. I have met others there are this team of what to do with this planet.
As I said, the importance of this planet is huge.
Siraya is personally involved, although he of course does not come directly, its over the cosmic
internet. I am encircuited as I said, and I am in the best mental health of my life and I have
experiences you all can only dream of, and since you can't seem to dream of the possibilities I
guess you can't imagine what I do and what the others on my team do. Some of them regularly go
to craft also, and are talented telepaths.
YOu can not argue effectively to disprove what I do so just give it up. There have been
unsuccessful ones before you who have not been able to stop this.
Because of the nature of man on this planet, and the nature of the infiltration into the teaching
mission and other UB projects, (some of which have been legal, in which the copyright was
denied), by dark ones, there are some so stuck on the UB they can't dream and be free either. It is
a wondrous book. It si NOT complete. Reincarnation was denied for very good reason, because of
all the star seed volunteers from those architectural spheres that are here. The thugs murder a lot
of us, and it has been tried on me several times.
You don't want to accept reincarnation, but yet it says in the UB you have many resurrections to
the higher spheres and have many different or modified forms along the way. Resurrection is even
mentioned into Havona and I believe Paradise. OK. And it is everywhere implied throughout the
book in many ways incarnation.
Planets are heavily served by star seeds incarnating as teachers and problems solvers on all
planets. People don't believe the invisible melchizedeks and the like that they can not see. Please
apply your thinking abilities to these things.
Esu is covered up because he left 6 children behind, one of the subject of Dan Browns book.
SaRa. Certainly you don't think a soul of the caliber of Mother Mary is lying dead in her grave still,
or whatever????? There were a whole bunch of folks from Heaven who played the roles back then
and continue to do so. How else are their the great souls that are here on this planet? Oh I know,
god gave them special gifts right???? WRONG. Have you not noticed the massive growth in
technology here in the last 100 years? From when did that come? Both given thru the
underground bases to selected business folks who can develop it, again incarnate star seeds.
Where did all the ability for software come from? Incarnating folks. Generally the ones that came
in to get the Internet going so you can post here and blast god, are 5d god level conscious folks
who have this specially of setting up the world wide webs on planets . god doesn't just gift selected
I am a graduate of Paradise. From reading the UB you must know I am thsu a free soul and I can
navigate space minus a craft. I have done so while here many times. Not this body, it needs to
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 7
breathe, but my real me attached to this body. The reason I am a mighty messenger is I earned
that for putting up with the shit of the universe and contending against it on low level planets and
even on some of the architectural spheres. I am in training for very high level universe
management. This is a great planet for that experience and many are here just to experience this
very sick world. many ascenders and angels never get such ax experience, so ponder that one.
Telepathy is the way folks in the higher realms communicate, particularly once they are nearly
spirit beings and spirit beings. In those forms we do NOT have vocal cords. Mind to mind is how its
done, and any of you who can actually contact your thought adjuster do it by telepathy and that is
how it advises you. You seem to "hear yourself" when it is speaking until you move to a more
advanced level and then you discern it as a separate "voice." If you are 3rd circle you have a
personal guardian, a pair of them actually. Well how would you perceive their advice, or speak to
them. Telepathy. Even if you do oral prayer, they hear the telepathy that proceeds the voice that
comes out of your mouth. In fact, leaving behind the voice will amplify the telepathy.
This is a 3d planet. That is the level of not being god conscious. 4d is the level that begins to
function better. n fact, in the story that you soul sleeps after your physical death, that depends on
the planet, because many are reincarnated by their angels, even if the Thought adjuster has
returned to returned to the central universe. It depends on the various situations.
this planet has tremendous reincarnation because it was Lucifers place to learn of his follies i
thought along with the others who followed him. That is how they did their repentance and
rehabilitation. I have worked with some of those as they have prepared to pass this world, and
they returned to their former estate.
This IS a prison ward. All 2-4 d consciousness worlds are in fact, because you cannot be let out
into the cosmos when there is no god consciousness, not spirit development to know right from
wrong. The angels working out their rehabilitation do not have adjusters or some have temporary
ones, as they need to fully not remember so they LEARN.
There are also a whole bunch of galactic thugs here, total Lucifer folks and galactic thugs, 10
billion roughly. This is their FINAL stab at growing up. Well not final, but they cannot stay on this
ascending world. They have to move. the worst of all of them will face trial in the courts of
Nebadon, where in the case of possible uncreation, there are advisors from orvonton, or they case
may be refered up to orvonton. Most will just be sorted laterally to other worlds, those who have
made at least 51% of the karmic clearance get to stay with this ascending world after Stasis and
are given another shot.
How else would YOU DO IT? The UB IS wonderful. As I said for various reasons it is incomplete.
You do not announce the return of Michael in such a book on a world like this. He did return 1 year
before it was published. If you have searched the history, you know the papers were given roughly
They were given as I said thru a sleeping prophet who could self hypnotize and leave his body
while others used it. This is a very common method in the higher realms and the only way to
sneak information into a planet like this one. The only reason this planet has the UB is because of
the return of Michael and his plans for this world. So please, you ones overly STUCK in it, just as
others are overly STUCK in religions, please open up they minds and think and grow and ponder,
for in that so shall you will, GROW.
I am also in persona acquaintance with Monjoronson, the magisterial son and boy is a bunch of
false stuff coming out on about him right now, CIA pretty much owns that place
now. Monjoronson has backed off the work right now, because of the FACT that the thugs are
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 8
acting like cornered animals.
There will be a new UB part 2. It's already commissioned by Gabriel. It will go further into the
history of this planet, as this is needed by future students who will partake of experience here. A
bunch from mansion worlds 5 on up will be incarnating, and some of them will simply visit in their
forms they currently use. Nebadon's planetary headquarters are under the Himalayas which is
WHY, there are so many craft seen in India, China et all going in there, It is roughly under Nepal.
Where do you think all the Arch angels, Melchizedeks and others here work? ON CRAFT and in
the underground bases maintained by Nebadon.
There are many here not born of women right now, one I work with, calls himself S333, and also
DAvid Righter. David is based also someplace in asia, has a wife, also using a body not born of
woman, and they have had a baby. A little girl a few months ago. David Righter (chosen earth
name, because David is part of his "star name" and he Rights things, is a LAWYER from
Orvonton. His legal interest revolved around MONEY and he is actively engaged here. If some of
you go to well, a forbidden site here, lets just say a rumor place, you say material there during the
big OITC debates by him.
I happen to work with certain ones incarnate on this planet, who are place with the OITC. I should
say now defunct OITC temporarily until the big cleanse coming up. Those of you following Casper
on 4 winds know something of the chinese story, which is not about NeSARA at all but about the
Chinese take over of the OITC wealth and the Federal Reserve.
This planet is terribly polluted, it can not continue this way, the pollution is worked on as possible
when the planet is dark at night and the work goes unseen. the silly "mother ship" thingy above,
how truly silly. As I said, there is no single mother ship going to save people. Every single one of
you here who used that stupid story, are copying shit others put out, or you have put it out. The
galactic Federation is REAL.
Michael of Nebadon, for experience and hiding who he was, chose to command a fleet of 1 million
craft from Pleiades. A lot of help coming from there to here. The command ship is the Phoenix,
and named temporarily that because of the concept of the Phoenix which must rise from the ashes
on this planet. You are looking at the money ashes coming now, with all the propaganda on TV.
Gawd, Donald trump is on...... we don't need him.
How do people fly thru space except by craft? Especially physical people? In case this planet went
into nuclear holocaust, which will damage souls and even kill the soul, there is always such an
evacuation plan when any planet begins its exploration into nuclear energy and has no
corresponding spirituality to properly manage such. It is always used for war. there has been many
a nuclear war already on this planet. biggy between Atlantis and Lemuria. Biggy one that has been
discovered in India too.
The so called "fall" on this planet, was the loss of privileges to sail the friendly cosmos. This stuff
will be topics in the UB part two, when it is appropriate. ALL the truth of the history of this planet
will be given. And other truths that could not be revealed at the time. Don't you recall in it, it is
often said, what was allowed to be revealed?????? YOu do not give thugs too much information.
People from other worlds have colonized here since the time of the dinosaurs and there are
human skeletons found with them. Even at the time of Christ 2000 years ago, South American
folks had cosmic travel. North Americans did not. That is why all the interesting skulls and other
artifacts and hidden cities there.
There are still galactic folks living in South America, and that was a big place of contact for a time.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 9
Now wake up. And stop this nonsense against me, for I know my journey better than some of you
know yours. Many reading the UB are star seeds and it was given to help wake them up, and in
some cases they got over stuck to it and are not functioning well. Its now 15 minutes past when I
needed to go to bed, so I will log off. Here is the logo of AH, a partnership of my ground crew and
MIchael of Nebadon and Esu Immanuel, Monjoronson and others.
AND this famous kitty one that is so appropriate to some of you here.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 10
Good night,
for my night shift during which the body usually sleeps and the real me keeps right on working.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/21/2011 12:20 AM
User ID: 1449863
United States
7/21/2011 1:25 AM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 11
Spirit Daily.
User ID: 1454210
7/21/2011 8:59 AM
Some passages seem to come from the ego and are hardly in laymans terms and please dont
take offence anyone just an opinion ,peace x
Spirit Daily
User ID: 1454210
7/21/2011 9:11 AM
Just read some of the last pages posts and cant believe the way people refer to one another "your
an abortion" who says that crap get out more friend, we all entitled to our own opinions and this is
a forum for that.peace x
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 715431
United States
7/21/2011 9:21 AM
Some passages seem to come from the ego and are hardly in laymans terms and please dont
take offence anyone just an opinion ,peace x
Quoting: Spirit Daily. 1454210
there is NO ego coming thru under a highly placed and experienced sleeping prophet. this ego
stuff in "new age" is highly over rated anyway, the purpose of which is to keep people from
expressing themselves in case their ego would show. Ego is simply the lower mind and it goes
with people who like to run over other people.
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 12
User ID: 715431
United States
7/21/2011 9:23 AM
Just read some of the last pages posts and cant believe the way people refer to one another "your
an abortion" who says that crap get out more friend, we all entitled to our own opinions and this is
a forum for that.peace x
Quoting: Spirit Daily 1454210
this is what shills do to attempt to destroy those putting out information that is interesting and true.
One has to learn to ignore it. To the portion who mentioned ego above, the ones posting "your an
abortion" are demonstrating their lower mind and need to it upwards!
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 715431
United States
7/21/2011 9:25 AM
yes some of the not so funny mods have done that. it has to be typed Jews_are_great unless they
have messed with that too. You can not use the @ for the first 2 or it will change to that.
Ok they had some fun since the other day, not that does not work either. lets see, abund@ant
hope dot net
My project has the blessings and was co created with Michael. It matters NOT if the Urantia
foundation supports it. It was not created by them, and their interest is the book and its multiple
legal issues that have faced them, and the other issues, the translations, all of this. I am not their
mission, nor are they mind at this point.
As I have said, I have met Michael personally in his body he is using for his return, He meets often
with folks ON THIS plane and in the underground bases and he must be visible. I have been on
the PHoenix quite a few times. I have met others there are this team of what to do with this planet.
As I said, the importance of this planet is huge.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 13
Siraya is personally involved, although he of course does not come directly, its over the cosmic
internet. I am encircuited as I said, and I am in the best mental health of my life and I have
experiences you all can only dream of, and since you can't seem to dream of the possibilities I
guess you can't imagine what I do and what the others on my team do. Some of them regularly go
to craft also, and are talented telepaths.
YOu can not argue effectively to disprove what I do so just give it up. There have been
unsuccessful ones before you who have not been able to stop this.
Because of the nature of man on this planet, and the nature of the infiltration into the teaching
mission and other UB projects, (some of which have been legal, in which the copyright was
denied), by dark ones, there are some so stuck on the UB they can't dream and be free either. It is
a wondrous book. It si NOT complete. Reincarnation was denied for very good reason, because of
all the star seed volunteers from those architectural spheres that are here. The thugs murder a lot
of us, and it has been tried on me several times.
You don't want to accept reincarnation, but yet it says in the UB you have many resurrections to
the higher spheres and have many different or modified forms along the way. Resurrection is even
mentioned into Havona and I believe Paradise. OK. And it is everywhere implied throughout the
book in many ways incarnation.
Planets are heavily served by star seeds incarnating as teachers and problems solvers on all
planets. People don't believe the invisible melchizedeks and the like that they can not see. Please
apply your thinking abilities to these things.
Esu is covered up because he left 6 children behind, one of the subject of Dan Browns book.
SaRa. Certainly you don't think a soul of the caliber of Mother Mary is lying dead in her grave still,
or whatever????? There were a whole bunch of folks from Heaven who played the roles back then
and continue to do so. How else are their the great souls that are here on this planet? Oh I know,
god gave them special gifts right???? WRONG. Have you not noticed the massive growth in
technology here in the last 100 years? From when did that come? Both given thru the
underground bases to selected business folks who can develop it, again incarnate star seeds.
Where did all the ability for software come from? Incarnating folks. Generally the ones that came
in to get the Internet going so you can post here and blast god, are 5d god level conscious folks
who have this specially of setting up the world wide webs on planets . god doesn't just gift selected
I am a graduate of Paradise. From reading the UB you must know I am thsu a free soul and I can
navigate space minus a craft. I have done so while here many times. Not this body, it needs to
breathe, but my real me attached to this body. The reason I am a mighty messenger is I earned
that for putting up with the shit of the universe and contending against it on low level planets and
even on some of the architectural spheres. I am in training for very high level universe
management. This is a great planet for that experience and many are here just to experience this
very sick world. many ascenders and angels never get such ax experience, so ponder that one.
Telepathy is the way folks in the higher realms communicate, particularly once they are nearly
spirit beings and spirit beings. In those forms we do NOT have vocal cords. Mind to mind is how its
done, and any of you who can actually contact your thought adjuster do it by telepathy and that is
how it advises you. You seem to "hear yourself" when it is speaking until you move to a more
advanced level and then you discern it as a separate "voice." If you are 3rd circle you have a
personal guardian, a pair of them actually. Well how would you perceive their advice, or speak to
them. Telepathy. Even if you do oral prayer, they hear the telepathy that proceeds the voice that
comes out of your mouth. In fact, leaving behind the voice will amplify the telepathy.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 14
This is a 3d planet. That is the level of not being god conscious. 4d is the level that begins to
function better. n fact, in the story that you soul sleeps after your physical death, that depends on
the planet, because many are reincarnated by their angels, even if the Thought adjuster has
returned to returned to the central universe. It depends on the various situations.
this planet has tremendous reincarnation because it was Lucifers place to learn of his follies i
thought along with the others who followed him. That is how they did their repentance and
rehabilitation. I have worked with some of those as they have prepared to pass this world, and
they returned to their former estate.
This IS a prison ward. All 2-4 d consciousness worlds are in fact, because you cannot be let out
into the cosmos when there is no god consciousness, not spirit development to know right from
wrong. The angels working out their rehabilitation do not have adjusters or some have temporary
ones, as they need to fully not remember so they LEARN.
There are also a whole bunch of galactic thugs here, total Lucifer folks and galactic thugs, 10
billion roughly. This is their FINAL stab at growing up. Well not final, but they cannot stay on this
ascending world. They have to move. the worst of all of them will face trial in the courts of
Nebadon, where in the case of possible uncreation, there are advisors from orvonton, or they case
may be refered up to orvonton. Most will just be sorted laterally to other worlds, those who have
made at least 51% of the karmic clearance get to stay with this ascending world after Stasis and
are given another shot.
How else would YOU DO IT? The UB IS wonderful. As I said for various reasons it is incomplete.
You do not announce the return of Michael in such a book on a world like this. He did return 1 year
before it was published. If you have searched the history, you know the papers were given roughly
They were given as I said thru a sleeping prophet who could self hypnotize and leave his body
while others used it. This is a very common method in the higher realms and the only way to
sneak information into a planet like this one. The only reason this planet has the UB is because of
the return of Michael and his plans for this world. So please, you ones overly STUCK in it, just as
others are overly STUCK in religions, please open up they minds and think and grow and ponder,
for in that so shall you will, GROW.
I am also in persona acquaintance with Monjoronson, the magisterial son and boy is a bunch of
false stuff coming out on about him right now, CIA pretty much owns that place
now. Monjoronson has backed off the work right now, because of the FACT that the thugs are
acting like cornered animals.
There will be a new UB part 2. It's already commissioned by Gabriel. It will go further into the
history of this planet, as this is needed by future students who will partake of experience here. A
bunch from mansion worlds 5 on up will be incarnating, and some of them will simply visit in their
forms they currently use. Nebadon's planetary headquarters are under the Himalayas which is
WHY, there are so many craft seen in India, China et all going in there, It is roughly under Nepal.
Where do you think all the Arch angels, Melchizedeks and others here work? ON CRAFT and in
the underground bases maintained by Nebadon.
There are many here not born of women right now, one I work with, calls himself S333, and also
DAvid Righter. David is based also someplace in asia, has a wife, also using a body not born of
woman, and they have had a baby. A little girl a few months ago. David Righter (chosen earth
name, because David is part of his "star name" and he Rights things, is a LAWYER from
Orvonton. His legal interest revolved around MONEY and he is actively engaged here. If some of
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 15
you go to well, a forbidden site here, lets just say a rumor place, you say material there during the
big OITC debates by him.
I happen to work with certain ones incarnate on this planet, who are place with the OITC. I should
say now defunct OITC temporarily until the big cleanse coming up. Those of you following Casper
on 4 winds know something of the chinese story, which is not about NeSARA at all but about the
Chinese take over of the OITC wealth and the Federal Reserve.
This planet is terribly polluted, it can not continue this way, the pollution is worked on as possible
when the planet is dark at night and the work goes unseen. the silly "mother ship" thingy above,
how truly silly. As I said, there is no single mother ship going to save people. Every single one of
you here who used that stupid story, are copying shit others put out, or you have put it out. The
galactic Federation is REAL.
Michael of Nebadon, for experience and hiding who he was, chose to command a fleet of 1 million
craft from Pleiades. A lot of help coming from there to here. The command ship is the Phoenix,
and named temporarily that because of the concept of the Phoenix which must rise from the ashes
on this planet. You are looking at the money ashes coming now, with all the propaganda on TV.
Gawd, Donald trump is on...... we don't need him.
How do people fly thru space except by craft? Especially physical people? In case this planet went
into nuclear holocaust, which will damage souls and even kill the soul, there is always such an
evacuation plan when any planet begins its exploration into nuclear energy and has no
corresponding spirituality to properly manage such. It is always used for war. there has been many
a nuclear war already on this planet. biggy between Atlantis and Lemuria. Biggy one that has been
discovered in India too.
The so called "fall" on this planet, was the loss of privileges to sail the friendly cosmos. This stuff
will be topics in the UB part two, when it is appropriate. ALL the truth of the history of this planet
will be given. And other truths that could not be revealed at the time. Don't you recall in it, it is
often said, what was allowed to be revealed?????? YOu do not give thugs too much information.
People from other worlds have colonized here since the time of the dinosaurs and there are
human skeletons found with them. Even at the time of Christ 2000 years ago, South American
folks had cosmic travel. North Americans did not. That is why all the interesting skulls and other
artifacts and hidden cities there.
There are still galactic folks living in South America, and that was a big place of contact for a time.
Now wake up. And stop this nonsense against me, for I know my journey better than some of you
know yours. Many reading the UB are star seeds and it was given to help wake them up, and in
some cases they got over stuck to it and are not functioning well. Its now 15 minutes past when I
needed to go to bed, so I will log off. Here is the logo of AH, a partnership of my ground crew and
MIchael of Nebadon and Esu Immanuel, Monjoronson and others.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 16
AND this famous kitty one that is so appropriate to some of you here.
Good night,
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 17
for my night shift during which the body usually sleeps and the real me keeps right on working.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
Quoting: ETemissary
Well, ET your usual not so expressive self came forth again. Couldn't quite find the right words?
As to the Toilet pic
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1431931
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 18
7/21/2011 9:51 AM
You don't want to accept reincarnation, but yet it says in the UB you have many resurrections to
the higher spheres and have many different or modified forms along the way. Resurrection is even
mentioned into Havona and I believe Paradise. OK. And it is everywhere implied throughout the
book in many ways incarnation.
Hey there "Nobody in particular",
I have some interest in what you are saying and in the Urantia Book, are u saying that oficially
Urantia Organization recognizes reincarnation? That was a vigorous debate some time ago.
You met in person "Michael of Nebadon" the Creator? How you guys know the person is the
reincarnation of the Creator? How does he know he is "Michael of Nebadon"?
Cheers m8.
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 715431
United States
7/21/2011 10:53 AM
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1431931
You don't want to accept reincarnation, but yet it says in the UB you have many resurrections to
the higher spheres and have many different or modified forms along the way. Resurrection is even
mentioned into Havona and I believe Paradise. OK. And it is everywhere implied throughout the
book in many ways incarnation. this in blue is a quote from my post above-NIP
Hey there "Nobody in particular",
I have some interest in what you are saying and in the Urantia Book, are u saying that oficially
Urantia Organization recognizes reincarnation? That was a vigorous debate some time ago.
You met in person "Michael of Nebadon" the Creator? How you guys know the person is the
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 19
reincarnation of the Creator? How does he know he is "Michael of Nebadon"?
Cheers m8. (NIP, when I published this, NONE of the quote feature had worked to I have place
the quotes in italics.
No I am not saying the Urantia Organization, if you mean the Urantia Foundation, supports that. I
in fact would have no idea. But most who read the book do not. Let me clearer here, regards the
UB information, the soul has to be resurrected first before there is the possibility of taking on
incarnations. And it IS suggested almost in your face in some places. There is a place I ran into
again recently, I have marked in mine, where is says that those who came from advanced planets
and missed the earlier experiences have to go back in some way to make it up. There is no better
way than to incarnate to make up it.
And their guardian angels do ask that of them as part of their growth. Technically, no one after
their first resurrection has to incarnate but it is highly encouraged and the understanding comes
better and more thoroughly thru it. We have Michael Sons incarnate on this planet. They are not
yet Creator Sons, the training period of the Michael Son is long and there are several ones here
from the central universe both gaining experience and personally helping out their buddy, Michael
of Nebadon. There are also some not incarnate in this type body but here in their spirit forms
assisting. We have provided teaching from a couple.
All of nature reincarnates and I am still working up a piece on that, it is the only way mind is
challenged to grow. Most "new souls" truly having a first life in this body type, or whatever is the
highest body type on their planets of origin, have been the animals first. Their are angels whose
purpose is to decide when an animal soul is ready to begin the human journey, and one reason for
people to have pets, is that this exposes the animals mind to completely new concepts outside of
its previous wild experiences. Mind is not physical and must grow thru many experiences. There
are people taken by regressive hypnosis all the way back to being "air." on an evolutionary planet.
The atom has "spirit", it is what fills all the empty space between the nucleus an the electrons. It is
not alive in any way, spirit is not the best of words, but we lack language on this world that is
adequate. Hydrogen IS the base of life, but not the living spirit, which is only bestowed thru the life
carriers when an evolutionary planet is ready for the bestowal of life. Mother Spirit is the bestower
of life thru the Life Carriers, it is is her spark that animates.
Michael is NOT incarnate by birth on this planet. many are having troubles with this. And I show
pics of Esu taken in 1961, and I say he returned in 1954 with Michael, and they expect Esu to
have been 7 years old and he looks considerably older in the pic than 7. Esu was NOT born again
into this planet. He is returned using a custom form.
Michael and Esu are using a custom made universal bodies which do not require birth. And why
people find this odd I don't know, who read the book because it clearly says when you are
resurrected to the mansion world one, you are given a body, which is different than these bodies
and doesn't require toilets etc. Your morontial soul MUST have some sort of form to experience in.
And any advanced spirit being that wishes to have an effect here, either must come in a human
type body, not born of woman, or must incarnate as an infant. Bodes ARE manufactured and
usually life carriers are the ones who engage in this in the local universes. That is HOW
Machiventa Melchizedek walked this plane and even the Bible states he had no parents. A human
type body can be manufactured in 2 days. Which is why it takes 3 days after death for the soul to
be resurrected on Mansion world #1. 2 days are required to manufacture the new form.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 20
Michael of Nebadon is here in a standard type body form used throughout Orvonton when the
angelics who are spirit beings must walk a planet if form, without being born of woman. This is
such an image. Michael does not look exactly like this, in the form he is using, but similar enough.
This was the best of images I could find a few years ago on the net.
I have been to the craft he is on, I have been there many times and met him personally. He also
described himself a long time ago, playing as Hatonn in the Phoenix Journals, Hatonn being a
take on ATON, which is actually the first tones in Michael's very long name. Christ Michael is a
huge simplification. All the celestial beings have a name which is sung in harmonics, that registers
their vibrations and those names are not suitable to use at this time on this planet. Michael's
requires a half page of written syllables. He supplied it to Jess once who wrote it out phonetically.
Then on top of that, it's sung. One day his name will be SUNG on this planet.
If Michael wishes to impact here in PERSON he must wear a body that our eyes can see. But he
does not wear it fully, you cannot stuff a photon spirit being into matter. Rather there is a direct
linkage of mind. I am also a photon spirit being. I cannot be IN this silly animal body either, there is
a connection to the real me, my mind. I downloaded my monad to my local mind in 2002 or so. I
have the event journalized. It was in May, but this morning I can't remember the exact year.
I have met Michael in person on the PHoenix, his command craft. I have no doubt. he was taught
me too much, and as the UB Says, you always recognize a personality you have known, no matter
than changes of time. I believe I have that quote in this thread, where I posted a lot of the material
from the paper OP brought up. I do go to meetings on craft involved in the planning of event to
come for this world. he knows he is Michael of Nebadon, as I said he was not born of woman this
time. And he really wasn't be, he just merged with the mind of Esu, in their joint venture. Both
worked thru the same body together. When one is NOT born of woman, there IS no memory loss.
Even babies don't have a memory loss in incarnation until mans stuff mucks it up, and the mind
that attends these bodies get's programmed by the teaching of parents and others on this planet.
Small children thus rarely remember anything about their higher selves after the age of 4 or so, but
that IS changing and these is now less veil.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/21/2011 10:56 AM
User ID: 1383366
United States
7/21/2011 12:11 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 21
No one of the predictions of Candace Frieze become reality.
Since 2006 she was talking about the First Contact, 2007 Jupiter became sun, mars 2009 again
Jupiter and earthquake, immobilization and now the new entertainment: reverse something.
All these years of energy which is spending by the people who follow you instead of grown
espirituality and consuming waiting the apocalypses
Candace who continually publish CIA MK-Ultra mind-controlled rubbish to fool the people and
create negative energy through confusion and fear.
She is the source of the fake Christ Michael messages and the garbage of the Jupiter Event and
stasis, and she shall be held accountable for her evil actions of misleading the people and causing
great fear.
The stasis event is pure nonsense. The Realms of Light are bound by the Cosmic Law of NonIntervention. This even flies in the face of the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect.
Since the summer of 2005 she was gradually placed under CIA mind-control, when her increasing
ego caused her to lose her Divine Protection. The Jews_are_great website is fooling many people
with disinformation. Candace has been pulled into the Mormon camp and their plan to become the
One World religion. The Mormon Church had great input in the compilation of the Urantia Book,
and much of it is simply not Truth.
Creator God Aton is the main author of the Phoenix Journals, and He has made it quite clear to us
that His name is not Christ Michael. Candace uses some of the Phoenix Journal material and the
name, Aton
People must learn to be discerning. There is no Stasis (sleep) Event, no Jupiter Event, no
GESARA, no Plan A of a smooth transition of Earth Shan and all people living happily ever after in
a grand paradise on our earth. Candace has concocted (no, the CIA has) the "Sovereign Integral
Network" (SIN) nonsense, etc. The souled being already has a God-connection to Creator Source
through his God Spirit within. Candace has kept many people, especially on the West and East
Coasts of the U.S., in fear for their survival.
The CIA is one agency often used for such purposes (mind control),. They may test us by putting
out garbage on the Internet to see how much they can fool us, how gullible we are, especially the
"enlightened ones, who are a threat because they can discern Truth.
You need to develop your critical skills. Educate yourself. Channelled messages and all those
"metaphysical" sites won't really educate you. What they do is confuse you. When you're in a
confused state of mind you are easily tricked and deluded, hypnotized, and led into wherever the
hypnotizer wants to lead you, whatever twisted philosophy or ideology. And this is being done to
you without your being aware of what's happening. But it's a technique really, or a bunch of
techniques. Those techniques will not lead you to enlightenment. They lead to confusion,
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 22
misguidance, illusions, delusions and utter nonsense. In short: they aim to bullshit you.
If you believe Candace's endless explanations like the one that you cannot see real Jupiter
through a telescope but you can see it through naked eyes or through binoculars, well then you
will just believe anything really.
Those who themselves are seriously misguided want you to believe anything that they say. They
may actually tell you not to use your logic and reasoning; not to question, doubt and criticize, but
just believe, just have faith, just wait a little longer and don't do anything real about anything but
just keep yourselves deluded by reading or listening to their material that is keeping you confused
and misguided.
Who got you into that bullshit? Was it someone you knew? Was it someone you felt you could
trust? Was that bullshit recommended to you by some friend?
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1473848
United States
7/21/2011 1:03 PM
Hurchel, I am going to make something clear here, probably again. I know these ones personally, I
go to craft for very high level meetings.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
That is weird. I hang out on Jesus' spaceship all the time and I never saw you there. I was the guy
wearing the Rasta hat and hanging out by the bar with the bass player from the band. It was right
after the Bingo tournament.
I will keep my eye out for you next time there is a space-barbeque. Jesus' spaceship parties
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/21/2011 1:10 PM
Those who themselves are seriously misguided want you to believe anything that they say. They
may actually tell you not to use your logic and reasoning; not to question, doubt and criticize, but
just believe, just have faith, just wait a little longer and don't do anything real about anything but
just keep yourselves deluded by reading or listening to their material that is keeping you confused
and misguided.
Quoting: YAHisking
My Gawd, that ^^ sounds exactly like the "Christian" philosophy!
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 23
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 2:58 PM
Those who themselves are seriously misguided want you to believe anything that they say. They
may actually tell you not to use your logic and reasoning; not to question, doubt and criticize, but
just believe, just have faith, just wait a little longer and don't do anything real about anything but
just keep yourselves deluded by reading or listening to their material that is keeping you confused
and misguided.
Quoting: YAHisking
My Gawd, that ^^ sounds exactly like the "Christian" philosophy!
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
Indeed which id's a game being played. SIN was "concocted" by the now MURDERED James of
Wingmakers by the way, YAH. A bit careless there? Aton and CM are one and the same, and that
I know having met him. And Aton did STATE he was the CREATOR beloved, by whatever name. I
used to have a collection of what he posted in the PJ's, but it's not on this computer. And you
accept those, but yet all channelings are evil?
Jess also knows this as to others on my team Yah. You keep forgetting I have a good sized team
at this point of those who were called to this, have come to participate in this. You cannot rate my
life Yah. You have never met me, you have no clue, and that you are one of several agents
chasing me here remains obvious, as it did when you first contacted me after joining here in the
same time frame as some others who came to bash me in December and January, because we
put 5000 new faces on the ground and there was a big hairy reaction by the thugs to that one. So
we don't update about WHAT is going on right now.
I see once again copied statements from Patrick Bellringer in your above post. He is not exactly a
reliable source about me, because you see, long ago, he too MADE ME AN OFFER FROM THE
CIA. That was on November 1, 2005. He knew I was starting up a website and promised a lot of
"help" if I would go their way. So don't post crap about ME from a CIA AGENT. I did not accept,
and he and Casper, have been in collusion with the Dragon Takeover of the assets of this world
that are from "heaven." Talk about a cheap shit attack, borrowing that man's words is not exactly
"original." Again based on your copying of Patricks Words as your own
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 24
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/21/2011 3:29 PM
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 3:33 PM
No one of the predictions of Candace Frieze become reality.
Since 2006 she was talking about the First Contact, 2007 Jupiter became sun, mars 2009 again
Jupiter and earthquake, immobilization and now the new entertainment: reverse something.
All these years of energy which is spending by the people who follow you instead of grown
espirituality and consuming waiting the apocalypses
Candace who continually publish CIA MK-Ultra mind-controlled rubbish to fool the people and
create negative energy through confusion and fear.
She is the source of the fake Christ Michael messages and the garbage of the Jupiter Event and
stasis, and she shall be held accountable for her evil actions of misleading the people and causing
great fear.
The stasis event is pure nonsense. The Realms of Light are bound by the Cosmic Law of NonIntervention. This even flies in the face of the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 25
Since the summer of 2005 she was gradually placed under CIA mind-control, when her increasing
ego caused her to lose her Divine Protection. The Jews_are_great website is fooling many people
with disinformation. Candace has been pulled into the Mormon camp and their plan to become the
One World religion. The Mormon Church had great input in the compilation of the Urantia Book,
and much of it is simply not Truth.
Creator God Aton is the main author of the Phoenix Journals, and He has made it quite clear to us
that His name is not Christ Michael. Candace uses some of the Phoenix Journal material and the
name, Aton
People must learn to be discerning. There is no Stasis (sleep) Event, no Jupiter Event, no
GESARA, no Plan A of a smooth transition of Earth Shan and all people living happily ever after in
a grand paradise on our earth. Candace has concocted (no, the CIA has) the "Sovereign Integral
Network" (SIN) nonsense, etc. The souled being already has a God-connection to Creator Source
through his God Spirit within. Candace has kept many people, especially on the West and East
Coasts of the U.S., in fear for their survival.
The CIA is one agency often used for such purposes (mind control),. They may test us by putting
out garbage on the Internet to see how much they can fool us, how gullible we are, especially the
"enlightened ones, who are a threat because they can discern Truth.
You need to develop your critical skills. Educate yourself. Channelled messages and all those
"metaphysical" sites won't really educate you. What they do is confuse you. When you're in a
confused state of mind you are easily tricked and deluded, hypnotized, and led into wherever the
hypnotizer wants to lead you, whatever twisted philosophy or ideology. And this is being done to
you without your being aware of what's happening. But it's a technique really, or a bunch of
techniques. Those techniques will not lead you to enlightenment. They lead to confusion,
misguidance, illusions, delusions and utter nonsense. In short: they aim to bullshit you.
If you believe Candace's endless explanations like the one that you cannot see real Jupiter
through a telescope but you can see it through naked eyes or through binoculars, well then you
will just believe anything really.
Those who themselves are seriously misguided want you to believe anything that they say. They
may actually tell you not to use your logic and reasoning; not to question, doubt and criticize, but
just believe, just have faith, just wait a little longer and don't do anything real about anything but
just keep yourselves deluded by reading or listening to their material that is keeping you confused
and misguided.
Who got you into that bullshit? Was it someone you knew? Was it someone you felt you could
trust? Was that bullshit recommended to you by some friend?
Quoting: YAHisking
Beloveds, I used the quote feature, as my above post was within a quote of OBE. YAH here has
placed word for word, an exact commentary from Patrick Bellringer several years ago on his site.
Please read the rest of the post above about the CIA offer that man made to me. By your own
fruits YAH, this is despicable behavior.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/21/2011 3:36 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 26
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 4:19 PM
Michael and Esu are using a custom made universal bodies which do not require birth. And why
people find this odd I don't know, who read the book because it clearly says when you are
resurrected to the mansion world one, you are given a body, which is different than these bodies
and doesn't require toilets etc. Your morontial soul MUST have some sort of form to experience in.
And any advanced spirit being that wishes to have an effect here, either must come in a human
type body, not born of woman, or must incarnate as an infant. Bodes ARE manufactured and
usually life carriers are the ones who engage in this in the local universes. That is HOW
Machiventa Melchizedek walked this plane and even the Bible states he had no parents. A human
type body can be manufactured in 2 days. Which is why it takes 3 days after death for the soul to
be resurrected on Mansion world #1. 2 days are required to manufacture the new form.
Michael of Nebadon is here in a standard type body form used throughout Orvonton when the
angelics who are spirit beings must walk a planet if form, without being born of woman. This is
such an image. Michael does not look exactly like this, in the form he is using, but similar enough.
This was the best of images I could find a few years ago on the net.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
yup... thanks for the confirmation... you have been MILAB abducted by government &/or
reptilians/greys as part of a mind control experiment in order to spread fear & disinformation...
it is never too late to break your programming...
the sooner the better..
MILAB definition: A deceitful military operation performed to convince the targets of the operation
that they have had an encounter with extraterrestrial beings which is actually a staged ploy.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 27
Sleeping Giant
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 543618
United States
7/21/2011 4:26 PM
It sounds like a whole bunch of New Age NWO one world religion crap.
Our Savior does not need to ride around on a "space craft."
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/21/2011 4:27 PM
Our Savior does not need to ride around on a "space craft."
Quoting: Sleeping Giant
How do you know that?
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 4:31 PM
Now to those reading here, If I was controlled by the CIA and a tool of them, for starters this
project would never have come to where it has. Their tools know they are tools and do it for the
money or other support.
Now, I had a "friend" walk out of my life 3 summers ago. Because NESARA did not manifest. He
was a follower of Dove initially. In hopes of NESARA paying his bills, he purchased 2 cadillacs and
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 28
a town home and he lost it all of course, as he also blew off with another a very large sum of family
money (her's) on all sorts of stuff, trips to Hawaii and the like. I bid him good riddance when he
wrote me the crap note of hate because his own errors had put HIM in the poor house and he was
bitter because he had to then move in with his girlfriend, having lost his home he was planning on
having NESARA pay for and both the cars. I had provided great encouragement to him to seek his
own service connected disability, which he did get and he finally had quite a bit more income than
I get on my disability.
Now after he "repented" in the fall of 2009 and I have him another chance at friendship.
Understand this was not anything romantic. This was a "new ager" and I figured perhaps he had
learned some lessons and changed. Well he had not. He offered after I quit driving to come out
occasionally out of the goodness of his heart and help me run errands to places difficult to get to
on the bus. And I do have energy problems and cannot use the buses to run all days errands and
the like.
Sometime during this time, while living on disability himself, but having more than I do, he acquired
a really nice Mercedes 2 seater sports car. Not a new one, but a nice "collectible" of sorts and I
could not explain how this happened, these are expensive. Well eventually I found out, because
CIA snoops are treated in certain ways, and this one liked fancy cars.
At any rate, I began to suspect someone was coming into my home when I out, and there is
nobody around here or that I know who would be doing such nor had KEYS to my house, as he
was obviously getting in easily. I did not provide him a key. So I began to make up silly stories
about how I seemed to have gremlins in my house and watched his reactions, and he didn't do the
best of playing poker face. These thugs always like to leave hints and he left some big ones. In
early march when he took me shopping I dropped some money accidently and I KNOW he picked
it up. $120 worth, because of his less than poker face and other behavior after he dropped me off
at my home.
The Mid march he apparently came in again, when I was out shopping. I did not discover it that
day, except again a sense of somebody going thru my stuff, which I would find misplaced. (thus
my silly gremlin stories to him.). A few days later I went to get cash to pay for a delivery of Chinese
Food. I discover I was missing a large sum of money, most of belonging to AH for payment of our
web experiences and some of it my personal funds. I knew better than to file a police report
because it all came home to me what was going on.
Now I know it was him who took that money. I was being plagued about bills he owed as I was on
his cell phone family group so I get called when he doesn't pay. I had talked to him about the calls
and he he hawed around it, saying there were probably mis charges to his account. Now he blew
off his money, and certainly the $120 he took from me earlier should have been enough. But
apparently it was not.
He had given me clues he was spying on me so I was careful with what I said. There were times
when his friendship felt genuine and other times I felt a bit on the used side. The coming into my
home started obviously in January. I wonder if he was "earning" something else he wanted at that
papers were gone thru, and some left carelessly on the floor. I found a picture frame which was
some distance away from where it belonged, upside down on the floor going into my kitchen. I
nearly stepped on it. There was once a larger amount of spilled water I had collecting sun in a
room, and no reason for it to be spilled.
The big thing that concerned me, was that, and this may have been before Christmas, I am not
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 29
sure, was an hidden area in my home that NO ONE knew about had been gotten into. I tried to
find silly reasons for this, but to no avail. I kept wondering how anyone would know about that, and
how they would get into it, (it was left open, that is how I knew),. I had told this person, who kept
pushing a bit to "help" my daughter if anything were to happen t me, that I had made all the
necessary legal arrangements and this was together where she would find it easily and thus he
need not be concerned. Well, dear ones, in my instructions to her, I told here where some
valuables, jewelry and the like were, and THAT is how he KNEW. He did not find what he was
looking for there, because I decided to move the stuff, which was just some rolls of coins. I have
long saved my change and rolled it. I decided to put the rolls of coins in another location. I had
said in my note there were rolls of coins there. He was after the money, he is always short of
money, he blows it off.
So anyway, since he couldn't pay the AT &T cellular bill and heaven only knows what else, he
somehow KNEW I was going to be gone of that day in the middle of march. And he came in and
possibly from my directions left again, made off with at least $800. As I said this was mostly AH
money for our website costs. It was not MY personal funds, except for a few $20 bills and I was
after a $20 bill that day to pay for the chinese order.
I do not need to record here all of the little hints, and I so wished I had payed attention to a few of
them, but this person you see, likes to spin tall tales, so it was hard to know. the biggest "tale" was
that star fleet had gifted him with a transceiver on his ear for telepathy. Well, this is not their
method, at all. IT IS A CIA method however. And I pretty much thought he had gotten a bit bug bit
or injury on the ear, looked more than like. Well In February when he came out, he mentioned that
this had become more active and he was getting some good telepathy. Again, I was not sure if he
was faking it, or meaning it.
Well, because of my own security, unless I have to use the phone over meeting somebody, I do
NOT EVER TELL ANYONE when I am going out. I NEVER ever told this person when I was going
out. I probably did mention maybe rarely if I was meeting a family member for lunch or whatever,
but those are of course already over the phone and my phones and my computer ARE monitored.
I have covered the camera on this computer, because it a couple times came on all by itself. I Felt
that was a hint even, of somebody "bragging" that I was being watched.
Well this person admitted he had been in my house, by telling me a "dream" he had, THE SAME
DAY the MONEY WOULD HAVE BEEN taken , because I had not been out of my home to provide
opportunity except to take short walks. Before I was missing the money, either I called him or he
called me, and he told me the dream. It was the next day or two after my shopping trip, which was
to Walmarts. So AFTER HE TOLD ME THE STORY of how in this"dream" he had called me and I
didn't answer for a long time. He was worried about me in this dream and had come out to check
on me and found me not here and was worried in this dream and had called my family because I
was not around and he was worried. DUMB MOVE MN, real dumb move. Sick people like to brag,
and that was what you did and you did the same, other times you were in this house by leaving
things in some disarray, the moved picture, the hidden area left wide open and the like.
So when the weekend came and I was getting the cash for the chinese food and there was NO
CASH there, I was in a state of shock. It did not take me long to remember your "dream." SICKO.
The dream was your open admission of guilt, but I did not file with the police, which would have
brought more trouble.
Now a little later, I began to find posts of material right here on GLP where either MIchael or
buddies were making that had some what they thought was "private material" in them. Folks were
also asked to report me even. One of the posts was obviously either by Michael or someone
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 30
knowing him, because it made reference to NESARA and ME putting out information that others
made financial decisions about. MN, as I posted there, YOU DID THIS STUFF BASED ON DOVE
and NOT ME. YET YOU BLAME ME for your attempted THEFT from "NESARA" of two Cadillacs
and a town home. And heaven knows what else you ran up on your credit cards. You are not the
only who did this, so did others, many based on Dove's information or suggested time frames we
made, which were only updates on the process in that early part of the year of 2005. It all failed
and we said so. A lot of people played those games long before I came on the scene.
Later MN after he received a strong and very short note from me to never contact me again, even
tried to bill me for canceling my portion of the contract. I had not signed anything,as to the contract
by the way. He could have easily put some body else on his family plan in my place and all that
meant was that he needed money and was trying to bilk me one more time.
So those of you who have bought Bellringer's story posted above, under the name of YAH, think
again. If I was CIA, this MN would not have come back into my life to pretend and get a nice car,
etc, etc. etc. They didn't find any bad stuff in those records by the way. But MN or somebody
associated in this, tried to post that I was on disability from mental illness, and that I have never
informed my readers I was disabled et all. Well I have NEVER hidden this from my readers. They
know also that I live in a mobile home and that its not exactly a palace. it was said that I lived in a
slum. It is not a slum, just an ordinary mobile home park. Not even an old one. Most homes in it
are new or of never construction with nice siding etc, as is mine, they look like houses. There are
few in here of the old metal siding left and those are maintained nicely. This is not a slum park. But
so the stories go to debase me.
As to my health, I am on disability for server arthritis, and Multiple sclerosis and chronic server
pain. And in all those records I had, there is nothing about any mental illness except that I
sometimes looked depressed. I have had about 2 dozen surgeries in my life, over nerve
compression and the arthritis. I have 3 cervical vertebrae fused and a lower lumbral/sacral fusion. I
have extensive STENOSIS of my spine. I lived in braces for years from that until stuff got stuck
together naturally a bit better. I was certainly entitled to a bit of depression now and then. NONE of
my disability decision had anything in it about "mental illness." Any body who continues to post
such crap, is lying thru their teeth. I have other disability issues not included in the decision. MN
found a lot of proof on the Stenosis, because I underwent 2 dozen cervical and lumbar steroid
injections into my spinal canal to reduce the swelling and pressure on my nerves. You ones who
continue to post garbage about me can take a hike to you know where.
YAH, you by your fruits again, are a disgrace. It's NOT me. IT WAS DUMB on your part to Post
Patrick Bellringer's words, really dumb. Now go away.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/21/2011 4:35 PM
-------------------------------------------Love is the highest motivation which man may utilize in his universe ascent. Love is the
desire to do good to others-Urantia Book
Moral acts are those human performances which are characterized by the highest intelligence,
directed by selective discrimination in the choice of superior ends as well as in the selection of
moral means to attain these ends. Such conduct is virtuous. Supreme virtue, then, is
wholeheartedly to choose to do the will of the Father in heaven. UB
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 31
Fresh Revelation for this age found in The Urantia Book, The Phoenix Journals, The Course in
Miracles (the 365 lessons, NOT the URTEXT which is FULL of BLING and otherwise google
Candace Frieze. Also visit [link to] , Dolores Cannon, and
Conversations with God, in which the main God giving the material is Buddha.
We must build a new SANE world, ONE THAT DOES NOT USE MONEY, for the reason money is
the root of all evil, is that it Enslaves the SOUL. Be about watching Aaron Russo's From Freedom
to Fascism.
Seeking Visionaries,who can and will create the many messianic missions needed to heal Earth
and her peoples, and bring balance. Seeking those who Know their truth, ( as they listen to Their
Father Fragment) and will strive earnestly to stand in that truth 100% of the time, making every
moment of everyday, a Holy Event. TWO OR MORE IN MY NAME. There is no special Day for
God. Forget your Sabbath Days. Every Day is the Lord's Day.
--------------------------------------------------------Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 4:59 PM
Our Savior does not need to ride around on a "space craft."
Quoting: Sleeping Giant
How do you know that?
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
People if you are to be evacutated off this world should the axis shift happen, you have physical
bodies and your "savior" must provide physical craft to remove your physical forms. The rapture
stuff is totally a lie. If your "savior" is to TEACH openly on this plane, he must come in a visible
body, and so on and so forth. Many of you Christians have sites that support rapture, showing
images of people rising in their bodies up into the air to supposedly meet their savior. This is
accomplished by levitation beams on craft. These images LIE TO YOU, because they don't show
the craft. This is how you will rise up into the air to meet the savior. In fact you won't meet him
personally at that time, you will meet the commanders of the craft.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 32
For your information ALL BEINGS, physical, Spiritual, semi Physical, semi spiritual in form, it does
not matter LIVE ON PLANETS or in CRAFT. HEAVEN IS PLANETS people, not some silly non
physical place. Even Paradise is semi physical. The so called "heaven PLANETS" are custom
built, rather than evolutionary like earth. And there are a couple hundred billion of them already.
The creation is HUGE.
Your savior is not going to ride across the sky on an imaginary white horse, or on an imaginary
white light to pick you up. PEOPLE GOD GAVE YOU MINDS< USE THEM
YOUR savior, if you are believing the false story of the resurrection did not just ascend to heaven
in his body. It doesn't work that way. HE in fact survived the Crucifixion and left this way into the
and went on to damascus via the craft, where he had his episode with Saul
There are only a few types of beings who can negotiate free space. Not all of them can, so how
else do they travel? Esu can, in his real spirit form, negotiate free space as can I. I do it
periodically, but I leave this body in the bed when I do. OBE himself negotiated Free Space too,
when he "died" on the operating table once. He has posted the story here in this thread in fact, if
memory serves me correctly. go find it.
You ones are illiterate about God, completely. And it has been on purpose by the thugs who rule
this world.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/21/2011 5:01 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 33
Sleeping Giant
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 543618
United States
7/21/2011 5:07 PM
Our Savior does not need to ride around on a "space craft."
Quoting: Sleeping Giant
How do you know that?
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
People if you are to be evacutated off this world should the axis shift happen, you have physical
bodies and your "savior" must provide physical craft to remove your physical forms. The rapture
stuff is totally a lie. If your "savior" is to TEACH openly on this plane, he must come in a visible
body, and so on and so forth. Many of you Christians have sites that support rapture, showing
images of people rising in their bodies up into the air to supposedly meet their savior. This is
accomplished by levitation beams on craft. These images LIE TO YOU, because they don't show
the craft. This is how you will rise up into the air to meet the savior. In fact you won't meet him
personally at that time, you will meet the commanders of the craft.
For your information ALL BEINGS, physical, Spiritual, semi Physical, semi spiritual in form, it does
not matter LIVE ON PLANETS or in CRAFT. HEAVEN IS PLANETS people, not some silly non
physical place. Even Paradise is semi physical. The so called "heaven PLANETS" are custom
built, rather than evolutionary like earth. And there are a couple hundred billion of them already.
The creation is HUGE.
Your savior is not going to ride across the sky on an imaginary white horse, or on an imaginary
white light to pick you up. PEOPLE GOD GAVE YOU MINDS< USE THEM
YOUR savior, if you are believing the false story of the resurrection did not just ascend to heaven
in his body. It doesn't work that way. HE in fact survived the Crucifixion and left this way into the
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 34
and went on to damascus via the craft, where he had his episode with Saul
There are only a few types of beings who can negotiate free space. Not all of them can, so how
else do they travel? Esu can, in his real spirit form, negotiate free space as can I. I do it
periodically, but I leave this body in the bed when I do. OBE himself negotiated Free Space too,
when he "died" on the operating table once. He has posted the story here in this thread in fact, if
memory serves me correctly. go find it.
You ones are illiterate about God, completely. And it has been on purpose by the thugs who rule
this world.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
So, you are telling me that the God of ALL creation, who can raise the dead, needs space crafts to
take the living off of the earth? Does Tom Cruise pilot the craft?
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/21/2011 5:11 PM
So, you are telling me that the God of ALL creation, who can raise the dead, needs space crafts to
take the living off of the earth? Does Tom Cruise pilot the craft?
Quoting: Sleeping Giant
NO, God does NOT need a "spacecraft".......but YOU do!
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 35
Did you even read her reply?
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 5:11 PM
Jesus is not the God of all the Creation. When the evacuation occurs, you are moving IN YOUR
CURRENT BODIES and there is NO WAY to take you thru COLD SPACE to your new
destinations. There are craft specially designed for evacuating planet in dire shape, and they are
placed all over this solar system. Some as as large as 8000 MILES in length and can tend each
one, many many millions of people. YOu can visit this link that will take you to a piece with actual
images of some out by Saturn's rings. That is the purpose of ASHTAR COMMAND, evacuation of
planets in big doo doo.
[link to]
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 5:14 PM
Now to those reading here, If I was controlled by the CIA and a tool of them, for starters this
project would never have come to where it has. Their tools know they are tools and do it for the
money or other support.
Now, I had a "friend" walk out of my life 3 summers ago. Because NESARA did not manifest. He
was a follower of Dove initially. In hopes of NESARA paying his bills, he purchased 2 cadillacs and
a town home and he lost it all of course, as he also blew off with another a very large sum of family
money (her's) on all sorts of stuff, trips to Hawaii and the like. I bid him good riddance when he
wrote me the crap note of hate because his own errors had put HIM in the poor house and he was
bitter because he had to then move in with his girlfriend, having lost his home he was planning on
having NESARA pay for and both the cars. I had provided great encouragement to him to seek his
own service connected disability, which he did get and he finally had quite a bit more income than
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 36
I get on my disability.
Now after he "repented" in the fall of 2009 and I have him another chance at friendship.
Understand this was not anything romantic. This was a "new ager" and I figured perhaps he had
learned some lessons and changed. Well he had not. He offered after I quit driving to come out
occasionally out of the goodness of his heart and help me run errands to places difficult to get to
on the bus. And I do have energy problems and cannot use the buses to run all days errands and
the like.
Sometime during this time, while living on disability himself, but having more than I do, he acquired
a really nice Mercedes 2 seater sports car. Not a new one, but a nice "collectible" of sorts and I
could not explain how this happened, these are expensive. Well eventually I found out, because
CIA snoops are treated in certain ways, and this one liked fancy cars.
At any rate, I began to suspect someone was coming into my home when I out, and there is
nobody around here or that I know who would be doing such nor had KEYS to my house, as he
was obviously getting in easily. I did not provide him a key. So I began to make up silly stories
about how I seemed to have gremlins in my house and watched his reactions, and he didn't do the
best of playing poker face. These thugs always like to leave hints and he left some big ones. In
early march when he took me shopping I dropped some money accidently and I KNOW he picked
it up. $120 worth, because of his less than poker face and other behavior after he dropped me off
at my home.
The Mid march he apparently came in again, when I was out shopping. I did not discover it that
day, except again a sense of somebody going thru my stuff, which I would find misplaced. (thus
my silly gremlin stories to him.). A few days later I went to get cash to pay for a delivery of Chinese
Food. I discover I was missing a large sum of money, most of belonging to AH for payment of our
web experiences and some of it my personal funds. I knew better than to file a police report
because it all came home to me what was going on.
Now I know it was him who took that money. I was being plagued about bills he owed as I was on
his cell phone family group so I get called when he doesn't pay. I had talked to him about the calls
and he he hawed around it, saying there were probably mis charges to his account. Now he blew
off his money, and certainly the $120 he took from me earlier should have been enough. But
apparently it was not.
He had given me clues he was spying on me so I was careful with what I said. There were times
when his friendship felt genuine and other times I felt a bit on the used side. The coming into my
home started obviously in January. I wonder if he was "earning" something else he wanted at that
papers were gone thru, and some left carelessly on the floor. I found a picture frame which was
some distance away from where it belonged, upside down on the floor going into my kitchen. I
nearly stepped on it. There was once a larger amount of spilled water I had collecting sun in a
room, and no reason for it to be spilled.
The big thing that concerned me, was that, and this may have been before Christmas, I am not
sure, was an hidden area in my home that NO ONE knew about had been gotten into. I tried to
find silly reasons for this, but to no avail. I kept wondering how anyone would know about that, and
how they would get into it, (it was left open, that is how I knew),. I had told this person, who kept
pushing a bit to "help" my daughter if anything were to happen t me, that I had made all the
necessary legal arrangements and this was together where she would find it easily and thus he
need not be concerned. Well, dear ones, in my instructions to her, I told here where some
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 37
valuables, jewelry and the like were, and THAT is how he KNEW. He did not find what he was
looking for there, because I decided to move the stuff, which was just some rolls of coins. I have
long saved my change and rolled it. I decided to put the rolls of coins in another location. I had
said in my note there were rolls of coins there. He was after the money, he is always short of
money, he blows it off.
So anyway, since he couldn't pay the AT &T cellular bill and heaven only knows what else, he
somehow KNEW I was going to be gone of that day in the middle of march. And he came in and
possibly from my directions left again, made off with at least $800. As I said this was mostly AH
money for our website costs. It was not MY personal funds, except for a few $20 bills and I was
after a $20 bill that day to pay for the chinese order.
I do not need to record here all of the little hints, and I so wished I had payed attention to a few of
them, but this person you see, likes to spin tall tales, so it was hard to know. the biggest "tale" was
that star fleet had gifted him with a transceiver on his ear for telepathy. Well, this is not their
method, at all. IT IS A CIA method however. And I pretty much thought he had gotten a bit bug bit
or injury on the ear, looked more than like. Well In February when he came out, he mentioned that
this had become more active and he was getting some good telepathy. Again, I was not sure if he
was faking it, or meaning it.
Well, because of my own security, unless I have to use the phone over meeting somebody, I do
NOT EVER TELL ANYONE when I am going out. I NEVER ever told this person when I was going
out. I probably did mention maybe rarely if I was meeting a family member for lunch or whatever,
but those are of course already over the phone and my phones and my computer ARE monitored.
I have covered the camera on this computer, because it a couple times came on all by itself. I Felt
that was a hint even, of somebody "bragging" that I was being watched.
Well this person admitted he had been in my house, by telling me a "dream" he had, THE SAME
DAY the MONEY WOULD HAVE BEEN taken , because I had not been out of my home to provide
opportunity except to take short walks. Before I was missing the money, either I called him or he
called me, and he told me the dream. It was the next day or two after my shopping trip, which was
to Walmarts. So AFTER HE TOLD ME THE STORY of how in this"dream" he had called me and I
didn't answer for a long time. He was worried about me in this dream and had come out to check
on me and found me not here and was worried in this dream and had called my family because I
was not around and he was worried. DUMB MOVE MN, real dumb move. Sick people like to brag,
and that was what you did and you did the same, other times you were in this house by leaving
things in some disarray, the moved picture, the hidden area left wide open and the like.
So when the weekend came and I was getting the cash for the chinese food and there was NO
CASH there, I was in a state of shock. It did not take me long to remember your "dream." SICKO.
The dream was your open admission of guilt, but I did not file with the police, which would have
brought more trouble.
Now a little later, I began to find posts of material right here on GLP where either MIchael or
buddies were making that had some what they thought was "private material" in them. Folks were
also asked to report me even. One of the posts was obviously either by Michael or someone
knowing him, because it made reference to NESARA and ME putting out information that others
made financial decisions about. MN, as I posted there, YOU DID THIS STUFF BASED ON DOVE
and NOT ME. YET YOU BLAME ME for your attempted THEFT from "NESARA" of two Cadillacs
and a town home. And heaven knows what else you ran up on your credit cards. You are not the
only who did this, so did others, many based on Dove's information or suggested time frames we
made, which were only updates on the process in that early part of the year of 2005. It all failed
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 38
and we said so. A lot of people played those games long before I came on the scene.
Later MN after he received a strong and very short note from me to never contact me again, even
tried to bill me for canceling my portion of the contract. I had not signed anything,as to the contract
by the way. He could have easily put some body else on his family plan in my place and all that
meant was that he needed money and was trying to bilk me one more time.
So those of you who have bought Bellringer's story posted above, under the name of YAH, think
again. If I was CIA, this MN would not have come back into my life to pretend and get a nice car,
etc, etc. etc. They didn't find any bad stuff in those records by the way. But MN or somebody
associated in this, tried to post that I was on disability from mental illness, and that I have never
informed my readers I was disabled et all. Well I have NEVER hidden this from my readers. They
know also that I live in a mobile home and that its not exactly a palace. it was said that I lived in a
slum. It is not a slum, just an ordinary mobile home park. Not even an old one. Most homes in it
are new or of never construction with nice siding etc, as is mine, they look like houses. There are
few in here of the old metal siding left and those are maintained nicely. This is not a slum park. But
so the stories go to debase me.
As to my health, I am on disability for server arthritis, and Multiple sclerosis and chronic server
pain. And in all those records I had, there is nothing about any mental illness except that I
sometimes looked depressed. I have had about 2 dozen surgeries in my life, over nerve
compression and the arthritis. I have 3 cervical vertebrae fused and a lower lumbral/sacral fusion. I
have extensive STENOSIS of my spine. I lived in braces for years from that until stuff got stuck
together naturally a bit better. I was certainly entitled to a bit of depression now and then. NONE of
my disability decision had anything in it about "mental illness." Any body who continues to post
such crap, is lying thru their teeth. I have other disability issues not included in the decision. MN
found a lot of proof on the Stenosis, because I underwent 2 dozen cervical and lumbar steroid
injections into my spinal canal to reduce the swelling and pressure on my nerves. You ones who
continue to post garbage about me can take a hike to you know where.
YAH, you by your fruits again, are a disgrace. It's NOT me. IT WAS DUMB on your part to Post
Patrick Bellringer's words, really dumb. Now go away.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
kick & scream all you want NiP... but the fact remains that you are still allowing yourself to be used
by negative forces of manipulation.. twisting truths with lies mixed with fears at every corner...
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/21/2011 5:16 PM
Jesus is not the God of all the Creation. When the evacuation occurs, you are moving IN YOUR
CURRENT BODIES and there is NO WAY to take you thru COLD SPACE to your new
destinations. There are craft specially designed for evacuating planet in dire shape, and they are
placed all over this solar system. Some as as large as 8000 MILES in length and can tend each
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 39
one, many many millions of people. YOu can visit this link that will take you to a piece with actual
images of some out by Saturn's rings. That is the purpose of ASHTAR COMMAND, evacuation of
planets in big doo doo.
[link to]
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
I am told, that the Phoenix is even larger than this planet......
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 5:16 PM
Jesus is not the God of all the Creation. When the evacuation occurs, you are moving IN YOUR
CURRENT BODIES and there is NO WAY to take you thru COLD SPACE to your new
destinations. There are craft specially designed for evacuating planet in dire shape, and they are
placed all over this solar system. Some as as large as 8000 MILES in length and can tend each
one, many many millions of people. YOu can visit this link that will take you to a piece with actual
images of some out by Saturn's rings. That is the purpose of ASHTAR COMMAND, evacuation of
planets in big doo doo.
[link to]
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
this is an old body snatching plan from the reptilians to trick/fool people into boarding their ships...
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1477001
United States
7/21/2011 5:17 PM
How the fuck is the Urantia pretentious, you fucking piece of Moron? To me, the book is well
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/21/2011 5:18 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 40
kick & scream all you want NiP... but the fact remains that you are still allowing yourself to be used
by negative forces of manipulation.. twisting truths with lies mixed with fears at every corner...
Quoting: ETemissary
Where has she served you up with "fear"?
Sleeping Giant
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 543618
United States
7/21/2011 5:19 PM
Jesus is not the God of all the Creation. When the evacuation occurs, you are moving IN YOUR
CURRENT BODIES and there is NO WAY to take you thru COLD SPACE to your new
destinations. There are craft specially designed for evacuating planet in dire shape, and they are
placed all over this solar system. Some as as large as 8000 MILES in length and can tend each
one, many many millions of people. YOu can visit this link that will take you to a piece with actual
images of some out by Saturn's rings. That is the purpose of ASHTAR COMMAND, evacuation of
planets in big doo doo.
[link to]
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
this is an old body snatching plan from the reptilians to trick/fool people into boarding their ships...
Quoting: ETemissary
I agree. There is no way I am getting on a ship. I will await Jesus' return in the clouds.
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/21/2011 5:22 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 41
this is an old body snatching plan from the reptilians to trick/fool people into boarding their ships...
Quoting: ETemissary
Nobody will be "snatching" anybody.......freedom of choice will ALWAYS be honored!
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 5:23 PM
Jesus is not the God of all the Creation. When the evacuation occurs, you are moving IN YOUR
CURRENT BODIES and there is NO WAY to take you thru COLD SPACE to your new
destinations. There are craft specially designed for evacuating planet in dire shape, and they are
placed all over this solar system. Some as as large as 8000 MILES in length and can tend each
one, many many millions of people. YOu can visit this link that will take you to a piece with actual
images of some out by Saturn's rings. That is the purpose of ASHTAR COMMAND, evacuation of
planets in big doo doo.
[link to]
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
I am told, that the Phoenix is even larger than this planet......
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
the 'Phoenix' *was a large reptilian starship... it no longer exists because it has been destroyed
years ago...
the PJs are disinformation transmitted from the reptilians as they blame 'man' for everything & as
they prophesied imminent fear/cataclysms they encourage the readers to jump onto theirs ships...
what a snare!
Last Edited by ETemissary on 7/21/2011 10:02 PM
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1363637
United States
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 42
7/21/2011 5:23 PM
I don't think I have ever read a book more pretentious and linguistically convoluted than The
Urantia Book. This is a book filled with unnecessary descriptive language, over use of adjectives,
and drags on to the point of complete and utter boredom.
In contrast, the bible seems like a well written work compared to this amateurish endeavor at
creating a new religion. For me, Urantia was a complete and utter fail. At least the bible was
genuine in the fact that the men who wrote and compiled it likely believed much of what they
wrote, even though they were wrong in many cases. Urantia on the other hand lacks any sense of
the genuine. You can tell this book was made up from scratch, and it contains no useful
Are we to honestly believe that this book was divinely delivered? Give me a fucking break! There
isn't one snippet of useful, enlightening, or astounding information contained in there. Granted, I
didn't read the whole thing, only bits and pieces here in there. How the fuck can anyone actually
read this entire mess?
Go ahead and prove me wrong if you disagree. Please provide some enlightening quotes if you
think I am wrong.
One thing all religions have in common when ever I study them is they never fail to disappoint.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1141097
Don't worry, SpotBot is on it.
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 5:27 PM
Jesus is not the God of all the Creation. When the evacuation occurs, you are moving IN YOUR
CURRENT BODIES and there is NO WAY to take you thru COLD SPACE to your new
destinations. There are craft specially designed for evacuating planet in dire shape, and they are
placed all over this solar system. Some as as large as 8000 MILES in length and can tend each
one, many many millions of people. YOu can visit this link that will take you to a piece with actual
images of some out by Saturn's rings. That is the purpose of ASHTAR COMMAND, evacuation of
planets in big doo doo.
[link to]
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 43
this is an old body snatching plan from the reptilians to trick/fool people into boarding their ships...
Quoting: ETemissary
I agree. There is no way I am getting on a ship. I will await Jesus' return in the clouds.
Quoting: Sleeping Giant
DEAR ONE JESUS returns in CLOUD SHIPS. You cannot live in the clouds! Where are your
MINDS people. and I suggest its time to read up on the TRUTH that was PROMISED before the
end of this age. The Bible is OLD and corrupted, and TRUTH WAS GIVEN. IT"S IN THE Phoenix
Journals and the Urantia Book and a few other places I have suggested, and we keep giving the
updates on the process as it all goes and continuous expanded teaching and you ones prefer
always the Satan Claws and easter bunny versions.
IF Craft come down, you either board, or you face what is coming, because Axis shifts and the like
are not pretty and there are few survivors of them and few people raised in modern society could
survive in fact.
Did you ones see some of the video's during the Tsunami in Japan? Craft were there picking up
folks. Ditto in 2004 in Indonesia. You ones are chipped so the computers on the New Jerusalem
can always find you in fact.
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 5:27 PM
this is an old body snatching plan from the reptilians to trick/fool people into boarding their ships...
Quoting: ETemissary
Nobody will be "snatching" anybody.......freedom of choice will ALWAYS be honored!
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
indeed... you have the free-will choice to be fooled & lured onto reptilian ships as they
masquerade as 'the light' or any other false-god disguises such as esu/aton/jesus/christ michael ...
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 44
Last Edited by ETemissary on 7/21/2011 6:07 PM
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/21/2011 5:27 PM
There is no way I am getting on a ship. I will await Jesus' return in the clouds.
Quoting: Sleeping Giant
Ever heard the old joke about the christian caught in a flood?
A boat comes by to rescue him, but he says: "Nah, I'll wait for Jesus!"
Then a helicopter tries to rescue him, but still the man is waiting for Jesus!
Then the man drowns, and when he gets to heaven, he asks God: "Why didn't you save me?"
And God says: "I sent you a boat and a helicopter.....what more did you want?" LOL
Last Edited by ObeWayneKenobe on 7/21/2011 5:28 PM
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 5:30 PM
kick & scream all you want NiP... but the fact remains that you are still allowing yourself to be used
by negative forces of manipulation.. twisting truths with lies mixed with fears at every corner...
Quoting: ETemissary
Where has she served you up with "fear"?
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
the record of false & failed cataclysmic prediction events over the past few years... remember?
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 45
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/21/2011 5:32 PM
the 'Phoenix' *was a large reptilian starship... it no longer exists because it has been destroyed
years ago...
the PJs are disinformation transmitted by the reptilians as they blame 'man' for everything & as
they prophesied imminent fear/cataclysms they encourage the readers to jump onto theirs ships...
what a snare!
Quoting: ETemissary
Who told you THAT?
The "Phoenix" was the STAR(craft) that the wise men followed to the baby think
"reptilians" would honor His birth? lol
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/21/2011 5:35 PM
kick & scream all you want NiP... but the fact remains that you are still allowing yourself to be used
by negative forces of manipulation.. twisting truths with lies mixed with fears at every corner...
Quoting: ETemissary
Where has she served you up with "fear"?
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
the record of false & failed cataclysmic prediction events over the past few years... remember?
Quoting: ETemissary
Sorry, I guess I haven't followed her journey as close has you have...........but even the biblical
God(in the bible) could be accused of that!?!
User ID: 1212344
United States
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 46
7/21/2011 5:35 PM
I agree. There is no way I am getting on a ship. I will await Jesus' return in the clouds.
Quoting: Sleeping Giant
jesus is NOT returning since earths liberation is NOT about jesus or any cults/religions/bibles who
claim such rubbish
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 5:39 PM
kick & scream all you want NiP... but the fact remains that you are still allowing yourself to be used
by negative forces of manipulation.. twisting truths with lies mixed with fears at every corner...
Quoting: ETemissary
Where has she served you up with "fear"?
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
the record of false & failed cataclysmic prediction events over the past few years... remember?
Quoting: ETemissary
Sorry, I guess I haven't followed her journey as close has you have...........but even the biblical
God(in the bible) could be accused of that!?!
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
yes exactly... all of which is a reptilian fear disinformation campaign in order to keep people locked
within fearful obedience to the false-gods such as jesus/aton/esu/christ michael for thousands of
years & recent years...
Offer Upgrade
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 47
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/21/2011 5:42 PM
I agree. There is no way I am getting on a ship. I will await Jesus' return in the clouds.
Quoting: Sleeping Giant
jesus is NOT returning since earths liberation is NOT about jesus or any cults/religions/bibles who
claim such rubbish
Quoting: ETemissary
Well you're just loaded with good news today, aren't you? lol ;)
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 5:42 PM
Jesus is not the God of all the Creation. When the evacuation occurs, you are moving IN YOUR
CURRENT BODIES and there is NO WAY to take you thru COLD SPACE to your new
destinations. There are craft specially designed for evacuating planet in dire shape, and they are
placed all over this solar system. Some as as large as 8000 MILES in length and can tend each
one, many many millions of people. YOu can visit this link that will take you to a piece with actual
images of some out by Saturn's rings. That is the purpose of ASHTAR COMMAND, evacuation of
planets in big doo doo.
[link to]
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
I am told, that the Phoenix is even larger than this planet......
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
the 'Phoenix' *was a large reptilian starship... it no longer exists because it has been destroyed
years ago...
the PJs are disinformation transmitted by the reptilians as they blame 'man' for everything & as
they prophesied imminent fear/cataclysms they encourage the readers to jump onto theirs ships...
what a snare!
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 48
Quoting: ETemissary
ET, you keep proving with every post here who you serve. There is going to be cataclysms, there
have been many and the teams of God evacuate when axis shifts and magnetic reversals occur.
That IS the purpose of Ashtar Command, evacuating planets. The rapture is a lie to cover this.
The phoenix is not even a large ship, it is only 900 meters in diameter and it was not destroyed, I
have seen that puppy thru my telescope once when it was down low. The PJ's are not
disinformation. man is to blame for his condition, it's always that way and that's why the planet
wants to dump him off. If the axis shift begins, they have little time to get people off before it's
dangerous for them, and believe, the evidence of an axis shift manifests very rapidly and people
will board craft, in most cases. There is suddenly besides the sun moving abnormally, or the stars
if at night, intense volcanism and huge quakes nearly immediately. God in his goodness sends a
rescue team.
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 5:43 PM
this is an old body snatching plan from the reptilians to trick/fool people into boarding their ships...
Quoting: ETemissary
Nobody will be "snatching" anybody.......freedom of choice will ALWAYS be honored!
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
indeed... you have to free-will choice to be fooled & lured onto reptilian ships as they masquerade
as 'the light' or any other false-god disguises such as esu/aton/jesus/christ michael ...
Quoting: ETemissary
ET, you and YAH are truly depraved, keep it up, you are both proving just that by your fruits. I
don't have to do it for you.
You are willingly interfering with the plans by causing false fear of fake reptilians. These ones ARE
no longer on the planet anyway, the whole planet has to be cleansed, during any upcoming axis
shifts they are at risk too. Not all of them are bad, they have their henchmen, just as the human
does. But most are decent folks. LIke everyone on this planet or under the surface, this is the end
of the Grand Cycle around the Milky Way and this solar system and our planet are ascending into
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 49
higher vibrations and ways. She (the planetary body and MIND GAIA), cannot support the current
numbers of people, and the hate and wars.
This IS the time of SORTING. There is no eternal hell fire, people are merely sorted to whatever
grade in school they belong too. Some are not ready to become masters yet, which will be
required and so they will be moved.
Its like you can't take a 5 year old child who can hardly count yet, and put them in a college
calculus class. So there is the sorting, because this planet is moving up into college out preschool.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/21/2011 5:49 PM
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/21/2011 5:47 PM
Where has she served you up with "fear"?
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
the record of false & failed cataclysmic prediction events over the past few years... remember?
Quoting: ETemissary
Sorry, I guess I haven't followed her journey as close has you have...........but even the biblical
God(in the bible) could be accused of that!?!
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
yes exactly... all of which is a reptilian fear disinformation campaign in order to keep people locked
within fearful obedience to the false-gods such as jesus/aton/esu/christ michael for thousands of
years & recent years...
Quoting: ETemissary haven't yet answered my question, as you how you seem to know all of this?
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 5:49 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 50
DEAR ONE JESUS returns in CLOUD SHIPS. You cannot live in the clouds! Where are your
MINDS people. and I suggest its time to read up on the TRUTH that was PROMISED before the
end of this age. The Bible is OLD and corrupted, and TRUTH WAS GIVEN. IT"S IN THE Phoenix
Journals and the Urantia Book and a few other places I have suggested, and we keep giving the
updates on the process as it all goes and continuous expanded teaching and you ones prefer
always the Satan Claws and easter bunny versions.
IF Craft come down, you either board, or you face what is coming, because Axis shifts and the like
are not pretty and there are few survivors of them and few people raised in modern society could
survive in fact.
Did you ones see some of the video's during the Tsunami in Japan? Craft were there picking up
folks. Ditto in 2004 in Indonesia. You ones are chipped so the computers on the New Jerusalem
can always find you in fact.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
The PJs & the urantia book are even more corrupt than the old bible because they are the modern
version of the reptilians disinformation/plans...
IF Craft come down, you either board, or you face what is coming, because Axis shifts and the like
are not pretty and there are few survivors of them and few people raised in modern society could
survive in fact
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
This fear the reptilians use is no longer possible because the timelines have been changed to a
much more smooth liberation/transition of earth... stop spreading old low vibrational fear plans
from the reptilians ...
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 5:50 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 51
by you This fear the reptilians use is no longer possible because the timelines have been changed
to a much more smooth liberation/transition of earth... stop spreading old low vibrational fear plans
from the reptilians ...
is complete NONSENSE. TIME LINES ARE NOT CHANGED in this way and you continue to
clearly be a "new age" player. YOu are on other threads posting to site that are cia controlled,
again, by your fruits. You are lying and you know it.
Situations change time lines, not magic wands. This new age crap was designed to cause forgetful
star seeds to forget some more. You ones here, claim the PJ's and UB et all are new age crap by
reptilians and then you come here and support the true new age crap by the elite Khazar thugs.
Keep it up, you are becoming "transparent" and soon some are going to put 2 and 2 together and
actually get 4. You are spiraling down your very own tornadoes.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/21/2011 6:01 PM
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 5:58 PM
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
Because why would i continue to eat & digest something that i have already easily come to the
conclusion that it is poisonous/toxic/contaminated & filled with lies?
plz answer this ... since you keep throwing the UB at me... i would love to hear your logic... lol
Last Edited by ETemissary on 7/21/2011 10:11 PM
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 6:02 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 52
by you This fear the reptilians use is no longer possible because the timelines have been changed
to a much more smooth liberation/transition of earth... stop spreading old low vibrational fear plans
from the reptilians ...
is complete NONSENSE. TIME LINES ARE NOT CHANGED in this way and you continue to
clearly be a "new age" player. YOu are on other threads posting to site that are cia controlled,
again, by your fruits. You are lying and you know it.
Situations change time lines, not magic wands. This new age crap was designed to cause forgetful
star seeds to forget some more.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
it is your free-will choice to keep holding onto old fearful beliefs & lies but there is nothing left to
fear anymore... let go of old programming ...
everything changes... nothing is set in stone or especially within papers..
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1470364
United States
7/21/2011 6:15 PM
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
Because why would i continue to eat & digest something that i have already easily come to the
conclusion that it is poisonous/toxic/contaminated & filled with lies?
plz answer this ... since you keep throwing the UB at me... i would love to here your logic... lol
Quoting: ETemissary
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 6:18 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 53
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
Because why would i continue to eat & digest something that i have already easily come to the
conclusion that it is poisonous/toxic/contaminated & filled with lies?
plz answer this ... since you keep throwing the UB at me... i would love to here your logic... lol
Quoting: ETemissary
I am not going to read it too you. You are admitting clearly you can't read and do some deep
thinking or don't care too. I don't have to prove jack shit to YOU about the book. It is for you to
prove to ME its false and you have failed in that. It is NOT perfect, because man cannot have
PERFECT knowledge yet. But it will on UB #2 already commissioned and in the planning.
You cannot flip here and there thru a book of this size and character and claim it's fraud. To some
people, yes it is fraud, for these ones do not have developed enough minds yet to reject the
Christian fairy tales fed to them. But you I assume do have mind enough to study it sufficiently to
made better commentary on it. I have made all the commentary on it I am going to do in this
thread, as the OP, (God bless him, has he ever posted here again, I think he good intentions
actually), as I posted material for reading from the chapter he brought up and I may have made
some small comments, I don't remember exactly.
If you found what little you read, poisonous/toxic/contaminated' and filled with lies, then perhaps
your mind remains so programmed still, you can't think well? I mean you do keep posting new age
CIA websites so perhaps you can't yet discern? If you can't yet discern, I suggest you then be
quiet, otherwise you are removing all doubt that you are not yet capable of reading it. It is not for
everyone, but the fact you ones come out and blast away certainly suggests you ones consider
the truths God chose to print before the end of the age, as very dangerous. If you are capable of
pondering that please do so. What is so dangerous about that book ET????? That you must do
what you do to turn people from it????
Apparently all that is dangerous in it, is dangerous because it moves against the great mind
control and plans of the Khazars. the khazars do not get to win this one. God will, he has just
provided as much time as possible in his great mercy for them to wake the fuck up, because there
are not more changes on this planet for these ones. They aren't going to get their ticket off this
place, will they will, but they won't like where the are going.
You are right, nothing is set in stone, but man has not done particularly evil what, what was hoped,
so he had not been willing to participate in changing the story, the outcome.
If there was any timeline change to be, it would have to have come from man waking up and
dealing with the beast. Had he done so, a whole bunch of us would have moved heaven and earth
to assist and that would produce a changed timeline, from the expected. it did not happen.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 54
We gave the thugs one more chance, because it seemed man would awaken from the 911 event
that was allowed, but he did not. Those that were aware, also did not risk a bit more to expose it.
maybe that was not possible. Maybe they could not, the risk was too great, but all those who
attend churches which are the largest organizations in this country, did nothing to interceed
against the wholesale slaughter that has gone on in the Middle east since 911.
The people have failed to see this was WRONG, even if the news was a lot of propaganda. They
did NOT take action. What timeline is there to change now, that they did not take action?
One of the original time lines suggested nuclear war of a devestating nature could happen. It has
been prevented, this is after all a Seed planet to build new souls and Michael of Nebadon's
bestowal world. Many other options were discusssed. There will be no nuclear war, last nuclear
bomb exploded was on December 26, of 2004. That time line will not manifest.
Since the Reptilians were removed, the false timeline created on the net is not going to manifest
and would not have anyway, there was all those lies.
Another timeline was to empty the planet, when the axis shift or magnetic reversal or maybe an
asteroid hitting the planet if necessary, and let her rest for at least 3000 years before becoming
habitable again, and the best of the best of earth souls would be trained in Pleiades with new skills
and returned in 3000 years.
That is not going to be the time line either. We have a compromise between that, and that is to
empty the planet of the thugs, move good folks not ready elsewhere, cleanse the planet which
MUST be in stasis, because even the plant life must be protected, because their is going to be
intense vulcanization, and land movements, and then the huge clean up crew, millions of craft with
technolgies will clean up and greatly hasten the otherwise 3000 year timeline,
so 1 billion folks can finish up their ascension plans and learn. Before they move up. Its a great
plan. It's humane, and it allows for the potential of huge growth to all involved that stay. If this
works, there are whole new ideas for the future, as to how to solve evil and grow people at the
same time.
I much look forward to this. It is going to allow the HOPE that most of those 51% karma cleared
fallen folks here to make their successful return to the higher realms, if fallen angels, or the
ENTRY into the higher realms for the thugs. Now how merciful is that?
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 55
We would love to have you ET and you YAH to be part of that experience if you want it. It is your
choice and free will will be honored, IF you have completed your own 51% karmic clearance.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/21/2011 6:33 PM
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 6:27 PM
ET, you keep proving with every post here who you serve. There is going to be cataclysms, there
have been many and the teams of God evacuate when axis shifts and magnetic reversals occur.
That IS the purpose of Ashtar Command, evacuating planets. The rapture is a lie to cover this.
The phoenix is not even a large ship, it is only 900 meters in diameter and it was not destroyed, I
have seen that puppy thru my telescope once when it was down low. The PJ's are not
disinformation. man is to blame for his condition, it's always that way and that's why the planet
wants to dump him off.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
Reptilian LIES!!! 'man' did not manipulate/deactivate his own DNA... & the earth definitely does
NOT want to 'dump us off'... do your realize how incredibly evil you sound?
earth called out to creation for help/assistance to itself & us the humans.. to get rid of the reptilian
If the axis shift begins, they have little time to get people off before it's dangerous for them, and
believe, the evidence of an axis shift manifests very rapidly and people will board craft, in most
cases. There is suddenly besides the sun moving abnormally, or the stars if at night, intense
volcanism and huge quakes nearly immediately. God in his goodness sends a rescue team.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
'god'/source/creation does not allow such chaos/madness to randomly happen, that is why they
are here now around our planet to ensure a smooth non-fearful transition... assisting earth &
humans out of bondage...
millions of people(starseeds/lightworkers) have incarnated on the planet to assist within... & not to
demonize humans snared within religions or spread ignorant fear like you are...
Last Edited by ETemissary on 7/21/2011 6:28 PM
Offer Upgrade
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 56
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/21/2011 6:38 PM
& the earth definitely does NOT want to 'dump us off'...
Quoting: ETemissary
Wanna bet? Man's corruption is seen all over the world through air-pollution, and massive
Radiation zones!
She(Mother Earth) is looking for a cleansing.......and I don't blame her!
'god'/source/creation does not allow such chaos/madness to randomly happen,....
Quoting: ETemissary
Nonsense: God is all about "allowance"! If you choose to destroy yourself, God will allow it!
Last Edited by ObeWayneKenobe on 7/21/2011 6:38 PM
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1372971
United States
7/21/2011 6:38 PM
Yea, OP, the first time I read the book I didn't understand it either. There is a whole lot if
information and it is difficult to read.
The second time through I didn't read it, I studied it. After a while I began to see the logic behind it
and how everything is inter-related and inter-connected. It is actually a thing of beauty.
You just need to give it more time.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1470718
Yea...riiiiiiight. :/
I find it amusing that almost all religious texts have to be overly convoluted to the point of
confusing the vast majority of people who read them. Just look at Christianity and all the hundreds
of denominations with their alternate interpretations of biblical passages.
You would think divine beings would have the knowledge, intelligence, and literary capability to
keep their "divinely inspired texts" concise and to the point? But no, apparently not. It's always
some retarded, jumbled, abstract writing that the vast majority of people won't understand, and
most intelligent people will shrug it off as pure nonsense.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1141097
How much of the book did you read before you realized it was retarded, jumbled, and abstract?
The entire thing? Should've just skimmed it first, but I know you were approaching it for spiritual
purposes. What exactly were you expecting?
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 57
I personally think that books like this, you have to get the spiritual insight first with your own life,
and go back to them for supporting evidence. So if you were screwed before you read it, you will
be screwed after you read it. Not exactly an "impress me" kind of book for super-spoiled folks
these days.
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 6:40 PM
Et, I have NO religion. I am NOT a follower, not stop the blatant lies about me. I do know myself.
Enough already for today, this has taken more time than I should have given it. I have another
project I promised to consider working on today. good day.
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 6:56 PM
I am not going to read it too you. You are admitting clearly you can't read and do some deep
thinking or don't care too. I don't have to prove jack shit to YOU about the book. It is for you to
prove to ME its false and you have failed in that. It is NOT perfect, because man cannot have
PERFECT knowledge yet. But it will on UB #2 already commissioned and in the planning.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
no there will not be any UB #2... it is time to grow-up & truly spiritually awaken... enough of this
'christ michael'
You cannot flip here and there thru a book of this size and character and claim it's fraud. To some
people, yes it is fraud, for these ones do not have developed enough minds yet to reject the
Christian fairy tales fed to them. But you I assume do have mind enough to study it sufficiently to
made better commentary on it. I have made all the commentary on it I am going to do in this
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 58
thread, as the OP,as I posted material for reading from the chapter he brought up and I may have
made some small comments, I don't remember exactly.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
because you have heavily invested your time & energy into the deception + your MILAB
experiences.. your arrogant ego will absolutely refuse to let go of old religious superstitious
beliefs/programming/lies contained within the book ...
If you found what little you read, poisonous/toxic/contaminated' and filled with lies, then perhaps
your mind remains so programmed still, you can't think well? I mean you do keep posting new age
CIA websites so perhaps you can't yet discern? If you can't yet discern, I suggest you then be
quiet, otherwise you are removing all doubt that you are not yet capable of reading it. It is not for
everyone, but the fact you ones come out and blast away certainly suggests you ones consider
the truths God chose to print before the end of the age, as very dangerous. If you are capable of
pondering that please do so. What is so dangerous about that book ET????? That you must do
what you do to turn people from it????
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
no... your delusional mind wants me to think its 'dangerous'... but its not, its just reptilian
HORSESHIT... like you love to say.. PONDER-IT!
Apparently all that is dangerous in it, is dangerous because it moves against the great mind
control and plans of the Khazars. the khazars do not get to win this one. God will, he has just
provided as much time as possible in his great mercy for them to wake the fuck up, because there
are not more changes on this planet for these ones. They aren't going to get their ticket off this
place, will they will, but they won't like where the are going.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
the 'almighty khazars'(if anything) are nothing more than tools/puppets for the reptilians.. just like
the 'jews' are, so that the sleeping masses can point the finger at each other.. while the real
masters of manipulation did what they did...
weak & pathetic arguments ...
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 7:11 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 59
& the earth definitely does NOT want to 'dump us off'...
Quoting: ETemissary
Wanna bet? Man's corruption is seen all over the world through air-pollution, and massive
Radiation zones!
She(Mother Earth) is looking for a cleansing.......and I don't blame her!
'god'/source/creation does not allow such chaos/madness to randomly happen,....
Quoting: ETemissary
Nonsense: God is all about "allowance"! If you choose to destroy yourself, God will allow it!
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
The overwhelming majority of earth humans do not want to destroy themselves or the earth, they
are just born into a slave control grid & poverty, then indoctrinated.... it is only a small percentage
of human earth-controllers + their reptilian buddies who plot such destruction... if they see their
power over us coming to an end & they dont want to lose that power.. they then stage 'destruction'
just like the 9/11 lie in hopes of regaining or retaining some power/control or to 'buy' more time for
their agenda...
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 7:18 PM
Et, I have NO religion. I am NOT a follower, not stop the blatant lies about me. I do know myself.
Enough already for today, this has taken more time than I should have given it. I have another
project I promised to consider working on today. good day.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 60
plz stop being in denial... you clearly follow the false god known as christ michael, you want
another urantia book bible & you have created a twisted religion of his '2nd coming'...
you also imagine/plan/fantasize that one day we will all be singing songs to holy christ michael our
savior... lol
User ID: 1475540
United States
7/21/2011 7:46 PM
Correction to last post,"You know what I just stopped and looked up Candace Frieze, you are that
, I wrote Jews_are_great, somehow the pharse jews are great, came up someone has a link or
glitch on this name, lets see if it does it again..
Quoting: hurchel
yes some of the not so funny mods have done that. it has to be typed Jews_are_great unless they
have messed with that too. You can not use the @ for the first 2 or it will change to that.
Ok they had some fun since the other day, not that does not work either. lets see, abund@ant
hope dot net
My project has the blessings and was co created with Michael. It matters NOT if the Urantia
foundation supports it. It was not created by them, and their interest is the book and its multiple
legal issues that have faced them, and the other issues, the translations, all of this. I am not their
mission, nor are they mind at this point.
As I have said, I have met Michael personally in his body he is using for his return, He meets often
with folks ON THIS plane and in the underground bases and he must be visible. I have been on
the PHoenix quite a few times. I have met others there are this team of what to do with this planet.
As I said, the importance of this planet is huge.
Siraya is personally involved, although he of course does not come directly, its over the cosmic
internet. I am encircuited as I said, and I am in the best mental health of my life and I have
experiences you all can only dream of, and since you can't seem to dream of the possibilities I
guess you can't imagine what I do and what the others on my team do. Some of them regularly go
to craft also, and are talented telepaths.
YOu can not argue effectively to disprove what I do so just give it up. There have been
unsuccessful ones before you who have not been able to stop this.
Because of the nature of man on this planet, and the nature of the infiltration into the teaching
mission and other UB projects, (some of which have been legal, in which the copyright was
denied), by dark ones, there are some so stuck on the UB they can't dream and be free either. It is
a wondrous book. It si NOT complete. Reincarnation was denied for very good reason, because of
all the star seed volunteers from those architectural spheres that are here. The thugs murder a lot
of us, and it has been tried on me several times.
You don't want to accept reincarnation, but yet it says in the UB you have many resurrections to
the higher spheres and have many different or modified forms along the way. Resurrection is even
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 61
mentioned into Havona and I believe Paradise. OK. And it is everywhere implied throughout the
book in many ways incarnation.
Planets are heavily served by star seeds incarnating as teachers and problems solvers on all
planets. People don't believe the invisible melchizedeks and the like that they can not see. Please
apply your thinking abilities to these things.
Esu is covered up because he left 6 children behind, one of the subject of Dan Browns book.
SaRa. Certainly you don't think a soul of the caliber of Mother Mary is lying dead in her grave still,
or whatever????? There were a whole bunch of folks from Heaven who played the roles back then
and continue to do so. How else are their the great souls that are here on this planet? Oh I know,
god gave them special gifts right???? WRONG. Have you not noticed the massive growth in
technology here in the last 100 years? From when did that come? Both given thru the
underground bases to selected business folks who can develop it, again incarnate star seeds.
Where did all the ability for software come from? Incarnating folks. Generally the ones that came
in to get the Internet going so you can post here and blast god, are 5d god level conscious folks
who have this specially of setting up the world wide webs on planets . god doesn't just gift selected
I am a graduate of Paradise. From reading the UB you must know I am thsu a free soul and I can
navigate space minus a craft. I have done so while here many times. Not this body, it needs to
breathe, but my real me attached to this body. The reason I am a mighty messenger is I earned
that for putting up with the shit of the universe and contending against it on low level planets and
even on some of the architectural spheres. I am in training for very high level universe
management. This is a great planet for that experience and many are here just to experience this
very sick world. many ascenders and angels never get such ax experience, so ponder that one.
Telepathy is the way folks in the higher realms communicate, particularly once they are nearly
spirit beings and spirit beings. In those forms we do NOT have vocal cords. Mind to mind is how its
done, and any of you who can actually contact your thought adjuster do it by telepathy and that is
how it advises you. You seem to "hear yourself" when it is speaking until you move to a more
advanced level and then you discern it as a separate "voice." If you are 3rd circle you have a
personal guardian, a pair of them actually. Well how would you perceive their advice, or speak to
them. Telepathy. Even if you do oral prayer, they hear the telepathy that proceeds the voice that
comes out of your mouth. In fact, leaving behind the voice will amplify the telepathy.
This is a 3d planet. That is the level of not being god conscious. 4d is the level that begins to
function better. n fact, in the story that you soul sleeps after your physical death, that depends on
the planet, because many are reincarnated by their angels, even if the Thought adjuster has
returned to returned to the central universe. It depends on the various situations.
this planet has tremendous reincarnation because it was Lucifers place to learn of his follies i
thought along with the others who followed him. That is how they did their repentance and
rehabilitation. I have worked with some of those as they have prepared to pass this world, and
they returned to their former estate.
This IS a prison ward. All 2-4 d consciousness worlds are in fact, because you cannot be let out
into the cosmos when there is no god consciousness, not spirit development to know right from
wrong. The angels working out their rehabilitation do not have adjusters or some have temporary
ones, as they need to fully not remember so they LEARN.
There are also a whole bunch of galactic thugs here, total Lucifer folks and galactic thugs, 10
billion roughly. This is their FINAL stab at growing up. Well not final, but they cannot stay on this
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 62
ascending world. They have to move. the worst of all of them will face trial in the courts of
Nebadon, where in the case of possible uncreation, there are advisors from orvonton, or they case
may be refered up to orvonton. Most will just be sorted laterally to other worlds, those who have
made at least 51% of the karmic clearance get to stay with this ascending world after Stasis and
are given another shot.
How else would YOU DO IT? The UB IS wonderful. As I said for various reasons it is incomplete.
You do not announce the return of Michael in such a book on a world like this. He did return 1 year
before it was published. If you have searched the history, you know the papers were given roughly
They were given as I said thru a sleeping prophet who could self hypnotize and leave his body
while others used it. This is a very common method in the higher realms and the only way to
sneak information into a planet like this one. The only reason this planet has the UB is because of
the return of Michael and his plans for this world. So please, you ones overly STUCK in it, just as
others are overly STUCK in religions, please open up they minds and think and grow and ponder,
for in that so shall you will, GROW.
I am also in persona acquaintance with Monjoronson, the magisterial son and boy is a bunch of
false stuff coming out on about him right now, CIA pretty much owns that place
now. Monjoronson has backed off the work right now, because of the FACT that the thugs are
acting like cornered animals.
There will be a new UB part 2. It's already commissioned by Gabriel. It will go further into the
history of this planet, as this is needed by future students who will partake of experience here. A
bunch from mansion worlds 5 on up will be incarnating, and some of them will simply visit in their
forms they currently use. Nebadon's planetary headquarters are under the Himalayas which is
WHY, there are so many craft seen in India, China et all going in there, It is roughly under Nepal.
Where do you think all the Arch angels, Melchizedeks and others here work? ON CRAFT and in
the underground bases maintained by Nebadon.
There are many here not born of women right now, one I work with, calls himself S333, and also
DAvid Righter. David is based also someplace in asia, has a wife, also using a body not born of
woman, and they have had a baby. A little girl a few months ago. David Righter (chosen earth
name, because David is part of his "star name" and he Rights things, is a LAWYER from
Orvonton. His legal interest revolved around MONEY and he is actively engaged here. If some of
you go to well, a forbidden site here, lets just say a rumor place, you say material there during the
big OITC debates by him.
I happen to work with certain ones incarnate on this planet, who are place with the OITC. I should
say now defunct OITC temporarily until the big cleanse coming up. Those of you following Casper
on 4 winds know something of the chinese story, which is not about NeSARA at all but about the
Chinese take over of the OITC wealth and the Federal Reserve.
This planet is terribly polluted, it can not continue this way, the pollution is worked on as possible
when the planet is dark at night and the work goes unseen. the silly "mother ship" thingy above,
how truly silly. As I said, there is no single mother ship going to save people. Every single one of
you here who used that stupid story, are copying shit others put out, or you have put it out. The
galactic Federation is REAL.
Michael of Nebadon, for experience and hiding who he was, chose to command a fleet of 1 million
craft from Pleiades. A lot of help coming from there to here. The command ship is the Phoenix,
and named temporarily that because of the concept of the Phoenix which must rise from the ashes
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 63
on this planet. You are looking at the money ashes coming now, with all the propaganda on TV.
Gawd, Donald trump is on...... we don't need him.
How do people fly thru space except by craft? Especially physical people? In case this planet went
into nuclear holocaust, which will damage souls and even kill the soul, there is always such an
evacuation plan when any planet begins its exploration into nuclear energy and has no
corresponding spirituality to properly manage such. It is always used for war. there has been many
a nuclear war already on this planet. biggy between Atlantis and Lemuria. Biggy one that has been
discovered in India too.
The so called "fall" on this planet, was the loss of privileges to sail the friendly cosmos. This stuff
will be topics in the UB part two, when it is appropriate. ALL the truth of the history of this planet
will be given. And other truths that could not be revealed at the time. Don't you recall in it, it is
often said, what was allowed to be revealed?????? YOu do not give thugs too much information.
People from other worlds have colonized here since the time of the dinosaurs and there are
human skeletons found with them. Even at the time of Christ 2000 years ago, South American
folks had cosmic travel. North Americans did not. That is why all the interesting skulls and other
artifacts and hidden cities there.
There are still galactic folks living in South America, and that was a big place of contact for a time.
Now wake up. And stop this nonsense against me, for I know my journey better than some of you
know yours. Many reading the UB are star seeds and it was given to help wake them up, and in
some cases they got over stuck to it and are not functioning well. Its now 15 minutes past when I
needed to go to bed, so I will log off. Here is the logo of AH, a partnership of my ground crew and
MIchael of Nebadon and Esu Immanuel, Monjoronson and others.
:AH logo::its all good::big flowers: AND this famous kitty one that is so appropriate to some of you
here. :best you can do?: Good night, :Planet needs me: for my night shift during which the body
usually sleeps and the real me keeps right on working.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
You are a fucking whack job, starseeds came out of the diluted mind of Gabriel of Urantia, by the
way there is a dateline expose on him. Monjoronson, is a combination of the majorie jorgenson
freeway exit to UCLA in Santa Monica. We had the international urantia conference there in 2010.
Created by the teaching mission freaks, while foreign service waldrop was president. lightworkers
are CIA mind control victims, I noticed you have a you are connected with. With
the thousands of readers, All Urantians, none of them are here talking to you. None of them are
supporting you or this topic or your other topic, you claim to have on godlike. I proved you are not
a mighty messenger and your website claimed you said you were born on some other planet and
reincarnated here 6 times, you are a whack job, dangerous and stupid.
Everybody is laughing at you even Phoenix has articles against you. You are one of the Arizona
Gabriel Freaks or got your screwed up mentally from them, you sound just like the crazy idiot and
his starseeds and his fleecing of innocent people and their possessions to live in his commune. He
twists the urantia writing to meet his financial gain. A fool reveals his mind to a stronger mind, and
that is what you are doing showing your arse. You aren't a Urantian. What you are spouting has
nothing to do with the Urantia Book or serious students of the book and foundation. You are a
farce, a fraud, and exhibit the same bad traits of lucifer. I signed up with Godlike to speak to John
Lear and happened upon this thread. You are a horror of manic grandeurs of illusion, and a happy
sociopath. You spurn truth and are spirtually bankrupt, this spueing of insanity is the inner reaping
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 64
of your soul. I wish you speedy non existence. I am ashamed you even utter the words Urantia
book. Let alone hold court to innocents starting their spiritual path. You are going down Candace.
You have no Urantians supporting you, and the ones that joined the made up teaching mission
and corrupted the teachings of the book are shunned. To anybody out there, please read the book
on your own or contact the Urantia foundation to join a study group. We have people of all
religions and mostly intellectuas who could not get to god on the words of the bible alone.
Candace do not reply to me or speak to me anymore, I am done with you. I warn you, with all
sincerity, that my angels like Jesus and God hate iniquity. You are beyond help, and I am trying to
control my thoughts to not implode your heart.
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1363969
United States
7/21/2011 7:58 PM
In Biblical times they only counted men. When Jesus fed the multitude the 500 were just the men.
The women and children were additional. So when Urantia says Jesus fed 500 men women and
children you are shown that the writer had an understanding of modern times. A writer back then
counted differently. So knowing this Urantia is obviously a modern fraud.
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 8:15 PM
For those interested, I won't post it here, because I don't want it trashed as I cannot delete trash in
this thread, here is a link to a lovely piece from the Universal Father thru Bela. Those readers of
the UB know who the Universal Father is. And how he works thru the Thought Adjuster. [link to]
User ID: 1383366
United States
7/21/2011 9:29 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 65
No one of the predictions of Candace Frieze become reality.
Since 2006 she was talking about the First Contact, 2007 Jupiter became sun, mars 2009 again
Jupiter and earthquake, immobilization and now the new entertainment: reverse something.
All these years of energy which is spending by the people who follow you instead of grown
espirituality and consuming waiting the apocalypses
Candace who continually publish CIA MK-Ultra mind-controlled rubbish to fool the people and
create negative energy through confusion and fear.
She is the source of the fake Christ Michael messages and the garbage of the Jupiter Event and
stasis, and she shall be held accountable for her evil actions of misleading the people and causing
great fear.
The stasis event is pure nonsense. The Realms of Light are bound by the Cosmic Law of NonIntervention. This even flies in the face of the Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect.
Since the summer of 2005 she was gradually placed under CIA mind-control, when her increasing
ego caused her to lose her Divine Protection. The Jews_are_great website is fooling many people
with disinformation. Candace has been pulled into the Mormon camp and their plan to become the
One World religion. The Mormon Church had great input in the compilation of the Urantia Book,
and much of it is simply not Truth.
Creator God Aton is the main author of the Phoenix Journals, and He has made it quite clear to us
that His name is not Christ Michael. Candace uses some of the Phoenix Journal material and the
name, Aton
People must learn to be discerning. There is no Stasis (sleep) Event, no Jupiter Event, no
GESARA, no Plan A of a smooth transition of Earth Shan and all people living happily ever after in
a grand paradise on our earth. Candace has concocted (no, the CIA has) the "Sovereign Integral
Network" (SIN) nonsense, etc. The souled being already has a God-connection to Creator Source
through his God Spirit within. Candace has kept many people, especially on the West and East
Coasts of the U.S., in fear for their survival.
The CIA is one agency often used for such purposes (mind control),. They may test us by putting
out garbage on the Internet to see how much they can fool us, how gullible we are, especially the
"enlightened ones, who are a threat because they can discern Truth.
You need to develop your critical skills. Educate yourself. Channelled messages and all those
"metaphysical" sites won't really educate you. What they do is confuse you. When you're in a
confused state of mind you are easily tricked and deluded, hypnotized, and led into wherever the
hypnotizer wants to lead you, whatever twisted philosophy or ideology. And this is being done to
you without your being aware of what's happening. But it's a technique really, or a bunch of
techniques. Those techniques will not lead you to enlightenment. They lead to confusion,
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 66
misguidance, illusions, delusions and utter nonsense. In short: they aim to bullshit you.
If you believe Candace's endless explanations like the one that you cannot see real Jupiter
through a telescope but you can see it through naked eyes or through binoculars, well then you
will just believe anything really.
Those who themselves are seriously misguided want you to believe anything that they say. They
may actually tell you not to use your logic and reasoning; not to question, doubt and criticize, but
just believe, just have faith, just wait a little longer and don't do anything real about anything but
just keep yourselves deluded by reading or listening to their material that is keeping you confused
and misguided.
Who got you into that bullshit? Was it someone you knew? Was it someone you felt you could
trust? Was that bullshit recommended to you by some friend?
Quoting: YAHisking
Beloveds, I used the quote feature, as my above post was within a quote of OBE. YAH here has
placed word for word, an exact commentary from Patrick Bellringer several years ago on his site.
Please read the rest of the post above about the CIA offer that man made to me. By your own
fruits YAH, this is despicable behavior.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
I Am sure the truth is hurting you
I see how you have spent all day trying to justify your behavior and trying to save face with your
All to no avail, you are the same deceiver you have been for years
We will expose your lies with what ever means nessary
And remember anyone being groomed by the CIA is CIA
We all know this, you dont get to turn them down as you know
I Am very aware of you involvement with them and this will be brought out into the open in the
near future
Go daddy really is not the place to hid servers, some have eyes to see, and what they see if
YOUR connection to the gov/Cia/nsa
your cover will be blown and your lies fully exposed for all to see!
I know you hate it when I expose you like this, but it most be done!
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 9:46 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 67
Yah, I believe it was YOU who should be embarrassed for copying a post long ago made by CIA
agent Patrick Bellringer. As I said, I did NOT accept the offer he made to me on November 1,
2005. That offer was made by email and unless the thug coming into my home found my backups,
it is provable. Go Daddy? What the shit is that about. For your info I don't even know who our
domain is registered with or where the server is located. Another handles that for me. Your LIES
are not hurting me, I roll such right off my back.
As I posted above, if I am CIA why then does the CIA need to hire an agent to pretend to be
friends with me? Something is missing in YOUR logic. I am not going to comment on all the other
shit I have endured is I am a CIA agent. As I said, I know my life just as I assume you know yours
and I know my motives and my journey these many years has been quite special to me. I have
never engaged in any sort of fraud. Yet you ones are comfortable attempting to build a case
against me, based on NOTHING? People have posted all sorts of false crap against me here and
elsewhere. They have claimed I made huge amounts of money and bought a mansion too. If you
check my website we do not sell anything and Neither am I engaged in selling anything, except
maybe this used table, old copy machine and the Like I am trying to find a new home for. Really
now. You can dig all you want Yah and the rest of you, there is nothing.
I am not CIA Yah and thus you cannot prove something that never happened.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/21/2011 10:07 PM
User ID: 1383366
United States
7/21/2011 10:40 PM
this is an old body snatching plan from the reptilians to trick/fool people into boarding their ships...
Quoting: ETemissary
Nobody will be "snatching" anybody.......freedom of choice will ALWAYS be honored!
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 68
people that are ready are going home
right before the destruction falls upon the heathen
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/21/2011 11:07 PM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright Violation
Re: The Book of Urantia = Biggest Crock of Bullshit I've Ever Read
Quote [+] #
Quoting: hurchel
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
You are a fucking whack job, starseeds came out of the diluted mind of Gabriel of Urantia, by the
way there is a dateline expose on him. Monjoronson, is a combination of the majorie jorgenson
freeway exit to UCLA in Santa Monica. We had the international urantia conference there in 2010.
Created by the teaching mission freaks, while foreign service waldrop was president. lightworkers
are CIA mind control victims, I noticed you have a you are connected with.
With the thousands of readers, All Urantians, none of them are here talking to you. None of them
are supporting you or this topic or your other topic, you claim to have on godlike. I proved you are
not a mighty messenger and your website claimed you said you were born on some other
planet and reincarnated here 6 times, you are a whack job, dangerous and stupid.
Everybody is laughing at you even Phoenix has articles against you. You are one of the
Arizona Gabriel Freaks or got your screwed up mentally from them, you sound just like the
crazy idiot and his starseeds and his fleecing of innocent people and their possessions to live in
his commune. He twists the urantia writing to meet his financial gain. A fool reveals his mind to a
stronger mind, and that is what you are doing showing your arse. You aren't a Urantian. What you
are spouting has nothing to do with the Urantia Book or serious students of the book and
foundation. You are a farce, a fraud, and exhibit the same bad traits of lucifer. I signed up with
Godlike to speak to John Lear and happened upon this thread. You are a horror of manic
grandeurs of illusion, and a happy sociopath. You spurn truth and are spirtually bankrupt, this
spueing of insanity is the inner reaping of your soul. I wish you speedy non existence. I am
ashamed you even utter the words Urantia book. Let alone hold court to innocents starting their
spiritual path. You are going down Candace. You have no Urantians supporting you, and the ones
that joined the made up teaching mission and corrupted the teachings of the book are shunned.
To anybody out there, please read the book on your own or contact the Urantia foundation to join
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 69
a study group. We have people of all religions and mostly intellectuas who could not get to god on
the words of the bible alone.
Candace do not reply to me or speak to me anymore, I am done with you. I warn you, with all
sincerity, that my angels like Jesus and God hate iniquity. You are beyond help, and I am trying to
control my thoughts to not implode your heart.
Quoting: hurchel 1475540
OK who is "PHoenix" that has articles against me? I have not a clue. If you mean the current
organization, yes they published a letter I wrote on behalf of Aton to them some years ago. There
was corruption there too, intrusions made and although it appears they are open for business, this
is not the same group as before. I do have quite a bit of knowledge on the history, presented to me
with discussions with Aton himself. Just about everything with any merit has been infiltrated. It was
tried with my organization too, and a few people were tossed as it became apparent. I am very
careful and have a watchful eye. I have thru a lot of CIA attempts by the Council of the NOT SO
LIGHT and because they are so good at what they do, ones at Urantia Foundation should watch
their backs.
CIA got into the OITC too and I won't even detail that one here, but they are every where, under
various names and games.
Arizona Gabriel Freaks, I said I don't know who or what they are. Never heard of them until your
post. LInky? I am not about to search for something I never heard of right now.
I should not reply to you? WHY? You have made threats here against me, who gives YOU such a
I have no connection to Many websites post the material from my website. That
does not imply association with anyone. I am unconnected to any other groups whatsoever.
I know Monjoronson, so take a hike. He is quite real, he has been here from Paradise since 1200
AD and in fact helped get the Urantia Book going, although he wrote none of it. He was a major
entity that came thru Edgar Cayce. He was behind the Renaissance. Others on my team know
I have no interest if the Urantia folks support me or not. There are some who have and do at this
time. You don't have all the notes you know. You do not speak for all of them. It is not my issue or
my concern. My concern is serving Michael of Nebadon.
The teaching mission was not made up. But like everything on this planet, there was infiltration
into it. I am greatly saddened because does now seem fully compromised. I
initially had hopes but they did not manifest and the material coming from there now is a huge
mess. I suspect the Urantia Foundation has inside corruption too, the CIA are good at what they
I looked, I did not find evidence of the 2010 international meeting in California. I had just reviewed
much of the old newsletters there recently and didn't remember that. I have never followed the
leadership there whatsoever, but I researched a lot of legal material they had there once which I
can't find anymore. I had a number of things copied from the website that in fact later disappeared
from my old computer. I did not disappear it.
You are posting in such a ugly way, that something smells rotten someplace here. What might it
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 70
be? This is perhaps the biggest set of attacks on me yet, in this thread since I have been on GLP.
Somebody is running scared I guess.
You do not have access to my soul record. You cannot disprove the Mighty messenger statement.
And you did not disprove it. I have sufficient proof and I would not make such a statement if I did
not. I do not cover all I am involved in publicly. The only reason I mention in thread such as this, is
for the teaching value. I hailed form Havona and Paradise before I began the process of moving
towards this journey several hundred years ago. Myself and many others of us who were to
become engaged here, settled on various planets in Pleiades that are high in light and life. I
settled on Myrua, which goes around Merope. When I left Myrua, it was very high 7d. It is now 8d.
I am here with several "family members" and my destiny guardian, who is serving aboard a craft
who also completed the Paradise Journey. I know her very personally. After adapting once again
to evolutionary planetary life, I moved to earth about 400 years ago and this is my 6th incarnation
here. My soul mate did not incarnate with me this time, but stayed behind as my chief advisor and
protector. He is now embodied and will walk this plane with me at some future point. he is not
embodied by method of birth.
I have promised 1000 years or whatever it takes in service to this planet as we get her civilization
raised up into light and life. I will not be doing this 1000 years but successive rebirths by the way.
We are going to get this sad planet raised and so be it. As I said, there will be 50 to 100 districts
on this planet, underneath the international organization which will be based in Denver CO. There
are already direct plans in place on that one.
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/21/2011 11:52 PM
My concern is serving Michael of Nebadon.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
Then you will remain 'his' slave & puppet/tool until your soul decides to finally question the fake
reptilian authority...
Only then will you liberate yourself from old religious beliefs & limitations...
The free-will choice is always yours & do not expect/demand anyone else to follow/submit to the
'christ michael' deception...
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 71
Who I AM
User ID: 1475846
United States
7/22/2011 12:07 AM
I have come to believe that most New Age AND Bible teachings are designed to KEEP US IN
Gives us "answers" that don't really mean anything.
We are here to learn NOT TO SUFFER!
To learn compassion through suffering. Does ANYONE ever mention that? NO! It's all about
OBEDIENCE and they don't even tell what you are supposed to be obedient about!!!
User ID: 1469823
United States
7/22/2011 12:21 AM
I will say one thing, and I don't have a reputation nor do I post a lot on this forum, but the one thing
I do know is the fact you (spiritually minded) people all share a common bond to become a better
person and understand life and eternity. At least, that's what I would hope if someone claims to be
spiritual or religious. I think if we all read between the lines, we'd all see we have a lot of common
ground we walk upon in our lives: We want an empowered, fair world where trust, integrity, and
justice are mainstay. We also want to have a balanced, spiritual understanding which empowers
us and helps us with our goals and purpose. Most of all, we know suffering - we know what it's like
to be ignored or not believed in. We know what it's like to have our dreams crushed by a one-track
minded world. We were all kids once with imaginary friends and alternate universes we explored
haplessly until our cynicism made us forget, and we either conformed or revolted to a society that
caters to the strong and shits on the weak. In other words, we've done ourselves an injustice by
not uniting in our weakness - in our delusion - and fed the beast - the strong. But when the day
comes, when the weak rise up and their true merit and strength is shown; the strong will topple
under their debt and pray for redemption. And 'the strong' will receive the mercy they did not allow;
they will receive the kindness they never allotted. The weak will then be transformed and
considered powerful by their grace. Grace...something our society, our world veritably needs; it's
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 72
starts with all of us, even here on this forum. Must it always be filled with garbage? Is it possible
for the GLP to evolve?
I think the best thing a new age believer and a Christian purist can do is agree to disagree and
leave it at that. The rest is nonsensical pot calling the kettle black. Jesus even instructed us to hold
our peace with each other and be respectful. We become hypocrites ourselves when we're
reduced to bashing. The information presented becomes more of a contest of wits, rather than a
real conversation amongst people of true wisdom.
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/22/2011 12:55 AM
I will say one thing, and I don't have a reputation nor do I post a lot on this forum, but the one thing
I do know is the fact you (spiritually minded) people all share a common bond to become a better
person and understand life and eternity. At least, that's what I would hope if someone claims to be
spiritual or religious. I think if we all read between the lines, we'd all see we have a lot of common
ground we walk upon in our lives: We want an empowered, fair world where trust, integrity, and
justice are mainstay. We also want to have a balanced, spiritual understanding which empowers
us and helps us with our goals and purpose. Most of all, we know suffering - we know what it's like
to be ignored or not believed in. We know what it's like to have our dreams crushed by a one-track
minded world. We were all kids once with imaginary friends and alternate universes we explored
haplessly until our cynicism made us forget, and we either conformed or revolted to a society that
caters to the strong and shits on the weak. In other words, we've done ourselves an injustice by
not uniting in our weakness - in our delusion - and fed the beast - the strong. But when the day
comes, when the weak rise up and their true merit and strength is shown; the strong will topple
under their debt and pray for redemption. And 'the strong' will receive the mercy they did not allow;
they will receive the kindness they never allotted. The weak will then be transformed and
considered powerful by their grace. Grace...something our society, our world veritably needs; it's
starts with all of us, even here on this forum. Must it always be filled with garbage? Is it possible
for the GLP to evolve?
I think the best thing a new age believer and a Christian purist can do is agree to disagree and
leave it at that. The rest is nonsensical pot calling the kettle black. Jesus even instructed us to hold
our peace with each other and be respectful. We become hypocrites ourselves when we're
reduced to bashing. The information presented becomes more of a contest of wits, rather than a
real conversation amongst people of true wisdom.
Quoting: AJS 1469823
Truthful words spoken from the heart...
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 73
we should set aside our fear, ego & many differences to endure & better navigate past these trying
or collectively remain 'divided & conquered'...
User ID: 1475540
United States
7/22/2011 2:06 AM
I will say one thing, and I don't have a reputation nor do I post a lot on this forum, but the one thing
I do know is the fact you (spiritually minded) people all share a common bond to become a better
person and understand life and eternity. At least, that's what I would hope if someone claims to be
spiritual or religious. I think if we all read between the lines, we'd all see we have a lot of common
ground we walk upon in our lives: We want an empowered, fair world where trust, integrity, and
justice are mainstay. We also want to have a balanced, spiritual understanding which empowers
us and helps us with our goals and purpose. Most of all, we know suffering - we know what it's like
to be ignored or not believed in. We know what it's like to have our dreams crushed by a one-track
minded world. We were all kids once with imaginary friends and alternate universes we explored
haplessly until our cynicism made us forget, and we either conformed or revolted to a society that
caters to the strong and shits on the weak. In other words, we've done ourselves an injustice by
not uniting in our weakness - in our delusion - and fed the beast - the strong. But when the day
comes, when the weak rise up and their true merit and strength is shown; the strong will topple
under their debt and pray for redemption. And 'the strong' will receive the mercy they did not allow;
they will receive the kindness they never allotted. The weak will then be transformed and
considered powerful by their grace. Grace...something our society, our world veritably needs; it's
starts with all of us, even here on this forum. Must it always be filled with garbage? Is it possible
for the GLP to evolve?
I think the best thing a new age believer and a Christian purist can do is agree to disagree and
leave it at that. The rest is nonsensical pot calling the kettle black. Jesus even instructed us to hold
our peace with each other and be respectful. We become hypocrites ourselves when we're
reduced to bashing. The information presented becomes more of a contest of wits, rather than a
real conversation amongst people of true wisdom.
Quoting: AJS 1469823
Let me apologize, I seldom have such a violent reaction to someone, but this person who purports
to promote the Urantia book is in fact now that I have researched her, I assure you, I had no idea I
would run into this individual here, but what she does did to us as Urantians, is akin to what Judas
Iscariot did to Jesus on a Christian level. She is a temple whore. She is a money changer. We do
not channel, we commit ourselves to the will of God and try to live like him to courageously face
the hard decisions, he did while on earth. As christians do. We listen to the voice of god, we do not
claim to channel the voice of god or Jesus. She consistently channels different entities she claims,
but she has allowed entities not of god to enter her and speak through her. A group splintered off
and started a teaching mission. The study groups where we read the book and discussed it, like a
bible study became a sideshow circus were these idiots proclaim they were channeling from
universe entities such as JarEl, morjoronson (candace) Hatonn Candace, Esau sanada (candace)
it caused irrepairable harm, Only about 10 percent of what she says is from the writings of the
book, the rest is demonic, channeled imaginings, we recognize 4 devils rather the biblical devil,
Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia and Daligastia, all 4 of them combined could not reek the havoc her and
her channeling cronies caused in the Urantia Groups.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 74
And here she is all pretend sunshine and light, like a carnival barker pretending she is any
authority on the UB Book. You read my comments So forgive me, I am real, she is not. But now as
I read your post, I thought it better to try to explain.
As I search to explain this, I am minded of what we say in AA, about someone who is
constitutionally unable to stop, it means they are brain damaged or too mentally ill. She cannot
and will not stop. At this point, she is so far gone, we say spiritually bankrupt. I wished her non
existant, we don't recognize hell as christians do, we go on to the mansion worlds & survive or are
judged by the ancients of days and made non existant. So I told her to go to hell basically. I can't
take that back. I apologize to anyone I offended on the forum except Candace, or "nobody in
Eastern Gate
User ID: 1424230
United States
7/22/2011 2:08 AM
How the fuck is the Urantia pretentious, you fucking piece of Moron? To me, the book is well
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1477001
And so was Battlefield just kidding. It was also bad Sci-Fi.
Eastern Gate
User ID: 1424230
United States
7/22/2011 2:28 AM
Quoting: hurchel
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
You are a fucking whack job, starseeds came out of the diluted mind of Gabriel of Urantia, by the
way there is a dateline expose on him. Monjoronson, is a combination of the majorie jorgenson
freeway exit to UCLA in Santa Monica. We had the international urantia conference there in 2010.
Created by the teaching mission freaks, while foreign service waldrop was president. lightworkers
are CIA mind control victims, I noticed you have a you are connected with.
With the thousands of readers, All Urantians, none of them are here talking to you. None of them
are supporting you or this topic or your other topic, you claim to have on godlike. I proved you are
not a mighty messenger and your website claimed you said you were born on some other
planet and reincarnated here 6 times, you are a whack job, dangerous and stupid.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 75
Everybody is laughing at you even Phoenix has articles against you. You are one of the
Arizona Gabriel Freaks or got your screwed up mentally from them, you sound just like the
crazy idiot and his starseeds and his fleecing of innocent people and their possessions to live in
his commune. He twists the urantia writing to meet his financial gain. A fool reveals his mind to a
stronger mind, and that is what you are doing showing your arse. You aren't a Urantian. What you
are spouting has nothing to do with the Urantia Book or serious students of the book and
foundation. You are a farce, a fraud, and exhibit the same bad traits of lucifer. I signed up with
Godlike to speak to John Lear and happened upon this thread. You are a horror of manic
grandeurs of illusion, and a happy sociopath. You spurn truth and are spirtually bankrupt, this
spueing of insanity is the inner reaping of your soul. I wish you speedy non existence. I am
ashamed you even utter the words Urantia book. Let alone hold court to innocents starting their
spiritual path. You are going down Candace. You have no Urantians supporting you, and the ones
that joined the made up teaching mission and corrupted the teachings of the book are shunned.
To anybody out there, please read the book on your own or contact the Urantia foundation to join
a study group. We have people of all religions and mostly intellectuas who could not get to god on
the words of the bible alone.
Candace do not reply to me or speak to me anymore, I am done with you. I warn you, with all
sincerity, that my angels like Jesus and God hate iniquity. You are beyond help, and I am trying to
control my thoughts to not implode your heart.
Quoting: hurchel 1475540
OK who is "PHoenix" that has articles against me? I have not a clue. If you mean the current
organization, yes they published a letter I wrote on behalf of Aton to them some years ago. There
was corruption there too, intrusions made and although it appears they are open for business, this
is not the same group as before. I do have quite a bit of knowledge on the history, presented to me
with discussions with Aton himself. Just about everything with any merit has been infiltrated. It was
tried with my organization too, and a few people were tossed as it became apparent. I am very
careful and have a watchful eye. I have thru a lot of CIA attempts by the Council of the NOT SO
LIGHT and because they are so good at what they do, ones at Urantia Foundation should watch
their backs.
CIA got into the OITC too and I won't even detail that one here, but they are every where, under
various names and games.
Arizona Gabriel Freaks, I said I don't know who or what they are. Never heard of them until your
post. LInky? I am not about to search for something I never heard of right now.
I should not reply to you? WHY? You have made threats here against me, who gives YOU such a
I have no connection to Many websites post the material from my website. That
does not imply association with anyone. I am unconnected to any other groups whatsoever.
I know Monjoronson, so take a hike. He is quite real, he has been here from Paradise since 1200
AD and in fact helped get the Urantia Book going, although he wrote none of it. He was a major
entity that came thru Edgar Cayce. He was behind the Renaissance. Others on my team know
I have no interest if the Urantia folks support me or not. There are some who have and do at this
time. You don't have all the notes you know. You do not speak for all of them. It is not my issue or
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 76
my concern. My concern is serving Michael of Nebadon.
The teaching mission was not made up. But like everything on this planet, there was infiltration
into it. I am greatly saddened because does now seem fully compromised. I
initially had hopes but they did not manifest and the material coming from there now is a huge
mess. I suspect the Urantia Foundation has inside corruption too, the CIA are good at what they
I looked, I did not find evidence of the 2010 international meeting in California. I had just reviewed
much of the old newsletters there recently and didn't remember that. I have never followed the
leadership there whatsoever, but I researched a lot of legal material they had there once which I
can't find anymore. I had a number of things copied from the website that in fact later disappeared
from my old computer. I did not disappear it.
You are posting in such a ugly way, that something smells rotten someplace here. What might it
be? This is perhaps the biggest set of attacks on me yet, in this thread since I have been on GLP.
Somebody is running scared I guess.
You do not have access to my soul record. You cannot disprove the Mighty messenger statement.
And you did not disprove it. I have sufficient proof and I would not make such a statement if I did
not. I do not cover all I am involved in publicly. The only reason I mention in thread such as this, is
for the teaching value. I hailed form Havona and Paradise before I began the process of moving
towards this journey several hundred years ago. Myself and many others of us who were to
become engaged here, settled on various planets in Pleiades that are high in light and life. I
settled on Myrua, which goes around Merope. When I left Myrua, it was very high 7d. It is now 8d.
I am here with several "family members" and my destiny guardian, who is serving aboard a craft
who also completed the Paradise Journey. I know her very personally. After adapting once again
to evolutionary planetary life, I moved to earth about 400 years ago and this is my 6th incarnation
here. My soul mate did not incarnate with me this time, but stayed behind as my chief advisor and
protector. He is now embodied and will walk this plane with me at some future point. he is not
embodied by method of birth.
I have promised 1000 years or whatever it takes in service to this planet as we get her civilization
raised up into light and life. I will not be doing this 1000 years but successive rebirths by the way.
We are going to get this sad planet raised and so be it. As I said, there will be 50 to 100 districts
on this planet, underneath the international organization which will be based in Denver CO. There
are already direct plans in place on that one.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
I see. Candace and the Urantians are at odds. I have to admit that I have read some of the book,
but while I was reading it, I ran across Candace. I stopped reading it based upon the nutty stuff
flying out of her keyboard. In fact, I completely rejected it based upon her delusions.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 77
I was just trying to figure out these 11:11 time prompts, when I ran across the UB. And I was just
trying to figure out the UB when I ran across Candace (NIP).
Last Edited by Eastern Gate on 7/22/2011 2:55 AM
Eastern Gate
User ID: 1424230
United States
7/22/2011 2:53 AM
I will say one thing, and I don't have a reputation nor do I post a lot on this forum, but the one thing
I do know is the fact you (spiritually minded) people all share a common bond to become a better
person and understand life and eternity. At least, that's what I would hope if someone claims to be
spiritual or religious. I think if we all read between the lines, we'd all see we have a lot of common
ground we walk upon in our lives: We want an empowered, fair world where trust, integrity, and
justice are mainstay. We also want to have a balanced, spiritual understanding which empowers
us and helps us with our goals and purpose. Most of all, we know suffering - we know what it's like
to be ignored or not believed in. We know what it's like to have our dreams crushed by a one-track
minded world. We were all kids once with imaginary friends and alternate universes we explored
haplessly until our cynicism made us forget, and we either conformed or revolted to a society that
caters to the strong and shits on the weak. In other words, we've done ourselves an injustice by
not uniting in our weakness - in our delusion - and fed the beast - the strong. But when the day
comes, when the weak rise up and their true merit and strength is shown; the strong will topple
under their debt and pray for redemption. And 'the strong' will receive the mercy they did not allow;
they will receive the kindness they never allotted. The weak will then be transformed and
considered powerful by their grace. Grace...something our society, our world veritably needs; it's
starts with all of us, even here on this forum. Must it always be filled with garbage? Is it possible
for the GLP to evolve?
I think the best thing a new age believer and a Christian purist can do is agree to disagree and
leave it at that. The rest is nonsensical pot calling the kettle black. Jesus even instructed us to hold
our peace with each other and be respectful. We become hypocrites ourselves when we're
reduced to bashing. The information presented becomes more of a contest of wits, rather than a
real conversation amongst people of true wisdom.
Quoting: AJS 1469823
Let me apologize, I seldom have such a violent reaction to someone, but this person who purports
to promote the Urantia book is in fact now that I have researched her, I assure you, I had no idea I
would run into this individual here, but what she does did to us as Urantians, is akin to what Judas
Iscariot did to Jesus on a Christian level. She is a temple whore. She is a money changer. We do
not channel, we commit ourselves to the will of God and try to live like him to courageously face
the hard decisions, he did while on earth. As christians do. We listen to the voice of god, we do not
claim to channel the voice of god or Jesus. She consistently channels different entities she claims,
but she has allowed entities not of god to enter her and speak through her. A group splintered off
and started a teaching mission. The study groups where we read the book and discussed it, like a
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 78
bible study became a sideshow circus were these idiots proclaim they were channeling from
universe entities such as JarEl, morjoronson (candace) Hatonn Candace, Esau sanada (candace)
it caused irrepairable harm, Only about 10 percent of what she says is from the writings of the
book, the rest is demonic, channeled imaginings, we recognize 4 devils rather the biblical devil,
Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia and Daligastia, all 4 of them combined could not reek the havoc her and
her channeling cronies caused in the Urantia Groups.
And here she is all pretend sunshine and light, like a carnival barker pretending she is any
authority on the UB Book. You read my comments So forgive me, I am real, she is not. But now as
I read your post, I thought it better to try to explain.
As I search to explain this, I am minded of what we say in AA, about someone who is
constitutionally unable to stop, it means they are brain damaged or too mentally ill. She cannot
and will not stop. At this point, she is so far gone, we say spiritually bankrupt. I wished her non
existant, we don't recognize hell as christians do, we go on to the mansion worlds & survive or are
judged by the ancients of days and made non existant. So I told her to go to hell basically. I can't
take that back. I apologize to anyone I offended on the forum except Candace, or "nobody in
Quoting: hurchel 1475540
I don't know you from Adam, but I don't get the crazy-vibe that Candace puts off. Candace is
offensive to me because I know what she really is. The things that I have said, and thought
concerning her, you just confirmed. She gave me a really bad impression of the UB.
She has ejected her passenger, instead of taming and becoming one with it. Her other half. And
now, seven more much worse than the first, has taken up residence inside of her. She is no longer
driving her vehicle. In rare moments she surfaces because they allow it. They still need her truth to
keep their bullshit sugar-coated and palatable.
User ID: 1469823
United States
7/22/2011 3:09 AM
Report Abusive Post
Report Copyright Violation
Re: The Book of Urantia = Biggest Crock of Bullshit I've Ever Read
Quote [+] #
I will say one thing, and I don't have a reputation nor do I post a lot on this forum, but the one thing
I do know is the fact you (spiritually minded) people all share a common bond to become a better
person and understand life and eternity. At least, that's what I would hope if someone claims to be
spiritual or religious. I think if we all read between the lines, we'd all see we have a lot of common
ground we walk upon in our lives: We want an empowered, fair world where trust, integrity, and
justice are mainstay. We also want to have a balanced, spiritual understanding which empowers
us and helps us with our goals and purpose. Most of all, we know suffering - we know what it's like
to be ignored or not believed in. We know what it's like to have our dreams crushed by a one-track
minded world. We were all kids once with imaginary friends and alternate universes we explored
haplessly until our cynicism made us forget, and we either conformed or revolted to a society that
caters to the strong and shits on the weak. In other words, we've done ourselves an injustice by
not uniting in our weakness - in our delusion - and fed the beast - the strong. But when the day
comes, when the weak rise up and their true merit and strength is shown; the strong will topple
under their debt and pray for redemption. And 'the strong' will receive the mercy they did not allow;
they will receive the kindness they never allotted. The weak will then be transformed and
considered powerful by their grace. Grace...something our society, our world veritably needs; it's
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 79
starts with all of us, even here on this forum. Must it always be filled with garbage? Is it possible
for the GLP to evolve?
I think the best thing a new age believer and a Christian purist can do is agree to disagree and
leave it at that. The rest is nonsensical pot calling the kettle black. Jesus even instructed us to hold
our peace with each other and be respectful. We become hypocrites ourselves when we're
reduced to bashing. The information presented becomes more of a contest of wits, rather than a
real conversation amongst people of true wisdom.
Quoting: AJS 1469823
Let me apologize, I seldom have such a violent reaction to someone, but this person who purports
to promote the Urantia book is in fact now that I have researched her, I assure you, I had no idea I
would run into this individual here, but what she does did to us as Urantians, is akin to what Judas
Iscariot did to Jesus on a Christian level. She is a temple whore. She is a money changer. We do
not channel, we commit ourselves to the will of God and try to live like him to courageously face
the hard decisions, he did while on earth. As christians do. We listen to the voice of god, we do not
claim to channel the voice of god or Jesus. She consistently channels different entities she claims,
but she has allowed entities not of god to enter her and speak through her. A group splintered off
and started a teaching mission. The study groups where we read the book and discussed it, like a
bible study became a sideshow circus were these idiots proclaim they were channeling from
universe entities such as JarEl, morjoronson (candace) Hatonn Candace, Esau sanada (candace)
it caused irrepairable harm, Only about 10 percent of what she says is from the writings of the
book, the rest is demonic, channeled imaginings, we recognize 4 devils rather the biblical devil,
Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia and Daligastia, all 4 of them combined could not reek the havoc her and
her channeling cronies caused in the Urantia Groups.
And here she is all pretend sunshine and light, like a carnival barker pretending she is any
authority on the UB Book. You read my comments So forgive me, I am real, she is not. But now as
I read your post, I thought it better to try to explain.
As I search to explain this, I am minded of what we say in AA, about someone who is
constitutionally unable to stop, it means they are brain damaged or too mentally ill. She cannot
and will not stop. At this point, she is so far gone, we say spiritually bankrupt. I wished her non
existant, we don't recognize hell as christians do, we go on to the mansion worlds & survive or are
judged by the ancients of days and made non existant. So I told her to go to hell basically. I can't
take that back. I apologize to anyone I offended on the forum except Candace, or "nobody in
Quoting: hurchel 1475540
You certainly don't have to apologize to me, I'm just an onlooking spectator; I didn't even read the
whole thread to see it was getting ugly. I wanted to throw a piece of my mind in the mix. Truth be
told, I've gone through the 'defensive' believer mentality before. I've also gone through the "I'm
special" phase where I thought I was the proverbial chosen one, but ultimately one needs to get
over 'thyself' like a climber must reach the top of the mountain to be truly fulfilled. Faith is a
personal battle that can often turn into a dangerous road to humility, especially when you'll have
many people disagreeing with you or contradicting you along the way. The truth is, they're less
dangerous than we are to ourselves - after all - we stepped on the thorn. Hell, I'm still
temperamental when it comes to the integrity of one's faith and information related to it. I know
how it is, we all get pissed when we think someone is beguiling others - especially when it comes
to the spiritual world. I think our natural reaction is to defend our belief system when it's under
attack. I believe we need to see this and change our approach to be more understanding of
others; we need to be more patient with each other and let each other experience life in a genuine
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 80
way. Sometimes we all need to learn on our own in order to understand with our own eyes and
Moreover, I understand both sides completely; both want to preserve not only their personal
reputation, but also the reputation of the higher power(s) and information they covet. It's a matter
of loyalty to one's belief system and it's only natural we can't all agree on every point. I'll be as
bold to say both sides are wrong as soon as they are more concerned about sustaining
themselves rather than building up the other. I'll also be as bold to say, if we want people to
believe what we do, forcing it down each other's throats isn't going to work as much as arguing
isn't going to really settle the simmering hot dispute. When I see someone frantically defending
themselves, or another viciously attacking - it's clear neither side has inner peace and neither side
has attained any sort of true understanding. If you truly knew God, or the universe your joy and
peace would pour out of your heart knowing just how connected we all are. It's a lack of loneliness
even when one is psychically alone in the world. The details and strife become irrelevant once
you've seen or felt's hard to explain have to be there to know it, but nothing is
quite like that inner peace. It can be sought out, but I feel like we'd need to reinvent the wheel in
order to really get to that point of understanding fully. It's a very ancient wisdom within us all, we
just need to find the keys by clearing our minds and relaxing our bodies in any way we can.
Personally, I feel Christ and much of what we're taught has been heavily distorted. I do feel a bond
with Christ, and in some ways I would like to clear His name with all due respect: Nobody is an
authority on those teachings, as they are universal and free for everyone to explore and expand
upon. So, I'll draw a line, but I won't necessarily entertain everyone's imagination when it comes to
that. In a way, it would be nice if people who channel or gain information by unconscious or
extraordinary means, be careful in putting the wrong name by the given information. It would be
wiser to simply put your own name by your own words and own up to them. As it's written, Christ
comes in many names - I have to wonder if He meant that many people are going to use His name
as their own. Perhaps they already did even then...Better not to have a name in this way...
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 913039
United States
7/22/2011 9:23 AM
The several of you here by your fruits with your lies are a den of vipers. It was vipers that had
Christ hung on a cross based on lies back then, it seems the pattern continues.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 7/22/2011 10:10 AM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 81
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/22/2011 11:24 AM
The overwhelming majority of earth humans do not want to destroy themselves or the earth, they
are just born into a slave control grid & poverty, then indoctrinated.... it is only a small percentage
of human earth-controllers + their reptilian buddies who plot such destruction... if they see their
power over us coming to an end & they dont want to lose that power.. they then stage 'destruction'
just like the 9/11 lie in hopes of regaining or retaining some power/control or to 'buy' more time for
their agenda...
Quoting: ETemissary
Yes, I agree with this ^^ statement!
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/22/2011 11:28 AM
this is an old body snatching plan from the reptilians to trick/fool people into boarding their ships...
Quoting: ETemissary
Nobody will be "snatching" anybody.......freedom of choice will ALWAYS be honored!
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
people that are ready are going home
right before the destruction falls upon the heathen
Quoting: YAHisking
Sorry YAH, but I don't agree with YOUR vision of people being "snatched up" to a fluffy
cloud......while everyone else gets destroyed! :(
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 82
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/22/2011 11:31 AM
.....but what she does did to us as Urantians, is akin to what Judas Iscariot did to Jesus on a
Christian level.
Quoting: hurchel 1475540
So you are saying: "She did nothing, but love you"?
Cause your "Judas" NEVER betrayed his dearest and closest friend, as your bible has cast him
doing!!! :(
or didn't you know that?
User ID: 1383366
United States
7/22/2011 11:57 AM
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Re: The Book of Urantia = Biggest Crock of Bullshit I've Ever Read
Quote [+] #
this is an old body snatching plan from the reptilians to trick/fool people into boarding their ships...
Quoting: ETemissary
Nobody will be "snatching" anybody.......freedom of choice will ALWAYS be honored!
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
people that are ready are going home
right before the destruction falls upon the heathen
Quoting: YAHisking
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 83
Sorry YAH, but I don't agree with YOUR vision of people being "snatched up" to a fluffy
cloud......while everyone else gets destroyed! :(
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
No fluffy cloud, its called heaven
Dont worry you guys will have another 7 years to repent
The only problem is that....
you guys are the deceivers that will claim to have the answers once the real church has left this
planet behind
you are part of this great deception you and nip, she already has stated that the thugs and others
will be removed from this planet and taken elsewhere
The demons know this, they cant stop or control it
They will claim ufos took people and all the children, then your new age messiah maitreya will
show up and most will beleive the lie because they don't love the truth
he will send you guys a strong delusion that you will believe the new age lie
All wont be destroyed, some will escape as someone escaping through the flames of a fire
obe, nip, you have been warned. i know your plans and what will happen soon
Tell all your teachers that their time is almost up! Says YAH!!
"I have Said, Ya are Gods; and all of you children of the Most High. But ye die as men, and fall as
one of the princes"
User ID: 1383366
United States
7/22/2011 12:01 PM
.....but what she does did to us as Urantians, is akin to what Judas Iscariot did to Jesus on a
Christian level.
Quoting: hurchel 1475540
So you are saying: "She did nothing, but love you"?
Cause your "Judas" NEVER betrayed his dearest and closest friend, as your bible has cast him
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 84
doing!!! :(
or didn't you know that?
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
Wrong, and you have no proof of anything!
only some fabricated PJ
would you like me to write one for you?
Because at least i can tell you what is going to transpire soon
the new age players dont have a clue, thats why you will be deceived so easily
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/22/2011 12:03 PM
you guys are the deceivers that will claim to have the answers once the real church has left this
planet behind
Quoting: YAHisking
Don't let the door slam you in the ass on your way out! lol
User ID: 1383366
United States
7/22/2011 12:05 PM
Behold, I reveal a mystery concerning those chosen and those sent, these who must remain and
gather and shout The Lord’s proclamation. These shall be left according to the perception of men
who remain upon the earth, yet taken according to those who are changed and come to know My
dwelling place. Such is the way and power of The Lord, for those who come to live in Me and
move within My own Spirit. The righteous shall be hidden for a week, until the Day is done. And
the elect and chosen, the special offering, in number 144,000, these shall be taken, yet in the
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 85
same moment, left... They shall not be hidden, though they move amongst the multitude, seen and
unseen, heard and rejected. For these must also be changed, or how shall I send them and how
shall they go for Me? And by what means shall they endure, as one who death stalks as the
prey?... For as it is and was written, “Unless the days were shortened, no flesh would be saved”.
Therefore, these men, My servants and vine dressers,
The husbandmen of the Great and Dreadful Day of The Lord,
Shall by no means be given up as lambs to the slaughter...
They shall all be mighty men, even as young lions, roaring... Yea, with a resounding roar!...
Roaring in the midst of this evil generation, this wicked multitude,
Who hate My name and the sound of My coming.
Yet to the wild wheat, the broken and refined wheat, those ripe for the second harvest...
To them, My witnesses shall be as a welcomed rain during a ten-year drought,
As singing doves set on a high branch, beckoning all who hear to spy them out.
Yes, these shall be left in the Day of The Lord,
To guide all who yet grovel in the dark, seeking a foothold...
To them they shall be as a beacon, one who is able to see clearly though night has fallen.
And how can they be both left and taken, you ask...
They shall be even as a rose in full bloom,
Both uprooted and replanted in one swift stroke, says The Lord.
Therefore beloved, trust in Me...
Run not ahead, nor lag behind...
Take My hand, embrace Me tightly...
The storm has come.
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 86
United States
7/22/2011 12:07 PM
Wrong, and you have no proof of anything!
Quoting: YAHisking
I have MY proof.....but you must get your own!
Besides: Truth will stand by itself, it needs no proving.......for it will stand the test of time!
Sorry if that offends you, YOUR GREATNESS!?! lol
User ID: 1383366
United States
7/22/2011 12:09 PM
Wrong, and you have no proof of anything!
Quoting: YAHisking
I have MY proof.....but you must get your own!
Besides: Truth will stand by itself, it needs no proving.......for it will stand the test of time!
Sorry if that offends you, YOUR GREATNESS!?! lol
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
no worries obe,
i know your teachers are running scared
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/22/2011 12:15 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 87
no worries obe,
i know your teachers are running scared
Quoting: YAHisking
How would you KNOW that? Are you sending fear their way?
Careful what you send out YAH, it has a way of returning to you Magnified!
As for my Teacher's: They have no fear......for "perfect Love casts out all fear"! Unlike what YOU
would project upon them......:(
Last Edited by ObeWayneKenobe on 7/22/2011 12:15 PM
User ID: 1475540
United States
7/22/2011 1:21 PM
.....but what she does did to us as Urantians, is akin to what Judas Iscariot did to Jesus on a
Christian level.
Quoting: hurchel 1475540
So you are saying: "She did nothing, but love you"?
Cause your "Judas" NEVER betrayed his dearest and closest friend, as your bible has cast him
doing!!! :(
or didn't you know that?
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
obewayne,these Jews loathed judas; they looked upon the betrayer with only feelings of utter
contempt. Throughout the trial of Jesus before Caiaphas and during his appearance before Pilate,
judas was pricked in his conscience about his traitorous conduct. And he was also beginning to
become somewhat disillusioned regarding the reward he was to receive as payment for his
services as Jesus’ betrayer. He did not like the coolness and aloofness of the Jewish authorities;
nevertheless, he expected to be liberally rewarded for his cowardly conduct. He anticipated being
called before the full meeting of the Sanhedrin and there hearing himself eulogized while they
conferred upon him suitable honors in token of the great service which he flattered himself he had
rendered his nation. Imagine, therefore, the great surprise of this egotistic traitor when a servant of
the high priest, tapping him on the shoulder, called him just outside the hall and said: “judas, I
have been appointed to pay you for the betrayal of Jesus. Here is your reward.” And thus
speaking, the servant of Caiaphas handed judas a bag containing thirty pieces of silver — the
current price of a good, healthy slave.
186:1.3 judas was stunned, dumfounded. He rushed back to enter the hall but was debarred by
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 88
the doorkeeper. He wanted to appeal to the Sanhedrin, but they would not admit him. judas could
not believe that these rulers of the Jews would allow him to betray his friends and his Master and
then offer him as a reward thirty pieces of silver. He was humiliated, disillusioned, and utterly
crushed. He walked away from the temple, as it were, in a trance. He automatically dropped the
money bag in his deep pocket, that same pocket wherein he had so long carried the bag
containing the apostolic funds. And he wandered out through the city after the crowds who were
on their way to witness the crucifixions.
186:1.4 From a distance judas saw them raise the cross piece with Jesus nailed thereon, and
upon sight of this he rushed back to the temple and, forcing his way past the doorkeeper, found
himself standing in the presence of the Sanhedrin, which was still in session. The betrayer was
well-nigh breathless and highly distraught, but he managed to stammer out these words: “I have
sinned in that I have betrayed innocent blood. You have insulted me. You have offered me as a
reward for my service, money — the price of a slave. I repent that I have done this; here is your
money. I want to escape the guilt of this deed.”
186:1.5 When the rulers of the Jews heard judas, they scoffed at him. One of them sitting near
where judas stood, motioned that he should leave the hall and said: “Your Master has already
been put to death by the Romans, and as for your guilt, what is that to us? See you to that — and
186:1.6 As judas left the Sanhedrin chamber, he removed the thirty pieces of silver from the bag
and threw them broadcast over the temple floor. When the betrayer left the temple, he was almost
beside himself. judas was now passing through the experience of the realization of the true nature
of sin. All the glamor, fascination, and intoxication of wrongdoing had vanished. Now the evildoer
stood alone and face to face with the judgment verdict of his disillusioned and disappointed soul.
Sin was bewitching and adventurous in the committing, but now must the harvest of the naked and
unromantic facts be faced.
189:2.5 The Jewish leaders began the sordid business of supposedly getting rid of Jesus by
offering bribes to the traitorous judas, and now, when confronted with this embarrassing situation,
instead of thinking of punishing the guards who deserted their post, they resorted to bribing these
guards and the Roman soldiers. They paid each of these twenty men a sum of money and
instructed them to say to all: “While we slept during the nighttime, his disciples came upon us and
took away the body.” And the Jewish leaders made solemn promises to the soldiers to defend
them before Pilate in case it should ever come to the governor’s knowledge that they had
accepted a bribe.
186:1.7 This onetime ambassador of the kingdom of heaven on earth now walked through the
streets of Jerusalem, forsaken and alone. His despair was desperate and well-nigh absolute. On
he journeyed through the city and outside the walls, on down into the terrible solitude of the valley
of Hinnom, where he climbed up the steep rocks and, taking the girdle of his cloak, fastened one
end to a small tree, tied the other about his neck, and cast himself over the precipice. Ere he was
dead, the knot which his nervous hands had tied gave way, and the betrayer’s body was dashed
to pieces as it fell on the jagged rocks below.
Obewayne, do not confuse love with narcissium.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 89
There is quite a lot about Judas Iscariot, you can use the search engine and read what you want.
Here is my answer to you, there is more but this should suffice:
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/22/2011 2:09 PM
.but what she does did to us as Urantians, is akin to what Judas Iscariot did to Jesus on a
Christian level.
Quoting: hurchel 1475540
So you are saying: "She did nothing, but love you"?
Cause your "Judas" NEVER betrayed his dearest and closest friend, as your bible has cast him
doing!!! :(
or didn't you know that?
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
obewayne,these Jews loathed judas; they looked upon the betrayer with only feelings of utter
contempt. Throughout the trial of Jesus before Caiaphas and during his appearance before Pilate,
judas was pricked in his conscience about his traitorous conduct. And he was also beginning to
become somewhat disillusioned regarding the reward he was to receive as payment for his
services as Jesus’ betrayer. He did not like the coolness and aloofness of the Jewish authorities;
nevertheless, he expected to be liberally rewarded for his cowardly conduct. He anticipated being
called before the full meeting of the Sanhedrin and there hearing himself eulogized while they
conferred upon him suitable honors in token of the great service which he flattered himself he had
rendered his nation. Imagine, therefore, the great surprise of this egotistic traitor when a servant of
the high priest, tapping him on the shoulder, called him just outside the hall and said: “judas, I
have been appointed to pay you for the betrayal of Jesus. Here is your reward.” And thus
speaking, the servant of Caiaphas handed judas a bag containing thirty pieces of silver — the
current price of a good, healthy slave.
186:1.3 judas was stunned, dumfounded. He rushed back to enter the hall but was debarred by
the doorkeeper. He wanted to appeal to the Sanhedrin, but they would not admit him. judas could
not believe that these rulers of the Jews would allow him to betray his friends and his Master and
then offer him as a reward thirty pieces of silver. He was humiliated, disillusioned, and utterly
crushed. He walked away from the temple, as it were, in a trance. He automatically dropped the
money bag in his deep pocket, that same pocket wherein he had so long carried the bag
containing the apostolic funds. And he wandered out through the city after the crowds who were
on their way to witness the crucifixions.
186:1.4 From a distance judas saw them raise the cross piece with Jesus nailed thereon, and
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 90
upon sight of this he rushed back to the temple and, forcing his way past the doorkeeper, found
himself standing in the presence of the Sanhedrin, which was still in session. The betrayer was
well-nigh breathless and highly distraught, but he managed to stammer out these words: “I have
sinned in that I have betrayed innocent blood. You have insulted me. You have offered me as a
reward for my service, money — the price of a slave. I repent that I have done this; here is your
money. I want to escape the guilt of this deed.”
186:1.5 When the rulers of the Jews heard judas, they scoffed at him. One of them sitting near
where judas stood, motioned that he should leave the hall and said: “Your Master has already
been put to death by the Romans, and as for your guilt, what is that to us? See you to that — and
186:1.6 As judas left the Sanhedrin chamber, he removed the thirty pieces of silver from the bag
and threw them broadcast over the temple floor. When the betrayer left the temple, he was almost
beside himself. judas was now passing through the experience of the realization of the true nature
of sin. All the glamor, fascination, and intoxication of wrongdoing had vanished. Now the evildoer
stood alone and face to face with the judgment verdict of his disillusioned and disappointed soul.
Sin was bewitching and adventurous in the committing, but now must the harvest of the naked and
unromantic facts be faced.
189:2.5 The Jewish leaders began the sordid business of supposedly getting rid of Jesus by
offering bribes to the traitorous judas, and now, when confronted with this embarrassing situation,
instead of thinking of punishing the guards who deserted their post, they resorted to bribing these
guards and the Roman soldiers. They paid each of these twenty men a sum of money and
instructed them to say to all: “While we slept during the nighttime, his disciples came upon us and
took away the body.” And the Jewish leaders made solemn promises to the soldiers to defend
them before Pilate in case it should ever come to the governor’s knowledge that they had
accepted a bribe.
186:1.7 This onetime ambassador of the kingdom of heaven on earth now walked through the
streets of Jerusalem, forsaken and alone. His despair was desperate and well-nigh absolute. On
he journeyed through the city and outside the walls, on down into the terrible solitude of the valley
of Hinnom, where he climbed up the steep rocks and, taking the girdle of his cloak, fastened one
end to a small tree, tied the other about his neck, and cast himself over the precipice. Ere he was
dead, the knot which his nervous hands had tied gave way, and the betrayer’s body was dashed
to pieces as it fell on the jagged rocks below.
Obewayne, do not confuse love with narcissium.
There is quite a lot about Judas Iscariot, you can use the search engine and read what you want.
Here is my answer to you, there is more but this should suffice:
Quoting: hurchel 1475540
Oh brother, if this is from the UB book, then I am even more convinced now that it is erroneous!
Hurchel, have you even read the Phoenix Journals?
Judas was NOT the betrayer that these so-called scriptures are making him out to be!
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 91
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 799087
United States
7/22/2011 2:34 PM
Now see here. while the UB is wonderful, to get the thing published they stuck with Christian
bullshit and lies. And that is true of Judas. He was NOT the betrayer, he was FRAMED and the
ones the NON JEWS because there were NO JEWS back then, hated was Juda IHarioth. That
man's father set up the FRAMING. As I said and this is NOT destructive to the UB, there are some
pearls which cannot be given, like reincarnation here of LUcifers happy little band who were sent
here to work out their repentance.
There were Hebrews, Judeans, and Semites back then. There were NO JEWS and the writers of
the UB KNOW this, but you see the JEWS, meaning the KHAZARS should have prevented the
publishing of this book, and so a compromise if you wish to call it that, occurred.
Go research the Khazars, its not hard to do. You don't even need the PJ's to do it. There
originated in MONGOLIA long ago, and were expelled westward because they were THUGS from
the beginning. This Tribe IS the SERPENT. They are not even of Lucifer's band. They are other
galactic thugs from Orion.
The UB does NOT cover the Galactic Wars. And rightfully so at this point. Most of the thugs back
then in that area, were not Khazars they were the fallen angels. Plus the Hebrews etc all.
The Hebrews were a race founded from exactly 3 people, a man and two women, from a craft that
crashed in western Russia 14,000 years ago. Only 3 survivors, they were not rescued for
whatever reason, but they were more advanced in their God knowledge which IS probably why
they survived. It was cold and they migrated soul and refused to breed with the inferior folks of that
area, and thus they founded a new race. And the references in the bible about those who say they
are jews but are not, is in reference to fallen ones who were NOT even then, Hebrews. The
Hebrews were from what has been called in our literature Hebra, various spellings.
Now as to the Khazars, I said they were from Mongolia and pushed westward. They intermingled
with some other races, particularly the TURKS who were in the Caspian and Black sea areas, not
modern day turkey. IN 700+ AD they adopted the TALMUD, the book of the fallen angel crowd for
their religion. They then falsely made themselves "Hebrews" also. The moved more and more also
into western Russia and Eastern Europe. They are the ORION DRAGONS, (not the Chinese folks,
don't confuse that one).
They created the word "JEW" for themselves in the 1700's. it is based on an old hebrew (I think it's
hebrew) word that sounds like YOU, and the word means CHILD OF GOD. so remember every
time you say YOU, to somebody, that is what YOU MEAN. A child of God. Not a chosen race.
Therein you see the clever LIE.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 92
The Urantia BOOK does not cover the migrations to this world from other worlds. the next one will.
The Chinese RACE and the BLACK races came here over 1 million years ago from a planet that
was dying. They MOVED. The yellows occupied southern asia, and the Blacks what is now
Australian. Their inter-mating resulted in the ARAB. They brought all those pouched animals with
them, like the Kangaroo and some other odd animals found no place else in this world.
NOW this information IS IN THE AKASHIC records of this planet. The reason the Eskimo has
problems and the American indians for that matter with alcohol genetically is because again, crash
landings of some folks from another world and inter-mating.
The black race did migrate over to Africa across southern Asia. And fell a LOT in their knowledge
becoming tribal again.
The UB is correct in that the 6 races did show up in one family et all, and man of thinking mind did
manifest on this planet. But a lot of folks here are from other worlds.
Atlantis and Lemuia are not covered. They will be. Man from other worlds walked this planet with
the dinosaurs. that is known FACT from the records of the bones. Will its' not fact they were from
other worlds, but it is fact there are human bones with the dinosaurs, and it is fact per the UB that
man as evolved on this planet, did not walk with the dinosaurs. It was NOT permitted in the
revelation at the time to suggest folks from other worlds had craft. It was not revealed that in the
times of Lemuria and Atlantis these civilizations had craft and traveled this solar system and to
and from Orion and Pleiades.
It was more important to teach how God functions in the creation because it was already
predetermined that this planet was going to ascend, GAIA herself, the Planetary Supreme. It was
known that a whole lot of Nebadon is being cleaned up. Again, this visit by Michael of Nebadon
was not even about just having a nice life with a final bestowal. This Creator Son actually does
WORK his creation, and in the 7 bestowals there is a story of him incarnating during another
rebellion. I don't have those details memorized right this moment, you ones interested can do your
own legwork.
Not covered also are some of the cycles of this world This world or the solar system actually
travels in a grand cycle around the Milky Way, which is of course the CORE GAlaxy of Orvonton,
but not the whole of Orvonton.
The Milky Way CORE puts out rays in this way: :Christic Circle.: Sorry that is the only image I
have right now. This solar system while going in that circle, probably more an ellipse, is in the
RAYS 4 times during each trip. That is why the universal CROSS called the Christic Circle or
sacred circle of infinity. I need to find another link to use here where you can also see that in the
Suns of Pleiades that are in light and life, for some reason GLP doesn't like that pic.
But I will move on. Life on EARTH was given 2 grand cycles to mature. One grand cycle is 225
million years. Life was seeded by the life carriers on earth 550 million years ago. That IS in the UB
as to that time, but I don't recall the Grand cycle being mentioned, and it was necessary to keep
that under the radar I suppose. Now do the math. We are at the end of the 2nd grand cycle.
During each of those times were are IN one of the 4 legs, the rays, life hugely moves up on this
planet. The rays contain special gamma rays that modify DNA. And they are also full of god
particles. Which the UB called the Ultimaton. GReat change is upon us now.
The thugs, 10 billion fallen confused angels, and real galactic thugs imprisoned here are shit of out
luck. They have not matured, and they will not be able to endure the resultant changes.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 93
Now, I am having computer troubles, or rather internet connection troubles and I am going to post
this, take a short break and start part 2 because I am not finished.
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/22/2011 2:39 PM
Now see here. while the UB is wonderful, to get the thing published they stuck with Christian
bullshit and lies.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
Ok, I can accept THAT ^^! :(
Thank you for making my point!!! ;)
Last Edited by ObeWayneKenobe on 7/22/2011 2:45 PM
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/22/2011 2:43 PM
And that is true of Judas. He was NOT the betrayer, he was FRAMED and the ones the NON
JEWS because there were NO JEWS back then, hated was Juda IHarioth. That man's father set
up the FRAMING.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
Now THIS ^^ is the Truth!
And thank you for clearing that up NiP!!! :)
Last Edited by ObeWayneKenobe on 7/22/2011 2:44 PM
User ID: 1212344
United States
7/22/2011 2:54 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 94
Now see here. while the UB is wonderful, to get the thing published they stuck with Christian
bullshit and lies. And that is true of Judas. He was NOT the betrayer, he was FRAMED and the
ones the NON JEWS because there were NO JEWS back then, hated was Juda IHarioth. That
man's father set up the FRAMING. As I said and this is NOT destructive to the UB, there are some
pearls which cannot be given, like reincarnation here of LUcifers happy little band who were sent
here to work out their repentance.
There were Hebrews, Judeans, and Semites back then. There were NO JEWS and the writers of
the UB KNOW this, but you see the JEWS, meaning the KHAZARS should have prevented the
publishing of this book, and so a compromise if you wish to call it that, occurred.
Go research the Khazars, its not hard to do. You don't even need the PJ's to do it. There
originated in MONGOLIA long ago, and were expelled westward because they were THUGS from
the beginning. This Tribe IS the SERPENT. They are not even of Lucifer's band. They are other
galactic thugs from Orion.
The UB does NOT cover the Galactic Wars. And rightfully so at this point. Most of the thugs back
then in that area, were not Khazars they were the fallen angels. Plus the Hebrews etc all.
The Hebrews were a race founded from exactly 3 people, a man and two women, from a craft that
crashed in western Russia 14,000 years ago. Only 3 survivors, they were not rescued for
whatever reason, but they were more advanced in their God knowledge which IS probably why
they survived. It was cold and they migrated soul and refused to breed with the inferior folks of that
area, and thus they founded a new race. And the references in the bible about those who say they
are jews but are not, is in reference to fallen ones who were NOT even then, Hebrews. The
Hebrews were from what has been called in our literature Hebra, various spellings.
Now as to the Khazars, I said they were from Mongolia and pushed westward. They intermingled
with some other races, particularly the TURKS who were in the Caspian and Black sea areas, not
modern day turkey. IN 700+ AD they adopted the TALMUD, the book of the fallen angel crowd for
their religion. They then falsely made themselves "Hebrews" also. The moved more and more also
into western Russia and Eastern Europe. They are the ORION DRAGONS, (not the Chinese folks,
don't confuse that one).
They created the word "JEW" for themselves in the 1700's. it is based on an old hebrew (I think it's
hebrew) word that sounds like YOU, and the word means CHILD OF GOD. so remember every
time you say YOU, to somebody, that is what YOU MEAN. A child of God. Not a chosen race.
Therein you see the clever LIE.
The Urantia BOOK does not cover the migrations to this world from other worlds. the next one will.
The Chinese RACE and the BLACK races came here over 1 million years ago from a planet that
was dying. They MOVED. The yellows occupied southern asia, and the Blacks what is now
Australian. Their inter-mating resulted in the ARAB. They brought all those pouched animals with
them, like the Kangaroo and some other odd animals found no place else in this world.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 95
NOW this information IS IN THE AKASHIC records of this planet. The reason the Eskimo has
problems and the American indians for that matter with alcohol genetically is because again, crash
landings of some folks from another world and inter-mating.
The black race did migrate over to Africa across southern Asia. And fell a LOT in their knowledge
becoming tribal again.
The UB is correct in that the 6 races did show up in one family et all, and man of thinking mind did
manifest on this planet. But a lot of folks here are from other worlds.
Atlantis and Lemuia are not covered. They will be. Man from other worlds walked this planet with
the dinosaurs. that is known FACT from the records of the bones. Will its' not fact they were from
other worlds, but it is fact there are human bones with the dinosaurs, and it is fact per the UB that
man as evolved on this planet, did not walk with the dinosaurs. It was NOT permitted in the
revelation at the time to suggest folks from other worlds had craft. It was not revealed that in the
times of Lemuria and Atlantis these civilizations had craft and traveled this solar system and to
and from Orion and Pleiades.
It was more important to teach how God functions in the creation because it was already
predetermined that this planet was going to ascend, GAIA herself, the Planetary Supreme. It was
known that a whole lot of Nebadon is being cleaned up. Again, this visit by Michael of Nebadon
was not even about just having a nice life with a final bestowal. This Creator Son actually does
WORK his creation, and in the 7 bestowals there is a story of him incarnating during another
rebellion. I don't have those details memorized right this moment, you ones interested can do your
own legwork.
Not covered also are some of the cycles of this world This world or the solar system actually
travels in a grand cycle around the Milky Way, which is of course the CORE GAlaxy of Orvonton,
but not the whole of Orvonton.
The Milky Way CORE puts out rays in this way: :Christic Circle.: Sorry that is the only image I
have right now. This solar system while going in that circle, probably more an ellipse, is in the
RAYS 4 times during each trip. That is why the universal CROSS called the Christic Circle or
sacred circle of infinity. I need to find another link to use here where you can also see that in the
Suns of Pleiades that are in light and life, for some reason GLP doesn't like that pic.
But I will move on. Life on EARTH was given 2 grand cycles to mature. One grand cycle is 225
million years. Life was seeded by the life carriers on earth 550 million years ago. That IS in the UB
as to that time, but I don't recall the Grand cycle being mentioned, and it was necessary to keep
that under the radar I suppose. Now do the math. We are at the end of the 2nd grand cycle.
During each of those times were are IN one of the 4 legs, the rays, life hugely moves up on this
planet. The rays contain special gamma rays that modify DNA. And they are also full of god
particles. Which the UB called the Ultimaton. GReat change is upon us now.
The thugs, 10 billion fallen confused angels, and real galactic thugs imprisoned here are shit of out
luck. They have not matured, and they will not be able to endure the resultant changes.
Now, I am having computer troubles, or rather internet connection troubles and I am going to post
this, take a short break and start part 2 because I am not finished.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 96
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 799087
United States
7/22/2011 3:23 PM
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
Quoting: ETemissary
Well ET, I see again, you usual lack of being able to express yourself with words. Whether you
ones here like or NOT, it matters NOT to me, we are going to continue to tell the allowed truth.
And there is not one thing you ones can do to prevent it, even it you muck up the forums and all
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 97
that it's going to be in your face ON TV after the conclusion of the current plans.
YAH seems to think I am hurting from her/his LIES , but that is not the case. I admit I am
saddened sometimes by what gets posted against these efforts, but such is nature of man. While
some here in glp and in this thread are simply confused their is obvious iniquity going on, and that
IS saddening, because you ones will not give over to goodness and heart and allow this world to
be raised.
Some of YOu interfere at every place, pushing Christian garbage in one posting and supporting
new ager garbage in another, as to however it suits you in the moment. Proves iniquity. As OBE
said, be careful what you send out, it will come back multiplied. I am SADDENED because you
ones on purpose help to continue the confusion of this world. You help continue to keep the
parties separate. This world cannot even come into unity with God and the Creation, until there is
truth to all peoples. So be it. That is truth. And it's going to be told and that IS my mission.
There are those watching about the threats to me, like tearing out my heart by one, and YAH
threatening to expose stuff. That is why I made that one long post yesterday, asking why if I am
CIA does the CIA need to break into my home looking for some way to trash me. They did not find
anything to trash me with, unless they want to state that housekeeping is not my preferred activity,
and I don't do a lot of repairs on my house, because I have other things to do. I care nothing for
having a large fancy home, I live as simply as I can manage to do so. I am not engaged in the
materialism and related crap of this world.
They found NOTHING to use again me and the records were all there for them. the best they
could do was say I lived in a slum trailer park and my disability was mental. My records do not say
any such thing. Nor is the mobil home park a slum. Except that some folks think they are, being
the look down on "trailer trash" as they see folks. I have even put up with folks thinking Jesus
could not possibly chose a woman living a trailer trash mobile home park. At the time of my
divorce this was my preferred chose based on my financial situation and the desire not to share
walls in an apartment. I could not keep our house, too expensive nor by another. This was the
compromise. I get a yard I rent, but I own the home.
so don't even go posting false shit if any of you ARE involved in that game, because it will be
noticed by those that follow me here. Iniquity is never rewarded.
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1458700
United States
7/22/2011 3:28 PM
You really brought the geniuses out of the woodwork with this thread.
Nobody in Particular
Paradise Citizen attempting to reduce BLING
User ID: 799087
United States
7/22/2011 3:29 PM
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 98
You really brought the geniuses out of the woodwork with this thread.
Quoting: simultaneous_final
I for one am most thankful to OP!
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1475540
United States
7/22/2011 3:46 PM
.....but what she does did to us as Urantians, is akin to what Judas Iscariot did to Jesus on a
Christian level.
Quoting: hurchel 1475540
So you are saying: "She did nothing, but love you"?
Cause your "Judas" NEVER betrayed his dearest and closest friend, as your bible has cast him
doing!!! :(
or didn't you know that?
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
obewayne,these Jews loathed judas; they looked upon the betrayer with only feelings of utter
contempt. Throughout the trial of Jesus before Caiaphas and during his appearance before Pilate,
judas was pricked in his conscience about his traitorous conduct. And he was also beginning to
become somewhat disillusioned regarding the reward he was to receive as payment for his
services as Jesus’ betrayer. He did not like the coolness and aloofness of the Jewish authorities;
nevertheless, he expected to be liberally rewarded for his cowardly conduct. He anticipated being
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 99
called before the full meeting of the Sanhedrin and there hearing himself eulogized while they
conferred upon him suitable honors in token of the great service which he flattered himself he had
rendered his nation. Imagine, therefore, the great surprise of this egotistic traitor when a servant of
the high priest, tapping him on the shoulder, called him just outside the hall and said: “judas, I
have been appointed to pay you for the betrayal of Jesus. Here is your reward.” And thus
speaking, the servant of Caiaphas handed judas a bag containing thirty pieces of silver — the
current price of a good, healthy slave.
186:1.3 judas was stunned, dumfounded. He rushed back to enter the hall but was debarred by
the doorkeeper. He wanted to appeal to the Sanhedrin, but they would not admit him. judas could
not believe that these rulers of the Jews would allow him to betray his friends and his Master and
then offer him as a reward thirty pieces of silver. He was humiliated, disillusioned, and utterly
crushed. He walked away from the temple, as it were, in a trance. He automatically dropped the
money bag in his deep pocket, that same pocket wherein he had so long carried the bag
containing the apostolic funds. And he wandered out through the city after the crowds who were
on their way to witness the crucifixions.
186:1.4 From a distance judas saw them raise the cross piece with Jesus nailed thereon, and
upon sight of this he rushed back to the temple and, forcing his way past the doorkeeper, found
himself standing in the presence of the Sanhedrin, which was still in session. The betrayer was
well-nigh breathless and highly distraught, but he managed to stammer out these words: “I have
sinned in that I have betrayed innocent blood. You have insulted me. You have offered me as a
reward for my service, money — the price of a slave. I repent that I have done this; here is your
money. I want to escape the guilt of this deed.”
186:1.5 When the rulers of the Jews heard judas, they scoffed at him. One of them sitting near
where judas stood, motioned that he should leave the hall and said: “Your Master has already
been put to death by the Romans, and as for your guilt, what is that to us? See you to that — and
186:1.6 As judas left the Sanhedrin chamber, he removed the thirty pieces of silver from the bag
and threw them broadcast over the temple floor. When the betrayer left the temple, he was almost
beside himself. judas was now passing through the experience of the realization of the true nature
of sin. All the glamor, fascination, and intoxication of wrongdoing had vanished. Now the evildoer
stood alone and face to face with the judgment verdict of his disillusioned and disappointed soul.
Sin was bewitching and adventurous in the committing, but now must the harvest of the naked and
unromantic facts be faced.
189:2.5 The Jewish leaders began the sordid business of supposedly getting rid of Jesus by
offering bribes to the traitorous judas, and now, when confronted with this embarrassing situation,
instead of thinking of punishing the guards who deserted their post, they resorted to bribing these
guards and the Roman soldiers. They paid each of these twenty men a sum of money and
instructed them to say to all: “While we slept during the nighttime, his disciples came upon us and
took away the body.” And the Jewish leaders made solemn promises to the soldiers to defend
them before Pilate in case it should ever come to the governor’s knowledge that they had
accepted a bribe.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 100
186:1.7 This onetime ambassador of the kingdom of heaven on earth now walked through the
streets of Jerusalem, forsaken and alone. His despair was desperate and well-nigh absolute. On
he journeyed through the city and outside the walls, on down into the terrible solitude of the valley
of Hinnom, where he climbed up the steep rocks and, taking the girdle of his cloak, fastened one
end to a small tree, tied the other about his neck, and cast himself over the precipice. Ere he was
dead, the knot which his nervous hands had tied gave way, and the betrayer’s body was dashed
to pieces as it fell on the jagged rocks below.
Obewayne, do not confuse love with narcissium.
There is quite a lot about Judas Iscariot, you can use the search engine and read what you want.
Here is my answer to you, there is more but this should suffice:
Quoting: hurchel 1475540
Oh brother, if this is from the UB book, then I am even more convinced now that it is erroneous!
Hurchel, have you even read the Phoenix Journals?
Judas was NOT the betrayer that these so-called scriptures are making him out to be!
Quoting: ObeWayneKenobe
No, but I have perused it and because you asked, I just went there and got this from 1989, scribed
is channeled. But from the PJ: "You are the salt of the Earth. When the salt loses its savor, with
what will you salt? It is of no further use except to be thrown out and stepped on by the people.
You are the Light of the world. The city that is on top of a mountain cannot remain hidden. Neither
do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but rather place it on a candlestick, and it gives
light to all the people in the house. Let your light so shine before the people so that they will see
your good works and recognize the truth of your knowledge.
Now from the Urantia Book started 1924-25, completed 1935 release to public 1955, salt of the
140:4.1 The so-called "Sermon on the Mount" is not the gospel of Jesus. It does contain much
helpful instruction, but it was Jesus’ ordination charge to the twelve apostles. It was the Master’s
personal commission to those who were to go on preaching the gospel and aspiring to represent
him in the world of men even as he was so eloquently and perfectly representative of his Father.
140:4.2 “You are the salt of the earth, salt with a saving savor. But if this salt has lost its savor,
wherewith shall it be salted? It is henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under
foot of men.”
140:4.3 In Jesus’ time salt was precious. It was even used for money. The modern word “salary” is
derived from salt. Salt not only flavors food, but it is also a preservative. It makes other things
more tasty, and thus it serves by being spent.
140:4.4 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a
candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light to all who are in the house.
Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and be led to glorify your
Father who is in heaven.”
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 101
American King James bible Matthew 5:13
You are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his flavor, with which shall it be salted? it is
thereafter good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
Immanuel, part of from the UB Book
120:0.6 Having determined the time of his final bestowal and having selected the planet whereon
this extraordinary event would take place, Michael held the usual prebestowal conference with
Gabriel and then presented himself before his elder brother and Paradise counselor, immanuel. All
powers of universe administration which had not previously been conferred upon Gabriel, Michael
now assigned to the custody of immanuel. And just before Michael’s departure for the Urantia
incarnation, immanuel, in accepting the custody of the universe during the time of the Urantia
bestowal, proceeded to impart the bestowal counsel which would serve as the incarnation guide
for Michael when he would presently grow up on Urantia as a mortal of the realm.
Dedication from the phoenix journals:
I am pretty happy with the Urantia Book and the Bible, the Phoenix Journals don't make me
personally warm and toasty. But if you do good for you. I think we can all agree, we got the salty
Offer Upgrade
User ID: 1330622
United States
7/22/2011 4:06 PM
scribed is channeled.
Quoting: hurchel
Well, not exactly; but I can see why most, might think so!
Scribed, is more like a telephone call.........when you get one, and somebody in the room asks you
"who is it?" are NOT "channeling" when you are simply passing along
information received!
Kind of like a "translator" for a foreign language........the Translator is NOT "channeling" that
person, but simply "translating"!
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 102
This is what Dharma did: From Light, into Words! :)
I am pretty happy with the Urantia Book and the Bible, the Phoenix Journals don't make me
personally warm and toasty. But if you do good for you. I think we can all agree, we got the salty
Quoting: hurchel
Well, ultimately I think the goal is to receive directly from our SOURCE........these books are simply
tools, to help us get there! imho
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 1040743
United States
7/22/2011 5:06 PM
For an example, let me present one paragraph from this absurd literary monstrosity:
"(184.1) 16:0.1
THE Seven Master Spirits of Paradise are the primary personalities of the Infinite Spirit. In this
sevenfold creative act of self-duplication the Infinite Spirit exhausted the associative possibilities
mathematically inherent in the factual existence of the three persons of Deity. Had it been possible
to produce a larger number of Master Spirits, they would have been created, but there are just
seven associative possibilities, and only seven, inherent in three Deities. And this explains why the
universe is operated in seven grand divisions, and why the number seven is basically fundamental
in its organization and administration."
[link to]
Ummmmm, does anyone have the slightest effing clue what the fuck this paragraph is even talking
about? Well the answer is absolutely nothing, it is just a bunch of nice sounding and words
jumbled together to sound cool or spiritual for all the idiots out there who will actually buy into this
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1141097
It reads more clearly than the f'kin bibble any day of the week.
-- AH- Candace GLP #9- 3-- page. 103