TDR – Biofilm Physical Factors - Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project
TDR – Biofilm Physical Factors - Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project
HEMMER A ENVI ROCHEM INC. Roberts Bank Terminal 2 – Technical Data Report Biofilm Physical Factors 307071-00790 – 01-EN-REP-5001 27 January 2015 WorleyParsons Canada Suite 600, 4321 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6S7 CANADA Phone: +1 604 298 1616 Facsimile: +1 604 298 1625 © Copyright 2014 WorleyParsons THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Disclaimer The information presented in this document was compiled and interpreted exclusively for the purposes stated in Section 1.2 of the document. WorleyParsons provided this report for Hemmera Envirochem Inc. solely for the purpose noted above. WorleyParsons has exercised reasonable skill, care, and diligence to assess the information acquired during the preparation of this report, but makes no guarantees or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. The information contained in this report is based upon, and limited by, the circumstances and conditions acknowledged herein, and upon information available at the time of its preparation. The information provided by others is believed to be accurate but cannot be guaranteed. WorleyParsons does not accept any responsibility for the use of this report for any purpose other than that stated in Section 1.2 and does not accept responsibility to any third party for the use in whole or in part of the contents of this report. Any alternative use, including that by a third party, or any reliance on, or decisions based on this document, is the responsibility of the alternative user or third party. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of WorleyParsons. Any questions concerning the information or its interpretation should be directed to C. Martin or M. L. Lauria. 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page iii THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Biofilm Physical Factors study was conducted as part of an environmental program for the proposed Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project (Project or RBT2), and focused on analysing existing data to develop an understanding of the environmental variables that are correlated to biofilm growth at Roberts Bank. The Project, part of Port Metro Vancouver’s Container Capacity Improvement Program (CCIP), is a proposed new three-berth marine container terminal located at Roberts Bank in Delta, B.C. The mudflats directly north of the existing Roberts Bank causeway are known to possess biofilm, which is an important source of primary production and constitutes a large source of forage for various invertebrates and vertebrates in estuarine environments. Published studies conducted in Europe have made linkages between biofilm biomass and several environmental parameters. To date, no published data have linked biofilm density and microphytobenthic composition at Roberts Bank with specific physical environmental variables. The key objectives of this study were to 1) undertake a review of published literature to better understand how environmental variables influenced biofilm biomass and microphytobenthic composition, and 2) use an existing database collected at Roberts Bank in 2013 to assess any specific correlations observed at Roberts Bank. Published literature has shown a number of variables to influence biofilm biomass and microphytobenthos community composition. Primary factors include temperature, light, nutrients, salinity, and sediment grain size. To assess specific relationships at Roberts Bank, statistical analyses were conducted on an existing multivariate database. The data were collected through co-located sampling efforts from three study disciplines to assess the importance of measured variables on biofilm biomass and microphytobenthic composition at Roberts Bank. As such, the statistical analyses were conducted using data that were collected for purposes beyond the scope of assessing biofilm. The intent was to utilise existing datasets to draw relationships between the physical factors driving biofilm growth on Roberts Bank. Sample size was limited to the available data and as a result, sampling distribution and frequency may have been insufficient to fully account for the natural temporal and spatial variability known to occur at Roberts Bank. Conclusions regarding the physical factors of biofilm growth at Roberts Bank are limited to the available data and associated assumptions of collection methodologies. Field data for Biofilm, Benthic Infauna, and Sediment Chemistry and Quality studies, were filtered for specific properties including completeness and normality before being analysed. Biofilm biomass indicators (Chlorophyll a, Fucoxanthin, Total Organic Carbon, and Total Carbohydrate) were analysed with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Multiple Linear Regression. Additional analyses were conducted on the microphytobenthic community composition using non-parametric multi-dimensional scaling methods. In terms of biofilm biomass, freshwater influence, as indicated by distance from Canoe Passage and Porewater Chloride levels, was observed to consistently have a negative relationship with the measured biomass indicators. Sediment grain size composition was also shown to have a significant relationship 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page v where all biofilm biomass indicators decreased with increased % Sand composition and increased with increased % Silt and % Clays. An analysis of the microphytobenthic community was conducted using community composition data. A significant difference in microphytobenthic community composition occurred between spring and summer, along with a high level of spatial variability within seasons. This seasonal variability in the taxonomic composition required separate analyses for both spring and summer data, reducing the sample size used for analysis. No relationships between the microphytobenthic community composition and environmental variables were observed. However, previously published literature have indicated shifts in the microphytobenthos community composition in relation to several environmental parameters including freshwater influence and sediment grain size distribution. This study indicates that freshwater influence (as measured by Porewater Chloride) and sediment grain size have the strongest relationship with biofilm biomass at Roberts Bank. These environmental variables have all been previously identified as influential in microphytobenthos and/or phytoplankton growth. Specific findings from this study include: 1. Biofilm biomass levels are correlated to freshwater influence as shown by a positive and significant relationship with Porewater Chloride content (salinity). Porewater chloride was significantly correlated to distance from Canoe Passage and Total Leachable Ammonia. Aside from Ammonia, no nitrogen data (nitrate and nitrite) were available for analysis due to measured values being below laboratory Detection Limits (DL). Previous research in the Fraser River estuary have established a negative relationship between nutrient availability and freshwater influence; 2. Biofilm biomass levels are correlated to sediment grain size as shown by a negative and significant relationship with % Sand. % Sand was negatively correlated to % Silt, % Clay, and sediment Total Organic Carbon (TOC), indicating an inverse relationship with biofilm biomass; 3. A positive relationship between Polychaete Density and some biofilm biomass measures (Chlorophyll a and Total Organic Carbon) were observed, while negative relationships were observed with other measures of the infauna community including Macrofauna density and biomass. The positive relationship with Polychaetes is likely due to similarities in habitat preferences and Polychaete foraging strategies rather than a cause and effect relationship; and 4. No significant effects of environmental variables on microphytobenthos taxonomy were determined due to a small sample size. However, previous literature supports a predicted effect of salinity, sediment grain size, and nutrients. Given results from a wider assessment of microphytobenthic community composition across Roberts Bank, these effects are expected, but not confirmed with the available data. Page vi 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Project Background ................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Physical Factors Overview ...................................................................................... 1 1.3 Scope of Work ......................................................................................................... 5 2. REVIEW OF EXISTING LITERATURE.............................................................................. 6 2.1 Ecological Importance of Biofilm ............................................................................. 7 2.1.1 Primary Productivity .............................................................................................. 7 2.1.2 Secondary Productivity ......................................................................................... 7 2.2 Variables Influencing Biofilm Growth ...................................................................... 8 2.2.1 Light ....................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.2 Turbidity................................................................................................................. 9 2.2.3 Tidal Cycle............................................................................................................. 9 2.2.4 Immersion and Exposure ...................................................................................... 9 2.2.5 Salinity ................................................................................................................. 10 2.2.6 Nutrients .............................................................................................................. 11 2.2.7 Sediment Grain Size ........................................................................................... 12 2.2.8 Predation ............................................................................................................. 13 2.3 3. Seasonal Variation of the Fraser River Estuary .................................................... 13 METHODS ....................................................................................................................... 17 3.1 Sample Locations .................................................................................................. 18 3.2 Sample Collection ................................................................................................. 21 3.2.1 3.3 Assumptions of Database ................................................................................... 21 Analysed Variables ................................................................................................ 22 3.3.1 Spatial Data ......................................................................................................... 24 3.4 Databases ............................................................................................................. 25 3.5 Analysis ................................................................................................................. 25 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page vii 4. 3.5.1 Biofilm Biomass ................................................................................................... 25 3.5.2 Microphytobenthos Taxonomy Analysis .............................................................. 26 RESULTS ......................................................................................................................... 27 4.1 Biofilm Biomass Analysis....................................................................................... 27 4.1.1 Seasonal Differences .......................................................................................... 28 4.1.2 Principal Components Analysis ........................................................................... 29 4.1.3 Multiple Regression ............................................................................................. 31 4.2 Microphytobenthos Taxonomy Analysis ................................................................ 39 4.2.1 5. Seasonal Differences .......................................................................................... 39 DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................... 41 5.1 Biofilm Biomass Indicators .................................................................................... 41 5.1.1 Freshwater Influence ........................................................................................... 41 5.1.2 Sediment Grain Size ........................................................................................... 43 5.1.3 Benthic Infauna ................................................................................................... 44 5.2 Microphytobenthos Community ............................................................................. 45 6. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................... 47 7. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 48 Tables TABLE 1.2-1 BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS STUDY COMPONENTS AND MAJOR OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................... 1 TABLE 2.2-1 EXAMPLES OF SPECIES-SPECIFIC OPTIMAL SALINITY LEVELS FOR BIOFILM BIOMASS (CHLOROPHYLL A) AND GROWTH (DIVISION RATE) ....11 TABLE 2.3-1 SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES THAT INFLUENCE BIOFILM BIOMASS AND MICROPHYTOBENTHOS COMMUNITY COMPOSITION .......15 TABLE 3.1-1 SUMMARY OF THE NUMBER OF CO-LOCATED SAMPLES PER SAMPLING PERIOD WITHIN THE STUDY AREA AT ROBERTS BANK ...............................18 TABLE 3.2-1 FIELD DATA COLLECTION DATES OF BIOFILM, SEDIMENT CHEMISTRY AND QUALITY, AND BENTHIC INFAUNA DURING 2013 CO-LOCATED SAMPLING ........................................................................................................... 21 Page viii 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS TABLE 3.3-1 SUMMARY OF VARIABLES MEASURED BY EACH DISCIPLINE AT COLOCATED SAMPLING LOCATIONS ................................................................... 23 TABLE 3.3-2 MEASURED VARIABLES BY INDIVIDUAL STUDIES ....................................... 24 TABLE 4.1-1 RETAINED VARIABLES AND TRANSFORMATIONS USED FOR PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS ANALYSIS ................................................................................. 27 TABLE 4.1-2 PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT LOADINGS FOR EACH VARIABLE IN DATABASE ................................................................................... 29 TABLE 4.1-3 CORRELATIONS BETWEEN PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS AND MEASURES OF BIOFILM BIOMASS INDICATORS ...................................................................... 31 TABLE 4.1-4 CONDENSED PHYSICAL FACTORS CONSIDERED FOR MULTIPLE REGRESSION ..................................................................................................... 31 TABLE 4.1-5 COEFFICIENTS OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS OF CHLOROPHYLL A ............................................................................................... 32 TABLE 4.1-6 COEFFICIENTS OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS OF FUCOXANTHIN ................................................................................................... 33 TABLE 4.1-7 COEFFICIENTS OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS OF TOTAL CARBOHYDRATE ............................................................................................... 33 TABLE 4.1-8 COEFFICIENTS OF MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION ANALYSIS OF TOC WITHIN BIOFILM ................................................................................................. 34 Figures FIGURE 1.2-1 OVERVIEW MAP OF ROBERTS BANK TERMINALS AND PROPOSED FOOTPRINT OF THE ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 PROJECT ....................... 3 FIGURE 1.3-1 SCHEMATIC OF MICROBIAL BIOFILM WITHIN INTERTIDAL SEDIMENTS (UPDATED FROM DECHO 2000) ......................................................................... 6 FIGURE 3.1-1 CO-LOCATED SAMPLING LOCATIONS AT ROBERTS BANK IN 2013 ........... 19 FIGURE 4.1-1 SCATTERPLOT AND PARTIAL REGRESSION RELATIONSHIP OF CHLOROPHYLL A DENSITY AGAINST POREWATER CHLORIDE (A), POLYCHAETA DENSITY (B), AND % SAND COMPOSITION (C) ..................... 35 FIGURE 4.1-2 SCATTERPLOT AND PARTIAL REGRESSION RELATIONSHIP OF FUCOXANTHIN DENSITY AGAINST POREWATER CHLORIDE (A), AND % SAND COMPOSITION (B) ................................................................................... 36 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page ix FIGURE 4.1-3 SCATTERPLOT AND PARTIAL REGRESSION RELATIONSHIP OF TOTAL CARBOHYDRATE DENSITY AGAINST POREWATER CHLORIDE (A), AND % SAND COMPOSITION (B) ................................................................................... 37 FIGURE 4.1-4 SCATTERPLOT AND PARTIAL REGRESSION RELATIONSHIP OF TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON DENSITY AGAINST POREWATER CHLORIDE (A), POLYCHAETA DENSITY (B), TOTAL INVERTEBRATE DENSITY (C), AND % SAND COMPOSITION (D) ................................................................................... 38 FIGURE 4.2-1 NMDS OF MICROPHYTOBENTHOS ASSEMBLAGE AT CO-LOCATED SAMPLING LOCATIONS ..................................................................................... 39 Appendices APPENDIX 1 EXTENDED STATISTICAL METHODOLOGY BACKGROUND APPENDIX 2 CO-LOCATED DATABASE USED FOR BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS ANALYSIS APPENDIX 3 DETAILED BIOFILM BIOMASS STATISTICAL ANALYSES APPENDIX 4 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT MATRIX APPENDIX 5 DETAILED MICROPHYTOBENTHOS COMMUNITY STATISTICAL ANALYSES Page x 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AICc Corrected Akaike Information Criterion ANOSIM Analysis of Similarity B.C. or BC British Columbia BEST Biota-Environmental Stepwise analysis CCIP Container Capacity Improvement Program DL Detection Limits EPS Extracellular Polymeric Substance FRE Fraser River estuary GPS Global Positioning System LiDAR Light Detection and Ranging nMDS non-Parametric Multidimensional Scaling Analysis PAR Photosynthetic Active Radiation PC Principal Component PCA Principal Component Analysis PSU Practical Salinity Units RBT2 Roberts Bank Terminal 2 SSC Suspended Sediment Concentration TDR Technical Data Report TEU Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit containers TOC Total Organic Carbon UK United Kingdom USA United States of America LIST OF UNITS AND NUMERICAL ABBREVI ATIONS cm Centimetre g Gram kg Kilogram km Kilometre L litre 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page xi m Metre mg Milligram mm Millimetre nm nanometre % Percent s Seconds Page xii 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background The Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project (RBT2 or Project) is a proposed new three-berth marine terminal at Roberts Bank in Delta, B.C. that could provide 2.4 million TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent unit containers) of additional container capacity annually (Figure 1.2-1). The Project is part of Port Metro Vancouver’s Container Capacity Improvement Program (CCIP), a long-term strategy to deliver projects to meet anticipated growth in demand for container capacity to 2030. Port Metro Vancouver has retained Hemmera to undertake environmental studies to inform a future effects assessment for the Project. WorleyParsons Services Canada Ltd. (WorleyParsons) was retained by Hemmera to undertake studies related to biofilm. This technical data report (TDR) describes the results of the Biofilm Physical Factors study. 1.2 Physical Factors Overview A review of existing information and state of knowledge was completed on the reported physical factors driving biofilm productivity, focusing on key data gaps and areas of uncertainty within the RBT2 area. This TDR describes the study findings for key components identified from this gap analysis. Study components, major objectives and a brief overview are provided in Table 1.2-1. Table 1.2-1 Biofilm Physical Factors Study Components and Major Objectives Component Major Objective Brief Overview Data Compilation Compile data across disciplines to provide an extensive dataset of multiple environmental variables collected at Roberts Bank Three biological assessments were run in coordination during technical data collection: Biofilm, Benthic Infauna, and Sediment Chemistry and Quality. A subset of data points from all three studies were co-located; these co-located data were reviewed and used for detailed statistical analysis. Biofilm Biomass Determine what environmental variables have the greatest correlation with biofilm biomass indicators at Roberts Bank Measured photopigment density, Total Carbohydrate, and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) as indicators of biomass; a multivariate database was used to identify the environmental variables influencing biofilm biomass. Biofilm Community Composition Determine what environmental variables are correlated with the taxonomic composition of biofilm at Roberts Bank Using multivariate community data, significant effects of environmental variability over biofilm taxonomic composition were tested 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK SITE LOCATION ( ! Roberts Bank ROBERTS BANK CAUSEWAY ( ! ( ! File Location: U:\YVR\307071\00790_HEMM_CCIP BIOFL\10_Eng\16_Geomatics\MXDs\2014-06-10_TDR\2014-06-10_Ann_Variability_Figure1-2-1_Location.mxd Canoe Passage ROBERTS BANK TERMINALS Legend Proposed Terminal and Causeway Canada-U.S.A. Border Aerial imagery Source: Port Metro Vancouver B.C. FERRIES TERMINAL 0 0.5 Kilometres 1:50,000 1 ± Service Layer Credits: Content may not reflect National Geographic's current map policy. Sources: National Geographic, Esri, DeLorme, HERE, UNEP-WCMC, USGS, NASA, ESA, METI, NRCAN, GEBCO, NOAA, THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 1.3 Scope of Work The Scope of Work for the Biofilm Physical Factors study is to: • Review existing published literature and summarize previously identified environmental varaibles which have been reported to influence biofilm biomass and/or microphytobenthic community composition; and • Analyse an existing database of environmental data (collected by three different studies) to determine what environmental variables are important for biofilm at Roberts Bank. This report is one of five studies conducted on biofilm at Roberts Bank. Other studies include: • Detailed imagery mapping of biofilm at Roberts Bank (WorleyParsons 2015a); • Seasonal and spatial assessment of biofilm biomass and microphytobenthic community composition at Roberts Bank (WorleyParsons 2015b); • Erosional threshold of biofilm at Roberts Bank (WorleyParsons 2015c); and • Regeneration potential of biofilm at Roberts Bank follow a physical disturbance (WorleyParsons 2015d). 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 5 2. REVIEW OF EXISTING LITERATURE Biofilm is a three-dimensional matrix of organic and inorganic substances found on intertidal estuarine sediments. It is a thin (0.01 to 2 mm), yet dense layer, of microphytobenthos, microbes, organic detritus, and sediment in a mucilaginous matrix of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) (Kuwae et al. 2008, Compass Resource Management 2013). Comprised primarily of carbohydrates (polysaccharides), the EPS matrix provides a protective microenvironment from the rapidly changing physical and chemical conditions experienced at intertidal mudflats (Decho 2000) and is a method of attachment of sediment particles that stabilises the sediment against erosion (Wang 2003). The physical state of the EPS ranges from a gelatinous continuum to a dissolved solution (Decho 2000). The production of biofilm and related carbohydrates is driven by microphytobenthic communities, which are typically dominated by diatoms (Admiraal 1984, Underwood and Kromkamp 1999). As microphytobenthos are photosynthetic, they are constrained by the depth of maximum light penetration, which is usually the top 2 mm of sediments (De Brouwer and Stal 2001, Herlory et al. 2004). Microphytobenthic organisms can be attached to sediment particles (MacIntyre et al. 1996), but are also known to exhibit vertical migrations within sediments spurred by changing conditions in the physical environment (e.g., light levels and water immersion/emersion) (Guarini et al. 1997, Smith and Underwood 1998). Migrations are facilitated by the secretion of EPS (Decho 2000). Figure 1.3-1 represents an updated schematic of microbial biofilm, based on Decho (2000). Figure 1.3-1 Schematic of Microbial Biofilm within Intertidal Sediments (updated from Decho 2000) Page 6 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 2.1 Ecological Importance of Biofilm 2.1.1 Primar y Producti vit y As photosynthetic organisms found in the nutrient-rich environment of estuaries, microphytobenthos are 2 important primary producers (Cahoon 1999), producing an average of 50 and 875 g carbon/m /year (Underwood and Barnett 2006); however, temporal and spatial differences in productivity do occur. For 2 instance, an annual estimate of 100 g carbon/m /year is estimated for microphytobenthos in temperate 2 waters, while 300 g carbon/m /year is suggested for tropical waters (Charpy-Roubaud and Sournia 1990). 2.1.2 Secondar y Producti vit y Biofilm, consisting of diatoms and associated bacteria, is concentrated in the first 2 mm of the sediment where it forms part of the basis of benthic food webs at low tide (Compass Resource Management 2013). Meiofauna and deposit feeders, comprising herbivorous and bacterivorous species, feed on the biofilm. Such predation pressure can act as a top-down control (Hillebrand et al. 2000, Herman et al. 2001). For instance, Ross (1998) observed that the community with the highest microphytobenthos productivity also had the lowest total biomass, suggesting that under high predation rates, microphytobenthos will be stimulated to grow with increased available resources (i.e., space, light, nutrient recycling from grazers), resulting in an increase in overall productivity (Blanchard et al. 2002, 2006). Biofilm has been shown to be an important food source for higher level consumers, such as the migratory western sandpiper (Calidris mauri) (Kuwae et al. 2008). Beninger et al. (2011) suggest that western sandpipers can consume about seven times their body weight in biofilm per day, and that biofilm makes up between 45 to 59% of the volume of their total diet. As western sandpipers undergo long-distance migrations between Mexico and Alaska, there is a requirement to build up energy reserves, which are accumulated at stop-over sites. During spring migration, western sandpiper are the most abundant shorebird on the west coast of North America stopping at several large estuaries with biofilm including San Francisco Bay and the Fraser River estuary (FRE). At Roberts Bank, more than 1,000,000 western sandpipers are thought to arrive over an approximate 15-day period during their northward migration in late April and early May (Kuwae et al. 2008). 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 7 2.2 Variables Influencing Biofilm Grow th Primary productivity of biofilm is directly related to factors that influence the growth of microphytobenthos. As photosynthetic diatoms, microphytobenthos growth and productivity is spatially restricted by a number of environmental variables including light/temperature, tidal cycle, immersion/exposure cycles, elevation, salinity, nutrient availability, sediment grain size, and predation. 2.2.1 Light Microphytobenthos are limited by light, restricting the community to the top 2 mm of sediment (MacIntyre et al. 1996), resulting in strong species-specific responses to changes in light levels and vertical movements to maximise photosynthetic activity (Perkins et al. 2001, Sauer et al. 2002). Underwood et al. (2005) observed changes in the microphytobenthos composition at the surface of the biofilm layer over a 14 hour light exposure period. The initial surface consisted of smaller Navicula spp. and Nitzschia spp., while the larger Gyrosigma spp. and Pleurosigma spp. became more abundant later in the day. McLachlan et al. (2009) reported Navicula perminuta to exhibit upward movements in response to 430 to 510 nanometre (nm) wavelengths (blue-green light), while Cylindrotheca closterium showed no significant response. As such, different surface communities are observed at different times based on light exposure, as individual species vertically migrate to optimise growth based on light conditions (Barranguet et al. 1998). These species-specific differences in behavioural and photo-physical traits are believed to be a form of niche separation based on light availability for photosynthesis (i.e., Photosynthetic Active Radiation [PAR]) (Underwood et al. 2005). During periods of low light, microphytobenthos will migrate towards the top of the biofilm layer to maximise photosynthetic activity, while during periods of intense light, they migrate down into the biofilm (Perkins et al. 2001). This photo-inhibitive response to high light levels can lead to a short-term decrease in total primary productivity; therefore, in natural environments, a gradual increase in productivity occurs following exposure to increasing light (i.e., sunrise), typically plateaus near mid-day, and remains high until a gradual decrease occurs as light levels are reduced (i.e., sunset) (Perkins et al. 2001). Temperat ure In the natural environment, light is intrinsically associated with temperature, making the two variables difficult to separate (Guarini et al. 1997). Using laboratory controlled conditions, maximum photosynthetic rates in microphytobenthos have been reported to progressively increase until approximately 25ºC, followed by a decrease and eventual cessation above 38ºC (Blanchard et al. 1997, Defew et al. 2004). Scholz and Liebezeit (2012) reported optimal microphytobenthic productivity between 10 and 30ºC, and noted that microphytobenthic growth generally ceases below 4ºC and above 40ºC (Scholz and Liebezeit 2012). Page 8 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 2.2.2 Turbidit y Biofilm productivity rates during immersion have been reported to decrease with increasing turbidity, as measured by Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) (Pratt et al. 2013). Effects of turbidity are largely attributed to the reduced light during periods of immersion. Over the course of several turbidity treatments, ranging between 20 and 120 mg/L SSC, oxygen production showed a three-fold decrease, with net primary productivity predicted to be nearly zero at levels of ~120 mg/L (Pratt et al. 2013). Turbidity has also been shown to control phytoplankton biomass and productivity in the water column in estuaries (Cloern 1987, Cloern et al. 1989). 2.2.3 Tidal Cycl e Located in intertidal regions of brackish water estuaries, microphytobenthos experience dramatic daily and seasonal changes in the physical and chemical environment driven by the tidal cycle. Water column phytoplankton, and re-suspended microphytobenthos, require periods of calm water to settle on intertidal sediments. As the intertidal environment experiences large daily changes in water velocities, largely due to tidal currents, periods of calm water are limited to slack water; therefore, maximum biofilm densities have been reported during periods of slack water as opposed to more turbulent ebb and flood tides (Patil and Anil 2005). This is likely due to increased settlement during periods of minimal water movements. The turbulence created by flood and ebb tides can also lead to re-suspension of microphytobenthos into the water column, reducing overall biofilm biomass. Dransfield (2000) reported large decreases in biofilm biomass during periods of extreme Spring Tides (when the tidal range is maximal during new or full moons). The increased tidal currents were often observed on the ebb flows, and were more pronounced during a Spring Tide that increases the bed shear along the sediment-water interface (Lauria 1998). This suggests that hydrodynamic conditions may play an important role in daily and seasonal fluctuations in biofilm biomass (Brotas et al. 1995, WorleyParsons 2015d). 2.2.4 Immersion and Exposure The intertidal environment undergoes large changes as the tidal cycle continually immerses and exposes biofilm, inducing vertical migration. The effects of elevation (e.g., metres above Chart Datum) across the intertidal regional will have a direct effect on the immersion and exposure periods. Higher elevations have a greater exposure period allowing extended time for microphytobenthos to move closer to the surface and maximise photosynthesis (Admiraal 1984, Blanchard et al. 2001, Perkins et al. 2001, Consalvey et al. 2004, Jesus et al. 2006, 2009, Denis et al. 2012). During hot summer days, higher elevations will have the opposite effect as high light levels will lead to high sediment temperatures, stimulating downward migration on species-specific cases. Measuring Chlorophyll a concentrations, Blanchard et al. (2006) observed an average of 2 2 160 mg Chlorophyll a/m during daytime exposure, and averages of 135 and 138 mg Chlorophyll a /m during daytime immersions and night time exposure, respectively. Similarly, Pinckney and Zingmark (1991) found daytime oxygen productivity levels at low tide to be twice those compared to daytime high tide. 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 9 A lag time occurs between a change in light exposure and when microphytobenthos reach the surface and start to photosynthesise. Herlory et al. (2004) observed maximum densities of microphytobenthos at the biofilm surface 30 to 210 minutes following exposure to light, suggesting that with a longer exposure period (at higher elevations), microphytobenthos can maximise their photosynthetic potential through increased light exposure. Elevation As exposure time is directly related to elevation (e.g., metres above Chart Datum), and increased exposure leads to increased biofilm density, higher densities of biofilm generally occur in the upper intertidal region, close to shore. An additional benefit from higher elevation is the reduced energy environment. Estuarine biofilm typically occurs in relation with fine sediments on intertidal flats. The gradual slope of these flats absorbs much of the wave and tidal current energy as water travels towards shore. At Roberts Bank, where the intertidal region is several kilometres long, swells and waves travel a long distance over gradually reducing depths. The length of the intertidal zone dampens the wave forces, leading to reduced erosional forces at higher elevations, resulting in greater deposition rates of fine sediments combined with increased emersion periods. 2.2.5 Salinit y Salinity is a key driver in estuarine environments, making areas either habitable or inhabitable for individual species. Most estuarine and marine microphytobenthos species are known to have optimal salinity ranges between 10 and 30 practical salinity units (PSU) (Williams 1964, Scholz and Liebezeit 2012). Below 10 PSU, reduced productivity has been noted (Scholz and Liebezeit 2012) and 10 PSU is recognised a point where biological communities can be expected to transition between marine and freshwater species (Muylaert et al. 2002, Telesh and Khlebovich 2010). Changing salinity levels initiated by changing tidal mixing, water masses, or rain events can cause some species to suffer osmotic stress (Lionard et al. 2005), leading to changes in morphology (Trobajo et al. 2011) and reduced productivity and biomass. Salinity changes the microphytobenthic community with general trends of increasing species richness and biomass with increasing salinity. In the Colne estuary in southwestern England, significant species-specific changes in density, diversity, and richness were observed with differing salinity for several genera, including various species of Navicula, Surrirella, and Nitzschia (Underwood et al. 1998, Thornton et al. 2002). Similar increases in microphytobenthos richness were found in the Schelde estuary (Belgium) (Muylaert et al. 2002). Under controlled laboratory conditions, Chiu et al. (2006) found a distinct difference in biofilm communities between salinity treatments of 20, 27, and 34 PSU. During summer conditions, low salinity treatments (20 PSU) were dominated by Amphora spp. leading to differences in community composition compared to 27 and 34 PSU treatments that had greater abundances of Nitzschia spp. and Cylindrotheca (Chiu et al. 2006). Other studies have found shifts in microphytobenthos species composition along salinity gradients in the natural environment (Underwood et al. 1998, Muylaert et al. 2002, Thornton et al. 2002, Lionard et al. 2005). Page 10 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Individual species exhibit a range of salinity tolerances with varying productivity. In a study by Williams (1964), 14 pennate diatoms from a salt marsh in Georgia, USA had maximum division rates at or close to 20 PSU and elevated levels typically between 10 and 30 PSU. A more recent study by Scholz and Liebezeit (2012) in the North Sea (Germany) found the growth response of 25 microphytobenthos species to be relatively equal and at maximum values in salinities of between 20 and 35 PSU, whereas extreme salinities of 10 PSU and 40 PSU led to decreases in growth rates of most species. Published examples of optimal salinities for the growth of diatoms are presented in Table 2.2-1. Table 2.2-1 Examples of Species-specific Optimal Salinity Levels for Biofilm Biomass (Chlorophyll a) and Growth (division rate) Species Optimal Salinity for Biofilm Growth Reference Amphora coffeaeformis 35 PSU (chlorophyll a content) (Murugaraj and Jeyachandran, 2007) Cyclotella meneghiniana 18 PSU (division rate) (Roubeix and Lancelot 2008) Cylindrotheca gerstenbergeri 6-8 PSU (division rate) (Williams 1964) Navicula sp. 17-18 PSU (division rate) (Williams 1964) Nitzschia closterium 17-18 PSU (division rate) (Williams 1964) Nitzschia laevis 17-18 PSU (division rate) (Williams 1964) Nitzschia ovalis 30 PSU (division rate). (Saks 1982) Nitzschia sigma 11-18 PSU (division rate) (Williams 1964) Nitzschia thermalodies 30-31 PSU (division rate) (Williams 1964) 2.2.6 Nutrients In the marine environment, nutrient availability, particularly nitrogen, is known to limit primary productivity of phytoplankton (Drinnan and Clark 1980) and microphytobenthic communities (Hillebrand and Sommer 1997, Hillebrand et al. 2000). In the FRE and Strait of Georgia, nutrient availability is driven by the entrainment of deep seawater, as opposed to relatively nutrient-poor freshwater discharge, particularly in the summer (Harrison et al. 1983, Yin 1994). Nutrient entrainment is driven by several factors in the Strait of Georgia including tidal cycle, wind and wave action, and freshwater discharge rates. As freshwater enters the estuary, the less dense freshwater floats on top of the marine water, creating a stratified water column. The seaward extent of the freshwater discharge is controlled by the tides where flood tides push freshwater back up the FRE, while ebb tides, with lower tidal heights, release freshwater into the Strait of Georgia. As the freshwater moves into the Strait of Georgia, flood tides entrain nutrientrich water up into the water column of the estuarine plume which flows offshore. This movement is most prevalent during Spring Tides when greater water movement occurs because the difference between high and low tide is the largest (Nof 1979). 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 11 Wind causes surface currents and upwelling to occur, increasing entrainment (Yin 1994). Strong winds and extreme Spring Tides, typical of the freshet time period, lead to increased nutrient entrainment within the FRE (Yin et al. 1995a, b). Due to the mixing pattern, larger volumes of nutrient-rich water are present at the mouth of the Fraser River during Spring Tides and the freshet, and less so during non-freshet flows and Neap Tides; therefore, the volume of freshwater discharge influences the amount of available nutrients (Yin et al. 1995b). Based on this relationship, lower salinity water in the FRE is associated with low nutrient levels, especially in the late summer (Yin 1994). 2.2.7 Sediment Grain Size Biofilm development is typically restricted to low energy environments where erosional forces are reduced. Low energy environments are typified by fine sediments such as silts or clays, while higher energy environments have coarser sand particles. In high energy environments, regular movement of particles will cause direct physical damage to microphytobenthos (Delgado et al. 1991). This physical damage to the biofilm layer results in reduced productivity, leading to a feedback mechanism of decreased productivity and sediment stability with disturbance (Herman et al. 2001, Van Colen et al. 2008). Therefore, biofilm growth and productivity is lower on coarser sediments. Additionally changes in the microphytobenthos has been noted in related to sediment grain sizes (Colijn and Dijkema 1981, Cahoon 1999, Thornton et al. 2002, Jesus et al. 2009). Coarser sediments have implications for vertical migration and deposition of nutrients. Fine cohesive sediments usually have a high organic matter content with high rates of bacterial mineralisation and dissolved porewater nutrients compared to coarser substrates which are more oligotrophic in nature (Underwood and Kromkamp 1999). This suggests microphytobenthos in coarse sediments may be nutrient limited (Underwood and Kromkamp 1999). As a result, fine sediments are reliant upon diffusion to exchange dissolved nutrients while sandy substrates allow flows to permeate the sediment. A shift from finer to coarser sediments necessitates a shift from epipelic to epipsammic microphytobenthos species (MacIntyre et al. 1996). Being adapted to a more permeable environment, the depth of microphytobenthos presence can be deeper; however, an overall decrease in Chlorophyll a in the sediment occurs (Huettel and Rusch 2000). In areas of predominantly sandy substrates at Sturgeon Bank, Chlorophyll a has been observed as deep as 10 cm (P. Harrison, UBC, unpublished data). Coarser sediments have also been noted to affect vertical migration rates. Using laboratory cultures, Du et al. (2010) reported faster rates of upward migration in two different microphytobenthos in coarser (125-350 µm) sediment compared to fine (63-125 µm). It was suggested these faster rates of vertical migration were due to a combination of deeper light penetration, stimulating greater movement, as well as greater interstitial pore space providing more room for movement (Du et al. 2010). However, these results were under laboratory conditions and did not include disturbance effects from hydrodynamic forces (Du et al. 2010). Page 12 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 2.2.8 Predation The microphytobenthic community is an important primary producer in intertidal ecosystems. Biofilm communities provide a substantial source of energy for grazers and deposit-feeders (e.g., amphipods, gastropods, nematodes, crustaceans and polychaetes) and suspension feeders (e.g., bivalves and polychaetes) through re-suspension of microphytobenthos (Levinton 1991, Miller et al. 1992, Cahoon 2006). These consumers are in turn predated by larger invertebrates and larval fish. Furthermore, some larger invertebrates and fish species show preferences for microphytobenthos forage (Sullivan and Currin 2000) and additional higher order grazing has been noted by shorebirds (Elner et al. 2005, Kuwae et al. 2008). At the Wadden Sea, Germany, Evrard et al. (2010) found some invertebrates were highly selective for diatoms and cyanobacteria with over 90% of nematode diets being derived from microphytobenthos. Other taxonomic groups, including bivalves and copepods, showed diet composition of between 10 and 90%. This grazing/predation pressure by invertebrates has the potential to influence microphytobenthos abundance. Increases in invertebrate density have been correlated with reductions in biofilm biomass, as measured by sediment Chlorophyll a (Pace et al. 1979, Pomeroy and Levings 1980, McClatchie et al. 1982, Morrisey 1988, Bock and Miller 1995, Majdi et al. 2011). At low levels of grazer density, Chlorophyll a increases (Morrisey 1988), suggesting that there is an equilibrium between biofilm biomass and grazing/resuspension rates (Blanchard et al. 2001, 2006). Biofilm biomass may never reach maximum levels in a stable state as the constant grazing and re-suspension caused by the immersion/exposure cycle continually disturbs the community. Other physical variables can also influence the effects of predation. Hillebrand et al. (2000) noted that herbivory effects were negative when nutrients were limited, reducing microphytobenthos biomass and diversity; however, when nutrients were high, herbivores increased on account of the greater biomass and productivity (i.e., a greater food supply). This finding indicates that optimal growing conditions can counter the effects of predation. As microphytobenthos are removed, more resources are made available for other cells, stimulating high levels of primary productivity (Hillebrand et al. 2000). A similar finding was reported within the FRE by Ross (1998) where the highest biofilm productivity levels, nutrient levels and invertebrate densities were found in areas with the lowest biofilm biomass. 2.3 Seasonal Variation of the Fraser River Estuary In cool temperate environments where microphytobenthos have been studied, most of the described physical factors, with the exception of sediment grain size, show wide variations with seasons. These variations are largely driven by light and tidal cycle, affecting the biogeochemical processes and creating a peak growing season in spring and summer (Dransfeld 2000, WorleyParsons 2015b). 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 13 Day length is shorter during the fall and winter, reducing light exposure and intensity, as well as water and air temperatures. In spring, the day length and air temperature increases. Additionally, extreme low tides occur during daylight hours in spring and summer, but occur in nighttime during the fall and winter. The combination of longer exposure periods and an increase in light intensity and temperature during spring and summer increases the productivity potential of biofilm, provided there are sufficient nutrients (WorleyParsons 2015b). Seasonal changes in the discharge of freshwater also have a large influence on the biology of the FRE 2 and Roberts Bank. The Fraser River drains a watershed of approximately 217,000 km (Environment 3 Canada 2013) with an annual average discharge of 3,630 m /s (Cameron 1996). In mid- to late April, 3 freshwater discharge, driven by snowmelt, begins to increase, reaching a peak >10,000 m /s in early June. Discharge levels gradually decrease through July, August and September until a low discharge rate 3 of ~700 m /s is reached in winter. The freshwater discharged into the Strait of Georgia has different physical and chemical properties. Most notably, the freshwater has lower nutrients, lower salinity, higher temperature and higher turbidity (decreased light penetration) compared to the marine waters of the Strait of Georgia (Yin 1994, Hemmera 2014a). The water masses are originally stratified with the lower density freshwater at the surface, but are gradually mixed through natural processes including the tidal cycle and wind (Yin et al. 1997, Kostaschuk and Luternauer 2004). During the mixing process, deep marine water is drawn from the Strait of Georgia and brought into the FRE and lower reaches of the river in the form of a salt wedge; this reverses water flow and pushes freshwater back up the lower river channels. During the preceding ebb tide, the marine water retreats, releasing the freshwater into the Strait of Georgia (Bendell-Young et al. 2004). As the freshwater moves into the Strait of Georgia, it is enriched by nutrients which are entrained from the deeper marine water. This process is most prevalent during Spring Tides when greater water movement, and hence greater mixing, occurs (Nof 1979). This leads to increased nutrient entrainment within the FRE as higher nutrients are available in more saline waters (Yin et al. 1995a, b). Yin (1994) stated that lower salinity water in the FRE is associated with low nutrient levels, especially in late summer when the nitrate concentration in the Fraser River is about 2 µM. The freshwater, compared to brackish (intermediate) and marine water is recognised as having lower nutrients as well as lower phytoplankton abundance and productivity (Harrison et al. 1983, Yin et al. 1997, Kostaschuk and Luternauer 2004). High turbidity levels, associated with the silt-laden discharge from the Fraser River, could also reduce concentrations of water column Chlorophyll a near the river mouth (Parsons et al. 1981) and reduce microphytobenthos productivity during periods of immersion (Pratt et al. 2013). Due to these relationships, changes in water masses are known to affect phytoplankton density and productivity, as well as the microphytobenthic community (WorleyParsons 2015b). Page 14 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Table 2.3-1 Summary of Environmental Variables that Influence Biofilm Biomass and Microphytobenthos Community Composition Variable Influence Consequence within the FRE Reference Light Increasing light levels lead to increasing potential for primary productivity until a maximum is reached where cells begin to degrade. Species-specific optima for light levels may lead to niche partitioning within the biofilm layer. Reduced light levels during the winter due to shorter day length and low light intensity. Freshet flows increase turbidity, reducing light levels. (Barranguet et al. 1998, Underwood et al. 2005, McLachlan et al. 2009, WorleyParsons 2015b) Decreased productivity expected in winter due to shorter day length and extreme low water occurring at night when temperature may be freezing Temperature Linked to light levels. Optimal temperatures for microphytobenthos and phytoplankton are recognised to be between 10 and 30ºC. Biofilm reported as absent below 4ºC. For most species, decreases in productivity are observed above 40ºC. Warmer water temperatures during summer compared to spring and winter. (Chiu et al. 2006, Scholz and Liebezeit 2012) Turbidity Biofilm productivity rates decrease with increasing turbidity. Net primary productivity has been predicted to be near 0 at Total Suspended Solids levels of 120 mg/L. Turbidity also controls phytoplankton biomass and productivity in estuaries. Increased turbidity associated with freshwater, particularly during spring freshet flows. Wind and storm events will increase turbidity through increased wave energy and sediment re-suspension. (Cloern 1987, Cloern et al. 1989, Pratt et al. 2013) Tidal Cycle Tidal cycle influences the volume of water with phytoplankton, which moves overtop of intertidal mudflats. During Spring Tides, water movement is maximised, leading to increased turbulence and removal of biofilm, and the decreased slack tide periods reduces the ability of water column phytoplankton to settle on sediments. In contrast, Neap Tides provide less turbulence and increased settlement potential. Tidal cycle controls water movement, which influences phytoplankton settlement rates and microphytobenthos re-suspension potential. (Brotas et al. 1998, Lauria 1998, Dransfeld 2000, Jesus et al. 2009, WorleyParsons 2015d) 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Increased biofilm biomass occurs during Spring Tides with reduced biomass during Neap Tides. Page 15 Variable Influence Consequence within the FRE Reference Immersion/ Exposure Period (and elevation) Greatest productivity occurs during daytime exposure, and generally in higher elevations. On long intertidal mudflats, higher elevations are exposed to less wave energy and have increased fine sediment composition. Longer exposure times at higher elevation leads to higher productivity. (Pinckney and Zingmark 1991, Blanchard et al. 2006) Higher elevations related to increased fine sediments. Extreme low tides occur during daylight hours during spring and summer, enhancing productivity potential. Salinity Species-specific optimal ranges have been noted. Salinity range of between 0.5 and 10 PSU recognised as a transitional window between freshwater/marine species. Optimal salinities between 10 and 30 PSU have been previously reported for microphytobenthos. Spring freshet decreases salinity. Decreases in biofilm biomass and productivity are expected during this time. Rain events can create small isolated decreases. (Underwood et al. 1998, Muylaert et al. 2002, Thornton et al. 2002, Chiu et al. 2006, Scholz and Liebezeit 2012, WorleyParsons 2015b) Nutrients Directly linked to microphytobenthos productivity. Generally, increased nutrients will lead to increased growth and productivity. Nitrogen observed to have the greatest limiting effect for estuarine and marine species. Nutrient supply mostly from mixing of deep marine water via entrainment as opposed to freshwater inputs. During the freshet, higher salinity water contains more nutrients. (Yin 1994, Yin et al. 1995a, b, Hillebrand and Sommer 1997) Sediment Grain Size Larger grain size indicative of higher energy environments (i.e., wave action). Higher energy leads to greater sediment movement, which physically damages microphytobenthos, thus reducing biofilm establishment and growth. Decreasing percent sand composition results in increasing biofilm biomass. (Delgado et al. 1991, Van Colen et al. 2008) Invertebrate Density Grazing invertebrates remove biofilm biomass, but predation can stimulate productivity due to nutrient recycling. Certain invertebrates can destabilise sediments through sediment perturbation, making conditions less optimal for biofilm establishment. Invertebrates can stimulate productivity but also keep total biomass low. No quantified relationship between invertebrates and biofilm grazing. (Ross 1998, Herman et al. 2000, Hillebrand et al. 2000, Blanchard et al. 2001, Evrard et al. 2010) Page 16 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 3. METHODS As part of the RBT2 Environmental Assessment, the biological, chemical and physical environment of intertidal habitat was characterised by three different studies which had different objectives. These studies included: • Biofilm – Description and composition of biofilm at Roberts Bank (WorleyParsons 2015b); • Sediment Chemistry and Quality – Description of physical and chemical properties of intertidal sediments in the FRE (Hemmera 2014a); and • Benthic Infauna – Description of the biological communities contained within the intertidal sediments of the Fraser River delta (Hemmera 2014b). The three studies measured different parameters, but operated within the same study area at Roberts Bank. All studies had a subset of randomly selected sampling locations where all studies collected data; these are referred to as co-located sampling location. Each discipline had additional sites in order to fulfill individual study objectives. The assessment of Biofilm Physical Factors only considered data for sites where sampling occurred by all three studies during the same season (co-located samples). Although colocated sampling occurred among all studies in 2012 and 2013, only data from 2013 are considered in the assessment of Biofilm Physical Factors due to differences in sampling methodologies including: • Differences in Sampling Method: 2012 samples consisted of six cores to a depth of 1 cm per 1 m sampling plot, while 2013 sampling consisted of 10 cores to a depth of 2 mm. The 2012 cores were determined to be sampling too deep and not reflective of the microphytobenthic community defined for this assessment (Compass Resource Management 2013); • Random Sampling: In 2012, core samples were collected in a non-random, haphazard fashion by field personnel. In 2013, core sample locations were selected using an alpha-numeric grid and a random number table, removing sampler bias; • Temporal Sampling: Co-located sampling in 2012 was limited to spring, while sampling in 2013 was conducted in both spring and summer; • Sample Distribution: In 2012, sample locations were based on stratified random grid design and included sites without established biofilm; in 2013, sample locations were randomly selected in areas of known biofilm within the Roberts Bank study area; • Site-specific Focus: 2012 sampling was conducted across the FRE, while 2013 sampling focused on known areas of biofilm at Roberts Bank; and • Measured Variables: The 2012 biofilm sampling was limited to photopigment density; whereas, 2013 sampling included photopigment density as well as Total Organic Carbon and Total carbohydrate, both additional indicators of biofilm biomass (Compass Resource Management 2013). Taxonomy samples were not collected at co-located sampling locations in 2012. 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 17 2 A comparison of the sampling methods showed that the 2012 methods of 1 cm deep cores over-estimated the density of photopigments due to the inclusion of remnant and decomposing cells deeper in the sediment (Compass Resource Management 2013). Additionally, the use of only six sediment cores was not sufficient to provide a suitable representation given micro-scale spatial variation observed in biofilm (WorleyParsons 2015a). A minimum of eight (8) sediment cores per metre squared is recommended (Grinham et al. 2007). 3.1 Sample Locations The study area encompassed areas of identified biofilm within the intertidal region at Roberts Bank from the BC Ferries Terminal causeway north to Canoe Passage (WorleyParsons 2015a). The number, location, and timing of sampling varied between seasons due to the changing focus of individual disciplines and methods used to select sampling locations. Figure 3.1-1 shows the sampling locations used in 2013. As described in WorleyParsons (2015b), biofilm biomass samples were collected at all locations; microphytobenthos community samples were only collected at a subset of these locations. Therefore, a greater sample size was available for biofilm biomass compared to microphytobenthos community. The total number of co-located samples for each biofilm data type are summarised in Table 3.1-1. Only sampling locations with complete datasets for all three studies: Biofilm, Sediment Chemistry and Quality, and Benthic Infauna measurements were considered for this assessment. Any sites missing data from the three studies were omitted from analysis. Table 3.1-1 Summary of the Number of Co-Located Samples per Sampling Period within the Study Area at Roberts Bank Sampling Session # Co-Located Biofilm Biomass Samples # Co-Located Microphytobenthos Taxonomy Samples Spring 2013 31 14 Summer 2013 19 9 Page 18 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx Canoe Passage RB2034 RB2040 RB2028 RB2003 RB2004 RB2005 RB2038 RB2032 RB2019 RB2018 RB2001 RB2002 RB2015 RB2006 RB2014 RB2013 RB2009 RB2017 RB2016 Roberts Bank RB2007 RB2020 RB2022 RB2021 RB2011 RB2008 RB2010 RB2023 RB2024 RB2012 RB2025 ( ! ROBERTS BANK CAUSEWAY ROBERTS BANK TERMINALS ( ! ( ! File Location: U:\YVR\307071\00790_HEMM_CCIP BIOFL\10_Eng\16_Geomatics\MXDs\2014-07-15_Physical_Factors_Report\2014-07-15_Physical_Factors_Figure3.3-1_Co-Located_LocationV2.mxd RB2029 Legend Spring sampling Summer sampling Aerial imagery Source: Port Metro Vancouver 0 0.5 Kilometres 1:45,000 1 ± B.C. FERRIES TERMINAL THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 3.2 Sample Collection Field teams were provided with the same sample coordinates at the beginning of each field session. Using 2 a handheld GPS, each team located the sample location and collected samples based on a 1 m quadrant. Sample collection and handling methods are outlined in the individual study TDRs (Hemmera 2014a, b, WorleyParsons 2015b). Sampling by individual disciplines was conducted during the same sampling period; however, not all samples were collected at the exact same time (Table 3.2-1). Sampling at individual sites by all three studies occurred within five days. All biofilm samples were collected within the top 2 mm of sediment (WorleyParsons 2015b). Sediment Chemistry and Quality samples were collected within the top 100 mm of sediment (Hemmera 2014a). Benthic Infauna samples were collected within the top 50 mm of sediment (Hemmera 2014b). Table 3.2-1 Field Data Collection Dates of Biofilm, Sediment Chemistry and Quality, and Benthic Infauna during 2013 Co-located Sampling Biofilm Sediment Chemistry and Quality Benthic Infauna Spring April 22 to 25, 2013 April 22 to 26, 2013 April 22 to 26, 2013 Summer August 17 to 22, 2013 August 20 and 21, 2013 August 20 and 21, 2013 3.2.1 Assumptions of Dat abase Each study designed sampling and analytical methodologies to answer different questions regarding the biological and chemical environment at Roberts Bank. Additionally, most samples were collected at different times by different field crews. The following assumptions need to be considered during the interpretation of results: 1. The different sampling depth used for Benthic Infauna (50 mm) and Sediment Chemistry and Quality (10 mm) were adequate to describe the environment experienced by biofilm (2 mm); 2. Sample collection and hold conditions (i.e., temperature and time) were adequate to preserve measured variables relative to biofilm (i.e., nutrient concentration data were not compromised due to improper temperatures or excessive hold times); 3. Time between study sampling (ranging up to five days) during the low Spring Tide event did not have a significant effect on the variability/fluctuation of the measured parameters; and 4. Analytical methods used to measure Benthic Infauna and Sediment Chemistry and Quality samples were sufficient to report variables to levels relevant to biofilm (i.e., detection limits of laboratory equipment were set within ranges that would affect biofilm). 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 21 Given that high spatial and temporal variability is known to occur in the biological, physical, and chemical environment at Roberts Bank (Hemmera 2014a, b, WorleyParsons 2015b), the number and distribution of co-located sampling locations were not designed to specifically assess potential effects on biofilm. Given the known variability, increased sampling would have been preferable, but was not possible given the nature of this dataset. Instead, the analyses conducted are used to confirm conclusions from previously published studies. 3.3 Anal ysed Variables A large number of environmental variables were analysed from the collected samples by the three studies. All data collected were used in the analysis, whether known relationships with biofilm growth had been previously established or not. A summary of the environmental variables measured during each sampling event for each discipline is provided in Table 3.3-1. A detailed list of the specific variables is provided in Table 3.3-2. Detailed reasoning and methodology for the collection and analysis of each variable is provided within individual study TDRs (Hemmera 2014a, b, WorleyParsons 2015b). To describe biofilm biomass, four different parameters were used: • Chlorophyll a – Chlorophyll a is the primary photosynthetic pigment of all oxygen-producing organisms and is present in algae and cyanobacteria. It is a measure of density and primary productivity potential; • Fucoxanthin – Fucoxanthin is an accessory pigment in the chloroplasts of certain species of algae and is recognised as a marker pigment of diatoms (Wright et al. 1991). The connection of Fucoxanthin to photosynthesis makes it an indicator of primary productivity specific to diatoms, which are the primary component of the microphytobenthic community at Roberts Bank (WorleyParsons 2015a); • Total Organic Carbon (TOC) – a measure of carbon that is available within biofilm; and • Total Carbohydrate – the energy absorbed by Chlorophyll a (as well as accessory pigments such as Fucoxanthin) is transformed into glucose, which is a measure of total carbohydrate. Microphytobenthos taxonomy data were based on genus level identification (WorleyParsons 2015b). Page 22 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Summary of Variables Measured by each Discipline at Co-Located Sampling Locations In Situ pH, Conductivity and Temperature Macrofauna Taxonomy Meiofauna Taxonomy Benthic Infauna Grain Size Nutrients and Saturated Paste Extracts pH Taxonomy Total carbohydrate Total Organic Carbon Photopigment Concentration Sampling Event (Season, Year) Total Organic Carbon Sediment Chemistry and Quality Biofilm Moisture Table 3.3-1 Spring 2013 X X X X X X X X X X X X Summer 2013 X X X X X X X X X X X X 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 23 Table 3.3-2 Measured Variables by Individual Studies Biofilm 1 (2 mm deep) Photopigment Density • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll b Chlorophyll c2 Divinyl Chlorophyll Phaeophytin a β,ε-Carotene β, β-Carotene Alloxanthin Canthaxanthin Diadinoxanthin Echinenone Fucoxanthin Lutein Zeaxanthin Taxonomic Composition to Genus level Sediment Chemistry and Quality 1 (100 mm deep) Benthic Infauna 1 (50 mm deep) Sediment Grain Size, Moisture Content and pH Meiofauna Taxonomy Nutrients Physical Surface Water Variables • • • • Nitrate (N) Phosphate (P) Potassium (K) Sulphate (S) Saturated Paste Extracts • • • • • • • • Macrofauna Taxonomy • • • • Temperature pH Conductivity Salinity Ammonia (as N) Bromide (Br) Chloride (Cl) Fluoride (F) Nitrate (as N) Nitrite (as N) % Saturation Sulphate (SO4) Sediment Total Organic Carbon (top 10 cm of sediment) Biofilm Total Organic Carbon (top 2 mm of sediment) Total carbohydrate Notes: 1 = indicates depth of sampling for each study 3.3.1 Spatial Data Spatial data were also determined for each sampling location using the ArcGIS (Redlands, USA) and included: • Distance from shoreline (m) – the horizontal distance (m) of the sample location perpendicular to the nearest shoreline (defined as vegetation visible on aerial images [i.e., marsh]); • Distance from Canoe Passage (m) – the horizontal distance (m) to the western tip of Brunswick Point, which signifies the mouth of Canoe Passage and the closest major freshwater source; Page 24 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS • Elevation in Chart Datum (m) – using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) remote sensing data collected by Terra Remote Sensing Inc. (2011), the elevation (m in Chart Datum) of each sampling location was determined; and • Annual Exposure (hours) – Using the 2012 observed tides at Roberts Bank, provided by NHC Consultants, and the known elevation of each sampling location, the total time exposed in 2012 was calculated in total hours. Spatial measurements were added to the existing database to account for potential spatial effects on biofilm biomass and microphytobenthos composition. 3.4 Databases Any co-located sampling locations which did not have full data for Biofilm, Sediment Chemistry and Quality, and Benthic Infauna parameters were eliminated from consideration (see Table 3.1-1). After data were assessed for completeness, a data quality review was conducted. During this review, any parameters which possessed zero (0) or undefined values for more than 50% of the datapoints were removed from analysis. This occurred frequently with infauna taxonomy, where several classes of organisms were not present throughout the study area, resulting in a large proportion of 0 values. Other data removed also included chemistry data where values were below the Detection Limits (DL) of the analysis methods; this occurred with several nutrients including nitrate and nitrite. 3.5 Anal ysis Data were queried from a central database managed by Hemmera and provided in Microsoft Excel format. The biofilm biomass data were analysed in Systat 13.0 (Chicago, USA) while the microphytobenthic community data were analysed in Primer-E 6.0 (Plymouth, UK). Detailed statistical methodology is provided in Appendix 1. Two different and separate analysis streams were conducted with the available data: 1. Biofilm Biomass – this analysis stream used the entire available biofilm data set (as outlined in Table 3.3-1); and 2. Microphytobenthos Taxonomy – this analysis stream used only the subset of biofilm samples which possessed taxonomy identification data (as outlined in Table 3.3-1). 3.5.1 Biofilm Biomass All variables were tested for normality using the Wilks-Shapiro test and applicable transformations were conducted when necessary. If variables were not able to be normalised, they were omitted from the analysis; however, some variables of interest due to the predicted influence on biofilm density were transformed to the best possible distribution and included in the analysis. Once data were sufficiently normalised, two different analyses were undertaken. Non-normal variables retained for analysis are outlined in Table 4.1-1. 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 25 Principal Component Anal ysi s Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical method of identifying patterns in data while highlighting similarities and differences among variables in a larger dataset. PCA creates new groups of variables, called Principal Components (PC), which are a summary of existing data. Each PC is assigned an Eigenvalue, which represents the amount of variability in the original data captured by the new PC. As a general rule, only PCs with Eigenvalues above 1.0 are considered useful for interpretation. The PCA calculates a component score for each variable within the PC; this score is considered to be a new variables which captures a proportion of variability within the larger dataset. The component scores were treated as new data for individual PCs and tested for significant correlations with the four biofilm biomass indicators. Results provide an inference of the key environmental variables over the tested biofilm biomass variable; therefore, to determine a statistically significant relationship, other methods are required. Multiple Linear Regression Multiple Regression is a common statistical analysis used in ecology to determine significant relationships between environmental variables and biological measures. Multiple regressions seek to find an equation that best predicts a dependent variable (i.e., biofilm biomass variables) given a reduced set of independent variables (i.e., environmental measurements). Using the normalised database, a correlation analysis was conducted to identify potential issues of co-linearity. Any variables with a correlation greater than 80 % (r = 0.80) were condensed into a single variable (i.e., on intertidal mudflats, elevation decreases with distance from shore, leading to an expected high level of correlation; in this case only one of the variables was used in the analysis with the caveat that it was related to the other). After all co-linear variables were condensed, a backwards stepwise multiple regression model was applied to the dataset. The model runs a multiple regression beginning with all available variables. Subsequent models are then run, systematically removing individual variables until the best fit model (based on the corrected Aikake Information Criterion [AICc]) was determined. The selected model indicates the best fit and the variables were tested for significance. 3.5.2 Microphytobent hos Taxonomy Anal ysi s Microphytobenthos taxonomic composition data were log +1 transformed to reduce the effects of abundant taxa, and pairwise Bray-Curtis similarity coefficients (Bray and Curtis 1957) were calculated for all possible combinations of samples. The resulting resemblance matrix was used to construct a nonparametric Multidimensional Scaling Analysis (nMDS). The nMDS is a dimensionless ordination plot which visually represents similarities among samples based on community composition. The corresponding database of environmental variables were imported into Primer-E and linked to the taxonomic data based on sample name. A Biota-Environmental Stepwise (BEST) analysis was conducted to determine if specific environmental variables were correlated to changes in microphytobenthos composition. Page 26 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 4. RESULTS A total of 50 biofilm biomass samples and 23 microphytobenthos taxonomy samples, collected in both spring and summer 2013, met the criteria outlined in Section 3.4. The transformed database is presented in Appendix 2. Detailed statistical results are provided in Appendix 3. 4.1 Biofilm Biomass Anal ysis Variables were visually assessed for skewed distribution and tested for normality using the Shapiro-Wilks test. If heavily skewed data were observed, they were transformed to improve linearity. If after transformation, data were still skewed, the variable was removed from the analysis. Non-normal variables of known influence were retained (i.e., Distance from Shore which was non-normal, but is known to influence biofilm presence [see Table 4.1-1]). Removal of data occurred for several variables that had a large proportion of no data or zero (0) values, including several genera of benthic infauna and several nutrients including nitrate and nitrite which were below analytical Detection Limits (DL). In total, 25 variables were considered for analysis. A list of the retained variables, and the normalising transformations performed are presented in Table 4.1-1. Table 4.1-1 Retained Variables and Transformations Used for Principal Components Analysis Variable Name Transformation Performed Constants Wilks-Shapiro (W) Statistic pvalue - 0.957 0.068 Physical Variables 2 Elevation (m) x Annual Exposure (hrs.) - - 0.960 0.090 - - 0.940 0.013 √𝑥 - 0.946 0.023 Loge (x+1) - 0.977 0.422 1 Distance to Canoe Passage (m) 1 2 Distance to Shore (m) Biofilm Variables 2 Biofilm Total Organic Carbon (mg/m ) 2 2 √𝑥 - 0.961 0.098 2 Loge (x+1) - 0.982 0.632 Biofilm Fucoxanthin (mg/m ) Loge (x+1) - 0.954 0.050 - 0.965 0.142 λ = 0.3 0.962 0.105 - 0.965 0.137 Biofilm Total Carbohydrate (mg/m ) Biofilm Chlorophyll a (mg/m ) 2 Benthic Infauna Taxonomy 2 Total Harpacticoida Density (#/m ) 2 Total Nematoda Density (#/m ) √𝑥 Box-Cox 2 Total Oligochaeta Density (#/m ) 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 2 4 √𝑥 Page 27 Variable Name Transformation Performed 2 2 Total Polychaeta Density (#/m ) 2 Total Invertebrate Density (#/m ) 2 Total Invertebrate Biomass (g/m ) 2 Constants Wilks-Shapiro (W) Statistic pvalue √𝑥 - 0.954 0.050 Loge (x+1) - 0.982 0.624 Box-Cox λ = 0.5 0.987 0.868 4 √𝑥 - 0.964 0.130 Loge (x+1) - 0.971 0.258 Loge (x+1) - 0.982 0.622 Box-Cox λ = 0.2 0.981 0.590 Logite - 0.941 0.014 Sediment Silt Content (%) Logite - 0.942 0.016 Sediment Sand Content (%) Logite - 0.983 0.693 Sediment Total Organic Carbon (%) Logite - 0.960 0.089 Total Macrofauna Density (#/m ) 2 Total Macrofauna Biomass (g/m ) 2 Total Meiofauna Density (#/m ) 2 Total Meiofauna Biomass (g/m ) Sediment Variables 1 Sediment Clay Content (%) 1 Saturated Paste Extract (Adjusted for Porewater) Loge 0.967 0.178 1 Bromide (mg/kg) - 0.951 0.038 Chloride (mg/kg) 1 - 0.949 0.033 Sulphate (mg/kg) - 0.957 0.068 Phosphate (mg/kg) Loge 0.986 0.816 Potassium (mg/kg) - 0.968 0.190 Sulphate (mg/kg) - 0.974 0.319 Ammonia (Total Leachable) (mg/kg) Sediment Plant Nutrients Notes: All Box-Cox Transformations conducted using a constant of 1. See definitions of transformations in Appendix 1. = non-normal variables that were retained for analysis due to known influence over biofilm biomass and microphytobenthos community composition 1 4.1.1 Seasonal Differences Seasonal differences for each biofilm biomass indicator were assessed to determine whether potential bias could result from the different sampling periods. No significant seasonal difference was observed for Chlorophyll a (t35.771 = 0.086, p = 0.932), Fucoxanthin (t28.212 = -0.664, p = 0.512), Total Carbohydrate (H1 = 1.820, p = 0.177) or Total Organic Carbon (TOC) (t27.244 = -1.201, p = 0.240). These results indicate that no differences in mean densities of biofilm indicators occurred between spring and summer seasons. Page 28 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS This was confirmed by wider seasonal sampling (WorleyParsons 2015b); therefore, spring and summer biomass indicators were run in the same analysis. 4.1.2 Principal Components Anal ysis The PCA of collected data identified four PC with Eigenvalues above 1.0, which accounted for more than 81% of the variance observed in the data (Table 4.1-2). The PC are described as follows: • Principal Component 1 – Spatial Variables and Porewater Ions/Nutrients: moderate positive effects of Elevation/Annual exposure; strong positive effects with Distance from Canoe Passage and associated variables of porewater ions/nutrients including Ammonia, Bromide, Chloride, Sulphate, Phosphate; Total Macrofauna Density. • Principal Component 2 – Sediment Grain Size: Strong positive effects of Elevation/Annual exposure, % Fine sediments (Clay and Silt), Sediment TOC, Potassium and Sulphur; moderate positive effects of Total Oligochaeta Density, Total Polychaete Density; moderate negative effects with Distance from Shore and strong negative effects with % Sand composition. • Principal Component 3 – Benthic Infauna: strong positive effects of Total Invertebrate Density and Biomass, Total Meiofauna Density and Biomass, and Total Nematoda Density; moderate positive effects of Distance from Canoe Passage, Total Oligochaeta Density and Sulphur. • Principal Component 4 – Miscellaneous Benthic Infauna: Strong positive effects from Total Macrofauna Biomass; moderate positive effects from Total Invertebrate Biomass. Table 4.1-2 Principal Components and Component Loadings for each Variable in Database PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 Variance Explained by PC 7.208 6.263 5.267 1.722 % of Total Variance 28.833 25.054 21.068 6.889 Elevation (m) 0.570 0.683 0.127 -0.119 Annual Exposure (hrs.) 0.554 0.668 0.132 -0.109 Distance from Canoe Passage (m) 0.805 0.020 0.443 0.032 Distance from Shore (m) -0.748 -0.499 -0.308 0.030 0.167 0.487 0.670 0.118 0.319 -0.018 0.846 -0.022 0.086 0.517 0.520 0.111 0.336 0.687 0.238 0.194 Varimax Component Loading Values 2 Total Harpacticoida Density (#/m ) 2 Total Nematoda Density (#/m ) 2 Total Oligochaeta Density (#/m ) 2 Total Polychaeta Density (#/m ) 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 29 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 7.208 6.263 5.267 1.722 28.833 25.054 6.889 0.357 0.225 21.068 0.878 0.135 0.387 0.615 0.617 0.696 0.424 0.155 0.440 0.050 0.336 0.102 0.906 0.340 0.218 0.888 0.101 Total Meiofauna Biomass (g/m ) 0.314 0.381 0.835 0.085 Clay (%) -0.226 0.922 0.123 0.146 Silt (%) -0.145 0.904 0.062 0.261 Sand (%) 0.099 -0.907 -0.126 -0.273 Sediment TOC (%) -0.088 0.897 0.238 0.129 Total Leachable Ammonia (mg/kg) 0.813 -0.141 0.259 -0.001 Porewater Bromide (mg/kg) 0.897 0.003 0.329 0.052 Porewater Chloride mg/kg) 0.887 0.036 0.356 0.067 Porewater Sulphate (mg/kg) 0.914 0.154 0.248 0.090 Phosphate (mg/kg) 0.861 -0.100 -0.014 -0.014 Potassium (mg/kg) 0.362 0.748 0.381 0.088 Sulphur (mg/kg) 0.470 0.666 0.427 0.024 Variance Explained by PC % of Total Variance 2 Total Invertebrate Density (#/m ) 2 Total Invertebrate Biomass (g/m ) 2 Total Macrofauna Density (#/m ) 2 Total Macrofauna Biomass (g/m ) 2 Total Meiofauna Density (#/m ) 2 0.114 Note: Factor loadings greater than 0.5 are bolded; the associated variable is considered to be strongly related to the given PC. PC1 and PC2 showed significant correlations with the measured biofilm biomass indicators. Chlorophyll a was moderately correlated with PC1 (r = 0.438, p = 0.023) and strongly correlated with PC2 (r = 0.545, p = 0.001) (Table 4.1-3). Conversely, Fucoxanthin was strongly correlated with PC1 (r = 0.502, p = 0.003) and moderately correlated with PC2 (r = 0.446, p = 0.019) (Table 4.1-3). A strong correlation was observed between biofilm TOC and PC2 (r = 0.739, p < 0.000). No correlations were observed with Total carbohydrate. Page 30 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Table 4.1-3 Correlations between Principal Components and Measures of Biofilm Biomass Indicators Chlorophyll a Fucoxanthin Total Carbohydrate r p Biofilm TOC r p r p r p PC1 0.438 0.023 0.502 0.003 0.203 1.000 0.100 1.000 PC2 0.545 0.001 0.446 0.019 0.140 1.000 0.739 0.000 PC3 0.206 1.000 0.218 1.000 0.213 1.000 0.017 1.000 PC4 0.010 1.000 0.031 1.000 0.107 1.000 0.207 1.000 Note: Bold values indicate significant correlation (p < 0.05). These results indicate that most of the variability in biofilm biomass can be attributed to variables with high loading values on PC1 and PC2. Based on the interpretation of the PC component loading values, this predominantly includes proximity to freshwater/marine influence and sediment grain size; however, results only indicate trends and are not related to the statistical significance of individual variables. In order to determine statistical significance, parametric statistics are needed and discussed in Section 4.1.3. 4.1.3 Multiple Regression All 25 variables used in the PCA analysis were considered for the multiple regression analysis, and tested for correlation. The resulting correlation matrix is provided in Appendix 4. Any pairwise test with a correlation coefficient (r) greater than 0.80 was grouped in order to avoid analysis bias; therefore, only ten variables were considered for multiple regression analysis. Condensed physical factors considered for multiple regression are summarised in Table 4.1-4. Table 4.1-4 Condensed Physical Factors Considered for Multiple Regression Variables Elevation Representing Factors Justification Annual exposure Positive correlation (r = 0.941) Distance from Shore Negative correlation (r = -0.845) Distance from Canoe Passage Positive correlation (r = 0.900) Leachable Ammonia Positive correlation (r = 0.802) Porewater Bromide Positive correlation (r = 0.992) Porewater Sulphate (SO4) Positive correlation (r = 0.945) Total Oligochaeta n/a Low to moderate correlations Total Polychaeta n/a Low to moderate correlations Porewater Chloride 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 31 Variables Total Invertebrate Density Representing Factors Justification Nematoda Density Positive correlation (r = 0.890) Total Meiofauna Density Positive correlation (r = 1.000) Total Meiofauna Biomass Positive correlation (r = 0.942) Total Macrofauna Density n/a Low to moderate correlations Total Macrofauna Biomass n/a Low to moderate correlations % Sand % Silt Negative correlation (r = -0.985) % Clay Negative correlation (r = -0.947) Sediment TOC Negative correlation (r = -0.912) Phosphate n/a Low to moderate correlations Potassium Sulphur Positive correlation (r = 0.812) Chlorophyll a Based on the AICc value, the best fit multiple regression (AICc = 62.904) was found in a model containing Porewater Chloride, Total Polychaeta Density, Total Macrofauna Density, and % Sand (F4, 45 = 2 14.879, p = 0.000, r = 0.569). Significant increases in Chlorophyll a were attributable to increasing Polychaeta Density (p = 0.050) and increasing Porewater Chloride (p < 0.000), while significant decreases were attributed to increases in % Sand composition (p < 0.000). Total Macrofauna Density was included in the best fit model, but was not significant (p = 0.061). Regression coefficients are presented in Table 4.1-5. Scatterplots of significant variables are presented in Figure 4.1-1 Table 4.1-5 Coefficients of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of Chlorophyll a Coefficient Standard Error Standardised Coefficient Tolerance t p Constant 3.619486 0.292 0.000 - 12.406 0.000 Porewater Chloride 0.000118 0.000 0.634 0.426 4.227 0.000 Polychaeta Density 0.000890 0.000 0.335 0.347 2.019 0.050 Macrofauna Density -0.065829 0.034 -0.392 0.230 -1.920 0.061 % Sand -0.192020 0.049 -0.491 0.607 -3.911 0.000 Note: bolded p-value indicates statistical significance at p < 0.05 Page 32 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Fucoxanthi n Similar results to Chlorophyll a were found with Fucoxanthin. The best fit model (AICc = 35.863) contained 2 Porewater Chloride, Total Macrofauna Biomass, and % Sand (F3, 46 = 21.104, p < 0.000, r = 0.579). A significant increase in Fucoxanthin was found with increasing Porewater Chloride levels (p < 0.000) while a significant decrease occurred with increases in % Sand composition (p < 0.000). No significant relationship with Total Macrofauna Biomass was observed (p = 0.125) (Table 4.1-6). Scatterplots of significant variables are presented in Figure 4.1-2. Table 4.1-6 Coefficients of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of Fucoxanthin Coefficient Standard Error Standardised Coefficient Constant 3.267644 0.191 0.000 Porewater Chloride 0.000087 0.000 0.593 Macrofauna Biomass -0.080325 0.051 % Sand -0.171689 0.035 Tolerance t p 17.064 0.000 0.980 6.135 0.000 -0.180 0.688 -1.564 0.125 -0.554 0.700 -4.846 0.000 Note: bolded p-value indicates statistical significance at p < 0.05 Total Car boh ydrate The best fit model for Total Carbohydrate (AICc = 490.979) was found to be significant (F4, 45 = 3.510, 2 p = 0.014, r = 0.238) with four variables: Porewater Chloride, Total Macrofauna Density, % Sand, and Potassium. Significant decreases in Total Carbohydrate levels were observed with increases in % Sand composition (p = 0.008), while increases were observed with increasing Porewater Chloride (p = 0.004). No significant relationships were observed with Total Macrofauna Density (p = 0.098) or Potassium (p = 0.137). Result statistics are presented in Table 4.1-7. Scatterplots of significant variables are presented in Figure 4.1-3. Table 4.1-7 Coefficients of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of Total Carbohydrate Coefficient Standard Error Standardised Coefficient 121.811408 26.314 0.000 Porewater Chloride 0.007516 0.002 0.743 0.291 3.077 0.004 Macrofauna Density -3.302715 1.956 -0.362 0.369 -1.689 0.098 % Sand -15.638594 5.648 -0.736 0.240 -2.769 0.008 Potassium -0.116193 0.077 -0.458 0.185 -1.513 0.137 Constant Tolerance t 4.629 p 0.000 Note: bolded p-value indicates statistical significance at p < 0.05 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 33 Total Organic Carbon (Biofilm) A significant relationship was found with the TOC of biofilm with a best fit model (AICc = 38.270) consisting of Porewater Chloride, Total Polychaeta Density, Total Invertebrate Density, % Sand, and 2 Phosphate (F5, 44 = 18.779, p = 0.000, r = 0.681). A significant increase in TOC was observed with increasing Porewater Chloride (p = 0.012) and Total Polychaeta Density (p = 0.022) while a significant negative relationship was found with Total Invertebrate Density (p = 0.012) and % Sand (p < 0.000). No significant relationship occurred with Phosphate (p = 0.104) (Table 4.1-8). Scatterplots of significant variables are presented in Figure 4.1-4. Table 4.1-8 Coefficients of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of TOC within Biofilm Coefficient Standard Error Standardised Coefficient Constant 12.587789 1.046 0.000 Porewater Chloride 0.000068 0.000 0.412 Polychaeta Density 0.000680 0.000 Invertebrate Density -0.186315 % Sand Phosphate Tolerance t p 12.031 0.000 0.295 2.629 0.012 0.290 0.490 2.381 0.022 0.071 -0.333 0.447 -2.616 0.012 -0.227043 0.039 -0.657 0.581 -5,876 0.000 -0.314588 0.189 -0.20 0.415 -1.661 0.104 Note: bolded p-value indicates statistical significance at p < 0.05 Page 34 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS A B C Figure 4.1-1 Scatterplot and Partial Regression Relationship of Chlorophyll a Density against Porewater Chloride (A), Polychaeta Density (B), and % Sand Composition (C) 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 35 A B Figure 4.1-2 Scatterplot and Partial Regression Relationship of Fucoxanthin Density against Porewater Chloride (A), and % Sand Composition (B) Page 36 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS A B Figure 4.1-3 Scatterplot and Partial Regression Relationship of Total Carbohydrate Density against Porewater Chloride (A), and % Sand Composition (B) 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 37 A C B D Figure 4.1-4 Scatterplot and Partial Regression Relationship of Total Organic Carbon Density Against Porewater Chloride (A), Polychaeta Density (B), Total Invertebrate Density (C), and % Sand Composition (D) Page 38 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 4.2 Microphytobenthos Taxonom y Anal ysis Microphytobenthos taxonomy data were only collected at a subset of sampling locations. While the analysis of biofilm biomass indicators consisted of 50 different datapoints, only 23 datapoints were available for the taxonomy analysis (Table 3.1-1). 4.2.1 Seasonal Differences The taxonomic composition of the microphytobenthos community was seasonally different (R = 0.918, p = 0.01) (Figure 4.2-1); therefore, spring and summer sites were assessed separately. This pattern was reported in the wider sampling program presented by WorleyParsons (2015b). Therefore, two separate analyses were conducted for the taxonomy analysis: spring and summer. This requirement to analyse taxonomy samples separately lowered the sample size, and ultimately lowered the overall power of the analysis, leading to low confidence in the results. Figure 4.2-1 nMDS of Microphytobenthos Assemblage at Co-located Sampling Locations 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 39 Spring Using the Biota-Environment Stepwise (BEST) analysis in Primer-E, no specific pattern was observed between the spring microphytobenthos composition and the measured environmental variables (ρ = 0.137, p = 0.680) (see Appendix 5 for detailed outputs). The lack of a significant difference in the BEST routine, in light of biological descriptions of the biofilm community at Roberts Bank (WorleyParsons 2015b), indicates the available sample size (n=14) may not have been sufficient to determine underlying environmental trends within the microphytobenthic community; therefore, no statistical relationship could be determined among environmental variables and the microphytobenthic community. Summer As with the spring taxonomic samples, no significant effects of measured environmental variables were observed over the summer microphytobenthic community composition (ρ = 0.336, p = 0.410), again indicating the available sample size (n=9) may not have been large enough to determine trends. Page 40 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 5. DISCUSSION 5.1 Biofilm Biomass Indicators No significant difference was found in the biofilm biomass parameters between the spring and summer seasons (Section 4.1.1). This was confirmed within a wider study of biofilm biomass distribution (WorleyParsons 2015b). However, in the WorleyParsons (2015b) report, Total Carbohydrates were found to be different between spring and summer, while in the subset of data analysed for this report, no seasonal difference was found. This difference is due to the nature of the subset of data analysed, likely not including sites with elevated Total Carbohydrates due to a lack of co-located sampling effort. From the two analysis methods (Principal Component Analysis and Multiple Linear Regression), two factors were found to consistently exhibit a significant relationship with biofilm biomass indicators. These can be broadly defined as Freshwater Influence and Sediment Grain Size. The Principal Component Analysis showed the greatest variability in the dataset to be attributable to variables associated with freshwater including Distance from Canoe Passage and porewater ions (Chloride, Sulphate, Ammonia, Bromide, Phosphate). The secondary Principal Component included variables that are associated with wave energy including sediment grain size distribution and Elevation. Prior to conducting a Multiple Linear Regression, a correlation analysis was used to eliminate correlated variables. This step collapsed all variables related to Freshwater Influence into Porewater Chloride and all variables related to sediment grain size into % Sand. 5.1.1 Freshw ater Influence Porewater Chloride was used as an indicator of water column salinity (Sverdrup et al. 1942). The use of sediment Porewater Chloride is believed to be reflective of temporally average concentrations relative to changes in salinity within the water column, which would be expected based on mixing and the tidal cycle (Hemmera 2014a). An assessment of water and sediment quality across the Roberts Bank study area showed low Porewater Chloride values around the mouth of the Fraser River and Canoe Passage with gradual increases farther away from the large freshwater input (Hemmera 2014a). This trend was confirmed by the current data where a strong positive correlation was found between Distance from Canoe Passage and adjusted Porewater Chloride values. The influence of freshwater on phytoplankton has been well documented in water column environments (Cloern 1987, Ahel et al. 1996, Hamilton et al. 2000, Lionard et al. 2005, Lueangthuwapranit et al. 2011), and has been shown to be an important factor in microphytobenthic communities (Underwood et al. 1998, Muylaert et al. 2002, Thornton et al. 2002, Chiu et al. 2006). Changes to the microphytobenthic assemblage can have a direct effect on primary productivity rates, which are largely site-specific. Underwood and Smith (1998) found the maximum rates of EPS production in laboratory diatom cultures ranged between 1.6 and 5.09 µg EPS/µg Chlorophyll a/day based on species. Nitzschia sigma (5.09 µg EPS/µg Chlorophyll a/day) had a significantly higher rate of production compared to Nitzschia frustulum (1.92), Navicula perminuta (2.59), and Surirella ovata (1.60). 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 41 The microphytobenthos community within the study area was typically dominated by Nitzschia spp. and Navicula spp. with Achnanthidium spp. co- or sub- dominant depending on the location and time of year (WorleyParsons 2015b). The freshwater Achnanthidium genera was dominant or co-dominant throughout seasonal sampling near Canoe Passage, and was dominant throughout the entire study area during April sampling, when the Fraser River discharge was high (WorleyParsons 2015b). Both Nitzschia spp. and Navicula spp. were observed to have larger cell sizes at Roberts Bank, compared to more freshwaterinfluenced taxa, namely Achnanthidium spp. (WorleyParsons 2015b). As Chlorophyll a content is directly related to cell size (Voros and Padisak 1991), the seasonal and spatial shifts in composition along with noted changes in biomass suggest that the more marine-influenced taxa are likely to exhibit higher levels of productivity and create higher levels of biofilm biomass compared to the smaller freshwater-influenced taxa. Correlation to Nutri ents in the Fraser River Freshwater, brackish, and marine waters are typically defined based on salinity, which is driven by chloride content; however, several other physical differences exist among the different water masses, particularly during spring freshet, including water temperature, nutrients, and turbidity (SSC). In the Fraser River estuary, a strong correlation among several parameters and salinity has been reported during Freshet. High salinities (representing marine-influenced waters) are correlated with high nutrients and low temperatures (Yin 1994). Generally, the Fraser River has low nutrient availability compared to marine waters of the Strait of Georgia (Drinnan and Clark 1980, Harrison et al. 1983, Yin 1994). However, in the FRE, as freshwater enters the Strait of Georgia, the water masses mix, leading to the entrainment of deep marine water, rich in nutrients, including nitrogen. Nitrogen has been shown to be an essential nutrient for phytoplankton growth and productivity in the Strait of Georgia (Stockner et al. 1979). Furthermore, nitrogen has also been shown to influence microphytobenthos growth in controlled experiments in Europe (Hillebrand and Sommer 1997, Hillebrand et al. 2000). Therefore, the increased nitrogen availability characteristic of marine waters in the FRE can be expected to lead to increased biofilm biomass. In the presented dataset, Porewater Nitrate and Nitrite data were eliminated from analysis due to measured values being below detection limits and therefore non-quantifiable (nitrate < 10 to < 70 mg/kg; nitrite < 0.1 to < 0.7 mg/kg). In the Fraser River, nitrite has generally been reported as low, historically observed at or near detection limits of 0.005 mg/L; nitrate is generally higher, ranging between 0.03 and 0.18 mg/L (Drinnan and Clark 1980). It has been noted that nitrate levels change with distance along the Fraser River with the highest levels occurring close to the mouth due to the influence of marine waters (Drinnan and Clark 1980). Seasonally, nitrate levels are highest between October and May, with low values occurring during spring freshet (Drinnan and Clark 1980). Despite nitrate and nitrite being below detection limits, Total Leachable Ammonia measurements were above detection limits and were retained for analysis. However, this variable was significantly correlated with Porewater Chloride and removed for the multiple regression analysis due to concerns of co-linearity. Within the Roberts Bank dataset, Total Leachable Ammonia ranged between 0.69 and 11.2 mg/kg. The strong positive correlation with Porewater Chloride (r = 0.802) indicates a strong decrease with Page 42 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Freshwater Influence; however, the highest values were noted to occur at higher elevations, often immediately adjacent to the shoreline dykes (Appendix 2). These locations are closest to upland agricultural lands and possibly drainage areas, indicating a potential input from upland agricultural run-off (Hemmera 2014a). The co-linearity of Porewater Chloride and Total Leachable Ammonia values, combined with the known relationship between nutrient availability and salinity in the Fraser River estuary (Yin 1994) makes interpretation difficult. Effects of both salinity (Williams 1964, Muylaert et al. 2002) and nutrients (Hillebrand and Sommer 1997, Hillebrand et al. 2000) have been reported to occur in isolation of each other. The database collected at Roberts Bank does not allow for the interpretation of individual effects on account of the uncontrolled environment and the known correlation of variables specific to the Fraser River estuary. Therefore, a particular influence of either variable cannot be adequately determined. The state of knowledge on phytoplankton/microphytobenthos ecology and site-specific processes of the Fraser River supports the conclusion that the extent of Freshwater Influence has a relationship to biofilm biomass at Roberts Bank. 5.1.2 Sediment Grain Size Sediment grain size is known to correlate with several environment variables related to wave energy, including wave height and current velocity. Higher energy environments experience greater water movement, resulting in constant disturbance of sediments which prevents fine sediments from settling. This results in a less cohesive substrate of coarse particles (i.e., sand) which are likely to be disturbed periodically with specific events (i.e., storm events, Spring Tides). The increased particle movement, is known to cause direct physical damage to microphytobenthos cells (Delgado et al. 1991), reducing overall biomass and productivity of biofilm (Herman et al. 2001, Van Colen et al. 2008). At Roberts Bank, decreasing biofilm biomass was observed with increasing coarse sediment composition (% Sand); these findings are supported in published literature (Colijn and Dijkema 1981, Cahoon et al. 1999, Thornton et al. 2002, Jesus et al. 2009). A field study conducted at Roberts Bank assessing the erosional threshold of biofilm reported a similar relationship with biofilm biomass decreasing with % Sand (WorleyParsons 2015c). Additionally, this study noted a lower erosional threshold of biofilm on coarser sediment, confirming a direct relationship between biofilm biomass, sediment grain size, and resiliency (WorleyParsons 2015c). Based on the current knowledge of biofilm distribution at Roberts Bank (WorleyParsons 2015a), the highest densities of known biofilm occurs in the upper intertidal region. This is an area of calm water where the biomat feature reduces wave heights (Northwest Hydraulics Consultants 2014). Such an environment would allow for fine suspended sediments from the Fraser River plume to settle, as well as deposition of phytoplankton from the water column, leading to increased biofilm biomass. The sampling methodology may have been inadequate to account for all active microphytobenthos in coarse sediments. Coarse sediments are more permeable and likely allow photosynthetically active cells to reside deeper in the sediment through a combination of increased light penetration and larger interstitial spaces. As biofilm sampling methods focused on the top 2 mm at sediment, it is possible that deeper 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 43 microphytobenthos were not adequately sampled. Despite microphytobenthos occurring at deeper depth, overall Chlorophyll a is still known to be lower throughout the vertical sediment profile compared to finer sediments (Huettel and Rusch 2000). 5.1.3 Benthi c Infauna Inconsistent relationships between individual biofilm indicators and the infauna community were observed. Biofilm Chlorophyll a and TOC levels were found to have a positive relationship with Polychaeta Density; however, no relationships were observed between Polychaeta and Total Carbohydrate or Fucoxanthin. While Polychaeta were found to have a positive relationship with some indicators of biofilm, other infauna indicators had a negative relationship, including Total Macrofauna Density, which negatively impacted both Chlorophyll a and Total Carbohydrate levels, and Total Invertebrate Density, which decreased biofilm TOC levels. Total Macrofauna Biomass was negatively related with Fucoxanthin density. The positive relationship between Polychaeta and biofilm biomass, namely Chlorophyll a, was expected based upon previous studies conducted at Roberts Bank. Levings and Coustalin (1975) reported that the polychaete Manayunkia aestuarina was the most abundant organism in fine substrates in the upper intertidal elevations (2.5 to 3.0 m) at Roberts Bank and Sturgeon Bank. Based on field observations, this habitat description is consistent with occurrences of biofilm at Roberts Bank (WorleyParsons 2015a). Furthermore, Sutherland et al. (2013) found biofilm indicators, including sediment Chlorophyll a, to be positively related to densities of the polychaete Polydora. The relationship between biofilm and Polychaeta could be linked to foraging opportunity. Using stable isotope analysis, Galvan et al. (2008) found microphytobenthos and phytoplankton to be the dominant food source of three polychaete species, including M. aestuarina, which was identified as the dominant infauna at Roberts Bank by Levings and Coustalin (1975). Polychaetes possess a range of feeding strategies including deposit and suspension feeding. The highest density biofilm areas are generally in the upper intertidal areas of Roberts Bank, mostly in the calm areas behind the ridge and runnel zone where the biomat occurs (WorleyParsons 2015a). Due to the calm nature and reduced water flow in these areas, a higher settlement rate of water column phytoplankton would be expected. If polychaetes are following a suspension feeding strategy, these areas could accommodate higher densities of organisms without decreasing the biomass of the actual biofilm. With the higher settlement rate of phytoplankton, a more optimal growth environment for polychaetes can be expected, leading to decreased sediment processing rates (Taghon and Greene 1990) and a higher carrying capacity of polychaetes as more prey is available. Several top-down controls of biofilm biomass have been noted with different invertebrate taxa. Lower microphytobenthos abundance was observed with increasing densities of the gastropod Amphibola crenata (McClatchie et al. 1982) and Nassarius obsoletus (Pace et al. 1979). Similar observations have occurred with diverse assemblages of grazers (Herman et al. 2000, Hillebrand et al. 2000). Page 44 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 5.2 Microphytobenthos Community A significant difference in microphytobenthos community was observed between spring and summer, which was confirmed throughout a larger sampling program at Roberts Bank by WorleyParsons (2015b). This is in contrast to the biofilm biomass indicators which were not significantly different between spring and summer (Section 4.1.1 and WorleyParsons 2014b). In a wider assessment of spatial and temporal variability of the microphytobenthos community at Roberts Bank, sites in close proximity to Canoe Passage were shown to have a higher proportion of the freshwater genus Achnanthidium (WorleyParsons 2014b). The dominance of this freshwater diatom decreased during periods of reduced freshwater discharge and with distance from Canoe Passage (WorleyParsons 2015b); this indicates an influence of freshwater over the microphytobenthos community at Roberts Bank. Additionally, during this wider survey, spatial differences in the mircophytobenthos community were observed across Roberts Bank, mainly related to distance from freshwater input (WorleyParsons 2014b). As a result of the seasonal difference in the microphytobenthos community, assessments had to be conducted within each season. This effectively reduced the total sample size from 23 samples to 14 in the spring and 9 in the summer. With this reduction in sample size, and the known variability of microphytobenthos community across Roberts Bank (WorleyParsons 2014b), no significant relationships were observed with environmental variables in either spring or summer. Although no relationship was shown between the microphytobenthos community and the environmental variables, previous relationships have been reported in published literature related to salinity, nutrients, and sediment grain size. In the Baltic Sea, Ulanova et al. (2009) assessed the relationship between microphytobenthos communities and environmental variables from 135 different intertdal and subtidal sites along the entire 1,610 km waterbody. This study assessed microphytobenthos associated predominantly on rocky shores, and is therefore not ecologically similar to the microphytobenthos found at Roberts Bank. Using correspondence analysis, 58 taxa of common diatoms showed relationships with salinity (Ulanova et al. 2009) including a species of Achnanthidium exhibiting optimal salinities around 2 PSU. In this study, exposure to wave action and nutrients were determined to be secondary influences of assemblage composition (Ulanova et al. 2009), supporting the evidence found in the present study. Ulanova et al. (2009) also reported a shift between freshwater-influenced diatoms and marine-influenced diatoms to occur between 5 and 6 PSU. Previous assessments of biological communities along salinity gradients have led to the Critical Salinity Theorem (Telesh and Khlebovich 2010) which predicts a transition between freshwater and marine influenced communities will occur between 0.5 and 10 PSU, which minimum species diversity values occurring between 5 and 8 PSU. 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Page 45 This critical salinity theorem was also confirmed in microphytobenthos communities within the Schelde estuary in Belgium (Muylaert et al. 2002). In the community analysis, using a multivariate Redundancy Analysis, salinity and sediment grain size accounted for 53.4% and 21.1% in the variation of species abundance data, respectively (Muylaert et al. 2002); no nutrient data were collected in this study. However, a study of the phytoplankton community in the same system by Muylaert and Sabbe (1999) found salinity, Suspended Particulate Matter, temperature, nitrate and silicates were sufficient for describing shifts in composition. Minimum values is species diversity parameters were also noted between 5 and 8 PSU, agreeing with the Critical Salinity Theorem (Muylaert and Sabbe 1999). Assessments in the Colne estuary, UK, have shown similar results. Thornton et al. (2002) reported the distribution of microphytobenthic assemblages to be related to salinity, temperature and dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Using a cluster analysis on 23 taxa which were present throughout the year with different assemblages being present based on specific environmental variables. The reviewed literature, combined with the observations of spatial and temporal variation in the microphytobenthos community at Roberts Bank (WorleyParsons 2015b) indicate an influence of environmental variables. However, in this study, no effect was observed. This is expected to be due to the noted variability in the community combined with the low sample size of taxonomic data. Given the observed differences in biomass indicators, and the noted influence community composition can have on biomass levels (Underwood and Smith 1998, Thornton et al. 2002), an effect would be predicted. Additional sampling both spatially and within individual seasons would be required to adequate assess such relationships at Roberts Bank. Page 46 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 6. CONCLUSIONS Biofilm exists on the estuarine mudflat at Roberts Bank. This habitat is exposed to a dynamic environment influenced by several physical processes including tidal cycle, freshwater inputs, sediment deposition, and nutrient availability. As biofilm is known to fluctuate over small spatial scales, changes in physical processes and environmental variables are expected to influence biofilm biomass and microphytobenthos community composition. The present study utilised a multivariate database compiled through co-located sampling by three different studies: Biofilm, Benthic Infauna, and Sediment Chemistry and Quality. All study sites occurred within known areas of existing biofilm at Roberts Bank and did not address regional scale differences in biofilm biomass and microphytobenthos composition. The analysis was conducted on all available data within a larger, multi-study database; therefore, sampling distribution and analytical methodologies were not specifically focused on assessing biofilm influences. Therefore, several assumptions are made regarding the representation of other study data to the representation of conditions experienced by biofilm. The analyses conducted indicate several variables which are correlated to biofilm biomass at Roberts Bank, and are all confirmed by previously published literature. These conclusions include: 1. Biofilm biomass levels are correlated to freshwater input as shown by a positive and significant relationship with Porewater Chloride content (salinity). Porewater chloride was significantly correlated to distance from Canoe Passage and Total Leachable Ammonia. Aside from Ammonia, no nitrogen data (nitrate and nitrite) were available for analysis due to measured values being below laboratory Detection Limits (DL). Previous research in the Fraser River estuary have established a negative relationship between nutrient availability and freshwater influence; 2. Biofilm biomass levels are correlated to sediment grain size as shown by a negative and significant relationship with % Sand. % Sand was negatively correlated to % Silt, % Clay, and sediment Total Organic Carbon (TOC), indicating an inverse relationship with biofilm biomass; 3. A positive relationship between Polychaete Density and biofilm biomass measures (e.g., Chlorophyll a and Total Organic Carbon) were observed, while negative relationships were observed with measures of the infauna community including Macrofauna density and biomass. The positive relationship with Polychaetes is likely due to similarities in habitat preferences and Polychaete foraging strategies rather than a cause and effect relationship; and 4. No significant effects of environmental variables on microphytobenthos taxonomy were determined due to a small sample size. However, previous literature supports a predicted effect of salinity, sediment grain size, and nutrients. 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Page 54 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Yin, K. D., R. H. Goldblatt, P. J. Harrison, M. St. John, P. J. Clifford, and R. J. Beamish. 1997. Importance of wind and river discharge in influencing nutrient dynamics and phytoplankton production in summer in the central Strait of Georgia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 161:173–183. Yin, K., P. J. Harrison, S. Pond, and R. J. Beamish. 1995a. Entrainment of nitrate in the Fraser River Estuary and its biological implications I. Effects of the salt wedge. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 40:505 – 528. Yin, K., P. J. Harrison, S. Pond, and R. J. Beamish. 1995b. Entrainment of nitrate in the Fraser River Estuary and its biological implications. II. Effects of Spring vs. Neap tides and river discharge. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 40:529 – 544. Yin, K. 1994. 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Make the distribution of data more symmetrical (normality); 2. Reduce the relationship between the mean and variance of data (improve homogeneity of variances); 3. Reduce the influence of outliers; 4. Improve linearity in regression analysis; and 5. Make multiplicative interaction effects additive (e.g., reduce the size of interaction effects). For linear models, such as multiple regression, normal distributions of datasets and linearity of data are key assumptions. Therefore, if diagnostics of datasets indicate a violation of these assumptions, transformations were performed. Several different transformations are applicable to biological and environmental data based on the observed distribution of data. Examples include: Square root (√); Logarithmic (Log10, Loge or Log10 +1, Loge +1 ); Power (nx); Logarithm of odds (Logit); Angular transformation (arcsin); Inverse (1/x); and Reflection (Box-cox). Some transformations can only be applied to specific data types. For instance, Logit and Arcsin transformations are only applicable to finite data ranges (i.e., proportions and percentages) while Square Root and Power transformations are best suited to whole numbers (i.e., abundance counts). Therefore, specific considerations to the data type are required prior to performing transformation. These are outlined in many statistical manuals including Quinn and Keough (2002) and Sokal and Rohlf (1995). Details of transformations used and results of the normality tests from this study are provided in Table 4.1-1. 22 December 2014 Page 1 2. PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical method of identifying patterns in data while highlighting similarities and differences among variables in a larger dataset. PCA uses orthogonal transformation to convert all measured, and possibly correlated, data into a number of different newly created linear variables called Principal Components (PC); the number of PCs generated can be user defined, but generally should equal the number of variables in the original dataset. The new PCs are a summary of a wider dataset where the influence of each variable from the original dataset is considered. Each new PC represents an orientation of the data. Each PC is assigned an eigenvalue that represents the amount of variability from the original dataset captured by the PC. As a general rule, only PCs with eigenvalues above 1.0 are considered useful for interpretation; PCs with larger eigenvalues indicate it represents a greater amount of variation from the original dataset. Within each new PC, loading values are determined for each of the measured variables contained within the original database. These loading values range between -1.0 and 1.0 and reflect the correlation of each variable to the given PC. For instance, variables with loading values above 0.5 will have a strong and positive association with the given PC. The loading values show what variables are related to each other and what combination of variables is driving the greatest variability in the data. These results are not associated with statistical significance, but instead are a tool used to indicate trends in multivariate data as well as what environmental variables are important to the designated dependent variable. The PCA will also calculate PC component scores which are associated for each variable from the original dataset. The component scores can be treated as new data and tested for relationship to the dependent variables using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Significant correlations of dependent variables to the component scores can be interpreted as an influence of the heavily weighted variables (based on loading values) within the PC. These findings provide an inference of the key environmental variables over the tested biofilm biomass variables. 3. MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION Multiple Regression is a common statistical analysis used in ecology to determine significant effects on biological communities. Multiple regression seeks to find an equation that best predicts a dependent variable (i.e., biofilm biomass indicators) based on several independent variables (i.e., measured environmental variables). This is achieved in an additive form where the effects of each independent variable are summed. When dealing with large databases, two issues can occur: Co-linearity and Variable Selection. Co-linearity Page 2 With large databases, it is likely that some variables will be correlated. For instance, on intertidal mudflats, elevation decreases with distance away from shore. In this scenario, elevation and distance from shore are anticipated to be highly correlated. If both variables were to be included in a multiple regression model, their correlation would make interpretation difficult. 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App1.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Variable Selection The goal of multiple regression is to find an equation which captures the greatest amount of variation while considering the fewest number of variables. Inclusion of unnecessary (and co-linear) variables reduces the prediction power of the equation and could lead to differences in significance of other variables. Data Treatment In order to address the issues of Co-linearity and Variable Selection, two diagnostics were used to eliminate potential error due to model variables. 1. Correlation Analysis All available variables were assessed for correlation by pairwise comparisons. Every variable was tested against each other. Any variables which had a strong correlation (r > 0.80) were grouped together into one selected variable (i.e., instead of including both elevation and distance from shore in the model, only elevation was included with the caveat that it represented effects of distance from shore). 2. Variable Selection The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) was calculated for each iteration of the model. The AIC is a measure of model fit for a given model and provides a means for selecting the model with the least amount of information lost. The AIC is calculated as: 2 2 # For datasets where the number of observations are not equal or greater to the value of the number of variables squared, a corrected AIC (AICc) is recommended (Burnham and Anderson 2002). The AICc includes a factor which acts to reduce the possibility of overfitting the model (i.e., including too many variables). This factor adjusts the AIC value for bias due to number of variables and total sample size. 2 1 1 Where: k = number of model variables; and n = number of observations. 22 December 2014 Page 3 Regression Analysis After removal of co-linear variables, a backwards stepwise multiple linear regression was run on the entire dataset. This approach runs a multiple regression beginning with all possible variables. Subsequent models are run, systematically removing individual variables. The AICc and r2 values are compared at each step to determine if a variable can be removed without losing fit of the model. This process is repeated until a model is found with a maximum r2 value and minimum AICc. The selected model indicates the best fit and the variables are tested for significance. 4. NON-PARAMETRIC COMMUNITY ANALYSIS 4.1 Non-Parametric Multidimensional Scaling Analysis All community statistics were conducted in Primer-E (Plymouth, UK). Taxonomic density data were log+1 transformed to increase normality. The Bray Curtis coefficients (Bray and Curtis 1957) were calculated for all pairwise combinations, creating a resemblance matrix of all samples. This resemblance matrix was then plotted using a non-Parametric Multidimensional Scaling Analysis (nMDS). The nMDS is a dimensionless ordination plot where axes are unit-less and the distance between points is relative to their similarity. Communities plotted close to each other are considered to be similar while communities plotted farther away are considered to be dissimilar. 4.1.1 Analysis of Similarity To test for possible influences of season, community similarities were assessed using an Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) test. The ANOSIM test uses the Bray Curtis coefficients to rank the order of dissimilarity among defined groups. An R statistic is calculated based on the difference of the mean rank similarity between and within groups as a factor of the total number of samples. The R statistic is a scaled ratio between -1 and 1 with values close to zero (0) indicating high similarity. A positive value means most similar samples are within group; negative values means most similar samples are outside of group. To test for the significance of the R statistic, random permutations are run with samples being randomly assigned to groups. The R statistic from the random permutations is then compared against the observed R statistics to determine if it is significantly different compared to random groupings. If the R value is significant, it concludes that the similarity of samples are significant (to the degree of the R value) compared to patterns expected by random chance. 4.1.2 Biota-Environment and Stepwise Analysis The Biota-Environment and Stepwise Analysis (BEST) analysis finds the best match between community composition and associated environmental variables. It searches for high rank correlations between the community assemblage similarity matrix and environmental data in a stepwise search. The results are an optimal set of variables which possess the highest correlation with patterns in community similarities (Clarke and Ainsworth 1993). The BEST analysis produces a rank correlation (ρ) value and associated pvalue based on random permutations of the data. Page 4 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App1.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 5. REFERENCES Bray, J. R., and J. T. Curtis. 1957. An ordination of the upland forest communities of southern Wisconsin. Ecological Monograph 27:325–349. Burnham, K. P., and D. R. Anderson. 2002. Model selection and multi-model inference: a practical information-theoretic approach. 2nd edition. Springer-Verlag, New York. Clarke, K. R., and M. Ainsworth. 1993. A method of linking multivariate community structure to environmental variables. Marine Ecology Progress Series 92:205–219. Quinn, G. P., and M. J. Keough. 2002. Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists. Cambridge University Press. Sokal, R. R., and F. J. Rohlf. 1995. Biometry: The Principles and Practices of Statistics in Biological Research. W.H. Freeman. 22 December 2014 Page 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Appendix 2 Co-located Database Used for Biofilm Physical Factors Analysis 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Appendices THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Taxonomy Database Row Labels Achnanthes spp. Achnanthidium spp. Akashiwo sp. Amphidinium spp. Amphora spp. Biddulphia sp. Caloneis sp. Chaetoceros spp. Closteriopsis sp. Cocconeis spp. Coscinodiscus spp. Cyclotella spp. Cylindrotheca spp. Cymbella sp. Delphineis/Rhaphoneis Diatoma sp. Diploneis spp. Entomoneis sp. Epithemia sp. Eunotia sp. Eunotogramma sp. Eutreptiella sp. Fragilaria spp. Gomphonema sp. Gyrosigma/Pleurosigma Heterocapsa sp. Heterosigma spp. Lyrella sp. Melosira sp. Merismopedia sp. Navicula spp. Nitzschia spp. Odontella spp. Paralia sp. Phaeocystis sp. Pinnularia sp. Prorocentrum spp. Pseudo‐nitzschia spp. Rhoicosphenia sp. Rhopalodia sp. Skeletonema sp. Striatella sp. Surirella spp. Synedra spp. Thalassiosira spp. Torodinium spp. Ulothrix sp. Unknown alga spp. Unknown centrales spp. Unknown Cryptomonadaceae Unknown Dinoflagellate sp. Unknown pennales sp. Urosolenia sp. RB2001 RB2001F 2.71E+09 1.56E+09 RB2003 1.9E+09 4.37E+08 RB2003F RB2007 RB2007F RB2009 1.92E+08 2.88E+09 1.6E+09 1.24E+09 1.44E+09 2.56E+08 3.92E+08 RB2009F RB2011 RB2011F RB2013 RB2013F RB2016 RB2016F RB2019 RB2019F RB2020 RB2020F RB2022 RB2022F RB2024 RB2024F RB2025 RB2025F RB2026 RB2026F RB2030 RB2030F RB2031 RB2031F RB2037 RB2037F RB2038 RB2038F RB2040 RB2040F RB2041 RB2041F RB2043 RB2043F RB2045 RB2045F RB2047 RB2047F 2.12E+08 6.07E+09 7.01E+08 5.66E+08 5.33E+09 4.17E+09 2.26E+09 1.69E+09 6.89E+09 2.63E+08 1.78E+09 8.63E+08 8.82E+08 2.99E+08 5.82E+09 4.22E+08 3.2E+09 1.56E+08 9.39E+08 1.12E+08 9.8E+08 3.14E+08 5.41E+08 1.44E+08 3.84E+09 8.48E+08 8.04E+08 2.27E+08 5.33E+09 2.09E+08 5.72E+09 2.16E+08 1.33E+09 6.37E+08 1.9E+09 9.04E+08 3.77E+09 6.17E+09 14580469 9383470 1.04E+09 59016185 2.12E+09 1.9E+08 34406058 6.77E+08 1.13E+08 1.35E+08 4.89E+08 3.65E+08 3.04E+09 99016619 1.77E+08 1.24E+08 1.39E+08 84511000 46856137 2.4E+08 14380494 25965219 1.28E+08 88676538 77140855 1.32E+08 27570342 1.61E+08 2.96E+08 3.97E+08 58321877 1.36E+09 63891944 25272813 16923759 6224831 2.35E+08 48601564 6.39E+08 48601564 3.4E+08 2.56E+08 5.11E+08 1.96E+08 65360724 19723602 4.37E+08 13149068 1.92E+09 76553748 1.94E+08 42529860 1.28E+08 6574534 6574534 63891944 3.94E+08 2.53E+09 42529860 3.19E+09 1.64E+08 8.28E+08 8.94E+09 4.59E+08 1.04E+10 5.06E+08 8.88E+08 90260047 6943081 4.24E+08 70726157 50545627 3127823 6255647 16923759 10256111 17231464 3.55E+08 22836879 16923759 25847195 57092199 10608923 3536308 10608923 70726157 5724341 18674493 10656245 48292000 14417273 63891944 1.58E+08 8655073 81603932 30456980 33060366 59233156 12449662 12073000 63891944 44338269 22040244 96584000 1.44E+08 44338269 44080488 26468149 2297528 59233156 2.61E+08 9.19E+08 1.39E+08 60310123 18674493 36219000 25230227 31945972 4327537 69946227 38795985 2.76E+08 6892585 59233156 61734112 1.61E+08 1.55E+08 6.59E+08 1.58E+08 6.16E+08 3.59E+08 3.11E+08 3.7E+08 17173024 1.17E+08 46856137 14380494 1.52E+08 30456980 52936298 3.68E+08 1.65E+08 7.84E+08 2.52E+09 1.41E+09 6.07E+08 1.75E+08 4.91E+08 5743821 28290463 1.62E+08 1.57E+08 1.76E+08 86550730 99761105 3.64E+08 45950570 2.52E+08 9467180 1.14E+08 1.23E+08 31968735 1.4E+08 68912497 1.48E+08 2.83E+08 31278234 2.03E+08 22836879 2.87E+08 10608923 17173024 18674493 10656245 12073000 3604318 63891944 16626851 44080488 2297528 34456248 29616578 14380494 26468149 5724341 26468149 33059955 8655073 14808289 50545627 1.11E+08 75737437 31591017 71792779 11448682 31968735 32438864 69946227 11485416 16529977 3.27E+08 12346822 3.11E+09 20829242 2.12E+08 25272813 50771277 8615732 3536308 3604318 15972986 14380494 30456980 49589932 3127823 1.48E+08 70726157 21637683 1.48E+08 2.35E+08 2.96E+08 8655073 13785171 2.68E+09 3.27E+09 6.05E+08 1.24E+10 2.84E+08 1.32E+08 6.2E+08 4.67E+09 2.78E+09 8.85E+08 3.79E+08 3.32E+08 1.09E+09 1.52E+09 4.92E+08 2.9E+08 2.4E+09 1.58E+09 1.89E+09 6.58E+08 2.92E+08 1.1E+09 1.14E+09 1.91E+09 1.44E+08 2.59E+09 2.88E+08 2.6E+08 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47085658 1.6E+08 5.7E+08 41068322 4.52E+08 88837768 74041445 72902346 79404447 11657705 53281225 91370940 57427081 49589932 11084567 6574534 19723602 37040467 22799408 2.56E+08 1.41E+08 6.74E+08 3536308 3127823 6255647 3127823 31243863 1.92E+08 65360724 7.4E+08 24300782 2.12E+09 70726157 7208636 31945972 37909220 11020122 4327537 9383470 48601564 5724341 12636407 80397913 99179864 11485416 29616578 21678763 1.08E+08 1.6E+08 87482815 6224831 1.48E+08 22836879 33847518 31124154 96584000 47918958 1.12E+08 4327537 4327537 3.67E+08 8655073 4327537 2871911 67695036 4.22E+08 10608923 7072616 31124154 1.81E+08 44424867 27711418 5542284 33253702 44080488 22040244 33060366 1.32E+08 9190114 9190114 1.18E+08 14808289 43741408 1.6E+08 80089901 1.02E+08 6.41E+08 1 of 1 Transformed Database Site ID RB2001 RB2001F RB2002 RB2003 RB2004 RB2004F RB2005 RB2006 RB2006F RB2007 RB2007F RB2008 RB2009 RB2010 RB2011 RB2011F RB2012 RB2013 RB2013F RB2014 RB2015 RB2015F RB2016 RB2017 RB2018 RB2018F RB2019 RB2020 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Pass (m) (m)]^1/2 ^1/2 +1] +1) /4 (g/m2) +1] +1] (g/m2)] Clay) Silt) Spring 9.507213 3609.75 1143.518 31.8767 35.07837 9.791378 3.829728 3.421327 401.2559 166.001 9.120085 245.718 13.59158 10.70765 13.63771 3.342706 13.54734 3.485213 ‐1.85864 0.021872 Fall 9.362599 3536.25 1141.593 31.8921 98.77812 10.33846 4.116106 3.709172 347.4978 207.3818 14.78612 356.4324 14.20022 19.83614 11.91073 4.603848 14.18642 4.221336 ‐1.798 0.350769 Spring 9.479606 3609.75 1532.857 31.41138 31.2699 9.818281 3.288402 3.110399 492.7142 0 14.68786 326.9835 13.23861 11.1933 13.99533 3.448091 13.16786 3.485213 ‐2.15322 0.068632 Spring 11.42495 4950.5 1574.256 26.37229 31.08457 9.673204 3.300271 3.124565 1117.893 205.02 14.53668 786.2818 15.00542 19.03547 18.08269 3.916917 14.97235 6.428138 ‐1.98311 0.401011 Spring 12.47356 5684.75 1860.687 20.03445 30.65109 10.02588 3.590163 3.38676 568.0154 221.5302 17.69831 647.6858 14.61081 13.46675 16.90973 2.973154 14.5732 5.571549 ‐1.67412 0.944775 Fall 12.8979 5989.5 1864.663 19.91021 146.9326 10.35972 4.613436 4.073121 827.2102 313.1459 20.37457 607.6038 15.47655 20.86595 13.38269 4.122151 15.47044 6.728635 ‐1.46054 0.9459 Spring 12.50079 5728.75 2516.017 17.95416 50.50817 10.48011 4.27847 3.948741 1134.923 270.7148 27.96913 652.5229 15.55067 21.46628 18.41889 3.366861 15.53016 7.816906 ‐1.68046 0.709738 Spring 11.11715 4699.25 3528.569 11.40368 53.65607 10.61953 4.341855 3.862413 1098.885 259.2288 31.64265 794.6361 15.67033 24.96795 20.9279 3.97053 15.63986 8.25241 ‐1.61527 1.220783 Fall 11.0702 4699.25 3524.422 11.4536 200.0764 10.9699 5.510723 4.664194 723.3743 406.7121 24.11828 607.6038 16.18869 21.4902 12.5146 2.671324 16.1864 8.142883 ‐1.47653 1.243325 Spring 11.70265 5132 4210.4 11.03194 36.72277 10.33053 4.245491 3.844386 1042.493 239.2895 26.03044 427.807 15.29583 19.32645 14.73724 2.57074 15.28504 7.624783 ‐1.64534 0.715246 Fall 11.67241 5132 4209.282 11.08817 127.8901 10.64693 4.859502 4.416066 1629.909 241.0935 21.59831 734.5901 15.77543 27.57196 15.29433 3.149611 15.76769 9.387808 ‐1.3714 0.858974 Spring 11.23948 4794 4075.127 11.0026 99.10259 10.07272 4.424607 4.041647 694.9956 156.888 21.19713 396.5258 14.10319 11.64324 14.5876 3.108329 14.06864 4.604336 ‐1.94727 0.811836 Spring 11.62648 5088.75 2401.489 28.61909 97.00754 10.02372 3.79459 3.606856 723.3743 212.3035 20.03137 541.9508 14.63438 12.63948 15.25019 2.853719 14.61024 5.361978 ‐1.85424 0.366203 Spring 11.68001 5132 3945.601 12.57212 126.7124 10.55806 4.683704 4.422088 942.6979 204.8576 21.7527 550.5857 14.84063 14.35994 14.97694 2.357045 14.82241 6.276685 ‐2.70118 ‐0.83346 Spring 6.655523 2167 3666.272 21.83154 95.45965 10.04254 3.932022 4.010057 283.7308 200.0996 22.13944 217.1861 14.54661 13.17943 15.95365 3.234848 14.51493 5.133945 ‐2.7654 ‐0.84979 Fall 6.642151 2167 3665.725 21.84332 70.07419 9.308977 3.289893 3.044522 634.4413 248.0943 14.53668 359.0694 14.83588 14.34458 13.87918 2.793977 14.82241 6.038326 ‐2.96794 ‐0.95341 Spring 8.158065 2894 3849.937 18.4494 107.0004 10.20781 4.049173 3.853758 603.9701 257.8488 18.83251 387.7041 14.89827 17.96159 17.55476 4.013489 14.86558 5.765705 ‐2.49592 ‐0.36625 Spring 8.396108 3005 3875.364 19.19733 99.77725 10.19359 4.205737 4.037951 601.8838 151.9191 17.22593 400.4714 13.92614 16.73281 16.29128 4.152277 13.861 4.604336 ‐2.3665 ‐0.43953 Fall 8.363261 2975.5 3873.616 19.25332 102.3681 10.24235 4.493568 4.135966 1134.923 295.3879 22.38174 423.3737 15.6364 24.36339 15.59311 4.164077 15.62679 7.834105 ‐2.64431 ‐0.28179 Spring 7.946095 2785.75 3553.961 25.61278 111.7102 10.80218 4.804349 4.388878 777.0287 161.4513 10.45536 521.2467 14.36918 13.90776 14.88245 3.436014 14.34057 5.133945 ‐2.36763 ‐0.00093 Spring 9.330778 3499.75 3341.144 23.54734 130.963 10.3226 4.334673 4.130033 448.6177 212.3783 17.43733 428.5415 14.74951 21.16417 17.28713 4.354045 14.71378 6.276685 ‐2.08585 0.682681 Fall 9.257581 3468.75 3340.375 23.54433 115.1571 10.37643 4.406841 4.072269 750.681 248.0158 18.83251 426.3344 14.9116 14.14645 15.25019 3.212314 14.89336 5.575994 ‐2.22682 0.713693 Spring 6.717757 5989.5 2995.036 33.17361 92.75644 10.25033 4.099829 3.954124 634.4413 187.6061 14.88245 411.3179 14.52395 15.92997 15.55147 3.333775 14.49473 6.11663 ‐2.71433 ‐0.41903 Spring 8.783312 3182.75 3090.848 28.12992 134.2768 10.4797 4.287304 4.141705 347.4978 210.1061 15.79645 236.59 14.37638 16.69248 17.86609 4.208066 14.31648 4.28859 ‐2.16214 0.585045 Spring 9.88942 3841.5 2866.151 26.4717 107.4718 10.1926 3.696848 3.90278 492.0756 151.8384 17.25661 144.065 13.70665 9.535008 15.06969 2.842785 13.64743 3.922953 ‐2.427 0.22515 Fall 9.911571 3875.5 2864.765 26.47841 96.89338 10.17832 4.393214 3.993603 491.4361 181.085 12.67204 125.3925 13.95281 15.07411 15.6754 4.082641 13.89874 3.659247 ‐2.21498 0.563574 Spring 7.956307 2785.75 838.8423 36.8323 61.16336 9.066856 4.228147 3.555348 200.6279 95.66734 5.007843 61.42951 11.75724 0.876943 9.120085 0.727162 11.70152 0.743492 ‐4.22606 ‐2.99476 Spring 7.405843 2508.25 3451.456 27.08399 129.7694 10.17492 3.760269 4.057681 531.4037 184.4116 14.73724 103.4013 14.48736 14.69483 12.67204 2.230219 14.47411 6.428138 ‐2.61004 ‐0.06371 Spring 10.84738 4500.25 4446.685 8.31023 88.40721 9.597945 3.965753 3.872034 492.0756 230.0117 9.320646 66.35146 14.65659 9.931672 12.5146 2.003518 14.64596 4.883315 ‐3.72699 ‐2.04915 Fall 11.13562 4747.5 4442.108 8.025532 75.99481 9.115629 4.006969 3.718438 723.3743 308.2243 17.72661 250.7849 15.48084 15.97463 17.55476 2.9667 15.46272 6.463342 ‐3.67044 ‐1.78552 Spring 10.76594 4449 4747.348 16.34005 79.5358 9.419482 3.476305 3.448399 491.4361 331.4677 14.16432 360.8167 15.60916 18.61873 15.25019 3.633771 15.60012 6.70897 ‐3.26256 ‐1.73189 Fall 10.82195 4500.25 4744.957 16.25887 86.8687 9.354176 3.898938 3.761898 851.1923 368.54 14.73724 353.7757 15.93977 18.27412 18.41889 2.982753 15.92591 7.158278 ‐3.63208 ‐1.28715 Spring 7.322073 2483.5 5219.178 29.50681 78.9061 9.409704 4.031937 4.041647 1080.415 403.6265 21.23007 141.8654 16.36186 23.10306 14.21933 2.813035 16.35865 8.488529 ‐3.73825 ‐2.05234 Fall 7.326873 2483.5 5217.654 29.52368 72.27727 8.60298 3.572346 3.522234 723.3743 377.0742 5.007843 239.2336 15.90496 16.97016 16.29128 2.490657 15.89621 7.008165 ‐4.06076 ‐1.94555 Spring 13.49447 6386.5 5837.374 5.437857 118.8775 10.15641 4.175156 3.877017 636.9147 219.6446 6.590692 946.3601 14.73982 25.17241 25.56337 4.943841 14.55415 5.765705 ‐3.54925 ‐1.28515 Fall 13.34991 6284.75 5835.519 5.545056 132.3874 10.47646 5.228914 4.558079 919.3927 252.9798 5.955363 699.5057 15.18019 14.55299 19.01807 2.69709 15.1462 6.170812 ‐3.58651 ‐0.98305 Spring 6.75817 2214 6562.018 20.39392 96.26192 9.919046 4.154969 4.000034 602.4061 190.8241 20.2621 239.2336 14.31266 9.010559 13.57529 1.817622 14.29178 4.604336 ‐3.39697 ‐1.59524 Fall 6.925707 2525 6559.675 20.41225 77.33224 9.071533 3.834061 3.730501 634.4413 284.8648 21.45647 298.8447 15.24925 15.0738 14.83452 3.082717 15.23763 6.064333 ‐3.43256 ‐1.52649 Spring 4.496646 1200.75 704.5496 47.92447 67.03607 9.614158 3.491343 3.513335 283.7308 108.2119 5.007843 35.46634 12.41273 3.889992 8.14564 1.536394 12.39467 2.160845 ‐2.94854 ‐0.9341 Fall 4.502316 1200.75 704.0683 47.91633 86.61946 9.597359 3.377588 3.001217 694.9956 193.7377 17.10155 50.15699 14.16581 24.42549 10.16864 5.066449 14.15825 3.909692 ‐2.42395 ‐0.49994 Spring 3.421181 706.75 795.4866 45.57967 80.44209 10.03727 3.913222 4.028561 569.1216 118.4086 5.955363 246.9945 13.58606 10.35634 13.18138 2.892813 13.54734 4.28859 ‐2.32017 ‐0.20654 Fall 3.34882 674.25 795.3507 45.56729 88.5017 9.838082 3.118392 3.106826 694.9956 165.8033 14.32747 214.2707 14.28 26.09137 12.09262 5.163491 14.26647 4.480484 ‐2.18696 0.456552 Spring 3.506137 749 1310.197 51.56912 68.5714 9.689283 2.882564 3.151453 0 118.2663 17.25661 61.42951 12.83929 6.086013 10.96687 2.115725 12.80013 2.932422 ‐3.88501 ‐2.73333 Fall 3.498301 749 1310.7 51.5769 64.27716 8.998879 3.067122 2.837908 491.4361 204.817 14.21933 66.35146 14.16182 7.477173 8.422155 1.924117 14.15825 3.873556 ‐3.87117 ‐2.10107 Spring 6.518147 2096.25 489.3733 43.31081 61.49627 9.066467 3.020913 2.889816 0 169.8463 5.007843 0 13.55063 5.36983 7.08216 0.40753 13.54734 3.485213 ‐4.29446 ‐3.06557 Fall 6.524317 2096.25 489.9407 43.32159 89.65315 9.277619 2.778819 2.972464 283.7308 169.8463 0 25.07849 13.74111 6.090958 7.08216 1.060149 13.7384 3.648069 ‐4.41998 ‐3.41099 Spring 4.597288 1245.25 959.566 49.67818 66.91373 9.494656 3.102342 2.95803 283.7308 214.7055 5.007843 202.1893 14.03991 5.521888 7.837698 0.727162 14.03689 3.485213 ‐4.09528 ‐2.90095 Fall 4.61179 1264.75 959.3572 49.68517 71.271 9.142614 2.827905 2.797891 530.8116 199.4971 14.21933 212.7981 14.10461 11.51093 9.120085 3.41556 14.09941 3.832574 ‐4.04242 ‐2.71795 Spring 6.530322 2119.25 525.0677 41.57767 71.22352 9.792504 4.000217 3.623274 200.6279 165.8033 0 253.2804 13.47488 11.35439 12.82383 3.481529 13.43612 3.485213 ‐2.66057 ‐0.61685 Fall 6.495966 2096.25 523.8869 41.58676 77.16647 9.766212 3.336837 3.158276 401.2559 118.2663 5.007843 313.2303 13.46956 11.56338 12.35097 3.448091 13.43612 3.764656 ‐2.40038 ‐0.3049 Ln[Adjust ed LOGITe[% LOGITe[% Ammonia Sand) TOC) (mg/kg)] ‐0.58191 ‐4.88532 1.194145 ‐0.98904 ‐4.91255 2.033488 ‐0.49457 ‐4.89885 1.576976 ‐0.94405 ‐4.8458 0.899604 ‐1.97306 ‐4.71276 1.14636 ‐2.29785 ‐4.71276 1.866526 ‐1.56715 ‐4.6684 1.833698 ‐2.71764 ‐4.29901 2.192185 ‐3.23401 ‐4.29147 2.754188 ‐1.60919 ‐4.26919 1.98054 ‐2.25219 ‐4.15787 1.849993 ‐1.49851 ‐4.70149 1.064007 ‐0.974 ‐5.06089 1.1971 0.550198 ‐5.19749 1.877239 0.581015 ‐5.2933 3.010052 0.694549 ‐5.37709 1.893144 0.057653 ‐4.98401 2.514264 0.089598 ‐5.06089 1.90406 0.013232 ‐4.96931 1.803091 ‐0.34515 ‐5.2933 2.196385 ‐1.23571 ‐4.89885 1.908073 ‐1.20124 ‐4.95482 1.763024 0.164839 ‐5.49266 1.879728 ‐1.07438 ‐4.89885 2.0035 ‐0.56318 ‐5.21594 1.713751 ‐1.0237 ‐5.16157 1.842651 2.715539 ‐6.21261 2.380547 ‐0.21107 ‐5.23473 1.769989 1.835047 ‐5.80614 2.858782 1.596615 ‐5.56895 3.011157 1.468148 ‐6.07254 2.499649 1.141121 ‐5.80614 2.539981 1.816082 ‐5.94964 2.667228 1.798918 ‐5.98896 2.703757 1.11834 ‐5.56895 3.374831 0.850939 ‐5.71053 3.105189 1.379819 ‐5.68057 2.959484 1.266689 ‐5.87533 1.997539 0.68762 ‐5.71053 1.436262 0.164597 ‐5.12689 1.064617 ‐0.15235 ‐5.06089 1.319892 ‐0.9106 ‐5.10998 1.185995 2.426568 ‐6.50079 1.454087 1.906259 ‐6.21261 1.591738 2.787376 ‐6.72423 1.269931 3.082257 ‐6.81134 1.459734 2.610196 ‐6.64409 1.064007 2.453612 ‐6.72423 1.076012 0.339881 ‐5.39917 1.169487 ‐0.03002 ‐5.31361 0.525424 Adjusted Bromide (mg/kg) 14.91443 17.53247 22.85012 19.62175 20.07722 14.65798 35.94041 28.39314 31.69705 38.04971 31.72805 36.32653 23.9726 33.85827 41.98718 29.89418 35.49223 31.19777 29.48718 35.01259 31.93833 31.42292 36.05016 33.78685 28.79581 27.71084 13.70656 27.80899 52.21843 46.63212 39.93399 43.30144 45.33333 50.89974 53.15985 41.54229 43.3657 29.10798 13.85159 12.46612 17.87709 12.02673 23.38129 13.45029 12.08333 9.919786 16.32653 10.86592 11.15254 13.48039 Adjusted Chloride (mg/kg) 4767.726 5800.866 6584.767 5460.993 6389.961 4967.427 9627.561 8330.733 9256.662 11242.83 9730.878 10510.2 7214.612 9238.845 11987.18 8994.709 9948.187 9080.78 8782.051 9924.433 9162.996 9268.775 9467.085 9546.485 8429.319 8168.675 4285.714 8005.618 13720.14 13652.85 11122.11 12870.81 12166.67 14858.61 14312.27 12139.3 11229.77 8967.136 4204.947 3983.74 5446.927 3875.278 6258.993 4152.047 3344.697 3262.032 4244.898 3547.486 3491.525 4387.255 Adjusted SO4 (mg/kg) 1002.445 1038.961 1400.491 1654.846 1447.876 879.4788 1824.953 1591.264 1486.676 2045.889 1572.238 1510.204 1301.37 1548.556 1794.872 1455.026 1554.404 1643.454 1410.256 1586.902 1519.824 1422.925 1598.746 1609.977 1623.037 1325.301 776.0618 1460.674 2662.116 2435.233 1815.182 2033.493 2000 2185.09 2936.803 2089.552 2038.835 1431.925 759.7173 644.9864 949.7207 668.1514 935.2518 625.731 488.6364 465.2406 648.9796 544.6927 701.6949 735.2941 Ln [Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Phosphat Potassium Sulfur e (mg/kg)] (mg/kg) (mg/kg) 2.282382 374 134 1.931521 344 150 2.312535 364 197 2.424803 422 377 2.186051 555 302 2.282382 415 276 2.701361 600 256 1.824549 721 288 2.653242 651 329 2.128232 629 262 1.824549 580 384 2.701361 442 277 2.261763 510 182 2.028148 446 296 2.714695 379 175 2.360854 353 149 2.517696 459 255 2.24071 495 174 1.902108 427 205 2.379546 477 179 2.74084 527 233 2.351375 445 280 2.04122 398 250 2.484907 444 229 2.302585 373 160 2.406945 381 209 2.397895 188 79.8 2.128232 459 167 2.873565 382 215 3.015535 375 225 2.76001 389 245 2.653242 387 252 2.624669 410 199 2.80336 387 250 3.306887 426 223 3.068053 335 212 2.701361 459 230 2.549445 381 217 2.066863 269 89.8 1.704748 247 83.6 2.292535 371 125 1.84055 272 104 2.351375 245 102 2.24071 205 73.9 2.128232 167 37.7 1.589235 146 54.5 2.282382 184 58.4 1.84055 167 73.7 2.151762 241 91.6 1.740466 226 100 1 of 1 HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Appendix 3 Detailed Biofilm Biomass Statistical Analyses 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Appendices THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS APPENDIX 3 DETAILED BIOFILM BIOMASS STATISTICAL ANALYSES 1. BIOFILM BIOMASS SEASONAL COMPARISON Number of Variables : 34 Number of Cases : 50 SYSTAT Rectangular file U:\YVR\307071\00790_HEMM_CCIP BIOFL\10_Eng\15_I_and_E\10_Env_Mgmt\Biofilm\Tier 4\Data\Physical Factors\Tier 4\Analysis\Final Analysis\Final Physical Factors Database.syz, Created data file Tue Mar 11 08:19:54 2014 containing variables: SITE_ID$ SEASON$ HS_CLASSIFICA LABEL$ TION$ ELEVATION_CHA ANNUAL_EXPOS DISTANCE_FRO DISTANCE_FRO RTUREM_CM_S_DATUM__M_ __HR__ ANOE_PASS__M HORE__M_ _ AREA$ BIOFILM_TOTAL_ CARBOHYDRATE_ MG_M2 BIOFILM_TOTAL_ ORGANIC_CARBO N_MG_M2 BIOFILM_PIGME NTS_CHLOROPHYL L_A_MG_M BIOFILM_PIGME TOTAL_HARPACT TOTAL_NEMATO TOTAL_OLIGOCH TOTAL_POLYCH TOTAL_INVERT_ AEAETNTICDA DETA S_FUCOXANTHI OIDA A NSITY N_MG_M2 TOTAL_INVERT_ MACROFAUNA_T MACROFAUNA_T BIOTAOTAOMASS L_BENTHIC_INDI L_BIOMASS_G_M V2 IDUAL GRAIN_SIZE_PE RCENT_SILT_0_063 MM_TO_ MEIOFAUNA_TOT MEIOFAUNA_TOT GRAIN_SIZE_PE RCALAL_BENTHIC_INDIVI _BIOMASS_G_M2 ENT_CLAY_LESS _TDUALS HAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PER TOC_TOTAL_OR ADJUSTED_AMM ADJUSTED_BRO ADJUSTED_CHL GANCONIMIDORIENT_SAND_2_0M IC_CARBON_PER A E DE CEM_NT TO_0_ ADJUSTED_SO4 ADJUSTED__PHO ADJUSTED_POTA ADJUSTED_S SPSSHATE IUM 22 December 2014 Page 1 2. BIOFILM BIOMASS SEASONAL COMPARISON Number of Variables : 34 Number of Cases : 50 SYSTAT Rectangular file U:\YVR\307071\00790_HEMM_CCIP BIOFL\10_Eng\15_I_and_E\10_Env_Mgmt\Biofilm\Tier 4\Data\Physical Factors\Tier 4\Analysis\Final Analysis\Final Physical Factors Database.syz, Created data file Tue Mar 11 08:19:54 2014 containing variables: SITE_ID$ SEASON$ ELEVATION_CHA ANNUAL_EXPOS DISTANCE_FRO DISTANCE_FRO RTUREM_CM_S_DATUM__M_ __HR__ ANOE_PASS__M HORE__M_ _ HS_CLASSIFICA LABEL$ AREA$ BIOFILM_TOTAL_ BIOFILM_TOTAL_ BIOFILM_PIGME ONTTICON$ ARBOHYDRATE_ RGANIC_CARBO S_CHLOROPHYL MG_N_ML_AM2 G_M2 _MG_M BIOFILM_PIGME TOTAL_HARPACT TOTAL_NEMATO TOTAL_OLIGOCH TOTAL_POLYCH TOTAL_INVERT_ AEAETNTICDA DETA S_FUCOXANTHI OIDA A NSITY N_MG_M2 TOTAL_INVERT_ MACROFAUNA_T MACROFAUNA_T MEIOFAUNA_TOT MEIOFAUNA_TOT GRAIN_SIZE_PE ALALBIOTAOTARCOMASS L_BENTHIC_INDI L_BIOMASS_G_M _BENTHIC_INDIVI _BIOMASS_G_M2 ENT_CLAY_LESS _TV2 HAN_4 IDUAL DUALS GRAIN_SIZE_PE GRAIN_SIZE_PER TOC_TOTAL_OR ADJUSTED_AMM ADJUSTED_BRO ADJUSTED_CHL RCCGANONIMIDORIENT_SILT_0_063 ENT_SAND_2_0M IC_CARBON_PER A E DE MM_CEM_TO_ TO_0_ NT ADJUSTED_SO4 ADJUSTED__PHO ADJUSTED_POTA ADJUSTED_S SPSSHATE IUM ▼Hypothesis Testing: Two-sample t-test H0: Mean1 = Mean2 vs. H1: Mean1 <> Mean2 Grouping Variable = SEASON$ Page 2 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Variable SEASON$ N BIOFILM_TOTAL_CARBOHYDRATE_MG_M2 Fall Spring BIOFILM_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_MG_M2 Fall Spring BIOFILM_PIGMENTS_FUCOXANTHIN_MG_M2 Fall Spring BIOFILM_PIGMENTS_CHLOROPHYLL_A_MG_MFall Spring Mean Standard Deviation 19.000 98.975 33.532 31.000 81.929 31.503 19.000 9.772 0.669 31.000 9.978 0.431 19.000 3.646 0.595 31.000 3.749 0.403 19.000 3.933 0.798 31.000 3.916 0.470 Separate Variance Variable SEASON Mean $ Difference BIOFILM_TOTAL_CARBOHYDRATE_MG_ Fall M2 Spring BIOFILM_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_MG Fall _M2 Spring BIOFILM_PIGMENTS_FUCOXANTHIN_MG Fall _M2 Spring BIOFILM_PIGMENTS_CHLOROPHYLL_A_ Fall MG_M Spring 17.045 95.00% Confidence t df pInterval Value Lower Limit Upper Limit -2.315 36.406 1.785 36.35 0.083 8 -0.206 -0.559 0.146 27.24 0.240 1.201 4 -0.103 -0.419 0.214 28.21 0.512 0.664 2 0.017 -0.397 0.432 0.086 25.77 0.932 1 Pooled Variance Variable SEASON Mean $ Difference BIOFILM_TOTAL_CARBOHYDRATE_MG_ Fall M2 Spring BIOFILM_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_MG Fall _M2 Spring BIOFILM_PIGMENTS_FUCOXANTHIN_MG Fall _M2 Spring BIOFILM_PIGMENTS_CHLOROPHYLL_A_ Fall MG_M Spring 22 December 2014 17.045 95.00% Confidence t df pInterval Value Lower Limit Upper Limit -1.864 35.955 1.812 48.00 0.076 0 -0.206 -0.519 0.106 48.00 0.190 1.330 0 -0.103 -0.386 0.181 48.00 0.471 0.727 0 0.017 -0.342 0.377 0.097 48.00 0.923 0 Page 3 Page 4 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 22 December 2014 Page 5 Page 6 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS ▼Nonparametric: Kruskal-Wallis Test Mann-Whitney U Test for 50 Cases The categorical values encountered during processing are Variables Levels SEASON$ (2 levels)Fall Spring Dependent Variable BIOFILM_TOTAL_CARBOHYDRATE_MG_M2 Grouping Variable SEASON$ 22 December 2014 Page 7 GroupCount Rank Sum Fall 19 552.000 Spring 31 723.000 Mann-Whitney U Test Statistic p-Value Chi-Square Approximation df : 362.000 : 0.177 : 1.820 : 1 Kruskal-Wallis Test Statistic: 1.820 The p-value is 0.177 assuming chi-square distribution with 1 df. Page 8 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 3. PRINCIPLE COMPONENTS ANALYSIS (PCA) OUTPUTS Matrix to be Factored ELEVATION_C ANNUAL_EXP DISTANCE_FR DISTANCE_FR TOTAL_HARP HARTOSUREOM_COM_SACTIC_DATUM__M_ __HR__ ANOE_PASS_ HORE__M_ OIDA _M_ ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__ 1.000 M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ 0.941 1.000 DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS 0.457 0.437 1.000 S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ -0.845 -0.790 -0.784 1.000 TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA 0.505 0.512 0.467 -0.569 1.000 TOTAL_NEMATODA 0.352 0.330 0.564 -0.480 0.488 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA 0.360 0.351 0.394 -0.490 0.574 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.716 0.740 0.358 -0.643 0.653 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 0.493 0.487 0.651 -0.641 0.733 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS 0.397 0.401 0.381 -0.481 0.712 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI 0.667 0.665 0.631 -0.742 0.507 C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMAS 0.225 0.227 0.110 -0.236 0.330 S_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_ 0.481 0.475 0.641 -0.629 0.731 INDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ 0.525 0.540 0.618 -0.670 0.820 G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_ 0.480 0.456 -0.113 -0.312 0.458 LESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0 0.468 0.446 -0.047 -0.338 0.427 _063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_ -0.492 -0.475 -0.024 0.400 -0.479 2_0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO 0.508 0.471 0.076 -0.466 0.585 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.368 0.345 0.758 -0.636 0.186 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.475 0.476 0.889 -0.752 0.378 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.503 0.492 0.900 -0.781 0.410 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.616 0.605 0.842 -0.818 0.439 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.408 0.364 0.636 -0.539 0.014 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.643 0.619 0.526 -0.734 0.639 ADJUSTED_S 0.737 0.746 0.593 -0.787 0.707 22 December 2014 Page 9 Matrix to be Factored (Contd.) TOTAL_NEMA TOTAL_OLIGO TOTAL_POLYC TOTAL_INVER TOTAL_INVE TODA CHAEHAETT_DERT_BITA A NSITY OMASS ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M _ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA 1.000 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA 0.368 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.295 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 0.890 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS 0.544 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI 0.338 C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMAS 0.111 S_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_I 0.893 NDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ 0.763 G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_L 0.047 ESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_ 0.017 063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2 -0.088 _0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO 0.127 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.505 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.510 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.541 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.448 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.363 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.387 ADJUSTED_S 0.484 Page 10 1.000 0.396 0.554 0.542 0.384 1.000 0.531 0.591 0.733 1.000 0.739 0.541 1.000 0.600 0.333 0.438 0.301 0.758 0.554 0.516 1.000 0.731 0.617 0.621 0.942 0.765 0.534 0.559 0.255 0.492 0.519 0.542 0.245 0.502 -0.558 -0.590 -0.314 -0.554 0.616 0.595 0.366 0.572 0.171 0.312 0.327 0.309 0.017 0.726 0.600 0.193 0.305 0.326 0.440 0.211 0.677 0.725 0.458 0.594 0.626 0.577 0.305 0.610 0.690 0.247 0.341 0.374 0.391 0.037 0.590 0.576 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Matrix to be Factored (Contd.) MACROFAUNA _TOTAL_BENTHIC_IN DIVIDUAL ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__ M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA TOTAL_POLYCHAETA TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI 1.000 C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMA 0.568 SS_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_ 0.520 INDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS 0.575 _G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_ 0.272 LESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0 0.381 _063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_ -0.421 2_0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO 0.374 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.481 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.669 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.689 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.772 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.526 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.669 ADJUSTED_S 0.692 22 December 2014 MACROFAUNA _TOTAL_BIOMASS_G _M2 MEIOFAUNA_ TOTAL_BENTHIC_IN DIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_ TOTAL_BIOMASS_G _M2 GRAIN_SIZE_ PERCENT_CLAY_L ESS_THAN_4 1.000 0.288 1.000 0.284 0.941 1.000 0.443 0.253 0.383 1.000 0.524 0.241 0.358 0.938 -0.547 -0.310 -0.429 -0.947 0.404 0.362 0.521 0.932 0.007 0.102 0.134 0.187 -0.008 0.340 0.323 0.448 0.582 0.614 0.562 0.291 0.602 0.682 0.393 0.564 0.593 0.570 0.201 0.730 0.752 -0.232 -0.134 -0.093 -0.017 -0.237 0.688 0.544 Page 11 Matrix to be Factored (Contd.) GRAIN_SIZE_ PERCENT_SILT_0_ 063MM_TO_ ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__ M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA TOTAL_POLYCHAETA TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMAS S_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_ INDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_ LESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0 1.000 _063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_ -0.985 2_0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO 0.886 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA -0.211 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE -0.060 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE -0.019 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.046 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE -0.166 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.702 ADJUSTED_S 0.562 Page 12 GRAIN_SIZE_ TOC_TOTAL_O ADJUSTED_A ADJUSTED_B PERCRGANMMONIROMIDENT_SAND_2_ IC_CARBON_P A E 0MM_ERCETO_0_ NT 1.000 -0.912 1.000 0.137 0.003 -0.040 -0.105 0.128 -0.750 -0.611 -0.062 0.051 0.094 0.154 -0.170 0.787 0.641 1.000 0.803 0.802 0.759 0.698 0.323 0.353 1.000 0.992 0.949 0.737 0.511 0.572 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Matrix to be Factored (Contd.) ADJUSTED_CH ADJUSTED_ ADJUSTED__P ADJUSTED_PO ADJUSTE LORISO4 HOSPTASSD_S DE HATE IUM ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PASS_ _M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA TOTAL_POLYCHAETA TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_I NDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_IN DIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_ M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_LE SS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_06 3MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_ 0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_ PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA ADJUSTED_BROMIDE ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 1.000 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.945 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.723 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.532 ADJUSTED_S 0.594 22 December 2014 1.000 0.731 0.580 0.642 1.000 0.223 0.336 1.000 0.812 1.000 Page 13 Latent Roots (Eigenvalues) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 12.93 5.18 2.07 1.18 0.97 0.59 0.37 0.35 0.29 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.10 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 1 9 2 3 0 3 5 1 3 2 1 0 4 1 7 5 3 6 2 8 7 1 5 Latent Roots (Eigenvalues) (Contd.) 24 25 0.003 0.000 Empirical Upper Bound for the First Eigenvalue : 15.762 Chi-Square Test that All Eigenvalues are Equal N Chi-Square df p-Value : 50.000 : 2,316.766 : 300.000 : 0.000 Chi-Square Test that the Last 21 Eigenvalues are Equal Chi-Square : 952.514 df : 236.201 p-Value : 0.000 Latent Vectors (Eigenvectors) 1 2 3 4 ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ 0.215 0.024 0.283 0.211 ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ 0.212 0.025 0.270 0.201 DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PASS__M_ 0.202 -0.247 -0.007 -0.016 DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ -0.247 0.084 -0.179 -0.113 TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA 0.212 0.087 -0.215 0.089 TOTAL_NEMATODA 0.176 -0.131 -0.387 0.131 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA 0.181 0.125 -0.146 0.082 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.210 0.119 0.126 -0.025 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 0.232 -0.057 -0.342 0.061 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS 0.207 0.112 -0.259 -0.376 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 0.226 -0.045 0.194 -0.336 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 0.122 0.165 -0.029 -0.719 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUALS 0.229 -0.055 -0.354 0.074 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 0.242 0.003 -0.289 0.113 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_LESS_THAN_4 0.137 0.359 0.086 0.089 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_063MM_TO_ 0.144 0.342 0.131 -0.033 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ -0.162 -0.328 -0.108 0.036 Page 14 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Latent Vectors (Eigenvectors) 1 TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_PERCENT 0.172 ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.148 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.198 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.207 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.215 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.121 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.241 ADJUSTED_S 0.249 2 3 0.305 0.057 -0.296 0.061 -0.274 0.080 -0.261 0.068 -0.227 0.166 -0.289 0.242 0.116 0.076 0.051 0.067 4 0.107 -0.049 -0.063 -0.065 -0.083 -0.080 0.102 0.141 Standard Error for Each Eigenvector Element 1 2 3 4 ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ 0.028 0.064 0.086 0.244 ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ 0.028 0.064 0.091 0.275 DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PASS__M_ 0.040 0.040 0.065 0.146 DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ 0.022 0.051 0.049 0.068 TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA 0.029 0.058 0.074 0.154 TOTAL_NEMATODA 0.038 0.071 0.071 0.169 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA 0.035 0.059 0.106 0.335 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.031 0.054 0.089 0.291 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 0.026 0.063 0.036 0.121 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS 0.032 0.062 0.102 0.105 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 0.026 0.058 0.095 0.116 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 0.043 0.067 0.183 0.074 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUALS 0.027 0.065 0.037 0.120 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 0.022 0.059 0.042 0.090 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_LESS_THAN_4 0.055 0.030 0.067 0.090 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_063MM_TO_ 0.053 0.036 0.067 0.125 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_0.051 0.035 0.065 0.126 TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_PERCENT 0.048 0.037 0.072 0.153 ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.049 0.042 0.078 0.144 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.043 0.038 0.063 0.151 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.041 0.039 0.061 0.144 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.037 0.045 0.053 0.087 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.051 0.053 0.078 0.125 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.025 0.048 0.070 0.211 ADJUSTED_S 0.019 0.048 0.058 0.066 22 December 2014 Page 15 Component Loadings 1 2 3 4 ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ 0.775 0.054 0.407 0.230 ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ 0.761 0.057 0.389 0.219 DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PASS__M_ 0.727 -0.563 -0.011 -0.017 DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ -0.887 0.191 -0.258 -0.123 TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA 0.763 0.199 -0.310 0.096 TOTAL_NEMATODA 0.632 -0.299 -0.557 0.143 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA 0.651 0.285 -0.210 0.089 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.757 0.272 0.181 -0.028 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 0.835 -0.130 -0.493 0.066 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS 0.745 0.256 -0.372 -0.409 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 0.813 -0.101 0.279 -0.366 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 0.438 0.376 -0.042 -0.782 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUALS 0.824 -0.126 -0.509 0.080 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 0.871 0.006 -0.415 0.123 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_LESS_THAN_4 0.494 0.819 0.124 0.096 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_063MM_TO_ 0.517 0.779 0.188 -0.036 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ -0.582 -0.746 -0.156 0.039 TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_PERCENT 0.619 0.695 0.082 0.116 ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.533 -0.673 0.088 -0.053 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.713 -0.624 0.115 -0.069 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.743 -0.594 0.098 -0.071 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.773 -0.516 0.238 -0.090 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.434 -0.659 0.348 -0.087 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.865 0.264 0.109 0.110 ADJUSTED_S 0.895 0.116 0.096 0.153 Variance Explained by Components 1 2 3 12.931 5.189 2.072 4 1.183 Percent of Total Variance Explained 1 2 3 51.724 20.754 8.287 4 4.730 Rotated Loading Matrix (VARIMAX, Gamma = 1.000000) 1 2 3 4 ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ 0.570 0.683 0.127 -0.119 ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ 0.554 0.668 0.132 -0.109 DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PASS__M_ 0.805 0.020 0.443 0.032 DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ -0.748 -0.499 -0.308 0.030 Page 16 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Rotated Loading Matrix (VARIMAX, Gamma = 1.000000) 1 2 3 4 TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA 0.167 0.487 0.670 0.118 TOTAL_NEMATODA 0.319 -0.018 0.846 -0.022 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA 0.086 0.517 0.520 0.111 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.336 0.687 0.238 0.194 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 0.357 0.225 0.878 0.114 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS 0.135 0.387 0.615 0.617 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 0.696 0.424 0.155 0.440 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 0.050 0.336 0.102 0.906 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUALS 0.340 0.218 0.888 0.101 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 0.314 0.381 0.835 0.085 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_LESS_THAN_4 -0.226 0.922 0.123 0.146 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_063MM_TO_ -0.145 0.904 0.062 0.261 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_0.099 -0.907 -0.126 -0.273 TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_PERCENT -0.088 0.897 0.238 0.129 ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.813 -0.141 0.259 -0.001 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.897 0.003 0.329 0.052 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.887 0.036 0.356 0.067 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.914 0.154 0.248 0.090 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.861 -0.100 -0.014 -0.014 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.362 0.748 0.381 0.088 ADJUSTED_S 0.470 0.666 0.427 0.024 "Variance" Explained by Rotated Components 1 2 3 4 7.208 6.263 5.267 1.722 Percent of Total Variance Explained 1 2 3 28.833 25.054 21.068 22 December 2014 4 6.889 Page 17 Differences: Original Minus Fitted Correlations or Covariances ELEVATION_C ANNUAL_EXP DISTANCE_FR DISTANCE_FR TOTAL_HARP HARTOSUREOM_COM_SACTIC_DATUM__M_ __HR__ ANOE_PASS_ HORE__M_ OIDA _M_ ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__ 0.179 M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ 0.140 0.217 DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS -0.068 -0.077 0.154 S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ -0.035 0.002 -0.036 0.095 TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA 0.006 0.019 0.022 0.002 0.272 TOTAL_NEMATODA 0.073 0.052 -0.067 0.011 -0.121 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA -0.094 -0.098 0.081 -0.011 -0.053 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.048 0.084 -0.038 0.020 0.080 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 0.039 0.036 -0.034 0.006 -0.038 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS 0.052 0.054 -0.028 -0.016 0.016 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI 0.013 0.023 -0.021 0.025 0.029 C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMAS 0.061 0.060 -0.010 -0.026 -0.017 S_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_ 0.038 0.035 -0.033 0.005 -0.039 INDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ -0.009 0.011 -0.015 0.009 0.013 G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_ -0.019 -0.036 -0.009 0.014 -0.053 LESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0 -0.043 -0.057 0.016 0.016 -0.061 _063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_ 0.054 0.063 -0.021 -0.009 0.062 2_0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO -0.070 -0.097 0.020 -0.014 -0.012 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA -0.033 -0.046 -0.009 -0.018 -0.054 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE -0.074 -0.060 0.019 0.020 0.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE -0.064 -0.063 0.025 0.009 -0.002 ADJUSTED_SO4 -0.031 -0.027 -0.009 0.017 0.035 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE -0.014 -0.046 -0.048 0.051 -0.070 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM -0.111 -0.122 0.049 0.025 -0.051 ADJUSTED_S -0.036 -0.013 0.011 0.028 0.016 Page 18 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Differences: Original Minus Fitted Correlations or Covariances (Contd.) TOTAL_NEMA TOTAL_OLIGO TOTAL_POLYC TOTAL_INVER TOTAL_INVE TODA CHAEHAETT_DERT_BITA A NSITY OMASS ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M _ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA 0.181 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA -0.087 0.443 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.003 -0.134 0.320 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 0.040 -0.062 0.025 0.038 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS 0.001 -0.057 0.014 -0.006 0.074 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI 0.002 -0.025 0.085 0.011 -0.025 C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMAS 0.035 0.001 -0.010 0.015 0.000 S_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_I 0.039 -0.060 0.021 0.038 -0.008 NDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ -0.035 -0.050 0.039 0.003 0.010 G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_L 0.035 -0.004 -0.057 0.003 0.000 ESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_ 0.034 0.004 -0.096 0.010 -0.027 063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2 -0.035 -0.002 0.082 -0.005 0.029 _0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO -0.027 0.022 -0.074 -0.028 0.011 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.023 0.039 -0.045 -0.028 0.033 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE -0.053 0.056 -0.087 -0.022 -0.016 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE -0.040 0.040 -0.094 -0.019 -0.020 ADJUSTED_SO4 -0.049 0.012 -0.050 -0.012 0.000 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.098 0.004 -0.004 0.034 -0.024 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM -0.036 0.100 -0.066 -0.032 -0.036 ADJUSTED_S -0.014 -0.009 0.004 -0.005 -0.022 Differences: Original Minus Fitted Correlations or Covariances (Contd.) MACROFAUNA MACROFAUNA MEIOFAUNA_ _TOTA_TOTATOTALL_BENTHIC_IN L_BIOMASS_G _BENTHIC_IN DIV_M2 DIVIIDUAL DUALS 22 December 2014 MEIOFAUNA_ TOTAL_BIOMASS_G _M2 GRAIN_SIZE_ PERCENT_CLAY_L ESS_THAN_4 Page 19 Differences: Original Minus Fitted Correlations or Covariances (Contd.) MACROFAUNA MACROFAUNA MEIOFAUNA_ _TOTA_TOTATOTALL_BENTHIC_IN L_BIOMASS_G _BENTHIC_IN DIV_M2 DIVIIDUAL DUALS ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__ M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA TOTAL_POLYCHAETA TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI 0.117 C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMA -0.025 0.053 SS_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_ 0.009 0.016 0.039 INDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS 0.028 -0.021 0.002 _G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_ -0.045 0.000 0.004 LESS_THAN_4 -0.015 0.012 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0 -0.026 _063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_ 0.035 0.013 -0.006 2_0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO -0.039 -0.034 -0.028 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA -0.066 -0.012 -0.028 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE -0.030 -0.025 -0.020 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE -0.029 -0.020 -0.017 ADJUSTED_SO4 -0.008 -0.018 -0.012 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE -0.022 -0.003 0.035 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.002 -0.048 -0.031 ADJUSTED_S 0.005 0.011 -0.004 MEIOFAUNA_ TOTAL_BIOMASS_G _M2 GRAIN_SIZE_ PERCENT_CLAY_L ESS_THAN_4 0.053 -0.013 0.062 -0.014 0.026 0.013 -0.034 -0.003 0.036 -0.024 0.002 -0.001 0.010 -0.018 0.006 -0.007 0.050 0.017 0.021 0.003 0.053 0.020 -0.019 Differences: Original Minus Fitted Correlations or Covariances (Contd.) GRAIN_SIZE_ GRAIN_SIZE_ TOC_TOTAL_O ADJUSTED_A ADJUSTED_B PERCPERCRGANMMONIROMIDENT_SILT_0_ ENT_SAND_2_ IC_CARBON_P A E 063M0MM_ERCEM_TO_ TO_0_ NT ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__ Page 20 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Differences: Original Minus Fitted Correlations or Covariances (Contd.) GRAIN_SIZE_ GRAIN_SIZE_ TOC_TOTAL_O ADJUSTED_A PERCPERCRGANMMONIENT_SILT_0_ ENT_SAND_2_ IC_CARBON_P A 063M0MM_ERCEM_TO_ TO_0_ NT M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA TOTAL_POLYCHAETA TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMAS S_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_ INDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_ LESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0 0.090 _063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_ -0.072 0.078 2_0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO 0.014 -0.025 0.114 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.019 -0.039 0.074 0.251 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.033 -0.027 0.042 -0.011 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.037 -0.032 0.047 -0.007 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.000 0.001 0.025 -0.027 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.054 -0.053 0.001 -0.012 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.032 -0.036 0.046 0.036 ADJUSTED_S -0.004 0.006 -0.019 -0.046 ADJUSTED_B ROMIDE 0.085 0.076 0.042 -0.029 0.054 0.006 Differences: Original Minus Fitted Correlations or Covariances (Contd.) ADJUSTED_CH ADJUSTED_ ADJUSTED__P ADJUSTED_PO ADJUSTE LORISO4 HOSPTASSD_S DE HATE IUM ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PASS_ 22 December 2014 Page 21 Differences: Original Minus Fitted Correlations or Covariances (Contd.) ADJUSTED_CH ADJUSTED_ ADJUSTED__P LORISO4 HOSPDE HATE _M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA TOTAL_POLYCHAETA TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_I NDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_IN DIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_ M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_LE SS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_06 3MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_ 0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_ PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA ADJUSTED_BROMIDE ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.080 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.034 0.071 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE -0.031 -0.035 0.249 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.043 0.032 -0.007 ADJUSTED_S 0.000 0.001 0.004 Page 22 ADJUSTED_PO ADJUSTE TASSD_S IUM 0.157 -0.020 0.153 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 22 December 2014 Page 23 Factor Coefficients 1 2 3 4 ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ 0.095 0.155 -0.093 -0.196 ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ 0.092 0.149 -0.089 -0.186 DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PASS__M_ 0.106 -0.048 0.040 0.002 DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ -0.110 -0.081 0.043 0.109 TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA -0.064 0.023 0.166 -0.043 TOTAL_NEMATODA -0.059 -0.085 0.272 -0.088 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA -0.059 0.046 0.120 -0.041 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.038 0.097 -0.048 0.033 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY -0.053 -0.056 0.241 -0.020 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS -0.047 -0.071 0.111 0.371 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 0.136 0.007 -0.131 0.287 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 0.020 -0.076 -0.091 0.656 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUALS -0.058 -0.056 0.249 -0.030 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 -0.057 -0.012 0.219 -0.064 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_LESS_THAN_4 -0.067 0.171 -0.025 -0.046 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_063MM_TO_ -0.037 0.155 -0.069 0.056 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 0.036 -0.147 0.054 -0.060 TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_PERCENT -0.055 0.156 0.002 -0.063 Page 24 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Factor Coefficients ADJUSTED_AMMONIA ADJUSTED_BROMIDE ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE ADJUSTED_SO4 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM ADJUSTED_S 1 0.135 0.143 0.137 0.159 0.185 0.019 0.034 2 3 4 -0.061 -0.011 0.019 -0.044 -0.017 0.035 -0.042 -0.010 0.039 -0.009 -0.068 0.050 -0.023 -0.123 0.031 0.113 0.006 -0.073 0.100 0.021 -0.112 Coefficients for Standardized Factor Scores 1 2 3 4 ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ 0.095 0.155 -0.093 -0.196 ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ 0.092 0.149 -0.089 -0.186 DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PASS__M_ 0.106 -0.048 0.040 0.002 DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ -0.110 -0.081 0.043 0.109 TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA -0.064 0.023 0.166 -0.043 TOTAL_NEMATODA -0.059 -0.085 0.272 -0.088 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA -0.059 0.046 0.120 -0.041 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.038 0.097 -0.048 0.033 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY -0.053 -0.056 0.241 -0.020 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS -0.047 -0.071 0.111 0.371 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 0.136 0.007 -0.131 0.287 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 0.020 -0.076 -0.091 0.656 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUALS -0.058 -0.056 0.249 -0.030 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 -0.057 -0.012 0.219 -0.064 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_LESS_THAN_4 -0.067 0.171 -0.025 -0.046 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_063MM_TO_ -0.037 0.155 -0.069 0.056 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_0.036 -0.147 0.054 -0.060 TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_PERCENT -0.055 0.156 0.002 -0.063 ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.135 -0.061 -0.011 0.019 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.143 -0.044 -0.017 0.035 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.137 -0.042 -0.010 0.039 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.159 -0.009 -0.068 0.050 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.185 -0.023 -0.123 0.031 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.019 0.113 0.006 -0.073 ADJUSTED_S 0.034 0.100 0.021 -0.112 Standardized Scores have been saved. 22 December 2014 Page 25 4. PCA AND BIOFILM BIOMASS CORRELATION ANALYSIS Number of Non-Missing Cases: 50 Means PCA_ PCA_ PCA_ PCA_ BIOFILM_TOTAL_C- BIOFILM_TOTAL_O- BIOFILM_PIGMENT- BIOFILM_PIGMENT 1 2 3 4 ARBOHYDRATE_MG RGANIC_CARBON_ S_CHLOROPHYLL_ _- M- A- S_FUCOXANTHIN_ M2 G_M2 _MG_M MG_M2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 88.407 9.900 3.922 3.710 Pearson Correlation Matrix BIOFILM_TOTAL_C- BIOFILM_TOTAL_O- BIOFILM_PIGMENT- BIOFILM_PIGMENT- ARBOHYDRATE_MG_- RGANIC_CARBON_M- S_CHLOROPHYLL_A- S_FUCOXANTHIN_MM2 G_M2 _MG_M G_M2 PCA_10.203 0.100 0.438 0.502 PCA_20.140 0.739 0.545 0.446 PCA_30.213 0.017 0.206 0.218 PCA_40.107 0.207 0.010 0.031 Page 26 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Bartlett Chi-Square Statistic : 251.732 df : 16 p-Value : 0.000 22 December 2014 Page 27 Matrix of Bonferroni Probabilities BIOFILM_TOTAL_C- BIOFILM_TOTAL_O- BIOFILM_PIGMENT- BIOFILM_PIGMENT- ARBOHYDRATE_MG_- RGANIC_CARBON_M- S_CHLOROPHYLL_A- S_FUCOXANTHIN_MM2 G_M2 _MG_M G_M2 PCA_11.000 1.000 0.023 0.003 PCA_21.000 0.000 0.001 0.019 PCA_31.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 PCA_41.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Page 28 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 5. PEARSON CORRELATION MATRIX Number of Non-Missing Cases: 50 Pearson Correlation Matrix ELEVATION_C ANNUAL_EXP DISTANCE_FR DISTANCE_FR TOTAL_HARP HART- OSURE- _DATUM__M_ __HR__ OM_C- OM_S- ANOE_PASS_ HORE__M_ ACTICOIDA _M_ ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__ 1.000 M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ 0.941 1.000 DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS 0.457 0.437 1.000 DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ -0.845 -0.790 -0.784 1.000 TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA 0.505 0.512 0.467 -0.569 1.000 TOTAL_NEMATODA 0.352 0.330 0.564 -0.480 0.488 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA 0.360 0.351 0.394 -0.490 0.574 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.716 0.740 0.358 -0.643 0.653 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 0.493 0.487 0.651 -0.641 0.733 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS 0.397 0.401 0.381 -0.481 0.712 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI 0.667 0.665 0.631 -0.742 0.507 0.227 0.110 -0.236 0.330 0.475 0.641 -0.629 0.731 0.540 0.618 -0.670 0.820 0.456 -0.113 -0.312 0.458 S__M_ C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMAS 0.225 S_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_ 0.481 INDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ 0.525 G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_ 0.480 22 December 2014 Page 29 Pearson Correlation Matrix ELEVATION_C ANNUAL_EXP DISTANCE_FR DISTANCE_FR TOTAL_HARP HART- OSURE- _DATUM__M_ __HR__ OM_C- OM_S- ANOE_PASS_ HORE__M_ ACTICOIDA _M_ LESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0 0.468 0.446 -0.047 -0.338 0.427 -0.475 -0.024 0.400 -0.479 0.471 0.076 -0.466 0.585 _063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_ -0.492 2_0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO 0.508 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.368 0.345 0.758 -0.636 0.186 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.475 0.476 0.889 -0.752 0.378 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.503 0.492 0.900 -0.781 0.410 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.616 0.605 0.842 -0.818 0.439 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.408 0.364 0.636 -0.539 0.014 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.643 0.619 0.526 -0.734 0.639 ADJUSTED_S 0.737 0.746 0.593 -0.787 0.707 Pearson Correlation Matrix (Contd.) TOTAL_NEMA TOTAL_OLIGO TOTAL_POLYC TOTAL_INVER TOTAL_INVE TODA CHAE- HAET- T_DE- RT_BI- TA A NSITY OMASS ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M _ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ Page 30 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Pearson Correlation Matrix (Contd.) TOTAL_NEMA TOTAL_OLIGO TOTAL_POLYC TOTAL_INVER TOTAL_INVE TODA CHAE- HAET- T_DE- RT_BI- TA A NSITY OMASS TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA 1.000 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA 0.368 1.000 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.295 0.396 1.000 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 0.890 0.554 0.531 1.000 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS 0.544 0.542 0.591 0.739 1.000 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI 0.338 0.384 0.733 0.541 0.600 0.333 0.438 0.301 0.758 0.554 0.516 1.000 0.731 0.617 0.621 0.942 0.765 0.534 0.559 0.255 0.492 0.519 0.542 0.245 0.502 -0.558 -0.590 -0.314 -0.554 0.616 0.595 0.366 0.572 C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMAS 0.111 S_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_I 0.893 NDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ 0.763 G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_L 0.047 ESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_ 0.017 063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2 -0.088 _0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO 0.127 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.505 0.171 0.193 0.458 0.247 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.510 0.312 0.305 0.594 0.341 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.541 0.327 0.326 0.626 0.374 22 December 2014 Page 31 Pearson Correlation Matrix (Contd.) TOTAL_NEMA TOTAL_OLIGO TOTAL_POLYC TOTAL_INVER TOTAL_INVE TODA CHAE- HAET- T_DE- RT_BI- TA A NSITY OMASS ADJUSTED_SO4 0.448 0.309 0.440 0.577 0.391 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.363 0.017 0.211 0.305 0.037 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.387 0.726 0.677 0.610 0.590 ADJUSTED_S 0.484 0.600 0.725 0.690 0.576 Pearson Correlation Matrix (Contd.) MACROFAUNA MACROFAUNA MEIOFAUNA_ MEIOFAUNA_ GRAIN_SIZE_ _TOTA- _TOTA- TOTAL- TOTAL- PERC- L_BENTHIC_IN L_BIOMASS_G _BENTHIC_IN _BIOMASS_G ENT_CLAY_L DIVIDUAL _M2 DIVIDUALS _M2 ESS_THAN_4 ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__ M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA TOTAL_POLYCHAETA TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI 1.000 C_INDIVIDUAL Page 32 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Pearson Correlation Matrix (Contd.) MACROFAUNA MACROFAUNA MEIOFAUNA_ MEIOFAUNA_ GRAIN_SIZE_ _TOTA- _TOTA- TOTAL- TOTAL- PERC- L_BENTHIC_IN L_BIOMASS_G _BENTHIC_IN _BIOMASS_G ENT_CLAY_L DIV- _M2 IDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMA 0.568 DIVI- _M2 DUALS ESS_THAN_4 1.000 SS_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_ 0.520 0.288 1.000 0.284 0.941 1.000 0.443 0.253 0.383 1.000 0.524 0.241 0.358 0.938 -0.547 -0.310 -0.429 -0.947 0.404 0.362 0.521 0.932 INDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS 0.575 _G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_ 0.272 LESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0 0.381 _063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_ -0.421 2_0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO 0.374 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.481 0.007 0.448 0.393 -0.232 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.669 0.102 0.582 0.564 -0.134 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.689 0.134 0.614 0.593 -0.093 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.772 0.187 0.562 0.570 -0.017 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.526 -0.008 0.291 0.201 -0.237 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.669 0.340 0.602 0.730 0.688 ADJUSTED_S 0.692 0.323 0.682 0.752 0.544 22 December 2014 Page 33 Pearson Correlation Matrix (Contd.) GRAIN_SIZE_ GRAIN_SIZE_ TOC_TOTAL_O ADJUSTED_A ADJUSTED_B PERC- PERC- RGAN- MMONI- ENT_SILT_0_ ENT_SAND_2_ IC_CARBON_P A 063M- 0MM_- ERCE- M_TO_ TO_0_ NT ROMIDE ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__ M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA TOTAL_POLYCHAETA TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMAS S_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_ INDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_ LESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0 1.000 Page 34 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Pearson Correlation Matrix (Contd.) GRAIN_SIZE_ GRAIN_SIZE_ TOC_TOTAL_O ADJUSTED_A ADJUSTED_B PERC- PERC- RGAN- MMONI- ENT_SILT_0_ ENT_SAND_2_ IC_CARBON_P A 063M- 0MM_- ERCE- M_TO_ TO_0_ NT ROMIDE _063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_ -0.985 1.000 2_0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO 0.886 -0.912 1.000 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA -0.211 0.137 -0.062 1.000 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE -0.060 0.003 0.051 0.803 1.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE -0.019 -0.040 0.094 0.802 0.992 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.046 -0.105 0.154 0.759 0.949 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE -0.166 0.128 -0.170 0.698 0.737 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.702 -0.750 0.787 0.323 0.511 ADJUSTED_S 0.562 -0.611 0.641 0.353 0.572 Pearson Correlation Matrix (Contd.) ADJUSTED_CH ADJUSTED_ ADJUSTED__P ADJUSTED_PO ADJUSTE LORIDE SO4 HOSP- TASS- HATE IUM D_S ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PASS_ _M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA 22 December 2014 Page 35 Pearson Correlation Matrix (Contd.) ADJUSTED_CH ADJUSTED_ ADJUSTED__P ADJUSTED_PO ADJUSTE LORI- SO4 DE HOSP- TASS- HATE IUM D_S TOTAL_NEMATODA TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA TOTAL_POLYCHAETA TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_I NDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_IN DIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_ M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_LE SS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_06 3MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_ 0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_ PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA ADJUSTED_BROMIDE ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 1.000 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.945 1.000 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.723 0.731 Page 36 1.000 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Pearson Correlation Matrix (Contd.) ADJUSTED_CH ADJUSTED_ ADJUSTED__P ADJUSTED_PO ADJUSTE LORI- SO4 DE HOSP- TASS- HATE IUM ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.532 0.580 0.223 1.000 ADJUSTED_S 0.594 0.642 0.336 0.812 D_S 1.000 WARNING No Quick graph is displayed since the number of variables is greater than 20. Bartlett Chi-Square Statistic : 2,260.029 df : 300 p-Value : 0.000 Matrix of Bonferroni Probabilities ELEVATION_C ANNUAL_EXP DISTANCE_FR DISTANCE_FR TOTAL_HARP HART- OSURE- _DATUM__M_ __HR__ OM_C- OM_S- ANOE_PASS_ HORE__M_ ACTICOIDA _M_ ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__ 0.000 M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ 0.000 0.000 DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS 0.254 0.458 0.000 DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA 0.055 0.044 0.190 0.005 0.000 TOTAL_NEMATODA 1.000 1.000 0.006 0.126 0.098 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.090 0.004 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 S__M_ 22 December 2014 Page 37 Matrix of Bonferroni Probabilities ELEVATION_C ANNUAL_EXP DISTANCE_FR DISTANCE_FR TOTAL_HARP HART- OSURE- _DATUM__M_ __HR__ OM_C- OM_S- ANOE_PASS_ HORE__M_ ACTICOIDA _M_ TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 0.082 0.101 0.000 0.000 0.000 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.122 0.000 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.051 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.149 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.015 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.264 1.000 1.000 0.249 0.349 1.000 1.000 0.593 0.147 1.000 1.000 0.129 0.165 1.000 0.195 0.002 C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMAS 1.000 S_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_ 0.123 INDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ 0.027 G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_ 0.124 LESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0 0.181 _063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_ 0.086 2_0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO 0.050 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.149 0.141 0.000 0.000 1.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.059 0.085 0.000 0.000 0.941 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.424 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.970 1.000 0.000 0.016 1.000 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.000 0.001 0.026 0.000 0.000 ADJUSTED_S 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 Page 38 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Matrix of Bonferroni Probabilities (Contd.) TOTAL_NEMA TOTAL_OLIGO TOTAL_POLYC TOTAL_INVER TOTAL_INVE TODA CHAE- HAET- T_DE- RT_BI- TA A NSITY OMASS ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M _ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA 0.000 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA 1.000 0.000 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 1.000 1.000 0.000 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 0.000 0.009 0.022 0.000 TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS 0.013 0.014 0.002 0.000 0.000 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.015 0.001 1.000 0.442 1.000 0.000 0.009 0.037 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.007 1.000 0.085 0.033 0.015 1.000 0.062 0.008 0.002 1.000 0.009 C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMAS 1.000 S_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_I 0.000 NDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ 0.000 G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_L 1.000 ESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_ 1.000 063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2 1.000 _0MM_TO_0_ 22 December 2014 Page 39 Matrix of Bonferroni Probabilities (Contd.) TOTAL_NEMA TOTAL_OLIGO TOTAL_POLYC TOTAL_INVER TOTAL_INVE TODA TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO 1.000 CHAE- HAET- T_DE- RT_BI- TA A NSITY OMASS 0.001 0.002 1.000 0.004 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.055 1.000 1.000 0.249 1.000 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.047 1.000 1.000 0.002 1.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.015 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.332 1.000 0.411 0.003 1.000 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 ADJUSTED_S 0.109 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.004 Matrix of Bonferroni Probabilities (Contd.) MACROFAUNA MACROFAUNA MEIOFAUNA_ MEIOFAUNA_ GRAIN_SIZE_ _TOTA- _TOTA- TOTAL- TOTAL- PERC- L_BENTHIC_IN L_BIOMASS_G _BENTHIC_IN _BIOMASS_G ENT_CLAY_L DIVIDUAL _M2 DIVIDUALS _M2 ESS_THAN_4 ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__ M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA Page 40 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Matrix of Bonferroni Probabilities (Contd.) MACROFAUNA MACROFAUNA MEIOFAUNA_ MEIOFAUNA_ GRAIN_SIZE_ _TOTA- _TOTA- TOTAL- TOTAL- PERC- L_BENTHIC_IN L_BIOMASS_G _BENTHIC_IN _BIOMASS_G ENT_CLAY_L DIV- _M2 IDUAL DIVI- _M2 DUALS ESS_THAN_4 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI 0.000 C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMA 0.005 0.000 SS_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_ 0.032 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.384 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.028 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.012 1.000 0.563 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.031 0.000 INDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS 0.004 _G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_ 1.000 LESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0 1.000 _063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_ 0.697 2_0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO 1.000 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 0.124 1.000 0.333 1.000 1.000 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 0.000 1.000 0.003 0.006 1.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.000 1.000 0.001 0.002 1.000 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.000 1.000 0.007 0.005 1.000 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.026 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 22 December 2014 Page 41 Matrix of Bonferroni Probabilities (Contd.) MACROFAUNA MACROFAUNA MEIOFAUNA_ MEIOFAUNA_ GRAIN_SIZE_ _TOTA- _TOTA- TOTAL- TOTAL- PERC- L_BENTHIC_IN L_BIOMASS_G _BENTHIC_IN _BIOMASS_G ENT_CLAY_L DIV- _M2 IDUAL DIVI- _M2 DUALS ESS_THAN_4 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.000 1.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 ADJUSTED_S 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.013 Matrix of Bonferroni Probabilities (Contd.) GRAIN_SIZE_ GRAIN_SIZE_ TOC_TOTAL_O ADJUSTED_A ADJUSTED_B PERC- PERC- RGAN- MMONI- ENT_SILT_0_ ENT_SAND_2_ IC_CARBON_P A 063M- 0MM_- ERCE- M_TO_ TO_0_ NT ROMIDE ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__ M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PAS S__M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA TOTAL_POLYCHAETA TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHI C_INDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMAS Page 42 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Matrix of Bonferroni Probabilities (Contd.) GRAIN_SIZE_ GRAIN_SIZE_ TOC_TOTAL_O ADJUSTED_A ADJUSTED_B PERC- PERC- RGAN- MMONI- ENT_SILT_0_ ENT_SAND_2_ IC_CARBON_P A 063M- 0MM_- ERCE- M_TO_ TO_0_ NT ROMIDE S_G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_ INDIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ G_M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_ LESS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0 0.000 _063MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_ 0.000 0.000 2_0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBO 0.000 0.000 0.000 N_PERCENT ADJUSTED_AMMONIA 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 ADJUSTED_BROMIDE 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 ADJUSTED_SO4 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.045 ADJUSTED_S 0.006 0.001 0.000 1.000 0.004 Matrix of Bonferroni Probabilities (Contd.) 22 December 2014 Page 43 ADJUSTED_CH ADJUSTED_ ADJUSTED__P ADJUSTED_PO ADJUSTE LORIDE SO4 HOSP- TASS- HATE IUM D_S ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ ANNUAL_EXPOSURE__HR__ DISTANCE_FROM_CANOE_PASS_ _M_ DISTANCE_FROM_SHORE__M_ TOTAL_HARPACTICOIDA TOTAL_NEMATODA TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA TOTAL_POLYCHAETA TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY TOTAL_INVERT_BIOMASS MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_I NDIVIDUAL MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_ G_M2 MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_IN DIVIDUALS MEIOFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_ M2 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_CLAY_LE SS_THAN_4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SILT_0_06 3MM_TO_ GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_ 0MM_TO_0_ TOC_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_ PERCENT Page 44 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Matrix of Bonferroni Probabilities (Contd.) ADJUSTED_CH ADJUSTED_ ADJUSTED__P ADJUSTED_PO ADJUSTE LORI- SO4 DE HOSP- TASS- HATE IUM D_S ADJUSTED_AMMONIA ADJUSTED_BROMIDE ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.000 ADJUSTED_SO4 0.000 0.000 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.000 0.000 0.000 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.021 0.003 1.000 0.000 ADJUSTED_S 0.002 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 Matrix has been saved. 22 December 2014 Page 45 6. CHLOROPHYLL A MULTIPLE REGRESSION ▼OLS Regression Stepwise Selection of Variables Step number : 0 R : 0.777 R-Square : 0.604 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 2 Constant ELEVATION_CHART- 0.031 0.037 0.146 0.327 1 0.689 0.412 0.000 0.638 0.147 1 5.910 0.020 0.014 -0.095 0.370 1 0.328 0.570 0.001 0.326 0.220 1 2.301 0.137 -0.092 0.106 -0.146 0.361 1 0.757 0.390 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.085 0.049 -0.508 0.119 1 3.030 0.090 0.108 0.038 0.274 1 0.039 0.844 0.104 -0.486 0.144 1 3.347 0.075 _DATUM__M_ 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.008 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 0.021 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.190 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Page 46 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.151 0.269 0.093 0.368 1 0.313 0.579 0.002 0.103 0.091 1 0.095 0.759 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.000 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation none Information Criteria AIC 68.744 AIC (Corrected) 77.176 Schwarz's BIC 91.688 Backward Stepwise Selection Dependent Variable : BIOFILM_PIGMENTS_CHLOROPHYLL_A_MG_M Minimum Tolerance for Entry into Model : 0.000 Maximum Number of Steps : 15 Alpha-to-Enter : 0.150 Alpha-to-Remove : 0.150 Step number : 1 R : 0.777 R-Square : 0.604 Mallows' Cp : 9.039 Term Removed : MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 22 December 2014 Page 47 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.029 0.035 0.135 0.365 1 0.671 0.418 0.000 0.639 0.147 1 6.067 0.018 0.014 -0.087 0.390 1 0.300 0.587 0.001 0.322 0.222 1 2.322 0.135 -0.088 0.102 -0.138 0.380 1 0.735 0.396 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.079 0.037 -0.470 0.210 1 4.674 0.037 0.081 -0.518 0.231 1 6.255 0.017 0.262 0.087 0.378 1 0.292 0.592 0.001 0.067 0.129 1 0.059 0.810 _DATUM__M_ 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.007 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.203 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.142 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.000 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 0.032 0.274 1 0.039 0.844 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 Page 48 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Information Criteria AIC 66.794 AIC (Corrected) 73.742 Schwarz's BIC 87.826 Step number : 2 R : 0.777 R-Square : 0.603 Mallows' Cp : 7.097 Term Removed : ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.029 0.035 0.136 0.365 1 0.698 0.408 0.000 0.670 0.195 1 9.061 0.004 0.012 -0.070 0.496 1 0.248 0.621 0.001 0.336 0.239 1 2.780 0.103 -0.090 0.101 -0.142 0.382 1 0.790 0.379 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.080 0.036 -0.474 0.211 1 4.904 0.032 0.061 -0.551 0.404 1 12.670 0.001 _DATUM__M_ 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.006 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.216 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_22 December 2014 Page 49 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient TO_0_ 10ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.136 0.258 0.084 0.382 1 0.276 0.602 HATE OutEffect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 0.006 0.388 1 0.001 0.971 0.129 1 0.059 0.810 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.038 IUM Information Criteria AIC 64.868 AIC (Corrected)70.509 Schwarz's BIC 83.988 Step number : 3 R : 0.775 R-Square : 0.601 Mallows' Cp : 5.333 Term Removed : TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.030 0.034 0.139 0.366 1 0.749 0.392 _DATUM__M_ Page 50 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.651 0.201 1 8.975 0.005 0.001 0.342 0.240 1 2.962 0.093 -0.105 0.095 -0.167 0.425 1 1.243 0.271 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.080 0.036 -0.474 0.211 1 4.979 0.031 0.054 -0.516 0.505 1 14.179 0.001 0.252 0.096 0.392 1 0.384 DE 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.202 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.156 0.539 HATE Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.077 0.496 1 0.248 0.621 0.390 1 0.005 0.947 0.164 1 0.000 0.990 TA 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 0.010 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- -0.002 IUM Information Criteria AIC 63.169 AIC (Corrected) 67.669 Schwarz's BIC 80.377 22 December 2014 Page 51 Step number : 4 R : 0.773 R-Square : 0.597 Mallows' Cp : 3.692 Term Removed : ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.034 0.033 0.159 0.381 1 1.035 0.315 0.000 0.712 0.254 1 13.784 0.001 0.001 0.341 0.240 1 2.974 0.092 -0.118 0.092 -0.186 0.445 1 1.650 0.206 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.077 0.035 -0.456 0.215 1 4.771 0.034 0.051 -0.492 0.552 1 14.249 0.000 _DATUM__M_ 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 DE 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.192 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.091 0.509 1 0.355 0.555 0.392 1 0.000 0.987 0.392 1 0.384 0.539 TA 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 0.003 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 Page 52 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.095 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- -0.017 0.168 1 0.012 0.912 IUM Information Criteria AIC 61.623 AIC (Corrected) 65.136 Schwarz's BIC 76.920 Step number : 5 R : 0.766 R-Square : 0.587 Mallows' Cp : 2.647 Term Removed : ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.286 1 18.441 0.000 0.000 0.429 0.297 1 5.823 0.020 -0.127 0.091 -0.200 0.449 1 1.922 0.173 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.078 0.035 -0.465 0.215 1 4.959 0.031 DE 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 22 December 2014 Page 53 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.205 0.049 -0.524 0.586 1 17.138 0.000 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.153 0.381 1 1.035 0.315 0.512 1 0.450 0.506 0.432 1 0.085 0.773 0.409 1 0.659 0.422 0.168 1 0.020 0.890 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.102 TA 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.044 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.123 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- -0.021 IUM Information Criteria AIC 60.812 AIC (Corrected)63.479 Schwarz's BIC 74.197 Step number : 6 R : 0.755 R-Square : 0.569 Mallows' Cp : 2.423 Term Removed : TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY Page 54 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.634 0.426 1 17.864 0.000 0.000 0.335 0.347 1 4.075 0.050 0.034 -0.392 0.230 1 3.688 0.061 -0.192 0.049 -0.491 0.607 1 15.293 0.000 Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value DE 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.066 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Out Effect Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.169 0.385 1 1.290 0.262 0.586 1 1.248 0.270 -0.205 0.449 1 1.922 0.173 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.095 0.463 1 0.398 0.531 0.431 1 1.207 0.278 0.171 1 0.090 0.765 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.166 TA 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 8 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.163 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- -0.045 IUM 22 December 2014 Page 55 Information Criteria AIC 60.951 AIC (Corrected)62.904 Schwarz's BIC 72.423 ▼OLS Regression Eigenvalues of Unit Scaled X'X 1 2 3 4 5 3.728 1.081 0.111 0.070 0.010 Condition Indices 1 2 3 4 5 1.0001.857 5.792 7.300 19.519 Variance Proportions 1 2 3 4 5 CONSTANT 0.003 0.001 0.043 0.261 0.693 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.004 0.001 0.055 0.448 0.492 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.007 0.006 0.642 0.000 0.346 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.997 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 0.000 0.509 0.452 0.001 0.038 Page 56 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Dependent Variable BIOFILM_PIGMENTS_CHLOROPHYLL_A_MG_M N 50 Multiple R 0.755 Squared Multiple R 0.569 Adjusted Squared Multiple R 0.531 Standard Error of Estimate 0.416 Regression Coefficients B = (X'X)-1X'Y Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance t p-Value Coefficient CONSTANT 3.619 0.292 0.000 . 12.406 0.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.000 0.000 0.634 0.426 4.227 0.000 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.001 0.000 0.335 0.347 2.019 0.050 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL -0.066 0.034 -0.392 0.230 -1.920 0.061 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_-0.192 0.049 -0.491 0.607 -3.911 0.000 Confidence Interval for Regression Coefficients Effect Coefficient 95.0% Confidence Interval VIF Lower Upper CONSTANT 3.619 3.032 4.207 . ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.349 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.001 0.000 0.002 2.879 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL -0.066 -0.135 0.003 4.353 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_-0.192 -0.291 -0.093 1.647 22 December 2014 Page 57 Correlation Matrix of Regression Coefficients CONST ADJUSTED_CH TOTAL_POLYC MACROFAUNA_ GRAIN_SIZE_P ANT LORI- HAET- TOTA- DE A L_BENTHIC_IND ENT_SAND_2_ IV- 0MM_- IDUAL TO_0_ CONSTANT 1.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.295 1.000 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.324 0.229 1.000 -0.710 -0.616 1.000 -0.259 0.370 0.170 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC -0.805 ERC- _INDIVIDUAL GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_ -0.300 1.000 0MM_TO_0_ Analysis of Variance Source SS df Mean Squares F-Ratio p-Value Regression10.306 4 2.577 Residual 14.879 0.000 7.792 45 0.173 WARNING Case 27 is an Outlier (Studentized Residual : 3.271) Case 35 has large Leverage (Leverage : 0.386) Durbin-Watson D-Statistic 1.775 First Order Autocorrelation0.105 Page 58 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Information Criteria AIC 60.951 AIC (Corrected) 62.904 Schwarz's BIC 72.423 Coefficients have been saved. 22 December 2014 Page 59 7. FUCOXANTHIN MULTIPLE REGRESSION ▼OLS Regression Stepwise Selection of Variables Step number : 0 R : 0.774 R-Square : 0.599 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 2 Constant ELEVATION_CHART- 0.000 0.030 -0.002 0.327 1 0.000 0.989 0.000 0.740 0.147 1 7.826 0.008 0.011 -0.113 0.370 1 0.460 0.502 0.000 0.117 0.220 1 0.292 0.592 -0.077 0.085 -0.154 0.361 1 0.836 0.366 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.033 0.039 -0.249 0.119 1 0.721 0.401 0.086 -0.049 0.274 1 0.065 0.800 0.083 -0.472 0.144 1 3.113 0.086 _DATUM__M_ 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.008 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.000 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.022 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.146 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Page 60 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- -0.003 0.215 -0.003 0.368 1 0.000 0.988 0.001 0.205 0.091 1 0.370 0.546 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation none Information Criteria AIC 46.114 AIC (Corrected) 54.547 Schwarz's BIC 69.058 Backward Stepwise Selection Dependent Variable : BIOFILM_PIGMENTS_FUCOXANTHIN_MG_M2 Minimum Tolerance for Entry into Model : 0.000 Maximum Number of Steps Alpha-to-Enter : 15 : 0.150 Alpha-to-Remove : 0.150 Step number : 1 R : 0.774 R-Square : 0.599 22 December 2014 Page 61 Mallows' Cp : 9.000 Term Removed : ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.739 0.151 1 8.218 0.007 0.011 -0.113 0.370 1 0.472 0.496 0.000 0.116 0.252 1 0.337 0.565 -0.077 0.083 -0.154 0.362 1 0.861 0.359 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.033 0.038 -0.250 0.123 1 0.764 0.387 0.081 -0.049 0.306 1 0.072 0.790 -0.146 0.077 -0.470 0.163 1 3.586 0.065 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- -0.004 0.210 -0.003 0.373 1 0.000 0.986 0.001 0.205 0.093 1 0.392 0.535 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.008 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.000 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.022 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 10 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.002 0.327 1 0.000 0.989 _DATUM__M_ Page 62 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Information Criteria AIC 44.114 AIC (Corrected) 51.062 Schwarz's BIC 65.147 Step number : 2 R : 0.774 R-Square : 0.599 Mallows' Cp : 7.000 Term Removed : ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.737 0.196 1 10.893 0.002 0.011 -0.113 0.371 1 0.484 0.491 0.000 0.116 0.252 1 0.345 0.560 -0.077 0.082 -0.154 0.366 1 0.889 0.351 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.033 0.037 -0.251 0.129 1 0.833 0.367 0.078 -0.048 0.322 1 0.076 0.785 0.076 -0.470 0.164 1 3.702 0.061 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.008 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.000 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.021 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.146 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_22 December 2014 Page 63 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient TO_0_ 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 0.001 0.206 0.097 1 0.422 0.520 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.002 0.332 1 0.000 0.988 0.373 1 0.000 0.986 _DATUM__M_ 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- -0.003 HATE Information Criteria AIC 42.115 AIC (Corrected)47.756 Schwarz's BIC 61.235 Step number : 3 R : 0.773 R-Square : 0.598 Mallows' Cp : 5.072 Term Removed : MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.748 0.202 1 11.826 0.001 DE Page 64 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.008 0.010 -0.124 0.396 1 0.637 0.429 0.000 0.129 0.268 1 0.463 0.500 -0.083 0.078 -0.165 0.390 1 1.117 0.297 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.040 0.028 -0.299 0.213 1 1.985 0.166 0.062 -0.432 0.240 1 4.681 0.036 0.001 0.251 0.130 1 0.855 0.361 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.000 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.134 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.013 0.379 1 0.007 0.935 0.322 1 0.076 0.785 0.393 1 0.002 0.965 _DATUM__M_ 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.043 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.007 HATE Information Criteria AIC 40.207 AIC (Corrected) 44.707 Schwarz's BIC 57.415 22 December 2014 Page 65 Step number : 4 R : 0.770 R-Square : 0.594 Mallows' Cp : 3.503 Term Removed : TOTAL_POLYCHAETA In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.679 0.258 1 12.583 0.001 0.010 -0.149 0.419 1 0.981 0.328 -0.062 0.072 -0.124 0.461 1 0.747 0.392 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.028 0.022 -0.207 0.358 1 1.621 0.210 0.062 -0.432 0.240 1 4.729 0.035 0.001 0.306 0.143 1 1.412 0.241 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.010 TA 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.134 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.055 0.457 1 0.126 0.725 0.268 1 0.463 0.500 0.341 1 0.186 0.668 _DATUM__M_ 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.104 A 8 Page 66 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.066 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.016 0.396 1 0.011 0.918 HATE Information Criteria AIC 38.755 AIC (Corrected) 42.267 Schwarz's BIC 54.051 Step number : 5 R : 0.766 R-Square : 0.587 Mallows' Cp : 2.189 Term Removed : TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.624 0.291 1 12.027 0.001 0.010 -0.185 0.455 1 1.665 0.204 0.022 -0.210 0.359 1 1.690 0.200 0.061 -0.427 0.240 1 4.656 0.036 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.013 TA 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.028 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.132 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 22 December 2014 Page 67 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 0.001 0.292 0.143 1 1.304 0.260 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.039 0.463 1 0.065 0.800 0.316 1 0.083 0.774 -0.131 0.461 1 0.747 0.392 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.087 0.351 1 0.328 0.570 0.404 1 0.050 0.825 _DATUM__M_ 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.044 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 8 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.034 HATE Information Criteria AIC 37.616 AIC (Corrected)40.282 Schwarz's BIC 51.000 Step number : 6 R : 0.758 R-Square : 0.574 Mallows' Cp : 1.381 Term Removed : ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM Page 68 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.731 0.399 1 22.490 0.000 0.009 -0.108 0.587 1 0.717 0.401 0.021 -0.186 0.365 1 1.338 0.254 -0.182 0.043 -0.588 0.489 1 17.895 0.000 Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.007 TA 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.025 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Out Effect Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.062 0.472 1 0.170 0.682 0.347 1 0.374 0.544 -0.118 0.463 1 0.625 0.433 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.165 0.501 1 1.226 0.274 0.406 1 0.018 0.895 0.143 1 1.304 0.260 _DATUM__M_ 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.092 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 8 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.020 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.170 IUM 22 December 2014 Page 69 Information Criteria AIC 37.077 AIC (Corrected)39.030 Schwarz's BIC 48.549 Step number : 7 R : 0.753 R-Square : 0.568 Mallows' Cp : 0.040 Term Removed : TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.687 0.449 1 22.534 0.000 0.021 -0.170 0.370 1 1.138 0.036 -0.523 0.704 1 20.495 0.000 DE 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.023 0.292 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.162 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.071 0.475 1 0.229 0.635 0.587 1 0.717 0.401 0.347 1 0.339 0.563 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.125 TA 5 Page 70 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.087 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DE- -0.153 0.525 1 1.084 0.303 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.171 0.503 1 1.349 0.252 0.431 1 0.109 0.743 0.185 1 0.357 0.553 NSITY 8 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.049 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.089 IUM Information Criteria AIC 35.868 AIC (Corrected) 37.231 Schwarz's BIC 45.428 Step number : 8 R : 0.746 R-Square : 0.557 Mallows' Cp : -0.920 Term Removed : MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.572 0.998 1 34.684 0.000 0.030 -0.456 0.998 1 22.046 0.000 DE 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.141 22 December 2014 Page 71 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.019 0.524 1 0.017 0.896 0.596 1 0.506 0.480 0.560 1 0.037 0.848 -0.150 0.525 1 1.060 0.309 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.155 0.370 1 1.138 0.292 0.688 1 2.445 0.125 0.453 1 0.008 0.929 0.186 1 0.283 0.597 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.104 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- -0.028 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.225 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.013 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.078 IUM Information Criteria AIC 35.089 AIC (Corrected)35.978 Schwarz's BIC 42.737 Page 72 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Step number : 8 R : 0.761 R-Square : 0.579 Mallows' Cp : -1.094 Term Entered : MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.593 0.980 1 37.635 0.000 0.051 -0.180 0.688 1 2.445 -0.172 0.035 -0.554 0.700 1 23.486 0.000 Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value DE 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.080 0.125 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Out Effect Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.018 0.510 1 0.015 0.903 0.596 1 0.547 0.464 0.550 1 0.000 0.995 -0.132 0.520 1 0.793 0.378 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.047 0.270 1 0.098 0.756 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.110 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 22 December 2014 Page 73 Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.006 0.452 1 0.001 0.971 0.162 1 0.000 0.991 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- -0.002 IUM Information Criteria AIC 34.499 AIC (Corrected)35.863 Schwarz's BIC 44.060 ▼OLS Regression Eigenvalues of Unit Scaled X'X 1 2 3 4 2.848 1.020 0.097 0.035 Condition Indices 1 2 3 4 1.0001.671 5.423 9.009 Variance Proportions 1 2 3 4 CONSTANT 0.007 0.000 0.038 0.955 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.015 0.000 0.874 0.111 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 0.009 0.001 0.219 0.771 Page 74 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Variance Proportions 1 2 3 4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_0.000 0.664 0.059 0.277 Dependent Variable BIOFILM_PIGMENTS_FUCOXANTHIN_MG_M2 N 50 Multiple R 0.761 Squared Multiple R 0.579 Adjusted Squared Multiple R 0.552 Standard Error of Estimate 0.322 Regression Coefficients B = (X'X)-1X'Y Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance t p-Value Coefficient CONSTANT 3.268 0.191 0.000 . 17.064 0.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.000 0.000 0.593 0.980 6.135 0.000 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 -0.080 0.051 -0.180 0.688 -1.564 0.125 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_-0.172 0.035 -0.554 0.700 -4.846 0.000 Confidence Interval for Regression Coefficients Effect Coefficient 95.0% Confidence Interval VIF Lower Upper CONSTANT 3.268 2.882 3.653 . ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.020 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 -0.080 -0.184 0.023 1.453 22 December 2014 Page 75 Confidence Interval for Regression Coefficients Effect Coefficient 95.0% Confidence Interval VIF GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ -0.172 Lower Upper -0.243 -0.100 1.429 Correlation Matrix of Regression Coefficients CONSTA ADJUSTED_CHLO MACROFAUNA_TO GRAIN_SIZE_PER NT RI- TA- C- DE L_BIOMASS_G_M2 ENT_SAND_2_0M M_TO_0_ CONSTANT 1.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE -0.497 1.000 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 -0.760 -0.134 1.000 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_ -0.456 -0.040 0.547 1.000 TO_0_ Analysis of Variance Source SS df Mean Squares F-Ratio p-Value Regression6.577 3 2.192 Residual 21.104 0.000 4.779 46 0.104 Durbin-Watson D-Statistic 1.867 First Order Autocorrelation0.060 Information Criteria AIC 34.499 AIC (Corrected)35.863 Page 76 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Information Criteria AIC 34.499 Schwarz's BIC 44.060 Coefficients have been saved. 22 December 2014 Page 77 8. TOC MULTIPLE REGRESSION ▼OLS Regression Stepwise Selection of Variables Step number : 0 R : 0.835 R-Square : 0.698 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 2 Constant ELEVATION_CHART- -0.008 0.029 -0.042 0.327 1 0.073 0.788 0.000 0.491 0.147 1 4.578 0.039 0.011 0.012 0.370 1 0.007 0.935 0.000 0.439 0.220 1 5.480 0.024 -0.225 0.082 -0.402 0.361 1 7.532 0.009 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.046 0.038 -0.308 0.119 1 1.456 0.235 0.084 0.088 0.274 1 0.277 0.602 0.080 -0.559 0.144 1 5.799 0.021 _DATUM__M_ 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- 0.001 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 0.044 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.193 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Page 78 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- -0.228 0.208 -0.159 0.368 1 1.200 0.280 0.001 0.175 0.091 1 0.357 0.554 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation none Information Criteria AIC 42.928 AIC (Corrected) 51.360 Schwarz's BIC 65.872 Backward Stepwise Selection Dependent Variable : BIOFILM_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_MG_M2 Minimum Tolerance for Entry into Model : 0.000 Maximum Number of Steps Alpha-to-Enter : 15 : 0.150 Alpha-to-Remove : 0.150 Step number : 1 R : 0.835 R-Square : 0.697 22 December 2014 Page 79 Mallows' Cp : 9.007 Term Removed : TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.008 0.029 -0.041 0.327 1 0.074 0.787 0.000 0.489 0.148 1 4.703 0.036 0.000 0.437 0.226 1 5.697 0.022 -0.223 0.078 -0.399 0.385 1 8.118 0.007 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.046 0.037 -0.310 0.121 1 1.543 0.221 0.080 0.092 0.289 1 0.321 0.574 -0.192 0.078 -0.556 0.147 1 6.009 0.019 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- -0.229 0.205 -0.160 0.369 1 1.245 0.271 0.001 0.187 0.121 1 0.559 0.459 _DATUM__M_ 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 DE 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 0.046 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 10 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 IUM OutEffect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- 0.013 0.370 1 0.007 0.935 TA Page 80 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Information Criteria AIC 40.937 AIC (Corrected) 47.884 Schwarz's BIC 61.969 Step number : 2 R : 0.835 R-Square : 0.697 Mallows' Cp : 7.079 Term Removed : ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.480 0.152 1 4.740 0.035 0.000 0.419 0.258 1 6.138 0.017 -0.224 0.077 -0.401 0.386 1 8.411 0.006 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.048 0.036 -0.321 0.124 1 1.740 0.194 0.075 0.106 0.323 1 0.490 0.488 -0.185 0.073 -0.535 0.166 1 6.431 0.015 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- -0.236 0.201 -0.165 0.374 1 1.372 0.248 DE 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 0.053 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 10 22 December 2014 Page 81 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 0.001 0.198 0.125 1 0.658 0.422 IUM OutEffect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.043 0.327 1 0.074 0.787 0.370 1 0.006 0.940 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- 0.012 TA Information Criteria AIC 39.029 AIC (Corrected)44.670 Schwarz's BIC 58.149 Step number : 3 R : 0.833 R-Square : 0.693 Mallows' Cp : 5.546 Term Removed : MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.470 0.153 1 4.618 0.037 DE Page 82 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 0.000 0.387 0.279 1 5.718 0.021 -0.208 0.073 -0.373 0.423 1 8.046 0.007 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.032 0.028 -0.212 0.211 1 1.301 0.260 -0.213 0.060 -0.617 0.239 1 12.493 0.001 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- -0.270 0.194 -0.188 0.398 1 1.933 0.172 0.001 0.114 0.164 1 0.292 0.592 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 10 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.000 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.076 0.366 1 0.236 0.630 0.391 1 0.056 0.815 0.323 1 0.490 0.488 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- 0.037 TA 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 0.109 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 Information Criteria AIC 37.623 AIC (Corrected) 42.123 Schwarz's BIC 54.831 22 December 2014 Page 83 Step number : 4 R : 0.831 R-Square : 0.691 Mallows' Cp : 3.821 Term Removed : ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.531 0.210 1 8.237 0.006 0.000 0.407 0.295 1 6.814 0.012 -0.205 0.073 -0.367 0.426 1 7.982 0.007 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.033 0.027 -0.220 0.212 1 1.428 0.239 -0.238 0.040 -0.688 0.550 1 36.256 0.000 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- -0.287 0.190 -0.200 0.409 1 2.284 DE 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 10 0.138 HATE Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.075 0.366 1 0.237 0.629 0.496 1 0.212 0.648 0.424 1 0.122 0.728 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- 0.071 TA 8 Page 84 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 0.054 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation L_BIOMASS_G_M2 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.083 0.164 1 0.292 0.592 IUM Information Criteria AIC 35.970 AIC (Corrected) 39.482 Schwarz's BIC 51.266 Step number : 5 R : 0.825 R-Square : 0.681 Mallows' Cp : 3.144 Term Removed : MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.412 0.295 1 6.912 0.012 0.000 0.290 0.490 1 5.667 0.022 0.071 -0.333 0.447 1 6.845 0.012 0.039 -0.657 0.581 1 34.532 0.000 DE 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DE- -0.186 NSITY 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.227 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 22 December 2014 Page 85 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- -0.315 0.189 -0.220 0.415 1 2.760 0.104 HATE Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.062 0.368 1 0.164 0.687 0.496 1 0.214 0.646 0.212 1 1.428 0.239 0.673 1 0.193 0.662 0.165 1 0.393 0.534 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- 0.070 TA 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.179 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.067 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.095 IUM Information Criteria AIC 35.603 AIC (Corrected)38.270 Schwarz's BIC 48.987 ▼OLS Regression Page 86 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Eigenvalues of Unit Scaled X'X 1 2 3 4 5 6 4.679 1.100 0.129 0.082 0.009 0.001 Condition Indices 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.000 2.062 6.031 7.576 22.537 70.440 Variance Proportions 1 2 3 4 5 6 CONSTANT 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.010 0.986 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.360 0.207 0.431 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.005 0.012 0.798 0.078 0.000 0.105 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.036 0.961 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_0.000 0.468 0.445 0.027 0.059 0.002 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE Dependent Variable 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.804 0.192 BIOFILM_TOTAL_ORGANIC_CARBON_MG_M2 N 50 Multiple R 0.825 Squared Multiple R 0.681 Adjusted Squared Multiple R 0.645 Standard Error of Estimate 0.320 22 December 2014 Page 87 Regression Coefficients B = (X'X)-1X'Y Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance t p-Value Coefficient CONSTANT 12.588 1.046 0.000 . 12.031 0.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.000 0.000 0.412 0.295 2.629 0.012 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.001 0.000 0.290 0.490 2.381 0.022 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY -0.186 0.071 -0.333 0.447 -2.616 0.012 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ -0.227 0.039 -0.657 0.581 -5.876 0.000 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 0.189 -0.220 0.415 -1.661 0.104 -0.315 Confidence Interval for Regression Coefficients Effect Coefficient 95.0% Confidence Interval VIF Lower Upper CONSTANT 12.588 10.479 14.696 . ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.392 TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.001 0.000 0.001 2.042 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY -0.186 -0.330 -0.043 2.237 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ -0.227 -0.305 -0.149 1.723 ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE -0.696 0.067 2.411 -0.315 Correlation Matrix of Regression Coefficients CONST ADJUSTED_CH TOTAL_POLYC TOTAL_INVER GRAIN_SIZE_P ANT LORI- HAET- T_DE- ERC- DE A NSITY ENT_SAND_2_0 MM_TO_0_ CONSTANT 1.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.662 Page 88 1.000 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Correlation Matrix of Regression Coefficients CONST ADJUSTED_CH TOTAL_POLYC TOTAL_INVER GRAIN_SIZE_P ANT LORI- HAET- T_DE- ERC- DE A NSITY ENT_SAND_2_0 MM_TO_0_ TOTAL_POLYCHAETA 0.306 0.056 1.000 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY -0.951 -0.581 -0.331 1.000 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_ -0.031 -0.010 0.558 0.073 1.000 -0.697 -0.205 0.261 -0.229 0MM_TO_0_ ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE -0.520 Correlation Matrix of Regression Coefficients (Contd.) ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE CONSTANT ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE TOTAL_POLYCHAETA TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE 1.000 Analysis of Variance Source SS df Mean Squares F-Ratio p-Value Regression9.624 5 1.925 Residual 18.779 0.000 4.510 44 0.102 WARNING 22 December 2014 Page 89 Case 34 is an Outlier (Studentized Residual : -3.426) Case 35 has large Leverage (Leverage : 0.414) Durbin-Watson D-Statistic 1.927 First Order Autocorrelation0.024 Information Criteria AIC 35.603 AIC (Corrected)38.270 Schwarz's BIC 48.987 Coefficients have been saved. Page 90 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 22 December 2014 Page 91 9. TOTAL CARBOHYDRATE MULTIPLE REGRESSION ▼OLS Regression Stepwise Selection of Variables Step number : 0 R : 0.774 R-Square : 0.599 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 2 Constant ELEVATION_CHART- 0.000 0.030 -0.002 0.327 1 0.000 0.989 0.000 0.740 0.147 1 7.826 0.008 0.011 -0.113 0.370 1 0.460 0.502 0.000 0.117 0.220 1 0.292 0.592 -0.077 0.085 -0.154 0.361 1 0.836 0.366 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.033 0.039 -0.249 0.119 1 0.721 0.401 0.086 -0.049 0.274 1 0.065 0.800 0.083 -0.472 0.144 1 3.113 0.086 _DATUM__M_ 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.008 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.000 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.022 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.146 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Page 92 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- -0.003 0.215 -0.003 0.368 1 0.000 0.988 0.001 0.205 0.091 1 0.370 0.546 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation none Information Criteria AIC 46.114 AIC (Corrected) 54.547 Schwarz's BIC 69.058 Backward Stepwise Selection Dependent Variable : BIOFILM_PIGMENTS_FUCOXANTHIN_MG_M2 Minimum Tolerance for Entry into Model : 0.000 Maximum Number of Steps Alpha-to-Enter : 15 : 0.150 Alpha-to-Remove : 0.150 Step number : 1 R : 0.774 R-Square : 0.599 22 December 2014 Page 93 Mallows' Cp : 9.000 Term Removed : ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.739 0.151 1 8.218 0.007 0.011 -0.113 0.370 1 0.472 0.496 0.000 0.116 0.252 1 0.337 0.565 -0.077 0.083 -0.154 0.362 1 0.861 0.359 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.033 0.038 -0.250 0.123 1 0.764 0.387 0.081 -0.049 0.306 1 0.072 0.790 -0.146 0.077 -0.470 0.163 1 3.586 0.065 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- -0.004 0.210 -0.003 0.373 1 0.000 0.986 0.001 0.205 0.093 1 0.392 0.535 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.008 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.000 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.022 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 10 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 IUM OutEffect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.002 0.327 1 0.000 0.989 _DATUM__M_ Page 94 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Information Criteria AIC 44.114 AIC (Corrected) 51.062 Schwarz's BIC 65.147 Step number : 2 R : 0.774 R-Square : 0.599 Mallows' Cp : 7.000 Term Removed : ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.737 0.196 1 10.893 0.002 0.011 -0.113 0.371 1 0.484 0.491 0.000 0.116 0.252 1 0.345 0.560 -0.077 0.082 -0.154 0.366 1 0.889 0.351 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.033 0.037 -0.251 0.129 1 0.833 0.367 0.078 -0.048 0.322 1 0.076 0.785 0.076 -0.470 0.164 1 3.702 0.061 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.008 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.000 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.021 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.146 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_22 December 2014 Page 95 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient TO_0_ 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 0.001 0.206 0.097 1 0.422 0.520 IUM OutEffect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.002 0.332 1 0.000 0.988 0.373 1 0.000 0.986 _DATUM__M_ 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- -0.003 HATE Information Criteria AIC 42.115 AIC (Corrected)47.756 Schwarz's BIC 61.235 Step number : 3 R : 0.773 R-Square : 0.598 Mallows' Cp : 5.072 Term Removed : MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.748 0.202 1 11.826 0.001 DE Page 96 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.008 0.010 -0.124 0.396 1 0.637 0.429 0.000 0.129 0.268 1 0.463 0.500 -0.083 0.078 -0.165 0.390 1 1.117 0.297 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.040 0.028 -0.299 0.213 1 1.985 0.166 0.062 -0.432 0.240 1 4.681 0.036 0.001 0.251 0.130 1 0.855 0.361 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.000 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.134 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.013 0.379 1 0.007 0.935 0.322 1 0.076 0.785 0.393 1 0.002 0.965 _DATUM__M_ 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.043 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.007 HATE Information Criteria AIC 40.207 AIC (Corrected) 44.707 Schwarz's BIC 57.415 22 December 2014 Page 97 Step number : 4 R : 0.770 R-Square : 0.594 Mallows' Cp : 3.503 Term Removed : TOTAL_POLYCHAETA In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.679 0.258 1 12.583 0.001 0.010 -0.149 0.419 1 0.981 0.328 -0.062 0.072 -0.124 0.461 1 0.747 0.392 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.028 0.022 -0.207 0.358 1 1.621 0.210 0.062 -0.432 0.240 1 4.729 0.035 0.001 0.306 0.143 1 1.412 0.241 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.010 TA 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.134 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.055 0.457 1 0.126 0.725 0.268 1 0.463 0.500 0.341 1 0.186 0.668 _DATUM__M_ 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.104 A 8 Page 98 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.066 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.016 0.396 1 0.011 0.918 HATE Information Criteria AIC 38.755 AIC (Corrected) 42.267 Schwarz's BIC 54.051 Step number : 5 R : 0.766 R-Square : 0.587 Mallows' Cp : 2.189 Term Removed : TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.624 0.291 1 12.027 0.001 0.010 -0.185 0.455 1 1.665 0.204 0.022 -0.210 0.359 1 1.690 0.200 0.061 -0.427 0.240 1 4.656 0.036 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.013 TA 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.028 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.132 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 22 December 2014 Page 99 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.001 0.001 0.292 0.143 1 1.304 0.260 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.039 0.463 1 0.065 0.800 0.316 1 0.083 0.774 -0.131 0.461 1 0.747 0.392 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.087 0.351 1 0.328 0.570 0.404 1 0.050 0.825 _DATUM__M_ 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.044 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 8 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.034 HATE Information Criteria AIC 37.616 AIC (Corrected)40.282 Schwarz's BIC 51.000 Step number : 6 R : 0.758 R-Square : 0.574 Mallows' Cp : 1.381 Term Removed : ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM Page 100 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.731 0.399 1 22.490 0.000 0.009 -0.108 0.587 1 0.717 0.401 0.021 -0.186 0.365 1 1.338 0.254 -0.182 0.043 -0.588 0.489 1 17.895 0.000 Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.007 TA 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.025 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Out Effect Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.062 0.472 1 0.170 0.682 0.347 1 0.374 0.544 -0.118 0.463 1 0.625 0.433 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.165 0.501 1 1.226 0.274 0.406 1 0.018 0.895 0.143 1 1.304 0.260 _DATUM__M_ 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.092 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 8 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.020 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.170 IUM 22 December 2014 Page 101 Information Criteria AIC 37.077 AIC (Corrected)39.030 Schwarz's BIC 48.549 Step number : 7 R : 0.753 R-Square : 0.568 Mallows' Cp : 0.040 Term Removed : TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.687 0.449 1 22.534 0.000 0.021 -0.170 0.370 1 1.138 0.036 -0.523 0.704 1 20.495 0.000 DE 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.023 0.292 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.162 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.071 0.475 1 0.229 0.635 0.587 1 0.717 0.401 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.125 TA Page 102 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.087 0.347 1 0.339 0.563 -0.153 0.525 1 1.084 0.303 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.171 0.503 1 1.349 0.252 0.431 1 0.109 0.743 0.185 1 0.357 0.553 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 8 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.049 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.089 IUM Information Criteria AIC 35.868 AIC (Corrected) 37.231 Schwarz's BIC 45.428 Step number : 8 R : 0.746 R-Square : 0.557 Mallows' Cp : -0.920 Term Removed : MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.572 0.998 1 34.684 0.000 DE 22 December 2014 Page 103 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -0.141 0.030 -0.456 0.998 1 22.046 0.000 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.019 0.524 1 0.017 0.896 0.596 1 0.506 0.480 0.560 1 0.037 0.848 -0.150 0.525 1 1.060 0.309 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.155 0.370 1 1.138 0.292 0.688 1 2.445 0.125 0.453 1 0.008 0.929 0.186 1 0.283 0.597 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.104 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- -0.028 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.225 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.013 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- 0.078 IUM Information Criteria AIC 35.089 AIC (Corrected)35.978 Schwarz's BIC 42.737 Page 104 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Step number : 8 R : 0.761 R-Square : 0.579 Mallows' Cp : -1.094 Term Entered : MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.000 0.000 0.593 0.980 1 37.635 0.000 0.051 -0.180 0.688 1 2.445 -0.172 0.035 -0.554 0.700 1 23.486 0.000 Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value DE 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.080 0.125 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ Out Effect Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.018 0.510 1 0.015 0.903 0.596 1 0.547 0.464 0.550 1 0.000 0.995 -0.132 0.520 1 0.793 0.378 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -0.047 0.270 1 0.098 0.756 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.110 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.001 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 7 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 22 December 2014 Page 105 Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.006 0.452 1 0.001 0.971 0.162 1 0.000 0.991 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- -0.002 IUM Information Criteria AIC 34.499 AIC (Corrected)35.863 Schwarz's BIC 44.060 ▼OLS Regression Eigenvalues of Unit Scaled X'X 1 2 3 4 2.848 1.020 0.097 0.035 Condition Indices 1 2 3 4 1.0001.671 5.423 9.009 Variance Proportions 1 2 3 4 CONSTANT 0.007 0.000 0.038 0.955 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.015 0.000 0.874 0.111 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 0.009 0.001 0.219 0.771 Page 106 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Variance Proportions 1 2 3 4 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_0.000 0.664 0.059 0.277 Dependent Variable BIOFILM_PIGMENTS_FUCOXANTHIN_MG_M2 N 50 Multiple R 0.761 Squared Multiple R 0.579 Adjusted Squared Multiple R 0.552 Standard Error of Estimate 0.322 Regression Coefficients B = (X'X)-1X'Y Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance t p-Value Coefficient CONSTANT 3.268 0.191 0.000 . 17.064 0.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.000 0.000 0.593 0.980 6.135 0.000 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 -0.080 0.051 -0.180 0.688 -1.564 0.125 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_-0.172 0.035 -0.554 0.700 -4.846 0.000 Confidence Interval for Regression Coefficients Effect Coefficient 95.0% Confidence Interval VIF Lower Upper CONSTANT 3.268 2.882 3.653 . ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.020 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 -0.080 -0.184 0.023 1.453 22 December 2014 Page 107 Confidence Interval for Regression Coefficients Effect Coefficient 95.0% Confidence Interval VIF GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ -0.172 Lower Upper -0.243 -0.100 1.429 Correlation Matrix of Regression Coefficients CONSTA ADJUSTED_CHLO MACROFAUNA_TO GRAIN_SIZE_PER NT RI- TA- C- DE L_BIOMASS_G_M2 ENT_SAND_2_0M M_TO_0_ CONSTANT 1.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE -0.497 1.000 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 -0.760 -0.134 1.000 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_ -0.456 -0.040 0.547 1.000 TO_0_ Analysis of Variance Source SS df Mean Squares F-Ratio p-Value Regression6.577 3 2.192 Residual 21.104 0.000 4.779 46 0.104 Durbin-Watson D-Statistic 1.867 First Order Autocorrelation0.060 Page 108 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Information Criteria AIC 34.499 AIC (Corrected) 35.863 Schwarz's BIC 44.060 Coefficients have been saved. ▼OLS Regression Stepwise Selection of Variables 22 December 2014 Page 109 Step number : 0 R : 0.545 R-Square : 0.297 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.825 2.711 -0.071 0.327 1 0.093 0.762 0.004 0.769 0.147 1 4.832 0.034 1.022 -0.129 0.370 1 0.344 0.561 0.041 0.339 0.220 1 1.408 0.243 7.682 0.084 0.361 1 0.140 0.710 3.549 -0.796 0.119 1 4.192 0.047 7.841 0.211 0.274 1 0.676 0.416 7.521 -0.586 0.144 1 2.740 0.106 19.497 0.119 0.368 1 0.288 0.595 0.113 -0.308 0.091 1 0.478 0.493 _DATUM__M_ 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.008 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.599 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.049 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DE- 2.878 NSITY 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -7.266 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 6.446 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -12.450 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 10.457 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- -0.078 IUM Page 110 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation none Information Criteria AIC 496.975 AIC (Corrected) 505.408 Schwarz's BIC 519.919 Backward Stepwise Selection Dependent Variable : BIOFILM_TOTAL_CARBOHYDRATE_MG_M2 Minimum Tolerance for Entry into Model : 0.000 Maximum Number of Steps Alpha-to-Enter : 15 : 0.150 Alpha-to-Remove : 0.150 Step number : 1 R : 0.544 R-Square : 0.295 Mallows' Cp : 9.093 Term Removed : ELEVATION_CHART_DATUM__M_ In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.008 22 December 2014 0.003 0.753 0.151 1 4.851 0.033 Page 111 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.608 1.010 -0.131 0.370 1 0.362 0.551 0.038 0.309 0.252 1 1.362 0.250 7.587 0.081 0.362 1 0.134 0.716 3.460 -0.816 0.123 1 4.630 0.038 7.338 0.236 0.306 1 0.967 0.331 6.997 -0.549 0.163 1 2.784 0.103 19.124 0.110 0.373 1 0.258 0.614 0.110 -0.287 0.093 1 0.436 0.513 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.045 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DE- 2.776 NSITY 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -7.445 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 7.214 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -11.676 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 9.716 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- -0.073 IUM OutEffect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.049 0.327 1 0.093 0.762 _DATUM__M_ Information Criteria AIC 495.094 AIC (Corrected)502.041 Schwarz's BIC 516.126 Page 112 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Step number : 2 R : 0.541 R-Square : 0.293 Mallows' Cp : 7.223 Term Removed : TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.008 0.003 0.811 0.193 1 7.366 0.010 0.967 -0.111 0.395 1 0.283 0.597 0.034 0.350 0.309 1 2.197 0.146 3.268 -0.857 0.134 1 5.729 0.021 7.082 0.255 0.321 1 1.215 0.277 6.882 -0.536 0.164 1 2.743 0.105 18.816 0.102 0.378 1 0.228 0.636 0.109 -0.279 0.093 1 0.421 0.520 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.514 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.051 A 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -7.821 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 7.805 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -11.397 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 8.981 HATE 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- -0.071 IUM 22 December 2014 Page 113 Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.046 0.328 1 0.085 0.772 0.362 1 0.134 0.716 _DATUM__M_ 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DE- 0.058 NSITY Information Criteria AIC 493.261 AIC (Corrected)498.902 Schwarz's BIC 512.381 Step number : 3 R : 0.538 R-Square : 0.289 Mallows' Cp : 5.441 Term Removed : ADJUSTED__PHOSPHATE In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 3 Constant ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.009 0.003 0.881 0.254 1 11.669 0.001 0.954 -0.119 0.398 1 0.335 0.566 0.034 0.349 0.309 1 2.219 0.144 3.116 -0.811 0.145 1 5.637 0.022 DE 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.552 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.050 A 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -7.398 L_BENTHIC_INDIV- Page 114 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient IDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 6.949 6.788 0.227 0.343 1 1.048 0.312 6.780 -0.553 0.166 1 3.001 0.091 0.106 -0.320 0.097 1 0.590 0.447 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -11.745 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- -0.081 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.037 0.333 1 0.055 0.816 0.366 1 0.101 0.753 0.378 1 0.228 0.636 _DATUM__M_ 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DE- 0.049 NSITY 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.074 HATE Information Criteria AIC 491.538 AIC (Corrected) 496.038 Schwarz's BIC 508.746 Step number : 4 R : 0.532 R-Square : 0.283 Mallows' Cp : 3.756 Term Removed : TOTAL_OLIGOCHAETA 22 December 2014 Page 115 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.009 0.003 0.883 0.254 1 11.898 0.001 0.033 0.356 0.310 1 2.358 0.132 2.996 -0.762 0.155 1 5.385 0.025 6.341 0.184 0.387 1 0.787 0.380 6.611 -0.587 0.172 1 3.558 0.066 0.087 -0.456 0.143 1 1.783 0.189 DE 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.051 A 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -6.952 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 8 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 5.624 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -12.471 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 11ADJUSTED_POTASS- -0.116 IUM OutEffect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.039 0.333 1 0.064 0.802 0.398 1 0.335 0.566 0.392 1 0.025 0.875 0.380 1 0.278 0.601 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.089 TA 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DE- 0.024 NSITY 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.081 HATE Page 116 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Information Criteria AIC 489.935 AIC (Corrected) 493.447 Schwarz's BIC 505.231 Step number : 5 R : 0.520 R-Square : 0.270 Mallows' Cp : 2.483 Term Removed : MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BIOMASS_G_M2 In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.009 0.003 0.866 0.256 1 11.576 0.001 0.033 0.319 0.320 1 1.965 0.168 2.472 -0.598 0.226 1 4.876 0.032 5.588 -0.733 0.240 1 7.778 0.008 0.079 -0.579 0.171 1 3.454 0.070 DE 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.046 A 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -5.459 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -15.585 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- -0.147 IUM 22 December 2014 Page 117 OutEffect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- -0.085 0.384 1 0.312 0.579 0.449 1 0.061 0.805 0.068 0.443 1 0.201 0.656 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 0.134 0.387 1 0.787 0.380 0.416 1 0.061 0.807 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.038 TA 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 8 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.038 HATE Information Criteria AIC 488.842 AIC (Corrected)491.508 Schwarz's BIC 502.226 Step number : 6 R : 0.488 R-Square : 0.238 Mallows' Cp : 2.291 Term Removed : TOTAL_POLYCHAETA In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 1 Constant 3 ADJUSTED_CHLORI- 0.008 0.002 0.743 0.291 1 9.466 0.004 DE Page 118 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS In Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Coefficient 7 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- -3.303 1.956 -0.362 0.369 1 2.851 0.098 5.648 -0.736 0.240 1 7.667 0.008 0.077 -0.458 0.185 1 2.288 0.137 L_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 9 GRAIN_SIZE_PERC- -15.639 ENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 11 ADJUSTED_POTASS- -0.116 IUM Out Effect Partial Tolerance df F-Ratio p-Value Correlation 2 ELEVATION_CHART- 0.014 0.472 1 0.009 0.926 0.455 1 0.160 0.691 0.320 1 1.965 0.168 0.133 0.501 1 0.796 0.377 MACROFAUNA_TOTA- 0.092 0.400 1 0.372 0.545 0.417 1 0.094 0.761 _DATUM__M_ 4 TOTAL_OLIGOCHAE- -0.060 TA 5 TOTAL_POLYCHAET- 0.207 A 6 TOTAL_INVERT_DENSITY 8 L_BIOMASS_G_M2 10 ADJUSTED__PHOSP- 0.046 HATE Information Criteria AIC 489.026 AIC (Corrected) 490.979 Schwarz's BIC 500.498 22 December 2014 Page 119 ▼OLS Regression Eigenvalues of Unit Scaled X'X 1 2 3 4 5 3.865 1.035 0.070 0.019 0.010 Condition Indices 1 2 3 4 5 1.0001.932 7.417 14.277 19.733 Variance Proportions 1 2 3 4 5 CONSTANT 0.002 0.000 0.156 0.011 0.830 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.002 0.000 0.319 0.015 0.662 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.699 0.299 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_ 0.000 0.221 0.000 0.055 0.723 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM Dependent Variable 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.357 0.640 BIOFILM_TOTAL_CARBOHYDRATE_MG_M2 N 50 Multiple R 0.488 Squared Multiple R 0.238 Adjusted Squared Multiple R0.170 Standard Error of Estimate 30.084 Page 120 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Regression Coefficients B = (X'X)-1X'Y Effect Coefficient Standard Error Std. Tolerance t p-Value Coefficient CONSTANT 121.811 26.314 0.000 . 4.629 0.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.008 0.002 0.743 0.291 3.077 0.004 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL -3.303 1.956 -0.362 0.369 -1.689 0.098 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_-15.639 5.648 -0.736 0.240 -2.769 0.008 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM 0.077 -0.458 0.185 -1.513 0.137 -0.116 Confidence Interval for Regression Coefficients Effect Coefficient 95.0% Confidence Interval VIF Lower Upper CONSTANT 121.811 68.812 174.811 . ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.008 0.003 0.012 3.441 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC_INDIVIDUAL -3.303 -7.242 0.637 2.712 GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_0MM_TO_0_-15.639 -27.014 -4.264 4.168 ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM -0.271 0.039 5.406 -0.116 Correlation Matrix of Regression Coefficients CONST ADJUSTED_CH MACROFAUNA_ GRAIN_SIZE_P ADJUSTED_PO ANT CONSTANT 1.000 ADJUSTED_CHLORIDE 0.533 MACROFAUNA_TOTAL_BENTHIC -0.576 22 December 2014 LORI- TOTA- DE L_BENTHIC_IND ENT_SAND_2_ IUM ERC- IV- 0MM_- IDUAL TO_0_ TASS- 1.000 -0.560 1.000 Page 121 Correlation Matrix of Regression Coefficients CONST ADJUSTED_CH MACROFAUNA_ GRAIN_SIZE_P ADJUSTED_PO ANT LORI- TOTA- DE L_BENTHIC_IND ENT_SAND_2_ IUM ERC- IV- 0MM_- IDUAL TO_0_ -0.661 0.268 1.000 -0.594 -0.060 0.812 TASS- _INDIVIDUAL GRAIN_SIZE_PERCENT_SAND_2_ -0.741 0MM_TO_0_ ADJUSTED_POTASSIUM -0.652 1.000 Analysis of Variance Source SS df Mean Squares F-Ratio p-Value Regression12,706.907 4 3,176.727 Residual 3.510 0.014 40,727.478 45 905.055 WARNING Case 9 is an Outlier (Studentized Residual : 3.194) Case 35 has large Leverage (Leverage : 0.356) Durbin-Watson D-Statistic 2.188 First Order Autocorrelation-0.119 Information Criteria AIC 489.026 AIC (Corrected)490.979 Schwarz's BIC 500.498 Coefficients have been saved. Page 122 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App3.docx HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 22 December 2014 Page 123 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Appendix 4 Correlation Coefficient Matrix 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Appendices THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Elevation_Chart_Datum__M_ Annual_Exposure__Hr__ Distance_From_Canoe_Pass__M_ Distance_From_Shore__M_ Total_Harpacticoida Total_Nematoda Total_Oligochaeta Total_Polychaeta Total_Invert_Density Total_Invert_Biomass Macrofauna_Total_Benthic_Individual Macrofauna_Total_Biomass_G_M2 Meiofauna_Total_Benthic_Individuals Meiofauna_Total_Biomass_G_M2 Grain_Size_Percent_Clay_Less_Than_4 Grain_Size_Percent_Silt_0_063mm_To_ ain_Size_Percent_Sand_2_0mm_To_0_ Toc_Total_Organic_Carbon_Percent Adjusted_Ammonia Adjusted_Bromide Adjusted_Chloride Adjusted_So4 Adjusted__Phosphate Adjusted_Potassium Adjusted_S Correlation Matrix.xlsx Elevation_Chart_Datum__M_ 1 0.941197659 0.457123565 ‐0.844866424 0.504930808 0.35212258 0.360166615 0.716319176 0.493261592 0.397291134 0.66712133 0.224545023 0.480839262 0.525453723 0.4803681 0.468402281 ‐0.491658065 0.507585067 0.367674622 0.474556559 0.502970225 0.6159702 0.408455597 0.643147098 0.737404105 Annual_Exposure__Hr__ Distance_From_Canoe_Pass__M_ Distance_From_Shore__M_ 1 0.43658489 ‐0.790486909 0.51174553 0.330091026 0.351321721 0.740319489 0.486997832 0.401371548 0.665090556 0.226762206 0.474693503 0.540074326 0.455731146 0.446144641 ‐0.475148502 0.471274382 0.344866084 0.476390408 0.491965458 0.60510951 0.363816635 0.618755851 0.74585433 1 ‐0.784289467 0.466801296 0.563760014 0.394401655 0.357845319 0.650752679 0.380979823 0.630624067 0.11037016 0.64147297 0.617675283 ‐0.112991631 ‐0.047474075 ‐0.024068532 0.076290189 0.75833459 0.888898502 0.899834484 0.842369372 0.636417004 0.526365775 0.593060081 1 ‐0.56914707 ‐0.479999693 ‐0.490303665 ‐0.642551486 ‐0.640561598 ‐0.480884453 ‐0.742051255 ‐0.235730533 ‐0.628964435 ‐0.670389306 ‐0.311662926 ‐0.338432741 0.399846427 ‐0.46596978 ‐0.63597179 ‐0.752489799 ‐0.780792572 ‐0.817657399 ‐0.539042687 ‐0.733765955 ‐0.787252835 Total_Harpacticoida Total_Nematoda 1 0.487688938 0.574423691 0.652627819 0.732777533 0.71174056 0.507429192 0.329780655 0.730932743 0.819790411 0.457759052 0.427155018 ‐0.479278576 0.585439079 0.186316457 0.377578525 0.409612047 0.439301434 0.014182865 0.638578095 0.70694676 1 0.368350207 0.294518993 0.889884035 0.543695894 0.337626945 0.110736545 0.892805462 0.762715354 0.046957318 0.017465125 ‐0.087606611 0.127445742 0.504902849 0.509657932 0.54148824 0.447917655 0.363038687 0.386817668 0.484477591 Total_Oligochaeta 1 0.395689698 0.553859454 0.542346864 0.384161228 0.332516208 0.554385818 0.616701418 0.533688981 0.519499322 ‐0.557903014 0.615632722 0.170919288 0.311718741 0.327266009 0.30947212 0.017113572 0.72560129 0.599888948 1 of 4 Elevation_Chart_Datum__M_ Annual_Exposure__Hr__ Distance_From_Canoe_Pass__M_ Distance_From_Shore__M_ Total_Harpacticoida Total_Nematoda Total_Oligochaeta Total_Polychaeta Total_Invert_Density Total_Invert_Biomass Macrofauna_Total_Benthic_Individual Macrofauna_Total_Biomass_G_M2 Meiofauna_Total_Benthic_Individuals Meiofauna_Total_Biomass_G_M2 Grain_Size_Percent_Clay_Less_Than_4 Grain_Size_Percent_Silt_0_063mm_To_ ain_Size_Percent_Sand_2_0mm_To_0_ Toc_Total_Organic_Carbon_Percent Adjusted_Ammonia Adjusted_Bromide Adjusted_Chloride Adjusted_So4 Adjusted__Phosphate Adjusted_Potassium Adjusted_S Correlation Matrix.xlsx Total_Polychaeta Total_Invert_Density Total_Invert_Biomass 1 0.530694068 0.590818917 0.732679399 0.437823533 0.516463642 0.621220475 0.558966393 0.541521424 ‐0.590471725 0.594676421 0.192897274 0.305180301 0.326415984 0.440415939 0.210533622 0.67725611 0.725355628 1 0.738674857 0.541107357 0.300907809 0.999583832 0.942407209 0.254696196 0.245253117 ‐0.314439553 0.365745427 0.457758607 0.593672204 0.625535761 0.577094029 0.304673441 0.609811302 0.689769623 1 0.60010421 0.758167474 0.73086527 0.765151114 0.4920656 0.501539458 ‐0.554335938 0.571908282 0.246948921 0.340978278 0.374104983 0.39139589 0.036856265 0.590193855 0.576180376 Macrofauna_Total_Benthic_Individual Macrofauna_Total_Biomass_G_M2 1 0.567673272 0.520126665 0.575114533 0.272154008 0.380900128 ‐0.421110061 0.373923193 0.480583277 0.669437032 0.68912587 0.771607309 0.526426969 0.669220792 0.691916467 1 0.288353283 0.283791867 0.442854627 0.523910176 ‐0.546856019 0.404223812 0.006817904 0.102188888 0.13413378 0.186803715 ‐0.007656665 0.339606872 0.322684677 Meiofauna_Total_Benthic_Individuals 1 0.940823855 0.252956478 0.240917734 ‐0.309742653 0.362310408 0.447824049 0.582193084 0.614357881 0.561958322 0.291121086 0.601838046 0.682224868 2 of 4 Elevation_Chart_Datum__M_ Annual_Exposure__Hr__ Distance_From_Canoe_Pass__M_ Distance_From_Shore__M_ Total_Harpacticoida Total_Nematoda Total_Oligochaeta Total_Polychaeta Total_Invert_Density Total_Invert_Biomass Macrofauna_Total_Benthic_Individual Macrofauna_Total_Biomass_G_M2 Meiofauna_Total_Benthic_Individuals Meiofauna_Total_Biomass_G_M2 Grain_Size_Percent_Clay_Less_Than_4 Grain_Size_Percent_Silt_0_063mm_To_ ain_Size_Percent_Sand_2_0mm_To_0_ Toc_Total_Organic_Carbon_Percent Adjusted_Ammonia Adjusted_Bromide Adjusted_Chloride Adjusted_So4 Adjusted__Phosphate Adjusted_Potassium Adjusted_S Correlation Matrix.xlsx Meiofauna_Total_Biomass_G_M2 Grain_Size_Percent_Clay_Less_Than_4 Grain_Size_Percent_Silt_0_063mm_To_ Grain_Size_Percent_Sand_2_0mm_To_0_ 1 0.382586546 0.358265267 ‐0.429091945 0.521214076 0.393376845 0.563814516 0.593441166 0.570406986 0.20123599 0.730125825 0.752029325 1 0.93800357 ‐0.947483093 0.931910538 ‐0.231528883 ‐0.133799011 ‐0.0926973 ‐0.017245779 ‐0.237268177 0.687744465 0.54429098 1 ‐0.985347444 0.885789656 ‐0.211226107 ‐0.060393578 ‐0.019458619 0.045777791 ‐0.166337079 0.701530747 0.562086034 1 ‐0.912029408 0.137301062 0.003093257 ‐0.040262962 ‐0.104556377 0.128269045 ‐0.749766241 ‐0.610654381 3 of 4 Toc_Total_Organic_Carbon_Percent Adjusted_Ammonia Elevation_Chart_Datum__M_ Annual_Exposure__Hr__ Distance_From_Canoe_Pass__M_ Distance_From_Shore__M_ Total_Harpacticoida Total_Nematoda Total_Oligochaeta Total_Polychaeta Total_Invert_Density Total_Invert_Biomass Macrofauna_Total_Benthic_Individual Macrofauna_Total_Biomass_G_M2 Meiofauna_Total_Benthic_Individuals Meiofauna_Total_Biomass_G_M2 Grain_Size_Percent_Clay_Less_Than_4 Grain_Size_Percent_Silt_0_063mm_To_ ain_Size_Percent_Sand_2_0mm_To_0_ Toc_Total_Organic_Carbon_Percent Adjusted_Ammonia Adjusted_Bromide Adjusted_Chloride Adjusted_So4 Adjusted__Phosphate Adjusted_Potassium Adjusted_S Correlation Matrix.xlsx 1 ‐0.062224731 0.051309625 0.09447449 0.153977006 ‐0.169558259 0.786839481 0.641000857 1 0.802598172 0.802166154 0.758515344 0.69812724 0.323486278 0.353290569 Adjusted_Bromide Adjusted_Chloride Adjusted_So4 Adjusted__Phosphate 1 0.992034528 0.948881582 0.737048522 0.510720686 0.571798431 1 0.945034322 1 0.722764439 0.731289553 0.531967957 0.580124861 0.594105865 0.64201379 1 0.222723626 0.335614971 Adjusted_Potassium Adjusted_S 1 0.812345499 1 4 of 4 HEMMERA ENVIROCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS Appendix 5 Detailed Microphytobenthos Community Statistical Analyses 307071-00790 : Rev 0 : 27 January 2015 Appendices THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK HEMMERA ENVIRCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS APPENDIX 5– COMMUNITY STATISTICS OUTPUTS 1. SEASONAL ANALYSIS 1.1 Bray Curtis Similarity Index RB2001 RB2001F RB2003 RB2007 RB2007F RB2009 RB2011 RB2011F RB2013 RB2013F RB2016 RB2019 RB2020 RB2022 RB2022F RB2024 RB2024F RB2025 RB2025F RB2038 RB2038F RB2040 RB2001 RB2001F 44.59 RB2003 79.07 37.94 RB2007 54.70 35.45 58.73 RB2007F 38.08 64.52 32.92 39.30 RB2009 38.64 24.91 45.47 76.75 30.52 RB2011 58.78 32.18 62.34 77.17 28.64 59.82 RB2011F 42.17 56.40 36.80 43.73 65.45 33.05 30.56 RB2013 57.12 37.59 60.79 54.90 32.96 43.66 49.82 34.50 RB2013F 29.71 60.26 26.10 31.51 74.99 24.34 23.41 59.83 26.85 RB2016 51.24 36.40 55.44 60.86 32.23 40.06 64.99 32.16 67.04 26.25 RB2019 63.16 39.53 81.35 71.49 34.38 60.88 64.85 36.82 78.19 27.69 70.85 RB2020 65.81 35.82 56.88 62.48 31.62 52.39 75.78 32.56 67.58 25.66 64.83 58.81 RB2022 53.07 55.17 70.63 63.10 48.64 54.45 58.69 53.04 67.28 39.21 62.63 85.16 52.38 RB2022F 41.61 64.50 35.69 42.95 72.81 32.61 29.99 71.81 33.93 59.68 31.59 36.25 31.99 53.14 RB2024 55.86 60.07 46.06 53.95 53.45 42.88 58.97 55.50 58.94 43.70 67.21 63.07 67.30 78.46 54.75 RB2024F 41.38 56.37 35.65 43.13 58.90 33.85 39.06 62.10 34.43 55.54 32.69 36.34 42.12 52.43 54.47 55.33 RB2025 55.98 51.78 49.10 44.80 37.70 35.38 58.41 46.50 58.88 39.19 57.22 51.24 77.47 56.48 46.24 71.16 47.48 RB2025F 35.17 73.00 30.49 44.94 71.54 36.60 33.54 62.60 29.73 65.33 27.95 31.22 35.92 46.56 72.32 47.65 68.76 41.31 RB2038 50.82 55.03 65.92 50.30 49.76 43.14 55.68 52.63 62.62 41.38 50.65 66.74 60.15 79.62 60.34 63.73 44.30 71.66 47.07 RB2038F 36.09 74.09 31.49 29.86 60.36 21.19 27.26 56.31 30.69 61.77 28.88 32.17 29.19 38.80 63.52 39.66 56.58 41.93 71.14 40.22 RB2040 53.78 46.35 44.56 63.10 49.54 52.64 56.46 52.89 67.71 40.39 63.26 59.79 63.75 62.50 51.75 79.59 43.07 56.53 44.87 51.01 29.66 RB2040F 33.55 79.72 29.38 35.87 65.59 28.00 32.93 60.60 28.86 61.40 27.65 30.15 35.30 44.06 67.18 45.92 67.95 40.43 86.34 45.58 82.21 22 December 2014 36.43 Page 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK HEMMERA ENVIRCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 1.2 Non-Parametric Multidimensional Scaling Analysis 22 December 2014 Page 3 1.3 Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) ANOSIM: One-Way Analysis Resemblance worksheet Name: Resem1 Data type: Similarity Selection: All Factor Values Factor: Season Spring Summer Factor Groups Sample Season RB2001 Spring RB2003 Spring RB2007 Spring RB2009 Spring RB2011 Spring RB2013 Spring RB2016 Spring RB2019 Spring RB2020 Spring RB2022 Spring RB2024 Spring RB2025 Spring RB2038 Spring RB2040 Spring RB2001F Summer RB2007F Summer RB2011F Summer RB2013F Summer RB2022F Summer RB2024F Summer RB2025F Summer RB2038F Summer RB2040F Summer Global Test Sample statistic (Global R): 0.918 Significance level of sample statistic: 0.1% Number of permutations: 999 (Random sample from 817190) Number of permuted statistics greater than or equal to Global R: 0 Outputs Plot: Graph8 Page 4 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App5.docx HEMMERA ENVIRCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 2. SPRING ANALYSIS 2.1 nMDS 22 December 2014 Page 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK HEMMERA ENVIRCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 2.2 Environmental Database (transformed and normalized) Elevation Annual Exposure Distance from Canoe Pass Distance from Shore % Clay % Silt % Sand TOC Leachable Ammonia Porewater Bromide Porewater Chloride Porewater SO4 Phosphate Potassium Sulphur RB2001 0.210592 -0.04892 -1.00147 0.460272 1.121136 0.718342 -0.78308 0.852824 -0.94239 -1.1019 -1.01901 -0.84601 -0.38672 -0.18271 -0.65329 RB2003 1.002102 0.775393 -0.77595 -0.0014 0.970471 1.044267 -1.06084 0.917235 -1.3102 -0.74319 -0.81785 0.200229 0.025844 0.204613 2.222606 RB2007 1.108681 0.886982 0.60426 -1.28806 1.379311 1.314397 -1.57098 1.856943 0.039634 0.661033 0.859864 0.827332 -0.83326 1.874949 0.861585 RB2009 1.079447 0.860391 -0.34283 0.187044 1.126462 1.014344 -1.08381 0.56671 -0.9387 -0.41166 -0.309 -0.36663 -0.44645 0.914708 -0.08521 RB2011 -0.82836 -0.93595 0.319371 -0.38225 0.023575 -0.03098 0.10886 0.187934 1.325254 0.961071 1.075851 0.424783 0.865602 -0.14236 -0.16806 RB2013 -0.16034 -0.42073 0.428845 -0.6032 0.506413 0.321698 -0.26805 0.56671 -0.05587 0.138909 0.232504 0.18196 -0.50744 0.793669 -0.17989 RB2016 -0.80448 1.414187 -0.03207 0.569049 0.085396 0.339327 -0.21034 -0.13696 -0.08626 0.508665 0.344598 0.110263 -1.08531 0.010951 0.719566 RB2019 -0.32913 -0.55553 -1.16099 0.875917 -1.74443 -1.87489 1.745999 -1.31026 0.539149 -1.19394 -1.15887 -1.20905 -0.0521 -1.68359 -1.29474 RB2020 -0.54039 -0.72614 0.206899 0.058288 0.211623 0.644769 -0.49865 0.283387 -0.2233 -0.11932 -0.07947 -0.11116 -0.83326 0.503176 -0.26274 RB2022 0.749182 0.467063 0.885391 -0.84285 -0.5782 -0.78927 0.789274 -1.082 0.687879 0.804617 0.824835 0.457353 0.996871 -0.06167 0.660391 RB2024 1.796366 1.658269 1.456097 -1.75726 -0.9252 -0.40523 0.520978 -0.26128 1.780776 1.812439 1.750519 2.256062 2.58106 0.23689 0.400022 RB2025 -0.78897 -0.90705 1.835499 -0.50283 -0.74089 -0.6718 0.721527 -0.4432 1.262106 1.066115 0.856075 0.816019 0.826977 0.503176 0.482866 RB2038 -1.61829 -1.50265 -1.09778 1.953351 -1.58613 -1.79424 1.665203 -2.01345 -1.1049 -0.99429 -1.17072 -1.41285 -0.38672 -1.71587 -1.54801 RB2040 -0.87641 -0.96531 -1.32527 1.27393 0.150467 0.169267 -0.07609 0.015408 -0.97318 -1.38856 -1.38932 -1.32831 -0.7651 -1.25592 -1.15509 22 December 2014 Page 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK HEMMERA ENVIRCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 2.3 Biota-Environment Stepwise (BEST) BEST Biota and/or Environment matching Data worksheet Name: Data14 Data type: Environmental Sample selection: All Variable selection: All Resemblance worksheet Name: Resem3 Data type: Similarity Selection: All Parameters Rank correlation method: Spearman Method: BIOENV Maximum number of variables: 5 Resemblance: Analyse between: Samples Resemblance measure: D1 Euclidean distance Variables 1 Elevation 2 Annual Exposure 3 Distance from Canoe Pass 4 Distance from Shore 5 % Clay 6 % Silt 7 % Sand 8 TOC 9 Leachable Ammonia 10 Porewater Bromide 11 Porewater Chloride 12 Porewater SO4 13 Phosphate 14 Potassium 15 Sulfur Global Test Sample statistic (Rho): 0.137 Significance level of sample statistic: 68% Number of permutations: 99 (Random sample) Number of permuted statistics greater than or equal to Rho: 67 22 December 2014 Page 9 Best results No.Vars 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 Corr. 0.137 0.136 0.133 0.127 0.126 0.110 0.109 0.106 0.104 0.102 Selections 5 7 5,7 5,8 5,7,8 6,7 5-7 5-8 5,7,15 5-7,14 Outputs Plot: Graph35 Page 10 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App5.docx HEMMERA ENVIRCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 3. SUMMER ANALYSIS 3.1 nMDS 22 December 2014 Page 11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK HEMMERA ENVIRCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 3.2 Environmental Database (transformed and normalized) Elevation Annual Exposure Distance from Canoe Pass Distance from Shore % Clay % Silt % Sand TOC Porewater Ammonia Porewater Bromide Porewater Chloride Porewater SO4 Phosphate Potassium Sulphur RB2001F 0.23554 0.091608 -1.08408 0.539341 1.198497 1.043324 -0.9751 0.709877 0.219842 -0.86478 -0.79407 -0.62661 -0.5911 -0.09854 -0.4743 RB2007F 1.049227 1.070156 0.32513 -0.91442 1.673192 1.520434 -1.89503 1.750437 -0.02588 0.374562 0.4264 0.389135 -0.81991 1.913928 2.069296 RB2011F -0.7228 -0.74804 0.075435 -0.16286 -0.10335 -0.18106 0.251017 0.069379 0.031906 0.214457 0.197782 0.16588 0.327241 -0.02179 -0.48517 RB2013F -0.1165 -0.25226 0.170934 -0.34384 0.256773 0.449468 -0.24517 0.631623 -0.08868 0.178924 0.131741 0.080605 -0.65401 0.609235 0.123556 RB2022F 0.749632 0.682753 0.571205 -0.55309 -0.84236 -0.49437 0.576246 -0.52219 0.89809 1.384976 1.40151 1.267697 0.952655 0.268139 0.634449 RB2024F 1.640165 1.777046 1.072179 -1.30176 -0.79165 -0.20888 0.364912 -0.39037 1.654966 1.231394 1.174339 1.374474 1.83993 -0.17529 0.199647 RB2025F -0.62291 -0.52851 1.404837 -0.26286 -0.62035 -0.71907 0.667694 -0.6176 0.171702 0.145818 0.18922 0.121878 0.730635 0.216975 0.253997 RB2038F -1.43805 -1.30132 -1.1678 1.782701 -1.29896 -1.83762 1.532104 -1.78806 -1.06232 -1.4468 -1.49386 -1.56805 -0.78568 -1.60789 -1.30368 RB2040F -0.7743 -0.79143 -1.36784 1.216793 0.528207 0.427777 -0.27667 0.156905 -1.79962 -1.21855 -1.23307 -1.20501 -0.99976 -1.10477 -1.0178 22 December 2014 Page 13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK HEMMERA ENVIRCHEM INC. ROBERTS BANK TERMINAL 2 – TECHNICAL DATA REPORT BIOFILM PHYSICAL FACTORS 3.3 Biota-Environment Stepwise (BEST) BEST Biota and/or Environment matching Data worksheet Name: Data15 Data type: Environmental Sample selection: All Variable selection: All Resemblance worksheet Name: Resem4 Data type: Similarity Selection: All Parameters Rank correlation method: Spearman Method: BIOENV Maximum number of variables: 5 Resemblance: Analyse between: Samples Resemblance measure: D1 Euclidean distance Variables 1 Elevation 2 Annual Exposure 3 Distance from Canoe Pass 4 Distance from Shore 5 % Clay 6 % Silt 7 % Sand 8 TOC 9 Porewater Ammonia 10 Porewater Bromide 11 Porewater Chloride 12 Porewater SO4 13 Phosphate 14 Potassium 15 Sulfur Global Test Sample statistic (Rho): 0.336 Significance level of sample statistic: 41% Number of permutations: 99 (Random sample) Number of permuted statistics greater than or equal to Rho: 40 22 December 2014 Page 15 Best results No.Vars 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 4 Corr. 0.336 0.320 0.317 0.316 0.314 0.308 0.308 0.306 0.295 0.294 Selections 4,13 4,12,13 10,11,13 4,10,13 10,12,13 4,10,12,13 4,11,13 4,10,11,13 11,13 10-13 Outputs Plot: Graph34 Page 16 307071-00790-01-EN-REP-5001_Rev0_App5.docx
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