The Good News - St. Mary`s Church of the Assumption West, Texas
The Good News - St. Mary`s Church of the Assumption West, Texas
The Good News Letter from Our Pastor Dear Parishioners, Summer has come to a close and fall has begun. The kids are back in school, and our vacations are mostly joyful memories now. The weather has begun to change as we resume our old routines, and optimistically, we get some rain. Our families and friends are finally coming home with the reopening of the Rest Haven and, with any luck, they will all be home in time for Christmas. My prayers and the prayers of Father Vincent are with you always. I would like to address one item with you at this time. In the past, I requested the different ministries to notify me if they were going to have someone from outside the parish speak to their ministries. One reason for this was, so I could keep in the loop, and that we know that this person is actually whom they say they are. The other reason was to make sure we were staying within Diocesan guidelines, and that they meet the Ethics in Ministry (EIM) requirement. The reason for this is simple. In the past we have had people in the diocese misrepresent themselves for various reasons, both priest and the lay faithful. This is a problem that all dioceses have had from time to time. I spent some time earlier this year with a friend of mine who mentioned that they have a problem of former seminarians coming to his diocese and acting as priest for financial gain. All bishops throughout the world have similar requirements for speakers and priest from outside the diocese for the same reasons I listed earlier. The reasons are not to make things more difficult for the people of God, but to protect them from the wolves in sheep clothes. The bishop has asked me and other priests not to make exceptions. May God bless always, Fr. Paul O C TOB E R — D EC EM B ER 201 5 A publication of St. Mary’s Catholic Church of the Assumption Rev. Paul Hudson; Pastor Rectory 254-826-3705 301 S. Harrison P.O. Box 276 West, Texas 76691 AT A GLANCE Inside this issue: Parent Teacher Club 2 St. Anne’s Altar Society 3 Men’s Fellowship 3 C.D.A News 4 Parish Advisory Board 4 C.C.E News 5 Grief Support 5 St. Vincent dePaul 6 Infant Jesus Garden 6 Adult Formation 7 DCCW News 7 Boys Scout News Father Paul reminds us of our diocese’s requirements created to protect our parishioners... 8—9 SMS News 10 KJT #31 News 10 KJZT & KJZT Jr. News 11 Parents Teachers Club By Rita Watson The PTC hopes that everyone enjoyed their grandparents’ luncheon last week. What a blessing it is to have a school that values family as well as faith! We had a PTC meeting on the 9th of September with an AWESOME turnout. We had close to 20 parents and teachers in attendance. Our grand door prize winner was Ginger Buzan. Hopefully, you will be able to attend the October meeting. Head Room Parents for 2015—2016 Below, please find all the gracious volunteers who have agreed to be Head Room Parents this school year. Thank you all in advance! 4K - Christi Suter and Elizabeth Muska Kinder - Torie Banik 1st - Kristie Mason 2nd - Lindsey Vanek 3rd - Rachel Harrington 4th - Melissa Kubitza 5th - Angela Sinkule and Laura Berger 6th - Candace Kapavik 7th - Jennifer Buchanan 8th - Shane Bivens Head Room Parents will coordinate with the classroom teacher and other parents when planning classroom activities and parties, as well as, work with the PTC to schedule classroom volunteers for the school carnival, Santa's Workshop, field day and etc. Fall Homecoming Carnival We have begun the pre-planning stages of the Fall Homecoming Carnival. You will be receiving an email in the next week or two detailing all the fabulous games we have planned this year. Your Head Room Parents will also be reaching out to you soon, asking for volunteers to help work your class game. Please keep your eyes peeled for this exciting email. The Fall Fundraiser was Tennessee Cheesecakes. It was a huge success! The top sellers were: Pre-K- Gigi Suter Kinder- Quintin Kaska New PTC Officers Have Been Elected: 1st- Donovan Lowe 2nd- Helayna Martinez President—Melissa Kubitza 3rd- Claire Harrington Vice President—Michelle Ivy 4th- Claire Kubitza 5th- Catalina Turner Secretary—Rita Watson 6th- Tanner Marak Treasurer—Jana Marak 7th- George Beger 8th- Karson Goates Reporter - Christi Suter and Stacy Kolar Overall top winner.....Gigi Suter Page 2 PTC continued…. School Supplies- We purchased all the school supplies for the school. We received a lot of positive feedback from parents and staff. Future Projects—Building another shade covering on the playground. Upcoming Events Carnival- The school carnival will be held on Sunday, October 18th at the KC grounds. We will have children’s games, bingo and a concession stand from 11a.m.—3 p.m. Angel Tree- Set up in church will be Nov. 28th. We will have angels for $5 in memory of our loved ones. The students will pray for our ‘angels’ during the school Masses. Santa’s Workshop- We will host the 10th annual Santa’s Workshop on Saturday, December 5 from 11 a.m.—2:30 p.m. We will have crafts, pictures with Santa and class basket raffles. It will be held in the Parish Center. Future meetings are at 6 pm in the Elementary Teacher’s Lounge: October 14th November 11th December 2nd If you are new to St. Mary's School and would like to know more about us, come to one of our meetings. WHAT DO WE DO: -Purchase all the school supplies -Purchase bulletin board paper -Purchase first aid kit supplies -Purchase art supplies for art closet -Purchase Christmas and Catholic School Week gifts for staff WE ARE IN CHARGE OF: -Assigning room parents -Field Day -Fall & Spring Fundraisers -Gardening Day -Fall Carnival -Staff lunch for In-Service -Santa’s Workshop -Playground Projects -Angel Tree -Special Projects October—December Issue 2015 St. Anne’s Altar Society St. Anne's Altar Society is beginning to make plans for the fall and Christmas seasons. We will again be taking memorials or honorariums for Christmas poinsettias for $5.00 per name for those you wish to remember at Christmas and fill the altar with beautiful poinsettias. More information will be in the church bulletin at a later date. St. Anne's has been blessed with many people giving memorials in memory of their loved ones. If you wish to do this you may place your memorial in an envelope and turn it in to the parish office. by Evelyn Petter Our Society decorates for weddings at our church. Contact Evelyn Petter at 826-5675 if you have any questions or would like for us to do this for you. The next St. Anne's meeting will be held in October. We will be electing officers for the 2016-2017 term. Please consider serving as an officer. You may contact Evelyn Petter at the above number. Watch for details in the church bulletin as to the date and time the meeting is scheduled. See you at the October meeting! Men’s Fellowship Group (MFG) by Jim Maguire The Men’s Fellowship Group (MFG) continues to meet on Friday mornings. During the summer our group finished an insightful series presented by Dr. Charles Matthews on the gospel of Matthew. The consensus of the men was that they gained a much deeper understanding of Jesus’ teaching from the series. We also began a series on the 2000 year history of the Catholic Church presented by our own historian Terry Isaacs. In the two initial presentations covering the first 600 years of Catholicism, Terry told us of the struggles of the Church against heresies and evidence suggesting the Holy Spirit was fully involved in guiding the Church. This fall we will begin a twenty week video series entitled “Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained.” This series brings together some of the most noted Catholic teachers to guide us through the breadth and richness of the Catholic faith. Watch for the weekly MFG e-mails announcing upcoming programs. Men who have attended ACTS or a Friday morning sessions should be on the e-mail list. If you are not getting the e-mails and would like them, you may e-mail: [email protected]. The Good News Page 3 Catholic Daughters News CDA is gearing up for another busy year! Our first meeting for the year was held September 1, 2015. Planned events and the Budget & Standards were approved for the year. We had a successful kolache bake sale on August 29 and that kicked off our fundraising events for the year. Individuals are needed to recite the rosary before the 6:30 p.m. Mass on Saturdays. Please consider volunteering for one Saturday a month to pray for World Peace. Please contact Evelyn Petter at 826-5675 or Evelyn Stuckley at 826-5179 if you wish to sign up. Kathy Gremminger has volunteered to chair the Taco Soup Lunch fundraiser which will be held February 9, 2016. More details will be provided in the next newsletter. Please consider donating a silent auction item and volunteering to help with the fundraiser. Many hands make light work. Proceeds help to carry out our works of charity for the parish and community. by Regent Evelyn Petter A membership drive will be conducted in February 2016. Ladies will have an opportunity to experience our meetings in December with an open invitation to attend our December Social with the meeting following. Further information will be provided at a later date. Please watch the bulletin for more details. CDA Sunday is October 18, 2015. Our court will attend the 9:00 a.m. Mass and process into church as a group. CDA will be submitting another shirt order soon. If you wish to order a CDA shirt, please contact Debby Marak at 749-8605. Our meetings are the first Tuesday of each month with social time beginning at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Hall. Hope to see you at our next meeting! Parish Advisory Board by Dorothy Warren Our Parish Festival has come and gone for this year and it was successful. All parishioners deserve a big round of applause for all their help whether it was physically, financially, or through prayers. The Parish Board members send a special thank you to all. Work on the final phase of the Parish Directory is underway. Several parishioners have volunteered to assist with this big endeavor and their help is truly appreciated. We hope to have the directories printed and back to the church for dispersal around the first of the new year. If anyone has questions, please contact me (Dorothy) or the church office. Fall is upon us and before you know it, the end of the year will be approaching. Enjoy the cool, crisp air that refreshes each of us. May this be a special time for each of us to refresh our faith. Page 4 October—December Issue 2015 C.C.E. News The 2015 CCE year has officially kicked off. Registrations were completed in July and August; parent meetings were conducted at the beginning of September; and classes are underway. There are currently 250+ students enrolled in the Kindergarten through Confirmation age classes. Classes this fall will see a few enhancements in material in addition to the traditional materials used for each class. The Confirmation and 9th grade classes all received Mass Journals from Dynamic Catholic to use as they attend 10:30 Mass as a group each Sunday after class. In addition, the Parish is providing youth Catechisms to the older classes to help supplement the lesson each week. The youth will get to keep the Catechisms books as well as their Bibles for their own. We are blessed to be able to provide the youth with these materials. In addition to classes each week, there are a few service projects planned for this fall. In November, the CCE students will be donating to, assembling, and delivering Thanksgiving Baskets. Also in December, the students will be donating to and assembling gifts for the Nursing Home residents. by Jason Janek Please keep these teachers and all of our students in your prayers as we grow in faith each week through prayer and study. Grade Teachers K Andrea Sulak, Raven Hlavenka & Macie Polansky 1 Debbie Scott, Trevor Scott & Erin Sapeda 2 Megan Jakubik & Addyson Foitek 3 Nachelle Polanksy, Mary Sulak & Michelle Enders 4 Diana Westhoff & Kearstyn Woodard 5 Theresa Cernosek & Jean Maler 5 Jim & Roseann Lockhart 6 Jeni Janek, Mary Kate Janek & Emma Nors 7 Matthew Eubanks, Danielle Nors & Daniel Gerik 8 Dennis Gloeckner, Carl Williams, Mason Matus & Marissa Matus RCIC Christina Rodarte & Vanessa Perez 9 Dennis Gloeckner, Andrew Bosela, Michael & April Warren 10 Darrin & Torie Banik We are very grateful to the teachers and aides who have volunteered their time and talent to assist with CCE this year. You can follow or communicate with us on several social media outlets: Web: Twitter: @cce_west Facebook: WestCCE Instagram: cce_west Email: [email protected] Grief Support by Janice Kaluza October 22, 2015 - Grief Support Group Meeting - 7:00 p.m. Thursday at St. Joseph Hall. The speaker for this evening will be Dr. Paul Stripling, Counselor for Hand in Hand Counseling in Waco. There will be a time for food and fellowship. November 2015 - Grief Support Group Meeting - No meeting will be scheduled due to preparation for the upcoming memorial service. December 3, 2015 - Annual Candlelight Memorial Service - 7:00 p.m. Thursday at Aderhold Funeral Home Chapel. The memorial service will be led by Dr. John Crowder, Pastor of First Baptist Church of West. There will be a time for food and fellowship after the memorial service so you can spend time with others who have lost someone close to them in this year. If a family has lost a loved one in this past year and would like to honor and remember them, please call Janice Kaluza at Aderhold Funeral Home for more information at (254) 826-5321. The Good News Page 5 Society of St. Vincent dePaul By Cheryl Hoelscher If Not Me, Then Who? This was the theme of the Poverty Institute held in Austin the last weekend in September. This four day seminar was created and led by Dr. Donna Beegle. Three Vincentians from our West Conference attended. Freda Allan, Nancy Isaacs and Cheryl Hoelscher were led step-by-step through her life stories beginning as a homeless, migrant crop-worker through her educational and career successes. Each story giving us a better, first-hand view of what it feels like to live in generational poverty. By the time the seminar ended, the attendees had increased their ‘Poverty Competency’ and had learned strategies for understanding, motivating, educating and communicating more effectively with people who are fighting poverty. Being competent in poverty means understanding the communication styles of those in poverty, relating to the individuals so they understand we are all the same and equal, and knowing where to turn when resources or additional knowledge is needed. Each of us wanting to end poverty, must pull from these resources that we will ‘store in our backpack’ so we can collaboratively work to end poverty. Therefore, we can honestly say, ‘if not me, then who’….if I don’t know what to do to assist you and guide you past the current poverty crisis, then who…..who do I know; what resource do I have in my backpack to give to you to fix this issue. Would you like to help us end poverty in West? We can — one family at a time. But it takes a community working collaboratively to achieve this. First step: break the communication barriers. This can’t be done if we are judging or trying to decide if the person is worthy of our help. (Judgmental Logic: ‘This family was struck with cancer so they need help feeding their children; but the family next door in poverty –I don’t know about them….they don’t seem to want to work.) Let us remove judgement and open the communication lines so we can motivate and find solutions to remove obstacles. You (our parish) have been very generous and our Vincentians are committed to using these financial resources you have given to help those in poverty find both short-term and long-term solutions to lift them up from poverty. Beegle Bite: When working with people in poverty, you are planting seeds. Some people may blossom before your eyes, while others need more time to grow and may not bloom until later, when you are no longer a part of their life. But the seeds YOU plant now are critical to their growth. Infant Jesus of Prague Ancestral Prayer Garden By Clarice Snokhous and Mildred Dokupil We are in the process of preparing for our 6th Anniversary Mass celebration in the month of November. Please watch bulletin for details. Arrangements are being made for the fence and gate to be repainted. Page 6 October—December Issue 2015 Adult Faith Formation By Jim Lockhart “To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances; to seek him, the greatest adventure.” -St. Augustine And so goes our Adult Faith Formation group, Travelers on their faith journey and meeting Christ along the way. We have had some wonderful programs – Fr. Robert Barron, Dr. Ray Guarendi, ,Deacon Alex Jones, Dr. Monica Miller and Jeff Cavins have all helped us grow in knowledge and faith. But this journey is made richer by those traveling with us as we go through this period of formation, transformation, reformation – our Great Adventure. Join us every Sunday at 9 a.m. in the Parish Center Conference Room as we conclude “Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible” and prepare for “Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained” for our Fall program. And count yourself doubly blessed, as we do, when the lights go up and one of our priests has quietly entered the room and has time to share with our group. D. C. C. W. News By Evelyn Petter The Northern Council of Catholic Women held its regular quarterly meeting on August 12, 2015, which was hosted by St. Louis Parish in Waco. The meeting was well attended and the ladies of St. Louis provided a wonderful lunch. Ann Peter from the St. Mary's Parish in Waco will assume Treasurer duties previously performed by Dorothy Maggard who passed away earlier this year. She will be installed at the next meeting. The DCCW Annual Convention is scheduled for April 11 and 12, 2016 at the Austin Crowne Plaza Hotel. Mark your calendars so we can have good representation from the Northern Council. More details will be provided as they become available. DCCW Sunday will be observed on October 4, 2015. A Clerical Endowment Fund drive will be held that weekend after all the Masses. Please consider supporting this annual drive The Rural Life Mass was held August 20, 2015 at St. Ann's in Somerville. Ten of our parishioners attended the Mass. Bishop Joe Vasquez was awarded the clergy award this year. The next meeting of the Northern Council will be held November 11, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Waco. Hope to see you there! Reminder: If you missed having your group or organization’s latest information in this Newsletter, please mark your calendar now so your events can be included in the Winter 2016 Newsletter. Please send articles or calendar dates to [email protected] by December 15, 2015 or you may call Cheryl Hoelscher at 254-826-3481 The Good News Page 7 Scouting News Submitted by Don Urbanovsky, Troop Committee Chair We would like to invite you all to “Like” our official Facebook page, West Boy Scout Troop 494. This is an excellent way to keep up to date with current events and troop activities. We have recently started adding photos of our current events to our page so that the community can follow our scouting adventures. Since March of this year, our Scouts have attended TSTC Merit Badge College, Worth Ranch Summer Camp, posted US Flags on the graves of the Veterans at St. Mary’s Cemetery, worked at the Church Festival, assisted with SPJST Lodge 6 Picnic, camped at Camp Schular -Lake Whitney and earned the Historical Trail Patch for studying and experiencing the Chisholm Trail at Lake Park near West. We recently worked our annual service project at WESTFEST. Look at our Upcoming Events to see what we are doing next. We appreciate your support with our fundraiser which include the monthly Aluminum Cans Recycle and "Old Glory in West" flag subscription. We also have the Hamburger Sack Lunch and BBQ Chicken events coming up to help the Scouts offset the expense of attending Summer Camp and a Trek at Philmont in New Mexico in July 2016. ADVANCEMENTS Congratulations to our Scouts achieving Advancements EAGLE – Bailey Warren STAR Rank – Jeremiah Gunter 1st CLASS Rank – Braxson Warren 2nd CLASS Rank – Nick Allnutt, Ryson Maddox TENDERFOOT – Orlando Lara, Jake Woosley, Jesse Corvin, Kadyn Reynolds, Nick Allnutt, Parker Bernsen, Patrick Chirhart, Ryson Maddox SCOUT Rank – Aaron Cole, Andrew Watson, Cameron Wood, Jacob Divin, Lucas Bryant, Tanner Marak List of Merit Badges and the Scout who earned them: ASTRONOMY—Jake Woosley BIRD STUDY- Jeremiah Gunter AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENCE -- Kadyn Reynolds, Tim Woolls CAMPING – Bailey Warren, Dalton Ferguson, Devin Sembera, Taylor Marek CITIZENSHIP in the COMMUNITY- Bailey Warren CITIZENSHIP in the WORLD –Chris Moyer CLIMBING—Braxson Warren, Chris Moyer, Devin Sembera COMMUNICATION – Jesse Corvin COMPUTERS – Chris Moyer ELECTRICITY – Taylor Marek EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS – Devin Sembera, Dalton Ferguson ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE – Braxson Warren, and Ryson Maddox FINGERPRINTING – Aaron Cole, Orlando Lara FIRST AID – Lucas Bryant FLY FISHING – Patrick Chirhart Page 8 FAMILY LIFE – Nathan Galuppo FIRE SAFETY – Chris Moyer FISH & WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT – Everett Bernsen GEOLOGY – Braxson Warren, Jeremiah Gunter, Nathan Galuppo, Nick Allnutt October—December Issue 2015 Scouting News continues…. GOLF – Taylor Marek LIFESAVING – Jake Woosley LEATHERWORKING – Everett Bernsen, Parker Bernsen MAMMAL STUDY – Jacob Divin, Andrew Watson, Tanner Marak NATURE – Aaron Cole, Jesse Corvin, Lucas Bryant PAINTING – Patrick Chirhart PERSONAL MANAGEMENT – Devin Sembera, Timothy Wools PHOTOGRAPHY – Everett Bernsen PUBLIC SPEAKING – Dalton Ferguson, Jesse Corvin RIFLE SHOOTING – Nick Allnutt, Orlando Lara ROWING- Parker Bernsen SALESMANSHIP – Braxson Warren, Jeremiah Gunter, Nathan Galuppo SCULPTURE – Everett Bernsen SNORKLING – Patrick Chirhart, Jake Woosley, Kaydn Reynolds SNOW SPORTS – Chris Moyer SPACE EXPLORATION – Kadyn Reynolds, Nick Allnutt, Orlando Lara SWIMMING – Andrew Watson, Jacob Divin, Tanner Marak, Lucas Bryant THEATER – Patrick Chirhart WEATHER- Nick Allnutt, Orlando Lara WELDING – Devin Sembera, Jake Woosley WILDERNESS SURVIVAL – Kadyn Reynolds, Lucas Bryant Awards FIREM’N CHIT – Nick Allnutt, Jesse Corvin, Ryson Maddox TOTIN’ CHIP – Nick Allnutt , Jesse Corvin UPCOMING EVENTS Troop meetings Tuesday night from 7 to 8:00 p.m. at the Scout Hut Oct 3 - Boy Scouts Aluminum Can Recycle @ south lawn of West City Hall from 9 a.m. – noon Oct 3 – Hamburger Sack Lunch Fundraiser 11am until 1 pm at Scout Hut Oct 5 - Boy Scouts Adult leader’s meeting at 7:00 p.m. at Scout Hut Oct 17 – SCORE-O Sid Richardson at Scout Ranch Oct 25/26 - BBQ Chicken Fundraiser at Scout Hut Oct 27 - Patrol Leaders Council --No Troop Meeting Nov 3 - Boy Scouts Adult leaders’ meeting at 7:00 p.m. at Scout Hut Nov 7 - Boy Scouts Aluminum Can Recycle @ south lawn of West City Hall from 9 a.m. – noon Nov 7 – Baylor MERIT BADGE COLLEGE Session One Nov 11 - Veterans Day “Post Old Glory” Nov 17 - Patrol Leaders Council -- No Troop Meeting Nov 21 –Baylor MERIT BADGE COLLEGE Session Two Nov 26 – THANKSGIVING Dec 5 - Boy Scouts Aluminum Can Recycle @ south lawn of West City Hall from 9 a.m. – noon Dec 7 - Boy Scouts Adult leaders’ meeting at 7:00 p.m. at Scout Hut Dec 15 - Patrol Leaders Council -- No Troop Meeting Dec 18 -Christmas Lock In-Party Dec 22 - No Troop Meeting -- Wish Everyone a "Merry Christmas" Dec 29 - No Troop Meeting -- Wish Everyone a "Happy New Year" The Good News Page 9 ST. MARY’S SCHOOL NEWS By Adrienne Janek, Director of Development SPORTS The SMS football team’s Homecoming game will take place on Thursday, October 15th in Penelope at 6 p.m. (Please contact the school for football, basketball and volleyball game times and location updates for the week.) *Saturday, 12/5 will be the PTC sponsored Santa’s Workshop at the Parish Center; time TBA. *The annual SMS school-wide Christmas program will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 15th in the church. SPECIAL EVENTS *Everyone is invited to our special Homecoming Mass at 6:30 p.m. in the church on Saturday, 10/17. HOLIDAY CLOSURES & EARLY RELEASES *There will be no school for students on Monday, October 12th, due to a diocesan-wide Catholic Schools teacher inservice training in Temple. *We will have our annual school Carnival at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Sunday, 10/18 beginning at 11 a.m. *Early Release: 11/6 due to the end of six weeks/teacher inservice *Please help contribute to the canned food drive to be collected at the school morning Mass on Friday, 11/13 at 8:15 a.m. in the church. *The school will be closed after the early release on Friday, 11/20 through Friday 11/27 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. *St. Mary’s Catholic School will begin having its weekly Advent Ceremonies in the church at 8:15 a.m. on the following Mondays: 11/30 and 12/7 and 12/14. *Early Release: 12/18 to begin the Christmas and New Year holidays (School will be closed from 12:30 p.m. on Friday, 12/18 through Friday, 1/1. There will be no school for students on Monday, 1/4 due to a staff in-service. The school office will be open on Monday, January 4th, although students return on Tuesday, 1/5. *On Friday, 12/4, there will be a special “Baby Shower for baby Jesus” at the morning Mass at 8:15 a.m., as well as a possible visit from St. Nick in the church. KJT Society #31 by Cathy Kraemer Our society had a fairly quiet summer, with no meetings in July or August. In August, we sponsored and ran the auction at the parish festival once again. This year we began using a computer to help keep track of the auction items and bidders. It was something new and we will still be tweaking the process to make improvements before next year's festival. Our late Spring hamburger fundraisers almost paid for our scholarships this year and our youth donated the difference. Scholarships were awarded to members Alex Veselka and Cody Kraemer. Alex is currently attending MCC and Cody is attending the MCC Fire Academy. We met for Corporate Communion on September 13th at the 7:30 Mass, then attended the World Youth Day group's pancake breakfast along with having coffee & kolaches before our monthly meeting. Our next meeting will be October 11th with breakfast served after the 7:30 Mass before our meeting. We will have a donation jar at our breakfast for anyone who wants to contribute to the World Youth Day group. On October 25th, our youth group will be having their annual Pumpkin Carving/Fall Fun Day at the Kraemer's starting at 3:00 pm. Check the bulletin for details as the time gets closer. Our November meeting will be on the 8th in the Parish Center after the 7:30 Mass and on December 13th, our meeting will be at Tours Hall starting at 2:00 p.m. followed by our annual Christmas Program & Dinner. Page 10 October—December Issue 2015 KJZT Society #11 Thank you to all who donated items and helped in anyway with the “Country Store”. Also thank you to all who donate to the “Food Pantry” it is greatly appreciated.’ I would also like to welcome two new members Kendall Herring and Jennie Kunkel. Parents and grandparents of Junior KJZT members who are high school seniors need to remind them to apply for the KJZT state scholarships by February. Please tell them to go to for application info. All junior members are By President Mary Kallus eligible for a one time scholarship. At our October and November meetings, we will be planning our next bake sale to be held November 21st at the Parish Center. Members’ help will be needed so please mark your calendar. Starting time is 7 a.m. but we appreciate your help anytime with rolling, buttering, boxing and the dreaded dishwashing and cleanup. We always have great fun at our bake sales! Our Christmas Party will be held December 13th at Tours Hall. A short meeting will be held along with the election of officers beginning at 2 p.m. A program will follow and a meal. Hope to see you there. KJZT Juniors #11 by Theresa Plsek In August the juniors sponsored the Bingo at the parish picnic and we want to thank all the juniors who helped as they did a great job. Juniors will have a meeting in October but it will be in conjunction with their clean-up at the St. Mary’s Cemetery. The date has not yet been determined. Election of officers will take place after our November 11 th meeting. Members will also be helping at the pre-Thanksgiving bake sale on November 21st. Our Christmas program, dinner and raffle drawing will be on December 13 th at Tours Hall in Tours beginning at 2:00 p.m. Juniors will participate in the program. The Good News Page 11 The Good News” “ Church of the Assumption P. O. Box 276 West, Texas 76691 Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid West, Texas 76691 Permit No. 24 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Remember to check out our Parish Website Various organizations have contributed data about their groups, so you can find out what time your group will be meeting, read the latest bulletin, Parish newsletter, CDA newsletter, Lector/Server Schedule, find Mass times and much more—including links to other organizations’ web-pages. If your parish organization would like to have information added to our website, please contact the Rectory. We’re on the Web Remember to pull-out the Calendar page in the center and post on your frig so you don’t miss any of our Church events! Calendar of October 2015 Su Mo Tue We Th 1 November 2015 Fri Sat 2 Church Events 3 Su Mo Tue We Th 1 2 3 4 5 December 2015 Fri Sat 6 7 Su Mo Tue We Thu Fri Sat 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 When What 3-Oct Boy Scouts Aluminum Can Recycle 3-Oct Boy Scouts -Hamburger Lunch fundraiser 3 & 4-Oct KJZT food pantry collect at all Masses Where Time South Lawn-City Hall 9 AM - Noon Scout Hut 11 AM - 1 PM Church all Masses St. Joseph's Hall 7 PM SMS Library 7:15 PM Parish Center after 7:30 AM mass Penelope 6 PM Tours Hall 7 - 10:00 PM SMS 6 PM 6-Oct CDA Meeting & Social (6:30 PM social followed by mtg) 7-Oct West St. Vincent dePaul Conference Meeting 11-Oct KJT #31 & KJZT Meeting with breakfast after 7:30 AM 15-Oct 16-Oct SMS Homecoming Game Over 40's Dance - 'Branded Heart' $5 admission; please bring finger-foods; 14-Oct PTC Meeting in SMS Teachers' lounge 17-Oct SMS Homecoming Mass Church 6:30 PM 18-Oct CDA Sunday (National observance) with church procession Church 9 AM Mass 18-Oct SMS Carnival KC Grounds 11 AM - 3 PM 21-Oct West St. Vincent dePaul Conference Meeting SMS Library 7:15 PM 22-Oct Grief Support Group Meeting St. Joseph's Hall 7 PM 25-Oct KJT #31 Youth Pumpkin Carving / Fall Fun Day Kraemer's 3 PM 25 & 26-Oct Boy Scouts -BBQ Chicken fundraiser Scout Hut ? 31 & 1-Nov KJZT food pantry collect at all Masses Church all Masses Parish Center after 7:30 AM mass St. Joseph's Hall 7 PM SMS Library 7:15 PM South Lawn-City Hall 9 AM - Noon Parish Center after 7:30 AM mass 1-Nov 50/50 Club quarterly meeting 3-Nov CDA Meeting & Social (6:30 PM social followed by mtg) 4-Nov West St. Vincent dePaul Conference Meeting 7-Nov Boy Scouts Aluminum Can Recycle 8-Nov KJT #31 & KJZT Meeting Calendar of October 2015 Church Events November 2015 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 Fri Sat Su Mo Tue We Thu Fri 6 7 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 Su Mo Tue We Th Fri Sat 1 2 3 Su Mo Tue We Th 1 2 3 4 5 December 2015 When What Where Time Sat 11-Nov DCCW - Northern Council meeting at St. John the Baptist Waco 10 AM 11-Nov PTC Meeting in SMS Teachers' lounge SMS 6 PM 18-Nov SMS Library 7:15 PM 20-Nov West St. Vincent dePaul Conference Meeting Over 40's Dance - 'Spur City Rounders' $5 admission; please bring finger-foods; Tours Hall 7 - 10:00 PM 21-Nov KJZT Bake Sale Parish Center 7 AM 1-Dec CDA Meeting & Christmas Dinner - Spouses invited St. Joseph's Hall 6:30 PM 2-Dec PTC Meeting in SMS Teachers' lounge SMS 6 PM 2-Dec West St. Vincent dePaul Conference Meeting SMS Library 7:15 PM 3-Dec Grief Support Annual Candlelight Service Aderhold F.H. 7 PM 5-Dec Boy Scouts Aluminum Can Recycle South Lawn-City Hall 9 AM - Noon 5-Dec PTC - SMS Santa's Workshop Parish Center 11 AM - Noon Church all Masses Tours Hall 2 PM Church 6:30 PM SMS Library 7:15 PM St. Joseph's Hall 9 AM - Noon 5 & 6-Dec KJZT food pantry collect at all Masses 13-Dec KJT & KJZT Annual Christmas Program & Dinner 15-Dec SMS Annual Christmas Program 16-Dec West St. Vincent dePaul Conference Meeting 19-Dec St. Vincent dePaul Food Basket distribution 5 12