Mine to Market - Ernest Henry Mining
Mine to Market - Ernest Henry Mining
MARKET Issue 72 March 2007 Copper Smelter initiative to reduce emissions Following the successful replacement of the number four converter hood late last year, the Mount Isa copper smelter will continue this year with the replacement of the other three converter hoods, which is planned to be completed in early 2008. The next phase will begin in early April, with the replacement of the number two converter hood. In addition to the program to replace hoods, modifications were performed to the secondary gas capture system. This has now been completed on all converters and has resulted in reduced fugitive emissions within the aisle. Experimental work is ongoing in order to further reduce the crane aisle emissions from smoking pots, with a pot cooling system. This idea was based on researching other metallurgical plants’ experience and was driven in Mount Isa by the maintenance and operational crews, under the Smelter Improvement Project guidance. Smelter Improvement Project Manager, Mr Paul Telford, said the replacement of the converter hoods would improve the draft over the converters, thus reducing fugitive emissions and would provide a higher concentration of sulphur dioxide to be directed to the acid plant. “We are committed to improving our environmental performance, to enhance our working conditions and to protect the community from emissions,” said Mr Telford. Secondary Maintenance Superintendent, Mr Mark Ezzy, said the process of placing the hoods over the converter involves the removal of all the old piping and cooling panels. “Following this the pre-assembly of the new panels at the ground level and installation of the new cooling panels will take place,” said Mr Ezzy. “Connecting all the panels to the pumps and heat exchangers, filling the system with water and a pressure test will then be required,” he said. “Finally, chemical treatment of the cooling water to eliminate algae, a cold run and then hot run is required,” said Mr Ezzy. Working together to achieve a reduction in emissions, are from left to right: Paul Wright, Mark Ezzy, Ovidiu Pasca, Neil Lloyd, Darren Snashall, Don Cooper, Robin Sciascia, Paul Telford, Jono Sanders and Ed Turley With converter 4 now installed with a converter hood, replacement of the hoods on the remaining three converters is planned during scheduled converter rebricking shutdowns, with all hoods expected to be completed in early 2008. Environment Manager for North Queensland Copper, Ed Turley, said the hoods will improve process efficiencies resulting in reduced emissions by an additional 10% on top of the 80% capture that has been achieved since 2001. story continues on page 4 The total cost of the project is over four million dollars. Inside Anniversry dinners 6 Zincpower donate to RFDS 11 Bursaries and Scholarships 3 Environment Profiles 7 School-based-apprentices 12 Safety 4-5 Xstrata in the community 10 Gemini 16 A message from Chief Operating Officer Steve de Kruijff A message from General Manager Mount Isa Zinc Lead Operations Kevin Hendry I would like to take this opportunity to thank our many employees throughout the business centres within Xstrata Copper North Queensland who have been working towards our goal of zero harm while maintaining a viable business. The preliminary annual results for Xstrata’s Zinc Business Unit saw our EBIT rise to US$1.673 billion, more than sevenfold the previous year’s result, primarily due to significantly higher zinc and lead prices compared to the previous year. It is my pleasure to advise that Xstrata’s preliminary annual results have been announced recently, and Xstrata is paving the way to become one of the top global mining companies in the world. This has not come about by luck, but by hard work and determination from our dedicated employees, and a strong business sense. Xstrata Zinc Mount Isa Zinc Lead Operations saw a significant safety improvement in the disabling injury severity rate from 233 in 2005 to 123 in 2006. It gives me pleasure to announce the preliminary annual results for 2007. Globally Xstrata Copper announced a full year profit of EBIT $4.89 billion profit. However, the North Queensland division achieved strong EBIT of $970 million in 2006, a significant increase of 92% over 2005. The stronger copper price was the main contributor to improved profitability, offset slightly by lower sales volumes, inflationary impacts and scheduled lower grade ore from the Ernest Henry operation. It is easy to dwell on past achievements, but with 2007 comes a raft of new challenges for us, listed below, which must remain our key focus: • • • • • • continuing our safety improvements, with added focus on reducing our high potential incident rates; ensuring we further reduce our sulphur dioxide emissions; achieving the increased tonnages of ore and concentrate from the mining operations required to meet our business integrated target rate of 300ktpa of copper cathode production by the end of 2007; bringing in the outstanding new smelter upgrade projects in a timely cost-effective manner to achieve the target rate of 300ktpa; remaining cost competitive through the cycle; and ensuring our focus remains on attracting, retaining, leading and developing our capable people, for without great people we will not remain a great business for very long. Achieving these six areas of performance will ensure we deliver our budget commitments for 2007, and meet the challenges of 2008 and onwards. I look forward to working with you on achieving our 2007 safe production goals together. Page | Mine to Market | March 2007 I would like to pass on my sincere gratitude to all Xstrata Zinc Lead employees for their contribution to our 2006 performance, and offer strong encouragement to tackle the work ahead of us, as outlined below, in order to continue to build on this achievement. At George Fisher Mine, further improvements are planned for the second half of 2007 at a total capital cost of approximately AUD$26 million in 2007, to increase shaft hoisting capacity to its maximum infrastructure capacity of 3.1 million tonnes per annum. Additional ground support, development and backfill will be undertaken throughout 2007 to enable an increase on current production levels to be achieved. At the Black Star Open Cut mine at Mount Isa, the Stage 2 ore horizon will continue to be developed throughout 2007 and together with Stage 3 North, which commenced development in June 2006, will provide the bulk of ore production. Ore production from these stages is scheduled to be accelerated in early 2007 to coincide with planned increases in concentrator throughput. The completion of the first stage of the Mount Isa Zinc Lead Concentrator Re-Vamp project saw an increase in throughput capacity from 5 million to 6.5 million tonnes per annum. We continue our work on stage two to increase capacity to 8 million tonnes per annum, and the project is on schedule for completion in the first half of 2008. Three significant diamond drilling programs continued to assess the growth and expansion of Black Star Open Cut, Handle Bar Hill Open Cut (George Fisher South) and George Fisher North Deep Underground. Success in these areas will realise further extensions to the life of mine for the Mount Isa zinc-lead operations. Once again, with the hard work, dedication and commitment seen over the past year, we are positioned well to build on last year’s results in 2007, and achieve our goal of zero harm in the workplace while maintaining our high quality work standards. Xstrata presents 2007 Bursary Scholarship awards The successful 2007 recipients of Xstrata’s Scholarship Program were announced on Tuesday 27 February. the first year the participants have the opportunity to complete four weeks of work experience. Fourteen students received a $1000 bursary scholarship while the remaining applicants were accepted onto the work experience program. “Depending on the student’s field of choice, second year students have a variety of options from school-based apprenticeships, mentoring programs and more work experience,” said Mr Kostowski. In 2006, most of the 38 students carried out one week of practical work experience at Mount Isa Mines in various areas including the copper smelter, building services, site services, finance, human resources and Black Star open cut mine. The students were able to gain experience in a variety of roles ranging from electrical, mechanical fitters, diesel fitters, engineering and management-based roles. “From a company perspective it allows Xstrata to have a really good look at potential employees and helps us to attract people into the mining industry. Meantime from the student’s perspective it allows them to obtain first-hand experience in working at a company like Xstrata,” said Mr Kostowski. The Scholarship Program was an initiative introduced by Xstrata in 2004 whereby school students have the opportunity to attend the Xstrata Skills Centre to learn about the mining industry. The 2007 Bursary winners are pictured above; and the entire group of all scholarship and work experience applicants below. Mr Dick Kostowski, Superintendent of the Xstrata Skills Centre, said the scholarship program has proven to be an extremely successful program. “By allowing students to spend some of their schooling time here at the Mount Isa Mines, it gives them the opportunity to have a good look at the types of jobs they are interested in and allows them to make informed career choices,” said Mr Kostowski. While the Scholarship Program runs over two years, during Stock Price Please note change of date Xstrata is listed on the London and Zurich stock exchanges. As at 7 March 2007 the Xstrata share price on the London Stock Exchange (XTA.L) was 23.75 (GBp). Community Information Session The next Xstrata Mount Isa Mines Community Information Session will be held Date: Monday 2 April Time: 5.30 pm Venue: Mount Isa Civic Centre Please join us to hear the latest news, developments and important announcements from Mount Isa Mines. All welcome. March 2007 | Mine to Market | Page EHM rescue team to compete in Innisfail Ernest Henry Mining’s Emergency Response Team has been invited to attend the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service’s (QFRS) Road Accident Rescue Challenge for the Far North Queensland Region. Flattered to be invited, the Ernest Henry team competed against four other teams in the challenge on Saturday 10 March at the Innisfail Showgrounds. Team captain of the Ernest Henry Mine team, Mr Mike Webster, said each team competed in two 20minute scenarios, where they were judged on their rescue techniques. “The QFRS have offered us a wonderful opportunity and we are all looking forward to the challenge were we can utilise our skills,” said Mr Webster. An update on the EHM team’s results will be given in the April issue of Mine to Market. EHM rescue team members Mia Donnelly (medic), Bill Whamond (tooley), Gary Birch (tooley) and Mike Webster (captain) pictured during a recent training session. Copper Smelter initiative to reduce emissions continued from page 1 “Further improvements and training of operators planned by the copper smelter are expected to increase capture to our goal of 95% reduction of emissions,” said Mr Turley. “The team challenge is to achieve our production target of 300,000 tonnes per annum of copper anode and increase our ability to capture sulphur dioxide gas to our goal of 95%,” said Mr Pasca. In addition to the construction of converter hoods, work is underway in order to achieve nine hour converter cycles, which in conjunction with the hood replacement will have a significant impact on reducing sulphur dioxide released to the environment. Initiatives that have been identified by the team include managing the production cycle staggering of the converters to have only two converters operating at any time, while also reducing the delays during slag and copper blows. Secondary Technical and Commercial Superintendent, Mr Ovi Pasca, formed a team to investigate what changes are needed to achieve an average converter cycle of nine hours. “This is achieved by increasing the level of communication between converters, Rotary Holding Furnace and crane drivers and the ISASMELT,” Mr Pasca said. “When this milestone is achieved, we will be able to complete eight converter charges per day and operate with only two converters in the stack. This will allow the acid plant to fully capture the converter process gases and eliminate the requirement of the third converter gas emitting through the copper smelter stack,” said Mr Pasca. “A combined effort across the Maintenance, Operations and Environment teams is necessary to achieve our targets of reducing emissions of sulphur dioxide and achieving the nine hour converter cycle,” he said. Page | Mine to Market | March 2007 The first step in this program was to increase the knowledge of converter operators by undertaking a chemistry training session, and developing the 24 hour plan and communicating it to all personnel within the converter. Additionally, Xstrata Copper purchased a process gas scrubber from Cockell Creek smelter, which can be used to clean process off-gas. The team is currently performing a study to investigate the best possible use for the scrubber, to further reduce emissions and get closer to the 95% goal. Creating a cleaner environment at R62 Following consultation between Mount Isa Copper Operations management, Central Safety and the Safety Health and Environment Committee, a new designated Smoking Area has been established at the R62 sub-brace effective 6 March 2007 in order to improve the working environment for all employees. The area is demarcated by red and grey paint and signs which highlight the area as a Smoking Area. All other areas in the sub-brace (painted green) are non-smoking areas. A two week grace period has been given which finishes at midnight on Sunday 18th March. After this time all employees are expected to smoke only within the designated area. Xstrata employees wait to start their shift at the R62 sub-brace Heavyweights involved in Bridge Building competition Several of Xstrata’s engineers put their architectural and engineering skills to the test at the Engineers Australia Bridge Building Competition during January and February this year. Following weeks of drafting, gluing and building mini-bridges made from paddle-pop sticks, judging of the best bridges took place on 18 February at Lake Moondarra. The challenge was to construct a bridge consisting of nothing but standard paddle-pop sticks bonded by glue. The bridges were required to span a distance of around 500 mm and were tested on their load / weight bearing ratio. The adult winner was Xstrata’s Mr Geoff Woodsbey - with a ratio of 252, which meant his bridge weighed 660 grams and it took 167 kg to break it! The children’s category winning team was Miss Samantha Kollasch and Miss Jodie Kilpatrick whose ratio was 103, weighing 730 grams and breaking at 75 kg. Xstrata Engineer and bridge building participant, Mr Chris Handley, said the day was a huge success and would definitely be repeated next year. An entry in the paddle-pop stick bridge building competition undergoes load testing “The quality of the bridges entered were excellent as they were much stronger than anticipated,” said Mr Handley. March 2007 | Mine to Market | Page MICO employees celebrate anniversaries Pictured celebrating their 30 year anniversaries recently are MICO employees Phil Houston, John Parsons, and Nev Horwood. The evening was held at Casa Grande and was hosted by Chief Operating Officer Steve de Kruijff (centre) and General Manager MICO, Michael Holmes (far right) and was a great night enjoyed by all. Pictured celebrating their 20 year anniversaries at Casa Grande on the same night are left to right: Standing: Steve de Kruijff, Clint Brennan, Peter Richards, Michael Holmes. Sitting: Graeme Van der Vliet, Ross Booth and Tony Goodwin. Demolition underway at George Fisher Mine Xstrata is donating its old compressor from George Fisher Mine (GFM) to the Outback at Isa for use as a display item in its museum. Over the past month, some demolition work has taken place at GFM. It has included dismantling the old Wet -Fill Paste Plant, the old J53 Winder and Headframe. A major role was cleaning out and dismantling the old compressor building at GFM. Upon completion, an antique compressor will be displayed at the Hard Times Mine tourist destination in Mount Isa. Furthermore, the old concentrator was dismantled, however given the valuable components within the concentrator, instead of dumping or selling the parts, they will be recycled and reused throughout the zinc operations. Page | Mine to Market | March 2007 The old compressor from George Fisher Mine which is being donated to Outback at Isa for display New additions to the green machine: Xstrata’s Environment Department’s grads start Fresh from Newcastle, NSW, Jono Sanders joins Xstrata as a Graduate Environmental Advisor. Alissa Howarth joins the Environmental Team as the newest Graduate Advisor for 2007. Ian Flood is the third Graduate Advisor to join the Environmental Department in 2007. Two weeks into the job, Jono says the most enjoyable aspect so far has to be the people he works with and the experiences the job provides. With a profound love of the outdoors and a strong interest in the mining industry, Alissa, or Lil as she’s more commonly known, said the amount of diversity and opportunities available in the environmental field was a big drawcard for her to come to Mount Isa Mines. After completing university in Newcastle, Ian was employed with Tomago Aluminium Smelter as an Environmental Technician for 12 months before being accepted into the Xstrata Graduate Program. The Graduate Environmental program is made up of three lots of eight month rotations therefore Jono’s main responsibilities at the moment involve the maintenance of air quality systems as well as providing environmental support and feedback for the metallurgical operations. Jono says he chose to work in the environmental field as he enjoys being outside and this type of work provides diverse experiences and opportunities as well as the exposure to work with a range of people from different backgrounds. Prior to starting at Xstrata, Jono worked for Port Waratah Coal Services’ expansion project where his position was an Undergraduate Environmental Advisor as part of the Owners Team. Jono grew up on a deer farm just outside Orange, NSW and is one of three brothers. In his spare time Jono enjoys playing footy, riding motorbikes and fishing. Lil’s role is to assist in the planning, implementation and coordination of environmental programs to ensure compliance with relevant Government legislation and company standards, policies and procedures. Before completing her degree at James Cook University in Cairns, Lil worked overseas in both America and the UK in the hospitality industry. She has also travelled extensively throughout Europe, America and Australia. Having been in Mount Isa for only one month, Lil believes the most challenging part of her job so far is getting to know how Mount Isa Mines works. However she feels that getting out into the field, meeting contractors and other staff members are the most enjoyable and rewarding parts of her work. Amongst her achievements, Lil has ridden 1,466 km around England on a push bike, but managed to raise $7000 for the Leukaemia Foundation by shaving off her hair. I wonder if she will be one of this year’s leading ladies for the World’s Greatest Shave. Ian’s role as an Environmental Advisor involves monitoring and sampling as well as responding to incidents within the environment and providing input into environmental issues for the Mount Isa Copper Operations. The graduate program involves three batches of eight month rotations throughout the different areas of the operations. Ian looks forward to the challenges the job will bring and enjoys the opportunity to make a positive difference to the environment in which we all exist. Like most of the other graduates, Ian and his partner initially found it hard to leave family and friends and the comforts of familiar surrounds, but Ian now sees his new surroundings as an adventure and is getting used to life in the outback. March 2007 | Mine to Market | Page Faces of Xstrata Page | Mine to Market | March 2007 March 2007 | Mine to Market | Page Xstrata helps clean up Mount Isa Another successful Hazardous Household Waste Amnesty was held over 2 - 3 March as part of the Clean up Australia Day Campaign (CUAD). Building upon last year’s Waste Amnesty, approximately 100 people from the community attended the City Council depot to drop off their household waste that would otherwise be harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly. Some of the household waste items were: eight 205 litre drums of hazardous waste from a variety of classes including dangerous when wet compounds, oxidising agents, toxic substances, flammables and corrosives. Xstrata’s Environment Department employees also collected three pallets of lead acid batteries, one pallet of gas bottles, 70 tins of paint and one tonne of car tyres. Senior Environmental Engineer, Mr Nick Learoyd, said the incorrect disposal of chemical wastes would have an enormous impact upon the environment. “It can lead to contamination of soils and the migration of pollutants into waterways, water supplies and groundwater,” Mr Learoyd said. In full support of the Amnesty, Mr Learoyd added “the Amnesty provides the community with the opportunity to transfer hazardous wastes to either Government or private organisations like Xstrata for more effective disposal. “This in turn assists in eliminating illegal dumping and reducing harmful impacts upon the environment” he said. Xstrata would like to thank the Mount Isa City Council, Cleanaway and NQ Resource Recovery, the Army Reserve and Remploy who participated in the CUAD campaign and helped to make the Hazardous Waste Amnesty day so successful. Nick Learoyd adds another battery to the growing pile of those handed in during the hazardous household waste amnesty Anyone wishing to make suggestions or recommendations on how to build upon the event for 2008 are invited to contact Nick Learoyd on [email protected] New community members visit Mount Isa Mines Last month Xstrata welcomed new teachers, doctors, nurses and emergency services staff and their families to Mount Isa by inviting them along to view Mount Isa Mines up close and personal. The 140 new residents to Mount Isa were treated to a surface tour of Mount Isa Mines. Xstrata Copper’s Chief Operating Officer, Mr Steve de Kruijff welcomed newcomers to Mount Isa and delivered a presentation of the mine’s operations. This was followed by a two hour surface tour by bus of Mount Isa Mines. Xstrata would like to extend its thanks to Acting Copper Operations and Process Manager, Mr Brett Harries, along with Manager MICO Infrastructure Projects, Mr Matt Magee and Superintendent Engineering Projects, Mr Craig Thomas who conducted the tours around the mine. Xstrata received some very positive feedback from those who attended, saying it was a great introduction to the town while finding the operations very interesting and the tour very informative. Page 10 | Mine to Market | March 2007 Several of the 140 new community members who attended the surface tour board the coach prior to the tour. The tours are held annually for all new teachers, doctors, nurses and emergency services staff who have recently moved to Mount Isa Xstrata in the Community Zincpower donate $10,000 for Flying Doctor Power Zincpower team coach Steve Hastie and team captain Peter McKellar hand over the cheque for $10,000 to RFDS Base Manager Peter Kirkham and 2007 Spirit of Queensland fundraising entrant Maggie McDonald Xstrata’s Zincpower football team was delighted to donate $10,000 to the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) as part of their fundraising efforts for last year’s 10th Annual Battle of the Mines football competition. Based in Mount Isa, the RFDS provides medical services throughout the north west region including emergency aeromedical retrievals, offering primary health care to people living in isolated communities and transferring patients between hospitals. Zincpower’s team coach, Mr Steve Hastie, along with team captain Mr Peter McKellar, proudly donated the $10,000 to Mr Peter Kirkham, RFDS Base Manager, at a presentation at the RFDS on 2 March 2007. “The Zincpower team remain great supporters of the RFDS as they provide a vital service to Mount Isa and the surrounding communities. The Battle of the Mines event is a great way to raise funds for such a worthy cause,” said Mr Steve Hastie. General Manager, Lead Smelting Operations, Mr Fred White, would like to thank the Zincpower team who, along with the tremendous support from their major sponsors, were able to form a team of committed Xstrata Zinc workers and compete in the football competition. “The team regimentally trained and battled hard on the day enabling them to make it to the Grand Final, where they gained a very commendable second place,” said Mr White. “The camaraderie an event like this creates between the team members, site management and supporters is second to none. Our boys definitely did themselves and our company proud with the highest level of professionalism being displayed both on and off the field, on the day and during training sessions,” he said. sponsors who, through generous support, made this significant donation to the RFDS possible. The team’s Gold Sponsors included ATMR, Smorgon Steel, Bradken and Ludowici while Silver Sponsor’s were ABC Heavy Engineering and SKF Bearings. A huge thanks is also extended to Downing Teal for their donation and Mount Isa Physiotherapy who provided their time during training and on the day to ensure players were prepared and injuries were kept to a minimum. Team coach Mr Steve Hastie said the sponsors are a part of our community in Mount Isa and we can’t thank them enough for their support. “Without these sponsors the donation to the RFDS would not have been possible. We hope our team made our sponsors feel proud, and we look The Zincpower team would like to forward to Battle of the Mines 2007,” extend their gratitude to their many Mr Hastie concluded. March 2007 | Mine to Market | Page 11 2007 school-based apprentices embark on their new careers left to right - back: Jase Sauer, Karl Dillon, Anthony Jones, Bruno De Valter, Zeke Fortune, Darren Simpson, Lewis Hovi and Thomas Lowe - front: Leigh Lorenz, Robbie Rendall, Joshua Maxfield, John Toth and Allan Henricks left to right - back: Joshua Perry, Joshua Johnson, Ashley Buchbach, Bruno De Valter, Tyron Hawkins, Billy Baillie, Reece Webber, Paul Hicks - front: Haydon Van Der Vliet, Glen Moore, Jawo Wollaston, Sam DeBerg, Wyatt Walsh Xstrata’s 2007 intake of School-Based Apprentices’ started on Monday 5 March at the Xstrata Skills Centre. trade area they are most suited to,” said Mr De Valter. Trained by Mr Bruno De Valter, one of Xstrata’s Apprentice Technical Training Instructors, the 24 apprentices from Spinifex State College and Good Shepherd Catholic College have been divided into two groups and will attend one day a week each. “Initially, all the apprentices join as mechanical fitters, however the program gives them the opportunity to sample all the traditional trades and at the end of the year, the students together with the instructors and their parents decide which “Upon successful completion of the school-based apprenticeship, students are able to apply for a full-time apprenticeship next year,” he said. Furthermore, some of the units studied this year can be credited towards their full time apprenticeship. As well as studying the various trade disciplines, the new school-based apprentices can look forward to getting involved in fun projects such as Xstrata’s Mining Expo display and the construction of Xstrata’s float in the Mardi Gras Parade as part of Mount Isa’s Rodeo celebrations. IT Updates Purchasing Printers All printers that are to be used on Xstrata sites need to conform to certain standards to ensure compatibility, durability and usability. For these reasons Xstrata IT has placed a list of approved HP and Xerox printers on the Intranet. Please refer to this list when considering purchasing a printer for your department. All printers and consumables are purchased through MIMS via a Purchase Requisition. Purchasing Officers will then request approval from Xstrata IT to purchase the printer you have requested. Unlike desktops and laptops, printers are not supported by CSC. If you have a problem with a printer, you may log a call to the helpdesk for a Page 12 | Mine to Market | March 2007 technician to assist, however the costs of this service will be charged back to your department. BEM are the local service agent for HP printers in Mount Isa and should be contacted if there is a suspected hardware fault or maintenance is required. Using loan computers If for any reason there is a fault with your desktop or laptop and you are given a loan machine, it is your responsibility to ensure all data that is placed on the loan machine during the loan period is removed before it is returned to CSC. If this doesn’t occur, CSC will remove the data for you, a service that will be charged, before re-issuing the machine to ensure confidentiality. Customer Satisfaction Surveys Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSS) are sent to end users via email as a result of requesting a service from CSC. These surveys are sent to users at random as a means of finding out what their experience was like using the services CSC provide and how CSC can improve these services for the benefit of all end users. If you receive a CSS, please take a few minutes to complete it as the information is then dissected by both Xstrata IT and CSC to ensure the end users are getting the best possible service and to improve processes where possible. If you would like wwmore information on any of these topics, please contact a member of Xstrata IT. Keeping up to date while learning about safety Xstrata Zinc employees are keeping up to date thanks to their 2007 calendars which were put together by many school children who entered a colouring competition to create the 2007 calendar. For each monthly insert in the calendar there is a competition promoting safety in the workplace. Entrants are required to answer several questions in relation to safety, which are then handed to Xstrata Zinc’s Project Training Officer who announces the winners comprising one from each department within Xstrata Zinc. These winners receive a $50 gift voucher from a local Mount Isa store. Xstrata Zinc’s winners for January were: Iian Punch, Chloe Barr, Emmalee O’Hara, Shannon Murphy and Rebekah Cole. While February winners were: Gemma Murphy, Braydon O’Hara, Brooke Donnelly, Emma Day and Ryan Ewart. Congratulations to all who entered. Pictured right: top - some of the successful entrants in the colouring competition for the safety calendar and whose entries were chosen to feature on the calendar; bottom - a sample of the children’s artwork Five star workshop for George Fisher Mine A new five star heavy mobile equipment workshop at George Fisher Mine (GFM) is progressing through its initial construction stages. The aim of the new workshop is to bring GFM’s mobile maintenance standards in line with world’s best practice. Tying in with the new five star workshop at GFM is a new 3,600 square metre Supply Warehouse. Once completed, the warehouse will store critical spares for the Zinc Operations including spares for the smelter, the concentrator and for both GFM and Black Star Open Cut Mine (BSOC). General Manager Mount Isa Zinc Lead Operations, Mr Kevin Hendry, said the initial stages of construction are proceeding on schedule. “The grassed area located north of the entrance road to the mine has been cleared. The next stages involve levelling the land, and construction on the building will begin shortly,” said Mr Hendry. “The workshop will meet five star standards and have the potential to expand in the future if necessary, to service any open pit fleet that might occur at GFM,” he said. Some key components of the workshop include a heavy vehicle washdown area and a fully air conditioned workshop, providing workers with a cool working environment. Construction work starts on the new heavy mobile equipment workshop at George Fisher Mine Construction will continue over the coming months. March 2007 | Mine to Market | Page 13 Finance Systems Project Updates The Ellipse Business Separation and Chart of Accounts Projects are moving into the final stages before the Go Live date. The purpose for Business Separation is to separate the existing districts into more logical districts that reflect the contribution they make to the mining process. These contributions range from Exploration through to Export. The program contains projects that aim to give better tools to financial managers and supervisors so that staff can deliver processes and products in a more streamlined manner. This will enable more timely delivery of financial information that is ready for management consideration. It opens the way for improved support for management decision-making and cost benefits for the business. The projects covered by this program are Ellipse Business Separation, Chart of Accounts, Planning and Reporting and Sales, Invoicing and Logistics. The Ellipse business separation project (EBSP) is working toward separating the geographically based ISA and CRL districts in Ellipse into profit centre based districts. ISA will split into the profit centres, Copper Operations (MIC), Copper Smelter (CUS), Zinc Operations (ZLO) and Lead Smelter (PBS) plus two consolidation districts (CTH and ZTH). CRL will split into Copper Refinery (CRF) and Port (PRT). In essence, the business has reported its results along this profit centre basis for some time. The project is re-configuring Ellipse to reflect that alignment. The re-configuration will simplify the month end process and hopefully free up the accountants’ time to enable them to undertake some strategic analysis work rather than just working to report results. From an end-users point of view, little will change. The configuration has been designed so that most users will only need to log into one district. Where everyone in Isa used to log into the ISA district, they will now log into a new ‘home’ district. Apart from some users in specialist areas like Shared Services or the Supply department, users still only log into one district to do their jobs. Page 14 | Mine to Market | March 2007 In order to maintain some efficiency in purchasing and handling, some stock items will still be kept at the Number 1, Number 2 or Yard warehouses which will be in the CTH district. The system is configured to allow users to requisition from these warehouses in a seamless manner, without having to log into CTH. The Chart of Accounts (CoA) restructure project is designing a common chart of accounts for Xstrata Copper entities. As the North Qld Lead/ Zinc businesses use a common Ellipse system to NQ Copper, we are also including them in the project. Xstrata’s operations in Alumbrera (MAA) and Tintaya are also involved in the CoA project. Alumbrera has recently converted to the new chart of accounts and Tintaya has been using an early version of the new chart since December 2006. The new chart is designed to ensure consistency across the different business units to enhance consolidated reporting at a corporate level and to ensure correct costing of work throughout the business. As most people are aware, in order to manage costs, we need to know what they are. The correct use of costing elements in Ellipse (work orders, project numbers and account codes) is important to enable proper costing analysis. These projects recently undertook the User Acceptance Testing phase (UAT) and the project teams are now busy rectifying the issues identified in that exercise. Training requirements for the workforce have been identified and training courses are now being scheduled for April. The training will be tailored for the recipient with course content depending on the extent to which each user will be affected by the changes. All users who use the requisitioning functionality in Ellipse will be required to attend a short information session on the changes. The go-live for these projects is scheduled for 1 May 2006. If you would like further information on these projects, please contact Nadine Hardwick on 4744 2741 or via email to [email protected] March is Flu vaccination month Getting the flu vaccine each year before winter is the single best way to protect against influenza. The Flu is a highly contagious viral disease and is easily spread through coughing and sneezing. Each case of the flu can cause: • • • • 5-6 days of restricted activity 3-4 days of bed disability 3 days of work absenteeism Symptoms including: abrupt onset of fever; muscular pains; headache; sore throat and coughing. The Flu can persist for days or weeks, and each year 1020% of the community may be infected by the Flu. Why it is recommended to have the Flu shot each year? • • • • • It maximises health and well being It protects from spreading the virus to friends, family or work colleagues Working whilst affected with influenza can be a safety hazard Flu can last for several days or even weeks, which can impact on quality time with family and friends or limit social activities Time-off due to influenza can increase workload, or that of those around you Some of the common myths about the Flu vaccine are: 1. You can get the Flu from the Flu vaccine. The Flu vaccine does not contain live Flu virus, so it can NOT cause influenza infection. However, some people may experience a few aches and pains for a day or two. The Flu vaccine takes about two weeks to provide full protection against the Flu. People who catch Flu during this period may mistakenly blame the vaccine for causing the flu. 2. The Flu and the common cold are the same. The Flu and the common cold are distinct illnesses caused by quite different viruses. Influenza is a more severe illness that arises suddenly in the form of fever, headaches, muscle aches and pains, extreme tiredness and can last up to three weeks. The common cold occurs more gradually and causes milder symptoms that resolve relatively quickly. 3. Some people believe they are fit and healthy, so they don’t need the Flu Vaccine. Even fit and healthy people can be affected by the Flu. The Flu is likely to cause general discomfort due to aches, pains and tiredness, and disruption to daily life. There is also the potential to spread the flu to colleagues and family. It is therefore worthwhile for all adults to consider vaccination against the Flu. 4. The vaccine can cause harmful side effects. The Flu vaccine is generally well-tolerated. Like all medicines, vaccines may have side-effects. Some redness, tenderness, discomfort or swelling is common at the injection site, but this usually settles within a few days. Some people have a slight fever, muscle pains and generally feel a bit unwell for a few days after vaccination. The ‘flu-like symptoms’ do not mean they have the Flu. Xstrata provides a free vaccination to all employees – please provide a cost centre at your time of visit. By appointment only at Gemini Medical Centre Railway Ave Mount Isa. Phone 4744 2242. Xstrata fully supports Queensland Health’s lead in blood testing program, and is keen for Queensland Health to complete their statistically relevant testing sample of 400 Mount Isa children aged between one and four years so the results can be finalised. While Xstrata is totally independent from Queensland Health and is not privy to individual test results, the company is working closely with them and other authorities to investigate lead in blood levels in Mount Isa. Xstrata encourages all employees and Mount Isa parents who have children between the ages of one and four to take advantage of the Wednesday night testing during the month of March, from 4 pm to 7 pm at the Mount Isa Base Hospital. March 2007 | Mine to Market | Page 15 CLASSIFIEDS What’s this? Classifieds are free to Mount Isa Mines’ employees. The deadline for each issue is the first working day of every month. Forms available on the intranet. Please keep descriptions to 25 words or less. For sale Wanted 2001 TOYOTA PRADO, one owner, white 3 litre turbo diesel, cruise control, roof rack, bull bar, tow bar, spotlights, CB radio, Aux. battery, 127,500kms, $28,000 neg. 12 months rego. Ring David on 0429 644 868 Small car to commute to work. Reliable and economical. Under $5,000 Ph 0405 455 122 1991 EA Ford Station Wagon, good rubber, mechanically sound, runs well, good bodywork, no rust, bull bar $1,500 ono. Ph 0402 892 730 1994 Mitsubishi Lancer, 2 door sedan, good tyres, runs well, 12 months rego. $4,000 ono. Ph: 0402 892 730 1983 White Toyota Landcruiser Wagon with bull bar and sun-visor. No rust, $4,000 as is ono. One owner. Ph 4743 4601 Kids outdoor toys. Plastic slides, squares, table & chairs, etc. Good condition. Call Justine 4744 2210 Housemate. Prefer male, 25+, non-smoker, to share large 2 bdrm unit. Close to shops. $145 / week plus bond and expenses. Ph 0422 375 266 Notices Entertainment Unit, room for TV or Stereo and storage space for CD’s, DVD. $300 ono. Ph 4749 1945 for more info. All offers considered Congratulations to John and Sue Loader on the birth of their new baby girl on Tuesday 6 March. John is Manager Mine Maintenance for Copper Operations. Baby girl Loader weighed in at 7lb 5oz and 48cm and will be a lovely little playmate for her sister Rhian. Glass twin bowl vanity unit with taps in new condition $600 ono. Ph 4749 1945 for more info. All offers considered Congratulations to Bradley Godkin, Shift Electrician at George Fisher Mine on his engagement to Vicki Neil. TV Cabinet, timber, 1,800 mm wide x 900 mm high. $200 negotiable Ph 0401 140 792 Learn Spanish from a native Spanish speaker from Peru, South America. All levels. Help and advice for people travelling to Spain or Latin America. Ph 0403 719 548 or email: [email protected] 60 VHS movies $200. Ph 0401 840 879 Removalist boxes – large $3.00 and small $1.50. Call Kate 4744 2538 Congratuations to Damien Varley from Xstrata Zinc who correctly guessed last month’s photo competition was a net post and newly resurfaced tennis courts in East Street. Damien has won a double pass to Cinema Mount Isa. Thank you to all others who correctly guessed the photo. Can you guess this month’s Mount Isa Mines photo competition (pictured above?). For your chance to win email [email protected] with your answer. The winner will be drawn prior to the April edition of Mine to Market. Mount Isa Mines Limited ABN: 87 009 661 447 Private Mail Bag 6 Mount Isa Queensland 4825 Australia Tel: (07) 4744 2011 Fax: (07) 4744 3731 www.xstrata.com Page 16 | Mine to Market | March 2007
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