(PDF, Unknown) - Congregation B`nai Israel
(PDF, Unknown) - Congregation B`nai Israel
August 2016 Tammuz/Av 5776 The Bulletin HAVE FUNDS -- WILL TRAVEL ...to ISRAEL, that is !!! WHAT: WHO: WHY: Jewish Federation trip to Israel Rabbis and lay leaders To exchange ideas, learn about Israel, and bring back connections and stories to share with us so that we can all benefit from this amazing opportunity January 14-20, 2017 HAVE FUNDS - WILL TRAVEL ...to Israel, that is! WHEN: We know Rabbi Harkavy and Glenn Kersey have the passion, the energy, and the chutzpah to pull this off! But they are counting on us to help supply the funds that will take them there! WON’T YOU PLEASE HELP??? Check out Page 9 to find out all about this amazing opportunity! PSST! PSST! HERE’S AN IMPORTANT REMINDER! If you have not yet returned your Annual Pledge Packet, please do so as soon as you can. Let’s all work together to keep CBI moving forward successfully! COMING EVENTS Don’t miss any of these amazing CBI events! Check your E-Blast, the CBI website, or call the Office (678-817-7162) for more details! August 9 August 10 Board Meeting Mahjong 7:00PM 10:30AM August 12 Family Shabbat led by Rabbi Harkavy Kid Friendly Menu/Dairy Dinner Family Shabbat Service 6:30PM 7:30PM August 13 Teacher Training for Religious School 11:00AM August 14 1st Day of Religious School Hebrew High Religious School and Registration Torah Tots 9:00AM 10:00AM 11:00AM August 14 Outside Beautification Day at CBI 10:00AM August 14 Back to School Bash (for everyone) CBI sponsored picnic and fun day after Religious School 12:00PM August 17 Mahjong 10:30AM August 17 1st Day of Hebrew School For students grades 4-6 August 19-21 Youth Group NFTY Leadership Kallah At Camp Coleman August 19 Shabbat Service (Innovative) led by Rabbi Harkavy August 20 Torah Study led by Rabbi Harkavy 10:00AM August 24 Mahjong 10:30AM August 26 Shabbat Service (Customary) led by Susan Burden 7:30PM August 27 New Member/Brotherhood Havdalah and Barbecue 6:30PM August 31 Mahjong 6:30PM 7:30PM 10:30AM Family Shabbat “Back in The Swing” Friday, August 12, 2016 6:30pm—Potluck Dairy Dinner 7:30pm—Shabbat Service, led by Rabbi Harkavy Bring your favorite dairy dish! Cold fare for hot days Comfort food Fast and easy dishes We’ll supply drinks and dessert Join us for a fun evening of friendship and worship WANT TO PLAY MAHJONG? We try to play every Wednesday at CBI 10:30am - 1:30pm Just call the Office at 678-817-7162 to find out when and where you can catch a game! Beginners are welcome! Sunday, August 14 12:00 noon Everyone’s invited! When Religious School registration and classes are completed and the Outdoor Beautification Day is winding down, it’s time to have some fun! Stay for a picnic lunch, with games and activities for the kids. Get to know our new families and reconnect with old friends. See you there! We are in desperate need of sponsors for our upcoming August Shabbats: August 19th August 26th It's a Mitzvah to enjoy Shabbat with food and friends! Sponsoring an Oneg is an important way to help build our CBI community. Please click the link below to see available dates and guidelines. from Rabbi Rick Several people asked to read my annual report, so I have provided an excerpt that focuses on my plans and goals for CBI. I am committed to engaging our members, creating a feeling of excitement and greater connection with CBI, implementing new ideas to attract young families, promoting an engaging religious school, and increasing participation in worship services, social action and volunteer opportunities among congregants of all ages and backgrounds. During the upcoming year, I plan to develop the following: A viable social action committee that will partner with local religious institutions to address social issues. CBI must become more visible within the general community. We must be a leader in interfaith relations. I especially want to evolve CBI into a Caring Community. By offering our presence to one another in times of celebration or sorrow, we create a more compassionate community. Upon a birth or adoption of a baby, or the death of a loved one, our Caring Community ensures that we reach out with a human, Jewish touch: a phone call, a note, a hand-delivered challah, or a Jewish baby book. We are there for one another. My ultimate goal as rabbi is to help evolve CBI into the Jewish community center of the Southside of Atlanta, the second Jewish home of our area. This means offering religious, educational, cultural and social programs for the entire Jewish community, for Jews of all ages and all backgrounds. I believe that our congregation has a bright future so long as the prevailing attitude and atmosphere at CBI is “let’s try it” and not “we already tried it and it did not work.” CBI will have a bright future if we are known to be a place in which people, regardless of their background, feel like they are welcomed and appreciated, a place where every life cycle event is special and meaningful. Shalom, Rabbi Rick RITUAL & PULPIT NEWS August 5 7:30pm - Customary Shabbat Service, led by Rabbi Harkavy August 12: Family Shabbat: 6:30pm - Dinner: Kid Friendly Foods (Dairy) 7:30pm - Family Shabbat Service, led by Rabbi Harkavy August 19: 7:30pm - Innovative Shabbat Service, led by Rabbi Harkavy August 20 10:00am - Torah Study, led by Rabbi Harkavy August 26: 7:30pm - Customary Shabbat Service, led by Susan Burden SHABBAT SERVICES COME IN MANY STYLES Customary Services which align to what CBI has had in past years, with familiar tunes and worship practices, responsive readings, and a more traditional feel Innovative Services in which new music may be introduced and/or in which different forms of prayer and service practices may be incorporated, with CBI musicians sometimes providing a musical backdrop for worship Family Services which use the Children’s Siddur and/or are in some way tailored for families and children, with stories replacing sermons, with shorter service times, and with CBI musicians sometimes providing music for worship HIGH HOLIDAYS ARE COMING Selichot TORAH STUDY Saturday, September 24, 2016 Rosh Hashana Sunday, October 2, 2016 Monday, October 3, 2016 Kol Nidre Tuesday, October 11, 2016 Yom Kippur Rabbi Harkavy, Facilitator 10:00am-11:30am CBI Social Hall Wednesday, October 12, 2016 Saturday, August 20, 2016 More information will be out in September HELP US SEND THE RABBI AND GLENN KERSEY TO ISRAEL The Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta is sponsoring an amazing excursion for rabbis and their lay leaders to travel to Israel for a week-long trip during January 2017. They will be meeting other Jewish leaders, interacting with our brothers and sisters in Israel, exchanging great ideas, building bridges, and bringing back a wealth of information and ideas to share with us. It’s definitely a Win-Win for CBI. Rabbi Harkavy and Glenn Kersey are ready, willing and able to go. THERE’S A CATCH, OF COURSE! We need funds to make this dream trip possible. $5000 would be about right! $5000 - GOAL $4000 $3000 $2000 $1000 We have already collected $2000, so our task is already much easier. WON’T YOU PLEASE HELP??? If each of us would donate even a small amount, we could raise the needed money long before the January trip rolls around. We will keep you updated on how close we are to meeting our goal. The sooner we reach it, the sooner Glenn and Rabbi can pack their bags! Please make your checks out to “CBI” and be sure to write “Federation Israel Trip” on the memo line. Feel free to speak to the Rabbi about the purpose and plan for the trip. Call the Office at 678-817-7162 if you have any questions or concerns. SAVE THE DATE -- SAVE THE DATE -- SAVE THE DATE CBI HAVDALAH AND BARBECUE Welcoming our New Members Saturday, August 27, 2016 6:30pm at CBI Look for more information on what to bring in upcoming Eblasts Sponsored by the CBI Brotherhood Family Fun Day Event ~organized by our CBI YOUTH GROUP/BROTHERHOOD CLASSIC RAFTING TRIP Enjoy class I-III+ rapids on the Classic Trip! Perfect for ages 7 years and up, this is the milder of our trips on the Chattahoochee. Guests will get to experience our Habitat Pool; a lazy river section of our river where guests get in river position and the natural current of the Chattahoochee pulls them downstream. This trip is 2 hours of whitewater fun. Date: September 10th, 2016 Time: 11am arrival Price: $38.50 per rafter Columbus Outpost 1000 Bay Avenue Columbus, GA 31901 Phone (706) 321-4720 For parents that do not wish to raft we will get-together at The Cannon Brew Pub 1041 Broadway, Columbus, GA 31901 http://thecannonbrewpub.com/ RSVP to [email protected] If the words you spoke appeared on your skin, would you still be beautiful? RABBI FUND CAMPAIGN 2015 Congregation B’nai Israel sincerely appreciates all of you, our generous donors, who enable us to enhance our synagogue building, purchase needed equipment and fund our social action endeavors. Without your help, we would not be able to continue as a viable and vibrant organization. We have just completed YEAR ONE -- 2015 -- of our fundraising campaign to assure the salary of our new rabbi (THE RABBI FUND). It has been an exciting year in which about half of our members donated funds to help secure our rabbinic leadership. We applaud those of you who came forward to help us. YEAR TWO -- 2016 -- has now begun. We have already received donations from some new participants into THE RABBI FUND in 2016, for which we are extremely grateful. If you have not already done so, please consider joining the campaign and making a donation in 2016! For more information, contact Stuart Rich at [email protected]. With great respect and gratitude, Congregation B'nai Israel acknowledges all those who made a donation to the fund in its initial year of 2015. We hope to add many more names to this list as 2016 unfolds. 2015 DONORS $2,400 Level $1,500 Level Charyton, Hector and Claudia Cross, Brian and Kerry Edison, Mike and Debbie Ellis, Ralph and Angie Rich, Stuart and Cheryl Caplan, Brad and Amy Muller, Steve and Gerri $1,300 Level Krasow, Mel 2015 DONORS (continued) $1,200 Level $400 Level Burden, Gene and Susan DeMuth, John and Sandy Flug, Zachary and Sari Hamson, Dan and Dedee Hudgins, Dennis and Sharon Kalins, Jeff and Karen Kaplan, Barbara Kersey, Glenn and Peg Lapidus, Brian and Rebecca Rampil, Linda Saleh, Richard and Lais Smith, Brad and Mindy Mendelsohn, Joel $365 Level Aiken, Honey Clement, Idie Holland, Fran Klepinger, Margery Leopold, Marshall and Lee, Charlotte Robbins, Eli and Heather Stroger, Sylvia Trakhtengerts, Abram and Valentina Tyler, Beverly $650 Level Polinsky, Len $600 Level Burden, Jonathan Feinstein, Steven and Andrea Goldstein, Michael and Fern $500 Level Hirsch, Gary and Bonnie Other Contributors Baratz, Max Carter, Joy Feldman, Stacey Fritz, Darren and Sheri Levine, Ray Schwartz, Michael and Gail Tucker, Claudia Thank you for your generous support of our 2015 Rabbi Fund. Congregation B’nai Israel RABBI FUND PLEDGE I/WE, ______________________________________________________, pledge to make the following special contribution to Congregation B’nai Israel (CBI), Fayetteville, GA, for a period of three years beginning January 2016 and ending in December 2018, for the purpose of establishing a fund to be used solely to pay for the professional services of the rabbi of Congregation B’nai Israel. This special contribution is in addition to synagogue dues, Religious School tuition or any other contributions made to CBI. Please mark a selection below: _____$2,400 per year for a period of three years, payable ____ annually ($2,400 each January) ____ quarterly ($600 per quarter) ____ monthly ($200 per month) OR _____$1,200 per year for a period of three years, payable ____ annually ($1,200 each January) ____ quarterly ($300 per quarter) ____ monthly ($100 per month) OR _____$365 per year for a period of three years, payable ($1 per day) ____ annually ($365 each January) ____ monthly ($30 per month) ($360 per year) OR $___________ per year OR $ __________per month for a period of three years I/We would prefer to pay via: ____ credit card (Please fill out and sign separate credit card authorization) ____ check (must be a separate check from any other checks payable to CBI and should be made payable to CBI Special Fund) Signature ________________________________________ Date signed ____________________________ Signature ________________________________________ Date signed ____________________________ CALENDAR OF JEWISH HOLIDAYS Yahrzeits NOTE: Each holiday begins and ends at sundown on the days listed JEWISH YEAR 5776 SECULAR YEAR SEPTEMBER 2015 SEPTEMBER 2016 SELICHOT 5775 ROSH HASHANA YOM KIPPUR SUKKOT ATZERET SIMCHAT TORAH HANUKKAH TU B’SHEVAT PURIM PESACH YOM HASHOAH YOM HAZIKARON & YOM HAATZ’MA’UT LAG B’OMER SHAVUOT TISHAH B’AV SELICHOT 5776 SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 Saturday SEPTEMBER 13-15 Sunday - Tuesday SEPTEMBER 22-23, 2015 Tuesday - Wednesday SEPTEMBER 27 - OCTOBER 4, 2015 Sunday - Sunday OCTOBER 4-5, 2015 Sunday - Monday DECEMBER 6-14, 2015 Sunday - Monday JANUARY 24-25, 2016 Sunday - Monday MARCH 23-24, 2016 Wednesday - Thursday APRIL 22-29, 2016 Friday - Friday MAY 4-5, 2016 Wednesday - Thursday MAY 10-12, 2016 Tuesday - Thursday MAY 25-26, 2016 Wednesday - Thursday JUNE 11-12, 2016 Saturday - Sunday AUGUST 13-14, 2016 Saturday - Sunday SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 Saturday “We aren't the things we collect, acquire, read. We are, for as long as we're here, only love.” ~ Gabrielle Zevin ~ August 5, 2016 Sam Amlin Murray Chuven (Barbara Maryn’s father-in-law) Dennis Davidson John Kshimetski (Debbie Edison’s father) Miriam Ullman August 12, 2016 Rebecca Alpert (Rob Alpert’s grandmother) Chaskiel Klajman Susan Levine (Ray Levine’s wife; Carol Montesinos’ sister) August 19, 2016 Roslyn Biener Lewis A. Edison (Mike Edison’s father) William Jaye (Honey Aiken’s father) Betty Levenson (Nancy Levenson’s mother-in-law) Gene Loud (Linda Davidson’s father) Blanche Spivak (Marilyn Ware’s mother) August 26, 2016 Bessie Horowitz Mollie Maryn (Nat Maryn’s mother) Barbara Shaw (Sylvia Stroger’s daughter; Sharon Hudgins’ sister) Shirley Strum (Vicki Leopold’s mother) May their memories be a blessing With great sorrow, we share the news that three members of our congregational family have sadly mourned a family death in the past months: On June 5, 2016, Susan Shapiro, mother of Shari Weston, died while on a trip to Israel. Susan was an energetic, dynamic woman who loved to watch her beloved grandson Joseph participate in Religious School activities at CBI. She was loved by so many people in our Jewish community. Our thoughts continue to be with Shari, Adam, Joseph and Susan’s husband Larry. On July 31,2016, Bertram Gumble, father of Karen Kalins, succumbed to an illness in Pennsylvania. He had not been well for several months. Karen and her family were able to visit him earlier in the year for a warm and meaningful visit. Bert visited the CBI family often and was a kind, gentle person to all who met him. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to the Kalins family. On August 10, 2016, Jim Cox, brother-in-law of Ira and Linda Rampil, died in New York after suffering a heart attack the previous Monday. Linda and Ira were with the family during this difficult time. We offer our condolences to the Rampils and to Ira’s sister in her loss. Please keep the Weston, Kalins, and Rampil families in your thoughts throughout the weeks ahead. WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IS NOT OUT THERE… IT IS IN YOU. Tree of Life In Honor of Our Grandchildren Jacob & Aiden Lapidus Love, Grandma & Grandpa Help keep CBI lookin' good! We need help keeping the lawn in good shape. Sign up for a week, and stop by whenever you have time to mow. Need a driving lessons? Email Adam Weston at [email protected] Rebecca Sammi Flug Bat Mitzvah 3-19-2016 We love you, Mom, Dad, Amanda, Jeremy Danielle Foster RS Director 2013-2016 In Honor of Your Dedication and Service Happy 1st Birthday It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it. Albert Einstein Becca Tyler Love GW and Gram REFUAH SHLEIMAH 6/25/14 A speedy healing to all who need prayers and thoughts: Welcome on 6-26-15 Joseph Lawrence DeMuth Love Grandma & Grandpa Kalins Donald Borim Joy Carter Debbie Edison Sari Flug Joe Gilliland Bonnie Hirsch Hunter Klepinzger Mel Krasow June Kunkel Nancy Levenson Ray Levine Nat Maryn Joel Mendelsohn Alan Pokrassa Gail Schwartz Hanna Schwartz Martin Schwartz Lois Speaker DONATIONS In Memory of Irene Pavloff Wayne & Beverly Tyler Donating supplies is one easy way for each of us to help CBI cut down on expenses. When you visit Costco, Sam’s, or Wal-Mart, pick up something for CBI from our WISH LIST. Drop the item off on the table in the office. If each of us donated one item per a month, it would make a HUGE difference in CBI operating expenses! CBI Wish List In Memory of Susan Shapiro John & Sandy DeMuth In Memory of Harry Tucker Claudia Tucker In Honor of Susan Burden Stacey Feldman toilet tissue liquid hand soap coffee (reg & decaf) plastic tablecloths paper plates (No Styrofoam) plastic tableware paper towels (rolls) C-fold paper towels Splenda or Equal 33-gallon trash bags disposable cups for hot & cold (No Styrofoam) napkins In Honor of Zachary O. Flug Dr. Arthur Flug & Honorable Phyllis Orlikoff In Honor of Our Confirmands John & Sandy DeMuth Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Howard & Vicki Leopold William Leopold (In honor of the Rabbi’s beautiful wedding ceremony) CBI Special Fund Howard & Vicki Leopold Fly Chai Mike & Debbie Edison General Fund Glenn & Peg Kersey Ralph & Anglie Ellis Terry & Patricia Brown Religious School Ira & Linda Rampil Tzedakah—Doing the Right Thing In our Jewish world, justice and righteousness are very important concepts. We are obligated or commanded to embrace them. The word “tzedakah” means justice. In other words, we are always obligated to do the right thing. To perform an act of “justice” is to be a righteous person. When we have extra money or time or materials, it is the right thing to share with those in need. Even when we are needy ourselves and cannot contribute financial gifts, we should perform acts of tzedakah, such as giving our time and energy to help others. Jewish High Holiday services remind us that tzedakah (justice), t'shuvah (repentance), and tefillah (prayer) are the three actions we should take to help make up for our short-comings. Hopefully, each of us will begin walking that path today! CBI POLICIES AND HELPFUL INFORMATION POLICY CONCERNING COMMERCIAL TRANSACTIONS AT CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL There will be no commercial transactions at CBI on Shabbat. This includes but is not limited to: the sale or delivery of Girl Scout, Boy Scout, school or community fundraising items; sale or delivery of personal items; the purchase of gift shop items. Payments for such items as synagogue dues, donations, or other congregational activities should be placed in the payment box outside the office and will be counted when the office reopens on Monday. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE PARKED IN THE CBI PARKING LOT WITHOUT LETTING ANGIE ELLIS KNOW. OUR LOT IS REGULARLY MONITORED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT. AN UNFAMILIAR VEHICLE COULD WIND UP BEING TOWED AT YOUR EXPENSE. PLEASE CONTACT THE CBI OFFICE IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL LEADERSHIP EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President: David S. Rosenberg Vice President: Adam Weston Treasurer: Stuart Rich Secretary: Ralph Ellis VOTING TRUSTEES Trustee: Steve Muller Trustee: Zachary Flug Trustee: Holly Faraldi Trustee: Glenn Kersey Trustee: Vicki Leopold NON-VOTING MEMBERS Rabbi: Rick Harkavy Cantorial Soloist: Susan Burden Administrator: Angela Ellis CELEBRATING SHABBAT AT CBI: Everyone is welcome at all Shabbat services All Shabbat services begin at 7:30pm Services generally last about 60-70 minutes Each service is followed by an Oneg Shabbat—light refreshments and beverages—in the Social Hall Once per month we hold a Family Shabbat , with a potluck dinner at 6:30pm and a shorter family-oriented service at 7:30pm We ask that you not wear jeans or shorts to regular services, but you may wear jeans or shorts for all Family Shabbat services IMPORTANT CBI CONTACT INFORMATION Call us: The Forum at Ashley Park 342 Newnan Crossing Bypass Newnan, GA 30265 Store Hours Sun 9:00AM-9:00PM | Mon-Thu 9:00AM10:00PM | Fri-Sat 9:00AM-11:00PM Information for THE BULLETIN: The deadline for all submissions for this publication is the 15th of each month. Send to: Angie Ellis [email protected] If you have questions or information about this publication, please contact us at 678-817-7162 or by email or mail. 678-817-7162 (CBI phone) 770-681-0111 (Rabbi’s phone) 678-817-1279 (CBI fax) Email us: [email protected] (Angie Ellis, Administrator) [email protected] (Susan Burden, Cantorial Soloist) [email protected] (Rick Harkavy, Rabbi) Write us: Congregation B’nai Israel P.O. Box 142481 Fayetteville, GA 30214 Send all donations and other communications to Angie Ellis at the above address or by calling or emailing. August 2016 - Congregation B’nai Israel Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Mahjong 10:30am 7 14 8 15 9 10 Board Meeting 7:00pm Mahjong 10:30am 16 17 First Day of RS HHS- 9:00am Reg. & RS-10:00am Torah Tots-11:00am Mahjong 10:30am Outdoor Cleanup 10:00am Hebrew School First Day 6:30pm 22 23 24 RS - 10:00am Mahjong 10:30am YG NFTY Kallah Camp Coleman Hebrew School 6:30pm 28 HHS-9:00am RS - 10:00am 29 30 31 Mahjong 10:30am Hebrew School 6:30pm 5 Sat 6 Shabbat service, led by Rabbi Harkavy 7:30pm (CustomaryService) 11 18 CBI Picnic 12:00pm 21 Fri 25 12 13 Family Shabbat service, led by Rabbi Harkavy, with Back in the Swing dairy dinner Dinner: 6:30pm Service: 7:30pm Teacher Training 11:00am - 3:00pm 19 20 Shabbat service, led by Rabbi Harkavy 7:30pm (Innovative Service) Torah Study, led by Rabbi Harkavy 10:00am YG NFTY Kallah Camp Coleman YG NFTY Kallah Camp Coleman 26 27 Shabbat service, led by Susan Burden 7:30pm (Customary Service) Havdalah /Barbecue, celebrating new members Sponsored by CBI Brotherhood 6:30pm