air transat - The Canadian Business Journal
air transat - The Canadian Business Journal
Air Transat Get on board 02 d Air Transat If you’re a frequent vacationer, you have probably flown with Air Transat. As Canada’s leading holiday travel airline, Air Transat carries about 3 million passengers to nearly 60 destinations in 25 countries, every year! With a fleet of 18 Airbus A330s and A310s, Air Transat employs approximately 2,000 people. 6 TRANSPORTATION Air Transat On a larger scale, Air Transat is a subsidiary of 6,500 people (5,000 of whom are in Canada), Montreal-based Transat A.T. Inc., which is an in- has approximately 17 business units and posts tegrated, international tour operator and holiday annual revenues of $3.5 billion. travel specialist. So, in addition to air transporta- Although Transat has grown significantly tion, Transat also provides destination services, and added to its services, Air Transat remains such as rental and hotel bookings—particularly the parent company’s mainstay. It is very im- for Canada and Europe, as well as in the Carib- portant for an international tour operator to be bean, Mexico and the Mediterranean Basin. able to secure airline seats on good terms and, All together, the 23-year-old company employs where possible, have better control over part of JUNE 2010 The Canadian Business Journal 7 8 TRANSPORTATION Air Transat this supply and the related costs. When a tour prefer to travel in style, Air Transat does offer operator has control over a significant part of the Club Class for superior comfort and exclu- its air capacity, as is the case with Transat, it is sive privileges. But travellers will find the econ- better positioned to develop an appropriate and omy class more than satisfactory with in-flight flexible offering that meets travellers’ require- movies, meals and other attendant services. ments. And that is how the company has built its success. Don’t forget about cargo For customers, one of the best features of A division that the public might consider behind Air Transat is its affordability. At any given mo- the scenes is Air Transat Cargo. And though this ment, the airline has featured deals, making portion of the business doesn’t involve human otherwise expensive trips a lot more accessible passengers, it is still an extremely important ele- to the average Canadian family. For those that ment of the business. For example, Air Transat JUNE 2010 The Canadian Business Journal The Pepsi® brand is making over $1 Million in grants available to support ideas that you care about.* health arts & culture food & shelter the planet * Some conditions & restrictions apply. For complete program details, go to © PepsiCo Canada ULC, 2010. neighbourhoods education 9 10 TRANSPORTATION Air Transat Cargo is the leader in moving perishable goods across all business sectors, companies will from the south and into Canada during our win- surely continue to need transportation services ter months. Though many Canadians enjoy their to move their goods. mangos in January, they probably don’t consider that they had to travel from somewhere else. It’s Sustainable tourism just one example of how integral cargo service is Tourism is growing into one of the world’s leading to end-customers, as well as the airline’s rev- industries—where communities reap the econom- enue stream. So it is no wonder that Air Transat ic benefits and hundreds of millions of travellers is focused on its development. discover new cultures. Air Transat is committed Presently, Air Transat Cargo flights extend to to the responsible development of said industry, Europe, Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin Ameri- and has adopted the following definition of sus- ca. Where the airline doesn’t travel, it leverages tainable tourism: “Sustainable tourism entails its interline partners to go beyond those points, respect for nature, as well as for host communi- so in fact, the airline is connected to an interna- ties and their values; it combines positive socio- tional network of air travel. Service-wise there is economic benefits for local populations with an little the division can’t do, and plans for future enriching experience for travellers.” fleet expansion will only increase capacity. A new element that Air Transat Cargo has The company has embarked on a number of major projects under the auspices of its Sus- factored into the business is its ultimate control tainable Tourism Executive Committee, chaired over the entire process. As of April 1, 2010, Air by Lina De Cesare, Transat Co-founder and Transat has integrated its cargo management President, Tour Operators. All are connected in-house to drive focus and organisation. The in some way to the three pillars of sustainable integration will also mean greater efficiency and tourism: the environment; respect for local com- higher performance for an improved bottom line munities and protection of their culture; and the and better customer service. economy. Air Transat is smart to further establish its The issue of the environment, as far as Air Cargo brand around the world, and grab a piece Transat’s own facilities are concerned, is a clear of the multi-billion-dollar logistics market. As and basic target. Environment committees have globalization becomes increasingly prevalent implemented concrete initiatives with regard to All their strategies All our solutions All making their business fly For more than a decade, Allstream has provided advanced communications solutions to connect the reservation systems, data centres, employees, partners and the customers of Air Transat, one of Canada’s leading vacation charter airlines. It’s a first-class partnership we’re proud of. Canada’s all-business communications provider ® Manitoba Telecom Services Inc., used under license. 12 TRANSPORTATION Air Transat recycling, conservation of resources, the dispos- Air Transat is also involved in humanitarian al of obsolete electronic equipment and raising aid issues. The best and most recent example employee awareness. Air Transat, which proved would be its response to the Haiti earthquake. its forward-looking approach by adopting a strict Within days of the devastation, Air Transat fuel-management system in 2003, has since received the authorization to operate a humani- begun developing an environmental manage- tarian flight from Montreal to Port-au-Prince ment system that could lead to an ISO 14001 to assist the people of Haiti. On board the Air certification in the future. Transat Airbus A330 was 40 tons of cargo and JUNE 2010 The Canadian Business Journal 13 14 TRANSPORTATION Air Transat JUNE 2010 The Canadian Business Journal 15 approximately 100 volunteers from various or- dren’s Villages, a Transat partner that manages ganizations, including the Red Cross, the Cen- two villages for orphaned children in Haiti. tre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI), Feed the Children, Oxfam-Québec and Up and away CARE Canada. Air Transat is clearly an airline that has more up Among other things, the plane carried wa- its sleeve than just a seat on a plane. And as it ter, 10,000 blankets, clothing, generators, continues to facilitate relaxation to vacationers, tents and 10,000 surgical masks, profitably provide space for the goods we love, and reach using all available cabin space and the cargo out to those in the global community, Canadians hold capacity. Part of the non-perishable items will continue to get on board and use its air travel and clothing collected and being transported services. CB by Air Transat comes from the employee donation drive for earthquake victims organized by Transat. Some of the supplies went to SOS Chil- AS SEEN IN THE JUNE 2010 ISSUE OF THE CANADIAN BUSINESS JOURNAL
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