Issue 44, Dec 1989
Issue 44, Dec 1989
44- ),3. C. U GORHAN 14. e , 0 CONNOR 1. ~'j. N. NAGLJX RI:: 1c, 1.1.~\OF,AN 17. N. MURPHY lB. M. FITZPATRICK :t. 'I. N.. BROOKS 1 s , J. I1ROOKS 19. J. HARDY 22. S. CULLINANE :?o3.C. FRANKUN 24. G. MURPHY 25. A. LAVELL ~?'6.D. MURPHY :~'i'. M. MURPHY 28. E. WALLAI.:k:: 29. J. CALLAN :30. N. CALLAN :n" .J.. Ht::Al.Y 32. E. MAN~IE.UI1 32. N. GrB-BRAB :~4..K.. Kf.I\LE Y 75~5" Ii. SIl.VESnn 36. ~I. DUNNE 3'7. T. GRAY 31:1. m.ll::"NS 3'1. i'\. m.l(lJ) 4(). S. WOLSE:.Y 41. C. KENWORTHY III II/ W1.9 UeDO 29.18 - .. M13 M35 1'113 - 29 .2~:; 29 .7~6 - :..._.~=: l!lt.=:.:~-; :.-,:::::.~:.:::;::;,.:0;:'-::::::,-'; Fum 1PRES 31.:52 1GEN 33.10 3. lJl) 35.753 4. W'7 3fHlG :~6.:3H 1.119 3ROt: 36.~B - 36.38 W19 Ml() NAAS 37.58 W13 KHO 38.0:-5 39.36 1'113 DO 40.33 42.36 - 4:3.00 1'113 KHO 45.29 W17 ucno 46.00 W17 Ul:LIO46 .. 17 M'3~:je: GE:N 46.2() W13 KHU 47.2'>' W13 KHO 47.29 cml 49.17 Ten 4'1. :~9 51.33 W13 DO - GEN 52.40 - ~1CI:<:52.48 1,)11 KHD ~53.27 1.115 WES 57.()7 W13 DON 82.0() :~ItNF - COURSE:, 1.2 KM £ - .c "I .. :5. 5. B. 9. NAGLE L. NAGLE M. 0 NEILL A. Bl':LL T. HYNES J. HYNES J. DARDIS C. MH(JNY S. HEAl.Y PAIS - GR£EN P. MURRAY D. HEALY K. FLANAGAN A. MACNEILL R. 0 BROLDAIN S. D()WNEY Ii. DOWNEY P. FLANAGAN J. U)LOR M. L,AL!J1,( (I. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 16. 18. 19. 19. 21. !? r: NCC(JI~MACI\ 22.' A'. ~'ASSU: 23. MAI3UIRE+3 24. ~ICGRATH'S zs, PASS): 26. E. FITZSIMM()NS - .- - - 13.37 '13.37 W10 SET 15.29 ~\6 Gt::N _, - - - - :l7.00 21.51 21.51 21.51 zi , !'52 22.10 , 22.39 23.20 1'111 tl6 GI::N 24.07 3ROC 24.24 M6 3t"(O(; 24.34 W4 SET 25.09 W9 - - we - - WU -_. - GEN - :m()c 2:5. ~54 3ROC :;!:;i.54 3RUC 26.1'1 28.5() - 28 .. 50 32.~j7 :53.39 FINU 3'1.36 3RllC ;~::;" so GEN - ;56.00 3ROl.: 5'i' .1B The Irish World Championship Team, sporting their Trimtex O-suits; OrIa Cooke, Eileen Loughman, Una Creagh, Deirdre ni Chailanain, Catriona Morrish, Aonghus O'Cleirigh, Steven Linton, Bill Edwards, Colrn O'Halloran and Brian Corbett. che lRlsh oulenCeeR No. 44 DECEMBER 1989 - JANUARY 1990 £1.00 3 The Irish Orienteer No. 44 DECEMBER·JANUARY1990 ISSN 0790·1194 The Irish Orienteer is published at two-monthly intervals and is available through all Irish orienteering clubs' secretaries. All material concerning orienteering will be gratefully received by the editor, John McCullough, 9 Arran Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9. LETTERS The opinions expressed in The Irish Orienteer are not necessarily those of the editor or of any orienteering organisation. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained In The Irish Orienteer no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions, or for their consequences. The copy dates for the forthcoming issues are: No. 45 February- March 1990 No. 46 April· May 1990 No. 47 June - July 1990 21 January 25 March 27 May For further Information on orienteering contact The Irish Orienteering Association, 38 The Glen, Woodpark, Ballinteer, Dublin 16. COVER PHOTO: A fee of IR£10.00 is paid to the supplier of the cover photograph if it is received In printable form: black-and -white prints of about 10"x8". RESULTS: A charge of IR£6.00 per page is made towards the publication of event results. This amount Is based on the results being submitted In a form suitable for reproduction and is calculated on the number of pages sent in, not the number which finally appear in print. So please tidy up the presentation of results before sending them in. Typed originals or good photocopies are preferable, but remember that each page is reduced to about 2/3 its original size in printing. FIXTURES: The fixtures list Is the most recent available when going to press. Experience has shown, however, that changes do occur, and otten at short notice. It Is wise, therefore, to verify that the event is going ahead as advertised by checking the 'Weekend Sports Diary' in the newspapers or contacting the organising club. Where possible an Ordnance Survey Grid Reference is given for each area. If pre-entry is required il is normally indicated in Ihe event information. Event start limes are generally between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm: do not expect to be allowed to start atter this, unless otherwise stated. 15 Templerosn Ave Dublin 16 20 November 1989 The Editor The Irish Orienteer Dear Joh,n I wish to comment on a short article in TIO No.43 entitled "Propo.anda War Hots Up". 1 am unclear a8 to where the proposanda come. from, or for that matter, which Club is offerins enticements to new members. Yes, our Club Notice Board does bave a note statins "New Members Welcome". We are aware that a larse number of people enjoy orienteering without beins members of any Club. The lOA recognised this with it's directive on entry fees at events. When non-members come to an orienteering event they should be made aware that there is a choice of Clubs and information should be freely available, when requested. I am not aware of any soliciting and in any event new-comers make up their own minds on what club to join. Obviously the 'organising Club at an event has the hightest profile and as such may attract potential new. members. I can not see 8 problem with other Club Notice Boards, although a location that does not compete witb the organising Club's displays would be expected. Yours sincerely "'<~ , SUBSCRIPTIONS: Individual subscriptions at IR£6.50 per annum (six issues), or more cheaply through your club. '\1,~,...._ Entry form distribution with TlO Is free. Please supply at least 550 copies. BRIAN POWER ,Chairman Setant~ Orienteers ADVERTISING RATES: Full page £40, half £25, quarter £15. Reductions for multiple insertions and for orienteering advertisements. COVER: Larry Roe (3ROC) at last year's Connacht Championships at Killary, Co. Galway. (Photo by Stephen Ryan, UCGO). --_.- 5 4. 90 Moorefield Newbridge Park The control description by t.he grid reference. Co. Kildare. 2-. on the 1:50,000 1 November lies somewhere within this 100 meter square, and not exactly at the point of intersection references 1989 to of the Eastlngs On the .up itself this square lIIBasur-es4.- x lua (2_ x Could this be what actually .up). or were there actual errors as Una stated. transpired . every two 8OOths. is in relation to Maure Thornhills the current situation letter on prizes for M and W lOs and 11s. in our society with c~etition in colleges, jobs etc., T thir.. the idea of "collecting events should at least be de-emphasized Participation It is very informative and generally trophies" Maura mentioned more participation Given Y~incer~lY' P. Callaghan. as the most desireable It is the participation that giving a memento to all who finiah. seriously in the future. It by young people and remove the WINNING/LOSING compass and heads into lhe woods io a winner. Prizes are not necessary ---hanging aspect 20 ~e '10. 11 Y Pa.... k, S"ndy ford Road, D,.,oll,.. 16. In this way young people are genuinely preparation which can improve their chances of successfully challenges that Life will present to them. serious compettition facirlC~and overcoming By encourageing Lhe & rewarding participation rhe second point is in relation to Una Creagh's intereoting article on the Una was critical of the accuracy of Lhe grid references. 1 thought it stran!)p thet the o'ga;'lizc,·suf a preat Iqrous event Sir, tmnuel Tonlegee Snow Run 1s Once I!Igein th'3 l.j rne 1"0" thp. famous approechjng. Willie McAuli ft e j s th.;. c ur r en t 1101der or the crystal weather will be more interestinp; thil> year: lest bowl. Hopefully lhO'l with only a sprlnkling 01 snow. year was rather tame. and The route back. Last the race. and have them there when, as older orienleers, (and prizes) have a more fitting place. Mourne Mountain Marathon. Dear and runninq of involved and have a sense of belonging, we may keep young people interested to highlight around events while their parents compete and help", why not jnvovJ.e them more in the planning, the avents , c~~· !~ for WINNING at which is highlighted by pr.i ze giving in Us conventional sense., It i.smy opinion that any young person [or ony person of any 8gB for that matter] who picks up a map and In relation Lo "Children an equally good read • Curragh Orienteering. at this age should be emphasized and rewarded. I look forward to r10 to you with it. stress placed on young people. This io a great idea and perhaps should be considered would encourage success in order not to add further to aspect of the sport and not who comes first or second. must be encouraged Continued between young people for places orienteering the already considerable The first with the grid It would be very interesting ThMlk you for taking the ti-a to read this letter. I would like to comaent on two points raised in TIO No 43. indicat~d know. Dear John, this. and Northings like this would aJ Low this to happen, (or would they?). In Lonk inq at the "Mourne Country" 1:50,000 map is from yea" all the Glenmacnass cor park to the the B,Hr"clOtS, ; one Lop of Tonlegee lady, completed As the route i s unmarked and conditions 6,'e not expected to be good, only experienced runners/orienteers should consider participet1ng. The race is scheduled for Sunday the 4th of Februery, starting at 11.00 a.m. Check with N. Coldrick or myself at 608288 (work). consider the following. A six figure grid reference shows the co-ordinates bottom left hand (South West) corner of a 100 meter square on the ground. of the bowl The winn",r takes wi th all previouS home years' a w; nners (for Y€!ElI') names a beautiful t,1scribed Yours Brian cut. glass on it. feithfully. Bell. rose '/ Admln. Ph. IRISH ORIENTEERING Irish Orienteering Association INVITATION TO SWEDISH IRISH ORIENTEERING ASSOCIATION l'I"EWS PAT REDMOND HON. SEC. 18 ORCHARDSTOWN RATHFARNHAM, The venue Goteborg. tor The DUBLIN 14 9"1Qld F Lan so so , 38 The Glen. woodoark. Dublln 16, 01-980928 ASSOCIATION NEWS ORINGEN CLINICS AND 5 DAY 199v In~erna~10nal Tnere are ~wo C11nlcs: al Develooment for those Involved b) Coaching for Ellte Or1enteers AVE., Secre~arv: CLInICS 1~-27 JULY ane 1n promoting bwedlsn ~he '9Q 5 Day 1S sport. 30-11-1989 The AGM will be held on Sat. 17th Hotel, Inchigeela, during the Irish Mar. 1990 at 5.00pm 3 day. at Creedons The lOA executive congratulates all those selected to run for Ireland in the recant Ward Home International. A special mention is m~de to those Juniors who performed particularly well in the recent Junior Ward Home Int .• The lOA wishms to thank John Me Cullough for ta~ln9 on the role of Team managar for the event. Brian Corbett has been prB9anted with outstanding serVICe$ to Orienteering. the "SILVA AWARD" for his The Orlngen Commlttee have ClInlcs. Anvone Interes~ed wrIting bv Frlday 5 January ~SUS '89 Thanks to all The committee are gOing ahead with the production of a promotional brOChure for Iri&" Orlenteering. It is expected that it Will be avallable early in the new year. (3) It is proposed to revise the constitution and udate the rules of competition. (4) The following funds were allocated Mapplng grants l700 Controllers/Planners Course. t300 Permanent cour'se devel oprnerrt , I: 200 Promotion of Natlonal 0 Day. t200 Junior D~velopment. LIOO (5) Cospoir are planning a House of Sport. It's will be situated off the long Mile Rd., W.dikinstown, Dublin 12. The IDA propose to share an office with AFAS, ICU, IUC and the FMCI. Secretarial facilitias will be available along with rooms for meetings. From this office it Is hoped to be able to disseminate and receive informatlon during normal working hours. (6) The lOA are to purchas~ a full set of Irish Team 0 Suits. They will be loaned to all competitors representing Ireland at International events. who have alreadv returned tha)r figures. Would those Cluos who have nOT sent baCk thaJr Census ~orms please so by return. F1nal floures are now urqentlv needad for our 199U Government Gran~ ~DDilcatlOn, The At the lOA execubve meetlng hflld on the lOth NCJv.'89 the following decisions were made. (1) As and from the 1st Jan. 1990 eventn not registered with the lOA Fixture Secretary will not be advertised in TIO or the News Papers. Clubs InVited us to Send two people to ~he 1n attending should apply to me In '90. tollowlno Bol~on Raven S~ree~ Clubs h~ve not ~s vet Ke~ln U~ ~treet Outw~ro Ol. re~'T111ateo to lOA lor 00 19~9 OC Boune ~oventurp l.luD (2) (7) The "best Map of the Year" award is to be adjudicated on by the Chdil~man of the lOA and the Mapping Officer (currently J.Creagh and P. Healy respectiVely). AFFILIATED TO THE INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING FEDERATION We are v~rv qr~tetul OrlenteerlnQ. * £4,500 • £1.500 .. £.25(.1 - towards to COSOOLr admInistratIve - towards the Orlenteer1ng tor the recent gr~nts to costs. cost of o~rtiC1pa~10n 1n thiS ChamolonshlD 1n Sweden. tow~rds the cost of partLCloatlon InternatIonal in Wales. Year In th~ W~rd s WorlO JunLur Home 9 8 IRISH TEAM SELECTION : A PROPOSAL DISTRIBUTION OF TIO In case you have ever wondered, The Irish Orienteer is supplied to members of Le1nster 0clubs and Thomond OC free every two months (well, not free exactly, but the cost 15 covered by the annuel club subscription). This accounts for about 350. Some Leinster clubs only get a handful, and Lee and Waterford get a small number. l'he Great Outdoors, Bramac Stores end Bush Sport get some to sell end there are about sixty individual subscribers. If you woul,d like your club to get ,'IO for you, contact the club secretary, The cost 115 about £16 per issue for" 25 copies, including delivery to your club secretary, celculated on the pee t year' B prices, LOOKING WEST The most urgent news f' r-om Connachl j s thet the venue of the 1990 Connacht Championships hes beer. moved slightly, from Union Wood to Ba11ygawley, contrary to the information 1n the entry form. Event Controller Frank Ryan (Weslern Eagles) was unhappy with some aspects of the old Union Wood map and opted to move the competition to nearby Ballygaw18Y. The Connacht Orienteering Council has a new Chairmen in Stephen Ryan who thus becomes a member of the lOA Executive, The Connacht Secretary ls still Baldur ven Lew, Gortadooey, Claregelwey. Co. Galway (091-98068). The All-Army Championships next spr"ing are planned for a revised map of Union Wood and Ballygawley, outside Sligo, and Connacht are hoping to host the 1992 Irish Championships in Co, Galway, IRISH LADIES DISQUALIFIED Reading recent reports on the World Championships it became clear that the Irish Ladies teem hed been disqualified from the Reley competition as a result of finishing in a time greater than 5 hours. This ignominious fete befell Ireland, Austria, Yugoslavia and the USA, whi Le the fourth leg runner for Japan wasn't even let st.ert. The ladies courses were all slower than expected, so to breet the 5-hour cutoff they had to finish j.n less thaI) 34.1% more th!!m the winners, while the men, with a 7-hour cutoff, only had to finish less than 70. 7% slower than the winners, Agein this year, teams with early runners disqualified wer"en't allowed to run their four runners: whyever not? This happened to the Irish mel)'6 team at WOC '87 in France. Surely this isn't the best way to encourage the weaker countries? Whet's the point in sending a women's team at ell if this rule is to apply? As "Orienteering North America" commented, we are effectively being told "Yes, we want you to come to the WOC so we can call it 8 World Championship, even though you're not really good enough to compete with us", COUNTY COUNCIL GRANTS Fingal Orienteers in North County Dublin have just received a £100 grant from Dublin County VEC to further the cause of orienteering in the North County. As a recently retired selector tthink the Irish team selection procedure is in need of review. While I believe that we had a good tsarn in Sweden and that our procedure produced the most compemive trial ever staged I think thaI the selectors failed to convince everyone of the fairness of their methods. The problem was that we agreed to take into account 'selection events' throughout the season, while a sizeable group thought that a 'sudden-<feath' trial at the end of the season was better. Our compromise of a weighted trial was not universally welcomed. The fact that the final place in the men's selection came down to fractions of a minute is, I believe, of little consequence to the selection procedure. This might happen in any type of selection process where a race resun is used, What Is of consequence is that the amount of work done by the selectors. especially Chairperson Ernie Wilson. went largety unappreciated. Well, t think that Ernie's work went a long way to ensuring Ihat we had the right team in Sweden, but that we cannot expect that kind of commitment from people in future. The concept 01 a WM trtal is a relatively new one (1987 was the first and even then the selectors retained the final decision). The benefit of a trial is that it removes the need for close decisions ands Ihe success of WM trial 1989 as a competitive event has convinced me that we should move towards a sudden death trial for the World Championships, with the following qualilication procedure. People should qualify automatically for a WM Trial directly from Ihe major events in Ireland. I suggest that the first two In each championship grade event for the year preceding the WM should qualily tor the Trial. The selectors should meet and announce Ihe exact numbers" perhaps Ihey might like to nominate only the winner from the first Six months events, two from the last Six months and maybe three from the Irish Championships. Places could be reserved, 100, for overseas runners, depending on overseas results, The selectors role would be as follows: Nominate qualification events and the numbers to qualify for the WM Trial from each event in advance, publlcise through the newsletters before the closing dates of each event, and retain a veto of events In cases of faulty timing, misplaced controls, Inadequate planning, map errors In vital areas, losing results, extreme weather etc, The selectors could also decide to award a trial place to people finishing closely (less Ihan 30 seconds) behind previously qualified winners. Monitor overseas applicants" nominate overseas events where perlormances will be taken into account and runners added to WM trial as necessary, Any additions to trial and the progress of this whole procedure shoutd be pubticised as quickly and widely as possible. Provide Team Manager with a list of WM Trial participants, conlirm with the qualified runners, Example: The selectors decided that one place In Ihe Trial be given to the winners of Ihe first 5 selection events In the WM year and two ptaces to Ihe first two in the second 5 events, with 3 in IOC. Event 1 2 tst 01 Y IS R 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 8 J 8 G IA IE L V R' 2nd 8 J J A V J y V W D J B W K R A 3rd W W V 4th 0 X J 0 V V B 5th C F G D E R G C J G The 0IlII00I!1MIIlO initial represents when a runner qualilied for the Trial. • R awarded the WM available at event 5 for finishing within 30 seconds of B, who had previously qualified. IOC It V W M y trial place The Team Manager, or olher person nominated by IOAlNIOA, would be responsible for the WM Trial, ensuring that it was fair and testing (Scolland '89 was a notable success in this regard). I think Ihatthis procedure would pick out the outstanding people during the season, ensure that the system is understood by everyone. upgrade ihe competitiveness 01 domestic championships, lessen the workload on selectors and still give the people who are going well at the time of WM the best chance of gelling there. Throughout the season, competitors would know when Ihey had qualified for the WM Trial and event results would have an immediate relevance, For other intemationalteams a more direct system could be used, Say a team of 4 was required alter event no, 6 " then choose 4 from most recent event, with reserves from previous events in order (1st to 4th in next most recent event, 1st to 4th in the previous event etc.). In the above example this would mean that the team would have been G, J, B, W with reserves being called up In the order R, D, V, Y, X from the previous events. Eoin Rothery ~ 11 10 c. ~OMPE~ITIVE ORIENTEERING by Colin Dunlop d. Based on the information given by the Provincial committees, and there own good judgement the Selectors will select a squad as early as possible before the international. OBJECTIVES e. Eligible and likely Irish team members residing abroad must be advised that if Some ideas and recommendations on the development of senior Irish teams FOR THE '90s they want to be considered for selection they must advise the Selectors of their progress/results on a ~/3 monthly basis. 1. Concentrate on the Ward Home Iriternationa1s and other international events Jased in the U. K. and Ireland. Z. Encourage, help develop and organise Juniors to continue in the sport. 3. Set-up a workable format for Selection, Communications, Finance and Training. 4. Foster team spirit. I. WHICH INTERNATIONAL EVENTS The Home Internationals offer the most realistic cbmpetition for Irish runners, giving them a reasonable chance of challenging for the top ten places in their class. Participation in the W.O.C. is justified only on the grounds of keeping Irish Orienteering visible to the F.I.O., and as a reward to Irish runners for good performances at local levels of orienteering. Its value as a means of improving Irish performances lS non proven. It is expensive and a drain on our very limited resources and a financial burden on those selected on the team. RECOMMENDATION: I I The two National Selectors should meet in August annually and decide on which International events Ireland will enter. It;s essential they then communicate this infornlation to everyone! Communications a. of arrangements, c. At least 3 weeks before the International a meeting of team members and selectors should take place to diseminate as much information as possible. d. Some form of newsletter should also be circulated. Finance --I.O.A. to allocate a budget annually, no matter how small 1 N.I.O.A. to also allocate funds, if possible using any appropriate grants availb1e for such purposes. Special fund raising efforts are not the Selectors task, team members should be encouraged in this direction! Training Selectors to nominate a number of events as training events, where squad members will be requested to run on courses which approximate most closely to the courses they will run in the international. Much closer liaison with the Irish Hill Runners Association, to avoid fixture clashes and perhaps to nominate hill runs for special stamina building. 2. JUNIORS RECOM'~ENDATlON: :~ore financial help and support by actively recruiting othu dedicated helpers/organisers/coachs. Keep the continuity. Bring juniors into appropriate international competition as early as possible. 3. MANAGE~lENT The crux of the problem faced by senior Irish Teams are Selection, Communication, Finance and Training. Also leadership and organisation. RECOMMENDATION: a) Selection: Senior Team selection is the responsibility of the F.I.O.A., as part of fostering an all-Ireland approach to the sport. Apparently the F.I.O.A. has been functioning only intermittantly! Team selection. is an important and urgent matter, it is suggested that whatever the situation of the F.I.O.A., the I.O.A. and the N.I.O.A. should each nominate a Selector/Team Manager. Their mandate will be to meet, decide on policy and action wi th the authority of their associations. Having two Managers should help to ensure there will always be at least one available to attend Internationals etc. Similarly, travel should be reduced and channels of information easier to use. The Se1ector/ Managers should meet with the Provincial committees to request their help in providing information on likely squad members. 4. TEAM SPIRIT This important element is difficult to develop in an individual sport, it does however, make a difference to performances,especial1y in relays. RECOMMENDATION: Appoint a team Captain for the year to help facilitate communications and establish a team identity. I.O.A./F.I.O.A. provide "0" suit tops only, on a on loan basis for international events. Organise as many as possible informal get-togethers among team and selectors. The foregoing is just a framework which might be worth trying. tuning, adjusting and attention to detail. It requires Team members and Selector/Managers want satisfaction and enjoyment from the sport, I believe only better organisation will help to achieve this aim. Colin Dunlop Nov 1989. b) Provincial committees should nominate a person to act as information gatherer. cost, subsidies and any other information available. b. There is an obligation on team members selected to advise the Selectors of availability immediately they are informed of their selection. Wholeheartedly support home internationals for the next three years and do not enter for W.O.C on the next two occasions, after three years review the situation. Through the dedicated work of individuals in each Province, juniors are ~eing well catered for at present. Improved performances are obviously resulting. This work must be continued and encouraged by the I.O.A. and N.I.O.A. At teast 6 weeks before the International the Selectors must advise team members ') I I 12 13 SWEDISH 5-DAY 1990 Damien Cashin of Tochar Orienteers, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow, is planning to take a minibu6 from Ireland to the Swedish 5-Day 0Ri ngen next J ul y at Gtlt eborg. Fi ve seats ere vacant at present: if you are interested in making the trip, contact Damien at 01-818212. The plan is to travel via Lerne-Stranraer, then NewcastleGHteborg. The event is on from 2327 July 1990 and entries close March 1st. A great c nerrc e to sea the world's biggest event. The event centre is Kviberg, 4km NE of the centre of GHtsborg, O-FOR HANDICAPPED At the Swedish 6-Day nQxt summer a special 6-dey event for the handicapped will run concurrently with the main competition. Maps at 1: 5000 scale will be used and the t.rrain will feature good paths and metalled roads suitable for wheelchairs. ROTHERY WRITES AGAIN In this issue you can read about more proposals for Irish team selection following this year's problems, Eoin Rothery has sent his most recent suggestions for your perusal. He hesn't been training much since going to Australia due to a long standing achilles tendon injury. He and Deirdre have attended a couple of events: courses are long but interesting' B course winning time 90 minutes, most people over 2 hours, some even four hours, His address is 5 Selby, Victoria 3159, Why not send a Christmas Thomas St., Australie. card? EVENT REPORTS IRISH ORIENTEER TROPHY Entries are invited from all Iri6h orienteering clubs for the 1990 Irish Orienteer Trophy interclub competition, the winners of which will travel to the final of the CompassSport Cup in England in October. , The knock-out competition will be run at COlour events and Grade 2 events in the first half of next year, with the final in September. Entry fee is IR£10 per club for the entire competition. As far as possible the preliminary rounds will be run off on a provincial basis between clubs of roughly equal ability, Contact the editor for details, THE GREAT TRAVELLING O-SUPPER Combine your navigational talents with a delicious meal and the chance to raise funds for the Junior Squad: it's the Great Travelling O-Supper, a moveable f.ast or progressive dinner on the Norwegian Master Map system: each course of the meal 1n a different house. At each house you will be given the location of the next housel course, This novel event will take place after the final Leinster League event on February 11th. Tickets £5 each from any Junior Squad members based in Dublin, Cont act Karen Convery (697107), Aileen Rice (936983) or Gavan Doherty (806611), SPEAKING OF WHICH ... After moving dinners and Padraig Callaghan's letter about Grid References, it is interesting to note that not alone were the Grid refs, wrong for the Irish Individual and Relay Champion6hips this year (one was several miles off the Irish coast), the second day of the Irish Two-Day was misplaced off to the north of Clonmel and about four miles SW of Fethard, MUNSTER CHAMPIONSHIPS The ,",0,:11'11 ev",nt of t.he season so lao'" waf> lh ... "'r"p~-(I ...t Creedons Hotel, Inchip;o?el'l, on the morning or' tt,e MlIr,ste.-r lndi vidual Champione.hips. Well, a<.:l.ually, it wasn't opres-O, since there hadn't been any orient.eeo'"in& (unless ynu cOllnl getling wet and windblown e r our-o thE' p ar k Lng field at Tir n6 Spid61ge), but it ·brought bl!lck t.h e days <,f Yc)re WhSI1 orj,enteE'r& of ,,11 perlil"I!1""ion& wO'Jld repair to l'I h oa t e Lr y to mull o verthe ~vel)t I!Ind swep rOlltes and eXCUSEII;;, "n The wl"ather woos so b e d that morning thl!lt thE! Controller, Dave Cl!Ilnbrl, WiS8]y decidO?d to postpone! I,h .. e-v e n t . F'lrst the Jl1nior courses, then tho,> SI?nior Wl?r'c" eb",ndon<?d, tort urie t e Ly before any runl1~~rli, stl'lrtect. AI"' exposed mOl.lntl!dn&ide 61)c-h 6'" the (,"m~'''H'lt.ion ar'ea 110 no p l.e c e r or the f ...t n t h ..."'rl,(~d, or enyc,n03 els.;" on 1'1 dl!cy like that. 1'hi e. i5 on Ly t h ... ~",r.on(j t.;imp J c en r""m~mbE-r an oJ>veor,tb'''ing post paned at the Le s t nd rrute , and Slll'",ly hi,p',hl.:lsr,&fi. I hc~ I',wl-oj I or Conlr'c,llers, the only onmh with Lhr duLh~r\Ly In ml'\k~ th1~, All j]l wind. 1t')W~v4;.r, thtt.t bi.,w.; nt7> ~.fJnd, ."nd CrRl;'dQJ"s w",re rlJ~.hc;,c:J c:111 1,1'0 .. '1.1' feet ~, f,<lUP, ~.t:.ndwlr.hli'<;' a.,d hot whiskey whp.n t.hey t,hC'~lght th .. v: d uP hkvHlg ... r",·oJ' quiet nlo.-rling, The event ha~ b8en rescheduled fur April 2161: next ...nd entry lorm~ will b@ in TTO 4-iJ jn Februel'Y, Tho>'<e who "<111;"'1' .. <1 I:Ilr~·...dy <:I!II', h,·w;;. a !rl'-o;, r un or can gat the-tr mOI',,,,y b~.:k, <"lncl"",1'" €'IO\.ri":" will be al"c"'pt"d, Hot,p) The l~un5ter RAtay» wen!, eh"seod "'I W";rr ..n,,c:ourt npxt day, despite> the Cork Je?? ':',;,(,tjv<\J, In rath'>r bo>tt",r w",ath r c ono t t Lon«. An old estete, featurtng (orest, "1""1, hi 11~ find lako;o pr ov f d .. d good scope tor a r .. lay, "lthe,ugh tt,e "'t. ......ncp. of a r.,sulls djspley mede tht' proce ..r.llngs roth",,. t,erd to fo Ll ow. Cork o dClmjn<!lll"1'Ilh~ c ompe t t+ t on. WARD SENIOR HOME INTERNATIONAL ----------------------Gortin, Co. Tyrone----------"---------Combined "Jj,th t'he Nor t h e r n JI'",l1!\nd Chl')mpit~r'$hif's, e BOF Ne<tional Ev.,rlt ,~nd 8 (;oJlle-and-TryIt 8v.,.n t, 1. hI" W","d SEonlor Home Ln t ... r r.e t i orie I at wes t,he b:lgOles't <~oJllP8tii.l0n 8Vp.r uno,-rlekero by '" Northern Iriclh c Lub, <'II'ld F""'rn~~~a:-;h O,·i ..""teer-<; d t d " ,~re, ...'r J,~)b, (,ortiro rs '" physi C.!! 1 erF.l(I, wj t h p;tmc?p fo r e- ,~1.. h",at, he-I" i'l1',r,! b,;.I:., '~nrl ("',lr8e5 were rath",,l.e,ne; (or many of tho? .Loe",l ,:orllpr--l':i,to;,,·I'o, W'll1rol,l'I~1.IIIW5 :In thO? Sani,·,r clesl>e5 wel'e con teq~,e'" bu!'. th8 d I,rf",r'cp,nc:,.. in "":,,"'('\'3,-d on the dey between top 1ri.h ~nd tap British or1enteers was notRble and was uI1del-linec;J by the fj na l sec:n'aline 01 t.hE- H.;,m;>lnterntctionl!ll: England 206, Sc:ot.lemd 15.5, Wi;o],es 95, Ire-.1.and I~:). Heavy rain in the early morning cleared for the rirst starters in the Home J:1~tel'national, ",ith t.r-€- ,·'es1'. or t.IH~ j"i,o?ld I!II', hour let..,r, MjId p'.Ini(" F,..,t. in when ("') ther", we...~n' 1 Any GJ,p,npe,;;t.;. I'or the i"vel1t end <b) nobOdy kr,,,,w a"yl.l'oing "bout. t.he milHbuF.o 10 1 b". !:OL~rt, Even the dri V",,' didro't know wherE! th", 1- w,~s, A1j ~,ro1 "',o;'I""ct \ll" .,~.c'n. 15 14 II II I I IIII III I ,~I though, and the climb to the start Wf,\fl worthwhile as it reduced the e s c errt on the courses considerably, In retrospectl the courses were insome cases a bit too long: earlier in the month, ot the Leinster Championships in Glendalough, the story hed been "You thought that wos tough - wait till you see Gortinl", For those of you who missed the event, another chance will come at next year's Northern Ireland Championships in September. Knockanaffrin proved more interesting next day: two blocks of forest separat.ed by aome moderately detl:liled open moun t e Ln, Thick mist I:Idded to the navigational problems here, to Lhe deli~hL of planner Pat 0' Connor, but 50mB very fast tj mes wer'e r-etul'"ned despite Lhis. A number of the overnight leaders came to grief on Lhe trickier navigation of lhe second day, and some dramatiC gaj ns were made by those starting the race in second or third poslL1Qn. Next doy 0 FermO specialty, 0 Score Relay. All competitors hove ell controls overprinted on their maps and hove to get a certain number of pOints each, depending on their age class. As soon as you have the appropriate score you come ba~k and hand over to your next runner, and so on. Great fun, and no hassle with complex course combinations, Vannos, Farsta or Motala systems, or what not. Teams were entering up to the last minute as long as there were pre-marked maps. The sun shone and we all went home happy after the 12.00 prizegiving, as promised, Justin May (3ROC) and Dei.-dre ni Challenail1 <AJAX) I·et.eined their titles from lalit ye81' in t.he '-I and W2J A classes, May's nearest challengers Padraig Higgins a nd Peter Kerr,an e omi n8 ad"j 1"1. in the mists of Day 2. May inc~ea6ed hi!; overnj Bht. lead from 1.43 to 17 minut.E'lIii, and 111 Chellal~6i,n , who started 1. 50 off the pace on Sundey, overhauled the leader Caitrione ~lo""16h ar1d fir.:l.shed 4.22 clear. The only dead heat of the weekend occurred in the rarified air of t.he W50 class between 3ROC clubmates Nuala Creagh and Hazel Convery, Creagh overcoming a 21-minute deficiL and relegating overnight leader Dil:lna LEINSTER CHAMPIONSHIPS: GLENDALOUGH -----------------------1st. October 1989.-------------------------As an interim measure between the old-style Leinster Champs in December and the new-style ones in Spring, the '89 event took place at the beginning of October at Glendelough, organised jOintly by Curragh and Naas.) Parking at Derrybawn House and starting and finishing below the Derrybawn ridge meant a considerable walk for all both before and after the rac., but on a beautiful, sunny autumn dey who could have complained? Starting end finishing here gave us a new perspective on Glendelough, the longer courses spending a good dee 1 of time in the open where control sites were easy and heather high. Back in the forest there wae some interesting stuff towards the end on the steep, cliff-covered slope overlooking the lakes: for some extraordinary reason, ot one control, we heard the strains of "Sentimental ~ourney" being rendered on an accordion in the valley below. The high-point <almost literally) waa coming out over the Derrybawn ridge and looking down into the valley of Glendalough in its Autumn colouring: a breathtaking view at any time, today it was spectacular. A small entry by the official clOSing date meant that several courses were combined. Late entries then swelled the numbers so that overloading occurred to some extent end some found that their needs weren't catered for as well as they might have been had the full range of courses been available. The animal trail near the car park was a great success, however, and it had the advantage that results could be posted immediately: the finish being 2km or so from results made the displaying of results terribly slow. A bus load of Cork Orienteers gave the event an international flavour. All in all, a great day out. IRISH TWO - DAY: November 18-19, 1989. II ~Il ,~ ~II Clogheen and Knockaneffrin were the two areas used for this event: both newly mapped forest.s in the Knockmealdown and Comer-agh Mountains, on opposite sides of the Tipperary/Waterford border. Clogheen, spanning the road up to the famous "Vee", looked interesting driving through it, but proved to have lots of fern and rhododendron and too much road running to generate much enthusielsm. The event did generate some discussion of route choice, however, with split times being compared with interest, but the navigation was undemanding. Large to 3rd place. CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS Books Climbing Socks Gaiters Thermal Gloves , Head Lamps Map Covers Maglite Torches Dry Bags Swiss Army Knives Fleece Jackets Day Sacs Gift Vouchers GREAT OUTDOORS ~ 16 I~II JUNIOR PHYSICAL TRAINING There will be forthcoming articles on this topic. However, to start the ball rolling, the following schedules are suggested for all Junior Squad members, or any other juniors wishing to jo in the panel. The "initial" column describes the kind of physical training you should start on if you have not trained seriously before. The "established" column describes the target "background" training you should aspire to within six months of commencement of physical training. As a general rule, yuur budy ~ill ne~d ~ months to aclimatize/sdapt to physical training or "Initial" regime. Slowly increase your training to barely reach the "~stablished" level in just 6 months (no less!). lf in doubt train less rather than more! 1 f an injury hurts while runnd rrg , you shouldn't be running! INITIAL ~ No Planned Training Whatsoever No systematic training Z sessions/week + O-Event 6-7K slow. 3-5K fase M15 Z sessions/week Wl7 O-Event 4-6K fast + + ~ sessIons/week + O-~vent o-9K slow + 4-6K fast Hl7 2 sessions/week + O-Event 6-l0K alow + 5-UK fast WIY 2 seSSions/week 6-10K slow M19 + • O-Event 6-8K fsst 2 seSSions/week + O-Event a-12K slow + 6-8K fast "slow" "fast" faster "hard" 17 However, I cannot overemphasisc that physical training should be enjoyable. If it hurts - back <lifffor a wh.Ue. If its boring, select your training area more carefully - a background of trees, fields and nature easily surpasses noisy and exhaust-pOlluted city s t ree ee . Good committed fri.ends help to make training sessions enJoyable and likely to proceed regulnrily. Remember, once you have been training regularily for several months, you are becoming elite Citizens of Mother Earth - you are fit! Less than 2 out of 10 people generally ever reach this enhanced state of life. In future ~rticle9, I will suggest target performance levels for the various classes. However, for the moment, please commence physical tra1njng if you have not already done so. ESTABLISHED M/WIO/ll M/W13 W15 6-~K slow shaped and attractive budy, ~s well as enhanced life qualiLy and possibly even an extended active lifetime! You are naturally fit Play games, group sports etc. 3 sessions/week + O-Event 7-8K slow + 4-5K fast + 2-3K hA~~ 3 seSSions/week + O-Event I a-12K slow + 6-8K fast + 3-4~ hard I ~ sessions/week + O-Event 8-10K slov + 5-6K fsst + 3-4K hard. 4 sessions/week + O-Event 10K slow + 12K slow + 6-SK fAst + 4-6K hard 4 sessions/week + O-Event 10K slow + 10 K slow + 6-BK fast + 5K hard 4 seSSions/week + O-Event 10K slow + 12 K slow + 7-9K fast + SK hard means nicely, little stress, talk with friends. means faster, slightly difficult to talk, concentrate on but relaxed running form. means very fast, forget talk, but hold relaxed striding form. For M/W 17 and 19 if you are joined an athletic club, under a good coach,' substitute your "fast" run with an interval training session. I suspect that the However, if you want to must aspire to muscular If it'S any consolation above targets will scare some juniors. achieve excellence in Orienteering, you fitness and Cardiov8Hcular performance. you are also likely to acquire a well- I will also provide any interested juniors with training diaries to record what you actually do in training from week to wf'ek. Pleaee do not head t a t e to contact me at any time to discuss your current, planned or unachieved training reg~me~. Bernard Creedon Tell IMPORTANT NOTICE ~'ollowing e decision I>y t tre lOA Executive, no nr1entee, in8 avent .. will be insured. or listed 1n 1he TIO Fixt.ure, "I)" the' newspeper sparl.s diarieC', nor 661111. to tho med'le at ell, nor- will any reaul t.s be publ ished in the med:!0, unless the evc-rit !s proper] y registered with the TOA Fixtures Secretory, Sean Cotter, 41 Holldene Gr ov a, Bishopslown, Cork, es stipulated by lOA. THANKS, OPW! No sooner wes the new map of Dublin' 6 Phoenix Park off the presses, complete with photogrammetric 2.5 metre contour-s, then the Office of Public WorkS deCided to move the Phoenix Monument into the centre of the main road and run a meLalled track for bikes ell down the SW side of said road! Please take note of these map corrections! 021-361824 CORBETT GETS SlLVA AWARD J ol m Creagh. lOA .... hai, 1II"n pres~nt.od the Silva Award to (,0:-1. O· ~ Brl~n Corbpll l'It the r r16h '1'\"0Dey 111 mic1-November. Britsl1 wa," nornjllhlrorJ My i'lerr,1II rl Ct'Aodon 10'hiA 10r'8 6(.>' vice 1.0 the sport ",L ell levels, &nd to, his el II:' t E. mt'lppin~ alld working I or orienLeuring. in ~1unsl.L'r . WelJ dorl(J, Brien! LATOK SALE Outbound, the south-c.!t y orfshooL of Bramac 1n LJrrey StrE<et, are tlavins I> pre-Christ rna. sale or Lowe Latok clothing ai thei r Exchequer' St. shop, betweAn Paste. PaRte and the Cenl;ral Hot.el in Dublin 2. Check it out! 18 II. III ..,. SHAMROCK 190 O.RINGEN .y. EntrIes have already begun to arrive for this event and we look forward to hearing from the Irish applicants. A word of caution, however, there is obviously a limit to the amount of local accommoda tion - gue s t-h(}ul:I~I:I, hu t eLa and I)ullk/br~!ikra!j (; houses - and the simple system of first-come first served will have to apply. The earlier you book the nearer you can be to the event cen~re. For recent major events, there haa been a trend towards very large numbers of last minute entries. Now we will bend over backwards to afford everyone Q run, but you must enter in reasonable time if you wish to ensure the staging of a competition in your own clasR. With a large number of courses over 3 daya, we cannot wait until one week before the competitions to see 1f there are sufficient entrants to ensure a competitive class. 19 TWENTY YEARS A-GOING November II I And now for the good news - the terrain is very good indeed and will ensure a continuation of the technically high standards associated with this event. The planners are Brian Corbett, Rory Costelloe and Sean Cotter and they hope to have all mapa completed before the end of the year. This year, there will be a creche faCility available at the Event Centre. We must have names and numbers beforehand to eneure that we can cope. 'll ahead. Tt,e t o days" "",;<1 t Wi'>urt f',,'" hesrs: r ,·urnpJel,f..I hllfS r._ tea t de :..ltdes "t~o. ."1 n r: nrt wltri t.", hf'#rltd. Nnc) 1:-.r.rrt/"8'':- co ItlrJ FO~,:,OUR l4iA I ~OL~~G e t a r:htc' "dnC'Je-nt (:If (1"".~JlfJ\.:{ @"v@s, He ,..,n,vl,hlr,i.'f \vnrn t wr' 'o\'p"dt,'1n,j..• «net t:c' ."'-:"8'hr t rvr: .«.t;'tmtl~ by r, I.", .. ,,,,1 f h our s. rSI'l.1 S.:o,"i.Ol1Jt.]y. r 1 p""t.~, Ihnt.':l.h, '.11.. t.wo "v",l.oblp Oil or1f'nt.l?prtnl' w"'''. &~"t~·d tn telf·lf .,t·,I,li,..<: M....ny nlf....J.;:. t t, t'\ wf1t .. ': ..;'1))""., ,.•, ~,I ,io'ly_ ."':'1 r.r ,..v l(I,:·d. ... ",II ..,no ,.) .,..'np)~tt> We T.J"lt '-I~~-;I l).,;.or,pl ~ mOl"-r IIv.;.r 27(, I\rld v e r iprJ i"OIIt lC.i !'I.('m'-'ttrl ng h",d I n~, .. p'.~ll ...,~1 dl.t.~n'l)t,.., th .. Wh; to )r.-I>->; tim",,. I""r'1':lne. ,,'om on .. <Inri ... h",l, 1(1 ", ...1 •• 'VP,f th''''1? weeth .. r I-'>fflrsinl;',j p""-IE"-' ,"'" Jt w...·, ... jC,v '<' t, ... nut such .. ,joy. .1"hI', M.'GI.II J ',1.'1:'.1'0 '11'(11' tr d t:i lOe oj c our s e wi' h ho')Y", in w.,,' but Ih" on thl- w<:>t;lr,i~. v hy of 1111111"11.;, ...,', Wf"'°t--, MI~ t.r~vil' lJol*II).o'·ly \\,;fIJ. in '''lh ~'if\,t=with 1.) limE' of 117.41 and 1'1[,1 Shl:ln<i< O'lII<i.':iJ.l \I:'l..~;('). ;~I,..,t. "".I·h 14.Cj'i/.? F"w '!.h~·r,.r .drJ~l'.IlI':h'''''''''''' '.In':' oi,,,t8rndn,,·tic,,, NitA)., (.r""'~,h wn" th .. ..Jo>' with .;l I. 1. me .)t '3 hr.". 4t, 1II.1nt'.. 01.1",~,1"'" I)y ,'1'0(,1•• • 1".(1 """ 1hE' f1r--.I· s",r-ttcJn tll1<1 ocnc.t=.'I"It.r~'·€~d (.In af-'~6S sul1.t;tb1t!! t':J th..:-il tl-;t"tr':-'f br~r;1 hQr'~ f~'t-;o $OnlP. goorl t.irnpe. w,:..r,:· ,·p,-(·,,"dt_l·d. By 'O,·tkllo.p ,,1 thr' tJlllt·c;. !',:_.r tt"it'" "~caft~rH f",· 1'''''-'',:)I'I1l'-m~.,. lind b~Mfin~. ln >:j IIt,n(1 ~1Il that "".1 iO ,·(·ml,·"l" g ,. Oth",r )g r~,."'t., "ver wor t lh€-y <lld nc.l h",vl? 'c, rel.'"rn to thp '" ,·,..IIJph ....,t.lIn,..t~· (,I' Ih ..·1r pJerin8· .~11d "'Irno ....' 'in.SI1E-d what wk .... 8 prl?lty I~'~ cnfl1pl .. ted o~ ...t.,_ 0'- I.hl? COllrc..<!'. ,,,'ft 40. (11 m1 nut- -=-s. On I. h" f.\ II) ... ,-0.)(· .. ", H!)~; ~ "ddy ~.,,<>k... (AJ AX; wo:.n in W.. di.d first. worllan Wi's!;, GEN's .i)n,'-r",d I·"~.orlllb.-l{ 'W'\5) In 35.30. not 1",:.LU0:l8 lhr~ IIllnU"; "',ore,,.. in I.h~· ,-..",I,JI.<:' fl!; many peop)", p!>p"'rially families. p,.,,,,,.,.,r,'.·t! to enjny t.h"'lnf'oF'lvI?B ..,nd spo;-nt " lor,!,; 1:1.11)'" out jn the woctd (.II~' $'-": t·. R It:lvl?.l y d~y. The that ~. ' one fact. thl? ""v(fnt Mlk'" Lunt. pldnnjnl'f,. ~fterw8rds. Lower Liffev Street Dublin I , Lr, emeq:' ....<'J enJoyt?d lh.~ we". t.he ,,'.'I.t.i,~e. our fir",t f,',,,n th~III~'U!l.V-:.H:. t,he f ...;..doac.k f.tnd tht7it CIt ""Q~ event. l' he ,r t'), .. f :lni.Rh r~~son w<,,,, fcq- PJ 8e~. ].-.ey,,~.t"'. !'h.·I"e "las (11", O.ier,~ Lar".... .-"lin Dunlop. wert!' ,.,,,,sponsi.ble lor thf'ir own part 01 out con~l'olEo. ,:h",cking th€'n1 ~olin WRS th. nrganispr ~nrl prepared sign' Sjmpllcily lnvolved w1th ~ which alnl<::H~t. eVer)h,:"rse stagine; ~~I~S~J 727595 "01 0111 s s I r.r k » a n a I~.:n:" unu;:;j iAl'·· ,,; unt.;'w J ()I", I,/'~ ,~"If:1 l"i~*, l os..d: , f'H"JII\~ HI~ r.~~I1I,/" h,"rr.,,l Y W''',I t. (1';,/.~kl},,· h,~·hit'ld .., r r e-» dj::/,~pr>titr"r,.,.(/ fhl,! the ae v The Ott~pt 8pecla/lHs 00 rGI fool.Ii'teps r·bfi' ) ..qnd of ,"rltgrlftnt erid o e r,... tr, "Jliv."" nH,I7I'JrI ilk W",'If.P th'-'y ~"n p"nb~bjy 1II",k.· Other!" ,.1&,l(·d I'It th.' begl.flrd.r.1-' tough courr:.e. ~f. pp,o).'l .... li .. I"I,,,·.1 ~ "Rpjr'l?! inr tr i br es t n, fjrdl;oh HIKING CLIMBING ORIENTEERING ng: r secl1.on BRAMAC mtvrni They sioPPf-''-/ )n ."rolJnd -tit ... wood", J r k ee uns: te' t mtf"'llr of song os re!», vj<,jl,ng cn ... c o r cnir ru l .:onrr,.,.1twn+c h r b e v had pJ~ntt!'d day O"IC'("', .• nrl t ru-r» tr'ndp,1 r.o t be- m.~nv me c r=r s- pprr.~Jnjnf{ to tnt!' CI"",ciil:.,blp IIII It~~8''y bdl1hY· There will be a Ceili on Saturday night, and a C&W dance on Sunday night. Entries and Competition Enquiries to 8ernard & Margaret Creedon, Mount Prospect, Douglas, Co. Cork. Tel: 021-361824 ano gre,.," .:r Out. 01 t n« mt r.t « cd t•. t m» (OUJ" fi~·tlr,:o .... r ..-t.r ncea t/J,.jr to ;.tH"'tfl" [ or nier n"unt.s, l..tln"!!< /rt,'i: ,"'e-JuvrZ-nef:ti.ecJ etArn.;;t1 YUrtt," whf"irfi! ('t./WhY:':;' t.fu:·· .,=,u(", :--nin~:=: bJ·td the e Soon II Ji.?r.h aewn ea mintmuln of :-;~en Rothpry 't,E' course. work and i.e. and tidying '.'p eng lll,orm~ti0n %1 20 MUNSTER CHAMPS RE"RUN WORLD CHAMPS QUALIFICATION boards. Mike got the map preprinted with control descriptions end the fir'st part of the course, meki ng for the minimum of fuss at the Start end no big delays at .'"egistration. Joss Lyrram (alias "the ancient of days") provided the souven1 I" maps. Paddy 0' Leary manned the start, MikE'. Sean and Hazel NewmConthe Finish and Alison Dunlop and Diana a.alt with ReRistratlon. Joss end Andrew Bonar-Law helped with r.3suH.... So 10 bodies coped with the 270+ competitors and, what is more, enjoyo;,d tt.emFoelves in so doing. It was interesting to see how legible and adequate the black and whj.te "'''P was at th e larger se"le ,:>1' 1: 10,000. I would venture to say 1'(11" morA SO thar, ~he origl ne I coloured version, altho~'8h the lack of yellow was rather mUddling. I feel that this scale is much more ~uitebl_ for younger orienteers (the learners) and veterans whose '?yeEoi,a,hr. is not. what it was. Maybl!l we wj,ll follow the example of some 01 th,EI (.ont.'I. n erree l .:ountries and Or-eat Britein in providing both Aceles ~~ m~jor- evenl~. Th,~r-e wee. only orie unfrJrt.unete inc1dent: when Seo611went out to cnLlect conLrols hm faund that No. 2 (20) on the Norwegian course had been v.1ndel ised. He r ec k on ed 1 t hed been done by a mad and frustrated Or; er,1 eo"r 6S i l was in an ar ..a would not have been vis! ted by Co r'OI1-0r-i.t'lnt",er. ThE' fl.ell: hact been flung into some br-embles and the ~to!tk,;, wU.'" lhe mfl.;:ter map buried i." nl!lerby bushf!$. Luckily, it must have happ~n~d Lowerde the end of the event es it did not seem to heve effected other competttor~. However, earlier on it might have compl ",t al y m~ssed up t he course. So, whoever c omrm t t ed the foul deed nF..ed not appear .,t OW" 2!5th c.~lebrat.lol1l3. We could well do without Lhal sort of competitor. 111[1 III So what can we learn from the success coI"ie,·,1.88rl ne. f':,;)t too cornpJ.icated ftnd tied lip in heve mor e of t h.. se typlO 01 events,' Anyway let's gOi nr,. of this event? Has r-ad tape? Should WEI k e ep the enjoyment "./!Ink e.t owly i nr o the eov(:onillg mists o!Ind the night hunt, ..... e r epe i r ea to the loco!l] hostelry and o!I 1,.. ·So? Jot'. {ire ...nd ttJJked nr aey» of y or e, Trios» were the times of nJne-mi J~' cnursps, hJking boots ena r-uc k s o ck e, senior men lJnd women; doy s: .....hen 60me men r en, b •.,t 11. was not the done thing to be seen to do 0"0. Fillt i t: is doubtful that. «r.« mighty Felles of courage ana endur enc e of r noe« orient .. er e or twenty years tJgo will even <!Igain be equo!IJJed in Ihe t. i m.. s to come. Ana' ,I s o, <"af.Ut <!IS t.S f h .... Bun Cd""" out: t.CI D1.Bna·ge. JUNIOR FUNDRAISING ! The organisers of the ::il1am,.u~k D-f<ingen 1990 wish to have a soup-kilchen ot the fintr;;h each ulSY with all procGlQds going to Junj,or Orienteer' Consequently Juulorl';; ottending the event will be asked to help pour soup f(w a while at Qo~e time ovl'tr the weekend. Senion; w'J.J. be allowed to hel.p if t.hey want. Further info from Brian 5cenneJ.l. 021 963677. It's interesLing to Gee how the various countries fared in the qualification races for the WOC. The fir-51. ?5 in each Of four h&ats queolified, noL necessarily the fastest 50 mer, and 50 warnell. Countries were entitled to one roan and one woman in th.. A-I i ne i , whether they quellfied on the basis of ., time or not .. 4 qualifiersMen: SWE, NOR, FIN, URS, DEN, GBR, SUI, TCH: Women: SWE, TCH, URS, NOR, PTN, SUI, PRG. 3 qualifiersMen: HUN, FRA, POL, Women: OBR, BUL, DEN, AUS; 2 quelifl.ersMen: AUT, BUL; HUN, NZL, POL; 1 qUl!llif1erMen: AUS, CAN; Women: JPN, f'RA, Women: FRO, CAN, USA, JRL, USA; No qual l fersMen: YUG, NZ1., BEl., ITA, IRL, rSR, HK~ ~SP; Women: AliT, BEL, YUQ, JPN, ITA, HKG. VETERAN HOME lNTERNA TIONAL Plettlh ;)It::r ~IOOI. t.o lun ~ Veterer.e. Home Inter ,',at I anal j or 1>1/1.1 40 and e bov e til W<!\les 11")(1. O.-t('>I,Pt'. Th... eV1'-1lt wi 11 be , lin nb all experirnelll. to tHH' how well l.t. ) ... supportu.d, !'!Ind will coincide ,...a t h a National Event on Lhe rDrest~d &6n0 dunes of Due Lo the cancellation of last Oct.ober's '1989 I'lunster Lrrd t v f d oe L Championships, the evei'lL js to be re-run at l",chiseela 011 April 21st 1990, one week efter £asl:8r. Those who had entered already c eri either run at no cner ge or seek a refund. Additionsl entrie~ will also be taken. '89 entr-ants are included in Lhe rerUI~ (are Lhey ra-ent.rents if they apply 08a111?). 1989 age classes will, or c our s e. opply. The event "'ill be fol.lowed on Sunday, 2211d April, by an I"V<'i:nt. e t Bellydrehid, Cah!r, Co. Tippera. y. Entry r or me will b", f n TTl) 45. Pembrey. SWEDISH AU-PAIR: ANY TAKERS? Anno W"hl h('....S, <I 15 year oLd !')wPdlhl' I!,ir I 1'-0111 C,tllebnrg, wallt", LO '01111'" to I, ".1o.'d to If- ...r n Eng)tbh bnJ La Lr~in rram mjd-June Lel lid d A"8lJsl nc~xt yea.'. She can "rlE'. ",<:QIIIIII()t.IoLlcIII etc in Sweden Any fe.Il!Jy wl',o <..<,>n t&k., her in in 1"",10".;1. H;;,r particular problem 1s tl10t she cannot mQtabo11se gluten erid would tll ••refor!" pr ef er to stey with 8 family of a co~11ac palibln~ h",rt'-. Any I'.aken,·~ WI"! tEo to Wahlbel"!!-, 01'" el(ull.getar. 12, S-42531) HIS'[NGS-KARRA, Sweden. P. S. Th~ '90 Swed1."h O-Rj ogen iFo "0 !n G~tebor8 in July. SUGGEST10NS,? Recent Le1nsLer events have seen the emergence of an event comment sheet for competitors Lo record their I mpressj ons ul' LhE' event.. Vftrlous headings are 11st ed, to be rated on a bcale of I (ur,sat.isfectory) t o 5 ve xc e Il ent.), il1cluding aspects of orgsnlsalion (registration, start, f 1nish, r6!6ul t6) and o"j oentGlel'lng \map, courses, sl.litebil.:l.ty), and an overall "valuefor-money" r "'Ling. The results should be in~eresLin~ ODDS' n' ENDS D."uS on several team at lnternmtional v e r df c Li' recoOJlllend commQn~e a soo., I.est.j nB Wl'l6 c e r r Led out mpmberm or Lhe Irl&h the Senior Horne at Gortin. The "We would strongly t he L the Irlsh t",am ~ourse of treatmenL as ~5 p05s1ble, .. "! F'pars have been expressed .:IbouL a pe)>;sj ble link between brackan spor-es ~nd stomach cancer but no daflnlLe connection has been asLablishad. Re5earch cont1nueeo. In the meantime keep your mouLh closed when orienteering in t.h~ summer ... - _J 23 22 ORIENTEERING FIXTURES 25 INTERPROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Excellent Finner, Ballyshar.non, area of sand dunes. Co. Donegal. GR G 84 60. DecemberMarch 17 BELFIELD Dublin 4. UCDO Orade 3 event. 1 '7 CHIMNEYF·IF.:LD Olenville, Co. Cork. LeeO 26 PINE Rethfarnham, Co. Dublin. Christmas Score Event. Start FORJ;:ST 27 RIVERSTICK 31 BALLYSCANLAN WOOD Co. Cork. Tremore, Cork Co. CL7. 0 Christmas Waterford. OR 0 29. 18 2 GARRE'rTSTOWN Co. Cork. Cork Night 3 SPRINGWELL Co. Derry. 4- GREEN Kilfinnene, Co. League event. OR 4- SUGARLOAF Co. 9 WARRENSCOURT K1lmurry, Championships. OR W 58 44. Champs. OR N 90 85. 3ROC annual 11-1. OR 013 22. WOOD NWOC. Colour 1. series Limerick. R 65 18. OR C 76 25. Grad .. 2 MIJ"ster Event. OR W 65 57. WalO 03. Wicklow. UCDO OR 0 23 13. colour. GR S 55 02. Co. Cork. Mu .....;1. er Night OR W 38 67. 1990 ./ 11 CASTLE TIMON 11 GLENGARRA near BritLa~ Bay, event. OR T 29 86 . ,) .fanlJ<lry NEWBRIDOE HOUSE Donabete, Co. Dublin. DUO/UCDO. OR 0 21 49 . Co. Co. PHOENIX PARK 21 SAGGART Tallashl, 2R GA.RR£·rrSTOWN KLnsale, 28 LOUGH BoylE', Co. 21\ PORTLAW KEY Dub) i,~. F'1ngal OC Leinster Co. Co. AJAX Dublin. Cork. League Roscommo". Lough OR Key W 58 ~C. Tr-emor-e, 4 CURRAGH Midleton, 4 ROSSMORE near 9 CURRABINNY Rjngaskiddy, II CULLENAGH Dunmanway, Co. Cork. UCCO Grad. I event. OR W 14 54. 11 1III FOREST Weterfl1rd. Co. Cork. Monaghan. R~thfarnham. event (LL7) Co. Cork. GR 08403. 17 N,1. 17 CLOGHEEN Co. Tipperary. Championships. CRTCO. 18 CLARA Laragh, SCORE CHAMPIONSHIPS VALE CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS Athenry. Co. Co re ni r-k (PermO) Co. Event. Cork night-O. Oalway. Wicklo~ & NIOA Irish Closed O-Naas GR H6531. W7962 GR Munster ) League ) WEO. WhiteB~le, 17-19 SHAMROCK 24 BRITI!;,"H CHIVfPIONSHIPS 25 TRAMeRE 31 LEINSTER Co. Cork. L~.O Gr3. OR W 87 66. O-RINOEN Bollingeeol'Y, Co. Cork and Killarney, K~rry. Entry form en~loa.d. Yorksldr€' Co. area. Co. W,s\.Eor ford. WaiO Mun ..l.·,· Lel:tgue Orbde event. Send hJ J Iii. OR S 59 01. CHAMPIONSHIPS co. Carrick Mount8in, Ashford, GEN event. OR T 23 93. Entry form 2 Wi.ckl.ow. enclos.d. April fundreiser. Colour 3ROC ROSTELLAN OR S 55 02. Or3. Squad Co. Dublin. OR 0 13 22. WOODLAWN 1",8<';" WatO Junior TrimO 11 24 I' PINE WOOD Co. 11 44. Febr'ue"'Y flAI..I~ YSCANI~ON Munster OR R 92 22. OR 00223. Cu. WI'\t.erford. Wal.O Or 3. OR S 44 15. 4 Colour (LL6). Sprint-O. 0 Or3. Cork SET Mj L c he l s t own. 1'j ppi:<rlll'Y, "e..... School. Championships. 14 Wicklow. Final League 1 LEINSTER 7 ooSFORD MarkeLhill, 8 CLOGHEEN C~ Tipperary. event. ON S 01 8 HELLFIRE RELAY WOOD CHAMPIONSHIPS Three Rock WOl.)d, Co. 3ROC .venL. GR 0 J7 ~3. Co. Arm~8h. Cork Dub) i n , LVO. OR 0 Munster H 97 Lebgue 40. Grade 12. Rathfar nhern, Co. Dubl i.n. event. OR 0 12 22. Fi'1gal OC Colour OR M 68 31. 13-16 .TAN KJELLSTROM 15 KILAVULLEN AOM. lntervarsity event. colour. OR T1693. 8allygawley, near Col looney, Co. OR 0 71 29. Entry form enclosed. Sligo. TROPHY Perth, Scotland. ",TK90": tr-ef n i ng , 1 wo-dey individuel, r e le y, Entry form enclose,j. Fernl0Y, Co. Cork. BVOC Gr2. OR W 65 98. NOTE: Events listed in italics are for information only and do not form part of the Irish fixture list. Only evenls run by clubs affiliated to the Irish Orienteering Associalion and registered, with competent officials, are covered by insurance. 25 A 24. SUMMER PLANS ODDS' n' ENDS The. IOA AOII'I has bee>n arranged ] ate aft.ernoon on St.. Patrick's at CrE1e.j.~ns' Hotel, l.nchigeela, Cork , aCter the (J r5t day of f.~f 1),,'1 Co. t. he Shamr ock III y,.,Ij' 1 O-Rj ngen. Thought e fj t , ror the yOll ,;,X"', c1&e; if you're not ,~xf'rcil;e can be denge,'ous!" P,)J rd. $ Ras t) C,:mg,-",I.ulc\l.ions S,'" , ,~l."'r y GathG,'in.. "If day: don't. ex 1.0 Keys need fl.t, om crr IOA(ne on I; he 1~'JtI. "'8"') ond hu Tony of their fi,-u.t child, Jame6 (,1'" :1FotophE,r, on 29'1,1, NCiveml~el-. 'nl.herlne and Tony are currently I ""I£ . .ldlt'g at. Ifi23 Ye..le Ddve, Wlnr.:Plee;.~ef, V:tq~.I".le 22601, USA. bJ,·t.h Derrybewn Mounlain :J.n Co. Wi c k l "101, LI,e ",,)1.11. hern perl of the ",l"'llcl.d ough me p, I" dJ 6pl ayi n8 en ugly scar wh... 'e; tJ r oe d has been mod..... ' ross the mOllnta1nEoide to the ,j'1I'$'" neo!lr Mu) lacor, overlooking the ltok.,s e t, (,]Qnd",l.ough, wit.h 1111 Ii piS"'" 1'.0 bui1d e ca, pClrk at,d r oom at tl,e 1..:>1" Sh"des of wlJr 0;. I. 1~8p ec I. G o t Swi 66 l. our i6rn. w" 1')1; ," ·l.. d,) ,; I!'~()l' d';'lSo?c,..;;~j"" lea the Can 1.0 Some big events next year inc] uda, e s always, the Swedish 0Day j I) July, accessible thi6 year as 'I. t ' s at Gtlteborg from 23rd to 27th: the Swiss 5-Day near Zurich on .Tuly 16-20; races in Spain and Portugel i n early March; the JK in Scot.lend I'll. a series of World cup races starting in Pol end on May 27th, the weekend of the Scoll-ish Championships; the Junior Wor) d Chemps in Sweden on 13-14 Ju] '1' thGl Veteran World Cup in Hungary on August 1-5 and the Asia p~ciric O-Cernival in the Vancouver eree of Canada from 3-12 August. Tha U6ual annuel review wi] 1 be 'lt~ TID 4.5 it' February. WORLD CHAMPS '91 Prlipe;rel.ions for the 1991 World Championships ere taking shepe e r r ee dy. The compet1tion will be in the Marianake Lezne (MarSenbad) area Czechosl.ovakia from 20-25 August 1991. The first WOC train1ns cemp will be from 18 to 31st August 1990: c on t ec t SOB UV CSTV, Ne Porici 12, Prague 1, CS-11530, Czechoslovakia. Dr WORLD CUP '90 APATHY RULES Whol. en AGM t.he Leinsler 0t] had n" Nov"'mh~, I BL! El even PL")P] '" attended, fOIJ" from the C'::Jntnd t l e", end seve" ot hers. The ~u, , y sL~te of LeinsLer o. j·j rog wI'> ... ""~knowJ ,·dBed, but. no J i.e-ht. ~/Cl5 evj oE-!nt. ~t. th ... end of 1.1" .• 1.>1","8) .. The I,OC [~I,j 1 1. Reeles a <;1",,1, IlIl'\n, n,)d 1.1'0 •• post of Junio)'!;; 1.11Iio:e,· is either' vacant or has bee.!)",.., Development. F'aJ r play to F'r .... "I< Flood for taking this on: post;jbly the most d t F fLc u Lt, job of II UI all. NWOC CHAMPIONS .... I III L.j PRESS STOP have n...vady Schools Cnnl .....tulatlons! ••• won NWOC from the Britisb Championshi ps. The World Cup ser1es, which tekes pLe c « on the years between World Champ:J.onships, kicks off 1n Zloty Potok, near Krakow, in Poland on May 27th. The remeining events are et Silkeborg in Denmark on Mey 30l.h end at Voss, Norway. on 3t·cJ .1'1.11'''', The second clUster of evel)\.s S~ar1.6 at Olds, Alberte, J.n Canade an August 111.h, then Cle Elun~ Wa$hjngton USA on 18th Augusl.. Another gap until September 30th for Vallee de Joux in Switzerland, then October 3rd at Le Chapelle sous Bois neer Besa"con in France and the Final al. us t er 1n Wesl Germany on Ocl.ober 61.h. 11. is unlikely that runners will compete events to score. 3ROC Enquiries to: Vera M.Jrtagh, 19 The Cloisters, Harold's Cross, Dublin W6. Tel: 908237 The orienteering season is now in full swing with the Northern Irelard ard Leinster Charrpionships an::! the Irish 2-Day behind us. The Event in Gortin (\ formed part of the British "National" Event Series) was physically tough rut with excellent courses. Congratulations to wiTU'lersFmna Glanville, (W15) and John Creagh, (M 55), and to 2nd place winners Karen Convery, Nuala Creagh and Pat Flanagan. The Irish 2-Day was held in Tipperary and Waterford this year. Day 1 was for the runners amongst us while Day 2 brought more brain power into play. Again congratulations to our winners: Justin May, (M21A), Emna Glanville, (W1S), Una Creagh, (19), Maire Walsh, (W40), anclin W50a tie between Nuala Creagh and Hazel Convery. Our 3ROCLeague Event attracted a large attendance on the day. Thanks are due to Planner, Trina Cleary, Controller sod Assistant Harold White and Philip Butler ard Organiser Pay May. A special word of thanks to Justin May, Brian Hollinshead, Christy I'-tl.oughlin, t-lIala Creagh and John ~t:Cullough, who put out and took in controls. And of course the usual thanks to all the helpers on the day. Our next Event is our FANCY DRESSSCOREEVENT on St. Stephen's Day. The venue is the Pine (less)! Forest. The usual stupendous prizes will be awarded to the most outrageous, topical and colourful costumes. Help will be needed on the Day as usual and the Creagh Family will be looking for volunteers. Future Events include a league event in the Pine Forest in February and the Leinster Relay Championships in April, 1990. 1 j It eo th167 (.nu", THREE ROCK ORIENTEERING CLUB Dates for your New1990 Diaries - the first "First Friday" of 1990 will be on 5th January in Glenalbyn, followed by the usual practical session on 6th Jamary. How about a New Year Resolution to attend one or both of these sessions each month. 1RAINUG: Do you ever need a lift to an event? Nuala Creagh, our Junior Affairs Officer, will get you a lift if you telephone her in time at 934982, ard this doesn't apply to just juniors. '0' Suits still available 3ROC take this opportunity NewYear. January in Glenalbyn. and a prosperous from Trina Cleary (936187). to wish all our members a very Happy Christmas We look forward to seeing you all on 5th any Irish in enough .. rr:l: ...._-'. ..' 26 fj$~ry Enquiries: Gavan Doherty, 12 Brook Court, Recent Happenings: Our last GENevent was in Trcoperstown, for organising, Thornhills for starting, Ryan for planning, Monkstown. Ph:806611 on October B. Thanks to David Watt McCormacksfor finishing, Dermot, Diana, George, Brendan for various other Philip functions. Brenda, Ann, David, Particular thanks to and to Richard Flynn for controlling. A GEN group went to the ~Iunster Chmpionships at the end of October. Unfortunately the first relay day was cancelled due to bad weather conditions, team, the following day, of Brendan Doherty, Jane as a W21Ateam! The event is due to be re-run are available but GEN had a top s David Watt, who ran in April 1990, and entry forms from the secretary. By the time you read this, come and gone. The hostess Our event in Ballinastoe Congratulations our AGMon Friday December B will have is Jane Watt, with mulled wine by Peadar Dempsey. (December 10), will have also come and gone, planned by Demot Kennedy, and organised by Maura Moran. to Diana Large, who appeared as cover girl This is her second time, her last was a picture of TIO 43. of her running around Belfield. In the Future: Our next: GEN gather ing is on Wednesday, February 7, in the Deerpark. A 'Midwinter Madness' Quiz Night will be held. All Welcome. We are also running the first Carrick, Championships, in in getting involved, us, we'd be glad to hear from yOU! welcome:to our latast Galligan, day of the Leinster on the 31 March, 1990. If you are interested I?lease contact 2"1 rzysTE!R2I9{YlO/lfjYlryO$S 9{f£WS members, Darragh O'Kelly, Susan Dempsey, Brian Flynn, Paul Durrant, Ken Collins, Michael Stephen Hannon & Paul Nolan. We hope you enjoy the ccm:,ng season, Best Wishes I WARD JUNIOR HOME INTERNATIONAL place in North East ThIs years J un·1.or' Hume Internati onol took of the W..leB in late Octuber. There h6d be(m much anticipation to improve on l.ust Irish team's perFortrusllcQ who wnro hoping expected frOID the years exc~11ent results. MUCh had been usuals such as entire MiS team. David Holl1(l6t!" H13 and the in third pl~ce l3st Peter O' HIS"" 6nd John Feehan who finished yetar. The t.eam trave11 .. tI together on the boat on the FricJoy und we W(~, to uule to meet at t toe accoalodat ion cent re (ChelOter Y. H. ) for n very loform!)l discuss1uIl on Junior OriQnteerlng In Ireland. This was kept short as it was to bed early for us all In preparation i o«: t:he big compet1tion. The 1nd1.vitlual r-ace 01\ the Stslur'dsy was held on tho llIOP "B1g Covert III Bryn Alyn". H'i1re. lhe t.errain here wa", very fl!lsl: open w1.ttl lfltr-1.cote lIJnr.Jformr.; bl).t some slow foresl with nll!lny roCk features was used on the longer courses. distances bul relet J,Vel y easy nBvigl!it i on thlll general formula for most: cour ee s. The overall Gpeed of the tar,."in dido't suit the Ir·!t;h "od we found l.t d1fficult to oc1Just to the I: 10,000 scele end poorly IDOPPljd c onb our-e. Most of the prizes wellt to tho F.lIg11tlh,end the Irish teemS performBnco waG " llttle disappOinting. The beGt r'esults for U6 were third in Mi7 for JOhn F~ehan end fourth 10 MI7 and M13 for Peter O'Horo and Dav1d Hollinger, respect;! vely. B.u;t of the gir111 was Karen ConvAry wt]o f1t1ished f:l.fth t" W1S. ~aVCln J)oMl('ty G(\d .. were both dil5quollfl .. <l for punc:h:lng rel!l~ons, In the MI7 ClaBIi we e.cor ed 3n:1, 4th I'JInd 5ll. and so &f'I 01 r of anxiety set t lad on these men in a/.t".h:iptlon of the relays. SOcial oc:tlv1L161G for the consisted mtarely of the prcsentatJ.on of prl:.<t!s. SQDlP),lf1ff of the local not-Qo'· very-haute-culr;lne end or. eer"ly night disco. Another, even more lnfu"mel, tQam discussion held on the stairway of the hostel managed to keep the otht;}r teem .. from thei'r sleep. The relay race was held on the samQ lIIap 8S the prevlouG day but lllG1.nly in the foresled holf. "slow fo,.est by Enslleh stondard .. and the Irish felt. quite ",t hOlllQ, Our own HI7 team "",re pretty nervous! of thair· performance the day befor~ Ilild the En~J.lsh fiG usual wore 18r8~r than lifQ, However they were 600n ql.lleten"d when Mo.r·cus Plnk<ar como home over two and a half minutes ahead of the rest of pack in th~ M1.3 fir",t leg aod when Peter O' Hara led by a simi lar r>'H.rgin in the M17 roc:e. When Brian Creedol, f:lnished the second leg it, the M13 class the lead h'ld str<1ched to over five minuteG end David Ryan fini.shed. the \Second M17 la8' wi th a narrow 20 second lead ovar Paul Whiston of England. 10hn PaulO' Naill wes under iaunense Iwet.sure as he took off into the forest with Ben ReynoldG suro to be ches1ne; like l'I fox. After an unfortunate error 1. P. W6S caught at the second last control and Reyno1ds used an unorthodox route choice lo the f:lnal e ont.r-of to leod John Paul into the fini5:h hv ) ....... th,," '30 ~~CC1\~. Mt..<Vt'\"""-'CI.< y~"" 28 tension developing in the .I:r1sh ",amp 65 John Feehan battled fiercly I.l'ithKeith Graetz r unn Lng he",d to head in the forest over the final MJ7 leg. Alas victory for the Irish tOday was not to ba and the vasl "'''per I errc e , and f i tnes9 of the EngliSh ar.e paid off over: the d.n",l It!8 as John wae pipped by a mere 19 seconds. OC~l:Iplte beaten these two remarkable results rBi ..",u the Gpirlts or t.he Irish Team considerably and finished l-he week.end 011 <!n u..,~lJllistlc note. For us it w8t; ul,.ec~ to Hollyhead 6nd .. I:ralght home. The one sad aspect for us all was th"'~ ~ sew the lost outing fur· Peter 0' Hera erid Aioe Rice 66 mt.!.ol>e.·s of> the JunIor team. Bot h are loogserving members of the !Y·l!:'"JUILi.()rSquad and ihey both move a n t o the senior ranks next year-. They will be m1.ssed: .lJuL not by ttl"" M17$, ""ho roJ ght ~e t () ChdllC~ to wln (\ few pr·iztot:'! from now 011\ AG usual there wuul tJ LJe "0 t r j p fa.· U5 1 ( 1 t were not. for· the drivers who wor·k very hard to muke US enjoy oUI·6C!llves. Thir;; year the thanks must go 1..0 Bl11y O' N....L.I.J., COI·mel FeehAn, S",r·I.llIrd Creedon and Cht)rJ.l\l~ R~ld. Ove,·",lJ.,the event ~&I 0 rlIucc<>t5., for· (lveryo"", wloo attended (lnd the Lr t an CDr) take 8 bo'-1for $OOUll magni tlCer.l pe ....formances cons:tder1,,!S the I).tnountof travol. gt:!ttl"t5 1;0 the event end tough oppoe r t Lori they (aced. In fact tt can be very 1 ntlJJJtdalill1S' illsv1ng to r ecc the very conf ldent, well coached and hlgilly fit Brlt.l.Sh t~1)1Rl!I who r·ece:l.vro ., ISreat delil of attention from the 8.0. P. ln all i3slJec.le; of the sport. The por of the B. O.i!". 1n rel3ar·u to tl11s issue is lilat todey' S j oolu'·$ will be tomorrow' 6 eenior:s und that fJ high standa r d at this level wilJ. rEjrlEl<:t i isel f in other- ro.nJcs in the fut U.-Q. Over t he year"" DltsUY f s.o« P'" I ul·mances hove come from Irish junio.-s 1.. lI.1s '.OJnPQl.l.~J.Utl lJut re c some reason they have not developed OS much !!IS their English or scot t r en counterparts. Over thoR ".,xl couple ()f yp.llraIS new approach to junior competition should be Qf1cour'uged e t home to see if 6 system can be developed f oe: the successFul training of juniors at both international level ond club i eve r. Already, Bec·nard Creedon. the Juntor Affairs Officer tho l.O.A., hus begut. trying out coaching exerciG(~" willi Junlor·s "l Loc e L events ln Munster and hopefuJJy a Eystem will tJrJs~ out of this to create a moder&te progro!l\ll\l3 (or l:otu;ILi.I.g tho junloru in ireland who to take Hua tlPUf·t E;erlousJ y. W6S 0" john IRELAND'S Scannell. BIGGEST O-EVENT ~ A recent event at Currabl1HlY Wood 10 Oc:tober, 0'-1:5"01IH.U by GorkO and the CSOA 6"'" Bn 8llenuant:e uf lJelwee.o 800 - !:IOO youngsters. "h.1,; w"t> al. ltJ.,.:o1 llltr'oduct:l.onto the .. port and since then an increl3Ged IJuml>tn-uf ISch()ols have been ettending lut:t:sl ~velJt8 "h..c n 8S the (.;ork. Leosue. 29 ];rt(}601 ~ OQJ6}(lCEe~ The October meeting of the Club was as usual in Colaiste Choilim, Swords/Lord Mayors. A business like meeting which discussed the following: Membership, Finance, Fixtures, Training & Mapping. Nov. 19th Beginners Event in Newbridge. Thanks to Posters (60) - NorthSide News, Westside News and the Fingal Independent the event was very well attended. The support from those Orienteers not at the Irish-2-day was much appreCiated. More importantly the phone (405512) is still ringing. Finance: Gerry Smith the Harp Inn, Swords, 8.00 p.m. Prizes? is back on the Quiz Trail in Wednesday the 29th Nov. at What Prizes. Membership: A steady growth of new members, thanks the Newbridge event. A 33% increase is predicted, eat your heart out Albert. to Fixtures: Newbridge was planned by John Bean and organised by Lillian Quill who organised Frank Flood, thanks to all who helped out on the long day. Phoenix Park, Jan.14th.: The Event Team - who actually volunteered - are Eileen Jones, Doug Corrie, Gerry Smith and Leonard Floyd. As this is the 6th and final league event we wish them well. All FINS on deck needless to say. (wet joke). Mapping: Negotiations are abreast with Dublin County Council for permission to map Ardgillaun Demesne, Skerries. Pat Healy held a mapping meeting where an intrepid 5 learned a little more about a lot more. CONGRATULATIONS to Brid Quigley on being elected Chairperson of the Leinster Schools O.A. and to Frank Flood on becoming Leinster O.C. Development Officer. Tbe competition for these posts had to be seen to be believed. Keen, Not So Keen or Just About Orienteers have no excuses with convenient events like Hellfire, Belfield and 3 Rock, so let's see you out there. Don't forget Club-O'Gear is available from Brid Quigley - order now for the new Xmas edition a nice present for £18.00 approx. GEAR OR NO GEAR HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS. 1\11 30 ,_ II 31 set:ant:a se"tant:Q DOLes Ii' MULLAGHMEEN EVENT: The event on October 15th was very successful with over 200 competitors from all parts of the country (from Belfast to Cork!). We hope Lag~n..Valley Orienteers enjoyed their day in Mullaghmeen for their Club Competition. Over 25 Setanta mombers help~d with running the event. The results are published i,nthis edition of TIO. The next event at Mullaghmeen is on April 29th 1990 - the Leinster Schools Champtionships, organised by Wilson's Hospital, HultyfBrnh~m. MOUNTAIN MARATHON AGAIN: We have discovered where the two controls got to. They were picked up by an Irish Army team who were on a navigation exercise in the Glen of Ymaal. Obviously we encroached into the Military lands. Thanks to a prominent ECO member for owning up! "1 KILLAKEE MAP: The third edition of this popular map has been printed and is noticeably less green than the previous edition. By the time these notes are read, our League event on December 3rd will have been held on the new map. Now that tbis task is completed, we can get on with mapping new areas, which have not progressed 88 quickly as planned. We plan to make up for lost time in the spring. HILL RUNNING: There are many enthusiastic hill runners in the Club. At the recent prize-giving function, Bobby Buckley got tbe 'Best Vet' award in tbe Leinster League while Stephen Walsh came 4th overall in the lrisb and Leinster men's open. LEINSTER LEAGUE: We were not made aware of any cbanges to tbe format of the present Leinster League. TIO 42 reported - "The Leinster League will be run on mucb the same basis this season as last" and "The idea of colour events for the League still hasn't been taken up: Leinster await a directive from their I~I~ III Technical Officer before this will be considered". Hence the Croghan Kinsella event in September was run to the prescribed standard. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The Annual General Meeting and Social evening will be held on January 12th next. See enclosed notice to Club Members for details. Items to be included on the Agenda should be received not later tban January 8th. This note should be regarded as formal notice of tbe AGM to Club Members. Your attendance would be appreciated. ENOUIRIES:- SETANTA ORIERTEERS. C/O. B. Power. 15, Templeroan Ave., Dublin 16. Tel. (01) 941378 CONNACHT NEWS After a long absence from the pages of TIq the Eagle Eye is making a welcome return with news and views, but above all, gOSSip from west of the Shannon. At a mid-November was elected: Chairman Stephen Secretary Baldur Treasurer Noel Ryan, held in Roscommon, USAC, Renmore van Lew, Gortadubha, Donagh, Custume a new Barracks, look Athlone, Well, what about some news from the clubs Council Galway Claregalway, B6rracks, Connacht Cielway Co. Westmeeth. I would like to take this opportunity to thank P. J. Harris yeaf's' work as Chairm6n and to wish him a l'oefe end psaceful the Lebanon on United Nations duty. for his trip in ... Western Eagles have increased thair memb'Brl;ihi p over the pest few montl)s with the arrival of Frank Stamp from Holland. Frank, who now works for D1gi tal, is a one-time Dutch decathlon rEiocc'rdholdQr and is taking to orienteering like a duck to water - literally. as he seems to have an attraction for blue areas on the map. Speaking of ottraction, John Walshe has announced his engegement to MichOilla, e n d once they have stopped playing with the new house we might see them out orienteering again. John, who finished third in the Croagh Potr1ck run over the summer, had a nasty fright in Union Wood some weeks ago. He woe lunching at No. 9 when he heard a voice say "Excuse me, but would your name conceivably be John Walshe?", and there in the field was a large white horse! Anyway, to cut a long story short, John then followed this horse, in true "High Spirit" fashion and, yes ... got lost: good one, John, most of us blame the compass! Lough Key Orienteers have found a new solution to making a permanent course ... Cathal Creagh has been seen, hammer and chisel in hand, carving cont rols ont 0 boulders. Romance has 01 so hi t LKO wi th George "this-sport-has-no-respect-for-neither-man-nor-beast" Taylor lOOking for the address of one-time UeGO Secretary Emma Shaw-Fortune. Emma was forced to emigrate to Germany after a rather embarrassing incidel1t with her club captain (or was it club Lt.) at the arts Balli! The less sa1d about this the better, right Steve? UCG continue to spread the word of orienteering wit.h meetirlgs or eVents held weekly. (Deep meaning discussions on the morality and Spatial dimenSions of orienteering are e t so held every night in the back room in Freeney's over pints and Leonidas chocolates!) Best of lUck to Mick Deasy on his Tiglin O-Leadership cours",' this goes some way to explaining why he asks innocent first years to follow him into the forest to see something that pOints to the NorLhl?1 On 8 seri ous not e. the Connacht Champs are on 24th February in Ballygawley and NOT Union Wood, with the Interprovincials on F'inner Dunes on the 25th. See you there! Eagle Eye. F AGM 33 32 EASTINGS GREEN ~EW COMMITTEE THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS WERE ELECTED ORIENTEERING WATERFORD COURSE AT THE AGM Can Murphy OUR THANKS TO LINDIE NAUGHTON (ECO) AND RICHARD FLYNN (SET) WHO AFTER SEVERAL YEARS OF SERVICE HAVE STEPPED DOWN FROM THE COMMITTEE. CHAIRMAN IN THE ABSENCE OF ANY NOMINATIONS, I THE OUTGOING CHAIRMAN, DAVID WATT, RELUCTANTLY AGREED TO REMAIN IN THE POSITION FOR THE TIME BEING ALTHOUGH NOT NECESSARILY FOR ANOTHER FULL YEAR. AT THE MOMENT IT LOOKS AS THOUGH MY COMMITMENTS ELSEWHERE WILL BE INCREASED AFTER CHRISTMAS. THIS BEING SO, I WILL RESIGN CHAIRMANSHIP REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THERE IS ANYONE TO REPLACE ME. ARISING AT AGM CONCERN WAS EXPRESSED AT THE LACK OF MAPS AND OF AREAS SUITABLE FOR MAPPING IN LEINSTER. THIS CREATES A PROBLEM FOR THE HOLDING OF MAJOR EVENTS. E.G. TWO-DAYS, NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ETC IN LEINSTER AND MAKES IT EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO PLAN SEVERAL YEARS AHEAD AS REQUESTED BY THE NATIONAL FIXTURES OFFICER, SEAN COTTER. MANY FOUND THE STRUCTURE OF THE LEINSTER LEAGUE TO BE DEFECTIVE IN THAT NO COURSE OF MEDIUM TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY WAS PROVIDED AS A BRIDGE BETWEEN THE D COURSE AND NOVICE COURSES. THE LEAGUE IN FUTURE WILL BE RUN AS COLdUR EVENTS. DESPITE WHAT APPEARED IN A PREVIOUS T10 NO DECISION HAD BEEN TAKEN TO RUN THE LEAGUE AS COLOUR EVENTS FOR THE CURRENT' SEASON. DEVELOPMENT THE DEVELOPMENT OFFICER, FRANK FLOOD, WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHETHER OR NOT, THE INDIVIDUAL LEINSTER CLUBS ARE INTERESTED IN INTEGRATING THEIR VARIOUS PRO~IOTIONAL EFFORTS INTO A REGIONAL ONE. CLUB COMMITTEES PLEASE CONSIDER. VACANCIES THE NATIONAL JUNIOR AFFAIRS OFFICER, BERNARD CREEDON IS ANXIOUS THAT A LEINSTER JUNIOR AFFAIRS OFFICER WITH WHOM HE CAN BE APPOINTED. THE LOC ALSO NEED A SECRETARY WITH THE CONSTITUENT CLUBS. WHO COULD IMPROVE 6.6KIn OUR COMMUNICATIONS YELLOW 1 COURSE 195m 81.'50 Andr-ew Pim M~ohael Grant Pat Maran ~pger Jahnsan Eileen Hayes Jahn Daran Ch:rLs. Haughtan Hugh Dabbs BRIAN POWER (SET) FIXTURES BRIAN HEENEY (GEN) MAPPING VERA MURTAGH (3 ROC) TREASURER AONGHUS O'CLEIRIGH TECHNICAL OFFICER FRANK FLOOD (FIN) DEVELPMENT OFFICER MATTERS PORTLAW ORIENTEERS 93.45 102.00 108.45 119.00 )64.00 181.00 194.00 wrang 1 missed 3.2Km 95m 26,40 N~el O'Callaghan Ronan Canna I I Y Jahn Cannolly JJmmy O'Danoghue Vincent Morgan S. Bergin O'Shea Brian HaI'tery Ian O'Brien RlohaI'd Meade Eoghan 0' Nei II Billy Fox Pa'ul 8c Ann Ka'rI Hammond Ken McCormick t:1al'kMcCormick Sandra McCormick C. Connolly $. Conno I I Y M. Connolly Paul McCluskey Tony Murphy Peter Murphy Fiaqhra Fitzgibbon Sheey Murphy ~arry Robettson Karen Rober-tson 'B'arbara Jahnsen Hilary Johnson T~m Casey !ony Mulcahy + Friend Ha,rie Phelan Maul'a O'Doneghue Liz Cleary 84.00 96.00 103.00 105,00 105.00 Eoln Robinson S,ean Nelan EOln Tayler 'A, Taylor Bria'n Daly missed missed DNF DNF DNF 1 RESULTS RESULTS SUNDAY RED COURSE &TH OCTOBER 4.6Km Pa t (). Co nno r B 1 IIyO' Co nn o r Tany MaI'shal1 Ruth Pawer Jahn Fitzgibban Rachel Pawer Aidan Marshal I I re n e Power J ahn Pawer Paul Murphy Brian Kavanagh Torn O'Sul livan Ni c ky Wa I s h Thamas McDanald John Kelly 125m 43.30 66.40 67.30 83.30 84.00 88,00 90.00 91.00 91.00 101.30 117.00 121,00 1Z3.30 148.30 31.40 GRAY COURSE 3.SKm 100m 31.45 33.00 33.20 34.20 36,30 36.50 39.00 43.00 43.30 44 ..30 47.00 47.00 47.00 55.00 55.00 55,00 55.00 57.00 57.00 61.00 69,00 69.00 89.00 78.30 ¥ Fox G1lbeJ't t nd t a a t Paul. Allen Har'y Kelly 0011agh Cleary Cathy Whelan Catriona Cleary Bi I I 40,00 46.50 53,30 132.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 Anthony Marshal I missed Sa nd ra Marsha II mi<!lsed 1 wrong Ann Gleesc:Jn :<: missed Wl11iamKee :2 wrong G'ra.;.me8< Terry Bob Kane Chrlstupl,,,,!' ['obbs Neil Dobbs A. Fitzgibbol'l DNF DNF DNF DNF ~j!,> :j4 TROOPERSTOWN EVENT 8TH OCTOBER 7K 260N ****~***~**~~~o,~~~~***~**~~***** 11.1.t. 3ROC mlA I. J. HAY 73.12 AJAX mlA 2. P. KERNAN ~121A 74.57 CO 3. P. HEALY 4. J. ~ICCULLOUGII 3ROC ~121A 82.49 BI, .5/, IIJAX H35 5. M. O'HARA ECO H21A 86.0) 6. B. DELANEY H21A 90.51 7. P. SmTH 92.02 AJAX M35 B. P. GARGAN 92.I,B CEN ~135 9. B. BELL 10. G. CUNtnNGHAI'I UCD N21A 95.IB DLS HI7 100.47 II. P. NOWLAN SET H35 102.(17 12. P. REDMOND AJAX ~121A 104.54 13. M. GEOGHEGAN FlN H21A 108.04 14. F. LAFFERTY !JCD H21A 110.27 IS. T. CALARY DUO H21A IIS.49 16. J. KENNY ueD H21A 116.S5 17. N. FLYNN RUN BY GEN 0 CLUB. A 8. I I" I B 6. SK 1951'1 ~~~*O******~Q*O~*OOO*~*V*OO~O***O SET M50 61.28 I. A. FLEGG 62.1 I GEN ~lIS 2. G. DOHERTY CO ~1218 62.49 ). S. O'SOYLE SET ~1t.0 67.04 4. B. BUCKLEY 67.08 DLSO HI7 5. II. O'NULLANE DLSO NIS 67.101 6. ~l. O'NEILL JROC ~145 68.35 7. P. FLANAGAN FIN NI7 73.10 S. L. FLOYD JROC ~I/.S 73.50 9. N. CRAWFORD 3ROC WI9 75.53 10. H. CREAGH 76.28 II. J. flTZPATRIC UCD H21 GEN H40 78.44 12. D. WATT SET H21B 79.46 13. A. YOUNG GEN H211) 80.28 14. C. FLETCHER H218 81. 15 CO l5. R. MCDONALD FlN HI7 81.55 L6. A. HCINERNEY 17. M. ~ICPHERSON )ROC W21A 82. I7 JROC H40 83.28 LB. L. ROE SET MSO 85. IS 19. J. BENT 87.29 GEN MSO 20. P. DE~WSEY )ROC H50 87.56 2 I. R. NORTOIl 91.14 KflO ~II 5 22. J. O'NEILL 3ROC H45 91.40 2J. D. BROOKS mlB 93.11 24. A. MURPHY p),N nz ra 94.41 25. F. FLOOD SET N2IB 9/,.39 26. N. FARRELL SET WI,O 95.06 27. C. BENT FlN W21A 95. II. 28. E. JONES CEN W21 96.37 29. ~1. HEAPES 3ROC 10).51 30. A. HALLOWES )ROC H40 106.18 31.J.GRAY 108.36 CO HlIB 32. J. DUNPHY DLSO MI7 110.32 )). H. SOHERS 34. N. ~IANNlNG DLSO HIS 112.36 JROC H40 113.)5 35. B. HALLOWES H21B 158.00 36. D. DOYLE D.N.F. C:. ~1C:LOUGHL1N M35 A. Fll'ZPATRICK H7I R 5.5K 18SH ~*********OO~~O~OA~********~~**O~ I. P. tICCOR~IACK CEN r'145 51..02 2. J. WATT 59.2/• GEN Ins DLSO ~1I3 60.16 3. S. O'NEILL 61. I I. I.. B. NCGRATH 3ROC ~11.0 SET H40 61.53 5. B. POWER JROC W35 6. ~1. NOWLAN 66.13 7. T. ~ICCORtIACK CEN tl40 67.49 SET tl50 68.31 B. C. DUNLOP 9. E. HUHE 69.02 10. M. HEALY 70.07 GEN W35 II. K. CONVERY 70.38 lROC WI5 70.44 12. W. ~ICCORtIACK CEN W40 IJ. B. QUIGLEY FIN W21B 76.05 11,. B. DOHERTY GEN tl4S 80.06 15. H. WALSH 80.20 3ROC W/,O 16. D. BUTLER 81. J7 SET H40 17. G. SUGRUE 81.55 FIN HL7 18. H. tlORAGltAIl CLOG 85.52 19. G. DWPSEY 88.39 CEN H17 89.47 20. N. KAVANAGH 21. J. BEAN 89.53 FIN mlB 22. T. CONNIFFE DLSO tll5 89.58 2). J. CALAHAN UCDO W21B 91.20 24. P. BUTLER 3ROC ~140 93.22 25. J. CLARKE GEIl 1'145 97.21 26. V. DOWSE HSCH WI7 lOO.50 27. E. FITZGERALD 121.28 28. R. FULLER KHO NI5 132.45 29. A. PETERS KilO MIS 134.1,9 30. D. ARNST RON" KilO W 17 IS 1.00 D.N.F H. O'HERLICHY DLSO HIS D. HOLLYWOOD FIN NI7 D. DONtlELLY NAAS ~1l5 C F 2.1 K 90~1 *****O**Q****CO~*A*****~~~Q.O~** I. tl. ROCHE --- --25.52 2. C. HAHONY CEIl WI I 25.56 3. S. HEALY GE~ W9 30.20 4. S. O'NEILL 3ROC W8 36.GG 5. P.FLANAGAN 3ROC W8 37.05 6. P. O'HARA AJAX mo 42.)6 7. K. HCCORtlACK CEN --1.4.5/, J. PASSEy --- --44.54 8. A. WALSH JROC W7 46.19 9. N. WALSH ---- -46.21 10. N. NOWLAN 3ROC W8 46.31 II. S. NOWLAN 3ROC W6 46.)1 12. P. DURRANT ---- -52.58 13. N. ROCHE ---- -92.57 *************.~*Q*~*************.*~** o 4.3K 140N ~~6*O~~~***o~*****~~~*\tOA~*~*COG~ 1. D. LARKIN 2. J. FLEGG 3. S. KULLDORf JROC SET 111.5 SET N60 DLSO HI3 SET W45 54.49 60.08 61.40 64.16 D. HICKEY 64.48 5. tl. HIGGINS 64.51 6,. 8. DOOLAN 67.53 F LN W L9 7. C. BYRNE 68.0) JROC 8. P. LARKIN 68.39 3ROC WGO 9. B. FLANAGAN 70.1.) 10. J. LYNCH /0.50 3ROC H50 11. L. CONVERY 12. B. 1I0LLlIlSIlED3ROC ~lSO 71.02 73 .07 GEN W)5 13. A. ~ICBRlDE 76.21 I/o. A. tlCCORtlACK "EN W/.O 76.30 GEN W50 IS. D. LARGE 77. (,6 DUiO til J 16. N. BRADY 19.0() JROC WI J 17. S. CONVERY 79.39 DLSO HI) 18. C. RYMI 80. "', 19. S. PEEL 82.16 20. J. WALSU DLSO ~II. 5 21. E. CONROY IIJAX wli B 84.1) 86.01 22. J. DONAl.D KHO WI5 87.18 2), ~I. GALLACIiAtI CEil 91.06 24. A. COOKE AJAX WIS 91 .5~ Z5. A. PETERS KilO HI3 93.1.1 26. J. BUTLER lROC HI I 94.21 27. S. COLTON KHO IH ~ 9S.3<) JoI4n SF.T lAo W. O'NEILL 96.22 )ROC 160 29. P. ~LAY 96. {,! ULSO til3 )0. ~1. COX 99. II, AJAX HS5 31. P . COOKE 100.111 SET W/,O 32. F. O·tlEILL 33. A. DONALD/ HENOERSON KilO 1'111 101.J" 3/,. R. WHEELER I)I.~ONt ~ 1 01. ~(, 35. G. BRAtliCAN 'CO. WI3 120.U9 se , HOSFORD/DAHL \~O 1~13 J7. I~OLSEYI 10001.K I NSON W 15 12L.12 132. Ii> 38. C,N,F. LEE 3ROC D8. I} )9. C. NA(:UIRE IIGI)() 40. N. BARRY --- --- 160.1° D.N.F KAHILLA DLSO 1~15 P. NULVEY CRAN"E NI) T. O'NEILL DON t'l13 S. O'HARE CRANGE Nil ZYCIiEliRAZI xuo W 15 A. BRADY E. QII1I.I. Flt! 1·111 L. DOIIALD KHO 1-1 L5 V. IIURTAGIIJROC Wi.S B. SH,\RKf.Y S. DENPSEY I']'RIJSSEI.I. I•• E J.6K LLON . **o~~****~~~~*'~~O~*l~~*O~~**~~*~*' 50.05 )ROC t'l~ I. C. LYNAI'I 5 1.59 tli3 2. L. RI"BY 60.1.2 FIN 3. N. HACUIRE W21B 66.1.1. I.. A. LEINEIKE W218 66.S8 5. H. WELLHlAN 3ROC W/,O 67.42 6. C. HCCRATH 67.1,' 7. J. 1·IARClANO 67./,8 SET \~I I 8. C. 8UTLER 68.52 DLSO s , L. CL,\RKE" 69.37 10. ~I. RED~lOtiD SET 1-110 70.29 DLSO II. D. CLARKE 70.16 12. E. O'BRADAIGII 71.24 13. E,P. O·NEILI. 3ROC 75.2" 14. C. THORNlllLL CEIl WIO 76.2/. 15. K. CURLEY DON NI I 76.2'1 16. S. ~ICCflRTlW DON HII 111.37 17. N. O'WEILL SET Wl0 L8. ~]. KELLV nON loJlI 8).', I 86.00 L9. E. RED~IOND SET HIO S8 .1, 7 20. S. FOWLER DON Wil 88.I,q 21. C. KEilWORTIlY DON WI3 SS.SO 22. ~1. DUllUE DON WI3 89.11> 23. E. BUTLER SET WIO 90.)) ZL. L. O'HARA ~JAX 1110 <lJ.l~ 25. S. ~ICCORI'lACKGEN WI! 9/ .. 09 1·11 I i«, P. DUNNE 0011 9'. (,6 27. J. PASSAT 9~.3R 28. L. ~IAIiON 96. O~ 29. GRANDFIELD FIN WI3 96 • .11 \0. R. CALLA(~HAIl CO 97.~~ )I. A. BREtltIAt! FlII WI t .01. )l I DOtl I'll )2. A. TOWELL 3ROC WLO 101.0J n. J. BUTLER 010.7' WO 1-113 )L. S. GRIFFW .07.0" )5. RAFTER' CO 107.3'> 36. B. ~ICHAJION I ()9. ,.7 J7. L. HOfF DLSO 1·11~ 110. 10 J8. K. ~ICCRATII DON WI1 1 11 .3) 39. D. BARRY Ill. S) /.0. R. HlCKEY "EN GEII 1-121 115.11 "I. Kl\VAtlACII rno WI3 117 .08 /,2. PORTER+CO 12 I. )(, 1.3. D. O·HERI.lHY DOlI WI I 122.00 4". BRADY '5. J. SHORTIIALL DON WI I 121. ,B 120.00 46. fOX 132.1'1 /,7. i'I. VAN LIERIIAT--137.19 IS. A. I·IOREO'FARRAI.L 1.9. E. LAWRENCE KilO \~13 11.1.0(1 SO. S. BUTLER SET \016 [t.7.51• 51. S,C. BUTLER SET W.o 14t1.0ro 1£8.('" 52. c.1 BUTLER SET I :\(, SETANTA OR! ENTEERS LEINSTER LEAGUE EVENT MULLAGHMEEN: OCTOBER 15th, 1989. ~RT CONTROLLER: A. FLEGG; PLANNER: C. YOUNG; ORGANISER: B COURSE (60km. A COURSE (7. 7km. 265m) NA.~E CLUB TIME J ROC 4. S. 6. J. Hay A. O'Cleirigh P. Ke rnan J. McCullough II. Ho I lingo, G. CliOO 7. 8. 9. 10. II. S. B. A. E. B. COtter UCDO eORKO EeO LYO 57.21 60.15 69.37 69.40 72.05 12.57 73.10 73.14 73.51 tvo 74.48 LVO LYO AJAX VeDO \'''0 LV? AJAX ONAAS AJAX D~SO 76.22 79.45 1. 2. 3. LUO AJAX 3 ROC ~"O Lnghnrn Oel.ney Stott Wilson Simpson 12. C. McCibbon 13. H. Ceoghogan 14. T. Callery Majury IS. C. l6. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. C. lI.ndarson t. Niland 1:. ~ou8hm.n M. O'Haro P. Nolan B. Ervine' D. Clanvi H. T .0'Koefe J. FitzllIJtrick U. Jon •• R. Willl.m.on P. lIetbort C. Hughes f. Ryan J. Coll,shon 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. P. A. 81.~a 82.10 8S.16 85.35 85.56 86.1Z 88.2S t.vo 90.46 95.29 97.31 98.53 103.50 1I7 . 22 118.',1 LV" 124.36 WE WI: 129.39 1.6$.19 uceo ONAAS ucno eORKO LVI) CORKO 54.29 WE KIP. DNf DNF DNF DNF (lNAAS tvo Dunne W£ Butterfield CEN T1ME O'Boyl~ M. Fiynn D. Quinn CURRO SET GEN 3 ROC 56.18 64.14 65. S6 65.59 S. 4. 5. Ii.McPherson 8. McKenna 6. 7. P. F' C. Williamson 8. A.O'Mullane 22. A. 23. N. ".rrell D. Rudd Casey 25. 26. J. Gray E. Jooo. 27. II. St."art 28. O. lIatt 29. C. netcher 30. D. brooks 31. R. HcDonald 32. A. Boll 33. A. HichQU J, R. No.2 195m) CLUB I. 2. 3. 24. I. 68.28 3 ROC SET DLSO CORXO CORKO LVI) 70.% 75.11 75. SO puncn No.9. 301t! on ground stand, as all (2mm on'map), ccrope t i t o r a C eOUFSE (4.8km, I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Niland C. Dunlop D Hollinger M. Convery A. Bonar Lac N. Butterfield E. M. Nowlan 6. A. Gart.ide 9. B. Doherty 10. J. lIilson II. K. Convery 12. H. White 13. 11. lI~a1y l~. K. 0'Har8 IS. II .lfe ld-Hoore 16-. A. Flynn L7. Roi 11y ia. J. T. Controllers ConncH Note: Considering No.9 w.s mi. placed g r od e of event, eoue se by ecsut 51. 50 57.02 S 7.05 2. J. C. 4. E. E. S. r. Conroy UCllO s. Ni ucoo SET 78.43 lO. S. Moody E. t.avr encc II. 12. T. U. LVI) 13. 14. 15. 16. D. Collins K. Rudd r . PiJrtltll)d A. 'r re a c y I.. & J. to 83,1,3 19. 20. LVO 8~.IO SET TRIHO 3 ROC BSO LVO LVO SET SET UeDO 3 ROC FINGAL LV!) CE~ GEN 3 ROC CURRO 85.03 87.24 o 2\. COURSE 88.35 89.56 90.35 92.37 93.40 95.46 I. R. 8, Ho Tl i nge r Flnna£lIn S. T. O. A. Kulldorff 98.45 7. 100.39 102.25 105.2S 105.56 107.41 120.07 122.12 133.35 144. L8 DNf DNF DNF DNf' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. e. IJ.6km, 85,,) 1.2. LV(l 3 ROC SE'r T~1110 CF.~ CEN CEN 8urko t,o rg~ HcBrld. M. Byrn. S. OOlnlHH1Y 9. I,. Convo ry 10. J. C.thol!n DLSO 3 ROC UCDO UCOO KSO 11. A. Sheridnn 12. M. ltn Lp i n I A.Ii. Dowling 14. D. lIickey 15. N. Er:vifl~ I~. D. Doolan a. 18. r. O'Neill 19. M. Higgius 2L r. Lord B. UYUilS V. Murtagh J. RYlln wUl NON nN:rSIl~S: were eque I l y affected. w. 44:1.) 7 Andha SO .05 53.39 57.31 59.21 79.48 79.49 80.08 8 J. 30 85.36 88.50 xuo Monaghiln Sul1i'vi1o Q".39 '~E 94.4b 101.2" 101. 5S 116.16 119.1.5 12 J. 39 12l.41 12tL~6 suo lVO UCDO TRIMO rd K. 1(',p"1 C·)), N. Wil1i3mnl)n n tueus c t e Clod,,=Wnl:;h 127.:J2 r. NON-nN1SflgRS: s I.) 1)0. R. Nu,""",, E. S8 }Ioody. 11. Smith. 5 52.56 56.11 RECEIVE "COMPASS-SPORT" REGULARLY 58.55 62.51 63.52 .s.n 70.20 '1','): 70.39 \,h.I 71.03 Iii 72.49 ucoo n.n 01.50 76.3'; 79.30 eO.~7 al .32 LVC> SET 3 ROC SET S£'I' TRIMO CtN 3 ROC 17. J. Butler 20. J. Wil11.311l500, 48.02 UCDO P. tvo StOLL, tVO LVO LVI) LVO SHOC Murray M. Kelly I 7. 18. O. She.h.n NON-fTNISliERS: 100m} 9. 98.46 109,114 1'6. O. McLord O.8k!U, Woods McKenna Scott Cinnamon 8, 88.08 ucoo G. 70.58 77 .15 76.44 82.20 84.l5 SET SET I. 6. 7. 66.13 appr ox , re 49.14 lVO rr. 2'2. Control 47.23 48.29 AJAX 3 ROC AJJ'X AJA~ 3 ROC 3 ROC I. O'llora P. Flanagan 3. E. Niland 4. P.O Hat. S. N. Nowlan 6.. S. Nowlan _7,~ te. autvcr 8-. C. Mulligon 9., C. 0 t OonO"'OO 10.11.0'S'111ivon fl. H. Treacy 121, B. 'rormcy H. Whel.n I". G. Byrne 1S. Tdnctte 23. Didoot LONG N()VICE 78.32 80.17 80.18 81. 31 TRU10 tRIMO LVO DUO Murphy 7B .4~ 80m) UCDO 3 ROC UeDO O. farnham e. tvo ~V(\ neve Hudson (Z.2kTTl, i. NAME 9. E. Deane 10. B. Scannell II. C. Twine .. 12. D. Kelly 13. H. Creagh 14. C. StOtt 15. A. Pentland 16. H.O'Neill 17. D. K.ane 18. N.C. Crawford 19. B.O'Drien 20. K. !1illinson 21. II. Majury 81.16 ivo • B. Corbett D. ConnQry R. Kavanagh 1. Johnson B. POWER NOVICE WJ::OC 98.16 98.42 )06.49 109.08 O'Neill, M. f'innC!ganJ .)t,hl. 1j1ll~,OIHh YES 'l, n Arran t,ell,,1 ,II'''; {~l)t"lh":';'h:'1r)()'·1. (d ; ~:.htJl":") :,1.r11 t II.~. 1,·.:....'·\/ i 1,,,,11\'; III.. . •.. , •.•••..••• yc.:>1l1 Ih~al ,1·11..,' •.1(0/1· ....., 1:II\..:lmH~ III;HrC" fMyrd.i I~ t,. I tIL" l'ul M\,(~IJ I McCaul. At·hjl·"·~.h 1600l) 62.1~ 6z.21 H.~ 62.53 AJAX SET lVO 3 ROC G£N TDO 3 ROC LVO GEN LVI) 3 ROC 3 ROC CEN SET SET SET TRU10 DLSO NON FlN1SilEBS, 64.57 65.59 67.19 ".~ 70.11 72.27 72.31 19. r~. Rutter 20. c, Lac 21. U. Mullisan 22. n, Convery 23. L. Jones 3 RQe 24. P. 25. B. Davis 26. I. SET LVO LVO SET AJAX O'Hare) McKenna 27. S. Collins 28. E. Conroy ) ROC KSO 74.17 75.07 75.35 78.35 82.49 83.38 a5.29 O. 1. '8agol311, Fitzpatrick. T. O'Brien. P. Lord. E. Lawr ence , S.O'Neil1. E. Gle.nv·i1i~. P. flood, J. 87,19 92.11 LV(l McEoc:ree, 92.38 98.56 103.28 107.15 k'c~llt!,!wrll·:' ... Nt:,..., !:iIJlH:it: I 1 b~,· .:' ... CORK LEAGUE 1989 108.00 111.33 125.44 128.32 year's cor-k Ll~~gue_ conti(l""'; to go from strength to sl,rength wi lh f.lttendances 01 3~5, 280, 310, 340 for the fl.rst tour events. Competition j.s ,,8 u(;'Jsl very 1nteos~, many tlJniors are ru.nning til", B1 U<~ C'Jurse and ar e put t lng some well kllown seniors tmder' f nc re .., pressur·e. Sean Co t t or- 1s lllaintl.lining n t s ~rip on the CUnJFJ",tJ.llon w1th Ke'{in 0' Dwy",r ('89~ a close second, (f11pl)f~d by 3 seconds at Warrenscourt on ~6 NOV by thE! above. >. Third pnsl.tlon been fought for by Liam O:-Br'len, John Casey and .ronn Scann .. U. Meanwhil.p. :f.n lhe wj)lIleins open cll:>oo D. !Iii <.:J\eo1180a10 nas 6. slight 1.. ",,<1 over' Liz Deane eno Hose J <.<111ur· c J usses are als-o very 1 t 1v e wI t h mr:my j uo i.or e r unn t ng up Ii> c J tHiS or two!! Thi,15 1'0" WI Lli 11.(1.'1.0,) IIJugh. N.~lItv O. 1~1/,"tj, pj ,-1.,11'\: ')Il\! 86.43 89.41 t, r'kCI,d ICH.lgh, IJub 1 i h Y. CI)lIlpt)t')t'~p\JI' 38 39 THREE ROCK 1\ Course WOOD LEINSTER 7.2km. LEAGUE 350m. I. 2. 3. 15. J.Watt 16. John Rowe B. Delaney ECO F.Lafferty FIN D. Cashin AnTochar 0 If. G. Cunningham UCDO/3ROC 5. M.Geoghegan AJAX 6. M.O'Keefe FIN 7, B.Beli GEN 8. Torn Condon CORK 0 9. T. Callery I,.JCDO 10. Val Jones CORK 5 N/P B Course 6.4km. 300m. M2IA M2IB M2IB M21 M2I M21A M35 M35 M21 M21A I. 2. 3. MI5 MI7 M40 W21A M21 M21A Gavan Doherty GEN A.O'Mllliane 3ROC B.Buckle}' SET 4. E.Loughman NAAS 5. Martin Flynn SET Etc! 6. Mike Deasy UCCO 7. Pat Redmond SET 8. Ted Russell ECO 9. Sennen O'Boy le CURR 10. M.O'Neili DLSO I I. Anthony Murphy 12. C. Smith FIN 3ROC 13. Robbie Fenlon III. B.O'Brien SSO 1.5. E.Jones FIN 16. David Brooks 3ROC 17. Joan Flanagan 18. David Watt GEN 19. David Casey UCDO 20. Pat ["lanagan 3ROC 21. T. Gray 3ROC 22. H. Creagh 3ROC/COMAD 23. Dominic Doyle 24. Leonard Floyd FIN 25. H.lnglis GEN 26. M.Heapes CEN 27. O.Kelly UCDO/FIN 28. Des Fitzgerald UCDO 29. Cormac Taylor CORMO 9. N/F - - C. Course I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 5.0km. Thornhill -M40 - MI5 M35 M3.5 M218 - W21 MII5 W21 M40 M21 M35 M40 WI9 - MI7 M40 - MI9 MI9 MI9 71.18 86.05 89.15 90.04 98.19 99.30 99.31 109.39 110.31 120.54 71.01 75.08 77.07 78.49 81.15 82.18 85.46 89.51 92.49 93 •.28 9.5.56 99.55 100.43 101.45 102.23 104.01 106.02 106.06 107.05 108.30 109.36 115.35 117.33 119.49 121.48 129.11 130.43 185.26 187.22 270m. L.Doddy 3ROC A.Benar Law GEN S.'ONeill SET/DLSO Monica Nowlan 3ROC Colin Dunlop SET P.Brennan SET B. Cryan 3ROC G.Condon ECO B.Condon ECO Vincent Delany GEN Tom McCormackGEN Brendan Doherty GEN Thomas Keegan UCDO 14. Mallr" EVENT, SUNDA Y NOVEMBER l.FN 11.119 M55 11.113 \V35 M50 M21B M21B M40 MI7 M40 M45 M45 W35 65.11 66.36 67.08 68.06 68.12 68.13 70.58 71.47 73.03 73.33 73.41 73.57 74.57 75.4& ~ 5th. GEN Trim 0 WATO FIN WATO 17. Alan Pim 18. Gerry Sugrue 19. Sue Pim 20. E.Hume 21. R.Hudson Trim 0 22. W.McCormack GEN WATO 23. Roger Johnson 24. C.Fitzsimons 3ROC 25. Marie Clonan FIN 26. P.Walsh SET 27. Gerard Maguire UCDO 28. Maire Walsh 3ROC 29. Stephen Peel 30. Chris McLoughlin3ROC 31. S.Murray SET 32. a.Hollinshead 3ROC 33. D. Thornhill GEN 34. D.Barry GEN 3.5. B.Quigley FIN 36. T. Connett DLSO 37. Mark Halpin KSO 38. Vanda Dowse 3ROC 39. P. Cooke AJAX 40. C.O'Mara 41. Niall O'Higgins CON 4;!. Simon Deery GON SET 43. P.Murray 44. A.Pomeroy 45. C. Carroll 3ROC OAT 46. Brian Doody OAT 46. John Doody 48. David Diggins GON 49. J.Staunton GON 50. Eoin Lawless GON 18 N/F D. Course 3.8km. 190m. - - - W35 M2IB M50 MI7 W45 76.03 76.41 78.01 78.12 79.56 80.15 1'v121B 81.52 81.54 M45 84.5il M9 91.20( W2IB 92.24 92.52 93.02 W40 93.19 95.50 97.04 M35 97,50 M40 M50 99.02 M40 100.37 M35 100.4: W21B 103.3! MI5 106.2l M21 107.1! 109.21 M5.5 109.3' 111.4 MI5 112.4' MI7 113.5! 114.4t MI.5 127.4i M21 M55 129.4' 142.5; MI7 142.5: MI.5 MI5 1.54.4 MI.5 154.4: MI3 155.0 - - - - - Novice 4.25km. J, "Nfchblas Carron SMYC 2~ M.Byrne SM YC 3. Aidan Corcoran NuUamoreOC If. Stephen Brady SMYC 5. Christian Caffrey SMYC 6. Tony Geraghty. MCR 7. )olin Lynch 8. Cormac Walsh Nullamore OC 9. tl.Hamilton UCDOC 10. Paul Durrant I!.. Kenneth Burke DUO Ii. <Niall Murphy DUO 13. Michael Silvestri TCD 13. Sifl'ead Sheehan DUO Nullamore OC i 5. T /13. Madden MCR 16. Paul Smallen ECO 17. T. Russell UCDO 18.~,Doorl y 19. f'\iiamh,Jane,Louise MCR 20. Oavid Cullinane NAAS SMYC 21. Ian Kane SMYC 22. Mark Killeen 23. "Fiona MacNeill 3ROC 211.Mary Flynn 2.5. Shane Cullinan Paul Byrne Aolfe Lalor UCDO 26. Eileen Byrne MCR 27. H.Teehan MCR 28. Adele Treacey UCDO 29. Monnelly 3ROC 30. M.0'Rourke 30. Eleanor Edmond 32. Paul O'Brien 33. EganS-3 3it. O'Reilly Family 35. L.Lawrence GEN 3 N/F - - - Medium Novice 1. D.Kennedy 2. S.Rothery 3. a.Flanagan 4. P.Redmond 5. S.Walsh 6. F.O'Neili 7. Michelle KelJy 8. Brenda Hynes 9. Jim Walsh 10. C.Hicks II. D.Large 12. P.Evans 13. Maura Higgins 14. Paul Hicks 15. Niamh,Ciaran, Frank, Lee 16. Anne Dowling 17. M.Hewson 18. E.Conroy 19. Roisin Tierney 20. Mary O'Neill 21. C. Murphy 77 lri,. ni Ilh";'l GEN/CRUS 3ROC 3ROC SET DLSO SET UCDO GEN DLSO AJAX GEN SET UCDO 3ROC UCDO GEN AJAX FIN inp Frn M60 \V40 \v40 MI3 W40 WI9 -M45 -W50 M40 W45 MI7 W21B M55 W21B W21B W21 W21 W71 F\ 63.53 68.53 71.51 83.24 90.29 93.49 96.1~ 96.57 101.1' 101.3 106.5 109.2 113.1 120.3' 129.2 135.1' 138.4' 14 i.l: 141,)' 164.5' 165,6 lil.iJ 170m. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3.1 km. - MI7 - - -W40 MI9 -M13 -WIO - --- - 45.0 I 45.06 45.21 47.08 1f7.24 1f8.36 49.117 50.32 51.04 55.01 55.28 55.30 55.31 55.31 58.56 60.11 60.58 65.32 66.04 69.32 69.37 69.39 79.45 82 ..50 83.33 89.19 91.23 92.22 92.311 96.09 96.09 99.17 113.46 119.21 140.00 105m. <::.CulJinane NAAS ~:Cul1inane NAAS C.O/Dwyer UCDO Petra Conroy COCO C. Fuchsbauer UCDO Gre.tta Kelly Br,ian Clark SMYC Colm Dundon SMYC 8l• Ashling Cleaver SMYC 8.. Kevin Kane SMYC I ,. Eoin Redmond SET MID '.2. Fiona McGowan UCDO 13,. Patricia kennedyI'll. ea,r.oline Magee Rathmines :.~.~,Ma!y Murphy Rathmines • [)eldre Hough Rathmines 1.7. 'J::Gray 3ROC 1;8•. A; Cooko GEN 1,9, L « N . .'20' ,.' .Gavin MCR iI' N1ilmh « Lesley MCR ,,' €.:Mithony - - MIO 45.12 - - 38.50 42.011 45.04 45.13 52.21 53.38 53.1t5 53.45 53,115 58.05 - - - - - - 58.45 59.27 59.39 59.40 59.41 60.27 .60.38 62.15 64.14 65.15 22. 23. 21f. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Jackie Ryan Karan Keeley Orla Sheahan Noel O'Brien K.T.Quinn Claudine Quinn E.Balbirne R. Eirzslmon Norton M.Brady D.O'Reil)y Douglas Mooney Niamh O'Broin Tim Lane Johansen Family Lane Farnily 37. Andrew Lane 38, Eddie O'Connor 38. Colin O'Connor Ito. Mary Rafter 41. Cheryl Owens 42. S.McKenna 43. David Smullen 44. Andre Hackett 3 N/F Shon Novice Rathmines Rathmines Rathrnines 3ROC UCDO - - 70.45 70.46 70.47 73.08 73.23 73.24 73.25 73.26 81.25 82.26 83,1-/8 83.54 83.56 84.16 - -- COMAD COMAD COMAD 3ROC 3ROC - MCR MCR MCR MCR '2.5km. - -- -MI3 - 85.23 85.33 85.27 85.27 91.25 105.30 119.06 125.12 125.47 105m. - 1. N.Butterfield 2. N.Roche 3. Maurice Roche 4. Peter Cassidy AJAX 5. Liarn O'Hara NAAS 6. Sile Loughman GEN 7. Susan Healy SET 8. P.Murray GEN 9. Mark Delany GEN 10. C. Thornhill 11. Cian O'BrblchainSET GEN 12. M.Galligan GEN 13. S.Dempsey lit. F. O'Brolchain SET GEN 15. Eleanor Farrell GEN 16. K.Thornhill 17. Hill 18. Eogham Hicks AJAX 3ROC 19. Niamh Nowlan 20. R.O'Brolchain SET 21. Ei rnear Fi tzsimons3ROC 22. Aishling Walsh 3ROC 23. Sheila Nowlan 3ROC 24. John Clare DLSO 3ROC 25. G. Gray 26. T. Cooke 3ROC AJAX 27. P O'Hara 28. Julie, Susan 29. Swan Family 30. Swan Family 31. Swan Family 32. Swan Family 33. Swan Family 34. Kenny 4 N/F M21B - -MIO WIO W9 MIl M9 WID MIO - - Mil WII WII W21B - W8 WIO W7 \V6 MI2 MID M8 MIO - -- - - - 27.29 29.18 29.19 29.35 31.59 32.31 37.39 37.46 37,47 38.23 If 0.00 1t0.50 40.51 41..59 42.02 42.04 li6.20 46.116 54.52 56.53 63.06 63.116 63.47 66.07 69.16 69.20 77.05 81.56 81.57 82.02 82.17 85.14 85.15 88.33 40 A~NIVERSARY The organisers, Mike,Diana,Sean,Paddy and Colin, appreciated the support of about Z'10 people who came to sample the del ights of black and white maps and the variety of types of orienteering on offer. Many thanks to George, Joss, Hazel, Alison and Andrew for their invaluable help on the day. Perhaps clubs should run a number of less serious and varied events throughout the season? RESULTS WHITE 1 Z 3 4 5 J. P. B. B. G. M. E. P. B. COURSE Competitors who completed the entire course (30 controls) McCullough Healy Dalby Delaney Doherty 6 Flynn 7 Loughman 8 Flanagan 9 Bell lOP. Redmond 11 L. Roe 12 D. Cashin 13 A. Bonar-Law 14 D. Quinn IS G. Cunningham 16 J. Kenny 17 A. O'Mullane 18 T. Callery 19 A. McInerney 2D A. Flegg ZIS. 0' Ne i11 ZZ P. Nolan Z3 M. 0' Ne ill 24 J. Watt 25 J. Fitzsimons 26 D. Kelly 27 J. Davis 28 S. 0'80yle 2.9 A. Murphy 30 V. Jones 31 C. Fletcher 32 D. Casey 33 N. Crawford 34 J. Maguire 35 E. Hutchinson 36 G. Maguire 37 P. Dempsey 38 G. Dempsey 39 J. Fitzpatrick 40 P. Butler 41 M. Peel 42 H. Creagh 43 L. Flood 44 K. Ellwick D. Figgis D. Berman Kennedy Ell iott Wil kinson 50 C. Carroll 51 D. Watt 52 S. Hannon 53 N. Creagh <1.1 EVENT - TIGLIN, NOV 12, 1989 M35 M35 M21 M21 MIS M21 l~il M35 M35 M35 M40 M21 M55 M21 M;:'1 M17 M..:l M17 M50 M13 MI7 M15 W35 M40 M19 M21 M21 M21 M45 M19 M50 M17 M~I M40 M40 W19 MIl 3Roc Curr 3Roc Eco Gen Set Naas 3Roc 3Roc Set 3Roc ATOC Gen Gen Ucdo Duo Dlso Ucdo Fin Set Dlso/Set D1so Dlso/Set Gen 3Roc Ucdo Duo Curr Cork Gen Ucdo 3Roc Ucdo Ucco Ucdo Gen Gen Ucdo 3Roc 3Roc Fin WO 3Roc Gen Gen 3Roc WHITE I 2 3 4 P. T. J. D. 5 N. 6 B. COURSE Competitors who completed Sections 2,3 and 4 M45 M40 M40 M21 '1121 McCormack McCormack Gray Corrie Lee Quigley Kavanagh 'lid Gen Gen 3Roc Fin 3Roc Fin (21 controls) 100.::6 105.49 1<.2.04 135.58 140.55 149.1 ~ 160.41 93.19 96.2.6 102.00 115.26 117.41 117.57 118.03 White Course - A further 77 people completed a mixture of controls, sections etc. IV.17 BLUE 134.07 135.27 135.43 136.00 138.07 138.40 139.17 140.39 141.06 141.37 144.49 145.00 149.Z2 149.42 152.18 154.21 156.20 156.51 157.29 158.00 159.34 159.36 16~.03 163.12 169.37 171.09 7 I Z 3 4 6 B 9 II 12 13 15 16 22 23 171.t8 172.09 172.22 172.30 1?t.37 17Z.S7 178.29 181.04 181.44 198.40 " M55 M40 M~I W40 RESULTS --- 28 29 34 36 203.09 214-.24 214.41 225.53 41 42 COURSE - SCORE EVENT P. Cooke P. McManus W. McCormack D. Allen A. Stanley E. Cra ig A. Rice E. Glanville The Jordans D. Donnelly K. Jordan H. Coburn C. ~lcCarthy A. Dowling S. Collins J. Dunlop P. Flanagan 0'Neill s R. Barry D. Clarke R. Frendo 0'Nei 11 5 B. Clarke C. Murphy A. Cooke Ju. Butler J. Butler C. Murphy S. Nowlan N. Nowlan B. Hannigan C. Fitzsimons N. Murphy F. 0'Bro1chain C. O'Brolchain l. Clarke D. 0' Kelly A. Cooke T. Cooke S. Leech D. 8? S.McCormack R. 0'Bro1chain Min", ~rnrp~ nnt nivpn! (10 controls, 10 pts each. 5 pts deducted for every minute or part minute over 40 min.) M55 '1135 MI3 r·l13 W15 M19 MI3 M13 MI? WZI ~"3 M45 WB MIl M13 M13 W21 W15 1~40 M13 W,1 W6 W8 M13 :~10 Ajax Tigl in Gen Set Set Set A.jax 3Roc 3Roc Naas 3Roc WO Fin Ucdo Set 3Roc 3Roc 3Roc Gen 0150 3Roc 01so Fin Ajax 3Roc 3Roc 3Roc 3Roc Naas 3Roc Duo Set Set M13 W15 Wl1 (20.01 min!) (25.00 min.) (35.30 min.) 95 95 90 90 85 75 75 70 65 60 60 55 50 50 50 50 50 50 45 40 40 40 40 40 35 30 30 30 30 30 25 ~5 '::0 W15 MIS 100 pts 100 100 Gen Gen Gen WO Set Gen Set 20 20 20 ;:0 15 5 5 A total of 106 (some were family groups) took part. 42 U.C.D.O. A COURSE. 5.5 P. NOLAN 2.. s, WALS~I G. II. 1.). .;;' •J. 6. 7. 8. r, 1121A IIOHEfny l., .. ~.~'.!.. :;.~~.. 1<1 .. 1:':'. P.. DI2:I~PSt::Y P.. MCCORI1ACI< R. NQRH,IN N. fARH::u_ i r , 1-. FUJOI) HI .. ,0 .. KG:NNSJ:tY II.. ,[)OH~f\TY ~!.().. 1) .. LONI:) A .. Ct)X '2.'~.. 1'1. 1,'AL..L~:I;)t.lN 2.: 1 " Z~.. '.!'1, 56.-N. LYNCH [lL50 28.5B 57 .. ·M. 0 GRANBY ~!rY.. 3.9 UCI)o/SE'T 32. O~~ 58. A.,MCCARTHY MloS GEN 4 DNF 32 .. 3.5 GEN 33.22 M2H\ M40 SET 33.'35 33.52 35.24 36.04 B COURSE, 3.. N.C .. CRAWFORD 4. A. CClOI<E: s, NIAMH /:,GO .. b. M. CDNNEHY M45 GEN GEN 3[,.:57 37. 4~~ :57 .. 4B 39.31 39 • ~:i() 7. t"~iO M21 31Wl: 4,0.:l6 41).52 SET 8. 9. W. MCC()f~MACK s , DOOLAN M17 M40 M50 GEN FING 3ROC 3ROC f~ .. HTANLE::Y ::..~.. iv , 49· HlJME l1cCORt1ACK FLOYD l(). .J.. GRAY, u..B .. H()Ll ..INSH~_An <) • 49. 1:11'7 GlUINN C. CARROLL B. BUCKLEY 1:.. ". tl .. ~~~) _ .J. ,I,'.>. ,"'L.'l. M. JH •• 1.. Hr.:,I::}'r.~Y ~1::iO ~j2:L FlN(j M:!lA liEN' ~'4!5 GI::N f'\J.7 (.l!;"N ~~2:1. 'nUN ~\:UA MURF'HY l- :t1 Z~.ilr·'tI·H:.! H'.~(.\L. Y W3S m.I'!P!:::s l.l N;::'(!.,L ~11'1 MilO 2~. A. M U FARRALL :10.. :!; t, C.. H.. o .5/1. s, Ol1R!t::N \,\AI'~A PII.II.,L.I~:N 'j ~. r1.. :','!..ANA13AN 3~~. V,I.. MI I:,!; 3::'. '1. :,16. .0. CllNI:'_F'~ ,00'(:"£ ~11!') :~'/. v .. lJ Nl:.:f.Ll. M1U 3B.. N ..::IO~IEB :~"'..s , I~Uf'(WW M11 M40 L. NAUGHTON 2. B.- MCGRATH R. FULLER 10. A.M. UUWLIN6 4::1.. HI /)'.":I .. ::n Gl:::N 4~~.41 44.10 3RUC 44.27 GSN 1)3.02 GlN 4:.5.3~ KHU 4:5.4'1 4~,,, ~7jB UC1l0 3ROC 1)6 ..l.6 B~ 4'7 ..1B JROC 1)'1..:34 3WlIl: 4'} .. 010 .J. It. CLARKE: 12. D .. HULLYWUUD 1,;:;,: B .. COl..(iAN :L4, ,1-.... EATDN 1~. M .. 0 HERLIHY :t.6. o , HICKEY 11 .. r1. l1~GLJ'(R£ 18. B. DI::I'\PU(;,Y 19 ..H. WOOl) 20 .. n.I-·, I~Llt\h:AY 2:1... C .. 1111NTAGUE 2~!... S;, x. CHUWU,: Y G. 2'1. .1. 0 CONNOR DLSlI 49.43 3(). DLBO S~T 50.24 ~O .. 2'7 ~~;2"0:,) 52 ..24 4c) .. A .. 1..1~"'!':i GEN 5J ..24 ~11.::i 59 .. 30 Dceo 52.38 52.05 53.36 55.45 37 .. 06 ~'1~5~ JRUC 60.46 M17 77 ..3() UAT OAT 80.50 80.50 YO.07 Ml0 eO.33 47. J. PRINGLE 130.33 4B. THE LADS \:lET Bl, ..57 8<1.16 so , t~. KEl.Lf.. TT T. 0 NE IL.L 95" i.s 51. H .. HURt='HY l12.()2 N. '~~1.. Ll. :12..f3. ~':I:3.. .J" ~54.. 1<.. ECO 29.10 3R()(; 2'1 .. 37 1. W1.5 3ROC i!9 ..52 A •.IAX ~~:~.:L 9 W21 :n.30 3ROC 3:~. 44 W35 MO M45 BEN SI:i:T !<HI) '3.... 20 34.30 36.41 M15 W21B U(;DO 36.53 36 ..~i7 M45 GEN M1'1 l'I14 t-I2:tB Ml:.'i H13 suusn BI:::T l)O 3'1 .. 1:5 37 .. 1.9 3'/' .4() :37 .. !;,<) :m.10 FHI!:l DL!';lI OUD 1)0.()'1 1'115 41.02 1\1 .20 Ul:.T 4L::':S ~11'7 i~t:::Rr1 ~~~ ..16 M13 ',J2~ 1'1:1.7 4:3. H, 4~~. 47 4::) .. '17 1\6 .. :L6 4B. zo J. Boo 42 ..P .. 4;3.. P. 44. N. 45. rl. 46. D. 48. :~El 1)1:1.:34 M13 LAWLLT.R ',.)1'7 nOUlIY M17 35 .. J" WHELEHAN 36. J .. CAf<E.Y 37. D. ARMSTRONG 3£. U. CAROLAN 3'.>'. W. FITZGERALD 110.. 4L Ut:tlO lJCl)ll BRA1JY J)f(Ut'\,'1 }HJF<I'E. ~l()LLOY NEWA!.. CI NIZILL CAf:l:,l:[ny fWCHi::: ROCHS FITZGERALD 47. E. £DMOND 48. 1',. 0 RUURKI:. "1';.. 52. L CROWE 122.02 53. l'lO.1I7 SII. DINEEN JlNI" ~~J. P. t1L1l.VEY !; .. SMI"fH 55. C. MACCARTHY TH~k 40.18 M19 M40 M17 M55 M40 M'I~ 54. C COURSZ, CRUU OiN "'1:1.313 41:1.0!) 28. 52 .. 27 52.31 :3;2 .. 5~~01 z 26 ..P. HANLUN 27. C. FLETCHI::R DL!,;U GEN BSO 3ROC FING SET ECQ 3RllC sr- W17 WID 54. C. SMYTH 56 .. FIONNUALA.SRONNAGH ucno 1)'/..40 GET 91.:L8 BSI) 1,:H),,28 aso 133.28 W:I:l..f:)IJN 24,.. C:" ANI.ll"HBUN 2!~.. A.. RtlB!HT!::fo( ~J.:i.. 1:;8U M13 M13 M15 1. 11.. 4:~.!H) - 4.5 KM 41.1'.>' 42.. 30 ~H5, N. U SULLIVAN C. HALE BWINBur~NE N. R(1)MONl) S ..LYNCH .I .. CAROUNE ==~~======~===~= 41 .. 34 40 ..C .. NCLOUGHLIN 4:L .. tl 0 1~".:LU. '1:.!.. 11. HElJSDN '1:5. c. 1IAVX'IT 'I ....P. BUTLER 43. G. !:;U(jRU~ lib .. P. W(lLSH ,1'7.. G. CONDON liB. 'I).. Bf,llOI'\S MCBlunE so , 1)" LYDNB !'~:t.. C .. l:AHlWLL ~i~!.. I'. CALLERY ~i3. 11. WALml !5'1. c , WALSH ~!~. D. P(lUL 43 Result~ KM 1. '.'5. - Belfield 22/10/89 DLSlJ ~,O.03 ~i1 ..:l.3 OAT !:iL!:i'i' UC1)t:) ~;i:l...::i;3 Hl"l "" ~)3..~:j~; ~121H SET ~;;:5.!:;8 Ct~UH S~ ..3'i' W17 ~113 M15 ~11!.'i M1.5 M·~() KHO 5:5.52 GONL 57.0:5 lillt'lZ :57.16 130M:? 3'7.16 DO 64.12 31WC 64 .. l.~f, ~i4 ..:';~! 66 .. 10 .sc!•• 3() liON,_ 71.::'4 77.34 77 .39 ::O:II';==U::'=::'~ 3.2 I.::'~ ~:.';~ )) .. ~. 8. 0 KM 1'\1:'!..l..'( fJl:,r.;VY ~~ .. s , 11. 5. 5. 7. 8. 9. 9.. 57. ;.:::== ::-;:;:: !'iCf.\L.Lt.lN I; .I'~YAN N .. 0 HIGGINB C. DOOLIN T. HENDERSON P. HICKS K. SIoIORTA!_L. .1. MCNABB 11. ,. (I. DONAL)) :1,2. I,YNCH :l~1.. 1:1. CULl",1,MtH(',:,: :l4 .. M. I'HJI'(PHY 1.5. D. R:r.!3G:!:S 16. B. HYNES l'J. 'J'. LORII 19. 1>:. GHEEN 10 .. T. ~IAGUIR::: 2(), 1..1Nl,IA & c lAI':;A 2:L. ..I.. nf)NA1,J) :?2 .. J ..C{)(JI<E 23 .. 1:> .. DEANE 24 ..A. ClJlHIN 2~..W ..J. I) Nt::II..L 26. G. LAWLESS 27. J. BUTLER 2f3. S. GfUFFIN 29. I~" SHAW 30. f~.. ~ICSWINEY :~\) .. ]) .. I!lGGHI!:> :52 .. r , CI NI~ILI... .. H" COI...UI'(N 3.... S. DEMPSEY 3~ .. Fl. 0 GORMAN 36. S. CELTINS ~"'.~ 37. P.A. BYRN£ 38. J. FINEGAN ~jB. GEN 23 .. ~a ~'i'l.. GONl 2J.48 ::,'1" JRDC ~5 .. 3Y 61.. Ml~ DCHO 26.55 62 .. 1115 GONZ 27 ..... 7 63. M13 GON2 27.47 64. H13 KHO 27.52 65. M17 UCDO 2f3.48 66. "13 DO 29.07 M,. M13 DO 2Y ..()7 68. M13 KHO 6')" W13 W~S 30 ..2~ 7()" M15 M17 WLY M1J HAAS 31.33 31.51 :-11.:'i WU (;iI:.N \J'!.7 B. CLMi'\E M. DAVIS 42...1 .. FITZGERALLI 42 ..,J. FITZGE'f,ALD 'Is. R. WHEELER GONl M13 M13 Ml~) Mj,ei 1t,4() m:3 W15 11TH Ml0 B. LAWLESS 36.01 Rt::Dt10NfI P.. KELLETT .1. I<I:::L,U'..TT C .. S,'IIHI A.M .. CULl.INAN~ W13 NAAH 52.1\~ GONZ GEN 53.46 57.21 57.40 - 57.40 FING 57.50 N. l,OHEIHY E. F IT'ZGEI~ALD M9 P. DAVIES Ml0 72 ..T ..MONAGHAN 7:3: 11 .. t1CNEII_I_ 74. S. l;OUlHEY l!. we M11 M13 Me W17 M13 7B .. u. rO::YAN ao , ..1 .. I'(¥ AN f.l.l... i<. WAnlON ~ll... r , QUIGLEY 1:1.3. 1". Mf'tCNEILL a4. K. Kl:::LLETT 54.00 - - 58 ..16 58 .. 42 60M2 3Y .. 26 6()..Ol 3ROC 62 .. 38 UCDO 63.4~ 6~.37 J:tLYO6~ .. 23 6B ..48 6'1 ..::'Y 6') ..5Y MURPHY W1J WI? WiJ UCDU 7J .. l() llCDO 7J ..~0 utDD 7J.2() Wl0 3ROC M11 aBeo 76.0~ 92.04 0:5. E. 'I4 ..()2 ~2.()4 - '.>'9.2B '.>'9..28 ,,;U, !:lET 37 WO 31:1.,4'} It COURSE, 3'y,,()7 ::"'~"':~:::'=:=::':'::::=,:.-.::=: ..-.;~,::::.:~ •.tl:'': UCDO 39.28 39.'50 KHO 40.20 SH 40.26 KSD 40.3() ucuu 41 .. 39 GEN 42.()3 42.52 GONZ 43.21 I)U S£T "17 .. ()7 M13 W13 A. II BRIEN KATRINA L.. uu H_L. s, Cf;lI-ll:l,,1.. NOH,TON 71. ... t.. LAWI~Ea!3 i'B" M13 W17 M17 W17 M:LO M1S W9 M13 47.25 GRAN 47.26 47.30 F!NG 4B.0t. 41:1.06 48.10 Sl:.T "'8.49 OBCO 30 ..30 UBCll ~0.3() GONZ 52 .. 16 BENT 8:5. S. CROWLT!::R ~)7,,12 87 .. L. 0 SULLIVAN ECO W17 (;)ON7: 37" 16 B7. AM .. NI LUANA1GH W:L'7 80NZ 3'7,,16 ':~ ~F 3ROC 36.HI 37.07 WES 112.29 42 .. 29 42 ..29 M],3 RODGERS IJCDO 33.01 75. G. KSLLY tCO 33.1:':'76. J. GORMAN Een 33 ..1:5 77. 71.. RYAN "'1' ...... 46. 32.46 WJ,!:i ;~3"17 ;'5:3..f;i() ~1,1,~i io(lH:l Cild~ 34.0:1, :i4 ..1(~ 'Ml.!5 WI) ~ll.:~ !30NZ :3~,,,29 SET 35.4'7 MII() '39. 11. FINEGAN 40 .. M. FLYNN "'L :. .,' 32.18 r'l.. l:.. M13 41\.0t. l\'1.10 OBCO 44 .. 56 DO "'6.3'7 t113 2 .. 4 KM 1. 2. G. ROCHE 3. E. SHARKEY 4. 5.. D. M. c. 0 HERLlHY GRANDFIEL.D 6. F. 1,.A~jRENC:E '7 " !<.. i'lCGF(ATH tl.. C .. Mlll~~·HY 9.. 11. M17 CRUS H3..2() Dli - 22.40 23.()1 Wll 1<1-IU 24" MU W:?:t W21 DO FIN(; - 2,4. so 2:5.:20 ;!.~:...~'32 CAREY o NEIL.l.. 10. G. GRAY 11.. D. MCONN£LL 12. F'. GUBBY W21 Wl1 W13 19.11 FING 21.40 ()~~ 3l-i:OC/Gl:i:N 27.2'7 M12 PRES 27.28 UCDO 28.1'1 44- ),3. C. U GORHAN 14. e , 0 CONNOR 1. ~'j. N. NAGLJX RI:: 1c, 1.1.~\OF,AN 17. N. MURPHY lB. M. FITZPATRICK :t. 'I. N.. BROOKS 1 s , J. I1ROOKS 19. J. HARDY 22. S. CULLINANE :?o3.C. FRANKUN 24. G. MURPHY 25. A. LAVELL ~?'6.D. MURPHY :~'i'. M. MURPHY 28. E. WALLAI.:k:: 29. J. CALLAN :30. N. CALLAN :n" .J.. Ht::Al.Y 32. E. MAN~IE.UI1 32. N. GrB-BRAB :~4..K.. Kf.I\LE Y 75~5" Ii. SIl.VESnn 36. ~I. DUNNE 3'7. T. GRAY 31:1. m.ll::"NS 3'1. i'\. m.l(lJ) 4(). S. WOLSE:.Y 41. C. KENWORTHY III II/ W1.9 UeDO 29.18 - .. M13 M35 1'113 - 29 .2~:; 29 .7~6 - :..._.~=: l!lt.=:.:~-; :.-,:::::.~:.:::;::;,.:0;:'-::::::,-'; Fum 1PRES 31.:52 1GEN 33.10 3. lJl) 35.753 4. W'7 3fHlG :~6.:3H 1.119 3ROt: 36.~B - 36.38 W19 Ml() NAAS 37.58 W13 KHO 38.0:-5 39.36 1'113 DO 40.33 42.36 - 4:3.00 1'113 KHO 45.29 W17 ucno 46.00 W17 Ul:LIO46 .. 17 M'3~:je: GE:N 46.2() W13 KHU 47.2'>' W13 KHO 47.29 cml 49.17 Ten 4'1. :~9 51.33 W13 DO - GEN 52.40 - ~1CI:<:52.48 1,)11 KHD ~53.27 1.115 WES 57.()7 W13 DON 82.0() :~ItNF - COURSE:, 1.2 KM £ - .c "I .. :5. 5. B. 9. NAGLE L. NAGLE M. 0 NEILL A. Bl':LL T. HYNES J. HYNES J. DARDIS C. MH(JNY S. HEAl.Y PAIS - GR£EN P. MURRAY D. HEALY K. FLANAGAN A. MACNEILL R. 0 BROLDAIN S. D()WNEY Ii. DOWNEY P. FLANAGAN J. U)LOR M. L,AL!J1,( (I. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 16. 18. 19. 19. 21. !? r: NCC(JI~MACI\ 22.' A'. ~'ASSU: 23. MAI3UIRE+3 24. ~ICGRATH'S zs, PASS): 26. E. FITZSIMM()NS - .- - - 13.37 '13.37 W10 SET 15.29 ~\6 Gt::N _, - - - - :l7.00 21.51 21.51 21.51 zi , !'52 22.10 , 22.39 23.20 1'111 tl6 GI::N 24.07 3ROC 24.24 M6 3t"(O(; 24.34 W4 SET 25.09 W9 - - we - - WU -_. - GEN - :m()c 2:5. ~54 3ROC :;!:;i.54 3RUC 26.1'1 28.5() - 28 .. 50 32.~j7 :53.39 FINU 3'1.36 3RllC ;~::;" so GEN - ;56.00 3ROl.: 5'i' .1B The Irish World Championship Team, sporting their Trimtex O-suits; OrIa Cooke, Eileen Loughman, Una Creagh, Deirdre ni Chailanain, Catriona Morrish, Aonghus O'Cleirigh, Steven Linton, Bill Edwards, Colrn O'Halloran and Brian Corbett. che lRlsh oulenCeeR No. 44 DECEMBER 1989 - JANUARY 1990 £1.00