Thermodynamics of Brownian Ratchets
Thermodynamics of Brownian Ratchets
ThermodynamicsofBrownian Ratchets ReemMokhtar Thermodynamics 1. Firstlawofthermodynamics:Youcan’twin. 2. Secondlawofthermodynamics:Youcan’t evenbreakeven. 3. Thirdlawofthermodynamics:Youcan’tstay outofthegame. Source:Voet,Donald;Voet,JudithG.(2010-11-22).Biochemistry,4thEdiKon(BIOCHEMISTRY (VOET))(Page52).JohnWiley&Sons,Inc. Thermodynamics( 2nd(law,(by(Sadi(Carnot(in(1824.( ( • Zeroth:(If(two(systems(are(in(thermal(equilibrium(with( a(third(system,(they(must(be(in(thermal(equilibrium( with(each(other.(( • First:(Heat(and(work(are(forms(of(energy(transfer.( • Second:(The(entropy(of(any(isolated(system(not(in( thermal(equilibrium(almost(always(increases.( • Third:(The(entropy(of(a(system(approaches(a(constant( value(as(the(temperature(approaches(zero.( ( hLp:// Thermodynamics • First:thechangeintheinternalenergyofaclosedsystemisequal totheamountofheatsuppliedtothesystem,minustheamountof workdonebythesystemonitssurroundings. àThelawofconservaKonofenergycanbestated:Theenergyof anisolatedsystemisconstant. • Second:Theentropyofanyisolatedsystemnotinthermal equilibriumalmostalwaysincreases. • Third:Theentropyofasystemapproachesaconstantvalueasthe temperatureapproacheszero,whichimpliesthatitisimpossible foranyproceduretobringasystemtotheabsolutezeroof temperatureinafinitenumberofsteps Source:Wikipedia,h\p:// What(is(a(Ratchet?( A(device(that(allows(a(sha9(to(turn(only(one(way( hLp:// Feynman,(R.(P.,(Leighton,(R.(B.,(&(Sands,(M.(L.((1965).(The$Feynman$Lectures$on$Physics:$ Mechanics,$radia7on,$and$heat((Vol.(1).(AddisonKWesley.( The(Ratchet(As(An(Engine( Ratchet,(pawl(and(spring.( Feyman’sRatchet Feynman’s(Brownian)ratchet:whatisitandwhatwasthepoint ofexplainingit? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rod Paddlewheel:thefinsonthelee Apawl:thatyellowthingthatforcestheratchetnottogobackintheotherdirecKon Aratchet:thatsawtoothedgearontheright Aspring/bearing(m)lowfricKon,toallowrotaKon. (FromthefunexplanaKon@: h\p:// Forward rotation ε Lθ ε + Lθ −1 −(ε +L θ )/ τ1 f fB = Z e ν f Bf ν f Bf Lθ ε energy to lift the pawl work done on load energy to rotate wheel by one tooth Boltzmann factor for work provided by vane ratching rate with ν attempt frequency θ T2 power delivered energy provided to ratchet T1 Backward rotation ε energy to lift the pawl Lθ work provided by load ε + Lθ energy given to vane −1 −ε / τ 2 b fB = Z e b ν fB Boltzmann factor for tooth slip ε θ L T2 slip rate with attempt frequency ν T1 Equilibrium and reversibility ratching rate = slip rate f Bb = f Bf Reversible process by increasing the load infinitesimally from equilibrium Leq. This forces a rotation leading to heating of reservoir 1 with dq1=ε+Leq ? and cooling of reservoir 2 as dq2=−ε: ε + Leq θ τ1 dq1 = = − dq 2 ε τ2 dq1 dq2 + = dS1 + dS2 = 0 τ1 τ 2 isentropic process τ1 Leq θ = −1ε τ2 τ2 τ1 Ratchet Brownian motor ε + Lθ Angular velocity of ratchet: Without load: Lθ − τ1=τ 2 =τ τ Ω(L ) → θν e e −1 ε − τ Equal temperatures: Ω ε − − τ1 f b Ω = θν (fB − f B ) = θν e − e τ2 ε ε − − =0 Ω L→ θν e τ1 − e τ 2 τ1 rectification L τ2 Feyman’sRatchet Feynman’s(Brownian)ratchet:whatisitandwhatwasthepoint ofexplainingit? Inonesentence: ThefirstmoralistheSecondLawitself:itisimpossibleto extractdirectedmo9onfromarandomprocess(asingleheat reservoir).Anyonewhoclaimstheycandosoiseither mistakenoracharlatan. (FromthefunexplanaKon@: h\p:// Inotherwords…. Well,theBrownianratchetwasa‘thought’experiment,alongwithMaxwell’sdemon. Itwasusedhistoricallytoa\empttoexplainawaythe 1) potenKalexistenceofamolecularmachinethatcanperform…. 2) perpetualmoKon,withoutviolaKngthelawsofthermodynamics,namelytheconservaKonof energyand ofmolecularmachines. Inotherwords,afraudJasFeynmanfound….andifanyonetriestoconvinceyouotherwise… justsay: But,bydecreeofthermodynamics,Feynman’sratchetcannotworkasaheatengine.Itplainlyviolates theSecondLaw,whichsaysthatusefulworkcanonlybeobtainedbytheflowofenergyfromhighto lowtemperature.Thisdevicepurportstogetenergyfromasingletemperaturereservoir:thatofthe airaroundit. Wheredoesitgowrong?(hint:BrownianmoFonalsoaffectsthepawl) (FromthefunexplanaKon@: h\p:// Reformulated Thegoalofthesethoughtexperimentswas… Toprovethenonexistence/existenceofaperpetualmo9onmachineofthesecondkind Or “amachinewhichspontaneouslyconvertsthermalenergyintomechanicalwork.” Whenthethermalenergyisequivalenttotheworkdone,thisdoesnotviolatethelawof conserva9onofenergy. Howeveritdoesviolatethemoresubtlesecondlawofthermodynamics(seealsoentropy). ThesignatureofaperpetualmoKonmachineofthesecondkindisthatthereisonlyone heatreservoirinvolved,whichisbeingspontaneouslycooledwithoutinvolvingatransfer ofheattoacoolerreservoir. Thisconversionofheatintousefulwork,withoutanysideeffect,isimpossible,accordingto thesecondlawofthermodynamics. FromWikipedia: h\p:// Rephrased 1. Fallacy:“Oh,youforgottotakeintoaccountfricKon,”they’llsay, andthenthey’llgiveyouashortlectureontheFirstLawof thermodynamics.“Energyisneithercreatednordestroyed,” they’llsay. 2. Thetruth,however,isthatmostperpetualmoKonmachinesthat youarelikelytoencounterdonotviolateenergyconserva9on. Rather,thetrickyandpersistentscienKfic“scams”violatethe muchmorenebulousSecondLawofThermodynamics,whichsays (inoneofitsformulaKons): – Itisimpossibleforadevicetoreceiveheatfromasinglereservoir anddoanetamountofwork. (FromthefunexplanaKon@: h\p:// Whatareyoureallytryingtosay… AlthoughatfirstsighttheBrownianratchetseemstoextractuseful workfromBrownianmoKon,Feynmandemonstratedthatiftheen;re deviceisatthesametemperature,theratchetwillnotrotate conKnuouslyinonedirecKonbutwillmoverandomlybackandforth, andthereforewillnotproduceanyusefulwork. Asimplewaytovisualizehowthemachinemightfailistoremember thatthepawlitselfwillundergoBrownianmo9on.Thepawl thereforewillintermiFentlyfailbyallowingtheratchettoslip backwardornotallowingittoslipforward. è FeynmandemonstratedthatifT1=T2,then pawlfailurerate=rateofforwardratcheKng, è Sothatnonetmo9onresultsoverlongenoughperiods FromWikipedia: h\p:// The Feynman Thermal Ratchet" Pforward~exp(-Δε/kT1)" Pbackward~exp(-Δε/kT2)" " works only if T1>T2 !!" τrel ≈ Cl2/(4π2κ)" motor protein conformational change: µs" decay of temperature gradient over 10 nm: ns" wrong " model" Brownian Ratchet" (A.F. Huxley 57)" Cargo" Net " transport" Thermal motion" Motor" Track" perpetuum mobile? Not if ATP is used to switch the off-rate." Ifyoureallywantedthethingto work… • YoucouldmakeT2->T1,suchthatthetemperatureistakenfromthe temperaturegradient…. • BUTYOUJUSTDIDTHEOPPOSITEOFWHATYOUSAIDYOUWANTEDTODO!! – YouareusingTWOthermalreservoirs!There’salsosomeheatwasted…. – Waitaminute…thislookslikeaminiheatengineà“asystemthatperformsthe conversionofheatorthermalenergytomechanicalworkbybringingaworking substancefromahightemperaturestatetoalowertemperaturestate” – …..whichcomplieswiththesecondlawofthermodynamics…whichsayswhat? • Itisimpossibleforadevicetoreceiveheatfromasinglereservoiranddoanetamountof work. Sohowdoesthishelpus… Thismeanswehavetobasicallyintroducethisdirectedenergy somehow,inlayterms(becauseI’mnotaphysicist,Ilikelay terms). WhichisexactlywhatscienKstsdidrecentlyàalmost40years aeerFeynman’sfamoustalk! Maxwell’s demon W. Smoluchowski (1941): No automatic, permanently effective perpetual motion machine van violate the second law by taking advantage of statistical fluctuations (Feynman: the demon is getting hot). Such device might perhaps function if operated by intelligent beings. W.H. Zurek, Nature 341(1989)119: The second law is safe from intelligent beings as long as their abilities to process information are subject to the same laws as these of universal Turing machines. Wait!Whatwasallthatbusinesswith thedemon? OK,thisisanotherthoughtexperiment(toomuchthinkinghere)createdbyphysicist JamesMaxwell. Whyonearthwouldhedothat? Well,hewastryingtosaythatthesecondlawofthermodynamicswasn’tABSOLUTELY certainàitonlyhasstaKsKcalcertainty. So,again,ittriestoviolatethissecondlaw(thisisgetngpersonal). FromWikipedia:h\p://'s_demon AnotherfunexplanaKonath\p:// What? Imaginethatyouhavetwocompartments:onewithhotandtheothercoldwater. Ifbothcompartmentsweretobemixedtogether,you’dreachanequilibrium,right? OK,butwhatifyouhadthisli\lepeskyhypotheKcalbeing(let’scallitademon)that canopenandallowmoleculesthroughtoreversethismixing/equilibriumprocess,but withoutexpendingenergyandseparaKnghotfromcoldbyonlyallowingmolecules ho\er-than-averagethroughtoonesidethrougha‘door’. Checkoutthenewexperimentthat‘convertsinformaKontopureenergy’ h\p:// Right,theviolaKonagain. Inotherwords,goingfromadisordered(higherentropy)toanorderedsystem(lower entropy)withoutexpendingenergy. Thisviolatesthesecondlawofthermodynamics…whichsayswhat? à à à à entropyshouldnotdecreaseinanisolatedsystem Itisimpossibleforadevicetoreceiveheatfromasinglereservoiranddoanetamountofwork. itisimpossibletoextractdirectedmoFonfromarandomprocess(asingleheatreservoir). ItisimpossibletoextractanamountofheatQHfromahotreservoiranduseitalltodoworkW. SomeamountofheatQCmustbeexhaustedtoacoldreservoir.Thisprecludesaperfectheatengine. Checkoutthenewexperimentthat‘convertsinformaKontopureenergy’ h\p:// Angewandte Molecular Devices Chemie there would be little viscosity to slow it down. These effects always cancel each other out, and as long as a temperature can be defined for an object it will undergo Brownian motion appropriate to that temperature (which determines the kinetic energy of the particle) and only the mean-free path between collisions is affected by the concentration of particles. In the absence of any other molecules, heat would still be transmitted from the hot walls of the container to the particle by electromagnetic radiation, with the random emission and absorption of the photons producing the Brownian motion. In fact, even temperature is not a particularly effective modulator of Brownian motion since the velocity of the particles depends on the square root of the temperature. So to reduce random thermal fluctuations to 10 % of the amount present at room temperature, one would have to drop the temperature from 300 K to 3 K.[12, 13] It seems sensible, therefore, to try to utilize Brownian motion when designing molecular machines rather than make structures that have to fight against it. Indeed, the question of how to (and whether it is even possible to) harness the inherent random motion present at small length scales to generate motion and do work at larger length scales has vexed scientists for some considerable time. Figure 1. The fundamental difference between a “switch” and a “motor” at the molecular level. Both translational and rotary switches influence a system as a function of the switch state. They switch between two or more, often equilibrium, states. Motors, however, influence a system as a function of the trajectory of their components or a substrate. Motors function repetitively and progressively on a system; the affect of a switch is undone by resetting the machine. a) Rotary switch. b) Rotary motor. c) Translational switch. d) Translational motor or pump. 1.2.1. The Brownian Motion “Thought Machines” The laws of thermodynamics govern how systems gain, process, and release energy and are central to the use of particle motion to do work at any scale. The zeroth law of thermodynamics tells us about the nature of equilibrium, the first law is concerned with the total energy of a system, while the third law sets the limits against which absolute measurements can be made. Whenever energy changes hands, Carter, N. J., & Cross, R. A. (2005). Mechanics of the kinesin step. however, (body to body or form to form) it is the second Nature, 435(7040),law 308–312." of thermodynamics which comes into play. This law provides the link between the fundamentally reversible laws of physics and the clearly irreversible nature of the universe in ard motion of tiny particles within translucent pollen grains [7] Chemie Figure 3. Szilard’s engine which utilizes a “pressure demon”.[17] a) Initially a single Brownian particle occupies a cylinder with a piston at either end. A frictionless partition is put in place to divide the container into two compartments (a!b). b) The demon then detects the particle and determines in which compartment it resides. c) Using this information, the demon is able to move the opposite piston into position without meeting any resistance from the particle. d) The partition is removed, allowing the “gas” to expand against the piston, doing work against any attached load (e). To replenish the energy used by the piston and maintain a constant temperature, heat must flow into the system. To complete the thermodynamic cycle and reset the machine, the demon’s memory of where the particle was must be erased (f!a). To fully justify the application of a thermodynamic concept such as entropy to a single-particle model, a population of Szilard devices is required. The average for the ensemble over each of these devices can then be considered to represent the state of the system, which is comparable to the time average of a single multiparticle system at equilibrium, in a fashion similar to the statistical mechanics derivation of thermodynamic quantities. Figure 4. a) Smoluchowski’s trapdoor: an “automatic” pressure demon (the directionally discriminating behavior is carried out by a wholly mechanical device, a trapdoor which is intended to open when hit from one direction but not the other).[16] Like the pressure demon shown in Figure 2 b, Smoluchowski’s trapdoor aims to transport particles selectively from the left compartment to the right. However, in the absence of a mechanism whereby the trapdoor can dissipate energy it will be at thermal equilibrium with its surroundings. This means it must spend much of its time open, unable to influence the transport of particles. Rarely, it will be closed when a particle approaches from the right and will open on collision with a particle coming from the left, thus doing its job as intended. Such events are balanced, however, by the door snapping shut on a particle from the right, pushing it into the left chamber. Overall, the probability of a particle moving from left to right is equal to that for moving right to left and so the trapdoor cannot accomplish its intended function adiabatically. b) Feynman’s ratchet and pawl.[18] It might appear that Brownian motion of the gas molecules on the paddle wheel in the right-hand compartment can do work by exploiting the asymmetry of the teeth on the cog of the ratchet in the left-hand compartment. While the spring holds the pawl between the teeth of the cog, it does indeed turn selectively in the desired direction. However, when the pawl is disengaged, the cog wheel need only randomly rotate a tiny amount in the other direction to move back one tooth whereas it must rotate randomly a long way to move to the next tooth forward. If the paddle wheel and ratchet are at the same temperature (that is, T1 = T2) 6 T2 then the system will these rates cancel out. However, if T1 ¼ directionally rotate, driven solely by the Brownian motion of the gas molecules. Part (b) reprinted with permission from Ref. [18]. Carter, N. J., & Cross, R. A. (2005). Mechanics of the kinesin step. Nature, 435(7040), 308–312." irreversible second law of designed to illustrate how the thermodynamics arises from the fundamentally reversible laws of motion.[18] Feynman!s device (Figure 4 b) consists of a ton cts sing nto on, used w he f h of l w of sible of a d by is a tion ions n be Figure 4. a) Smoluchowski’s trapdoor: an “automatic” pressure demon (the directionally discriminating behavior is carried out by a Angewandte wholly mechanical device, a trapdoor which is intended to open when Molecular Devices Chemie [16] hit from one direction but not the other). Like the pressure demon shown in Figure 2 b, Smoluchowski’s trapdoor aims to transport particles selectively from the left compartment to the right. However, in the absence of a mechanism whereby the trapdoor can dissipate energy it will be at thermal equilibrium with its surroundings. This means it must spend much of its time open, unable to influence the transport of particles. Rarely, it will be closed when a particle approaches from the right and will open on collision with a particle coming from the left, thus doing its job as intended. Such events are balanced, however, by the door snapping shut on a particle from the right, pushing it into the left chamber. Overall, the probability of a particle moving from left to right is equal to that for moving right to Figure 4. a) Smoluchowski’s trapdoor: an “automatic” pressure demon (the directionally discriminating behavior is carried out by a left and so the trapdoor cannot accomplish its intended function wholly mechanical device, a trapdoor which is intended to open when adiabatically. b) Feynman’s ratchet and pawl.[18] It might appear that hit from one direction but not the other).[16] Like the pressure demon Brownian motion of the gas molecules on the paddle wheel in the shown in Figure 2 b, Smoluchowski’s trapdoor aims to transport [17] Figure 3. Szilard’s which by utilizes a “pressure demon”. right-hand compartment canengine do work exploiting the asymmetry of particles selectively from the left compartment to the right. However, in the absence of a mechanism whereby the trapdoor can dissipate a) Initially a single Brownian particle occupies a cylinder with a piston the teeth on the cog of the ratchet in the left-hand compartment. energy it will be at thermal equilibrium with its surroundings. This at either end. A frictionless partition is put in place to divide the means it must spend much of its time open, unable to influence the While the spring holds the pawl between the teeth of the cog, it does container into two compartments (a!b). b) The demon then detects the particle and determines in which compartment it resides. c) Using indeed turn selectively in the desired direction. However, when the transport of particles. Rarely, it will be closed when a particle approaches from the right and will open on collision with a particle this information, the demon is able to move the opposite piston into pawl is disengaged, the cog wheel need only randomly rotate a tiny coming from the left, thus doing its job as intended. Such events are position without meeting any resistance from the particle. d) The balanced, however, by the door snapping shut on a particle from the amount in thepartition other is direction to move back one tooth whereas it must removed, allowing the “gas” to expand against the piston, doing work against anymove attached To replenish the energy If used rotate randomly a long way to toload the(e). next tooth forward. the right, pushing it into the left chamber. Overall, the probability of a particle moving from left to right is equal to that for moving right to by the piston and maintain a constant temperature, heat must flow ) and so the trapdoor cannot accomplish its intended function paddle wheel and ratchet are at the same temperature (that is, T = T2left into the system. To complete the thermodynamic cycle and reset the1 adiabatically. b) Feynman’s ratchet and pawl.[18] It might appear that 6 of T the system will these rates cancel out. if T1 ¼ machine, theHowever, demon’s memory where the particle was must be 2 then erased (f!a). fully justify of amotion thermodynamic directionally rotate, drivenTo solely by the theapplication Brownian of the gas Brownian motion of the gas molecules on the paddle wheel in the right-hand compartment can do work by exploiting the asymmetry of concept such as entropy to a single-particle model, a population of molecules. Part (b) reprinted with permission from Ref. [18]. the teeth on the cog of the ratchet in the left-hand compartment. Szilard devices is required. The average for the ensemble over each of While the spring holds the pawl between the teeth of the cog, it does these devices can then be considered to represent the state of the indeed turn selectively in the desired direction. However, when the system, which is comparable to the time average of a single multipawl is disengaged, the cog wheel need only randomly rotate a tiny particle system at equilibrium, in a fashion similar to the statistical difficult (and temperature gradients quantities. cannot be maintainedamount in the other direction to move back one tooth whereas it must mechanics derivation of thermodynamic rotate randomly a long way to move to the next tooth forward. If the over molecular-scale distances, see Section 1.3), what thispaddle wheel and ratchet are at the same temperature (that is, T1 = T2) 6 T2 then the system will these rates cancel out. However, if T1 ¼ hypotheticaldesigned construct provides is irreversible the first second example to illustrate how the law ofof a directionally rotate, driven solely by the Brownian motion of the gas Carter, N. J., & Cross, R. A. (2005). Mechanics of the kinesin step. Nature, 435(7040), 308–312." plausible mechanism forarises a molecular motor—whereby thermodynamics from the fundamentally reversible the D. A. Leigh, F. Zerbetto, and E. R. Kay he two sets ched in the d from left may move n also be t shown in ocity. Such chets. This evices such of thermal het characntial in one , however, nor in fact a particle iquid. This en fluctuaf potential continuum ations and n terms of m has most n Section 5 6, while in which the rnal direclatter. The but rather rranging a nces which ervals, can lity of the the ratchet Figure 8. A temperature (or diffusion) ratchet.[39f ] a) The Brownian particles start out in energy minima on the potential-energy surface with the energy barriers @ kBT1. b) The temperature is increased so that the height of the barriers is ! kBT2 and effectively free diffusion is allowed to occur for a short time period (much less than required to reach global equilibrium). c) The temperature is lowered to T1 once more, and the asymmetry of the potential means that each particle is statistically more likely to be captured by the adjacent well to the right rather than the well to the left. d) Relaxation to the local energy minimum (during which heat is emitted) leads to the average position of the particles moving to the right. Repeating steps (b)–(d), progressively moves the Brownian particles further and further to the right. Note the similarities between this mechanism and that of the on–off ratchet shown in Figure 6. Carter, N. J., & Cross, R. A. (2005). Mechanics of the kinesin step. 435(7040), applyingNature, temperature variations 308–312." to therefore, it seems that any process which involves an asymmetric potential-energy surface could result in a ratchet effect.[47] In chemical terms, which has particular relevance for explaining a Fi in se al b Figure 6. An example of a Figure pulsating7.ratchet mechanism—an on–off Another example of a pulsating m [39f ] ratchet. a) The Brownian particles start[42b] out in energy minima on the ing ratchet. For details of its operation (F potential-energy surface with the energy barriers @ kBT. b) The potenth tial is turned off so that free Brownian motion powered diffusion is ch allowed to occur for a short time period (much less than required to reach global equilibrium). c) On turning back on minima again, 7 series of the twopotential different an the asymmetry of the potential means that the particles have a greater whichwell a Brownian particle his probability of being trappedalong in the adjacent to the right rather k than the adjacent well to the Note this step involves raising byleft. sequentially raising andthelowerin d example of a pulsating ratchet mechanism—an energy ofon–off the particles. d) Relaxation to the local energy minima maxima. The particle starts in N (during whichon heat is emitted) leads to the average position of the ) The Brownian particles start out in energy minima the se (Figure 7 asteps or (b)–(d) c). Raising that energ to the right. Repeating progressively b) Themoving potenergy surface with the energy barriers @ kBT.particles m moves the Brownian particles further further to wells the right. those inand adjacent provides the off so that free Brownian motion powered diffusion is N. J.,required & Cross,toR. A. (2005). Mechanics of the step. motio change position by!kinesin Brownian ccur for a short time period (muchCarter, less than Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 72 – 191 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag Nature, back 435(7040), 308–312." 7 e). By simultaneously (or beforeh equilibrium). c) On turning the potential on again, try of the potential means that the particles have a greater heights of the energy barrier to ondo, and wnian 3 and witch rmed l and asymmetric potential-energy surface (comprising a periodic atchet d in a on of mplest tooth than action tchet, f the tchet, ly or nisms ). As tered ntials lassic ing a off Figure 7. Another example of a pulsating ratchet mechanism—a flashing ratchet.[42b] For details of its operation, see the text. Carter, N. J., & Cross, R. A. (2005). Mechanics of the kinesin step. series of two different minima and two different maxima) 435(7040), 308–312." Nature, along which a Brownian particle is directionally transported by sequentially raising and lowering each set of minima and maxima. The particle starts in a green or orange well A Molecular Devices Figure 9. A rocking ratchet.[39f] a) The Brownian particles start out in energy minima on the potential-energy surface with the energy barriers @ kBT. b) A directional force is applied to the left. c) An equal and opposite directional force is applied to the right. d) Removal of the force and relaxation to the local energy minimum leads to the average position of the particles moving to the right. Repeating steps (b)–(d) progressively moves the Brownian particles further and further to the right. Figure 10. A type of information ratchet mechanism Carter, N. J., & Cross, R. A. (2005). Mechanics of the kinesin step. for trans Brownian particle along a potential-energy surface. D cases Nature, (imagine 435(7040), applying the 308–312." electric field arrows indicate the transfer of information that signals the p periodic force discussed above for longer in one direction than the other), but is less so for stochastic driving forces. In general, these [39h, 42b, 45] the particle. If the signal is distance-dependent—say, energy from an excited state which causes lowering of an energy bar Angewandte Chemie rt out in gy barriers al and of the he average s (b)–(d) her to the tric field he other), ral, these ratchets. y ratchet surface— d globally Figure 10. A type of information ratchet mechanism for transport of a Brownian particle along a potential-energy surface.[39h, 42b, 45] Dotted arrows indicate the transfer of information that signals the position of the particle. If the signal is distance-dependent—say, energy transfer from an excited state which causes lowering of an energy barrier— then the asymmetry in the particle’s position between two barriers provides the “information” which transports the particle directionally along the potential energy surface. Carter, N. J., & Cross, R. A. (2005). Mechanics of the kinesin step. Nature, 435(7040), 308–312." It appears to us that information-ratchet mechanisms of Kinesin The two heads of the kinesindimer work in a coordinated manner to move processivelyalong the microtubule. The catalytic core (blue) is bound to a tubulinheterodimer (green, b-subunit; white, a-subunit) along a microtubule protofilament (the cylindrical microtubule is composed of 13 protofilament tracks). In solution, both kinesinheads contain ADP in the active site (ADP release is rate-limiting in the absence of microtubules). The chaotic motion of the kinesinmolecule reflects Brownian motion. One kinesinhead makes an initial weak binding interaction with the microtubule and then rearranges to engage in a tight binding interaction. Only one k i n e s i nhead can readily make this tight interaction with the microtubule, due to restrai nts imposed by the coiled -coil and pre-stroke conformation of the neck linker in the bound head. Microtubule binding releases ADP from the attached head. ATP then rapidly enters the empty nucleotide bind ing site, which triggers the neck linker to zipper onto the catalyti c core (red to yellow transition). This action throws the detached head forward and allows it to reach the next tubulinbinding site, thereby creating a 2-head -bound intermediate in which the neck linkers in the trailing and leading heads are pointing forward (post-stroke; yellow) and backwards (pre-stroke; red) respectively. The trailing head hydrolyzes the ATP (yellow flash of ADP -Pi), and reverts to a weak microtubule binding state (indicated by the bouncing motion) and releases phosphate (fading Pi). Phosphate release also causes the unzippering of the neck linker (yellow to red transition). The exact timing of the strong-to-weak microtubule binding transition and the phosphate release step are not well-defined from current experimental data. During the time when the trailing head execut es the previously described actions, the leading head releases ADP, binds ATP, and zippers its neck linker onto the catalytic core. This neck linker motion throws the trailing head forward by 160 Å to the vicinity of new tubulinbinding site. After a random diffusional search, the new lead head docks tightly onto the binding site which comp letes the 80 Å step of the motor. The movie shows two such 80 Å steps o f the kinesinmotor. The surface features of the kinesin motor domains and the microtubule protofilament were rendered from X -ray and EM crystallographic structures by Graham Johnson (fiVth media: using the programs MolView, Strata Studio Pro and Cinema 4D. PDB files used were human conventional kinesin (prestroke, red: #1BG2) and rat conventional kinesin(poststroke, yellow: #2KIN). In human conventional kinesin, the neck linker is mobile and its located in the prestrokestate is estimated from cryo electron microscopy data. Transitions between states were performed by performing computer-coordinated extrapolations between the prestrokeand poststroke positions. The durations of the events in this sequence were optimized for clarity and do not necessarily reflect the precise timing of events in the ATPasecycle. Three-bead assay " with ncd" Stepping and Stalling of a Single Kinesin Molecule " 300 6 240 200 5 224 150 4 3 100 2 50 ~ 6 pN stall force" 1 0 -50 force [pN] displacement [nm] 250 [nm] 7 208 192 176 time [s] 160 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 -1 60 ~ 8 nm steps" time [s] Svoboda, Schmidt, Schnapp, Block, Nature (1993), 365: 721" Randomness parameter" Δt=const." clockwork " r = 0! r:= lim " t -> ∞" <x2(t)> - <x(t) > 2" k" k" k" k" k" 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6" d <x(t)>" Δt exponentially distributed" Poisson process" r = 1! k 1 -> 2" Myosin: averaged power strokes" (Veigel et al. Nature 99, 398, 530)" Myosin Power Stroke" ADP" +Pi" Mechano-chemical cycle:" attach" M*ATP" working stroke" myosin" M*ADP*Pi" actin" ADP" detach" M" recovery stroke" Pi" Conformational Change of Single ncd Molecule" MT displacement [nm] 10 2 µM ATP 5 0 -5 0 400 800 1200 1600 time [ms] ADP*Pi" ADP" release" DeCastro, Fondecave, Clarke, Schmidt, Stewart, Nature Cell Biology (2000), 2:724"