Maurizio Pierini CERN here representing Prof. Spiropulu
Maurizio Pierini CERN here representing Prof. Spiropulu
An historical Introduction to (modern) particle physics Maurizio Pierini CERN here representing Prof. Spiropulu Modern Particle Physics is all about… …Boxes… Some particle traveling in space can produce(*) and absorb particles while traveling (*) These particles don’t exist (they are virtual particles). This is only possible because Quantum Mechanics allows energy changes for small amount of times (as if energy was not conserved) ΔEΔt ≈ Modern Particle Physics is all about… …Shaking Boxes… + This is the “naked” particle = these are the quantum effects dressing it (loop) the particles that we physically observe. for instance, in cosmic rays The particles “running in the loop” change the physical property of the traveling particle. The naked particle is NOT the same as what we see ! By observing the differences, we can infer what’s in the loop… ! … like shaking a box to know what is inside Modern Particle Physics is all about… …Opening Boxes… We can do more than observe particles collide We can guide them with magnetic fields, accelerate them with electric fields, and make them collide in controlled conditions, to produce new particles We are testing the same processes, but this time the virtual particles become real (and observable) A few examples (more later) Gargamelle (CERN, 1973) observes the “neutral currents” UA1 (CERN,) discovers the Z boson from _ dilepton events in pp collisions 54 The charm quark is discovered (1975) through the production of a charmonium state (J/ψ) Glashow Iliopoulos and Maiani (1970) predict a 4th quark to explain the absence of flavorchanging neutral currents 51 51 Particle Physics before November 1975 ’30: A simple picture The subatomic world was very simple - protons and neutrons at the centre in the nuclei - electrons around them - electromagnetic interactions (photons) keep them together ! But not everything was understood - what keeps protons and nucleons together? - what is the physics behind the cosmic rays? 11 11 ’30: A simple picture The particle origins In 1905 Victor Hess performed a series of high-altitude balloon experiments and found ionizing radiation the origin of which is beyond the Earth’s atmosphere. Cosmic rays were the only source of high energy particles to study until accelerators were developed. 6 Particle Physics before November 1975 There was no particle collider at that time ! Particles were observed from radioactive sources and cosmic rays ! Physicists observed these radiation crossing gas chambers and vaporising gas inside them (cloud chambers) Using a magnetic field (Lorentz force) they could observe the particles bending 11 11 taking pictures and looking at them, one by one… The discovery of anti-matter cosmic rays detection of high energy particles Anderson, Caltech 1936 Nobel with Hess magnetic field what an electron would have looked like shield (to stop protons) what Anderson saw positron in cloud chamber Particle Physics before November 1975 The picture gets more complicated - anti-matter was somehow predicted, but still not understood - nuclear interactions were studied, but the equivalent of the photon for string interaction (the Yukawa meson) was not found yet 11 11 The missing piece of the puzzle was a charged particle that could mediate the transition from neutrons to protons The discovery of the μ meson In 1932, P. Kunze in Rostock observed two kinds of tracks in his chamber. The effect was not understood and not expected In 1937, Neddermeyer and Anderson characterised the two kinds of particles measuring the energy loss in their device. Particle not loosing all their energy (penetrating) were observed and the mesotron (or mu Figure 2: Distribution of fractional losses in 1 cm of platinum. meson) was discovered. observed losses for the nonpenetrating group, but they could have a v The discovery of the μ meson FEBRUARYn 1, 194'I 71, NUMBER o t p e l If the muon is the meson, and Eciitor to tie etters AL REVIEW VOLUM'E 3 ~Mgnetized A since protons are positive, CA negative TION of briefmuons reports of importantbedi sshould s in physics may be secured by addressing them absorbed (p+mn) The cLosingfrom date foratoms this department rtment. is, the month, muon the preceding the 1st of the 8th of should e ofwhile positive for the issue of the 15th, the Z3rd of the preceding decay will be sent to the authors. The Board of proof netized 0 I 5 i Scale y (0 Iron plates l I I I = Cm. D D D I r L a I ~d I --&&m -- -0 ~ 7lf I-+ l I &r--~ ir s not hold itself responsible for the opinions ex! should not the correspondents. Communications words in length. Lg I I Conversi, Pancini, and Piccioni looked for this FIG. i. Disposition of counters, absorber, and magnetized iron plates. All counters "D" are connected in parallel. difference in ’45-’46 (under of Negative Mesons Disintegration WWII bombs) in Rome, using ments using, successively, iron and carbon as absorbers. M. CONVERSI, E. PANCINI, O. PICCIONIC Norecording sign ofequipment a difference observed. was one which two of us had The an array of gas counters and entro di Fisica Nucleare del C. N. R. Istituto di of the meson's mean used inwas a measurement previously Fisica dell'Unieersitit di Roma. Italia The muon not the meson. absorbers in a magnetic field life. It gave threefold (III) and fourfold (IV) delayed December 21, 1946 First questions break simple The difference (III) — (IV) (afterpicture applying a (what a muon 'detector looks coincidences. correction for the lack of e%ciency of the fourfold ous Letter to the Editor, we gave a first account slight What was the muon, then? like today) vestigation of the difference in behavior between coincidences) was owing to mesons stopped in the absorber - Where d negative mesons stopped in dense materials. electron which produced a and disintegration ejecting a was the meson? ! AND and Araki' showed that, becuase of the Coulomb delayed coincidence. The minimum detected delay was The meson was eventually found the pion electron (e) (π) (µ) particle tracks left in a photographic emulsion during the decay of a pion. The pion was discovered by Cecil Powel and Giuseppe Occhialini in 1947 using photographic emulsions at the Pic du Midi, high in the French Pyrenees. p.s. e, µ are leptons 9 Particle Physics before November 1975 Where does this proton come from? All the cosmic rays ingredients were know - Still, no coherent picture - In particular, the muon was like an unnecessary ingredient - “Who ordered that?” I. I. Rabi 11 11 Particle Accelerators Cosmotron 3 GeV protons Brookhaven National Laboratory(1952) E. O. Lowrence (Berkeley, 1929) 12 Particles accelerated in single beams and collided against fixed target ADA:First e+e- collider ! It was then realised that a beam vs beam collision allowed to reach higher energies ! Particle accelerators became particles colliders ! B. Touschek! (Frascati, Italy)! Particle Physics before November 1975 11 11 New particles appearing every year New phenomena discovered studying them (e.g., P, C, and CP violation) We had theories who could describe the phenomenology But there were too many particles for this to be the ultimate theory Something more fundamental was missing The discovery era: 1970-1980 More powerful facilities built, to look for some predicted new physics Often, something else was found More and more puzzles in observations A generation of physicists put the pieces together 41 The Quarks • The concept of charged currents was known, and people realised that there were several kind of objects (different flavors of currents) • Quarks were proposed independently by Gell-Man (Caltech) and Zweig (CERN, a student of Feynman at Caltech) to describe the confused pattern of particle zoo • Deep inelastic scattering (Feynman parton model) proved the existence of a structure inside the protons • GIM used this concept to predict the existence of the fourth quark, and its mass (~1-1.5 GeV) • The new theory of nuclear interaction was now testable at accelerators/ colliders picture iPad 51 New Bosons The glue of weak and strong interactions were discovered The bricks were there (leptons and quarks) A deeper structure has emerged 53 52 Our understanding was now fitting a model What is a model? 23 Add boxes and shakes fermions quarks leptons bosons gauge bosons graviton 20 The electron and quark interact electromagnetically by the exchange of a photon. The lines, wiggles and vertices represent a mathematical term in the 21 calculation of the interaction. a list of particles with their “quantum numbers”, about 20 numbers that specify the strength of the various particle interactions, a mathematical formula that you could write on a napkin. 24 1940-70 Particle zoo experiments 40 39 g 25 g 26 g 27 g 28 46 Discovery vs Measurement • The history of particle physics is made of discovery eras, followed by a consolidation of the understanding, with precisions • So far, the understanding came with new insight, which paved the way to new discoveries • To a large extent, this was the history of proton colliders (many things produced in chaotic environment) vs ee colliders (clean environment, typically operated as a factory of Z→μμ at LHC Z→μμ at LEP ee vsofhadron colliders history colliders The next one? article physics 0 years. f ders ers & ers s discovered Wtau-lepton, charm, erification of the SM confirmation: LEP Figure 1.3: The LEP storage ring, showing the locations of the four ex and SPS accelerators used to pre-accelerate the electron and positron b Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Centre-of-mass Integrated energy range luminosity [GeV] [pb−1 ] 88.2 – 94.2 1.7 88.2 – 94.2 8.6 88.5 – 93.7 18.9 91.3 28.6 89.4, 91.2, 93.0 40.0 91.2 64.5 89.4, 91.3, 93.0 39.8 Table 1.1: Approximate centre-of-mass energies and integrated luminos 55 experiment. In 1990 and 1991, a total of about 7 pb−1 was taken at 20 pb−1 per year in 1993 and in 1995. The total luminosity used by analyses was smaller by 10–15% due to data taking inefficiencies and d 17 56 57 59 60 ∆χ2 Measurement 6 Theory uncertainty ∆α(5) had 5 = 0.02758±0.00035 0.02749±0.00012 2 4 incl. low Q data mZ [GeV] 91.1875 ± 0.0021 91.1874 ΓZ [GeV] 2.4952 ± 0.0023 2.4965 R0l σhad [nb] 0 41.540 ± 0.037 41.481 Afb Rl 20.767 ± 0.025 20.739 Al(Pτ) Al(Pτ) Rb D∅ A0,b fb 0,b 0.0992 ± 0.0016 0.1037 Ab Afb 0,c 0.0707 ± 0.0035 0.0742 Ac Ab 0.923 ± 0.020 0.935 Al(SLD) Ac 0.670 ± 0.027 0.668 sin θeff (Qfb) 0.1513 ± 0.0021 0.1480 mW* 0.2314 ΓW* m 179.0 ± 5.1 t [GeV] 178.0 ± 4.3 2 R0c 0.1480 Afb ± 6.6 500 Γ176.1 W [GeV] Average R0b A0,c fb mW [GeV] mH [GeV] 0,l 0.21629 ± 0.00066 0.21562 Top-Quark Mass [GeV]sin2θlept(Q ) 0.2324 ± 0.0012 eff fb 100 0 0.1723 Al(SLD) Excluded 0 30 CDF 3 σhad 0.01714 ± 0.00095 0.01642 0.1465 ± 0.0032 meas 0.1721 ± 0.0030 Rc 1 fit −O |/σ 1 2 ΓZ 0.02758 ± 0.00035 0.02767 0,l 2 meas |O 0 (5) ∆αhad(mZ) Afb 3 Fit χ /DoF: 2.6 / 4 80.425 ± 0.034 80.389 2.133 ± 0.069 2.093 178.0 ± 4.3 178.5 2 lept QW(Cs) sin2θ−−(e θMS −e−) 2 sin θW(νN) 0 1 g2(νN) 2 L g2R(νN) 3 *preliminary .13: ∆χ2 (mH ) = χ2min (mH ) − χ2min as a function of mH . The line is the result of + 13.2 LEP1/SLD 172.6 sing all 18 results. The associated band represents the estimate of the− theoretical 10.2 2 3 nty due to missing higher-order corrections as discussed in Section 8.4. The vertical 10 10 10 ows the 95% confidence level exclusion limit on mH of 114.4 GeV derived from the + 12.3 LEP1/SLD/m /Γ 181.1 arch at LEP-II [39]. The dashed W curve W is the result obtained using the theory-driven − 9.5 H 2 Z ) determination of Equation 8.4. The direct measurements of mW and ΓW used here Figure 8.14: Comparison of the measurements with the expectation of the SM, calculated for minary. 125 150 175the five SM 200input parameter values in the minimum of the Figure on shown the mass of the Higgs boson from each pseudo-observable global8.15: χ2 ofConstraints the fit. Also Higgs-boson mass and its 68% CL uncertainty is obtained from a five-parameter SM is the pull of each measurement, where pull is defined as the difference of measurement and mt [GeV] (5) the observable, constraining ∆αΓhad (m2Z ) = 0.02758 ± 0.00035, αS (m2Z ) = 0.118 ± 0.003, expectation in units of the measurement uncertainty. The direct measurements of m and M [GeV] SM confirmation: Tevatron Tevatron @Fermilab 63 63 Discovery of the Top 65 65 The Top Mass 66 67 decades of Higgs hunting 2009 2011 1940-70 Particle zoo experiments 40 2009: the LHC started… Some Reading S. Glashow! The Charm of Physics: Collected Essays! the SM early days from the voice of one of it fathers! ! R. N. Cahn, G. Goldhaber! The Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics! Nice historical overview + collection of original papers!