Detectors for High-Energy (Heavy-Ion) Experiments
Detectors for High-Energy (Heavy-Ion) Experiments
Lecture Week: Detectors for High-Energy (Heavy-Ion) Experiments 2.-5.April 2007 Hans Rudolf Schmidt, GSI Darmstadt 1 Outline of Lectures I. Introduction History Basic Interactions II. IIIa. IIIb. IV. Gaseous Detectors Semiconductors Calorimeters High Energy Experiments CMS ALICE 2 Literature • K. Kleinknecht – • C. Grupen – • Semiconductor Radiation Detectors (Springer) W. Blum & L. Rolandi – • Instrumentation in High Energy Physics (World Scientific) G. Lutz – • Experimental Techniques in High Energy Physics (World Scientific) F. Sauli – • Instrumentation in elementary particle physics (World Scientific) J. Ferbel – • Radiation Detection and Measurement (Wiley) C. W. Fabjan & J.E. Pilcher – • Review of Particle Physics (Phys. Rev. D) G.F. Knoll – • Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments (Springer) NN – • The Physics of Particle Detectores (Cambridge) W.R. Leo – • Teilchendetektoren (BI Wissenschaftsverlag) Dan Green – • Particle Detectors (Cambridge) Particle Detection with Drift Chambers (Springer) L. Rossi, P. Fischer, T.Rohe, N. Wermes – Pixel Detectors 3 Internet Sources • • • • • • • Particle Detector BriefBook: Data Analysis BriefBook: Particle Date Group: Fermilab: SLAC: CERN Academic Training: CERN Summer Student Lectures: 4 Introduction - History detector technology – the driving force for new discoveries..... 5 A Photon Detector The „oldest“ photon detector (built many million times) Properties: • high sensitivity for photons • high position resolution • <100 µm • 8 MegaPixel/DIN A4 page • high dynamic range (1:1014) • select energy (wave length) • date rate ~10 Hz (incl. online processing) Retina 6 Photon Detectors 1885: W.C. Röntgen discovers „X-Rays“ Detection of X-Rays with photo paper, i.e., AgBr/AgCl + energy -> metallic silver (blackened) Properties of the „detector“: + very good position resolution + good dynamic range no timing information no „online“ data taking Gas-Electron-Multiplier (1990) 7 The Discovery of Radioactivity & Cosmic Rays • 1896 – Becquerel discovers, - by chance - , that the certain minerals blacken photographic emulsions • But: electroscopes (principle of the dosimeters) discharge also (slowly) without radioactive material Experiments „showed“, that the radiation was in the “environment”, but did not origin from the sun or the sky – Proof: no significant reduction of the radiation in underground caves – first historic misinterpretation (many more to come) of data by „background events“: accumulation of radioactive radon gas in caves causes radiation puzzle: radiation cannot be shielded by even very thick lead plates • • 8 The Discovery of Cosmic Rays– Victor Hess (1912/13) • • • • • Question: How far one has to leave the earth‘s, to reduced the intensity of the environmental radiation? surprising result: the radiation increases with increasing height (x2)! no reduction with (partial) solar eclipse interpretation of Hess: radiation originates from the universe („cosmic rays“) Nobel Price 1936 hot-air balloon flight (max. height 5 km) detector: electroscope 9 The Electroscope • two thin foils are repelled from each other by the charge • ionizing radiation discharge the electroscope • the time needed for the discharge is proportional to the intensity of the radiation • NB: the discharging has already been observed in 1875 by Coulomb during an experiment on electrical forces • integrating counter - - + - do-it-yourself construction 10 First Visualizations of Cosmic Rays (1932) cloud chamber (Wilson, 1910) Nobel Price 1927 11 Cloud Chamber (Wilson, 1910) • water vapor volume A at its saturation point • adiabatic expansion produces super-saturated water vapor • ionizing particles form condensation seeds • similar: condensation trail air planes TPC – 2000 • very first photograph of particle tracks radioactive source streamer chamber – 1986 12 Build your own Cloud Chamber: The Idiot’s Guide to How to View Cosmic Ray Tracks From the Comfort of Your Own Home., 2002. Available: Foland, Andrew. How to Build a Cloud Chamber. Cornell University. Available: 13 Discovery of the Positron • • C. Anderson (Nobel Price 1936) • ⇒ ionization density ⇒ Z=1 curvature in mag. field ⇒ positive charge, momentum measurement energy loss in 6 mm lead (together with know momentum and Z) ⇒ m<20me ( ⇒ no proton) electron with positive charge , later named positron 6 mm Pb cloud chamber picture of positron 14 Geiger-Müller-Counter signal, which can be amplified electronically H. Geiger 1908: Hans Geiger develops the Counter (later on improved together with Erwin Müller) ⇒ electronic single event detection 1910: exp. demonstration of Rutherford scattering Rutherford: Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1908 Ernest Rutherford and Hans Geiger with apparatus for counting alpha particles, Manchester, 1912 15 Bubble Chamber Donald A Glaser (Nobel Price 1960) • a liquid (e.g. liquid hydrogen) is cooled at 5-6 bar until completely bubble-free • sudden pressure drop brings a liquid to sub-cooled boiling, i.e. the temperature of the liquid is above its boiling temperature • it is now sensitive (~ms) for ionizing particles • due to the energy loss (ionization) of the particles vapor bubbles are formed along the particle's track • the tracks are recorded with stereo cameras 16 Bubble Chamber: Discovery of the Ω- BNL (USA) K − + p → Ω− + K 0 + K + ↓ Ξ 0 + π− existence of the Ω-: confirmation of the SU3 symmetry ↓ Λ 0 + γ1 + γ 2 ↓ p + π− 17 BEBC (CERN) BEBC (Big European Bubble chamber) - 35 m3 liquid hydrogen - in operation until 1983 CERN Poster 18 Discovery of the Vector Bosons (CERN) Nobel Price 1984: C. Rubia, S.v.d.Meer technological improvement of accelerators had a significant part in the discovery... development of the stochastic beam cooling enables the storage of a sufficiently large number of anti-protons in a small phase space volume SPS → SppS this allowed the change from the SpS to the SppS-collider; only in the cms of pp enough energy for the production of W+/-, Z0 available luminosity: 5 x 1027 s-1cm-2 19 Discovery of the Vector Bosons (CERN) ν (invisible) UA1 (1981) p+p → W + /− +X W + / − → e+ / − + ν mW=80.6 GeV e Wire Chamber ECAL HCAL Muon Chamber 20 Wire Chamber 1992: Nobel Price for Georges Charpak (CERN) for... ... his invention and development of particle detectors, in particular the multiwire proportional chamber, a breakthrough in the technique for exploring the innermost parts of matter' e.g..: ALICE @ LHC → readout the central detectors (TPC, TDR) are based on MWPC 21 Prerequisites for new Discoveries in Particle Physics 1) open questions (next slides) 2) a new, powerful accelerator (this would be another lecture) nonetheless, a few facts about the LHC: • biggest cryogenic plant on earth, 700’000 liters of liquid helium (1.9 K) • 1232 dipole magnets (8.5 T/m, 15 m length) – internal forces 165 tons • energy/Pb-ion: 0.2 mJ (macroscopic energy) • LHC - Challenges in Accelerator Physics: 3) major advances in detector technology • this lecture 22 Open Questions of High Energy Physics • Is there a unified theory, which describes gravitation together with the other three forces?? • What is the origin of mass? ⇒ LHC • In how many space-time dimensions do we live ? ⇒ LHC • Are the elementary particles fundamental or do they have structure? • Why is the charge of the electron equal to the one of the proton but has an opposite sign? • Why are there exactly three generations of quarks and leptons? • Why there is an excess of matter over anti-matter in the universe? • Are protons stable? • What is the nature of Dark Matter, which dominates our universe? ⇒ LHC • Are there new states of matter at extreme densities and temperatures? ⇒ LHC • Are neutrinos massive? (ok) • Dark energy? 23 What is Mass? Why have the fundamental particles in the universe different masses? Why is the electron 350.000 lighter then the top quark? These questions are not answered in the standard model! However: 40 years ago Peter Higgs proposes a mechanism, which gives mass to elementary particles: the so-called Higgs-field penetrates the empty space completely; particles gain mass through interaction with the exchange particle of the Higgs-Field, the Higgs Boson. Analogy: Apparent increase of the momentum of inertia (=mass) when accelerating in a viscous medium... c.f: The Waldegrave Higgs Challenge ( 24 from: D. Froidevaux, CERN, CERN Summer Student Lectures Higgs boson has been with us for several decades as: 1. a theoretical concept, 2. a scalar field linked to the vacuum, 3. the dark corner of the Standard Model, 4. an incarnation of the Communist Party, since it controls the masses P.W. Higgs, Phys. Lett. 12 (1964) 132 (L. Alvarez-Gaumé in lectures for Up to now, only CERN summer school in Alushta), unambiguous example of 5. a painful part of the first chapter of our Ph. D. thesis observed Higgs (apologies to ALEPH collab.) 25 How to discover the Higgs-Boson? first: production in collision at √s=14 TeV Assumption: mH > 650 GeV pp→H ↓ ZZ→l+ l- j j requires: • tracking • lepton identification • hadron jet identification • high count rate capability CMS 26 How to discover the Higgs-Boson? Higgs 4µ 27 How to discover the Higgs-Boson? Higgs 4µ +30 min. bias events 28 Technological Challenges In the LHC protons come in bunches (about 1011 protons/bunch), which collide every 25 ns. n each in each bunch-bunch crossing, i.e., every 25 ns, about 25 minimum bias events are produced (ca. 1000 particles), Which overlap („pile-up“) rare, interesting events. s 25 n Detectors have to be fast („fast response“), otherwise they integrate over to many bunch crossings. Typical response time: 20-50 ns. The readout electronics has operate at this frequency (⇒ very challenging readout electronics) LHC detectors have to be highly granular (many detector cells), to minimize the probability, that interesting events coincide with „min bias“ type particles (cost) Radiation Damage, in particular of the front-end electronics and the detectors close to the vertex 29 Puzzle Fi nd 4 straight tracks. 30 Answer 1. Measure precisely the transverse momentum 2. cut on tracks with pT< 2 GeV 31 Susy (Super Symmetry) • Super Symmetry postulates that each particle type has a massive shadow particle 32 Super Partners 33 Decay of SUSY-Particles q~ , g~ heavy → complicated decay q g~ q~ χ02 χ01 q Z decay pattern: leptons, jets and much (!) missing energy (because of LSP = lightest super symmetric particle) 34 km 1 ≈ quark-hadron transition 35 Challenge: Extreme Multiplicities Simulation Pb+Pb @ LHC at 5.5 TeV/A Measurement Au+Au @ RHIC at 200 GeV/A 60° < ϑ < 62°! 36 Challenge: Extreme Multiplicities Simulation Pb+Pb @ LHC at 5.5 TeV/A Measurement Au+Au @ RHIC at 200 GeV/A full acceptance 37 LHC Detectors - Atlas 38 LHC Detectors - Atlas 39 LHC Detectors - Atlas 40 LHC Detectors - Atlas 41 LHC Detectors - Atlas 42 LHC Detectors - Atlas 43 Introduction - Basic Interactions • interaction of charge particles and photons with matter 44 Energy loss of charged particles Processes at the passage of charged particles in matter: 1) inelastic collisions with atomic electrons 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) elastic scattering (Rutherford scattering) with nuclei nuclear reactions emission of Cherenkov-radiation emission of transition radiation Bremsstrahlung The dominant process responsible for the energy loss in matter is (1); (4)-(6) are rare, nuclear reactions (3) play a role only at very high energies; Rutherford scattering is responsible for change in direction of the particles („multiple scattering“) The energy loss per collision of a heavy particle with an electron is small, nonetheless the total energy loss is large because of the high frequency of the collisions (σ≈107-108 barn). example: A Proton of 10 MeV has a range in copper of only 0.25 mm! Sum of the differential energy loss dE/dx ⇒ Bethe-Bloch relation 45 Bethe-Bloch Relation Energy loss dE/dx of heavy particles (M >> me) in matter leads to ionization. The average energy loss via electro-magnetic interaction is described by the quantum mechanical correct Bethe-Bloch relation: ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ 2 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢⎣ ⎤ 2 γ 2β2 ⎥ 2m c δ Z z ⎥ 2 2 2 e − dE = 4πN A re m e c − β − ⎥⎥ ln dx Aβ I0 2⎥ 2 ⎥⎦ main parameter of Bethe-Bloch absorber properties (Z, A, mean excitation potential I0, screening- and density correction δ) dE/dx + - + - + + - by polarization particle properties (z, β) 46 Classical Derivation (Bohr) Assumptions: a) a heavy particle (M>>me) passes at a free electron at distance b b) the particle does not change its path Calculation of the momentum transfer to the electron: ∆pe = ∫ Fdt = e ∫ E⊥ dt = e 1 E ⊥ dx mit dx = β cdt βc ∫ Integration of the electrical field along an infinitely long cylinder gives: ∫E ⊥ 2πb dx = 4πze 2ze2 ⇒ ∆pe = bβ c ∆p2e 2z 2e 4 ⇔ ∆E(b) = = 2me meβ2c 2b2 Integration of the distance (impact parameter b) gives: dE − = dx bmax ∫ bmin b max ∆p2e 2z 2 e4 1 4πz 2 e4 Z bmin Ne 2πb db = Ne ∫ 2 2πb db ∼ ln 2me meβ2c 2 bmin b meβ2c 2 A bmax 47 Properties of Bethe-Bloch (I) Valid for velocities β >> αz (α = fine structure constant 1/137), i.e., β >> velocity of shell electrons. For small momenta (p < 1-2 GeV/c) follows dE/dx ~ 1/β2, together with Ekin=0.5 m (βc)2 follows the important relation for particle identification : ∆E ~ mz2 1 ⇔ ∆E ⋅ E ~ mz2 E For very high energies (> TeV) additional energy loss comes from Bremsstrahlung. 48 Energy Loss of Electrons And Positrons For electrons and positrons radiation losses (Bremsstrahlung) become important:: ⎛ dE ⎞ ⎛ dE ⎞ ⎛ dE ⎞ ⎜ dx ⎟ = ⎜ dx ⎟ + ⎜ dx ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ total ⎝ ⎠rad ⎝ ⎠coll Bremsstrahlung is negligible for heavy particles: σrad σ 1 ∼ 2 ⇒ e σµ m 2 rad 2 ⎛ m ⎞ ⎛ 105.6 ⎞ =⎜ µ ⎟ =⎜ ≈ 4.2 × 10 4 ⎟ ⎝ me ⎠ ⎝ 0.511 ⎠ material (Z) and energy dependence is complex, because of impact parameter dependant screening effects (screening of charge Z by atomic electrons) dE Z2 2 183 − = 4αN0 re E ln 1 3 dx rad A Z (assumption of complete screening) 49 Properties of Bethe-Bloch (II) Broad minimum at βγ≈4. Relativistic particles (β≈1) with this energy loss are called minimum ionizing. Minimum ionizing particles cannot be separated. In gases (Z/A ≈ 0.5) we have: − dE MeV |min ≈ 2 dx g / cm2 Remark: Typically, the length scale dx is given as g/cm2; dx =ρds (ds in cm, ρ in g/cm2), since the energy loss per unit surface mass density in material independent. 50 Properties of Bethe-Bloch (III) Above γ>4 slow, so-called „relativistic rise“ of dE/dx; functional dependence is like 2 ln(γ). Reason: Coulomb field of the particles is Lorentz-contracted; the cross section for ionization and excitation is increased. The energy loss saturates at large γ due to screening effects (Fermi plateau) 51 PID in the Relativistic Rise particle separation: NS.D. ( π;K) = dE dx( π) − dE dx(K) σ(dE dx) 52 Properties of Bethe-Bloch (V) cancer therapy with heavy ions (GSI) The Bethe-Bloch graph shows that the energy loss increases with decreasing energy ⇒ Bragg-Peak Bragg 53 Energy Loss of Charged Particles (Summary) <27 MeV 27 MeV < E < 1000 MeV 1 GeV <E <300 GeV > 300 GeV e Ionization Bremsstrahlung Bremsstrahlung Bremsstrahlung µ Ionization Ionization Ionization Bremsstrahlung π Ionization Ionization Nuclear Reactions Nuclear Reactions Range of a 1 TeV particle in iron: e: <50 cm π: <1 m µ: 264 m 54 Photo Absorption Model I An exact, unified derivation (within the photo absorption model; W.W.M. Allision und J.G.H. Cobb, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 30 (1980) 253) of the emission of a photon at the passage of a charged particle through matter is given by: dσ α σ γ (E) 1 α σ γ (E) ⎛ 2mc 2β2 ⎞ α 1 = ln + 2 ln ⎜ ⎟+ 2 12 2 2 dE β2 π EZ EZ E π β ⎤ ⎡ ⎝ ⎠ β πE 2 4 2 ⎢⎣ 1− β ε1 + β ε2 ⎥⎦ ( ) Bethe-Bloch E ∫ 0 σ γ (E′) Z ⎛ ⎞ α 1 ⎜ 2 ε1 ⎟ ŹdE′ + 2 β − 2 ⎟θ β π ZN c ⎜⎜ ε ⎟⎠ ⎝ δ-Electrons Cherenkov 55 Photo Absorption Model II The optical behavior of the medium is characterized by the complex dielectric constant ε=ε1+iε2 optical domain (Eγ<I): σγ=0 index of refraction Im ε = k absorption parameter ⎛ ⎞ 1 ⎜ 2 ε1 ⎟ α dσ β − 2 ⎟θ = dE β 2 π ZN c ⎜⎜ ε ⎟⎠ ⎝ dσ ≥ 0 für dE ionization domain (2eV <Eγ<5 keV) Re ε = ε1 = n β ≥1 ε = ε1 + iε2 = ε1 ε = 1/ n (Cherenkov-threshold) ε = ε1 + iε 2 complex with ε 2 > 1 und ε1 < 1 βCerencokov > 1 Exchange of virtual photons with excitation or ionization of atoms 56 Cerenkov Radiation I 57 Cerenkov-Radiation (classical) II Cherenkov is emitted, if a charged particle passes through a dielectric with a velocity β>βthreshold=1/n (n= index of refraction). cos θc = 1 ; n = n(λ ) ≥ 1 nβ βSchwelle = 1 → θc ≈ 0 n Cerenkov-threshold 1 n max. angle (β=1) θmax = arccos 58 Cerenkov Radiation (classical) III Vparticle<<C symmetric polarization no dipole field no radiation Vparticle>C/n asymmetric polarization time-dependant dipole field radiation 59 Cherenkov-Radiation V Number of photons emitted per unit length and wave length interval d2N 2πz2α ⎛ 1 ⎞ 2πz2α 2 = 1 − = sin θc ⎜ ⎟ 2 2 2 2 dxdλ λ ⎝ βn ⎠ λ λ= c hc = υ E d2N z2α 2 = sin θc = cons tan t dxdE c 60 Transition Radiation I X-ray range (Eγ > 5 keV) ε = ε1 + iε 2 complex with ε 2 = 1 und ε1 < 1 βCerencokov > 1 Experimentally one observes X-rays (i.e., real photons) of very low intensity! The radiation occurs when a charged particle penetrates through matter with discontinuities in the index of refraction n (n2=ε1). simple picture D = ε(t)E The particle form with its mirror charge in the medium a time-dependant dipole ⇒ emission of electro-magnetic radiation 61 Transition Radiation II transition radiation as „sub threshold“ Cerenkov radiation uncertainty relation ( δθc ⋅ δk c ∼ ) allows variance of the emission angle θc. Coherent emission for ∆L<λ~1/k, thus diffraction pattern θc = 1 of width nβ ∆θ'c ∼ λ ∆L (∆θ'c → 0 for ∆L λ) Emission of Cerenkov light passing thin foils for β< ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ = βthresh ⎜ cos θc = ⎟ n nβ ⎠ ⎝ ∆L possible (sub-threshold)! θc ⇒ Emission of TR is collinear (θc≈0°) radiated energy/transition: W= 1 α ωp ⋅ γ 3 only extremely energetic e+/- emit TR of detectable intensity (→PID) 62 Transition Radiation: Properties yield per transition ~ α = 1/137, i.e. one needs about 100 transitions for one single TR photon! typical setup of a TR-Detectors: self absorption! important for applications: TR-yield saturates with γ (Cerenkov saturates with β) Reasonable yield/threshold from γ=1000 on. Emission co-linear: Θ~1/γ 63 Interaction of Photons with Matter Processes at the passage of photons(X- and γ-radiation) through matter: 1) Photo-electric effect 2) Compton-scattering 3) Pair Production 4) Nuclear reactions (γ,n) (rare) Qualitative difference to charged particles: a) Photons are much more penetrating than charged particles, since their cross section is much smaller; b) Photon beams suffer intensity loss, not energy loss (total absorption or scattering). For the passage through a layer of matter of thickness x of mass thickness X=ρx one has: ( ρ) X I(x) = I0 e−µx = I0 e− µ µ=linear absorption coefficient µ/ρ=mass absorption coefficient we have: µ = σN0ρ / A ⇔ µ / ρ = N0 ⋅ σ / A σ = σPhoto + σCompton + σPaar 64 Photo Effect Absorption of a photon by an atomic shell electron with subsequent emission of the electron. The energy of the electron is: E = hν − EB EB=binding energy (or „work function“). The photo electric effect can, for reason of momentum conservation, only happen on a bound electron. energy and Z-dependence: a) for non-relativistic energies above the K-shell (EK< hν<<mec2) we have (ε=hν/mec2): σPhoto = 1 32π 2 α 4r e2 Z5 7 3 ε 2 b) for hν>>mec2 σPhoto = 4π r e2 α 4 Z5 1 ε 65 Compton Effect Compton-scattering is the scattering on a free electron. In the relativistic limit (ε>>1) also bound electron are considered as free. The quantum-mechanical evaluation gives: ⎧⎪⎛ 1 + ε ⎞ ⎡ 2 (1 + ε ) 1 ⎤ 1 1 + 3ε ⎫⎪ σc = 2πr ⎨⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎢ − ln (1 + 2ε ) ⎥ + ln (1 + 2ε ) − 2⎬ 1 2 ε + ε ε ⎝ ⎠ (1 + 2ε ) ⎭⎪ ⎣ ⎦ 2ε ⎪⎩ 2 e (Klein-Nishina relation, from QED) no implicit Z-dependence log. energy dependence Rayleigh/Thompsen scattering: classical limit (ε<<1) 66 Pair Production Eγ>1.022 MeV Momentum conservation requires 3. body because of screening effects the calculation of the cross section for pair production is not „straight forward“. approximation for small Z and ε>>1: 109 ⎞ ⎛7 σp = re2 4αZ2 ⎜ ln 2ε − 54 ⎟⎠ ⎝9 for large ε: ⎛ 7 183 1 ⎞ σp = re2 4αZ2 ⎜ ln 1 3 − 54 ⎟⎠ ⎝9 Z 67 Photons and Matter: Summary energy range (MeV) energy dependence Z-dependence photo effect <10 ε-1-ε-3 Z5 Compton 1-10 ~e-ε (Z, number of electrons) pair >1 ~log ε constant Z2 σtotal (E γ ,Z) = σphoto (Z,E γ ) + Zσcompton (E γ ) + σpair (Z,E γ ) 68
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