Course in Detectors for Nuclear and Particle Physics
Course in Detectors for Nuclear and Particle Physics
Course in Detectors for Nuclear and Particle Physics Duration: 15 weeks, 3 lecture and 2 tutorial hours per week Timetable: 10:15 - 12:00, Tuesdays, 10:15-13 Thursdays. This is a proposals for new hours, I do not want to teach on Fridays. Please tell me what is best for you ! Objectives: On successful completion of this course, you should: understand how energetic particles interact with the matter they traverse; be able to describe qualitatively how energy loss depends on the properties of the traversing particle; be familiar with methods by which atomic ionisation and excitation are utilised in solid, liquid and gaseous detectors; understand coherent effects in matter, and their exploitation in Cherenkov and transition radiation detectors; appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of shower detectors or calorimeters; understand basic design criteria for practical detectors; recognise appropriate applications for the different types of detectors; be able to evaluate the performance of various simple detector designs. Handouts: Handouts are provided for each section of the course, consisting of course notes, with diagrams and other information. Detailed notes are provided for the more mathematical sections of the material. Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 Course in Detectors for Nuclear and Particle Physics The Course WEB page : http// This page contains a summary of most important information and links to explanatory material Course notes and schedule are posted there as well Introductory course and exercises with real data collected at CERN- make your own discovery at Recommended Books: K. Kleinknecht - Detectors for Particle Radiation, C.U.P. 1990 R.K. Bock & A. Vasilescu - The Particle Detector BriefBook, Springer 1998 Web version linked on Course Web page Preliminary planning for the Course content is posted on the web page. Important: there will be homework problems given. You are expected to give 45' presentation on chosen detector topics. There might be a trip to CERN as a part of the course. Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 Introductory Lectures Outline Content of the Standard Model of Particle Physics, matter and force particles, reminder What are the detectors for. A quick tour thru a “ for high energy particles typical “ detector Marathon thru accelerators and detectors Exercise: recognizing particles in a detector of LEP. Disclaimer: this material will be on introductory level, to show you the end goal of subject. All points will be discussed later in more detail Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 Addendum "Holy Book" of Particle Physics, with summary of all the particle properties can be found at . In particular particle listings (quarks, leptons etc ) from There is a summer student program each year at CERN. You have to apply before the end of January 2002. Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 Fundamental Particles and Antiparticles electron number muon number tau number For each SM particle exists an antiparticle with the same spin and mass. But with OPPOSITE charge, magnetic moment, and opposite "family number", and fermion number Bosons are their own anti-particles + ie, W <-> W , Z<-> Z , γ <−>γ Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 Quarks and Hadrons Antiquarks have opposite Colour I3, C,S,T,B,Q charge colour, quark number,baryon blue green number. red blue Answer: green +2, -1 red have spin 1/2 I3= 1/2 I3= -1/2 C= 1 S = -1 T= 1 B = -1 baryons (qqq) and antibaryons(qqq) can have spins ? (1/2,3/2,5/2 , 7/2 ...) mesons (qq) can have spins ? Anna Lipniacka 0,1,2,3 ........ Question: what is the maximal electric charge of a baryon? And the minimal? Detectors in N and P physics, L1 The Discovery of Quarks,baryon multiplet Quarks were postulated by Gell-Man to explain regularities of the mass, charge, and strangness (discovered thanks to long life-time) in observed hadrons: Question: What are the quarks assignments for baryons below ? Hypercharge Y= LB+S+C+B+T Prove I3=Q-Y/2 S, strangness ddu Q=-1/3(Nd+Ns+Nb)+ 2/3(Nu+Nc+Nt) sdd -1 Y=1/3(Nu+Nd+Ns.+Nc......) duu 939MeV sdu -1/2 -Ns+Nc-Nb+Nt= 1/3Nu+1/3Nd-2/3Ns +4/3Nc-2/3Nb+4/3Nt Q-Y/2=2/3Nu-1/6Nu -1/3Nd-1/6Nd= 1/2Nu-1/2Nd 0 1/2 -1 suu 1 1193 MeV Find out masses of these baryons in the book and estimate mass of the s quark. Why masses of baryons with the same S are nearly equal ? I3=1/2(Nu-Nd) ssu ssd -2 1318 MeV LB=baryon number Baryons with parity +1 and spin 1/2m(s) close to 200 MeV Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 Discovery of Quarks, meson multiplets S, Strangness=-Ns+Ns- su -sd Find quark-antiquark assingments for mesons below - 0 + π , π, π are the lightest know mesons, they have different charges but nearly the same masses and same spin-parity They might be different I3 states of the "same" meson Find the I of the multiplet. 1 - uu-dd -1 1 - - uu+dd ud -ud - - I3=1/2(Nu-Nd-Nu+Nd) su -1 sd Same as for spin number of states= 2I-1 so I=1 for 3 states Light, spin=0, Parity=-1 mesons Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 Summary of the Standard Model Remember: three familes of fermions= leptons + quarks remember lepton and quark electric charges, remember the order of magnitude of the masses. Remember that fermions have other charges except of electric-> all fermions have weak charge, and quarks have colour charge as well. Remember what are the types of field particles= photon (EM) W+,W-,Z (weak), gluons (strong,8 types of gluons). Gluons and the photon have the mass=0, while W,Z are as heavy as 80-90 protons! Remember what kind of interactions are felt by what kind of particles: weak by all, strong by quarks and gluons, EM by particles which have the electric charge. Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 How do we detect various particles? Directly : via their interactions with the matter of our detectors. At the moment we are able to detect like that particles which live longer than around 10**{-12} s (or a picosecond) Indirectly : via their decay products ( if they live long enough, if not via decay products of their decay products...) At the end of the chain we expect quasi-stable decay products which we can recognize in our detectors via their interactions and measure their moment and/or energies Directly detectable stable and quasi-stable particles: e-electron,positron : photon , p,n - proton , neutron µ ? muons (positive, negative ) , lifetime ~10**{-6} s π+,π−,Κ+,Κ− . Κ 0 , lifetime ~10 **{-8} s L 0 Question: what about π 0 and K ? S Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 Side remark: So what is fundamental anyway? Presently we think that quarks and leptons (matter particles) and photon, W,Z, gluons (interaction particles) are fundamental, because we cannot see any structure inside them ! Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 What does it mean to "see the structure" ? What does it mean to see an object anyway ? " with eyes"--> it means to be able to register the light scattered of an object. For particle physics it means to be able to register "anything" scattered of an object. If projectiles are too big compared to our object they will not scatter! "size of the projectile'=wavelenght (λ) < "size of the object" Our projectiles are De Breugle waves : wavelength =h/momentum D E T E C T O R We need projectiles of high momentum to see small objects. Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 What was LEP, in a nutshell Large Electron-Positron Collider, 27 km long, largest accelerator ever built. Electron and positron beams crossed in LEP ALEPH OPAL 12 10 times in 1989-2000 (start and end ). Energy in Elementary Collisions: in 1989-1995: CMS Energy: 91 GeV (mass of Zr nucleus) in 1995-2000: CMS Energy 130-208 GeV ( Cs-Pb nuclea) The energy of electrons exceeded their mass 200 000-400 000 times - like it was 0.1 nsec after the Big Bang. Four experiments-laboratories: ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL were recording the collisions. Anna Lipniacka L3 DELPHI Detectors in N and P physics, L1 DELPHI at LEP, sentimental tour... L. Eclerck supermarket helium tank construction hall construction hall and labs nitrogen tank Anna Lipniacka, U. of Stockholm The legacy of LEP, and steps beyond DELPHI at LEP, at birth time... Muon chambers Hadronic calorimeter Electro magnetic cal. Tracking detector, Time Projection Chamber Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 e+ e- The DELPHI at LEP Cavern, the detector ( and 1100 km of cables) are hidden behind the electronics' barracks DELPHI on line Anna Lipniacka, U. of Stockholm The legacy of LEP, and steps beyond DELPHI at LEP, obituary, after dismantling Hadronic calorimeter Tracking detectors Electro magnetic calorimeter . magnet, superconducting weight 2500 t, used 890 l of liquid helium Anna Lipniacka, U. of Stockholm The legacy of LEP, and steps beyond LEP and Life ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL Collaborations ~1500 physicists in ~150 scientific institutions in Europe, Americas, Asia, Australia, Africa, Built four detectors of ~1000 cubic meters each, New Zealand. comprising several millions of electronic channels and spent two million person-hours "baby sitting" them. analyzed several millions of "events" of electron-positron collisions, and wrote several millions of lines of programming code Published more than 1200 papers in refereed scientific journals, ~400 doctorate theses, ~5000 public scientific (conference) notes Life of LEP: First Idea: 1976 Beginning of the construction : 1983 Largest European civil engineering Project in 1983-88 Start data taking : 13 of August 1989 End data taking : November 2000 The data are still being analyzed for Consumed 0.01% electricity of Europe, less power scientific publications, and in educational consumption than of a flying Jumbo-Jet projects Anna Lipniacka, U. of Stockholm The legacy of LEP, and steps beyond First days of LEP, observing the Z 5 days "pilot run" of LEP. All detectors seen few Zs, even before their trackers were up, it was clear we observed Z hadronic decays. Anna Lipniacka, U. of Stockholm The legacy of LEP, and steps beyond e+e- -> µ+ µ− eMuon chambers e +Z µµ + + e- µ- + e µ Hadronic calorimeter tracking Electromagnetic calorimeter B field Anna Lipniacka, U. of Stockholm The legacy of LEP, and steps beyond γ + What have we seen at LEP1 ? Observing Z decays: e+e- -> τ+ τ− e- τ- + "3 prong" + e Z τ + e- τ- + e τ "1 prong" B field Anna Lipniacka, U. of Stockholm The legacy of LEP, and steps beyond γ + e- q -q e+ Z "broken colour field" γ + e e + γ e+ - - We have seen electrons, muons, taons and quarks consistent with production of e- u,d,s, c and notably b quarks. E M C A L e+ e + + + + e e+ Z e- e- e e- e- e e+ e- -> e+e- No new "observable" particles lighter than 45 GeV. What about neutrinos and other "unobservable" particles ??? B Anna Lipniacka, U. of Stockholm The legacy of LEP, and steps beyond Charge of strong interactions as a function of energy. Vacuum polarization effects make charges dependent on the distance (energy of our probe). These effects were hoped to be particularly important for QCD, quantum field theory of Strong Interactions. They have to account for STRONG interactions at low energies (nuclear regime), and apparently much weaker strong interactions at high energies. First consistent proof of running coupling constant in Quantum Chromodynamics. Anti-screening expected due to color-charged qluons (field carries charge, thus the observed charge increases with the distance) color charge e - 3-jet e + E ~Z,γ 1/R -q QCD q R (LEP) strong charge Anna Lipniacka, U. of Stockholm The legacy of LEP, and steps beyond LEP1.5, Rb and the Dark Side ( 2) Soon after LEP switched on for the FIRST TIME to higher energies we saw this event: Could these be Wino production? For Wino decays it 0 is more probable that 1 produced charged leptons are of different fla0 vour and go more 1 "back to back". e+ W e+ Z/γ DM particles W e- µ− beam 0 1 e+ Z/γ e- 0 e- e+ 1 It could be associated production of neutral bosons partners (Zinos, Higgsinos), which we need to give 30% of the 0 mass of the Universe 1 as Dark Matter The Dark Side of the story was, that we did not see any more of these in a while... and Rb came slowly back to SM value, after understanding better ADLO correlated systematics Anna Lipniacka, U. of Stockholm The legacy of LEP, and steps beyond Open questions in Particle Physics The origin of the family structure, the origin of masses and mass hierarchy of leptons and quarks The origin of the 4 interactions, do they become 1 interaction at high energy ? We know that their strength depends on the energy. All known Universe is build of matter and there is very little antimatter. We do not know why it is so matter-antimatter assymetric. 90% of the mass of the universe is carried by an unknown form of matter. (Dark Matter and Dark Energy). What is this matter ? Best candidate, "supersymmetric particles". Is there another form of energy in the universe than matter itself? Dark energy and Cosmological constant? Are elementary particles we know today really elementary? Is there another layer of substructure? Try some model building just for fun. Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 What comes after LEP ? The Large Hadron Collider , LHC, it will collide protons with protons, at the accelerator will be build in the LEP tunnel. Two of the major detectors will be ATLAS and ALICE . We are involved in ATLAS and ALICE collaborations here in Bergen. ATLAS detector cavern in summer 2003 Anna Lipniacka Detectors in N and P physics, L1 LHC, the brave New World Proton -Proton collision, 14 TeV CM, 40 MHz beam crossing rate: Luminosity 10-100 fb -1 per year/experiment New Physics: If below ~4 TeV will be observed after few years of running. 2007 ~ proton-proton CMS energy in elementary gluon-gluon collisions: > 1 TeV at 10 -100 Hz > 3 TeV at 0.1- 1 Hz bb rate ~ 0.1 MHz 8-80 millions of tt events per year/experiment 2-20 thousands WH events per year/experiment Rare Decays: Example : Br Bs 10 9 SM will be observable after 2 years of lower luminosity run. 8 SUSY ( 1 TeV) predicts Bs 10 ~ OLD ~115 GeV Higgs boson? 5 σ signal after 1 year of running 50% of sensitivity in h -> γγ Anna Lipniacka, U. of Stockholm The legacy of LEP, and steps beyond
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