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Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales, Vol. 20, N°2, 2000, 80-84 PARTICLE SIZE AND SHAPE ANALYSIS USING LASER SCATTERING AND IMAGE ANALYSIS. R.Xu Particle Characterization, Beckman Coulter Miami, FL, USA Abstraet Characterization of particle size and shape has become an indispensable tool in many industrial processes including in production and processing of granular materials. During the past decade, due to the evolution of other modern technologies, e.g., lasers, computers and automation, the methods used in particle characterization have changed considerably. In sizing granular materials centimeters or smaller, one of the most widely employed technology is laser diffraction. Several conventional particle characterization methods, such as sieve analysis or sedimentation analysis, have gradually been replaced by laser diffraction and other methods based on light-matter interactions. In the past two years, image analysis utilizing light-matter interaction combined with charge-coupled devices (CCD's) has advanced rapidly, providing another powerful tool for size and shape characterization of granular materials. New applications that use these non-invasive methods to characterize various particulate systems appear daily. Many new national and international standards related to these technologies have been and are still being established. In this article, a review of contemporary particle sizing technologies is provided with emphasis on using laser diffraction and CCD' s to characterize granular materials and the latest commercial development, and applications of these technologies are summarized. Resumen La caracterización del tamaño y forma de partícula se ha hecho una herramienta indispensable en muchos procesos industriales incluyendo la producción y procesamiento de materiales granulados. Durante la última década, debido a la evolución de modernas tecnologías, como por ejemplo, lasers, computadoras y automatización, los métodos utilizados en la caracterización de partículas han cambiado considerablemente. Para determinar el tamaño de materiales particulados alrededor del centímetro o mas pequeños, una de las tecnologías más utilizada es la difracción laser. Varios métodos de convencionales de caracterización de partículas, tales como tamizado o sedimentación, han sido gradualmente reemplazados por difarcción laser y otros métodos basados en la interacción de la luz con la materia. En los últimos dos años, análisis de imágenes utilizando interacción de la luz con la materia combinado con equipos de carga (CCD's) ha avanzado rápidamente, dando lugar a otra herramienta poderosa para la caracterización por tamaño y foma de partícula de materiales granulados. Nuevas aplicaciones que usan estos métodos no invasivos aparecen diariamente para caracterizar sistemas particulados. Nuevos estandares nacionales e internacionales relacionados con estas tecnologías han sido y estan siendo establecidos todavía. En este artículo, se presenta un repaso de las técnologías contemporáneas para determinación de tamaño de partícula con enfasis en el uso de la difracción laser y CCD's para caracterizar materiales granulados y los últimos desarrollos comerciales y aplicaciones de estas tecnologías. R. Xu. /Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales 1. Overview of Particle Size Analysís Technologíes, Out of necessity, there are many technologies that have been developed and successfully employed in sizing particles from nanometers to millimeters. There were more than 400 different methods applied in the measurement of particle size, shape and surface area in 1981 [1]. Prior to the adoption of light-based and other modern technologies, most partic1e sizing methods relied on either the physical separation of a sample, such as in sieve analysis, or the analysis of a limited number of partic1es, as in the microscopic method. The results from separation methods consist of ensemble averages of property of each fraetion, and the resuIts from microscopic methods pro vide only two-dimensional size information from the limited number of particles examined. During the last two decades, because of the creation and commercialization of lasers and microelectronics (inc1uding. computers), the science and technology of particle sízing has evolved considerably, and technologies for particle shape analysis are emerging. Many new and sophistieated methods have been successfully developed and applied and some previously popular characterization practices are now being phased out in many fields. The following table lists common sizing methods currently in use, arranged according to the applieable sizing range of each technology. Electroformed sensing zone Gravitational sedimentation Holography Time-of-ílight Electroacouslic Laser Diffraction In laser diffraction measurements one obtains information about partic1e size distributions through the measurement of scattering intensity as a function of seattering angle and the wavelength of light, based on applicable scattering models. This is an absolute method in the sense that once the experimental arrangement or instrument is correctly set up, ealibration or scaling is not necessary [1,2]. For monodisperse particles there is a oneto-one relationship between the scattering intensity and the scattering angle for any particular size. For polydisperse samples, each individual particle will contribute its own unique seattering signal to the composite angular scattering pattem differentia11y. The intensity detected at a specific scattering angle is an integration of the seattering from a11partic1es: dmax = f a(e,d)q(d)dd. (1) The term a(9, d), calculated from either Mie theory or Fraunhofer theory (as is the case in present practice), is the unit volume scattering intensity from partic1es of diameter d, detected by a unit detector area at angle 9. This is the Fredholm integration of the first kind, with a(8, d) termed the kemel function; the exact numerieal solution of which is an ill-posed prablem [3]. Particle size distribution is obtained using a feasible mathematical technique to resolve q(d) from the measuredf(8) and the computed a(8,d). Fig. 2 shows a partic1e size distribution of com powder that was obtained from ' a 1 min measurement in Beckman-Coulter LS230 laser diffraction instrument. microscopy Phase Doppler anemometry Electrical 2. sieving Focused beam reflectance Optical diffraction has become a popular and important physical means for sizing industrial particles. Laser diffraction has to a large extent replaeed conventional methods such as sieving and sedimentation in the sizing of partic1es smaller than a few millimeters, and has taken the place of optical and electron mieroseopy for particles larger than some tens of nanometers . ice) Wire cloth 81 analysis analysis Optical particle counling Centrifugal sedimentation Laser diffraclion SEM Acouslic spectroscopy Image Analysis pcs Submicron aerosol TEM SEC ;!¿ o 1,000 > 1,000,00 d(nm) Fig.1. Particle Sizing Technologies. Among these technologies, laser diffraction has advantages: ease of use and fast operation; reproducibility; and an extremely broad dynamic range, spanning almost five orders of magnitude, nanometers to millimeters. In the past two decades these high size from laser 0.1 1 10 100 1000 d~m) Fig.2. A Com Powder Size Distribution. Advancements in laser diffraction technology have resulted in significant impravements in commercial instruments, such as greater precision, increased ease of 82 Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales, Vol. 20, N°2,2000 use, more versatile sample handling, and the capability for on-line measurement. The popularity of this technique has led to several national and international collaborative studies f~ctiSSini o~ -the accufacy ofthe technology by comparison to other particle characterization methods. For spherical particles the results are very promising, in that the mean size and cumulative distributions from different models of laser diffraction instruments are close not only to each other but also to the values obtained by other methods and demonstrate excellent reproducibility. For non-spherical particles, the results from the same instrument usually show only small standard deviations between repeat measurements of the same preparations, and between different preparations of the same sample. For particles larger than 10 um, a modern commercial instrument could easily achieve a relative standard deviation of less than 3% for the median value in repeat measurements, and a relati ve standard deviation of less than 5% at the extremes of the distribution (the dIOand d90 points) [1]. In the latest development of laser diffiaction instrument, a laser diode of short wavelength (e.g., 430 nm) is used as the main light source, which is more advantageous when measuring small particles. CCD detectors are used in combination with silicon detectors to capture the images of large particles; these images can be Fourier transformed to generate diffraction pattems. Once the scattering pattern is computed, it can be combined with the scattering pattern of small particles acquired using silicon detectors at large scattering angles to produce a particle size distribution over a broad size range. All present commercial instruments employ an assumption that particles are spherical due to both theoretical availability and practical feasibility. For nonspherical samples, bias and errors exist due to the spherical assumption. Since any bias is different for each technology, if a spherical approximation is used for nonspherical particles, the variation in the size results obtained by laser diffraction compared with that from sedimentation, for example, will be different than those obtained in a comparison with instruments employing the Coulter Principle. Practically, when comparing results from laser diffraction to results frorn another technology, some scaling or weighting factors for size and/or density distributions are often employed to artificially shift or reweigh one or the other of the instrumenr's results, In some cases, a correlation study may be needed to find the factors and their variations as a function of particle size. Measurement of some finite number of particles, anywhere from one particle to less than some hundred particles, leads to another way of shape determination for regularly shaped particles, because for any non-spherical particle there is a non-unifermity of scattered intensity with azimuthal angle. The non-uniformity is clearly shown in Fig.3 for a rectangular particle. Fig.3. Scattering pattern (absolute electromagnetic field distribution) of an oriented cube for the scattering angle e from 0° to 7°. For a cylinder, scattering would be very strong in the plane orthogonal to its axis. Thus, by measuring the azimuthal distribution of scattering from one or a few particles, shape information can be obtained. In one such application, a multi-element photodiode detector array is used in combination with a neural-network pattern recognition system to monitor shape variation [1]. In this case, airborne mineral fibers were distinguished from nonfibrous materials using the azimuthal scattering pattern [1, 2]. In another instrument, eight azimuthal angles at a constant side scattering angle of 55° were used to detect the signals from a steadily flowing particle stream passing through the beam inside a spherical measuring chamber. For non-spherical particles, the signals detected at the eight detectors would be different. A "spherical index", calculated from the standard deviation of the eight signals per particle was defined. The spherical index is unity for spheres and deviates from unity as the non-sphericity of the particle increases [1]. 3. Image Analysis All image analysis methods include an image capture procedure and an image process and analysis procedure. The image capture procedure can be accomplished using continuous illumination or pulsed light that is synchronized with the image capture mechanism. The particulate material flow falls between the light source and a CCD device. Dry, pourable bulk materials, granules and powders, as well as suspended particles in liquid can be measured in real-time by using different sample handling modules. Using ever-faster computers, interfacing with a CCD device image frames (typically containing 5l2x512 or 1024x1024 pixels and 256 gray levels) can be captured, transferred, stored, and analyzed at rates as fast as 30 frames per second. Irnage analysis software has advanced so much during the past few years that, when connected with an image inquiring system, it can provide a particle size distribution as well as shape information based on various algorithms at a speed of 20,000 particles per secando Particle dimensional measurement (size, area, and cord length), particle count, shape analysis, and even R. Xu. /Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales fractal analysis can be accomplished by image analysis. Image analysis can also be used to study the kinetics of agglomeration in situ [1]. The dynamic size range of particles that can be measured is determined by the optics of the setup, dimension of the CCD, and paiticle selection criteria in image analysis, typically from a few microns to a few millimeters. The dynamic range can be increased using a double-optics arrangement, one part having a short focusing lens and the other having a long focusing lens. The combination of the two images from both lenses can provide an overall dynamic range of 1:1000 (e.g., frorn 30 um to 30 mm) in the same measurement. One has to be cautious though when combining the two images, since they are not acquired from the same area and usually ha ve different resolution. The major disadvantages of image analysis are 1) that it only yields information from 2-D prajected areas of particles, which can vary depending on particle orientation, and 2) that only particles within the depth of field are measured. If particles in the sample module are not homogeneous, bias in particle size distribution is unavoidable. The following picture shows an image that contains more than 500 particles ranging from 10 um to 1700 um (a dynamic range of 1:170) obtained using the Beckman Coulter RapidVue instrument which employs a single set of optics. Fig.5 and Fig.6 are the analysis results of 271 particles in FigA that are within the depth of field. In a sample analysis, the particle size distribution is obtained from analysis of a few hundred to a few thousand frames of images that can total up to more than 100,000 particles. , " '. ." . . .'.. ',' olI" . ~ .... . .. .. ; 40 2 30 E ~ 20 10 100 1000 10000 Dlametertum) The Particle number distribution diameter of the particles in Fig. 4. Fig.S. 3 of equivalent circular r----------------, 2.5 ~ 2 E -;; 1.5 E :::1 "5 > 1 0.5 o ~--------------------~---~ 10 100 1000 10000 Diameter(/lm) Fig.6. The particle volume distribution diameters of the particles in FigA. of equivalent circular 4. References. 1. ! • '. ~". r-----------------, e. .- .'. . 50 83 '" . .'. ;* 2. .... . .' 3. .~ ." . ..' ,. FigA. An image from Beckman Coulter Rapid- Vue showing particles ranging from 10 um to 1700 um. 4. 5. 6. Kaye, B. H., in Particle Size Analysis 1981, Eds . Stanley-Wood, N., Allen, T., John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp3, 1982. R. 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