OLD ACHIMOTANS’ ASSOCIATION (NATIONAL CAPITAL AREA CHAPTER) Fourteenth Annual Reunion/Fundraiser Adom Villa 23001 Howard Chapel Road Brookville, Maryland 20833 PROGRAM July 1, 2006 Acknowledgements “Connecting America with Africa” The Best Way to AFRICA! Try Our Non-Stop Flights to LAGOS, ACCRA & BANJUL Lagos NA 131 DEP JFK 3:00 PM (TUES, THURS, SUN) ARR LOS 6:45AM (WED, FRI, MON) NA132 DEP LOS 11:55AM (MON, WED, FRI) ARR JFK 6:25PM (MON,WED,FRI) Accra NA 121 DEP JFK 3:00 PM (WED/SAT) ARR ACC 5:30AM (THU/SUN) NA122 DEP ACC 11:30AM (TUE/THU) ARR JFK 6:25PM (TUE/THU) Banjul NA 123 DEP BWI 11:55PM (SUN)/ARR BJL 12:15PM (MON)/DEP BJL 1:15 PM (MON)/ARR ACC 4:30PM MON) NA124 DEP ACC 11:30AM (SUN)/ARR BJL2:45PM (SUN)/DEP BJL 4:15PM (SUN)/ARR BWI 8:45PM SUN) For more information, please contact North American Airlines @ 800.FLY.NAA2 (800 (800--359 359--6222) www.FLYNAA.com The Old Achimotans Association, National Capital Area Chapter, warmly welcomes all Akoras and friends from around the United States, Canada, Ghana, and the world to its fourteenth annual reunion weekend We appreciate your presence and we wish you all a safe and enjoyable weekend in the nation’s capital. We also want to acknowledge the following for their valuable contributions towards making this reunion weekend possible • Mr. Richard Boateng (an Akora by osmosis) for graciously allowing us to use his private estate, Adom Villa, for our fourteenth reunion ball • North American Airlines – for donating 2 airline tickets for auction • The OAA NCA Executive Committee • Akora Brenya Twumasi & her Husband (Ron) for the beautifully produced Documentary • The Reunion Planning Committee • OAA 1980 Year Group (North America) • AC2010 for restoring excellence through teamwork • All Members of the “Rudwick Club” • Maria Gwira (Kwami) for producing the survey and menu cards for tonight’s events • Ethel Kalitsi (Thompson) for producing and printing this beautiful program. • Irene Hulede (Ofori) for her generous contributions to this event • The MC for tonight’s Event – Akora Julian Sotomey • The DJ for tonight’s Ball – “System 77” (Fred) • Mr. Ken Gwira (an Akora by osmosis) – for donating a sculpture for auction • Mr. George Owusuyaw (an Akora by osmosis) for designing the flyer for the event • Dr. Michael Buadoo – Global Data Technology Corporation – for creating and hosting the oaawashington.org website • Mr. James Hawkins the Audiovisual Technician for running the slideshow • Monica’s Catering Services • The Special Bartenders • All Volunteers, and Advertisers See you in July, 2007 OLD ACHIMOTANS’ ASSOCIATION (National Capital Area Chapter) Fourteenth Annual Reunion/Fundraiser Special Guest Speakers: Akora Sarah Sarah--Lynn Mansaray (President, OAA — Ghana) Akora Mina Darfoor (Commissioner, AC2010) 28 Silent Auction OAA NCA EXECUTIVES Terms of the Auction: Please place your maximum bid in the box marked “SILENT AUCTION”. You must enter a bid higher than the starting bid price. Please note that there is a reserve price set for the Airline tickets. YOU MUST MEET OR EXCEED THE RESERVE PRICE IN ORDER TO WIN THE TICKET. Winners are responsible for all taxes and surcharges on the airline ticket ($233.50). Please indicate whether you are bidding on one or both tickets. The OAA/NCA reserves the right to announce the highest bid amount and ask if anyone is willing to place a higher bid. If you win the auction and wish to pay by check, OAA/NCA will mail you the tickets ( by UPS Ground) after your check has cleared. Please be sure to fill in your mailing address and phone number so that we may contact you if necessary. ITEM President Charles EvansEvans-Anfom ViceVice-President AnnAnn-Barbara Hyde Treasurer Abigail Tamakloe Secretary Akora Rowena Baiden STARTING BID Round-trip airline ticket to Accra $800.00/ticket on North American Airlines (2) -auctioned separately Sculpture— “Nude” from the “Woman is Key collection” by Ken Gwira PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS $450.oo Akora Charles Evans–Anfom Akora Abigail Tamakloe Akora Anne Barbara Hyde Akora Rowena Baiden Akora Maria Kwami Gwira Akora N. Yaa Agudu Akora Doreen Kyei Akora Letitia Lagunda-Dadson Akora David Otu-Nyarko Akora Ayim Akyea-Djamson Akora Julian Sotomey “Connecting America with Africa” 2 27 Quartey & Umana, LLC cÜÉzÜtÅ Law Office Edwin A Quartey 1400 Spring Street Suite 120 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Tel: (301) 587-0090 Fax: (301) 587-5540 Email: [email protected] 1. Opening prayer by Akora Anne-Barbara Hyde (Vice-President, OAA NCA) 2. Opening Remarks by Akora Charles Evans-Anfom 3. Buffet Dinner 4. Documentary/Slide Show 5. Guest Speakers: Sara-Lynn Mansaray (President, OAA Ghana) Mina Darfoor — Commissioner AC2010 Sterling Funding Inc. Committed to Closing Your Loan Sam Adjangba Sterling Funding, Inc. 771 Sanford Avenue Newark, NJ 07106 973 3738870 (PH) 973 3322678 (PH) 973 3738872 (FAX) http://sterlingfundinginc.com [email protected] I come to the table with ten years of mortgage lending experience. My company, Sterling Funding, Inc. has a full menu of Products and services to help you get to the closing table faster than any of our competitors. 6. Fundraiser Launch 7. Vote of Thanks 8. Music & Dancing Visit our website to find out more about: Hot properties Hot Franchises Hot Laundromats • • • Use our Calculators and Quick Application to help you determine how much you can afford and to quickly apply online. Come see what you can do with just a click of your mouse! 26 3 The “Rudwick Club” The OAA NCA acknowledges the following patrons for their generous purchase of "Rudwick Club" tables valued at $600.00 The Rudwick Club table includes fine china, unique table settings, Champagne and acknowledgement in the program. Ayim Akyea Akyea--Djamson, MD (OAA ‘82) Phyllis Akyea Akyea--Djamson (OAA ‘82) Columbia, MD Kwasi Debra, MD, OB/GYN Forever Young Medical Spa Lanham, MD Dr. & Mrs. Karl Quist Quist--Therson Maryland Rosemary Pupulampu Philadelphia, PA Alex and Doreen Kyei Maryland 4 25 AS RECOMMENDED IN “O” - OPRAH MAGAZINE - January 2005 • • • NATIONALLY ACCLAIMED AFRICAN DANCE PERFORMER DANCE CHOREOGRAPHER FITNESS DANCE INSTRUCTOR Kukuwa Nuamah Contact Information: Kukuwa, Inc. KDW, LLC® Dance Fitness Workout Anybody, Anytime, Anywhere! 344 Maple Avenue West, #261 Vienna, VA 22180 Phone: (701) 307-3918 Toll Free: 866-9KUKUWA Fax: (703) 319-9058 E-mail: [email protected] Akora Ebenezer Gyasi (aka Big Ben) class of 1977 has published a line of spiritual literature on spiritual warfare. Spiritual Marriage explores what you need to know spiritually before you start dating or you enter into marriage. If you live in the NY Metropolitan area, and would like to attend a book signing, please send an email to [email protected] Tel: (862)684-0284 Wishing you the best in your fundraising efforts Akora E. Gyasi Visit www.amazon.com for copies of these books by Akora Ebenezer 24 5 The School Yell Osee yei Yee yei Osee yei Yee yei Yemen Apagyafo, yeye Apagyafo Se yeko oo, se yenko oo, yeko sa so oo! ● ● Hena ee hena ee, hena ee hena ee Aboa bi reba oo, gyata bi reba oo hena ee Hena ee hena ee, hena ee hena ee Aboa bi reba oo, gyata bi reba oo hena ee ● ● Oreko Ee hena ee Oreba Ee hena ee, Aboa bi reba oo gyata bi reba oo hena ee. With Chris Adeniyi and Laide Daramola Osee yei Yee yei On WBIS 1190 AM Radio every Saturday From 11.00 am – 12.00 noon Osee yei Yee yei Or listen to the shows on the internet at www.wbis1190.com Yeye Apagyafo, yeye Apagyafo Se yeko oo, se yenko oo, yeko sa so oo! An African News and Entertainment Network Production. Visit www.aneradio.com or wbis1190.com for more details Or call Chris or Fisho1-877-360-AFRI (2374) 6 23 The School Song From Gambaga to Accra From Wiawso to Keta We are brothers and our mother is our School! She will guide us all and each So to learn that we may teach, So to subjugate ourselves that we may rule Chorus Play the game 'shout her name' Spread her fame afar; She's the head of all the host, She's the school of whom we boast, She's the glory of the Coast - Achimota! When our books are laid aside And we scatter far and wide, We remember with affection all we gained, How we learned to take our share In the life and labour there, Where the men whom we are proudest of were trained Chorus 22 7 The School Hymn Grey City of the outlaws’ hill Quick with the hope which makes sublime Still in Thy youth, thou dare’st to look Far unto centuries of time. Born but to rule through service given The ages all belong to Thee O may Thy life more humble grow Through Him whose service makes us free He who wept o’er Jerusalem And yearned to turn the chastening rod Long in His steadfast love to build In Thee a city for our God Then shall Thy sons and daughters, say As back to Thee they look with joy Praise God who gave us there to share The freedom of his grand employ Wellsprings of wisdom are in Thee With harvests rich Thy hillsides sing Thou givest life, so mayest Thou be For aye a City of our King Though set upon a desert hill May living waters rise in Thee And from Thy children wider flow The rivers of eternity 8 21 Achimota Trivia HEALTH Did You Know? FIRST NEED A DOCTOR THAT’S ALWAYS THERE… URGENT AND WALK-IN MEDICAL CARE JOHN B. ALLOTEY, MD., Ph.D. Ph.D Board Certified in Internal Medicine ♦ Regular Medical Care and Follow–Up ♦ Work, School, Sports Physicals ♦ Minor Injuries and Illness ♦ Immunizations for Adults and Children ♦ Immigration Physicals ♦ Workers Comp Monday—Friday 9 AM — 7 PM Saturday — 10 AM - 4 PM ROCKVILLE — TWINBROOK 301-231-8090 12450 PARKLAWN DRIVE ROCKVILLE, MD 20852 2 Blocks from Twinbrook Metro 20 (Excerpted from the OAA ‘73 website) ♦ Aggrey House was named after Dr. James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey, one of the School's Founders and the first Assistant Vice Principal (1924-1927). ♦ Cadbury House was named after the then Cadbury & Fry, now known as Cadbury, manufacturer of chocolate drinks and confectionery. Cadbury & Fry was a major buyer of locally produced cocoa beans and it provided scholarships to many Achimota School students. ♦ Clark House was named after the missionary, Mary Clark. ♦ Fraser House was named after Rev Alexander G. Fraser, one of the School's Founders and its first Principal (1924-1935). ♦ Guggisberg House was named after Sir Frederick Gordon Guggisberg, the former Governor of the Gold Coast (1918-1927) and one of the School's Founders. ♦ Gyamfi House was named after Gyamfi, a brilliant student, athlete and a member of the Asante royal family. ♦ Kingsley House was named after the English explorer, Mary Kingsley (18621900). Mary Kingsley made two pioneering trips to West and Central Africa. She was the first European to enter remote parts of Gabon. Mary Kingsley wrote a controversial book, "Travels in West Africa" (published in 1897). In this book, she expresses her opposition to many of the common European practices in Africa and her sympathy for African natives. She served as a nurse in South Africa during the Boer War and was buried at sea when she died. ♦ Livingstone House was named after Dr. David Livingstone, the Scottish missionary, doctor, explorer, scientist and anti-slavery activist. He spent 30 years in Africa, exploring almost a third of the continent. Livingstone received a gold medal from the London Royal Geographical for being the first to cross the entire African Continent from west to east. Livingstone was also the first European to see Victoria Falls and though he never discovered the source of the Nile, one of his goals, he helped direct the efforts of others. ♦ Lugard House was named after Lord Frederick John Dealtry Lugard (18581945), a British soldier, administrator; and former high commissioner (1900-1906) and Governor of Nigeria (1912-1914). He introduced the system of indirect rule in Uganda and Nigeria that Guggisberg later implemented in the Gold Coast. 9 Did You Know? (C’td) (Excerpted from the OAA ‘73 website) ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ McCarthy House was named after the former Governor of the Gold Coast, Sir Charles McCarthy (1822-1824). The British signed a treaty with the Asantes in 1817. However, in a bid to end slave trading and the dominance of the Asantes over other states, McCarthy opted for a more aggressive approach after becoming Governor of the Gold Coast in 1822. He began by asking local chiefs to declare allegiance to the British Crown, and when the Asantehene died in 1823, McCarthy decided to take advantage of the situation and launched a preemptive attack. The battle of Nsamankaw turned into a disastrous defeat for the British and resulted in McCarthy's death. Slessor House was named after the Scottish Presbyterian missionary, Mary Slessor (1848-1915). Mary Slessor did her missionary work among the people of the Calabar region of Nigeria where she learned the local language and adopted children. She also stood up for the rights of the local women and children. Stopford House, formerly House 12, was named after Rev. Robert Wright Stopford, CBE, a former Principal of Achimota School (1941-1943). Rev. Stopford was also a Principal of Trinity College, Ceylon (1935-1941). He eventually became the Bishop of London (1961-1973). After his retirement, Bishop Stopford established the Anglican Church's Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. "Bishop Stopford School" at Enfield, Middlesex, UK, is named after him. Susan Ofori-Atta House, formerly House 11, was named after Dr. Susan B. de Graft Johnson (nee Ofori-Atta), an Akora and former Girls Senior Prefect (1932-1934) and Ghana's first female medical doctor. She is a member of the royal family of Akyem Abuakwa and is related to the late Mr. William Ofori-Atta, an Akora and one of Ghana's founding fathers. OAA House, formerly House 18, was named after Old Achimotans for Excellence. YES, REALLY! IT’S FREE!! Sign up to SplashCallTM, the New Free Phone Service from BroadSplash Communications. It’s Easy to Use, Simply Reliable and Best of All, It is Totally Free! 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We specialize in: Contact Us: 4947 Marlboro Pike Capital Heights, MD (240) 535-4310 Our Hours: Monday— Friday 9-7:30 pm Saturday 8 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Sunday 12 p.m.—5 p.m. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Relaxers Akora Owned Permanent and operated Waves Hair Designs Cuts Scalp Treatments Precision Cuts Coloring/Highlighting Waakye with Stew Black Pepper Joloff Rice Fried Rice Chicken Baked Fish Chinese Lo-Mien Vegetable Platter (Chinese style) Gari Foto Dinner Rolls Garden Salad with dressing Ghana Salad Assorted Desserts Daniel Minnow Ghansah Realtor Catering by Monica’s Catering A New Age Concept MLS 100 Mercantile Lane Suite 119 Largo, MD 20774 Cell: (240) 687– 5063 Office: (301) 773-5100 Fax: (301) 773-8500 Email: [email protected] A resident of Prince George’s County with a unique perspective on the needs of families moving or relocating to the Maryland area. I am committed to serving the real estate needs of our diverse community one family at a time. 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Kofi Darfoor Alexander Garden Fraser (1873-1962) Sr. Gordon Guggisberg (1869-1930) 301301-840840-9797 x 214 301.252.7567 (cell) email: [email protected] “We give you the tools to make the right decisions. “ Call for a free consultation. Let us help you get to closing in a timely manner. Custom made Couture Designs for the discriminating taste Specializing in Women’s Couture: • Bridal Gowns • Bridesmaids Dresses • Full Figured Fashion • Mother of the Bride or Groom Dresses • Petite Sizes • Prom Dresses • Special Occasion and Formal Wear Call for a personal consultation. Alumni mention “Akora” to receive a 10% discount. Tel: 443 443--857 857--8047 Email: [email protected] 16 James E. Kwegyir Aggrey (1875-1927) Excerpt: 'Fraser of Trinity and Achimota' , by Ward, William Ernest Frank (1965) Alexander Garden Fraser (1873-1962) was the first Principal (1924-1935) of Achimota College in the Gold Coast, and James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey (1875-1927), its Vice-Principal. Together with Governor Sir Gordon Guggisberg, they are regarded as the founders of Achimota. Fraser and Aggrey first met in January 1924 at the home of Dr. J.H. Oldham at Chipstead in Surrey. Oldham recalled his conversation with Aggrey on the proposed Achimota College: 'We started discussing people, and I sounded Aggrey on the names of several people who had been mentioned as possible Headmasters. He shook his head in each case. Then I said to him, 'Would you go with Fraser?' He said 'Oh yes, I'd go with Fraser!' I said 'What in the world do you know about Fraser that makes you so confident about him when you have been so doubtful about all the other people?' He said 'Don't you remember that four years ago we lunched at a restaurant in Soho, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and you and your wife, before going to a matinée?' And I said, 'Do you mean to tell me, Aggrey, that on the strength of a lunch four years ago, you are absolutely clear that you would go with Fraser?' 'Yes,' he said; 'absolutely clear.' 'All right!' I said; and I went into the other room where the telephone was. Alek was at Oxford, and I wired, 'Can you come for the weekend to meet Aggrey?' And he did. He came on the Saturday, and they went out for a walk on the Sunday afternoon; and they came back to say they would go.'. (Ward 1965, p.169). Cambridge University Library: Royal Commonwealth Society Library, J.E.K. Aggrey and A.G. Fraser, Y30448S 13 `xÅÉÜçç _tÇxAAA g{x Tw UÄÉv~ TááxÅuÄç [tÄÄ YÉÜÅ gãÉ 9 g{xx UÄÉv~ W|Ç|Çz [tÄÄ TzzÜxç `xÅÉÜ|tÄ V{tÑxÄ ;YÜÉÇà 9 Utv~< ^|ÇzáÄxç [Éâáx g{x TÜuÉÜxàâÅ 14 15
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