BELGARATH THE SORCERER By David Eddings Synopsis: The


BELGARATH THE SORCERER By David Eddings Synopsis: The
By David Eddings
The wait is over.
Herein lies the life story of Belgarath the Sorcerer, and his account
of the great struggle that went on before The Belgariad and The
The age-old war was ended at last, and Destiny once again rolled on in
its proper course.
Only a single person remained to tell of the near-forgotten times when
Gods still walked the lands, giving comfort and counsel to their mortal
children. Only one man alive could speak with certain knowledge of how
the Dark God Torak stole the Orb of-Aldur and broke the very world
apart, consigning the Gods themselves to the hell of war, along with
hapless humanity. Only one individual was left who could relate the
whole, fearsome story.
That lone witness to history was known to all the world.
He was called
the Ancient One, the Old Wolf--Belgarath the Sorcerer.
a part of that history from the beginning.
And he had been
He who would come to be called the Sorcerer was born in the tiny
village of Gara, long before the epic struggle for the Orb ever began.
As a youth he left his home to wander the wide world--and found his way
into the service of a God. Years of study and work would follow that
choice, molding the boy into a man, and forging the man into an
instrument of Prophecy.
Here, then, is his tale in full: the story of the strife that split the
world asunder and of how the God Aldur and his chosen disciples would
toil to set Destiny aright--a monumental undertaking fated to span the
eons. Foremost in the chronicles of that labor would be Belgarath. His
ceaseless devotion was foredoomed to cost him the very thing he held
most dear--and his loyal service would extend on, through the echoing
centuries of loss, of struggle, and of ultimate triumph.
David Eddings joins forces with his wife and longtime collaborator,
Leigh, on a journey to the awesome beginning of the centuries of
conflict between two mortally opposed Destinies. Here is the saga of
the seven thousand-year war of men and Kings and Gods, of a strange
fate and a Prophecy that must be fulfilled.
Welcome back, back to the time before The Belgariad and The
Malloreon... DAVID ED DINGS was born in Spokane, Washington, in 1931
and was raised in the Puget Sound area north of Seattle. He received a
Bachelor of Arts degree from Reed College in Portland, Oregon, in 1954
and a Master of Arts degree from the University of Washington in 1961.
He has served in the United States Army, has worked as a buyer for the
Boeing Company, has been a grocery clerk, and has taught college
English. He has lived in many parts of the United States.
His first novel, High Hunt (published by Putnam in 1973), was a
contemporary adventure story.
The field of fantasy has always been of interest to him, however, and
he turned to The Belgariad in an effort to develop certain technical
and philosophical ideas concerning the genre.
Eddings and his wife, Leigh, currently reside in the Southwest.
Jacket painting: Laurence Schwinger Jacket design: David Stevenson
Printed in USA By David Eddings Published by Ballantine Books:
Book One: Pawn of Prophecy Book Two: Queen of Sorcery Book Three:
Magician's Gambit Book Four: Castle of Wizardry Book Five: Enchanter's
End Game
Book One: Guardians of the West Book Two: King of the Murgos Book
Three: Demon Lord of Karanda Book Four: Sorceress of Darshiva Book
Five: The Seeress of Kell
Book One: The Diamond Throne Book Two: The Ruby Knight Book Three: The
Sapphire Rose
Book One: Domes of Fire Book Two: The Shining Ones Book Three: The
Hidden City
A Del Rey Book Published by Ballantine Books Copyright 1995 by David
Eddings Maps copyright 1995 by Christine Levis and Shelly Shapiro
Endpaper map copyright 1995 by Larry Schwinger All rights reserved
under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published
in the United States of America by Ballantine Books, a division of
Random House, Inc." New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random
House of Canada Limited, Toronto.
ISBN 0345373243
Borders and artwork
Manufactured in the
at this since April
us has been greatly
1995 by Holly Johnson Text design by Holly Johnson
United States of America For Owen We have all been
of 1982. Your friendship, guidance, and faith in
One more to go!
Leigh and David A note to the reader: We're sure that the reader has
noticed a slight modification of the authorial attribution on the cover
of this slender volume. The reader is now privy to one of the
worst-kept secrets in contemporary fiction. There are two names on the
cover because it took two of us to write this book, and this has been
going on from the very beginning. The recognition (finally) of the
hitherto unacknowledged coauthor of these assorted works is no more
than simple justice--if justice can ever be called simple. It's time
to give credit where credit is due, so let's make it official, shall
Prologue It was well past midnight and very cold. The moon had risen,
and her pale light made the frost crystals lying in the snow sparkle
like carelessly strewn diamonds. In a peculiar way it seemed to Garion
almost as if the snow-covered earth were reflecting the starry sky
"I think they're gone now," Durnik said, peering upward.
His breath
steamed in the icy, dead-calm air.
"I can't see that rainbow any more."
Belgarath asked, sounding slightly amused.
"You know what I mean.
Each of them has a different-colored light.
Aldur's is blue, Issa's is green, Chaldan's is red, and the others all
have different colors. Is there some significance to that?"
"It's probably a reflection of their different personalities,"
Belgarath replied.
"I can't be entirely positive, though. My Master and I never got
around to discussing it." He stamped his feet in the snow.
"Why don't we go back?"
he suggested.
"It's cold out here."
They turned and started back down the hill toward the cottage, their
feet crunching in the frozen snow. The farmstead at the foot of the
hill looked warm and comforting. The thatched roof of the cottage was
thick with snow, and the icicles hanging from the eaves glittered in
the moon light. The outbuildings Durnik had constructed were dark, but
the windows of the cottage were all aglow with golden lamplight that
spread softly out over the mounded snow in the yard. A column of
blue-grey wood-smoke rose straight and unwavering from the chimney,
rising, it seemed, to the very stars.
It probably had not really been necessary for the three of them to
accompany their guests to the top of the hill to witness their
departure, but it was Durnik's house, and Durnik was a Sendar. Sendars
are meticulous about proprieties and courtesies.
"Eriond's changed," Garion noted as they neared the bottom of the
"He seems more certain of himself now."
Belgarath shrugged.
"He's growing up. It happens to everybody--except to Belar, maybe.
don't think we can ever expect Belar to grow up."
Durnik sounded shocked.
"That's no way for a man to speak about his God!"
"What are you talking about?"
"What you just said about Belar.
you're an Alorn, aren't you?"
He's the God of the Alorns, and
"Whatever gave you that peculiar notion?
I'm no more an Alorn than you
"I always thought you were.
You've certainly spent enough time with
"That wasn't my idea. My Master gave them to me about five thousand
years ago. There were a number of times when I tried to give them
back, but he wouldn't hear of it."
"Well, if you're not an Alorn, what are you?"
"I'm not really sure. It wasn't all that important to me when I was
young. I do know that I'm not an Alorn. I'm not crazy enough for
Garion protested.
"You don't count, Garion.
You're only half Alorn."
They reached the door of the cottage and carefully stamped the snow off
their feet before entering. The cottage was Aunt Pol's domain, and she
had strong feelings about people who tracked snow across her spotless
The interior of the cottage was warm and filled with golden lamplight
that reflected from the polished surfaces of Aunt Pol's copper-bottomed
pots and kettles and pans hanging from hooks on either side of the
arched fireplace. Durnik had built the table and chairs in the center
of the room out of oak, and the lamplight enhanced the golden color of
the wood.
The three of them immediately went to the fireplace to warm their hands
and feet.
The door to the bedroom opened, and Poledra came out.
"Well," she said, "did you see them off?"
"Yes, dear," Belgarath replied.
"They were going in a generally northeasterly direction the last time I
"How's Pol?"
Durnik asked.
"Happy," Garion's tawny-haired grandmother replied.
"That's not exactly what I meant.
Is she still awake?"
Poledra nodded.
"She's lying in bed admiring her handiwork."
"Would it be all right if I looked in on her?"
"Of course.
Just don't wake the babies."
"Make a note of that, Durnik," Belgarath advised.
"Not waking those babies is likely to become your main purpose in life
for the next several months."
Durnik smiled briefly and went into the bedroom with Poledra.
"You shouldn't tease him that way, Grandfather," Garion chided.
"I wasn't teasing, Garion. Sleep's very rare in a house with twins.
One of them always seems to be awake. Would you like something to
drink? I think I can probably find Pol's beer barrel."
"She'll pull out your beard if she catches you in her pantry."
"She isn't going to catch me, Garion. She's too busy being a mother
right now." The old man crossed the room to the pantry and began
rummaging around.
Garion pulled off his cloak, hung it on a wooden peg, and went back to
the fireplace. His feet still felt cold. He looked up at the
latticework of rafters overhead. It was easy to see that Durnik had
crafted them. The smith's meticulous attention to detail showed in
everything he did. The rafters were exposed over this central room,
but there was a loft over the bedroom and a flight of stairs reaching
up to it along the back wall.
"Found it," Belgarath called triumphantly from the pantry.
"She tried to hide it behind the flour barrel."
Garion smiled. His grandfather could probably find a beer cask in the
dark at the bottom of a coal mine.
The old man came out with three brimming tankards, set them down on the
table, and moved a chair around until it faced the fireplace. Then he
took one of the tankards, sat, and stretched his feet out toward the
"Pull up a chair, Garion," he invited.
"We might as well be comfortable."
Garion did that.
"It's been quite a night," he said.
"That it has, boy," the old man replied.
"That it has."
"Shouldn't we say good night to Aunt Pol?"
"Durnik's with her. Let's not disturb them.
time for married people."
This is a special sort of
"Yes," Garion agreed, remembering that night two weeks ago when his
daughter had been born.
"Will you be going back to Riva soon?"
"I probably should," Garion replied.
"I think I'll wait a few days, though--at least until Aunt Pol's back
on her feet again."
"Don't wait too long," Belgarath advised with a sly grin.
"Ce'Nedra's sitting on the throne all by herself right now, you
"She'll be all right.
She knows what to do."
"Yes, but do you want her doing things on her own?"
"Oh, I don't think she'll declare war on anybody while I'm gone."
"Maybe not, but with Ce'Nedra you never really know, do you?"
"Quit making fun of my wife, Grandfather."
"I'm not making fun of her. I love her dearly, but I do know her.
I'm saying is that she's a little unpredictable." Then the old
sorcerer sighed.
"Is something the matter, Grandfather?"
"I was just chewing on some old regrets. I don't think you and Durnik
realize just how lucky you are. I wasn't around when my twins were
I was off on a business trip."
Garion knew the story, of course.
"You didn't have any choice, Grandfather," he said.
"Aldur ordered you to go to Mallorea. It was time to recover the Orb
from Torak, and you had to go along to help Cherek Bear-shoulders and
his sons."
"Don't try to be reasonable about it, Garion. The bald fact is that I
abandoned my wife when she needed me the most. Things might have
turned out very differently if I hadn't."
"Are you still feeling guilty about that?"
"Of course I am. I've been carrying that guilt around for three
thousand years. You can hand out all the royal pardons you want, but
it's still there."
"Grandmother forgives you."
"Naturally she does. Your grandmother's a wolf, and wolves don't hold
grudges. The whole point, though, is that she can forgive me, and you
can forgive me, and you can get up a petition signed by everybody in
the known world that forgives me, but I still won't forgive myself. Why
don't we talk about something else?"
Durnik came back out of the bedroom.
"She's asleep," he said softly.
Then he went to the fireplace and stacked more wood on the embers.
"It's a cold night out there," he noted.
"Let's keep this fire going."
"I should have thought of that," Garion apologized.
"Are the babies still asleep?"
Belgarath asked the smith.
Durnik nodded.
"Enjoy it while you can.
Durnik smiled.
They're resting up."
Then he too pulled a chair closer to the fire.
"Do you remember what we were talking about earlier?"
reaching for the remaining tankard on the table.
he asked,
"We talked about a lot of things," Belgarath told him.
"I mean the business of the same things happening over and over again.
What happened tonight isn't one of those, is it?"
"Would it come as a surprise to you if I told you that Pol isn't the
first to give birth to twins?"
"I know that, Belgarath, but this seems different somehow. I get the
feeling that this isn't something that's happened before. This seems
like something new to me. This has been a very special night. UL
himself blessed it. Has that ever happened before?"
"Not that I know of," the old sorcerer conceded.
"Maybe this is something new.
little strange for us."
"How's that?"
If it is, it's going to make things a
Garion asked.
"The nice thing about repetitions is that you sort of know what to
expect. If everything did stop when the "accident" happened, and now
it's all moving again, we'll be breaking into new territory."
"Won't the prophecies give us some clues?"
Belgarath shook his head.
The last passage in the Mrin Codex reads,
"And there shall come a great light, and in that light shall that which
was broken be healed, and interrupted Purpose shall proceed again, as
was from the beginning intended." All the other prophecies end in more
or less the same way. The Ashabine Oracles even use almost exactly the
same words. Once that light reached Korim, we were on our own."
"Will there be a new set of prophecies now?"
Durnik asked.
"Next time you see Eriond, why don't you ask him?
charge now." Belgarath sighed.
He's the one in
"I don't think we'll be involved in any new ones, though. We've done
what we were supposed to do." He smiled just a bit wryly.
"To be perfectly frank about it, I'm just as glad to pass it on.
getting a little old to be rushing out to save the world.
It was an interesting career right at first, but it gets exhausting
after the first six or eight times."
"That'd be quite a story," Durnik said.
"What would?"
"Everything you've been through--saving the world, fighting Demons,
pushing the Gods around, things like that."
"Tedious, Durnik.
Very, very tedious,"
Belgarath disagreed.
"There were long periods when nothing was happening. You can't make
much of a story out of a lot of people just sitting around waiting."
"Oh, I'm sure there were enough lively parts to keep it interesting.
Someday I'd really like to hear the whole thing--you know, how you met
Aldur, what the world was like before Torak cracked it, how you and
Cherek Bear-shoulders stole the Orb back--all of it."
Belgarath laughed.
"If I start telling that story, we'll still be sitting here a year from
now, and we won't even be halfway through by then. We've all got
better things to do."
"Do we really, Grandfather?"
Garion asked.
"You just said that our part of this is over.
time to sum it all up?"
Wouldn't this be a good
"What good would it do? You've got a kingdom to run, and Durnik's got
this farm to tend. You've got more important things to do than sit
around listening to me tell stories."
"Write it down, then."
The notion suddenly caught fire in Garion's
"You know, Grandfather, the more I think about it, the more I think you
ought to do just that. You've been here since the very beginning.
You're the only one who knows the whole story. You really should write
it down, you know. Tell the world what really happened."
Belgarath's expression grew pained.
"The world doesn't care, Garion. All I'd do is offend a lot of people.
They've got their own preconceptions, and they're happy with them. I'm
not going to spend the next fifty years scribbling on scraps of paper
just so that people can travel to the Vale from the other side of the
world to argue with me. Besides, I'm not a historian. I don't mind
telling stories, but writing them down doesn't appeal to me. If I took
on a project like that, my hand would fall off after a couple of
"Don't be coy, Grandfather. Durnik and I both know that you don't have
to do it by hand. You can think the words onto paper without ever
picking up a pen."
"Forget it," Belgarath said shortly.
"I'm not going to waste my time on something as ridiculous as that."
"You're lazy, Belgarath," Durnik accused.
"Are you only just noticing that?
"You won't do it then?"
I thought you were more
Garion demanded.
"Not unless somebody comes up with a better reason than you two have so
The bedroom door opened, and Poledra came out into the kitchen.
"Are you three going to talk all night?"
"If you are, go do it someplace else.
She left it hanging ominously.
she demanded in a quiet
If you wake the babies .
. ."
"We were just thinking about going to bed, dear," Belgarath lied
"Well, do it then.
Don't just sit there and talk about it."
Belgarath stood up and stretched--perhaps just a bit theatrically.
"She's right, you know," he said to his two friends.
"It'll be daylight before long, and the twins have been resting up all
night. If we're going to get any sleep, we'd better do it now."
Later, after the three of them had climbed up into the loft and rolled
themselves into blankets on the pallets Durnik kept stored up there,
Garion lay looking down at the slowly waning firelight and the
flickering shadows in the room below. He thought of Ce'Nedra and his
own children, of course, but then he let his mind drift back over the
events of this most special of nights. Aunt Pol had always been at the
very center of his life, and with the birth of her twins, her life was
now fulfilled.
Near to sleep, the Rivan King found his thoughts going back over the
conversation he had just had with Durnik and his grandfather. He was
honest enough with himself to admit that his desire to read Belgarath's
history of the world was not entirely academic. The old sorcerer was a
very strange and complex man, and his story promised to provide
insights into his character that could come from no other source. He'd
have to be pushed, of course. Belgarath was an expert at avoiding work
of any kind.
Garion, however, thought he knew of a way to pry the story out of his
grandfather. He smiled to himself as the fire burned lower and lower
in the room below. He knew he could find out how it all began.
And then, because it was really quite late, Garion fell asleep, and,
perhaps because of all the familiar things in Aunt Pol's kitchen down
below, he dreamed of Faldor's farm, where his story had begun.
Part 1
The problem with any idea is the fact that the more it gets bandied
about, the more feasible it seems to become.
What starts out as idle speculation --something mildly entertaining to
wile away a few hours before going to bed--can become, once others are
drawn into it, a kind of obligation. Why can't people understand that
just because I'm willing to talk about something, it doesn't
automatically follow that I'm actually willing to do it?
As a case in point, this all started with Durnik's rather inane remark
about wanting to hear the whole story. You know how Durnik is, forever
taking things apart to see what makes them work. I can forgive him in
this case, however. Pol had just presented him with twins, and new
fathers tend to be a bit irrational. Garion, on the other hand, should
have had sense enough to leave it alone. I curse the day when I
encouraged that boy to be curious about first causes. He can be so
tedious about some things. If he'd have just let it drop, I wouldn't
be saddled with this awful chore.
But no. The two of them went on and on about it for day after day as
if the fate of the world depended on it. I tried to get around them
with a few vague promises--nothing specific, mind you--and fervently
hoped that they'd forget about the whole silly business.
Then Garion did something so unscrupulous, so underhanded, that it
shocked me to the very core. He told Polgara about the stupid idea,
and when he got back to Riva, he told Ce'Nedra. That would have been
bad enough, but would you believe that he actually encouraged those two
to bring Poledra into it?
I'll admit right here that it was my own fault. My only excuse is that
I was a little tired that night. I'd inadvertently let something slip
that I've kept buried in my heart for three eons. Poledra had been
with child, and I'd gone off and left her to fend for herself. I've
carried the guilt over that for almost half of my life. It's like a
knife twisting inside me. Garion knew that, and he coldly,
deliberately, used it to force me to take on this ridiculous project.
He knows that under these circumstances, I simply cannot refuse
anything my wife asks of me.
Poledra, of course, didn't put any pressure on me.
She didn't have
All she had to do was suggest that she'd rather like to have me go
along with the idea. Under the circumstances, I didn't have any
choice. I hope that the Rivan King is happy about what he's done to
This is most certainly a mistake. Wisdom tells me that it would be far
better to leave things as they are, with event and cause alike half
buried in the dust of forgotten years. If it were up to me, I would
leave it that way.
The truth is going to upset a lot of people.
Few will understand and fewer still accept what I am about to set
forth, but as my grandson and son-in-law so pointedly insisted, if I
don't tell the story, somebody else will; and since I alone know the
beginning and middle and end of it, it falls to me to commit to
perishable parchment, with ink that begins to fade before it even
dries, some ephemeral account of what really happened--and why.
Thus, let me begin this story as all stories are begun, at the
I was born in the village of Gara, which no longer exists. It lay, if
I remember it correctly, on a pleasant green bank beside a small river
that sparkled in the summer sun as if its surface were covered with
jewels-and I'd trade all the jewels I've ever owned or seen to sit
again beside that unnamed river.
Our village was not rich, but in those days none were. The world was
at peace, and our Gods walked among us and smiled upon us. We had
enough to eat and huts to shelter us from the weather. I don't recall
who our God was, nor his attributes, nor his totem. I was very young
at the time, and it was, after all, long ago.
I played with the other children in the warm, dusty streets, ran
through the long grass and the wildflowers in the meadows, and paddled
in that sparkling river that was drowned by the Sea of the East so many
years ago that they are beyond counting.
My mother died when I was quite young.
I remember that I cried about
it for a long time, though I must honestly admit that I can no longer
even remember her face. I remember the gentleness of her hands and the
warm smell of fresh-baked bread that came from her garments, but I
can't remember her face. Isn't that odd?
The people of Gara took over my upbringing at that point. I never knew
my father, and I have no recollection of having any living relatives in
that place. The villagers saw to it that I was fed, gave me castoff
clothing, and let me sleep in their cow sheds. They called me Garath,
which meant "of the town of Gara" in our particular dialect. It may or
may not have been my real name. I can no longer remember what name my
mother had given me, not that it really matters, I suppose. Garath was
a serviceable enough name for an orphan, and I didn't loom very large
in the social structure of the village.
Our village lay somewhere near where the ancestral homelands of the
Tolnedrans, the Nyissans, and the Marags joined. I think we were all
of the same race, but I can't really be sure. I can only remember one
temple--if you can call it that--which would seem to indicate that we
all worshiped the same God and were thus of the same race. I was
indifferent to religion at that time, so I can't recall if the temple
had been raised to Nedra or Mara or Issa. The lands of the Arends lay
somewhat to the north, so it's even possible that our rickety little
church had been built to honor Chaldan. I'm certain that we didn't
worship Torak or Belar. I think I'd have remembered had it been either
of those two.
Even as a child I was expected to earn my keep; the villagers weren't
very keen about maintaining me in idle luxury. They put me to work as
a cow herd but I wasn't very good at it, if you must know the truth.
Our cows were scrubby and quite docile, so not too many of them strayed
off while they were in my care, and those that did usually returned for
milking in the evening. All in all, though, being a cow herd was a
good vocation for a boy who wasn't all that enthusiastic about honest
My only possessions in those days were the clothes on my back, but I
soon learned how to fill in the gaps. Locks had not yet been invented,
so it wasn't too difficult for me to explore the huts of my neighbors
when they were out working in the fields. Mostly I stole food,
although a few small objects did find their way into my pockets from
time to time. Unfortunately, I was the natural suspect when things
turned up missing. Orphans were not held in very high regard at that
particular time. At any rate, my reputation deteriorated as the years
went by, and the other children were instructed to avoid me. My
neighbors viewed me as lazy and generally unreliable, and they also
called me a liar and a thief--often right to my face! I won't bother
to deny the charges, but it's not really very nice to come right out
and say it like that, is it? They watched me closely, and they
pointedly told me to stay out of town except at night. I largely
ignored those petty restrictions and actually began to enjoy the
business of creeping about in search of food or whatever else might
fall to hand. I began to think of myself as a very clever fellow.
I guess I was about thirteen or so when I began to notice girls. That
really made my neighbors nervous. I had a certain rakish celebrity in
the village, and young people of an impressionable age find that sort
of thing irresistibly attractive. As I said, I began to notice girls,
and the girls noticed me right back. One thing led to another, and on
a cloudy spring morning one of the village elders caught me in his hay
barn with his youngest daughter. Let me hasten to assure you that
nothing was really going on. Oh, a few harmless kisses, perhaps, but
nothing any more serious. The girl's father, however, immediately
thought the worst of me and gave me the thrashing of my life.
I finally managed to escape from him and ran out of the village. I
waded across the river and climbed the hill on the far side to sulk.
The air was cool and dry, and the clouds raced overhead in the fresh
young wind.
I sat there for a very long time considering my situation. I concluded
that I'd just about exhausted the possibilities of Gara. My neighbors,
with some justification, I'll admit, looked at me with hard-eyed
suspicion most of the time, and the incident in the hay barn was likely
to be blown all out of proportion. A certain cold logic advised me
that it wouldn't be too long before I'd be asked pointedly to leave.
Well, I certainly wasn't going to give them that satisfaction. I
looked down at the tiny cluster of dun-colored huts beside a small
river that didn't sparkle beneath the scudding clouds of spring. And
then I turned and looked to the west at a vast grassland and
white-topped mountains beyond and clouds roiling in the grey sky, and I
felt a sudden overwhelming compulsion to go. There was more to the
world than the village of Gara, and I suddenly wanted very much to go
look at it. There was nothing really keeping me, and the father of my
little playmate would probably be laying in wait for me--with
cudgel--every time I turned around. I made up my mind at that point.
I visited the village one last time, shortly after midnight. I
certainly didn't intend to leave empty-handed. A storage shed provided
me with as much food as I could carry conveniently, and, since it's not
prudent to travel unarmed, I also took a fairly large knife. I'd
fashioned a sling a year or so previously, and the tedious hours spent
watching over other people's cows had given me plenty of time for
practice. I wonder whatever happened to that sling.
I looked around the shed and decided that I had everything I really
needed, and so I crept quietly down that dusty street, waded across the
river again, and went from that place forever.
When I think back on it, I realize that I owe that heavy-handed
villager an enormous debt of gratitude. Had he not come into that barn
when he did, I might never have climbed that hill on such a day to gaze
to the west, and I might very well have lived out my life in Gara and
died there. Isn't it odd how the little things can change a man's
entire life?
The lands of the Tolnedrans lay to the west, and by morning I was well
within their borders. I had no real destination in mind, just that odd
compulsion to travel westward. I passed a few villages, but saw no
real reason to stop.
It was two--or perhaps three--days after I left Gara when I encountered
a humorous, good-natured old fellow driving a rickety cart.
"Where be ye bound, boy?" he asked me in what seemed to me at the time
to be an outlandish dialect.
"Oh," I replied with a vague gesture toward the west, "that way, I
"You don't seem very certain."
I grinned at him.
"I'm not," I admitted.
"It's just that I've got a powerful urge to see what's on the other
side of the next hill."
He evidently took me quite literally. At the time I thought he was a
Tolnedran, and I've noticed that they're all very literal-minded.
"Not much on the other side of that hill up ahead but Tol Malin," he
told me.
"Tol Malin?"
"It's a fair-size town. The people who live there have a puffed-up
opinion of themselves. Anybody else wouldn't have bothered with that
"Tol," but they seem to think it makes the place sound important. I'm
going that way myself, and if you're of a mind, you can ride along. Hop
up, boy. It's a long way to walk."
I thought at the time that all Tolnedrans spoke the way he did, but I
soon found out that I was wrong. I tarried for a couple of weeks in
Tol Malin, and it was there that I first encountered the concept of
Trust the Tolnedrans to invent money.
I found the whole idea
Here was something small enough to be portable and yet of enormous
value. Someone who's just stolen a chair or a table or a horse is
fairly conspicuous. Money, on the other hand, can't be identified as
someone else's property once it's in your pocket.
Unfortunately, Tolnedrans are very possessive about their money, and it
was in Tol Malin that I first heard someone shout
"Stop, thief!"
I left town rather quickly at that point.
I hope you realize that I wouldn't be making such an issue of some of
my boyhood habits except for the fact that my daughter can be very
tiresome about my occasional relapses. I'd just like for people to see
my side of it for a change. Given my circumstances, did I really have
any choice?
Oddly enough, I encountered that same humorous old fellow again about
five miles outside Tol Malin.
"Well, boy," he greeted me.
"I see that you're still moving along westward."
"There was a little misunderstanding back in Tol Malin," I replied
"I thought it might be best for me to leave."
He laughed knowingly, and for some reason his laughter made my whole
day seem brighter. He was a very ordinary-looking old fellow with
white hair and beard, but his deep blue eyes seemed strangely out of
place in his wrinkled face. They were very wise, but they didn't seem
to be the eyes of an old man. They also seemed to see right through
all my excuses and lame explanations.
"Well, hop up again, boy," he told me.
"We still both seem to be going in the same direction."
We traveled across the lands of the Tolnedrans for the next several
weeks, moving steadily westward. This was before those people
developed their obsession with straight, well-maintained roads, and
what we followed were little more than wagon tracks that meandered
along the course of least resistance across the meadows.
Like just about everybody else in the world in those days, the
Tolnedrans were farmers. There were very few isolated farmsteads out
in the countryside, because for the most part the people lived in
villages, went out to work their fields each morning, and returned to
the villages each night.
We passed one of those villages one morning about the middle of summer,
and I saw those farmers trudging out to work.
"Wouldn't it be easier if they'd just build their houses out where
their fields are?" I asked the old man.
"Probably so," he agreed, "but then they'd be peasants instead of
townsmen. A Tolnedran would sooner die than have others think of him
as a peasant."
"That's ridiculous," I objected.
"They spend all day every day grubbing in the dirt, and that means that
they are peasants, doesn't it?"
"Yes," he replied calmly, "but they seem to think that if they live in
a village, that makes them townsmen."
"Is that so important to them?"
"Very important, boy.
of himself."
A Tolnedran always wants to keep a good opinion
"I think it's stupid, myself."
"Many of the things people do are stupid. Keep your eyes and ears open
the next time we go through one of these villages. If you pay
attention, you'll see what I'm talking about."
I probably wouldn't even have noticed if he hadn't pointed it out. We
passed through several of these villages during the next couple of
weeks, and I got to know the Tolnedrans. I didn't care too much for
them, but I got to know them. A Tolnedran spends just about every
waking minute trying to determine his exact rank in his community, and
the higher he perceives his rank to be, the more offensive he becomes.
He treats his servants badly--not out of cruelty, but out of a
deep-seated need to establish his superiority. He'll spend hours in
front of a mirror practicing a haughty, superior expression. Maybe
that's what set my teeth on edge. I don't like having people look down
their noses at me, and my status as a vagabond put me at the very
bottom of the social ladder, so everybody looked down his nose at me.
"The next pompous ass who sneers at me is going to get a punch in the
mouth," I muttered darkly as we left yet another village as summer was
winding down.
The old man shrugged.
"Why bother?"
"I don't care for people who treat me like dirt."
"Do you really care what they think?"
"Not in the slightest."
"Why waste your energy then? You've got to learn to laugh these things
off, boy. Those self-important villagers are silly, aren't they?"
"Of course they are."
"Wouldn't hitting one of them in the face make you just as silly--or
even sillier? As long as you know who you are, does it really matter
what other people think about you?"
"Well, no, but--" I groped for some kind of explanation, but I didn't
find one. I finally laughed a bit sheepishly.
He patted my shoulder affectionately.
"I thought you might see it that way--eventually."
That may have been one of the more important lessons I've learned over
the years. Privately laughing at silly people is much more satisfying
in the long run than rolling around in the middle of a dusty street
with them, trying to knock out all of their teeth. If nothing else,
it's easier on your clothes.
The old man didn't really seem to have a destination. He had a cart,
but he wasn't carrying anything important in it--just a few half full
sacks of grain for his stumpy horse, a keg of water, a bit of food, and
several shabby old blankets that he
better we grew acquainted, the more
see his way straight to the core of
something to laugh about in what he
too, and I realized that he was the
seemed happy to share with me. The
I grew to like him. He seemed to
things, and he usually found
saw. In time, I began to laugh
closest thing to a friend I'd ever
He passed the time by telling me about the people who lived on that
broad plain. I got the impression that he spent a great deal of his
time traveling. Despite his humorous way of talking--or maybe because
of it-- I found his perceptions about the various races to be quite
acute. I've spent thousands of years with those people, and I've never
once found those first impressions he gave me to be wrong. He told me
that the Alorns were rowdies, the Tolnedrans materialistic, and the
Arends not quite bright. The Marags were emotional, flighty, and
generous to a fault.
The Nyissans were sluggish and devious, and the Angaraks obsessed with
religion. He had nothing but pity for the Morindim and the Karands,
and, given his earthy nature, a peculiar kind of respect for the
mystical Dals. I felt a peculiar wrench and a sense of profound loss
when, on another one of those cool, cloudy days, he reined in his horse
and said,
"This is as far as I'm going, boy.
Hop on down."
It was the abruptness more than anything that upset me.
"Which way are you heading?"
I asked him.
"What difference does it make, boy?
You're going west, and I'm not.
We'll come across each other again, but for right now we're going our
separate ways. You've got more to see, and I've already seen what lies
in that direction. We can talk about it the next time we meet. I hope
you find what you're looking for, but for right now, hop down."
I felt more than a little injured by this rather cavalier dismissal, so
I wasn't very gracious as I gathered up my belongings, got out of his
cart, and struck off toward the west. I didn't look back, so I
couldn't really say which direction he took. By the time I did throw a
quick glance over my shoulder, he was out of sight.
He had given me a general idea of the geography ahead of me, and I knew
that it was late enough in the summer to make the notion of exploring
the mountains a very bad idea. The old man had told me that there was
a vast forest ahead of me, a forest lying on either side of a river
that, unlike other rivers, ran from south to north. From his
description I knew that the land ahead was sparsely settled, so I'd be
obliged to fend for myself rather than rely on pilferage to sustain me.
But I was young and confident of my skill with my sling, so I was
fairly sure that I could get by.
As it turned out, however, I wasn't obliged to forage for food that
winter. Right on the verge of the forest, I found a large encampment
of strange old people who lived in tents rather than huts. They spoke
a language I didn't understand, but they made me welcome with gestures
and weepy smiles.
Theirs was perhaps the most peculiar community I've ever encountered,
and believe me, I've seen a lot of communities. Their skin was
strangely colorless, which I assumed to be a characteristic of their
race, but the truly odd thing was that there didn't seem to be a soul
among them who was a day under seventy.
They made much of me, and most of them wept the first time they saw me.
They would sit by the hour and just look at me, which I found
disconcerting, to say the very least. They fed me and pampered me and
provided me with what might be called luxurious quarters--if a tent
could ever be described as luxurious. The tent had been empty, and I
discovered that there were many empty tents in their encampment. Within
a month or two I was able to find out why. Scarcely a week went by
when at least one of them didn't die. As I said, they were all very
old. Have you any idea of how depressing it is to live in a place
where there's a perpetual funeral going on?
Winter was coming on, however, and I had a place to sleep and a fire to
keep me warm, and the old people kept me well fed, so I decided that I
could stand a little depression. I made up my mind, though, that with
the first hint of spring, I'd be gone.
I made no particular effort to learn their language that winter and
picked up only a few words. The most continually repeated among them
"Gorim" and
"UL," which seemed to be names of some sort and were almost always
spoken in tones of profoundest regret.
In addition to feeding me, the old people provided me with clothing; my
own hadn't been very good in the first place and had become badly worn
during the course of my journey. This involved no great sacrifice on
their part, since a community in which there are two or three funerals
every few weeks is bound to have spare clothes lying about.
When the snow melted and the frost began to seep out of the ground, I
quietly began to make preparations to leave. I stole food--a little at
a time to avoid suspicion--and hid it in my tent. I filched a rather
nice wool cloak from the tent of one of the recently deceased and
picked up a few other useful items here and there. I scouted the
surrounding area carefully and found a place where I could ford the
large river just to the west of the encampment. Then, with my escape
route firmly in mind, I settled down to wait for the last of winter to
As is usual in the early spring, we had a couple of weeks of fairly
steady rain, so I still waited, although my impatience to be gone was
becoming almost unbearable. During the course of that winter, that
peculiar compulsion that had nagged at me since I'd left Gara had
subtly altered. Now I seemed to be drawn southward instead of to the
The rains finally let up, and the spring sun seemed warm enough to make
traveling pleasant. One evening I gathered up the fruits of my
pilferage, stowed them in the rude pack I'd fashioned during the long
winter evenings, and sat in my tent listening in almost breathless
anticipation as the sounds of the old people gradually subsided. Then,
when all was quiet, I crept out of my temporary home and made for the
edge of the woods.
The moon was full that night, and the stars seemed very bright. I
crept through the shadowy woods, waded the river, and emerged on the
other side filled with a sense of enormous exhilaration. I was free!
I followed the river southward for the better part of that night,
putting as much distance as I possibly could between me and the old
people enough certainly so that their creaky old limbs wouldn't permit
them to follow.
The forest seemed incredibly old. The trees were huge, and the forest
floor, all over-spread by that leafy green canopy, was devoid of the
usual underbrush, carpeted instead with lush green moss. It seemed to
me an enchanted forest, and once I was certain there would be no
pursuit, I found that I wasn't really in any great hurry, so I
strolled--sauntered if you will--southward with no real sense of
urgency, aside from that now gentle compulsion to go someplace, and I
hadn't really the faintest idea of where.
And then the land opened up. What had been forest became a kind of
vale, a grassy basin dotted here and there with delightful groves of
trees verged with thickets of lush berry bushes, centering around deep,
cold springs of water so clear that I could look down through ten feet
of it at trout, which, all unafraid, looked up curiously at me as I
knelt to drink.
And deer, as placid and docile as sheep, grazed in the lush green
meadows and watched with large and gentle eyes as I passed.
All bemused, I wandered, more content than I had ever been. The
distant voice of prudence told me that my store of food wouldn't last
forever, but it didn't really seem to diminish--perhaps because I
glutted myself on berries and other strange fruits.
I lingered long in that magic vale, and in time I came to its very
center, where there grew a tree so vast that my mind reeled at the
immensity of it.
I make no pretense at being a horticulturist, but I've been nine times
around the world, and so far as I've seen, there's no other tree like
it anywhere. And, in what was probably a mistake, I went to the tree
and laid my hands upon its rough bark. I've always wondered what might
have happened if I had not.
The peace that came over me was indescribable. My somewhat prosaic
daughter will probably dismiss my bemusement as natural laziness, but
she'll be wrong about that. I have no idea of how long I sat in rapt
communion with that ancient tree. I know that I must have been somehow
nourished and sustained as hours, days, even months drifted by
unnoticed, but I have no memory of ever eating or sleeping.
And then, overnight, it turned cold and began to snow.
death, had been creeping up behind me all the while.
Winter, like
I'd formulated a rather vague intention to return to the camp of the
old people for another winter of pampering if nothing better turned up,
but it was obvious that I'd lingered too long in the mesmerizing shade
of that silly tree.
And the snow piled so deep that I could barely flounder my way through
it. My food was gone, and my shoes worn out, and I lost my knife, and
it suddenly turned very, very cold. I'm not making any accusations
here, but it seemed to me that this was all just a little excessive.
In the end, soaked to the skin and with ice forming in my hair, I
huddled behind a pile of rock that seemed to reach up into the very
heart of the snowstorm that swirled around me, and I tried to prepare
myself for death. I thought of the village of Gara, and of the grassy
fields around it, and of our sparkling river, and of my mother,
and--because I was still really very young--I cried.
"Why wee pest thou, boy?" The voice was very gentle. The snow was so
thick that I couldn't see who spoke, but the tone made me angry for
some reason. Didn't I have reason to cry?
"Because I'm cold and I'm hungry," I replied, "and because I'm dying
and I don't want to."
"Why art thou dying?
Art thou injured?"
"I'm lost," I said a bit tartly, "and it's snowing and I have no place
to go." Was he blind!
"Is this reason enough amongst thy kind to die?"
"Isn't it enough?"
"And how long dost thou expect this dying of thine to persist?"
voice seemed only mildly curious.
"I don't know," I replied through a sudden wave of self-pity.
"I've never done it before."
The wind howled and the snow swirled more thickly around me.
"Boy," the voice said finally, "come here to me."
"Where are you?
I can't see you."
"Walk around the tower to thy left.
thy right?"
Knowest thou thy left hand from
He didn't have to be so insulting! I stumbled angrily to my half
frozen feet, blinded by the driving snow.
"Well, boy?
Art thou coming?"
I moved around what I thought was only a pile of rocks.
"Thou shalt come to a smooth grey stone," the voice said.
"It is somewhat taller than thy head and as broad as thine arms may
"All right," I said through chattering teeth when I reached the rock
he'd described.
"Now what?"
"Tell it to open."
"Speak unto the stone," the voice said patiently, ignoring the fact
that I was congealing in the gale.
"Command it to open."
"Thou art a man.
It is but a rock."
"What do I say?"
"Tell it to open."
"I think this is silly, but I'll try it."
I faced the rock.
"Open," I commanded halfheartedly.
"Surely thou canst do better than that."
I thundered.
The rock slid aside.
"Come in, boy," the voice said.
"Stand not in the weather like some befuddled calf.
Had he only just now noticed that?
It is quite cold."
I went inside what appeared to be some kind of vestibule with nothing
in it but a stone staircase winding upward. Oddly, it wasn't dark,
though I couldn't see exactly where the light came from.
"Close the door, boy."
"How didst thou open it?"
I turned to face that gaping opening, and, quite proud of myself, I
"Close!" At the sound of my voice, the rock slid shut with a grinding
sound that chilled my blood even more than the fierce storm outside. I
was trapped! My momentary panic passed as I suddenly realized that I
was dry for the first time in days. There wasn't even a puddle around
my feet! Something strange was going on here.
"Come up, boy," the voice commanded.
What choice did I have? I mounted the stone steps worn with countless
centuries of footfalls and spiraled my way up and up, only a little bit
afraid. The tower was very high, and the climbing took me a long
At the top was a chamber filled with wonders. I looked at things such
as I'd never seen before. I was still young and not, at the time,
above thoughts of theft. Larceny seethed in my grubby little soul. I'm
sure that Polgara will find that particular admission entertaining.
Near a fire--which burned, I observed, without fuel of any kind--sat a
man who seemed most incredibly ancient, but somehow familiar, though I
couldn't seem to place him. His beard was long and full and as white
as the snow that had so nearly killed me--but his eyes were eternally
young. I think it might have been the eyes that seemed so familiar to
"Well, boy," he said, "hast thou decided not to die?"
"Not if it isn't necessary," I said bravely, still cataloging the
wonders of the chamber.
"Dost thou require anything?"
he asked.
"I am unfamiliar with thy kind."
"A little food, perhaps," I replied.
"I haven't eaten for two days. And a warm place to sleep, if you
wouldn't mind." I thought it might not be a bad idea to stay on the
good side of this strange old man, so I hurried on.
"I won't be much trouble, Master, and I can make myself useful in
It was an artful little speech. I'd learned during my months with the
Tolnedrans how to make myself agreeable to people in a position to do
me favors.
"Master?" he said, and laughed, a sound so cheerful that it made me
almost want to dance. Where had I heard that laugh before?
"I am not thy Master, boy," he said. Then he laughed again, and my
heart sang with the splendor of his mirth.
"Let us see to this thing of food.
What dost thou require?"
"A little bread perhaps--not too stale, if it's all right."
"Bread? Only bread? Surely, boy, thy stomach is fit for
bread. If thou wouldst make thyself useful--as thou hast
must nourish thee properly. Consider, boy. Think of all
thou hast eaten in thy life. What in all the world would
satisfy this vast hunger of thine?"
more than
the things
most surely
I couldn't even say it. Before my eyes swam the visions of smoking
roasts, of fat geese swimming in their own gravy, of heaps of
fresh-baked bread and rich, golden butter, of pastries in thick cream,
of cheese and dark-brown ale, of fruits and nuts and salt to savor it
all. The vision was so real that it even seemed that I could smell
And he who sat by the glowing fire that burned, it seemed, air alone,
laughed, and again my heart sang.
"Turn, boy," he said, "and eat thy fill."
I turned, and there on a table, which I hadn't even seen before, lay
everything I had imagined. No wonder I could smell it! A hungry boy
doesn't ask where the food comes from--he eats. And so I ate. I ate
until my stomach groaned. Through the sound of my eating I could hear
the laughter of the aged one beside his fire, and my heart leaped
within me at each strangely familiar chuckle.
And when I'd finished and sat drowsing over my plate, he spoke again.
"Wilt thou sleep now, boy?"
"A corner, Master," I said.
"A little out-of-the-way place by the fire, if it isn't too much
He pointed.
"Sleep there, boy," he said, and all at once I saw a bed that I had no
more seen than I had the table--a great bed with huge pillows and
comforters of softest down. I smiled my thanks and crept into the bed,
and, because I was young and very tired, I fell asleep almost at once
without even stopping to think about how very strange all of this had
But in my sleep I knew that he who had brought me in out of the storm
and fed me and cared for me was watching through the long, snowy night,
and I slept even more securely in the comforting warmth of his care.
that began my servitude. At first the tasks my Master set me to were
simple ones--"Sweep the floor,"
"Fetch some firewood," "Wash the windows"--that sort of thing. I
suppose I should have been suspicious about many of them. I could have
sworn that there hadn't been a speck of dust anywhere when I first
mounted to his tower room, and, as I think I mentioned earlier, the
fire burning in his fireplace didn't seem to need fuel. It was almost
as if he were somehow making work for me to do.
He was a good Master, though. For one thing, he didn't command in the
way I'd heard the Tolnedrans command their servants, but rather made
"Thinkest thou not that the floor hath become dirty again, boy?"
"Might it not be prudent to lay in some store of firewood?"
My chores were in no way beyond my strength or abilities, and the
weather outside was sufficiently unpleasant to persuade me that what
little was expected of me was a small price to pay in exchange for food
and shelter. I did resolve, however, that when spring came and he
began to look farther afield for things for me to do, I might want to
reconsider our arrangement. There isn't really very much to do when
winter keeps one housebound, but warmer weather brings with it the
opportunity for heavier and more tedious tasks. If things turned too
unpleasant, I could always pick up and leave.
There was something peculiar about that notion, though. The compulsion
that had come over me at Gara seemed gone now. I don't know that I
really thought about it in any specific way. I just seemed to notice
that it was gone and shrugged it off. Maybe I just thought I'd
outgrown it.
It seems to me that I shrugged off a great deal that first winter.
I paid very little attention, for example, to the fact that my Master
seemed to have no visible means of support. He didn't keep cattle or
sheep or even chickens, and there were no sheds or outbuildings in the
vicinity of his tower. I couldn't even find his storeroom. I knew
there had to be one somewhere, because the meals he prepared were
always on the table when I grew hungry. Oddly, the fact that I never
once saw him cooking didn't seem particularly strange to me. Not even
the fact that I never once saw him eat anything seemed strange. It was
almost as if my natural curiosity--and believe me, I can be very
curious--had been somehow put to sleep.
I had absolutely no idea of what he did during that long winter. It
seemed to me that he spent a great deal of time just looking at a plain
round rock. He didn't speak very often, but I talked enough for both
of us. I've always been fond of the sound of my own voice--or had you
noticed that?
My continual chatter must have driven him to distraction, because one
evening he rather pointedly asked me why I didn't go read something.
I knew about reading, of course. Nobody in Gara had known how, but I'd
seen Tolnedrans doing it--or pretending to. It seemed a little silly
to me at the time. Why take the trouble to write a letter to somebody
who lives two houses over? If it's important, just step over and tell
him about it.
"I don't know how to read, Master," I confessed.
He actually seemed startled by that.
"Is this truly the case, boy?"
he asked me.
"I had thought that the skill was instinctive amongst thy kind."
I wished that he'd quit talking about "my kind" as if I were a member
of some obscure species of rodent or insect.
"Fetch down that book, boy," he instructed, pointing at a high shelf.
I looked up in some amazement. There seemed to be several dozen bound
volumes on that shelf. I'd cleaned and dusted and polished the room
from floor to ceiling a dozen times or more, and I'd have taken an oath
that the shelf hadn't been there the last time I looked. I covered my
confusion by asking
"Which one, Master?" Notice that I'd even begun to pick up some
semblance of good manners?
"Whichever one falls most easily to hand," he replied indifferently.
I selected a book at random and took it to him.
"Seat thyself, boy," he told me.
"I shall give thee instruction."
I knew nothing whatsoever about reading, so it didn't seem particularly
odd to me that under his gentle tutelage I was a competent reader
within the space of an hour. Either I was an extremely gifted
student-which seems highly unlikely--or he was the greatest teacher who
ever lived.
From that hour on I became a voracious reader. I devoured his
bookshelf from one end to another. Then, somewhat regretfully, I went
back to the first book again, only to discover that I'd never seen it
I read and read and read, and every page was new to me. I read my way
through that bookshelf a dozen times over, and it was always fresh and
new. That reading opened the world of the mind to me, and I found it
much to my liking.
My newfound obsession gave my Master some peace, at least, and he
seemed to look approvingly at me as I sat late into those long, snowy,
winter nights reading texts in languages I could not have spoken, but
that I nonetheless clearly understood when they seemed to leap out at
me from off the page. I also noticed dimly--for, as I think I've
already mentioned, my curiosity seemed somehow to have been
blunted--that when I was reading, my Master tended to have no chores
for me, at least not at first. The conflict between reading and chores
came later. And so we passed the winter in that world of the mind, and
with few exceptions, I've probably never been so happy.
I'm sure it was the books that kept me there the following spring and
summer. As I'd suspected they might, the onset of warm days and nights
stirred my Master's creativity. He found all manner of things for me
to do outside--mostly unpleasant and involving a great deal of effort
and sweat. I do not enjoy cutting down trees, for
example--particularly not with an axe. I broke that axe handle eight
times that summer--quite deliberately, I'll admit--and it miraculously
healed itself overnight. I hated that cursed, indestructible axe!
But strangely enough, it wasn't the sweating and grunting I resented
but the time I wasted whacking at unyielding trees that I could more
profitably have spent trying to read my way through that inexhaustible
bookshelf. Every page opened new wonders for me, and I groaned audibly
each time my Master suggested that it was time for me and my axe to go
out and entertain each other again.
And almost before I had turned around twice, winter came again. I had
better luck with my broom than I had with my axe. After all, you can
pile only so much dust in a corner before you start becoming obvious
about it, and my Master was never obvious. I continued to read my way
again and again along the bookshelf and was probably made better by it,
although my Master, guided by some obscure, sadistic instinct, always
seemed to know exactly when an interruption would be most unwelcome.
He inevitably selected that precise moment to suggest sweeping or
washing dishes or fetching firewood.
Sometimes he would stop what he was doing to watch my labors, a bemused
expression on his face. Then he would sigh and return to the things he
did that I didn't understand.
The seasons turned, marching in their stately, ordered progression as I
labored with my books and with the endless and increasingly difficult
tasks my Master set me. I grew bad-tempered and sullen, but never once
did I even think about running away.
Then perhaps three--or more likely it was five--years after I'd come to
the tower to begin my servitude, I was struggling one early winter day
to move a large rock that my Master had stepped around since my first
summer with him, but that he now found it inconvenient for some
The rock, as I say, was quite large, and it was white, and it was very,
very heavy. It would not move, though I heaved and pushed and strained
until I thought my limbs would crack. Finally, in a fury, I
concentrated my strength and all my will upon the boulder and grunted
one single word.
I said.
And it moved! Not grudgingly with its huge inert weight sullenly
resisting my strength, but quite easily, as if the touch of one finger
would have been sufficient to send it bounding across the vale.
"Well, boy," my Master said, startling me by his nearness,
"I had wondered how long it might be ere this day arrived."
"Master," I said, very confused, "what happened?
rock move so easily?"
How did the great
"It moved at thy command, boy.
Where had I heard that before?
Thou art a man, and it is only a rock."
"May other things be done so. Master?"
hours I'd wasted on meaningless tasks.
I asked, thinking of all the
"All things may be done so, boy. Put but thy will to that which thou
wouldst accomplish and speak the word. It shall come to pass even as
thou wouldst have it. Much have I marveled, boy, at thine insistence
upon doing all things with thy back instead of thy will. I had begun
to fear for thee, thinking that perhaps thou wert defective."
Suddenly all the things I had ignored or shrugged off or been too
incurious even to worry about fell into place. My Master had indeed
been creating things for me to do, hoping that eventually I'd learn
this secret. I walked over to the rock and laid my hands on it
"Move," I commanded, bringing my will to bear on it, and the rock moved
as easily as before.
"Does it make thee more comfortable touching the rock when thou wouldst
move it, boy?" my Master asked, a note of curiosity in his voice.
The question stunned me.
looked at the rock.
I hadn't even considered that possibility.
"Move," I said tentatively.
"Thou must command, boy, not entreat."
"Move!" I roared, and the rock heaved and rolled off with nothing but
my Will and the Word to make it do so.
"Much better, boy.
Perhaps there is hope for thee yet."
Then I remembered something. Notice how quickly I pick up on these
things? I'd been moving the rock that formed the door to the tower
with only my voice for some five years now.
"You knew all along that I could do this, didn't you, Master? There
isn't really all that much difference between this rock and the one
that closes the tower door, is there?"
He smiled gently.
"Most perceptive, boy," he complimented me.
tired of that "boy."
"Why didn't you just tell me?"
I was getting a little
I asked accusingly.
"I had need to know if thou wouldst discover it for thyself, boy."
"And all these chores and tasks you've put me through for all these
years were nothing more than an excuse to force me to discover it,
weren't they?"
"Of course," he replied in an offhand sort of way.
"What is thy name, boy?"
"Garath," I told him, and suddenly realized that he'd never asked me
"An unseemly name, boy. Far too abrupt and commonplace for one of thy
talent. I shall call thee Belgarath."
"As it please thee. Master." I'd never "thee'd" or "thou'd" him
before, and I held my breath for fear that he might be displeased, but
he showed no sign that he'd noticed. Then, made bold by my success, I
went further.
"And how may I call thee, Master?"
I asked.
"I am called Aldur," he replied, smiling.
I'd heard the name before, of course, so I immediately fell on my face
before him.
"Art thou ill, Belgarath?"
"Oh, great and most powerful God," I said, trembling, "forgive mine
ignorance. I should have known thee at once."
"Don't do that!"
he said irritably.
"I require no obeisance. I am not my brother Torak. Rise to thy feet,
Belgarath. Stand up, boy. Thine action is unseemly."
I scrambled up fearfully and clenched myself for the sudden shock of
lightning. Gods, as all men knew, could destroy at their whim those
who displeased them. That was a quaint notion of the time. I've met a
few Gods since then, and I know better now. In many respects, they're
even more circumscribed than we are.
"And what dost thou propose to do with thy life now, Belgarath?" he
asked. That was my Master for you. He always asked questions that
stretched out endlessly before me.
"I would stay and serve thee.
Master," I said, as humbly as I could.
"I require no service," he said.
"These past few years have been for thy benefit.
what canst thou do for me?"
In truth, Belgarath,
That was a deflating thing to say--true, probably, but deflating all
the same.
"May I not stay and worship thee, Master?" I pleaded. At that time
I'd never met a God before, so I was uncertain about the proprieties.
All I knew was that I would die if he sent me away.
He shrugged.
You can cut a man's heart out with a shrug, did you know
"I do not require thy worship either, Belgarath," he said
"May I not stay, Master?" I pleaded with actual tears standing in my
eyes. He was breaking my heart!--quite deliberately, of course.
"I would be thy disciple and learn from thee."
"The desire to learn does thee credit," he said, "but it will not be
easy, Belgarath."
"I am quick to learn, Master," I boasted, glossing over the fact that
it had taken me five years to learn his first lesson.
"I shall make thee proud of me."
I actually meant that.
And then he laughed, and my heart soared, even as it had when that old
vagabond in the rickety cart had laughed. I had a few suspicions at
that point.
"Very well, then, Belgarath," he relented.
"I shall accept thee as my pupil."
"And thy disciple, also, Master?"
"That we will see in the fullness of time, Belgarath."
And then, because I was still very young and much impressed with my
recent accomplishment, I turned to a winter-dried bush and spoke to it
"Bloom," I said, and the bush quite suddenly produced a single flower.
It wasn't much of a flower, I'll admit, but it was the best that I
could do at the time. I was still fairly new at this. I plucked it
and offered it to him.
"For thee, Master," I said, "because I love thee." I don't believe I'd
ever used the word "love" before, and it's become the center of my
whole life. Isn't it odd how we make these simple little
And he took my crooked little flower and held it between his hands.
"I thank thee, my son," he said.
called me that.
It was the first time he'd ever
"And this flower shall be thy first lesson. I would have thee examine
it most carefully and tell me all that thou canst perceive of it. Set
aside thine axe and thy broom, Belgarath. This flower is now thy
And that task took me twenty years, as I recall. Each time I came to
my Master with the flower that never wilted nor faded--how I grew to
hate that flower!--and told him what I'd learned, he would say,
"Is that all, my son?"
silly little flower.
And, crushed, I'd go back to my study of that
In time my distaste for it grew less. The more I studied it, the
better I came to know it, and I eventually grew fond of it.
Then one day my Master suggested that I might learn more about it if I
burned it and studied its ashes. I refused indignantly.
"And why not, my son?"
he asked me.
"Because it is dear to me, Master," I said in a tone probably more firm
than I'd intended.
he asked.
"I love the flower, Master!
I will not destroy it!"
"Thou art stubborn, Belgarath," he noted.
"Did it truly take thee twenty years to admit thine affection for this
small, gentle thing?"
And that was the true meaning of my first lesson. I still have that
little flower somewhere, and although I can't put my hands on it
immediately, I think of it often and with great affection.
It was not long after that when my Master suggested that we journey to
a place he called Prolgu, since he wanted to consult with someone
there. I agreed to accompany him, of course, but to be quite honest
about it I didn't really want to be away from my studies for that long.
It was spring, however, and that's always a good season for traveling.
Prolgu is in the mountains, and if nothing else, the scenery was
It took us quite some time to reach the place--my Master never
hurried--and I saw creatures along the way that I had never imagined
existed. My Master identified them for me, and there was a peculiar
note of pain in his voice as he pointed out unicorns, Hrulgin,
Algroths, and even an Eldrak.
"What troubles thee, Master?"
I asked him one evening as we sat by our
"Are the creatures we have encountered distasteful to thee?"
"They are a constant rebuke to me and my brothers, Belgarath," he
replied sadly.
"When the earth was all new, we dwelt with each other in a cave deep in
these mountains, laboring to bring forth the beasts of the fields, the
fowls of the air, and the fish of the sea. It seemeth me I have told
thee of that time, have I not?"
I nodded.
"Yes, Master," I replied.
"It was before there was such a thing as man."
"Yes," he said.
"Man was our last creation. At any rate, some of the creatures we
brought forth were unseemly, and we consulted and decided to unmake
them, but UL forbade it."
"UL?" The name startled me. I'd heard it quite often in the
encampment of the old people the winter before I went to serve my
"Thou hast heard of him, I see."
to hide anything from my Master.
There was no real point in my trying
"UL, as I told thee," he continued, "forbade the unmaking of things,
and this greatly offended several of us.
Torak in particular was put much out of countenance. Prohibitions or
restraints of any kind do not sit well with my brother Torak. It was
at his urging, methinks, that we sent such unseemly creatures to UL,
telling them that he would be their God. I do sorely repent our
spitefulness, for what UL did, he did out of a Necessity that we did
not at the time perceive."
"It is UL with whom thou wouldst consult at Prolgu, is it not,
I asked shrewdly.
You see?
I'm not totally without some degree of
My Master nodded.
"A certain thing hath come to pass," he told me sadly.
"We had hoped that it might not, but it is another of those Necessities
to which men and Gods alike must bow." He sighed.
"Seek thy bed, ; Belgarath," he told me then.
"We still have far to go ere we reach Prolgu, and I have noted that
without sleep, thou art a surly companion."
"A weakness of mine, Master," I admitted, spreading my blankets on the
ground. My Master, of course, required sleep no more than he required
In time we reached Prolgu, which is a strange place on the top of a
mountain that looks oddly artificial. We had no more than started up
its side when we were greeted by a very old man and by someone who was
quite obviously not a man. That was the first time I met UL, and the
overpowering sense of his presence quite nearly bowled me over.
"Aldur," he said to my Master, "well met."
"Well met indeed," my Master replied, politely inclining his head.
The Gods, I've noted, have an enormous sense of propriety. Then my
Master reached inside his robe and took out that ordinary, round grey
rock he'd spent the last couple of decades studying.
"Our hopes notwithstanding,"
he announced, holding the rock out for UL to see, "it hath arrived."
UL nodded gravely.
"I had thought I sensed its presence.
Wilt thou accept the burden of
My Master sighed.
"If I must," he said.
"Thou art brave, Aldur," UL said, "and wiser far than thy brothers.
That which commands us all hath brought it to thy hand for a purpose.
Let us go apart and consider our course."
I learned that day that there was something very strange about that
ordinary-looking stone.
The old man who had accompanied UL was named Gorim, and he and I got
along well. He was a gentle, kindly old fellow whose features were the
same as those of the old people I'd met some years before. We went up
into the city, and he took me to his house. We waited there while my
Master--and his--spoke together for quite some time. To pass the long
hours, he told me the story of how he had come to enter the service of
UL. It seemed that his people were Dals, the ones who had somehow been
left out when the Gods were selecting the various races of man to serve
them. Despite my peculiar situation, I've never been a particularly
religious man, so I had a bit of difficulty grasping the concept of the
spiritual pain the Dals suffered as outcasts. The Dals, of course,
traditionally live to the south of the cluster of mountains known only
as Korim, but it appeared that quite early in their history, they
divided themselves into various groups to go in search of a God. Some
went to the north to become Morindim and Karands; some went to the east
to become Melcenes; some stayed south of Korim and continued to be
Dals; but Gorim's people, Ulgos, he called them, came west.
Eventually, after the Ulgos had wandered around in the wilderness for
generations, Gorim was born, and when he reached manhood, he
volunteered to go alone in search of UL. That was long before I was
born, of course. Anyway, after many years he finally found UL. He
took the good news back to his people, but not too many of them
believed him.
People are like that sometimes. Finally he grew disgusted with them
and told them to follow him or stay where they were, he didn't much
care which. Some followed, and some didn't. As he told me of this, he
grew pensive.
"I have oft times wondered whatever happened to those who stayed
behind," he said sadly.
"I can clear that up for you, my friend," I advised him.
"I happened across them some twenty-five or so years ago. They had a
large camp quite a ways north of my Master's Vale. I spent a winter
with them and then moved on. I doubt that you'd find any of them still
alive, though.
They were all very old when I saw them."
He gave me a stricken look, and then he bowed his head and wept.
"What's wrong, Gorim?"
I exclaimed, somewhat alarmed.
"I had hoped that UL might relent and set aside my curse on them,"
he replied brokenly.
"That they would wither and perish and be no more.
made barren by my curse."
Their women were
"It was still working when I was there," I told him.
"There wasn't a single child in the entire camp. I wondered why they
made such a fuss over me. I guess they hadn't seen a child in a long,
long time. I couldn't get any details from them, because I couldn't
understand their language."
"They spoke the old tongue," he told me sadly, "even as do my people
here in Prolgu."
"How is it that you speak my language then?"
I asked him.
"It is my place as leader to speak for my people when we encounter
other races," he explained.
"Ah," I said.
"That stands to reason, I guess."
My Master and I returned to the Vale not long after that, and I took up
other studies. Time seemed meaningless in the Vale, and I devoted
years of study to the most commonplace of things. I examined trees and
birds, fish and beasts, insects and vermin. I spent forty-five years
on the study of grass alone. In time it occurred to me that I wasn't
aging as other men did. I'd seen enough old people to know that aging
is a part of being human, but for some reason I seemed to be breaking
the rules.
"Master," I said one night high in the tower as we both labored with
our studies, "why is it that I do not grow old?"
"Wouldst thou grow old, my son?"
he asked me.
"I have never seen much advantage in it, myself."
"I don't really miss it all that much, Master," I admitted, "but isn't
it customary?"
"Perhaps," he said, "but not mandatory. Thou hast much yet to learn,
and one or ten or even a hundred lifetimes would not be enough. How
old art thou, my son?"
"I think I am somewhat beyond three hundred years, Master."
"A suitable age, my son, and thou has persevered in thy studies.
Should I forget myself and call thee "boy" again, pray correct me. It
is not seemly that the disciple of a God should be called "boy." " "I
shall remember that, Master," I assured him, almost overcome with joy
that he had finally called me his disciple.
"I was certain that I could depend on thee," he said with a faint
"And what is the object of thy present study, my son?"
"I would seek to learn why the stars fall, Master."
"A proper study, my son."
"And thou, Master," I said.
"What is thy study--if I be not overbold to ask."
"Even as before, Belgarath," he replied, holding up that fatal round
"It hath been placed in my care by UL himself, and it is therefore upon
me to commune with it that I may know it--and its purpose."
"Can a stone have a purpose, Master--other than to be a stone?"
The piece of rock, now worn smooth, even polished, by my Master's
patient hand, made me apprehensive for some reason. In one of those
rare presentiments that I don't have very often, I sensed that a great
deal of mischief would come about as a result of it.
"This particular jewel hath a great purpose, Belgarath, for through it
the world and all who dwell herein shall be changed. If I can but
perceive that purpose, I might make some preparations. That necessity
lie th heavily upon my spirit." And then he lapsed once more into
silence, idly turning the stone over and over in his hand as he gazed
deep into its polished surface with troubled eyes.
I certainly wasn't going to intrude upon his contemplation of the
thing, so I turned back to my study of the inconstant stars.
In time, others came to us, some accident, as I had come, and some by
intent, seeking out my Master that they might learn from him. Such a
one was Zedar.
I came upon him near our tower one golden day in autumn after I'd
served my Master for five hundred years or so. This stranger had built
a rude altar and was burning the carcass of a goat on it. That got us
off on the wrong foot right at the outset. Even the wolves knew enough
not to kill things in the Vale. The greasy smoke from his offering was
fouling the air, and he was prostrated before his altar, chanting some
outlandish prayer.
"What are you doing?" I demanded--quite abruptly, I'll admit, since
his noise and the stink of his sacrifice distracted my mind from a
problem I'd been considering for the past half century.
"Oh, puissant and all-knowing God," he said, groveling in the dirt, "I
have come a thousand leagues to behold thy glory and to worship
"Puissant? Quit trying to show off your education, man. Now get up
and stop this caterwauling. I'm no more a God than you are."
"Art thou not the great God Aldur?"
"I'm his disciple, Belgarath. What is all this nonsense?"
at his altar and his smoking goat.
I pointed
"It is to please the God," he replied, rising and dusting off his
clothes. I couldn't be sure, but he looked rather like a Tolnedran--or
possibly an Arend. In either case, his babble about a thousand leagues
was clearly a self-serving exaggeration. He gave me a servile, fawning
sort of look.
"Tell me truly," he pleaded.
"Dost thou think he will find this poor offering of mine acceptable?"
I laughed.
"I can't think of a single thing you could have done that would offend
him more."
The stranger looked stricken. He turned quickly and reached out as if
he were going to grab up the animal with his bare hands to hide it.
"Don't be an idiot!"
I snapped.
"You'll burn yourself!"
"It must be hidden," he said desperately.
"I would rather die than offend mighty Aldur."
"Just get out of the way," I told him.
"Stand clear," I said, irritably waving him off, "unless you want to
take a trip with your goat." Then I looked at his grotesque little
altar, willed it to a spot five miles distant, and trans located it
with a single word, leaving only a few tatters of confused smoke
hanging in the air.
He collapsed on his face again.
"You're going to wear out your clothes if you keep doing that," I told
him, "and my Master won't find it very amusing."
"I pray thee, mighty disciple of most high Aldur," he said, rising and
dusting himself off again, "instruct me so that I offend not the God."
He must have been an Arend. No Tolnedran could possibly mangle the
language the way he did.
"Be truthful," I told him, "and don't
show and flowery speech. Believe me,
your heart, so there's no way you can
God you worshiped before, but Aldur's
What an asinine thing that was to say.
try to impress him with false
friend, he can see straight into
deceive him. I'm not sure which
like no other God in the whole
No two Gods are ever the
"And how may I become his disciple, as thou art?"
"First you become his pupil," I replied, "and that's not easy."
"What must I do to become his pupil?"
"You must become his servant." I said it a bit smugly, I'll admit. A
few years with an axe and a broom would probably do this pompous ass
some good.
"And then his pupil?"
he pressed.
"In time," I replied, "if he so wills." It wasn't up to me to reveal
the secret of the Will and the Word to him. He'd have to find that out
for himself--the same as I had.
"And when may I meet the God?"
I was getting tired of him anyway, so I took him to the tower.
"Will the God Aldur wish to know my name?"
across the meadow.
he asked as we started
I shrugged.
"Not particularly. If you're lucky enough to prove worthy, he'll give
you a name of his own choosing." When we reached the tower, I
commanded the grey stone in the wall to open, and we went inside and on
up the stairs.
My Master looked the stranger over and then turned to me.
"Why hast thou brought this man to me, my son?"
he asked me.
"He besought me, Master," I replied.
"I felt it was not my place to say him yea or nay."
language as well as Zedar could, I guess.
I could mangle
"Thy will must decide such things," I continued.
"If it turns out that he doesn't please thee, I'll take him outside and
turn him into a carrot, and that'll be the end of it."
"That was unkindly said, Belgarath," Aldur chided.
"Forgive me, Master," I said humbly.
"Thou shalt instruct him, Belgarath.
apt, inform me."
Should it come to pass that he be
I groaned inwardly, cursing my careless tongue. My casual offer to
vegetablize the stranger had saddled me with him. But Aldur was my
Lord, so I said,
"I will, Master."
"What is thy current study, my son?"
"I examine the reason for mountains.
"Lay aside thy mountains, Belgarath, and study man instead. It may be
that the study shall make thee more kindly disposed toward thy fellow
I knew a rebuke when I heard one, so I didn't argue.
I sighed.
"As my Master commands," I submitted regretfully. I'd almost found the
secret of mountains, and I didn't want it to escape me. But then I
remembered how patient my Master had been when I first came to the
Vale, so I swallowed my resentment--at least right there in front of
I was not nearly so agreeable once I got Zedar back outside, though.
I put that poor man through absolute hell, I'm ashamed to admit. I
degraded him, I berated him, I set him to work on impossible tasks and
then laughed scornfully at his efforts. To be quite honest about it, I
secretly hoped that I could make his life so miserable that he'd run
But he didn't. He endured all my abuse with a saintly patience that
sometimes made me want to scream. Didn't the man have any spirit at
all? To make matters even worse--to my profoundest mortification--he
learned the secret of the Will and the Word within six months.
Master named him Belzedar and accepted him as his pupil.
In time Belzedar and I made peace with each other. I reasoned that as
long as we were probably going to spend the next dozen or so centuries
together, we might as well learn to get along. Actually, once I ground
away his tendency toward hyperbole and excessively ornamental language,
he wasn't such a bad fellow. His mind was extraordinarily quick, but
he was polite enough not to rub my nose in the fact that mine really
The three of us, our Master, Belzedar, and I, settled in and learned to
get along with a minimum of aggravation on all sides.
And then the others began to drift in. Kira and Tira were twin Alorn
shepherd boys who had become lost and wandered into the Vale one day
--and stayed. Their minds were so closely linked that they always had
the same thoughts at the same time and even finished each other's
Despite the fact that they're Alorns, Belkira and Beltira are the
gentlest men I've ever known. I'm quite fond of them, actually.
Makor was the next to arrive, and he came to us from so far away that I
couldn't understand how he had ever heard of my Master. Unlike the
rest of us, who'd been fairly shabby when we'd arrived, Makor came
strolling down the Vale dressed in a silk mantle, somewhat like the
garb currently in fashion in Tol Honeth. He was a witty, urbane,
well-educated man, and I took to him immediately.
Our Master questioned him briefly and decided that he was
acceptable--with all the usual provisos.
"But, Master," Belzedar objected vehemently, "he cannot become one of
our fellowship. He is a Dal--one of the Godless ones."
"Melcene, actually, old boy," Makor corrected him in that
ultra-civilized manner of his that always drove Belzedar absolutely
wild. Now do you see why I was so fond of Makor?
"What's the difference?"
Belzedar demanded bluntly.
"All the difference in the world, old chap," Makor replied, examining
his fingernails.
"We Melcenes separated from the Dals so long ago that we're no more
like them than Alorns are like Marags. It's not really up to you,
however. I was summoned, the same as the rest of you were, and that's
an end on it."
I remembered the odd compulsion that had dragged me out of Gara, and I
looked sharply at my Master. Would you believe that he actually
managed to look slightly embarrassed?
Belzedar spluttered for a while, but, since there was nothing he could
do about it anyway, he muffled his objections.
The next to join us was Sambar, an Angarak. Sambar--or Belsambar as he
later became--was not his real name, of course. Angarak names are so
universally ugly that my Master did him a favor when he renamed him.
I felt a great deal of sympathy for the boy--he was only about fifteen
when he joined us. I have never seen anyone so abject. He simply came
to the tower, seated himself on the earth, and waited for either
acceptance or death. Beltira and Belkira fed him, of course. They
were shepherds, after all, and shepherds won't let anything go hungry.
After a week or so, when it became obvious that he absolutely would not
enter the tower, our Master went down to him. Now that was something I
had never seen Aldur do before. He spoke with the lad at some length
in a hideous language--old Angarak, I've since discovered--and turned
him over to Beltira and Belkira for tutelage. If anyone ever needed
gentle handling, it was Belsambar.
In time, the twins taught him to speak a normal language that didn't
involve so much spitting and snarling, and we learned his history. My
distaste for Torak dates from that point in time. It may not have been
entirely Torak's fault, however. I've learned over the years that the
views of any priesthood are not necessarily the views of the Gods they
serve. I'll give Torak the benefit of the doubt in this case--the
practice of human sacrifice might have been no more than a perversion
of his Grolim priests.
But he did nothing to put a stop to it, and that's unforgivable.
To cut all this windy moralizing short, Belsambar's parents--both of
them--had been sacrificed, and Belsambar had been required to watch as
a demonstration of his faith. It didn't really work out that way,
Grolims can be so stupid sometimes. Anyway, at the tender age of nine,
Belsambar became an atheist, rejecting not only Torak and his stinking
Grolims, but all Gods.
That was when our Master summoned him. In his particular case, the
summoning must have been a bit more spectacular than the vague urge
that had turned my face toward the Vale. Belsambar was clearly in a
state of religious ecstasy when he reached us. Of course he was an
Angarak, and they're always a little strange in matters of religion.
It was Belmakor who first raised the notion of building our own
He was a Melcene, after all, and they're obsessed with building things.
I'll admit that our Master's tower was starting to get a bit crowded,
The construction of those towers took us several decades, as I
It was actually more in the nature of a hobby than it was a matter of
any urgency. We did use what you might call our advantages in the
construction, of course, but squaring off rocks is a tedious business,
even if you don't have to use a chisel. We did manage to clear away a
lot of rock, though, and building material got progressively scarcer as
the years rolled by.
I think it was late summer one year when I decided that it was time to
finish up my tower so that I wouldn't have it hanging over my head
nagging at me. Besides, Belmakor's tower was almost finished, and I
was first disciple, after all. I didn't think it would really be
proper for me to let him outstrip me. We sometimes do things for the
most childish of reasons, don't we?
Since my brothers and I had virtually denuded the Vale of rocks, I went
up to the edge of the forest lying to the north in search of building
materials. I was poking around among the trees looking for a
stream-bed or an outcropping of stone when I suddenly felt a baleful
stare boring into the back of my neck. That's an uncomfortable feeling
that's always irritated me for some reason.
"You might as well come out," I said.
"I know you're there."
"Don't try anything," an awful voice growled at me from a nearby
"I'll rip you to pieces if you do."
Now that's what I call an unpromising start.
"Don't be an idiot," I replied.
"I'm not going to hurt you."
That evoked the ugliest laugh I've ever heard.
the voice said scornfully.
"You? Hurt we?" And then the bushes parted and the most hideous
creature I've ever seen emerged. He was grotesquely deformed, with a
huge hump on his back; gnarled, dwarfed legs; and long, twisted arms.
This combination made it possible--even convenient--for him to go on
all fours like a gorilla. His face was monumentally ugly, his hair and
beard were matted, he was unbelievably filthy, and he was partially
dressed in a ratty-looking fur of some kind.
"Enjoying the view?"
he demanded harshly.
"You're not so pretty yourself, you know."
"You startled me, that's all," I replied, trying to be civil.
"Have you seen an old man in a rickety, broken-down cart around here
anywhere?" the creature demanded.
"He told me he'd meet me here."
I stared at him in absolute astonishment.
"You'd better close your mouth," he advised me in that raspy growl.
"You'll catch flies if you don't."
All sorts of things clicked into place.
"This old man you're looking for," I said.
"Did he have a humorous way of talking?"
"That's him," the dwarf said.
"Have you seen him?"
"Oh, yes," I replied with a broad grin.
"I've known him for longer than you could possibly imagine.
along, my ugly little friend. I'll take you to him."
"Don't be too quick to throw the word "friend" around," he growled.
"I don't have any friends, and I like it that way."
"You'll get over that in a few hundred years," I replied, still
grinning at the little monster.
"You don't sound quite right in the head to me."
"You'll get used to that, too.
Come along.
I'll introduce you to your
"I don't have a master."
"I wouldn't make any large wagers on that."
And that was our introduction to Din. My brothers thought at first
that I'd come across a tame ape. Din rather quickly disabused them of
that notion. He had by far the foulest mouth I've ever come across,
even when he wasn't trying to be insulting, and I honestly believe he
could swear for a day and a half without once repeating himself. He
was even ungracious to our Master. His very first words to him were
"What did you do with that stupid cart of yours?
tracks, but they just disappeared on me."
I tried to follow the
Aldur, with that inhuman patience of his, simply smiled. Would you
believe that he actually liked the foul-mouthed little monster?
"Is that what took thee so long?"
he asked mildly.
"Of course that's what took me so long!"
Din exploded.
"You didn't leave me a trail to follow! I had to reason out your
location!" Din had turned losing his temper into an art form. The
slightest thing could set him off.
he said then.
"Now what?"
"We must see to thine education."
"What does somebody like me need with an education?
what I need to know."
I already know
Aldur gave him a long, steady look, and even Din couldn't face that for
long. Then our Master looked around at the rest of us. He obviously
dismissed Beltira and Belkira out of hand. They hadn't the proper
temperament to deal with our newest recruit. Belzedar was in a state
verging on inarticulate rage. Belzedar may have had his faults, but he
wouldn't tolerate any disrespect for our Master. Belmakor was too
fastidious. Din was filthy, and he smelled like an open sewer.
Belsambar, for obvious reasons, was totally out of question. Guess who
that left.
I wearily raised my hand.
"Don't trouble thyself, Master," I said.
"I'll take care of it."
"Why, Belgarath," he said, "how gracious of thee to volunteer thy
I chose not to answer that.
"Ah, Belgarath?"
Belmakor said tentatively.
"Could you possibly wash him off before you bring him inside again?"
Despite my show of reluctance, I wasn't quite as displeased with the
arrangement as I pretended to be. I still wanted to finish my tower,
and this powerful dwarf seemed well suited to the task of carrying
rocks. If things worked out the way I thought they might, I wouldn't
have to strain my creativity in the slightest to find things for my
ugly little servant to do.
I took him outside and showed him my half-finished tower.
"You understand the situation here?"
I asked him.
"I'm supposed to do what you tell me to do."
This was going to work out just fine.
"Now, let's go back to the edge of the woods.
for you."
I've got a little chore
It took us quite some time to return to the woods. When we got there,
I pointed at a dry stream-bed filled with nice round rocks of a
suitable size.
"See those rocks?"
I asked him.
"Naturally I can see them, you dolt!
I'm not blind!"
"I'm so happy for you. I'd like for you to pile them all beside my
tower--neatly, of course." I sat down under a shady tree.
"Be a good fellow and see to it, would you?"
I was actually enjoying
He glowered at me for a moment and then turned to glare at the rocky
Then, one by one, the rocks began to vanish! I could actually feel him
doing it! Would you believe it? Din already knew the secret! It was
the first case of spontaneous sorcery I had ever seen.
"Now what?"
he demanded.
"How did you learn to do that?"
I demanded incredulously.
He shrugged.
"Picked it up somewhere," he replied.
"Are you trying to tell me that you can't?"
"Of course I can, but--" I got hold of myself at that point.
"Are you sure you trans located them to the right spot?"
"You wanted them piled up beside your tower, didn't you? Go look, if
you want. I know where they are. Was there anything else you wanted
me to do here?"
"Let's go back," I told him shortly.
It took me awhile to regain my composure. We were about halfway back
before I could trust myself to start asking questions.
"Where are you from?"
It was banal, but it was a place to start.
"Originally, you mean? That's sort of hard to say. I move around a
lot. I'm not very welcome in most places. I'm used to it, though.
It's been going on since the day I was born."
"I gather that my mother's people had a fairly simple way to rid
themselves of defectives. As soon as they laid eyes on me, they took
me out in the woods and left me there to starve--or to provide some
wolf with a light snack. My mother was a sentimentalist, though, so
she used to sneak out of the village to nurse me."
And I thought my childhood had been hard.
"She stopped coming a year or so after I'd learned to walk, though,"
he added in a deliberately harsh tone.
"Died, I suppose--or they caught her sneaking out and killed her.
was on my own after that."
"How did you survive?"
"Does it really matter?"
There was a distant pain in his eyes,
"There are all sorts of things to eat in a forest--if you're not too
particular. Vultures and ravens manage fairly well. I learned to
watch for them. I found out early on that anyplace you see a vulture,
there's probably something to eat. You get used to the smell after a
"You're an animal!"
I exclaimed.
"We're all animals, Belgarath."
It was the first time he'd used my
"I'm better at it than most, because I've had more practice.
you suppose we could talk about something else?"
Now, do
And now we were seven, and I think we all knew that for the time being
there wouldn't be any more of us.
The others came later. We were an oddly assorted group, I'll grant
you, but the fact that we lived in separate towers helped to keep down
the frictions to some degree.
The addition of Beldin to our fellowship was not as disruptive as I'd
first imagined it might be. This is not to say that our ugly little
brother mellowed very much, but rather that we grew accustomed to his
irascible nature as the years rolled by. I invited him to stay in my
tower with me during what I suppose you could call his novitiate--that
period when he was Aldur's pupil before he achieved full status. I
discovered during those years that there was a mind lurking behind
those bestial features, and what a mind it was! With the possible
exception of Belmakor, Beldin was clearly the most intelligent of us
all. The two of them argued for years about points of logic and
philosophy so obscure that the rest of us hadn't the faintest idea of
what they were talking about, and they both enjoyed those arguments
It took me a while, but I finally managed to persuade Beldin that an
occasional bath probably wouldn't be harmful to his health and that if
he bathed, the fastidious Belmakor might be willing to come close
enough to him that they wouldn't have to shout during their
discussions. As my daughter's so fond of pointing out, I'm not an
absolute fanatic about bathing, but Beldin sometimes carries his
indifference to extremes.
During the years that we lived and studied together, I came to know
Beldin and eventually at least partially to understand him. Mankind
was still in its infancy in that age, and the virtue of compassion
hadn't really caught on as yet. Humor, if you want to call it that,
was still quite primitive and brutal. People found any sort of anomaly
funny, and Beldin was about as anomalous as you can get. Rural folk
would greet his entry into their villages with howls of laughter, and
after they had laughed their fill, they'd normally stone him out of
town. It's not really very hard to understand his foul temper, is it?
His own people tried to kill him the moment he was born, and he'd spent
his whole life being chased out of every community he tried to enter.
I'm really rather surprised that he didn't turn homicidal. I probably
would have.
He had lived with me for a couple hundred years, and then on one rainy
spring day, he raised a subject I probably should have known would come
up eventually. He was staring moodily out the window at the slashing
rain, and he finally growled,
"I think I'll build my own tower."
I replied, laying aside my book.
"What's wrong with this one?"
"I need more room, and we're starting to get on each other's nerves."
"I hadn't noticed that."
"Belgarath, you don't even notice the seasons. When you're face-down
in one of your books, I could probably set fire to your toes, and you
wouldn't notice. Besides, you snore."
"I snore?
You sound like a passing thunderstorm every night, all
"It keeps you from getting lonesome."
window again.
He looked pensively out the
"There's another reason, too, of course."
He looked directly at me, his eyes strangely wistful.
"In my whole life, I've never really had a place of my own. I've slept
in the woods, in ditches, and under haystacks, and the warm, friendly
nature of my fellow man has kept me pretty much constantly on the move.
I think that, just once, I'd like to have a place that nobody can throw
me out of."
What could I possibly say to that?
"You want some help?"
I offered.
"Not if my tower's going to turn into something that looks like this
one," he growled.
"What's wrong with this tower?"
"Belgarath, be honest. This tower of yours looks like an ossified tree
stump. You have absolutely no sense of beauty whatsoever."
This, coming from Beldin?
"I think I'll go talk with Belmakor. He's a Melcene, and they're
natural builders. Have you ever seen one of their cities?"
"I've never had occasion to go into the East."
"Naturally not.
to go anyplace.
You can't pull yourself out of your books long enough
Well? Are you coming along, or not?"
How could I turn down so gracious an invitation? I pulled on my cloak,
and we went out into the rain. Beldin, of course, didn't bother with
cloaks. He was absolutely indifferent to the weather.
When we reached Belmakor's somewhat overly ornate tower, my stumpy
little friend bellowed up,
I need to talk with you!"
Our civilized brother came to the window.
"What is it, old boy?"
he called down to us.
"I've decided to build my own tower.
I want you to design it for me.
Open your stupid door."
"Have you bathed lately?"
"Just last month.
Don't worry, I won't stink up your tower."
Belmakor sighed.
"Oh, very well." He gave in. His eyes went slightly distant, and the
latch on his heavy iron-bound door clicked. The rest of us had taken
our cue from our Master and used rocks to close the entrances to our
towers, but Belmakor felt the need for a proper door. Beldin and I
went in and mounted the stairs.
"Have you and Belgarath had a falling out?"
"Is that any business of yours?"
"Not really.
Belmakor asked
Beldin snapped.
Just wondering."
"He wants a place of his own," I explained.
"We're starting to get under each other's feet."
Belmakor was very shrewd.
He got my point immediately.
"What did you have in mind?"
he asked the dwarf.
"Beauty," Beldin said bluntly.
"I may not be able to share it, but at least I'll be able to look at
Belmakor's eyes filled with sudden tears.
emotional of us.
"Oh, stop that!"
He always was the most
Beldin told him.
"Sometimes you're so gushy you make me want to spew. I want grace. I
want proportion, I want something that soars. I'm tired of living in
the mud."
"Can you manage that?"
I asked our brother.
Belmakor went to his writing desk, gathered his papers, and inserted
them in the book he'd been studying. Then he put the book up on a top
shelf, spun a large sheet of paper and one of those inexhaustible quill
pens he was so fond of out of air itself, and sat down.
"How big?"
he asked Beldin.
"I think we'd better keep it a little lower than the Master's, don't
"Wise move. Let's not get above ourselves." Belmakor quickly sketched
in a fairy castle that took my breath away--all light and delicacy with
flying buttresses that soared out like wings and towers as slender as
"Are you trying to be funny?"
Beldin accused.
"You couldn't house butterflies in that piece of gingerbread."
"Just a start, brother mine," Belmakor said gaily.
"We'll modify it down to reality as we go along.
with dreams."
You have to do that
And that started an argument that lasted for about six months and
ultimately drew us all into it. Our own towers were, for the most
part, strictly utilitarian. Although it pains me to admit it, Beldin's
description of my tower was probably fairly accurate. It did look
somewhat like a petrified tree stump when I stepped back to look at it.
It kept me out of the weather, though, and it got me up high enough so
that I could see the horizon and look at the stars. What else is a
tower supposed to do?
It was at that point that we discovered that Belsambar had the soul of
an artist. The last place in the world you would look for beauty would
be in the mind of an Angarak. With surprising heat, given his retiring
nature, he argued with Belmakor long and loud, insisting on his
variations as opposed to the somewhat pedestrian notions of the
Melcenes. Melcenes are builders, and they think in terms of stone and
mortar and what your material actually will let you get away with.
Angaraks think of the impossible and then try to come up with ways to
make it work.
"Why are you doing this, Belsambar?"
self-effacing brother.
Beldin once asked our normally
"It's only a buttress, and you've been arguing about it for weeks
"It's the curve of it, Beldin," Belsambar explained, more fervently
than I'd ever heard him say anything else.
"It's like this." And he created the illusion of the two opposing
towers in the air in front of them for comparison. I've never known
anyone else who could so fully build illusions as Belsambar. I think
it's an Angarak trait; their whole world is built on an illusion.
Belmakor took one look and threw his hands in the air.
"I bow to superior talent," he surrendered.
"It's beautiful, Belsambar.
enough support."
Now, how do we make it work?
"I'll support it, if necessary."
There's not
It was Belzedar, of all people!
"I'll hold up our brother's tower until the end of days, if need be."
What a soul that man had!
"You still didn't answer my question--any of you!"
Beldin rasped.
"Why are you all taking so much trouble with all of this?"
"It is because thy brothers love thee, my son," Aldur, who had been
standing in the shadows unobserved, told him gently.
"Canst thou not accept their love?"
Beldin's ugly face suddenly contorted grotesquely, and he broke down
and wept.
"And that is thy first lesson, my son," Aldur told him.
"Thou wilt warily give love, all concealed beneath this gruff exterior
of thine, but thou must also learn to accept love."
It all got a bit sentimental after that.
And so we all joined together in the building of Beldin's tower. It
didn't really take us all that long. I hope Durnik takes note that
it's not really immoral to use our gift on mundane things, Sendarian
ethics notwithstanding.
I missed having my grotesque little friend around in my own tower, but
I'll admit that I slept better. I wasn't exaggerating in the least in
my description of his snoring.
Life settled down in the Vale after that. We continued our studies of
the world around us and expanded our applications of our peculiar
I think it was one of the twins who discovered that it was possible for
us to communicate with each other by thought alone. It would have been
one-or both--of the twins, since they had been sharing their thoughts
since the day they were born. I do know that it was Beldin who
discovered the trick of assuming the forms of other creatures. The
main reason I can be so certain is that he startled several years'
growth out of me the first time he did it. A large hawk with a bright
band of blue feathers across its tail came soaring in, settled on my
window ledge, and blurred into Beldin.
"How about that?"
he demanded.
"It works after all."
I was drinking from a tankard at the time, and I dropped it and went
into an extended fit of choking while he pounded me on the back.
"What do you think you're doing?"
I demanded after I got my breath.
He shrugged.
"I was studying birds," he explained.
"I thought it might be useful to look at the world from their
perspective for a while.
Flying's not as easy as it looks.
myself out of the tower window."
I almost killed myself when I threw
"You idiot!"
"I MANAGED to get my wings working before I hit the ground. It's sort
of like swimming. You never know if you can do it until you try."
"What's it like?
Flying, I mean?"
"I couldn't even begin to describe it, Belgarath," he replied with a
look of wonder on his ugly face.
"You should try it. I wouldn't recommend jumping out of any windows,
though. Sometimes you're a little careless with details, and if you
don't get the tail feathers right, you'll break your beak."
Beldin's discovery came at a fortuitous time.
afterward that our Master sent us out from the
rest of mankind had been up to. As closely as
seems to have been about fifteen hundred years
when I first met him.
It wasn't very long
Vale to see what the
I can pinpoint it, it
since that snowy night
Anyway, flying is a much faster way to travel than walking. Beldin
coached us all, and we were soon flapping around the Vale like a flock
of migrating ducks. I'll admit right at the outset that I don't fly
very well.
Polgara's made an issue of that from time to time. I think she holds
it in reserve for occasions when she doesn't have anything else to carp
Anyway, after Beldin taught us how to fly, we scattered to the winds
and went out to see what people were up to. With the exception of the
Ulgos, there wasn't really anybody to the west of us, and I didn't get
along too well with their new Gorim. The original one and I had been
close friends, but the latest one seemed just a bit taken with
So I flew east instead and dropped in on the Tolnedrans. They had
built a number of cities since the last time I had seen them. Some of
those cities were actually quite large, though their habit of using
logs for constructing walls and thatch for roofs made me just a little
wary of entering those free-standing firetraps. As you might expect,
the Tolnedran fascination with money hadn't diminished in the fifteen
hundred years since I'd last seen them. If anything, they'd grown even
more acquisitive, and they seemed to spend a great deal of time
building roads. What is this thing with Tolnedrans and roads? They
were generally peaceful, however, since war's bad for business, so I
flew on to visit the Marags.
The Marags were a strange people--as I'm sure our friend Reig has
discovered by now. Perhaps their peculiarities are the result of the
fact that there are many more women in their society than there are
Their God, Mara, takes what is in my view an unwholesome interest in
fertility and reproduction. Their society is matriarchal, which is
unusual-although the Nyissans tend in that direction as well.
Despite its peculiarities, Marag culture was functional, and they had
not yet begun the practice of ritual cannibalism that their neighbors
found so repugnant and that ultimately led to their near extinction.
They were a generous people--the women particularly, and I got along
quite well with them. I don't know that I need to go into too much
detail. This book will almost certainly fall into Polgara's hands
eventually, and she has strong opinions about some things that aren't
really all that important.
After several years, we all returned to the Vale and gathered once more
in our Master's tower to report on what we had seen.
With a certain delicacy, our Master had sent Belsambar north to see
what the Morindim and the Karands were doing. It really wouldn't have
been a good idea to send him back into the lands of the Angaraks. He
had very strong feelings about the Grolim priesthood, and our journeys
were supposed to be fact-finding missions. We weren't out there to
right wrongs or to impose our own notions of justice. In retrospect,
though, we probably could have saved the world a great deal of pain and
suffering if we'd simply turned Belsambar loose on the Grolims. It
would have caused bad blood between Torak and our Master, though, and
that came soon enough anyway.
It was Belzedar who went down to the north side of Korim to observe the
Angaraks. Isn't it funny how things turn out? What he saw in those
mountains troubled him very much. Torak always had an exaggerated
notion of his significance in the overall scheme of things, and he
encouraged his Angaraks to become excessive in their worship. They'd
raised a temple to him in the High Places of Korim where the Grolim
priesthood ecstatically butchered their fellow Angaraks by the hundreds
while Torak looked on approvingly.
The religious practices of the various races of man were really none of
our business, but Belzedar found cause for alarm in the beliefs of the
Angaraks. Torak made no secret of the fact that he considered himself
several cuts above his brothers, and he was evidently encouraging his
people to feel the same way about themselves.
"It's just a matter of time, I'm afraid," Belzedar concluded
"Sooner or later, they're going to try to impose their notion of their
own superiority on the rest of mankind, and that won't work. If
someone doesn't persuade Torak to stop filling the heads of the
Angaraks with that obscene sense of superiority, there's very likely
going to be war in the South."
Then Belsambar told us that the Morindim and the Karands had become
demon-worshipers but that they posed no real threat to the rest of
mankind, since the demons devoted themselves almost exclusively to
eating the magicians who raised them.
Beldin reported that the Arends had grown even more stupid--if that's
possible--and that they all lived in a more or less perpetual state of
Belmakor had passed through the lands of the Nyissans on his way to
Melcena, and he reported that the Snake People were still fearfully
No one's ever accused the Nyissans of being energetic, but you'd think
they might have at least started building houses by now. The Melcenes,
of course, did build houses--probably more than they really needed--but
it kept them out of mischief. On his way back, he passed through Kell,
and he told us that the Dals were much involved in arcane
studies--astrology, necromancy, and the like. The Dals spend so much
of their time trying to look into the future that they tend to lose
sight of the present. I hate mystics! The only good part of it was
that they were so fuzzy-headed that they didn't pose a threat to
anybody else.
The Alorns, of course, were an entirely different matter. They're a
noisy, belligerent people who'll fight at the drop of a hat. Beltira
and Belkira looked in on their fellow Alorns. Fortunately for the sake
of world peace, the Alorns, like the Arends, spent most of their time
fighting each other rather than doing war on other races, but the twins
strongly suggested that we keep an eye on them. I have been doing just
that for the past five thousand years. It was probably that more than
anything else that turned my hair white. Alorns can get into more
trouble by accident than other people can on purpose--always excepting
the Arends, of course. Arends are perpetually a catastrophe waiting to
Our Master considered our reports carefully and concluded that the
world outside the Vale was generally peaceful and that only the
Angaraks were likely to cause trouble. He told us that he'd have a
word with his brother Torak about that particular problem, pointing out
to him that if any kind of general war broke out, the Gods themselves
would inevitably be drawn in, and that would be disastrous.
"Methinks I can make him see reason," Aldur told us. Reason?
Sometimes my Master's optimism got the better of him.
As I recall, he had been absently fondling that strange grey stone of
his as we made our reports. He'd had the thing for so long that I
don't think he even realized that it was in his hand. Over the years
since he'd spoken with UL about it, I don't think he'd once put it
down, and it somehow almost became a part of him.
Naturally it was Belzedar who noticed it.
might have turned out if he hadn't.
"What is that strange jewel.
I wonder how everything
he asked. Better far that his tongue had fallen out before he asked
that fatal question.
"This Orb?"
Aldur replied, holding it up for all of us to see.
"In it lies the fate of the world." It was then for the first time
that I noticed that the stone seemed to have a faint blue flicker deep
inside of it. It was, as I think I've mentioned before, polished by a
thousand years or more of our Master's touch, and it was now, as
Belzedar had so astutely noticed, more a jewel than a piece of plain,
country rock.
"How can so small an object be so important, Master?" Belzedar asked.
That's another question I wish he'd never thought of. If he'd just
been able to let it drop, none of what's happened would have happened,
and he wouldn't be in his present situation. Despite all of our
training, there are some questions better left unanswered.
Unfortunately, our Master had a habit of answering questions, and so
things came out that might better have been left buried. If they had,
I might not currently be carrying a load of guilt that I'm not really
strong enough to bear. I'd rather carry a mountain than carry what I
did to Belzedar. Garion might understand that, but I'm fairly sure
none of the rest of my savage family would. Regrets? Yes, of course I
have regrets.
I've got regrets stacked up behind me at least as far as from here to
the moon. But we don't die from regret, do we? We might squirm a
little, but we don't die.
And our Master smiled at my brother Belzedar, and the Orb grew
brighter. I seemed to see images flickering dimly within it.
"Herein lies the past," our Master told us, "and the present, and the
future, also. This is but a small part of the virtue of the Orb. With
it may man--or earth herself--be healed or destroyed. Whatsoever man
or God would do, though it be beyond even the power of the Will and the
Word, with this Orb may it come to pass."
"Truly a wondrous thing, Master," Belzedar said, looking a bit puzzled,
"but still I fail to understand. The jewel is fair, certainly, but in
fine it is yet but a stone."
"The Orb hath revealed the future unto me, my son," our Master replied
"It shall be the cause of much contention and great suffering and vast
destruction. Its power reaches from where it now lies to blow out the
lives of men yet unborn as easily as thou wouldst snuff out a
"It's an evil thing then, Master," I said, and Belsambar and Belmakor
"Destroy it, Master," Belsambar pleaded, "before it can bring its evil
into the world."
"That may not be," our Master replied.
"Blessed be the wisdom of Aldur," Belzedar said, his eyes glittering
"With us to aid him, our Master may wield this wondrous jewel for good
instead of ill. It would be monstrous to destroy so precious a thing."
Now that I look back at everything that's happened, I suppose I
shouldn't really blame Belzedar for his unholy interest in the Orb. It
was a part of something that absolutely had to happen. I shouldn't
blame him for it--but I do.
"I tell ye, my sons," our Master continued,
"I would not destroy the Orb even were it possible. Ye have all just
returned from looking at the world in its childhood and at man in his
infancy. All living things must grow or they will die. Through this
jewel shall the world be changed and man shall achieve that state for
which he was made. The Orb is not of itself evil. Evil is a thing
that lies only in the hearts and minds of men-and of Gods, also." And
then our Master fell silent, and he sighed, and we went away and left
him in his sad communion with the Orb.
We saw little of our Master in the centuries that followed. Alone in
his tower he continued his study of the Orb, and he learned much from
it, I think. We were all saddened by his absence, and our work had
little joy in it.
I think it was about twenty centuries after I came to serve my Master
when a stranger came into the Vale. He was beautiful as no being I
have ever seen, and he walked as if his foot spurned the earth.
As was customary, we went out to greet him.
"I would speak with my brother, thy Master, Aldur," he told us, and we
knew that we were in the presence of a God.
As the eldest, I stepped forward.
"I shall tell my Master you have come," I said politely. I wasn't
certain which God he was, but something about this over pretty stranger
didn't sit very well with me.
"That is not needful, Belgarath," he told me in a tone that irritated
me even more than his manner.
"My brother knows I am here.
Convey me to his tower."
I turned and led the way without trusting myself to answer.
When we reached the tower, the stranger looked me full in the face.
"A bit of advice for thee, Belgarath," he said, "by way of thanks for
thy service. Seek not to rise above thyself. It is not thy place to
approve or to disapprove of me. For thy sake I hope that when next we
meet, thou wilt remember this instruction and behave in a more seemly
manner." His eyes seemed to bore directly into me, and his voice
chilled me.
But, because I was still who I was and not even the two thousand years
and more I had lived in the Vale had entirely put the wild, rebellious
boy in me to sleep, I answered him somewhat tartly.
"Thank you for the advice," I told him.
"Will you require anything else?" It wasn't up to me to tell him where
the door was or how to open it. I waited, watching hopefully for some
hint of confusion.
"Thou art pert, Belgarath," he observed.
"Perhaps one day I shall give myself leisure to instruct thee in proper
behavior and customary respect."
"I'm always eager to learn," I replied. As you can see, Torak and I
got off on the wrong foot almost immediately. You'll notice that I'd
deduced his identity by now.
He turned and gestured, and the stone door of the tower opened.
Then he went inside.
We never knew exactly what passed between our Master and his brother.
They spoke together for hours, then a summer storm broke above our
heads, so we were forced to take shelter and thus missed Torak's
When the storm had cleared, our Master called us to him, and we went up
into his tower. He sat at the table where he had labored so long over
the Orb. There was a great sadness in his face, and my heart wept to
see it. There was also a reddened mark on his cheek that I didn't
But Belzedar saw what I hadn't almost at once.
he said with a note of panic in his voice.
"Where is the jewel? Where is the Orb of power?" I wish I'd paid
closer attention to the sound of his voice. I might have been able to
avert a lot of things if I had.
"Torak, my brother, hath taken it away with him," our Master replied,
and his voice had almost the sound of weeping in it.
Belzedar exclaimed.
"We must pursue him and reclaim the Orb before he escapes us!
many, and he is but one!"
We are
"He is a God, my son," Aldur said.
"Numbers mean nothing to him."
"But, Master," Belzedar said desperately, "we must reclaim the Orb!
It must be returned to us!" And I still didn't realize what was going
on in Belzedar's mind. My brains must have been asleep.
"How did thy brother obtain thine Orb from thee, Master?"
"Torak conceived a desire for the jewel," Aldur said, "and he besought
me that I should give it to him. When I would not, he smote me and
took the Orb and ran."
That did it!
Though the jewel was wondrous, it was still only a
The fact that Torak had struck my Master, however, brought flames into
my brain. I threw off my cloak, bent my will into the air before me,
and forged a sword with a single word. I seized the sword and leapt to
the window.
"No!" my Master said, and the word stopped me as if a wall had been
placed before me.
"Open!" I commanded, slashing at that unseen wall with the sword I'd
just made.
my Master said again, and the wall wouldn't let me through.
"He hath struck thee, Master!"
I raged.
"For that I will kill him though he be ten times a God!"
"No. Torak would crush thee as easily as thou wouldst crush an insect
that annoyed thee. I love thee much, mine eldest son, and I would not
lose thee so."
"There must be war, Master," Belmakor said. That should give you some
idea of how seriously we took the matter. The word "war" was the last
I'd have ever expected to hear coming from the ultra-civilized
"The blow and the theft must not go unpunished. We will forge weapons,
and Belgarath shall lead us. We will make war on this thief who calls
himself a God."
"My son," Aldur said with a kind of gentle sorrow, "there will be war
enough to glut thee of it before thy life ends. Gladly would I have
given the Orb to Torak, save that the Orb itself hath told me that one
day it would destroy him. I would have spared him had I been able, but
his lust for the jewel was too great, and he would not listen." He
sighed and then straightened.
"There will be war, Belmakor. It is unavoidable now. My brother hath
the Orb in his possession, and with its power he can do great mischief.
We must reclaim it or alter it before Torak can subdue it and bend it
to his will."
Belzedar said, aghast.
"Surely, Master, surely thou wouldst not weaken this precious thing!"
It seemed that was all he could think about, and I still didn't
"It may not be weakened, Belzedar," Aldur replied, "but will retain its
power even unto the end of days. The purpose of our war shall be to
press Torak into haste, that he will attempt to use it in a way that it
will not be used."
Belzedar stared at him. He evidently had thought that the Orb was a
passive object. He hadn't counted on the fact that it had its own
ideas about things.
"The world is inconstant, Belzedar," our Master explained, "but good
and evil are immutable and unchanging. The Orb is an object of good
and not merely some bauble or toy. It hath understanding, not such as
thine, but understanding nonetheless. And it hath a will. Beware of
it, for its will is the will of a stone. It is, as I say, a thing of
good. If it be raised to do evil, it will strike down whoever would so
use it--be he man or be he God." Aldur obviously saw what I did not,
and this was his way to try to warn Belzedar. I don't think it worked,
Our Master sighed, then he rose to his feet.
"We must make haste,"
he told us.
"Go ye, my disciples. Go ye even unto mine other brothers and tell
them that I bid them come to me. I am the eldest, and they will come
out of respect, if not love. The war we propose will not be ours
alone. I do fear me that all of mankind shall be caught up in it. Go,
therefore, and summon my brothers that we may consider what must be
"A word with you, Belgarath?"
Belmakor said when we reached the foot of our Master's tower.
"Of course."
"I really don't think we should leave the Master alone," he suggested
"You think Torak might come back and hit him again?"
"I rather doubt it, and I'm fairly certain that the Master could take
care of himself if that happened."
"He didn't the last time," I replied bleakly.
"That was probably because Torak took him by surprise.
normally expect a brother to hit you."
You don't
"Why all this concern, then?"
"Didn't you feel the Master's grief? And I'm not just talking about
the loss of the Orb. Torak betrayed him and hit him, and now there's
going to be a war. I think a couple of us should stay here to comfort
the Master and to care for him."
"Do you want to stay?"
"Not me, old boy. I'm at least as angry about this as you are.
now I'm so angry that I could bite rocks and spit sand."
I considered it. There were seven of us, and we had to reach only five
Gods, so we could certainly afford to leave a couple behind.
"How about the twins, then?"
I suggested.
"Neither one of them could function if we separated them anyway, and
they don't have the temperament to deal with any confrontations that
might turn up."
"Excellent suggestion, old boy," he approved.
"Of course, that means that someone else will have to go north to speak
with Belar."
"I'll do that," I volunteered.
"I think I can probably deal with the Alorns."
"I'll go to Nedra, then. I've met him before, and I know how to get
his attention. I'll bribe him if I have to."
He's a God, Belmakor."
"You've never met him, I gather.
peculiarities honestly."
The Tolnedrans come by their
"Take Belzedar with you," I suggested.
"He's obsessed with the Orb, so I don't think we should just turn him
loose. He might decide to go after Torak on his own. When you get to
the lands of the Tolnedrans, send him up into Arendland to talk with
Chaldan. If he tries to argue with you, tell him that I ordered him to
do it. I'm the eldest, so that might carry some weight with him. Don't
let him go south. I don't want him getting himself killed. Our
Master's got enough grief to deal with already."
He nodded gravely.
"I'll take the others along as well. We'll split up once we reach the
Tolnedrans. Belsambar can go talk with Mara, and Beldin should be able
to find Issa."
"That's probably the best plan. Warn Beldin and Belsambar about
Belzedar. Let's all keep an eye on him. Sometimes he's a little
"Do we want to involve the Dals or the Melcenes?"
I squinted up at the sky. The summer storm had blown off, and only a
few puffy white clouds remained.
"The Master didn't mention them," I replied a little dubiously.
"You might want to warn them, though. They probably wouldn't care to
participate in a religious war--considering the fact that they don't
have a God--but you should probably suggest that they stay out of the
He shrugged.
"Whatever you think best.
Will you talk with the twins?"
"Why don't you do that? I've got a long way to go, and the Alorns are
spread out all over the north. It might take me quite a little while
to find Belar."
"Good hunting," he said with a faint smile.
"Very funny, Belmakor," I replied dryly.
"One does one's best, old boy. I'll go speak with the twins." And he
sauntered off in the direction of the twins' tower. Not much ever
ruffled Belmakor--at least not on the surface.
Since speed was important, I decided to change into the form of an
eagle and fly north, which proved to be a mistake. I think I've
already mentioned the fact that I don't fly very well. I've never
really been able to get the hang of it. For one thing, I'm not all
that comfortable with feathers, and for another--wings or not--the
sight of all that empty air under me makes me decidedly uncomfortable,
so I flap a great deal more than is really necessary, and that can
become very tiring after a while.
The major problem, however, lay in the fact that the longer I remained
in the form of an eagle, the more the character of the eagle became
interwoven with my own. I began to be distracted by tiny movements on
the ground, and I had fierce urges to swoop down and kill things.
This obviously wasn't working, so I settled back to earth, resumed my
own form, and sat for a time to catch my breath, rest my arms, and
consider alternatives. The eagle, for all his splendor, is really a
stupid bird, and I didn't want to be continually distracted from my
search for Belar by every mouse or rabbit on the ground beneath me.
I considered the possibility of the horse. A horse can run very fast
for short periods, but he soon tires, and he's not very much brighter
than the eagle. I decided against taking the form of a horse and moved
on to other possibilities. An antelope can run for days without
tiring, but the antelope is a silly creature, and too many other
animals on this vast plain looked upon him as a food source. I didn't
really have the time to stop to persuade every passing predator to go
find something else to eat. I needed a form with speed and stamina and
a sufficiently intimidating reputation to keep other creatures at a
After a while it occurred to me that all the traits I was looking for
were to be found in the wolf. Of all the creatures of the plain and
forest, the wolf is the most intelligent, the swiftest, and the most
tireless. Not only that, no sane animal crosses a wolf if he can
possibly avoid it.
It took me a while to get it right. Beldin had taught us all to assume
the form of a bird, but I was on my own when it came to putting on fur
and paws.
I'll admit that I botched it the first few times. Have you ever seen a
wolf with feathers and a beak? You really wouldn't want to. I finally
managed to put all thoughts of birds out of my mind and came much
closer to my idealized conception of what a wolf ought to look like.
It's a strange sort of process, this changing of form. First you fill
your mind with the image of the creature you want to become, and then
you direct your will inward and sort of melt yourself into the image. I
wish Beldin were around. He could explain it far better than I can.
The important thing is just to keep trying--and to change back quickly
if you get it wrong. If you've left out the heart, you're in
After I'd made the change, I checked myself over rather carefully to
make sure I hadn't left anything out. I'd imagine that I looked just a
bit ridiculous groping at my head and ears and muzzle with my paws, but
I wanted to be certain that other wolves wouldn't laugh at me when they
saw me.
Then I started across the grassland.
I soon realized that my choice
had been a good one. As soon as I got used to the idea of running on
all fours, I found the shape of the wolf quite satisfactory and the
mind of the wolf most compatible with my own. After an hour or so, I
was pleased to note that I was covering the ground at least as fast as
I had when floundering through the air as an eagle. I quickly
discovered that it's a fine thing to have a tail. A tail helps you to
keep your balance, and it acts almost like a rudder when you're making
quick turns. Not only that, when you have a fine, bushy tail, you can
wrap it around yourself at night to ward off the chill. You really
ought to try it sometime.
I ran north for a week or so, but I still hadn't come across any
Then on one golden afternoon in late summer I encountered a young
she-wolf who was feeling frolicsome. She had, as I recall, fine
haunches and a comely muzzle.
"Why so great a hurry, friend?" she said to me coyly in the way of
wolves. Even in my haste, I was startled to find that I could
understand her quite clearly. I slowed, and then I stopped.
"What a splendid tail you have," she complimented me, quickly following
up on her advantage, "and what excellent teeth."
"Thank you," I replied modestly.
"Your own tail is also quite fine, and your coat is truly magnificent."
I admired her openly.
"Do you really think so?" she said, preening herself. Then she nipped
playfully at my flank and dashed off a few yards, trying to get me to
chase her.
"I would gladly stay a while so that we might get to know each other
better," I told her, "but I have a most important errand."
"An errand?"
she scoffed, with her tongue lolling out in amusement.
"Whoever heard of a wolf with any errand but his own desires?"
"I am not really a wolf," I explained.
"Really? How remarkable. You look like a wolf, and you talk like a
wolf, and you certainly smell like a wolf, but you say that you are not
a wolf. What are you, then?"
"I am a man." I said it rather deprecatingly.
opinions about certain things, I discovered.
Wolves have strong
She sat, a look of amazement on her face. She had to accept what I
said as the truth, since wolves are incapable of lying.
"You have a tail,"
she pointed out, "and I have never seen a man with a tail before. You
have a fine coat. You have four feet. You have long, pointed teeth,
sharp ears, and a black nose, and yet you say you are a man."
"It is very complicated."
"It must be," she conceded.
"I think I will run with you for a while, since you must attend to this
errand of yours. Perhaps we can discuss it as we go along, and you can
explain this complicated thing to me."
"If you wish."
I rather liked her and was glad by then for any
It's lonely being a wolf sometimes.
"I must warn you though, that I run very fast," I cautioned her.
She sniffed.
"All wolves run very fast."
And so, side by side, we ran off over the endless grassland in search
of the God Belar.
"Do you intend to run both day and night?"
gone several miles.
she asked me after we had
"I will rest when I grow tired."
"I am glad of that." Then she laughed in the way of wolves, nipped at
my shoulder, and scampered off.
I began to consider the morality of my situation. Though my companion
looked quite delightful to me in my present form, I was almost positive
that she would seem less so once I resumed my proper shape. Further,
while it's undoubtedly a fine thing to be a father, I was fairly
certain that a litter of puppies might prove to be an embarrassment
when I returned to my Master. Not only that, the puppies would not be
entirely wolves, and I didn't really want to father a race of monsters.
But finally, since wolves mate for life, when I left my companion--as I
would eventually be compelled to do--she would be abandoned, left alone
with a litter of fatherless puppies, and subject to the scorn and
ridicule of the other members of her pack. Propriety is very important
to wolves. Thus, I resolved to resist her advances on our journey in
search of Belar.
I wouldn't have devoted so much time and space to this incident except
to help explain how insidiously the personalities of the shapes we
assume come to dominate our thinking. Before we had gone very far, I
was as much or more a wolf as my little friend. If you should ever
decide to practice this art, be careful. To remain in a shape too long
is to invite the very real possibility that when the time comes to go
back to your own form, you may not want to. I'll quite candidly admit
that by the time the young she-wolf and I reached the realms of the
Bear God, I'd begun to give long thoughts to the pleasures of the den
and the hunt, the sweet nuzzlings of puppies, and the true and
steadfast companionship of a mate.
At length we found a band of hunters near the edge of that vast
primeval forest where Belar, the Bear God, dwelt with his people. To
the amazement of my companion, I resumed my own shape and approached
"I have a message for Belar," I told them.
"How may we know this to be true?" one burly fellow demanded
truculently. Why is it that Alorns will go out of their way to pick a
"You know it's true because I say it's true," I told him bluntly.
"The message is important, so quit wasting time flexing your muscles
and take me to Belar at once."
Then one of the Alorns saw my companion and threw his spear at her. I
didn't have time to make what I did seem natural or to conceal it from
them. I stopped the spear in mid-flight.
They stood gaping at that spear stuck quivering in the air as if in the
trunk of a tree. Then, because I was irritated, I flexed my mind and
broke the spear in two.
one of them gasped.
"Amazing level of perception there, old boy," I said sarcastically,
imitating Belmakor at his best.
"Now, unless you'd all like to live out the rest of your lives as
cabbages, take me to Belar at once. Oh, incidentally, the wolfs with
me. The next one of you who tries to hurt her is going to spend the
rest of his life carrying his entrails around in a bucket." You have
to be graphic to get an Alorn's attention sometimes. I beckoned to the
wolf, and she came to my side, baring her fangs at them. She had
lovely fangs, long and curved and as sharp as daggers. Her display of
them got the Alorns' immediate and undivided attention.
"Nicely done,"
I snarled admiringly to her. She wagged her tail, her lip still curled
menacingly at those thick-witted barbarians.
"Shall we go talk to Belar, gentlemen?" I suggested in my most
civilized manner on the theory that sometimes you have to beat Alorns
over the head.
We found the God Belar in a rude encampment some miles deeper into the
forest. He appeared to be very young--scarcely more than a boy, though
I knew that he was very nearly as old as my Master. I have my
suspicions about Belar. He was surrounded by a bevy of busty,
blonde-braided Alorn maidens, who all seemed enormously fond of him.
Well, he was a God, after all, but the admiration of those girls didn't
seem to be entirely religious.
All right, Polgara, just let it lie, will you?
The Alorns in that crude encampment in the woods were rowdy,
undisciplined, and--by and large--drunk. They joked boisterously with
their Master with absolutely no sense of decorum or dignity.
"Well met, Belgarath," Belar greeted me, though we'd never met before
and I hadn't told any of those belligerent hunters my name.
"How goes it with my beloved elder brother?"
"Not well, my Lord," I replied rather formally. Despite the tankard he
held in one hand and the blonde he held in the other, he was still a
God, so I thought it best to mind my manners.
"Thy brother Torak came unto my Master and smote him and bore away a
particular jewel that he coveted."
"What?" the young God roared, springing to his feet and spilling both
tankard and blonde.
"Torak hath the Orb?"
"I greatly fear it is so, my Lord. My Master bids me entreat thee to
come to him with all possible speed."
"I will, Belgarath," Belar assured me, retrieving his tankard and the
pouty-looking blonde.
"I will make preparations at once.
Hath Torak used the Orb as yet?"
"We think not, my Lord," I replied.
"My Master says we must make haste, ere thy brother Torak hath learned
the full power of the jewel he hath stolen."
"Truly," Belar agreed.
He glanced at the young she-wolf sitting at my
"Greetings, little sister," he said in flawless wolfish.
"Is it well with thee?" Belar had his faults, certainly, but you could
never criticize his manners.
"Most remarkable," she said with some amazement.
"It appears that I have fallen in with creatures of great
"Thy companion and I must make haste," he told her.
"Otherwise I would make suitable arrangements for thy comfort. May I
offer thee to eat?" You see what I mean about Belar's courtesy?
She glanced at the ox turning on a spit over an open fire.
"That smells interesting," she said.
"Of course." He took up a very long knife and carved off a generous
portion for her. He handed it to her, being careful to snatch his
fingers back out of the range of those gleaming fangs.
"My thanks," she said, tearing off a chunk and downing it in the blink
of an eye.
"This one--" She jerked her head at me "--was in so much hurry to reach
this place that we scarce had time to catch a rabbit or two along the
way." She daintily gulped the rest of the meat down in two great
"Quite good," she noted, "though one wonders why it was necessary to
burn it."
"A custom, little sister," he explained.
"Oh, well, if it is a custom--" She carefully licked her whiskers
"I will return in a moment, Belgarath," Belar said, and moved away to
speak with his Alorns.
"That one is nice," my companion told me pointedly.
"He is a God," I told her.
"That means nothing to me," she said indifferently.
"Gods are the business of men. Wolves have little interest in such
things." Then she looked at me critically.
"One would be more content with you if you would keep your eyes where
they belong," she added.
"One does not understand what you mean."
"I think you do. The females belong to the nice one. It is not proper
for you to admire them so openly." Regardless of my reservations about
the matter, it was fairly obvious that she had made some decisions. I
thought it might be best to head that off.
"Perhaps you would wish to return to the place where we first met so
that you may rejoin your pack?" I suggested delicately.
"I will go along with you for a while longer."
She rejected my
"I was ever curious, and I see that you are familiar with things that
are most remarkable." She yawned, stretched, and curled up at my
feet-being careful, I noticed, to place herself between me and those
Alorn girls.
The return to the Vale where my Master waited took far less time than
my journey to the land of the Bear God had. Although time is normally
a matter of indifference to them, when there's need for haste, the Gods
can devour distance in ways that hadn't even occurred to me.
We set out at what seemed no more than a leisurely stroll with Belar
asking me questions about my Master and our lives in the Vale while the
young she-wolf padded along sedately between us. After several hours
of this, my impatience made me bold enough to get to the point.
"My Lord,"
I said, "forgive me, but at this rate, it'll take us almost a year to
reach my Master's tower."
"Not nearly so long, Belgarath," he disagreed pleasantly.
"I believe it lies just beyond that next hilltop."
I stared at him, not believing that a God could be so simple, but when
we crested the hill, there lay the Vale spread before us with my
Master's tower in the center.
"Most remarkable," the wolf murmured, dropping to her haunches and
staring down into the Vale with her bright yellow eyes. I had to agree
with her about that.
My brothers had returned by now, and they were waiting at the foot of
our Master's tower as we approached. The other Gods were already with
my Master, and Belar hastened into the tower to join them.
When my brothers saw my companion, they were startled.
"Belgarath," Belzedar objected, "is it wise to bring such a one here?
Wolves are not the most trustworthy of creatures, you know."
The she-wolf bared her fangs at him for that.
she possibly have understood what he'd said?
"What is her name?"
How in the world could
the gentle Beltira asked me.
"Wolves don't need names, brother," I replied.
"They know who they are without such appendages.
conceit, I think."
Names are a human
Belzedar shook his head and moved away from the wolf.
"Is she quite tame?" Belsambar asked me. Taming things was a passion
with Belsambar. I think he knew half the rabbits and deer in the Vale
by their first names, and the birds used to perch on him the way they
would have if he had been a tree.
"She isn't tame at all, Belsambar," I told him.
"We met by chance while I was going north, and she decided to tag
"Most remarkable," the wolf said to me.
"Are they always so full of questions?"
"How did you know they were asking questions?"
"You, too? You are as bad as they are." That was a maddening habit of
hers. If she considered a question unimportant, she simply wouldn't
answer it.
"It's the nature of man to ask questions," I said a bit defensively.
"Curious creatures," she sniffed, shaking her head.
a mistress of ambiguity.
She could also be
"What a wonder," Belkira marveled.
"You've learned to converse with the beasts.
instruct me in this art."
I pray you, dear brother,
"I wouldn't exactly call it an art, Belkira. I took the form of a wolf
on my journey to the north. The language of wolves came with the form
and remained even after I changed back. It's no great thing."
"I think you might be wrong there, old chap," Belmakor said with a
thoughtful expression.
"Learning foreign languages is a very tedious process, you know. I've
been meaning to learn Ulgo for several years now, but I haven't gotten
around to it. If I were to take the form of an Ulgo for a day or so,
it might save me months of study."
"You're lazy, Belmakor," Beldin told him bluntly.
"Besides, it wouldn't work."
"And why not?"
"Because an Ulgo's still a man. Belgarath's wolf doesn't form words
the way we do because she doesn't think the way we do."
"I don't think the way an Ulgo does, either," Belmakor objected.
think it would work."
"You're wrong, it wouldn't."
That particular argument persisted off and on for about a hundred
years. The notion of trying it and finding out one way or the other
never occurred to either of them. Now that I think of it, though, it
probably did.
Neither of them was so stupid that he wouldn't have thought of it. But
they both enjoyed arguing so much that they didn't want to spoil the
fun by settling the issue once and for all.
The wolf curled up and went to sleep while the rest of us waited for
the decision of our Master and his brothers about the wayward Torak.
When the other Gods came down from the tower, their faces were somber,
and they left without speaking to us.
Then Aldur summoned us, and we went upstairs.
"There will be war," our Master told us sadly.
"Torak must not be permitted to gain full mastery of the Orb. They are
of two different purposes and must not be joined, lest the fabric of
creation be rent asunder. My brothers have gone to gather their
people. Mara and Issa will circle to the east through the lands of the
Dals that they might come at Torak from the south of Korim.
Nedra and Chaldan will encircle him from the west, and Belar will come
at him from the north. We will lay waste his Angaraks until he returns
the Orb. Though it rends my heart, it must be so. I will set tasks
for each of thee that thou must accomplish in mine absence."
"Absence, Master?"
Belzedar asked.
"I must go even unto Prolgu to consult with UL. The Destinies that
drive us all are known, though imperfectly, to him. He will provide
guidance for us, that we do not overstep certain limits in our war upon
our brother."
The wolf, quite unnoticed, had gone to him and laid her head in his
lap. As he spoke to us, he absently--or so I thought at the
time--stroked her with an oddly affectionate hand. I knew it was
improbable, but I got the strong impression that they somehow already
knew each other.
Our Master was a long time at Prolgu, but we had more than enough to
keep us occupied, and I'm certain the peoples of the other Gods were
just as busy. With the possible exception of the Alorns and the
Arends, war was an alien concept to most of the rest of mankind, and
even those belligerent people were not very good at the kind of
organization necessary to build an army. By and large, the world had
been peaceful, and such fights as occasionally broke out tended to
involve just a few men pounding on each other with assorted weapons
that weren't really very sophisticated. Fatalities occurred, of
course, but I like to think they were accidental most of the time.
This time was obviously going to be different. Whole races were going
to be thrown at each other, and nothing had prepared us for that.
We relied rather heavily on Belsambar's knowledge of the Angaraks in
the early stages of our planning. That elevated opinion of themselves
which Torak had instilled in his people had made them aloof and
secretive, and strangers or members of other races were not welcome in
their cities. To emphasize that, Angaraks had traditionally walled in
their towns. It was not so much that they anticipated war--although
Torak himself probably did--but rather that they seemed to feel the
need for some visible sign that they were separate from and superior to
the rest of mankind.
Beldin sat scowling at the floor after Belsambar had described the wall
surrounding the city where he'd been born over a thousand years
"Maybe they've discontinued the practice," he growled.
"They hadn't when I went down to have a look at them five centuries
ago," Belzedar told him.
"If anything, the walls around their cities were higher--and
Beltira shrugged.
"What one man can build, another man can tear down."
"Not when it's raining spears and boulders and boiling oil, he
Beldin disagreed.
"I think we can count on the Angaraks to pull back behind those walls
when we go after them. They breed like rabbits, but they're still
going to be outnumbered, so they won't want to meet us in open country.
They'll go into their cities, close the gates, and make us come to
them. That's an excellent way for us to get a lot of people killed.
We've got to come up with some way to tear those walls down without
throwing half of mankind at them."
"We could do it ourselves," Belkira suggested.
"As I recall, you trans located a half acre or so of rocks when you
helped Belgarath build his tower."
"Those were loose rocks, brother," Beldin told him sourly, "and it was
all I could do to walk the next day. Belsambar says that the Angaraks
stick their walls together with mortar. We'd have to take them apart
stone by stone."
"And they'd be rebuilding them as fast as we tore them down,"
Belmakor added. He looked thoughtfully up at the ceiling of
Belsambar's tower where we'd gathered. Then, naturally, considering
the fact that it was Belmakor, he reverted to logic.
"First off, Beldin's right. We can't just swarm their cities under.
The casualties would be unacceptable." He looked around at the rest of
"Do we agree on that?"
We all nodded.
"Splendid," he said dryly.
"Second, if we try to take down their walls with the Will and the Word,
we'll exhaust ourselves and we won't really accomplish all that
"What does that leave us?" Belzedar asked him crossly. I'd picked up
a few hints from the others that Belzedar and Belmakor had argued
extensively when they had reached the lands of the Tolnedrans.
Belzedar, as second disciple, had assumed that he was in charge.
Belmakor, borrowing my authority, had contested that, and Beldin had
backed him.
Belzedar was mightily offended, I guess, and he seemed to be looking
for some way to get back at Belmakor for what he felt to be his
"We can't strike at Torak directly, you realize," he went on.
"The only way we can hurt him enough to force him to give back the Orb
is to hurt his people, and we won't be able to hurt them if they're
hiding behind those walls."
"The situation would seem to call for something mechanical then,
wouldn't you say, old chap?" Belmakor responded in his most urbanely
offhand tone.
Belzedar looked baffled.
"Something that doesn't bleed, old boy. Something that can reach out
from beyond the range of the Angarak spears and knock down those
"There isn't any such thing," Belzedar scoffed.
"Not yet, old chap, not yet, but I rather think Beldin and I can come
up with something that'll turn the trick."
I'd like to set the record straight at this point. All manner of
people have tried to take credit for the invention of siege engines.
The Alorns claim it; the Arends claim it; and the Malloreans certainly
claim it; but let's give credit where credit's due. It was my
brothers, Belmakor and Beldin, who built the first ones.
This is not to say that all of their machines worked the way they were
supposed to. Their first catapult flew all to pieces the first time
they tried to shoot it, and their mobile battering ram was an absolute
disaster, since they couldn't come up with a way to steer it. It
tended to wander away from its intended target and mindlessly bang on
unoffending trees--but I digress.
It was at that point in the discussion that our mystical brother,
Belsambar, suggested something so horrible that we were all taken
"Belmakor," he said in that self-effacing tone of his, "do you think
you can really devise something that would throw things long
"Of course, old boy," Belmakor replied confidently.
"Why should we throw things at the walls, then? We have no quarrel
with the walls. Our quarrel's with Torak. I'm an Angarak, and I know
the mind of Torak better than any of the rest of you. He encourages
his Grolims to sacrifice people because it's a sign that they love him
more than they love their fellow man. The more the victim on the altar
suffers, the greater he views it as a demonstration of love for him.
It's the specific, individualized pain of the sacrificial victim that
satisfies him. We can hurt him best if we make the pain general."
"Exactly what did you have in mind, brother?"
a puzzled look.
Belmakor asked him with
"Fire," Belsambar told him with dreadful simplicity.
"Pitch burns, and so does naphtha. Why should we waste our time and
the lives of our soldiers attacking walls? Use your excellent engines
to loft liquid fire over the walls and into the cities. Trapped by
their own walls, the Angaraks will be burned alive, and there won't be
any need for us even to enter their cities, will there?"
Beltira gasped.
"That's horrible!"
"Yes," Belsambar admitted, "but as I said, I know the mind of Torak.
He fears fire.
The Gods can see the future, and Torak sees fire in
Nothing we could do would cause him more pain.
And isn't that our
In the light of what happened later, Belsambar was totally correct,
though how he knew is beyond explanation. Torak did fear fire--and
with very good reason.
Although Belsambar's suggestion was eminently practical, we all tried
to avoid it. Belmakor and Beldin went into an absolute frenzy of
creativity, and the twins no less so. They experimented with weather.
They spun hurricanes and tornadoes out of clear blue skies, hoping
thereby to blow down the Angarak cities and towns. I concentrated my
efforts on assorted illusions. I'd fill the streets of the walled
cities of Angarak with unimaginable horrors. I'd drive them out from
behind their walls before their mystical kinsman could roast them
Belzedar worked at least as hard as the rest of us. He seemed obsessed
with the Orb, and his labor on means to reclaim it was filled with a
kind of desperate frenzy. Through it all, Belsambar sat, patiently
He seemed to know that once the fighting started, we'd return to his
hideous solution.
In addition to our own labors, we frequently traveled to the lands of
our allies to see what progress they were making. Always before, the
various cultures had been rather loose-knit, with no single individual
ruling any of the five proto-nations. The war with Torak changed all
that. Military organization is of necessity pyramidal, and the concept
of one leader commanding an entire race carried over into the various
societies after the war was over. In a way, I suppose you could give
Torak credit-or blame--for the idea of kings.
I guess that I'm the one who was ultimately responsible for the royal
house of the Alorns. By general consensus, my brothers and I had
continued to serve as liaisons between the various races, and we more
or less automatically assumed responsibility for the people of
whichever God we had personally invited to that conference in the Vale
after Torak stole the Orb. I think that my entire life has been shaped
by the fact that I had the misfortune to be saddled with the Alorns.
Our preparations for war took several years. The assorted histories of
the period tend to gloss over that fact. There were border clashes
with the Angaraks, of course, but no really significant battles.
Finally the Gods decided that their people were ready--if anybody in
those days actually could be called ready for war. The war against the
Angaraks was like no other war in human history in that our deployment
involved a general migration of the various races. The Gods were so
intimately involved with their people in those days that the notion of
leaving the women and children and old people behind while the men went
off to fight simply didn't occur to them.
Mara and Issa took their Marags and Nyissans and started their trek
southeasterly into the lands of the Dals, even as the Tolnedrans and
Arends began their swing toward the west. The Alorns, however, didn't
move. It was perhaps the only time I ever saw my Master truly vexed
about anything. He instructed me with uncharacteristic bluntness to go
north and find out what was holding them up.
So I went north again, and, as always by now, I didn't go alone. I
don't know that we'd ever actually discussed it, but the young she-wolf
had sort of expropriated me. Since she was along, I once again chose
the shape of a wolf for the journey. She approved of that, I suppose.
She never was totally satisfied with my real form, and she seemed much
happier with me when I had four feet and a tail.
We found out what was holding up the Alorns almost before we reached
the lands of the Bear God. Would you believe that they were already
fighting--with each other?
Alorn society--such as it was in those days--was clannish, and the
bickering was over which Clan-Chief was going to take command of the
entire army. The other Gods had encountered similar problems and had
simply overruled the urges toward supremacy of the various factions and
selected one leader to run things. Belar, however, wouldn't do that.
"I'm sure you can see my position, Belgarath," he said to me when I
finally found him. He said it just a little defensively, I thought.
I took a very deep breath, suppressing my urge to scream at him.
"No, my Lord," I said in as mild a tone as I could manage.
"Actually, I don't."
"If I select one Clan-Chief over the others, it might be construed as
favoritism, don't you see? They're simply going to have to settle it
for themselves."
"The other races are already on the march, my Lord," I reminded him as
patiently as I could.
"We'll be along, Belgarath," he assured me, "eventually."
By then I knew Alorns well enough to realize that Belar's "eventually"
would quite probably stretch out for several centuries.
The she-wolf at my side dropped to her haunches with her tongue lolling
out. Her laughter didn't improve my temper very much, I'll confess.
"Would you be open to a suggestion, my Lord?"
a civil tone.
I asked the Bear God in
"Why, certainly, Belgarath," he replied.
"To be honest with you, I've been racking my brains searching for a
solution to this problem. I'd hate to disappoint my brothers, and I
really don't want to miss the war entirely."
"It wouldn't be the same without you, my Lord," I assured him.
"Now, as for your problem. Why don't you just call all your
Clan-Chiefs together and have them draw lots to decide which of them
will be the leader of the Alorns?"
"You mean just leave it all in the hands of pure chance?"
"It is a solution, my Lord, and if you and I both promise not to tamper
in any way, your Clan-Chiefs won't have any cause for complaint, will
they? They'll all have an equal chance at the position, and if you
order them to abide by the way the lot falls, it should put an end to
all this ..." I choked back the word "foolishness."
"My people do like to gamble," he conceded.
"Did you know that we invented dice?"
"No," I said blandly.
"I didn't know that." To my own certain knowledge, every other race
made exactly the same claim.
"Why don't we summon your Clan-Chiefs, my Lord? You can explain the
contest--and the rules--to them, and we can get on with it. We
certainly wouldn't want to keep Torak waiting, would we? He'll miss
you terribly if you're not there when the fighting starts."
He grinned at me. As I've said before, Belar has his faults, but he
was a likable young God.
"Oh, by the way, my Lord," I added, trying to make it sound like an
afterthought, "if it's all right with you, I'll march south with your
people." Somebody had to keep an eye on the Alorns.
"Certainly, Belgarath," he replied.
"Glad to have you."
And so the Alorn Clan-Chiefs drew lots, and regardless of what Polgara
may think, I did not tamper with the outcome. In my view, one
Clan-Chief was almost the same as any other, and I really didn't care
who won--just as long as somebody did. As luck had it, the Clan-Chief
who won was Chaggat, the ultimate great-grandfather of Cherek
Bear-shoulders, the greatest king the Alorns have ever had. Isn't it
odd how those things turn out? I've since discovered that while I
didn't tamper and neither did Belar, something else did. The talkative
friend Garion carries around in his head took a hand in the game. He
was the one who selected Cherek's ancestor to be the first king of the
Alorns. But I'm getting ahead of myself--or had you noticed that?
Once the question of leadership had been settled, the Alorns started
moving in a surprisingly short time--although it's not all that
surprising, if you stop and think about it. The Alorns of that era
were semi-nomadic in the first place, so they were always ready to move
on--largely, I think, because of their deep-seated aversion to
orderliness. Prehistoric Alorns kept messy camps, and they found the
idea of moving on to be far more appealing than the prospect of tidying
Anyway, we marched south, passing through the now-deserted lands of the
Arends and the Tolnedrans. It was about midsummer when we reached the
country formerly occupied by the Nyissans. We began to exercise a
certain amount of caution at that point. We were getting fairly close
to the northern frontier of the Angaraks, and it wasn't very long
before we began to encounter small, roving bands of the Children of
Alorns have their faults--lots of them--but they are good in a fight.
It was there on the Angarak border that I first saw an Alorn
He was a huge fellow with a bright red beard, as I recall. I've always
meant to find out if he might have been a distant ancestor of Barak,
Earl of Trellheim. He looked a lot like Barak, so there probably was
some connection. At any rate, he outran his fellows and fell
singlehandedly on a group of about a dozen Angaraks. I considered the
odds against him and started to look around for a suitable grave site.
As it turned out, however, it was the Angaraks who needed burying after
he finished with them. Shrieking with maniacal laughter and actually
frothing at the mouth, he annihilated the whole group. He even chased
down and butchered the two or three who tried to run away. The
children of the Bear God, of course, stood there and cheered.
The frothing at the mouth definitely disconcerted my companion, though.
It took me quite some time to persuade her that the red-bearded
berserker wasn't really rabid. Wolves, quite naturally, try to avoid
rabid creatures, and my little friend was right on the verge of washing
her paws of the lot of us.
Our encounters with the Children of the Dragon God grew more frequent
as we drew nearer and nearer to the High Places of Korim, which at that
time was the center of Angarak power and population. We managed to
obliterate a fair number of walled Angarak towns on our way south, and
the reports filtering in from our flanks indicated that the other races
involved in our assault on Torak's people were also destroying towns
and villages as we converged on Korim.
The engines devised by Belmakor and Beldin worked admirably, and our
customary practice when we came on one of those walled towns was to sit
back and lob boulders at the walls for a few days while my brothers and
I raked the place with tornadoes and filled the streets with illusory
monsters. Then, when the walls had been reduced to rubble and the
inhabitants to gibbering terror, we'd charge in and kill all the
people. I tried my best to convince Chaggat that it was really
uncivilized to slaughter all those Angaraks and that he ought to give
some consideration to taking prisoners. He gave me that blank,
uncomprehending stare that all Alorns seem born with and said,
"What for?
What would I do with them?"
Unfortunately, the barbarians we accompanied took to Belsambar's notion
of burning people alive enthusiastically. In their defense, I'll admit
that they were the ones who actually had to do the fighting, and
somebody who's on fire has trouble concentrating on the business at
Quite often Chaggat's Alorns would batter down a wall and rush into a
town where all the inhabitants had already burned to death. That
always seemed to disappoint the Alorns.
In his defense, I must say that Torak finally did mount a
His Angaraks came swarming out of the mountains of Korim like a plague,
and we met them on all four sides. I don't like war; I never have.
It's the stupidest way imaginable to resolve problems.
however, we didn't have much choice.
In this case,
The outcome was ultimately a foregone conclusion. We outnumbered the
Angaraks by about five to one or better, and we annihilated them. Go
someplace else to look for the details of that slaughter. I don't have
the stomach to repeat what I saw during those awful two weeks. In the
end, we drove them back into the mountains of Korim and began our
inexorable advance on Torak's ultimate stronghold, that city-temple
that surmounted the highest peak. Our Master frequently exhorted his
brother to return the Orb, pointing out to him that his Angaraks verged
on extinction and that without his children, Torak was nothing. The
Dragon God wouldn't listen, however.
The ruggedness of the terrain on the eastern slopes of the mountains of
Korim had forced the Marags and Nyissans to make their approach from
the south. Had it not been for that, the disaster that followed would
have been far worse.
It was the prospect of losing all of his children that ultimately drove
the Dragon God over the line into madness. Faced with the choice of
either surrendering the Orb or losing all of his worshipers, Torak, to
put it bluntly, went crazy. The madness of man is bad enough, but the
madness of a God? Horrible!
Driven to desperation, my Master's brother took that ultimate step that
only his madness would have suggested to him. He knew what would
happen. There is no way that he could not have known. Nonetheless,
faced with the extermination of all of Angarak, he raised the Orb. His
control of my Master's Orb was tenuous at best, but he raised it all
the same.
And with it, he cracked the world.
The sound was like no sound I had ever heard before--or have heard
since. It was the sound of tearing rock. To this very day I still
start up from a sound sleep, sweating and trembling, as the memory of
that dreadful sound echoes down to me through five millennia.
The Melcenes, who are quite competent geologists, described what really
happened to the world when Torak broke it apart. My own studies
confirm their theories. The core of the world is still molten, and
that primeval proto continent which we all thought so firm, actually
floated on that seething underground sea of liquid rock, not unlike a
Torak used the Orb to break the strings that held the raft together. In
his desperation to save his Angaraks, he split the crust of that huge
landmass apart so that the rest of mankind could not complete the
destruction of his children. The crack he made was miles wide, and the
molten rock from far below began to spurt up through that awful
In itself, that would have been catastrophic enough--but then the sea
poured into the newly created fissure. Believe me, you don't want to
spill cold water on boiling rock!
The whole thing exploded!
I would not even venture to guess how many people died when that
happened--half of mankind at the very least, and probably far more. Had
the geography of eastern Korim been more gentle, in all probability the
Marags and Nyissans would have drowned or wound up living in Mallorea.
At any rate, the world we had known ended in that instant.
Torak paid a very dear price for what he had done, however. The Orb
was not at all happy to be used in the way he used it. Belsambar had
been right: Torak had seen fire in his future, and the Orb gave him
fire. As it happened, he raised the Orb with his left hand, and after
he cracked the world, he didn't have a left hand any more. The Orb
burned it down to cinders. Then, as if to emphasize its discontent, it
boiled out his left eye and melted down the left side of his face just
for good measure. I was ten miles away when it happened, and I could
hear his shrieks as clearly as if he'd been standing next to me.
The really dreadful part of the whole business lies in the fact that,
unlike humans, the Gods don't heal. We expect a few cuts, bruises, and
abrasions as we go through life; they don't. Healing is built into us.
The Gods aren't supposed to need it.
After he cracked the world, Torak definitely needed healing. It's
entirely probable that he felt that first searing touch of fire from
the moment he cracked the world until that awful night some five
thousand years later when, stricken, he cried out to his mother.
The earth shrieked and groaned as the power of the Orb and the will of
Torak burst the plain asunder, and, with a roar like ten thousand
thunders, the sea rushed in to explode and seethe in a broad, foaming
band between us and the Children of the Dragon God. The cracked land
sank beneath our feet, and the mocking sea pursued us, swallowing the
plain and the villages and the cities that lay upon it. Then it was
that Gara, the village of my birth, was lost forever, and that fair,
sparkling river I so loved was drowned beneath the endlessly rolling
A great cry went up from the hosts of mankind, for indeed the lands of
most of them were swallowed up by the sea that Torak had let in.
"How remarkable," the young she-wolf at my side observed.
"You say that overmuch," I told her sharply, stung by my own griefs.
Her casual dismissal of the catastrophe we'd just witnessed seemed a
little understated and more than a little cold-blooded.
"Do you not find it remarkable?"
you going to argue with a wolf?
she asked me quite calmly.
How are
"I do," I replied, "but one should not say that too often, lest one be
thought simple." It was a spiteful thing to say, I'll grant you, but
her calm indifference to the death of over half my species offended me.
Over the years I've come to realize that my helpless irritation with
her quirks is one of the keystones of our relationship.
She sniffed.
That's a maddening trait of hers.
"I will say as I wish to say," she told me with that infuriating
superiority of all females.
"You need not listen if it does not please you, and if you choose to
think me simple, that is your concern--and your mistake."
And now we were confounded. The broad sea stood between us and the
Angaraks, and Torak stood on one shore and we upon the other.
"What do we do, Master?"
I demanded of Aldur.
"We can do nothing," he replied.
"It is finished.
The war is over."
Belar cried.
"My people are Alorns. I shall teach them the ways of the sea. If we
cannot come upon the traitor Torak by land, my Alorns shall build a
great fleet, and we shall come upon him by sea. The war is not done,
my brother. Torak hath smote thee, and he hath stolen away that which
was thine, and now he hath drowned this fair land in the death-cold
sea. Our homes and our fields and forests are no more. This I tell
thee, my beloved brother, and my words are true. Between Alorn and
Angarak there shall be endless war until the traitor Torak be punished
for his iniquities--yea, even if it prevail so until the end of days!"
Oh, Belar could be eloquent when he set his mind to it. He loved his
beer tankard and his adoring Alorn girls, but he'd set all that aside
for the chance to make a speech.
"Torak is punished, Belar," my Master said to his enthusiastic younger
"He burns even now--and will burn forever. He hath raised the Orb
against the earth, and the Orb hath requited him for that.
Moreover, now is the Orb awakened.
It came to us in peace and love.
Now it hath been raised in hate and war. Torak hath betrayed it and
turned its gentle soul to stone. Now its heart shall be as ice and
iron-hard, and it will not be used so again. Torak hath the Orb, but
small pleasure shall he find in the having. He may no longer touch it,
neither may he look upon it, lest it slay him."
My Master, you'll note, was at least as eloquent as Belar.
"Nonetheless," Belar replied,
"I will make war upon him until the Orb be returned to thee.
pledge all of Aloria."
To this I
"As thou wouldst have it, my brother," Aldur said.
"Now, however, we must raise some barrier against this encroaching sea,
lest it swallow up all the dry land that is left to us. Join,
therefore, thy will with mine, and let us put limits upon this new
Until that day I had not fully realized to what degree the Gods
differed from us. As I watched, Aldur and Belar joined their hands and
looked out over the broad plain and the approaching sea.
"Stay," Belar said to the sea, raising one hand. His voice wasn't
loud, but the sea heard him and stopped. It built up, angry and
tossing, behind the barrier of that single word, and a great wind tore
at us.
"Rise up," Aldur said just as softly to the earth. My mind was
staggered by the immensity of that command. The earth, so newly
wounded by Torak, groaned and heaved and swelled. And then, before my
very eyes, it rose up. Higher and higher it rose as the rocks beneath
cracked and shattered. Out of the plain there shouldered up mountains
that hadn't been there before, and they shuddered away the loose earth
the way a dog shakes off water, to stand as an eternal barrier to the
sea that Torak had let in.
Have you ever stood about a half mile from the center of that sort of
thing? Don't, if you can possibly avoid it. We were all hurled to the
ground by the most violent earthquake I've ever been through. I lay
clutching at the ground while the tremors actually rattled my teeth.
The freshly broken earth groaned and even seemed to howl. And she
wasn't alone. My companion crouched at my side, raised her face to the
sky, and also howled. I put my arms about her and held her tightly
against me-which probably wasn't a very good idea, considering how
frightened she was. Oddly, she didn't try to bite me--or even growl at
me. She licked my face instead, as if she were trying to comfort me.
Isn't that peculiar?
When the shaking subsided, we all regained our composure somewhat and
stared first at that new range of mountains and then toward the East,
where Torak's new sea was sullenly retreating.
"Remarkable," the wolf said as calmly as if nothing had happened.
"Truly," I could not but agree.
And then the other Gods and their peoples came to the place where we
were and marveled at what Belar and my Master had done to hold back the
"Now is the time of sundering," my Master told them sadly.
"This land that was once so fair and sustained our children in their
infancy is no more. That which remains here on this shore is bleak and
harsh and will no longer support your people. This then is mine advice
to ye, my brothers.
Let each take his own people and journey into the west. Beyond the
mountains wherein lies Prolgu ye shall find another fair plain--not so
broad perhaps, nor so beautiful as that which Torak hath drowned this
day, but it will sustain the races of man."
"And what of thee, my brother?"
Mara asked him.
"I shall take my disciples and return even unto the Vale," Aldur
"This day hath evil been unloosed in the world, and its power is great.
The Orb hath revealed itself to me, and through its power hath the evil
been unloosed. Upon me, therefore, falls the task of preparation for
the day when good and evil shall meet in that final battle wherein
shall be decided the fate of the world."
"So be it then," Mara said.
"Hail and farewell, my brother."
And he turned and with Issa and
Chaldan and Nedra and all their people, they went away toward the
But Belar lingered.
"Mine oath and my pledge bind me still," he declared.
"I will not go to the West with the others, but will take my Alorns to
the unpeopled lands of the Northwest instead. There we will seek a way
by which we may come again on Torak and his children. Thine Orb shall
be returned unto thee, my brother. I shall not rest until it be so."
And then he turned and put his face to the north, and his tall warriors
followed after him.
My master watched them go with a great sadness on his face, and then he
turned westward, and my brothers and I followed after him as,
sorrowing, we began our journey back to the Vale.
My brothers and I were badly shaken by the outcome of our war with the
Angaraks. We certainly hadn't anticipated Torak's desperate response
to our campaign, and I think we all felt a gnawing personal guilt for
the death of half of mankind. We were a somber group when we reached
the Vale. We had ongoing tasks, of course, but we took to gathering in
our Master's tower in the evenings, seeking comfort and reassurance in
his presence and the familiar surroundings of the tower.
Each of us had his own chair, and we normally sat around a long table,
discussing the events of the day and then moving on to more wide
ranging topics. I don't know that we solved any of the world's
problems with those eclectic conversations, but that's not really why
we held them.
We needed to be together during that troubled time, and we needed the
calm that always pervaded that familiar room at the top of the tower.
For one thing, the light there was somehow different from the light in
our own towers. The fact that our Master didn't bother with firewood
might have had something to do with that. The fire on his hearth
burned because he wanted it to burn, and it continued to burn whether
he fed it or not. Our chairs were large and comfortable and made of
dark, polished wood, and the room was neat and uncluttered. Aldur
stored his things in some unimaginable place, and they came to him when
he called them rather than lying about collecting dust.
Our evening gatherings continued for six months or so, and they helped
us to gather our wits and to ward off the nightmares that haunted our
Sooner or later, one of us was bound to ask the question, and as it
turned out, it was Beltira.
"What started it all, Master?"
he asked reflectively.
"This goes back much farther than what's been happening recently,
doesn't it?"
You'll notice that Durnik wasn't the first to be curious about
Aldur looked gravely at the gentle Alorn shepherd.
"It doth indeed, Beltira--farther back then thou canst
imagine. Once, when the universe was all new and long
brothers and I came into being, an event occurred that
designed to occur, and it was that event which divided
all things."
"An accident then, Master?"
before my
had not been
the purpose of
Beldin surmised.
"A most apt term, my son," Aldur complimented him.
"Like all things, the stars are born; they exist for a certain time;
and then they die.
The "accident" of which we speak came about when a star died in a place
and at a time that were not a part of the original design of all
The death of a star is a titanic event, and the death of this
particular star was made even more so by its unfortunate proximity to
other stars. Ye have all studied the heavens, and therefore ye know
that the universe is comprised of clusters of stars. The particular
cluster of which we speak consisted of so many suns that they were
beyond counting, and the wayward sun that died in their very midst
ignited others, and they in turn ignited more. The conflagration
spread until the entire cluster exploded."
"Was that anywhere near where we are now.
Belsambar asked
"Nay, my son. The EVENT took place on the far side of the universe
--so far in fact that the light of that catastrophe hath not yet
reached this world."
"How is that possible, Master?"
Belsambar looked confused.
"Sight isn't instantaneous, brother," Beldin explained.
"There's a lag between the time when something happens and the time
when we see it.
There are a lot of things we see in the night sky that aren't really
there any more. Someday when we've both got some time, I'll explain it
to you."
"How could so remote an event have any meaning here, Master?"
Belzedar asked, his tone baffled.
Aldur sighed.
"The universe came into being with a Purpose, Belzedar," he replied
with a strange kind of wonder in his voice.
"The accident divided that Purpose, and what was once one became two.
Awareness came out of that division, and the two Purposes have
contended with each other since that EVENT took place. In time, the
two agreed that this world--which did not even exist as yet--would be
their final battleground. That is why my brothers and I came into
existence, and that is why we made this world. It is here that the
division of the Purpose of the universe will be healed. A series of
EVENTS, some great and some very small, have been leading up to the
final EVENT, and that EVENT shall be a Choice."
"Who's supposed to make that choice?"
Beldin asked.
"We are not permitted to know that," Aldur replied.
"Oh, fine!"
Beldin exploded with heavy sarcasm.
"It's all a game, then!
"Soon, my son.
When's this supposed to happen?"
Very soon."
"Could you be a little more specific. Master? I know how long you've
been around, and you and I might have very different ideas about what
the word "soon" means."
"The Choice must be made when the light of that exploding star cluster
reaches this world."
"And that could happen at any time, couldn't it? It could come popping
out of the sky sometime after midnight this very night, for all we
"Curb thine impatience, Beldin," Aldur told him.
"There will be signs to advise us that the moment of the Choice draws
nigh. The cracking of the world was one such sign. There will be
others as well."
"Such as?" Beldin pressed.
couldn't let go of it.
Once he grabbed hold of an idea, Beldin
"Before the light comes, there will be a time--a moment--of utter
"I'll watch for it," Beldin said sourly.
"As I understand it, there are two possible Destinies out there,"
Belmakor observed.
"Torak's one of them, isn't he?"
"My brother is a part of one of them, yes. Each of the Destinies is
comprised of innumerable parts, and each hath a consciousness that doth
exceed the awareness of any of those parts."
"Which one came first, Master?"
"We do not know.
Belkira asked.
We are not permitted to know."
"More games," Beldin said in a tone of profoundest disgust.
"I hate games."
"We must all play this one, however, gentle Beldin. The rules may not
be to our liking, but we must abide by them. for they are laid down by
the contending Purposes."
"Why? It's their fight. Why involve the rest of us? Why don't they
just pick a time and place, meet, and have it out once and for all?"
"That they may not do, my son, for should they ever confront each other
directly, their struggle would destroy the whole of the universe."
"I don't think we'd want that," Belkira said mildly. The twins are
Alorns, after all, and Alorns take a childish delight in gross
"You are the other Destiny, aren't you, Master?"
Belsambar asked.
"Torak is the one, and you are the other."
"I am a part of it, my son," Aldur conceded.
"We are all parts of it.
That is why what we do is so important. One will come in the fullness
of time, however, who will be even more important. It is he who will
meet Torak and prepare the way for the Choice."
And that was the very first time I ever heard of Belgarion. Aldur knew
he was coming, though, and he'd been patiently preparing for him since
he and his brothers had built the world. If you want to put it in the
simplest terms, I suppose you could say that the Gods created this
world to give Belgarion something to stand on while he set things right
again. It was a lot of responsibility for somebody like Garion, but I
suppose he was up to it. Things did turn out all right--more or
Our Master's explanation of what we were doing laid a heavy
responsibility on us, as well, and we felt it keenly. Even in the
midst of our labors, however, we all noticed that the world had been
enormously changed by what Torak had done to it. The presence of a new
ocean in what had been the center of the continent had a profound
effect on the climate, and the mountain range our Master and Belar had
raised to confine that ocean changed it even more. Summers became
dryer and hotter for one thing, and the winters became longer and
colder. That's one of the reasons that I tend to get very angry when
someone starts playing around with the weather. I've seen what happens
when something or someone tampers with normal weather patterns. Garion
and I had a very long talk about that on one occasion, as I
recall--that is, I talked. He listened. At least I hope he did.
Garion has enormous power, and sometimes he turns it loose before he
thinks his way completely through a given course of action.
With the change of climate there also came a gradual alteration of the
world around us. The vast primeval forest on the northern edge of the
Vale began to thin out, for one thing, and it was replaced by
I'm sure the Algars approve of that, but I preferred the trees
There was also a rather brutal alteration of the climate of the Far
North. Belar, however, persisted in his plan to find some way to close
with the Angaraks again, and his Alorns were obliged to endure truly
savage winters.
There in the Vale, however, we had more on our minds than the weather.
The cracking of the world set a lot of things in motion, and Aldur kept
the seven of us very busy making sure that things that were supposed to
happen did happen. We surmised that the Angaraks were doing the same
thing. The two contending Purposes undoubtedly were maneuvering for
About twenty years after the cracking of the world, our Master summoned
us all to his tower and suggested that one of us ought to go to what's
now Mallorea to find out what Torak and his people were up to.
"I'll go," Beldin volunteered.
"I fly better than the rest of you, and I can move around among the
Angaraks without attracting any attention."
"Somehow your reasoning there escapes me, old boy," Belmakor said.
"You're a rather remarkable-looking fellow, you know."
"That's the whole point. When people look at me, all they can see is
this hump on my back and the fact that my arms are longer than my
They don't bother to look at my face to find out what my race is.
There's a kind of anonymity that goes with being deformed."
"Do you want me to go with you?"
Belsambar offered.
"I'm an Angarak, after all, and I know the customs."
"Thanks, brother, but no. You've got some fairly strong opinions about
Grolims. We wouldn't be anonymous for very long if you started turning
every single priest of Torak inside out. I'm just going there to look,
and I'd rather that Torak didn't know that I'm around."
"I wouldn't interfere, Beldin."
"Let's not take the chance.
I love you too much to risk your life."
"You really shouldn't go alone, Beldin," Belzedar told him, his eyes
strangely intent.
"I think perhaps I'd better go, too."
"I'm not a child, Belzedar.
I can take care of myself."
"I'm sure of it, but we can cover more ground if there are two of us.
The other continent's quite large, and the Angaraks have probably
spread out by now. The Master wants information, and two of us can get
it faster than one."
Now that I think back about it, Belzedar's arguments were just a bit
thin. Angarak society was the most tightly controlled in the world.
Torak was not going to let his people spread out; he would keep them
under his thumb. Belzedar had his own reasons for wanting to go to
Mallorea, and I should have realized that helping Beldin wasn't one of
The two of them argued for a while, but Beldin finally gave in.
don't care," he said.
"Come along if it means so much to you."
And so the next morning the two of them took the forms of hawks and
flew off toward the east.
We all dispersed not long after that. The Master had some fairly
extensive tasks for me in Arendia and Tolnedra.
The young she-wolf went with me, of course. I hadn't even considered
leaving her behind, and it probably wouldn't have done me any good if I
had. When we'd first met, she'd said,
"I will go along with you for a while." Evidently, we hadn't come to
the end of that "while" yet. I didn't really mind, though. She was
good company.
The shortest route to northern Arendia lay across Ulgoland, so the wolf
and I went up into those mountains and proceeded in a generally
northwesterly direction. I made us a proper camp every night. Fire
had made her nervous right at first, but now she rather liked having a
fire in the evening.
After a few days I realized that we were going to be passing fairly
close to Prolgu. I didn't really like the current Gorim very much;
this particular successor seemed to feel that Ulgos were better than
the rest of mankind. I reluctantly concluded that it'd be bad manners
to bypass Prolgu without paying a courtesy call, so I veered slightly
north in order to reach the city.
The route I chose to reach Prolgu ran up through a thickly wooded gorge
with a tumbling mountain stream running down the middle of it. It was
about midmorning, and the sunlight had just reached the damp got torn
of the gorge. I was wool-gathering, I suppose. A kind of peace and
serenity comes over me when I'm in the mountains.
Then the wolf laid her ears back and growled warningly.
"What's the problem?" I asked her, speaking in the language of men
without even thinking about it.
"Horses," she replied in wolvish.
"But perhaps they are not really horses.
raw meat."
They smell of blood and of
"Do not be concerned," I told her, lapsing into wolvish.
"One has encountered them before. They are Hrulgin. They are
meat-eaters. What you smell is the blood and meat of a deer."
"One thinks that you are wrong. The smell is not that of deer.
one smells is the blood and meat of man."
"That is impossible."
I snorted.
"The Hrulgin are not man-eaters.
They live in peace with the Ulgos here in these mountains."
"One's nose is very good," she told me pointedly.
"One would not confuse the smell of man-blood and meat with the smell
of a deer. These flesh-eating horses have been killing and eating men,
and they are hunting again."
Hunting what?"
"One thinks that they are hunting you."
I sent out a probing thought. The minds of the Hrulgin aren't really
very much like the minds of horses. Horses eat grass, and about the
only time they're aggressive is during the breeding season. The
Hrulgin look a great deal like horses--if you discount the claws and
fangs--but they don't eat grass. I'd touched the minds of Hrulgin
before at various times when I'd been traveling in the mountains of
Ulgoland. I knew that they were hunters and fairly savage, but the
peace of UL had always put restraints on them before. The minds I
touched this time seemed to have shrugged off those restraints.
, The wolf was right.
The Hrulgin were hunting me.
I'd been hunted before. A young lion stalked me for two days once
before I'd finally chased him off. There's no real malice in the mind
of a hunting animal. He's just looking for something to eat. What I
encountered this time, however, was a cruel hatred and, much worse, to
my way of looking at it, an absolute madness. These particular Hrulgin
were much more interested in the killing than they were in the eating.
I was in trouble here, "One suggests that you do something about your
shape," the she-wolf advised. She dropped to her haunches, her long,
pink tongue lolling out of the side of her mouth. In case you've never
noticed, that's the way canines laugh.
"What is so funny?"
I demanded of her.
"One finds the man-things amusing. The hunter puts all his thought on
the thing he hunts. If it is a rabbit he hunts, he will not turn aside
for a squirrel. These meat-eating horses are hunting a man--you.
Change your shape, and they will ignore you."
I was actually embarrassed. Why hadn't I thought of that? For all our
sophistication, the instinctive reaction that seizes you when you
realize that something wants to kill and eat you is sheer panic.
I formed the image in my mind and slipped myself into the shape of the
"Much better," my companion said approvingly.
"You are a handsome wolf.
we go?"
Your other shape is not so pleasing.
We angled up from the stream-bed and stopped at the edge of the trees
to watch the Hrulgin. The sudden disappearance of my scent confused
them, and it seemed also to infuriate them. The herd stallion reared,
screaming his rage, and he shredded the bark of an unoffending tree
with his claws while flecks of foam spattered out from his long, curved
fangs. Several of the mares followed my scent down the gorge, then
back, moving slowly and trying to sniff out the place where I'd turned
aside and slipped away.
"One suggests that we move along," the she-wolf said.
"The flesh-eating horses will think that we have killed and eaten the
man-thing they were hunting. This will make them angry with us. They
may decide to stop hunting the man-thing and start hunting wolves."
We stayed just back of the edge of the trees so that we could watch the
baffled Hrulgin near the edge of the mountain stream in case they
decided to start hunting wolves instead of men. After about a half
hour, we were far enough out in front of them that the chances that
they could catch up with us were very slim.
The change in the Hrulgin had me completely baffled. The peace of UL
had always been absolute before. What had driven the Hrulgin mad?
As it turned out, the Hrulgin weren't the only monsters that had lost
their wits.
My automatic use of the word "monster" there isn't an indication of
prejudice. It's just a translation of an Ulgo word. The Ulgos even
refer to the Dryads as monsters. Ce'Nedra was somewhat offended by
that term, as I recall.
Anyway, I decided not to revert to my own form once we had evaded the
Hrulgin. Something very strange was going on here in Ulgoland. My
companion and I reached that peculiarly shaped mountain upon which
Prolgu stands, and we started up.
About halfway to the top, we encountered a pack of Algroths, and they
were just as crazy as the Hrulgin had been. Algroths are not among my
favorite creatures anyway. I'm not sure what the Gods were thinking of
when they created them. A blend of ape, goat, and reptile seems a bit
exotic to me. The Algroths were also hunting for people to kill and
Whether I liked him or not, I definitely needed to have words with the
The only problem was the fact that Prolgu was totally deserted. There
were some signs of a hasty departure, but the abandoning of the city
had happened some time back, so my companion and I couldn't pick up any
hint of a scent that might have told us which way the Ulgos had gone.
We came across some mossy human bones, however, and I didn't care for
the implications of that. Was it possible that the Ulgos had all been
Had UL changed his mind and abandoned them?
I didn't really have time to sort it out. Evening had fallen over the
empty city, and my companion and I were still sniffing around in the
empty buildings when a sudden bellow shattered the silence, a bellow
that was coming from the sky. I went to the doorway of the building
we'd been searching and looked up.
The light wasn't really very good, but it was good enough for me to see
that huge shape outlined against the evening sky.
It was the dragon, and her great wings were clawing at the sky and she
was belching clouds of sooty fire with every bellow.
Notice that I speak of her in the singular and the feminine. This is
no indication of any great perception on my part, since there was only
one dragon in the entire world, and she was female. The two males the
Gods had created had killed each other during the first mating season.
I had always felt rather sorry for her, but not this time. She, like
the Hrulgin and the Algroths, was intent on killing things, but she was
too stupid to be selective. She'd burn anything that moved.
Moreover, Torak had added a modification to the dragons when he and his
brothers were creating them. They were totally immune to anything I
might have been able to do to them with the Will and the Word.
"One would be more content if you would do something about that,"
the wolf told me.
"I am thinking about it," I replied.
"Think faster.
The bird is returning."
Her faith in me was touching, but it didn't help very much. I quickly
ran over the dragon's characteristics in my mind. She was
invulnerable, she was stupid, and she was lonely. Those last two
clicked together in my mind. I loped to the edge of the city, focused
my will on a thicket a few miles south of the mountain, and set fire to
The dragon screeched and swooped off toward my fire, belching out her
own flames as she went.
"One wonders why you did that."
"Fire is a part of the mating ritual of her kind."
"How remarkable.
Most birds mate in the spring."
"She is not exactly a bird. One thinks that we should leave these
mountains immediately. There are strange things taking place here that
one does not understand, and we have errands to attend to in the
She sighed.
"It is always errands with you, isn't it?"
"It is the nature of the man-things," I told her.
"But you are not a man-thing right now."
I couldn't dispute her logic, but we left anyway, and we reached
Arendia two days later.
The tasks my Master had set for me involved certain Arends and some
Tolnedrans. At the time, I didn't understand why the Master was so
interested in weddings. I understand now, of course. Certain people
needed to be born, and I was out there laying groundwork for all I was
I'd rather thought that the presence of my companion might complicate
things, but as it turned out, she was an advantage, since you
definitely get noticed when you walk into an Arendish village or a
Tolnedran town with a full-grown wolf at your side, and her presence
did tend to make people listen to me.
Arranging marriages in those days wasn't really all that difficult. The
Arends--and to a somewhat lesser degree the Tolnedrans--had patriarchal
notions, and children were supposed to obey their fathers in important
matters. Thus, I was seldom obliged to try to convince the happy
couple that they ought to get married. I talked with their fathers
instead. I had a certain celebrity in those days. The war was still
fresh in everybody's mind, and my brothers and I had played fairly
major roles in that conflict.
Moreover, I soon found that the priesthood in both Arendia and Tolnedra
could be very helpful. After I'd been through the whole business a
couple of times, I began to develop a pattern. When the wolf and I
went into a town, we'd immediately go to the temple of either Chaldan
or Nedra. I'd identify myself and ask the local priests to introduce
me to the fathers in question.
It didn't always go smoothly, of course. Every so often I'd come
across stubborn men who for one reason or another didn't care for my
choice of spouses for their children. If worse came to worst, though,
I could always give them a little demonstration of what I could do
about things that irritated me. That was usually enough to bring them
around to my way of thinking.
"One wonders why all of this is necessary," my
we were leaving one Arendish village after I'd
particularly difficult man that his daughter's
health--depended on the girl's marriage to the
selected for her.
companion said to me as
finally persuaded a
happiness--and his own
young fellow we had
"They will produce young ones," I tried to explain.
"What an amazing thing," she responded dryly. A wolf can fill the
simplest statement with all sorts of ironic implications.
"Is that not the usual purpose of mating?"
"Our purpose is to produce specific young ones."
"Why? One puppy is much like another, is it not?
developed in the rearing, not in the blood line."
Character is
We argued about that off and on for centuries, and I strongly suspect
her of arguing largely because she knew that it irritated me.
Technically, I was the leader of our odd little pack, but she wasn't
going to let me get above myself.
Arendia was a mournful sort of place in those days. The melancholy
institution of serfdom had been well established among the Arends even
before the war with the Angaraks, and they brought it with them when
they migrated to the West. I've never understood why anyone would
submit to being a serf in the first place, but I suppose the Arendish
character might have had something to do with it. Arends go to war
with each other on the slightest pretext, and an ordinary farmer needs
someone around to protect him from belligerent neighbors.
The lands the Arends had occupied in the central part of the continent
had been open, and the fields had long been under cultivation. Their
new home was a tangled forest, so they had to clear away the trees
before they could plant anything. This was the work that fell to the
serfs. The wolf and I soon became accustomed to seeing naked people
chopping at trees.
"One wonders why they take off their fur to do this," she said to me on
one occasion. There's no word in wolfish for "clothing," so she had to
"It is because they only have one of the things they cover their bodies
with. They put them aside while they are hitting the trees because
they do not want them to be wounded while they work." I decided not to
go into the question of the poverty of the serfs or of the expense of a
new canvas smock. The discussion was complicated enough already. How
do you explain the concept of ownership to a creature that has no need
for possessions of any kind?
"This covering and uncovering of their bodies that the man-things do is
foolishness," she declared.
"Why do they do it?"
"For warmth when it is cold."
"But they also do it when it is not cold.
"For modesty, I suppose."
"What is modesty?"
I sighed.
I wasn't making much headway here.
"It is just a custom among the man-things," I told her.
"Oh. If it is a custom, it is all right." Wolves have an enormous
respect for customs. Then she immediately thought of something else.
She was always thinking of something else.
"If it is the custom among man-things to cover their bodies sometimes
but not others, it is not much of a custom, is it?"
I gave up.
"No," I said.
"Probably not."
She dropped to her haunches in the middle of the forest path we were
following with her tongue lolling out in wolfish laughter.
"Do you mind?"
I demanded.
"One is merely amused by the inconsistencies of the man-side of your
thought," she replied.
"If you would take your true form, your thought would run more
smoothly." She was still convinced that I was really a wolf and that
my frequent change of form was no more than a personal idiosyncrasy.
In the forests of Arendia, we frequently encountered the almost
ubiquitous bands of outlaws. Not all of the serfs docilely accepted
their condition. I don't like having people point arrows at me, so
after the first time or two, I went wolf as soon as we were out of
sight of the village we'd just left. Even the stupidest runaway serf
isn't going to argue with a couple of full-grown wolves. That's one of
the things that's always been a trial to me. People are forever
interfering with me when I've got something to attend to. Why can't
they just leave me alone?
We went down into Tolnedra after a number of years, and I continued my
activities as a marriage broker, ultimately winding up in Tol
Don't bother trying to find it on a map. The name was changed to Tol
Honeth before the beginning of the second millennium.
I know that most of you have seen Tol Honeth, but you wouldn't have
recognized it in its original state. The war with the Angaraks had
taught the Tolnedrans the value of defensible positions, and the island
in the center of the Nedrane--"the River of Nedra"--seemed to them to
be an ideal spot for a city. In may very well be now, but there were a
lot of drawbacks when they first settled there. They've been working
on it for five thousand years now, and I suppose they've finally ironed
out most of the wrinkles.
When the wolf and I first went there, however, the island was a damp,
marshy place that was frequently inundated by spring floods. They've
built a fairly substantial wall of logs around the island, and the
houses inside were also built of logs and had thatched roofs--an open
invitation to fire, in my opinion. The streets were narrow, crooked,
and muddy; and quite frankly, the place smelled like an open cesspool.
My companion found that particularly offensive, since wolves have an
extremely keen sense of smell.
My major reason for being in Tolnedra was to oversee the beginnings of
the Honethite line. I've never really liked the Honeths. They've an
exalted opinion of themselves, and I've never much cared for people who
look down their noses at me. My distaste for them may have made me a
little abrupt with the prospective bridegroom's father when I told him
that his son was required to marry the daughter of an artisan whose
primary occupation was the construction of fireplaces. The Honeth
family absolutely had to have some hereditary familiarity with working
in stone.
If it didn't, the Tolnedran Empire would never come into existence, and
we were going to need the empire later on. I wouldn't bore you with
all of this except to show you just how elemental our arrangements in
those days really were. We were setting things in motion that wouldn't
come to fruition for thousands of years.
After I'd bullied the bridegroom's father into accepting the marriage
I'd proposed for his son, the wolf and I left Tol Nedrane--by ferry,
since they hadn't gotten around to building bridges yet. The ferryman
overcharged us outrageously, as I recall, but he was a Tolnedran, after
all, so that was to be expected.
I'd finally finished the various tasks my Master had given me, and so
the wolf and I went eastward toward the Tolnedran Mountains. It was
time to go home to the Vale, but I wasn't going to go back through Ulgo
land. I wasn't going to go near Ulgoland until I found out what had
happened there. We tarried for a while once we got into the mountains,
however. My companion entertained herself chasing deer and rabbits,
but I spent my time looking for that cave our Master had told us about
on several occasions. I knew it was in these mountains somewhere, so I
took some time to do a little exploring. I didn't plan to do anything
about it if I found it, but I wanted to see the place where the Gods
had lived while they were creating the world.
To be honest about it, that wasn't the only time I looked for that
Every time I passed through those mountains, I'd set aside a week or so
to look around. The original home of the Gods would be something to
see, after all.
I never found it, of course. It took Garion to do that--many, many
years later. Something important was going to happen there, and it
didn't involve me.
Beldin had returned from Mallorea when the wolf and I got back to the
Vale, but Belzedar wasn't with him. I'd missed my ugly little brother
during the century or so that he'd been in Mallorea. There were
certain special ties between us, and though it may seem a bit odd, I
enjoyed his company.
I reported my successes to our Master, and then I told him about what
we had encountered in Ulgoland. He seemed to be as baffled as I'd
"Is it possible that the Ulgos did something to offend their God,
Master?" I asked him.
"Something so serious that he decided to wash his hands of the lot of
them and turn the monsters loose again?"
"Nay, my son," Aldur replied, shaking that silvery head of his.
"He would not--could not--do that."
"He changed his mind once, Master," I reminded him.
"He didn't want any part of mankind when the original Gorim went to
Prolgu, as I recall. Gorim had to badger him for years before he
finally relented. It's probably uncharitable of me to mention it, but
the current Gorim isn't very lovable. He offends me with a single
look. The heavens only know how offensive he could be once he started
Aldur smiled faintly.
"It is uncharitable of thee, Belgarath," he told me.
Then he actually
"I must confess that I find myself in full agreement with thee,
however. But no, Belgarath, is most patient. Not even the one who is
currently Gorim could offend him so much. I will investigate this
troubling matter and advise thee of my findings."
"I thank thee, Master," I said, taking my leave. Then I stopped by
Beldin's place to invite him to come by for a few tankards and a bit of
talk. I prudently borrowed a keg of ale from the twins on my way
Beldin came stumping up the stairs to the room at the top of my tower
and drained off his first tankard without stopping for breath. Then he
belched and wordlessly handed it back to me for a refill.
I dipped more ale from the keg, and we sat down across the table from
each other.
I said.
"Well what?"
That was Beldin for you.
"What's happening in Mallorea?"
"Can you be a little more specific? Mallorea's a big place." The wolf
had come over and laid her chin in his lap. She'd always seemed fond
of Beldin for some reason. He scratched her ears absently.
"What's Torak doing?"
"Burning, actually."
I asked with some asperity.
Beldin grinned that ugly, crooked grin of his.
think our Master's brother's going to burn for a long, long time."
"Is that still going on?"
I was a little surprised.
"I'd have thought the fire would have gone out by now."
"Not noticeably. You can't see the flames any more, but Old Burnt-face
is still on fire. The Orb was very discontented with him, and it is a
stone, after all. Stones aren't noted for their forgiveness. Torak
spends a lot of his time screaming."
"Isn't that a shame?"
I said with a vast insincerity.
Beldin grinned at me again.
"Anyway," he went on, "after he broke the world apart, he had his
Angaraks put the Orb in an iron box so that he wouldn't have to look at
it. Just the sight of it makes the fire hotter, I guess. That ocean
he'd built was chasing the Angaraks just as fast as it was chasing us,
so they ran off to the East with the waves lapping at their heels. All
their holy places got swallowed up when the water came in, and they
either had to sprout gills or find high ground."
"I find that I can bear their discomfort with enormous fortitude," I
said smugly.
"Belgarath, you've been spending too much time with the Alorns You're
even starting to sound like one."
I shrugged.
"Alorns aren't really all that bad--once you get used to them."
"I'd rather not.
They set my teeth on edge."
"What happened next?"
"That explosion we saw when the water hit the lava boiling up out of
the crack in the earth's crust rearranged the geography off to the East
rather significantly. There's an impressive new swamp between where
Korim used to be and where Kell is."
"Is Kell still there?"
"Kell's always been there, Belgarath, and it probably always will be.
There was a city at Kell before the rest of us came down out of the
This new swamp hasn't been there long, but the Angaraks managed to slog
through. Torak himself was busy screaming, so his army commanders were
obliged to take charge. It didn't take them very long to realize that
all that muck wasn't exactly suitable for human habitation."
"I'm surprised that it bothered them.
Angaraks adore ugliness."
"Anyway, there was a big argument between the generals and the Grolims,
I understand. The Grolims were hoping that the sea would recede so
that they could all go back to Korim. The altars were there, after
all. The generals were more practical. They knew that the water
wasn't going to go down. They stopped wasting time arguing and ordered
the army to march off toward the northwest and to take the rest of
Angarak with them. They marched away and left the Grolims standing on
the beach staring longingly off toward Korim." He belched again and
held out his empty tankard.
"You know where it is," I told him sourly.
"You're not much of a host, Belgarath." He rose, stumped over to the
keg, and scooped his tankard full, slopping beer all over my floor.
Then he stumped back.
"The Grolims weren't very happy about the generals' decision. They
wanted to go back, but if they went back all alone, there wouldn't be
anybody to butcher but each other, and they're not quite that devout.
They went chasing after the horde, haranguing them to turn around. That
irritated the generals, and there were a number of ugly incidents. I
guess that's what started the break-up of Angarak society."
"The what?"
I said, startled.
"I speak plainly, Belgarath. Is your hearing starting to fail?
heard that happens to you old people."
"What do you mean, "the breakup of Angarak society"?"
"They're coming apart at the seams. As long as Torak was functioning,
the Grolim priesthood had everything their way. During the war, the
generals got a taste of power, and they liked it. With Torak
incapacitated, the Grolims really don't have any authority; most
Angaraks feel the same way about Grolims as Belsambar does. Anyway,
the generals led the Angaraks up through the mountains, and they came
down on a plain that was more or less habitable. They built a large
military camp at a place they call Mal Zeth, and they put guards around
it to keep the Grolims out. Eventually the Grolims gave up and took
their followers north and built another encampment. They call it Mal
Yaska. So now you've got two different kinds of Angaraks in Mallorea.
The soldiers at Mal Zeth are like soldiers everywhere; religion isn't
one of their highest priorities. The zealots at Mal Yaska spend so
much time praying to Torak that they haven't gotten around to building
houses yet."
"I wouldn't have believed that could ever happen," I said, "not to
Angaraks. Religion's the only thing they've ever been able to think
about." Then I thought of something.
"How did Belsambar react when you told him about this?"
Beldin shrugged.
"He didn't believe me. He can't accept the fact that Angarak society
disintegrated. Our brother's having a lot of trouble right now,
Belgarath. I think he's feeling some obscure racial guilt. He is an
Angarak, after all, and Torak did drown more than half of mankind.
Maybe you'd better have a talk with him--persuade him that it's not
really his fault."
"I'll see what I can do," I promised.
"Is that the way things stand in Mallorea right now?"
He laughed.
"Oh, no. It gets better. About twenty years ago, Torak stopped
feeling sorry for himself and came to his senses. Back in the old
days, he'd have simply stamped Mal Zeth into a mud puddle and let it go
at that, but now he's got his mind on other things. He stole the Orb,
but he can't do anything with it. The frustration's making him more
than a little crazy. He winnowed through Mal Zeth and Mal Yaska, took
the most fanatic of his worshipers, and went to the Far Northeast
coast--up near the lands of the Karands. When they got there, he
ordered his followers to build him a tower--out of iron."
I said incredulously.
"An iron tower wouldn't last ten years.
It would start to rust before you even got it put together."
"He ordered it not to, I guess.
Torak's fond of iron for some
Maybe he got the idea from that iron box he keeps the Orb in. I think
he's got some strange notion that if he piles enough iron around the
Orb, he can weaken it to the point that he can control it."
"That's pure nonsense!"
"Don't blame me. It's Torak's idea, not mine. The people he took with
him built a city up there, and Torak covered it with clouds--gloomiest
place you ever saw. The Angaraks call it Cthol Mishrak--the City of
Endless Night. Torak's not nearly as pretty as he used to be--not with
half of his face gone--so maybe he's trying to hide. Ugly people do
that sometimes. I was born ugly, so I'm used to it. That's pretty
much it, Belgarath. The Angaraks have three cities now, Cthol Mishrak,
Mal Yaska, and Mal Zeth, and they're going in three different
Torak's so busy trying to subdue the Orb that he's not paying any
attention to what's going on in Mal Zeth and Mal Yaska. Angarak
society's disintegrating, and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of
people. Oh, one other thing. Evidently Torak was quite impressed with
us. He's decided to take disciples of his own."
How many?"
"Three so far. There may be more later on. I guess the war taught
Torak that disciples are useful people to have around. Before the war,
he wasn't interested in sharing power, but that seems to have changed.
Did you know that an ordinary priest is powerless once he gets past the
boundaries of his own country?"
"I don't quite follow you."
"The Gods aren't above a little cheating now and then. They've each
invested their priests with certain limited powers. It helps to keep
the faithful in line. An ordinary Grolim--or one of the priests of
Nedra or Chaldan, and Salmissra certainly--has some ability to do the
kinds of things we do. Once they leave the region occupied by the
worshipers of their own God, though, that ability goes out the window.
A disciple, on the other hand, carries it with him wherever he goes.
That's the reason we could do things at Korim. Torak saw the value of
that and started gathering disciples of his own."
"Any idea of who they are?"
"Two of them used to be Grolims--Urvon and Ctuchik.
anything out about the third one."
I couldn't find
"Where was Belzedar during all of this?"
"I haven't got the slightest idea. After we flew in and went back to
our own shapes, he gave me a few lame excuses about wanting to survey
the whole continent and then went off toward the East. I haven't seen
him since then. I have no idea of what he's been doing. I'll tell you
one thing, though."
What's that?"
"Something's definitely gnawing on his bowels.
away from me."
He couldn't wait to get
"You have that effect on some people, my brother."
"Very funny, Belgarath.
"Just what's in the keg.
Very funny.
How much beer have you got
You've been hitting it fairly hard."
"I've managed to build up a thirst.
Have you ever tasted Angarak
"Not that I recall, no."
"Try to avoid it if you can. Oh, well, if we run out here, we can
always go pay a call on the twins, I suppose." And he belched, rose,
and lurched back to the beer keg again.
He came in from the west, and at -first we thought he was a blind man
because he had a strip of cloth covering his eyes. I could tell by his
clothes that he was an Ulgo. I'd seen those hooded leather smocks in
Prolgu. I was a little surprised to see him, since as far as I knew,
the Ulgos had been exterminated. I went out to greet him in his own
"Yad ho, groja UL," I said.
"Vad mar is hum
He winced.
"That is not necessary," he told me in normal speech.
"The Gorim has taught me your tongue."
"That's fortunate," I replied a bit ruefully.
"I don't speak Ulgo very well."
"Yes," he said with a slight smile,
"I noticed that.
You would be Belgarath."
"It wasn't entirely my idea.
Are you having trouble with your eyes?"
"The light hurts them."
I looked up at the cloudy sky.
"It's not really all that bright today."
"Not to you, perhaps," he said.
"To me it is blinding. Can you take me to your Master?
information for him from Holy Gorim."
"Of course," I agreed quickly.
going on in Ulgoland.
I have some
Maybe now we'd find out what was really
"It's this way," I told him, pointing at the Master's tower. I did it
automatically, I suppose. He probably couldn't see the gesture with
his eyes covered. Then again, maybe he could; he seemed to have no
trouble following me.
Belsambar was with our Master. Our mystic Angarak brother had grown
increasingly despondent in the years since the cracking of the world.
I'd tried to raise his spirits from time to time without much success,
and I'd finally suggested to our Master that perhaps it might be a good
idea if he were to try cheering Belsambar up.
Aldur greeted the Ulgo courteously.
"Yad ho, groja UL."
His accent was much better than mine.
"Yad, ho, groja UL," the Ulgo responded.
"I have news from Gorim of Holy UL."
"I hunger for the words of your Gorim," Aldur replied. Ulgos tend to
be a stiff and formal people, and Aldur knew all the correct
"How fares it with my father's servants?"
"Not well, Divine Aldur. A catastrophe has befallen us. The wounding
of the earth maddened the monsters with whom we had lived in peace
since the first Gorim led us to Prolgu."
"So that's what it was all about!"
I exclaimed.
He gave me a slightly puzzled look.
"I went through Holy Ulgo a few years back, and the Hrulgin and
Algroths were trying to hunt me down. Prolgu was deserted, and the
she-dragon was sort of hovering over it. What happened, friend?"
He shrugged.
"I didn't see it personally," he replied.
"It was before my time, but I've spoken with our elders, and they told
me that the wounding of the earth shook the very mountains around us.
At first they thought that it was no more than an ordinary earthquake,
but Holy UL spoke with the old Gorim and told him of what had happened
at Korim.
It was not long after that that the monsters attacked the people of
The old Gorim was slain by an Eldrak--a fearsome creature."
Aldur sighed.
"Yes," he agreed.
"My brothers and I erred when we made the Eldrakyn.
I sorrow for the
death of your Gorim." It was a polite thing to say, but I don't think
my Master had been any fonder of the previous Gorim than I'd been.
"I didn't know him, Divine One," the Ulgo admitted with a slight
"Our elders have told me that the earth had not yet finished her
trembling when the monsters fell on us. Even the Dryads turned
The people of Ulgo retreated to Prolgu, thinking that the monsters
would fear the holy place, but it was not so. They pursued the people
even there.
Then it was that UL revealed the caverns to us."
"The caverns," Aldur mused.
"Of course. Long have I wondered at the import of those caverns
beneath Prolgu. Now it is clear to me. I have also wondered why I
could not reach my father's mind when Belgarath told me of his strange
adventures in the mountains of Ulgo. I was misdirecting my thought if
he is in the caverns with thy people. I marvel at his wisdom. Are the
servants of UL safe in those caves?" "Completely, Divine One. Holy UL
placed an enchantment upon the caves, and the monsters feared to follow
us there. We have lived in those caverns since the earth was
"Your brother's curse reaches very far, Master," Belsambar said
"Even the pious people of Ulgo have felt its sting."
Aldur's face grew stern.
"It is even as thou hast said, my son," he agreed.
"My brother Torak hath much to answer for."
"And his people, as well, Master," Belsambar added.
"All of Angarak shares his guilt."
I wish I'd paid closer attention to what Belsambar was saying and to
that lost look in his eyes. It was too easy to shrug off Belsambar's
He was a thoroughgoing mystic, and they're always a little strange.
"My Gorim has commanded me to advise thee of what has come to pass in
Holy Ulgo," our visitor continued.
"He asked me to entreat thee to convey this news to thy brethren. Holy
Ulgo is no longer safe for mankind. The monsters rage through the
mountains and forests, slaying and devouring all who come into their
sight. The people of Ulgo no longer venture to the surface, but remain
in our caverns where we are safe."
"That's why the light hurts your eyes, isn't it?"
I asked him.
"You were born and reared in almost total darkness."
"It is even as you say, Ancient Belgarath," he replied. That was the
first time anybody ever called me that. I found it just slightly
offensive. I wasn't really all that old--was I?
"Thus have I completed the task laid upon me by my Gorim," the Ulgo
said to my Master.
"Now I beg thy permission to return to the caves of my people, for
truly, the light of this upper world is agony to me. Mine eyes, like
twin knives, do stab into my very brain." He was a poetic rascal; I'll
give him that.
"Abide yet a time," Aldur told him.
"Night will soon descend, and then mayest thou begin thy journey in
what to us would be darkness, but which to thee will be only a more
gentle light."
"I shall be guided by thee, Divine One," the Ulgo agreed.
We fed him--that's to say that the twins fed him.
have an obsessive compulsion to feed things.
Beltira and Belkira
Anyway, our Ulgo left after the sun went down, and he was a half hour
gone before I realized that he hadn't even told us his name.
Belsambar and I said good night to the Master, and I walked my Angarak
brother back to his tower in the gathering twilight.
"It goes on and on, Belgarath," he said to me in a melancholy voice.
"What does?"
"The corruption of the world.
It'll never be the same as it was
"It never has been, Belsambar. The world changes every day. Somebody
dies every night, and somebody's born every morning. It's always been
that way."
"Those are natural changes, Belgarath.
not natural."
What's happening now is evil,
"I think you're exaggerating, brother.
We've hit bad stretches
The onset of winter isn't all that pleasant when you get right down to
it, but spring comes back eventually."
"I don't think it will this time. This particular winter's just going
to get worse as the years roll by." A mystic will turn anything into a
Metaphors are useful sometimes, but they can be carried too far.
"Winter always passes, Belsambar," I told him.
"If we weren't sure of that, there wouldn't really be much point to
going on with life, would there?"
"Is there a point to it, Belgarath?"
"Yes, there is. Curiosity, if nothing else.
what's going to happen tomorrow?"
It's just going to be worse."
Don't you want to see
He sighed.
"This has been going on for a long time, Belgarath. The universe broke
apart when that star exploded, and now Torak's broken the world apart.
The monsters of Ulgoland have been maddened, but I think mankind's been
maddened, too. Once, a long time ago, we Angaraks were like other
people. Torak corrupted us when he gave the Grolims sway over us. The
Grolims made us proud and cruel. Then Torak himself was corrupted by
his unholy lust for our Master's Orb."
"He found out that was a mistake, though."
"But it didn't change him. He still hungers for dominion over the Orb,
even though it maimed him. His hunger brought war into the world, and
war corrupted all of the rest of us. You saw me when I first came to
the Vale. Could you have believed then that I'd be capable of burning
people alive?"
"We had a problem, Belsambar.
We were all looking for solutions."
"But I was the one who rained fire on the Angaraks. You wouldn't have;
not even Beldin would have; but I did. And when we started burning my
kinsmen, Torak went mad. He wouldn't have broken the world and drowned
all those people if I hadn't driven him to it."
"We all did things he didn't like, Belsambar.
You can't take all the
"You're missing my point, Belgarath. We were all corrupted by events.
The world turned cruel, and that made us cruel as well. The world's no
longer fair. It's no more than a rotten, wormy husk of what it once
was. Eternal night is coming, and nothing we can do will hold it
We'd reached the foot of his tower.
I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Go to bed, Belsambar," I told him.
"Things won't look so bad in the morning when the sun comes up."
He gave me a faint, melancholy smile.
"If it comes up."
Then he embraced me.
"Good-bye, Belgarath," he said.
"Don't you mean good night?"
Then he turned and went into his tower.
It was just after midnight when I was awakened by a thunderous
detonation and a great flash of intense light. I leaped from bed and
dashed to the window--to stare in total disbelief at the ruins of
Belsambar's tower. It was no more than a stump now, and a great column
of seething fire was spouting upward from it. The noise and that fire
were bad enough, but I also felt a great vacancy as if something had
been wrenched out of my very soul. I knew what it was. I no longer
had the sense of Belsambar's presence.
I really can't say how long I stood frozen at that window staring at
the horror that had just occurred.
"Belgarath! Get down here!" It was Beldin.
standing at the foot of my tower.
"What happened?"
I could see him clearly,
I shouted down to him.
"I told you to keep an eye on Belsambar! He just willed himself out of
existence! He's gone, Belgarath! Belsambar's gone!"
The world seemed to come crashing down around me. Belsambar had been a
little strange, but he was still my brother. Ordinary people who live
ordinary lives can't begin to understand just how deeply you can become
involved with another person over the course of thousands of years. In
a peculiar sort of way, Belsambar's self-obliteration maimed me.
I think I'd have preferred to lose an arm or a leg rather than my
mystic Angarak brother, and I know that my other brothers felt much the
Beldin wept for days, and the twins were absolutely inconsolable.
That sense of vacancy that had come over me when Belsambar ended his
life echoed all across the world. Even Belzedar and Belmakor, who were
both in Mallorea when it happened, felt it, and they came soaring in, a
week or so afterward, although I'm not sure what they thought they
could do. Belsambar was gone, and there was no way we could bring him
We comforted our Master as best we could, although there wasn't really
anything we could do to lessen his suffering and sorrow.
You wouldn't have thought it to look at him, but Beldin did have a
certain sense of delicacy. He waited until he got Belzedar outside the
Master's tower before he started to berate him for his behavior in
Mallorea. Belmakor and I happened to be present at the time, and we
were both enormously impressed by our distorted brother's eloquence.
"Irresponsible" was perhaps the kindest word he used.
downhill from there.
It all went
Belzedar mutely accepted his abuse, which wasn't really at all like
him. For some reason, the death of Belsambar seemed to have hit him
harder even than it had the rest of us. This is not to say that we all
didn't grieve, but Belzedar's grief seemed somehow excessive. With
uncharacteristic humility, he apologized to Beldin--not that it did any
Beldin was in full voice, and he wasn't about to stop just because
Belzedar admitted his faults. He eventually started repeating himself,
and that was when Belmakor stepped in rather smoothly.
"What have you been doing in Mallorea, old boy?"
he asked Belzedar.
Belzedar shrugged.
"What else?
I've been attempting to recover our Master's Orb."
"Isn't that just a little dangerous, dear chap? Torak's still a God,
you know, and if he catches you, he'll have your liver for
"I think I've come up with a way to get around him," Belzedar
"Don't be an idiot," Beldin snapped.
"The Master's got enough grief already without your adding to it by
getting yourself obliterated following some half-baked scheme."
"It's thoroughly baked, Beldin," Belzedar replied coolly.
"I've taken plenty of time to work out all the details. The plan will
work, and it's the only way we'll ever be able to get the Orb back."
"Let's hear it."
"No, I don't think so. I don't need help, and I definitely don't need
any interference." And with that he turned on his heel and walked off
toward his tower with Beldin's curses chasing after him.
"I wonder what he's up to," Belmakor mused.
"Something foolish," Beldin replied sourly.
"Belzedar's not always the most rational of men, and he's been
absolutely obsessed with the Master's Orb since he first laid eyes on
it. Sometimes you'd almost think it was something of his own that
Torak stole."
"You've noticed that, too, I see," Belmakor said with a faint smile.
"Noticed it?
How could anyone miss it?
What were you doing in
"I wanted to see what had happened to my people, actually."
What did?"
"Torak didn't do them any favors when he cracked the world."
"I don't think he was trying to.
What happened?"
"I can't be entirely positive. Melcena was an island kingdom off the
east coast, and when Torak started rearranging the world's geography,
he managed to sink about half of those islands. That inconvenienced
folks just a bit. Now they're all jammed together in what little space
they've got left. They appointed a committee to look into it."
"They did what?"
"That's the first thing a Melcene thinks of when a crisis of any kind
crops up, old boy. It gives us a sense of accomplishment--and we can
always blame the committee if things don't work out."
"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life."
"Of course it is.
our charm."
We Melcenes are a ridiculous people.
"What did the committee come up with?"
It's part of
I asked him.
"They studied the problem from all angles--for about ten years,
actually--and then they filed their report to the government."
"And what were their findings?"
I asked.
"The report was five hundred pages long, Belgarath.
night to repeat it."
It'd take me all
"Boil it down."
"Well, the gist of it was that the Melcene Empire needed more land."
"It took them ten years to come up with that?"
"Melcenes are very thorough, old boy.
expansion to the mainland."
"Isn't it already occupied?"
Beldin demanded
They went on to suggest
I asked him.
"Well, yes, but all of the people along the east coast are of Dallish
extraction anyway--until you get farther north into the lands of the
Karands--so there's a certain kinship. The Emperor sent emissaries to
our cousins in Rengel and Celanta to explore possible solutions to our
"When did the war start?"
Beldin asked bluntly.
"Oh, there wasn't any war, old boy. We Melcenes are far too civilized
for that. The emperor's emissaries simply pointed out to the petty
kinglets the advantages of becoming a part of the Melcene Empire--and
the disadvantages of refusing."
"Threats, you mean?"
Beldin suggested.
"I wouldn't actually call them threats, dear boy. The emissaries were
very polite, of course, but they did manage to convey the notion that
the Emperor would be terribly disappointed if he didn't get what he
The little kings got the point almost immediately. Anyway, after the
Melcenes established footholds in Rengel and Celanta, they annexed
Darshiva and Peldane. Gandahar's giving them some trouble, though.
The people in the jungles of Gandahar have domesticated the elephant,
and elephant cavalry's a little difficult to cope with. I'm sure
they'll work things out, though."
"Do you think they'll expand into the lands of the Dals?"
I asked
Belmakor shook his head.
"That wouldn't be a good idea at all, Belgarath."
"Why? I've never heard that the Dals are a particularly warlike
"They aren't, but no one in his right mind crosses the Dals. They're
scholars of the arcane, and they've discovered all sorts of things that
could make life unpleasant for anybody who blundered into their
Have you ever heard of Urvon?"
"He's one of Torak's disciples, isn't he?"
"Yes. He more or less controls the Grolims at Mal Yaska, and Ctuchik
runs things in Cthol Mishrak. Anyway, a few years ago Urvon wanted a
survey of the native people of Mallorea, so he sent his Grolims out to
have a look. The ones he sent to Kell didn't come back. They're still
wandering around in the shadow of that huge mountain down there --blind
and crazy. Of course, you can't always tell if a Grolim's crazy; they
aren't too rational to begin with."
Beldin barked that ugly laugh of his.
"You can say that again, brother."
"What are the Dals at Kell up to?"
I asked curiously.
"All sorts of things--wizardry, necromancy, divining, astrology."
"Don't tell me that they're still into that tired old nonsense."
"I'm not entirely positive that it is nonsense, old boy. Astrology's
the province of the Seers, and they're more or less at the top of the
social structure at Kell. Kell's been there forever, and it doesn't
really have what you could call a government. They all just do what
the Seers tell them to do."
"Have you ever met one of these Seers?"
Beldin asked.
"One--a young woman with a bandage over her eyes."
"How could she read the stars if she's blind?"
"I didn't say that she was blind, old boy. Evidently she only takes
the bandage off when she wants to read the Book of the Heavens. She
was a strange girl, but the Dals all listened to her--not that what she
said made much sense to me."
"That's usually the case with people who pretend to be able to see the
future," Beldin noted.
"Talking in riddles is a very good way to keep from being exposed as a
"I don't think they're frauds, Beldin," Belmakor disagreed.
"The Dals tell me that no Seer has ever been wrong about what's going
to happen. The Seers think in terms of Ages. The Second Age began
when Torak broke the world apart."
"It was a sort of memorable event," I said.
"The Alorns started their calendar that day. I think we're currently
in the year one hundred and thirty-eight--or so."
Beldin snorted.
"It gives them something to think about beside picking fights with
their neighbors."
The she-wolf came loping across the meadow.
"One wonders when you are coming home," she said to me pointedly.
"She's almost as bad as a wife, isn't she?"
Beldin observed.
She bared her fangs at him. I could never really be sure just how much
she understood of what we were saying.
"Are you going back to Mallorea?"
I asked Belmakor.
"I don't think so, old boy. I think I'll look in on the Marags
instead. I rather like the Marags."
"Well, I'm going back to Mallorea," Beldin said.
"I still want to find out who Torak's third disciple is, and I'd like
to keep an eye on Belzedar --if I can keep up with him. Every time I
turn around, he's given me the slip." He looked at me.
"What are you going to do?"
"Right now I'm going home--before my friend here sinks her fangs into
my leg and drags me there."
"I meant it more generally, Belgarath."
"I'm not entirely sure. I think I'll stay around here for a
while--until the Master thinks of something else for me to do."
"Well," the wolf said to me, "are you coming home or not?"
"Yes, dear."
I sighed, rolling my eyes upward.
It was lonely in the Vale after Belsambar left us. Beldin and Belzedar
were off in Mallorea, and Belmakor was down in Maragor, entertaining
Marag women, I'm sure. That left only the twins and me to stay with
our Master. There was a sort of unspoken agreement among us that the
twins would always stay close to Aldur. That particular custom had
started right after Torak stole our Master's Orb. I moved around quite
a bit during the next several centuries, however. There were still
marriages to arrange-- and an occasional murder.
Does that shock you? It shouldn't. I've never made any pretense at
being a saint, and there were people out there in the world who were
I didn't tell the Master what I was doing--but he didn't ask, either.
I'm not going to waste my time--or yours--coming up with lame
I was driven by Necessity, so I did what was necessary.
The years rolled on. I would have passed my three thousandth birthday
without even noticing it if my companion hadn't brought it to my
attention. For some reason she always remembered my birthday, and that
was very odd. Wolves watch the seasons, not the years, but she never
once forgot that day that no longer had any real meaning for me.
I stumbled rather bleary-eyed from my bed that morning. The twins and
I had been celebrating something or other the night before. She sat
watching me with that silly tongue of hers lolling out. Being laughed
at is not a good way to start out the day.
"You smell bad," she noted.
"Please don't," I said.
"I'm not feeling well this morning."
You felt very well last night."
"That was then.
This is now."
"One is curious to know why you do this to yourself.
will be unwell in the morning."
You know that you
"It is a custom." I had found over the years that shrugging things off
as "a custom" was the best approach with her.
"Oh. I see. Well, if it is a custom, I suppose it is all right.
are older today, you know."
"I feel much, much older today."
"You were whelped on this day a long time ago."
"Is it my birthday again?
"Behind us--or in front.
Where does the time go?"
It depends on which way you are looking."
Can you believe the complexity of that thought coming from a wolf?
"You have been with me for quite some time now."
"What is time to a wolf?
One day is much like another, is it not?"
"As I recall it, we first met on the grasslands to the north before the
world was broken."
"It was about then, yes."
I made a few quick mental calculations.
"A thousand or so of my birthdays have passed since then."
"Do wolves normally live so long?"
"You are a wolf--sometimes--and you have lived this long."
"That is different.
"Thank you.
You are a very unusual wolf."
One had thought that you might not have noticed that."
"This is really amazing.
I cannot believe that a wolf would live so
"Wolves live as long as they choose to live."
She sniffed.
"One would be more content with you if you would do something about
your smell,"
she added.
You see, Polgara, you weren't the first to make that observation.
It was several years later when I had occasion to change my form for
some reason that I've long since forgotten. I can't even remember what
form I took, but I do remember that it was early summer, and the sun
was streaming golden through the open window of my tower, bathing all
the clutter of half-forgotten experiments and the heaps of books and
scrolls piled against the walls in the pellucid light of that
particular season. I'd thought that the wolf was asleep when I did it,
but I probably should have known better. Nothing I did ever slipped
past her.
She sat up with those golden eyes of hers glowing in the sunlight.
"So that's how you do it," she said to me.
"What a simple thing."
And she promptly turned herself into a snowy white owl.
I knew little peace after that. I never knew when I turned around what
might be staring at me--wolf or owl, bear or butterfly. She seemed to
take great delight in startling me, but as time wore on more and more
she appeared to me in the shape of an owl.
"What is this thing about owls?"
I growled one day.
"I like owls," she explained, as if it were the simplest thing in the
"During my first winter, when I was a young and foolish thing, I was
chasing a rabbit, floundering around in the snow like a puppy, and a
great white owl swooped down and snatched my rabbit almost out of my
jaws. She carried it to a nearby tree and ate it, dropping the scraps
to me.
I thought at the time that it would be a fine thing to be an owl."
I snorted.
"Perhaps," she replied blandly, preening her tail feathers, "but it
amuses me. It may be that one day a different shape will amuse me even
Those of you who know my daughter will see how she came by her affinity
for that particular shape. Neither Polgara nor my wife will tell me
how they communicated with each other during those terrible years when
I thought I'd lost Poledra forever, but they obviously did, and
Poledra's fondness for owls quite obviously rubbed off. But I'm
getting ahead of myself here.
Things went along quietly in the Vale for the next several centuries.
We'd set most of the things in motion that needed to be ready for us
later, and now we were just marking time.
As I'd been almost sure that it would, Tol Nedrane had burned to the
ground, and my badgering of that patriarch of the Honethite family
finally paid off. One of his descendants, a minor public official at
the time, had that affinity for masonry I'd so carefully bred into his
family, and after he'd surveyed the ashes of the city, he persuaded the
other city fathers that stone doesn't burn quite as fast as logs and
thatch. It's heavier than wood, though, so before they could start
erecting stone buildings, they had to fill in the marshy places on the
island in the Nedrane. Over the shrill objections of the ferrymen,
they built a couple of bridges, one to the south bank of the Nedrane
and the other to the north one.
After they'd filled the swamps with rubble, they got down to business.
To be quite honest about it, we didn't care if the citizens of Tol
Honeth lived in stone houses or in paper shacks. It was the work gangs
that were important. They provided the basis for the legions, and we
were going to need those legions later. Building stone is too heavy
for one man to carry --unless he has the sort of advantages my brothers
and I have. The standard work gang of ten men ultimately became the
elemental squad.
When they had to move larger stones, they'd combine into ten gangs of
ten--the typical company. And when they had to install those huge
foundation blocks, they'd gather up a hundred gangs of ten--a legion,
They had to learn how to cooperate with each other to get the job done,
and they learned to take orders from their overseers. I'm sure you get
the picture. My Honethite became the general foreman of the whole
operation. I'm still sort of proud of him--even though he was a
Honeth. Tol nedra at that time was not nearly as civilized as it is
now--if you can call Ce'Nedra civilized. There are always people in
any society who'd rather take what they want from others instead of
working for it, and Tolnedra was no exception. There were bands of
marauding brigands out in the countryside, and when one of those bands
attempted to cross the south bridge in order to loot Tol Nedrane, my
stonemason ordered his work gangs to drop their tools and take up their
weapons. The rest, as they say, is history. My protege immediately
realized what he'd created, and the dream of empire was born.
After the Honethite stonemason had extended his control of the
surrounding countryside for about twenty leagues in all directions, he
changed the name of his native city to Tol Honeth and dubbed himself
Ran Honeth I, Emperor of all Tolnedra--a slightly grandiose title for a
man whose "empire" was only about four hundred square leagues, I'll
grant you, but it was a start. I felt rather smug about the way it all
turned out.
I didn't have time to sit around congratulating myself, though, because
it was about then that the Arendish civil wars broke out. I'd invested
a lot of effort in Arendia, and I didn't want those families I'd
founded getting wiped out in the course of the festivities. The three
major cities in Arendia, Vo Mimbre, Vo Wacune, and Vo Astur, had been
established fairly early on, and each city, along with its surrounding
territory, was ruled by a duke. I'm not certain that the idea of a
single king would have occurred to the Arends if the example of the
First Honethite Dynasty hadn't existed to the South. It wasn't until
much later, however, that the duke of Vo Astur formalized the internal
conflict by proclaiming himself king of Arendia.
The informal civil war was trouble enough, though. I'd established
families in each of the three duchies, and my major concern at the time
was keeping them from encountering each other on the battlefield. If
Mandorallen's ancestor had killed Leildorin's, for example, I'd never
have been able to make peace between the two of them.
To add to the confusion in Arendia, herds of Hrulgin and packs of
Algroths periodically made forays into eastern Arendia to look for
something--somebody--to eat. The Ulgos were down in the caves, so the
favorite food of those monsters was in short supply in their home
I saw this at firsthand once when I was supposedly guiding the baron of
Vo Mandor, Mandorallen's ancestor, toward a battlefield. I didn't want
him to reach that field, so I was taking him the long way around. We
were near the Ulgo frontier when the Algroths attacked.
Mandorin, the baron, was a Mimbrate to the core, and he and his vassals
were totally encased in armor, which protected them from the venomous
claws of the Algroths.
Mandorin shouted the alarm to his vassals, clapped down his visor, set
his lance, and charged.
Some traits breed very true.
Algroths' courage is a reflection of the pack, not the individual, so
when Mandorin and his cohorts began killing Algroths, the courage of
the pack diminished. Finally they ran back into the forest.
Mandorin was grinning broadly when he raised his visor.
"A frolicsome encounter.
Ancient Belgarath," he said gaily.
"Their lack of spirit, however, hath deprived us of much
"You'd better pass along word of this incident, Mandorin," I told
"Let everybody in Arendia know that the monsters of Ulgoland are coming
down into this forest."
"I shall advise all of Mimbre," he promised.
"The safety of the Wacites and Asturians doth not concern me."
"They're your countrymen, Mandorin.
to warn them."
That in itself should oblige you
"They are mine enemies," he said stubbornly.
"They're still human. Decency alone should spur you to warn them, and
you are a decent man."
That got his attention.
he finally came around.
His face was troubled for a moment or so, but
"It shall be as you say, Ancient One," he promised.
"It shall not truly be necessary, however."
"Once we have concluded our business with the Asturians, I shall
myself, with some few companions, mount an expedition into the
mountains of Ulgo. Methinks it will be no great chore to exterminate
these troublesome creatures."
Mandorallen himself would not have said it any differently.
It was about fifteen hundred years after the cracking of the world when
Beldin came back from Mallorea to fill us in on Torak and his Angaraks.
Belmakor left his entertainments in Maragor to join us, but there was
still no sign of Belzedar. We gathered in the Master's tower and took
our usual chairs. The fact that Belzedar's chair was empty bothered us
all, I think.
"It was absolute chaos in Mallorea for a while," Beldin reported.
"The Grolims from Mal Yaska were selecting their sacrificial victims
almost exclusively from the officer corps of the army, and the generals
were arresting and executing every Grolim they could lay their hands
on, charging them with all sorts of specious crimes. Finally Torak got
wind of it, and he put a stop to it."
"Pity," Belmakor murmured.
"What did he do?"
"He summoned the military high command and the Grolim hierarchy to
Cthol Mishrak and delivered an ultimatum. He told them that if they
didn't stop their secret little war, they could all just jolly well
pick up and move to Cthol Mishrak where he could keep an eye on them.
That got their immediate attention. They could live in at least semi
autonomy in Mal Zeth and Mal Yaska, and the climate in those two cities
isn't all that bad. Cthol Mishrak's like a suburb of Hell. It's on the
southern edge of an arctic swamp, and it's so far north that the days
are only about two hours long in the wintertime--if you can call what
comes after dawn up there "day." Torak's put a perpetual cloud bank
over the place, so it never really gets light.
"Cthol Mishrak" means "the City of Endless Night," and that comes
fairly close to describing it. The sun never touches the ground, so
the only thing that grows around there is fungus."
Beltira shuddered.
"Why would he do that?"
he asked, his expression baffled.
Beldin shrugged.
"Who knows why Torak does anything?
He's crazy.
Maybe he's trying to hide his face. I think that what finally brought
the generals and the Grolims to heel, though, was the fact that the
disciple Ctuchik runs things in Cthol Mishrak. I've met Urvon, and he
can chill the blood of a snake just by looking at it. Ctuchik's
reputed to be even worse."
"Have you found out who the third disciple is yet?"
I asked.
Beldin shook his head.
"Nobody's willing to talk about him.
not an Angarak."
I get the impression that he's
"That is very unlike my brother," Aldur mused.
"Torak doth hold the other races of man in the profoundest of
"I could be wrong, Master," Beldin admitted, "but the Angaraks
themselves seem to believe that he's not one of them. Anyway, the
threat of being required to return to Cthol Mishrak brought out the
peaceful side of Urvon's nature, and Urvon rules in Mal Yaska. He
started making peace overtures to the generals almost immediately."
"Does Urvon really have that much autonomy?"
Belkira asked.
"Up to a point, yes. Torak concentrates on the Orb and leaves the
administrative details to his disciples. Ctuchik's absolute master in
Cthol Mishrak, and Urvon sits on a throne in Mal Yaska. He adores
being adored. The only other power center in Angarak Mallorea is Mal
Logic suggests that Torak's third disciple is there--probably working
behind the scenes. Anyway, once Urvon and the generals declared peace
on each other, Torak told them to behave themselves and sent them
They hammered out the details later. The Grolims have absolute sway in
Mal Yaska, and the generals in Mal Zeth. All the other towns and
districts are ruled jointly. Neither side likes it very much, but they
don't have much choice."
"Is that the way things stand right now?"
Belkira asked.
"It's moved on a bit from there. Once the generals got the Grolims out
of their hair, they were free to turn their attention to the
"Ugly brutes," Belmakor observed.
"The first time I saw one, I couldn't believe he was human."
"They've been sort of humanized now," Beldin told him.
"The Angaraks started having trouble with the Karands almost as soon as
they came up out of the Dalasian Mountains. The Karands have a sort of
loose confederation of seven kingdoms in the northeast quadrant of the
Torak's new ocean did some radical things to the climate up there.
They'd been in the middle of an ice age in Karanda--lots of snow,
glaciers, and all that, but all the steam that came boiling out of the
crack in the world melted it off almost overnight. There used to be a
little stream called the Magan that meandered down out of the Karandese
Mountains in a generally southeasterly direction until it emptied out
into the ocean down in Gandahar. When the glaciers melted all at once,
it stopped being so gentle. It gouged a huge trench three-quarters of
the way across the continent. That sent the Karands off in search of
high ground. Unfortunately, the high ground they located just happened
to be in lands claimed by the Angaraks."
"I wouldn't call it all that unfortunate," Belmakor said.
"If the Angaraks are busy with the Karands, they won't come pestering
"The unfortunate part came later," Beldin told him.
"As long as the generals were squabbling with the Grolims, they didn't
have time to deal with the Karands. Once Torak settled that particular
problem, the generals moved their army up to the borders of the
Karandese Kingdom of Pallia, and then they invaded. The Karands were
no match for them, and they crushed Pallia in about a month. The
Grolims started sharpening their gutting knives, but the generals
wanted to leave Pallia intact-paying tribute, of course. They
suggested that the Karands in Pallia be converted to the worship of
Torak. That made the Grolims crazy. So far as they were concerned,
the other races of mankind were good only as slaves or sacrifices.
Anyway, to keep it short, Torak thought it over and eventually sided
with the military. Their solution gives him more worshipers, for one
thing, and it'll give him a much bigger army just in case Belar ever
finds a way to lead his Alorns onto the Mallorean continent. Alorns
seem to make Torak nervous, for some reason."
"You know," Belmakor said, "they have the same effect on me.
Maybe it has something to do with their tendency to go berserk at the
slightest provocation."
"Torak took the whole idea one step further," Beldin went on.
"He wasn't satisfied with just Pallia.
out and convert all of Karanda.
He ordered the Grolims to go
"I will have them all," he told the Grolims.
"Any man who live th in all of boundless Mallorea shall bow down to me,
and if any of ye shirk in this stern responsibility, ye shall feel my
displeasure most keenly." That got the Grolims' attention, and they
went out to convert the heathens."
"This is troubling," Aldur said.
"So long as my brother had only his Angaraks, we could easily match his
numbers. His decision to accept other races alters our
"He's not having all that much success.
Master," Beldin advised him.
"He succeeded in converting the Karands, largely because his army's
superior to those howling barbarians, but when the generals got to the
borders of the Melcene Empire, they ran head-on into elephant
It was very messy, I'm told. The generals pulled back and swept down
into Dalasia instead." He looked at Belmakor.
"I thought you said that the Dals had cities down there."
"They used to--at least they did the last time I was there."
"Well, there aren't any there now--except for Kell, of course. When
the Angaraks moved in, there wasn't anything there but farming villages
with mud-and-wattle huts."
"Why would they do that?"
Belmakor asked in bafflement.
"They had beautiful cities.
Tol Honeth looks like a slum by
"They had reasons," Aldur assured him.
"The destruction of their cities was likely a subterfuge to keep the
Angaraks from realizing how sophisticated they really are."
"They didn't look all that sophisticated to me," Beldin said.
"They still plow their fields with sticks, and they've got almost as
much spirit as sheep."
"Also a subterfuge, my son."
"The Angaraks didn't have any trouble converting them, Master. The
idea of having a God after all these eons--even a God like
Torak-brought them in by the thousands. Was that a pretense, too?"
Aldur nodded.
"The Dals will go to any lengths to conceal their real tasks from the
"Did the generals ever try to go back into the Melcene Empire?"
Belmakor asked.
"Not after that first time, no," Beldin replied.
"Once you've seen a few battalions trampled by elephants, you start to
get the picture. There's a bit of trade between the Angaraks and
Melcenes, but that's about as far as their contacts go."
"You said you'd met Urvon," Belkira said.
"Was that in Cthol Mishrak or Mal Yaska?"
"Mal Yaska.
I stay clear of Cthol Mishrak because of the Chandim."
"Who are the Chandim?"
I asked him.
"They used to be Grolims. Now they're dogs--as big as horses. Some
people call them "the Hounds of Torak." They patrol the area around
Cthol Mishrak, sniffing out intruders. They'd have probably picked me
out rather quickly. I was on the outskirts of Mal Yaska, and I
happened to see a Grolim coming in from the east. I cut his throat,
stole his robe, and slipped into the city. I was snooping around in
the temple when Urvon surprised me. He knew right off that I wasn't a
Grolim--recognizin' me unspeakable talent almost immediately, don't y'
know." For some unaccountable reason he lapsed into a brogue that was
common among Wacite serfs in northern Arendia. Maybe he did it because
he knew it would irritate me, and Beldin never misses an opportunity to
tweak my nose.
Never mind.
It'd take far too long to explain.
"I was a bit startled by the man's appearance," my dwarfed brother
"He's one of those splotchy people you see now and then.
Angaraks are an olive-skinned race--sort of like Tolnedrans are--but
Urvon's got big patches of dead-white skin all over him. He looks like
a piebald horse. He blustered at me a bit, threatening to call the
guards, but I could almost smell the fear on him. Our training is much
more extensive than the training Torak gave his disciples, and Urvon
knew that I outweighed him--metaphorically speaking, of course. I
didn't like him very much, so I overwhelmed him with my charm--and with
the fact that I picked him up bodily and slammed him against the wall a
few times. Then, while he was trying to get his breath, I told him
that if he made a sound or even so much as moved, I'd yank out his guts
with a white-hot hook. Then, to make my point, I showed him the
"Where did you get the hook?"
Beltira asked.
"Right here." Beldin held out his gnarled hand, snapped his fingers,
and a glowing hook appeared in his fist.
"Isn't it lovely?"
He shook his fingers and the hook disappeared.
"Urvon evidently believed me--although it's a bit hard to say for sure,
since he fainted right there on the spot. I gave some thought to
hanging him from the rafters on my hook, but I decided that I was there
to observe, not to desecrate temples, so I left him sprawled on the
floor and went back out into the countryside where the air was cleaner.
Grolim temples have a peculiar stink about them." He paused and
scratched vigorously at one armpit.
"I think I'd better stay out of Mallorea for a while. Urvon's got my
description posted on every tree. The size of the reward he's offering
is flattering, but I guess I'll let things cool down a bit before I go
"Good thinking," Belmakor murmured, and then he collapsed in helpless
My life changed rather profoundly a few weeks later. I was bent over
my worktable when my companion swooped in through the window she'd
finally convinced me to leave open for her, perched sedately on her
favorite chair, and shimmered back into her proper wolf-shape.
"I think I will go away for a while," she announced.
I said cautiously.
She stared at me, her golden eyes unblinking.
"I think I would like to look at the world again."
"I see."
"The world has changed much, I think."
"It is possible."
"I might come back some day."
"I would hope so."
"Good-bye, then," she said, blurred into the form of an owl again, and
with a single thrust of her great wings she was gone.
Her presence during those long years had been a trial to me sometimes,
but I found that I missed her very much. I often turned to show her
something, only to realize that she was no longer with me. I always
felt strangely empty and sad when that happened. She'd been a part of
my life for so long that it had seemed that she'd always be there.
Then, about a dozen years later, my Master summoned me and instructed
me to go to the Far North to look in on the Morindim. Their practice
of raising demons had always concerned him, and he very definitely
didn't want them to get too proficient at it.
The Morindim were--still are, I guess--far more primitive than their
cousins, the Karands. They both worship demons, but the Karands have
evolved to the point where they're able to live in at least a semblance
of a normal life. The Morindim can't--or won't. The clans and tribes
of Karanda smooth over their differences for the common good, largely
because the chieftains have more power than the magicians. The reverse
is true among the Morindim, and each magician is a sublime egomaniac
who views the very existence of other magicians as a personal insult.
The Morindim live in nomadic, primitive tribalism, and the magicians
keep their lives circumscribed by rituals and mystic visions. To put
it bluntly, a Morind lives in more or less perpetual terror.
I journeyed through Aloria to the north range of mountains in what is
now Gar og Nadrak. Belsambar had filled us all in on the customs of
those savages after his long-ago survey of the area, so I knew more or
less how to make myself look like a Morind. Since I wanted to discover
what I could about their practice of raising demons, I decided that the
most efficient way to do it was to apprentice myself to one of the
I paused long enough at the verge of their vast, marshy plain to
disguise myself, darkening my skin and decorating it with imitation
Then, after I'd garbed myself in furs and ornamented myself with
feathers, I went looking for a magician.
I'd been careful to include quest-markings--the white fur headband and
the red-painted spear with feathers dangling from it--as a part of my
disguise, since the Morindim usually consider it unlucky to interfere
with a quester. On one or two occasions, though, I had to fall back on
my own particular form of magic to persuade the curious--or the
belligerent--to leave me alone.
I happened across a likely teacher after about a week in those barren
wastes. A quester is usually an aspiring magician anyway, and a burly
fellow wearing a skull-surmounted headdress accosted me while I was
crossing one of the innumerable streams that wander through that arctic
"You wear the marks of a quester," he said in a challenging sort of way
as the two of us stood hip deep in the middle of an icy stream.
"Yes," I replied in a resigned sort of way.
"I didn't ask for it. It just sort of came over me." Humility and
reluctance are becoming traits in the young, I suppose.
"Tell me of your vision."
I rather quickly evaluated this big-shouldered, hairy, and somewhat
odorous magician. There wasn't really all that much to evaluate.
"All in a dream," I said.
"I saw the king of Hell squatting on the coals of infernity, and he
spoke to me and told me to go forth across the length and breadth of
Morindicum and to seek out that which has always been hidden. This is
my quest." It was pure gibberish, of course, but I think the word
"infernity"--which I made up on the spur of the moment--got his
I've always had this way with words.
"Should you survive this quest of yours, I will accept you as my
apprentice--and my slave."
I've had better offers, but I decided not to negotiate.
learn, not to correct bad manners.
I was here to
"You seem reluctant," he observed.
"I'm not the wisest of men, Master," I confessed, "and I have little
skill with magic. I would be more happy if this burden had been placed
on another."
"It is yours to bear, however," he roared at me.
"Behold the gift that is mine to give." He quickly sizzled out a
design on the top of the water with a burning forefinger, evidently not
observing that the swift current of the stream carried it off before
he'd even finished his drawing.
He raised a Demon Lord, one of the Disciples of the king of Hell.
Now that I think back on it, I believe it was Mordja. I met Mordja
many years later, and he did look a bit familiar to me.
"What is this thou hast done?"
Mordja demanded in that awful voice of
"I have summoned thee to obey me," my prospective tutor declared,
ignoring the fact that his protective design was a half-mile downstream
by now.
Mordja--if it was Mordja--laughed.
"Behold the face of the water, fool," he said.
"There is no longer protection for thee. And therefore--" He reached
out one huge, scaly hand, picked up my prospective
and bit off his head.
"A bit thin," he observed, crushing the skull and brains with those
awful teeth. He negligently tossed away the still-quivering carcass
and turned those baleful eyes on me.
I left rather hurriedly at that point.
I eventually found a less demonstrative magician who was willing to
take me on. He was very old, which was an advantage, since the
apprentice to a magician is required to become his
"Master's" slave for life. He lived alone in a dome-shaped tent made
of musk-ox hides on a gravel bar beside one of those streams. His tent
was surrounded by a kitchen mid-den, since he had the habit of throwing
his garbage out of the front door of his tent rather than burying it.
The bar was backed by a thicket of stunted bushes that were enveloped
by clouds of mosquitoes in the summertime.
He mumbled a lot and didn't make much sense, but I gathered that his
clan had been exterminated in one of those wars that are always
breaking out among the Morindim.
My contempt for "magic" as opposed to what we do dates from that period
in my life. Magic involves a lot of meaningless mumbo-jumbo, cheap
carnival tricks, and symbols drawn on the ground. None of that is
really necessary, of course, but the Morindim believe that it is, and
their belief makes it so.
My smelly old
"Master" started me out on imps--nasty little things about knee high.
When I'd gotten that down pat, I moved up to fiends and then up again
to afreets. After a half-dozen years or so, he finally decided that I
was ready to try my hand on a full-grown demon. In a rather chillingly
offhand manner, he advised me that I probably wouldn't survive my first
attempt. After what had happened to my first
"Master," I had a pretty good idea of what he was talking about.
I went through all that nonsensical ritual and raised a demon. He
wasn't a very big demon, but he was as much as I wanted to try to cope
with. The whole secret to raising demons is to confine them in a shape
of your imagining rather than their natural form. As long as you keep
them locked into your conception of them, they have to obey you. If
they manage to break loose and return to their real form, you're in
I rather strongly advise you not to try it.
Anyway, I managed to keep my medium-size demon under control so that he
couldn't turn on me. I made him perform a few simple tricks--turning
water into blood, setting fire to a rock, withering an acre or so of
grass-you know the sort of tricks I'm talking about--and then, because
I was getting very tired of hunting food, I sent him out with
instructions to bring back a couple of musk-oxen. He scampered off,
howling and growling, and came back a half-hour or so later with enough
meat to feed my "Master" and me for a month. Then I sent him back to
I did thank him, though, which I think confused him more than just a
The old magician was very impressed, but he fell ill not long
I nursed him through his last illness as best I could and gave him a
decent burial after he died. I decided at that point that I'd found
out as much as we needed to know about the Morindim, and so I discarded
my disguise and went back home again.
On my way back to the Vale I came across a fair-sized,
cottage in a grove of giant trees near a small river.
the northern edge of the Vale, and I'd passed that way
the years. I'll take an oath that the house had never
neatly thatched
It was just on
many times over
been there
Moreover, to my own certain knowledge, there was not another human
habitation within five hundred leagues, except for our towers in the
Vale itself. I wondered who might have built a cottage in such a
lonely place, so I went to the door to investigate these hardy
There was only one occupant, though, a woman who seemed young, and yet
perhaps not quite so young. Her hair was tawny and her eyes a curious
golden color. Oddly, she didn't wear any shoes, and I noticed that she
had pretty feet.
She stood in the doorway as I approached--almost as if she'd been
expecting me. I introduced myself, advising her that we were
neighbors-which didn't seem to impress her very much. I shrugged,
thinking that she was probably one of those people who preferred to be
alone. I was on the verge of bidding her good-bye when she invited me
in for supper. It's the oddest thing. I hadn't been particularly
hungry when I'd approached the cottage, but no sooner did she mention
food than I found myself suddenly ravenous.
The inside of her cottage was neat and cheery, with all those little
touches that immediately identify a house in which a woman lives as
opposed to the cluttered shacks where men reside. It was quite a bit
larger than the word "cottage" implies, and even though it was none of
my business, I wondered why she needed so much room.
She had curtains at her windows--naturally--and earthenware jars filled
with wildflowers on her windowsills and on the center of her glowing
oak table. A fire burned merrily on her hearth, and a large kettle
bubbled and hiccuped over it. Wondrous smells came from that kettle
and from the loaves of freshly baked bread on the hearth.
"One wonders if you would care to wash before you eat," she suggested
with a certain delicacy.
To be honest, I hadn't even thought about that.
She seemed to take my hesitation for agreement. She fetched me a pail
of water, warm from the hearth, a cloth, a towel of sorts, and a cake
of brown country soap.
"Out there," she told me, pointing at the door.
I went back outside, set the pail on a stand beside the door, and
washed my hands and face. Almost as an afterthought, I pulled off my
tunic and soaped down my upper torso, as well. I dried off with the
towel, pulled my tunic back on, and went inside again.
She sniffed.
"Much better," she said approvingly.
Then she pointed at the table.
"Sit," she told me.
"I will bring you food." She fetched an earthenware plate from a
cupboard, padding silently barefooted over her well-scrubbed floor.
Then she knelt on her hearth, ladled the plate full, and brought me a
meal such as I had not seen in years.
Her easy familiarity seemed just a bit odd, but it somehow stepped over
that awkwardness that I think we all feel when we first meet
After I'd eaten--more than I should have, probably--we talked, and I
found this strange, tawny-haired woman to have the most uncommon good
sense. This is to say that she agreed with most of my opinions.
Have you ever noticed that? We base our assessment of the intelligence
of others almost entirely on how closely their thinking matches our
own. I'm sure that there are people out there who violently disagree
with me on most things, and I'm broad-minded enough to concede that
they might possibly not be complete idiots, but I much prefer the
company of people who agree with me.
You might want to think about that.
I enjoyed her company, and I found myself thinking up excuses not to
leave. She was a remarkably handsome woman, and there was a fragrance
about her that made my senses reel. She told me that her name was
Poledra, and I liked the sound of it. I found that I liked almost
everything about her.
"One wonders by what name you are called," she said after she had
introduced herself.
"I'm Belgarath," I replied, "and I'm first disciple of the God
"How remarkable," she noted, and then she laughed, touching my arm
familiarly as if we'd known each other for years.
I lingered in her cottage for a few days, and then I regretfully told
her that I had to go back to the Vale to report what I'd found out in
the north to my Master.
"I will go along with you," she told me.
"From what you say, there are remarkable things to be seen in your
Vale, and I was ever curious." Then she closed the door of her house
and returned with me to the Vale.
Strangely, my Master was waiting for us, and he greeted Poledra
courteously. I can never really be sure, but it seemed to me that some
mysterious glance passed between them as if they knew each other and
shared some secret that I was not aware of.
All right. I'm not stupid. Naturally I had some suspicions, but as
time went by, they became less and less important, and I quite firmly
put them out of my mind.
Poledra simply moved into my tower with me. We never actually
discussed it; she just took up residence. That raised a few eyebrows
among my brothers, to be sure, but I'll fight anyone who has the bad
manners to suggest that there was anything improper about our living
It put my willpower to the test, I'll admit, but I behaved myself. That
always seemed to amuse Poledra for some reason.
I thought my way through our situation extensively that winter, and I
finally came to a decision--a decision Poledra had obviously made a
long time ago. She and I were married the following spring.
himself, burdened though he was, blessed our union.
My Master
There was joy in our marriage, and a kind of homey, familiar comfort.
I never once thought about those things that I had prudently decided
not to think about, so they in no way clouded the horizon. But that,
of course, is another story.
Don't rush me.
We'll get to it--all in good time.
I'm sure you can understand that I -wanted peace in the world at that
particular time. A newly married man has better things to do than to
dash off to curb the belligerence of others. Unfortunately, it was no
more than a couple of years after Poledra and I were married when the
Alorn clan wars broke out. Aldur summoned the twins and me to his
tower as soon as word of that particular idiocy reached us.
"Ye must go there," he told us in a tone that didn't encourage
disagreement. Our Master seldom commanded us, so we paid rather close
attention to him when he did.
"It is essential that the current royal house of Aloria remain in
power. One will descend from that line who will be vital to our
I wasn't too thrilled at the prospect of leaving Poledra behind, but I
certainly wasn't going to take her into the middle of a war.
"Wilt thou look after my wife, Master?" I asked him. It was a foolish
question, of course. Naturally he'd look after her, but I wanted him
to understand my reluctance to go to Aloria and my reasons for it.
"She will be safe with me," he assured me.
Safe, perhaps, but not happy about being left behind. She argued with
me about it at first, but I led her to believe that it was Aldur's
command--which wasn't exactly a lie, was it?
"I won't be all that long," I promised her.
"Don't be," she replied.
"One would have you understand that one is discontented about this."
Anyway, the twins and I left the Vale and started north the first thing
the next morning. When we reached the cottage where I'd met Poledra,
the she-wolf was waiting for us. The twins were somewhat surprised,
but I don't think I really was.
"Another of those errands?"
she asked me.
"Yes," I replied flatly, "and one does not require company."
"Your requirements are none of my concern," she told me, her tone just
as flat as mine.
"I will go along with you whether you like it or not."
"As you wish." I surrendered. I'd learned a long time ago just how
useless it was to give her orders.
And so we were four when we reached the southern border of Aloria and
began looking for Belar. I think he was avoiding us, though, because
we weren't able to find him. He could have stopped the clan wars at
any time, of course, but Belar had a stubborn streak in him that was at
least a mile wide. He absolutely would not take sides when his Alorns
started bickering with each other. Even-handedness is probably a good
trait in a God, but this was ridiculous. We finally gave up our search
for him and went on to the mouth of the river that bears our Master's
name and looked out across what has come to be known as the Gulf of
Cherek. We saw ships out there, but they didn't look all that
seaworthy to me. A flat-bottomed scow with a squared-off front end
isn't my idea of a corsair that skims the waves. The twins and I
talked it over and decided to change form and fly across rather than
hail one of those leaky tubs.
"One notes that you still have not learned to fly well," the snowy owl
ghosting along at my side observed.
"I get by," I told her, clawing at the air with my wings.
"But not well." She always had to get in the last word, so I didn't
bother trying to answer, but concentrated instead on keeping my tail
feathers out of the water.
After what seemed an interminable flight, we reached the crude seaport
that stood on the site of what's now Val Alorn and went looking for
King Chaggat's direct descendant. King Uvar Bent-beak. We found him
splitting wood in the stump-dotted clearing outside his log house. Ran
Vordue IV, the then-current Emperor of Tolnedra, lived in a palace.
Uvar Bent-beak ruled an empire at least a dozen times the size of
Tolnedra, but he lived in a log shack with a leaky roof, and I don't
think it ever occurred to him to order one of his thralls to chop his
firewood for him. Thralldom never really worked in Aloria, since
Alorns don't make good slaves. The institution was never actually
abolished. It just fell into disuse. Anyway, Uvar was stripped to the
waist, sweating like a pig, and chopping for all he was worth.
"Hail, Belgarath," he greeted me, sinking his axe into his chopping
block and mopping the sweat off his bearded face. I always kept in
touch with the Alorn kings, so he knew me on sight.
"Hail, Bent-beak," I replied.
"What's going on up here?"
"I'm cutting wood," he told me, his face very serious.
"Yes," I said,
"I noticed that almost immediately, but that wasn't what I was talking
We heard that you've got a war on your hands."
Uvar had little pig-like eyes, and he squinted at me around that huge
broken nose of his.
"Oh," he said, "that.
It's not much of a war really.
I can deal with
"Uvar," I told him as patiently as I could, "if you plan to deal with
it, don't you think it's time you got started? It's been going on for
a year and a half now."
"I've been sort of busy, Belgarath," he said defensively.
"I had to patch my roof, and winter's coming on, so I have to lay in a
store of firewood."
Can you believe that this man was a direct ancestor of King Anheg?
To hide my exasperation with him, I introduced the twins.
"Why don't we all go inside?"
Uvar suggested.
"I've got a barrel of fairly good ale, and I'm a little tired of
splitting wood anyway."
The twins, with an identical gesture, concealed the grins that came to
their faces, and we went into Uvar's "palace," a cluttered shack with a
dirt floor and the crudest furniture you can imagine.
"What started this war, Uvar?" I asked the King of Aloria after we had
all pulled chairs up to his wobbly table and sampled his ale.
"Religion, Belgarath," he replied.
"Isn't that what starts every war?"
"Not always, but we can talk about that some other time. How could
religion start a war in Aloria? You people are all fully committed to
"Some are a little more committed than others," he said, making a sour
"Belar's idea of going after the Angaraks is all very well, I suppose,
but we can't get at them because there's an ocean in the way.
There's a priest in a place off to the east somewhere who's just a
little thick-witted." This? Coming from Uvar? I shudder to think of
how stupid that priest must have been for Uvar to notice!
"Anyway," the king went on, "this priest has gathered up an army of
sorts, and he wants to invade the kingdoms of the South."
Uvar shrugged.
"Because they're there, I suppose.
want to invade them, would he?"
If they weren't there, he wouldn't
I suppressed an urge to grab him and shake him.
"Have they done anything to offend him?"
I asked.
"Not that I know of. You see, Belar's been away for a while. He gets
homesick for the old days sometimes, so he takes some girls, a group of
warriors, several barrels of beer, and goes off to set up a camp in the
woods. He's been gone for a couple of years now. Anyway, this priest
has decided that the southern kingdoms ought to join us when we go to
make war on the Angaraks and that it'd probably be more convenient if
we all worshiped the same God. He came to me with his crazy idea, and
I ordered him to forget about it. He didn't, though, and he's been out
preaching to the other clans. He's managed to persuade about half of
them to join him, but the other half is still loyal to me. They're
fighting each other off there a ways." He made a vague gesture toward
the east.
don't think the clans that went over to him are so interested in
religion as they are in the chance to loot the southern kingdoms. The
really religious ones have formed what they call the Bear-cult. I
think it's got something to do with Belar--except that Belar doesn't
know anything about it." He drained off his tankard and went into the
pantry for more ale.
"He's not going to move until he finishes cutting firewood," Belkira
said quietly.
I nodded glumly.
"Why don't you two see what you can do to speed that up?"
"Isn't that cheating?"
Beltira asked me.
"Maybe, but we've got to get him moving before winter settles in."
They nodded and went back outside again.
Uvar was a little startled by how much his woodpile had grown when he
and I went back outside again.
"Well," he said, "now that that's been taken care of, I guess maybe I'd
better go do something about that war."
The twins and I cheated outrageously in the next several months, and we
soon had the breakaway clans on the run. There was a fairly large
battle on the eastern plains of what is now Gar og Nadrak. Uvar might
have been a little slow of thought, but he was tactician enough to know
the advantage of taking and holding the high ground and concealing the
full extent of his forces from his enemies. We quietly occupied a hill
during the middle of the night. Uvar's troops littered the hillside
with sharpened stakes until the hillside looked like a hedgehog, and
his reserves hunkered down on the back side of the hill.
The breakaway clans and Bear-cultists who had camped on the plain woke
up the next morning to find Uvar staring down their throats. Since
they were Alorns, they attacked.
Most people fail to understand the purpose of sharpened stakes.
They aren't there to skewer your opponent. They're there to slow him
down enough to give you a clean shot at him. Uvar's bowmen got lots of
practice that morning. Then, when the rebels were about halfway up the
hill, Uvar blew a cow's-horn trumpet, and his reserves swept out in two
great wings from behind the hill to savage the enemy's rear.
It worked out fairly well. The clansmen and the cultists didn't really
have any options, so they kept charging up the hill, slashing at the
stakes with their swords and axes. The founder of the Bear-cult, a big
fellow with bad eyesight, came hacking his way up toward us. I think
the poor devil had gone berserk, actually. He was frothing at the
mouth by the time he got through all the stakes, anyway.
Uvar was waiting for him. As it turned out, the months the King of
Aloria had spent splitting wood paid off. Without so much as changing
expression, Bent-beak lifted his axe and split the rebellious priest of
Belar from the top of his head to his navel with one huge blow.
Resistance more or less collapsed at that point, and the Bear-cult went
into hiding, while the rebellious clans suddenly became very fond of
their king and renewed their vows of fealty.
Now do you see why war irritates me? It's always the same. A lot of
people get killed, but in the end, the whole thing is settled at the
conference table. The notion of having the conference first doesn't
seem to occur to people.
The she-wolfs observations were chilling.
"One wonders what they plan to do with the meat," she said. That
raised the hackles on the back of my neck, but I rather dimly perceived
a way to end wars forever. If the victorious army had to eat the
fallen, war would become much less attractive. I'd gone wolf enough to
know that meat is flavored by the diet of the eatee, and stale beer
isn't the best condiment in the world.
Uvar was clearly in control now, so the twins, the wolf, and I went
back to the Vale. The wolf, of course, left us when we reached
Poledra's cottage, and my wife was in my tower when I got there,
looking for all the world as if she'd been there all along.
Belmakor had returned during our absence, but he'd locked himself in
his tower, refusing to respond when we urged him to come out. The
Master told us that our Melcene brother had gone into a deep depression
for some reason, and we knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't
appreciate any attempts to cheer him up. I've always been somewhat
suspicious about Belmakor's depression. If I could ever confirm those
suspicions, I'd go back to where Belzedar is right now and put him
someplace a lot more uncomfortable.
This was a painful episode, so I'm going to cut it short. After
several years of melancholy brooding about the seeming hopelessness of
our endless tasks, Belmakor gave up and decided to follow Belsambar
into obliteration.
I think it was only the presence of Poledra that kept me from going
mad. My brothers were dropping around me, and there was nothing I
could do to prevent it.
Aldur summoned Belzedar and Beldin back to the Vale, of course.
Beldin had been down in Nyissa keeping an eye on the Serpent People,
and we all assumed that Belzedar had still been in Mallorea, although
it didn't take him long to arrive. He seemed peculiarly reluctant to
join us in our sorrow, and I've always thought less of him because of
his attitude.
Belzedar had changed over the years. He still refused to give us any
details about his scheme to retrieve the Orb--not that we really had
much opportunity to talk with him, because he was quite obviously
avoiding us. He had a strangely haunted look on his face that I didn't
think had anything to do with our common grief. It seemed too personal
After about a week, he asked Aldur for permission to leave, and then he
went back to Mallorea.
"One notes that your brother is troubled," Poledra said to me after
he'd gone.
"It seems that he's trying to follow two paths at once. His mind is
divided, and he doesn't know which of the paths is the true one."
"Belzedar's always been a little strange," I agreed.
"One would suggest that you shouldn't trust him too much.
telling you everything."
He's not
"He's not telling me anything," I retorted.
"He hasn't been completely open with us since Torak stole the Master's
Orb. To be honest with you, love, I've never been so fond of him that
I'm not going to lose any sleep over the fact that he wants to avoid
"Say that again," she told me with a warm smile.
"Say what again?"
It's a nice word, and you don't say it very often."
"You know how I feel about you, dear."
"One likes to be told."
"Anything that makes you happy, love."
I will never understand
Beldin and I spoke together at some length about Belzedar's growing
aloofness, but we ultimately concluded that there wasn't very much we
could do about it.
Then Beldin raised another issue that was of more immediate concern.
"There's trouble in Maragor," he told me.
"I was on my way back from Nyissa when I heard about it. I was in a
hurry, so I didn't have time to look into it very deeply."
"What's going on?"
"Some idiot misread one of their sacred texts. Mara must have been
about half asleep when he dictated it. Either that, or the scribe who
was writing it down misunderstood him. It hinges on the word "assume."
The Marags are taking the word quite literally, I understand. They've
taken to making raids across their borders. They capture Tolnedrans or
Nyissans and take them back to Mar Amon. They have a big religious
ceremony, and the captives are killed. Then the Marags eat them."
"They do what?"
"You heard me, Belgarath.
The Marags are practicing ritual
"Why doesn't Mara put a stop to it?"
"How should I know? I'm going back down there as soon as the Master
allows me to leave. I think one of us had better have a long talk with
Mara. If word of what's going on gets back to Nedra or Issa, there's
going to be big trouble."
"What else can go wrong?"
I exploded in exasperation.
"Lots of things, I'd imagine. Nobody ever promised you that life was
going to be easy, did they? I'll go to Mar Amon and see what I can do.
I'll send for you if I need any help."
"Keep me posted."
"If I find out anything meaningful.
How are you and Poledra getting
I smirked at him.
"That's disgusting, Belgarath.
You're behaving like some downy-cheeked
"I know, and I'm enjoying every minute of it."
"I'm going to go call on the twins, I'm sure they'll be able to put
their hands on a barrel of good ale. I've been in Nyissa for the past
few decades, and the Nyissans don't believe in beer.
They have other
"Certain leaves and berries and roots make them sooo happy. Most
Nyissans are in a perpetual fog. Are you coming to visit the twins
with me?"
"I don't think so, Beldin.
my breath."
Poledra doesn't like the smell of beer on
"You're hen-pecked, Belgarath."
"It doesn't bother me in the slightest, brother."
again, and he stumped away muttering to himself.
I smirked at him
The Alorn clan wars re-erupted several times over the next few hundred
years. The Bear-cult was still agitating the outlying clans, but the
kings of Aloria were able to keep things under control, usually by
attacking cult strongholds and firmly trampling cult members into the
There's a certain direct charm about the Alorn approach to problems, I
I think it was about the middle of the nineteenth century when I
received an urgent summons from Beldin. The Nyissans had been making
slave raids into Maragor, and the Marags responded by invading the
lands of the Serpent People. I spoke extensively with Poledra and told
her in no uncertain terms that I wanted her to stay in the Vale while I
was gone. I asserted what minimal authority a pack leader might have
at that point, and she seemed to accept that authority--although with
Poledra you could never really be entirely sure. She sulked, of
course. Poledra could be absolutely adorable when she sulked. Garion
will probably understand that, but I doubt that anyone else will.
I kissed my wife's pouty lower lip and left for Maragor--although I'm
not sure exactly what Beldin thought I might be able to do. Attempting
to rein in the Marags was what you might call an exercise in futility.
Marag men were all athletes who carried their brains in their biceps.
The women of Maragor encouraged that, I'm afraid. They want stamina,
not intelligence.
All right, Polgara, don't beat it into the ground. I liked the Marags.
They had their peculiarities, but they did enjoy life.
The Marag invasion of Nyissa turned out to be an unmitigated
The Nyissans, like the snakes they so admired, simply slithered off
into the jungle, but they left a few surprises behind to entertain the
Pharmacology is an art-form in Nyissa, and not all of the berries and
leaves that grow in their jungles make people feel good. Any number of
them seem to have the opposite effect--although it's sort of hard to
say for sure. It's entirely possible that the thousands of Marags who
stiffened, went into convulsions, and died as the result of eating an
apparently harmless bit of food were made ecstatic by the various
poisons that took them off.
Grimly the Marags pressed on, stopping occasionally to roast and eat a
few prisoners of war. They reached Sthiss Tor, the Nyissan capital,
but Queen Salmissra and all of the inhabitants had already melted into
the jungles, leaving behind warehouses crammed to the rafters with
The dim-witted Marags feasted on the food--which proved to be a
Why am I surrounded by people incapable of learning from experience?
I wouldn't have to see too many people die from "indigestion" to begin
to have some doubts about my food source. Would you believe that the
Nyissans even managed to poison their cattle herds in such a subtle way
that the cows looked plump and perfectly healthy, but when a Marag ate
a steak or roast or chop from one of those cows, he immediately turned
black in the face and died frothing at the mouth? Fully half of the
males of the Marag race died during that abortive invasion.
Things were getting out of hand. Mara wouldn't just sit back and watch
the Nyissans exterminate his children for very long before he'd decide
to intervene, and once he did that, torpid Issa would be obliged to
wake up and respond. Issa was a strange God. After the cracking of
the world, he'd simply turned the governance of the Snake People over
to his High Priestess, Salmissra, and had gone into hibernation. I
guess it hadn't occurred to him to do anything to prolong her life, and
so in time she died. The Serpent People didn't bother to wake him when
she did. They simply selected a replacement.
Beldin and I went looking for the then-current Queen Salmissra so that
we could offer to mediate a withdrawal of the Marags. We finally found
her in a house deep in the jungles, a house almost identical to her
palace in Sthiss Tor. She's probably got those houses scattered all
over Nyissa.
We presented ourselves to her eunuchs, and they took us to her throne
room, where she lounged, admiring her reflection in a mirror.
Salmissra--like all the other Salmissras--absolutely adored herself.
"I think you've got a problem, your Majesty," I told her bluntly when
Beldin and I were ushered into her presence.
"Do you want my brother and me to try to end this war?"
The Serpent Woman didn't seem to be particularly interested.
"Do not expend thine energy, Ancient Belgarath," she said with a yawn.
All of the Salmissras have been virtually identical to the first one.
They're selected because of their resemblance to her and trained from
early childhood to have that same chill, indifferent personality.
Actually it makes them easier to deal with. Salmissra--any one of the
hundred or so who've worn the name--is always the same person, so you
don't have to adjust your thinking.
Beldin, however, managed to get her attention.
"All right," he told her with an indifference that matched her own,
"it's the dry season.
Belgarath and I'll set fire to your stinking jungles. We'll burn
Nyissa to the ground. Then the Marags will have to go home."
That was the only time I've ever seen any of the Salmissras display any
emotion other than sheer animal lust. Her pale eyes widened, and her
chalk-white skin turned even whiter.
"Thou wouldst not!"
she exclaimed.
Beldin shrugged.
"Why not? It'll end this war, and if we get rid of all the assorted
narcotics, maybe your people can learn to do something productive.
Don't toy with me, Snake Woman, you'll find that I play rough. Let the
Marags go home, or I'll burn Nyissa from the mountains to the sea.
There won't be a berry or a leaf left--not even the ones that sustain
you. You'll get old almost immediately, Salmissra, and all those
pretty boys you're so fond of will lose interest in you almost as
She glared at him, and then her colorless eyes began to smolder.
"You interest me, ugly one," she told him.
"I've never coupled with an ape before."
"Forget it," he snarled.
"I like my women fat and hot-blooded.
You're too cold for me, Salmissra." That was my brother for you.
was never one to beat around the bush.
"Do we agree then?"
he pressed.
"If you let the Marags go home, I won't burn your stinking swamp."
"The time will come when you'll regret this, Disciple of Aldur."
"Ah, me little sweetie," he replied in that outrageous Wacite brogue.
"I've regretted many things in me long, long life, don't y' know, but
I'll be after tellin' y' one thing, darling'. Matin' with a snake
ain't likely t' be one of "em." Then his face hardened.
"This is the last time I'm going to ask you, Salmissra. Are you going
to let the Marags go, or am I going to start lighting torches?"
And that more or less ended the war.
"You were moderately effective there, old boy," I complimented my
brother as we left Salmissra's jungle hideout.
"I thought her eyes were going to pop out when you offered to burn her
"It got her attention."
Then he sighed.
"It might have been very interesting," he said rather wistfully.
"What might have?"
"Never mind."
We nursed the limping Marag column back to their own borders, leaving
thousands of dead behind us in those reeking swamps, and then Beldin
and I returned to the Vale.
When we got there, our Master sent me back to Aloria.
"The Queen of the Alorns is with child," he told me.
"The one for whom we have waited is about to be born. I would have
thee present at this birth and at diverse other times during his
"Are we sure he's the right one, Master?"
I asked him.
He nodded.
"The signs are all present. Thou wilt know him when first thou se est
him. Go thou to Val Alorn, therefore. Verify his identity and then
And that's how I came to be present when Cherek Bear-shoulders was
born. When one of the midwives brought the red-faced, squalling infant
out of the queen's bedroom, I knew immediately that my Master had been
right. Don't ask me how I knew, I just did. Cherek and I had been
linked since the beginning of time, and I recognized him the moment I
laid eyes on him. I congratulated his father and then went back to the
Vale to report to my Master and, I hoped, to spend some time with my
I went back to Aloria a number of times during Cherek's boyhood, and we
got to know each other quite well. By the time he was ten, he was as
big as a full-grown man, and he kept on growing. He was over seven
feet tall when he ascended the throne of Aloria at the age of
We gave him some time to get accustomed to his crown, and then I went
back to Val Alorn and arranged a marriage for him. I can't remember
the girl's name, but she did what she was supposed to do. Cherek was
about twenty-three when his first son, Dras, was born, and about
twenty-five when Algar came along. Riva, his third son, was born when
the King of Aloria was twenty-seven. My Master was pleased. Everything
was happening the way it was supposed to.
Cherek's three sons grew as fast as he had. Alorns are large people
anyway, but Dras, Algar, and Riva took that tendency to extremes.
Walking into a room where Cherek and his sons were was sort of like
walking into a grove of trees. The word "giant" is used rather
carelessly at times, but it was no exaggeration when it was used to
describe those four.
As I've suggested several times, my Master had at least some knowledge
of the future, but he shared that knowledge only sparingly with us. I
knew that Cherek and his sons and I were supposed to do something, but
my Master wouldn't tell me exactly what, reasoning, I suppose, that if
I knew too much about it, I might in some way tamper with it and make
it come out wrong.
I'd gone to Aloria during the summer when Riva turned eighteen.
That was a fairly significant anniversary in a young Alorn's life back
then, because it was on his eighteenth birthday that a description of
him was added to his name. Four years previously, Riva's older brother
had become Dras Bull-neck, and two years after that, Algar had been
dubbed Algar Fleet-foot. Riva, who had huge hands, became Iron-grip. I
honestly believe that he could have crushed rocks into powder in those
hands of his.
Poledra had a little surprise for me when I returned to the Vale.
"One wonders if you have finished with these errands for a time," she
said when I got home to our tower.
"One hopes so," I replied. We didn't exactly speak to each other in
wolvish when we were alone, but we came close.
"One's Master will decide that, however," I added.
"One will speak with the Master," she told me.
"It is proper that you stay here for a time."
"It is a custom, and customs should be observed."
"Which custom is that?"
"The one that tells us that the sire should be present at the births of
his young."
I stared at her.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I just did.
I demanded.
What would you like for supper?"
Poledra largely ignored her pregnancy.
"It's a natural process," she told me with a shrug.
"There's nothing very remarkable about it." She continued attending to
what she felt were her duties even as her waistline expanded and her
movements became increasingly awkward, and nothing I could do or say
could persuade her to change her set routine.
Over the centuries, she'd made some significant alterations to my
tower. As you may have heard, I'm not the neatest person in the world,
but that's never bothered me very much. A bit of clutter gives a place
that lived-in look, don't you agree? That all changed after Poledra
and I were married. There weren't any interior walls in my tower,
largely because I like to be able to look out all of my windows when
I'm working. I sort of haphazardly arranged my living space--this area
for cooking and eating, that for study, and the one over there for
sleeping. It worked out fairly well while I was alone. My location in
the various parts of the tower told me what I was supposed to be
Poledra didn't like it that way.
I think she wanted greater
She started adding furniture--tables, couches, and brightly colored
She loved bright colors for some reason. The rugs she'd scattered
about on the stone floor gave me some trouble--I was forever tripping
over them. All in all, though, her little touches made that rather
bleak tower room a more homey sort of place, and homeyness seems to be
important to females of just about any species. I'd suspect that even
female snakes add a few decorations to their dens. I was tolerant of
these peculiarities, but one thing drove me absolutely wild. She was
forever putting things away--and I usually couldn't find them
afterward. When I'm working on something, I like to keep it right out
in plain sight, but no sooner would I lay something down than she'd
pick it up and stick it on a shelf. I think putting up those shelves
had been a mistake, but she'd insisted, and during the early years of
our marriage I'd been more than willing to accommodate her every
We had argued extensively about curtains, however. What is this thing
women have about curtains? All they really do is get in the way.
They don't hold in any appreciable heat in the wintertime, nor keep it
out in the summer, and they get in the way when you want to look out.
For some reason, though, women don't feel that a room is complete
without curtains.
She may have gone through that period of morning sickness that afflicts
most pregnant women, but if she did, she didn't tell me about it.
Poledra's always up and about at first light, but I tend to be a late
riser if I don't have something important to attend to. Regardless of
what my daughter may think, that's not a symptom of laziness. It's
just that I like to talk, and evenings are the time for talk. I
usually go to bed late and get up late. I don't sleep any longer than
Polgara does, it's just that we keep different hours. At any rate,
Poledra may or may not have endured that morning nausea, but she didn't
make an issue of it. She did develop those peculiar appetites, though.
The first few times she asked for strange foods, I tore the Vale apart
looking for them. Once I realized that she was only going to take a
few bites, however, I started cheating. I wasn't going to sprout wings
and fly to the nearest ocean just because she had a sudden craving for
oysters. A created oyster tastes almost the same as a real one, so she
pretended not to notice my subterfuge.
Then, when she was about five months along, we got into the business of
cradles. I was a little hurt by the fact that she asked the twins to
make them instead of having me do it. I protested, but she bluntly
told me, "You're not good with tools." She put her hand on my favorite
chair and shook it. I'll concede that it wobbled a bit, but it hadn't
collapsed under me in the thousand or so years I'd been sitting in it.
That's sturdy enough, isn't it?
The twins went all out in building those cradles. When you get right
down to it, a cradle's just a small bed with rockers on it. The ones
the twins built, however, had elaborately curled rockers and
intricately carved headboards.
"Why two?" I asked my wife after Beltira and Belkira had proudly
delivered their handiwork to our tower.
"It doesn't hurt to be prepared for any eventuality," she replied.
"It's not uncommon for several young to be born at the same time."
laid one hand on her distended belly.
"Soon I'll be able to count the heartbeats.
Then I'll know if two cradles will be enough."
I considered the implications of that and chose not to pursue the
matter any further. There were some things I'd decided that I wouldn't
even think about, much less bring out into the open.
Poledra's pregnancy may not have been remarkable to her, but it
certainly was to me. I was so swollen up with pride that I was
probably unbearable to be around. My Master accepted my boasting with
fondly amused tolerance, and the twins were quite nearly as ecstatic as
I was.
Shepherds get all moony at lambing time, so I suppose their reaction
was only natural. Beldin, however, soon reached the point where he
couldn't stand to be around me, and he went off to Tolnedra to keep
watch over the second Honethite Dynasty. The Tolnedrans were
establishing trade relations with the Arends and the Nyissans, and the
Honeths have always been acquisitive. We definitely didn't want them
to start getting ideas about annexation. One war between the Gods had
been quite enough, thank you.
Winter came early that year, and it seemed much more severe than usual.
Trees were exploding in the cold in the Far North, and the snow was
piling up to incredible depths. Then on a bitterly cold day when the
sky was spitting pellets of snow as hard as pebbles, four Alorns
bundled to the ears in fur came down into the Vale. I was able to
recognize them from a considerable distance because of their size.
"Well met. Ancient Belgarath," Cherek Bear-shoulders greeted me when I
went out to meet him and his sons. I wish people wouldn't call me
"You're a long way from home, Cherek," I noted.
"Is there some sort of problem?"
"Just the opposite, Revered One," Dras Bull-neck rumbled at me.
Dras was even bigger than his father, and his voice came up out of his
"My brothers have found a way to reach Mallorea."
I looked quickly at Iron-grip and Fleet-foot. Riva was nearly as tall
as Dras, but leaner. He had a fierce black beard and piercing blue
Algar, the silent brother, was clean-shaven, and he had the rangy limbs
of a coursing hound.
"We were hunting," Riva explained.
"There are white bears in the Far North, and Mother's birthday is in
the spring. Algar and I wanted to give her a white fur cape as a
present. She'd like that, wouldn't she?" There was a strange, boyish
innocence about Riva. It's not that he was stupid or anything. It was
just that he was eager to please and always enthusiastic. Sometimes he
almost seemed to bubble.
Algar, of course, didn't say anything. He almost never did.
the most close-mouthed man I've ever known.
He was
"I've heard about those white bears," I said.
"Isn't hunting them just a little dangerous?"
Riva shrugged.
"There were two of us," he said--as if that would make a difference to
a fourteen-foot bear weighing almost a ton.
"Anyway, the ice is very thick in the northern reaches of the Sea of
the East this year. We'd wounded a bear, and he was trying to get away
from us.
We were chasing him, and that's when we found the bridge."
"What bridge?"
"The one that crosses over to Mallorea." He said it in the most
offhand way imaginable, as if the discovery of something that Alorns
had been trying to find for two thousand years wasn't really all that
"I don't suppose you'd care to give me a few details about this
bridge?" I suggested.
"I was just getting to that. There's a point that juts out to the east
up in Morindland, and another that juts toward the west out of the
lands of the Karands over in Mallorea. There's a string of rocky
little islets that connects the two. The bear had gotten away from us
somehow. It was sort of foggy that day, and it's very hard to see a
white bear in the fog. Algar and I were curious, so we crossed the
ice, following that string of islands.
About mid-afternoon a breeze came up and blew off the fog. We looked
up, and there was Mallorea. We decided not to go exploring, though.
There's no point in letting Torak know that we've discovered the
bridge, is there? We turned around and came back. We ran across a
tribe of Morindim and they told us that they've been using that bridge
for centuries to visit the Karands. A Morind will give you anything he
owns for a string of glass beads, and Karandese traders seem to know
that. The Morinds will trade ivory walrus tusks and priceless
sea-otter skins and the hides of those dangerous white bears for a
string of beads you can buy in any country fair for a penny." His eyes
"I hate it when people cheat other people, don't you?"
had opinions.
Riva definitely
Bear-shoulders gave me a rueful smile.
"We could have found out about this years ago if we'd taken the trouble
to spend some time with the Morindim. We've been tearing the north
apart for two thousand years trying to find some way to cross over to
Mallorea and pick up the war with the Angaraks where we left off, and
the Morindim knew the way all along. We've got to learn to pay more
attention to our neighbors."
As nearly as I can recall, that's fairly close to the way the
conversation went. Those of you who've read the Book of Alorn will
realize that the priest of Belar who wrote those early passages took a
great deal of liberty with his material. It just goes to show you that
you should never trust a priest to be entirely factual.
I gave Cherek Bear-shoulders a rather hard look.
this was going.
I could see where
"This is all very interesting, Cherek, but why are you bringing it to
"We thought you'd like to know, Belgarath," he said with an ingenuously
feigned look of innocence. Cherek was a very shrewd man, but he could
be terribly transparent sometimes.
"Don't try to be coy with me, Cherek," I told him.
"Exactly what have you got on your mind?"
"It's not really all that complicated, Belgarath. The boys and I
thought we might drift over to Mallorea and steal your Master's Orb
back from Torak One-eye." He said it as if he were proposing a stroll
in the park.
"Then we got to thinking that you might want to come along, so we
decided to come down here and invite you."
"Absolutely out of the question," I snapped.
"My wife's going to have a baby, and I'm not going to leave her here
"Congratulations," Algar murmured.
whole afternoon.
"Thank you," I replied.
It was the only word he spoke that
Then I turned back to his father.
"All right, Cherek. We know that this bridge of yours is there.
still be there next year. I might be willing to discuss this
expedition of yours then--but not now."
"There might be a problem with that, Belgarath," he said seriously.
"When my sons told me about what they'd found, I went to the priests of
Belar and had them examine the auguries. This is the year to go. The
ice up there won't be as thick again for years and years. Then they
cast my own auguries, and from what they say, this could be the most
fortunate year in my whole life."
"Do you actually believe that superstitious nonsense?"
I demanded.
"Are you so gullible that you think that somebody can foretell the
future by fondling a pile of sheep guts?"
He looked a little injured.
"This was important, Belgarath. I certainly wouldn't trust sheep's
entrails for something like this."
"I'm glad to hear that."
"We used a horse instead.
Horse guts never lie."
"I wish you all the luck in the world, Cherek," I told him, "but I
won't be going with you."
A pained look came over his massive, bearded face.
"There's a bit of a problem there, Belgarath.
state that we'll fail if you don't go along."
The auguries clearly
"You can gut a dragon if you want to, Cherek, but I'm staying right
Take the twins--or I'll send for Beldin."
"It wouldn't be the same, Belgarath.
say that."
It has to be you.
Even the stars
"Astrology, too? You Alorns are branching out, aren't you?
priests of Belar sprinkle stars on the gut pile?"
Do the
he said in a shocked tone of voice.
"That's sacrilegious!"
"Tell me," I said sarcastically, "have your priests tried a crystal
ball yet? Or tea leaves?"
"All right, Belgarath, that's enough." It was one of the very few
times I've ever heard that voice. Garion's been hearing it since he
was a child, but it seldom had occasion to speak to me. Needless to
say, I was just a bit startled. I even looked around to see where it
was coming from, but there wasn't anybody there. The voice was inside
my head.
"Are you ready to listen?"
it demanded.
"Who are you?"
"You know who I am. Stop arguing. You WILL go to Mallorea, and you
WILL go now. It's one of those things that has to happen. You'd
better go talk with Aldur." And then the sense of that other presence
in my mind was gone.
I was more than a little shaken by this visitation. I suppose I tried
to deny it, but I did know who had been talking to me.
"Wait here," I bluntly told the King of Aloria and his sons.
"I have to go talk with Aldur."
"I can see that thou art troubled, my son," our Master said to me after
I'd entered his tower.
"Bear-shoulders and those overgrown sons of his are out there," I
"They've found a way to get to Mallorea, and they want me to go with
them. It's a very bad time for me, Master. Poledra's due sometime in
the next couple of months, and I really should be here. Cherek's very
insistent, but I told him that they'd have to go without me."
My Master knew that there was more.
"I had a visitation.
I was told in no uncertain terms that I had to go
"That is most rare, my son.
The Purpose doth not often speak to us
"I was afraid you'd look at it that way," I admitted glumly.
"Can't this be put off?"
"Nay, my son. The TIME is part of the EVENT. Once missed, it will not
return, and in the loss of this opportunity, we might well fail. This
entails a great sacrifice for thee, my son--greater than thou canst
ever know--but it must be made. We are compelled by Necessity, and
Necessity will brook no opposition."
"Somebody's got to stay with Poledra, Master," I protested.
"Mayhap one of thy brothers will agree to stand in thy stead. Thy
task, however, is clear. If the voice of Necessity hath told thee to
go, thou must surely go."
"I don't like this, Master," I complained.
"That is not required, my son.
the going."
Thou art required to go, not to like
He was a lot of help. Grumbling under my breath, I went back outside
and hurled my thought in the general direction of Tolnedra.
"I need you!"
I bellowed at Beldin.
"Don't scream!"
he shouted back.
"You made me spill a tankard of fine ale."
"Quit thinking about your belly and get back here."
"What's wrong?"
"I have to leave, and somebody's got to look after Poledra."
"I'm not a midwife, Belgarath. Have the twins do it.
experts at this sort of thing."
"With sheep, you clot!
Not with people!
They're the
Get back here right now!"
"Where are you going?"
"To Mallorea. Cherek's sons have found a way to get there that doesn't
involve sprouting feathers. We're going to Cthol Mishrak to take back
the Orb."
"Are you crazy?
a slow fire."
If Torak catches you trying that, he'll roast you over
"I don't intend to let him catch me.
"All right.
Are you coming back or not?"
Don't get excited; I'm coming."
"I'll be gone by the time you get here. No matter what she says or
tries to do, don't let Poledra follow me. Keep her inside that tower.
Chain her to the wall if you have to, but keep her at home."
"I'll take care of it.
"Very funny, Beldin.
Give my best to Torak."
Now get started."
As you might have noticed, I wasn't exactly in a good humor at that
point. I went back to where I'd left the King of Aloria and his sons
stamping their feet in the snow.
"All right," I told them, "this is what we're going to do. We're going
to my tower, and you're not going to say anything at all about this
insane notion of yours to my wife. I want her to believe that you're
just passing through and stopped by to pay a courtesy call. I don't
want her to know what we're up to until we're a long way away from
"I take it you've had a change of heart," Cherek noted blandly.
"Don't push your luck, Bear-shoulders," I told him.
"I've been overruled, and I'm not very happy about it."
I can't be entirely sure how much Poledra really knew, and to this day
she won't tell me. She greeted the Alorns politely and told them that
supper was already cooking. That was a fair indication that she knew
something. Cherek and his boys and I hadn't been in sight of the tower
when we'd held our little get-together. I've often wondered just
exactly how far my wife's "talents" go. The fact that she'd lived for
three hundred years--that I was willing to admit that I knew about--was
a fair indication that she wasn't what you'd call ordinary. If she did
have what we refer to as "talent," she never exercised it while I was
around. That was a part of our unspoken agreement, I suppose. I
didn't ask certain questions, and she didn't surprise me by doing
unusual things. Every marriage has its little secrets, I guess. If
married people knew everything about each other, life would be terribly
dull, I guess.
As I think I've indicated, Bear-shoulders was probably one of the
world's worst liars. After he'd eaten enough roast pork to glut a
regiment, he leaned back in his chair expansively.
"We have business in Maragor,"
he told my wife, "and we stopped by to see if your husband would be
willing to show us the way." Maragor? What possible interest could
Alorns have in Maragor?
"I see," Poledra replied in a noncommittal sort of way. Now I was
stuck with Cherek's lie, so I had to try to make the best of it.
"It's not really very far, dear," I told my wife.
"It shouldn't take me more than a week or so to get them through the
mountains to Mar Amon."
"Unless it snows again," she added.
"It must be very important if you're willing to go through those
mountains in the wintertime."
"Oh, it is, Lady Poledra," Dras Bull-neck assured her.
"Very, very important.
It has to do with trade."
Trade? I know it sounds impossible, but Dras was an even worse liar
than his father. The Marags have no seacoast. How could Alorns even
get to Maragor to trade with them? Not to mention the fact that Marags
had absolutely no interest whatsoever in commerce--and they were
cannibals besides! What a dunce Cherek's oldest son was! I shuddered.
This idiot was the Crown Prince of Aloria!
"We've heard some rumors that the streams in Maragor are absolutely
awash with gold," Riva added. At least Riva had a little good sense.
Poledra knew enough about Alorns to know that the word "gold" set their
hearts on fire.
"I'll try to mediate for you, Bear-shoulders," I said, pulling a long
face, "but I don't think you'll have very much luck with the Marags.
They aren't interested enough in the gold even to bend over to pick it
up, and I don't think you could offer them anything that'd make them
willing to take the trouble."
"I think your trip will take longer than a week," Poledra told me.
"Be sure to take warm clothing."
"Of course," I assured her.
"Perhaps I should go with you."
"Absolutely not--not when you're this close."
"You worry too much about that."
"No. You stay here.
with you."
I've sent for Beldin.
He's coming back to stay
"Not unless he bathes first, he won't."
"I'll remind him."
"When will you be leaving?"
I cast a spuriously inquiring look at Cherek.
"Tomorrow morning?"
I asked him.
He shrugged, overdoing it a bit.
"Might as well," he agreed.
"The weather in those mountains isn't going to get any better. If
we're going to have to wade through snow, we'd better get to wading."
"Stay under the trees," Poledra advised.
"The snow isn't as deep in thick woods."
taking it very calmly.
If she did know, she was
"We'd better get some sleep," I said, standing up abruptly.
need any more lies to try to talk my way around.
I didn't
Poledra was very quiet in our bed that night. She clung to me
fiercely, however, and along toward morning she said,
"Be very careful. The young and I will be waiting when you come back."
Then she said something she rarely ever said, probably because she felt
it was unnecessary to say it.
love you," she told me. Then she kissed me, rolled over, and
immediately went to sleep.
The Alorns and I left early the next morning, ostentatiously going off
toward the south and Maragor. When we were about five miles south of
my tower, however, we circled back, staying well out of sight, and
proceeded on toward the northeast.
This all happened about three thousand years ago, long before the
Algars and the Melcenes had begun their breeding experiments with
domestic animals, so what passed for horses in those days were hardly
more than ponies--which wouldn't have worked out very well for a group
of seven-foot-tall Alorns. So we walked. That's to say they walked, I
ran. After trying to keep up with them for a couple of days, I called
a halt.
"This isn't working," I told them.
"I'm going to do something, and I don't want you getting excited about
"What have you got in mind, Belgarath?" Dras rumbled at me a little
nervously. I had quite a reputation in Aloria back then, and the
Alorns had exaggerated notions about the kinds of things I could do.
"If I'm going to have to run just to keep up, I'm going to run on all
four feet."
"You don't have four feet," he objected.
"I'm going to fix that right now. After I do, I won't be able to talk
to you--at least not in a language you'll understand--so if you've got
any questions, ask them now."
"Our friend here is the most powerful sorcerer in the world," Cherek
told his sons sententiously.
"There's absolutely nothing he can't do."
"No questions?"
I think he really believed
I asked, looking around at them.
"All right then," I said, "now it's your turn to try to keep up." I
formed the image in my mind and slipped myself into the familiar form
of the wolf. I'd done it often enough before that it was almost
automatic by now.
Dras swore, jumping back from me.
Then I ran off a hundred yards toward the northeast, stopped, turned,
and sat down on my haunches to wait for them. Even Alorns could
understand the meaning of that.
The priest of Belar who wrote the early sections of the Book of Alorn
was quite obviously playing fast and loose with the truth when he
described our journey. He was either drunk when he wrote it, or he
didn't have the facts straight. Then again, he may have thought that
what really happened was too prosaic for a writer of his vast talent.
He declares that Dras, Algar, and Riva were waiting for us a thousand
leagues to the north, which simply wasn't true. He then announces that
my hair and beard were turned white by the frost of that bitter winter,
which was also a lie. My hair and beard had turned white long before
that--largely because of my association with the children of the
I still wasn't too happy about this trip, and I placed the blame for it
squarely on the shoulders of my traveling companions. I ran those four
to the verge of exhaustion day after day. I'd resume my own form every
evening, and I usually had enough time to get a fire going and supper
started before they came wheezing and staggering into camp.
"We're in a hurry," I'd remind them somewhat maliciously.
"We've got a long way to go to reach this bridge of yours, and we want
to get there before the ice starts to break up, don't we?"
We continued in a northeasterly direction across the snow-covered
plains of what's now Algaria until we hit the eastern escarpment. I
had no intention of climbing that mile-high cliff, so I turned slightly
and led my puffing companions due north onto the moors of present-day
eastern Drasnia. Then we cut across the mountains to that vast
emptiness where the Morindim live.
My spiteful efforts to run Cherek and his sons into the ground every
day accomplished two things. We reached Morindland in less than a
month, and my Alorn friends were in peak condition when we got there.
You try running as fast as you can all day every day for a month and
see what it does to you. Assuming that you don't collapse and die in
the first day or so, you'll be in very good shape before the month is
out. If there was any fat left on my friends by the time we'd reached
Morindland, it was under their fingernails. As it turned out, that was
very useful.
When we came down out of the north range of mountains that marks the
southern boundaries of Morindland, I resumed my own form and called a
halt. It was the dead of winter, and the vast arctic plain where the
Morindim lived was covered with snow and darkness. The long northern
night had set in, although as luck had it, we had reached Morindland
early enough in the lunar month that a half-moon hung low over the
southern horizon, providing sufficient light to make travel
possible-unpleasant, but possible.
"I don't know that we need to go out there," I told my fur-clad
friends, gesturing at the frozen plain.
"There's not much point in holding extended conversations with every
band of Morindim we come across, is there?"
"Not really," Cherek agreed, making a face.
"I don't care that much for the Morindim. They spend weeks talking
about their dreams, and we don't really have time for that."
"When Algar and I were coming back from the land bridge, we stuck to
these foothills," Riva told us.
"The Morindim don't like hills, so we didn't see very many of them."
"That's probably the best way to do it," I agreed.
"I could deal with an occasional band of them if I had to, but it'd
just be a waste of time. Do you know how to make curse-markers? And
Iron-grip nodded gravely.
"A combination of those two would sort of make them keep their
distance, wouldn't it?"
"I don't understand," Dras rumbled with a puzzled look.
"You would if you'd come out of the taverns in Val Alorn once in a
while," Algar suggested to him.
"I'm the eldest," Bull-neck replied a bit defensively.
"I have responsibilities."
"Of course you do," Riva said sardonically.
"Let's see if I can explain it. The Morindim live in a different kind
of world--and I'm not just talking about all this snow. Dreams are
more important to them than the real world, and curses are very
significant. Belgarath just suggested that we carry a dream-marker to
let the Morindim know that we're obeying a command that came to us in a
dream. We'll also carry a curse-marker that'll tell them that anybody
who interferes with us will have to deal with our demon."
"There's no such thing as a demon," Dras scoffed.
"Don't get your mind set in stone on that, Dras," I warned him.
"Have you ever seen one?"
"I've raised them, Dras. Aldur sent me up here to learn what I could
about these people. I apprenticed myself to one of their magicians and
learned all the tricks. Riva's got it fairly close. If we carry
dream-markers and curse-markers, the Morindim will avoid us."
"Pestilence-markers?" Algar suggested. Algar never used more words
than he absolutely had to. I've never fully understood what he was
saving them for.
I considered it.
"No," I decided.
"Sometimes the Morindim feel that the best way to deal with pestilence
is to stand off and shoot the infected people full of arrows."
"Inconvenient," Algar murmured.
"We won't encounter very many Morindim this far south anyway," I told
them, "and the markers should make them keep their distance."
As it turned out, I was wrong on that score. Riva and I fashioned the
markers, and we set out toward the east, staying well up in the
We hadn't traveled for more than two days--nights, actually, since that
was when the moon was out--when suddenly there were Morindim all around
us. The markers kept them away, but it was only a matter of time until
some magician would come along to take up the challenge. I didn't
sleep very much during the course of our journey along those foothills.
The north range is riddled with caves, and I'd hide the Alorns in one
of them and then go out to scout around. I very nearly froze my paws
off. Lord, it was cold up there!
It wasn't too long until I started coming across counter-markers. For
every curse, there's a counter-curse, and the presence of those
counter-markers told me louder than words that magicians were starting
to converge on us. This was puzzling, because Morind magicians are all
insanely jealous of each other and they almost never cooperate. Since
the magicians control all aspects of the lives of their assorted clans,
a gathering such as we were seeing was a virtual impossibility.
The moon, of course, ignored us and continued her inevitable course,
waxing fuller and fuller every night until she reached that monthly
fulfillment of hers. Cherek and his sons couldn't understand why the
moon kept coming up even though the sun didn't. I tried to explain it
to them, but when I got to the part about the real orbit of the moon
and the apparent orbit of the sun, I lost them. Finally I just told
"They follow different paths," and let it go at that. All they really
had to know was that the moon would be in the arctic sky for about two
weeks out of every month during the winter. Anything more would have
just confused them. To be honest about it, I'd have been just as happy
if the sun's baby sister had dropped below the horizon before her
pregnancy started to show. Once she became full, it was as bright as
day up there. A full moon over a snow-covered landscape really puts
out a lot of light, and that was terribly inconvenient. I suppose that
was what the Morindim had been waiting for.
I'd hidden Cherek and the boys in a cave just before moon-set, as
usual, and then I went out to scout around. No more than a mile to the
east of the cave, I saw Morindim--thousands of them.
I dropped to my haunches and started to swear--no mean trick for a
wolf. The unnatural gathering of what appeared to be every clan in
Morindland had completely blocked us off. We were in deep trouble.
When I finished swearing, I turned, loped back to the cave where the
Alorns were sleeping, and resumed my own form.
"You'd better wake up," I told them.
"What's the matter?"
Cherek asked, throwing off his fur robe.
"All of Morindim is stretched across our path no more than a mile from
"They don't do that," Riva protested.
"The clans never gather together in the same place."
"Evidently the rules have changed."
"What are we going to do?"
"Could we slip around them?"
Dras demanded.
Cherek asked.
"Not hardly," I told him.
"They're stretched out for miles."
"What are we going to do?" Dras said again.
himself when he got excited.
"I'm working on it."
Dras tended to repeat
I started thinking very fast.
One thing was
Somebody was tampering with the Morindim. Riva was right; the clans
never cooperated with each other. Someone had found a way to change
that, and I didn't think it was a Morind who'd done it. I cudgeled my
brain, but I couldn't come up with any way to get out of this. Each of
the clans had a magician, and each magician had a pet demon. When the
moon rose again, I was very likely to be up to my ears in creatures who
normally lived in Hell. I was definitely going to need some help.
I have no idea of where the notion came from-Let me correct that.
that I think about it, I do know where it came from.
"Are you in there?"
I asked silently.
"Of course."
"I've got a problem here."
"Yes, probably so."
"What do I do?"
"I'm not permitted to tell you."
"That didn't seem to bother you back in the Vale."
"That was different. Think, Belgarath. You know the Morindim, and you
know how hard it is to control one of their demons. The magician has
to concentrate very hard to keep his demon from turning on him. What
does that suggest to you?"
"I do something to break their concentration?"
"Is that a question?
If it is, I'm not allowed to answer."
"All right, it's not a question. What do you think of the idea--just
speculatively? Do your rules allow you to tell me if an idea is a bad
"Just speculatively?
I think that's allowed."
"It'll make things a little awkward, but I think we can work around
I suggested any number of possible solutions, and that silent voice
inside my head rejected them one after another. I started to grow more
and more exotic at that point. To my horror, that bodiless voice
seemed to think that my most outrageous and dangerous notion had some
You should always try to curb your creativity in situations like
"Are you mad?"
Riva exclaimed when I told the Alorns what I had in
"Let's all hope not," I told him.
"There isn't any other way out, I'm afraid. I'm going to have to do it
this way--unless we want to turn around and go home, and I don't think
that's permitted."
"When are you going to do this?"
Cherek asked me.
"Just as soon as the moon comes up again. I want to pick the time, I
don't want some tattooed magician out there picking it for me."
"Why wait?"
Dras demanded.
"Why not do it now?"
"Because I'll need light to draw the symbols in the snow. I definitely
don't want to leave anything out. Try to get some sleep. It might be
quite a while before we get the chance again." Then I went back
outside to keep watch.
It was a nervous night--day, actually, since your days and nights get
turned around during the arctic winter. When I'd suggested the plan to
that voice of Necessity that seemed to have taken up residence inside
my head for a time, I'd been grasping at straws, since I wasn't really
sure I could pull it off. Worrying isn't a good way to spend any
extended period of time.
When I judged that the moon was about ready to come up, I went back
into the cave and woke up my friends.
"I don't want you standing too close to me," I advised them.
"There's no point in all of us getting killed."
"I thought you knew what you were doing!" Dras objected. Dras was an
excitable sort of fellow despite his size, and his normally deep voice
sounded a little squeaky.
"In theory, yes," I told him, "but I've never tried it before, so
things could go wrong. I'll have to wait until the magicians raise
their demons before I do anything, so it might be sort of touch-and-go
for a while. Just be ready to run. Let's go."
We came out of the cave, and I looked off toward the east. The pale
glow along the horizon told me that it was very close to moon-rise, so
we struck off in that direction, moving steadily toward the waiting
We topped a rise just as they were waking up. It's an eerie thing to
watch Morindim getting up in the winter. It resembles nothing quite so
much as a suddenly animated graveyard, since they customarily bury
themselves in snow before they go to sleep. The snow's cold, of
course, but the outside air is much colder. It's a chilling thing to
see them rising up out of the snow like men climbing up out of their
The magicians probably hadn't gotten any more sleep than I had.
They had their own preparations to make. Each of them had stamped out
the symbols in the snow and taken up positions inside those protective
designs. They were already muttering the incantations when we came
over the hill. And let me tell you, those Morind magicians are very
careful not to speak too clearly when summoning demons. Those
incantations are what you might call trade secrets, and the magicians
guard them very jealously.
I decided that the hilltop was probably as good a place as any to make
my stand, so I trampled my own design into the snow and stepped
It was about then that several of the tribesmen in the valley below saw
us, and there was a lot of pointing and shouting. Then the magicians
began hurling challenges at me. That's a customary thing among
primitive people. They spend more time boasting and threatening each
other than they do actually fighting. I didn't waste my breath
shouting back.
Then the demons started to appear. They were of varying sizes,
depending on the skills of the magicians who summoned them. Some were
no bigger than imps, and some were as big as houses. They were all
hideous, of course, but that was to be expected. The one thing they
all had in common was the fact that they steamed in the cold. They
come from a much hotter climate, you realize.
I waited. Then, when I judged that all but a few of the demons were
present, I began to gather in my Will. It was surprisingly easy, since
I was bent on creating an illusion rather than actually doing anything
in a physical sense. I didn't speak the Word yet, though. I didn't
want to spring my surprise on them until the last possible moment.
You have no idea of how hard it is to keep your Will buttoned in like
that. I could feel my hair rising as if it wanted to stand on end, and
I felt as if I were about to explode.
Then somewhere in that mob below us somebody blew a horn. I gather
that was supposed to be a signal of some kind. All the magicians began
barking commands, and the howling demons started toward us, the imps
skittering across the snow and the big ones lumbering up the hill like
burning garbage scows, melting down the snowdrifts as they came.
"Behold!" I thundered--augmenting my voice, I'll admit--and I pointed
dramatically toward the south. I didn't want the moon or the northern
lights lessening the impact of what I was going to do.
Then, posing like a charlatan in a country fair, I spoke the words that
released my Will in a voice they probably heard in Kell.
"Rise up!"
I roared--and the sun came up.
Oh, come now. You know better than that.
around. Don't be so gullible.
It looked like the sun, though.
do say so myself.
Nobody can order the sun
It was a very good illusion, even if I
The Morindim were thunderstruck, to say the very least. My clever
fakery quite literally bowled them over. Would you believe that a
sizable number of them actually fainted?
The demons faltered, and most of them sort of shimmered like heat waves
rising off hot rocks as they resumed their real forms. The shimmering
ones turned around and went back to eat the magicians who'd enslaved
them. That created a sort of generalized panic down in the valley. I
expect that some of those Morindim were still running a year later.
There were still eight or ten magicians who'd kept their grip on their
slaves though, and those fiery demons kept plowing up through the snow
toward me. I'll admit that I'd desperately hoped that the panic my
imitation sun would cause would be universal. I didn't want to have to
take the next step.
"I hope you're right about this," I muttered to the uninvited guest
inside my skull.
"Trust me."
I hate it when people say that to me.
I didn't bother to mutter. Nobody in his right mind would attempt to
duplicate what I was about to do. I spoke the incantation quite
This wasn't a good time for blunders. I was concentrating very hard,
and my illusion flickered and went out, leaving me with nothing but the
moon to work with.
There was another shimmering in the air, much too close to me for my
comfort--and this particular shimmering glowed a sooty red. Then it
congealed and became solid. I'd decided not to try to be exotic. Most
Morind magicians get very creative when they devise the shape into
which they plan to imprison their demon. I didn't bother with
tentacles or scales or any of that nonsense. I chose to use a human
shape, and about all I did to modify the thing was to add horns. I
really concentrated on those horns, since my very life hung on them.
It was shaky there for a while. I hadn't realized how big the thing
was going to be. It was a Demon Lord, though, and size is evidently an
indication of rank in the hierarchy of Hell.
It struggled against me, naturally, and icicles began to form up in my
beard as the sweat rolling down my face froze in the bitter cold.
"Stop it!"
I commanded the thing irritably.
"Just do what I tell you to do, and then I'll let you go back to where
it's warm."
I can't believe I said that!
Oddly, it might have saved my life, though. The Demon Lord was
steaming in the cold. You try jumping out of Hell into the middle of
an arctic winter and see how you like it. My Demon Lord was rapidly
turning blue, and his fangs were chattering.
"Go down there and run off those other demons coming up the hill,"
I commanded.
"You are Belgarath, aren't you?" It was the most awful voice I've ever
heard. I was a bit surprised to discover that my reputation extended
even into Hell. That sort of thing could go to a man's head.
"Yes," I admitted modestly.
"Tell your Master that my Master is not pleased with what you are
"I'll pass that along.
Now get cracking before your horns freeze
I can't be entirely sure what it was that turned the trick. It might
have been the cold, or it might have been that the King of Hell had
ordered the Demon Lord to go along with me so that I could carry his
message back to Aldur. Maybe the presence of the Necessity intimidated
the thing. Or perhaps I was strong enough to control that huge
beast--though that seems unlikely. For whatever reason, however, the
Demon Lord drew himself up to his full height--which was really
high--and bellowed something absolutely incomprehensible. The other
demons vanished immediately, and the magicians who had raised them all
collapsed, convulsing in the snow in the throes of assorted seizures.
"Nicely done," I complimented the Demon Lord.
"You can go home now. Sleep warm." As I've tried so many times to
explain to Garion, these things have to be done with a certain style. I
learned that from Belmakor.
Cherek and his sons had been standing some distance away, and after I'd
dismissed the Demon Lord, they began to increase that distance.
"Oh, stop that!"
I snapped at them.
"Come back here."
They seemed very reluctant, and a great deal of white was showing in
their eyes, but they approached me apprehensively.
"I've got something to attend to," I told them.
"Keep going east.
I'll catch up with you."
"Ah--what have you got in mind?"
Cherek asked in an awed sort of
"Riva had it right," I explained.
"This little gathering was totally out of character for the Morindim.
Somebody's out there playing games. I'm going to go find out who he is
and tell him to stop. East is that way." I pointed toward the newly
risen moon.
"How long do you think it's going to take?"
Riva asked me.
"I have no idea. Just keep going." Then I changed back into my
wolf-shape and loped off toward the south. I'd been getting, well, a
prickling sensation for several days, and it seemed to come from that
general direction.
Once I got out of the range of the thoughts of my Alorns and the
confused babble of the still-convulsing Morind magicians, I stopped and
very carefully pushed out a searching thought.
The sense that came back to me was very familiar.
it was Belzedar.
It should have been:
I immediately pulled my thought back in. What was he doing? Evidently
he'd been following us, but why? Was he coming along to lend a hand?
If that was what he had in mind, why didn't he just catch up and join
us? Why all this sneaking through the snow?
I hadn't really understood Belzedar since the day Torak stole the Orb.
He'd grown more and more distant and increasingly secretive. I could
have simply sent my voice to him and invited him to join us, but for
some reason I didn't. I wanted to see what he was doing first. I'm
not normally a suspicious man, but Belzedar had been acting strangely
for about two thousand years, and I decided that I'd better find out
why before I let him know that I was aware of his presence.
I had his general location pinpointed, and as I loped higher up into
the mountains of the north range, I periodically sent my thought out in
short, searching little spurts.
Try to remember that. When you go looking for somebody with your mind,
and you stay in contact with him for too long, he'll know you're there.
The trick is just to brush him. Don't give him time to realize that
somebody's looking for him. It takes a lot of practice, but if you
work on it, you'll get it down pat.
I was narrowing it down when I saw the fire. Of all the idiotic
things! Here he was, trying to sneak along behind me and he goes and
lights a beacon!
My tongue lolled out. I couldn't help laughing. I stopped running and
slowed to a crawl, inching through the snow on my belly toward that
Then I saw him standing by that ridiculous fire of his, and he wasn't
alone. There was a Morind with him. The Morind was a stringy old man
dressed in furs, and the skull-surmounted staff he held proclaimed him
to be a magician.
I crept closer, inch by inch. Sneaking up on somebody in the snow
isn't as easy as it sounds. The snow muffles any noise you might make,
but if it's cold enough, your whole body steams. Fortunately, I'd
cooled off a bit, so my fur kept the heat of my body from reaching the
outside air.
Belly down, I lay under a snow-clogged bush and listened.
"He made the sun come up!"
shrill voice.
The magician was telling my brother in a
"Then he raised a Demon Lord!
"They must!"
My clan will have no further part in
Belzedar urged.
"Belgarath must not be permitted to reach Mallorea!
We must stop
What was this?
I crept a few inches closer.
"There's nothing I can do," the magician said adamantly.
"My clan is scattered to the winds. I could not gather them together
again even if I wanted to. Belgarath is too powerful. I will not face
him again."
"Think of what you're giving up, Etchquaw," Belzedar pleaded.
"Will you be the slave of the king of Hell for the rest of your
"Morindland is cold and dark, Zedar," the magician replied.
"I do not fear the flames of Hell."
"But you could have a God! My Master will accept you if you will do
only this one small thing for him!" Belzedar's voice was desperate.
The skinny Morind straightened, his expression resolute.
"You have my final word, Zedar.
this Belgarath.
I will have nothing more to do with
Tell your Master what I have said. Tell Torak to find someone else to
contest with your brother Belgarath."
In retrospect, it was probably for the best that I was a wolf when I
made that discovery. The personality of the wolf had become so
interwoven with my own during the past month that my reactions were not
entirely my own. A wolf is incapable of hatred--rage, yes; hatred, no.
Had I been in my own form, I probably would have done something
As it was, I simply lay there in the snow with my ears pricked forward,
listening as Zedar pleaded with the Morind magician. That gave me
enough time to pull my wits together. How could I have been so
Zedar had given himself away hundreds of times since Torak had cracked
the world, but I'd been too inattentive to notice ... I'd have more
than likely wasted a great deal of time berating myself, but once again
the wolf that enclosed me shrugged that useless activity aside. But
now that I knew the truth about my sometime brother, what was I going
to do about it?
The simplest thing, of course, would be to lay in wait until the Morind
left and then dash into the clearing and rip Zedar's throat out with my
teeth. I was tempted; the Gods know that I was tempted. There was a
certain wolfish practicality about that notion. It was quick; it was
easy; and it would remove a clear and present danger once and for
Unfortunately, it would also leave a thousand questions unanswered, and
curiosity is a trait common to both men and wolves. I knew what Zedar
had done. Now I wanted to know why. I did know one thing, though. I
had just lost another brother. I didn't even think of him as
"Belzedar" any more.
There was a more practical reason for my restraint, however. The
gathering of the Morindim had obviously been at Zedar's instigation.
He'd overcome their reluctance to join together by offering them a
To my way of thinking, there wasn't really all that much difference
between Torak and the king of Hell, but the Morindim obviously saw it
otherwise. Zedar had planted that particular trap in my path. How
many others were out there besides? That's what I really needed to
know. A trap, once set, can lay there waiting long after the man who
set it is dead.
The situation seemed to call for subterfuge, and I've always been
fairly good at that.
"You're just wasting your breath, Zedar," the Morind was saying.
"I'm not going to confront a magician as powerful as your brother. If
you want to fight him, do it yourself. I'm sure your Master will help
"He can't, Etchquaw. It is forbidden. I must be the instrument of
Necessity during this particular EVENT."
What was this?
"If you are Necessity's tool, why did you come to us?" It's easy to
dismiss the Morindim. You don't normally expect anything remotely
resembling intelligence from demon-worshipers, but this Etchquaw fellow
was surprisingly perceptive.
"I think you are afraid of this Belgarath," he went on, "and I think
you are afraid of his Necessity. Well, I won't stick my head into the
fire for you, Zedar. I've learned to live with demons. I don't really
need a God--particularly not a God as powerless as Torak.
My demon can do anything I tell him to do.
quite limited."
Your Torak seems to be
Zedar objected.
"He cracked the world, you idiot!"
"And what did it get him?"
The Morind's tone was scornful.
"It got him fire, Zedar. That's what it got him.
fire, I can wait until I get to Hell."
Zedar's eyes narrowed.
If all I want is
"You won't have to wait that long, Etchquaw," he said firmly.
I suppose I could have stopped him. I could feel his Will building,
but to be honest with you, I didn't really believe he'd do it.
But he did. I was fairly close, so the sound when he spoke the Word
that released his Will was thunderous.
Etchquaw quite suddenly caught on fire.
I'm sorry to open old wounds, Garion, but you weren't the first to do
There was a difference, though. You had plenty of reason for what you
did in the Wood of the Dryads. Zedar, however, set fire to the Morind
out of pure viciousness. There's also the fact that you felt guilty,
but I'm sure that Zedar didn't.
This was all coming at me a little too fast, so I inched my way back
out from under that snowy bush and left Zedar to his entertainments.
The one thing that kept flashing in my mind was Zedar's use of the
"EVENT." This was one of those incidents that our Master had warned us
about. I'd been fairly sure that something important was going to
happen, but I'd thought that it was going to happen at Cthol Mishrak.
Evidently I'd been wrong. There might be another EVENT later, but we
had to get by this one first. I decided that it was time for another
"Can we talk?"
I asked the presence inside my head.
"Was there something?"
I think that's the thing that irritated me the most about my uninvited
guest--he thought he was funny. I didn't bother to make an issue of
Considering his location, he probably already knew how I felt.
"This is one of those little confrontations that keep happening, isn't
"An important one?"
"They're all important, Belgarath."
"Zedar said that he's the instrument of the other Necessity this time.
I thought it was Torak."
"It was.
It changes from time to time, though."
"Then Zedar was telling the truth."
"If you choose to believe him, yes."
"Will you stop doing that?" I said it aloud. Fortunately, it came out
in wolfish, so I don't think anyone could hear it.
"You're in a testy humor today."
"Never mind that.
If Zedar's the instrument of the other one, who's
There was a long silence, and I could feel the amusement dripping from
"You're not serious!"
"I have every confidence in you."
"What am I supposed to do?"
"I'm sure it'll come to you."
"Aren't you going to tell me?"
"Of course not.
We have to play by the rules."
"I need some directions here.
to make mistakes."
If I make it up as I go along, I'm bound
"We sort of take those into account.
You'll do just fine."
"I'm going to kill Zedar." It was an empty threat, of course. Once I
had gotten past my initial rage, my homicidal instincts had cooled.
Zedar had been my brother for over three thousand years, so I wasn't
going to kill him. I might set his beard on fire or tie his entrails
into a very complicated knot, but I wouldn't kill him. In spite of
everything, I still loved him too much for that.
There's that word again.
It always keeps cropping up, for some
"Try to be serious, Belgarath," the voice in my head told me.
"You're incapable of killing your brother. All you have to do is
neutralize him. Don't get carried away. We're going to need him again
on down the line."
"You're not going to tell me what to do, are you?"
"It isn't permitted this time. You and Zedar are going to have to work
out the details for yourselves."
And then the silly thing was gone.
I spent several minutes swearing. Then I loped back to where Zedar had
been warming himself by the cheerily burning Morind. As I ran along, I
began to formulate a plan. I could confront Zedar right now and get it
over with, but there were a lot of holes in that idea. Now that I knew
how things stood, there was no way he could take me by surprise, and
without the element of surprise, he was no match for me. I could take
him with one hand, but that would still leave the question of traps
hanging up in the air. I reasoned that my best course would be to
follow him for a few days to see if he was in contact with
others--Morindim or anybody else. I knew Zedar well enough to know
that he'd much prefer to let others do his dirty work for him.
Then I stopped and dropped to my haunches. Zedar was fully aware of
the fact that my favorite alternative form was that of a wolf. If he
saw a wolf--or even wolf tracks in the snow--he'd immediately know that
I was around. I was going to have to come up with something else.
Given the rules of this particular encounter, I think I can take credit
for the idea that came to me. My visitor had told me that he wasn't
permitted to make suggestions, so I was entirely on my own.
I ran back over the last couple thousand years in my mind. Zedar had
spent almost the entire time in Mallorea, so there were a lot of things
that had happened in the Vale that he didn't know about. He knew that
the she-wolf had stayed with me in my tower, but he didn't know about
her abilities. If a wolf started following him, he might get
suspicious, but an owl? I didn't think so--at least he wouldn't unless
I let him see how inept I was at flying.
I remembered the owl very well, of course, so it wasn't too hard to
form the image in my mind. It was only after I had merged myself into
the image that I realized my mistake. The image was female!
It didn't really make any difference, of course, but it definitely
confused me right at first. How is it possible for women to keep their
heads on straight with all those additional internal organs--and all
those exotic substances floating around in their blood?
I don't think it would be a good idea for me to pursue this line of
thought any further.
Considering my irrational nervousness about flying too high, it's
fortunate that owls have no real reason to go very far up in the air.
An owl's interested in what's on the ground, not what's up among the
stars. I ghosted low over the snow-covered earth back toward where I
had left Zedar.
Have you any idea of how well an owl can see in the dark? I was
absolutely amazed by how good my eyes were. My feathers, of course,
were very soft, and I found that I could fly in absolute silence. I
concentrated on that, and would you believe that my flying improved?
smoothed out my frantic flapping and actually managed to achieve a
certain grace.
Etchquaw had burned down to a heap of charred, smoking rubble by now,
and Zedar was gone. His tracks, however, weren't. They angled back up
the hillside toward the edge of the stunted evergreens at the
tree-line, and then they turned east. That made things even easier for
me. It's a little hard to follow someone inconspicuously when you're
flying out in the open. As an owl, though, I was able to drift
silently from tree to tree until I caught up with him. He seemed to be
heading due east, parallel to the course I'd set for Cherek and his
sons, and I began to entertain myself by zigzagging back and forth
across his path, now ahead of him, now off to one side, and now behind.
He wasn't really hard to follow, since he'd conjured up a dim, greenish
light to see by--and to hold off the boogie men Did I ever tell you
that Zedar's afraid of the dark? That adds another dimension to his
present situation, doesn't it?
He was bundled to the ears in furs, and he was muttering to himself as
he floundered along through the snow. Zedar talks to himself a lot. He
always has.
I could not for the life of me figure out what he was up to.
thought that he could keep up with those long-legged Alorns,
sadly mistaken. I was sure that Cherek and his boys were at
miles ahead of him by now. He was still angling slightly up
by the time the moon set again he'd reached the crest of the
range. Then he stopped.
If he
he was
least ten
hill, and
I drifted to a nearby tree and watched him--owlishly.
I couldn't resist that.
His thought almost knocked me off the limb I was perched
Lord, Zedar could be clumsy when he got excited.
"I hear thee, my son." I recognized the voice. I was a bit astounded
to discover that Torak was almost as clumsy as Zedar was. He was a
Was that the best he could do? Maybe that was the problem. Maybe
Torak's divinity had made him so sure of himself that he got
"I have failed, Master." Zedar's silent voice was trembling. Torak
was not the sort to accept the failure of his underlings graciously.
"Failed?" There were all sorts of unpleasant implications in the
maimed God's tone.
"I will not accept that, Zedar.
"Our plan was flawed, Master.
had anticipated."
Thou must not fail."
Belgarath is far more powerful than we
"How did this come to pass, Zedar? He is thy brother.
thou wert ignorant of the extent of his might?"
How is it that
"He seemed me but a foolish man, Master. His mind is not quick nor his
perceptions acute. He is, moreover, a drunken lecher with scant
morality and little seriousness."
You rarely hear anything good about yourself when you eavesdrop.
you ever noticed that?
"How did he manage to thwart thee, my son?"
accusation in Torak's voice.
There was a steely
"He hath in some manner unknown to me gained knowledge of the
techniques by which the magicians of the Morindim raise and control the
demons that are their slaves. I tell thee truly, Master, he doth far
surpass those savages."
Naturally he didn't know how I'd learned Morind magic.
Mallorea when I'd gone to Morindland to take lessons.
"What did he do, Zedar?"
He'd been in
Torak demanded.
"I must know the extent of his capabilities ere I consult with the
Necessity that guides us."
It took me a moment to realize what I'd just heard. The other
Necessity--the opposite of the one that had taken up residence in my
head-was not in direct communication with Zedar. Torak stood between
He was too jealous to permit anyone to have access to that spirit--or
whatever you want to call it. There was my edge! I'd be told if I
made a mistake; Zedar wouldn't. I suddenly wanted to flap my wings and
crow like a rooster.
I listened very carefully while Zedar described my confrontation with
the Morindim and their demons. He exaggerated a bit. Zedar's language
was always a bit excessive, but he had a very good reason for it this
time. His continued good health depended on his persuading Torak that
I was well-nigh invincible.
There was a long silence after Zedar had finished his extravagant
description of my Demon Lord.
"I will consider this and consult with the Necessity," Torak said
"Dog the steps of thy brother whilst I devise some new means to delay
We need not destroy him.
EVENT itself."
The TIME of the EVENT is as important as the
The implications there were clear. There weren't any other traps out
there. They'd hung everything on the Morindim. I felt like grinning,
but that's a little hard to do with a hooked beak. Now there was no
need to wait any longer; I knew what I had to know. I decided to put
Zedar out of action right here and now. I could fly over the top of
him, change back to my own form, and fall on him like a collapsing
"Not yet," the voice told me.
"It isn't time yet."
"When then?"
"Just a few more minutes, and you might want to reconsider your plan. I
think it might have some holes in it."
After a moment's thought, I realized that the voice was right. Falling
on top of Zedar wasn't a very good idea. I'd have just as much chance
of knocking myself senseless as I would him. Besides, I wanted to talk
with him a little first.
The sense of Torak's somewhat nebulous presence was gone now.
The maimed God in Cthol Mishrak was busy consulting with that other
awareness. Zedar started down the hill through the evergreens, angling
back to pick up the trail.
I flew on and landed in the snow several hundred yards in front of him.
Then I changed back into my own form and waited, leaning rather
casually against a tree.
I could see that greenish light of his bobbing through the trees as he
came toward me, and I took advantage of the time to put a lid on my
towering anger. It's not a good idea to let your emotions run away
with you when you're involved in a confrontation.
Then he came out of the trees on the other side of the clearing where
I'd stationed myself.
"What kept you?"
I asked him in a calm, run-of-the-mill tone of
he gasped.
"You must be half asleep, Belzedar.
wasn't trying to hide it."
Couldn't you feel my presence?
"Thank the Gods you're here," he said with feigned enthusiasm.
quick on his feet; I'll give him that.
"Weren't you listening?
He was
I've been trying to get in touch with you."
"I've been running as a wolf.
That might have dulled my perceptions.
What are you doing here?"
"I've been trying to catch up with you.
into an unnecessary danger."
You and the Alorns are running
"There's no need for you to go to Mallorea. I've already retrieved the
Orb. This absurd quest of yours is just a waste of time."
"What an amazing thing.
Let's see it."
"Ah--I didn't think it was safe to bring it up here with me.
I wasn't
positive I could catch up with you, and I didn't want to take it back
to Mallorea, so I put it in a safe place."
"Good idea. How did you manage to get it away from Torak?" As long as
he was being so creative, I thought I'd give him a chance to expand on
his wild story.
"I've been at this for two thousand years, Belgarath. I've been
work-tag on Urvon all this time. He's still a Grolim, but he's afraid
of the power of our Master's jewel. He distracted Torak, and I was
able to slip into that iron tower at Cthol Mishrak and steal the
"Where did Torak keep it?"
very useful later on.
That particular bit of information might be
"It was in a room adjoining the one where he spends all his time. He
didn't want that iron box in the same room with him. The temptation to
open it might have been too great for him."
"Well," I said blandly,
"I guess that takes care of all of that, then. I'm glad you came along
when you did, brother. I wasn't really too eager to go to Mallorea.
I'll go fetch Cherek and his sons while you go pick up the Orb. Then
we can all go back to the Vale." I waited for a little bit to give him
a moment to exult over his success in deceiving me.
"Isn't that sort of what you'd expect from a drunken lecher with scant
morality and little seriousness?" I added, throwing his own words back
in his teeth. Then I sighed with genuine regret.
"Why, Belzedar?"
I asked him.
"Why have you betrayed our Master?"
His head came up sharply, and his look was stricken.
"You ought to pay more attention, old boy," I told him.
"I've been almost on top of you for the past ten hours. Did you really
think it was necessary to set fire to Etchquaw?" I'll admit that I was
goading him. He was still my brother, and I didn't want to be the one
to strike the first blow. I bored in inexorably.
"You're Torak's third disciple, aren't
the other side. You've sold your soul
Cthol Mishrak. What did he offer you,
whole world that was worth what you've
you, Zedar? You've gone over to
to that one-eyed monster in
Zedar? What is there in this
He actually broke down at that point.
"I had no choice, Belgarath,"
he sobbed.
"I thought that I could deceive Torak--that I could pretend to accept
him and serve him--but he put his hand on my soul and tore it out of
me. His touch, Belgarath! Dear God, his touch!"
I braced myself.
I knew what was coming.
Zedar always overreacted.
It was his one great weakness.
He started by throwing fire into my face. Between one spurious sob and
the next, his arm whipped back and then flashed forward with a great
blob of incandescent flame nestled in his palm.
I brushed it aside with a negligent gesture.
"Not good enough, brother," I told him. Then I knocked him
cart-wheeling through the snow with my fist. It was tactically sound.
He'd have felt my Will building anyway, and I got an enormous
satisfaction out of punching him in the mouth.
He came up spitting blood and teeth and trying to gather his wits. I
didn't give him time for that, however. He spent the next several
minutes dancing in the snow, dodging the lightning bolts I threw at
him. I still didn't want to kill him, so I gave him an instant of
warning before I turned each bolt loose. It did keep him off balance,
though, and the sizzling noise when the bolts hit the snow really
distracted him.
Then he enveloped himself in a cloud of absolute darkness, trying to
hide. I dissolved his cloud and kept shooting lightning at him. He
really didn't like that. Zedar's afraid of a lot of things, and
lightning's one of them. My thunderclaps and the sizzle and steam
definitely upset him.
He tried more fire, but I smothered each of his flames before he even
got it well started. I suppose I might have toyed with him longer, but
by now he fully understood that I had the upper hand. There was no
real point in grinding his face in that any more, so I jumped on him
and quite literally beat him into the ground with my bare hands. I
could have done it any number of other ways, I guess, but his betrayal
seemed to call for a purely physical chastisement. I hammered on him
with my fists for a while, and right at first he gave as good as he
got. We banged on each other for several minutes, but I was enjoying
it far more than he was. I had a great deal of pent-up anger, and
hitting him felt very, very good.
I finally gave him a good solid punch on the side of his head, and his
eyes glazed over, and he slumped senseless into the snow.
"That'll teach you," I muttered to him, rising and standing over his
unconscious body. It was a silly thing to say, but I had to say
I had a little problem, though.
What was I going to do with him now?
I wasn't going to kill him, and the blow I'd given him wouldn't keep
him unconscious for very long. I was certain that the rules of this
encounter prohibited the voice inside my head from making any
suggestions, so I was on my own.
I considered the inert form at my feet. In his present condition,
Zedar posed no threat to anyone. All I really had to do was keep him
in that condition. I took him by the shoulders and dragged him back in
among the trees. Then I piled branches over him. In spite of
everything, I didn't want him to freeze to death or get smothered by a
sudden snow squall. Then I reached my hand in under the branches,
found his face, and gathered my Will.
"This all must have been exhausting for you, Zedar," I told him.
"Why don't you see if you can catch up on your sleep?"
Then I released my Will. I smiled and stood up. I'd gauged it rather
carefully. Zedar would sleep for at least six months, and that would
keep him out of my hair while the Alorns and I went to Cthol Mishrak to
finish what we'd set out to do.
I felt quite pleased with myself as I resumed the form of the wolf.
Then I went looking for Cherek and his boys.
Evidently the word of my Demon Lord had gotten around, because we
didn't encounter any more of the Morindim as we crossed the southern
edge of their range. The moon had gone off to the south, but the
northern lights illuminated the sky well enough, and we made good time.
We soon reached the shore of Torak's Sea.
Fortunately the beach was littered with huge piles of driftwood.
Otherwise, I don't think we'd have been able to tell where the land
stopped and the sea began. The ground along that beach was nearly as
flat as the frozen sea, and both were covered with knee-deep snow.
"We go north along the beach from here," Riva told us.
"After a while it swings east.
The bridge is off in that direction."
"Let's stay clear of your bridge," I told him.
"Torak knows we're coming, and by now he knows that Zedar wasn't able
to stop us. He might have a few surprises waiting for us if we follow
that string of islands. Let's cross the ice instead."
"There aren't any landmarks out there, Belgarath," he objected, "and we
can't even take our bearings on the sun. We'll get lost."
"No, we won't, Riva.
I've got a very good sense of direction."
"Even in the dark?"
"Yes." I looked around, squinting into the bitterly cold wind sweeping
down out of the northwest.
"Let's get behind that pile of driftwood," I told them.
"We'll build a fire, have a hot meal, and get some sleep.
several days aren't going to be very pleasant."
The next
Crossing open ice in the dead of winter is one of the more
uncomfortable experiences you'll ever have, I expect. Once you get out
a ways from shore, the wind has total access to you, and the arctic
wind blows continually. Of course, it sweeps the ice clear of snow, so
at least you don't have to wade through snowdrifts. There are enough
other problems to make up for the absence of drifts, though. When
people talk about crossing ice, they're usually talking about a frozen
lake, which is normally as flat as a tabletop. Sea ice isn't like that
because of the tides. The continual rising and falling of the water
during the autumn and early winter keeps breaking up the ice before it
gets thick enough to become stable, and that creates ridges and deep
cracks that make crossing a stretch of sea ice almost as difficult as
crossing a range of mountains. I didn't enjoy it very much.
The sun had long since abandoned the north, and the moon had wandered
away, so I can't really give you any idea of how long it took us to
make it across--probably not as long as it seemed, since I reverted to
the form of the wolf and I could keep going for a long time without
slowing down. Moreover, my malicious running of the Alorns had
conditioned them to the point that they could almost keep up with me.
Anyway, we finally reached the coast of Mallorea--just in time, as it
turned out, because a three-day blizzard came up almost as soon as we
hit the beach. We took shelter under a mountainous pile of driftwood
to wait out the storm. Dras turned out to be very useful at that
point. He took his battle-axe to that jumble of logs and limbs and
hollowed us out a very comfortable den near the center of the pile. We
built a fire and gradually thawed out.
During one of his visits to the Vale, Beldin had sketched me out a
rough map of Mallorea, and I spent a great deal of time hunched over
that map while the blizzard was busy drifting about eight feet of snow
over our shelter.
"How far is your bridge up the coast from where we crossed?"
Riva when the wind began to subside.
"Oh, I don't know.
I asked
Fifty leagues or so, I guess."
"You're a lot of help, Riva," I told him sourly. I stared at the map
again. Beldin hadn't known about the bridge, of course, so he hadn't
drawn it in, and he also hadn't included a scale, so all I could do was
"As closely as I can make it out, we're approximately due west of Cthol
Mishrak," I told my friends.
Cherek asked.
"This map isn't all that good. It gives me a general idea of where the
city is, but that's about all. When the wind dies down a bit more,
we'll scout around. Cthol Mishrak's on a river, and there's a swamp
north of that river.
fairly close."
If we find a swamp inland, we'll know that we're
"And if we don't?"
"Then we'll have to go looking for it--or the river."
Cherek squinted at my map.
"We could be north of the swamp, Belgarath," he objected.
"Or south of the river, for that matter.
around up here until summertime."
We could end up wandering
"Have you got anything better to do?"
"Well, no, but--" "Let's not start worrying until we find out what's
lying inland. Your auguries say this is your lucky year, so maybe
we've come ashore in the right place."
"But you don't believe in auguries."
"No, but you do. Maybe that's all it takes.
lucky, you probably are."
If you think you're
"I suppose I didn't think of that," he said, his face suddenly
You can convince an Alorn of almost anything if you talk fast enough.
We rolled up in our furs and slept at that point. There really wasn't
anything else to do, unless we wanted to sit around and watch Dras play
with his dice--Drasnians love to gamble, but I got much more
entertainment from dreaming about my wife.
I can't be sure how long I slept, but some time later, Riva shook me
"I think you'd better reset that sense of direction of yours,
Belgarath," he said accusingly.
"What's the matter?"
"I just went outside to see if the wind had died.
The sun's coming
I sat up quickly.
"Good," I said.
"Go wake up your father and brothers.
We've got a little light for a while. Let's take advantage of it to
have a look inland. Tell them not to bother breaking down our camp.
We'll go take a look and then come back. I want it to be dark again
before we start out."
There were rounded mounds backing the beach where we'd sat out the
storm, and once we got to them, Dras negligently hit the snow-covered
side of one of them with his axe.
"Sand," he reported.
That sounded promising.
We topped the dunes and gazed out over a scrubby forest that looked
almost like a jungle dotted here and there with broad clearings.
"What do you think?"
Cherek asked me.
"It looks sort of boggy. It's frozen, of course, and knee-deep in
snow, but those clearings would be open water in the summer if it is
that swamp."
"Let's go look," I said, squinting nervously at the fading "dawn" along
the southern horizon.
"We'd better hurry if we want to reach it before it gets dark again."
We trotted down the back-side of the dune and out among the gnarled,
stunted trees. When we got to one of those clearings, I kicked the
snow out of the way and had a look.
"Ice," I said with a certain satisfaction.
"Chop a hole in it, Dras.
I need to have a look at the water."
"You're dulling the edge of my axe, Belgarath," he complained.
"You can sharpen it again.
Start chopping."
He muttered a few choice oaths, bunched those enormous shoulders, and
began to chop ice.
"Harder, Dras," I urged him.
"I want to get down to water before the light goes."
He began to chop harder and faster, sending splinters and chunks of ice
in all directions. After several minutes, water began to seep up from
the bottom of the hole.
I suppressed an urge to dance with glee.
"That's enough," I told the huge man.
water, and tasted it.
The water was brown.
I knelt, scooped up a handful of
"Brackish," I announced.
"It's swamp water, all right.
It looks as if your auguries were right, Cherek.
This is your lucky
Let's go back to the beach and have some breakfast."
Algar fell in beside me as we started back.
"I'd say it's your lucky year, too, Belgarath," he murmured quietly.
"Father would have been a little grumpy if we'd missed that swamp."
"I can't possibly lose, Algar," I replied gaily.
"When we get back to the beach, I'll borrow your brother's dice and
roll the main all day long."
"I don't play dice.
What are you talking about?"
"It's a game called hazard," I explained.
"You're supposed to call a number before your first roll.
up, you win. That number's called the "main."
If it comes
"And if it doesn't come up, you lose?"
"It's a little more complicated than that.
Have Dras show you."
"I've got better things to do with my money, Belgarath, and I've heard
stories about my brother's dice."
"You don't think he'd cheat you, do you?
You are his brother."
"If there was money involved, Dras would cheat our own mother."
You see what I mean about Drasnians?
We returned to our den, and Riva cooked an extensive breakfast.
Cooking is a chore that nobody really likes--except for my daughter, of
course--so it usually fell to the youngest. Oddly, Riva wasn't a bad
You didn't know that, did you, Pol?
"Will you recognize this place when you see it?"
mouthful of bacon.
Dras rumbled around a
"It shouldn't be too hard," I replied blandly, "since it's the only
city north of the river."
"Oh," he said.
"I didn't know that."
"It'll sort of stand out," I continued.
"It's got a perpetual cloud bank over it."
He frowned.
"What causes that?"
"Torak, from what Beldin says."
"Why would he do that?"
I shrugged.
"Maybe he hates the sun." I didn't want to get too exotic in my
explanation. Little things confused Dras. A big one might have
unraveled his whole brain.
I apologize to the entire Drasnian nation for that last remark. Dras
was brave and strong and absolutely loyal, but sometimes he was just a
little slow of thought. His descendants have more than overcome that.
If anyone doesn't believe that, I invite him to try having business
dealings with Prince Kheldar.
"All right then," I told them after we'd eaten.
"Torak's mind is very rigid.
Once he gets hold of an idea, he won't let go of it. He almost
certainly knows about that bridge--particularly since the Karands use
it to go over to trade with the Morindim, and the Karands are
Torak-worshipers now.
They probably use the bridge only in the summer when there isn't any
ice, though. I don't think Torak would even take the ice into
"Where are we going with this?"
Cherek asked.
"I'm sure Torak's expecting us, but he's expecting us to come at him
from the north--from the direction of the bridge. If he's put people
out there to stop us, that's where they'll be."
Riva laughed delightedly.
"But we won't be coming from the north, will we?
the west instead."
We'll be coming from
"Good point," Algar murmured with an absolutely straight face. He
concealed it very well, but Algar was much brighter than his
brothers--or his father, for that matter. Maybe that's why he didn't
waste his breath trying to talk to them.
"I can do certain things to keep the Angaraks facing north," I
"Now that the blizzard's blown off, I'll decorate the snow-banks up
there near your bridge with footprints and perfume the bushes with our
scent. That should throw the Chandim off."
Dras gave me that blank stare.
"The Hounds of Torak. They'll be trying to sniff us out. I'll give
them enough clues to make them do their sniffing north of here. If
we're halfway careful, we should be able to reach Cthol Mishrak without
being noticed."
"You knew this all along, didn't you, Belgarath?"
Riva said.
"That's why you made us cross the ice where we did instead of going up
to the bridge."
I shrugged.
"Naturally," I replied modestly. It was a bare-faced lie, of course;
I'd only just put it all together myself. But a reputation for
infallible cleverness doesn't hurt when you're dealing with Alorns The
time might come very soon when I'd be making decisions based on
hunches, and I wouldn't have time for arguments.
It was dark again by the time we crawled out of our den and struck out
across the snowy dunes toward the frozen bog to the east. We soon
discovered that not all of the Chandim had gone north to lay in wait
for us. We came across tracks as large as horses' hooves in the fresh
snow from time to time, and we could hear them baying off in the swamp
now and again.
I'll make a confession here. Despite my strong reservations about it,
for once I did tamper with the weather--just a bit. I created a small
portable fog bank for us to hide in and a very docile little snow-cloud
that followed us like a puppy, happily burying our tracks in new snow.
It doesn't really take much to make a cloud happy. I kept both the fog
and the cloud tightly controlled, though, so their effects didn't alter
any major weather patterns. Between the two of them, they kept the
Chandim from finding us with their eyes, and the new-fallen snow
muffled the sound of our passage. Then I summoned a cooperative family
of civet cats to trail along behind us. Civet cats are nice little
creatures related to skunks, except that they have spots instead of
stripes. Their means of dealing with creatures unlucky enough to
offend them are the same, though--as one of Torak's Hounds discovered
when he got too close. I don't imagine he was very popular in his pack
for the next several weeks.
We crept unobserved through that frozen swamp for several days, hiding
in thickets during the brief daylight hours and traveling during the
long arctic nights.
Then one morning our fog bank turned opalescent. I let it dissipate so
that we could take a look, but it really wasn't necessary. I knew what
was lighting up the fog. The sun had finally cleared the horizon.
Winter was wearing on, and it was time for us to hurry. As the fog
thinned, we saw that we were nearing the eastern edge of the swamp. A
low range of hills rose a few miles ahead, and just beyond those hills
was an inky black cloud bank.
"That's it," I told Cherek and his boys, speaking very quietly.
"That's what?"
"Cthol Mishrak.
"Oh, yes.
Dras asked me.
I told you about the clouds, remember?"
I guess I'd forgotten."
"Let's take cover and wait for dark.
careful now."
We have to start being very
We burrowed our way into a thicket growing out of a low hummock, and I
passed my snow-cloud over our tracks once or twice and then sent it
home with my thanks. As an afterthought, I also released the civet
"You have a plan?"
Riva asked me.
"I'm working on it," I replied shortly. Actually, I didn't have a
plan. I hadn't really thought we'd live long enough to get this far. I
decided that it might be a good time to have a chat with my friend in
the attic.
"Are you still there?"
I asked tentatively.
"No, I'm off somewhere chasing moonbeams.
"Silly question, I guess.
of the city?"
Where else would I be,
Are you permitted to give me a description
"No, but you've already got one. Beldin told you everything you need
to know. You know that Torak's in the iron tower and that the Orb's
there with him."
"Should I get ready for anything? I mean, is there going to be another
one of those meetings here in Cthol Mishrak? The notion of getting
into a wrestling match with Torak doesn't appeal to me very much."
That was all settled when you met Zedar."
"We actually won one?"
"We win about half of them. Don't get overconfident, though. Pure
chance could trip you up. You know what to do when you get there,
don't you?"
And suddenly I did know.
Don't ask me how, I just did.
"Maybe I'd better scout on ahead," I suggested.
"Absolutely not.
Don't give yourself away by wandering around
Take the Alorns, do what you came to do, and get out."
"Are we on schedule?"
"Yes--if you get it done tonight. After tonight, you're in trouble.
Don't try to talk to me again--not until you're clear of the city. I
won't be permitted to answer you. Good luck." Then he was gone
The light lasted for about three hours--which only seemed like about
three years to me.
very jumpy.
When the lingering twilight finally faded, I was
"Let's go," I told the Alorns.
"If we come across any Angaraks, put them down quickly, and don't make
any more noise than you absolutely have to."
"What's the plan?"
Cherek asked me.
"I'm going to make it up as we go along," I replied.
the only one with bad nerves?
Why should I be
He swallowed hard.
"Lead the way," he told me. Say what you like about Alorns--and I
usually do--but no one can fault their bravery.
We crept out of the thicket and waded through the snow until we reached
the edge of the swamp. I wasn't particularly worried about tracks,
since the Grolims had been patrolling this part of the swamp regularly,
and their tracks were everywhere, mingled with the occasional tracks of
one of the Hounds. A few more wouldn't mean anything.
Our luck was holding. A blizzard had come in out of the west, and the
screaming wind had scoured all the snow off the hillsides facing the
swamp. It was no more than an hour until we reached the top of the
hill we were climbing, and then we got our first look at the City of
Endless Night.
I could see Torak's iron tower, of course, but that wasn't what
concerned me. The light wasn't good, naturally, but it was good enough
to reveal the fact that Cthol Mishrak had a wall around it. I swore.
"What's wrong?"
Dras asked me.
"You see that wall?"
"That means we'll have to go through a gate, and you don't look all
that much like a Grolim."
He shrugged.
"You worry too much, Belgarath," he rumbled.
"We'll just kill the gate-guards and then walk in like we own the
"I think we might be able to come up with something a little better
than that," Algar said quietly.
"Let's see how high the wall is."
As I think I mentioned, the wind of that blizzard had swept the west
side of the hills bare of snow--and drifted it all on the east side. We
stared at those six-foot drifts.
This wasn't going at all well.
"There's no help for it, Belgarath," Cherek told me gravely.
"We're going to have to follow that road." He pointed at a narrow
track that wound up the hill from the gate of the city.
"Cherek," I replied in a pained tone, "that path's as crooked as a
broken-backed snake, and the snow's piled up so high on both sides that
we won't be able to see anybody coming toward us. We'll be right on
top of him before we even know he's there."
He shrugged.
"But we'll be expecting him," he said.
"He won't be expecting us.
isn't it?"
That's all the advantage we really need,
It was sheer idiocy, of course, but for the life of me, I couldn't
think of anything better--short of wading through the drifts, and we
didn't have time for that. We had an appointment in Cthol Mishrak, and
I didn't want to be late.
"We'll try it," I gave in.
We did encounter one Grolim on our way down to the city, but Algar and
Riva jumped him before he could even cry out, and they made quick work
of him with their daggers. Then they picked him up, swung him a few
times, and threw him up over the top of the snow bank to the left while
Dras kicked snow over the pool of blood in the middle of the trail.
"My sons work well together, don't they?"
Cherek noted with fatherly
"Very well," I agreed.
"Now, how are we going to get off this trail before we reach the
"We'll get a little closer, and then we'll burrow through the snow off
to one side. The last one through can kick the roof of our tunnel
Nobody'll ever know we've been here."
Why didn't I think of that?"
"Probably because you're not used to living in snow country. When I
was about fifteen, there was a married woman in Val Alorn that sort of
took my eye. Her husband was old, but very jealous. I had a snow
tunnel burrowed all the way around his house before the winter was
"What an absolutely fascinating sidelight on your boyhood.
How old was
"Oh, about thirty-five or so.
She taught me all sorts of things."
"I can imagine."
"I could tell you about them, if you'd like."
"Some other time, maybe.
I've got a lot on my mind right now."
I'll wager you never read about that conversation in the Book of
Algar moved on slightly ahead of us, carefully peeking around each bend
in that winding path. Finally he came back.
"This is far enough," he said shortly.
"The gate's just around the next turn."
"How high's the wall?"
his father asked.
"Not bad," Algar replied.
"Only about twelve feet."
"Good," Cherek said.
"I'll lead out.
You boys know what to do when you come along
They all nodded, taking no offense at being called "boys."
lived to be over ninety, and he still called them "boys."
Tunneling through snow isn't nearly as difficult as it sounds, if
you've got some help. Cherek clawed his way through, angling slightly
upward as he swam through toward a point some fifty feet or so to the
left of the gate. Dras followed behind him, raising up every few
inches to compress the snow above him. Riva went next, pushing at the
sides with his shoulders to compress the snow there.
"You next," Algar told me.
"Bounce up and down on your belly to flatten the floor of the
"This isn't a permanent structure, Algar," I protested.
"We do sort of plan to leave, don't we, Belgarath?"
I guess I hadn't thought that far ahead."
He was polite enough not to make an issue of that.
"I'll come last,"
he told me.
"I know how to close up the entrance so that nobody'll see it."
Despite my sense of urgency, I knew that we still had at least fifteen
hours until the sun would peek briefly over the southern horizon
We burrowed like moles for a couple of hours, and then I bumped into
Riva's feet.
"What's wrong?"
I asked.
"Why are we stopping?"
"Father's reached the wall," he replied.
"You see?
That wasn't so bad, was it?"
"Where did you fellows come up with this?"
"We do it sometimes when we're hunting, and it's a very good way to
sneak up on enemies."
"How are we going to get over the wall?"
"I'll stand on Dras' shoulders, and Algar'll stand on Father's. We'll
hoist ourselves up on top of the wall and then pull the rest of you up.
It probably wouldn't work if we were shorter. We came up with the idea
during the last clan war." He peered on ahead.
"We can move on now.
Father's out of the tunnel."
We inched our way forward, and we were soon standing beside the wall.
Cherek and Dras braced their hands against the stones, and Algar and
Riva clambered up their backs, reached up, grabbed the top of the wall,
and pulled themselves up.
"Belgarath first," Riva whispered down.
"Hold him up so I can reach his hand."
Dras took me by the waist and lifted me up in the air. That's how I
found out how strong Riva's hands were. I halfway expected to see
blood come spurting out of the ends of my fingers when he seized my
outstretched hand.
And then we were inside the city. Beldin had described Cthol Mishrak
as a suburb of Hell, and I saw no reason to dispute that description.
The buildings were all jammed together, and the narrow, twisting
alleyways were covered over by the jutting second storys that butted
tightly together overhead. The idea made some sense in a city so far
north, I'll grant you. At least the streets weren't buried in snow,
but the total lack of any windows in the buildings made the streets
resemble hallways in some dungeon. They were poorly lighted by widely
spaced torches that guttered and gave off clouds of pitchy smoke. It
was depressing, but my friends and I didn't really want brightly lit
the dark.
We were sneaking, and that's an activity best performed in
I'm not certain if those narrow, smoky corridors were unpopulated by
the arrangement between my friend in the attic and his opposite, or if
it was a custom here in the City of Endless Night--which stands to
reason, since the Hounds were out--but we didn't encounter a soul as we
worked our way deeper and deeper into the very heart of Angarak.
We finally emerged in the unlovely square in the middle of the city and
looked through the perpetually murky air at the iron tower Beldin had
described. It was--naturally, when you take Torak's personality into
account--even higher than Aldur's tower. It was absolutely huge and
monumentally ugly. Iron doesn't make for very pretty buildings. It
was black, of course, and even from a distance it looked pitted. It
had been there for almost two thousand years, after all. The Alorns
and I weren't really looking at that monument to Torak's ego, however.
We were looking at the pair of huge Hounds guarding the rivet-studded
"Now what?"
Algar whispered.
"Nothing simpler," Dras said confidently.
"I'll just walk across the square and bash out their brains with my
I had to head that off immediately. The other Alorns might very well
see nothing at all wrong with his absurd plan.
"It won't work," I said quickly.
"They'll start baying as soon as they see you, and that'll rouse the
whole city."
"Well, how are we going to get past them then?"
he demanded
"I'm working on it." I thought very fast, and it suddenly came to me.
I knew it'd work, because it already had once.
"Let's pull back into this alley," I muttered.
"I'm going to change again."
"You're not as big as they are when you're a wolf, Belgarath," Cherek
pointed out.
"I'm not going to change myself into a wolf," I assured him.
"You'd better all step back a ways.
until I get it under control."
I might be a little dangerous
They backed nervously away from me.
I didn't turn myself into a wolf, or an owl, or an eagle, or even a
I became a civet cat.
The Alorns backed away even farther.
The idea probably wouldn't have worked if Torak's Hounds had been real
dogs. Even the stupidest dog knows enough to avoid a civet cat or a
skunk. The Chandim weren't really dogs, though. They were Grolims,
and they looked on the wild creatures around them with contempt. I
flared out my spotted tail and, chittering warningly, I started across
the snow-covered plaza toward them. When I got close enough for them
to see me, one of them growled at me.
"Go away," he said in a hideous voice.
the words.
He actually seemed to chew on
I ignored him and kept moving toward them. Then, when I judged that
they were in range, I turned around and pointed the dangerous end of my
assumed form at them.
I don't think I need to go into the details. The procedure's a little
disgusting, and I wouldn't want to offend any ladies who might read
When a real dog has a brush with a skunk or a civet cat, he does a lot
of yelping and howling to let the world know how sorry he feels for
himself, but the pair at the door weren't real dogs. They did a lot of
whining, though, and they rolled around, digging their noses into the
snow and pawing at their eyes.
I watched them clinically over my shoulder, and then I gave them
another dose, just for good measure.
The last I saw of them, they were blundering blindly across the open
square, stopping every few yards to roll in the snow again. They
didn't bark or howl, but they did whimper a lot.
I resumed my own form, waved Cherek and the boys in, and then set my
fingertips to that pitted iron door. I could sense the lock, but it
wasn't a very good one, so I clicked it open with a single thought and
began to inch the door open very slowly. It still made noise. It
sounded very loud in that silent square, but I don't imagine that the
sound really carried all that far.
When Cherek and his sons got to within a few yards of me, they
"Well, come on," I whispered to them.
"Ah--that's all right, Belgarath," Cherek whispered back.
"Why don't you go on ahead?
to hold his breath.
We'll follow you."
He seemed to be trying
"Don't be an idiot," I snapped at him.
"The smell's out here where the Hounds were.
None of it splashed on
me--not in this form anyway."
They still seemed very reluctant to come any closer.
I muttered a few choice oaths and slipped sideways through the doorway
into the absolute darkness beyond it. I fumbled briefly in the pouch
at my waist, brought out a stub of a candle, and touched fire to it
with my thumb.
Yes, it was a little risky, but I'd been told that Torak wouldn't be
able to interfere. I wanted to make sure of that before we went any
The Alorns edged through the doorway and looked around the chamber at
the bottom of the tower nervously.
"Which way?"
Cherek whispered.
"Up those stairs, I'd imagine," I replied, pointing at the iron
stairway spiraling up into the darkness.
"There's not much point to building a tower if you don't plan to live
at the top of it. Let me check around down here first, though."
I shielded my candle and went around the interior wall of the room.
when I got behind the stairs, I came to a door I hadn't seen before. I
put my fingertips to it and I could sense the stairs on the other side.
They are going down. This was one of the things that I was supposed to
do when I got inside the tower. I didn't know why I was supposed to do
it, but I had to know where those stairs were. I kept the memory of
their location in my head for over three thousand years. Then, when I
came back to Cthol Mishrak with Garion and Silk, I finally understood
Now, though, I went back around to the foot of those iron stairs that
wound upward.
"Let's go up," I suggested.
Cherek nodded, took my candle, and then drew his sword. He started up
the stairs with Riva and Algar close behind him while Dras and I
brought up the rear.
It was a long climb. Torak's tower was very high. It didn't really
have to be that high, but you know how Torak was. When you get right
down to it, I'm about half surprised that his tower didn't reach up to
the stars.
Eventually, we reached the top, where there was another one of those
iron doors.
"What now?"
Cherek whispered to me.
"You might as well open it," I told him.
"Torak isn't supposed to be able to do anything about us, but we'll
never know until we go in.
Try to be quiet, though."
He drew in a deep breath, handed the candle to Algar, and put his hand
on the latch.
"Slowly," I cautioned.
He nodded and turned the handle with excruciating caution.
As Beldin had surmised, Torak had done something to the iron of his
tower to keep it from rusting, so the door made surprisingly little
noise as Bear-shoulders inched it open.
He looked inside briefly.
"He's here," he whispered to us.
"I think he's asleep."
"Good," I grunted.
"Let's move right along.
This night isn't going to last forever."
We filed cautiously into that chamber behind the iron door. I
immediately saw that among his other faults, Torak was a plagiarist.
His tower room closely resembled my Master's room at the top of his
tower--except that everything in Torak's tower was made of iron. It
was dimly illuminated by the fire burning on his hearth.
The Dragon God lay tossing and writhing on his iron bed. That fire was
still burning, I guess. He'd covered his ruined face with a steel mask
that very closely resembled his features as they had originally
appeared. It was a beautiful job, but the fact that a replica of that
mask adorns every Angarak temple in the world makes it just a little
ominous in retrospect.
Unlike those calm replicas, though, the mask that covered Torak's face
actually moved, and the expression on those polished features wasn't
really very pretty. He was clearly in torment. It's probably cruel,
but I didn't have very much sympathy for him. The chilling thing about
the mask was the fact that the left eye slit was open, and Torak's left
eye was the one thing that was still visibly burning.
As the maimed God twisted and turned, bound in his pain-haunted
slumber, that burning eye seemed to follow us, watching, watching, even
though Torak himself was powerless to prevent what we were going to
Dras went to the side of the bed, tentatively hefting his war-axe.
could save the world an awful lot of trouble here," he suggested.
"Don't be absurd," I told him.
"Your axe would only bounce off him, and it might just wake him up."
looked around the room and immediately saw the door directly opposite
the one we'd entered. Since those were the only two doors in the room,
it narrowed down the search considerably.
"Let's go, gentlemen," I told the towering Alorns.
"It's time to do what we came to do." It was time. Don't ask me how I
knew, but it was definitely the right time. I crossed Torak's room and
opened the door, with that burning eye watching my every step.
The room beyond that door wasn't very big--hardly more than a closet.
An iron table sat in the precise center of it, a table that was really
no more than a pedestal, and an iron box of not much more than a
hand's-breadth high sat on the exact center of that pedestal. The box
was glowing as if it had just been removed from a forge, but it was not
the cherry red of heated iron.
The glow was blue.
Why's it glowing like that?"
Dras whispered.
"Maybe it's glad to see us," I replied.
How was I supposed to know why it was glowing?
"Is it safe to touch that box?"
Algar asked shrewdly.
"I'm not sure," I replied.
"The Orb itself is dangerous, but I don't know about the box."
"One of us is going to have to open it," Algar said.
"Torak could have put it here to trick us. For all we know, the box
could be empty, and the Orb's someplace else."
I knew who was supposed to open the box and take out the Orb. The
Purpose that had brought us to this place had planted that piece of
information in my head before we got here, but I also knew that it was
going to have to be voluntary. I was going to have to nudge them a
"The Orb knows you, Belgarath," Cherek told me.
"You do it."
I shook my head.
"I'm not supposed to. There are other things I have to do, and whoever
takes up the Orb will spend the rest of his life guarding it. One of
you gentlemen is going to have to do it."
"You decide who it's going to be," Cherek said.
"I'm not permitted to do that."
"It's really very simple, Belgarath," Dras told me.
"We'll take turns trying to open the box.
die is the right one."
Whichever one of us doesn't
"No," I told him flatly.
"You've all got things you're supposed to do, and dying here in Cthol
Mishrak isn't one of them." I squinted at the glowing box.
"I want you gentlemen to be absolutely honest about this.
The Orb's the most powerful thing in the world. Whichever one of you
picks it up will be able to do anything, but the Orb doesn't want to do
just anything. It's got its own agenda, and if anybody tries to use it
for something outside that agenda, it won't be happy. Torak already
found that out. Examine your hearts, gentlemen. I need somebody who's
not ambitious.
I need somebody who'll be willing to devote his whole life to guarding
the Orb without ever trying to use it. If the notion of having
infinite power at your fingertips appeals to you in the slightest,
you're not the one."
"That lets me out," Cherek said with a slight shrug.
"I'm a king, and kings are supposed to be ambitious.
got drunk, I'd have to try to do something with it."
The first time I
He looked at his
"It's going to have to be one of you boys."
"I could probably keep a grip on my ambition," Dras said, "but I think
it ought to be somebody whose mind's quicker than mine. I can handle a
fight, but thinking too much makes my head hurt." It was a brutally
candid admission, and it raised my opinion of Dras considerably.
Riva and Algar looked at each other.
that boyish smile of his.
Then Riva shrugged and smiled
"Oh, well," he said.
"I haven't really got anything better to do anyway."
out, opened the box, and took out the Orb.
And he reached
the voice in my head exulted.
"Well, now," Algar said casually, "since we've settled that, why don't
we go?"
That's what really happened in Torak's tower. All that blather about
"evil intent" in the Book of Alorn was made up out of whole cloth by
somebody who got carried away by his own creativity. I shouldn't
really blame him for it, I guess. I do it all the time myself. The
real facts behind any story always seem sort of prosaic to me.
"Stick it inside your clothes someplace," I told Riva.
"It's a little excited right now, and that glow's awfully
"Won't I glow, too?"
Riva asked dubiously.
"The way the box did, I mean?"
"Try it and find out."
"Does glowing hurt?"
I suggested.
he asked.
"I don't think so. Don't worry, Riva.
It's not going to hurt you."
"Belgarath, it's a rock.
The Orb's very fond of you.
How can it be fond of anything?"
"It's not an ordinary rock.
of here."
Just put it away, Riva, and let's get out
He swallowed hard and tucked the Orb inside his fur tunic.
held out one of his huge hands and examined it closely.
Then he
"No glow yet," he noted.
"See? You're going to have to learn to trust me, boy. You and I have
a long way to go together, and it'll be difficult for both of us if
you're going to ask me silly questions every time we turn around."
he objected.
"After what it did to Torak, I don't think my questions were silly."
"Poor choice of terms, perhaps.
Let's go."
I had a bad moment when we were retracing our steps and Torak cried
out. It was a howl of utter desolation; somewhere in his sleep the
Dragon God knew that we were taking the Orb. He was powerless to stop
us, but that shout almost made me jump out of my skin.
I don't like being startled like that, which may account for what I did
"Go back to sleep, Torak," I told him.
in his teeth.
Then I threw his own words back
"A word of advice for thee, brother of my Master, by way of thanks for
thine unintended service to me this day. Don't come looking for the
Orb. My Master's very gentle. I'm not. If you come anywhere near the
Orb, I'll have you for lunch."
It was sheer bravado, of course, but I had to say something to him, and
my little display of spitefulness may have served some purpose. When
he finally did wake up, he was in a state of inarticulate rage, and he
wasted a great deal of time punishing the Angaraks who'd been supposed
to prevent me from reaching his tower. That gave the Alorns and me a
fairly good head start.
We crept back down the stairs to the foot of the tower, listening
tensely for Grolims, but finding only an eerie silence. When we got to
the bottom, I looked out into the snowy square. It had remained
My luck was holding.
"Let's go!" Dras said impatiently. Prince Kheldar and I had a long
discussion about that some years back, and he told me that burglars
always suffer from that same impatience and that it makes getting away
almost more dangerous than breaking in. Your natural instinct after
you steal something is to take to your heels; but if you don't want to
get caught, you'd better suppress that instinct.
The residual odor from my encounter with the Hounds was still very
strong on Torak's doorstep, and the five of us were careful to breathe
shallowly until we reached the shelter of that dark alleyway from which
we'd emerged when we first got to the square.
"What do you think?" Cherek whispered to me as we followed that
twisting, smoky alley back toward the city wall.
"Will it be safe to go back the way we came?"
I was already working on that, and I hadn't come up with an answer yet.
No matter how careful we'd been on our way here from the coast, there
were bound to be traces of our passage. I knew Torak well enough to be
fairly certain that he wouldn't personally lead the search. He'd leave
that to underlings, and that meant Urvon or Ctuchik. Based on Beldin's
description of him, I wasn't particularly worried about Urvon. Ctuchik
was an unknown, though. I had no idea of what Torak's other disciple
was capable of, and this probably wasn't a good time to find out.
Going north was obviously out of the question. Torak already had
people in place at the land-bridge, and I didn't want to have to fight
my way through them--assuming we could. Going west was probably quite
nearly as dangerous. I had to operate on the theory that Ctuchik could
do almost anything I could do, and he'd certainly be able to sense
those traces I mentioned before. I didn't even consider going east.
There wasn't much point in going deeper into Mallorea when safety lay
in the other direction.
That left only south.
"Are you gentlemen feeling up to a bit of a scuffle?"
and his sons.
"What did you have in mind?"
I asked Cherek
Cherek asked me.
"Why don't we go pick a fight with the guards at the north gate?"
"I can think of a dozen reasons why we shouldn't," Riva said
I can think of a better one why we should. We don't know how long
going to be until Torak wakes up, and he's not going to take the
of the Orb philosophically. As soon as his feet hit the floor,
going to be organizing a pursuit."
"That stands to reason, I suppose," Iron-grip conceded.
"We want those pursuers to go off in the wrong direction if we can
possibly arrange it. A pile of dead Grolims at the north gate would
probably suggest that we went that way, wouldn't you say?"
"It would to me, I guess."
"Let's go kill some Grolims, then."
"Wait a minute."
Cherek objected.
"If we're going to go back the way we came, we won't want to draw
attention to that gate."
"But we aren't going back the way we came."
"Which way are we going then?"
"South, actually--well, southwest would probably be closer."
"I don't understand."
"Trust me."
He started to swear. Evidently hearing that remark irritated him as
much as it always irritated me.
There were six black-robed Grolims at the north gate, and we made quick
work of them. There were a few muffled cries, of course, and some
fairly pathetic groaning, but the fact that there weren't any windows
in the houses of Cthol Mishrak kept any people inside from hearing
"All right," Dras said, wiping his bloody axe on a fallen Grolim, "now
"Let's go back to your tunnel."
"Belgarath," he objected, "we want to get away from the city."
"We'll go out through the gate, crawl through your tunnel, and circle
around the city until we come to the river on the south side of it."
"There's a trail around the outside of the wall," Riva pointed out.
"Why use the tunnel at all?"
"Because the Hounds would pick up our scent. We want them to think
we've gone north. We'll need some time to get out ahead of them."
"Very clever," Algar murmured.
"I don't understand," Dras said.
"The river's probably frozen, isn't it?"
Algar asked him.
"I suppose so."
"Wouldn't that make it sort of like a highway--without any trees or
hills to slow us down?"
Dras considered it.
Then comprehension slowly dawned on his big
"You know, Algar," he said,
"I think you're right.
Belgarath is a very clever old man."
"Do you suppose we could congratulate him some other time?"
to them.
Riva said
"I'm the one who's carrying the loot, and I'd like to put some distance
between this place and my backside."
I saw that I was going to have to rearrange Riva's thinking.
"Loot" wasn't really a proper term to use when he was referring to my
Master's Orb.
We hurried out past the sprawled bodies of the gate-guards, rounded the
bend in the path, and plunged back into the snow-bank on the left side.
It wasn't too long until we came out of the tunnel at the city wall.
There was a sort of beaten pathway in the snow along the outside of the
wall where Grolims or ordinary Angaraks had been patrolling, and we
followed that eastward until we reached the corner. Then we turned and
followed it south through the drifts toward the river. Altogether, I'd
imagine that it took us about two hours to reach the riverbank.
As I'd been fairly sure it would be, the frozen river was clear of
It wound like a wide black ribbon through the snow-clogged
"That's lucky," Dras noted.
"We won't leave any tracks."
"That was sort of the idea," I told him just a bit smugly.
"How did you know that there wouldn't be about three feet of snow on
top of the ice?" he asked me.
"That blizzard came in out of the west. There's nothing out there in
that river for the wind to pile snow up behind, so it swept the ice
clean for us. The snow's probably all stacked up against the mountains
of western Karanda."
"You think of everything, don't you, Belgarath?"
"I try. Let's get out on the ice and head down to the coast. I'm
starting to get homesick." , We rather carefully brushed out the
tracks we made going down the riverbank. Then we crossed the ice to
the far side to avoid the light of the torches atop the city wall and
started down-river.
We didn't exactly skate along, but there was a certain amount of
sliding. After about three hours, the murky clouds hovering over the
region began to lighten along the southern horizon.
"The sun's coming up," Algar noted.
"Is that going to wake Torak up?"
I wasn't certain about that.
"I'll check," I replied. The passenger riding along between my ears
had told me not to try to talk to him until we were clear of the city.
Well, we were clear now, so I chanced it.
"Do you want to wake up?"
I asked.
"Don't be insulting."
"I didn't do it on purpose. The question of someone waking up is
looming rather large right now. We've got what we came for. Is that
the end of this particular EVENT?"
"More or less. It's not completely over until you get back across the
Sea of the East."
"Can you tell me when Torak's going to wake up?"
You'll know when it happens."
"A hint or two would help."
"Sorry, Belgarath.
Just keep going.
You're doing well so far."
I didn't say it very graciously.
"I liked the way you dealt with those two Hounds. It never would have
occurred to me. Where did you come up with the idea?"
"I came out second best in an encounter with a skunk when I was a
It's the sort of thing you remember."
"I can imagine.
gone again.
Keep going, and keep your ears open."
Then it was
It was perhaps a quarter of an hour later when I found out what he
meant by keeping my ears open--although I don't think I would have
missed it even if I'd been asleep. There's a version of the Book of
Torak that describes what the Dragon God did when he woke up--and Algar
had shrewdly put his finger on when it was going to happen. Evidently
a part of the arrangement between the voice in my head and the one in
Torak's had been the length of time Torak would remain comatose.
Sunrise is a natural transition, and it was then that old One-eye
finally woke up. We were ten miles away from the city by then, but we
could still hear him as he screamed his fury and then wrecked the
entire city--even going so far as to knock down his own tower. It was
one of the more spectacular temper tantrums in the history of the
"Why don't we run for a while?" Algar suggested as the awful sound of
the destruction of Cthol Mishrak knocked all the snow off the trees
along the riverbank.
"We are running," Dras told him.
"Why don't we run faster?" That was when I found out why Algar was
called Fleet-foot. Lord, that boy could run!
The Book of Alorn tells the story of what happened there in Mallorea.
It's a very good story, filled with drama, excitement, and mythic
I've recited it myself on any number of occasions. It's related to
what really happened only by implication, but it's still a good story.
The fellow who wrote it was an Alorn, after all, and he overstated the
significance of the land-bridge--largely, I suspect, because a pair of
Alorns discovered it.
In actuality, I didn't even see the land-bridge during that
journey--mainly because there were probably several hundred Angaraks
standing on each one of those rocky islets waiting for us. We had
traveled to Mallorea across the frozen Sea of the East, and we went
back home the same way.
Torak's outburst--for which I'll take partial credit, since my goading
as we were leaving his tower undoubtedly contributed to his
rage--completely demoralized the Grolims, Chandim, and ordinary
Angaraks who'd lived in Cthol Mishrak. Beldin has since discovered
that it was ultimately Ctuchik who restored order--with his customary
brutality. It still took him several hours, however, and even then our
ruse diverted him. The Angaraks found the six butchered Grolims at the
north gate, and Ctuchik sent the Hounds off to the north and the west
without stopping to consider the possibility of trickery.
The day up there didn't last very long, but nightfall didn't slow the
Alorns and me. We followed Algar on down-river, moving as fast as we
possibly could.
When the sun put in its brief appearance the following day, however,
the Hounds returned to the ruins of Cthol Mishrak and reported to
Ctuchik that they'd found no trace of us. That's when Torak's disciple
expanded his search. Inevitably, some sharp-nosed Hound picked up our
scent. Then the chase was on. Ctuchik crammed several hundred
ordinary Grolims into the shape of Hounds, killing about half of them
in the process, and that huge, ravening pack came galloping down the
river after us.
"What are we going to do, Belgarath?"
Cherek gasped.
"The boys and I are starting to get winded.
longer we'll be able to run."
I'm not sure how much
"I'm going to try something," I told him.
"Let's stop and catch our breath here while I work out the details."
went over it in my mind again.
Riva had ultimate power tucked inside his tunic, but he wasn't supposed
to use it. If my reasoning was correct, though, he wouldn't have to.
"All right," I said, "this is how we'll work it. Riva, when those
Hounds behind us come into sight, I want you to take out the Orb and
hold it up so that they can see it."
"I thought you said I wasn't supposed to."
"I didn't say that you were going to use it.
it up.
I just told you to hold
I want the Chandim to be able to see it--and I want it to be able to
see them."
"What good's that going to do?"
Actually, I wasn't really sure, but I had a strong hunch about what
would happen.
"It'd take too long to explain.
Have I been wrong yet?"
"Well--I suppose not."
"Then you'll just have to trust me when I tell you that I know what I'm
doing." I was praying rather fervently that I did, in fact, know what
I was doing.
It wasn't very long before several dozen Hounds came loping around a
bend in that frozen river.
"All right, Riva," I said.
"Now's the time.
Raise up the Orb. Don't give it any orders, just hold it up. Don't
squeeze it. I know how strong your hands are. If you get excited and
crush the Orb, we're in trouble."
"I thought we already were," Cherek muttered somewhere behind me.
"I heard that," I threw back over my shoulder at him.
Riva sighed, took out the Orb, and held it over his head.
"Goodbye, father," he said mournfully.
The Hounds running after us skidded to a stop on the slippery river as
they caught sight of the glowing Orb in Riva's upraised hand.
Then the Orb stopped glowing.
It flickered and then went dark.
Riva groaned.
Then the Orb woke up again, and it didn't glow blue this time. The
light that blazed forth from it was pure white, and it was about three
times brighter than the sun.
The Chandim fled, howling in pain, stumbling, bumping into each other,
and with their toenails shrieking across the ice.
I don't know if any of those Grolims ever regained their sight, but I
do know that they were all totally blind when they ran back up the
"Well," I said with a certain astonishment, "what do you know?
worked after all. What an amazing thing!"
There was a note of anguish in Cherek's voice.
"Are you saying that you didn't know?"
"It was theoretically sound," I replied, "but you never really know
about theories until you try them out."
"What happened?"
Dras demanded.
I shrugged.
"Riva's forbidden to use the Orb. That's why the Orb permits him to
touch it. He couldn't do anything, but the Orb could--and it did. The
Orb doesn't like Torak--or the Angaraks. It does like Riva, though. I
deliberately put him in danger, and that forced the Orb to take matters
into its own hands. It worked out rather well, don't you think?"
They stared at me in absolute horror.
"Remind me never to play dice with you, Belgarath," Dras said in a
trembling voice.
"You take too many chances."
With Ctuchik and Torak both to drive them, more of the Hounds came back
down the river after us, and a fair number of Grolims, as well.
There were mounted men following along behind the Grolims, helmeted men
in mail shirts and carrying assorted weapons. Those were the first
Murgos I ever saw. I didn't like them then, and my opinion of them
hasn't improved over the years. Their horses were somewhat bigger than
the scrubby little ponies found on the other side of the Eastern Sea,
but the Murgos were still too big for their mounts.
All right, I'll be mentioning Murgos and Nadraks and Thulls from time
to time as we go along, so I'm going to sort them out for you. The
three Angarak tribes that migrated to the western continent after the
destruction of Cthol Mishrak were not, in fact, tribes at all. They
were all Angaraks, but the almost two thousand years that they had
lived in the City of Endless Night had modified them. The differences
between them were not racial nor tribal, but rather were based on
class. The word
"Murgo" in old Angarak meant warrior; the word
"Nadrak" meant townsman; and the word
"Thull" meant peasant or serf. Murgos are built like soldiers, broad
shouldered, narrow-wasted, and generally athletic. Nadraks tend to be
leaner. Thulls are built like oxen. Torak had been so intent on
trying to subdue the Orb that he hadn't paid any attention to what was
happening to the inhabitants of Cthol Mishrak as a result of two
thousand years of what might be called selective breeding, and he
assumed that they differed from each other because they were of
different tribes. That's one of the reasons that the Angarak societies
he exported to the West didn't work very well. Murgos felt that work
was beneath their dignity; Thulls were too stupid to set up anything
even resembling a government; and Nadraks had nobody to swindle but
each other.
Have you got all that straight? Try to remember it. I don't want to
have to go through it all again. I repeat myself often enough as it
The Hounds had been made wary by what had happened to their pack-mates,
so they held back while the Murgos and Grolims rushed to the attack. I
didn't even have to tell Riva what to do this time. He took out the
Orb and held it up over his head.
Once again the Orb flickered and went out, and once again it took fire.
It went a little further this time, however. It was probably the first
time in its history that Cthol Mishrak had been fully illuminated, and
the western slopes of the Karandese Mountains and the Eastern Sea as
far north as the pole and as far west as the shores of Morindland were
engulfed in a light that was at least as bright as the light that
reached us at Korim three thousand years later.
The charging Murgos and Grolims were instantly incinerated by that
awful light. I discovered something about the Orb in that moment. It
had a certain innate sense of decency. It warned people before it
unleashed its power on them. That's what the blinding of the Hounds
had been--a warning. There was only one, though. If people chose to
ignore the Orb's first warning, they didn't get a second.
The Alorns and I were stunned by the enormity of what had just
happened. The Hounds took advantage of our momentary confusion to
circle around along the riverbanks to get ahead of us, and that made it
possible for them to slow us down. That single flash of brilliant
light had temporarily blinded us, too, and we floundered along in the
darkness after it subsided. Our near blindness, coupled with the
periodic suicidal charges of individual Hounds, slowed us to the point
that we continued down-river at a crawl.
"How much farther to the coast?"
Cherek panted.
"I have no idea," I admitted.
"This isn't turning out well, Belgarath."
"You worry too much."
I turned teary eyes at his youngest son.
"Keep holding it up in the air, Riva.
Let it see what's coming after
We kept going down the river, our trip punctuated by a series of bright
flashes and what sounded like thunderclaps as the Orb exploded the
Hounds that came rushing at us from the riverbanks.
"They're coming up from behind us, Belgarath!"
Dras called from the
"Torak's with them!"
I swore. I hadn't expected this.
hand in these skirmishes.
"Is he supposed to do that?"
vaults of my mind.
"No, he's not!"
It's not like the Gods to take a
I threw the question into the echoing
My passenger sounded suddenly very angry.
"He's cheating!"
"Does that mean that the rules have been suspended?"
"I think it does. Be careful though.
whole side of the universe."
We don't want to blow up this
I choked a little on that.
"Do you want me to do it?"
"Absolutely not! If you take up the Orb, it'll attach itself to you,
and you'll never be able to get rid of it. You'd have to become its
guardian, and you don't have time for that. Tell Riva what to do.
Don't let him destroy Torak, whatever happens. He's not the one who's
supposed to do that."
I said sharply.
"Take Dras and Algar!
Hold those people back while I talk to Rival"
The king of Aloria nodded grimly, and the three of them spread out on
the ice, their weapons ready. The Murgo skirmishers in the forefront
of the advancing Angaraks got a quick lesson in the virtue of prudence
at that point. It's not a good idea to try to attack large Alorns when
they're ready for you.
"Listen very carefully, Riva," I told Iron-grip.
"I want you to concentrate on your hand."
"You don't have to understand. Just look at the Angaraks and think
about what you'd like to do to them, but think about your hand at the
same time. The Orb's a weapon, but you don't have to swing it. Just
be aware of it, and it'll do what you want it to do."
"I thought you said that I wasn't supposed to do that," he objected.
"The rules have changed. The other side's cheating, so we're going to
cheat a little, too. Don't try to hurt Torak, though. You'll destroy
the world if you do."
"I'll do what?"
"You heard me.
Concentrate on obliterating the Angaraks instead.
Torak's clever enough to get the point--eventually.
cheat again."
He probably won't
"I'll do what I can." Riva didn't sound too sure of himself. He
raised the Orb, though, and I could feel his Will building as he
concentrated on the advancing Angaraks.
But nothing happened.
"You've got to release it!"
I shouted at him.
"You've got the thought right, but you've got to turn it loose!"
"Say something!"
"What do I say?"
"I don't care!
Try "now," or "burn," or "kill!"
Just say
He said it rather tentatively.
I controlled myself with a certain amount of effort.
"You're giving orders here, Riva," I told him.
"Don't make it sound like a question."
he thundered.
It wasn't the Word I'd have used, but it turned the trick. The
advancing Angaraks began exploding. Whole strings of them blew up one
after another--bright flashes and sharp detonations running in sequence
from one riverbank to the other. Cherek's youngest son obliterated the
front rank. Then he went back and methodically destroyed the second
rank, then the third.
"Can't you do more than one at a time?"
"Do you want to do this?"
I asked him.
he demanded from between clenched teeth.
It's not allowed."
"Then do you want to shut up and let me do it?"
Now do you see how Garion comes by his short temper? Riva was normally
the most even-tempered Alorn I've ever come across, but you didn't want
to irritate him.
After he'd turned the first five or six ranks of Angaraks into puffs of
smoke and floating ashes, the rest of them got the message. They
turned and fled, giving the raging Torak a wide berth.
Torak may have been raging, but I noticed that he was covering his
steel-encased face with his remaining hand. He definitely didn't want
to lose his other eye. Finally, even he turned and fled howling.
"You can turn it off now," I suggested to Riva.
"I could go after them," he offered eagerly.
"I could chase down every Angarak on the whole continent.
wouldn't have a single worshiper left."
"Never mind," I told him.
"You've gone as far as you're supposed to.
Put the Orb away."
Cherek, Dras, and Algar came back.
"Nice little fight," the King of Aloria noted.
"That Orb's a handy thing to have along, isn't it?"
It seems to me I've said that before. You might as well get used to
it. I've been rolling my eyes up at the sky and sighing
for so long now that I don't even know I'm doing it any
We went down to the mouth of the river and started slogging out across
the ice. The Hounds were keeping their distance now, but they were
still following us.
"Are they going to be a problem?"
"Not for long.
I asked my friend.
They'll have to turn back when we get about halfway
"They're Grolims, Belgarath.
the Sea of the East."
They don't have any power on your side of
"Zedar did."
"That's because he's a disciple.
Different rules apply to disciples.
Ctuchik or Urvon could keep coming, but ordinary Grolims can't."
"Why not?"
"Beldin explained it to you once, remember?"
"Oh, now that you mention it, I guess I do. Grolims don't have any
power in a place where there aren't any Angaraks?"
You remembered after all."
"What now?"
"Pick up one foot and put it in front of the other one. I'll let you
decide which foot. Don't try to pick them both up at the same time,
"Very funny."
We continued across that awful broken sea ice for the next couple of
days with the Hounds still not too far behind us.
There was no boundary line out there, of course, but I knew when we had
reached the halfway point, because the Hounds suddenly broke off their
pursuit. They lined up along an ice-ridge and sat howling in
"Our luck's still holding," I told the Alorns.
"How's that?"
Cherek asked me.
"That's as far as the Hounds can come.
We're home free now."
That turned out to be premature, because suddenly there was a Hound
directly in front of us--a Hound twice the size of the ones howling
behind us. It seemed to emanate a reddish glow.
"Don't bother," I told Riva as his hand dug into the neck of his
"The dog's an illusion.
It's not really there."
"You haven't heard the last of this, Belgarath," the monstrous creature
growled at me, seeming almost to chew on the words with its long
"You would be Urvon," I said calmly, "or possibly Ctuchik."
"I'll let you worry about that. You and I are going to meet again, old
man; you've got my promise on that. You've won this time. Next time
you won't be so lucky."
And then it vanished.
We reached the coast of Morindland a couple of days later. The sun was
rising a little higher and staying up a little longer each day, and the
bitter cold seemed to be moderating. Spring was coming to the north.
We decided not to retrace our steps and cross the arctic wastes of
Morindland again. We went south instead. We weren't in any danger
now, and we all wanted to find a warmer climate. We followed the
shoreline until we reached present-day Gar og Nadrak, which in those
days was eastern Aloria. Cherek was king there, but he didn't have
very many subjects in that part of his kingdom--unless you count the
deer. The Alorns who were there were all members of the Bear-cult
anyway, so we avoided them. Bear-cultists have wanted to get their
hands on the Orb since their order was founded, and Cherek and the rest
of us weren't very eager for any more confrontations.
Once we were beyond the North Range, we turned west again and proceeded
through that vast forest, crossed the mountains, and reached the
Drasnian moors. Then we turned southwesterly, passed Lake Atun, and
eventually reached the banks of the Aldur River on a fine spring
There was someone waiting for us there.
"Well, boy," the humorous old man in the rickety cart said to me,
see you're still headed west."
"I guess it's sort of a habit by now," I replied in as casual a way as
I could manage.
"You two know each other, I take it," Cherek noted.
"We've run across each other a few times," I replied. I assumed that
my Master had reasons for wanting to remain anonymous, so I didn't give
him away.
"Have you had breakfast yet?"
the old man asked.
"If you want to call it that," Dras replied.
"A few chunks of dried beef is hardly what I'd call breakfast."
"I've got a camp set up a mile or so down-river," the old man told us,
"and I've had an ox roasting all night. You're welcome to join me, if
you're of a mind. Are you thirsty, too? I've got a barrel of good ale
chilling in the river back at camp."
That settled it, of course. The Alorns followed along behind the cart
like a litter of happy puppies as the old man and I led them to
"Let's feed your friends first," the old man told me quietly.
"Then you and I need to talk."
"If that's the way you want it," I replied.
Cherek and his sons fell on the roasted ox like a pack of hungry wolves
and plunged into the ale barrel like a school of fish. After an hour
or so of eating and drinking, they all became very sleepy and decided
to take a little nap. The old man and I strolled down to the riverbank
and stood looking out across the water. The spring runoff had begun in
the Tolnedran Mountains, and the river ran bank-full and muddy brown.
"Is there any particular reason for the disguise?"
right to the point.
I asked, getting
"Probably not," my Master replied.
"I use it when I have occasion to leave the Vale. People tend not to
notice me when I'm plodding along in the cart. My brothers and I had a
meeting in the cave."
"We're going to have to leave, Belgarath."
"We don't have any choice. If we stay, sooner or later we'll have to
confront Torak directly, and that would destroy the world. This
world's too important for us to let that happen. The Child of Light is
going to need it."
"Who's the Child of Light?"
"It varies. You were, while you and Zedar were scuffling up in
Morindland. The Necessities can't meet directly, so they have to
function through agents. I think I've explained this to you before."
I nodded glumly.
I wasn't happy about this particular turn of
"There's going to be an ultimate Child of Light, however," he went on,
"and an ultimate Child of Dark. They're the ones who've going to
settle everything once and for all. It's your job to prepare for the
coming of the Child. Keep an eye on Riva. The Child will descend from
"Won't I ever see you again?"
He smiled faintly.
"Of course you will. I've spent too much time raising you to turn you
loose. Pay close attention to your dreams, Belgarath. I won't be able
to come back directly--at least not very often--so I'll talk with you
while you're asleep."
"That's something, anyway.
through our dreams?"
Is that how you're going to guide us,
"You'll be guided by the Necessity. The Second Age that the Dals talk
about is over now. This is the Third Age, the Age of Prophecy. The
two Necessities are going to inspire certain people to predict the
I saw the flaw in that immediately.
"Isn't that sort of dangerous?"
I asked.
"That's not the sort of information we'd want just anybody to get his
hands on."
"That's already been taken care of, my son. The rest of mankind won't
understand what the predictions mean. They'll be obscure enough so
that most people will think that they're just the ravings of assorted
madmen. Tell your Alorns to watch for them and to write down what they
say if it's at all possible. There'll be hidden messages in them."
"It's a cumbersome way to do business, Master."
"I know, but it's part of the rules."
"I'm not so sure that the rules are holding, Master.
started cheating when we were in Cthol Mishrak."
The other side
"That was Torak. His Necessity apologized for that.
punished for it."
Torak's being
"Good. What am I supposed to do now?
Poledra, you know."
I really ought to get back to
He sighed.
"That's going to have to wait, I'm afraid. I'm sorry, Belgarath--more
sorry than you could possibly know--but you haven't finished yet. You
still have to divide up Aloria."
"I have to do what?"
He explained it to me--at some length.
It's my story, and I'll tell it the way I want to.
the way I'm telling it, tell it yourself.
If you don't like
After he'd given me my instructions, the old man fed his horse and then
drove his cart off toward the south, leaving me with only the snoring
Alorns for company. I didn't bother to wake them, and they slept
straight on through until the following morning.
"Where's your friend?"
Cherek asked when they finally woke up.
"He had something to attend to," I replied.
"Well, it's all over then, isn't it?"
Dras said.
"It'll be good to get back to Val Alorn."
"You aren't going to Val Alorn, Dras," I told him.
"You're going back up to those moors we just came across."
"Why would I want to do that?"
"Because I'm telling you to do it." I was a little blunt about it.
wasn't in a very good humor that morning. I looked at
"I'm sorry, Cherek," I told him, "but I'm going to have to split up
your kingdom. The Angaraks aren't just going to let this slide, so
we're going to have to get ready for them. Riva's guarding the Orb, so
the rest of you are going to have to guard him. I'm going to spread
you out so that Torak's people can't slip up on Riva and steal back the
"How long's that likely to take?"
Cherek asked me.
"How long until I can put my kingdom back together again?"
"You're not going to be able to do that, I'm afraid.
Aloria's going to be permanent."
The division of
"Belgarath!" He said it plaintively, almost like a child protesting
the removal of his favorite toy.
"It's out of my hands, Cherek. You're the one who came up with the
idea of stealing the Orb. Now you're going to have to live with the
consequences. Dras has to establish his own kingdom on the north
Algar's going to have his down here on these grasslands. You're going
back to Val Alorn. Your kingdom's going to be that peninsula."
he exploded.
"That's hardly bigger than a clothes closet!"
"Don't worry about it. Your kingdom's the ocean now. Call your
shipbuilders together. Those scows they've been building aren't good
enough. I'll draw up some plans for you. The king of the Ocean's
going to need war boats, not floating bathtubs."
His eyes narrowed speculatively.
"The king of the Ocean," he mused.
"That's got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
with boats, though?"
Can you really make war
"Oh, yes," I assured him.
"And the nice part of it is that you don't have to walk to get to the
"Where do you want me to go, Belgarath?"
"I'll show you myself.
Riva asked me.
I'm supposed to go with you to help you get set
"Thanks, but where are we going?"
"To the Isle of the Winds."
"That's nothing but a rock out in the middle of the Great Western
Sea!," he objected.
"I know, but it's your rock. You're going to take a sizable number of
Alorns and go there. You volunteered to pick up the Orb. Now it's
your responsibility. When we get to the Isle, you're going to build a
fortress, and you and your people are going to spend the rest of your
lives guarding the Orb. Then you're going to turn the responsibility
for guarding the Orb over to your children, and then they'll take
"How long's this going to last?"
"I haven't got the faintest idea--centuries, probably, maybe even eons.
Your father's going to build war boats, and he's not going to let
anybody near the Isle of the Winds."
"This isn't what I had in mind when we started, Belgarath," Cherek
"Life's just filled with these little disappointments, isn't it?
Playtime's over, gentlemen. It's time to grow up. We've got work to
I probably didn't really have to run roughshod over them like that, but
my Master hadn't been very gentle with me, and the sniveling of Cherek
and his boys was making me tired. They'd set off on the most important
mission in the history of their race as if it had been some kind of
lark. Now that the consequences of their little romp in the snow were
coming home to roost, all they could do was stand around and complain
about it.
Alorns are such babies at times.
I hammered the details of the division into them with that same
callousness. I didn't give them time to get all weepy and sentimental.
I told Cherek in precise terms just how many warriors he was going to
send to each of his sons to help with the founding of the new kingdoms.
His expression grew mournful when he realized that I was usurping over
half of his subjects. Every time he started to protest, I reminded him
pointedly that the retrieval of the Orb had been his idea in the first
place. I hadn't wanted to leave my pregnant wife at the time, so I
didn't have much sympathy for him now.
"All right," I concluded that evening, "that's the way we're going to
do it. Any questions?"
"What are we supposed to do when we get set up?"
Dras asked
"Just stand around and wait for the Angaraks?"
"You'll get further instructions from Belar," I told him.
"The Gods are involved in this, too, you know."
"Belar doesn't like me," Dras said.
"I beat him at dice most of the time."
"Don't play dice with him, then.
Try to stay on the good side of
"This is awfully open country around here," Algar said, looking out at
the vast grassland.
"I'm going to have to do a lot of walking."
"There are wild horses out there.
Chase them down and ride."
"My feet drag on the ground when I try to sit on a horse."
"Chase down a bigger one, then."
"There aren't any bigger ones."
"Breed some."
"The weather on the Isle of the Winds is really miserable," Riva
"Build houses with thick walls and stout roofs."
"The wind'll blow thatch roofs right off the houses."
"Make your roof out of slate, then, and nail it down."
Cherek finally got as tired of it as I was getting.
"You've got your instructions," he told his sons.
"Now go do as you're told. You might be kings now, but you're still my
sons. Don't make me ashamed of you."
That put the starch back in their spines.
The farewells the following morning were tearful, however. Then we
scattered to the winds, leaving Algar standing forlornly on the bank of
the Aldur River.
Riva and I went west until we reached the mountains, and then we swung
off slightly northwesterly to avoid the northern reaches of Ulgoland.
I'd gotten all the entertainment I wanted out of our skirmishes with
the Angaraks. I didn't feel much like playing with Algroths or
We came down out of the mountains and crossed the fertile plains of
modern-day Sendaria until we reached the shore of the Great Western
Sea. We stopped there to wait for the warriors Cherek had promised to
send--and their women, of course. I was establishing new countries,
and I needed breeding stock.
Yes, I know that's a blunt way to put it, and it'll probably offend
Polgara, but that's just too bad. If she doesn't have that to be
offended about, she'll probably just find something else.
Got you that time, didn't I, Pol?
While Riva and I were waiting for his people to arrive from Val Alorn,
I amused myself by cheating. There was a sizable forest near the
beach, and I utilized my talents to fell trees and saw them into
boards. Riva had seen me do all sorts of things with the Will and the
Word, but for some reason, the sight of a log spewing out unprovoked
sawdust seemed to unnerve him. He finally refused entirely to watch,
but sat instead staring out at the sea and muttering the word
"unnatural"--usually loud enough for me to hear. I tried to explain to
him that we were going to need boats to get to the Isle of the Winds,
and that boats implied lumber, but he refused to listen to me. It
wasn't until I had stacks of lumber spread out for a quarter of a mile
along the beach that he finally came up with what came fairly close to
a reasonable objection.
"If you make boats out of those green boards, they'll sink.
have to cure for at least a year."
"Oh, not that long," I disagreed. Then, just to show him who was in
charge, I looked at a nearby stack, concentrated, and said,
The stack started to smoke immediately. Riva had irritated me, and I
had gone a bit too far. I reduced the heat, and the smoke was replaced
by steam as the green boards began to sweat out their moisture.
"They're warping," he pointed out triumphantly.
"Of course they are," I replied calmly.
"I want them to warp."
"Warped lumber's no good."
"It depends on what you want to build with it," I disagreed.
"We want ships, and ships have curved sides. Something with flat sides
is called a barge, and it doesn't sail very well."
"You've got an answer for everything, haven't you, Belgarath?
your mistakes."
Even for
"Why are you being so cross with me, Riva?"
"Because you've torn my life apart. You've separated me from my
family, and you're taking me to the most wretched place on earth to
spend the rest of my life. Stay away from me, Belgarath. I don't like
you very much right now." And he stalked off up the beach.
I started after him.
"Leave him alone, Belgarath."
It was my friend again.
"If I'm going to have his cooperation, I'm going to have to make peace
with him."
"He's a little upset right now. He'll settle down.
position by going to him. Make him come to you."
Don't weaken your
"What if he doesn't?"
"He has to. You're the only one who can tell him what to do, and he
knows it. He's got an enormous sense of responsibility. That's why I
chose him. Dras is bigger, and Algar's smarter, but Riva sticks to
something once he starts it. Go back to baking boards. It'll keep
your mind off your troubles."
Somehow he always knew what the most insulting thing he could say would
be. Baking boards! I still get hot around the ears when I remember
that particular expression.
Two days later, Riva came to me apologetically.
"I'm sorry, Belgarath," he said contritely.
"What for? You didn't say anything that wasn't true. I have torn your
life apart, I have separated you from your family, and I am going to
take you to the Isle of the Winds to spend the rest of your life. The
only thing you left out was the fact that none of it's been my idea.
You're the Keeper of the Orb now, and somebody has to tell you what to
do. I'm your teacher. Neither one of us asked for the jobs, but we
got them anyway.
We might as well make the best of it. Now come over here, and I'll
show you the plans I've drawn up for your boats."
"Ships," he corrected absently.
"Any way you want it, Orb-keeper."
The Alorns began drifting in the next afternoon.
Alorns don't march.
They don't even stay together when they're traveling, and their
direction is pretty indeterminate, since small groups of them
periodically break off to go exploring.
Riva put them to work building ships immediately, and that lonely beach
turned into an impromptu shipyard. There were a number of arguments
about my design for those ships, and some of the objections raised by
various Alorns were even valid. Most of them were silly, however.
Alorns love to argue, probably because arguments in their culture are
usually preludes to fights.
I drifted up and down the beach, cheating wherever it was necessary,
and we finished about ten of those ships in just under six weeks. Then
Riva left his cousin Anrak in charge and we took an advance party out
into the Sea of the Winds toward the Isle.
If you've never seen the Isle of the Winds, you might think that the
descriptions of it you've heard are exaggerations. Believe me, they
In the first place, the island has only one beach, a narrow strip of
gravel about a mile long at the head of a deeply indented bay on the
east side.
The rest of the shoreline is comprised of cliffs. There are woods
inland, dark evergreen forests such as you'll find in any northern
region, and some fairly extensive meadows in the mountain valleys to
the north. It probably wouldn't be so bad, except that the wind blows
all the time, and it can--and frequently does--rain for six straight
months without let up.
Then, when it gets tired of raining, it snows.
We rowed around the Isle twice, but we didn't find any other beaches,
so we rowed up that bay I mentioned and came ashore on the island's
only beach.
"Where am I supposed to build this fort?" Riva asked me when the two
of us finally got our feet on solid ground again.
"That's up to you," I replied.
"What's the most logical place to build it?"
"Right here, I suppose, since this is the only place where anybody can
come ashore. If I've got my fort here, I'll be able to see them
coming, at least."
"Sound thinking." I looked at him rather closely. That boyish quality
was starting to fade. The responsibility he'd so lightly accepted back
in Cthol Mishrak was starting to sit heavily on him.
He looked at the steep valley running down out of the mountains to the
head of the bay.
"The fort's going to have to be a little bigger than I'd thought," he
"I'll need to block that whole valley with it.
build a city here."
I guess I'll have to
"You might as well. There won't be much to do on this island except
make babies, so your population's going to expand. You'll need lots of
He suddenly blushed.
"You do know what's involved in that, don't you?
Making babies, I
"Of course I do."
"I just wanted to be sure that you weren't going to be out turning over
cabbage leaves or trying to chase down storks looking for them."
"Don't be insulting."
He looked up the valley again.
"There are enough trees to build a city, I guess."
"No," I told him flatly.
"Don't build a wooden city. The Tolnedrans tried that at Tol Honeth,
and they no sooner got it finished than it burned to the ground. Use
"That'll take a long time, Belgarath," he objected.
"Have you got anything better to do? Set up a temporary camp here on
the beach and put signal fires on those headlands at the mouth of the
bay to guide the rest of your people here. Then you and I are going to
spend some time designing a city. I don't want this place just growing
here like a weed. Its purpose is to protect the Orb, and I want to be
certain that there aren't any holes in the defenses."
Over the next several weeks the rest of Riva's ships rowed in, six or
eight at a time, and by then Iron-grip and I had completed the layout
of the city.
"What do you think I ought to call it--the city, I mean?"
when we were finished.
he asked me
"What difference does it make?"
"A city ought to have a name, Belgarath."
"Call it anything you like.
Name it after yourself, if you want."
"Val Riva?"
"Isn't that a little ostentatious?
Just call it Riva and let it go at
"That doesn't really sound like a city, Belgarath."
"It will, once people get used to it."
Finally Anrak arrived.
"That's the last of us, Riva," he bellowed as he waded ashore.
"We're all here now.
Have you got anything to drink?"
The party there on the beach got rowdy that night, and after I'd had a
few tankards, the noise began to make my head hurt, so I climbed up the
steep valley to get away from the carousing and to think a bit. I
still had a number of things to do before I could go home, and I
considered various ways to get them all taken care of in a hurry. I
really wanted to get back to the Vale and to Poledra. I was
undoubtedly a father by now, and I sort of wanted to have a look at my
It was probably a couple of hours past midnight when I glanced down
toward the beach. I jumped to my feet swearing. All the ships were on
I ran back down the valley to the beach and found Riva and his cousin
standing at the water's edge singing an Alorn drinking song. They were
bleary-eyed and swaying back and forth, as drunk as lords, "What are
you doing?" I screamed at them.
"Oh, there you are Belgarath," Riva said, blinking owlishly at me.
"We looked all over for you."
He gestured out at the burning ships.
"Nice fire, isn't it?"
"It's a splendid fire.
Why did you set it?"
"That lumber you made for us is nice and dry, so it burns very well."
"Riva, why are you burning the ships?"
He looked at his cousin.
"Why are we burning the ships, Anrak?
I forget."
"It's to keep people from getting bored and running off," Anrak
"Oh, yes.
Now I remember.
Isn't that a good idea, Belgarath?"
"It's a rotten idea!"
"What's wrong with it?"
"How am I supposed to get home now?"
"Oh," he said.
"I hadn't thought of that, I guess."
His eyes brightened.
"Would you like something to drink?"
he asked me.
"Belgarath?" Riva said to me one morning a few days later when we were
standing at the upper end of the narrow valley stretching up from the
beach watching his Alorns clearing stair-stepped terraces across the
steep valley floor.
"Yes, Riva?"
"Am I supposed to have a sword?"
"You've already got one."
"No, I mean a special sword."
"Yes," I replied.
Where had he found out about that?
"Where is it then?"
"It doesn't exist yet.
"I can do that, I guess.
You're supposed to make it."
What am I supposed to make it from?"
"Stars, as I understand it."
"How am I going to get my hands on any stars?"
"They'll fall out of the sky."
"I guess it was Belar who talked to me last night, then."
"I don't follow you."
"I had a dream--at least I thought it was a dream. I seemed to hear
Belar's voice. I recognized it because I used to watch him play dice
with Dras. He used to swear a lot while he was playing, because Dras
always won. Isn't that odd? You'd think a God could make the dice
come up any way he wanted them to, but Belar doesn't even think about
Dras does, though.
Dras could roll a ten with only one die."
I tried to stay calm.
"Riva, you're straying. You started to tell me about your dream.
Belar spoke to you, it might be sort of important."
"He used a lot of "thees" and 'thous."
he say?"
" "The Gods do that.
"I'm not sure if I got the first part of it right.
What did
I was dreaming
about something else, and I didn't want to be interrupted."
What were you dreaming about?"
He actually blushed.
"It's not really important," he said evasively.
"You never know about dreams.
What was it about?"
He blushed even redder.
"Well--there was a girl involved in it.
significant, would it?"
"Ah--no, I suppose not.
That wouldn't be too
Did Belar finally manage to get your
"He had to talk to me pretty loudly.
I was really interested in that
"I'm sure you were."
"She had the blondest hair I've ever seen, and would you believe that
she didn't have any clothes on?"
"Rival Forget about the girl!
What did Belar say?"
"You don't have to get excited, Belgarath," he said in a slightly
injured tone.
"I'm getting to it."
"Let me see now.
He frowned.
It seems to me that he said something like,
"Behold, Guardian of the Orb, I will cause two stars to fall from the
sky, and I will show thee where they lie, and thou shalt take up the
two stars and shall place them in a great fire and forge them. And the
one star shall be a blade, and the other a hilt, and it shall be a
sword that shall guard the Orb of my brother, Aldur." Or something
like that."
"We'll have to put out watchmen at night, then."
What for?"
"To keep an eye on the sky, of course.
come down."
We have to know where the stars
"Oh, I already know where they came down, Belgarath. Belar took me to
the front of my tent and pointed at the sky. The two stars came down
side by side, and I saw them hit the ground. Then Belar went away, and
I went back to bed to see if I could find that girl again."
"Will you forget about that girl?"
"No, I don't think I ever will.
She was the most beautiful girl I've
ever seen."
"Do you happen to remember where the stars came down?"
"Up there." He gestured vaguely at the snow-covered mountain peak
rearing up at the head of the valley.
"Let's go get them."
"Shouldn't I stay here? I'm sort of in charge, I guess.
mean that I'm supposed to supervise the work?"
Doesn't that
"Is your cousin sober?"
Probably--more or less, anyway."
"Why don't you call him and let him take over here? We'd better go
find those stars before it snows again and buries them."
"Oh, we'd still be able to find them.
A little snow wouldn't hide
I gave him a puzzled look "They're stars, Belgarath, and stars shine.
We'll be able to see the light even if they're completely covered."
You see what I mean about Riva's innocence? He was far from being
simpleminded, but he just couldn't bring himself to believe that
anything could go wrong. He bellowed down the hill to his cousin, and
then the two of us started up that narrow valley. There had evidently
been a stream or river running down along the bottom of it at some time
in the past, because there were rounded boulders at the bottom, but the
stream was gone now. It had probably changed course when Torak
rearranged the world.
Riva entertained me while we climbed by describing the girl he'd
dreamed about. For some reason, he couldn't seem to think about
anything else.
The fallen stars weren't really all that hard to find, of course.
They'd been white-hot when they hit the mountain, and they'd melted
huge craters in the snow.
"Those aren't stars, Belgarath," Riva objected when I picked them up
"They're nothing but a couple of lumps of iron."
"The snow put out their light," I told him.
but it was easier than trying to explain.
It wasn't entirely true,
"You can't put out the light of a star," he scoffed.
"These are special stars, Riva." I was digging myself in deeper, but I
didn't feel like arguing with him.
I hadn't thought of that, I guess.
What do we do now?"
"We follow Belar's instructions.
"Up here?
Let's build a fire."
In the snow?"
"There's something else you have to do up here.
Orb with you, haven't you?"
"Of course.
I've always got it."
You've still got the
He patted the lump under his
"What are we going to use for a hammer?
And an anvil?"
"I'll take care of it. I don't think ordinary tools would work.
stars seem to be a little harder than ordinary iron."
We went into a nearby grove of trees, and I built a fire. I cheated
quite a bit with that fire. You won't get the kind of heat we were
going to need out of green wood.
"Throw them in the fire, Riva," I instructed him.
"Anything you say," he agreed, tossing the two lumps of celestial iron
into the flames.
Then I focused my Will and constructed the hammer and anvil and tongs.
I suspect that if you went to that mountain behind the Hall of the
Rivan King, you'd find that they're still there. They're so dense that
they probably haven't rusted down yet.
Riva hefted the hammer.
"It's heavier than it looks," he noted.
"That's because it's a magic hammer."
the business of comparative density.
It was easier than getting into
"I thought it might be," he said quite calmly.
We sat on a log by that roaring fire waiting for
heat up. When they were finally white-hot, Riva
coals and got down to work. Somewhere along the
any number of skills. He wasn't as good a smith
was competent.
the lumps of iron to
raked them out of the
way, he'd picked up
as Durnik is, but he
After about ten minutes, he stopped hammering and looked rather closely
at the glowing lump he had been beating on.
"What's wrong?"
I asked him.
"These stars must be magic, too--just like the hammer.
just ordinary iron, they'd have cooled by now."
No, Durnik, I didn't cheat.
If they were
I think Belar did, though.
There are a number of versions of the Book of Alorn that rather blandly
state that I assumed the shape of a fox to advise Riva while he was
forging the sword. That's sheer nonsense, of course. I've never taken
the form of a fox in my entire life. What is it about priests that
drives them to embellish a good story with improbable details? If
they're that hungry for magic, why don't they just spend a little time
and pick up the skills for themselves?
Then they'll be able to play with magic to their heart's content.
Riva continued to hammer on those two glowing lumps of iron until he'd
roughed out the shape of the blade and the hilt. Then I made a file
for him, and he started to smooth them out. He suddenly stopped and
started to swear.
"What's the matter?"
I asked him.
"I've made a mistake," he said sourly.
"I don't see anything wrong."
"I've got two pieces, Belgarath.
"We'll get to that.
How am I going to put them
Keep polishing."
After he'd dressed off the blade, he set it aside and started on the
massive, two-handed hilt.
"Does it need a pommel?"
he asked me.
"We'll get to that, too."
He kept working. His face was streaming sweat from the heat of the
iron, and he finally threw down the file and laid the hilt on the anvil
with the tongs.
"That's probably as good as I can get it," he said.
"I'm not a goldsmith.
Now what?"
I willed a barrel of water into existence.
"Quench them," I told him.
He picked up that huge blade with his tongs and plunged it into the
water. The cloud of steam was really quite spectacular. Then he
dropped the hilt in.
"I still don't think we'll be able to put them together."
"Trust me."
It took quite some time for the submerged pieces of iron to stop
glowing. I had to refill the barrel twice before they started to turn
Riva tentatively stuck his hand into the water and touched the blade.
"I think they're cool enough now."
"Take out the Orb," I told him.
He looked around quickly.
"I don't see any Angaraks," he said.
This is something else."
He reached inside his tunic and took out the glowing Orb.
very small in that massive hand of his.
It looked
"Now fish out the hilt," I instructed.
He plunged his arm into the barrel and brought out that huge hilt.
"Put the Orb where the pommel ought to be."
"Just do it.
You'll see."
He held up the hilt in one hand and put the Orb against the bottom of
the handle. The click that came when they adhered together was clearly
audible. Riva gasped.
"It's all right," I told him.
"That was supposed to happen. Now pick up the blade and put the bottom
of it against the top of the hilt."
He did that.
"Now what?"
What do you mean, push?"
"You know what the word means.
Push the blade into the hilt."
"That's ridiculous, Belgarath.
They're both solid steel."
I sighed.
"Just try it, Riva. Don't stand around arguing with me. This is
magic, and I'm the expert. Don't push too hard, or you'll shove the
blade all the way through."
"Have you been drinking?"
"Do it, Rival"
The blade made a strange singing sound as it slowly slid into the hilt,
and the sound shuddered all the snow off nearby trees. When it was
fully inserted, Riva tentatively wiggled the two pieces. Then he
wrenched at them.
"What an amazing thing!"
he said.
"It's all one piece now!"
Grab the hilt and hold your sword up."
This was the real
He took hold of the two-handed hilt and lifted that huge sword a foot
or so.
"It hardly weighs anything!"
he exclaimed.
"The Orb's carrying the weight," I explained.
"Remember that when you have to take the Orb off. If you're holding
the sword in one hand when you do that, the weight of it'll probably
break your wrist. Raise the sword, Iron-grip."
He lifted it easily over his head, and, as I'd hoped, it burst joyously
into blue flame, shearing off the rough edges and polishing the sword
to mirror brightness.
"Nice job," I complimented him.
a little jig of pure joy.
Then I howled with delight and danced
Riva was gaping at his flaming sword.
"What happened?"
he asked.
"You did it right, boy!"
I exulted.
"You mean this was supposed to happen?"
"Every time, Rival Every time!
The sword's part of the Orb now.
That's why it's on fire. Every time you raise it up like that, it'll
take fire, and if I understand it right, it'll do the same thing when
your son picks it up--and his son--and his son, as well."
"I don't have a son."
"Wait a while, he'll be along.
up to the summit now."
Bring your sword.
We're supposed to go
He spent a fair amount of time swishing that sword through the air as
we climbed the rest of the way to the top. I'll admit that it was
impressive, but the screeching whistle it made as it carved chunks off
the air began to get on my nerves after a while. He was having fun,
though, so I didn't say anything to him about it.
There was a boulder at the top of the peak that was about the size of a
large house. I looked at it when we got there, and I began to have
some doubts about what we were supposed to do. It was an awfully big
"All right," Riva said, "now what?"
"Get a firm grip on your sword and split that rock."
"That'll shatter the blade, Belgarath."
"It's not supposed to."
"Why am I supposed to split rocks with my sword?
sledgehammer work better?"
Wouldn't a
"You could pound on that boulder with a hammer for a year and not even
dent it."
"More magic?"
"Sort of. There used to be a river running down the valley. It got
dammed up when Torak cracked the world. It's still there,
though--under that boulder. Your family's going to repair the world,
and this is where you're going to start. Break the rock, Riva. Free
the river. You're going to need fresh water in your city anyway."
He shrugged.
"If you say so, Belgarath."
Garion, I want you to notice the absolute trust that boy had. You
might want to think about that the next time you feel like arguing with
Riva raised up that enormous naming sword and delivered a blow that
probably would have broken a lesser rock down into rubble. I'm sure
that the sound startled all the deer in Sendaria.
The boulder split evenly down the middle, and the two sides fell
ponderously out of the way.
The river came gushing out like a breaking wave.
Riva and I got very wet at that point. We struggled out of the water
and stood looking at our river with a certain sense of
"Oops," Riva said after a moment.
"Oops what?"
"Maybe I should have warned the fellows working down below," he
"I don't think they'll be too happy about this."
"They aren't down in the stream-bed, Riva. That's where they've been
dumping the excess dirt and rock they're scraping off those
"I hope you're right. Otherwise, they'll probably get washed out to
sea, and they'll probably swear at me for a week after they swim
As it turned out, our newly released river saved those Alorns months of
work. There were natural terraces under all the accumulated debris
they'd been moving, and that first rush of water washed those terraces
clean. The Alorns who were washed out to sea were so pleased with that
turn of events that they didn't even swear at Riva--at least not very
Now that Riva had his sword, I was finished with the things I was
supposed to do on the Isle of the Winds. I could finally go home. I
spent a day or so giving Riva and his cousin Anrak their instructions.
Anrak was a little too fond of good brown ale, but he was a
good-natured fellow, popular with the other Alorns. He was the perfect
Some of the orders Riva was going to have to give his people wouldn't
go down very well. Anrak, with his boisterous, good-humored laughter,
was the perfect one to make them palatable. I sketched in Riva's
throne room for him and told him how to fasten his sword to the wall
behind the throne. It was a little difficult to keep his attention,
since he wanted to talk about the girl in his dream. Then I wished
them good luck and went off down the beach until I was out of sight.
There was no real point in upsetting Riva's people any more than they
already were.
I chose the form of an albatross for my return to the mainland. A
seven-foot wingspan is very useful when you fly as badly as I do. After
I was a few miles out to sea and had picked up some altitude, I learned
the trick of simply locking those great wings out and coasting along on
the air.
What a joy that was! No flapping. No floundering. No panic. I even
got to the point where I liked it. I think I could have soared like
that for a solid month. I actually took a few short naps on my way.
It was almost with regret that I saw the coast of what's now Sendaria
on the horizon.
You wouldn't believe how different Sendaria was in those days.
What's now farmland was an untamed forest of huge trees, and just about
the only part of it that was inhabited was a stretch along the north
bank of the Camaar River that was occupied by the Wacite Arends.
Because I was really in a hurry to get back to the Vale, I took the
familiar form of the wolf and loped off through the forest.
This time I didn't have to wait periodically for any Alorns to catch up
with me, so I made very good time. It was summer by now, so I had good
weather. I angled down across Sendaria in a southeasterly direction
and soon reached the mountains.
After a bit of consideration, I decided not to waste time with a
tiresome detour, but to cut straight across the northern end of
I didn't really think that the monsters would be a problem.
They were
interested in men, not wolves; even Algroths and Hrulgin avoided
I gave some thought to swinging by Prolgu to advise the current Gorim
of what had happened in Mallorea, but I decided against it. My Master
knew about it, and he'd certainly have advised UL before he and his
brothers had departed.
That was something I didn't really want to think about. My Master had
been the central fact of my life for four thousand years, and his
departure left a very large hole in my concept of the world. I
couldn't imagine the Vale without him.
Anyway, I bypassed Prolgu and continued southeasterly toward the Vale.
I saw a few Algroths lurking near the edge of the trees, and once a
herd of Hrulgin, but they wisely chose not to interfere with me. I was
in a hurry, and I wasn't in any mood for interruptions.
I loped across a ridge-line and descended into a river gorge. Since
all the rivers on this side of the mountains of Ulgo flowed eastward to
empty into the Aldur River, the quickest way to reach the Vale would be
simply to follow the river until it reached the plains of Algaria.
Notice that I was already thinking of that vast grassland in those
I can't exactly remember why I chose to resume my own form when I
reached the river. Maybe I thought I needed a bath. I'd been on the
go for six months now, and I certainly didn't want to offend Poledra by
showing up in our tower smelling like a goat. Perhaps it was because I
wanted a hot meal. As a wolf, I was quite satisfied with a diet of raw
rabbit or uncooked deer or even an occasional field-mouse, but I was
not entirely a wolf, and periodically I grew hungry for cooked food. I
pulled down a deer, anyway, resumed my own form, and set to work
building a fire. I spitted a haunch, set it to roasting over the fire,
and bathed in the river while it cooked.
I probably ate too much. A wolf on the move doesn't really spend too
much time eating--usually no more than a few bites before he's off
again --so I'd definitely managed to build up quite an appetite.
Anyway, after I'd eaten, I dozed by my fire. I really don't know how
long I slept, but I was awakened quite suddenly by a kind of mindless
hooting that sounded almost like laughter. I cursed my in
Somehow a pack of rock-wolves had managed to creep up on me.
The term "rock-wolf is really a misnomer. They aren't really wolves
but are more closely related to hyenas. They're scavengers, and they'd
probably caught scent of my deer. It would have been a simple thing to
change back into a wolf and outrun them. I was comfortable, though,
and I certainly didn't feel like running on a full stomach. I was also
feeling just a little pugnacious. I'd been sleeping very well, and
being awakened that way irritated me. I built up my fire and settled
my back against a tree to wait for them. If they pushed me too far,
there'd be one less pack of rock-wolves in the morning.
I saw a few of the ugly brutes slinking along at the edge of the trees,
but they were afraid of my fire, so they didn't come any closer. That
went on for the rest of the night. The fact that they neither attacked
nor went off to find food somewhere else was a bit puzzling. This was
not the way rock-wolves normally behaved.
Dawn was just touching the eastern sky when I found out why.
I'd just piled more wood on my fire when I caught a movement at the
edge of the trees out of the corner of my eye. I thought it was
another rock-wolf, so I took hold of a stick that was burning quite
well, turned, and drew back my arm to throw the burning brand at the
It wasn't a rock-wolf, however.
It was an Eldrak.
I'd seen Eldrakyn before, of course, but always from a distance, so I
hadn't realized just how big they are. I silently berated myself for
not going wolf while I had the chance. Changing form takes a little
while, and the huge creature wasn't very far away from me. If he were
totally mad, as the Hrulgin and Algroths had been, he wouldn't give me
nearly enough time.
He was shaggy and about eight feet tall. He didn't have what you'd
really call a nose, and his lower jaw stuck out. He had long yellow
tusks like a wild boar, and they jutted upward out of that protruding
lower jaw. He had little, pig-like eyes sunk deep under a heavy brow
ridge, and those eyes burned red.
"Why man-thing come to Grul's range?"
He growled at me.
That was a surprise. I knew that the Eldrakyn were more intelligent
than Algroths or Trolls, but I didn't know that they could talk.
I recovered quickly. The fact that he could talk raised the
possibility of a peaceful solution here.
"Just passing through, old boy," I replied urbanely.
"I didn't mean to trespass, but I didn't realize that this range
belongs to you."
"All know," His voice was hideous.
"All know this is Grul's range."
"Well, not everybody, actually. I'm a stranger here, and you don't
have the boundaries of your range clearly marked."
"You eat Grul's deer." He said it accusingly. This wasn't going too
well. Being careful to conceal what I was doing, I slipped my long
Alorn dagger out of its sheath and hid it in my left sleeve, handle
"I didn't eat it all," I told him.
"You're welcome to the rest of it."
"How are you called?"
"The name's Belgarath." Maybe he'd heard of me. The Demon-Lord in
Morindland had, after all. If my reputation extended all the way to
Hell, maybe it'd penetrated these mountains, as well.
" "Grat?"
he said.
"Belgarath," I corrected.
" "Grat." He said it with a certain finality. Evidently the shape of
his jaw made it impossible for him to come any closer to the correct
"It is good that Grul know this. Grul keep names of all man-things he
eats in here." He banged the side of his head with the heel of his
hand. ""Grat want to fight before Grul eat him?" he asked
I have had more congenial offers from time to time.
I stood up.
"Go away, Grul," I told him.
"I don't have time to play with you."
A hideous grin distorted his shaggy face.
"Take time,
First we play.
Then Grul eat."
This was really going downhill. I looked at him rather closely. He
had huge arms that hung down to his knees. I definitely didn't want
him wrapping those arms around me, so I carefully put my back against
the tree.
"You're making a mistake, Grul," I told him.
"Take the deer and go away. The deer won't fight. I will." It was
sheer bravado, of course. I wouldn't have much chance against this
huge monster in a purely physical struggle, and he was so close to me
by now that any alternative would have been very chancy. What a silly
way this was for a man like me to end his career.
" "Grat too small to fight Grul.
"Grat not too smart if he not see this.
"Grat is brave, though.
Grul will remember how brave
"Grat was, after Grul eat him."
"You're too kind," I murmured to him.
"Come along then, Grul.
Since you've got your heart set on this, we may as well get going. I've
got better things to do today." I was gambling. The fact that this
huge, shaggy monster could speak was an indication that he could also
My bluster was designed to make him a little wary. I didn't want him
simply to rush me. If I could make him hesitate, I might have a
My apparent willingness to fight him had the desired effect. Grul
wasn't accustomed to having people shrug off his huge size, so he was
just a bit cautious as he approached. That was what I'd been hoping
When he reached out with both huge hands to grasp me, I ducked under
them and stepped forward, smoothly pulling my knife out of my sleeve.
Then, with one quick swipe, I sliced him across the belly. I wasn't
certain enough of his anatomy to try stabbing him in the heart. As big
as he was, his ribs were probably as thick as my wrist.
He stared at me in utter amazement. Then he looked down at the
entrails that came boiling out of the gaping wound that ran from hip to
hip across his lower belly.
"I think you dropped something there, Grul," I suggested.
He clutched at his spilling entrails with both hands, a look of
consternation on his brutish face." "Grat cut Grul's belly," he
"Make Grul's insides fall out."
"Yes, I noticed that. Did you want to fight some more, Grul? I think
you could spend your time better by sewing yourself back together.
You're not going to be able to move very fast with your guts tangled
around your feet."
" "Grat is not nice," he accused mournfully, sitting down and holding
his entrails in his lap.
For some reason, that struck me as enormously funny. I laughed for a
bit, but when two great tears began to run down his shaggy face, I felt
a little ashamed of myself. I held out my hand, willed a large, curved
needle into existence, and threaded it with deer sinew. I tossed it to
I told him.
"Sew your belly back together, and remember this if we ever run across
each other again. Find something else to eat, Grul. I'm old and tough
and stringy, so I really wouldn't taste too good--and I think you've
already discovered that I'm very expensive."
The dawn had progressed far enough along to give me sufficient light to
travel, so I left him sitting by my fire trying to figure out how to
use the needle I had given him.
Oddly, the incident brightened my disposition enormously. I'd actually
pulled it off. What an amazing thing that was! I savored that last
comment of his. By now, half the world agreed with him.
"Grat is definitely not nice.
I reached the western edge of the Vale two days later. It was early
summer, one of the loveliest times of year. The spring rains have
passed, and the dusty heat that comes later hasn't yet arrived. Even
though our Master was gone, I don't think I've ever seen the Vale more
The grass was bright green, and many of the fruit trees that grew wild
there were in bloom. The berries were out, although they weren't
really ripe yet. I rather like the tart taste of half-ripe berries
anyway. The sky was very blue, and the puffy white clouds seemed
almost to dance aloft.
The roiling grey clouds and stiff winds of early spring are dramatic,
but early summer is lush and warm and filled with the scent of urgent
I was home, and I don't know that I've ever been any happier.
I was in a peculiar sort of mood. I was eager to get back to Poledra,
but for some reason I was enjoying the sense of anticipation. I
discarded my traveling form and almost sauntered across the gentle
hills and valleys of the Vale. I knew that Poledra would sense my
approach, and, as she always did, she'd probably be fixing supper. I
didn't want to rush her.
It was just evening when I reached my tower, and I was a little
surprised not to see lights in the windows. I went around to the far
side, opened the door and went on in.
"Poledra," I called up the stairs to her.
Strangely, she didn't answer.
I went on up the stairs.
It was dark in my tower. Poledra's curtains may not have kept out the
breeze, but they definitely kept out the light. I twirled a tongue of
flame off my index finger and lit a candle.
There wasn't anybody there, and the place had that dusty, unused look.
What was going on here?
Then I saw a square of parchment in the precise center of my worktable,
and I recognized Beldin's crabbed handwriting immediately.
"Come to my tower."
That was all it said.
I raised my candle and saw that the cradles were gone. Evidently
Beldin had transferred my wife and offspring to his tower. That was
poledra had a very strong attachment to this tower. Why would Beldin
have moved her? As I remembered, she didn't particularly like his
It was a little too fanciful for her taste.
Puzzled, I went back
It was only about a five minute-walk to Beldin's tower, and I didn't
really hurry. But my sense of anticipation was fading toward
I shouted up to him.
"It's me.
Open your door."
There was quite a long pause, and then the rock that formed his door
slid open.
I started on up the stairs.
Now I did hurry.
When I reached the top of the stairs, I looked around.
Belkira, and Beldin were there, but Poledra wasn't.
"Where's my wife?"
I asked.
"Don't you want to meet your daughters?"
Beltira asked me.
More than one?"
"That's why we made two cradles, brother," Belkira said.
"You're the father of twins."
Beldin reached into one of the cradles and gently lifted out a baby.
"This is Polgara," he introduced her.
"She's your eldest." He handed me the blanket-wrapped baby. I turned
back the corner of the blanket and looked into Pol's eyes for the very
first time. Pol and I didn't get off to a very good start. Those of
you who know her know that my daughter's eyes change color, depending
on her mood. They were steel grey when I first looked into them and as
hard as agates. I got the distinct impression that she didn't care
much for me. Her hair was very dark, and she seemed not to have the
characteristic chubbiness babies are supposed to have. Her face was
expressionless, but those steely eyes of hers spoke volumes.
Then I did something that had been a custom back in the village of
Pol was my firstborn, whether she liked me or not, so I laid my hand on
her head in benediction.
I felt a sudden jolt in that hand, and I jerked it back with a startled
oath. It's a bit unfortunate that the first word Polgara heard coming
from my mouth was a curse. I stared at this grim-faced baby girl. A
single lock at her brow had turned snowy white at my touch.
"What a wonder!"
Beltira gasped.
"Not really," Beldin disagreed.
"She's his firstborn, and he just marked her.
she's going to grow up to be a sorcerer."
Unless I miss my guess,
"Sorceress," Belkira corrected.
"A sorcerer is a man.
She's a girl, so the right word would be
Sorceress or not, my firstborn was wet, so I put her back in her
My younger daughter was the most beautiful baby I've ever seen-- and
that's not just fatherly pride. Everybody who saw her said exactly the
same thing. She smiled at me as I took her from Beldin, and with that
one sunny little smile, she reached directly into my heart and claimed
"You still haven't answered my question, Beldin," I said, cuddling
Beldaran in my arms.
"Where's Poledra?"
"Why don't you sit down and have a drink, Belgarath?"
to an open barrel and dipped me out a tankard of ale.
He went quickly
I sat down at the table with Beldaran on my knee. I probably shouldn't
mention it, but she wasn't wet. I took a long drink, a little puzzled
by the evasiveness of my brothers.
"Quit playing around, Beldin,"
I said, wiping the foam off my lips.
"Where's my wife?"
Beltira came to me and took Beldaran.
I looked at Beldin and saw two great tears in his eyes.
"I'm afraid we've lost her, Belgarath," he told me in a sorrowing
"She had a very hard labor.
slipped away."
We did everything we could, but she
"What are you talking about?"
"She died, Belgarath.
I'm sorry, but Poledra's dead."
I won't be able to give you a coherent account of the next several
months, because I don't really remember them. I had a few rational
interludes, but they jump out at me with stark clarity, totally
disconnected from what happened before or after. I try very hard to
suppress those memories, since disinterring a period of madness isn't a
particularly pleasant way to pass the time.
If Aldur hadn't left us, things might have been easier for me, but
Necessity had taken him from me at the worst possible time. So it
seemed to me that I was alone with only my unbearable grief for company
There's no real point in beating this into the ground. I know now that
what happened was necessary. Why don't we just let it go at that?
I seem to remember long periods of being chained to my bed with Beldin
and the twins taking turns watching over me and ruthlessly crushing
every attempt I made to gather my Will. They were not going to let me
follow the examples set by Belsambar and Belmakor. Then after my
suicidal impulses had lessened to some degree, they unchained me-not
that it meant anything particularly. I seem to remember sitting and
staring at the floor for days on end with no real awareness of the
passage of time.
Since the presence of Beldaran seemed to calm me, my brothers
frequently brought her to my tower and even allowed me to hold her.
think it was probably Beldaran who finally brought me back from the
brink of total madness. How I loved that baby girl!
Beldin and the twins did not bring Polgara to me, however. Those icy
grey eyes of hers cut large holes in my soul, and Polgara's eyes would
turn from deep blue to steel grey at the very mention of my name. There
was no hint of forgiveness in Pol's nature whatsoever.
Beldin had shrewdly watched my slow ascent from the pit of madness, and
I think it was late summer or early autumn when he finally broached a
subject of some delicacy.
"Did you want to see the grave?"
he asked me.
"I hear that sometimes people do."
I understand the theory, of course. A grave's a place to visit and to
decorate with flowers. It's supposed to help the bereaved put things
into perspective. Maybe it works that way for some people, but it
didn't for me. Just the word brought my sense of loss crashing down
around my ears all over again.
I knew that setting all this down was going to be a mistake.
I more or less returned to sanity again by the time winter was winding
down, and after the twins had questioned me rather closely, they
unchained me and let me move around. Beldin never mentioned that
"grave" again.
I took to walking vigorously through the slushy snow that covered the
Vale. I walked fast because I wanted to be exhausted by nightfall. I
made sure that I was too tired to dream. The only trouble with that
plan lay in the fact that everything in the Vale aroused memories of
Poledra. Have you any idea how many snowy owls there are in this
I think I probably came to a decision during that soggy tail end of
winter. I wasn't fully aware of it, but it was there all the same.
In furtherance of that decision, I began to put my affairs in order. On
one raw, blustery evening I went to Beldin's tower to look in on my
daughters. They were just over a year old by then, so they were
walking-sort of. Beldin had prudently gated the top of his stairs to
prevent accidents.
Beldaran had discovered how much fun it was to run, although she fell
down a lot. For some reason that struck her as hilarious, and she'd
always squeal with delighted laughter when it happened.
Polgara, of course, never laughed. She still doesn't very often.
Sometimes I think Polgara takes life a little too seriously.
Beldaran ran to me with her arms outstretched, and I swept her up and
kissed her.
Polgara wouldn't even look at me, but concentrated instead on one of
her toys, a curiously gnarled and twisted stick--or perhaps it was the
root of some tree or bush. My eldest daughter was frowning as she
turned it over and over in her little hands.
"I'm sorry about that," Beldin apologized when he saw me looking at the
peculiar toy.
"Pol's got a very penetrating voice, and she doesn't bother to cry when
she's unhappy about something. She screams instead.
I had to give her something to keep her mind occupied."
"A stick?"
I asked.
"She's been working on it for six months now. Every time she starts
screaming, I give it to her, and it shuts her up immediately."
"A stick?"
He threw a quick look at Polgara and then leaned toward me to
"It's only got one end. She still hasn't figured that out. She keeps
trying to find the other end. The twins think I'm being cruel, but at
least now I can get some sleep."
I kissed Beldaran again, set her down, went over to Polgara, and picked
her up. She stiffened up immediately and started trying to wriggle out
of my hands.
"Stop that," I told her.
"You may not care much for the idea, Pol, but I'm your father, and
you're stuck with me." Then I quite deliberately kissed her. Those
steely eyes softened for just a moment, and they were suddenly the
deepest blue I have ever seen. Then they flashed back to grey, and she
hit me on the side of the head with her stick.
"Spirited, isn't she?" I observed to Beldin. Then I set her down,
turned her around, and gave her a little spank on the bottom.
"Mind your manners, miss," I told her.
She turned and glared at me.
"Be well, Polgara," I said.
"Now go play."
That was the first time I ever kissed her, and it was a long time
before I did it again.
Spring came grudgingly that year, spattering us with frequent rain
showers and an occasional snow squall, but things eventually began to
dry out, and the trees and bushes started tentatively to bud.
It was on a cloudy, blustery spring day when I climbed a hill on the
western edge of the Vale. The air was cool, and the clouds roiled
It was a day very much like that day when I had decided to leave the
village of Gara. There's something about a cloudy, windy spring day
that always stirs a wanderlust in me. I sat there for a long time, and
that unrealized decision I'd made toward the end of winter finally came
home to roost. Much as I loved the Vale, there were far too many
painful memories here. I knew that Beldin and the twins would care for
my daughters, and Poledra was gone, and my Master was gone, so there
was nothing really holding me here.
I looked down into the Vale, where our towers looked like so many
carelessly dropped toys and where the herds of browsing deer looked
like ants. Even the ancient tree at the center of the Vale was reduced
by distance. I knew that I'd miss that tree, but it'd always been
there, so it probably still would be when I came back--if I ever did
come back.
Then I rose to my feet, sighed, and turned my back on the only place
I'd ever really called home.
I skirted the eastern edge of Ulgoland. I hadn't
since that dreadful day, and I wasn't really sure
Grul had probably healed by now, and I was fairly
nursing a grudge--and that he wouldn't let me get
him again.
exercised my gift
if I still could.
sure that he'd be
close enough to knife
It would have been terribly embarrassing to try to gather my Will only
to discover that it just wasn't there anymore. There were also
Hrulgin, Algroths, and an occasional Troll up in those mountains, so
prudence suggested that I go around them.
My brothers tried to make contact with me, of course. I dimly heard
their voices calling me from time to time, but I didn't bother to
answer. It would just have been a waste of time and effort. I wasn't
going back, no matter what they said to me.
I went up through western Algaria and didn't encounter anyone.
When I judged that I was well past the northern edge of Ulgoland, I
turned westward, crossed the mountains, and came down onto the plains
around Muros.
There was a sleepy little village of Wacite Arends where Muros now
stands, and I stopped there for supplies. Since I didn't have any
money with me, I reverted to the shady practices of my youth and stole
what I needed.
Then I went down-river, ultimately ending up in Camaar. Like all
seaports, there was a certain cosmopolitanism about Camaar. The city
was nominally subject to the duke of Vo Wacune, but the waterfront
dives I frequented had as many Alorns and Tolnedrans and even Nyissans
in them as they did Wacites. The locals were mostly sailors, and
sailors out on the town after a long voyage are a good-natured and
generous lot, so it wasn't all that hard to find people willing to
stand me to a few tankards of ale.
As is usually the case in a preliterate society, the fellows in the
taverns loved to listen to stories, and I could make up stories with
the best. And that was how I made my way in Camaar. I've done that
fairly frequently over the years. It's an easy way to make a living,
and you can usually do it sitting down, which was a good thing in this
case, since most of the time I was in no condition to stand. To put it
quite bluntly, I became a common drunkard. I apparently also became a
public nuisance, since I seem to remember being thrown out of any
number of low waterfront dives, places that are notoriously tolerant of
little social gaffes.
I really couldn't tell you how long I stayed in Camaar--two years at
least, and possibly more. I drank myself into insensibility each
night, and I never knew where I'd wake up in the morning. Usually it
was in a gutter or some smelly back alley. People are not particularly
interested in listening to stories first thing in the morning, so I
took up begging on street-corners as a sideline. I became fairly
proficient at it--proficient enough at any rate to be roaring drunk by
noon every day.
I started seeing thing that weren't there and hearing voices nobody
else could hear. My hands shook violently all the time, and I
frequently woke up with the horrors.
But I didn't dream, and I had no memories of anything that had happened
more than a few days ago. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I was
happy, but at least I wasn't suffering.
Then one night while I was comfortably sleeping in my favorite gutter,
I did have a dream. My Master probably had to shout to cut through my
drunken stupor, but he finally managed to get my attention.
When I woke up, there was no question in my mind at all that I'd been
visited. I hadn't had a real dream for years. Not only that, I was
stone-cold sober, and I wasn't even shaking. What really persuaded me,
though, was the fact that the heavenly perfume wafting from the tavern
I'd probably been thrown out of the previous evening turned my stomach
inside out right there on the spot. I amused myself by kneeling over
my Butter and vomiting for a half hour or so, much to the disgust of
everyone who happened by. I soon discovered that it wasn't so much the
stink of that tavern that set my stomach all achurn, but the stale,
sour reek exuding from the rags I wore and from my very skin. Then,
still weakly retching, I lurched to my feet, stumbled out onto a wharf,
and threw myself into the bay with the rest of the garbage.
No, I wasn't trying to drown myself. I was trying to wash off that
dreadful smell. When I came out of the water, I reeked of dead fish
and the various nasty things that people dump into a harbor--usually
when nobody's watching--but it was a definite improvement.
I stood on the wharf for a time, shivering violently and dripping like
a down-spout, and I made up my mind to leave Camaar that very day. My
Master obviously disapproved of my behavior, and the next time I
weakened, he'd probably arrange to have me vomit up my shoe soles. Fear
isn't the best motivation for embarking on a life of sobriety, but it
gets your attention. The taverns of Camaar were too close at hand, and
I knew most of the tavern-keepers by name, so I decided to go down into
Arendia to avoid temptation.
I stumbled through the streets of the better parts of town, offending
the residents mightily, I'm sure, and along about noon I reached the
upstream edge of the city. I didn't have any money to pay a ferryman,
so I swam across the Camaar River to the Arendish side. It took me a
couple of hours, but I wasn't really in any hurry. The river was
bank-full of fresh, running water, and it washed off a multitude of
I walked back to the ferry landing to ask a few questions. There was a
rude hut on the riverbank, and the fellow who lived there was sitting
on a tree stump at the water's edge with a fishing pole in his hands.
"An' would y' be wantin' t' cross over t' Camaar, friend?" he asked in
that brogue that immediately identified him as a Wacite peasant.
"No, thanks," I replied.
"I just came from there."
"Yer a wee bit on the damp side.
Surely y' didn't swim across?"
"No," I lied.
"I had a small boat. It overturned on me while I was trying to beach
it. What part of Arendia have I landed in? I lost my bearings while I
was crossing the river."
"Ah, it's a lucky one y' are t' have come ashore here instead of a few
miles down-river. Yer in the lands of his Grace, the duke of Vo
Off t' the west be the lands of the duke of Vo Astur. I shouldn't say
it-them being' our allies and all--but the Asturians are a hard an'
treacherous people."
"In our war with the murderin' Mimbrates, don't y' know."
"Is that still going on?"
"Ah, t' be sure. The duke of Vo Mimbre fancies himself king of all
Arendia, but our duke an' the' duke of the Asturians ain't about t'
bend no knees t' him." He squinted at me.
"If y' don't mind me sayin' it, yer lookin' a bit seedy."
"I've been sick for a while."
He started back from me.
"It ain't catchin', is it?"
I got a bad cut, and it didn't heal right."
"That's a relief. We've already got enough trouble on this side o' the
river without some traveler bringin' in a pestilence, don't y' know."
"Which way do I go to hit the road to Vo Wacune?"
"Back up the river a few miles. There's another ferry landin' right
where the road starts. Y' can't miss it." He squinted at me again.
"Would y' be after wantin' a drop or two of something' t' brace y' up
fer yer journey?
"Tis a cruel long way t' walk, don't y' know, and y'll find me prices
t' be the most reasonable on this side o' the river."
"No thanks, friend.
My stomach's a little delicate.
The illness, you
" Tis a shame. Y' look t' be a jolly sort, an' I wouldn't mind the
company, don't y' know."
A jolly sort?
This fellow really wanted to sell me some beer.
"Well," I said,
"I'm not getting any closer to Vo Wacune just standing here. Thanks
for the information, friend, and good luck with your fishing."
I turned and went back up the river.
By the time I reached Vo Wacune, I'd more or less shaken off the
lingering aftereffects of my years in Camaar, and I was starting to
think coherently again. The first order of business was to find some
decent clothing to replace the rags I was wearing and a bit of money to
get me by.
I suppose I could have stolen what I needed, but my Master might not
have cared for that, so I decided to behave myself. The solution to my
little problem lay no further away than the nearest temple of Chaldan,
Bull God of the Arends. I was something of a celebrity in those days,
after all.
I can't say that I really blame the priests of Chaldan for not
believing me when I announced my name to them. In their eyes I was
probably just another ragged beggar. Their lofty, disdainful attitude
irritated me, though, and without even thinking about it, I gave them a
small demonstration of the sort of things I was capable of, just to
prove that I was really who I'd told them I was. Actually, I was
almost as surprised as they were when it really worked, but neither my
madness nor the years of concentrated dissipation in Camaar had eroded
my talent.
The priests fell all over themselves apologizing, and they pressed new
clothing and a well-filled purse on me by way of recompense for their
failure to take me at my word. I accepted their gifts graciously,
though I realized that I didn't really need them now that I knew that
my "talent" hadn't deserted me. I could have spun clothes out of air
and turned pebbles into coins if I'd really wanted to. I bathed,
trimmed my shaggy beard, and put on my new clothes. I felt much
better, actually.
What I needed more than clothes or money or tidying up was
I'd been sorely out of touch with things during my stay in Camaar, and
I was hungry for news. I was surprised to find that our little
adventure in Mallorea was now common knowledge here in Arendia, and the
priests of the Bull God assured me that the story was well-known in
Tolnedra and had even penetrated into Nyissa and Maragor. I probably
shouldn't have been surprised, now that I think about it. My Master
had met with his brothers in their cave, and their decision to leave
had been based largely on our recovery of the Orb. Since this was
undoubtedly the most stupendous event since the cracking of the world,
the other Gods would certainly have passed it on to their priests
before they departed.
The story had been greatly embellished, of course. Any time there's a
miracle involved, you can trust a priest to get creative. Since their
enhancement of the bare bones of the story elevated me to near Godhood,
I decided not to correct them. A reputation of that kind can be useful
now and then. The white robe the priests had given me to replace the
dirty rags I'd been wearing gave me a dramatic appearance, and I cut
myself a long staff to fill out the characterization. I didn't plan to
stay in Vo Wacune, and if I wanted the cooperation of the priesthood in
the various towns I'd pass through, I was going to have to dress the
part of a mighty sorcerer. It was pure charlatanism, of course, but it
avoided arguments and long explanations.
I spent a month or so in the temple of Chaldan in Vo Wacune, and
hiked to Vo Astur to see what the Asturians were up to--no good,
turned out, but this was Arendia, after all. The Asturians held
balance of power during the long, mournful years of the Arendish
wars, and they'd change sides at the drop of a hat.
then I
as it
Frankly, the Arendish civil wars bored me. I wasn't interested in the
spurious grievances the Arends were constantly inventing to justify
atrocities they were going to commit anyway. I went to Asturia because
Asturia had a seacoast and Wacune didn't. The last thing I'd done
before I left Cherek and his sons had been to break the Kingdom of
Aloria all to pieces, and I was moderately curious about how it was
working out.
Vo Astur was situated on the south bank of the Astur River, and Alorn
ships frequently sailed upriver to call there. I stopped by the
temple, and the priests directed me to several river-front taverns
where I might reasonably expect to find Alorn sailors. I wasn't happy
about the prospect of testing my willpower in a tavern, but there was
no help for it.
If you want to talk to an Alorn, you're going to have to go where the
beer is.
As luck had it, I came across a burly Alorn sea captain in the second
tavern I visited. His name was Haknar, and he'd sailed down to Arendia
from Val Alorn. I introduced myself, and the white robe and staff
helped to convince him that I was telling the truth. He offered to buy
me a tankard or six of Arendish ale, but I politely declined. I didn't
want to get started on that again.
"How are the boats working out?"
"Ships," he corrected.
I asked him.
Sailors always make that distinction.
"They're fast," he conceded, "but you have to pay close attention to
what you're doing when the wind comes up. King Cherek told me that you
designed them."
"I had a little help," I replied modestly.
"Aldur gave me the basic plan.
"A little mournful, really.
How is Cherek?"
I think he misses his sons."
"It couldn't be helped. We had to protect the Orb.
doing in their new kingdoms?"
How are the boys
"They're getting by, I guess.
I think you rushed them, Belgarath.
They were a little young when you sent them off into the wilderness
like that. Dras calls his kingdom Drasnia, and he's starting to build
a city at a place he calls Boktor. I think he misses Val Alorn. Algar
calls his kingdom Algaria, and he isn't building cities. He's got his
people rounding up horses and cattle instead."
I nodded.
Algar probably wouldn't have been interested in cities.
"What's Riva doing?"
I asked.
"He's definitely building a city. The word "fort" would probably come
closer, though. Have you ever been to the Isle of the Winds?"
"Once," I said.
"Then you know where the beach is. That valley that runs down out of
the mountains sort of stair-steps its way down to the beach. Riva had
his people build stone walls across the front of each step. Now he's
got them building their houses up against the backs of those walls. If
somebody tried to attack the place, he'd have to fight his way over a
dozen of those walls. That could get very expensive. I stopped by the
Isle on my way here. They're making good progress."
"Has Riva started building his Citadel yet?"
"He's got it laid out, but he wants to get his houses built first. You
know how Riva is. He's awfully young, but he does look out for his
"He'll make a good king, then."
"Probably so. His subjects are a little worried, though. They really
want him to get married, but he keeps putting them off. He seems to
have somebody special in mind."
"He does.
He dreamed about her once."
"You can't marry a dream, Belgarath. The Rivan throne has to have an
heir, and that's something a man can't do all by himself."
"He's still young, Haknar. Sooner or later some girl's going to take
his eye. If it starts to look like it's going to be a problem, I'll go
to the Isle and have a talk with him. Is Cherek still calling what's
left of his kingdom Aloria?"
"No. Aloria's gone now. That took a lot of the heart out of
Bear-shoulders. He hasn't even gotten around to putting a name to that
peninsula you left him. The rest of us just call it ""Cherek" and let
it go at that.
That's whenever he lets us come home. We spend a lot of time at sea
patrolling the Sea of the Winds. Cherek's very free with titles of
nobility, but there's a large fishhook attached to them. I was about
half drunk when he made me Baron Haknar. It wasn't until I sobered up
that I realized that I'd volunteered to spend three months out of every
year for the rest of my life sailing around in circles up in the Sea of
the Winds. It's really unpleasant up there, Belgarath--particularly in
the winter. I get ice a half-foot thick on my sails every night. My
deck-hands talk about the
"Haknar jig." That's when the morning breeze shakes the ice off the
sails and drops it down on the deck. My sailors have to dance out of
the way or get brained. Are you sure I can't offer you something to
"Thanks all the same, Haknar, but I think I'd better be moving on.
Vo Astur depresses me. You can't get an Asturian to talk about
anything but politics."
Haknar laughed.
"The only thing I've ever heard an Asturian talk about is who he's
going to go to war with next week."
"That's what passes for politics here in Asturia," I told him, rising
to my feet.
"Give my best to Cherek the next time you see him.
still keeping an eye on things."
"I'm sure that'll make him sleep better at night.
Val Alorn for the wedding?"
Tell him that I'm
Are you coming to
"What wedding?"
"Cherek's. His wife died while he was off in Mallorea. Since you
stole all his sons, he's going to need a new heir. His bride-to-be is
a real beauty --about fifteen or so. She's pretty, but she's not
really very bright. If you say "good morning" to her, it takes her ten
minutes to think up an answer."
I felt a sudden wrench.
I wasn't the only one who'd lost a wife.
"Give him my apologies," I told Haknar shortly.
"I don't think I'll be able to make it.
Thanks for the information."
"Glad to be of help, Belgarath."
I'd better be going now.
Then he turned and bellowed,
More ale!"
I went back out into the street and walked slowly back toward the
temple of Chaldan, being careful not to think about Cherek's
I had my own, and that filled my mind. I didn't really want to dwell
on it, since there was nobody around to chain me to a bed.
I'd received a few tentative invitations to visit the duke in his
palace, but I'd put them off with assorted vague excuses. I hadn't
visited the Duke of Vo Wacune, and I definitely didn't want to show any
Given my probably undeserved celebrity, I decided not to have anything
to do with any of those three contending dukes. I had no desire to get
involved in the Arendish civil wars--not even by implication.
That might have been a mistake. I probably could have saved Arendia
several eons of suffering if I'd just called those three imbeciles
together and rammed a peace treaty down their throats. Considering the
nature of Arends, however, they'd more than likely have violated the
treaty before the ink was dry.
Anyway, I'd found out what I needed to know in Vo Astur, and the
invitations from the Ducal Palace were becoming more and more
insistent, so I thanked the priests for their hospitality and left town
before daybreak the following morning. I've been leaving town before
daybreak for longer than I care to think about.
I was almost certain that the Duke of Vo Astur would take my departure
as a personal affront, so when I was a mile or so south of town, I went
back into the woods a ways and took the form of the wolf.
Yes, it was painful. I wasn't even certain that I could bring myself
to do it, but it was time to find out. I'd been doing a number of
things lately that pushed at the edges of my pain. I was not going to
live out my life as an emotional cripple. Poledra wouldn't have wanted
that, and if I went mad, so what? One more mad wolf in the Arendish
forest wouldn't have made that much difference.
My assessment of the duke of Vo Astur turned out to be quite accurate.
I was ghosting southward along the edge of the woods about an hour
later when a group of armed horsemen came pounding along that twisting
road. The Asturian duke really wanted me to pay him a visit. I
drifted back in under the trees, dropped to my haunches, and watched
the duke's men ride by. Arends were a much shorter people in those
days than they are now, so they didn't look too ridiculous on those
stunted horses.
I traveled down through the forest and ultimately reached the plains of
Mimbre. Unlike the Wacites and the Asturians, the Mimbrates had
cleared away the woods of their domain almost completely. Mimbrate
horses were larger than those of their northern cousins, and the nobles
of that southern duchy already had begun to develop the armor that
characterizes them today. A mounted knight needs open ground to work
on, so the trees had to go. The open farmland that resulted was rather
peripheral to Mimbrate thinking.
When we think of the Arendish civil wars, we normally think of the
three contending duchies, but that wasn't the full extent of it. Lesser
nobles also had their little entertainments, and there was hardly a
district in all of Mimbre that didn't have its own ongoing feuds. I'd
resumed my own form, although I'll admit that I gave some serious
consideration to living out the rest of my life as a wolf, and I was
going south toward Vo Mimbre when I came across one of those feuds in
full flower.
Unfortunately, the dimwitted Arends absolutely loved the idea of siege
engines. Arends have a formal turn of mind, and the prospect of a
decades-long standoff appeals to them enormously. The besiegers could
set up camp around the walls of a fortress and mindlessly throw
boulders at the walls for years, while the besieged could spend those
same years happily piling rocks against the inside of those walls.
Stalemates get boring after a while, though, and every so often,
somebody felt the need to commit a few atrocities to offend his
In this particular case, the besieging baron decided to round up all
the local serfs and behead them in plain view of the defender's
That's when I took a hand in the game. As it happened, I was standing
on a hilltop, and I posed dramatically there with my staff
"Stop!" I roared, enhancing my voice to such an extent that they
probably heard me in Nyissa. The baron and his knights wheeled to
gawk; the knight who was preparing to chop off a serfs head paused
momentarily, and then he raised his sword again.
He dropped it the next instant, however. It's a little hard to hold
onto a sword when the hilt turns white-hot in your hands. He danced
around, howling and blowing on his burned fingers.
I descended the hill and confronted the murderous Mimbrate baron.
"You will not perpetrate this outrage!"
I told him.
"What I do is none of thy concern, old man," he replied, but he didn't
really sound very sure of himself.
"I'm making it my concern!
I'll tear out your heart!"
If you even attempt to harm these people,
"Kill this old fool," the baron told one of his knights.
The knight dutifully reached for his sword, but I gathered my Will,
leveled my staff, and said,
The knight immediately turned into a pig.
the baron gasped.
Now pack up your people and go home--and turn those serfs
"My cause is just," he asserted.
"Your methods aren't. Now get out of my sight, or you'll grow a snout
and a curly tail right where you stand."
"The practice of sorcery is forbidden in the realm of the Duke of Vo
Mimbre," he told me--as if that made any difference.
"Oh, really? How are you going to stop me?" I pointed my staff at a
nearby tree stump and exploded it into splinters.
"You're pressing your luck, my Lord Baron. That could just as easily
have been you. I told you to get out of my sight. Now do it before I
lose my temper."
"Thou wilt regret this, Sorcerer."
"Not as much as you will if you don't start moving right now." I
gestured at the knight I'd just converted into ambulatory bacon, and he
returned to his own form. His eyes were bulging with horror. He took
one look at me and fled screaming.
The stubborn baron started to say something, but he evidently changed
his mind. He ordered his men to mount up and then sullenly led them
off toward the south.
"You can go back to your homes," I told the serfs. Then I went back up
to my hilltop to watch and to make sure that the baron didn't try to
circle back on me.
I suppose I could have done it differently. There hadn't really been
any need for that direct confrontation. I could have driven the baron
and his knights off without ever revealing myself, but I'd lost my
temper. I get into trouble that way fairly often.
Anyway, two days later I began to see lurid descriptions of a "foul
sorcerer" nailed to almost every tree I passed. The descriptions of me
were fairly accurate, but the reward offered for my capture was
insultingly small.
I decided at that point to go directly on to Tolnedra. I was certain
that I could deal with any repercussions resulting from my display of
bad temper, but why bother? Arendia was starting to bore me anyway,
and I've been chased out of a lot of places in my time, so one more
wasn't going to make that much difference.
I crossed the River Arend, the traditional border between Arendia and
Tolnedra, early one morning in late spring. The north bank of the
river was patrolled by Mimbrate knights, of course, but that wasn't
really any problem. I do have certain advantages, after all.
I paused for a time in the Forest of Vordue to give some thought to my
situation. When my Master had roused me from my drunken stupor back in
Camaar, he hadn't really given me any instructions, so I was more or
less on my own. There wasn't anyplace I really had to go, and no
particular urgency about getting there. I still felt my
responsibilities, however. I suppose I was what you might call a
disciple emeritus, a vagabond sorcerer wandering around poking my nose
into things that were probably none of my business. If I happened to
come across anything significant, I could pass it on to my brothers
back in the Vale. Aside from that, I was free to wander wherever I
chose. My grief hadn't really diminished, but I was learning to live
with it and to keep it rather tightly controlled. The years in Camaar
had taught me the futility of trying to hide from it.
And so, filled with a kind of suppressed melancholy, I set off toward
Tol Honeth. As long as I was here anyway, I thought I might as well
find out what the empire was up to.
There was a certain amount of political maneuvering going on in the
Grand Duchy of Vordue as I passed through on my way south. The Honeths
were in power again, and the Vordue family always took that as a
personal affront. There were abundant signs that the Second Honethite
Dynasty was in its twilight. That's a peculiar thing about dynasties
in any of the world's kingdoms. The founder of a dynasty is usually
vigorous and gifted, but as the centuries roll by, his successors
become progressively less so. The fact that they almost invariably
marry their cousins might have something to do with it. Controlled
inbreeding might work out all right with horses and dogs and cattle,
but when it comes to humans, keeping it in the family's not a good
idea. Bad traits will breed true the same as good ones will, and
stupidity seems to float to the surface a lot faster than courage or
At any rate, the Honethite Emperors had been going downhill for the
past century or so, and the Vorduvians were slavering with
anticipation, feeling that their turn on the throne was just around the
It was early summer when I reached Tol Honeth.
native city, the Honethite Emperors had devoted
most of the imperial treasury--to improving the
Honeths are in power in Tolnedra, an investment
yield handsome returns.
Since it was their
much of their time-and
capital. Any time the
in marble quarries will
I crossed the north bridge to the city and paused at the gate to answer
the perfunctory questions of the legionnaires standing guard there.
Their armor was very impressive, but they weren't. I made a mental
note of the fact that the legions seemed to be getting badly out of
condition. Somebody was going to have to do something about that.
The streets were crowded.
The streets of Tol Honeth always are.
Everybody in Tolnedra who thinks he's important gravitates to the
Proximity to the seat of power is very important to certain kinds of
In a roundabout sort of way I was a religious personage, so, as I had
in Arendia, I went looking for a church. The main temple of Nedra had
been moved since I'd last been in Tol Honeth, so I had to ask
directions. I knew better than to ask any of the richly dressed
merchant princes passing by with perfumed handkerchiefs held to their
noses and haughty expressions on their faces. Instead, I found an
honest man replacing broken cobblestones.
"Tell me, friend," I said to him, "which way should I go to reach the
Temple of Nedra?"
"It's over on the south side of the Imperial Palace," he replied.
"Go on down to the end of this street and turn left."
squinted at me.
He paused and
"You'll need money to get in," he advised me.
"It's a new custom. You have to pay the priest at the door to get
inside--and pay another priest to get near the altar."
"Peculiar notion."
"This is Tol Honeth, friend. Nothing's free here, and the priests are
just as greedy as everybody else."
"I think I can come up with something they'd rather have than money."
"I wouldn't make any large wagers on that.
Good luck."
"I think you dropped something there, friend," I told him, pointing at
the large copper Tolnedran penny I'd just conjured up and dropped on
the stones by his left knee. He had been helpful, after all.
He quickly snatched up the penny--probably the equivalent of a day's
wages--and looked around furtively.
"Be happy in your work," I told him, and moved off down the street.
The Temple of Nedra was like a palace, an imposing marble structure
that exuded all the warmth of a mausoleum. The common people prayed
outside in little niches along the wall. The inside was reserved for
the people who could afford to pay the bribes.
"I need to talk with the High Priest," I told the clergyman guarding
the huge door.
He looked me up and down disdainfully.
"Absolutely out of the question.
"I didn't ask. I told you.
I'll find him myself."
You should know better than even to
Now go fetch him--or get out of my way and
"Get away from here."
"We're not getting off to a good start here, friend. Let's try it
again. My name's Belgarath, and I'm here to see the High Priest."
He laughed sardonically.
"There's no such person.
Go away."
I trans located him to a spot several hundred yards up the street and
marched inside. I was definitely going to have words with the High
Priest about this practice of charging admission to a place of worship;
not even Nedra would have approved of that. The temple was crawling
with priests, and each one seemed to have his hand out. I avoided
confrontations by the simple expedient of creating a halo, which I
cocked rather rakishly over one ear. I'm not certain if Tolnedran
theology includes a calendar of saints, but I did get the attention of
the priests--and their wholehearted cooperation. And I didn't even
have to pay for it.
The High Priest's name was Arthon, and he was a paunchy man in an
elaborately jeweled robe. He took one look at my halo and greeted me
with a certain apprehensive enthusiasm. I introduced myself, and he
became very nervous. It wasn't really any of my business that he was
violating the rules, but I saw no reason to let him know that.
"We've heard about your adventures in Mallorea, Holy Belgarath," he
gushed at me.
"Did you really kill Torak?"
"Somebody's been spinning moonbeams for you, Arthon," I replied.
"I'm not the one who's supposed to do that.
recover something that'd been stolen."
We just went there to
He sounded disappointed.
"To what do we owe the honor of your visit, Ancient One?"
I shrugged.
"Courtesy. I was passing through, and I thought I ought to look in on
you. Has anyone heard from Nedra?"
"Our God has departed, Belgarath," he reminded me.
"All the Gods have departed, Arthon. They do have ways to keep in
touch, though. Belar spoke to Riva in a dream, and Aldur came to me
the same way no more than a couple of months ago. Pay attention to
your dreams. They might be significant."
"I did have a peculiar dream about six months ago," he recalled.
"It seemed that Nedra spoke to me."
"What did he say?"
"I forget now.
I think it had something to do with money."
"Doesn't it always?"
I thought about it for a moment.
"It probably involved this new custom of yours. I don't think Nedra
would approve of the practice of charging admission to the temple. He's
the God of all Tolnedrans, not just the ones who can afford to buy
their way into your church."
A wave of consternation crossed his face.
"But--" he started to protest.
"I've seen some of the creatures who live in Hell, Arthon," I told him
quite firmly.
"You don't want to spend any time with them.
What's happening here in Tolnedra?"
It's up to you, though.
"Oh, not too much, Belgarath." He said it just a bit evasively, and I
could almost smell what he was trying to hide.
I sighed.
"Don't be coy, Arthon," I told him wearily.
"The Church is not supposed to get involved in politics.
taking bribes, haven't you?"
"How did you know that?"
You've been
His voice was a little shrill.
"I can read you like a book, Arthon.
nose out of politics."
Give the money back and keep your
"You must pay a call on the Emperor," he said, skillfully sidestepping
the issue.
"I've met members of the Honeth family before.
same as the others."
One's pretty much the
"His Majesty will be offended if you don't call on him."
"Spare him the anguish then.
Don't tell him that I've been here."
He wouldn't hear of that, of course. He definitely didn't want me to
start probing into the question of who was bribing him, nor of how
large his share of the admission fees was, so he escorted me to the
palace, which was teeming with members of the Honeth family. Patronage
is the absolute soul of Tolnedran politics. Even the toll-takers at
the most remote bridges in the empire change when a new dynasty comes
into power.
The current Emperor was Ran Honeth the Twenty-something or other, and
he'd discarded imbecility in favor of the unexplored territory of
idiocy. As is usually the case in such situations, an officious
relative had assumed his defective kinsman's authority, scrupulously
prefacing each of his personal decrees with
"The Emperor has decided . . ." or some other absurdity, thus
maintaining the dignity of the cretin on the throne.
The relative, a nephew in this case, kept Arthon and me cooling our
heels in an anteroom for two days while he escorted all manner of
high-ranking Tolnedrans immediately into the imperial presence.
Eventually I got tired of it.
"Let's go, Arthon," I told Nedra's priest.
"We both have better things to do."
"We cannot!"
Arthon gasped.
"It would be considered a mortal insult!"
"So? I've insulted Gods in my time, Arthon.
about hurting the feelings of a half-wit."
I'm not going to worry
"Let me talk with the Lord High Chamberlain again." He jumped to his
feet and hurried across the room to speak with the imperial nephew.
The nephew was a typical Honeth.
his nose at me.
His first response was to look down
"You will await his Imperial Majesty's pleasure," he told me in a lofty
Since he was feeling so lofty, I stood him on a vacant patch of empty
air up near the rafters so that he could really look down on people.
I'll grant you that it was petty, but then so was he.
"Do you think that his Imperial Majesty's pleasure might have worked
its way around to us yet, old boy?" I asked him in a pleasant tone. I
left him up there for a little while to make sure that he got my point,
and then I brought him down again.
We got in to see the Emperor immediately.
This particular Ran Honeth was sitting on the Imperial Throne sucking
his thumb. The bloodline had deteriorated even further than I'd
imagined. I nudged at the corner of his mind and didn't find anything
in there. He haltingly recited a few imperial pleasantries--I shudder
to think of how long it must have taken him to memorize them--and then
he regally gave Arthon and me permission to withdraw. His entire
performance was somewhat marred by the fact that forty some-odd years
of sucking his thumb had grossly misaligned his front teeth. He looked
like a rabbit, and he lisped outrageously.
I assessed the mood of the imperial nephew as Arthon and I bowed our
way out of the throne room, and I decided that it might be a good time
for me to leave Tol Honeth. As soon as the fellow regained his
composure, the trees in the neighborhood were almost certainly going to
flower with more of those posters. This was getting to be a habit.
I thought about that as I made my way toward Tol Borune. Ever since
I'd abandoned my career as a common drunk, I'd been misusing my gift.
The Will and the Word is a fairly serious thing, and I'd been turning
it into a bad joke. Despite my grief, I was still my Master's
disciple, not some itinerant trickster. I suppose I could excuse
myself by pointing to my emotional state during those awful years, but
I don't think I will. I'm supposed to know better.
I bypassed Tol Borune, largely to avoid any more opportunities to turn
offensive people into pigs or to stick them up in the air just for
That was probably a good idea; I'm sure the Borunes would have
irritated me. I've got a fair amount of respect for the Borune family,
but they can be awfully pig-headed sometimes.
Sorry, Ce'Nedra.
Nothing personal intended there.
At any rate, I traveled through the lands of the Anadile family and
finally reached the northern edge of the Wood of the Dryads. The
passing centuries have altered the countryside down there to some
degree, but now that I think back on it, I followed almost exactly the
same route as I did three thousand years later when a group of friends
and I were going south on the trail of the Orb. Garion and I have
talked about "repetitions" any number of times, and this may have been
another of those signals that the purpose of the universe had been
disrupted. Then again, the fact that I followed the same route might
have been due to the fact that it was the natural way south and also
that I was familiar with it. Once you get a theory stuck in your head,
you'll go to almost any lengths to twist things around to make them
Even in those days the Wood of the Dryads was an ancient oak forest
with a strange kind of serene holiness about it. Humans have a
tendency to compartmentalize their religion to keep it separate from
everyday life.
The Dryads live in the center of their religion, so they don't even
have to think--or talk--about it. That's sort of refreshing.
I'd been in their wood for more than a week before I even saw a Dryad.
They're timid little creatures, and they don't really care to come into
contact with outsiders--except at certain times of the year. Dryads
are all females, of course, so they're obliged to have occasional
contacts with the males--of various species--in order to reproduce.
I'm sure you get the picture.
I didn't really make an effort to find any Dryads. Technically,
they're "monsters," though certainly not as dangerous as the Eldrakyn
or Algroths, but I still didn't want any incidents.
Evidently, though, it was "that time of year" for the first Dryad I
encountered, because she'd laid aside her customary shyness and was
aggressively trying to track me down. When I first saw her, she was
standing in the middle of the forest path I was following. She had
flaming red hair, and she was no bigger than a minute. She was,
however, holding a fully drawn bow, and her arrow was pointed directly
at my heart.
"You'd better stop," she advised me.
I did that--immediately.
Once she was certain that I wasn't going to try to run, she became very
friendly. She told me that her name was Xana, and that she had plans
for me. She even apologized for the bow. She explained it by telling
me that travelers were rare in the Wood, and that a Dryad with certain
things on her mind had to take some precautions to prevent escapes.
I tried to explain to her that what she was proposing was wildly
inappropriate, but I couldn't seem to get through to her. She was a
very determined little creature.
I think I'll just let it go at that. What happened next isn't central
to the story I'm telling, and there's no point in being deliberately
Dryads customarily share things with their sisters, so Xana introduced
me to other Dryads, as well. They all pampered me, but there was no
getting around the fact that I was a captive--a slave, if we want to be
blunt about it--and my situation was more than a little degrading. I
didn't make an issue of it, though. I smiled a lot, did what was
expected of me, and waited for an opportunity. As soon as I had a
moment alone, I slipped into the form of the wolf and loped off into
the wood. They searched for me, of course, but they didn't know what
they were looking for, so I had no trouble evading them.
I reached the north bank of the River of the Woods, swam across, and
shook the water out of my fur. You might want to keep that in mind: if
you take the form of a furred creature and you happen to get wet before
you change back, always shake off the excess water first. Otherwise,
your clothes will be dripping when you resume your real form.
I was in Nyissa now, so I didn't have to worry about Dryads any more.
I started keeping a sharp eye out for snakes instead. Normal humans
make some effort to keep the snake population under control, but the
snake is a part of the Nyissan religion, so they don't. Their jungles
are literally alive with slithering reptiles--all venomous. I managed
to get bitten three times during my first day in that stinking swamp,
and that made me extremely cautious. It wasn't hard to counteract the
venom, fortunately, but being bitten by a snake is never pleasant.
The war with the Marags had seriously altered Nyissan society. Before
the Marag invasion, the Nyissans had cleared away large plots of jungle
and built cities and connecting highways. Highways provide invasion
routes, however, and a city, by its very existence, proclaims the
presence of large numbers of people and valuable property. You might
as well invite attack. Salmissra realized that, and she ordered her
subjects to disperse and to allow the jungle to reclaim all the towns
and roads. This left only the capital at Sthiss Tor, and since I'd
sort of drifted into the self-appointed task of making a survey of the
Kingdoms of the West, I decided to pay a call on the Serpent Queen.
The Marag invasion had occurred almost a hundred years earlier, but
there were still abundant signs of the devastation it had caused. The
abandoned cities, choked in vines and bushes, still showed evidence of
fire and of the kind of destruction siege engines cause. Now the
Nyissans themselves scrupulously avoided those uninviting ruins. When
you get right down to it, Nyissa is a theocracy. Salmissra is not only
queen, but also the High Priestess of the Serpent God. Thus, when she
gives an order, her people automatically obey her, and she'd ordered
them to go live out in the brush with the snakes.
I was a little footsore when I reached Sthiss Tor, and very hungry.
You have to be careful about what you eat in Nyissa. Virtually every
plant and a fair number of the birds and animals are either narcotic or
poisonous, or both.
I located a ferry landing and crossed the River of the Serpent to the
garish city of Sthiss Tor. The Nyissans are an inspired people. The
rest of the world likes to believe that inspiration is a gift from the
Gods, but the Nyissans have found a simpler way to achieve that
peculiar ecstasy. Their jungles abound with various plants with
strange properties, and the Snake People are daring experimenters. I
knew a Nyissan once who was addicted to nine different narcotics. He
was the happiest fellow I've ever known. It's probably not a good idea
to have your house designed by an architect with a chemically augmented
imagination, however. Assuming that it doesn't collapse on the workmen
during construction, it's likely to have any number of peculiar
features--stairways that don't go anyplace, rooms that there's no way
to get into, doors that open out into nothing but air, and assorted
other inconveniences. It's also likely to be painted a color that
doesn't have a name and has never appeared in any rainbow.
I knew where Salmissra's palace was, since Beldin and I had been in
Sthiss Tor during the Marag invasion, so I wasn't obliged to ask
directions of people who didn't even know where they were, much less
where anything else was.
The functionaries in the palace were all shaved-headed eunuchs.
There's probably a certain logic there. From puberty onward, the
assorted Salmissras are kept on a regimen of various compounds that
slow the normal aging process. It's very important that Salmissra
forever looks the same as the original handmaiden of Issa.
Unfortunately, one of the side effects of those compounds is a marked
elevation of the Queen's appetite --and I'm not talking about food.
Salmissra does have a kingdom to run, and if her servants were
functional adult males, she'd probably never get anything done.
Please, I'm trying to put this as delicately as possible.
The queen knew that I was coming, of course. One of the qualifications
for the throne of Nyissa is the ability to perceive things that others
It's not exactly like our peculiar gift, but it serves its purpose. The
eunuchs greeted me with genuflections and various other fawning
gestures of respect and immediately escorted me to the throne room. The
current Salmissra, naturally, looked the same as all her predecessors,
and she was reclining on a divan-like throne, admiring her reflection
in a mirror and stroking the bluntly pointed head of a pet snake. Her
gown was diaphanous, and it left very little to the imagination. The
huge stone statue of Issa, the Serpent God, loomed behind the dais
where his current handmaiden lay.
"Hail, Eternal Salmissra," the eunuch who was escorting me intoned,
prostrating himself on the polished floor.
"The Chief Eunuch approaches the throne," the dozen red-robed
functionaries intoned in unison.
"What is it, Sthess?"
Salmissra replied in an indifferent sort of
"Ancient Belgarath entreats audience with the Beloved of Issa."
Salmissra turned her head slowly and gazed at me with those colorless
eyes of hers.
"The Handmaiden of Issa greets the Disciple of Aldur,"
she proclaimed.
"Fortunate the Disciple of Aldur, to be received by the Serpent Queen,"
the chorus intoned.
"You're looking well, Salmissra," I responded, cutting across about a
half hour of tedious formality.
"Do you really think so, Belgarath?" She said it with a kind of
girlish ingenuousness which suggested that she was quite
young--probably no more than two or three years on the throne.
"You always look well, dear," I replied. The little endearment was
probably a violation of all sorts of rules, but I felt that,
considering her age, I could get away with it.
"The honored guest greets Eternal Salmissra," the chorus announced.
"Do you suppose we could dispense with that?" I asked, jerking my
thumb over my shoulder at the kneeling eunuchs.
"You and I need to talk, and all that singing distracts my
"A private audience, Belgarath?"
she asked me archly.
I winked at her with a sly smirk.
"It is our pleasure that the Ancient One shall divulge his mind to us
in private," she announced to her worshipers.
"You have our permission to withdraw."
"Well, really," I heard one of them mutter in an outraged tone.
"Remain if you wish, Kass," Salmissra said to the protestor in an
indifferent tone of voice.
"Know, however, that no one living will hear what passes between me and
the disciple of Aldur. Go and live--or stay and die." She had style,
I'll give her that. Her offer cleared the throne room immediately.
"Well," she said, her colorless eyes smoldering, "now that we're
alone--" She left it hanging suggestively.
"Ah, don't y' be after temptin' me, darling'," I said, grinning.
Beldin had gotten away with that; why couldn't I?
She actually laughed. That was the only time I ever heard one of the
hundred or more Salmissras do that.
"Let's get down to business, Salmissra," I suggested briskly.
"I've been conducting a survey of the western kingdoms, and I think we
might profitably exchange some information."
"I hunger for your words, Ancient One," she said, her face taking on an
outrageously vapid expression. This one had a very sharp mind and a
highly developed sense of humor. I quickly altered my approach. An
intelligent Salmissra was a dangerous novelty.
"You know what happened in Mallorea, of course," I began.
"Yes," she replied simply.
"Thank you."
"Would you like to sit here?" she invited, rising to a half-sitting
position and patting the seat of the divan beside her.
"Ah--thanks, but I think better on my feet.
four separate kingdoms now."
"Yes, I know.
"I didn't.
Aloria's been divided into
How did you ever browbeat Cherek into permitting
Belar did."
"Is Cherek really that religious?"
"He didn't like it, but he saw the necessity for it. Riva's got the
Orb now, and he's on the Isle of the Winds. You might want to warn
your sea captains to stay away from the Isle. Cherek's got a fleet of
war-boats, and they'll sink any ship that goes within fifty leagues of
Riva's island."
Her colorless eyes grew speculative.
"I just had a very interesting thought, Belgarath."
"Is Riva married yet?"
He's still a bachelor."
"You might tell him that I'm not married, either. Doesn't that suggest
something rather interesting to you? It certainly does to me."
I almost choked on that one.
"You're not really serious, are you?"
"It's something worth exploring, don't you think? Nyissa's a small
nation, and my people don't make very good soldiers. The Marag
invasion taught us that. If Riva and I were to marry, it'd form a very
interesting alliance."
"Don't the rules say that you're not supposed to marry?"
"Rules are tiresome, Belgarath. People like you and me can ignore them
when it suits us. Let's be honest here. I'm the figurehead ruler of a
weak nation, and I don't like that very much. I think I'd like to take
real power instead. An alliance with the Alorns might just make that
"You'd be flying in the face of tradition, you know."
"Traditions are like rules, Belgarath.
They're made to be ignored.
Issa's been dormant for a long time now. The world's changing, and if
Nyissa doesn't change, too, we'll be left behind. We'll be a small,
primitive backwater. I think I might just be the one to change
"It wouldn't work, Salmissra," I told her.
"My sterility, you mean? I can take care of that. All I have to do is
stop taking those drugs, and I'll be as fertile as any young woman.
I'll be able to give Riva a son to rule his island, and he can give me
a daughter to rule here. We could alter the balance of power in this
part of the world."
I laughed.
"It'd send the Tolnedrans into hysterics, if nothing else."
"That in itself would be worth the trouble."
"It would indeed, but I'm afraid it's out of the question.
already been spoken for."
Who's the lucky girl?"
"I haven't any idea. It's one of those marriages made in Heaven.
Gods have already selected Riva's bride."
She sighed.
"Pity," she murmured.
"Ah, well. Riva's still only a boy. I suppose I could educate him,
but that's sort of tiresome. I prefer experienced men."
I moved on rather quickly.
This was a very dangerous young lady.
"The Arendish civil war's heating up. Asturia and Wacune are currently
allied against Mimbre--at least they were when I was there. It was two
whole months ago, though, so the situation might have changed by
"Arends," she sighed, rolling her eyes upward.
"Amen to that.
Tolnedra. They
but that well's
wings--not very
The Second Honethite Dynasty's winding down in
might be able to squeeze out one or two more emperors,
almost dry. The Vorduvians are waiting in the
"I hate the Vorduvians," she said.
"Me, too.
We'll have to endure them, though."
"I suppose."
She paused, her pale eyes hooded.
"I heard about your recent bereavement," she said tentatively.
"You have my sincerest sympathy."
"Thank you."
I even managed to say it in a level tone.
"Another possibility occurs to me," she said then.
"You and I are both currently at liberty. An alliance between us might
be even more interesting than one between Riva and me. Torak isn't
going to stay in Mallorea forever, you know. He's already sent
scouting parties across the land-bridge. It's just a matter of time
until there's an Angarak presence on this continent, and that'll bring
in the Grolims. Don't you think we should start to get ready?"
I got very careful at that point.
political genius here.
I was obviously dealing with a
"You're tempting me again, Salmissra." I was lying, of course, but I
think I managed to convince her that I was interested in her obscene
suggestion. Then I sighed.
"Unfortunately, it's forbidden."
"By my Master, and I wouldn't even consider crossing him."
She sighed.
"What a shame. I guess that still leaves me with the Alorns.
I'll invite Dras or Algar to pay a visit to Sthiss Tor."
"They have responsibilities in the North, Salmissra, and you have yours
here. It wouldn't be much of a marriage, no matter which of them you
chose. You'd seldom see each other."
"Those are the best kind of marriages. We wouldn't have so much chance
to bore each other." She brought the flat of her hand sharply down on
the arm of her throne.
"I'm not talking about love, Belgarath. I need an alliance, not
entertainment. I'm in a very dangerous situation here. I was foolish
enough to let a few things slip when I first came to the throne. The
eunuchs know that I'm not just a silly girl consumed by her appetites.
I'm sure that the candidates for my throne are already in training.
As soon as one's chosen, the eunuchs will poison me. If I can't find
an AloRN to marry, I'll have to take a Tolnedran--or an Arend. My life
depends on it, old man."
Then I finally understood. It wasn't ambition that was driving her so
much as it was her instinct for self-preservation.
"You do have an alternative, you know," I told her.
"Strike first.
of you."
Dispose of your eunuchs before they're ready to dispose
"I already thought of that, but it won't work. They all dose
themselves with antidotes to every known poison."
"As far as I know, there's no antidote for a knife-thrust in the heart,
"We don't do things that way in Nyissa."
"Then your eunuchs won't be expecting it, will they?"
Her eyes narrowed.
"No," she agreed, "they wouldn't."
She suddenly giggled.
"I'd have to get them all at once, of course, but a blood bath of those
dimensions would be quite an object lesson, wouldn't it?"
"It'd be a long time before anybody ever tried to cross you again,
"What a wonderful old man you are," she said gratefully.
"I'll have to find some way to reward you."
"I don't really have any need for money, Salmissra."
She gave me a long, smoldering look.
"I'll have to think of something else, then, won't I?"
I thought it might be a good idea to change the subject at that
"What's happening to the South?"
I asked her.
"You tell me. The people down there are western Dals. Nobody knows
what the Dals are doing. Somehow they're in contact with the Seers at
Kell. I think we'd all better keep an eye on the Dals. In many ways
they have a more dangerous potential than the Angaraks. Oh, I almost
forgot to tell you. Torak's left the ruins of Cthol Mishrak. He's in
a place called Ashaba in the Karandese Mountains now. He's passing
orders on to the Grolims through Ctuchik and Urvon. Nobody knows where
Zedar is." She paused.
"Are you sure you wouldn't like to sit here beside me?"
"We wouldn't really have to get married, you know.
wouldn't object to a more informal arrangement.
she offered
I'm sure Aldur
Come sit beside me, Belgarath, and we can talk about that reward I
mentioned. I'm sure I'll be able to think of something you'd like."
When you consider all the trouble I've had with a long string of
Salmissras, my feelings about that particular one were just a bit
unusual, but then so was she. The selection of each new Queen of
Nyissa is based almost entirely on physical appearance. At a certain
point in the life of a reigning queen, twenty candidates for the
succession are chosen. The palace eunuchs have a painting of the
original Salmissra, and they go through the kingdom comparing that
painting to the faces of all the twelve-year-old girls they can find.
Twenty are selected and are taken to country estates lying in the
vicinity of Sthiss Tor for training. When the old queen dies, the
twenty are closely examined, and one of them is elevated to the throne.
The other nineteen are killed. It's brutal, but it is politically
sound. Appearance and manner are the deciding factors in the election.
Intelligence is not taken into consideration. In that kind of random
selection, however, you have as much chance of choosing a genius as an
idiot. Quite clearly, they got a bright one this time. She was
beautiful, of course. Salmissra always is. She had all of the proper
mannerisms, naturally, since her very life had depended on learning
those mannerisms. She had, however, been clever enough to conceal her
intelligence, her sense of humor, and the sheer force of her
personality--until after she'd ascended the throne. Once she'd been
crowned queen, she thought she was safe. I imagine that the palace
eunuchs were very upset when they discovered her true nature--upset
enough, at any rate, to start planning her assassination.
I liked her. She was an intelligent young woman making the best of a
bad situation. As she'd mentioned, the various drugs she took to
maintain her appearance made her infertile, but she'd already come up
with a solution to that problem. I've always sort of wondered what
might have happened if she had married. It might have changed the
course of history in that part of the world.
I lingered in her palace for a couple of weeks, and then I rather
regretfully moved on. My hostess was generous enough to lend me her
royal barge, and I went up the River of the Serpent to the rapids in
style for a change.
When the barge reached the rapids, I went ashore on the north bank and
took the trail that wound up into the mountains toward Maragor.
It was a relief to get up out of the Nyissan swamps. For one thing, I
didn't have to keep a constant eye out for snakes anymore, and for
another, I wasn't continually trailing a cloud of mosquitoes. I'm not
really sure which of them is worse. The air grew cooler as I ascended
into that spur of mountains, and the forests thinned out. I've always
rather liked mountains.
There was a bit of trouble at the border of Maragor. The Marags were
still practicing that ritual cannibalism Beldin had told me about, and
the border guards tended to look upon travelers as a food source. I
didn't have too much trouble persuading them that I probably wouldn't
taste good, though, and then I went northeast toward the capital at Mar
I believe I've hinted at some of the peculiarities of the Marag culture
before, but I suspect I'll have to be a little more specific at this
point. The God Mara was just a bit overly enthusiastic about physical
beauty. For a woman, this presents no particular problem; she either
has it or she hasn't. A man, however, has to work on it. Masculine
beauty involves muscle development, so Marag men spent a great deal of
time lifting heavy things over their heads. That gets boring after a
while, though, and there's not much point in having bushel baskets full
of muscles if you don't use them for something. The men of Maragor
devised contests of various sorts--running, jumping, throwing things,
swimming, and the like.
Unfortunately, if you develop enough muscles, they'll eventually start
to squeeze your head and reduce the size of your brain. In time, most
of the men of Maragor were all as beautiful as marble statues--and
almost as intelligent. They were totally incapable even of taking care
of themselves, and so the women had to take over. They owned all the
property, and they housed their childlike heroes in dormitories and
arranged various athletic competitions that kept those beautiful
specimens of manhood happy.
There were far more women among the Marags than there were men, but
that didn't really cause any problems, since Marag men wouldn't really
have made good husbands anyway. The Marags got along very well without
marriage. They were happy, they enjoyed life, and they were kind and
generous to each other. They seemed to be incapable of the jealousy
and irrational possessiveness that mars other cultures.
I think that covers everything. For various reasons, Polgara's always
had a low opinion of the Marags, and if I take this too much further,
it'll just give her another excuse to scold me.
Oh, one last thing. The Marags didn't have a single ruler. They had a
"Council of Matriarchs" instead--nine middle-age and presumably wise
women who made all the decisions. It was a little unusual, but it
worked out fairly well.
Maragor lay in a pleasant, fertile basin in the southern part of the
Tolnedran Mountains. There are extensive mineral deposits in those
mountains, and the turbulent streams that run down into the basin where
the Marags lived pass through those deposits and carry with them
assorted minerals and a fair number of gemstones. Unless you know what
to look for, diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds appear to be no more
than common pebbles. Gold, however, is plainly visible on the bottom
of every brook in Maragor. The Marags ignored it. They had a barter
economy and were largely self-sufficient, so they had no real interest
in trade with other nations. Thus, they didn't need money. Their idea
of beauty leaned in the direction of personal physical attractiveness,
so they didn't bother with jewelry. Once you've eliminated money and
jewelry, gold becomes largely meaningless. It's too soft and too heavy
to have any real practical use.
It did get my attention, however. I dallied a bit on my journey from
the border to the capital and managed to pick up a fairly large
pouchful of gold nuggets. It's hard to walk away when there are lumps
of gold lying in plain sight.
It was autumn when I reached Mar Amon, a beautiful city that lay a few
leagues to the west of the large lake in the center of Maragor. I went
to the Temple of Mara and introduced myself to the High Priestess.
There were priests, of course, but as was the case in the rest of Marag
society, men played a decidedly minor role in their religion. The High
Priestess was a tall, handsome woman in her mid-forties, and her name
was Terell. I talked with her for a while, and I soon realized that
she had no interest at all in the outside world. That was probably the
fatal flaw in the Marag culture. No place is so isolated that you can
safely ignore the rest of mankind--particularly when your stream-beds
are cluttered with free gold.
Despite the fact that I don't have rippling biceps and a neck like a
tree trunk, the women of Mar Amon found me attractive. My celebrity
may have played a part in that. The average Marag male's sole claim to
fame was most likely the fact that he'd won a foot-race some years
back, and his conversation tended to be a little elemental. Women, as
you may have noticed, like to talk. You may have also noticed that I
do, too.
I drifted around Mar Amon, and many a conversation that I struck up by
saying "good morning" to a Marag lady who might be out sweeping off her
doorstep lasted for several weeks. The women of Maragor were generous
and friendly, so I always had something to eat and a place to sleep.
There are all manner of things that a man can do to take his mind off
his troubles. I'd tried one of them in Camaar, and that didn't turn
out too well. The one I tried in Mar Amon wasn't nearly as
self-destructive, but the end result was probably the same. Extensive
sensuality can erode your mind almost as much as extensive drinking
can. It's not as hard on your liver, though.
Let's not take this any further, shall we?
I spent nine years in Mar Amon, drifting along in a sort of haze, and
after the first few years I was on a first-name basis with every lady
in town.
Then one spring, Beldin came looking for me. I was having breakfast in
the kitchen of a lovely young woman when he came stumping through the
door with a face that looked like a thundercloud.
"What do you think you're doing, Belgarath?"
"Having breakfast at the moment.
he demanded.
What does it look like?"
"It looks to me like you're living in sin."
"You sound like an Ulgo, Beldin. The definition of sin varies from
culture to culture. The Marags don't consider these informal
arrangements sinful. How did you manage to find me?"
"It wasn't too hard," he growled.
"You left a very wide trail." He came over to the table and sat down.
Wordlessly my hostess brought him some breakfast.
"You're a legend in Camaar, you know," he continued, still scowling at
"They've never seen anybody who could get as drunk as you used to."
"I don't do that any more."
"No. I noticed that you've found other entertainments instead.
disgust me. The very sight of you sickens me."
"Don't look, then."
"I have to. This wasn't my idea. For all I care, you can drown
yourself in cheap beer and roll around with every woman you come
across. I came after you because I was sent after you."
"Give Aldur my apologies.
Tell him that I've retired."
"Oh, really? You can't retire, you clot. You signed on willingly, and
you can't go back on that just because you're feeling sorry for
"Go away, Beldin."
"Oh, no, Belgarath. Our Master sent me to take you back to the Vale,
and I'm going to obey him, even if you aren't. We can do it the easy
way, or we can do it the hard way. It's entirely up to you. You can
come along peacefully--all in one piece--or I'll take you back in
"That might take a little doing, brother mine."
"Not really. If all the childish tricks you played on your way here
are any indication, you don't have enough of your talent left to blow
out a candle. Now stop wallowing in self-pity and come back home where
you belong."
He stood up.
I also stood up.
"You're disgusting, Belgarath. Do you really think that this past
twelve years of dissipation and debauchery have changed anything?
Poledra's still dead, your daughters are still in the Vale, and you
still have responsibilities."
"I'll pass them on to you, brother.
Enjoy them."
"I guess we'd better get started, then."
"Started with what?"
And he promptly punched me in the belly.
Beldin is enormously strong, and his blow knocked me completely across
the room. I lay on the floor gasping and trying to get my breath back.
He stumped after me and kicked me in the ribs.
"We can do this all week, if you want," he growled.
Then he kicked me
My principles had been eroded by the years of what he chose to call
dissipation and debauchery, but not so much that I was going to elevate
our discussion from a physical one to something more serious, and he
knew that. As long as he stuck to kicks and punches, I couldn't
respond with anything except kicks and punches. I finally got to my
feet, and we pounded on each other for a while. Peculiarly, it made me
feel better, and I rather think Beldin knew that it would.
Finally we both collapsed on the floor, half exhausted.
With a great effort, he rolled his gnarled and twisted body over and
hit me.
"You've betrayed our Master!"
"You've betrayed Poledra!"
he bellowed at me, then hit me again.
He blackened one of my eyes.
"You've betrayed your daughters!" In a remarkable display of agility
for a man lying on the floor, he kicked me in the chest.
"You've betrayed the memories of Belsambar and Belmakor! You're no
better than Zedar!" He drew back that massive fist again.
"Hold it," I told him, weakly raising one hand.
"Have you had enough?"
"Are you coming back to the Vale with me?"
"All right--if it's that important to you."
He sat up.
"Somehow I knew you'd see it my way.
around here?"
Have you got anything to drink
"Probably. I couldn't vouch for it, though.
since I left Camaar."
I haven't had a drink
"You've probably worked up quite a thirst, then."
"I don't think I should, Beldin."
"Don't worry, you're not like other drunks. You were drinking in
Camaar for a specific reason. That part of it's past now. Just don't
let it get ahead of you again."
The Marag lady whose kitchen we'd just wrecked brought us each a
tankard of ale. It tasted awful to me, but Beldin seemed to like it.
He liked it enough to have three more, at any rate. I didn't even
finish the first one. I didn't want to go down that road again. Just
in passing, I'd like to let you know that over the centuries I've spent
far more time holding tankards than I have drinking from them. People
can believe what they want to, but I've slept in enough gutters for one
lifetime, thanks all the same.
The next morning we apologized to my hostess for all the damage we'd
done, and left for the Vale. The weather was fine, so we decided to
walk rather than assume other forms. There was no particular urgency
about getting home.
"What's been going on?"
of Mar Amon.
I asked Beldin when we were about a mile out
"The Angaraks have been coming across the land-bridge," he replied.
"Yes, so I understand.
Salmissra told me about those scouting
"It's gone a little further than that. As closely as I've been able to
tell, the entire population of Cthol Mishrak has been coming across.
The soldiers came over to this side first, and they moved down the
They've been building a fortress at the mouth of one of those rivers
that runs down to the Sea of the East. They call their fort Rak Goska,
and they refer to themselves as Murgos. They're still Angaraks, but
they seem to feel a need to distinguish themselves from the people who
stayed in Mallorea."
"Not exactly.
Have you ever gotten around to learning Old Angarak?"
"I don't waste my time on dead languages, Belgarath."
"It's not entirely dead. The people at Cthol Mishrak spoke a corrupted
version of it. Anyway, the word
"Murgo" meant nobleman or warrior in Old Angarak. Evidently these
Murgos are the people who were the aristocrats in Cthol Mishrak."
"What does
"Thull" mean?"
"Serf--or maybe peasant. The distinction's a little vague in Angarak
society. You should know that, Beldin. You've spent more time in
Mallorea than I have."
"I wasn't there to socialize. The second wave of Angaraks settled to
the north of the Murgos. They call themselves Thulls, and they're
supplying the Murgos with food. The third wave's moving into what used
to be eastern Aloria--that big forest up there. They've been calling
themselves Nadraks."
"Townsmen," I translated for him.
"The merchant class.
Are the Alorns doing anything about this?"
"Not really. You spread them a little thin. Bull-neck talks about
expeditions in the East, but he doesn't have the manpower. Algar
probably couldn't do very much about it, because the Eastern Escarpment
blocks his access to that part of the continent."
"We'd better see if we can make contact with the Master when we get
back to the Vale. This migration's got a very specific reason behind
it. As long as the Angaraks stayed in Mallorea, they weren't any
They're establishing a presence on this side of the Sea of the East so
that they can bring in the Grolims. We might want to chase those
Murgos, Nadraks, and Thulls back to where they came from."
"Another war?"
"If we have to. I don't think we want Grolims on this continent if we
can prevent it."
"Astonishing," he said.
"What is?"
"Your mind still works. I thought that maybe you'd broken it during
the course of the last dozen years."
"I came close. Another few years in Camaar probably would have turned
the trick. I was drinking everything in sight."
"So I heard.
What finally persuaded you to dry out?"
"The Master paid me a call. I sobered up in a hurry after that and
left Camaar. I went down through Arendia and Tolnedra--you know about
all that if you've been trailing me. Did the Dryads cause you any
problems when you went through their woods?"
"I didn't see a one of them."
"Maybe it's the wrong time of year.
They definitely interrupted my
"It was during their breeding season."
"That must have been exciting."
"Not really.
Sthiss Tor?"
Did you talk with Salmissra at all when you went through
"Briefly. There was a lot of turmoil in Sthiss Tor when I passed
through there. Somebody'd just butchered all the high-level palace
I laughed delightedly.
"Good girl!"
"What are you talking about, Belgarath?"
"This particular Salmissra's actually got a mind. She made the mistake
of letting the palace eunuchs find out about it, though. They were
planning to assassinate her, and I suggested a way for her to remove
that particular danger. Did she get them all?"
"From what I heard, she did."
"That's probably why it too her so long. She's a very thorough young
lady. Now, what's Torak doing at Ashaba? Salmissra told me that he'd
gone there."
"From what I hear, he's having religious experiences. He's been caught
up in a kind of ecstasy for the past ten years or so. He's babbling
all sorts of obscure pronouncements. Urvon's got a team of Grolims at
Ashaba taking down every word. They're calling those ravings "the
Ashabine Oracles." In fact, there's been an outbreak of lunacy
Bull-neck's got a crazy man chained to a post a few miles to the west
of Boktor, with scribes copying down the poor fellow's every word."
"Good. I told him to do that. Just before the Master left, he told me
that we were going to be getting our instructions from prophecy now
instead of receiving them directly. This is the Age of Prophecy."
"You sound like a Dal when you talk about ages that way."
"Evidently the Dals know something we don't. I think we'll need a copy
of that transcription Dras is having set down, and we'd better pass the
word to the other kingdoms to start paying attention to crazy
I paused.
"How are the girls?"
I asked, trying to make it sound casual.
You've been gone for quite a while."
"They must be about ten years old by now."
"Thirteen, actually.
Their birthday was just this past winter."
"It'll be good to see them again."
"Don't get your heart set on a warm reunion, Belgarath. Beldaran might
be happy to see you, but you're not one of Pol's favorite people."
That turned out to be a gross understatement.
Beldin and I traveled out of Maragor and crossed the Tolnedran
Mountains to the Vale. We didn't particularly hurry. My grotesque
little brother's observations about Polgara had made me slightly
apprehensive about meeting her--fully justified, as it turned out.
I had missed the serenity of the Vale during those vagabond years, and
a profound sense of peace came over me as we came down out of the
mountains and looked once more upon our home. The painful memories
were still there, of course, but the passage of time had muted and
softened them, although every so often I'd see something that twisted
inside me like a knife.
My daughters had moved in with the twins during Beldin's absence.
The promise Beldaran had exhibited when she was a baby had been more
than fulfilled. Though she was only thirteen, she was breathtakingly
Her hair was the color of flax, and it was full and very long. Her
face could quite literally stop your heart, and she was as graceful as
a gazelle.
"Father!" she exclaimed when I reached the top of the stairs. Her
voice was rich and vibrant, the kind of voice that makes you hold your
breath to listen. She flew across the floor and threw herself into my
I cursed that wasted twelve years when she did that, and all of my love
for her came back, almost overwhelming me. We stood locked in an
embrace with tears streaming down our faces.
"Well, Old Wolf," another voice said acidly,
"I see you've finally decided to come back to the scene of the
I winced. Then I sighed, took my arms from around Beldaran's slender
shoulders, and turned to face Polgara.
Beldaran was probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, but
Polgara, to put it kindly, was no prize.
Her dark hair was a tangled wreck with twigs and leaves snarled in it.
She was tall and skinny and quite nearly as dirty as Beldin. She had
knobby knees --usually skinned up-- and her dirty fingernails were
ragged and chewed off close. It took her years to train herself not to
bite her nails. The white lock at her brow was scarcely visible, since
her hair was absolutely filthy. I got the strong impression that it
was all quite deliberate. Polgara's got very good eyes, and I'm
certain that she could see that she was no match for her sister when it
came to sheer physical beauty. For some obscure reason, she seemed to
be going out of her way to make herself as ugly as she possibly could.
She was succeeding admirably.
Yes, I know.
rush me.
We'll get to her transformation all in good time.
It wasn't her physical appearance that made our reunion so unpleasant,
though. Beldin had raised Polgara and Beldaran. Somehow my younger
daughter had avoided picking up his speech patterns, but Polgara
She had them all--with bells on.
"It's good to see you again, Polgara," I greeted her, trying to sound
as if I meant it.
"Really? Why don't we see if we can fix that?
beer in Camaar? Is that why you left?"
I sighed.
Did they stop making
This promised to be moderately ugly.
"Do you suppose we should kiss each other before we get into all that?"
I suggested.
"It's not going to pay you to get that close to me, Old Man. I didn't
like you when I first saw you, and you haven't done anything lately to
change my opinion."
"That's all over now."
"Of course it is--right up until the moment you get a sniff of beer or
see a passing skirt."
"Have you been telling tales?"
I asked Beldin.
"Not me," he replied.
"Pol has her own ways to keep track of what you've been up to."
"Shut up, uncle," she snapped at him.
"This drunken fool doesn't need to know about that."
"You're wrong, Pol," I told her.
"This drunken fool does need to know about it.
you're going to need training."
If you're gifted,
"Not from you, father. I don't need anything from you. Why don't you
go back to Camaar? Or the Wood of the Dryads? It's almost mating
season there again. Beldaran and I'd just adore having a horde of
half-human baby sisters."
"Watch your mouth, Pol."
"Why? We're father and daughter, old man. We should always be
completely open with each other. I wouldn't want you to have any
misconceptions about my opinion of you. Have you dallied with a Troll
yet? Or an Eldrak? That would really be exciting, wouldn't it?"
I gave up and sat down in a chair.
"Go ahead, Pol," I told her.
"Enjoy yourself."
I'm sure she did. She'd spent years polishing some of those cutting
remarks, and she delivered them with a certain flair. Leaving the
girls in Beldin's custody may have been a mistake, because Polgara at
least had been a very apt pupil. Some of the names she called me were
truly hair-raising. Oddly, Beldaran didn't seem to be the slightest
bit offended by her sister's choice of language. I'm sure she knew
what the words meant, but they didn't seem to bother her. For all I
knew, she may have shared Pol's views, but she forgave me. Polgara
obviously didn't.
I sat there looking out the window at the sunset while my daughter
continued her diatribe. After an hour or so, she started to repeat
There are only so many insults in any language. She did lapse into
Ulgo once or twice, but her accent wasn't very good. I corrected her,
of course; correcting the children is a father's first responsibility.
Pol didn't take correction very graciously.
Finally I stood up.
"This isn't really getting us anywhere," I told her.
"I think I'll go home now. As soon as I get things straightened up in
the tower, you girls can move in with me."
"You're not serious!"
"Oh, yes I am, Pol. Start packing.
a family." I smiled at her.
"Sleep well, Polgara."
Like it or not, we are going to be
Then I left.
I could still hear her screaming when I got to my tower, The girls
moved in the following week. Beldaran was an obedient child, and she
accepted my decision without question. That, of course, forced Pol to
obey, as well, since she loved her sister so much that she couldn't
bear to be separated from her. We didn't see very much of her, but at
least her things were in my tower.
She spent most of her time for the rest of that summer in the branches
of the tree in the center of the Vale. At first I assumed that
eventually hunger would bring her down out of the tree and back to my
tower, but I had overlooked the twins' habit of feeding things. They
saw to it that Polgara didn't go hungry.
I decided to wait her out. If nothing else, winter would bring her
inside. Beldaran, however, started moping. That must have been a very
difficult time for my blonde daughter. She loved us both, and our
dislike for each other obviously caused her a great deal of distress.
She begged me to try to make peace with her sister. I knew it was a
mistake, but I couldn't refuse Beldaran anything she asked of me, so I
sighed and went down the Vale to give it one more try.
It was a warm, sunny morning in late summer, and it seemed to me that
there were an unusual number of birds flying around as I walked through
the tall grass toward the tree.
There were even more of them about when I got there. The air around
the tree was alive with them--and it wasn't just one variety. There
were robins and bluebirds and sparrows and finches and larks, and the
sound of all that chirping and singing was almost deafening.
Polgara was lounging in the fork of a huge branch about twenty feet up
with birds all around her, and she watched my approach with cold,
unfriendly eyes.
"What is it, father?"
she demanded when I reached the foot of the
"Don't you think this has gone on long enough?"
I asked her.
"This what?"
"You're being childish, Pol."
"I'm entitled to be childish.
more fun when I grow up."
I'm only thirteen.
We'll have a lot
"You're breaking Beldaran's heart with this foolishness, you know.
She misses you very much."
"She's stronger than she looks. She can endure almost as much as I
can." She absently shooed a warbling lark off her shoulder. The birds
around her were singing their hearts out in a kind of ecstatic
I decided to try another tack.
"You're missing a splendid opportunity, Pol," I told her.
"I'm sure you've spent the summer composing new speeches. You can't
very well try them out on me when you're perched on a limb sharpening
your beak."
"We'll get to that later, father. Right now the sight of you makes me
nauseous. Give me a few dozen years to get used to you." She smiled
at me, a smile with all the warmth of an iceberg.
"Then we'll talk.
I have many, many things to say to you.
Now go
To this day I don't know how she did it. I didn't hear or feel a
thing, but the sounds those thousands of birds were making suddenly
became angry, threatening, and they descended on me like a cloud,
stabbing at me with their beaks and flogging me with their wings. I
tried to beat them off with my hands, but you can't really drive off
that many birds. About all the songbirds could do was peck at me and
pull out tufts of my hair and beard, but the hawks were a whole
different matter. I left in a hurry with Polgara's mocking laughter
following me.
I was more than a little grumpy when I reached Beldin's tower.
"How far has she gone?"
I demanded of him.
"How far has who gone with what?"
Just how much is she capable of?"
"How should I know? She's a female, Belgarath. They don't think the
way we do, so they do things differently. What did she do to you?"
"She turned every bird in the Vale loose on me."
"You do look a bit mussed.
What did you do to irritate her so much?"
"I went down to the tree and told her to come home."
"I take it she refused the invitation?"
"And then some.
How long has she been doing this sort of thing?"
"Oh, I don't know--a couple of years, I guess.
That'd be
"I didn't follow that."
He gave me a surprised look.
"Do you mean you don't know? Haven't you ever been the least bit
curious about the nature of our gift?"
"I had other things on my mind."
He rolled his eyes upward.
"Have you ever seen a child who could do the sort of things we do?"
"I hadn't thought about it, but now that you mention it--" "How've you
managed to live this long with your head turned off?
The talent doesn't show up until we reach a certain age.
pick it up a little sooner than boys."
Usually girls
"It's related to puberty, you dunce!"
"What's puberty got to do with it?"
He shrugged.
"Who knows?
Maybe the gift is glandular."
"That doesn't make any sense, Beldin.
the Will and the Word?"
What have glands got to do with
"Maybe it's a built-in safety precaution. A gifted two-year-old might
be a little dangerous. The gift has to be controlled, and that implies
a certain maturity. You should be glad that it works that way.
Polgara's not very fond of you, and if she'd had the gift when she was
a toddler, she might have turned you into a toad."
I started to swear.
"What's the trouble?"
"I'm going to have to get her down out of that tree.
need training."
She's going to
"Leave her alone. She's not going to hurt herself. The twins and I
explained the limitations to her. She isn't experimenting. About all
she does is talk to birds."
I noticed that."
"You might think about rolling around in the creek before you go
"Why would I want to do that?"
"You've got bird droppings all over you, and Beldaran might find you
just a bit offensive."
The Master paid me a visit that night, and he gave me some very
peculiar instructions. He seemed to think they were important, but
they didn't make very much sense to me.
As Poledra had pointed out, I'm not really very good with tools, and
the task my Master set me involved some very tiny, meticulous work.
Fortunately, I had a fair number of Tolnedran silver imperials in my
purse, so I didn't have to go up into the mountains in search of ore
deposits. Free gold isn't too hard to find, but refining silver is a
lot of work.
The sculpture itself wasn't too hard--once I got used to using those
tiny little tools--but making the chains was very tedious.
It was autumn by the time I finished, and then one evening I completed
the last clasp.
"Beldaran," I called my blonde daughter.
"Yes, father?" she replied, looking up from her sewing.
her to read, of course, but she preferred sewing.
I had taught
"I have something for you."
She came over eagerly.
"What is it?"
I held out the silver amulet I'd made for her.
"Oh, father!
It's lovely!"
"Try it on."
She draped it around her neck, fastened the clasp, and flew to the
"Oh," she said.
"That's exquisite!"
She peered at the reflection a little more
"It's Polgara's tree, isn't it?"
"That's what it's supposed to be."
"It means something, doesn't it?"
"Probably. I'm not sure exactly what, though.
make them, but he didn't bother to explain."
"Shouldn't this one be for Pol?
The Master told me to
It's her tree, after all."
"The tree was there a long time before Polgara was, Beldaran."
up another of the amulets.
I held
"This one's hers."
She looked at it.
"An owl?
What a peculiar thing to give to Pol."
"It wasn't my idea." I'd suffered a great deal sculpting that owl.
raised a lot of memories.
Yes, Durnik, I know I could have cast them, but the Master told me to
sculpt them instead.
I knew what my amulet meant, and it was easy. I'd taken the form of a
wolf so often that I could have carved that one with my eyes closed. I
put it on, sighed, and snapped the clasp.
Beldaran said, her hands at the back of her neck.
"Yes, dear?"
"Something's wrong with the clasp.
"It isn't supposed to, Beldaran.
It won't come undone."
You're not supposed to take it
"Not ever?"
"Not ever.
The Master wants us to wear them always."
"That might be a little awkward sometimes."
"Oh, I think we can manage. We're a family, Beldaran.
supposed to remind us of that--among other things."
The amulets are
"Does Polgara's amulet lock, too?"
"I hope so.
I built it to lock."
She giggled.
"What's so funny?"
"I don't think she's going to like that, father. If you lock something
around her neck, she's probably going to be very unhappy about it."
I winked at her.
"Maybe we'd better wait to tell her until after she's got it locked in
place, then."
"Why don't we?" she said, rolling her eyes roguishly. Then she
giggled again, threw her arms around my neck, and kissed me.
Beldaran and I went down to the tree the next morning to give Polgara
her amulet.
"What am I supposed to do with this?"
she demanded.
"You're supposed to wear it," I told her.
I was getting a little tired of this.
"It's not my idea, Pol," I told her.
made the amulets because Aldur told me to make them. Now put it on and
stop all this foolishness. It's time for us all to grow up."
She gave me a peculiar look and fastened her amulet about her neck.
"And now we are three," Beldaran said warmly.
"Amazing," Polgara said tartly.
"You do know how to count."
"Don't be nasty," Beldaran told her.
"I know that you're more clever than I am, Polgara. You don't have to
hit me over the head with it. Now come back home where you belong."
I could have berated Pol for months on end about that, and she probably
would have ignored me. When Beldaran said it, though, she agreed
without any argument. And so we went back to the tower and set up
Things were relatively peaceful, oddly enough. Beldaran managed to
keep Polgara and me from each others' throats, at least--and could
persuade her to wear her amulet, when Pol found a way to circumvent my
lock. My blonde daughter had been right. Polgara was much more
intelligent than she was. This is not to say that Beldaran was stupid.
It was just that Pol's one of the most intelligent people I have ever
known--bad-tempered, of course, but extremely intelligent.
I'm sorry, Pol, but you are.
It's nothing to be ashamed of.
As soon as she got to the tower, Pol took over in the kitchen. Beltira
and Belkira had taught her how to cook, and she absolutely loved the
business of preparing food. She was very good at it, too. I've never
really paid all that much attention to what I eat, but when every meal
that's set before you is a banquet, you start to notice it.
This is not to say that everything was all sweetness and light.
and I did have an occasional spat.
You know, that's one of the silliest words in any language.
sounds like something gooey hitting the floor.
Spat: it
This all went on for about three years, and during that time Polgara
and I began to develop a pattern that we've more or less faithfully
followed for over three thousand years now. She makes clever comments
about my various habits, and I generally ignore them. We don't scream
at each other, and we seldom swear. It's not so much that we don't
want to on occasion, but we learned to behave ourselves out of
consideration for Beldaran.
It was not long after the girls' sixteenth birthday when Aldur paid me
another visit. Pol and I had gotten into a fairly serious argument
that evening. In passing, I'd mentioned the fact that it was about
time for her to learn how to read. You wouldn't believe how much that
offended her.
"Are you calling me stupid?" she demanded in that rich voice of hers,
and things went rapidly downhill from there. To this day I don't know
why it made her so angry.
Anyway, I went to bed in a foul temper, and I slept fitfully.
"Belgarath, my son," I knew the voice, of course.
"Yes, Master?"
"I would have thine house joined with the house of the guardian of the
"Is it a Necessity, Master?"
"Yea, my beloved disciple. This, however, is the gravest task I have
ever called upon thee to perform. From the joining of thine house with
the house of the Rivan King shall descend the ultimate Child of
Choose, therefore, which of thy daughters thou shalt give to the Rivan
King to be his wife, for in the joining of the two houses shall a line
invincible be forged that shall join my Will with the Will of my
brother, Belar, and Torak himself may not prevail against us."
I was tempted. Lord knows I was tempted, but I already knew who was
going to be Riva's wife. He'd described her to me in great detail on
that day when we'd forged his sword, and she did not have dark hair.
Beldaran was ecstatic when I told her of my decision.
"A king?"
she exclaimed.
"Well, technically, I guess. I don't know that Riva thinks of himself
that way, though. He's not very interested in ceremony or show."
"What does he look like?"
I shrugged.
"Tall, dark hair, blue eyes."
the basin with water.
I went over to the washstand and filled
"Here," I said to her.
"I'll show you."
the water.
And I put the image of Riva's face on the surface of
"He's gorgeous?"
she squealed.
Then her eyes narrowed slightly.
"Does he have to wear that beard?"
"He's an Alorn, Beldaran.
Most Alorn men wear beards."
"Maybe I can talk to him about that."
Polgara's reaction was a bit peculiar.
"Why did you choose Beldaran?"
she asked.
"Actually I didn't," I replied.
"Riva did--or he had the choice made for him. He's been dreaming about
her ever since he landed on the Isle of the Winds. It was probably
Belar who put Beldaran's face in Riva's dreams. Belar's partial to
blonde girls."
"This is ridiculous, father.
complete stranger."
You're going to marry my sister off to a
"They'll have plenty of time to get to know each other."
"How old is this Alorn?"
"Oh, I don't know--probably in his late thirties."
"You're going to marry Beldaran to an old man?"
"I'd hardly call thirty-five or forty old, Pol."
"Naturally you wouldn't, since you're thirty-five or forty thousand
Four, actually."
"I'm four thousand, Pol, not forty thousand.
than it already is."
Don't make it any worse
"When is this absurdity going to take place?"
"We have to go to the Isle of the Winds first. It shouldn't be too
long after that. Alorns don't believe in long engagements."
She stormed out of the tower muttering curses.
"I'd sort of hoped she'd be happy for me."
Beldaran sighed.
"She'll come around, dear." I tried to sound hopeful about it, but I
had some fairly serious doubts. Once Polgara got something in her
mind, it was very hard to get her to turn around.
Things might have gone a little better if we'd been able to start out
immediately, but it was still winter, and I had no intention of
dragging my daughters out in bad weather. Beldaran put the time to
good use sewing on her wedding gown. Polgara, however, took up
residence in the tree again, and she steadfastly refused even to talk
to us.
It was about a month after I'd made the decision when Riva's cousin
Anrak showed up in the Vale with another Alorn.
"Ho, Belgarath!"
the boisterous Anrak greeted me.
"Why are you still here?"
"Because it's still winter."
"Oh, it's not all that bad.
he's going to marry."
Riva's getting impatient to meet the girl
"How did he find out about it?"
"He had another one of those dreams."
Who's your friend?"
"His name's Gelheim.
of his bride."
He's a sort of an artist.
"He knows what she looks like.
last fifteen years."
Riva wants a picture
He's been dreaming about her for the
Anrak shrugged.
"He just wants to be sure you've picked the right one, I guess."
"I don't think Belar and Aldur would have let me make a mistake, do
"You never know. Sometimes the Gods are a little strange.
got anything to drink?"
Have you
"I'll introduce you to the twins. They make fairly good beer.
Alorns, so they know how it's done."
Beldaran and Anrak hit it off immediately, but Polgara was a different
matter. It started out innocently enough one morning when Anrak came
by just after breakfast.
"I thought you had two daughters," Riva's cousin said to me.
"Yes," I told him.
"Polgara's a little unhappy with me right now; she's living in a
"It doesn't sound to me as if she's quite right in the head.
look like her sister?"
"Not too much, no."
"I thought they were twins."
"That doesn't always mean that they look alike."
Does she
"Where's this tree of hers?"
"Down in the center of the Vale."
"I think I'll go down and have a look at her.
married, maybe I should, too."
If Riva's going to get
Beldaran giggled.
"What's so funny, Pretty?"
for her.
he asked her.
It was his favorite nickname
"I don't think my sister's the marrying kind, Anrak. You can suggest
it to her, if you'd like, but leave yourself plenty of running room
when you do."
"Oh, she can't be that bad."
Beldaran concealed a smirk and give him directions to the tree.
His eyes still looked a bit startled when he came back to the tower.
"Unfriendly, isn't she?"
he noted mildly.
"Is she always that dirty?"
"My sister doesn't believe in bathing," Beldaran replied.
"She doesn't particularly believe in good manners, either. I could
probably clean her up, but that mouth of hers might cause some
I'm not even sure what some of those words mean."
"What did you say to her to set her off?"
Beldaran asked him.
"I was honest," Anrak replied with a shrug.
"I told her that Riva and I usually did things together, and that as
long as he was going to get married, I might as well, too--and since
she wasn't attached . . ." He scratched at his beard.
"That's about as far as I got, actually."
He looked slightly
"I'm not used to having people laugh at me. It was a perfectly
honorable suggestion. It wasn't as if I'd made an improper proposal."
He went across the room to look into Beldaran's mirror.
"Is there something the matter with my beard?"
he asked.
"It looks all right to me."
"Polgara's not particularly partial to beards, Anrak," I explained.
"She didn't have to be so insulting though, did she?
like a rat hiding in a clump of bushes?"
Do I really look
"Polgara exaggerates sometimes," Beldaran told him.
"She takes a little getting used to."
"I don't think it'd work out," he decided.
"I'm not trying to insult you, Belgarath, but you left a lot of the
bark on that one when you were raising her. If I decide that I really
want to get married, I think I'll choose a nice Alorn girl. Sorcerese
girls are a little too complicated for me."
"Isn't that what your race is called?"
"It's a profession, Anrak, not a race."
I didn't know that."
Gelheim drew several pictures of Beldaran, and then he left.
"Tell Riva that we'll be along in the spring," Anrak told him.
Gelheim nodded, then started out through the dreary tag end of winter.
He was almost as close-mouthed as Algar was.
Anrak spent much of his time at the twins' tower, but he came by one
day to tell me about Riva's progress on the hall he was building at the
upper end of the city.
"Actually, it's a little showy for my taste," he said somewhat
"Not that it's got all that many frills or anything, but it's awfully
big. I didn't think Riva was that full of himself."
"He's following instructions," I explained.
"The Hall of the Rivan King is there to protect the Orb, not the people
who live inside. We definitely don't want Torak to get his hands on it
"There isn't much danger of that, Belgarath. He'd have to get past
Dras and Algar first, and Bear-shoulders has a fleet of war boats
patrolling the Sea of the Winds. One-eye might start out with a big
army, but there wouldn't be very many of them left by the time they
reached the Isle."
"It doesn't hurt to take a few extra precautions."
The weather finally broke about a month later, and we started making
preparations for the trip.
"Are we almost ready to leave?"
Beldaran asked one fine spring
"I don't think we need to bring the furniture," Beldin said a bit
sourly. Beldin believed in traveling light.
"I'll go get Polgara, then," she said.
"She won't come, Beldaran," I said.
"Oh, she'll come, all right." There was an uncharacteristic hint of
steel in my younger daughter's voice.
"She doesn't approve of this wedding, you know."
"That's her problem. She is going to attend, whether she likes it or
not." It was easy to underestimate Beldaran because of her sweet,
sunny disposition. She rarely asserted any kind of authority, largely
because she didn't have to. We all loved her so much that she usually
got what she wanted without making any fuss about it. When one of us
crossed her, however, she could be very firm. She'd been a bit
disappointed that the twins wouldn't be going with us, but somebody had
to stay in the Vale, and the twins weren't really comfortable in the
presence of strangers.
I think I'd have given a great deal to have heard the conversation
between my daughters when Beldaran went to the tree to fetch Pol.
Neither of them would talk about it afterward.
a bit sullen, she did come with us.
But though Polgara was
We skirted the eastern border of Ulgoland, of course, but that was
standard practice in those days. Beldin scouted ahead. We weren't
really expecting any trouble, but Beldin never missed an opportunity to
I wonder how he and Vella are getting along. She doesn't have her
daggers any more, but I'd imagine that her beak and talons sort of make
up for that.
The weather was particularly fine that year, and the snow had largely
melted in the passes through the Sendarian Mountains. When we reached
Muros, Anrak went on ahead.
"Riva's instructions," he explained.
"As soon as I get to the coast, I'm supposed to send word to him.
He'll bring a ship and meet us in Camaar."
"Do we really think it's safe to take father back to Camaar?" Polgara
said with just a hint of spitefulness. But both the girls were a
little nervous in Muros. Sometimes I forgot about the fact that they'd
never been out of the Vale before, and strangers made them
uncomfortable. Muros wasn't much of a town in those days, but it still
had more people in it than my daughters were used to.
We hired a carriage there and rode down-river in style. When we
reached Camaar, I did not revisit the waterfront. We took lodgings in
one of the better inns in the main part of town, and I let Beldin go
find Anrak.
"Riva's on the way," Anrak assured us when Beldin brought him to our
"He's probably crowded on several acres of sail.
meet you, Pretty."
He really wants to
Beldaran blushed.
"Disgusting," Polgara muttered. I knew that this was all going to come
to a head eventually. Polgara's discontent about her sister's
impending wedding was probably quite natural. There were ties between
my daughters that I couldn't even begin to understand. Polgara seemed
to be the dominant twin, but she was the one who automatically spoke in
plurals--which is usually the sign of the submissive sister. To this
very day, if you're impolite enough to ask Polgara how old she is,
she'll probably say something like
"We're about three thousand--or so." Beldaran's been gone for a long
time, but she still looms very large in Polgara's conception of the
I think that someday I'll have a long talk with Pol about that. The
world-view of someone who's never really been alone might be very
And then Riva arrived in Camaar. I'm sure that the citizens noticed
him. It wasn't so much the fact that he was seven feet tall that got
their attention. I think it might have had something to do with the
way he tried to walk straight through anything or anyone standing
between him and Beldaran. I've seen people who were in love before,
but nobody has ever taken it to such extremes as Riva did.
When he came into the room at the inn--Beldin was quick enough to get
the door open for him before he walked right through it--he took one
look at my blonde daughter, and that was it for him.
Beldaran had been practicing a pretty little speech, but when she saw
Riva's face, she lost it entirely.
They didn't say anything to each other! Have you ever spent an entire
afternoon in the room with two people who don't talk at all, but just
sat gazing into each others' faces?
It finally got to the point that it was embarrassing, so I spent the
afternoon looking at Polgara instead. Now, there was a study for
There was so much naked emotion in that room that the air almost seemed
to crackle with it. At first Polgara looked at Iron-grip with open and
undisguised hostility. Here was her rival, and she absolutely hated
him. Gradually, however, the sheer force of the absolute adoration
with which Riva and Beldaran gazed at each other began to impress
itself upon her. Polgara can keep her emotions from showing on her
face, but she can't control her eyes. I watched those glorious eyes of
hers flicker back and forth from steely grey to deepest lavender as her
conflicting emotions struggled within her. It took her a long time.
Polgara isn't one to give up easily. Finally, however, she sighed a
long, quavering sigh, and two great tears welled up in those eyes. She
quite obviously realized that she had lost. There was no way she could
compete with the love between her sister and the Rivan King.
I felt a sudden wave of sympathy for her at that point, so I went over
to where she was sitting and took her dirty hand in mine.
"Why don't we step outside, Pol?"
I suggested gently.
"Get a bit of air?"
She gave me a quick, grateful look, nodded mutely, and rose to her
feet. We left the room with dignity.
There was a balcony at the end of the hallway outside the room, and we
went there.
"Well," she said in an almost neutral tone of voice,
guess that settles that, doesn't it?"
"It was settled a long time ago, Pol," I told her.
"This is one of those Necessities.
It has to happen."
"It always comes back to that, doesn't it, father?"
Of course, Pol.
It has to do with who we are."
"Does it ever get any easier?"
"Not that I've noticed."
"Well, I just hope that they'll be happy."
that moment that my heart almost burst.
I was so proud of her at
Then she suddenly turned to me.
"Oh, father!" she cried with a broken-hearted wail.
in a sudden storm of weeping.
She clung to me
I held her, saying
"There, there." That's one of the stupidest things a man can possibly
say, but under the circumstances, it was the best I could manage.
In time she got it under control, and she sniffed, a particularly
unlovely sound.
"Use your handkerchief," I told her.
"I forgot to bring one."
I made one for her--right there on the spot--and offered to her.
"Thank you."
She blew her nose and dabbed at her eyes.
"Is there a bathhouse in this place?"
"I think so.
she asked then.
I'll ask the innkeeper."
"I'd appreciate it. I think it's time I got cleaned up.
really have any reason to be dirty any more, do I?"
I don't
Somehow that one escaped me.
"Why don't you go out and buy me a decent gown, father?"
"Of course, Pol.
she suggested
Anything else?"
"A comb and brush, perhaps." She took hold of one tangled lock, pulled
it forward, and looked at it critically.
"I suppose I really ought to do something about my hair, too."
"I'll see what I can find.
Would you like a ribbon, as well?"
"Don't be ridiculous, father.
I'm not a maypole.
I don't need
Go talk to the innkeeper. I really want to take a bath. Oh,
incidentally, just a plain dress. This is Beldaran's party, not mine.
I'll be in my room." And she went off down the hallway.
I located the bathhouse for her, and then I went looking for Anrak.
found him and Beldin in the taproom on the main floor of the inn.
"Go find me a dressmaker," I told him.
"A what?"
"Polgara wants a new dress."
"What's wrong with the one she's got?"
"Just do it, Anrak, don't argue with me. Oh, she wants a comb and
brush, too. The dressmaker should be able to tell you where to find
He looked mournfully into his half-full tankard.
"Now, Anrak."
He sighed and went on out.
"What's this all about?"
Beldin asked me.
"Polgara's had a change of heart.
abandoned bird's nest any more."
She doesn't want to look like an
"What brought that on?"
"I haven't got any idea, and I'm not going to ask. If she wants to
look like a girl instead of a haystack, that's up to her."
"You're in a peculiar humor."
"I know."
Then I jumped into the air and crowed exultantly.
We were all stunned when Polgara came into the room the next morning.
The plain dress she wore was blue, of course. Pol almost always wears
blue. Her long, dark hair was pulled back rather severely and tied at
the nape of her neck. Now that she was clean, we saw that her skin was
very fair, much like her sister's, and she was startlingly beautiful.
It was her manner, however, that took us all by surprise. Even at
sixteen, Pol was as regal as any queen.
Riva and Anrak both rose to their feet and bowed to her.
sighed lustily.
"What's the matter?"
Then Anrak
his cousin asked him.
"I think I've made a mistake."
"There's nothing new about that."
"I think I'm going to regret this one, though. I might have had a
chance with Lady Polgara if I'd pressed the issue. The Vale's pretty
isolated, so she didn't have any other suitors. I'm afraid it's too
late now, though. As soon as we get her to Riva, every young man on
the Isle's going to pay court to her."
Pol gave him a warm look.
"Why did you let her get away?"
Riva asked him.
"You saw how she looked yesterday, didn't you?"
"No, not really.
Beldaran blushed.
I had my mind on other things."
They'd both had their minds on other things.
"Please don't be offended.
Lady Polgara," Anrak said to my eldest
"Not at all, Anrak," she replied.
of being called
She seemed quite taken with the idea
"Lady Polgara." Just about everybody in the world calls her that now,
but I think she still gets a warm glow every time she hears it.
"Well," Anrak said, choosing his words carefully,
"Lady Polgara was just a little indifferent to appearances when I first
saw her. I think she's a sorceress--like her father. Of course, he's
a sorcerer, not a sorceress, but you know what I mean. Anyway, all
sorcerers are very deep, you know, and she'd probably been thinking
about something for several million years, and--" "I'm only sixteen,
Anrak," Pol corrected him gently.
"Well, yes, I know, but time doesn't mean the same thing to you people
as it does to us. You can make time stop and start again any time you
want, can't you?"
"Can we do that, father?"
"I don't know."
she asked me with some curiosity.
I looked at Beldin.
"Can we?"
"Well, theoretically, I suppose," he replied.
"Belmakor and
wouldn't be a
one place and
to get it all
leave it that
I discussed the possibility once, but we decided that it
good idea. You might get time all mixed up--one time in
a different time in another. It'd probably be very hard
put back together right again, and you couldn't just
"Why not?"
"Because you'd be in two places at the same time."
"What's wrong with that?"
"It'd be a paradox, Belgarath. Belmakor and I weren't sure what that
might do to the universe--rip it to pieces, maybe, or just make it
"It wouldn't do that."
"I wasn't going to try it to find out."
"You see what I mean about how deep these people are?"
his cousin.
Anrak said to
"Anyway, the Lady Polgara had flown up into a tree, and she was doing
sorceress things. I sort of suggested that I might consider marrying
her--since her sister was going to marry you, and twins always like to
do things together. She didn't think too much of the idea, I guess, so
I didn't press the issue. To be honest about it, she wasn't very tidy
when I first saw her." He stopped, looking at Pol with a certain
"I was in disguise, Anrak," she helped him out.
Why was that?"
"It was one of those sorceress things you mentioned."
"Oh, one of those. It was a very good disguise, Lady Polgara.
were an absolute mess."
"I wouldn't push that too much further, Anrak," Beldaran advised.
"Why don't we have some breakfast and start packing instead?
want to see my new home."
I really
We set sail later on that same day, and we arrived at Riva's city two
days afterward. His people were all down at the beach waiting for
us-well, for Beldaran, actually. I don't imagine that the Rivans were
very interested in looking at Beldin and me, but they really wanted to
get a look at their new queen. Riva hovered protectively over her. He
didn't want anybody admiring her too much.
I'm sure they got his point--at least where Beldaran was concerned.
There were other things to be admired, however.
"You'd better get yourself a club," Beldin muttered to me.
"A club, Belgarath--a stout stick with a big end."
"What do I need with a club?"
"Use your eyes, Belgarath. Take a long, hard look at Polgara and then
look at the faces of all those young Alorns standing on the beach.
Believe me, you're going to need a club."
I didn't, exactly, but I made a special point of not letting Pol out of
my sight while we were on the Isle of the Winds. I suspect that I
might have been more comfortable if Pol had held off on emerging from
her cocoon for a while. I was proud of her, of course, but her altered
appearance made me very nervous. She was young and inexperienced, and
the young men on the Isle were obviously very much taken with her.
My strategy was quite simple. I sat in plain view and scowled. I was
wearing one of those ridiculous white robes people are always trying to
foist off on me, and I carried a long staff--much as I had in Arendia
and Tolnedra. I had quite a reputation among Alorns, and those absurd
trappings enhanced it and got my point across. The young Rivans were
polite and attentive--which was fine. But they didn't lure Polgara off
into dark corners--which wouldn't have been.
Pol, of course, was having the time of her life. She didn't exactly
encourage that crowd of suitors, but she smiled a great deal and even
laughed now and then. It's a cruel thing to suggest, but I suspect
that she even enjoyed the fact that young Rivan girls frequently left
the room where she was holding court so that they could go someplace
Gnawing on your own liver isn't the sort of thing you want to do in
We'd been in the Hall of the Rivan King for about a week when a fleet
of Cherek war boats sailed into the harbor. The other Alorn kings had
arrived for Riva's wedding.
It was good to see Cherek and his sons again, although we didn't really
have much chance to talk. Pol assured me that she could take care of
herself, but I didn't feel like taking chances.
Yes, Polgara, I was jealous. Aren't fathers supposed to be jealous?
knew what those young men had on their minds, and I was not going to
leave you alone with them.
A couple of days after Cherek and the boys had arrived, Beldin came
looking for me. I was in my usual place wearing my usual scowl, and
Polgara was busy breaking hearts.
"I think you'd better have a talk with Bear-shoulders," he told me.
"Riva's wedding's starting to give Dras and Algar some ideas."
"What kind of ideas?"
"Grow up, Belgarath. Regardless of how Riva and Beldaran feel about
each other, this is a political marriage."
"Theological, actually."
"It means the same thing. Dras and Algar are starting to think about
the advantages that might be involved in a marriage to Polgara."
"That's ridiculous!"
"I'm not the one who's thinking about it, so don't blame me if it's
ridiculous. Sooner or later, one of them's going to go to Cherek and
ask him to speak with you about it. Then he'll come to you with some
kind of proposal. You'd better head that off before he embarrasses
himself. We still need the Alorns on our side."
I swore and stood up.
"Can you keep an eye on Polgara for me?"
"Why not?"
"Watch out for that tall one with the blond hair.
little too much attention to him for my comfort."
Pol's paying a
"I'll take care of it."
"Don't do anything permanent to him. He's the son of a Clan-Chief, and
this Isle's a little too confined for a clan war." Then I went looking
for Cherek Bear-shoulders.
I stretched the truth just a bit when I told him that Aldur had
instructed me to keep Pol with me in the Vale and that she wasn't
supposed to get married for quite some time. Once I'd headed off their
father, Dras and Algar could make all the proposals to him they wanted
to. He wouldn't act as their go-between.
Bear-shoulders had aged since we'd gone to Mallorea.
His hair and
beard were shot with grey now, and a lot of the fun seemed to have gone
out of his eyes. He told me that the Nadraks had been scouting along
Bull-neck's eastern border and that the Murgos had been coming down the
Eastern Escarpment and probing into Algaria.
"We probably ought to discourage that," I told him.
"Dras and Algar are taking care of it," he replied.
"Technically speaking, there's still a state of war between us and the
Angaraks, so we could probably justify a certain amount of firmness if
the issue ever came up in court."
"Cherek, we're talking about international politics here.
any laws, and there aren't any courts."
There aren't
He sighed.
"The world's getting more civilized all the time, Belgarath," he said
"The Tolnedrans are always trying to come up with picky little
"They've been trying to get me to agree to outlaw what they call
"piracy." Isn't that the most ridiculous thing you ever heard of?
There aren't any laws on the high seas. What happens out there isn't
anybody's business. Why drag judges and lawyers into it?"
"Tolnedrans are like that sometimes. Tell Dras and Algar to find wives
someplace else, would you please? Polgara's not available at the
"I'll mention it to them."
The Alorn calendar was a little imprecise in those days. The Alorns
kept a count of years, but they didn't bother attaching names to the
months the way the Tolnedrans did. Alorns just kept track of the
seasons and let it go at that, so I can't really give you the precise
date of the wedding of Beldaran and Riva. It was three weeks or so
after the arrival of Riva's father and brothers, though. About ten
days before the wedding, Polgara set aside her campaign to break every
heart on the Isle of the Winds, and she and Beldaran went into an
absolute frenzy of dressmaking.
With the help of several good-natured Alorn girls, they rebuilt
Beldaran's wedding dress from the ground up, and then they turned their
attention to a suitable gown for the bride's sister. Beldaran had
always enjoyed sewing, but Pol's fondness for that activity dates from
that period in her life. Sewing keeps a lady's fingers busy, but it
gives her plenty of time to talk. I'm not really sure what those
ladies talked about during those ten days, because they always stopped
whenever I entered the room. Evidently it was the sort of thing ladies
prefer not to share with men. Polgara apparently gave her sister all
sorts of advice about married life--although how she found out about
such things is beyond me. How much information could she have picked
up sitting in a tree surrounded by birds?
Anyway, the happy day finally arrived. Riva was very nervous, but
Beldaran seemed serene. The ceremony took place in the Hall of the
Rivan King--Riva's throne room. A throne room probably isn't the best
place to hold a wedding, but Riva insisted, explaining that he wanted
to be married in the presence of the Orb and that it might have been a
little inappropriate for him to wear his sword into the Temple of
Belar. That was Riva for you.
There are all sorts of obscure little ceremonies involved in weddings,
the meanings of which have long since been lost. The bridegroom is
supposed to get there first, for example, and he's supposed to be
surrounded by burly people who are there to deal firmly with anyone who
objects. Riva had plenty of those, of course. His father, his
brothers, and his cousin, all in bright-burnished mail shirts, bulked
large around him as he stood at the front of the hall. I'd firmly
taken Bull-neck's axe away from him and made him wear a sheathed sword
instead. Dras was an enthusiast, and I didn't want him to start
chopping up wedding guests just to demonstrate how much he loved his
younger brother.
Once they'd settled down and the clinking of their mail had subsided,
Beldin provided a fanfare to announce the bride's arrival. Beldin
absolutely adored Beldaran, and he got a bit carried away. I'm almost
positive that the citizens of Tol Honeth, hundreds of leagues to the
south, paused in the business of swindling each other to remark
"What was that?" when the sound of a thousand silver trumpets
shattered the air of the Rivan throne room. That fanfare was followed
by an inhumanly suppressed choir of female voices--a few hundred or so,
I'd imagine--whispering a hymn to the bride. Beldin had studied music
for a couple of quiet centuries once, and that hymn was very
impressive, but eighty-four-part harmony is just a little complicated
for my taste.
Armored Alorns swung the great doors of the Hall of the Rivan King
open, and Beldaran, all in white, stepped into the precise center of
that doorway. I knew it was the precise center because I'd measured it
eight times and cut a mark into the stones of the floor that's probably
still there. Beldaran, pale as the moon, stood in that framing archway
while all those Alorns turned in their seats to crane their necks and
look at her.
Somewhere, a great bell began to peal. After the wedding, I went
looking for that bell, but I never found it.
Then my youngest daughter was touched with a soft white light that grew
more and more intense.
Polgara, wrapped in a blue velvet cloak, stepped forward to take my
"Are you doing that?" she asked me, inclining her head toward the
shaft of light illuminating her sister.
"Not me, Pol," I replied.
"I was just going to ask if you were doing it."
"Maybe it's Uncle Beldin." She slightly shrugged her shoulders, and
her cloak softly fell away to reveal her gown. I almost choked when I
saw it.
Beldaran was all in white, and she glowed like pale flame in that shaft
of light that I'm almost certain was a wedding gift from the funny old
fellow in the rickety cart. Polgara was all in blue, and her gown
broke away from her shoulders in complex folds and ruffles trimmed with
snowy lace. It was cut somewhat daringly for the day, leaving no
question that she was a girl. That deep-blue gown was almost like a
breaking wave, and Polgara rose out of it like a Goddess rising from
the sea.
I controlled myself as best I could.
"Nice dress," I said from between clenched teeth.
"Oh, this old thing?" she said deprecatingly,
ruffles in an offhand way. Then she laughed a
was far older than her years, and she actually
willingly done that before, and it startled me
heard the alarm bells ringing in my head.
touching one of the
warm, throaty laugh that
kissed me. She'd never
so much that I barely
We separated and took the glowing bride, one on either arm, and, with
stately, measured pace and slow, delivered up our beloved Beldaran to
the adoring King of the Isle of the Winds.
I had quite a bit on my mind at that point, so I more or less ignored
the wedding sermon of the High Priest of Belar. Anyway, if you've
heard one wedding sermon, you've heard them all. There came a point in
the ceremony, though, when something a little out of the ordinary
My Master's Orb began to glow a deep, deep blue that almost perfectly
matched the color of Polgara's gown. We were all terribly happy that
Beldaran and Riva were getting married, but it seemed to me that the
Orb was far more impressed with Polgara than with her sister. I'll
take an oath that I really saw what happened next, although no one else
who was there will admit that he saw it, too. That's probably what
half persuaded me that I'd been seeing things that weren't really
there. The Orb, as I say, began to glow, but it always did that when
Riva was around, so there was nothing really unusual about that.
What was unusual was the fact Polgara began to glow, as well. She
seemed faintly infused with that same pale-blue light, but the
absolutely white lock at her brow was not pale. It was an incandescent
And then I seemed to hear the faint flutter of ghostly wings coming
from the back of the hall. That was the part that made me question the
accuracy of my own senses.
It seemed, though, that Polgara heard it, too, because she turned
And with profoundest respect and love, she curtsied with heart-stopping
grace to the misty image of the snowy white owl perched in the rafters
at the back of the Hall of the Rivan King.
All right, don't beat me over the head with it. Of course I should
have realized that something very peculiar was going on. But if you'll
just stop and think about it for a moment, I believe you'll understand.
You'll recall that Poledra's apparent death had driven me quite mad. A
man who has to be chained to his bed has problems. Then I'd spent two
or three years pickling my brains in the waterfront dives in Camaar and
another eight or nine entertaining the ladies of Mar Amon, and during
all that time I saw a lot of things that weren't really there. I'd
grown so accustomed to that sort of thing that whenever I saw something
unusual, I just shrugged it off as another hallucination. The incident
at Beldaran's wedding wasn't a hallucination, but how was I supposed to
know that? Try to be a little more understanding.
It'll make a better person of you.
And so Beldaran and Riva were married, and they were both deliriously
happy. There were other things afoot in the world, however, and since
the Alorn kings were all on the Isle of the Winds anyway, Beldin
suggested that we might want to seize the opportunity to discuss
matters of state.
All sorts of nonsense has been written about the origins of the Alorn
Council, but that's how it really started. The Tolnedrans have been
objecting to this rather informal yearly gathering for centuries
now--largely because they aren't invited. Tolnedrans are a suspicious
people, and any time they get word of a conference of any kind, they're
absolutely certain that there's a plot against them at the bottom of
Polgara sat in on our conference. She didn't particularly want to,
right at first, but I insisted. I wasn't going to give her an
opportunity to wander about the citadel unsupervised.
I'm not sure that our impromptu conference really accomplished very
much. We spent most of the time talking about the Angaraks. None of
us were happy about their presence on this side of the Sea of the East,
but for the moment there wasn't much we could do about it. The
distances were simply too great.
"I could probably go into that forest to the east of the moors and burn
down those cities the Nadraks are building there," Dras rumbled in that
deep voice of his, "but there wouldn't be much point to it. I don't
have the manpower to occupy all that wilderness. Sooner or later I'd
have to pull out, and then the Nadraks would just come back out of the
woods and rebuild."
"Have there been any contacts with them?"
Pol asked.
He shrugged.
"A few skirmishes is about all. Every so often they come out of the
mountains, and then we chase them back. I don't think they're very
serious about it. They're probably just testing our defenses."
"I meant peaceful contacts."
"There's no such thing as peaceful contacts between Alorns and
Angaraks, Polgara."
"Perhaps there should be."
"I think that's against our religion."
"Maybe you should reconsider that. I understand that the Nadraks are
merchants. They might be interested in trade."
"I don't think they've got anything I'd want."
"Oh, yes they do, Dras. They've got information about the Murgos, and
they're the ones we're really interested in. If anyone's going to
cause us trouble, it'll be the Murgos. If we can find out from the
Nadraks what they're doing, we won't have to go down to Rak Goska to
investigate for ourselves."
"She's got a point, Dras," Algar told his brother.
"My people have had a few contacts with the Thulls, but you can't get
very much information out of a Thull. From what I hear, the Nadraks
don't care very much for the Murgos, so they probably wouldn't mind
passing information along."
"Can you actually climb the Eastern Escarpment to get to Mishrak ac
Thull?" Cherek asked him with a certain surprise.
"There are some ravines that cut down through the escarpment, father,"
Algar replied.
"They're steep, but they're passable. The Murgos patrol the western
frontier of Mishrak ac Thull, and every so often one of those patrols
comes down onto the plains of Algaria--usually to steal horses. We'd
rather they didn't do that, so we chase them back." He smiled
"It's easier to let them find those ravines for us than to go looking
for them ourselves."
"There's a thought," Dras noted.
"If the Murgos want horses, couldn't we interest them in trade, too?"
Algar shook his head.
"Not Murgos, no. Their minds don't work that way. One of my
Clan-Chiefs questioned a Thull who actually knew his right hand from
his left. The Thull said that Ctuchik's at Rak Goska. As long as he's
dominating Murgo society, there won't be any peaceful contacts with
"Pol's right, then," Beldin said.
"We're going to have to try to work through the Nadraks."
at the ceiling.
He squinted
"I don't think this Angarak migration poses much of a threat--at least
not yet. There weren't all that many people in Cthol Mishrak to begin
with, and Ctuchik's got them spread out fairly thin. The real threat
is still Mallorea.
I think I'll go back there and keep an eye on things. The Angaraks on
this continent are just an advance party. They're probably here to
build supply dumps and staging areas. You won't have to start
sharpening your swords until the Malloreans begin coming across. I'll
keep my ear to the ground over there and let you know when the military
moves north out of Mal Zeth toward the bridge."
Polgara pursed her lips.
"I think we might want to establish closer ties with the Tolnedrans and
the Arends."
"Why's that, dear sister?" Riva asked her. He was her brother-in-law
now, and he automatically used that form of address. Family's an
important thing to Alorns.
"We might need their help with the Malloreans."
"The Tolnedrans wouldn't help unless we paid them to," Cherek
disagreed, "and the Arends are too busy fighting with each other."
"They live here, too. Bear-shoulders," she pointed out, "and I don't
think they'd want Malloreans on this continent any more than we
The legions could be very helpful, and the Arends have been training
for war since before Torak split the world. Besides, Chaldan and Nedra
probably would be offended if we all went off to war and didn't invite
them to come along."
"Excuse me, Polgara," Dras rumbled, "but how did you learn so much
about politics? As I understand it, this is the first time you've ever
been out of the Vale."
"Uncle Beldin keeps me posted," she replied, shrugging slightly.
"It's always nice to know what the neighbors are up to."
"Is there any point to involving the Nyissans or the Marags?"
"We should probably make the offer," I said.
"The current Salmissra's a fairly intelligent young woman, and she's as
concerned about the Angaraks as we are. The Marags wouldn't be of much
There aren't that many of them, and the fact that they're cannibals
might make everybody else nervous."
Beldin laughed that ugly laugh of his.
"Tell them to start eating Angaraks.
Let the Murgos get nervous."
"I think maybe we'd all better start thinking about going home,"
Cherek suggested, rising to his feet.
"The wedding's over now, and if the Malloreans are coming, we'd better
start getting ready for them."
And that was more or less the extent of the first Alorn Council.
"Is it always that much fun?"
our quarters.
Polgara asked me as we were returning to
Did I miss something?"
"Politics, father," she explained.
"All this business of trying to guess what the other side's going to
"I've always rather enjoyed it."
"I guess you really are my father, then. That was much more fun than
leading young men around by their noses or turning their knees to water
just by fluttering my eyelashes at them."
"You're a cruel woman, Polgara."
"I'm glad you realize that, father. It wouldn't be much fun at all to
catch you unawares." She gave me one of those obscure little smiles.
"Watch out for me, father," she warned.
"I'm at least as dangerous as you are or Torak is."
You did say it, Pol, so don't try to deny it.
Our parting from Beldaran wasn't one of the happier moments in our
lives. My love for my blonde daughter had been the anchor that had
hauled me back to sanity, and Polgara's ties to her twin sister were so
complex that I couldn't even begin to understand them.
Beldin and I talked at some length before we separated. He promised to
keep me advised about what was going on in Mallorea, but I had a few
suspicions about his motives for going back there. I had the feeling
that he wanted to continue his discussion of white-hot hooks with
Urvon, and there was always the chance of coming across Zedar in some
out-of-the-way place. There are nicer people in the world than
I wished him the best of luck--and I meant it.
than me out there, as well.
There are nicer people
"Grat is not nice, after all.
My brother left ffrom the headland just south of the harbor at Riva,
spiraling upward on lazy wings. Pol and I, however, left by more
conventional means. Bear-shoulders took us to the Sendarian coast in
that dangerously narrow war boat of his. Even though I'd helped to
design them, I don't like Cherek war boats. There's no denying that
they're fast, but it always feels to me whenever I board one that it's
right on the verge of capsizing. I'm sure Silk understands that, but
Barak never will.
Pol and I took our time returning to the Vale. There was no real
hurry, after all. In a curious sort of way, Beldaran's marriage made
peace between Polgara and me. We didn't talk about it, we just closed
ranks to fill in the gap that had suddenly appeared in our lives. Pol
still made those clever remarks, but a lot of the bite had gone out of
It was midsummer by the time we got home, and we spent the first week
or so giving the twins a full description of the wedding and of Pol's
conquests. I'm sure they noticed the change in her appearance, but
they chose not to make an issue of it.
Then we settled back in. It was after dinner one evening when Polgara
raised something I'd been cudgeling my brains to find a way to bring up
myself. As I remember, we were doing the dishes at the time. I don't
particularly like to dry dishes, since they'll dry themselves if you
just leave them alone, but Polgara seems to feel a kind of closeness in
the business, and if it made her happy, I wasn't going to disturb the
uneasy peace between us by objecting.
She handed me the last dripping plate, dried her hands, and said,
guess it's time for me to start my education, father.
been harping on that for quite some time now."
The Master's
I almost dropped the plate.
"Aldur talks to you, too?"
I asked her as calmly as I could.
She gave me a quizzical look.
"Of course."
Then the look became offensively pitying.
"Oh, come now, father.
Are you trying to say that you didn't know?"
I know now that I shouldn't have been so surprised, but I'd been raised
in a society in which women were hardly more than servants.
Poledra had been an entirely different matter, of course, but for some
reason the implications of what Polgara had just told me were
profoundly shocking. The fact that Aldur had come to her in the same
way that he came to me was an indication of a certain status, and I
simply wasn't ready to accept the idea of a female disciple. I guess
that sometimes I'm just a little too old-fashioned.
Fortunately, I had sense enough to keep those opinions to myself. I
carefully finished drying the plate, put it on the shelf, and hung up
the dishtowel.
"Where's the best place to begin?"
she asked me.
"The same place I did, I suppose. Try not to be offended, Pol, but
you're going to have to learn how to read."
"Can't you just tell me what I need to know?"
I shook my head.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't know everything you'll need to learn. Let's go sit
down, Pol, and I'll try to explain it." I led her over to that part of
the tower that I devoted to study. I'd never even considered building
interior walls in the tower, so it was really just one big room with
certain areas devoted to certain activities. We sat down at a large
table littered with books and scrolls and obscure pieces of
"In the first place," I began, "we're all different."
"What an amazing thing.
How is it that I never noticed that?"
"I'm serious, Pol. This thing we call "talent" shows up in different
ways in each of us. Beldin can do things I wouldn't even attempt, and
the others also have certain speciali ties I can give you the basics,
but then you'll be on your own. Your talent's going to develop along
lines that'll be dictated by the way your mind works. People babble
about "sorcery," but most of what they say is pure nonsense. All it
is--all it can be--is thought, and each of us thinks differently.
That's what I meant when I said you're on your own."
"Why do I need to read, then? If I'm so unique, what can your books
tell me that'll be of any use?"
"It's a shortcut, Pol. No matter how long you live, you're not going
to have time to rethink every thought that's ever occurred to everyone
who's ever lived. That's why we read--to save time."
"How will I know which thoughts are right and which ones aren't?"
"You won't--at least not at first.
fallacies as you go along."
You'll get better at recognizing
"But that'll only be my opinion."
"That's sort of the way it works, yes."
"What if I'm wrong?"
"That's the chance you have to take."
"There aren't any absolutes, Pol.
but it doesn't work that way."
I leaned back in my chair.
Life would be simpler if there were,
"Now I've got you, Old Man," she said it with a certain disputation al
fervor. Polgara loves a good argument.
"There are things we know for certain."
Name one."
"The sun's going to come up tomorrow morning."
"It always has."
"Does that really mean that it always will?"
A faint look of consternation crossed her face.
"It will, won't it?"
"Probably, but we can't be absolutely certain. Once you've decided
that something's absolutely true, you've closed your mind on it, and a
closed mind doesn't go anywhere. Question everything, Pol. That's
what education's all about."
"This might take longer than I thought."
"Probably so, yes.
Shall we get started?"
Pol needs reasons for the things she does. Once she understood why
reading was so important, she learned how in a surprisingly short time,
and she got better at it as she went along. Perhaps it was something
to do with her eyes. I probably can read faster than most because I
can grasp the meaning of an entire line at a single glance. Pol picks
up whole paragraphs in the same way. If you ever have occasion to
watch my daughter reading, don't be deceived by the way she seems to be
idly leafing through a book. She isn't. She's reading every single
word. She went through my entire library in slightly more than a year.
Then she went after Beldin's--which was a bit more challenging, since
Beldin's library at that time was probably the most extensive in the
known world.
Unfortunately, Polgara argues with books--out loud. I was engaged in
my own studies at the time, and it's very hard to concentrate when a
steady stream of
and even
is echoing off the rafters.
"Read to yourself!"
I shouted at her one evening.
"But, father dear," she said sweetly, "you directed me to this book, so
you must believe what it says. I'm just trying to open your mind to
the possibility of an alternative opinion."
We argued about philosophy, theology, and natural science. We haggled
about logic and law. We screamed at each other about ethics and
comparative morality. I don't know when I've ever had so much fun. She
crowded me at every turn. When I tried to pull in the wisdom of ages
to defend my position, she neatly punctured all my windy pomposity with
needle-sharp logic. In theory, I was educating her, but I learned
almost as much as she did in the process.
Every so often, the twins came by to complain. Pol and I are vocal
people, and we tend to get louder and louder as an argument
The twins didn't really live all that far away, so they got to listen
to our discussions--although they'd have preferred not to.
I was enormously pleased with her mind, but I was somewhat less pleased
with the wide streak of vanity that was emerging in her. Polgara tends
to be an extremist. She'd spent her young girlhood being militantly
indifferent to her appearance. Now she went completely off the scale
in the opposite direction. She absolutely had to bathe at least once a
day-even in the wintertime. I've always been of the opinion that
bathing in the winter is bad for your health, but Pol scoffed at that
notion and immersed herself up to the eyebrows in warm, soapy water at
every opportunity.
More to the point, though, she also suggested that I should bathe more
frequently. I think she had some sort of mental calendar ticking away
inside her head, and she could tell me--and frequently did--exactly how
long it had been since my last bath. We used to have long talks about
So far as I was concerned, if she wanted to bathe five times a day,
that was up to her. But she also insisted on washing her hair each
time! Pol has a full head of hair, and our tower seemed to be filled
with a perpetual miasma. Damp hair is not one of my favorite
fragrances. It wasn't so bad in the summertime when I could open the
windows to air the place out, but in the winter I just had to live with
I think the last straw was when she moved Beldaran's standing mirror
into a position where she could watch herself reading. All right,
Polgara had grown up to be at least as pretty as Beldaran, but
really-She did things to her eyebrows that looked terribly painful to
I know as a matter of fact that they were painful, since I woke up one
morning with her leaning placidly over me plucking out mine--hair by
hair. Then, still not content, she started on my ears. Neatness is
nice, I guess, but I drew the line there. The hair in a man's ears is
there for a reason. It keeps out bugs, and it insulates the brain from
the chill of winter. Polgara's mother had never objected to the fact
that I had furry ears. Of course, Poledra looked at the world
Pol spent inordinate amounts of time with her hair.
She combed.
She brushed.
She made me crazy with all that fussing. Yes, I know that Polgara has
beautiful hair, but it crackles when the weather turns cold. Try it
Let your hair grow until you can sit on it; then stroke it with a brush
on a chill winter morning. There were times when she looked like a
hedgehog, and bright sparks flew from her fingers whenever she touched
anything even remotely metallic.
She used to swear about that a lot. Polgara doesn't really approve of
swearing, but she does know all the words.
I think it was during the late spring of her eighteenth year when she
finally stepped over the line and demonstrated her talent while I was
watching. It's an obscure sort of modesty with Pol. She doesn't like
to have anyone around to see what she's doing when she unleashes it. I
suspect that it may have something to do with nakedness. Nobody--and I
do mean nobody--has ever seen Polgara step all dripping from her bath
wearing nothing but that dreamy smile. She conceals her gift in that
selfsame way--except in an emergency.
It wasn't actually an emergency. Pol had been deep into a Melcene
philosophical tract, and she was concentrating on it very hard. I sort
of suggested that it had been two days since we'd eaten. It was the
end of winter, and I suppose I could have gone wolf and chased down a
field-mouse or two, but I really wanted something to eat. Field-mice
are nice, but they're all fur and bones, and that's not really very
satisfying for a full-grown animal.
"Oh, bother," she said, and made a negligent sort of gesture--without
even looking up from her book--and there was quite suddenly a
hindquarter of beef smoking on the kitchen table, without benefit of
I looked at it with a certain amount of chagrin. It was dripping gravy
all over my floor, for one thing, and it wasn't quite fully done, for
Polgara had provided cow.
Cooking and seasoning to taste was my
I bit down very hard on my lower lip.
"Thanks awfully," I said to her in my most acid tone.
"Don't mention it," she replied without raising her eyes from her
The world outside the Vale was changing. There's nothing particularly
remarkable about that; the world is always changing. About the only
difference this time lay in the fact that we noticed it. The open
grasslands to the north of us had always been uninhabited before-unless you count the wild horses and cattle. But now the Algars lived
I always rather liked Algar Fleet-foot. He was clearly the most
intelligent of Cherek's sons. The fact that he never missed an
opportunity to keep his mouth shut was an indication of that. I
suspect that if he'd been Cherek's first son, it might not have been
necessary to break up Aloria.
This is not intended to throw rocks at Dras Bull-neck. Dras was
unquestionably one of the bravest men I've ever known, but he was just
a bit on the impetuous side. Maybe his sheer physical size had
something to do with that.
Fleet-foot's breeding program was beginning to produce larger horses,
and more and more of his people were mounted now. He'd also began to
cross-breed the rather scrubby Alorn cattle with the wild cows of the
plain to produce animals of a significant size that were at least
marginally tractable.
The Algars were fairly good neighbors--which is to say that they didn't
pester us. Fleet-foot periodically sent messengers to the Vale to
bring us news, but otherwise his people left us alone.
It was about two years after Beldaran's wedding--late spring I think it
was--when Algar himself came down into the Vale with his cousin
"Good news, Belgarath," Anrak called up to my tower.
"You're going to become a grandfather."
"It's about time," I called down.
"Come on up, both of you." I went to the head of the stairs and told
the door to open to admit them.
"When's Beldaran due?"
I asked as they started up the stairs.
"A month or so, I suppose," Anrak replied.
"She wants you and her sister to come to the Isle. Ladies like to have
family around for the birth of their first child, I guess." They
reached the top of the stairs, and Anrak looked around.
"Where's Lady Polgara?"
he asked.
"She's visiting the twins," I told him.
"She'll be back in a bit. Sit down, gentlemen.
think this calls for a little celebration."
I'll bring some ale. I
We sat and talked for most of the rest of the afternoon, and then
Polgara returned. She took the news quite calmly, which rather
surprised me.
"We'll need to pack a few things" was about all she said before she
started supper. I strongly suspect that she already knew about her
sister's condition.
"I brought horses," Algar said quietly.
"Good," Pol replied.
"It's a long trip."
"Have you ridden very often?"
he asked her.
"Not really."
"It'll take a little getting used to," he cautioned.
"I think I can manage, Algar."
"We'll see."
I probably should have paid more attention to the warning note in his
voice. I'd never had much experience with horses. They'd been around,
of course, but until the breeding program of the Algars, they'd been
quite small, and I'd always felt that I could get from place to place
almost as fast by walking. We left early the next morning, and by noon
I began to wish that I had walked. Algarian saddles are probably the
best in the world, but they're still very hard, and the steady,
ground-eating trot that was Algar's favorite pace tended to make me
bounce up and down, and every bounce grew more and more painful. I
took my meals standing up for the first couple of days.
As we rode farther north, we began to encounter small herds of
"Is it really a good idea to let them wander around loose that way?"
Anrak asked Algar.
"Where are they going to go?"
Algar replied.
"This is where the grass and water are."
"Isn't it a little hard to keep track of them?"
"Not really."
Algar pointed at a lone horseman on top of a nearby
"That looks to be a very dull job."
"Only if you're lucky.
When you're tending cattle, you don't want the
job to be exciting."
"What do you plan to do with all these cows?"
"Sell them, I suppose.
I asked him.
There should be a market for them somewhere."
"Maybe," Anrak said a little dubiously, "but how do you plan to get
them there?"
"That's why they have feet, Anrak."
The following day we came across an encampment of one of the Algarian
clans. Most of their wagons were like farm wagons everywhere in the
world--four wheels and an open bed. A few, however, were enclosed,
looking strangely box-like.
"Is that something new?"
I asked Algar, pointing at one of them.
He nodded.
"We move around a lot, so we decided to take our houses with us.
more practical that way."
"Do you think you'll ever get around to building a city?"
Anrak asked
"We already have," Algar replied.
"Nobody really lives there, but we've got one.
It's off to the east a
"Why build a city if you don't plan to live in it?"
"It's for the benefit of the Murgos."
"The Murgos?"
"It gives them a place to visit when they come to call."
Algar smiled
"It's much more convenient for us that way."
"I don't understand."
"We're herdsmen, Anrak. We go where the cows go. The Murgos can't
really comprehend that. Most of their raiding parties are quite small.
They come down the ravines in the escarpment to steal horses and then
try to get back before we catch them. Every so often, though, a larger
party comes down looking for a fight. We built what looks like a city
so that they'll go there instead of wandering all over Algaria. It
makes them easier to find."
"It's just bait, then?"
Algar considered that.
"I suppose you could put it that way, yes."
"Wasn't building it a lot of work?"
Algar shrugged.
"We didn't really have much else to do.
after all."
The cows feed themselves,
We spent the night in the Algarian encampment and rode west the
following morning.
The main pass through the mountains was clear of snow by now, and I
noticed that Fleet-foot was paying rather close attention to it as we
rode up into the foothills.
"Good grass," he noted, "and plenty of water."
"Are you thinking of expanding your kingdom?"
I asked him.
"Not really. A couple of the clans are occupying the area up around
Darine, but there are too many trees west of the mountains to make the
country good for cows. Doesn't this road lead to a town someplace up
I nodded.
"Muros," I told him.
"The Wacite Arends built it."
"Maybe after Riva's son is born, I'll drop on down to Vo Wacune and
have a talk with the duke. It shouldn't be too hard to drive cows
through this pass, and if word got around that we were bringing herds
through here, cattle-buyers might start gathering at Muros. I'd hate
to have to go looking for them."
And that's what started the yearly cattle fair at Muros. In time it
became one of the great commercial events in all the west.
But I'm getting ahead of myself here.
I hired a carriage again in Muros, and I was very happy to get out of
the saddle. Pol and I rode inside while Algar and his cousin stayed on
horseback. We reached Camaar without incident and boarded the ship
Anrak had waiting there. Rivan ships are broader than Cherek war
boats, so the two-day voyage to the Isle of the Winds was actually
You can't really sneak up on the city Riva had built on the Isle, so he
knew we were coming long before we arrived, and he was waiting on the
wharf when we reached it.
"Are we in time?" Polgara called to him as the sailors were throwing
ropes to men on the wharf.
"Plenty of time, I think," he replied.
"At least that's what the midwives tell me. Beldaran wanted to come
down to meet you, but I told her no. I'm not sure if climbing all
those stairs would be good for her."
"I see you've shaved off your beard," I said.
"It was easier than arguing about it.
My wife has opinions about
"You look younger without it," Pol noted approvingly.
The sailors ran out the gangplank, and we all went ashore.
Polgara embraced her brother-in-law warmly, and we started the long
climb up the hill to the citadel.
"How's the weather been?"
Anrak asked his cousin.
"Unusual," Riva replied.
"It hasn't rained for almost a week now.
The streets are even starting to dry out."
Beldaran was waiting for us in the gateway to the Citadel, and she was
very pregnant.
"You seem to be putting on a bit of weight, dear," Pol teased after
they had embraced.
"You noticed."
Beldaran laughed.
"I think I'll be losing most of it before very long, though.
I hope so." She laid one hand on her distended stomach.
"It's awkward and uncomfortable, but I suppose it's worth it."
she waddled over and kissed me.
At least
"How have you been, father?"
she asked me.
"About the same," I replied.
"Oh, yes," Pol agreed.
"Nothing changes our father."
"Why don't we go inside?"
Riva suggested.
"We don't want Beldaran taking a chill."
"I'm perfectly fine, Riva," she told him.
"You worry too much."
Beldaran's pregnancy raised all sorts of emotions in me. Strangely,
the memories of her mother weren't all that painful. Poledra's
pregnancy had made her very happy, and I remembered that rather than
what happened later.
I'd been a little uneasy about returning Polgara to the scene of her
previous triumphs, but she evidently felt that she'd already broken
enough hearts there, so she largely ignored the young men who flocked
to the Citadel when word of her arrival got around. Pol enjoys being
the center of attention, but she had other things on her mind this
time. The young men sulked, but I don't think that bothered her much.
I know it didn't bother me.
She spent most of her time with her sister, of course, but she did have
long conferences with the midwives. I think her interest in the
healing arts dates from that time. I suppose that birth is a logical
place to begin the study of medicine.
The rest of us were redundant. If there's ever a time in a man's life
when he's redundant, it's when his women-folk are delivering babies.
Pol made that abundantly clear to us, and we wisely chose not to argue
with her about it. Young as she was, Polgara had already begun to take
charge of things. There have been times--many times--when I'd have
been happier if she weren't quite so forceful, but that's the way she
Riva had set aside a room high up in one of the towers that served him
as a kind of study, not that he was really all that studious. I'm not
trying to imply that he was stupid, by any means, but he didn't have
that burning interest in books that characterizes the scholar. I think
his major concern at that time had to do with the tax code.
Fleet-foot, Anrak, and I took to joining him in that tower room-largely
to stay out from underfoot, I think.
"Have you heard from Beldin?" Algar asked me one morning after we'd
settled in for one of those random day-long discussions.
"Not for several months," I replied.
"I guess things are quiet in Mallorea."
"Is Torak still at Ashaba?"
Riva asked.
"So far as I know. From what Beldin told me the last time we talked,
that ecstasy is still on him."
"I don't quite understand that," Anrak confessed.
"Exactly what's happening to him?"
"Have you heard about the two Destinies?"
The priest of Belar talks about them in church sometimes.
It usually puts me to sleep."
"Try to stay awake this time," I told him.
"To put it in the simplest terms, the universe came into existence with
a Purpose."
"I understand that part."
"Good. Anyway, something happened that wasn't supposed to happen, and
it divided that Purpose. Now there are two possibilities where there
used to be only one."
"This is the place where I usually go to sleep," he said.
"Fight it. Always before, we got our instructions directly from the
Gods, but they've left now, so we're supposed to be instructed by one
or the other of the two Necessities. Torak follows one, and we follow
the other. Certain people get touched by those Necessities, and they
start to talk. Most people think they're just crazy, but they're not.
They're passing instructions on to us."
"Isn't that a cumbersome way to do it?"
I shrugged.
"Yes, but it has to be that way."
"I haven't the faintest idea. Anyway, Torak's been raving for years
now, and Urvon's got scribes taking down his every word. There are
instructions and hints about the future in those ravings. As soon as
Torak comes to his senses again, he'll try to figure out what they
mean." I suddenly remembered something.
"Does Dras still have that maniac chained to a post near Boktor?"
asked Riva.
"So far as I know he does--unless the fellow's chewed his chain in two
and run off into the fens by now. There's one in Darine, as well, you
know. He's not quite as crazy as the one Dras has, but he's close."
I looked at Algar.
"You've got clans near Darine, don't you?"
"Can you get word to one of your Clan-Chiefs? I want scribes to start
taking down that fellow's ravings. They're probably important."
"I've already taken care of that, Belgarath."
"I think I'll take the long way around when I go home," I mused.
want to have a look at these two prophets--and talk to them. Maybe I
can say something that'll set them off. Has Dras made any contacts
with the Nadraks?"
"Not personally," Riva replied.
"Dras has prejudices where Angaraks are concerned. There are merchants
in Boktor, though, and there's a little bit of trade going on along the
border. The merchants have been picking up quite a bit of
"Anything useful?"
"It's hard to say. Things have a way of getting garbled after they've
passed through six or eight people. From what I understand, the Murgos
have been moving south into the lands of the western Dals. They almost
had to, I guess. The Thulls have started to lose interest in feeding
their former masters, and nothing grows around Rak Goska. The Murgos
either had to move or starve."
"Maybe they'll wander off the southern end of the continent," Algar
"The notion of watching the Murgos marching out to sea sort of appeals
to me."
"Has there been any word about Ctuchik?"
I asked.
"I think he's left Rak Goska," Riva replied.
"They say that he's building a city at a place called Rak Cthol.
supposed to be on top of a mountain somewhere."
"It'd be consistent," I said.
"Ctuchik's a Grolim, and the Grolims have been in mourning ever since
Korim sank into the sea. They adore temples on top of mountains, for
some reason."
"They wouldn't get too much worship out of me in a place like that,"
Anrak said.
"I'll go to church if it's not too much trouble, but I don't think I'd
want to climb a mountain to get there." He looked at me.
"Have you ever met this Ctuchik?"
"I think so," I replied.
"I think he was the one who was chasing us after we stole the Orb.
Ctuchik more or less ran things at Cthol Mishrak.
Torak was concentrating all his attention on the Orb, so he left the
day-to-day details to Ctuchik. I know that the one leading the pursuit
was either Urvon or Ctuchik, and I hear Urvon didn't go to Cthol
Mishrak unless Torak summoned him."
"What does Ctuchik look like?"
"A dog, last time I looked," Algar murmured.
"A dog?"
"One of the Hounds of Torak," I explained.
"Certain Grolims took on the form of Hounds so that they could guard
the place."
"Who'd want to go near a place like Cthol Mishrak?"
"We did," Algar told him.
"There was something there we wanted."
He looked at me.
"Has Beldin heard anything about where Zedar might be?"
He asked.
"Not that he mentioned."
"I think maybe we ought to keep an eye out for him. We know that
Urvon's at Mal Yaska and Ctuchik's at Rak Cthol. We don't know where
Zedar is, and that makes him dangerous. Urvon and Ctuchik are
Angaraks. If either one of them comes after the Orb, he'll come with
an army. Zedar's not an Angarak, so he might try something
I could have saved myself--and a large number of other people--a great
deal of trouble if I'd paid closer attention to what Fleet-foot said.
We didn't have time to pursue the question, though, because it was just
about then that the messenger Pol had sent found us.
"Lord Riva," he said to my son-in-law,
"Lady Polgara says that you're supposed to come now."
Riva stood up quickly.
"Is everything all right?"
he asked.
The messenger was a bearded Alorn warrior, and he seemed a little
offended by his errand. Polgara tends to ignore rank, and when she
needs something, she'll send the first person she sees to get it.
"Everything seems normal to me," the messenger replied, shrugging.
"The women are all running around with pails of hot water, and your
wife's yelling."
Riva's eyes got wild.
"Women always yell when they're having babies, my Lord. My wife's had
nine, and she still yells. You'd think they'd get used to it after a
while, wouldn't you?"
Riva pushed past him and went down the stairs four at a time.
It was the first time that Pol had officiated at a birth, so she was
probably just a bit premature about summoning Riva. Beldaran's labor
continued for about another four hours, and Iron-grip was definitely in
the way the whole time. I think my daughter learned a valuable lesson
that day. After that, she always invented something for the expectant
father to do during his wife's labor--usually something physical and a
long way away from the birthing chamber.
In the normal course of time, Beldaran delivered my grandson, a
red-faced, squirming boy with damp hair that dried to sandy blond.
Polgara emerged from the bedroom with the small, blanket-wrapped bundle
in her arms and a strange, almost wistful look on her face.
"Behold the heir to the Rivan throne," she said to us, holding out the
Riva stumbled to his feet.
"Is he all right?"
he stammered.
"He has the customary number of arms and legs, if that's what you
mean," Pol replied.
She thrust the baby at his father.
"Hold him.
I want to help my sister."
"Is she all right?"
"She's fine, Riva.
Take the baby."
"Isn't he awfully small?"
"Most babies are.
Take him."
"Maybe I'd better not.
I might drop him."
Her eyes glinted.
"Take the baby, Riva." She said it slowly, emphasizing each word.
Nobody argues with Polgara when she takes that tone.
Riva's hands were shaking very badly when he reached out to take his
"Support his head," she instructed.
Riva placed one of his huge hands behind the baby's head.
were visibly trembling.
"Maybe you'd better sit down," she said.
He sank back into his chair, his face very pale.
His knees
"Men!" Polgara said, rolling her eyes upward.
went back into the bedroom.
Then she turned and
My grandson looked at his father gravely. He had very blue eyes, and
he seemed much calmer than the trembling giant who was holding him.
After a few minutes, Iron-grip began that meticulous examination of his
newborn offspring that all parents seem to feel is necessary. I'm not
sure why people always want to count fingers and toes under those
"Would you look at those tiny little fingernails!"
Riva exclaimed.
Why are people always surprised about the size of baby's fingernails?
Are they expecting claws, perhaps?
Riva said then in a choked voice.
"He's deformed!"
I looked down at the baby.
"He looks all right to me."
"There's a mark on the palm of his right hand!"
those tiny fingers to show me.
He carefully opened
The mark wasn't very large, of course, hardly more than a small white
"Oh, that," I said.
"Don't worry about it.
It's supposed to be there."
"Look at your own hand, Riva," I said patiently.
He opened that massive right hand of his.
"But that's a burn mark. I got it when I picked up the Orb for the
first time--before it got to know me."
"Did it hurt when it burned you?"
"I don't remember exactly. I was a little excited at the time. Torak
was right in the next room, and I wasn't sure he'd stay asleep."
"It's not a burn, Riva. The
to hurt you. All it did was
because he's going to be the
get used to that mark. It's
"What an amazing thing.
I shrugged.
Orb knew who you were, and it wasn't going
mark you. Your son's marked the same way
next keeper of the Orb. You might as well
going to be in your family for a long
How did you find out about this?"
"Aldur told me," I replied. It was the easy thing to say, but it
wasn't true. I hadn't known about the mark until I saw it, but as soon
as I did, I knew exactly what it meant. Evidently a great deal of
information had been passed on to me while I had been sharing my head
with that peculiar voice that had guided us to Cthol Mishrak. The
inconvenient part of the whole business lies in the fact that these
insights don't rise to the surface until certain events come along to
trigger them. Moreover, as soon as I saw that mark on my grandson's
palm, I knew there was something I had to do.
That had to wait, however, because Polgara came out of the bedroom just
"Give him to me," she told Riva.
"What for?"
Iron-grip's voice had a possessive tone to it.
"It's time he had something to eat. I think Beldaran ought to take
care of that--unless you want to do it."
He actually blushed as he quickly handed the baby over.
I wasn't able to attend to my little project until the following
I don't think the baby got very much sleep that night. Everybody
wanted to hold him. He took it well, though. My grandson was an
uncommonly good-natured baby. He didn't fuss or cry, but just examined
each new face with that same grave, serious expression. I even got the
chance to hold him once--for a little while. I took him in my hands
and winked at him. He actually smiled. That made me feel very good,
for some reason.
There was a bit of an argument the next morning, however.
"He needs to get some sleep," Polgara insisted.
"He needs to do something else first," I told her.
"Isn't he a little young for chores, father?"
"He's not too young for this one.
Bring him along."
"Where are we going?"
"To the throne room. Just bring him, Pol. Don't argue with me.
is one of those things that's supposed to happen."
She gave me a strange look.
"Why didn't you say so, father?"
"I just did."
"What's happening here?"
Riva asked me.
"I wouldn't want to spoil it for you.
Come along."
We trooped through the halls from the royal apartment to the Hall of
the Rivan King, and the two guards who were always there opened the
massive doors for us.
I'd been in Riva's throne room before, of course, but the size of the
place always surprised me just a bit. It was vaulted, naturally. You
can't really support a flat roof safely over a room of that size.
Massive beams crisscrossed high overhead, and they were held in place
by carved wooden buttresses. There were three great stone fire pits
set at intervals in the floor, and a broad aisle that led down to the
basalt throne. Riva's sword hung point-down on the wall behind the
throne, and the Orb resting on the pommel was flickering slightly. I'm
told that it did that whenever Riva entered the hall.
We marched straight to the throne.
"Take down your sword, Iron-grip," I said.
"It's a ceremony, Riva," I told him.
"Take down the sword, hold it by the blade, and introduce your son to
the Orb."
"It's only a rock, Belgarath.
It doesn't care what his name is."
"I think you might be surprised."
He shrugged.
"If you say so." He reached up and took hold of the huge blade. Then
he lifted down the great sword and held the pommel out to the baby in
Polgara's arms.
"This is my son, Daran," he said to the Orb.
"He'll take care of you after I'm gone."
I might have said it differently, but Riva Iron-grip was a plainspoken
sort of fellow who didn't set much store in ceremonies. I immediately
recognized the derivation of my grandson's name, and I was sure that
Beldaran would be pleased.
I'm almost certain that the infant Daran had been asleep in his aunt's
arms, but something seemed to wake him up. His eyes opened, and he saw
my Master's Orb, which his father was holding out to him. It's easy to
say that a baby will reach out for any bright thing that's offered to
him, but Daran knew exactly what he was supposed to do. He'd known
about that before he was even born.
He reached out that small, marked hand and firmly laid it palm-down on
the Orb.
The Orb recognized him immediately.
It burst joyously into bright blue
flame, a blue aura surrounded Pol and the baby, and the sound of
millions of exulting voices seemed to echo down from the stars.
I have it on the very best of authority that the sound brought Torak
howling to his feet in Ashaba, half a world away.
Pol and I stayed on the Isle of the Winds for about a month after Daran
was born. There wasn't anything urgent calling us back to the Vale,
and it was a rather special time in our lives.
Beldaran was up and about in a few days, and she and Pol spent most of
their time together. I don't think I'd fully understood how painful
their separation had been for both of them. Every now and then, I'd
catch a glimpse of Polgara's face in an unguarded moment. Her
expression was one of obscure pain. Beldaran had inexorably been drawn
away from her --first by her husband and now by her baby. Their lives
had diverged, and there was nothing either of them could do about it.
Algar Fleet-foot left for Vo Wacune after a week or so to have a talk
with the Wacite duke. Evidently, the idea that'd come to him in that
mountain pass had set fire to his imagination, and he really wanted to
explore the possibility of establishing a permanent cattle fair at
Raising cows has its satisfactions, I suppose, but getting rid of them
after you've raised them is something else. If I'd paid closer
attention to the implications of his notion, I might have realized just
how profoundly it would affect history. Revenues from that fair
financed the military adventures of the Wacites during the Arendish
civil wars, and the profits to be made in Muros almost guaranteed a
Tolnedran presence there. Ultimately, I suppose, that cattle fair was
responsible for the founding of the Kingdom of Sendaria. I've always
felt that an economic theory of history is an oversimplification, but
in this case it had a certain validity.
Meanwhile, I hovered on the outskirts of my little family waiting for
the chance to get my hands on my grandson. You have no idea of how
difficult that was. He was Beldaran's first child, and she treated him
like a new appendage. When she wasn't holding him, Polgara was. Then
it was Riva's turn. Then it was time for Beldaran to feed him again.
They passed him around like a group of children playing with a ball,
and there wasn't room for another player in their little game.
I was finally obliged to take steps. I waited until the middle of the
night, crept into the nursery, and lifted Daran out of his cradle. Then
I crept out again. All grandparents have strong feelings about their
grandchildren, but my motives went a little further than a simple
desire to get all gooey inside. Daran was the direct result of certain
instructions my Master had given me, and I needed to be alone with him
for a few minutes to find out if I'd done it right.
I carried him out into the sitting room where a single candle burned,
held him on my lap, and looked directly into those sleepy eyes.
"It's nothing really all that important," I murmured to him.
I refuse
to babble gibberish to a baby. I think it's insulting. I was very
careful about what I did, of course. A baby's mind is extremely
malleable, and I didn't want to damage my grandson. I probed quite
gently, lightly brushing my fingertip --figuratively speaking--across
the edges of his awareness. The merger of my family with Riva's was
supposed to produce someone very important, and I needed to know
something about Daran's potential.
I wasn't disappointed.
His mind was unformed, but it was very quick.
I think he realized in a vague sort of way what I was doing, and he
smiled at me. I suppressed an urge to shout with glee. He was going
to work out just fine.
"We'll get to know each other better later on," I told him.
"I just thought I ought to say hello." Then I took him back to the
nursery and tucked him into his cradle.
He watched me a lot after that, and he always giggled when I winked at
him. Riva and Beldaran thought that was adorable. Polgara, however,
"What did you do to that baby?" she demanded when she caught me alone
in the hall after supper one evening.
"I just introduced myself, Pol," I replied as inoffensively as
"Oh, really?"
"You've got a suspicious mind, Polgara," I told her.
"I am the boy's grandfather, after all.
like me."
It's only natural for him to
"Why does he laugh when he looks at you, then?"
"Because I'm a very funny fellow, I suppose.
Hadn't you ever noticed
She glowered at me, but I hadn't left her any openings. It was one of
the few times I ever managed to outmaneuver her. I'm rather proud of
it, actually.
"I'm going to watch you very closely, Old Man," she warned.
"Feel free, Pol. Maybe if I do something funny enough, I'll even be
able to get a smile out of you." Then I patted her fondly on the cheek
and went off down the hall, whistling a little tune.
Pol and I left the Isle a few weeks later. Anrak sailed us across the
Sea of the Winds to that deeply indented bay that lies just to the west
of Lake Sendar, and we landed at the head of the bay where the city of
Sendar itself now stands. There wasn't a city there at the time,
though, just that gloomy forest that covered all of northern Sendaria
until about the middle of the fourth millennium.
"That's not very promising-looking country, Belgarath," Anrak told me
as Pol and I prepared to disembark.
"Are you sure you wouldn't rather have me sail you around to Darine?"
"No, this is fine, Anrak.
have to."
Let's not risk the Cherek Bore if we don't
"It's not all that bad, Belgarath--or so they tell me."
"You're wrong, Anrak," I said quite firmly.
"It is that bad. The Great Maelstrom in the middle of it swallows
whole fleets just for breakfast. I'd rather walk."
"Cherek war boats go through it all the time, Belgarath."
"This isn't a Cherek war boat, and you aren't crazy enough to be a
Cherek. We'll walk."
And so Anrak beached his ship, and Pol and I got off. I wonder when
the practice of beaching ships fell into disuse. Sailors used to do it
all the time. Now they stand off a ways and send passengers ashore in
It's probably a Tolnedran innovation.
be a bit on the timid side.
Tolnedran sea captains tend to
My daughter and I stood on that sandy beach watching Anrak's sailors
straining to get his ship back out into the water. When she was
finally afloat again, they poled her out a ways, raised the sails, and
went off down the bay.
"What now, father?"
Pol asked me.
I squinted up at the sun.
"It's mid-afternoon," I told her.
"Let's set up a camp and get an early start in the morning."
"Are you sure you know the way to Darine?"
"Of course I am." I wasn't, actually. I'd never been there before,
but I had a general idea of where it was. Over the years, I've found
that it's usually best to pretend that I know what I'm doing and where
I'm going.
It heads off a lot of arguments in the long run.
We went back from the beach a ways and set up camp in a rather pleasant
forest clearing. I offered to do the cooking, but Pol wouldn't hear of
it. I even made a few suggestions about cooking over an open campfire,
but she tartly told me to mind my own business and she did it her own
way. Actually, supper didn't turn out too badly.
We traveled northwesterly through that ancient forest for the next
couple of days. The region was unpopulated, so there weren't any
paths. I kept our general direction firmly in mind and simply followed
the course of least resistance. I've spent a lot of time in the woods
over the years, and I've found that to be about the best way to go
through them. There's a certain amount of meandering involved, but it
gets you to where you're going--eventually.
Polgara, however, didn't like it.
"How far have we come today?"
second day.
she asked me on the evening of the
"Oh, I don't know," I replied.
"Probably six or eight leagues."
"I meant in a straight line."
"You don't follow straight lines in the woods, Pol.
the way."
The trees get in
"There is a faster way to do this, father."
"Were you in a hurry?"
"I'm not enjoying this, Old Man."
trees with distaste.
She looked around at the huge, mossy
"It's damp, it's dirty, and there are bugs.
four days."
I haven't had a bath for
"You don't have to bathe when you're in the woods, Pol.
don't mind if your face is dirty."
The squirrels
"Are we going to argue about this?"
"What did you have in mind?"
"Why walk when we can fly?"
I stared at her.
"How did you know about that?"
I demanded.
"Uncle Beldin does it all the time. You're supposed to be educating
me, father. This seems to be a perfect time for me to learn how to
change my form into one that's more useful. You can suit yourself, of
course, but I'm not going to plod through this gloomy forest all the
way to Darine just so you can look at the scenery." Pol can turn the
slightest thing into an ultimatum. It's her one great failing.
There was a certain logic to what she was saying, however. Wandering
around in the woods is enjoyable, but there were other things I wanted
to do, and the art of changing form is one of the more useful ones. I
wasn't entirely positive that her talent was that far along yet,
though, so I was a little dubious about the whole idea.
"We'll try it," I finally gave in.
It was easier than arguing with
"Tomorrow morning."
"Why not now?"
"Because it's getting dark.
breaking your beak."
I don't want you flying into a tree and
"Whatever you say, father." Her submissive tone was fraudulent,
naturally. She'd won the argument, so now she could afford to be
gracious about it.
She was up the next morning before it got light, and she'd crammed my
breakfast into me before the sun came up.
"Now, then," she said, "let's get started."
She really wanted to try
I described the procedure to her at some length, carefully going over
all the details while her look of impatience grew more and more
"Oh, let's get on with it, father," she said finally.
"All right, Pol," I surrendered.
"I suppose you can always change back if you turn yourself into a
flying rabbit."
She looked a little startled at that.
"Details, Polgara," I told her.
"This is one case when you really have to pay attention to details.
Feathers aren't that easy, you know. All right.
Don't rush.
Take it slowly."
And, of course, she ignored me. Her eyebrows sank into a scowl of
intense concentration. Then she shimmered and blurred--and became a
snowy white owl.
My eyes filled with tears immediately, and I choked back a sob.
"Change back!"
She looked a little startled when she resumed her own form.
"Don't ever do that again!"
"What's wrong, father?"
I commanded.
"Any shape but that one."
"What's wrong with that one?
it all the time."
Uncle Beldin says that mother used to do
Pick another shape."
"Are you crying, father?"
she asked with a certain surprise.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am."
"I didn't think you knew how."
She touched my face almost tenderly.
"Would some other kind of owl be all right?"
"Turn yourself into a pelican if you want to.
Just stay away from that
"How about this one?" She blurred into the form of a tufted owl
instead. She was a mottled brown color, and the sprigs of feathers
sprouting from the sides of her head altered that painful appearance
enough so that I could bear to live with it.
I drew in a deep breath.
"All right," I told her, "flap your wings and see if you can get up off
the ground."
She hooted at me.
"I can't understand you, Pol.
it later."
Just flap your wings.
We can talk about
Would you believe that she did it perfectly the first time? I should
have had suspicions at that point, but I was still all choked up, so I
didn't think about it. With a few strokes of those soft wings she
lifted herself effortlessly off the ground and circled the clearing a
few times. Then she landed on a tree branch and began to preen her
It took me awhile to regain my composure, and then I went over to her
tree and looked up at her.
"Don't try to change back," I instructed.
"You'll fall out of the tree if you do."
She stared down at me with those huge, unblinking eyes.
"We're going in that direction."
I pointed northeasterly.
"I'm not going to turn myself into a bird because I don't fly very
well. I'll take the shape of a wolf instead. I'll probably be able to
keep up with you, but don't get out of sight. I want to be close
enough to catch you if something goes wrong. Keep an eye on the sun.
We'll change back about noon."
She hooted at me again, that strange hollow cry of the tufted owl.
"Don't argue with me, Polgara," I told her.
"We're going to do this my way. I don't want you to get hurt." Then,
to avoid any further argument, I slipped into the form of the wolf.
Her flights were short at first. She drifted from tree to tree,
obediently staying just ahead of me. I didn't have any difficulty
keeping up with her. By midmorning, however, she began to extend the
distance between perches, and I was obliged to move up from a sedate
trot to a lope. By noon I was running. Finally I stopped, lifting my
muzzle, and howled at her.
She circled, swooped back, and settled to earth.
back into her own form.
"Oh, that was just fine!"
pure pleasure.
Then she shimmered
she exclaimed with a sensuous shudder of
I was right on the verge of an oration at that point. She'd pushed me
fairly hard that morning. It was her smile that cut me off before I
even got started, though. Polgara seldom smiled, but this time her
face actually seemed to glow, and that single white lock above her
forehead was bright as a sun-touched snow-bank. Dear Gods, she was a
beautiful girl!
"You need to use your tail feathers just a bit more" was all I said to
"Yes, father," she said, still smiling.
"What now?"
"We'll rest a bit," I decided.
"When the sun goes down, we'll start out again."
"In the dark?"
"You're an owl, Polgara.
Night's the natural time for you to be out
"What about you?"
I shrugged.
"Night or day--it doesn't matter to a wolf."
"We had to leave our supplies behind," she noted.
"What are we going to eat?"
"That's up to you, Pol--whatever's unlucky enough to cross your path,
I'd imagine."
"You mean raw?"
"You're the one who wanted to be an owl, dear. Sparrows eat seeds, but
owls prefer mice. I wouldn't recommend taking on a wild boar. He
might be a little more than you can handle, but that's entirely up to
She stalked away from me muttering swear words under her breath.
I'll admit that her idea worked out quite well. It would have taken us
two weeks to reach Darine on foot. We managed it the other way in
three nights.
The sun was just rising when we reached the hilltop south of the port
city. We resumed our natural forms and marched to the city gate. Like
just about every other city in the north in those days, Darine was
constructed out of logs. A city has to burn down a few times before it
occurs to the people who live there that wooden cities aren't really a
good idea.
We went through the unguarded gate, and I asked a sleepy passerby where
I could find Hatturk, the Clan-Chief Algar had told me was in charge
here in Darine. He gave me directions to a large house near the
waterfront and then stood there rather foolishly ogling Polgara. Having
beautiful daughters is nice, I suppose, but they do attract a certain
amount of attention.
"We'll need to be a little careful with Hatturk, Pol," I said as we
waded down the muddy street toward the harbor.
"Algar says that the clans that have moved here from the plains aren't
really happy about the breakup of Aloria, and they're definitely
unhappy about that grassland. They migrated here because they got
lonesome for trees. Primitive Alorns all lived in the forest, and open
country depresses them. Fleet-foot didn't come right out and say it,
but I sort of suspect that Darine might just be a stronghold of the
Bear-cult, so let's be a little careful about what we say."
"I'll let you do the talking, father."
"That might be best. The people here are probably recidivist Alorns of
the most primitive kind. I'm going to need Hatturk's cooperation, so
I'm going to have to step around him rather carefully."
"Just bully him, father.
Isn't that what you usually do?"
"Only when I can stand over somebody to make sure he does what I tell
him to do. Once you've bullied somebody, you can't turn your back on
him for very long, and Darine's not so pretty that I want to spend the
next twenty years here making sure that Hatturk follows my
"I'm learning all sorts of things on this trip."
Try not to forget too many of them."
Hatturk's house was a large building constructed of logs. An Alorn
Clan-Chief is really a sort of mini-king in many respects, and he's
usually surrounded by a group of retainers who serve as court
functionaries and double as bodyguards on the side. I introduced
myself to the pair of heavily armed Algars at the door, and Pol and I
were admitted immediately.
Most of the time being famous is a pain, but it has some advantages.
Hatturk was a burly Alorn with a grey-shot beard, a decided paunch, and
bloodshot eyes. He didn't look too happy about being roused before
noon. As I'd more or less expected, his clothing was made of
I've never understood why members of the Bear-cult feel that it's
appropriate to peel the hide off the totem of their God.
"Well," he said to me in a rusty-sounding voice, "so you're Belgarath.
I'd have thought you'd be bigger."
"I could arrange that if it'd make you feel more comfortable."
He gave me a slightly startled look.
"And the lady?"
he asked to cover his confusion.
"My daughter, Polgara the Sorceress." I think that might have been the
first time anyone had ever called her that, but I wanted to get
Hatturk's undivided attention, and I didn't want him to be distracted
by Pol's beauty. It seemed that planting the notion in his mind that
she could turn him into a toad might be the best way to head off any
foolishness. To her credit, Pol didn't even turn a hair at my somewhat
exotic introduction.
Hatturk's bloodshot eyes took on a rather wild look.
"My house is honored," he said with a stiff bow. I got the distinct
impression that he wasn't used to bowing to anybody.
"What can I do for you?"
"Algar Fleet-foot tells me that you've got a crazy man here in Darine,"
I told him.
"Polgara and I need to have a look at him."
"Oh, he's not really all that crazy, Belgarath. He just has spells now
and then when he starts raving. He's an old man, and old men are
always a little strange."
"Yes," Polgara agreed mildly.
Hatturk's eyes widened as he realized what he'd just said.
"Nothing personal intended there, Belgarath," he hastened to
"That's all right, Hatturk," I forgave him.
"It takes quite a bit to offend me.
this strange old man."
Tell me a little bit more about
"He was a berserker when he was younger--an absolute terror in a fight.
Maybe that explains it. Anyway, his family's fairly well off, and when
he started getting strange, they built a house for him on the outskirts
of town. His youngest daughter's a spinster--probably because she's
cross-eyed--and she looks after him."
"Poor girl," Pol murmured.
Then she sighed rather theatrically.
imagine I've got that to look forward to, as well. My father here is
stranger than most, and sooner or later he's going to need a keeper."
"That'll do, Pol," I said firmly.
"If you've got a couple of minutes, Hatturk, we'd like to see this old
"Of course." He led us out of the room and down the stairs to the
street. We talked a bit as we walked through the muddy streets to the
eastern edge of town. The idea of paving streets came late to the
Alorns, for some reason. I put a few rather carefully phrased
questions to Hatturk, and his answers confirmed my worst suspicions.
The man was a Bear-cultist to the bone, and it didn't take very much to
set him off on a rambling diatribe filled with slogans and cliches.
Religious fanatics are so unimaginative. There's no rational
explanation for their beliefs, so they're free to speak without benefit
of logic, untroubled by petty concerns such as truth or even
"Are your scribes getting down everything your berserker's saying?"
cut him off.
"That's just a waste of time and money, Belgarath," he said
"One of the priests of Belar had a look at what the scribes had taken
down, and he told me to quit wasting my time."
"King Algar gave you very specific orders, didn't he?"
"Sometimes Algar's not right in the head. The priest told me that as
long as we've got The Book of Alorn, we don't need any of this other
Naturally a priest who was a member of the Bear-cult wouldn't want
those prophecies out there. It might interfere with their agenda.
swore under my breath.
The Darine Prophet and his caretaker daughter lived in a neat,
well-tended cottage on the eastern edge of town. He was a very old,
stringy man with a sparse white beard and big, knobby hands. His name
was Bormik, and his daughter's name was Luana. Hatturk's description
of her was a gross understatement. She seemed to be intently examining
the tip of her own nose most of the time. Alorns are a superstitious
people, and physical defects of any kind make them nervous, so Luana's
spinsterhood was quite understandable.
"How are you feeling today, Bormik?" Hatturk said, almost in a shout.
Why do people feel they have to yell when they're talking to those who
aren't quite right in the head?
"Oh, not so bad, I guess," Bormik replied in a wheezy old voice.
"My hands are giving me some trouble."
He held out those big, swollen
"You broke your knuckles on other people's heads too many times when
you were young," Hatturk boomed.
"This is Belgarath.
He wants to talk with you."
Bormik's eyes immediately glazed over.
he said in a thunderous voice.
"The Ancient and Beloved hath come to receive instruction."
"There he goes again," Hatturk muttered to me.
"All that garbled nonsense makes me nervous.
he turned abruptly and left.
I'll wait outside."
"Hear me, Disciple of Aldur," Bormik continued. His eyes seemed fixed
on my face, but I'm fairly sure he didn't see me.
"Hear my words, for MY words are truth.
Child of Light is coming."
The division will end, for the
That was what I'd been waiting to hear. It confirmed that Bormik was
the voice of prophecy and what he'd been saying all these years had
contained vital information--and we'd missed it! I started to swear
under my breath and to think up all sorts of nasty things to do to the
thick headed Hatturk. I glanced quickly at Polgara, but she was
sitting in a corner of the room speaking intently to Bormik's
cross-eyed daughter.
"And the Choice shall be made in the holy place of the children of the
Dragon God," Bormik continued,
"For the Dragon God is error, and was not intended. Only in the Choice
shall error be mended, and all made whole again. Behold, in the day
that Aldur's Orb burns hot with crimson fire shall the name of the
Child of Dark be revealed. Guard well the son of the Child of Light,
for he shall have no brother. And it shall come to pass that those
which once were one and now are two shall be rejoined, and in that
rejoining shall one of them be no more."
Then Bormik's weary old head drooped, as if the effort of prophecy had
exhausted him. I might have tried to shake him awake, but I knew that
it'd be fruitless. He was too old and feeble to go on. I stood,
picked up a quilt from a nearby bench, and gently covered the drowsing
old man.
I certainly didn't want him to take a chill and die on me before he'd
said what he was supposed to say.
"Pol," I said to my daughter.
"In a minute, father," she said, waving me off. She continued to speak
with that same low intensity to the cross-eyed Luana.
"Agreed, then?"
"As you say.
she said to the spindly spinster.
Lady Polgara," Bormik's middle-age daughter replied.
"A bit of verification first, if you don't mind." She rose, crossed
the room, and looked intently at the image of her face in a polished
brass mirror.
"Done!" was all she said. Then she turned and looked around the room,
and her eyes were as straight as any I've ever seen--very pretty eyes,
as I recall.
What was going on here?
"All right, father," Pol said in an offhand sort of way.
"We can go now."
And she walked on out of the room.
"What was that all about?"
I asked her as I opened the front door for
"Something for something, father," she replied.
"You might call it a fair trade."
"There's our problem," I told her, pointing at the brutish Hatturk
impatiently waiting in the street.
"He's a Bear-cultist, and even if I could dragoon him into transcribing
Bormik's ravings, he'd let the priests of the Bear-cult see them before
he passed them on to me. Revisionism is the soul of theology, so
there's no telling what sort of garbage would filter through to me."
"It's already been taken care of, father," she told me in that
offensively superior tone of hers.
"Don't strain Hatturk's understanding by trying to explain the need for
accuracy to him. Luana's going to take care of it for us."
"Bormik's daughter?"
"Of course. She's closest to him, after all. She's been listening to
his ravings for years now, and she knows exactly how to get him to
repeat things he's said in the past. All it takes is a single word to
set him off."
she paused.
"Oh," she said, "here's your purse." She held out my much-lighter
money pouch, which she'd somehow managed to steal from me.
gave her money to hire the scribes."
I said, hefting my diminished purse.
"And what?"
"What's in it for her?"
"Oh, father," she said.
"You saw her, didn't you?"
"Her eyes, you mean?"
"Of course.
As I said, something for something."
"She's too old for it to make any difference, Pol," I objected.
"She'll never catch a husband now."
"Maybe not, but at least she'll be able to look herself straight in the
eye in the mirror." She gave me that long-suffering look.
"You'll never understand, Old Wolf.
What now?"
Trust me, I know what I'm doing.
"I guess we might as well go on to Drasnia.
up here." I shrugged.
We seem to have finished
"How did you straighten her eyes?"
"Muscles, Old Wolf. Tighten some. Relax others. It's easy if you pay
attention. Details, father, you have to pay attention to details.
Isn't that what you told me?"
"Where did you learn so much about eyes?"
She shrugged.
"I didn't.
I just made it up as I went along.
Shall we go to
We spent the night in Hatturk's house and went down to the harbor the
following morning to sail to Kotu at the mouth of the Mrin River.
"I want to thank you, Hatturk," I said to the Clan-Chief as we stood on
the wharf.
"My pleasure, Belgarath," he replied.
"I've got a word of advice for you, if you don't mind listening."
"Of course."
"You might want to give some thought to keeping your religious opinions
to yourself. The Bear-cult's caused a great deal of trouble in Aloria
in the past, and the Alorn Kings aren't particularly fond of it. King
Algar's a patient man, but his patience only goes so far. The cult's
been suppressed a number of times in the past, and I sort of feel
another one coming. I really don't think you want to be on the wrong
side when that happens. Algar Fleet-foot can be very firm when he sets
his mind to it."
He gave me a sullen sort of look.
he chose not to listen.
I did try to warn him, but I guess
"Does Dras know we're coming, father?"
boarding the ship.
Polgara asked me as we were
I nodded.
"I talked with a Cherek sea captain yesterday. He's on the way to
Boktor right now. His ship's one of those war boats, so he'll get
there long before we reach Kotu."
"It'll be good to see Dras again. He's not quite as bright as his
brothers, but he's got a good heart."
"Yes," I agreed.
"I guess I should have a talk with him when we get to Kotu.
it's time that he got married."
I think
"Don't look at me, father," she said primly.
"I'm fond of Dras, but not that fond."
Kotu is one of the major seaports in the world now, largely because
it's the western terminus of the North Caravan Route. When Pol and I
went there, however, trade with the Nadraks was very limited, and Kotu
was hardly more than a village with only a few wharves jutting out into
the bay. It took us two days to make the voyage across the Gulf of
Cherek from Darine to the mouth of the Mrin River, and Dras was waiting
for us when we arrived. He had a fair number of his retainers with
him, but they hadn't come along to see me. It was Polgara they were
interested in.
Evidently, word had filtered into the various Alorn kingdoms about the
beautiful daughter of Ancient Belgarath, and the young Drasnians had
come down-river from Boktor to have a look for themselves.
I'm sure they weren't disappointed.
When we'd gone to the Isle of the Winds for Beldaran's wedding, the
girls had only been sixteen, and they had never been out of the Vale.
Polgara had made me very nervous during the course of that trip. But
she was older now, and she'd demonstrated that she knew how to take
care of herself, so I could watch those young men swarming around her
with equanimity and even with a certain amusement. Pol enjoyed their
attentions, but she wasn't going to do anything inappropriate.
Our ship docked in mid-afternoon, and we took rooms at a somewhat seedy
inn, planning to sail upriver the next morning to the village of Braca,
where the Mrin Prophet was kenneled.
Bull-neck and I talked until quite late that evening, which gave Pol
the opportunity to break a few hearts.
Dras leaned back in his chair and looked at me speculatively.
"Algar's going to get married, you know," he told me.
"It's funny he didn't mention it," I replied.
"He went with us to Riva's Island."
"You know how Algar is," Dras said with a shrug.
"I suppose I ought to be thinking about that myself."
"I'd been intending to bring that up," I told him.
"Ordinary people can get married or not, whichever suits them, but
kings have certain responsibilities."
"I don't suppose .
between us.
. ."
He left it hanging tentatively in the air
"No, Dras," I replied firmly.
"Polgara's not available. I don't think you'd want to be married to
her anyway. She has what you might call a prickly disposition. Pick
yourself a nice Alorn girl instead. You'll be happier in the long
He sighed.
"She is pretty, though."
"That she is, my friend, but Pol's got other things to do. The time
might come when she'll get married, but that'll be her decision, and
it's still a long way off. How far is it upriver to Braca?"
"A day or so.
at his beard.
We have to go through the fens to get there."
He tugged
"I've been thinking of draining the fens. That region might make good
farmland if I could get rid of all the water."
I shrugged.
"It's your kingdom, but I think draining the fens might turn into quite
a chore. Have you heard from your father lately?"
"A month or so ago.
His new wife's going to have another baby.
They're hoping for a boy this time. I suppose my half sister could
take the throne after father dies, but Alorns aren't comfortable with
the idea of a queen. It seems unnatural to us."
You have no idea of how long it took me to change that particular
Porenn is probably one of the most gifted rulers in history, but
back-country Drasnians still don't take her seriously.
I slept a little late the next morning, and it was almost noon before
we got under way.
The Mrin River is sluggish at its mouth, which accounts for the fens, I
suppose. The fens are a vast marshland lying between the Mrin and the
Aldur. It's one of the least attractive areas in the North, if you
want my personal opinion. I don't like swamps, though, so that might
account for my attitude. They smell, and the air's always so humid
that I can't seem to get my breath. And then, of course, there are all
those bugs that look upon people as a food source. I stayed in the
cabin while we went upriver.
Polgara, though, paced around the deck, trailing clouds of suitors. I
know she was having fun, but I certainly wouldn't have given every
mosquito for ten miles in any direction a clear invitation to drink my
blood, no matter how much fun I was having.
Bull-neck's ship captain dropped anchor at sundown. The channel was
clearly marked by buoys, but it's still not a good idea to wander
around in the fens in the dark. There are too many chances for things
to go wrong.
Dras and I were sitting in the cabin after supper, and it wasn't too
long before Pol joined us.
she said as she entered.
"Why do your people wiggle their fingers at each other all the time?"
"Oh, that's just the secret language," he replied.
"Secret language?"
"The merchants came up with the notion. I guess there are times when
you're doing business that you need to talk privately with your
partner. They've developed a kind of sign language. It was fairly
simple right at first, but it's getting a little more complicated
"Do you know this language?"
He held out one huge hand.
"With fingers like these?
Don't be ridiculous."
"It might be a useful thing to know.
Don't you think so, father?"
"We have other ways to communicate, Pol."
"Perhaps, but I still think I'd like to learn this secret language. I
don't like having people whispering to each other behind my back--even
if they're doing it with their fingers. Do you happen to have someone
on board ship who's proficient at it, Dras?"
He shrugged.
"I don't pay much attention to it, myself.
I'll ask around, though
"I'd appreciate it."
We set out again the following morning and reached the village of Braca
about noon. Dras and I stood at the rail as we approached it.
"Not a very pretty place, is it?" I observed, looking at the
collection of rundown shanties huddled on the muddy riverbank.
"It's not Tol Honeth, by any stretch of the imagination," he agreed.
"When we first found out about this crazy man, I was going to take him
to Boktor, but he was born here, and he goes wild when you try to take
him away from the place. We decided that it'd be better just to leave
him here.
The scribes don't care much for the idea, but that's what I'm paying
them so much for. They're here to write down what he says, not to
enjoy the scenery."
"Are you sure they're writing it down accurately?"
"How would I know, Belgarath?
I can't read.
You know that."
"Do you mean you still haven't learned how?"
"Why should I bother? That's what scribes are for. If something's all
that important, they'll read it to me. The ones here have worked out a
sort of system. There are always three of them with the crazy man. Two
of them write down what he says, and the third one listens to him. When
he finishes, they compare the two written versions, and the one who
does the listening decides which one's accurate."
"It sounds a little complicated."
"You made quite an issue of how much you wanted accuracy.
think up an easier way, I'd be glad to hear it."
If you can
Our ship coasted up to the rickety dock, the sailors moored her, and we
went ashore to have a look at the Mrin Prophet.
I don't know if I've ever seen anyone quite so dirty.
He wore only a
crude canvas loincloth, and his hair and beard were long and matted. He
was wearing an iron collar, and a stout chain ran from the collar to
the thick post set in the ground in front of his kennel--I'm sorry, but
that's the only word I can use to describe the low hut where he
apparently slept.
He crouched on the ground near the post making animal noises and
rhythmically jerking on the chain that bound him to the post. His eyes
were deep-sunk under shaggy brows, and there was no hint of
intelligence or even humanity in them.
"Do you really have to chain him like that?"
Polgara asked Dras.
Bull-neck nodded.
"He has spells," he replied.
"He used to run off into the fens every so often. He'd be gone for a
week or two, and then he'd come crawling back. When we found out just
who and what he is, we decided we'd better chain him for his own
safety. There are sinkholes and quicksand bogs out in the fens, and
the poor devil doesn't have sense enough to avoid them. He can't
recite prophecy if he's twelve feet down in a quicksand bog."
She looked at the low hut.
"Do you really have to treat him like an animal?"
"Polgara, he is an animal. He stays in that kennel because he wants
to. He gets hysterical if you take him inside a house."
"You said he was born here," I noted.
Dras nodded.
"About thirty or forty years ago. This was all part of father's
kingdom before we went to Mallorea. The village has been here for
about seventy years, I guess. Most of the villagers are fishermen."
I went over to where the three scribes on duty were sitting in the
shade of a scrubby willow tree and introduced myself.
"Has he said anything lately?"
I asked.
"Not for the past week," one of them replied.
"I think maybe it's the moon that sets him off. He'll talk at various
other times, but he always does when the moon's full."
"I suppose there might be some explanation for that.
way you can clean him up a little?"
Isn't there some
The scribe shook his head.
"We've tried throwing pails of water on him, but he just rolls in the
mud again. I think he likes being dirty."
"Let me know immediately when he starts talking again.
I have to hear
"I don't think you'll be able to make much sense out of what he's
saying, Belgarath," one of the other scribes told me.
"That'll come later. I've got the feeling that I'm going to spend a
lot of time studying what he says. Does he ever talk about ordinary
The weather or maybe how hungry he is?"
"No," the first scribe replied.
"As closely as we're able to determine, he can't talk--at least that's
what the villagers say. It was about eight or ten years ago when he
started. It makes our job easier, though. We don't have to wade
through casual conversation. Everything he says is important."
We stayed on board Bull-neck's ship that night. We needed the
cooperation of the villagers, and I didn't want to stir up any
resentments by commandeering their houses while we were in Braca.
About noon the following day one of the scribes came down to the
"Belgarath," he called to me.
"You'd better come now.
He's talking."
One of the young Drasnians had been teaching Pol that sign language,
and he didn't look too happy when she suspended the lesson to accompany
Dras and me to the prophet's hovel.
The crazy man was crouched by that post again, and he was still jerking
on his chain. I don't think he was actually trying to get loose. The
clinking of the chain seemed to soothe him for some reason. Then
again, aside from the wooden bowl they fed him from, that chain was his
only possession. It was his, so he had a right to play with it, I
guess. He was making animal noises when we approached.
"Has he stopped?"
I asked the scribe who had come to fetch us.
"He'll start up again," the scribe assured me.
"He breaks off and moans and grunts for a while every so often. Then
he goes back to talking. Once he starts, he's usually good for the
rest of the day. He stops when the sun goes down."
Then the crazy man let go of his chain and looked me directly in the
face. His eyes were alert and very penetrating.
"Behold!" he said to me in a booming, hollow voice, a voice that
sounded almost exactly the same as Bormik's.
"The Child of Light shall be accompanied on his quest by the Bear and
by the Guide and by the Man with Two Lives. Thou, too, Ancient and
Beloved, shall be at his side. And the Horse-Lord shall also go with
ye, and the Blind Man, and the Queen of the World. Others also will
join with ye--the Knight Protector and the Archer and the Huntress and
the Mother of the Race That Died and the Woman who Watches, whom thou
hast known before."
He broke off and began to moan and drool and yank on his chain again.
"That should do it," I told Dras.
"That's what I needed to know.
He's authentic."
"How were you able to tell so quickly?"
"Because he talked about the Child of Light, Dras. Bormik did the same
thing back in Darine. You might want to pass that on to your father
and brothers. That's the key that identifies the prophets. As soon as
someone mentions the Child of Light, you'd better put some scribes
nearby, because what he's saying is going to be important."
"How did you find that out?"
"The Necessity and I spent some time together when we were on the way
to Mallorea, remember? He talked about the Child of Light
Then I remembered something else.
"It might be a little farfetched, and I don't know if it'll ever happen
in our part of the world, but we might come across somebody who talks
about the Child of Dark, as well. Have people take down what he says,
"What's the difference?"
"The ones who talk about the Child of Light are giving us
The ones who mention the Child of Dark are telling Torak what to do. It
might be useful if we can intercept some of those messages."
"Are you going to stay here and listen?"
"There's no need of that. I've found out what I wanted to. Have your
scribes make me a copy of everything they've set down so far and send
it to me in the Vale."
"I'll see to it.
Do you want to go back to Kotu now?"
"No, I don't think so. See if you can find somebody here with a boat
who knows the way through the fens. Pol and I'll go on down to Algaria
and then on home from there. There's not much point in
"Is there anything you want me to do?"
"Go back to Boktor and get married.
You'll need a son to pass your
crown to."
"I don't have a crown, Belgarath."
"Get one. A crown doesn't really mean anything, but people like to
have visible symbols around."
Polgara was scowling at me.
I asked her.
The fens, father?
You're going to make me go through the fens?
"Look upon it as an educational experience, Pol.
our things. I want to get back to the Vale."
Let's go gather up
"What's the rush?"
"Let's just say I'm homesick."
She rolled her eyes upward with that long-suffering look she's so fond
The fellow with the boat was named Gannik, and he was a talkative,
good-natured fellow. His boat was long and slender--more like a canoe
than a rowboat. Occasionally he paddled us down through the fens, but
most of the time he poled us along. I didn't care much for the idea of
having someone standing up in that narrow craft, but he seemed to know
what he was doing, so I didn't make an issue of it.
I did want to get back to the Vale, but my main reason for leaving
Braca so abruptly had been a desire to get Pol away from the young
Drasnian who'd been teaching her the secret language. I could retain
my equanimity so long as Pol's suitors gathered around her in groups,
but seeing her sitting off to one side alone with one of those young
men made me nervous. Pol had uncommon good sense, but-- I'm sure you
get my drift.
I brooded about that as Gannik poled us on south through that soggy
marshland. Polgara was eighteen years old now, and it was definitely
time for me to have that little talk with her. She and Beldaran had
grown up without a mother, so there'd been no one around to explain
certain things to her. Beldaran quite obviously did know about those
things, but I wasn't entirely certain that Pol did. Grandchildren are
very nice, but unanticipated ones might be just a little
The border between Drasnia and Algaria wasn't really very well defined
when it passed through the fens. The Drasnians called that vast swamp
Mrin Marsh, and the Algars referred to it as Aldurfens. It was all the
same bog, though. We were about three days south of Braca when Pol saw
one of those aquatic creatures that live in such places.
"Is that an otter or a beaver?" she asked Gannik when a small, round,
sleek head popped above the water ahead of us.
"That's a fen ling he replied.
"They're like otters, but a little bigger.
They're playful little rascals. Some people trap them for their fur,
but I don't think I'd care to do that. It just doesn't seem right to
me for some reason. I like to watch them play."
The fen ling had very large eyes, and he watched us curiously as Gannik
poled his boat through the large pond that appeared to be the
creature's home. Then it made that peculiar chittering sound that the
fen lings make. It sounded almost as if he were scolding us.
Gannik laughed.
"We're scaring the fish," he said, "and he's telling us about it.
Sometimes it seems they can almost talk."
Vordai, the witch of the fens, came to that selfsame conclusion some
years later, and she dragooned me into doing something about it.
We finally reached that part of the swamp that was fed by the channels
at the mouth of the Aldur river, and Gannik poled us to the higher
ground lying to the east of the swamp. Pol and I thanked him and went
It was good to get my feet on dry ground again.
"Are we going to change form again?"
"In a bit.
Pol asked me.
We've got something to talk about first, though."
"Oh, what's that?"
"You're growing up, Pol."
"Why, do you know, I believe you're right."
"Do you mind?
There are some things you need to know."
"Such as?"
That's where I started floundering. Pol stood there with a vapid,
wide-eyed expression on her face, letting me dig myself in deeper and
deeper. Polgara can be very cruel when she puts her mind to it.
Finally I stopped. Her expression was just a little too vacant.
"You already know about all this, don't you?"
I accused her.
"About what, father?"
"Stop that. You know where babies come from.
embarrass the both of us?"
Why are you letting me
"You mean they don't hatch out under cabbage leaves?"
and patted me on the cheek.
"I know all about it, father.
She reached out
I helped to deliver Beldaran's baby,
remember? The midwives explained the whole procedure to me.
sort of stir my curiosity, I'll admit."
It did
"Don't get too curious, Pol. There are certain customary formalities
before you start experimenting."
"Oh? Did you go through those formalities in Mar Amon--every single
I muttered a few swear words under my breath and then slipped into the
form of a wolf. At least a wolf can't blush, and my face had been
getting redder and redder as I had gone along.
Polgara laughed that deep rich laugh I hadn't heard very often and
blurred into the shape of the tufted owl.
Beldin had returned from his visit to Mallorea when Pol and I reached
the Vale. I was a bit surprised that he'd made it back so soon. He's
normally good for a couple of centuries when he goes there. He was his
usual gracious self when he came stumping up the stairs to my tower on
the morning after the night Pol and I got home.
"Where have you two been?"
he snapped at us.
"Be nice, uncle," Pol replied calmly.
"We had some things to take care of."
"You're back early," I said.
"Is there some sort of emergency?"
"Stop trying to be clever, Belgarath.
You don't have the gift for
The Mallorean Angaraks are just milling around over there. Nothing's
going to happen until Torak comes out of seclusion at Ashaba." He
suddenly grinned.
"Zedar's there with him now, and it's making that piebald Urvon
"Urvon's a born toady, and the fact that Zedar's closer to Torak than
he is right now is more than he can bear. To make it worse, he can't
go to Ashaba to protect his interests because he's afraid to come out
of Mal Yaska."
"What's he so afraid of?"
I guess he has nightmares about that hook I showed him."
That was over five hundred years ago, Beldin."
"Evidently it made a lasting impression. At least it keeps one of
Torak's disciples pinned down. What's for breakfast, Pol?"
She gave him a long, steady look.
"You seem to be filling out a bit," he noted, brazenly running his eyes
over her.
"You might want to try to keep that under control.
little hippy."
You're getting a
Her eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Don't press your luck, uncle," she warned.
"I'd pay attention to her, Beldin," I advised him.
"She's started her education, and she's a very apt pupil."
"I sort of thought she might be.
told me you'd gone to the Isle."
What were you two up to?
The twins
"There's an heir to the Rivan throne now," I told him.
"His name's Daran, and he shows quite a bit of promise.
Orb was very pleased to meet him."
The Master's
"Maybe I'll drift on over there and have a look at him," Beldin
"I might not be related to him the way you are, but Beldaran and I were
fairly close when she was growing up. What took you so long coming
"Pol and I took a swing through Darine and then went over to Drasnia on
our way back. I wanted to take a look at those two prophets.
There's no question about their authenticity."
Torak's having a little difficulty with his prophecy."
"What kind of difficulty?"
"He doesn't like what it says. When he came out of his trance and read
what Urvon's scribes had taken down, he tore down a couple of
mountains, I guess. The Ashabine Oracles seem to have offended him."
"That sounds promising.
"Not likely.
Is there any way we can get our hands on a
Torak definitely doesn't want that document widely
Urvon had a copy, but Torak reached out from Ashaba and set fire to
it." He scratched at his beard.
"Zedar's at Ashaba, and we both know him well enough to be sure that
he'll have a copy. If Torak ever lets him leave, he'll probably take
it with him. It's my guess that it's the only copy that isn't under
One-eye's direct control. Someday I'll catch up with Zedar and take it
off his carcass." He scowled at me.
"Why didn't you kill him when you had the chance?"
"I was told not to. I think you'd better restrain your homicidal
impulses, as well, if you ever happen to come across him. We're going
to need him later on."
"I don't suppose you could be any more specific?"
I shook my head.
"That's all I was told."
He grunted sourly.
"I might be able to get hold of a copy of
"The Mallorean Gospels'--if I could figure out a way to get into Kell
and back out again all in one piece."
"What are The Mallorean Gospels'?"
Pol asked him.
"Another set of prophecies," he replied.
"They'll be very obscure, though. The Dals wrote them, and the Dals
are absolutely neutral. Oh, incidentally, Belgarath, Ctuchik's
"Yes, I'd heard about that.
He's at a place called Rak Cthol now."
He nodded.
"I flew over it on my way home. It isn't very inviting. It's built on
top of a peak that sticks up out of the middle of a desert. I picked
up a few rumors. Evidently this epidemic of prophecy's pretty
Some of Ctuchik's Grolims have come down with it, too. He's got them
at Rak Cthol with scribes camped on them. I doubt that their
prophecies'll be as precise as Torak's, but it might be worth our while
to try to get hold of a copy. I'll leave that up to you, though. I
think I'd better stay away from Ctuchik. I've brushed up against his
mind a few times, and he could probably feel me coming from a hundred
leagues off. We want information, not fist-fights."
"The Murgos are on the move, you know," Pol told him.
"They're moving into the southern half of the continent and enslaving
the western Dals in the process."
"I've got a great deal of respect for the Dals' intellectual gifts," he
replied, "but they don't have much spirit, do they?"
"I think that's all subterfuge," I told him.
"They don't have any trouble keeping Urvon's Grolims away from Kell." I
leaned back.
"I think maybe I'll visit Rak Cthol and pay a call on Ctuchik," I
"He's new in this part of the world, so somebody ought to welcome
him--or at least see what he looks like when he isn't a Hound."
"It'd be the neighborly thing to do," Beldin said with an evil grin.
"Are you going back to Mallorea?"
"Not for a while.
I want to go look at your grandson first."
"Do you want to keep an eye on Polgara for me while I'm gone?"
"I don't need a keeper, father," she told me.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, you do," I disagreed.
"You're at a dangerous stage in your education. You think you know
more than you really do. I don't want you to start experimenting
without supervision."
"I'll watch her," Beldin promised.
He looked at her then.
"Have we forgotten about breakfast altogether, Pol? Just because
you've decided to watch your weight doesn't mean that the rest of us
have to start fasting."
I went northeasterly out of the Vale that same morning and changed my
form as soon as I reached the Algarian plain. I don't like to pass
through the Vale as a wolf. The deer and rabbits there might be
They're all more or less tame, and it's not polite to frighten the
I swam across the Aldur River and reached the Eastern Escarpment the
following morning. I followed it for quite some distance until I came
to one of those ravines Algar had told us about at Riva's Isle. The
Eastern Escarpment's one of the results of what the Master and Belar
were obliged to do to contain the ocean Torak created when he cracked
the world. The mountain range that came pushing up out of the earth
fractured along its western edge, and the result was that imposing,
mile-high cliff that forms the natural boundary between Algaria and
Mishrak ac Thull.
I considered it as I stood at the mouth of the ravine and decided to
wait until nightfall before climbing it. Fleet-foot had told us that
Murgos sometimes came down those ravines on horse-stealing expeditions,
and I didn't want to meet a chance group of them in tight quarters.
Besides, I didn't particularly want Ctuchik to know that I was coming.
Zedar knew that my favorite alternative to my own form was that of the
wolf, and I couldn't be sure whether he'd shared that knowledge with
his fellow disciples. I went a mile or so on along the cliff and
bedded down in the tall grass.
As it turned out, my decision was a wise one. About noon, I heard
riders picking their way around the rubble at the foot of the cliff.
pricked up my ears and stayed hidden in the tall grass.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rashag," I heard one of them
"I've heard about what the Horse People do to those who try to steal
their animals."
"They'll have to catch us before they can do anything to us, Agga,"
another voice replied.
I very slowly raised my head. The breeze was a bit erratic, but I was
fairly sure it wouldn't carry my scent to their horses. I peered
intently in the direction from which their voices had been coming. Then
I saw them.
There were only the two of them. They were wearing chain-mail shirts
and conical helmets, and they both had swords belted at their waists.
Murgos are not an attractive race to begin with, and the fact that they
gash their faces during the ceremony that marks their entry into
adulthood doesn't add very much to their appearance. The pair I was
watching were fairly typical representatives of their race. They had
broad shoulders, of course; you don't spend most of your life
practicing swordsmanship without developing a few muscles. Aside from
those bulky shoulders though, they were fairly lean. They had swarthy
skin, prominent cheekbones, and narrow, angular eyes.
I saw immediately why Murgos risked coming down the steep ravines that
cut the escarpment. The horses they were riding weren't very good.
"I saw a large herd from the top of the cliff," the one called Rashag
told his companion.
"Horses or cows?"
Agga asked him.
"It's hard to say for sure.
in deep grass."
The cliffs very high and the animals were
"I didn't come down that ravine to steal cows, Rashag. If I want a
cow, I'll take one from the Thulls. They don't get excited the way the
Horse People do. What did that Grolim you were talking with want?"
"What else? He was looking for somebody to butcher.
drying out, and it needs fresh blood."
His altar's
"He didn't look all that much like a Thullish Grolim."
"He wasn't. He's a southern Grolim from Rak Cthol. Ctuchik's got them
spread out along the top of the cliff. He doesn't want any surprises,
and the Horse People do know about the ravines."
"Alorns," Agga spat.
"I hate Alorns."
"I don't imagine they're very fond of us, either. The Grolim told me
to pass the word that we're all supposed to stay out of the Wasteland
of Murgos."
"Who'd want to go there anyway?
that stinking lake."
All that's there is black sand and
"I'm sure Ctuchik has his reasons.
He doesn't confide in me though.
Actually, I've never even seen the man."
"I have," Agga said, shuddering.
"I had to take a message to Rak Cthol from my general, and Ctuchik
questioned me about it. He looks like a man who's been dead for a
"What's Rak Cthol like?"
"It's not the sort of place you'd want to visit."
They were almost out of earshot by now, and I decided not to follow
them. They were obviously of fairly low rank, so it wasn't likely that
their conversation would provide any useful information. I lowered my
chin onto my paws and went back to sleep.
I did see them one more time, though. It was starting to get dark, and
I rose, arched my back, stretched, and yawned.
Then I heard horses galloping toward me. I sank back down in the grass
to watch. Rashag and Agga were coming back, and they didn't have any
Algar horses. The only Algar horses I saw had Algars on their backs,
and they were in hot pursuit of the two fleeing Murgos. Algar horses
were --still are--much better than Murgo horses, so the outcome was
fairly predictable. Rashag and Agga didn't make it back to Cthol
I waited until the Algars returned to their herd, then loped back to
the mouth of the ravine and started up. The going would have been
difficult for a horse, but wolves have toenails, so I made it to the
top before daylight. I sniffed at the air to make sure that no one was
in the vicinity, and then I went off toward the southeast and Ctuchik's
fortress in the middle of the Wasteland of Murgos.
The mountains of southern Mishrak ac Thull and northern Cthol Murgos
are arid and rocky with hardly any vegetation to provide much in the
way of concealment, so I traveled mostly at night. Wolves see well in
the dark, but I relied primarily on my nose and my ears to warn me
whenever I came near people. Those desiccated wastes held very little
in the way of game, so a wolf might have seemed out of place there, and
would probably have attracted attention. But I wasn't particularly
worried about the Thulls. They were an inattentive people, in the
first place, and they built large fires at night--not because it was
particularly cold at that time of year. Mainly they built fires
because Thulls are afraid of the dark.
When you get right down to it, there's not really very much in the
world that a Thull isn't afraid of.
Once I crossed the border into Cthol Murgos, though, I began to be more
careful. Murgos are just the opposite of Thulls. They make some show
of not being afraid of anything--even the things they should be afraid
There were very few people in those mountains, however--either Thulls
or Murgos. Every so often I'd see a Murgo outpost, but I didn't have
any trouble skirting those places.
It took me a little longer to reach the Wasteland of Murgos than it
might have if I'd been traveling through friendly territory, since I
spent quite a bit of time hiding or slinking around to stay out of
sight. I was certain that no ordinary Murgo would pay very much
attention to me, because Murgos are interested in people, not animals.
But since wolves weren't common in the region, a Murgo who happened to
see me might mention it to the next Grolim he came across. Sometimes
the most casual remark will alert a Grolim. I didn't want anybody to
spoil the surprise I had planned for Ctuchik.
I finally came down out of the mountains into the area colorfully known
as the Wasteland of Murgos. There was some evidence that it'd been a
large lake or even an inland sea at some time in the past. I seem to
remember that there'd been a sizable body of water lying to the west of
the Angarak city of Karnath before Torak cracked the world, and this
black-sand--floored desert had obviously been drained all at one
The skeletons of large aquatic creatures dotted the sand, but the only
remnant of that ancient sea was the rancid Tarn of Cthok, some distance
to the north of Rak Cthol. I was a little concerned about the fact
that I was leaving tracks in that black sand, but the wind out there
blew most of the time, so I quit worrying about it.
I finally got within sight of the steep mountain peak that Ctuchik had
topped with his city, and I dropped to my haunches to think things over
a little bit. Wolves were not unheard of in the mountains of Cthol
Murgos and the wasteland, but a wolf padding through the streets of Rak
Cthol definitely would attract attention. I was going to need some
other disguise, and since the narrow path angling up around the peak
was certain to be patrolled and since the city gates would be guarded,
I couldn't see any alternative but feathers.
It was late afternoon, and the heated air rising up off that black sand
would help. I went behind a pile of rocks and slipped back into my own
form. Then, after giving some consideration to the surrounding
terrain, I formed the image of a vulture in my mind and flowed into
that particular shape. I'll grant you that there are nicer birds in
the world than vultures, but there were whole flocks of the ugly brutes
circling in the air over Ctuchik's mountain, so at least I wouldn't be
I caught an updraft and spiraled aloft on the west side of Ctuchik's
mountain. The sun was just going down, and its ruddy light stained
that basalt peak, making it look peculiarly as if it had been dipped in
Considering what was going on at the top of it, that was fairly
appropriate, I suppose.
I've made quite an issue of the fact that I don't fly very well, but
I'm not a complete incompetent, and riding an updraft is a fairly
simple process.
All you really have to do is lock your wings and let it carry you.
Hawks and eagles and vultures do it all the time.
I circled up and up until I was above the city, and then I swooped down
and perched on the wall to look things over. At that particular time
Rak Cthol was still under construction, and it was not nearly as
cluttered as it came to be later on. It was already ugly, though. I
think that was a reflection of Ctuchik's mind. Although it really
wasn't necessary, he appeared to be consciously trying to duplicate the
layout of Cthol Mishrak.
The actual work of construction was being performed by slaves, of
course, since Murgos and Grolims feel they're above that sort of thing.
I watched from my perch atop the wall as the slaves were herded into
their cells in those tunnels beneath the city and locked in for the
night. Then I patiently waited for it to get dark.
Quite obviously, I was going to need a disguise, but I was fairly sure
I could find something that'd get me by. As it turned out, it was even
easier than I'd expected. There were Murgo sentries patrolling the top
of the wall. There was no need for that, really, since there was a
sheer drop of almost a mile to the desert floor, but Murgos tend to be
They'd patrolled the top of the wall at Cthol Mishrak, so they
patrolled the top of the wall here. I slipped very slowly back into my
own form to avoid alerting Ctuchik to the fact that I'd come to pay him
a visit, and then I concealed myself in a narrow embrasure to wait for
a Murgo.
There were a number of ways I could have done it, I suppose, but I
chose the simplest. I waited until the sentry had passed, and then I
bashed him on the head with a rock. It was quieter than any of the
more exotic things I might have done, and it sufficed. I dragged the
Murgo back into the embrasure and peeled off his black robe. I didn't
bother with his mail shirt. Chain mail is uncomfortable, and it tends
to rattle when you're moving around. I considered dropping my Murgo
over the wall but decided against it. I didn't have anything against
him personally, and I wasn't entirely sure how much noise he'd make
when he hit the ground a mile below.
Yes, I know all about my reputation, but I don't really like to kill
people unless it's necessary. I've always felt that random murders
tend to coarsen one's nature. You might want to think about that when
you consider murder as a solution to a problem.
I pulled up the hood of the Murgo robe and went looking for Ctuchik.
The simplest way would have been to ask, but I might have had trouble
imitating the rasping Murgo dialect, so I listened to a number of
random conversations and quite gently probed the thoughts of various
sentries and passersby instead. Polgara's much better at that than I
am, but I know how it's done. I was fairly careful about it, since
everybody in Rak Cthol, Grolim and Murgo, wore those black robes, and
that made it hard to tell them apart. It's entirely possible, I
suppose, that Murgos think of themselves as a form of minor clergy--or
it might just be that Grolims are descendants of the original Murgo
tribe. I didn't want to probe the thoughts of a Grolim, since some of
them at least are talented enough to recognize that when it happens.
My eavesdropping--both with my ears and with my mind--eventually gave
me enough clues to narrow down the search. Ctuchik was somewhere in
the Temple of Torak. I'd more or less expected that, but a little
verification never hurts.
The Temple was deserted. Even Grolims have to sleep sometime, and it
was getting fairly close to midnight. Ctuchik, however, was not
asleep. I could sense his mind at work as soon as I entered the
Temple. That made finding him much easier. I went along the back wall
on that balcony that seems to be a standard feature in every major
Grolim temple and eventually located the right door. And, naturally,
it was locked. A single thought would have unlocked it, but it would
probably have also alerted Ctuchik to my presence. Murgo locks aren't
very sophisticated, though, so I did it the other way. I might not be
as good a burglar as Silk is, but I have had some experience in that
line of work.
There was a flight of stairs leading downward behind that door, and I
followed them, being very careful not to make any noise. A black
painted door stood at the bottom of the stairs, and, oddly, no guards.
I think this particular visit of mine persuaded Ctuchik that leaving
that door unguarded was a bad idea. I picked the lock and went
The sense of Ctuchik's mind was coming from above me, so I didn't
bother to investigate the lower level of his turret. There's a
peculiar similarity to the way our minds work. We all feel more
comfortable in towers. Ctuchik's tower was hanging off the side of the
mountain, though.
I went up the stairs. I ignored the second level and climbed to the
top. The door there wasn't locked, and I could sense the presence of
the owner of the turret behind it. He seemed to be reading something,
and he wasn't particularly alert.
I set myself and opened the door.
An emaciated-looking Grolim with a white beard was sitting at a table
near one of the round windows poring over a scroll by the light of a
single oil lamp. That Murgo I'd seen at the escarpment--Agga, I think
his name was--had described Ctuchik as a man who looked as if he had
been dead for a week. I think Agga'd understated it. I've never known
anybody who looked more cadaverous than Ctuchik.
he exclaimed, dropping his scroll and leaping to his feet.
"Who gave you permission to come here?"
"It's late, Ctuchik," I told him.
"I didn't want to bother anybody, so I let myself in."
His sunken eyes blazed.
"Don't do anything foolish," I cautioned him.
"This is just a social call. If I'd had anything else in mind, you'd
already be dead." I looked around. His tower wasn't nearly as
cluttered as mine, but he hadn't been here very long. It takes
centuries to accumulate really good clutter.
"What on earth possessed you to set up shop in this hideous place?"
asked him.
"It suits me," he replied shortly, struggling to get control of
He sat back down and retrieved his scroll.
"You always manage to show up where you're least expected, don't you,
"It's a gift. Are you busy right now?
if you're doing something important."
I can come back some other time
"I think I can spare you a few moments."
"Good." I closed the door, went over to his table, and sat down in the
chair directly across from him.
"I think we should have a little chat, Ctuchik--as long as we're living
so close to each other."
"You've come to welcome me to the neighborhood?"
"Not exactly.
He looked faintly
I thought we should establish a few ground rules, is
I wouldn't want you to blunder into anything by mistake."
"I don't make mistakes, Belgarath."
"Oh, really? I can think of a dozen or so you've made already.
didn't exactly cover yourself with glory at Cthol Mishrak, as I
"You know that what happened at Cthol Mishrak had been decided before
you even got there," he retorted.
"If Zedar had done what he was supposed to, you wouldn't have made it
that far."
"Sometimes Zedar's a little undependable--but that's beside the point.
I'm not here to talk about the good old days. I'm here to give you a
bit of advice. Keep a tight leash on your Murgos. The time isn't
right for anything major, and we both know it. A lot of things have to
happen yet before we can get down to business. Keep the Murgos out of
the Western Kingdoms. They're starting to irritate the Alorns."
He sneered.
"My, my, isn't that a shame."
"Don't try to be funny. You're not ready for a war,
Ctuchik--particularly not with the Alorns. Iron-grip's got the Orb,
and you saw what he can do with it when we had that little get-together
at Cthol Mishrak. If you don't get your Murgos under control, he might
take it into his head to pay you a call. If you irritate him too much,
he'll turn this mountain of yours into a very large pile of gravel."
"He's not the one who's supposed to raise the Orb," Ctuchik objected.
"My point exactly. Let's not push our luck here. We haven't received
all our instructions as yet, so we don't even know what we're supposed
to do. If you push the Alorns too far, Iron-grip's very likely to lose
his temper and do something precipitous. If that happens, it could
throw this whole business into the lap of pure, random chance. We
could end up with a third possibility, and I don't think the other two
would like that very much. So let's not complicate things any more
than they already are."
He pulled speculatively at his beard.
"You might be right," he conceded grudgingly.
"We've all got lots of time, I suppose, so there's no great hurry."
"I'm glad you agree."
I squinted at him.
"Have you managed to get any of your people into the house at Ashaba as
His eyes suddenly looked startled.
"It's the logical thing for you to do, Ctuchik. Zedar's there taking
down Torak's every word. If you and that pinto-spotted Urvon don't get
some of your people inside, Zedar's going to have the upper hand."
"I'm working on it," he replied shortly.
"I hope so. One of you'd better get your hands on a copy of the
Ashabine Oracles before Torak corrupts them into in comprehensibility
"Urvon's got a copy.
I can always take his away from him."
"Torak burned Urvon's copy.
Don't you people even talk to each
"I don't have anything to say to Urvon."
"Or to Zedar, either, I gather. This bickering between the three of
you is going to make my job much, much easier."
"You aren't the important one, Belgarath. You've had your turn as the
Child of Light, and I think you blundered it away. You should have
killed Zedar when you had the chance."
"You definitely need instructions, Ctuchik. Zedar's part in all of
this isn't over yet. He's still got things to do, and if he doesn't do
them, we come right back to that third possibility again. Some of your
Grolims have been seized by the spirit of your Necessity. Get good
copies of what they're saying, and don't tamper with them. Torak's
erasing whole pages of the Ashabine Oracles, so the Prophecies of your
western Grolims might very well end up being all you'll have to work
with. This isn't a good area for experimentation. Certain things have
to happen, and we both have to know about them. I don't have time to
come down here every few centuries to educate you."
"I know my responsibilities, Belgarath.
You do your work, and I'll do
"I can hold up my end of it," I told him.
benignly at him.
Then I stood up and smiled
"It's been absolutely wonderful talking with you, old boy, and we'll
have to do it again one of these days."
"My pleasure, old chap," he replied with a thin little smile.
"Stop by any time."
"Oh, I will, Ctuchik, I will. Incidentally, don't try to follow me,
and don't send anybody to get in my way--not anybody you care anything
about, anyway."
"I don't really care for anybody, old man."
"You ought to try it sometime, Ctuchik.
It might sweeten your
Then I went out and closed the door behind me.
I flew due west from Rak Cthol, then .-went wolf and skirted the
eastern border of Maragor, climbed up through the Tolnedran Mountains
to the southern end of the Vale. All in all, I was rather pleased with
myself. Things had gone well at Rak Cthol.
It was early evening when I reached my tower.
"How did it go?"
Beldin asked me when I joined him and Pol.
"Not bad." I said it in an offhand sort of way.
unbecoming, after all.
Boasting's very
"What happened, father?" Pol asked in that suspicious tone she always
takes when I have been out of her sight for more than five minutes. I
wish Polgara would trust me just once. Of course, that would probably
stop the sun.
I shrugged.
"I went to Rak Cthol."
"Yes, I know.
"I talked to Ctuchik."
"I didn't kill him."
"Father, get to the point!"
"Actually, I led him down the garden path. I told him a great many
things he already knew just as an excuse to get close enough to him to
test his capabilities. He's actually not all that good." I sat down
in my favorite chair.
"Is supper ready yet?"
"It's still cooking.
I asked her.
Talk, father.
What really happened?"
"I slipped into his city and paid him a call in the middle of the
night. I made a large issue of telling him to keep his Murgos out of
the western kingdoms, and then I raised the possibility that if the
Murgos irritated the Alorns too much, Riva might use the Orb against
them. That can't happen, of course, but I think the notion worried
Ctuchik. He seems to be very gullible in some ways. I'm sure he
believes that I'm a fussy old windbag who runs around repeating the
obvious. Then I raised the possibility that if somebody did something
that he wasn't supposed to do, it might just let pure, random chance
enter into the picture."
"And he believed you?"
"He seemed to.
Beldin asked incredulously.
At least he considered it enough to worry about it.
Then we discussed the Ashabine Oracles. Both Ctuchik and Urvon are
trying to slip people into Torak's house at Ashaba to get copies, but I
got the impression that Torak's controlling those copies rather
jealously, and Zedar's doing his best to keep his brothers' spies away
from Ashaba. The three of them hate each other with a passion that's
almost holy."
"What's Ctuchik look like?"
Beldin asked me.
"I've seen that piebald Urvon a few times, but I've never actually seen
"He's tall, skinny, and he's got a long, white beard.
walking corpse."
He looks like a
"What is?"
"Old Burnt-face seems to be attracted to ugliness. Ctuchik sounds
hideous, and that speckled Urvon's no prize. Zedar's not so bad, I
guess --unless you want to take the ugliness of his soul into
"You're not really in a position to talk, uncle," Pol reminded him.
"You didn't have to say that, Pol.
What now, Belgarath?"
I scratched at my beard.
"I think we'd better get the twins and see if we can contact the
Master. We need some advice here. The Angaraks absolutely must have
uncorrupted copies of the Oracles, and Torak's doing everything he
possibly can to keep that from happening."
"Can we do that?"
Pol asked me.
"I'm not sure," I admitted, "but I think we'd better try. Zedar might
have a clean copy, but I'd hate to hang the fate of the world on a
As it turned out, it was surprisingly easy to get in touch with Aldur.
I think it might have been because we were in an interim stage between
the time when we were guided by the Gods and the time when the
Prophecies took over. At any rate, a simple
"Master, we need you." brought Aldur's presence into my tower.
a bit filmy and indistinct, but he was there.
He was
He went immediately to Polgara, which shouldn't have surprised me.
"My beloved daughter," he said to her, lightly touching her cheek.
Would you believe that I felt a momentary surge of jealousy at that
point? Polgara was my daughter, not his. We all get strange when we
get older, I guess. I choked back my instinctive protest, and I think
I had a little epiphany at that point. Jealousy is a symptom of love,
I suppose--a primitive form, but love nonetheless. I loved my
dark-haired, steely-eyed daughter, and since love--and hate--are at the
very core of what I am, Polgara won the whole game right then and
there. We argued for another three thousand years or so, but all I was
doing was fighting a rear guard action. I'd already lost.
"You know what Torak's doing at Ashaba, don't you, Master?"
Beldin asked.
"Yes, my son," Aldur replied sadly.
"My brother is distraught, and he thinks to change what must happen by
changing the word that tells him of it."
"If he goes too far and changes the Oracles too much, his Angaraks
won't know what they're supposed to do," I said in a worried tone.
"Are we going to have to take steps?"
"Nay, my son," the Master replied.
"True copies do exist, though my brother might wish otherwise. The
Necessity that drives him will not be so thwarted. Belzedar is with my
brother, and, though he knows it not, he is still in some measure
driven by our Necessity. He hath ensured that the words of that other
Necessity are safe and whole."
"That's a relief," Beldin said.
"If we had to start taking care of both sets of instructions, it might
get burdensome. I think we're going to have our hands full just taking
care of our own."
"Set thy mind at rest, my son," Aldur told him.
"The steps that lead to the ultimate meeting unfalteringly proceed."
"We've identified two of the prophets who've giving us our
instructions, Master," I advised him.
"Their words are being faithfully set down."
"Excellent, my son."
Pol looked slightly worried.
"Are there others, Master?"
she asked.
"The Alorns know how important those prophecies are, but I don't think
the Tolnedrans or the Arends do. We could be missing something
Are there other speakers?"
He nodded.
"They are of less import, however, my daughter, and are more in the
nature of verification. Put thy mind at ease. Failing all else, we
may appeal to the Dals for aid. The Seers at Kell are seeking out all
the prophecies--both the instruction of our Necessity and that of
"Astonishing," Beldin said.
"The Dals are actually doing something useful for a change."
"They must, gentle Beldin, for they, too, have a task in this matter--a
task of gravest significance. We must not hinder them. The path they
follow is obscure, but it will in the fullness of time bring them to
the selfsame place whither our path leads us. All is proceeding as it
must, my children. Be not unquiet. We will speak more of this
And then he was gone.
"Evidently we're doing it right," Beldin noted, "at least so far."
"You worry too much, Beldin," Belkira told him.
"I don't think we could do it wrong."
Beltira, however, was looking at Pol with a kind of wonder on his
"Dear sister," he said to her.
That came crashing down on me.
"Please don't do that, Beltira," I told him.
"But she is, Belgarath.
She is one of our fellowship."
"Yes, I know, but it puts me in a peculiar situation. I know that Pol
and I are related, but this turn of events makes it very
"Be not dismayed, dear brother," Pol told me sweetly.
"I'll explain it all to you later--in simple terms, of course. Now, if
you gentlemen will get out of my kitchen, I'll finish fixing supper."
Things went on quietly in the Vale for the next several years. Polgara
continued her education, and I think she startled us all by how rapidly
she was progressing. Pol had joined us late, but she was more than
making up for lost time. There were levels of subtlety in some of the
things she did that were absolutely exquisite. I didn't tell her, of
course, but I was terribly proud of her.
It was spring, I think, when Algar Fleet-foot came down into the Vale
to deliver copies of the now-completed Darine Codex to us.
"Bormik died last autumn," he told us.
"His daughter spent the winter putting everything together and then
sent word to me that the Codex was finished. I went there to pick it
up and to persuade her to come back to Algaria with me."
"Wasn't she happy in Darine?"
He shrugged.
Pol asked him.
"She may have been, but she's done us a great service, and Darine isn't
going to be the safest place in the world later on this summer."
I said.
"The Bear-cult's starting to get out of hand there, so it's time for me
to go explain a few things to them. Hatturk's beginning to annoy me.
Oh, Dras sent these." He opened another pouch and took out several
"This isn't complete yet, because the Mrin Prophet's still talking, but
these are copies of everything he's said so far."
"That's what I've been waiting for," I told him eagerly.
"Don't get your hopes up too much," he told me.
"I looked into them a few times on my way down here. Are you sure that
fellow who's chained to a post up in Drasnia is really a prophet? That
thing you've got in your hands is pure gibberish. I'd hate to see you
following instructions that turn out to be no more than the ravings of
a genuine madman."
"The Mrin Prophet can't rave, Algar," I assured him.
"He can't talk."
"He's talked enough to fill up four scrolls so far."
"That's the whole point. Everything that's in these scrolls is pure
prophecy, because the poor fellow's incapable of speech except when
he's passing on the words of the Necessity."
"Whatever you say, Belgarath.
Are you coming to the Alorn Council this
"I think that might be nice, father," Pol said.
"I haven't seen Beldaran for quite a while, and you should probably
look in on your grandson."
"I really ought to work on these, Pol," I objected, pointing at the
"Bring them with you, father," she suggested.
"They're not that heavy, after all."
Then she turned back to Algar.
"Send word to Riva,"
she told him.
"Let him know that we're coming.
Now, how's your wife?"
And so we went to the Isle of the Winds for the meeting of the Alorn
Council--which was more in the nature of a family gathering in those
days than it was a formal meeting of heads of state. We had a brief
business meeting to get that out of the way, and then we were free to
enjoy ourselves.
I was a bit surprised to discover that my grandson was about seven
years old now. I tend to lose track of time when I'm working on
something, and the years had slipped by without my noticing them.
Daran was a
nature. We
and, though
of the best
sturdy little boy with sandy-colored hair and a serious
got along well together. He loved to listen to stories,
it's probably immodest of me to say it, I'm most likely one
storytellers in the world.
"What really happened in Cthol Mishrak, grandfather?" he asked me one
rainy afternoon when the two of us were in a room high up in one of the
towers feasting on some cherry tarts I had stolen from the pastry
"Father's started to tell me the story several times, but something
always seems to come up just when he's getting to the good part."
I leaned back in my chair.
"Well," I said, "let me see--" And then I told him the whole story,
embellishing it only slightly--for artistic purposes, you understand.
"Well, then," he said gravely as darkness settled over Riva's Citadel,
"I guess that sort of tells me what I'm supposed to do for the rest of
my life." He sighed.
"Why so great a sigh, Prince Daran?"
I asked him.
"It might have been nice to be just an ordinary person," he said with
uncommon maturity for one so young.
"I'd kind of like to be able to get up in the morning and go out to
look at what's beyond the next hill."
"It's not all that much different from what's on this side," I told
"Maybe not, grandfather, but I would sort of like to see it--just
once." He looked at me with those very serious blue eyes of his.
"But I can't.
will it?"
That stone on the hilt of father's sword won't let me,
"I'm afraid not, Daran," I replied.
"Why me?"
Dear God! How many times have I heard that? How should I know why
him? I wasn't in charge. I took a chance at that point.
"It has to do with what we are, Daran. We're sort of special, and that
means we've got special responsibilities. If it makes you feel any
better, we aren't required to like them." Saying that to a
seven-year-old might have been a little brutal, but my grandson wasn't
your ordinary child.
"This is what we're going to do," I told him then.
"We're both going to get a good night's sleep, and we're going to get
up early tomorrow morning, and we're going to go out and see what's on
the other side of that hill."
"It's raining.
We'll get wet."
"We've both been wet before, Daran.
We won't melt."
I managed to offend both of my daughters with that little project.
The boy and I had fun, though, so all the scoldings we got several days
later didn't bother either of us all that much. We tramped the steep
hills of the Isle of the Winds, and we camped out and fished for trout
in deep, swirling pools in mountain streams, and we talked. We talked
about many things, and I think I managed to persuade Daran that what he
had to do was necessary and important. At least he wasn't throwing
"Why me?" in my face at every turn. I've been talking to a long
series of sandy-haired boys for about three thousand years now. I've
been obliged to do a lot of things down through those endless
centuries, but explaining our rather unique situation to those boys
could very well have been the most important.
The Alorn Council lasted for several weeks, and then we all left for
home. Pol, Beldin, and I sailed across the Sea of the Winds and made
port at Camaar on a blustery afternoon. We took lodgings in the same
well-appointed inn in which Beldaran and Riva had first met.
"How old is Beldaran now?"
Beldin asked that evening after supper.
"Twenty-five, uncle," Pol told him, "the same age as I am."
"She looks older."
"She's been sick. I don't think the climate on that island agrees with
her. She catches cold every winter, and it's getting harder and harder
for her to shake them off." She looked at me.
"You didn't help her by sneaking off with her son the way you did."
"We didn't sneak," I objected.
"I left her a note."
"Belgarath's very good at leaving notes when he sneaks off," Beldin
told her.
I shrugged.
"It avoids arguments. Daran and I needed to talk. He's reached the
age where he has questions, and I'm the best one to answer them. I
think we got it all settled--at least for now. He's a good boy, and
now that he knows what's expected of him, he'll probably do all
It was late summer by the time we got back to the Vale, and I
immediately went to work on the Darine Codex, since it was complete.
I'd decided to hold off on the Mrin Codex, which was clearly the more
difficult of the two. Difficulty is a relative term when you're
talking about those two documents, however. The need to conceal the
meaning of the prophecy made both of them very obscure.
After several years of intensive study, I began to develop a vague
perception of what lay in store for us. I didn't like it very much,
but at least I had a fuzzy sort of idea about what was coming. The
Darine Codex is more general than the Mrin, but it does identify a
number of cautionary signals. Each time one of those meetings is about
to take place, it'll be preceded by a very specific event. At least
that would give us a bit of warning.
It must have been ten years or so later when Dras Bull-neck sent a
messenger to the Vale to advise us that the Mrin Prophet had died and
to deliver copies of the entire Mrin Codex. I laid aside Bormik's
prophecy and dug into the ravings of that madman who'd spent most of
his life chained to a post. As I just mentioned, the Darine Codex had
given me a generalized idea of what was coming, and that made the Mrin
Codex at least marginally comprehensible. It was still very rough
going, though.
Polgara continued her own studies, and Beldin went back to Mallorea, so
I was able to concentrate. As usually happens when I'm deeply into
something, I lost track of time, so I can't really tell you exactly
when it was that the Master came to me again, only that he had some
very specific instructions. I regretfully set my studies aside and
left for southern Tolnedra the very next morning.
I stopped by Prolgu to speak with the Gorim, and then I went to Tol
Borune to have a few words with the grand duke. He wasn't very happy
when I told him of the plans I had for his son, but when I advised him
that what I was proposing would prepare the way for his family to
ascend the Imperial Throne in Tol Honeth, he agreed to think about it.
I didn't think it was really necessary to tell him that the elevation
of the Borunes wasn't going to take place for about five hundred years.
There's no real point in confusing people with picky little details, is
Then I ventured down to the Wood of the Dryads.
It was that time of year again, and it wasn't very long before I was
accosted on a forest path by a golden-haired Dryad named Xalla. As
usual, she had an arrow pointed directly at my heart.
"Oh, put that down," I told her irritably.
"You won't try to run away, will you?"
"Of course not.
she demanded.
I need to talk with Princess Xoria."
"I saw you first.
Xoria can have you after I've finished with you."
As I mentioned before, I'd swung by Prolgu on my way to Tolnedra.
My long talk with the Gorim had been about the Dryads, so I was
I reached into my pocket and took out a piece of chocolate candy.
"Here," I said, holding it out to her.
"What's that?"
"It's something to eat.
Try it.
She took the candy and sniffed at it suspiciously.
into her mouth.
You'll like it."
Then she popped it
You wouldn't believe how she reacted. There's something about
chocolate that does strange things to Dryads. I've seen many women in
the throes of passion, but Xalla carried it to such extremes that it
actually embarrassed me. Finally I turned my back and went off a
little distance so that she could have some privacy.
I don't know that I need to go into any greater detail.
get the picture.
I'm sure you
Anyway, after the chocolate had run its course through her tiny body,
Xalla was very docile--even kittenish. You might want to keep that in
mind the next time you're going through the Wood of the Dryads. I know
that it's a point of pride among most young men to claim unlimited
stamina in that particular area of human activity, but these are the
young men who've never encountered a Dryad at that time of year.
Take chocolate with you.
Trust me.
My affectionate little companion took me through the Wood to Princess
Xoria's tree. Xoria was even tinier than Xalla, and she had flaming
red hair. Now that I think about it, she very closely resembled her
ultimate great-granddaughter. She was comfortably lying on a bed of
moss in a fork of her tree about twenty feet up when Xalla led me into
the clearing. She looked at me a bit appraisingly.
"I appreciate the gift, Xalla."
bit old?"
she said critically, "but isn't it a
"It has some food in its pocket, Xoria," Xalla replied.
"And the food makes you feel very nice."
"I'm not hungry," the princess said indifferently.
"You really ought to try some, Xoria," Xalla urged her.
"I just ate. Why don't you take it out into the Wood and kill it? It's
probably too old to be much good."
"Just try a piece of its candy," Xalla pressed.
"You'll really like it."
"Oh, all right, I guess."
The Dryad princess climbed down.
"Give me some," she commanded me.
"As your Highness wishes," I replied, reaching into my pocket.
Princess Xoria's reaction to the chocolate was even more intense than
Xalla's had been, and when she finally recovered her composure, she
seemed to have lost her homicidal impulses.
"Why have you come into our Wood, old man?"
she asked me.
"I'm supposed to suggest a marriage to you," I replied.
"What's marriage?"
"It's a sort of formalized arrangement that involves mating," I
"With you? I don't think so.
you're very old."
You're nice enough, I suppose, but
"No," I told her, "not with me, with somebody else."
"What's involved in this marriage business?"
"There's a little ceremony, and then you live together.
supposed to agree not to mate with anybody else."
"How boring.
Why on earth would I want to agree to something like
"To protect your Wood, your Highness. If you marry the young man, his
family will keep woodcutters away from your oak trees."
"We can do that ourselves. A lot of humans have come into our Wood
with axes. Their bones are still here, but their axes turned to rust a
long time ago."
"Those were single woodcutters, Xoria. If they start coming down here
in gangs, you and your sisters will run out of arrows. They'll also
build fires."
"Humans like fire.
It's one of their peculiarities."
"Why are you doing this, old man? Why are you trying to force me to
join with somebody I've never even seen?"
"Necessity, Xoria. The young man's a member of the Borune family, and
you're going to mate with him because a long time from now your
mating's going to produce someone very special. She'll be the mate of
the Child of Light, and she'll be called the Queen of the World." Then
I sighed and put it to her directly.
"You're going to do it, Xoria. You'll argue with me about it, but in
the end, you'll do as you're told--just the same as I will. Neither of
us has any choice in the matter."
"What does this Borune creature look like?"
I'd looked rather carefully at the young man while I'd been talking to
his father, so I cast his image onto the surface of the forest pool at
the foot of Princess Xoria's tree so that she could see the face of her
future husband.
She gazed at the image with those grass-green eyes of hers, absently
nibbling on the end of one of her flaming red locks.
"It's not bad-looking,"
she conceded.
"Is it vigorous?"
"All the Borunes are vigorous, Xoria."
"Give me another piece of candy, and I'll think about it."
The son of the grand duke of the Borunes was named Dellon, and he was a
rather pleasant young man who found the idea of being married to a
Dryad intriguing. I went back to Tol Borune to pick up more candy and
to talk with him privately. I cast Princess Xoria's image on the
surface of a basin of water for him, and he grew even more interested.
Then I went back to the Wood and dosed Xoria with judiciously spaced
out pieces of sugar-laced candy.
You have to be very careful when you're feeding chocolate to a Dryad.
If you give her too much, she'll become addicted, and she won't be
interested in anything else. I wanted Xoria to be docile, not
The major stumbling block in the whole business turned out to be
Dellon's mother, the grand duchess. The lady was a member of the
Honethite family, and the sole reason the Honeths had arranged her
marriage to the grand duke of the Borune family in the first place was
to gain access to the priceless resources of the Wood of the Dryads.
There were forests in the mountains east of Tol Honeth and around Tol
Rane, of course, but those forests were fir, pine, and spruce--all
softwoods. The only significant source of hardwoods in Tolnedra was
the forest of Vordue in the north, and the Vorduvians charged
outrageous prices for their lumber. The Honeths had been eyeing the
oaks in the Wood of the Dryads with undisguised greed for centuries.
My promise to the grand duke that this marriage eventually would result
in a Borune Dynasty on the Imperial Throne had won him over to my side,
but when I casually mentioned that one of the stipulations of the
marriage contract would be the inviolability of the Wood, the grand
duchess went up in flames.
She was a Honethite to the core, however, so after an initial outburst,
she resorted to guile. I knew perfectly well that her objection was
based on economics, but she pretended that it was theological. Religion
is almost always the last refuge of the scoundrel--and the grand
duchess was a scoundrel if I ever met one. It sort of runs in her
family. Back before the cracking of the world, the Gods had frowned on
interracial marriages.
Alorns didn't marry Nyissans, and Tolnedrans didn't marry Arends.
Torak, of course, was the one who took it to extremes. My proposal
involved an inter species union, and Dellon's mother took her case to
the priests of Nedra. Priests are bigots by nature, so she enlisted
their aid without much difficulty.
That brought everything to a standstill. I was still shuttling back
and forth between the Wood and Tol Borune, so she had plenty of
opportunity to sneak around behind my back and gain support in her
"My hands are tied, Belgarath," the grand duke told me when I returned
to Tol Borune after a trip down into the Wood.
"The priests absolutely forbid this marriage."
"Your wife's playing politics, your Grace," I told him bluntly.
"I know, but as long as the priests of Nedra are on her side, there's
nothing I can do."
I fumed about it for a while, and then I came up with a solution. The
grand duchess wanted to play politics, and I was going to show her that
I could play, too.
"I'll be gone for a while, your Grace," I told him.
"Where are you going?
Back to the Wood?"
I have to see somebody in Tol Honeth."
This was during the early years of the second Vorduvian Dynasty, and I
knew just the man to see. When I reached Tol Honeth, I went to the
Imperial Palace and bullied enough functionaries to get a private
audience with the emperor, Ran Vordue II.
"I'm honored, Ancient One," he greeted me.
"Let's skip the pleasantries, Ran Vordue," I told him.
"I haven't got much time, and we have some interests that coincide
right now. What would you say if I told you that the Honeths are right
on the verge of gaining access to an unlimited supply of hardwood?"
he exploded.
"I thought you might feel that way about it.
The fortunes of your
family are based almost entirely on the Forest of Vordue. If the
Honeths gain access to the Wood of the Dryads, you can expect the price
of hardwood lumber to head for the cellar. I'm trying to arrange a
marriage that'll keep the Honeths out of the Wood--permanently. The
Borune grand duchess is a Honethite, though, and she's fighting me on
theological grounds. Is the High Priest of Nedra by any chance related
to you?"
"My uncle, actually," he replied.
"I thought there might be some connection. I need a dispensation from
him to permit the son of the House of Borune to marry a Dryad
"Belgarath, that's an absurdity!"
"Yes, I know, but I need one anyway.
The marriage must take place."
"I'm manipulating history, Ran Vordue. This marriage really doesn't
have much to do with what's going to happen in Tolnedra. It's aimed at
Torak, and it's not going to hit him for about three thousand years."
"You can actually see that far into the future?"
"Not really, but my Master can. Your interest in this matter is sort
of peripheral. We have different reasons for it, but we both want to
keep the Honeths out of the Wood of the Dryads."
He squinted thoughtfully at the ceiling.
"Would it help if my uncle went to Tol Borune and performed the
ceremony in person?" he asked me.
That idea hadn't even occurred to me.
"Why, yes, Ran Vordue," I replied with a broad grin,
"I think it might."
"I'll arrange it."
Then he grinned back at me.
"Confusion to the Honeths," he said.
"I might want to drink to that."
And so Dellon and Xoria were married, and the House of Borune was
inseparably linked to the Dryads.
Oh, incidentally, the groom's mother didn't attend the wedding.
wasn't feeling very well.
The whole business had taken me almost three years, but considering how
important it was, I felt it was time well spent. I was in a smugly
self-congratulatory frame of mind when I started back for the Vale.
Even now, when I look back on it, I nearly sprain my arm trying to pat
myself on the back.
It was late winter when I went through the Tolnedran Mountains, so I
made most of the trip as a wolf. Wolves are much better adapted to
making their way in snow-covered mountains than men are, so I fall back
on my alternative form in those situations almost out of habit.
When I came down out of the mountains into the southern end of the
Vale, I resumed my normal form, and the sound of the twins' combined
voices was roaring inside my head almost before my tail disappeared.
"Don't shout!"
I shouted back at them.
"Where have you been?"
"In Tolnedra.
Beltira's voice demanded.
You knew that."
"We've been trying to reach you for a week now."
"I had to cross the mountains, so I went wolf." That had always been
one of the drawbacks involved in taking another form. It interfered
with our peculiar method of communication. If the brother who was
trying to reach you didn't know that you'd changed, his thought was
very likely to miss you entirely.
"What's the matter?"
"Beldaran's very ill.
do." He paused.
I sent out the question.
Polgara's gone to the Isle to see what she can
"You'd better get there in a hurry, Belgarath."
A cold knot of fear settled in my chest.
"I'll cut up across Ulgoland to Camaar," I told them.
"Let Polgara know that I'm coming."
"We might need to reach you.
Are you going wolf again?"
I'll fly--a falcon, I think."
"You don't fly very well, Belgarath."
"Maybe it's time I learned.
I'm changing right now."
My concern for Beldaran was so overpowering that I didn't even think
about the things that normally interfere with my flying, and after
about half an hour I was cutting through the air like an arrow shot
from a bow. I even experimented with translocation a time or two, but
that didn't work out very well--largely because I reverted to my own
form in the process and found myself ten miles from where I'd started
and trying to fly without benefit of wings. I gave up on that idea and
did it the old-fashioned way.
I was exhausted by the time I reached Camaar two days later, but I
grimly pressed on across the Sea of the Winds.
I'd made very good time, but I still got there too late.
already died.
Beldaran had
Polgara was inconsolable, and Riva was almost in the same condition as
I'd been after Poledra's death. There was no point in trying to talk
to either one of them, so I went looking for my grandson.
I found him atop the highest tower of the Citadel. It appeared that he
had cried himself out, and he was standing, puffy-eyed and somber, at
the battlements. He was full-grown now, and he was very tall.
"All right, Daran," I said to him harshly, "get away from there."
"I said to get away from there." I wasn't going to take any chances
with him. A sudden upsurge of despair could very well push him into
doing something foolish. I'd have time for my own grief later on.
Right now I had to concentrate on his.
"What are we going to do, grandfather?"
"We're going to go on, Daran.
what happened."
he wept.
It's what we always do.
Now tell me
He pulled himself together.
"Mother's been catching cold every winter for years now. Aunt Pol told
us that it'd weakened her lungs. This past winter it was much worse.
She started coughing up blood. That's when father sent for Aunt Pol.
There was nothing she could do, though. She tried everything, but
mother was just too weak. Why weren't you here, grandfather? You
could have done something."
"I'm not a physician, Daran. Your aunt knows far more about that than
I do. If she couldn't save your mother, no one could have. Does your
father have a prime minister? Somebody who takes care of things when
he's busy?"
"You mean Brand? He's the Rivan Warder.
handle administration."
Father depends on him to
"We'd better go talk with him. You're going to have to take over here
until your father recovers from this."
Why me?"
"You're the Crown Prince, Daran, that's why.
It's your
Your father's incapacitated right now, and that drops everything into
your lap."
"I don't think that's very fair.
father does."
I feel just as badly about this as
"Not quite. At least you can still talk--and think. He can't.
help you through it, and Brand knows what has to be done."
"Father will get better, won't he?"
"We can hope so. It might take him awhile, though.
years after your grandmother died."
It took me twelve
"Nobody's going to pay any attention to me when I tell them to do
something, grandfather. I don't even have a full beard yet."
"You're twenty years old, Daran.
talk with Brand."
It's time you grew up.
Now, let's go
I'll admit that it was brutal, but somebody here on the Isle had to be
able to function. Riva quite obviously couldn't. The Orb absolutely
had to be protected, and if word of Riva's state got back to
Ctuchik--well, I didn't want to think about that.
Brand was one of those solid, dependable men that the world needs more
of, and he understood the situation almost immediately. He was
unusually perceptive for an Alorn, so he was able to see not only what
I told him, but also the things I couldn't tell him in front of Daran.
There was a distinct possibility that Iron-grip would never really
recover, and Daran would have to serve as regent. We were going to
have to bury my grandson in details to the point that his grief
wouldn't incapacitate him, as well. I left the two of them talking and
went to Polgara's quarters.
I knocked on her door.
"It's me, Pol.
Open up."
"Go away."
"Open the door, Polgara.
I need to talk to you."
"Get away from me, father."
I shrugged.
"It's your door, Pol.
have it replaced."
If you don't open it right now, you'll have to
Her face was ravaged when she opened the door.
"What is it, father?"
"You haven't got time for this, Polgara. You can cry yourself out
later. Right now I need you. Riva can't even think, so I've made
Daran regent. Somebody's going to have to look after him, and I've got
something that absolutely has to be done."
"Why me?"
"Not you, too, Pol.
Why does everybody keep saying that to me?
You're elected because you're the only one who can handle it. You're
going to stay here and help Daran in every way you can. Don't let him
sink into melancholia the way his father has. The Angaraks have eyes
everywhere, and if there's any sign of weakness here, you can expect a
visit from Ctuchik. Now, pull yourself together. Blow your nose and
fix your face. Daran's talking with the Rivan Warder right now. I'll
take you to where they are, and then I have to leave."
"You're not even going to stay for the funeral?"
"I've got the funeral in my heart, Pol, the same as you have. No
amount of ceremony's going to make it go away. Now go fix your face.
You look awful."
I'm sorry, Pol, but I had to do it that way. I had to force both you
and Daran back from the abyss of despair, and piling responsibilities
on you was the only way I could think of to do it.
I left my daughter and my grandson deep in a discussion with Brand, and
made some pretense of leaving the Isle. I didn't, however. I went up
into the mountains behind Riva's city instead and found a quiet
Then I crumpled and wept like a broken-hearted child.
Iron-grip never fully recovered from the loss of his wife. Of course,
he was nearing sixty when Beldaran left us, so it was almost time for
Daran to take over anyway. It gave me an excuse to compel Pol to stay
on the Isle--and to keep her busy. Keeping busy is very important
during a time of bereavement. If I'd had something vital to attend to
at the time of Poledra's death, things might have turned out quite
I suppose I realized that--dimly--when I returned to the Vale, so I
buried myself in my study of the Mrin Codex. I went through it from
one end to the other looking for some clue that might have warned me
about what was going to happen to Beldaran. Fortunately, I didn't find
If I had, I'm sure my guilt would have overpowered me.
About six or seven years had passed when Daran's messenger arrived in
the Vale to tell me that Riva Iron-grip had died. Bear-shoulders had
died the previous winter, and Bull-neck and Fleet-foot were both very
old men now. One of the disadvantages of a long life span is the fact
that you lose a lot of friends along the way. Sometimes I feel that my
life has been one long funeral.
Polgara returned to the Vale a year or so later, and she had a couple
of trunks full of medical books with her. There probably wasn't
anything in those books that could have helped Beldaran, but I think
Pol wanted to make sure. I'm not certain what she'd have done if she'd
found some cure that she hadn't known about, but she was as lucky as
I'd been.
Things went on quietly in the Vale for about fifty years.
Daran got
married, had a son, and grew old, while Pol and I continued our
Our shared sense of loss brought us closer together. As I delved
deeper into the Mrin Codex, my sense of what lay ahead of us grew more
troubled, but so far as I could determine, we had everything in place
that needed to be there, so we were ready.
Beldin returned from Mallorea near the end of the twenty-first century,
and he reported that very little was going on there.
"So far as I can tell, nothing's going to happen until Torak comes out
of his seclusion at Ashaba."
"It's pretty much the same here," I replied.
"The Tolnedrans have found out about the gold in Maragor, and they've
built a city at a place called Tol Rane on the Marag border. They've
been trying to lure the Marags into trade, but they aren't having much
luck. Is Zedar still at Ashaba?"
He nodded.
"I guess Burnt-face yearns for his company."
"I can't imagine why."
We quite deliberately didn't talk about Beldaran or about the other
friends who'd passed on. We'd all been rather intimately involved with
the family of Cherek Bear-shoulders, and we felt the sense of their
loss more keenly than we had when other, perhaps more casual
acquaintances died.
The rudimentary trade between Drasnia and Gar og Nadrak came to an
abrupt halt when the Nadraks began to mount attacks on towns and
villages in eastern Drasnia. Bull-neck's son, Khadar, took steps, and
the Nadraks retreated back into their forests.
Then in 2115, the Tolnedrans, frustrated by the Marag indifference to
trade, took action. If I'd been paying attention, I might have been
able to intervene, but I had my mind on other things. The merchant
Princes of Tol Honeth started by instigating a nationwide rumor
campaign about the Marag practice of ritual cannibalism, and the
stories grew wilder and wilder with each retelling. Nobody really
likes the idea of cannibalism, but the upsurge of indignation in
Tolnedra was largely spurious, I suspect.
If there hadn't been all that gold in the streams of Maragor, I don't
think the Tolnedrans would have gotten so excited about Marag eating
Unfortunately, Ran Vordue IV had occupied the throne for only about a
year when this all came to a head, and his lack of experience
contributed significantly to what finally happened. The carefully
whipped up hysteria finally crowded him into a corner, and Ran Vordue
made the fatal mistake of declaring war on the Marags.
The Tolnedran invasion of Maragor was one of the darker chapters in
human history. The legions that swept across the border were not bent
on conquest but upon the extermination of the Marag race, and they
quite nearly succeeded. The slaughter was ghastly, and in the end only
that characteristic greed that infects all Tolnedrans prevented the
total extinction of the Marags. Toward the end of the campaign, the
legion commanders began taking prisoners--primarily women--whom they
sold to the Nyissan slavers who, like vultures, habitually hover around
the fringes of almost any battlefield.
The whole business was sickening, but I suppose we owe those barbaric
generals a vote of thanks. If they hadn't sold their captives the way
they did, Taiba would not have been born, and that would have been a
catastrophe. The
"Mother of the Race That Died," as she's called in the Mrin Codex,
absolutely had to be there when the time came, or all of our careful
preparations would have gone out the window.
Once the legions had wiped out the Marags, the Tolnedran gold hunters
rushed into Maragor like a breaking wave. Mara, however, had his own
ideas about that. I've never really understood Mara, but I understood
his reaction to what the Tolnedrans had done to his people very well,
and I wholeheartedly approved, even though it took us to the brink of
another war between the Gods. To put it quite simply, Maragor became a
haunted place. The spirit of Mara wailed in insupportable grief, and
horrors beyond imagination appeared before the eyes of the horde of
gold hunters who swept into the basin where Maragor had been. Most of
them went mad. The majority of them killed themselves, and the few who
managed to stumble back to Tolnedra had to be confined in madhouses for
the rest of their lives.
The spirit of Nedra was not pleased by the atrocious behavior of his
children, and he spoke very firmly with Ran Vordue about it. That
accounts for the founding of the monastery at Mar Terrin. I was rather
pleased about Mar Terrin, since the greedy merchants who'd started the
whole thing were, to a man, among the first monks who were sent there
to comfort the ghosts of the slaughtered Marags. Forcing a Tolnedran
to take a vow of poverty is probably just about the worst thing you can
do to him.
Unfortunately, it didn't stop there. Belar and Mara had always been
close, and the actions of the children of Nedra offended Belar
mightily. That was what was behind the Cherek raids along the
Tolnedran coast.
The war boats swept out of the Great Western Sea like packs of coursing
hounds, and the coastal cities of the empire were sacked and burned
with tiresome regularity. The Chereks, obviously acting on
instructions from Belar, paid particular attention to Tol Vordue, the
ancestral home of the Vorduvian family. Ran Vordue IV could only wring
his hands in anguish as his native city was ravaged by repeated Cherek
Ultimately, my Master had to step in and mediate a peace settlement
between Belar and Nedra. Torak was still our main concern, and he was
quite enough to worry about without other family squabbles cropping up
to confuse the issue.
After the destruction of Maragor and after the ensuing punitive along
the Tolnedran coast by Cherek berserkers had died down a bit, an uneasy
peace settled over the western kingdoms--except for Arendia, of course.
That tedious war went on and on, in some measure perhaps because the
Arends couldn't think of any way to stop it. An endless series of
atrocities and counter-atrocities had turned hatred into a religion in
Arendia, and the natives were all very devout.
Pol and I spent the next few centuries in the Vale, quietly pursuing
our studies. My daughter accepted without comment the fact that she
wasn't going to age. The peculiar thing about the whole business in
her case was the fact that she really didn't. Beldin and the twins and
I had all achieved the appearance of a certain maturity. We picked up
wrinkles and grey hair and a distinguished look. Pol didn't. She'd
passed her three hundredth birthday, and she still looked much the same
as she had at twenty-five. Her eyes were wiser, but that's about as
far as it went. I guess a sorcerer is supposed to look distinguished
and wise, and that implies wrinkles and grey hair. A woman with grey
hair and wrinkles is called a crone, and I don't think Pol would have
liked that very much. Maybe we all wound up looking the way we thought
we ought to look. My brothers and I thought we should look wise and
venerable. Pol didn't mind the wise part, but "venerable" wasn't in
her vocabulary.
I think I might want to investigate that someday.
somehow create ourselves is intriguing.
The notion that we
Anyway, I think it was early in the twenty-fifth century when Polgara
began going out on her own. I tried to put my foot down the first
time, but she rather bluntly told me to mind my own business.
"The Master told me to take care of this, father. As I recall, your
name didn't even come up during the conversation."
I found that remark totally uncalled for.
I waited for a half a day after she'd ridden out of the Vale on her
Algar horse, and then I followed her. I hadn't been instructed not to,
and I was still her father. I knew that she had enormous talent, but
still-- I had to be very careful, of course. With the exception of her
mother, Polgara knows me better than anybody else in the world ever
has, and I rather think she could sense my presence from ten leagues
away. I expanded my repertoire enormously as I followed her north
along the eastern border of Ulgoland. I think I altered my form on an
average of once every hour. I even went so far as to take the form of
a field-mouse one evening as I watched her set up camp. A hunting owl
quite nearly ended my career that time.
My daughter gave no sign that she knew I was following her, but with
Polgara, you never really know. She crossed the mountains to Muros,
where she turned south toward Arendia. That made me nervous.
As I'd more or less expected, she was accosted by Wacites on the road
to Vo Wacune. Arends are usually very polite to ladies, but this
particular group appeared to have left its manners at home. They
questioned her rather rudely and told her that unless she could produce
some kind of safe-conduct, they'd have to take her into custody.
You would not believe how smoothly she handled that. She was right in
the middle of delivering a blistering remonstrance, and between one
outraged word and the next, she simply put them all to sleep. I
probably wouldn't even have noticed it if she hadn't made that telltale
little gesture with one hand. I've talked with her about that several
times, but she still feels the Word that releases her Will is not quite
enough. She always seems to want to add a gesture.
The Wacites went to sleep instantly, without bothering to close their
eyes. She even put their horses to sleep. Then she rode off, humming
softly to herself. After she'd gone a couple of miles, she gathered
her Will again, said,
"Wake up," and waved her hand once more.
The Wacites were not aware of the fact that they'd just taken a nap, so
it appeared to them that she'd simply vanished. Sorcery or magic, or
whatever you want to call it, makes Arends nervous, so they chose not
to follow her--not that they'd have known which way she'd gone
She hadn't given me any details about the nature of her little chore in
Arendia, so I still had to follow her. After that encounter in the
forest, though, I did so more out of curiosity than any real concern
for her safety.
I knew that she could take care of herself.
She rode on to Vo Wacune, and when she reached the gates of the city,
she imperiously demanded to be taken to the palace of the duke.
Of all the cities of ancient Arendia, Vo Wacune was by far the
The cattle fair at Muros was very profitable for the Wacite Arends, so
they had plenty of money to spend on architecture. There were marble
quarries in the foothills lying to the east of the city, and
marble-sheathed buildings are always prettier than structures made of
other kinds of rock.
Vo Astur was built of granite, and Vo Mimbre's made with that
yellow-colored stone that's so abundant in southern Arendia. It went
further than that, though. Vo Astur and Vo Mimbre were fortresses, and
they looked like fortresses, blocky and unlovely. Marble-clad Vo
Wacune, however, looked like a city seen in a dream. It had tall,
delicate spires, broad shady avenues, and many parks and gardens.
Anytime you read a fairy tale that describes some mythic city of
unspeakable beauty, you can be fairly certain that the description is
based on Vo Wacune.
I paused in a grove of trees just outside the gates and watched Pol
enter the city. Then, after a moment's consideration, I changed form
again. Arends are very fond of hunting dogs, so I took the form of a
hound and followed along. The duke would assume that I was her dog,
and she'd assume that I was his.
"Your Grace."
She greeted the duke with a flowing curtsy.
"It is imperative that we speak privately.
unto thee out of the hearing of others."
I must disclose my mind
"That is not customary, Lady--?" He left it delicately hanging in the
air. He really wanted to know who this queenly visitor was.
"I will identify myself unto thee when we are alone, your Grace.
Unfriendly ears are everywhere in poor Arendia, and word of my visit
must not reach Vo Mimbre nor Vo Astur. Thy realm is in peril, your
Grace, and I am come to abate that peril. Let us not alert thine
enemies to mine advisement of thee, and my name alone would so alert
Where had she learned to speak in that archaic language?
"Thy manner and bearing are such that I am inclined to give ear unto
thee, my Lady," the duke replied.
"Let us go apart so that thou mayest give me this vital instruction."
He rose from his throne, offered Pol his arm, and led her from the
I padded along behind them, my toenails clicking on the floor.
Arendish nobles always give their hunting dogs the free run of their
houses, so nobody paid any attention to me. The duke, however, shooed
me out when he and Pol went into a room just down the hall. That
wasn't really any problem, though. I curled up on the floor just
outside with my head almost touching the door.
"And now, Lady," the duke said, "prithee divulge thy name to me."
"My name's Polgara," she replied, dropping the flowery speech.
"You might have heard of me."
"The daughter of Ancient Belgarath?"
He sounded stunned.
You've been receiving some bad advice lately, your Grace.
A Tolnedran merchant's been telling you that he speaks for Ran Vordue
XVII. He does not. The House of Vordue is not offering an alliance.
If you follow his advice and invade Mimbrate territory, the legions
will not come to your aid. If you violate your alliance with the
Mimbrates, they'll immediately ally themselves with the Asturians, and
you'll be swarmed under."
"The Tolnedran merchant has documents, Lady Polgara," the duke
"They bear the Imperial Seal of Ran Vordue himself."
"The imperial seal isn't that difficult to duplicate, your Grace.
can make one for you right here and now, if you'd like."
"If the Tolnedran doth not speak for Ran Vordue, then for whom?"
"He speaks for Ctuchik, your Grace. The Murgos want strife in the
west, and Arendia, already torn by this unending civil war, is the best
place to set off new fires. Do with the deceitful Tolnedran as you
will. I must go to Vo Astur now and then on to Vo Mimbre. Ctuchik's
scheme is very complex, and if it succeeds, its ultimate goal will be
war between Arendia and Tolnedra."
"That must not be!"
the duke exclaimed.
"Divided as we are, the legions would crush us!"
"Precisely. And then the Alorns would be drawn in, and general war
would break out. Nothing would suit Ctuchik better."
"I will wring confirmation of this foul plot from the Tolnedran, Lady
Polgara," he said.
"Of that I give thee my pledge."
The door opened, and the duke stepped over me. After your dogs have
been underfoot long enough, you don't even see them any more.
Polgara, however, didn't step over me.
"All right, father," she said to me in withering tones, "you can go
home now. I can manage here without you very well."
And, as a matter of fact, she did. I still followed her, though. She
went to Vo Astur and spoke with the Asturian duke in much the same way
as she had with the duke of Vo Wacune. Then she went on to Vo Mimbre
and alerted them, as well. In that one single journey, she dismantled
something that had probably taken the cadaverous Ctuchik ten years to
build. He'd never met her, and he already had reason to hate her.
She explained it all to me when we got back to the Vale--after she'd
taken me to task for trailing along behind her.
"Ctuchik's got people here in the western kingdoms who don't really
look that much like Angaraks,"
she told me.
"Some of them are modified Grolims, but there are others, as well. Have
you ever heard of the Dagashi?"
"I can't say that I have," I replied.
"They're a group of paid assassins based somewhere to the south of
Nyissa. They're very good spies as well as highly skilled murderers.
At any rate, the Murgos have discovered gold in that spine of mountains
that runs northeast from Urga to Goska, so Ctuchik can afford to bribe
"Anybody can bribe Tolnedrans, Pol."
"Possibly, yes. At any rate, his spies have been enlisting various
Tolnedrans to present the three duchies here in Arendia with spurious
offers of alliance that supposedly come from Ran Vordue. Ran Vordue,
of course, doesn't know anything about them. The idea was that when
the legions didn't turn up to assist the people who were expecting
them, the Arends would attack northern Tolnedra in retaliation.
Northern Tolnedra is Vorduvian territory, and the emperor would respond
by crushing the Arendish duchies one by one. Once the Alorns heard
about it, they'd believe that the empire was trying to expand its
borders, and they'd take steps. It was a very clever plan,
"But you put a stop to it."
"Yes, father, I know. We might want to keep an eye on Ctuchik. I
think he's planning something. He's not trying to stir up all this
mischief just for the fun of it."
"I'll watch him," I promised her.
Beldin returned from one of his periodic trips to Mallorea not long
after that, and he told us that nothing much was going on there.
"Except that Zedar's left Ashaba," he added, almost as an
"Any idea of where he's gone?"
I asked.
"Not a clue. Zedar's as slippery as an eel. For all I know, he's
hiding out at Kell. What's going on with the Nadraks?"
"I don't follow you."
"I came back from Mallorea that way, and they're massing up about ten
leagues east of the Drasnian border. I'd say that they're planning
something major."
I started to swear.
"That's what it was all about!"
"Talk sense, Belgarath.
What's been happening?"
"There'd been a certain amount of limited trade back and forth across
that border. Then the Nadraks started getting belligerent. They made
a few raids into Drasnia, and Bull-neck's son chased them back into the
woods. It's been quiet up there for quite some time now."
"I think it might get noisy again fairly soon. The Nadrak cities are
almost deserted. Every man who can stand up, see lightning, and hear
thunder is camped out in the woods a day's march from the border."
"We'd better warn Rhonar."
"Who's he?"
"The current king of Drasnia. I'll take a run up there and let him
know what's happening. Why don't you go up into Algaria and see if you
can find Cho-Dan, the Chief of the Clan-Chiefs? Let's get some Algar
cavalry just north of Lake Atun."
"Don't the Algars have a king anymore?"
"The title's sort of fallen into disuse. The Algars are nomads, and
clan's more important to them than nation. I'll go to Boktor and then
over to Val Alorn to warn the Chereks."
Beldin rubbed his hands together.
"We haven't had a war in a long time."
"I haven't missed them all that much."
I scratched at my beard.
think maybe I'll run on down to Rak Cthol and have another little chat
with Ctuchik as soon as the Alorns are in place. Maybe I can head this
off before it gets out of hand."
Where's Pol?"
"Over in Arendia--Vo Wacune, I think. Ctuchik's been playing games
there, too. Pol's keeping an eye on things. Let's go alert the
King Rhonar of Drasnia received my news with a certain amount of
enthusiasm. He was as bad or worse than Beldin. Then I went on across
the Gulf of Cherek to Val Alorn and talked with King Bledar. He was
even worse than Rhonar. His fleet sailed for Kotu the next day. I
rather hoped that Beldin could keep a tight leash on the Alorns when
they got to the Nadrak border. Pol and I had just spent several
centuries trying to keep a lid on open hostilities here in the West,
and this incipient confrontation threatened to blow that lid off.
Then I went to Rak Cthol.
I paused in the desert a few leagues to the west of that ugly mountain
and considered a number of options. My last visit undoubtedly had
convinced Ctuchik that posting sentries wouldn't be a bad idea, so
getting through the city unnoticed might have been a little tricky. It
was with a certain distaste that I finally came to the conclusion that
I didn't really have to go through the city. I knew where Ctuchik's
turret was, after all, and it did have windows.
It was late at night, so there wasn't any warm air rising up off the
black sand. This meant that I literally had to claw my way up through
the air as I circled the peak up and up. About the only good thing
about it was the fact that after I was about fifty feet up, I couldn't
see the ground any more.
As luck had it, Ctuchik had fallen asleep over his worktable, and he
had his head down on his folded arms when I flapped in through his
window. I shed all those vulture feathers and shook him awake. The
years hadn't improved his appearance. He still looked like a walking
dead man.
He half rose with a startled exclamation, and then he got control of
"Good to see you again, old boy," he lied.
"I'm glad you're enjoying it.
You'd better get word to your Nadraks.
Tell them to call off this invasion.
The Alorns know they're
His eyes went flat.
"Someday you're going to irritate me, Belgarath."
"I certainly hope so.
God knows you've irritated me enough lately."
"How did you find out about the Nadraks?"
"I've got eyes everywhere, Ctuchik. You can't hide what you're doing
from me. Didn't what happened to your scheme in Arendia convince you
of that?"
"I'd sort of wondered why that fell apart."
"Now you know." I wasn't actually trying to steal Pol's credit, I just
thought it might be a good idea to keep her part in that little coup a
secret from Ctuchik for a while longer. Pol was good, but I wasn't
sure if she was ready for a confrontation with Ctuchik. Besides, I
didn't really want him to know about her just yet. You might say that
I was holding her in reserve.
"I'm awfully sorry, old chap," he said with a faint sneer.
"I'm afraid I won't be able to help you with the Nadraks.
really my idea. I'm just following orders from Ashaba."
It's not
"Don't try to be clever, Ctuchik. I know you can talk with Torak any
time you need to. You'd better do that right now. You weren't around
when we invaded the country around Korim. Believe me, Torak gets very
upset when large numbers of Angaraks get killed, and what's right on
the verge of happening on the Drasnian border is very likely to
exterminate the Nadraks entirely. I've seen the way Alorns make war.
It's entirely up to you, of course; I'm not the one who's going to have
to answer to Torak." Then, just to twist the knife a bit and add to
his confusion, I smirked at him.
"You really need a copy of the Ashabine Oracles, old boy," I told him
"The Mrin Codex is giving me very good instructions.
I knew all about
this little game of yours a couple hundred years ago, so I've had lots
of time to get ready for you." Then I smiled beatifically at him.
"Always nice talking with you, Ctuchik."
and jumped.
Then I stepped to the window
That little exercise in gross theatricality almost got me killed. I
was no more than a hundred feet above the desert floor when I finally
got all my feathers in place. Changing form while you're falling is
very difficult.
For some reason, it's hard to concentrate when the ground's coming up
at you that fast.
Aside from the opportunity it gave me to add to Ctuchik's confusion,
however, my visit to Rak Cthol was largely a waste of time. I should
have known that Torak would never back away from something once he'd
set it in motion, no matter how many things got in his way. His ego
simply would not permit it. The Nadraks came howling across the
Drasnian border before I even got back from Rak Cthol, and, quite
predictably, the Alorns met them head-on and soundly defeated them. A
few of them did manage to escape, but it was centuries before there
were enough Nadraks again even to worry about.
Torak evidently juggled things around in his mind sufficiently that it
wasn't his fault for ignoring my warning. In commemoration of the
event, he ordered his Grolims to quadruple the number of sacrifices.
Over the centuries, his Grolims have killed more Angaraks than the
Alorns ever have.
After the survivors of that debacle limped back to Gar og Nadrak and
hid out in the forest, I went to Arendia to see what Pol was up to. I
finally located her in Vo Wacune, living in a splendid house not far
from the ducal palace. Like all the rest of Vo Wacune, her house had
been constructed of marble, and it positively gleamed. It was quite a
large house, and it had wings to it that partially enclosed a
well-tended flower garden with paved walks, neatly trimmed hedges, and
manicured lawns.
"What's all this?"
into her presence.
I asked her when her servants finally ushered me
She was sitting in an ornate chair by a rose quartz fireplace that
glowed pink, wearing a truly stunning blue gown.
"I'm moving up in the world, father."
"You found a gold mine somewhere?"
"Something better, actually.
very fertile."
My estate is quite large, and the land's
"Your estate?"
"It's just to the north of Lake Medalia--over on the other side of the
River Camaar. I even have a manor house up there. You have the
distinct honor to be addressing her Grace, the duchess of Erat."
"Be serious, Pol."
"I am serious, father. The old duke was very grateful for the
information I gave him about Ctuchik's scheme, so I've always been
welcome at the Ducal Palace."
I gave her a hard look.
"He gave you a title just for following the Master's instructions? And
you accepted it? Tacky, Pol, very tacky. We aren't supposed to take
rewards for obeying orders."
"It went a little further, Old Wolf.
You know the situation here in
"Last I heard, the Wacites and the Mimbrates were allied against the
Asturians. That alliance seems to be lasting longer than most of the
"It's still in effect, father. Anyway, after the old duke died, his
son Alleran took the ducal throne. He and I were quite close, since
I'd helped his mother raise him. We married Alleran off--I even
persuaded his mother not to let him marry his cousin--and in due time,
his wife presented him with a son. The duke of Vo Astur saw a chance
to muddy the waters here in Arendia when that happened, and he sent a
group of his underlings to abduct the little boy. The current duke of
Vo Astur is a crude sort of fellow, and the note his hirelings left was
very direct. He told Alleran that he'd kill his son unless Wacune
abrogated the treaty with Mimbre and stayed strictly neutral. I went
to Vo Astur and rescued the little boy. I also gave the Asturian duke
a lesson in good manners."
"What did you do to him?"
I asked the question a bit apprehensively.
There are certain rules concerning the use of our gift.
"You didn't kill him, did you?"
"Of course not, father. I know better than that. The duke of Vo Astur
has an open sore on the lining of his stomach now. It provides him
with all sorts of entertainment, and it keeps him out of mischief. That
was five years ago, and there hasn't been a major battle in Arendia
since I visited Vo Astur."
"You've made peace in Arendia?"
I was stunned.
"A temporary peace, father," she corrected.
"It's probably too early to tell if it's permanent. I'll ulcerate
stomachs from one end of Arendia to the other if I have to in order to
put an end to this foolishness, though.
Duke Alleran was very grateful, and that's why I'm the duchess of Erat
"Why didn't I think of that?"
I exclaimed.
"It's so simple.
I bowed to her.
You ended the Arendish civil wars with a bellyache."
"I'm proud of you, your Grace."
"Why, thank you, father."
She beamed.
Then she pursed her lips
"The congratulations might be a little premature, though.
As soon as there's a new duke in either Vo Mimbre or Vo Astur,
hostilities might break out again. I think I'd better stay here in Vo
These Wacites are the least aggressive of the Arends, and I have a
certain amount of authority here because of my friendship with the
duke's family.
Possibly I can guide them in the right direction. Somebody in Arendia
is going to have to take the role of peacemaker. Give me a little time
here, and I might just be able to establish a custom. Maybe I can get
the Mimbrates and Asturians into the habit of bringing their disputes
to Vo Wacune for mediation instead of trying to solve them on the
"That's a lot to hope for in Arendia, Pol."
She shrugged.
"It's worth a try. Go get cleaned up, father. There's a grand ball at
the ducal palace tonight, and we've been invited--well, I have, but you
can come along as my personal guest."
"A what?"
"A grand ball, father--music, dancing, polite conversation, that sort
of thing."
"I don't dance, Pol."
She smiled sweetly at me.
"I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time, Old Wolf.
fellow. Now go bathe and trim your beard.
You're a very clever
Don't embarrass me in public."
I moved around quite a bit during the next six hundred years or so, but
Polgara remained in Vo Wacune. Her assessment of the Wacite Arends
proved to be essentially correct, and with her there to guide them,
they were able to keep a tentative peace in Arendia.
The virtual destruction of the Nadraks had persuaded the cadaverous
Ctuchik to pull in his horns, so there was even an uneasy peace along
the eastern frontier.
As I'd promised Dellon's father, the Borunes ascended the throne of
Tolnedra--2537 or so, I believe it was. The Vorduvians and the
Honethites had been passing the crown back and forth between them for
centuries, so when Ran Vordue XX died without an heir, the Honeths
assumed that it was their turn again. There were several Honethite
nobles who felt that they were qualified, and the resulting divisions
in that family were severe enough to deadlock the Council of Advisors.
I've heard that the bribes were astronomical. Ultimately, a southern
council member rather tentatively placed the name of the Grand Duke of
the Borunes in nomination. The Vorduvians and the Horbites had not
been pleased at the prospect of several centuries of Honethite misrule,
so they dropped their own candidates and swung their support to the
Borunes. Since the Honeths were still divided, they had no single
candidate, and the crown went to the Borunes almost by default.
Ran Borune I was a very capable emperor. The major problem in Tolnedra
at that time was still the ongoing raids along the coast by Cherek
freebooters. Ran Borune took steps almost as soon as his coronation
was over. He pulled the legions out of their garrisons and put them to
work building the highway that now connects Tol Vordue and Tol Horb. He
didn't make the legions happy by doing that, but he remained firm. He
got his highway, but that was more in the nature of a bonus. His real
purpose in the project was to spread his legions out along the coast to
repel the Chereks no matter where they came ashore. All in all, it
worked out rather well. I'd spent quite some time in Val Alorn trying
to talk sense into various Cherek kings, without much success.
Inevitably, they'd piously declare that they were merely following the
instructions Belar had given them after the Tolnedran invasion of
Maragor. I'd tried to point out that Tolnedra had been sufficiently
punished by now, but they'd refused to listen to me. I suspect that
the loot they were picking up in Tolnedran cities might have had
something to do with that upsurge of religious enthusiasm. When their
raiding parties started encountering the legions, however, their piety
began to cool, and other parts of the world became much more
I think it was about 2940 when I happened to swing by Vo Wacune to see
how Polgara was doing. I may have gotten there just in time. Her
Grace, the duchess of Erat, was in love. I knew she'd been spending
too much time in Arendia.
She was in her marble-walled garden tending roses when I arrived.
"Well, Old Wolf," she greeted me, "what have you been up to?"
I shrugged.
"This and that," I replied.
"Is the world still in one piece?"
"More or less.
I've had to patch it a few times, though."
"Would you look at this?" she said, cutting a rose and handing it to
me. It was a white rose, but not entirely. The tips of the petals
were a pale lavender.
"Very nice," I said.
"That's all you can say? Very nice?
developed it just for me."
It's beautiful, father.
"Who's Ontrose?"
"He's the man I'm going to marry, father--just as soon as he gets up
the nerve to ask me."
What was this?
I got very careful at that point.
"Interesting idea, Pol.
Send him around and we'll talk about it."
"You don't approve."
"I didn't say that.
notion, though?"
Have you thought your way completely through the
"Yes, father, I have."
"And the drawbacks didn't persuade you to think about it a little
"What drawbacks were those?"
"Well, in the first place, there's quite a difference in your ages, I'd
imagine. He's probably not much over thirty, and if I remember
correctly, you're about nine hundred and fifty."
"Nine hundred and forty, actually.
"You'll outlive him, Pol.
What's that got to do with it?"
He'll be old before you've turned around
"I think I'm entitled to a little bit of happiness, father--even if it
doesn't last very long."
"And were you planning to have children?"
"Of course."
"The chances are very good that they'll have normal life-spans, as
well, you know. You won't get old. They will."
"Don't try to talk me out of this, father."
"I'm not. I'm just pointing out a few realities to you. You remember
how you felt when Beldaran died, don't you? Do you really want to go
through that again--a half dozen times or so?"
"I can endure it, father. Maybe if I get married, my life will become
normal. Maybe I'll get old, as well."
"I wouldn't make any large wagers on that, Pol. You've still got a lot
of things to do, and if I'm reading the Mrin Codex correctly, you're
going to be around for a long time. I'm very sorry, Pol, but we aren't
You've been here for almost a thousand years, and I've been kicking
around for nearly five."
"You got married," she accused.
"I was supposed to, and your mother was very different.
longer, for one thing."
She lived
"Maybe marrying me will extend Ontrose's life, as well."
"I wouldn't count on it.
It might seem longer to him, though."
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"You're not the easiest person in the world to get along with, Pol."
Her eyes turned cold.
"I think we've just about exhausted the possibilities of this
conversation, father. Go back to the Vale and keep your nose out of my
"Don't throw the word "affair" around like that, Pol.
It makes me
She drew herself up.
"That will do, father," she told me.
Then she turned and stormed
I stayed around for another couple of weeks, and I even met Ontrose.
He was a nice enough young fellow, I suppose, and he seemed to
understand the situation much better than Pol did. He adored her, of
course, but he was fully aware of just how long she'd been in Vo
Wacune--about six hundred years, if my arithmetic is correct. I was
fairly sure that he was not going to ask her any inappropriate
questions, no matter how much she might have wanted him to.
Finally I left and started back for the Vale. I have certain
advantages, so I was fairly sure that nothing was going to come of
Pol's infatuation.
She's frequently mentioned in both the Darine and the Mrin codices, but
there's no reference to a husband until much later. Either she was
going to come to her senses, or Ontrose would live out his life without
ever asking her to marry him. In either case nothing embarrassing was
likely to happen.
I went back to my studies, but it was only three years later when Pol
called me, rousing me out of a sound sleep in the middle of one
blustery night.
Her voice sounded desperate.
"I need you!"
"What's the matter?"
"The Asturians have betrayed us. They've formed an alliance with the
Mimbrates, and they're marching on Vo Wacune. Hurry, father. There
isn't much time."
I rolled out of bed, dressed, and picked up my traveling cloak. I did
stop for a few moments to look at a certain passage in the Mrin Codex
before I left, however. I hadn't been entirely sure what it meant
before, but Polgara's urgent summons had suddenly made everything
Fabled Vo Wacune was doomed. The only thing I could do now was try to
get Pol out of there before the inevitable happened.
I hurried westward to the edge of the Vale through the tag end of that
windy night and went wolf. There wasn't much point in trying to sprout
feathers. I wouldn't have made much headway trying to fly into the
teeth of that howling gale.
It was two days later and I was about halfway across Ulgoland before
the wind finally abated. Then I took wing and was able to make better
I reached Vo Wacune about mid-afternoon of the following day, but I
didn't go immediately into the marble city. I circled over the
surrounding forest instead, and it didn't take me very long to locate
the Asturians.
They were no more than a few leagues from the gates of Vo Wacune.
They'd be in place by morning, and there was absolutely nothing anybody
could do to stop them. I swore and flew on back to the city.
Normally, I'll change back to my own form before I enter any populated
place, but this was an emergency. I flew on and settled into a tree in
Pol's garden.
As it turned out, she was in the garden, and she wasn't alone. Ontrose
was with her. He was wearing chain mail, and he had a sword belted
around his waist.
"It must needs be, dear lady," he was saying to her.
"Thou must go from Vo Wacune to a place of safety.
almost at the city gates."
The Asturians are
I slid back into my real form and climbed down out of the tree.
"He's right, Pol," I said. Ontrose looked a little startled, but Pol
was used to that sort of thing.
"Where have you been?"
she demanded.
"I ran into some wind. Get your things together.
out of here right now."
"I'm not going anywhere.
We've got to get you
Now that you're here, we can drive off the
"No, as a matter of fact, we can't. It's prohibited. I'm sorry, Pol,
but this has to happen, and we're not allowed to interfere."
"Is it certain, Ancient One?"
"I'm afraid so, Ontrose.
Ontrose asked me.
Has Polgara told you about the prophecies?"
He nodded gravely.
"The passage in the Mrin Codex is very obscure, but there's not much
question now about what it means. You might want to talk with the
If you hurry, you may be able to get the women and children to safety,
but the city's not going to be here in a few days. I saw the Asturians
as I was coming in. They're throwing everything they've got at you."
"They will have much less when they return to Vo Astur," he said
"I'm not leaving," Polgara said stubbornly.
"Thou art in error, dear Lady," he told her quite firmly.
"Thou wilt accompany thy father and go from this place."
I won't leave you!"
"His Grace, the duke, hath placed me in command of the defense of the
city. Lady Polgara. It is my responsibility to deploy our forces.
There is no place in that deployment for thee. I therefore instruct
thee to depart. Go."
"Thou art the duchess of Erat, Lady Polgara, and therefore of the
Wacite nobility. Thine oath of fealty to his Grace, our duke, demands
thine obedience. Do not dishonor thy station by this stubborn
Make ready.
Thou shalt depart within the hour."
Her chin came up sharply.
"That was unkindly said, my Lord," she accused.
"The truth often is unkindly, my Lady.
We both have
I will not fail mine.
Do not fail thine.
Now go."
Her eyes suddenly filled with helpless tears.
fiercely and then fled back into the house.
She embraced him
"Thanks, Ontrose," I said simply, clasping his hand.
"I wasn't making very much headway there."
"Care for her, Ancient One.
She is the very core of my life."
"I will, Ontrose, and we'll remember you."
"That is, perhaps, the best that one can hope for. Now I must go and
see to our defenses. Farewell, Ancient Belgarath."
"Farewell, Ontrose."
And so I took my weeping daughter out of the doomed city. We went
north, crossed the River Camaar, and journeyed back through Muros
toward the pass that led across the mountains to Algaria. I kept a
very close watch on Polgara the whole time--I didn't want any
backsliding, but it probably wasn't really necessary. She was, as
Ontrose had so pointedly reminded her, a member of the nobility. She
had her orders, and she was not likely to disobey.
She refused to talk to me, but that was to be expected, I guess. What
I didn't expect was her adamant refusal to return to the Vale with
When we reached the tumbled ruin of her mother's cottage, she
"This is as far as I'm going," she told me.
"You heard me, father.
I'm going to stay here."
"You have work to do, Pol."
"That's too bad. You'll have to take care of it. Go back to your
tower and snuggle up to your prophecies, but leave me out of it. We're
through, father. This is the end of it. Now go away and don't bother
me any more."
I could see that there was no point in trying to argue with her.
been through my own grief, so I had some idea of what she was
I'd have to keep an eye on her, of course--from a distance. She'd just
spent hundreds of years in Arendia, and some of it might have rubbed
Arendish ladies turn suicidal at the drop of a hat. If the least
little disappointment comes along, an Arendish lady immediately starts
thinking about knives and poison and rivers and high towers they can
jump from.
Pol would get over this eventually, but in the meantime, she'd have to
be watched.
I went back to the Vale and enlisted the twins. I'd have used Beldin,
too, but he'd gone back to Mallorea. We took turns hiding in the
bushes near Poledra's cottage for the next five or six years. At first
my brokenhearted daughter simply camped out in the ruins, but
eventually she started making some minimal repairs. I felt that to be
a good sign, and the twins and I started to relax a bit. We still
watched her, though.
The First Borune Dynasty was still in power in Tol Honeth during the
early centuries of the fourth millennium, and they'd established a
professional diplomatic service--largely to keep things stirred up in
Tolnedra definitely didn't want a unified Arendia on her northern
Tolnedran ambassadors were also dispatched to Val Alorn and Boktor, and
trade was soon established. The Drasnians had made some tentative
contacts with the Nadraks again, and the fur trade began to nourish.
The Chereks were of necessity involved, since they were the only
sailors in the world who could negotiate the treacherous currents in
the Cherek Bore.
The inviolability of the Isle of the Winds drove the Borunes crazy for
some reason. They were positive that the Cherek blockade was in place
to hide some vast treasure on the Isle, and they desperately wanted a
piece of it. As long as they were so hysterical about it, I decided
that the best way to calm them down was to let them take a look for
themselves to find out that there wasn't anything of value on the Isle.
The isolation of the Rivans was starting to make me nervous. I
remembered the lesson of Maragor all too well.
So I went to Val Alorn and told the Chereks to relax their blockade a
bit. Tolnedrans want a treaty for everything, so the results were the
Accords of Val Alorn--3097, I think. A fleet of Tolnedran merchant
vessels set sail for the city of Riva almost immediately.
I'd assumed that the King of Cherek would advise the Rivans of the new
arrangement, but he had his mind on the last clan war in Cherek, so he
overlooked it. Thus the Rivans weren't expecting company, so they
didn't open their gates. The Tolnedran merchants tried to set up shop
on the beach, but the wind kept blowing their tents away, and the
Rivans refused to come out of their city.
The Borune Dynasty had been going downhill steadily for a hundred years
or so, and the last Borune Emperor, clearly an idiot, succumbed to the
importunings of the merchant princes and dispatched legions to force
the gates of the City of Riva. I'm not an expert on commerce, but it
seems to me that trying to drive customers into your shop at
sword-point is not a good way to do business.
The Rivans responded in a fairly predictable way. They opened the
gates of their city, but they didn't come out for a shopping spree.
They wiped out five Tolnedran legions and then systematically burned
every ship in their harbor.
Ran Borune XXIV was incensed. He was preparing to launch the full
might of the empire at the Isle of the Winds when a note from the
Cherek Ambassador to Tol Honeth brought him up short.
The note is sort of a classic, so I'll repeat it here verbatim:
Majesty: Know that Aloria will permit no attack upon Riva. The fleets
of Cherek, whose masts rise as thick as the trees of the forest, will
fall upon your flotilla, and the legions of Tolnedra will feed the fish
from the hook of Arendia to the farthest reaches of the Sea of the
Winds. The battalions of Drasnia will march south, crushing all in
their paths and lay siege to your cities. The horsemen of Algaria
shall sweep across the mountains and shall lay waste your empire from
end to end with fire and sword.
Know that in the day you attack Riva will the Alorns make war upon you,
and you shall surely perish, and your empire also.
And that more or less ended the Tolnedran threat in the North. Borune
legal experts immediately dug into the Accords of Val Alorn looking for
loopholes, but all they found was a deliberately obscure clause I'd
It read: "--but Aloria shall maintain Riva and keep it whole."
Cherek and Drasnia had agreed not to make war on Tolnedra, but Aloria
hadn't. I've always been rather proud of that little bit of legal
After I'd explained the situation to the Rivan King, he relaxed his
restrictions a bit and permitted the merchants to build a sort of
village on the beach. It wasn't very profitable, but it kept the
Tolnedrans from the brink of insanity.
The last Borune emperor died childless, and the usual circus erupted in
Tol Honeth as the great families contested with each other for the
throne. Unfortunately, perhaps, the major houses had been quietly
importing poisons from Nyissa, and various candidates for the Imperial
Throne and assorted members of the Council of Advisors gave ample
evidence of the virulence of those poisons.
Eventually the Honeths won out--largely because they had enough money
to buy the necessary votes and to pay the exorbitant prices the
Nyissans charged for their poisons. The Honethite family had lapsed
into almost total incompetence, however, and fortunately they stayed in
power only for about three hundred years or so. Then the Borunes came
to power again. The Second Borune Dynasty was also a fairly short one,
but it accomplished quite a bit. They expanded their highway system in
Tolnedra proper, and they dispatched twenty legions "as a gesture of
goodwill" to what's now Sendaria to construct the network of highways
that linked the city of Sendar and the port at Camaar with Muros in the
interior and Darine on the northeast coast.
The Chereks didn't much care for that idea, since it permitted
Tolnedran merchants to avoid the Cherek Bore entirely by shipping goods
from Kotu to Darine and then overland to Camaar without Cherek hands
ever touching them.
The last Emperor of the Second Borune Dynasty, the childless Ran Borune
XII, took a direct hand in choosing his successor, and he passed
imperial power on to the Horbite family. The Council of Advisors
received no bribes, and the Honeths and the Vordues had no chance to
muddy the waters by poisoning each other.
The Horbites proved to be a happy choice. Ran Horb I was competent,
but his son, Ran Horb II, was probably the greatest emperor in all
Tolnedran history. His achievements were staggering. He brought an
end to open warfare in Arendia by allying himself with the weaker
faction, the Mimbrates. I don't think either Polgara or I grieved very
much when, in 3822, Vo Astur was destroyed and the Asturians were
chased back into the forest. We both still remembered what the
Asturians had done to the beautiful city of Vo Wacune.
Ran Horb II moved right on from there. He built an imperial highway,
the Great West Road, up through Arendia, linking northern Tolnedra with
the port at Camaar and with the entire highway system in Sendaria. He
incidentally established that kingdom in 3827, reasoning that, so long
as he controlled the highways, it was more efficient to let the Sendars
govern themselves. He concluded a treaty with Cho-Dorn the Old, chief
of the Clan-Chiefs of Algaria and built the Great North Road that
reached from Muros up across northwestern Algaria to the causeway that
ran up through the fens to Boktor, where it connected with the North
Caravan Route into Gar og Nadrak.
He normalized trade with the Nyissans, and, in the twilight of his
life, he concluded a treaty with the Murgos that established the South
Caravan Route to Rak Goska.
There was grumbling in Val Alorn about all of this. Ran Horb II
clearly saw that as long as the Chereks controlled the seas, Tolnedra
would be more or less at their mercy. Ran Horb's highways bypassed the
Chereks. Tolnedrans no longer had to go to sea. They could move their
goods overland without ever smelling salt water.
This is not to imply that the highways were all completed during Ran
Horb's lifetime. It took the rest of the Horbite Dynasty to complete
that task. During the process, the modern world, the world as we
currently know it, gradually began to take shape.
The highways made travel easier, of course, but my gratitude to Ran
Horb II stems largely from his almost offhand creation of the Kingdom
of Sendaria. The Mrin Codex, and to a lesser degree the Darine, told
me quite clearly that I was going to need Sendaria later.
Oddly, when you consider their achievements, the Horbite Dynasty lasted
for only one hundred fifty years. The son of Ran Horb VI was drowned
in a boating accident when his father was quite old, so there was no
heir to the imperial throne.
Then the ill-fated Ranite family came to power.
The Ranites didn't
accomplish anything during their ninety years in power because a
hereditary ailment in their line inevitably struck them down in their
prime. They went through seven emperors in ninety years, and most of
them were sick all the time. In effect, they were nothing more than
Then in 4001 the Vorduvians ascended the throne, and, since Tol Vordue
is a seaport, they immediately began to let the Horbite highway system
fall into disrepair. I'm not sure how many Vorduvian ships will have
to be sunk by Cherek war boats before the Vorduvians begin to come to
grips with reality.
I've never really cared all that much for the Vorduvians anyway, and
that particular idiocy made me throw up my hands in disgust.
There was something nagging at me, though. I seemed to keep
remembering a very obscure passage in the Mrin Codex. I went back to
my tower and dug out my copy and went looking for it. One of the
things that makes the Mrin Codex so difficult lies in the fact that it
doesn't have any continuity. The past and the present and the future
are all jumbled together, so it doesn't read chronologically. There's
no way to know which EVENT is going to come first and which will come
next. The scribes who took it all down made no attempt to reset it
into anything resembling coherence, so when you go looking for
something, you have to start at the beginning and plow your way through
the whole incomprehensible mess.
I almost missed it. Maybe if I hadn't been so disgusted with the
Vordues, I would have, but I was thinking about roads when I came
across it again.
"Behold," it said, "when that which was straight becomes crooked, and
that which was sound becomes unsound, it shall be a warning unto thee,
Ancient and Beloved." That got my immediate attention. The Tolnedran
roads were becoming unsound. There were places in Sendaria where
they'd turned into deep bogs of soupy mud--and, since they were
impassable, people detoured out around them, and the straight was
becoming crooked. It stretched things a bit, but I had become used to
that in reading the Mrin. I read on eagerly.
"Beware," it continued, "for there is a serpent abroad in the land, and
he shall bring the Guardian low." That didn't seem to mean anything at
all. Then I took the scroll to the window and peered closely at it in
full sunlight, I could faintly make out the fact that one of the
scribes had scrubbed out the word "she" and substituted "he" instead.
The three scribes had probably argued about it, and the one who'd
written down that "she" probably had been overruled. But what if he'd
been right? When you talk about a female snake in our part of the
world, you're talking about Salmissra.
I read on.
"For the Guardian is weighted down with eld, and the serpent will come
upon him unawares, and the venom of the serpent shall chill his heart
and the hearts of all his issue besides. Hasten, Ancient and Beloved.
The life of the last issue of the Guardian's line lie th in deadly
peril. Save him, lest all be lost, and the darkness reign forever."
I stared at it in horror.
Gorek the Wise, king of Riva and Guardian of the Orb, was a very old
man, and the Tolnedran roads were falling apart, and Salmissra had
never been the sort you wanted to trust.
I'll grant you that it was very scanty, but the way those words kept
screaming inside my head sent me flying down the steps of my tower four
at a time.
I absolutely had to get to the Isle of the Winds immediately.
I'd begun to form the image of the falcon in my mind before I even hit
the foot of the stairs, and as soon as I was outside I started
sprouting feathers.
Falcons are faster than most other birds, and the screaming inside my
head convinced me that speed was essential here. I didn't like
flying--I still don't--but I've done a lot of things I haven't liked
over the years. We do what we have to do, like it or not.
I don't think it ever occurred to me not to take Polgara along. I knew
that she had something very important to do when we reached the Isle of
the Winds. I didn't know exactly what it was, but I did know that this
would be an absolute catastrophe if she weren't with me.
I think that perhaps I'll go to Riva and have a talk with Garion about
I'm beginning to develop a theory, and I'd like to check it with him.
That peculiar voice has spent much more time with him than it ever did
with me, so he's far more familiar with its quirks than I am. Every
now and then, though, I get a strong feeling that I've been tampered
with. I'll be plodding along about half asleep, and then something
will happen--and it doesn't always have to be something out of the
ordinary. In fact, it usually isn't. Most of the time it's something
so commonplace that nobody else even notices it. But when it does
happen, something inside my head clicks together, and I'm moving before
I'm even aware of it. I suspect that certain things were planted in my
brain during that trip Cherek and his boys and I took to Cthol Mishrak.
I'm not actually aware of them until that unremarkable incident comes
along, and then I know immediately what I'm supposed to do.
All right.
I'm digressing.
So what?
It didn't take me very long to reach Poledra's cottage. It was early
spring, but it was already fairly warm, and Polgara was out spading up
her kitchen garden. Pol has very fair skin, and she sunburns quite
She'd woven herself a ridiculous-looking straw hat to keep the sun off
her nose. I probably shouldn't say it, but it made her look just a bit
like a mushroom.
I swooped in, thrust down my talons, and had started to change back
before they even touched the ground.
"I need you, Pol," I told her.
"I needed you once, remember?"
she replied coldly.
"You didn't seem very interested.
favor. Go away, father."
Now I get the chance to return the
"We don't have time for this, Polgara. You can make clever remarks
later. Right now we have to go to the Isle of the Winds. Gorek's in
"Lots of people are in danger, father.
It happens all the time."
"Who's Gorek?"
"Have you had your head turned off for all these centuries?
have any idea at all about what's going in the world?"
Don't you
"My world ended when you let the Asturians destroy Vo Wacune, Old
"No, as a matter of fact, it didn't. You're still who you are, and
you're coming with me to the Isle of the Winds even if I have to pick
you up in my talons and take you there."
"As badly as you fly?
worried about?"
Don't be ridiculous.
Who's this Gorek you're so
"He's the Rivan king, Pol, the Guardian of the Orb."
"The Chereks are still out there in the Sea of the Winds.
protect him."
"You have been out of touch, Pol.
through now."
Are you insane?
The Chereks are letting people get
Why did you permit that?"
"It's a long story, and we don't have the leisure to go through it.
Don't waste time with owls this time, Pol.
Go to a falcon instead."
"Not without a good reason, I won't."
I resisted the urge to swear at her.
"I just dredged the meaning out of a passage in the Mrin. Salmissra's
going to make an attempt on the life of the Rivan king--and his entire
family. If she manages to pull it off, Torak wins."
Why didn't you say so in the first place?"
"Because you wouldn't let me."
"Let's move, father!"
"Hold on for just a moment.
and sent out my thought.
I have to warn the twins."
I concentrated
I called to them.
Beltira replied, sounding a little startled.
"What's the matter?"
"There's going to be an attempt on the life of the Rivan King. Pol and
I are going there right now. We'll be falcons if you need to reach us.
Get word to Beldin. Tell him to get back home right now."
"At once, Belgarath.
"All right, Pol," I said then.
"Let's go to Riva."
We both slipped into the forms of those fierce hunting birds, spiraled
upward, and then struck out to the northwest across Ulgoland. At one
point, a few leagues to the east of Prolgu, we encountered a flock of
Harpies. I've a few suspicions about that. I've traveled around in
Ulgoland quite a few times over the years, and that's the only time
I've ever seen Harpies. I wouldn't be at all surprised to discover
that they'd been put in our path deliberately to delay us. Harpies,
however, don't fly all that well--certainly not well enough to catch a
pair of streaking falcons.
Pol and I simply swooped clear of them and flew on, leaving them
floundering around in the air behind us.
The incident's hardly worth even noting, except that it was a clear
indication that somebody out there was doing his best to delay us. I
started to keep an eye out for the dragon at that point. That could
have been a problem.
We didn't see her, however, and we managed to reach the western border
of Ulgoland without any further incident.
It was growing dark, but Pol and I kept flying. I was hungry and
tired, but that urgent voice in my head kept pushing me on. Pol flies
better than I do, but I'm sure that our frantic pace was wearing her
down almost as much as it was exhausting me. We kept going, however.
The sky behind us was starting to turn pale with the approach of dawn
when we passed over Camaar and flew out across the dark waters of the
Sea of the Winds.
It must have been almost noon before we saw the Isle of the Winds ahead
of us to the west. We began a long, shallow descent, and the harbor at
Riva seemed to come rushing up at us as we streaked down toward the
We'd nearly killed ourselves getting there, but we still arrived about
ten minutes too late.
It was as we were crossing the choppy waters of the harbor when I
discovered why Polgara had absolutely had to come along. I didn't even
see the little boy floundering around in the chill waters of the bay,
but Pol did. We must have been about thirty feet above the water and
streaking in as fast as we could fly when she suddenly flared her wings
and blurred back into her own form in midair. She arched herself
forward effortlessly and plunged headfirst down toward the water, her
arms stretched above her head. I've seen a lot of young men dive
headfirst into pools and rivers and even into the sea from time to
time--usually to impress young women--but I've never seen a dive like
that one. She cut into the water like a knife, and it seemed to me
that she was down forever. Fortunately, the harbor at Riva is very
deep. You don't want to make that kind of dive unless you've got a lot
of water under you.
She finally popped to the surface no more than ten feet from the
struggling child, and with a few strokes, she had him.
the previously silent intruder in my head exulted.
"Oh, shut up!"
I told it.
There was absolute chaos in the commercial enclave on the beach.
One glance told me that Gorek and his son and the other members of his
family were all dead. The Rivans, of course, were busy butchering a
group of Nyissan merchants. I swooped in, flared my wings, and
I thundered at the vengeful Rivans.
"They killed our king!" a burly fellow screamed at me.
running down his face, and he was clearly hysterical.
Tears were
"Don't you want to find out why?" I shouted, but I saw immediately
that it was useless even to try to talk to him--or to any of the others
who had been there to guard the king. I was exhausted, but I still had
a little bit left in me. I drew in my Will and put an impenetrable
shield around the last two Nyissans. Then, as an afterthought, I put
the pair of them to sleep. I knew Salmissra well enough to realize
that her assassins probably had been ordered to kill themselves once
their mission had been accomplished.
They were armed with poisoned knives, and they undoubtedly had little
vials of toxic substances tucked into every pocket.
I sent out my thought.
"Is the boy all right?"
"Yes, father.
I've got him."
"Stay out of sight!
Don't let anybody see you!"
"All right."
Then Brand came running toward the commercial enclave from the city
gate. I've never fully understood why the Rivan Warder always takes
the name Brand. By the time I got around to asking somebody, the
origins of the custom had long since been forgotten. In Arendia, where
castles are commonplace, the Rivan Warder would have been called a
seneschal. In some of the other kingdoms of the west--and even in some
of the semiautonomous kingdoms in Mallorea--he'd have been called the
prime minister. His duties were approximately the same, no matter what
he was called. He was supposed to handle the administrative details
that kept the kingdom running. Like most of the men who've held the
position, this one was a solid, competent man with a deep sense of
He was, however, still an Alorn, and the news that Gorek had been
murdered made him go all to pieces. His eyes were steaming tears, and
he was bellowing with rage. He had his sword out, and he ran at my
invisible barrier swinging with all his might. I let him chop at it
for a while, and then I took his sword away from him.
Yes, I can do that if I have to.
strongest man in the world.
"Gorek's dead, Belgarath!"
When it's necessary, I can be the
he sobbed.
"People die. It happens all the time."
unemotional voice.
I said it in a flat,
His head came up sharply, and he stared at me in disbelief.
"Pull yourself together, Brand," I told him.
"We've got things to do.
First off: order your soldiers not to kill those two murderers.
some answers, and I can't get answers out of dead men."
I need
"But--" "These are just hirelings. I want to find out who hired them."
I already had a fair idea, of course, but I wanted confirmation. More
than that, though, I needed to jolt Brand back to his senses.
He drew in a long, shuddering breath.
"Sorry, Belgarath," he said.
guess I lost my head."
"That's better. Tell your men to back away from those two. Then get
somebody here you can depend on to follow orders. I want those two
reptiles put into a safe place and guarded very closely. As soon as I
let them wake up, they'll try to kill themselves. You'd better strip
them. I'm sure they've got poison somewhere in their clothes."
He straightened, and his eyes went flinty.
He turned.
"Captain WantI" he said sharply to a nearby officer.
"Come here!" He then proceeded to give the teary-eyed officer some
very crisp orders.
Want saluted and gathered up about a platoon of men. Then I spoke
briefly with the soldiers. I must have made an impression on them,
because they did as they were told.
"All right.
Brand," I said then.
"Let's walk down the beach a ways.
I'm going to tell you."
I don't want anybody to hear what
He nodded, and we walked off toward the south. The beach at Riva is
gravel, and the waves make quite a bit of noise when they come crashing
in. I stopped at the water's edge about a quarter of a mile away from
the enclave.
"What's the name of Gorek's youngest grandson?"
I asked.
"Prince Geran," he replied.
I'm sure that most of you recognize the name.
kept it alive over the centuries.
Pol and I have sort of
"All right," I said.
"Keep a tight grip on yourself. I don't want you to start dancing for
joy. There are people watching. Prince Geran is alive."
"Thank the Gods!"
"Well, thank my daughter, actually.
He's a very brave little boy.
swimming out into the harbor.
least he got away."
She's the one who rescued him.
He got away from the assassins by
He doesn't swim all that well, but at
"Where is he?"
"Polgara's got him.
She's keeping him out of sight."
"I'll send soldiers to escort him back to the Citadel."
"No, you won't. Nobody's going to find out that he's still alive. Pol
and I are going to take him into hiding, and you're going to give me
your word never to mention this to anybody."
The Rivan King is the keeper of the Orb!
He must be
"No, actually he doesn't. Everybody in the world knows that the Orb's
here, and as long as the Rivan King's here, too, everybody in the world
knows where to find him. That's why we're going to have to separate
"Until the boy grows up?"
"It might be a little longer than that. The time will come, however,
when the Rivan King will return, and that'll be when the fun starts.
The next Rivan King who sits on that throne is going to be the Child of
Light, and he's the one we've been waiting for."
"The Godslayer?"
"We can hope so."
"Where are you going to take Prince Geran?"
"You don't need to know that, Brand. He'll be safe.
need to know." I looked up at the murky sky.
That's all you
"How much longer until it gets dark?"
"A couple of hours anyway."
I swore.
"What's the matter?"
"My daughter and your king are out there in the bay, and that's very
cold water. Excuse me a moment." I sent out my thought again.
"Polgara, where are you?"
"We're at the end of the wharf, father.
Is it safe to come out yet?"
Stay where you are, and keep out of sight."
"The boy's getting very cold, father."
"Heat the water around you, Pol. You know how to do that.
heating your bath-water for centuries."
You've been
"What are you up to, Old Wolf?"
"I'm hiding the Rivan King. Get used to it, Pol, because we'll be
doing it for quite a long time." Then I pulled my thought away from
"All right, Brand," I said aloud.
"Let's go up to the Citadel.
I want to have a long talk with those
We went back up the beach and then on to the city gates.
"Who's going to guard the Orb if you take our king away, Belgarath?"
Brand asked me as we started up the stairs.
"You are."
"Of course. You're also going to stand in for the king while he's
away, and you're going to pass all of this on to your successor. From
now on, the Rivan Warder's going to be the only man alive who knows
what we're doing--normal man, anyway. Pol and I and my brothers don't
quite qualify as normal. We're counting on you, Brand. Don't let us
He swallowed hard.
"You have my word, Ancient One."
"Good man."
The pair of Nyissan "merchants" who had lured Gorek and his family out
of the Citadel by sending word that they had gifts from Queen Salmissra
were still comatose, and a number of grim-faced Rivans were sharpening
knives as they stood guard over them.
"I'll do it," I announced.
I said it very firmly in order to head off any protests.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not as good at interrogation as my
daughter is. If you're really interested in her methods, go talk with
King Anheg of Cherek. He was present when she interrogated the earl of
Jarvik. All she seems to have to do is show somebody
something--something that must be pretty awful, because they start
talking immediately.
My methods are a bit more direct. I've always had a fair amount of
success with pain. The only difference between my approach and that of
your run-of-the-mill torturer lies in the fact that I can hurt people
without causing them any physical injury. I can keep a man in agony
for a week without killing him.
As it turned out, it didn't take me a week. After I'd erased the
effects of the assorted narcotics swarming around in their blood, they
became very tractable. Evidently there's a certain amount of
discomfort involved when your favorite narcotic runs out. I added a
few other discomforts, and they started begging me to let them talk.
"It was the queen!"
one of them blubbered.
"We did it because the queen commanded us to do it!"
"It wasn't her idea, though!"
The other one overrode his companion.
"A foreigner came to Sthiss Tor and spoke with Eternal Salmissra.
was only then that she summoned us to the throne room."
"Have you any idea of who this foreigner might have been?"
he stammered.
I asked
"Please don't hurt me any more!"
"Relax," I told him.
"Is there anything else you'd like to share with me?"
"One of the young princes escaped us," the first one blurted.
"He swam out into the harbor."
"And drowned?" one of the Rivan guards demanded before I could head
off that question.
A bird saved him."
"A bird?"
"I wouldn't pay too much attention to him," I said quickly.
"Nyissans see things that aren't there all the time."
The Rivan gave me a suspicious look.
"Have you ever been really drunk?"
I asked him.
"Well, maybe once or twice."
"Nyissans have found ways to get in that condition without beer."
"I've heard about that," he admitted.
"Now you've seen it. These two were still so drunk when I woke them up
that they were probably seeing blue sheep and purple goats." I looked
at Brand.
"Do we need anything else?"
"I don't.
Do you?"
"No, I guess that just about covers it." I waved one hand and put the
two assassins back to sleep. I didn't want that one to talk about
birds any more.
Certain versions of The Book of Alorn mention that story about the
Now you know where it came from. I've ridiculed the idea every time it
came up, but there were still Rivans who believed it.
"What should we do with these two?"
questions asked me.
the fellow with the quick
I shrugged.
"That's entirely up to you.
Coming, Brand?"
I've got what I needed out of them.
The two of us left the prison cell and went directly to Brand's private
"You realize that this means war, don't you, Belgarath?"
he said.
"I suppose so," I agreed.
"It'd look suspicious if we didn't mount a punitive expedition against
Nyissa at this point. Let's not do anything out of character. I don't
want people to start making wild guesses right now."
"I'll send messages to Val Alorn, Boktor, and the Algarian
"Don't bother. I'll take care of that myself. Now let's go fish my
daughter and your king out of the bay. I want a ship moved to the end
of the main wharf. Have the sailors tie it up there and then go
ashore. I don't want anybody at all on board. Then you and I are
going to take a little trip."
I can't leave now!"
"You'll have to. I don't know how to sail a ship. We've got to get
Polgara and Prince Geran to the coast of Sendaria, and we can't let
anybody else know they're on board."
"I can sail the ship, Belgarath, but I'm going to need a crew."
"You've got one. Pol and I'll take care of manning your sails. We'll
drop anchor a few miles north of Camaar. Pol will take the prince into
hiding, I'll go to Val Alorn, and you'll go to Camaar to commandeer a
crew from any Rivan ships in the harbor and get back here as quick as
you can to start mobilizing. Let's go down to the harbor."
When the ship had been moved and the sailors had gone down the wharf,
to the city, I sort of sauntered out to the end and stood looking
ostentatiously out to sea.
"Pol," I said quietly, "are you still there?"
"Where else would I be, you old fool?"
I let that slide by.
"Stay where you are," I told her.
"Brand's coming around with a small boat."
"What took you so long?"
"We had to wait until it got dark.
we're doing."
I don't want anybody to see what
"What were you talking about earlier--that business about hiding the
Rivan King?"
"We don't have any choice, Pol. The Isle of the Winds isn't safe for
the boy. We have to get him away from the Orb. Torak knows exactly
where it is, and if the boy stays anywhere near it, we'll be able to
count on a steady stream of assassins coming here to try to kill
"I thought Salmissra sent the assassins."
"She did, but somebody else put her up to it."
"I'm not sure.
The next time I see her, I'll ask her."
"Under the circumstances, you might have a little trouble getting into
Sthiss Tor."
"I rather doubt that, Pol," I answered grimly.
"I'm going to take a few Alorns with me."
"A few?"
"The Chereks, the Rivans, the Drasnians, and the Algars. I'm going to
take all of Aloria with me when I go, Pol. I don't think I'll have any
trouble getting into Sthiss Tor at all." I glanced over my shoulder
and then looked back out to sea.
"Here comes Brand with the boat. We'll get you and the boy safely
aboard ship, and then we'll sail."
"Sendaria, Pol.
We'll decide what we're going to do when we get
Even though the assassination of Gorek and most of his family was
foreordained and necessary, I still have twinges of guilt about it.
Maybe if I'd been just a bit more alert, I'd have interpreted that
passage in the Mrin an hour--even a half hour-- sooner, and Pol and I
could have reached Riva in time. Maybe if Pol hadn't argued with me
for quite so long-Maybe, maybe, maybe. Sometimes it seems when I look
back on my life it's nothing but a long string of regretful maybes. The
maybe that really stands out, though, is the one that suggests that I'm
not emotionally equipped to deal with predestination. It makes me feel
helpless, and I don't like that. I always seem to think that there
might have been something I could have done to change the outcome. A
turnip can just sit there saying
"What will be will be."
I'm supposed to be a little more
Ah, well .
. .
It took us the usual two days to reach the Sendarian coast. Brand's
eyes got a little wild the first time I reset his sails without even
getting up from where I was sitting. That happens fairly often, you
know. Despite the fact that people are intellectually aware of
sorcery, when the real thing happens right in front of their eyes, it
tends to upset them. I'm not sure what he'd expected, though. I had
told him that Polgara was going to be lending a hand with the mechanics
of sailing that ship, but he should have known better. Prince Geran
was only about six years old, and he'd just watched his entire family
being murdered. He needed Pol far more than I did. I'd only said it
to Brand to head off one of those tiresome arguments about the possible
and the impossible.
Have you ever had that peculiar feeling that what's happening now has
happened before? One of the reasons you have is because it's really
true. The interruption of the Purpose of the universe had locked
everything in one spot, and time and events were simply marching in
This might help to explain those "repetitions" Garion and I used to
talk about. In my case, though, I get not only the feeling that
something's happened before, but also a slightly different feeling that
something's going to happen again. I got that feeling with bells on it
as we approached the Sendarian coast.
It was a blustry morning in early summer with the clouds playing ducks
and drakes with the sun, and Polgara and the young prince had just come
up on deck. It wasn't particularly warm, and Pol drew the little boy
protectively close and half enclosed him with her blue cloak just as
the sun momentarily broke through. Somehow that brief image seemed to
freeze and lock itself in my mind. I can still call it back with
absolute clarity--not that I really have to. I've seen Polgara
hovering over a long succession of sandy-haired little boys with that
obscure pain in her eyes once or twice in every generation for the past
thirteen hundred years and more. Protecting those little boys wasn't
the only reason she'd been born, but it was certainly one of the
important ones.
We dropped anchor in a secluded cove about five miles north of Camaar
and then we went ashore in the ship's longboat.
"Camaar's that way," I told Brand, pointing south.
"Yes, Ancient One, I know." Brand was polite enough not to take
offense when somebody pointed out the obvious.
"Round up a crew and get back to Riva," I instructed.
"I'll go to Val Alorn and tell Valcor what's happened. He'll be along
with his fleet to pick you and your army up in a couple of weeks, I'd
imagine. I'll talk it over with him when I get to Val Alorn. Then
I'll go talk with the Drasnians and the Algars. I think we might want
them to go overland while you and Valcor sail south. I want to come at
Nyissa from both sides. We'll probably all get there about
"Good time for a war," he noted bleakly.
"No, Brand. There's no good time for a war. This one's necessary,
though. Salmissra needs to be persuaded to keep her nose out of things
that don't concern her."
"You seem to be taking this very calmly."
"Appearances can be deceiving.
got to map out this campaign."
It was almost an
I can get angry later.
Right now I've
"Will you be coming down with Valcor?"
"I haven't exactly decided yet.
again in Sthiss Tor."
"See you there, then."
of Geran.
In any case, we'll all get together
He went over and dropped to one knee in front
"I don't think we'll see each other again, your Majesty,"
he said sadly.
The little boy was red-eyed from weeping, but he straightened and
looked his Warder full in the face.
"Good-bye, Brand," he said.
"I know I can count on you to take care of my people and to guard the
Orb." He was a brave little boy, and he'd have made a good king if
things had turned out differently.
Brand rose, saluted, and started off down the beach.
"Are you going back to your mother's cottage?"
I asked Pol.
"I don't think so, father. Zedar knows where it is, and I'm sure he's
told Torak about it. I don't want visitors showing up when I'm not
expecting them. I still have that manor house at Erat. That should be
safe enough until you get back from Nyissa."
"You haven't been there for a long time, Pol," I objected.
"The house probably collapsed years ago."
"No, father.
I asked it not to."
"Sendaria's a different country now, Pol, and the Sendars don't even
remember the Wacite Arends. An abandoned house almost invites somebody
to move in."
She shook her head.
"The Sendars don't even know it's there.
My roses have seen to
"I don't follow you."
"You wouldn't believe how big a rosebush can get if you encourage it
just a bit, and I had lots of roses planted around the house. Trust
me, father. The house is still there, but no one's seen it since the
fall of Vo Wacune. The boy and I'll be safe there."
"Well, maybe--for the time being, anyway.
else after I've dealt with Salmissra."
We'll come up with something
"If it's safe, why move him?"
"Because the line has to be continued, Pol. That means he has to get
married and produce a son. We might have a little trouble persuading
some girl to break through a rose thicket to get to him."
"Are you leaving now, grandfather?" Geran asked me, his small face
very serious. For some reason all of those little boys have called me
that. I think it's in their blood.
"Yes, Geran," I told him.
"You'll be safe with your Aunt Pol.
There's something I have to attend
"I don't suppose you'd care to wait a little while?"
"What did you have in mind?"
"I'd sort of like to go along, but I'm too little right now. If you
could wait a few years, I'll be old enough to kill Salmissra myself."
He was an Alorn, all right.
"No, Geran. I'd better take care of it for you. Salmissra might die
of natural causes before you grow up, and we wouldn't want that, would
He sighed.
"No, I suppose not," he agreed reluctantly.
"Would you hit her once or twice for me, grandfather?"
"You have my absolute word on that, boy."
"Hard," he added fiercely.
Polgara muttered.
"I'll keep in touch, Pol," I promised her.
"Now get off this beach.
There might be more Nyissans lurking about."
And so Polgara took the grieving little prince up past Lake Sulturn
toward Medalia and Erat, and I changed form once again and flew due
north toward Val Alorn.
In the hundred and seventy-five years or so since Ran Horb II had
founded the kingdom of Sendaria and a former rutabaga farmer named
Fundor had been elevated to the throne, the Sendars had been
busy-mostly cutting down trees. I don't entirely approve of that. The
notion of killing something that's been alive for a thousand years just
so you can plant turnips seems a little immoral to me. Sendars,
however, are compulsively neat, and they just adore straight lines. If
the Sendars start building a road and a mountain gets in their way, the
notion of going around it never occurs to them. They'll cut through it
instead. The Tolnedrans tend to be the same way. I suppose it stands
to reason, though. The Sendars are a peculiar mixture of all races, so
a few Tolnedran characteristics were bound to be a part of their
Don't get me wrong here. I like Sendars. They're a little stuffy
sometimes, but I think they're the most decent and sensible people in
the world. Their mixed background seems to have purged them of the
obsessions that infect other races.
How did I get off on that?
You really shouldn't let me digress that
We'll be at this forever if I don't stick to the point.
Anyway, when you view it from above, the kingdom of Sendaria resembles
nothing quite so much as a checkered tablecloth. I flew over the
capital city of Sendar and continued on toward Lake Seline. Then there
was a cluster of mountains, and Sendaria finally came to an abrupt end
at the Cherek Bore. I won't repeat the dreadful pun some witty fellow
came up with by playing around with the ambiguity implicit in the word
The tide was rushing out of the Gulf of Cherek when I flew over the
Bore, and the Great Maelstrom was whirling around, joyously trying to
pick boulders up off the bottom. It doesn't take much to make a
whirlpool happy.
Then I flew along the east coast of the peninsula past Eldrigshaven and
Trellheim, and I finally reached Val Alorn.
Val Alorn had been there for a very long time. I think there was a
village in that general vicinity even before Torak cracked the world
and formed the Gulf of Cherek in the process. The Chereks settled down
to make a real city out of it after I divided Aloria. Bear-shoulders
needed something to keep his mind occupied and off the fact that I'd
just relieved him of most of his kingdom, I guess. To be perfectly
honest about it, I've always found Val Alorn to be just a bit on the
bleak side. The sky over the Cherek Peninsula is nearly always cloudy
and grey. Did they have to make their city out of grey rock as well?
I settled to earth just south of the city and went around to the main
gate that faced the harbor. Then I navigated the narrow streets where
piles of dirty snow still lay in the shady places and eventually
reached the palace and was admitted. I found King Valcor carousing
with his earls in the great throne-room. Most of the time the throne
room of the Kingdom of Cherek resembles nothing so much as a beer hall.
Fortunately, I arrived about midday, and Valcor hadn't had time yet to
drink himself into insensibility. He was boisterous, but there's
nothing very unusual about that. Chereks, drunk or sober, are always
"Ho, Belgarath!" he bellowed at me from the throne, "come in and join
us!" Valcor was a burly fellow with muddy brown hair and a vast beard.
Like so many overly muscular men I've known, he'd gone to flab as
middle age crept up on him. He wasn't exactly fat, but he was working
on it. Despite the fact that he was the king, he was wearing a peasant
smock with beer-stains down the front.
I walked past the blazing fire pit in the center of the hall and
approached the throne.
"Your Majesty," I greeted him perfunctorily.
"You and I need to talk."
"Any time, Belgarath.
Pull up a seat and have some beer."
"Privately, Valcor."
"I don't have any secrets from my earls."
"You will have in just a few minutes. Get up off your behind, Valcor,
and let's go someplace where we can talk."
He looked a little startled.
"You're serious, aren't you?"
"War does that to me." I chose the word carefully. It's one of the
few words that'll get an Alorn's attention when he's been drinking.
With whom?"
"I'll tell you about it just as soon as we're alone."
He stood up and led me to a nearby room.
Valcor's reaction to the news I brought him was fairly predictable. It
took me a little while to calm him down, but I finally persuaded him to
stop swearing and chopping up furniture with his sword long enough to
listen to me.
"I'm going on to talk with Radek and Cho-Ram. Get your fleet ready and
call in the clans. I'll either come back or send word to let you know
when to start. You'll have to stop by the Isle of the Winds to pick up
Brand and the Rivans on your way south."
"I'll deal with Salmissra myself."
"No, you won't. Salmissra's insulted the whole of Aloria, and the
whole of Aloria's going to do something about it. I don't want you to
offend Brand, Radek, and Cho-Ram by taking things into your own hands.
You've got work to do, Valcor, so you'd better sober up and get
cracking. I'm going on to Boktor. I'll be back in a couple of
It was about dawn of the following day when I reached Boktor. Since
there were very few people about, I settled on the battlements of King
Radek's palace. The sentry up there was noticeably startled when he
turned around and saw me standing in a place he'd just passed.
"I need to talk with the king," I told him.
"Where is he?"
"I think he's still asleep.
Who are you?
And how did you get up
"Does the name Belgarath ring any bells for you?"
He gaped at me.
"Close your mouth and take me to Radek," I told him.
having people gawk at me when I'm in a hurry.
I get so tired of
King Radek was snoring when I reached the royal bedchamber. The royal
bed was seriously mussed up, and so was the royal playmate, a busty
young woman who immediately dived under the covers when I entered. I
jerked open the drapes at the window and turned around.
"All right, Radek," I barked,
"Wake up!"
His eyes popped open. Radek was a fairly young man. He was tall and
lean, and he had a decidedly hooked nose. Drasnian noses seem to go
off in all directions for some reason. Silk's nose is so pointed that
from certain angles he looks like a stork, and Porenn's husband had a
little pug nose that wasn't much bigger than a button. I hadn't had
much chance to look at the nose of the young lady who'd burrowed under
the covers when I'd entered. She'd moved fairly fast, and I'd been
more interested in other things.
"Good morning, Belgarath," the king of Drasnia greeted me with
unruffled calm.
"Welcome to Boktor." Fortunately, he was an intelligent man and not
nearly as excitable as Valcor, so he didn't waste time trying to invent
new swear words when I told him what had happened at Riva. I didn't
mention the fact that Prince Geran had survived the massacre on the
beach, of course. Nobody except Brand needed to know about that.
"What are we going to do about it?"
he asked after I'd finished.
"I thought we might all visit Nyissa and have a little talk with
"I don't have any problem with that."
"Valcor's gathering his fleet, and he'll pick up the Rivans on his way
south. How far can your pike men march in a day?"
"Twenty leagues, if it's important enough."
"It is. Round them up and get them started. Go down through Algaria
and the Tolnedran Mountains. Stay out of Maragor, though. It's still
haunted, and your pike men won't be of much use if they all go crazy.
I'll talk with Cho-Ram, and he'll join you as you go south. Do you
know Beldin?"
"I've heard of him."
"He's dwarfed, he's got a hump on his back and a foul temper. You
can't miss him. If he's made it back from Mallorea by the time you
reach the Vale, he'll go with you. It's five hundred leagues from here
to Sthiss Tor. Let's say it'll take you two months to reach the
eastern border of Nyissa. Don't take any longer. The rainy season
comes on down there in the fall, and we don't want to bog down in the
"Amen to that."
"Beldin and I can stay in touch with each other, so we'll be able to
coordinate things. I want to hit Nyissa from both sides at the same
We don't want too many Nyissans to escape, but whatever you do, don't
kill all of them. That'd make Issa almost as unhappy as Mara is, and
we don't need another war between Gods."
"Issa let Salmissra kill Gorek, didn't he?"
"No, he didn't. He's hibernating, so he had no idea of what Salmissra
was doing. Be very careful, Radek. Issa's the Serpent God. If you
offend him, you might come back and find all of Drasnia infested with
poisonous snakes. Now get your pike men together and start south.
I've got to go talk with Cho-Ram."
I started toward the door.
"You can tell the girl to come out now, Radek," I threw back over my
"She'll smother if she stays under there too long."
I stopped.
"Don't you think it's about time for you to stop all this playing?"
asked him.
"There's no real harm in it, Belgarath."
"Not unless it gets out of hand.
I think it's time for you to get
married and settle down."
"I can do that later," he replied.
"Right now I've got business to take care of in Nyissa."
I flew south to Algaria and it only took me two days to find Cho-Ram.
The chief of the Clan-Chiefs of Algaria was fairly old, and his hair
and beard were almost as white as mine. Old or not, though, you
wouldn't have wanted to fight him. Age hadn't slowed his saber-hand in
the slightest.
I honestly believe he could have cut off both a man's ears so quickly
that the man wouldn't notice that they were gone for a day or so.
We met in one of those rolling houses Fleet-foot had designed, so I was
fairly sure we'd have some privacy. Cho-Ram and I were neighbors and
old friends, so I didn't have to bully him the way I had Valcor and
Radek. He listened carefully as I told him about the assassination of
Gorek and of what we were going to do about it.
When I finished, he leaned back, his black horsehide jacket creaking.
"We'll be violating Tolnedran territory, you know," he pointed out.
"That can't be helped," I said.
"Somebody put Salmissra up to this, and I want to find out who he is
before he gets too much of a running head start on me."
"Ctuchik, maybe?"
"It's possible. Let's see what Salmissra has to say before we lay
siege to Rak Cthol, though. Radek should be along soon. Join forces
with him when he gets here. I'm going down to the Vale. If Beldin's
made it back from Mallorea, I'll send him along with you. If he
hasn't, I'll send the twins. If Ctuchik was behind this and he's still
in Nyissa, you'll need someone along to counter anything he throws at
you. I think I'd better go with Valcor and Brand. The Rivans are
enraged, and you know how the Chereks are."
He smiled.
"Oh, yes," he agreed.
"The whole world knows how the Chereks are."
"Gather your clans, Cho-Ram. Radek should be along in a bit. If you
have to, go on ahead of his infantry. I want to be in Sthiss Tor
before the rainy season sets in."
"I appreciate that, Ancient One.
very hard on the horses."
Then I left for the Vale.
Wading through swamps in the rain is
My luck was holding up, because Beldin had made it back from Mallorea
two days earlier. I love the twins, but they're too gentle for the
plans I had for Nyissa. Beldin can be appropriately ungentle when the
occasion arises.
Let me set something straight here. There's no denying the fact that I
was very angry about the murder of Gorek and his family. They were
relatives, after all, but the campaign I'd mapped out had very little
to do with vengeance and a great deal to do with deliberate terrorism.
Things in the world were already complicated enough without the
Nyissans dabbling in international politics. They had access to too
many poisons and narcotics for my taste, so the Alorn invasion of that
swamp was designed almost entirely to persuade the Serpent People to
stay home and mind their own business. I suppose that says a few
uncomplimentary things about me, but that can't be helped.
"What are you going to do if the Murgos decide to play, too?"
asked me after I'd laid out my plan for him.
"I don't think we need to worry about that," I replied with more
confidence than I really felt.
"Ctuchik controls Cthol Murgos, no matter who's sitting on the throne
in Rak Goska, and Ctuchik knows that it's not time for a confrontation
with the Alorns yet. A lot more has to happen before we get to that."
I scowled at the floor of Beldin's tower for a moment.
"You'd better stay clear of Murgo territory, though, just to be on the
safe side."
"You've got a peculiar idea of "safe," Belgarath. If I can't go
through Cthol Murgos, I'll have to go through Tolnedra, and the legions
won't like that very much."
"I'll swing over to Tol Honeth before I go back to Val Alorn. The
Vorduvians are back in power again, but Ran Vordue the First has been
on the throne only for about a year. I'll talk with him."
"Inexperienced people make mistakes, Belgarath."
"I know, but they usually hesitate before they make them.
finished in Nyissa before he makes up his mind."
We'll be
Beldin shrugged.
"It's your war.
I'll see you in Sthiss Tor."
I flew to Tol Honeth then and went to the Imperial Compound. Some
forged documents identified me as a special emissary of the Alorn
kings, and I got in to see the emperor immediately.
Emperor Ran Vordue I of the Third Vorduvian Dynasty was a youngish man
with deep-sunk eyes and a gaunt face. He was seated on a marble
throne, and he was wearing the traditional gold-colored mantle.
"Welcome to Tol Honeth, Ancient One," he greeted me. He knew in a
general sort of way who I was, but like most Tolnedrans, he thought my
name was some kind of hereditary title.
"Let's skip the pleasantries and get to the point, Ran Vordue," I told
"The Nyissans have assassinated the Rivan King, and the Alorns are
mounting a punitive expedition."
Why wasn't I told?"
"You just were. There's going to be a technical violation of your
borders. I strongly advise you just to let it slide. The Alorns are
feeling belligerent just now. Their business is with the Nyissans, but
if your legions get in their way, they'll plow them under. The Algars
and Drasnians are going to march south through the Tolnedran Mountains.
Pretend you don't see them."
"Can't this be settled without war?"
he asked me rather plaintively.
"I have some very good negotiators at my disposal.
Salmissra to pay reparations or something."
They could persuade
"I'm afraid not, your Majesty. You know how Alorns are.
measures won't satisfy them. Just stay out of it."
"Couldn't your Alorns go through Murgo territory instead? I'm new on
the throne, Belgarath. If I don't take some kind of action, I'll be
viewed as a weakling."
"Send letters of protest to the Alorn kings. I'll make them apologize
after it's all over." Then an idea came to me.
"Here's a thought," I told him.
"If you want to do something muscular to impress the Honeths and the
Horbites, send your legions down to your southern border and seal it
off. Don't let anybody come across."
He squinted at me.
"Very clever, Belgarath," he said.
"You're using me, aren't you?
If I seal that border, you won't have
I grinned at him.
"You're going to have to do something, Ran Vordue.
The politics of the situation almost demands it. The Honeths will
start calling you Ran Vordue the Chicken-Livered if you don't march
your legions off in some direction. I guarantee that the Alorns won't
cross that border, and the other great families might accept the notion
that it was your show of force that kept them out. We'll both get
something we want that way."
"You've got me over a barrel, Old Man."
"I know," I replied.
"It's up to you, though. You know what's coming, and you know what
you'd probably better do about it. Oh, one other thing. Who's the
most deeply involved in the Nyissan trade?"
"The Honeths," he replied shortly.
"They're in it up to their ears.
They've got millions invested down there."
came over his gaunt face.
Then a slow, evil smile
"A disruption of the Nyissan economy would push the Honeths to the
verge of bankruptcy, you realize."
"Wouldn't that be a shame? You see, Ran Vordue? Every cloud has its
silver lining. All you have to do is look for it. Well, we've both
got things to do, so I won't bother you any more. Think it over. I'm
sure you'll come to the right decision." Then I bowed perfunctorily
and left him to his amusements.
Another one of those early summer storms swept in out of the Great
Western Sea to batter the coast, so it took me almost a week to get
back to Val Alorn. By the time I got there, Valcor had assembled his
fleet and gathered his army. I contacted Beldin, and he advised me
that the Algars and Drasnians had joined forces at the Algarian
stronghold and were marching south. Everything seemed to be on
schedule, so I unleashed Valcor and his berserkers.
The storm had finally passed, and we sailed from Val Alorn under a
bright blue sky. I had a few tense moments when we went through the
Cherek Bore, but otherwise the voyage to the Isle of the Winds was
The meeting between Valcor and Brand there on the wharf was emotional.
Brand had lost his king, and Valcor had lost a brother Alorn monarch.
Valcor suggested a few memorial tankards, but I headed that off
"We're running behind, gentlemen," I told them crisply.
"Radek and Cho-Ram are already in the Tolnedran Mountains, and it's a
long way to the mouth of the River of the Serpent. We can do our
drinking after the war. Let's get the Rivans on board and get
We sailed southward past Arendia and Tolnedra and anchored just off the
mouth of the River of the Woods. For any number of reasons. Ran
Vordue had followed my suggestion, and his legions were patrolling the
north bank of the river.
We waited there for a couple of days. It was only a short run on down
to the delta of the River of the Serpent, but I didn't want to alert
the Nyissans by dropping anchor in their coastal waters while we waited
for Radek and Cho-Ram to get into position.
I'd just come up on deck on the morning of the third day when Beldin's
voice came banging on the side of my head.
"Don't shout.
Are you awake?"
I can hear you."
"We're in place, but let's give the Drasnian pike men a day or so to
catch their breath. We ran them pretty hard coming down through the
"It'll take us a few days to get to the mouth of the River of the
Serpent anyway. Stay clear of the Tolnedran border. Ran Vordue has it
sealed off, and we don't want any incidents with the legions."
"How did you get him to do that?"
"I pointed out certain advantages to him. Send a strike force south to
block off any escape routes going in that direction. I'll do the same
from this side, and when those two columns meet, we can get started
with this."
And that was more or less the way we did it. I'll be the first to
concede that the Tolnedran Legions were very useful, although they
didn't really do anything except stand there.
The Nyissans have always believed that their jungles would protect
them. This time they were wrong. We'd run Radek's pike men to the
verge of exhaustion, but we'd reached Nyissa before the rains set in.
The swamps had nearly dried up, and the trees were parched. The
Nyissans took to the woods, and we simply burned the woods out from
under them.
I'm told that the vast clouds of smoke drifting northward bothered the
Honethites a great deal. They could almost smell their money
The Vorduvians, Borunes, and Horbites were able to view the matter
philosophically, however.
Wars are never pretty, but the Alorn campaign in Nyissa was
particularly ugly. The Algar cavalry drove the Nyissans ahead of them
like a herd of terrified cows, and when the Nyissans tried to climb
trees to escape them, the Drasnian pike men came along and speared them
out of the branches. The Chereks and Rivans set fires, and when the
panic-stricken Nyissans tried to flee, Valcor's berserkers simply drove
them back into the flames. Frankly, the whole business sickened me,
but we pushed on anyway.
It was a short, nasty war, and it left Nyissa a smoking wasteland. It
accomplished its purpose, however. Centuries passed before the
Nyissans came out of their hiding places, and that effectively kept
them from meddling in international affairs.
Eventually we encircled Sthiss Tor, and after a couple of days we
captured the city.
Beldin and I ran on ahead and reached Salmissra's gaudy palace about
three jumps ahead of the vengeful Rivans. We definitely didn't want
anybody to kill the Serpent Queen--at least not until we'd had a chance
to ask her some questions. We sprinted down the corridor that led to
her throne room, burst into that huge, dimly lighted hall, and closed
and barred the door behind us.
Salmissra was alone and unguarded. The palace eunuchs were sworn to
protect her, but evidently a eunuch's oath doesn't mean all that much
to him if it's going to involve bleeding. The Serpent Queen was in her
usual place, lounging on her throne and admiring her reflection in the
mirror as if nothing untoward were happening. She looked very
vulnerable somehow.
"Welcome to Sthiss Tor, gentlemen," she said in a dreamy sort of
"Don't come too close," she warned, pointing negligently at the small
green snakes nervously clustered around her throne.
"My servants have all deserted me, but my little pets are still
faithful." Her words were slurred, and her eyes seemed unfocused.
"We're not going to have much luck here, Belgarath," Beldin muttered to
"She's so drugged that she's almost comatose."
"We'll see," I replied shortly. I stepped a little closer to the
throne, and the little green snakes hissed warningly.
"Things haven't turned out too well here, have they, Salmissra?"
said to her.
"You should have known what the Alorns would do, though.
possessed you to have Gorek murdered?"
"It seemed like a good idea at the time," she murmured.
There was a heavy pounding on the barred door.
"Keep those enthusiasts off my back," I told Beldin.
"All right," he replied, "but don't be all day at this."
his Will building.
"Do you know who I am?"
I could feel
I asked the dreamy queen.
"Of course. There's a whole body of literature in my library devoted
to you and your exploits."
"Good. Then we won't have to go through all those tiresome
I spoke with a couple of your assassins at Riva. One of them told me
that this stupid business wasn't entirely your idea. Would you care to
elaborate on that for me?"
"Why not?"
Her indifference chilled me for some reason.
"About a year ago a man came to Sthiss Tor, and he had a little
proposition for me.
His offer was very attractive, so I took him up on it.
about all there was to it, Belgarath."
That's really
"What could he possibly have offered you to lure you into exposing
yourself to the vengeance of the Alorns?"
"Immortality, Ancient One, immortality."
"No man can offer that, Salmissra."
"The offer didn't come from a man--or so I was led to believe."
"Who was this fellow who made you such a ridiculous proposal?"
"Does the name Zedar ring any bells for you, Belgarath?"
looked a bit amused.
She actually
A number of things fell into place for me--including the reason for my
instructions not to kill Zedar.
"Why don't you start at the beginning?"
I suggested.
She sighed.
"That would be a long and tedious story, Old Man."
Her eyelids drooped
I started to have some suspicions at that point.
"Why don't you summarize it, then?"
I suggested.
She sighed again.
"Oh, very well," she replied.
Then she looked around.
"Does it seem to be getting chilly in here?"
"Will you get on with it, Belgarath?"
she asked with a slight
Beldin demanded irritably.
can't keep those Alorns out much longer without hurting them."
"I don't think we've got too much longer," I told him.
at the Serpent Queen.
Then I looked
"You've taken poison, haven't you, Salmissra?"
I asked her.
"Naturally," she replied.
"It's the Nyissan sort of thing to do, isn't it?
Convey my apologies to your Alorns.
I know they'll be terribly
"Exactly what did Zedar say to you?"
"You're a tiresome old man, Belgarath. All right, listen carefully. I
don't think I'll have time to repeat this. Zedar came to me and said
that he was speaking for Torak. He said that the Rivan King was the
only thing standing between Torak and something he wanted, and that
he'd give anything to the person who removed him. The offer was fairly
simple. If I'd kill the Rivan King, Torak would marry me, and we'd
rule the world jointly--forever. Zedar also told me that Torak would
protect me from your Alorns. Did you happen to see the Dragon God on
your way to Sthiss Tor?"
"We must have missed him."
"I wonder what can be keeping him."
"Surely you weren't gullible enough to believe all that?"
She straightened slightly and lifted her chin.
beautiful woman.
"How old would you say I am?"
She was a remarkably
she asked me.
"That's impossible to tell, Salmissra.
from aging."
You take drugs that keep you
"It may look that way, but it's not really true. Actually, I'm
fifty-seven, and none of my predecessors has lived much past sixty.
There are twenty little girls out in the jungle training to take my
place when I die. I believed Zedar because I wanted to believe him. I
suppose we never outlive our belief in fairy stories, do we? I didn't
want to die, and Zedar seemed to be offering me a chance to live
forever. I wanted that so much that I chose to believe what he told
me. When you get right down to it, this is all your fault, you
Where did you get that weird idea?"
"If it hadn't been for the fact that you're a million years old, I
wouldn't have been so gullible. If one person can live forever, others
can, as well. You and your brothers are the disciples of Aldur, and
Aldur made you all immortal. Zedar, Ctuchik, and Urvon serve Torak,
and they'll live forever, as well."
"Not if I can help it, they won't," Beldin threw back over his
She smiled faintly, and her eyes seemed glazed.
"The notion of conferring immortality on his handmaiden doesn't seem to
have occurred to Issa, so I've only got about three more years to live.
Zedar knew that, of course, and he used it to dupe me. I wish there
were some way I could pay him back for that. He got everything he
wanted from me, and all I got was a cup of foul-tasting poison."
I looked around to make certain that nobody was hiding in one of the
"Zedar got nothing, Salmissra," I told her very quietly.
"Your assassins missed somebody.
The Rivan line's still intact."
She stared at me for a moment, and then she actually laughed.
"What a wonderful old man you are," she said warmly.
"Are you going to kill Zedar?"
"Probably," I replied.
"Tell him that the survivor you mentioned is my last gift to him before
you put him away, would you? It's a petty sort of vengeance, but it's
all that's available to a dying old lady."
"Did Zedar tell you what Torak planned to do once the Rivan King was
dead?" I asked her.
"We didn't get into that," she murmured, "but it shouldn't be hard to
guess. Now that he believes that the Guardian of the Orb is dead,
he'll probably be paying you a call shortly. I wish I could be in a
corner somewhere to watch the rest of his face crumble when he finds
out that Zedar's scheme didn't work." Her head drooped, and her eyes
went closed again.
"Is she dead?"
Beldin asked me.
"Close, I think."
Her voice was only a whisper now.
"Avenge me, would you please?"
"You've got my word on that, Salmissra."
"Please don't call me that, Ancient One. Once, when I was a little
girl, my name was Illessa. I was very happy with that name. Then the
palace eunuchs came to our village, and they looked at my face. That
was when they took me away from my mother and told me that my name was
Salmissra now. I've always hated that name. I didn't want to be
I wanted to keep on being Illessa, but they didn't give me any choice.
It was either become one of the twenty twelve-year-old Salmissras or
Why couldn't they let me keep my real name?"
"It's a lovely name, Illessa," I told her gently.
"Thank you, Ancient One."
She sighed a long quavering sigh.
"Sometimes I wish--" We never found out what she wished, because she
died before she could tell us.
Beldin said to me.
"Well what?"
"Aren't you going to hit her?"
"Why would I want to do that?"
"Didn't you promise Prince Geran you would?"
"Some promises can't be kept, Beldin."
He snorted.
"She wouldn't mind now."
"I would." I trans located the little green snakes to the far side of
the throne room, stepped up onto the dais, and arranged the body of the
Serpent Queen on her throne in a position that had some dignity. Then
I patted her gently on the cheek.
"Sleep well, Illessa," I murmured.
Then I stepped down from the dais.
"Let's get out of here, Beldin," I suggested.
"I hate the smell of snakes."
You're disappointed, aren't you?
You wanted a lurid description of my dreadful retribution on the body
of the Serpent Queen. Well, I'm a pretty good storyteller, so if
that's the kind of story you really want, I suppose I could make it up
for you. After you've calmed down a bit, though, I think you'll be
just a little ashamed of yourself.
Actually, I'm not very proud of what we did in Nyissa. If I'd been
filled with rage and a hunger for vengeance, the things we did down
there might have been understandable--not particularly admirable,
maybe, but at least understandable. But I did it all in cold blood,
and that makes it fairly monstrous, wouldn't you say?
I suppose I should have known that Zedar had been behind the whole
thing right from the start. It was all too subtle to have come from
Ctuchik. Every time I start feeling uneasy about what I ultimately did
to Zedar, I run over the long list of his offenses in my mind, and the
fact that he duped Illessa into murdering Gorek and then left her to
face the Alorns all alone stands fairly high on that list.
Enough of all this tedious self-justification.
The Alorns were still happily dismantling the city when Beldin and I
came out of the palace. Most of the houses were made of stone, since
wood decays rather quickly in the middle of a tropical swamp. The
Alorns set fire to everything that would burn, and they took battering
rams to the rest. Lurid orange flame seemed to be everywhere, and the
streets were almost totally obscured by clouds of choking black smoke.
I looked around sourly.
"That's ridiculous!"
"The war's over.
I said.
There's no need for all of this."
"Let 'em play," Beldin said indifferently.
"We came here to wreck Nyissa, didn't we?"
I grunted.
"What's Torak been up to?"
I asked him.
"We didn't get much chance to talk about that when I passed through the
"Torak's still at Ashaba--" A howling Cherek, dressed in bearskins
despite the climate, ran past us waving a torch.
"I'd better have a talk with Valcor," I muttered.
"The Bear-cult's been yearning to invade the southern kingdoms for the
past twenty-five centuries. Now that they're here, they might decide
to expand the hostilities. Is Mal Zeth quiet? I mean, are they making
any preparations?"
Beldin laughed that short, ugly laugh of his and scratched vigorously
at one armpit. He shook his head.
"The army's in turmoil--there's a new emperor shaking things up. But
Torak isn't mobilizing. He didn't know anything about this." He
squinted off down a smoky street where flames were belching out of
"I hope Zedar's found himself a very deep hole to hide in. Old
Burnt-face might get a little peevish when he finds out what's
"I suppose we can worry about that later.
Alorns home?"
Do you want to take the
"Not particularly.
"It won't really take you very long, Beldin, and I've got something
else to do."
What's that?"
"I think I'd better go back to the Vale and dig into the Mrin Codex. If
Torak does decide to exploit this, we'll want to know that he's coming.
It'll be one of those EVENTS, and the Mrin's bound to cover it."
"Probably so, but you'll have to make sense out of it first.
just let the Alorns find their way home by themselves?"
Why not
"I want to make sure they go home. That means that somebody's going to
have to herd the Bear-cult out of the South. Tell Brand what we found
out from Illessa. Sort of hint around that you and I are going to take
care of Zedar. Don't get too specific about how long it's likely to
take us."
"Are you going to look in on Pol before you go back to the Vale?"
"She can take care of herself.
If anybody can, she can."
He gave me a sly, sidelong look.
"You're very proud of her, aren't you?"
"Of course I am."
"Have you ever considered telling her so?"
"And spoil over a thousand years of bickering? Don't be silly. Stop
by the Vale before you go back to Mallorea. I might have dredged a few
useful hints out of the Mrin by then."
I left him standing on the palace steps and went on out of the wrecked
and burning city to the edge of the jungle. I found a clearing,
climbed up on a stump, and changed into a falcon again. I was actually
getting rather fond of that shape.
Flying through all the smoke from the burning jungle wasn't
particularly pleasant, so I kept climbing until I got above it. I'd
received reports about the fires, naturally, and I'd passed through
some smoldering burned-off areas on the way to Sthiss Tor myself, but I
don't think I'd fully grasped the extent of the fires until I got a
mile or so above them. It actually appeared that the whole of Nyissa
was burning.
When I got back to the Vale, I told the twins about what had happened
in Nyissa. Great tears of sympathy welled up in their eyes when I
described Illessa's last hour. The twins are very sentimental
All right, I sympathized with her, too. Do you want to make something
out of it? Zedar had tricked Illessa and then left her hanging out to
Of course I felt sorry for her.
Use your head.
I spent the next couple of weeks floundering my way through the Mrin.
I'm rather proud of the self-control I exhibited there.
hurl those stupid scrolls out the window.
I didn't once
The core of the difficulty with the Mrin lies in the way it jumps
around. I think I've mentioned that before. As I struggled with that
long display of incoherence, I began to see where Garion's friend had
blundered. The Mrin prophet wasn't a very good choice as a
Regardless of what we may think about the power of that Necessity, the
prophecies had to be filtered through the minds of the prophets, and
the Mrin prophet had no conception of time. He lived in a world of
eternal now, and the words of Necessity all came out together with
"now" and "then" and "sometime next week" scrambled together like an
It was pure luck when I stumbled across a possible solution. I'd
pushed the Mrin aside in disgust and turned to the Darine simply to
clear my head. Bormik had been crazy, but at least he'd known the
difference between yesterday and tomorrow. I don't think I was
actually reading it, just unrolling and looking at it. Bormik's
daughter had made fair copies of the hen-scratchings of her scribes,
and she'd had beautiful penmanship.
Her letters were graceful and her lines well balanced. Bull-neck's
scribes should have gone to Darine and taken lessons from her. The
Mrin was filled with blotches, scrubbed-out words, and crossed-out
lines. A twelve-year-old just learning his letters could have produced
a neater page. Suddenly my eyes stopped, and a familiar passage jumped
out at me.
"Be not dismayed, for the Rivan King shall return."
I quickly laid a couple of books on the scroll to keep the place.
That's one of the reasons I don't like scrolls. Left to their own
devices, they'll roll themselves back up without any outside assistance
as soon as you let go of them.
I picked up the Mrin again and rolled my way through it until I came to
the place I'd just remembered.
"Behold," it said, "all shall seem lost, but curb thy despair, for the
Rivan King shall return."
They weren't identical, but they were very close. I stared at the two
passages with my heart sinking like a rock. A rather horrid prospect
was looming in front of me. I knew how to wring coherence out of the
Mrin now, but the sheer size of that job made me weak just thinking
about it.
There were matching passages in those documents. The Mrin had no sense
of time, but the Darine did. All I had to do to get a coherent time
sequence for the Mrin was to compile a comparative concordance.
Then I read the next line of the Mrin.
"I had fullest confidence in thee, Ancient and Beloved, knowing full
well that the solution would come to thee--eventually."
Now that was really offensive, even though it confirmed my discovery.
The Necessity knew the past and the present and the future, so it knew
that I'd ultimately break its code. The clever remark was there for no
reason other than to draw my attention to the fact so that I wouldn't
dismiss it out of hand. Evidently it thought I was stupid.
Incidentally, Garion, the next time your friend pays you a visit, you
might tell him that I've occasionally taken advantage of his clever
little trick.
Why should I wrack my brains trying to make sense of that solid wall of
gibberish we call the Mrin Codex when he's speckled it with those very
obvious signals? I'm not above letting somebody else do my work for
Then you might ask him who got in the last laugh. I'm sure he won't
mind. He has an absolutely wonderful sense of humor.
I went back to the place in the Darine that more or less matched the
warning in the Mrin that'd sent Pol and me flying off to the Isle of
the Winds; then I settled down to work. It was very slow going, since
I had to virtually memorize the Mrin in the process. The Darine
usually gave only a brief summary of an event, and the Mrin expanded on
it. Certain key words linked the two, and after I'd matched up a
couple of those passages, I got a little better at pinpointing those
keys. I devised a system of index marks that I'd put in the margins to
correlate matching passages.
Once I'd found a match, I didn't want to lose it. The more I worked on
it, the more I came to realize that the Darine was little more than a
map to the Mrin. Neither of them was very useful by itself, but when
you put them together, the message started to emerge. It was subtle
and very complex, but it almost absolutely guaranteed that nobody'd
accidentally get his hands on information that was none of his
I slogged along for the better part of a year, and then Beldin came
back to the Vale.
"Did you get the Alorns back where they belong?"
came stumping up the stairs to my tower.
I asked him when he
"Finally," he said.
"You were right about the Bear-cult. They really wanted to stay in the
South. You'd better keep an eye on Valcor. He's not quite a cultist,
but his sympathies sort of lean in that direction. Radek and Cho-Ram
finally managed to bring him to his senses, though."
"Cultists don't have any sense, Beldin."
"They're not quite suicidal, though. Radek and Cho-Ram chained up all
the cultists in their own ranks and started for home. The Chereks are
savages, but they're no match for the legions all by themselves. Once
the Drasnians and Algars left, Valcor didn't have any choice but to go
home, too."
"Did Brand take sides?"
"He was in complete agreement with Radek and Cho-Ram. He's got
responsibilities at home, so he wasn't about to get involved in an
extended war in the South." He looked at the scrolls on my work
"Are you making any progress?"
"Some. It's very slow going, though."
been working on.
I explained the concordance I'd
"Cunning," he noted.
"Thank you."
"Not you, Belgarath; the Necessity."
"It's not quite as easy as it sounds. You wouldn't believe how long it
takes to match up some of those passages."
"Have you talked with the twins about it?"
"They're busy with something else."
"Maybe they'd better put it aside.
I think this is more important."
"I can handle it, Beldin."
"A little professional jealousy there, old boy? A prophecy isn't
really a prophecy if you don't unravel it until after the fact, you
know. To all intents and purposes, the twins have a single mind, don't
"I suppose so."
"When you try to do this, you have to keep hopping back and forth, but
they wouldn't. Beltira could read the Darine, and Belkira the Mrin.
When they hit these correspondences, they'll both know it instantly.
They'll be able to do in minutes what takes you days."
I blinked.
"They could, couldn't they?
I never thought of that."
"Obviously. Let's go drop your project into their laps. Then you'll
be able to do something useful--like cutting firewood or digging
Have you looked in on Pol?"
"I've been busy.
Alorns home?"
Did it really take you a whole year to take the
"No. I made a quick trip to Mallorea to see if anything was stirring
"Is there?"
"Not so far. Maybe word of what happened at Riva hasn't reached Torak
yet. Let's go get Pol. I think we'd all better get together and make
some plans before I go back and take up permanent residence in Mal
"That might not be a bad idea. I've picked up a few hints about the
next couple of centuries while I was putting the concordance together.
I don't think anything significant's going to happen for a while, but
let's all put our heads together on it. Sometimes I miss things."
"Quit trying to be clever, Beldin. I'm not in the mood for it. Let's
turn the concordance over to the twins and then go to Erat and talk to
The twins understood the idea behind the concordance immediately, and
Beldin had been right. With two sets of eyes, one reading Darine and
the other reading Mrin, they definitely could make headway faster than
I could. Then Beldin took the form of the blue-banded hawk he's so
fond of, I converted myself into the falcon again, and we winged off to
the northwest to drop in on Polgara.
There's an old fairy tale about a princess who's locked up in a lonely
castle that's completely surrounded by a dense thicket of thorny
Pol's manor house in north-central Sendaria is very much like
that-except that her thicket has roses all over it. Those rosebushes
had been untended for centuries. The canes were as thick as tree
trunks, and they were covered with thorns that were at least four
inches long. Their tendrils were so interwoven that nobody was going
to get through them without ripping off most of his skin. Since the
house was totally concealed, nobody'd have any reason to take the
trouble, so Pol's privacy was guaranteed.
We settled on her doorstep, changed back, and I pounded on the door,
sending echoes booming back into the house.
After a few moments, I heard Pol's voice just inside.
"Who's there?"
"It's me, Pol.
Open up."
She was wearing an apron, and she'd tied a kerchief around her head in
a kind of turban. She was holding a cloth-wrapped broom that had
cobwebs all over it.
"What are you doing, Pol?"
Beldin asked her.
"Cleaning house."
"By hand?
Why don't you do it the other way?"
"It's my house, uncle.
I'll clean it any way I choose."
He shook his head.
"You're a strange person, Polgara," he noted.
"You spend centuries learning all the shortcuts, and then you refuse to
use them."
"It's a matter of principle, uncle.
you wouldn't understand."
You don't have any principles, so
He bowed to her.
"Score one for you, Pol," he said.
"An' would y' be willin' t' offer the hospitality of yer splendid house
t' a couple o' weary travelers, great lady?"
She ignored his attempt at humor.
"What do you two want?"
She wasn't very gracious about it.
"We're having a little family get-together at the Vale, Pol," I told
"It wouldn't be the same without you."
"Out of the question."
"Don't be difficult, Polgara," Beldin said.
"This is important.
We need you."
He pushed his way past her into the
"Did you chop a road right to my doorstep?"
"No," he replied.
"We flew in."
I looked around. The light was subdued because all of the windows in
the house were covered with rose vines, but I could see that the
entryway to my daughter's house had a highly polished marble floor and
glowing wooden wainscoting.
"Are you just now getting around to tidying up, Pol?"
I asked her.
"No. Geran and I've been at it since we got here.
floor now."
We're on the third
"You've turned the crown prince of Riva into a cleaning boy?
democratic, Pol, but isn't it a little inappropriate?"
"It won't hurt him, father.
It's very
Besides, he needs the exercise."
Then Geran came warily down the stairway. He was wearing a
dust-stained peasant smock, and he was holding a sword. It wasn't a
very big sword, but he handled it as if he knew how to use it.
"Grandfather!" he exclaimed when he saw me.
way down the stairs.
"Did you kill Salmissra?"
He ran the rest of the
he asked eagerly.
"She was dead the last time I looked," I replied evasively.
"Did you hit her for me the way I asked you to?"
"That he did, lad," Beldin stepped in to cover my tail feathers.
"That he did."
Geran looked a bit apprehensively at the gnarled dwarf.
"This is Uncle Beldin, Geran," Pol introduced them.
"You aren't very tall, are you?"
Geran noted.
"It has its advantages, lad," Beldin replied.
"I almost never hit my head on a low-hanging limb."
Geran laughed.
"I like him, Aunt Pol."
"That wears off fairly soon."
"Don't carry tales, Pol," Beldin chided.
"Let the boy draw his own conclusions."
"I think we'd better bring Brand in on this," I said.
"We've got a lot of things to talk about, and Brand's the one who's
going to have to stand watch over the Orb, so he'll need to know what's
"Do we know what's coming, father?"
Pol asked.
"Yer unspeakably clever old father's actually devised a way t' make
sense outta the' Mrin, me darling'."
Geran giggled.
"I really like him.
Aunt Pol," he said.
"I was afraid you might feel that way."
She sighed.
"Try not to let it get ahead of you."
"You go with Pol back to the Vale," I told Beldin.
"Between the two of you, you can hold off anything this side of Torak
himself, and Torak's turning to stone at Ashaba. I'll go get Brand,
and we'll get down to business." Then I went outside, blurred into
feathers, and flew off toward the Isle of the Winds.
It took Brand and me about three weeks to travel from the Isle of the
Winds to the Vale, largely because nobody in his right mind goes
through Ulgo land. When we arrived, we found that they'd started
without us. The twins had picked up where I'd left off, and they'd
roughed in the next several centuries.
"Nothing much seems to be happening, Belgarath,"
Beltira told me.
"So far as we can tell, the prophecies are concentrating on events in
Mallorea. Are you and Brand hungry? Pol and I can fix something to
eat if you'd like."
"A light snack, maybe.
Something to tide us over till supper-time."
Pol rose and went over to the kitchen area. I looked around for Prince
Geran. He was sitting quietly on a chair in the corner. I've noticed
that characteristic again and again in his family. Some children
absolutely must be the center of attention. The long line of little
boys in Garion's family, though, are so self-effacing that you hardly
notice them. They watch and listen, but they keep their mouths shut.
It's a very good trait.
You seldom learn anything while your mouth's napping. He was wearing
very ordinary clothes. Polgara was already beginning to come up with
ways to make the heirs to the Rivan throne as inconspicuous as
"Oh, something else," Belkira added.
"The Third Age has ended.
We're in the Fourth Age now. Evidently a Dal went to Ashaba, and the
minute he laid eyes on Torak, the Third Age ended."
"That's a relief," I replied.
"How so?"
"It means that we've got all our instructions. The Third Age was the
Age of Prophecy. If it's ended, it means that we've been told what's
going to happen and what to do about it. Nothing else is going to come
along to confuse the issue. What's been going on in Mallorea that's so
He picked up his copy of the Mrin, referred to the concordance, and
unrolled the scroll until he found the index mark he wanted.
"The Darine simply says that one man will gain ascendancy over all
Mallorea. Here's what the Mrin says: "And it shall come to pass that
children shall be exchanged in the Kingdoms of the East, and one such
child shall ascend the throne of one kingdom by marriage and shall
achieve dominion over the other by threat of force. And he shall make
one of that which was once two. And in the joining of the two shall
the way be cleared for the EVENT which shall take place in the Lands of
the Bull God." That's about as far as we've gotten so far."
"What's that to do with anything?"
I demanded.
"The one it's talking about was a young Angarak named Kallath,"
Beldin explained, "and his name made a very loud noise in Mallorea. The
Angaraks and the Melcenes had been stepping around each other rather
carefully for a long time--the Angaraks had more manpower, but the
Melcenes had elephant cavalry. Neither side wanted war. That exchange
of children was a Melcene idea. It was supposed to promote greater
understanding between the two races. When Kallath was about twelve or
so, he was sent to the island of Melcena to grow up in the house of the
Minister of Foreign Affairs at the Emperor's court. He got to know the
daughter of the Melcene Emperor, and they got married. That technically
made Kallath the heir to the Melcene throne. He was ambitious, and he
was an Angarak, so the other candidates started having fatal
He was also the youngest member of the Angarak General Staff at Mal
Zeth and the Governor General of the District of Delchin in eastern
Mallorea proper. He had a sort of capital at Maga Renn, which just
happened to be snuggled up against the Melcene border--and he already
had a power base in Angarak territory. If anybody could unite all of
Mallorea, it was Kallath."
"Evidently that's what happened," Brand noted.
"Excuse me," Prince Geran said politely.
"What's supposed to happen in Arendia?"
"An EVENT, your Highness," Beltira told him.
"What kind of event?"
"The Mrin uses that word when it's talking about a meeting between the
Child of Light and the Child of Dark."
"A battle?"
The young Alorn's eyes brightened.
"Sometimes it is," I told him, "but not always. I was involved in one
of those EVENTS, and there were only two people there."
Polgara was busy in the kitchen area, but she was obviously not missing
very much.
"It's peculiar that this Kallath came along so recently,"
she mused, wiping her hands on her apron.
"I don't suppose it's just a coincidence, is it?"
"Not very likely, Pol," I said.
"Excuse me again, please," Prince Geran said in that diffident,
self-effacing tone.
"If we're coming up on one of those EVENTS you mentioned, wouldn't
Torak know about it, too?"
"Inevitably," Beldin growled.
"We can't really surprise him then, can we?"
"Not really," Beltira said.
"We're all more or less guided by our instructions."
"Do you know what I think?"
Geran said.
"I don't think that what happened to my family had anything to do with
the Orb or where it is, or who's taking care of it. This Kallath
person was doing something that Torak wants to happen. He knows that
we know about it--because of those prophecies. We'd have tried to stop
Kallath, so Torak sent Zedar out to do something to distract us. You
all ran off to Nyissa to punish Salmissra for killing my family, and
that left Kallath--or whoever came after him--free to finish up the job
that Torak needed to have done.
Killing my family was a ..."
He paused, groping for a word.
"Diversion," Belkira supplied.
"You know, Belgarath, I think this boy's hit the nail square on the
head. We all know Zedar, and he knows us. He knew exactly how we'd
react to the murder of Gorek and his family. Something crucial was
going on in Mallorea, and you and Beldin and the Alorns were down in
Nyissa when it happened. We were all looking one way, and Torak and
his people were slipping something past us while our attention was
Beldin swore.
"It fits, Belgarath," he said to me.
"It fits Torak, and it fits Zedar.
that we didn't see it?"
How could we have been so stupid
"Natural talent, I suppose," I replied glumly.
"I think we've been had. Congratulations, Prince Geran. You came up
with an answer we'd have pounded our heads on the wall for weeks to
discover. How did you manage to pick it out so quickly?"
"I can't take any credit, grandfather," the boy replied modestly.
"My tutors had started to teach me history before the Nyissans murdered
my family. They were telling me about some of the things that used to
happen in Tolnedra. As I understand it, the Vorduvians were very good
at this sort of thing, and so were the Honeths."
"What a mind this boy has!"
Beltira marveled.
"He put it all together in the blink of an eye!"
"And we'll have to protect that mind--and what's going to come after
it," Polgara said, with that steely glint coming into her eyes.
"Zedar might have hoped that the assassination would extinguish the
Rivan line, but the Ashabine Oracles obviously told Torak otherwise."
"Does that mean that my prince has to stay in hiding?"
"It seems to point that way doesn't it?"
Brand asked.
Beldin replied.
"Who's going to protect him?"
"That's my job, Brand," Polgara told him, removing her apron.
Then something happened that very rarely has.
"Dost thou accept this responsibility freely, my daughter?" It was
Aldur's voice, and we all turned around quickly, but he wasn't
there--only his voice and a peculiar blue light.
Polgara immediately understood the implications of the question.
The element of conscious choice has always been rather central to the
things we do. I'll admit that I sort of blunder into things now and
then, but there always comes that moment when I'm required to choose.
Pol had come face to face with one of those choices, and she knew it.
She crossed the tower room and laid her hand on Geran's shoulder.
"Freely, Master," she replied firmly.
"From this day hence, I shall protect and guide the Rivan line."
And in the moment that she said it, I felt one of those peculiar clicks
inside my head. Pol's choice had been one of those things that had to
happen. I'm not sure exactly why, but I felt a sudden urge to leap
into the air with a wild cry of exultation.
Looking back at it now, I realize that Pol's choice was one of those
EVENTS we keep talking about. Her choice ultimately led to Garion, and
Garion in turn led to Eriond. At the time, we'd all assumed that our
necessity had given something up when it'd agreed to the separation of
Geran from the Orb. I think we were wrong there.
a victory, not a defeat.
Don't look so confused.
That separation was
I'll explain it to you--all in good time.
After she'd freely accepted her responsibility, Polgara started giving
orders. She does that all the time, you know.
"The Master has laid this task upon me, gentlemen," she told us
"I don't need any help, and I don't need any interference. I'll hide
Geran, and I'll make such decisions as need to be made. Don't hover
over me, and don't try to tell me what to do. And don't, please, don't
stand around staring at me. Just stay away.
Do we agree?"
Of course we agreed.
What else could we do?
There was no denying that Polgara's interdiction made sense, so I
didn't see her very often during the next five centuries or so--or at
least so she thought. I managed to keep track of her, however, even
though she moved around a lot. Her general strategy was to submerge
herself and the heir to the Rivan throne in the general
population--usually in Sendaria. Sendaria's a great place for
anonymity, because racial differences don't mean anything there, and
Sendars are too polite to question people about their backgrounds. But
even the politest Sendar's going to start getting curious about someone
who doesn't age, so Pol seldom stayed in the same place for more than
ten years.
That habit of hers gave me all sorts of entertainment. Finding someone
who doesn't want to be found isn't the easiest thing in the world, and
Pol became very skilled at misdirection. If she told her neighbors
that there was a "family emergency" in Darine, you could be fairly sure
that she was actually bound for Muros or Camaar. Once during the
forty-third century, it took me eight years to track her down. Her
elusiveness didn't really bother me much. If she could hide from me,
she certainly could hide from anybody else.
She'd ordered me to stay away from her, so I grew quite proficient at
disguises, although in my case I didn't have to rely on wigs and false
noses. A man who can change himself into a wolf or a falcon doesn't
have much trouble modifying his face or general physique.
Usually after I'd located her, I'd just drift into whatever town or
village she was currently living in, snoop around a bit, and then drift
back on out again without even talking to her.
I've always had a great deal of admiration for the Tolnedran system of
highways: it makes traveling much easier, and I had to travel a great
deal during the early centuries of the fifth millennium. I did not,
however, approve of Ran Horb's treaty with the Murgos that opened the
South Caravan Route.
At first, the Tolnedran trade with the Murgos was a one-way sort of
business. Tolnedran merchants followed the caravan route to Rak Goska,
conducted their business, and then came home with their purses filled
to overflowing with that reddish-colored gold that comes out of the
mines of Cthol Murgos.
Following the Alorn invasions of Nyissa, however, the Murgos developed
an absolute passion for trade, and after a century or so it seemed that
I couldn't turn around any place in Tolnedra, Arendia, or Sendaria
without seeing a scarred Murgo face.
The Tolnedrans spoke piously about the "normalizing of relations" and
the "civilizing influence of commerce," but I knew better. The Murgos
were coming west because Ctuchik had told them to come west, and
commerce had nothing to do with it. The fact that the Rivan line was
still intact loomed rather large in all the prophecies, and Ctuchik
sent his Murgos to look for Polgara and the heirs she spent that part
of her life protecting.
It finally came to a head early in the forty-fifth century. Polgara
was in Sulturn in central Sendaria with the current heir and his wife.
The young man's name just happened to be Darion.
I'm sure you noticed the similarity. It's Polgara's fault, really.
Polgara adores traditions, so she speckled the Rivan line with
repetitions and variations of about a half-dozen names. Polgara can be
creative when she has to be, but she'd really rather not if she can
possibly avoid it.
Anyway, Darion was a cabinetmaker, and quite a good one. He had a
prosperous business on a side street down near the lake, and he lived
upstairs over his shop with his wife, Selana, and with his aunt.
Does that sound at all familiar?
I was in Val Alorn when word reached me that the old Gorim of Ulgo had
died and that there was a new Gorim in the caves under Prolgu. I
decided that it might be a good idea for me to go to Ulgoland and
introduce myself. I always like to stay on good terms with the
They're a little strange, but I rather like them.
Anyway, it was mid-autumn when I heard about it. I was going to have
to hurry if I didn't want to get snowbound in the mountains, and so I
took the first ship that left Val Alorn for Sendaria--a ship that just
"happened" to be bound for the capital at the city of Sendar rather
than the port at Darine. I probably could call that pure luck, but
I've got some doubts about that.
The weather was blustery, so it was four days later when I wound up on
a stone wharf in Sendar on a grey, cloudy afternoon. I bought a horse
and took the Tolnedran highway that ran southeasterly toward Muros.
About midway between Sendar and Muros, the highway just "happened" to
pass through Sulturn. Sometimes I get very tired of being led around
by the nose.
Garion's friend can be so obvious at times.
Since I was there anyway, and since I was getting a little saddle sore
I decided to disguise myself and take a couple days off to do a little
constructive snooping. I rode back into a grove of trees on a hill
just outside Sultum, dismounted, and formed an image in my mind that
was about as far from my real appearance as I possibly could make it
and then flowed into it. The horse seemed a little startled. His new
owner was quite tall, and he had coal-black hair and a bushy beard of
the same color.
I rode down into Sulturn, took a room in a rundown inn on the west side
of town, and nosed around until evening. I asked innocuous questions
and kept my eyes open. Pol and her family were still here, and all
seemed normal, so I went back to the inn for supper.
The common room of the inn was a low-ceilinged place with dark beams
overhead. The tables and benches were plain, utilitarian, and
unvarnished, and the fireplace smoked. There were perhaps a dozen
people there, a few locals drinking beer from copper-bound wooden
tankards and several travelers eating the unappetizing stew that's the
standard fare in Sendarian inns from Camaar to Darine. Sendaria
produces a lot of turnips, and turnip stew isn't one of my favorite
The first face I really noticed when I entered belonged to a Murgo.
He was wearing western-style clothes, but his angular eyes and the
scars on his cheeks left no doubt about his race. He sat near the
fireplace plying a rather tipsy Sendar with beer and talking about the
Since he wouldn't be able to recognize me anyway, I strode over, took a
seat at the table next to his, and told the serving wench to bring me
some supper.
After the Murgo'd exhausted the conversational potentials of the
weather, he got down to business.
"You seem well acquainted here," he said to the half-drunk Sendar
across the table from him.
"I doubt that there are ten people in all of Sulturn that I don't
know," the Sendar replied modestly, draining his tankard.
The Murgo bought him another.
"It seems that I've found the right man, then," he said, trying to
smile. Murgos don't really know how to smile, so his expression looked
more like a grimace of pain.
"A countryman of mine was passing through here last week, and he
happened to see a lady that took his eye." A Murgo even looking at a
non-Murgo woman?
"We have some real beauties here in Sulturn," the Sendar said.
"My friend was in a hurry, so he didn't have time to introduce himself
to the lady in question, but when he found that I was coming here, he
begged me to find out what I could about her--where she lives, what her
name is, whether she's married--that sort of thing." He tried to smile
again, and this one wasn't any better than the first had been.
"Did he describe her to you?" the Sendar asked. What a dunce! Even
if the Murgo's transparent fiction had been true, he'd have had a
In his case, however, he had no problem at all. Ctuchik had probably
engraved a portrait of Polgara on the inside of his eyeballs.
"He said that she was quite tall and very beautiful."
"That describes a lot of the ladies here in Sulturn, friend.
give you any other details?"
Did he
"She has very dark hair," the Murgo said, "but the thing that really
stood out in my friend's mind was the fact that she's got a white
streak in her hair--just above her brow."
The Sendar laughed.
"That's easy," he said.
"Your friend's been taken with Mistress Pol, the aunt of Darion the
cabinetmaker. He's not the first, but you might as well tell him to
try his luck somewhere else.
Mistress Pol's not interested, and she goes out of her way to let
people know that. She can blister the bark off a tree from half a mile
I swore under my breath. I was going to have to have a talk with Pol
about that. What good did it do to hide if she didn't change her name,
her appearance, or her temperament?
I didn't really need to stay any longer. The Murgo had what he wanted,
and so did I. I pushed back my bowl of watery turnip stew, got up, and
The streets of Sulturn were nearly deserted, and a chill, gusty autumn
wind howled around the corners of the solid stone houses. Heavy clouds
covered the moon, and the few torches that were supposed to illuminate
the streets were flaring and guttering as the wind tore at them. I
didn't really pay too much attention to the weather, though. I was
more interested in whether there might be another Murgo following me. I
doubled back several times, circled around through the narrow, nearly
dark streets, and came to Darion's cabinet shop from the far side.
It was after nightfall, so the shop was closed, but the lights in the
windows of the living quarters upstairs clearly announced that Darion
and his family were home. I didn't pound on the door. There wasn't
any point in disturbing the neighbors. I picked the lock instead, went
inside, and blundered around in the dark until I found the stairs. I
went up them two at a time, fumbled around until I found the lock on
the door at the top, and picked that one, as well.
The door opened into the kitchen, and I'd have recognized it as
Polgara's even if I'd entered it somewhere on the far side of the moon.
It was warm and cheerful, and it was arranged in that familiar way all
of Polgara's kitchens have been arranged. Pol and her little family
were eating supper at the kitchen table when I slipped into the room.
"Poll" I hissed sharply.
"We've got to get you out of here!"
She came quickly to her feet, her eyes blazing.
"What are you doing here, Old Man?"
disguises, I guess.
she demanded.
So much for
Darion stood up. I hadn't seen him since he was a child. He was quite
tall, and there was a certain bulkiness to his shoulders that reminded
me of Dras Bull-neck.
"Who is this man, Aunt Pol?"
he demanded.
"My father," she replied shortly.
"Holy Belgarath?"
His voice was startled.
"That "holy" might be open to some question," she said dryly.
"I told you to stay away from me, father."
"This is an emergency, Pol.
We've got to leave Sulturn right now.
Have you ever thought of hiding that white lock?
conspicuous, you know."
It makes you awfully
"What are you talking about?"
"There's a Murgo at an inn not a half mile from here. He's been asking
after you. Worse yet, he's been getting answers. He knows exactly
where you are. Gather up what you need, and let's get out of here. I
don't know if he's alone or not, but even if he is now, he won't be for
"Why didn't you kill him?"
Darion's eyes went very wide.
"Aunt Poll" he gasped.
"How much does he know?"
I asked, pointing at Darion.
"As much as he needs to know."
"That's a little vague, Pol.
Does he know who he is?"
"In a general sort of way."
"I think it's time for a few specifics.
You'd better pack a few
We can buy more in Kotu."
"There are too many Murgos snooping around here in Sendaria. It's time
for you to move to one of the Alorn kingdoms. Throw some things
together while I explain the situation to Darion and his wife."
"I still think you should have killed the Murgo."
"This is Sendaria, Pol, not Cherek. Dead bodies attract attention
here. As soon as you're ready, I'll go buy some horses."
"Get a wagon instead, father. Selana's pregnant.
you bounce her around in a saddle."
I'm not going to let
"Congratulations, your Majesty," I said to Darion.
"What did you say?"
"No, the other--that "your Majesty" business?"
"Oh, Polgara!"
I said irritably.
"This is ridiculous! How many other facts haven't you told him? Start
packing, and I'll explain things to him." I turned back to the heir.
"All right, Darion, listen carefully--you, too, Selana. I won't have
time to repeat this." I glossed over a number of things. As you may
have noticed, this is a very long story. After about fifteen minutes,
though, Darion and his wife at least knew that he was the heir to
Iron-grip's throne and why we had to avoid Murgos.
"I can't just leave my shop behind, Ancient One," he protested.
"I'll set you up in business again once we get to Kotu.
abandon this one, I'm afraid."
You'll have to
"Go get a wagon, father," Pol told me.
"Where am I going to be able to buy a wagon at this time of night?"
"Steal one, then."
Her eyes had gone flinty.
"I've got a two-wheeled cart," Darion said.
"I use it as a handcart to deliver furniture. It's a little rickety,
but it's got two shafts. I suppose we could come up with some way to
hitch a horse to it. It might be a bit crowded, but the four of us
should fit in it."
I suddenly laughed.
"How very appropriate," I said.
"I didn't quite follow that."
"A very old friend of mine used to travel around in a rickety
two-wheeled cart." Then I had an idea--a very good one, even if I do
say so myself.
"I think a fire might be useful here," I suggested.
"A fire?"
"You're going to have to leave all this behind anyway, Darion, but we
can still get some use out of it. A burning house causes a lot of
confusion and attracts crowds of gawkers. That might just be the thing
to distract the Murgo long enough to give us the time to get away."
"All my things are here!"
Selana protested.
"All my furniture, my bedding, my clothes!"
"That's the nice thing about leaving town in a hurry, dear child," I
told her gaily.
"You get all new things when you get to where you're going. I'll buy
you whatever you want when we get to Kotu. Frankly, I'd burn down this
whole town if it'd help us evade that Murgo."
"I don't think it'll work, Ancient One," Darion said dubiously.
"I'm fairly well known here in Sulturn, and somebody's bound to see us
"I'll hide you three in the back of the cart," I told him.
"The only thing people are going to see is a humorous fellow in a
rickety cart."
"Would that work?"
"It always has in the past. I'll go get my horse while you three
finish packing." I went back downstairs and up the street to the inn.
I stopped briefly to glance into the common room on my way to the
stables. My Murgo was still there, and the tipsy Sendar was still
talking to him. The Murgo evidently didn't intend to follow up on the
information he'd received until morning. This was all working out
better and better.
Polgara had improved on my plan during my absence. She had been very
subtle about it, since I hadn't heard a thing, and if I hadn't heard
it, I was sure that the Murgo--or Grolim, or whatever he was--hadn't
heard her either. Three complete human skeletons were huddled together
near one of the windows.
"Nice touch, Pol," I congratulated her.
"Just a little more confusion for your Murgo, father. If he believes
that Darion, Selana, and I all died in the fire, he won't come looking
for us."
"I'm sure Ctuchik'll be delighted to hear the news--at least until he
goes back and rereads his prophecies. Then he'll probably turn our
Murgo inside out."
"Wouldn't that be a shame?"
I put the three of them in the back of the cart and covered them with
some blankets, and then I drove the cart out into the deserted street.
I waited until we'd almost reached the north gate before I set fire to
Darion's shop. I didn't start a big fire--just a baby one in a back
corner. The shop had large stacks of seasoned lumber in it and wood
shavings piled up in the corners, so my little fire had plenty to eat.
It took awhile, but eventually it grew up.
The gates of Sulturn were unguarded. Sendars tend to be a little
relaxed about security measures, so we were able to leave town
We were well out of town on the road toward Lake Medalia before a
sudden column of flame announced that my baby fire had finally reached
adulthood and broken through the roof of Darion's house.
As I said earlier, it was mid-autumn, and it was a cloudy, blustery
night as I drove the cart north toward Medalia and on beyond that to
Darine, where we'd be able to take a ship for Kotu in Drasnia.
There's another repetition for you, Garion. Remember the night when we
left Faldor's farm? Except for the turnips, this trip was almost
It took us perhaps two weeks to reach Darine, largely because we stayed
off the main roads and because I didn't particularly hurry. I'd
learned that from my Master. If you want to stay inconspicuous, don't
make any quick moves. He'd used that disguise many times, and I doubt
that anyone had ever remembered him for more than ten minutes after
he'd passed.
When we reached Darine, Darion sold the horse and cart, and we took
passage on a Sendarian merchantman bound for Kotu.
There weren't any Murgos in Drasnia, but trade along the North Caravan
Route had resumed--once the Nadraks recovered from their disastrous
adventure on the frontier during the twenty-fifth century--so there
were occasional Nadrak merchants in Kotu. Nadraks didn't concern me as
much as Murgos did, but I was still rather cautious. Darion objected
when I set him up in business as a woodcarver instead of a cabinetmaker
until I explained it to him.
"If you can make furniture, you can certainly carve wood, Darion," I
told him.
"That fellow we evaded back in Sulturn is very likely to tell all his
friends everything he found out about you, so a lot of unfriendly eyes
are going to be investigating every cabinet shop in the Western
Kingdoms. For your safety, your wife's, and your Aunt Pol's, it's time
for you to go into another line of work."
"I suppose you're right, Ancient One," he agreed glumly.
"Look on the bright side, Darion," I told him.
"You can sell good wood carvings for almost as much as furniture, and
you don't have to buy as much lumber."
I'd also changed their names and bullied Polgara into putting some dye
on that conspicuous lock in her hair, although it didn't really work
that well.
Then I decided that it was time for me to leave Kotu. I can't even
whittle, so my presence in a woodcarver's shop might have been a little
hard to explain. I said good-bye and sailed back to Darine, then
proceeded to Muros and sat out the winter there before venturing into
Ulgo land. I still wanted to meet the new Gorim, but not so much that
I was willing to break my way through twelve-foot snowdrifts for the
pleasure of his company.
I avoided the assorted monsters in Ulgoland the following spring by the
usual expedient of going wolf. I suppose I could have gone falcon and
flown instead, but there was no particular hurry, and I'm more
comfortable as a wolf.
When I reached the ruins of Prolgu--although Prolgu isn't really
ruined, only abandoned--I went to one particular house, announced my
presence, and the Ulgos took me down into their dimly lighted caves and
to the house of their new Gorim. The traditional home of the Gorim of
Ulgo lies in a gloomy cavern. It's an oddly truncated, pyramid-shaped
house on a small eyot in the center of a shallow lake where small
trickles of water fall down from above, echoing through that great
cavern with the melancholy sound of eternal regret. I think the regret
may be that of UL Himself. The Ulgos have lived in the dark for so
long that daylight fright ens them and the sun is an agony to their
eyes. That island with its marble columns and pale, sunless shore
seems more appropriate for a gathering of ghosts than for humans. Add
to that the fact that the perpetual echoes in those caves makes it
necessary for Ulgos to speak very softly. It makes a visit to Ulgoland
much like a vacation in a mausoleum.
I liked the new Gorim, though. He was a gentle, saintly man, and he
and I got on well together. As it turned out, however, I wasn't the
only visitor in Prolgu just then. A fellow named Horban, a member of
the Tolnedran diplomatic corps, had arrived a bit earlier. The Second
Horbite Dynasty was in power in Tol Honeth, and the persistent rumors
that Ulgo land actually had people living in it as well as the monsters
had piqued the curiosity of Ran Horb XVI. He'd sent his cousin Horban
to investigate and to explore the possible opportunities for trade. You
know how Tolnedrans are.
"He's woefully uneducated, Belgarath," Gorim told me.
"He has absolutely no sense of what's really happening in the world.
Would you believe that he didn't even know of the existence of UL when
he got here?"
"The Tolnedrans are a worldly people, Holy Gorim," I explained.
"Their Nedra's the most secular of all the Gods."
The Gorim sighed.
"Truly," he agreed.
"What should we do with this man, Belgarath? All he can talk about is
exchanging useless trinkets. He calls it "trade," and it seems to be a
part of his religion."
I laughed.
"I suppose you might as well humor him, Gorim. You'll never get any
peace if you don't. Let the Tolnedrans come to that valley at the foot
of your mountain, and then have your people go down there once in a
while and exchange a few trinkets with them. If I'm reading the
prophecies right, the time's going to come when we'll all be fighting
Angaraks. The Tolnedran legions are going to be involved, so we'd
better let them get used to the idea that you're here. The discovery
of an untapped market might distract them."
"Oh," he said then, "before I forget, I have a message for you."
"A message?"
"From the Seers of Kell."
He smiled a bit wryly.
"We'd thought that all connection with our Dallish cousins had been
severed long ago, but the Dals aren't like other people. Eons have
passed since our last contacts, but they reminded us that we're still
"Are you saying that one of the Seers actually came here to Prolgu?
Kell's half a world away."
He shook his head.
"It was an illusion. Ancient One. The Seers have abilities we cannot
even comprehend. I woke up one morning to find a blindfolded man
sitting at my table with a huge mute hovering behind him. The
blindfolded man told me to advise you that the unification of
Mallorea's nearly complete. The emperors are Angaraks, and their
throne's in Mal Zeth, but the continent's largely ruled by the
bureaucracy in Melcene. Even the Dals are being gathered into the
affairs of the Mallorean Empire. The Seer told me to warn you that the
time's coming closer when Torak will come out of his seclusion to
resume his old authority."
I nodded.
"We'd more or less worked that out for ourselves. It's good to have
some confirmation, though. We were baffled when Torak didn't invade
right after the assassination of the Rivan King, but the One-eyed God
evidently thinks long range. He's been biding his time at Ashaba,
letting the Angarak emperors consolidate their hold on Mallorea. As
soon as that's complete, he'll take command and mount an invasion."
"Are you making preparations?"
"My friend, I've been making preparations for Torak since the day he
cracked the world. I've got a few surprises up my sleeve for him."
"The Seer also told me to warn you that Ctuchik's left Rak Cthol.
What can he possibly be up to?"
"He's looking for Polgara. He's had his Murgos out scouring the West
in search of her for centuries. Apparently the old Hound's going to
give it a try himself. You know what she's doing, don't you?"
He nodded.
"UL keeps me advised."
"I rather thought he might."
I frowned.
"Why are we suddenly getting all this help from the Dals? They've
maintained a position of strict neutrality since the beginning of
"We must assume that it's in furtherance of their task.
they're going to be involved in the final EVENT."
In some way,
I nodded glumly.
"That's all I need--somebody else to muddy the waters.
enough as it is."
They're muddy
I stayed in Prolgu for about a month, and then I went on over to
Arendia to look in on several families I'd been watching for
Prophecy being what it is, I probably didn't need to bother, but I
always like to keep an eye on things. Even the best machine breaks
down once in a while, and I'm the only mechanic around who knows how to
fix this one.
Following the destruction of Vo Astur, the Mimbrate Duke had proclaimed
himself king of all Arendia, but proclamations have very little to do
with reality. The Mimbrate "royalty" were little more than puppet
kings, their foreign policy dictated from Tol Honeth and their highways
patrolled by Tolnedran legionnaires. They had very little time to
brood about that, however. Although the Asturian cities and towns had
been destroyed, the Asturian nobility and yeomanry remained
intact--although greatly diminished. They simply retreated into their
forests and took up archery for fun and profit. They shot at trees;
they shot at deer; mostly they shot at Mimbrate tax collectors. They
ate the deer, but they just let the Mimbrates lie where they fell. As
you might expect, the Wildantor family participated enthusiastically.
I looked around a bit, and after I'd assured myself that Leildorin's
family was in the right place and doing more or less what it was
supposed to be doing, I bought a horse and rode south toward Vo
It was early summer, and once I got beyond the gloomy stretches of that
forest that blankets northern Arendia, traveling was pleasant. The
Great West Road simplified matters enormously. The helpful Tolnedrans
had even bridged the River Mallei-in, so I was able to cross without
getting my feet wet.
The Arendish Fair stood at the juncture of the Great West Road and the
high road that skirted the western edges of Ulgoland. The fair had
been there since the time of the First Horbite Dynasty, and its
position astride the Great West Road meant that it was policed by
Tolnedran legionnaires, which sort of kept down the bloodshed.
Tolnedrans won't let anything interfere with commerce, not even an
ongoing civil war. I decided that it might not be a bad idea to stop
over for a few days to rest my horse and pick up some information.
The Arendish Fair looked like a temporary collection of brightly
colored tents, but it'd been there for something like a thousand years
and was a commercial center rivaling the cattle fair at Muros in
Since I wanted information, I went looking for Drasnians.
Yes, even back then. The Drasnian intelligence service had been
established not long after the Alorn expedition into Nyissa, and, even
as today, it relied heavily on merchants. Anytime you see a Drasnian
merchant outside the borders of Drasnia itself, you can safely wager
that he has some contacts with the intelligence service. He's
interested in making money, of course, but he's also interested in
information. The kings of Drasnia shrewdly have stressed the fact that
gathering information is a Drasnian's patriotic duty, so in most cases
the spy-masters in Boktor don't even have to pay for it. That's very
helpful when it comes time to balance the budget.
In many ways the Arendish Fair is like a city. It has its shops, its
taverns, and even inns for those merchants who don't want to bother
bringing their own tents. It's laid out like a city, too, with muddy
streets and, in much the same fashion as in Muros, various districts.
The Tolnedrans who police the fair are wise enough to segregate the
races. Doing business with someone you hate is one thing; camping
right next to him is something else.
The Drasnian enclave lay in the northeast quadrant of the fair, so I
went there. I didn't look like a merchant, so the Drasnians seemed to
ignore me, but nothing really escapes a Drasnian. Of course, the fact
that I was scattering recognition signals like a bridesmaid scattering
rose petals at a wedding might have helped a little, too.
Eventually a small, sharp-faced merchant with a long, pointed nose
emerged from his tent with a feigned expression of surprise on his
he exclaimed.
"Can that really be you? I haven't seen you in ten years! What are
you doing in Arendia?" His fingers were very busy telling me that he
was a professional spy rather than an amateur and that his name was
I reined in my horse.
"Why, strike me blind if it isn't my old friend Khaldan!" I said with
a certain enthusiasm. I'd never met him in person, but I definitely
knew his father, since I had some plans for his family.
Ultimately, a marriage between Khaldan's family and the royal house of
Drasnia was going to produce a sharp-nosed little fellow with some
rather remarkable talents. Now that I think about it, that sharp-nosed
fellow very closely resembled Khaldan--which probably isn't much of a
"Come inside," Khaldan invited me.
"We'll have a few tankards, and you can tell me what you've been up to
for all these years."
I dismounted and followed him into his tent.
I asked him incredulously.
"Where did you learn about that name?"
He touched one finger slyly to his nose--evidently a family trait.
"State secret," he replied.
"The Service knows a great deal about you, Ancient One.
How can I help
"It's nothing very specific, Khaldan," I replied.
"I'm going south is all, and I just stopped by to see if there was
anything I ought to know about."
He shrugged.
"Nothing unusual for Arendia, Ancient One."
I looked meaningfully at his half-open tent flap.
"Not to worry, Garath," he assured me.
"Nobody's going to get near my tent who isn't supposed to.
We can talk
"Maybe, but let's not bandy that
"Ancient One" around too much. Is anything major happening between
here and the Tolnedran border?"
"You might want to go around the barony of Vo Mandor," he suggested.
"The Baron's having an argument with one of his neighbors just now."
I swore.
"What's the matter?"
"He's the very man I have to see."
"Stay here for a few weeks, then. It won't take him very long to
finish up. The Mandor family has quite a reputation here in Mimbre.
They're incapable of anything resembling caution, but they've been
lucky enough so far that they haven't come up against anything they
can't handle."
"I know," I agreed, "and that's not going to change very much in the
foreseeable future. Are there very many Murgos here at the fair?"
"Funny you should ask. I was just going to bring it up myself. A
Murgo nobleman of some sort rode into the fair a couple days ago. His
rank must be fairly exalted, because the other Murgos are falling all
over themselves to do what he asks."
"Have you picked up his name, by any chance?"
"I have, and it wasn't by chance, I'm a professional, old friend. He
calls himself Achak, but I've been getting a faint smell of deception
"What's he look like?"
"Tall, thinner than most Murgos, and he's got white hair and a long
beard that's kind of yellowish. I don't think he's very clean. From
what I hear, he smells bad."
"Well, well, well," I said.
"How very convenient.
Now I won't have to go looking for him."
"You know him?"
"I've known him for centuries. The Gorim of Ulgo told me that he'd
come down from Rak Cthol. I've been curious about what he's doing."
"Rak Cthol?
You're not saying that this Achak fellow is Ctuchik, are
"Well, I hadn't yet, but I'd have gotten to it eventually, I guess."
"Now that's a name to reckon with."
His eyes brightened.
"Would you like to have him killed?"
"Forget it, Khaldan. You wouldn't be able to get an assassin near him.
Besides, I might need him later on. Is he doing anything here--aside
from terrorizing all the Murgos?"
"He's been holding some extended conferences is about all--Murgos,
Nadraks, even a few Thulls. What's he doing here?"
"He's looking for something."
What's that?"
I slyly touched my nose.
"State secret," I replied, throwing his own clever remark back in his
"Where's the Murgo enclave? I think maybe I'd better go have another
little talk with the disciple of Torak."
"I'll send some men along to guard you."
"That won't be necessary. Ctuchik's not here for a confrontation-not
with me, anyway. As soon as he finds out that I know he's here, he'll
probably go back to Rak Cthol where he belongs. Did he come here
"No. He's got a Grolim priest with him--a sycophant, obviously. If
Ctuchik decides to get belligerent, you'll be up against two of them,
so I'd be a little careful."
"Numbers don't really mean all that much to me, Khaldan.
Murgo enclave?"
"Over on the west side of the fair.
can't miss it."
Where's the
Murgos live in black tents, so you
I stood up.
"I'll be back in a little while." I went outside his tent, remounted,
and rode on across the fair to the Murgo enclave.
"You there," I said to the first Murgo I encountered.
"I need to talk with Achak.
Where do I find him?"
"Achak doesn't talk to foreigners," he replied insolently.
"He'll talk to me.
Go tell him that Belgarath's here to see him."
His face went visibly pale, and he hurried off to a large tent in the
middle of the enclave. He came back a moment or so later, and his
manners had improved noticeably.
"He'll see you," he said.
"Somehow I thought he might.
Lead the way, friend."
He did that, though he didn't seem to care much for the idea. I got
the feeling that he didn't want to be within five miles of what he
expected to happen when I went into
"Achak's" tent.
Ctuchik wasn't alone. The Grolim Khaldan had mentioned was hovering in
the background with a servile expression on his face.
"Awfully good to see you again, old boy," Ctuchik said with one of
those bleak smiles pasted to his too-thin face.
"It's been a long time, hasn't it?
have offended you."
I was beginning to think I might
"Your very existence offends me, Ctuchik. What persuaded you to come
down off your mountaintop? Did the stink of your temple finally start
to turn your stomach?"
the hovering Grolim gasped.
"Is he serving any purpose?"
I asked Ctuchik, jerking my thumb at the
"He's my apprentice, Belgarath.
I'm teaching him the business."
"Aren't you getting a little above yourself, old boy?
your own disciples now? Torak might not approve."
Are you taking
"He's a servant, Belgarath, not a disciple, and Torak more or less
allows us to do as we please. You might think about that the next time
Aldur sends you off on some fool's errand. If you'd like to change
Masters, I could put in a good word for you."
"One turncoat in the family's quite enough, Ctuchik, and I'm not going
to change sides when I'm winning."
"Are you winning, Belgarath?
How strange that I hadn't noticed that.
You might as well get to know my servant here. I expect you'll be
seeing a lot of him from now on." He looked at the Grolim.
"Chamdar, this is Belgarath, first disciple of the God Aldur. Don't
let his foolish exterior deceive you. He can be troublesome at
"One does one's best," I said with a little smirk. I looked more
closely at the Grolim. He had scarred cheeks like a Murgo, but there
was something a bit different about him. There was a certain boldness
about him, and a burning ambition in his eyes that I don't think
Ctuchik was aware of.
"You're wasting your time here, Ctuchik," I said then.
"You're not going to find my daughter, no matter how many Murgos you
send west, and you're certainly not going to find her yourself.
Something like that would have shown up in our instructions."
"We'll see," he replied distantly.
"It was awfully good of you to stop by, old chap. I could have shown
Chamdar here a picture of you, but a picture wouldn't have captured the
real you."
I actually laughed.
"You're sending a boy to do a man's work, Ctuchik," I told him.
"I'm not going to lead your underling anywhere near Polgara."
"We'll see about that, too. Sooner or later, something's bound to come
up that'll force you to go to where she is."
"You've never met my daughter, Ctuchik. Believe me, she can take care
of herself. Why don't you take your Grolim and go home? The Godslayer
is coming, and there's not a thing you can do about it."
"That particular EVENT hasn't been decided yet, old boy."
"It will be, old boy, and I don't think you're going to like the way it
turns out. Are you coming, Chamdar?"
he demanded, sounding baffled.
"Coming where?"
"Don't be childish. As soon as I'm outside this tent, your Master's
going to tell you to follow me. It'll be much easier for both of us if
we just ride along together."
"That's for my Master to decide," he replied coldly.
"Suit yourself. I'll be riding south from here. If you happen to lose
track of me, I'll be in Tol Honeth in a couple of weeks. Ask around
when you get there. I shouldn't be too hard to find."
Then I turned and left the tent.
Polgara looked upon the centuries she was obliged to spend in the
boisterous Alorn kingdoms as a period of exile. Pol's fond of
individual Alorns, but as a race they tend to set her teeth on edge.
She yearned to go back to Sendaria. The Sendars aren't as courtly as
the Wacite Arends were, but they're a polite, civil people, and
civility's very important to my daughter.
I devoted quite a bit of time during those years providing
entertainment for the ambitious Chamdar. Every so often, I'd come out
of the Vale, randomly select some obscure village in Sendaria or
northern Arendia, and kill several Murgos there. Chamdar, of course,
would leap to the conclusion that I'd killed them because they were
getting too close to Polgara. He'd rush to the place and spend five or
six years following the various false trails I'd laid down for him.
Then the trails would peter out on him, and we'd start all over again
someplace else. I'm sure he knew exactly what I was doing, but he
didn't have any choice but to respond.
The fact that he didn't age over the centuries was an indication of
some status in Grolim society. He wasn't exactly a disciple, but he
was the next thing to it, I suppose.
In the meantime, Polgara remained safe--if not content--in Cherek, or
Drasnia, or Algaria. Her common practice during those years was to
apprentice a youthful heir to some artisan in a village or small town;
and then when the young man reached maturity, she'd set him up in
business --much in the way she had with Darion in the forty-fifth
century. I never did find out where she got the money for all those
business ventures. She invariably posed as a member of the young man's
family, an older sister, a cousin, very frequently an aunt, and even
once or twice as the young man's mother. The families she thus created
were so ordinary that random travelers--or random Angaraks--probably
didn't even notice them.
I'm sure it was all very tedious for her, but she'd taken on the chore
of hiding the heirs of her own free will, and Pol has a very strong
sense of responsibility.
My contribution--keeping Chamdar away from her--was fairly peripheral,
but I like to think that it helped, if only a little bit. I'd also
periodically look in on all those families I was juggling, and every
now and then I'd ease on down into Cthol Murgos to see what the
opposition was up to.
Murgo society is unlike any other on the face of the earth, largely
because it's built along military lines. They don't have
principalities down there; they have military districts instead, each
with its own general.
Because of the Murgo obsession with racial purity, Murgo women are kept
closely confined, so you never see any women on the streets--just men,
all in chain mail. Over the course of the centuries, the various
military commanders have passed the spurious crown of Cthol Murgos
around, so there've been Goska Dynasties, Cthan Dynasties, Hagga
Dynasties, and recently, Urga Dynasties. It didn't really matter who
sat on the throne in Rak Goska, however, because Ctuchik has always
ruled Cthol Murgos from his turret in Rak Cthol.
The twins continued to work on their concordance, and Beldin maintained
his surveillance in Mallorea. Everything sort of plodded along until
the middle of the forty-ninth century with nothing very much
It was one of those quiet periods that crop up from time to time in the
history of the world. Then there was a total eclipse of the sun in the
spring of 4850. An eclipse isn't all that unusual, so we didn't pay
much attention to it--at least not at first. This one was fairly
unique, in that it seemed to trigger a significant climate change.
Would you believe that it rained off and on for twenty-five years? We
almost never saw the sun.
Several months after that eclipse, Beldin came back from Mallorea with
some news we'd all been waiting for. He clumped, dripping, up the
stairs to my workshop.
"Miserable weather," he muttered.
"I haven't been really dry for the last three months.
anything to drink?
Have you got
I think I'm chilled all the way to the bone."
"I don't happen to have anything right now," I told him.
"Why don't you go call on the twins?"
"Later, maybe." He slumped down in a chair by the fire and pulled off
his soggy shoes.
"It's finally happened, Belgarath," he told me, wriggling his toes.
"What has?"
"Old Burnt-face has finally come out of Ashaba."
"Where did he go?"
"Mal Zeth. Where else? He's deposed the current emperor and taken
personal command of the Mallorean Empire." He sneezed.
"You're the expert on Old Angarak.
What does the word
"Kal" mean?"
"King and God. It's a Grolim usage that was fairly prevalent at Korim.
It's sort of fallen into disuse--probably because Torak's been holed up
at Ashaba for the last three eons or so."
"Burnt-face has a long memory, then.
He calls himself
"Kal Torak" now, and he's making sure that everybody in Mallorea
recognizes the name."
"Is he mobilizing?"
"Not yet. At the moment, he's busy de secularizing Mallorea. He's
reintroduced the joys of religion. Urvon's having a field day. His
Grolims are butchering everybody they can lay their hands on. The
temples from Camat to Gandahar are running knee-deep in blood."
"Let's go talk with the twins.
say about this."
We'd better see what the Mrin has to
"You'd also better hustle your tail feathers north to warn the
"In a bit.
I want to look at the Mrin first."
"I don't have much time, Belgarath. I've got to go back to Mallorea. I
don't want Kal Torak to sneak up on you with several million
"I'm almost sure I'll hear him coming."
"Where's Pol now?"
"At Aldurford in northern Algaria."
"You'd better tell her to come home."
"We'll see. I'm not going to do anything until I find out what the
Mrin has to say."
The twins became very excited when Beldin told them that Torak had
finally come out of Ashaba, and they immediately went to work. Beldin
stumped around, growing increasingly impatient.
"Please, brother," Beltira told him, looking up from his copy of the
Mrin, "sit down someplace. We're trying to concentrate." It was one
of the few times I've ever seen either of the twins display anything
remotely resembling irritability.
After about an hour, Belkira slapped his hand down on the Darine
"Here it is!"
he exclaimed.
"I thought I remembered it."
"What does it say?"
Beltira demanded.
"It's that passage about the eclipse.
It says,
"Behold! The sun shall fall dark, and the sky shall endlessly weep,
and it shall be a sign that the King returneth, and the God, also."
"It got the part about the sky weeping pretty close," Beldin noted.
"We misread it," Beltira confessed.
"It's only talking about one of them, not both."
"Will you two please try to make sense?"
Beldin exploded.
"We've been looking in the wrong direction," Beltira explained.
"We thought the passage meant that the Rivan King would reemerge and
that Torak would come out of Ashaba at the same time. It doesn't have
anything to do with the Rivan King, though. It's only talking about
Torak, since he's both King and God in Angarak. That eclipse and the
foul weather we've had since then warned us that this was coming, but
Iron-grip's heir's over fifty years old right now, so we discounted the
We're sorry, Belgarath."
"I'd have probably missed it, as well, Beltira.
Don't blame
Where's the corresponding passage in the Mrin?"
Belkira checked their concordance, took up the third scroll of the
Mrin, and unrolled it until he found the index mark he was looking
"It's right here," he said, handing me the scroll and pointing at the
I read it aloud.
"In the day that the sun falls dark at noon and the skies are veiled
shall the King reemerge, and shall he journey to the seat of power and
put aside the one who hath stood in his stead."" "I can see how you
missed that one, brothers," Beldin said to the twins.
"It's ambiguous enough so that it could very well mean the Rivan King.
What does it say next, Belgarath?"
"And he shall confer with his tributary kings," I read on, "instructing
all in that which they must do, and in the fullness of time shall he
gather his forces and shall move to confront the other Child. And the
one of them shall be a God, and the other shall be like unto a God, and
the jewel shall decide the outcome in the lands of the children of the
Beldin said.
"Why Arendia?"
"There've been hints of that before," Beltira said.
"Something important's going to happen in Arendia."
"What else does it say?"
Beldin asked me.
I read the next line, and then I started to swear.
"What's wrong?"
Beldin demanded.
"It just broke off. Now it's talking about "the Mother of the Race
That Died."" "Beltira and I'll work with it some more," Belkira told
"We know enough to get started, Belgarath," Beldin said.
"You and I both have things to do, and the twins can work better
without the two of us hanging over their shoulders. I'm going back to
Mallorea. You'd better go alert the Alorns--and find a safer place to
hide Polgara. There's nothing at Aldurford but the river and a lot of
open grassland."
I grunted and stood up.
"You're probably right," I agreed.
"I don't care much for running off on just a few hints, but there's no
help for it, I guess."
"We'll stay in touch," Beltira promised.
"We'll let you or Pol know just as soon as we pinpoint anything else
that seems significant."
"I'd really appreciate that, brother," I replied.
I flew north from the Vale to the Algarian Stronghold and found out
from the caretakers there that Cho-Ram XIV, the current chief of the
Clan-Chiefs of Algaria, was in the vicinity of Lake Atun up near the
Drasnian border.
I'm sure that name rings a bell.
Royal families habitually repeat
It's a silly custom, but at least it doesn't strain anybody's
It took me only two days to locate the fourteenth Cho-Ram. He was a
fairly young man, and he customarily wore clothing made of horsehide
and shaved his head--except for a flowing scalp-lock that hung down his
back like the tail of a horse. Now that I think back on it, he looked
a great deal like Cho-Hag's adopted son, Hettar.
"It's about time" was all he said when I told him that Torak was
coming. He was obviously a true descendant of the close-mouthed Algar
"He isn't coming to pay a social call," I said acidly.
"I know."
Then he grinned wolfishly at me.
"You'd better gather your clans," I advised.
"How long have we got?"
"I'm not sure. Mallorea's a big place, and it's going to take Torak a
while to gather his forces. Beldin's there, though, so he'll be able
to give us a little advance notice."
"That's all we really need, isn't it? I'll call the clans in, and
we'll all go down to the Stronghold. I'll be there when you need
"Is Khalan still king in Drasnia?"
He died last fall.
His son Rhodar wears the crown."
"I'd better go to Boktor and talk with him. Keep a sharp eye on the
Eastern Escarpment. Something important's going to happen in Arendia,
so the Murgos might come down the cliff to try to soften you up before
Torak gets here. You're sitting on his logical invasion route."
What do you mean, good?"
"I won't have to go looking for him."
"Was your grandmother an Arend, by any chance?"
What a thing to suggest!"
"Never mind. Get to work.
Val Alorn and see Eldrig."
I'll go talk with Rhodar, and then go to
Notice that I'd already broad-jumped my way to an erroneous
Both Mishrak ac Thull and Algaria were open grasslands, and Torak was
going to be leading a very large army. It didn't even occur to me that
he'd try to take all those troops through the Nadrak Forest.
Rhodar I of Drasnia was not nearly as corpulent as his namesake five
centuries later, but he was still fairly stout. He was a descendant of
Bull neck, though, so a certain bulk was understandable. We ran a lot
of that off him during the next twenty or so years. I alerted him to
what was happening in Mallorea and then left him mapping out his
defenses with his generals while I flew on to Val Alorn.
King Eldrig of Cherek was not exactly what you'd call a true
representative of his race. More often than not his tankard held water
instead of beer, for one thing, and he was a scholarly man, for
another. He was a great deal like Anheg in that respect. About the
only difference is the fact that Anheg will take a drink on occasion.
he said when I told him what was coming.
"That's what the Mrin says."
"Are you sure? Torak's coming west to get the Orb, isn't he?
Orb's not in Arendia; it's at Riva."
"The twins are still hammering at the Mrin. They might be able to dig
out an explanation. All we've got so far is the fact that the event's
going to take place in the lands of the children of the Bull God.
Unless something's changed, that means Arendia."
Eldrig scratched at his iron-grey hair and stared at his map.
"I suppose Torak could swing through Mimbre and then turn north to the
hook of Arendia to come at the Isle from the south. If we just
happened to be in his way, there could be some kind of confrontation
down there."
I also looked at his map.
"There's no real point in running off there until Torak makes his
move," I said.
"You'd better get word to Brand. Tell him that I'll come to the Isle
in a little bit. I've got a couple of other things to attend to
"Do you think I should seal off the Isle?"
he asked.
"We'll have to do that eventually, but let's not upset the Tolnedrans
by making them shut down their shops on the beach at Riva just yet.
We'll need the legions before this is over, so we don't want Ran
Borune's nose getting out of joint. We'll have plenty of time to fill
the Sea of the Winds with war-boats when Torak starts to move, and
Beldin'll give us plenty of warning when that happens."
"I wish we had more to work with."
"So do I, but for right now, we've got enough to get started.
might want to warn Ormik of Sendaria, as well."
Oh, you
"You're not serious!"
"The Sendars live here, too, Eldrig."
"Cabbage farmers won't be much good in a fight."
"Maybe not, but if all this shapes up the way I think it's going to,
we'll probably have to go through Sendaria from time to time, so let's
stay on Ormik's good side."
"Anything you say, Ancient One." He leaned back in his chair. King
Eldrig had grey hair, but the grin he suddenly flashed at me was
surprisingly youthful.
"This is the one we've been waiting for, isn't it, Belgarath?"
"One of them, I suppose.
I think there'll be others, as well."
"One's enough for right now. I wouldn't want to seem greedy. This is
the one we've been expecting since the days of Bear-shoulders, so
that's good enough for me."
"Talk to me about how lucky you are after the war, Eldrig. The last
one wasn't too pleasant, as I recall. Start getting your people ready,
and dip into your treasury so that you can hire shipbuilders. I might
need more war boats."
He winced.
"Maybe I can float a loan from Ran Borune."
"I wouldn't bet on it, and you wouldn't care for his interest rates.
Get started, Eldrig.
I'll be in touch."
I left Val Alorn and flew southeast to Aldurford in northern Algaria to
talk with Polgara. Her house was near the ford itself, so I strolled
on down through the town to the river. With the exception of the
Stronghold, Aldurford is just about the only town in Algaria, and it
Algars have a rather haphazard idea about what a town ought to look
like. The notion of regular streets hasn't really caught on, and the
citizens of Aldurford have built their houses wherever it suited them.
It makes finding your way around a bit challenging.
Eventually I located Pol's house and knocked on the door. She opened
it almost immediately. As usual, she was dressed all in blue, and she
greeted me in her usual gracious fashion.
"Where have you been?"
she demanded.
"I've been expecting you for two weeks now."
"I had to go talk with some Alorns." I looked past her into her
kitchen. There was a boy of about eleven sitting at the table. It
wasn't hard to recognize him, since all of Iron-grip's descendants have
looked much the same. He had sandy-colored hair and that same serious
expression they've all had. There was a melancholy Algar woman with
long dark hair shelling peas at the table with him. I was never
certain just how much Pol had told the various heirs she raised, so I
thought it might be best if she and I spoke privately.
"Let's take a little walk, Pol," I suggested.
"We've got some fairly important decisions to make."
She glanced over her shoulder, nodded, fetched a shawl, and came
"What happened to his father?"
"He died," she replied shortly, and that same old sorrow was in her
"What's the boy's name?"
He's the heir."
I could see that she didn't want to talk, so we walked on in silence.
We went along the riverbank until we were well beyond the last of the
houses. The perpetual clouds that had obscured the sky for months had
broken for a brief period, and it was actually sunny. A breeze was
rippling the surface of the water. I looked out across the broad river
and had one of those peculiar little shocks of recognition. I was
almost positive that it had been on the far bank that the funny old man
in the rickety cart had given me instructions about the breakup of
Aloria after Cherek and the boys and I had returned from Cthol Mishrak
about twenty-nine centuries back.
"What's the matter?"
Pol asked curiously.
I shrugged.
"Nothing important. I've been here before, that's all.
know what's happened?"
I gather you
She nodded.
"The twins told me. They couldn't locate you, so they asked me to pass
a few things on to you."
"They've managed to extract some more information out of the Mrin.
Brand's going to be the Child of Light during this particular
"That's what the Mrin says.
The passage reads,
"And let him who stands in the stead of the Guardian meet the Child of
Dark in the domain of the Bull God." That has to mean Brand, doesn't
"I don't see how it could mean anybody else. Evidently there's going
to be a suspension of the rules--enough to allow Brand to take up
Riva's sword, at any rate."
"The twins didn't say.
They're still working on that part, I guess.
There's more."
"There almost has to be. Give me your hand, Pol. I think I'd better
talk with the twins directly, and we both need to hear what they
She nodded and held out her hand to me. For any number of reasons, Pol
and I have rarely touched each other over the years, and we've even
more rarely linked our minds in order to do something. Once again I
was startled by the breadth and depth of my daughter's mind, and by its
exquisite subtlety. What struck me the most, however, was her deep
sadness. I think we all overlooked the fact that the task she'd freely
accepted involved rearing a long series of little boys, watching them
grow up, get married, and then grow old and die. The vaults of her
mind echoed with an unremitting sorrow that nothing could ever
Once our minds were linked, we sent out our combined voices.
Beltira's voice came back to us.
"Where are you?"
"I'm at Aldurford.
Pol's with me.
Could you clarify a few things for
"Of course."
"Have you found out how Brand's supposed to use the Orb yet?"
"No. It's very difficult going here, Belgarath. I think this is going
to be a major EVENT. The Mrin always gets very obscure when we come to
one of those."
"Any hints about what I'm supposed to do?"
"You and Pol are supposed to go to Riva to meet with the Alorn kings.
Oh, something else, too. You're supposed to take Iron-grip's heir to
the Stronghold before you go to Riva."
"Out of the question!"
Pol's voice overrode mine.
"The Stronghold's directly in Torak's path."
"I'm just passing on what the Mrin says, Pol," Beltira replied.
"It says,
"And the Guardian shall take refuge in the fortress of the Horse
People, for all the might of the Dark Child shall not prevail against
its walls." You're probably right. Torak's going to lay siege to the
Stronghold, but he's not going to be able to storm it under."
"I don't like it," she fumed.
"It does make sense, Pol," I told her, speaking aloud.
"You and I have to go to Riva, and that wouldn't be a safe place for
Garel and his mother. The whole point of this last eight hundred years
has been to keep the heirs and the Orb separated. If we take Garel to
Riva, he'll have to take up the sword, and he's a little young yet."
Then I sent my thought out to the twins again.
"Have you been able to get any kind of time frame out of this?"
"From the Mrin?
You know that there's no such thing as time in the
"Have you heard from Beldin?"
"Once or twice. Torak's still at Mal Zeth, and he's got Zedar and
Urvon with him."
"We've still got plenty of time then."
"We'll see.
We'll keep working on this, but you two had better get
Pol and I started back along the riverbank toward Aldurford.
"I don't like this, father," she told me again.
"I don't very much myself. We're playing a game, Pol, and we don't
know all the rules yet, so I guess we'll just have to make one of those
great leaps of faith. We have to believe that the Purpose knows what
it's doing."
"I still don't like it."
"Sometimes we have to do things we don't like, Pol.
paid to do."
That's what we get
"Figuratively speaking."
Garel and his mother didn't really know too much about their real
situation, and Pol and I decided that it might be best to leave it that
The heirs to Iron-grip's throne have all been what we've come to call
"talented"-- some more, some less--and it's a little dangerous to have
a novice sorcerer in possession of too much information. Garion, who's
far more than marginally talented, probably will remember any number of
times while he was growing up on Faldor's farm when either Pol or I
skillfully sidestepped his questions. The decision to do it that way
was Pol's, of course, but after I thought about it for a bit, I
wholeheartedly approved. It headed off all sorts of unpleasant
We circulated the usual "family emergency" story around Aldurford for a
day or so, and then we bundled up Garel and Adana and left for the
Stronghold. When we got there, I had a talk with Cho-Ram, and then the
three of us left for Riva.
The weather on the Isle of the Winds is so miserable most of the time
anyway that we scarcely noticed the rather profound climate change
brought on by that eclipse. The rain was seething across the harbor
when we arrived, the stairway leading up to the Citadel looked like a
waterfall, and the eaves of the slate-roofed stone houses spilled
sheets of water into the cobbled streets. I found it all moderately
Eldrig and Rhodar hadn't arrived yet, so Pol and I met with Brand and
Cho-Ram high in one of those towers that loom up over the Citadel.
I'd been roaming around quite a bit during the past several years, so I
didn't really know the current Rivan Warder all that well. Even though
the Warder's office isn't hereditary, there's always been a certain
continuity of character in the men who've held the position. The
Rivans don't quite go as far as the Nyissans do in selecting Salmissra,
but they come fairly close when choosing Brand. The Rivan Warders have
all been solid, sensible men that we've been able to rely on. This
one, though, was a truly remarkable man. The putative Child of Light
was a big man, but Alorns generally are quite large. Tolnedrans, who
are racially small, try to make some issue of an old Tolnedran proverb
contrasting physical size with mental capacity. I'm not all that large
myself, but I've been jerked up short any number of times when I've
come across brilliant giants. This particular Rivan Warder was
intelligent, introspective, and he had a low, deep, quiet voice. I
liked him right at the outset, and I grew to like him even more as the
years drew us inexorably toward that meeting he was going to have in
"Are you certain that King Garel's going to be safe at the Stronghold?"
he asked.
"That's what the Mrin Codex says," I replied.
"Don't worry.
Brand," Cho-Ram assured him.
"Nobody's going to get over the walls of the Stronghold."
"We're talking about my king, Cho-Ram," Brand said.
"I won't throw dice for his safety."
"I'll go there myself, Brand, and I'll stand on top of the wall for
twenty years and let Torak throw everything he's got at me."
"No, you won't, Cho-Ram," I told him firmly.
"I'm not going to let you get locked up inside the Stronghold. Any
colonel can defend that place. I need the Alorn kings where I can get
my hands on them."
"I'd still feel better if my Lord Garel were here," Brand said.
"That wouldn't be a good idea. If he comes anywhere near the Orb,
Torak'll know about it immediately. If he stays at the Stronghold,
he'll still be anonymous, and Torak won't even know he's there."
"He'll have to come here eventually, Belgarath."
Why's that?"
"To get his sword.
that sword."
If he's going to meet Torak, he's going to need
"You're getting ahead of yourself, Brand," Pol told him.
"Garel's not the one who's going to meet Torak in Arendia."
"He's the Rivan King, Polgara.
"Not this time."
"Well, if he isn't, who is?"
He has to meet Torak."
"You are."
To his credit, Brand didn't add that inevitable
"Why me?"
His eyes were a little wild, though.
I recited the passage to him.
"It looks like you've been elected, Brand," I added.
"I didn't even know I was a candidate.
What am I supposed to do?"
"We're not sure. You will be when the time comes, though. When you
come face to face with One-eye, the Necessity's going to take over. It
always does in these situations."
"I'd be a lot more comfortable if I knew what was supposed to
"We all would, but it doesn't work that way.
Don't worry, Brand.
You'll do just fine."
Eldrig and Rhodar joined us at Riva a month or so later, and we started
mapping out our strategy. Beldin advised us that Torak didn't seem to
be in any hurry to start west. He was concentrating instead on
consolidating his hold on the hearts and minds of the subject races in
Mallorea. I wasn't really worried about any surprises. Torak was far
too arrogant to try to sneak up on us. He wanted us to know that he
was coming.
After our first few meetings, we invited King Ormik of Sendaria to join
us. Ormik's mother had been an Alorn, so his inclusion was right and
proper. The fact that we were all spending a lot of time at Riva
didn't go unnoticed. Ran Borune's intelligence service wasn't as good
as Rhodar's, but even the most half-witted spy in the world could
hardly miss the fact that something was in the wind.
Torak spent a dozen years or so establishing his absolute domination of
Mallorea--all unaware that Garel had married an Algar girl, Aravino, in
4860, and that a year later she had given birth to her son, Gelane.
Then in the fall of 4864 the Murgos and Nadraks closed the caravan
routes to the east. The howls of anguish in Tol Honeth echoed from the
jungles of Nyissa to the arctic wastes of Morindland. Ran Borune sent
diplomatically worded protests to Rak Goska and Yar Nadrak, but they
were generally ignored. Ad Rak Cthoros, the King of the Murgos, and
Yar Lek Thun of the Nadraks were taking their orders from Ctuchik, and
neither one of them was going to cross that walking corpse just because
Ran Borune had his feelings hurt. I don't know if Ctuchik even
bothered to tell Gethel Mardu of the Thulls about the planned invasion
of the West, since Gethel probably didn't even know which way west
The closing of those trade routes was a clear signal that Torak was
about to move, so Brand declared the port of Riva closed "for
renovations," and Eldrig's war-boats enforced that declaration. Things
were definitely going downhill for the merchant princes of Tol
After the sealing of the port of Riva, we gathered once more in the
"Things are coming to a head, father," Polgara noted.
"I think it's time for you to go have a talk with Ran Borune."
"Maybe you're right," I conceded glumly.
"Why so long a face, Belgarath?"
Brand asked me.
"Have you ever met Ran Borune?"
"I've never had the pleasure."
"That's not the right word, Brand. The Borunes are stubborn and
contentious, and they absolutely refuse to believe in anything the
least bit out of the ordinary."
"Shouldn't we alert the Arends, too?"
the leather-clad Cho-Ram
"Not yet," I replied.
"It's probably a little premature. If Torak's more than two days from
their eastern frontier, they'll forget that he's coming."
"The Arends aren't that stupid, father," Pol protested.
"Really? Oh, Cho-Ram, see if you can get word of what's afoot to the
Gorim of Ulgo, and Ormik, why don't you move your supply dumps down to
the north bank of the Camaar River? If we're going to have a war in
Arendia, we'll need groceries."
"We can live off the land if we have to," Rhodar said.
"Of course--for maybe a week. After that, we'll be eating our shoes,
and you wouldn't care for that."
I left for Tol Honeth the following morning and arrived there two days
later. Ran Borune IV was a young man who'd been on the imperial throne
only for a few years. The Third Borune Dynasty was still in its
infancy, and the Borunes hadn't yet shaken all the Honethites and
Vorduvians out of the government. The Honeths in particular were very
upset about the closing of the trade routes to the East and the
"renovations" at Riva. A day without profit sends a Honethite into
deep mourning, and so a steady stream of officials, high and low, were
beating on Ran Borune's door imploring him to do something. As a
result, it was several days before I got in to see him.
Over the centuries, the various imperial families in Tol Honeth have
devised a fiction that makes them comfortable. They sagely assure each
other that the names
"Belgarath" and
"Polgara" are hereditary titles.
Accepting an alternative would have been out of the question for them,
so I came at Ran Borune rather obliquely to avoid a long argument about
something that wasn't really that important.
"Have you heard about what's happening in Mallorea, your Majesty?"
asked him.
"I understand that they have a new emperor." Like most members of his
family, Ran Borune was a small man--probably the result of their Dryad
heritage. The Imperial Throne of Tolnedra had been designed to be
impressive, so it was quite large and draped in imperial crimson. Ran
Borune IV looked a great deal like a child sitting on a piece of
grownup furniture.
"How much do you know about that new emperor in Mal Zeth?"
I asked
"Not all that much. Mallorea's a long way away, and I've got things
closer to home to worry about."
"You'd better start worrying about Kal Torak, because he's coming this
"What makes you think so?"
"I have sources of information that aren't available to you, Ran
"More of that tired old nonsense, Belgarath? That might impress
Alorns, but it certainly doesn't impress me."
I sidestepped that rather smoothly.
"I'm not referring to that, Ran Borune. The information comes from
Rhodar's intelligence service. Nobody can hide things from a Drasnian
"Why didn't Rhodar let me know?"
"He is letting you know.
That's why I'm here."
"Oh. Why didn't you say so? I'll send emissaries to Mal Zeth to ask
the Mallorean Emperor what his intentions are."
"Don't waste your time, Ran Borune. He'll probably be on your doorstep
in a few months, and then you'll be able to talk to him in person."
"What sort of man is he?
And why did he choose that particular
"He's arrogant, implacable, and driven by an overwhelming ambition.
The word
"Kal" means King and God in Old Angarak.
about him?"
"A madman?"
Does that give you any clues
Ran Borune looked startled.
"He probably wouldn't see it that way--and the Angaraks certainly
don't. He's convinced them that he's really Torak--largely by having
the Grolims gut anybody who didn't believe. He's coming west, and
he'll be driving all of Mallorea in front of him."
"They'll have to get past the Murgos first. Murgos despise Malloreans,
and they certainly won't bow down to a Mallorean Emperor."
"The Murgos do what the Grolims tell them to do, Ran Borune, and the
Grolims have accepted this Kal Torak as the real Torak."
He began to gnaw on one of his fingernails.
"I think we might have a problem," he conceded.
"Have Rhodar's spies found out why he wants to invade us?"
"To rule the world, I suppose," I said with a shrug.
"We don't know exactly why, yet, but his ultimate destination seems to
be Arendia."
That doesn't make any sense at all!"
"I know, but that's what Drasnian intelligence is picking up. If we
don't do something to stop him, you're going to have a very large,
unfriendly army camped on your northern border."
"He'll have to come through Algaria to get to Arendia."
"That's our best guess, too."
"Are the Algars ready for him?"
"The Algars have been getting ready for an Angarak invasion for the
past three millennia. So have the Chereks and the Drasnians. Alorns
and Angaraks don't get along at all."
"So I've heard.
I think maybe I'll put the legions on standby
"I'd go a little further than "standby," Ran Borune. I had a look at
some of your legionnaires on my way here. They're pitifully out of
You'd better toughen them up a bit. I'm going back to Riva now. I
think it's time to beef up the defenses of Algaria. We'll keep you
advised if Rhodar's spies pick up anything else." Then I bowed and
I've used that ploy many times in dealing with Tolnedrans.
supposed omniscience of Drasnian Intelligence can be very useful at
It's easier to lie to them than to tell them where I'm really getting
my information.
In the spring of 4865, Kal Torak led his Malloreans across the
land-bridge to Morindland, and then he started south along the coast.
After he'd passed the mountains of Gar og Nadrak, however, his entire
army disappeared into that vast primeval forest that blankets the
I've been involved in a lot of wars over the years, and I think that
might have contributed to my failure to predict what Torak was going to
do. A human general will take the shortest, easiest route to get to a
battlefield. He doesn't want to waste the lives of his troops, and he
doesn't want them to be exhausted when the fighting starts. Torak,
however, was most definitely not a human general. The lives of his
troops meant nothing to him, and he had ways to make them fight, no
matter how exhausted they were.
At any rate, the Alorn kings and I were so convinced that Torak would
continue down the coast to Mishrak ac Thull that we were taken
completely by surprise when he led his army of northern Murgos,
Nadraks, Thulls, and Malloreans down out of the mountains in western
Gar og Nadrak and out onto the moors of eastern Drasnia early in the
summer of 4865.
Torak himself made the journey in a silly-looking iron castle, complete
with useless towers and ostentatious battlements. It had wheels on it,
but it still took a herd of horses and about a thousand Grolims to pull
it. I shudder to think of the amount of labor it took to clear a road
through the forests of Gar og Nadrak for that ridiculous thing.
It became clear almost immediately that Kal Torak came not as a
conqueror, but as a destroyer. He was not interested in occupying
Drasnia and enslaving the people. He wanted to kill them all. Such
Drasnians as were captured were immediately sacrificed by the Grolim
In retrospect, I can understand what he was doing. He had to reach
Arendia, of course, but he gave himself enough time to exterminate the
Drasnians before he proceeded into Algaria or Cherek to do the same
thing there. Arendia was secondary in his thinking. He wanted to wipe
out the Alorns before he got there.
Our mistaken assessment of his probable strategy had pulled us
seriously out of position, and his hordes had destroyed Boktor before
we could get enough forces north to offer any serious resistance. Since
we were hopelessly outnumbered, we didn't even pretend that we were
making war. We rushed north on a rescue mission instead, gathering
such refugees as we were able to find. Eldrig's war-boats took large
crowds of terror-stricken Drasnian civilians off the islands at the
mouths of the Aldur and Mrin rivers, and Algar cavalry rounded up those
who had fled south toward Lake Atun and escorted them to the relative
safety of the Algarian Stronghold. A large column of refugees from
Boktor made a truly astounding trek north from their burning city to
reach the valley of the River Dused, where it forms the border between
Drasnia and the Cherek peninsula. For the rest of the population, the
only escape was into the fens. Very few of them survived.
Once it became clear that there was no way that we could match the army
Kal Torak had hurled at us, we concluded that Drasnia was lost. I had
to do some fairly brutal things at that point to salvage as much of the
superb Drasnian army as I could. I didn't even bother trying to argue
with the grief-stricken Rhodar. I simply drove him and his pike men
south onto the plains of Algaria. I was fairly sure I was going to
need them later.
And so, by the midsummer of 4866, Drasnia had perished. When we went
back there after the war, we couldn't find so much as a single house
still standing, and there were only a few thousand survivors hiding out
in the fens.
When it was over, Kal Torak paused to regroup. Our problem at that
point was trying to guess which way he'd go next. Would he sweep
across the north and invade Cherek? Would he go southwest in an
attempt to reach Arendia by marching across Sendaria? Or would he lead
his hordes south into Algaria? The most frightening prospect of all
was the distinct possibility, given the size of his army, that he'd
simply divide his forces and do all three at the same time.
That strategy would have defeated us.
he didn't think of it himself.
I'm really rather surprised that
King Eldrig of Cherek was an old man with hair gone white and a long
white beard. He stood at the window looking out over the rain-slashed
harbor at Riva. It was about two weeks after we'd managed to extract
the last survivors out of Drasnia.
"You know him, Belgarath," he said.
"How does he think?
What's he going to do next?"
"I think you're asking the wrong man, Eldrig," Rhodar said bitterly.
In many ways, Rhodar of Drasnia was a broken man now.
for vengeance.
He lived only
"Holy Belgarath hasn't had much luck with his guesses lately."
"That'll do, Rhodar," Brand said firmly in that deep quiet voice of
"We're not here to chew old soup. We're here to decide what we're
going to do now, not what we should have done last month." The
revelation that Brand was going to be the Child of Light during this
particular EVENT had given him a great deal of authority, and the Alorn
kings all automatically deferred to him.
"We know that he'll ultimately wind up in Arendia," Ormik of Sendaria
said. Ormik was one of the most ordinary-looking men I've ever known.
Even people who knew him probably couldn't have picked him out of a
"Doesn't that mean that he'll turn south once he's regrouped his
"And leave his rear exposed?"
"Not very likely.
the month's out."
Eldrig scoffed.
I think he'll be at the gates of Val Alorn before
"Don't expect him to do what's rational," I told them.
"I think that what happened to Drasnia more than proves that. He had
no business coming through the Nadrak Forest, but he did it anyway. He
doesn't think the way a human general would."
"Why did he destroy Drasnia?"
Rhodar demanded with tears in his
I shrugged.
"Revenge, most likely. The Drasnians almost wiped out the Nadraks in
that battle during the third millennium."
"That was nearly twenty-five hundred years ago, Belgarath," Rhodar
"Torak's got a very long memory."
"The main question right now is whether he'll divide his forces or
not," Cho-Ram said. Cho-Ram was idly sharpening his saber, and the
sound of his whetstone on steel set my teeth on edge.
"It's out of character for him," I said, "but we can't really be sure
this time."
"I'm not sure I follow that," Cho-Ram said, laying his saber and
whetstone down on the table in front of him.
"Torak doesn't like it when his people get out from under his thumb.
Back before the War of the Gods, the Angaraks were the most tightly
controlled people on earth. Things have changed a bit since then,
Torak's got disciples now, and he leaves a lot of things up to them.
Ctuchik might suggest a division of forces, and Zedar certainly
"Would Torak listen to them?"
Polgara asked me.
"I can't really be sure. He wouldn't like the idea, but he might be
able to see the necessity for it." I squinted out through the
rain-spattered window.
"This is only a hunch," I admitted, "but I don't think he'll divide up
his army. If he were going to do that, he'd have done it when he came
out of the mountains onto the moors of Drasnia. That would have been
the logical time for him to send a column south into Algaria, but he
didn't. He tends to have a one-track mind. Obsessive people are like
that, and maybe obsessive Gods are, as well. I just don't think he'll
divide his forces. Whichever way he decides to go, he'll take all his
people with him.
He's not really here to win battles.
takes a lot of troops."
He's here to destroy, and that
"Then the only real question is who he'll destroy next," Eldrig said.
"I think he'll attack Cherek."
"What for?"
Cho-Ram demanded.
"All your men are on your war-boats where he can't get at them. I
think he'll invade Algaria next. He's got an appointment he has to
keep in Arendia, and that means he's got to get past me first."
"Or me," Ormik added quietly, "and my people aren't very warlike.
If he wants to get to Arendia in a hurry, he'll come through
"Isn't this all a little contemptible?"
Rhodar asked pointedly.
"You gentlemen saw what happened to my kingdom, and now you're all
coming up with reasons why we should mass our forces inside your
"Aloria is one, Rhodar," Eldrig told him.
"We are all aggrieved for what happened to Drasnia."
"Where were you when I needed you, then?"
"That was my fault, Rhodar," I told him.
"If you want to throw rocks at somebody, throw them at me and leave
your brother kings out of it.
The Mrin Codex tells us that Torak's going to lay siege to the Algarian
Stronghold-- eventually. It doesn't tell us if he's going to go
someplace else first."
"When does he have to be in Arendia?"
Eldrig asked.
"We don't know," I replied sourly.
"Does he know?"
He's the one who's moving this time.
We're making counter
When Cherek and his boys and I went to Cthol Mishrak, we knew when we
had to be there. Torak didn't know when we were coming. We had the
advantage that time. He's got it this time."
"Then about all we can do is wait," Brand said.
"We'll have to watch him and stay mobile.
have to be able to respond immediately."
Once he starts to move, we
"That's not much of a strategy, Brand," Cho-Ram objected.
"I'll be happy to listen to alternatives."
"There is something else we can do," Polgara told them.
"I think it's time for us to bring in the other kingdoms--Tolnedra in
particular. We're going to need the legions."
"Ran Borune doesn't like Alorns, Polgara," Eldrig told her.
"I don't think he'll even listen to our diplomats."
"Maybe not, but I think he will listen to me--and to my father.
talk to the Arends, as well--and the Nyissans."
"I wouldn't waste my time on the Nyissans," Cho-Ram said
"They're so drugged most of the time that they wouldn't be any good in
a fight."
"I wouldn't be so sure, Cho-Ram," I told him.
"If I can get one good Nyissan poisoner anywhere near Torak's field
kitchens, he'll kill more Angaraks than an entire Tolnedran legion
Cho-Ram exclaimed.
"That's horrible!"
"So was what happened to Drasnia. Torak's got us outnumbered, so we've
got to come up with ways to even things out." I stood up.
"Stay flexible, gentlemen.
Polgara and I are going south for a
It took Pol and me more than a week to locate the encampment of the
Asturian duke and his green-clad archers. In part that was due to the
weather. The endless, accursed rain wreathed down through the trees
like mist, obscuring everything on the ground. Even when Pol and I
resumed our own forms for brief periods, she smelled like a bagful of
wet feathers, and I imagine that I reeked like a sodden dog. Neither
of us mentioned it, but we sat on opposite sides of our campfire each
I hesitate to use the word, but it was only by chance that we finally
found the Asturian encampment. A very brief break in the weather
cleared away the prevailing mist, the wind dropped, and Pol was able to
see the smoke rising from their campfires.
The Asturian duke's name was Eldallan, and he was a lean, youngish man
dressed, as were his men, all in green--people who hide out in a forest
usually do choose that color. The Asturian encampment was quite
extensive. There were a few tents scattered about, but most of the
archers lived in crudely built huts that closely resembled the homes of
the serfs. I suppose there's a certain justice there. Eldallan's
archers were young noblemen for the most part, and sleeping in
mud-and-wattle huts gave them a chance to see how the other half
Eldallan was less than cooperative--at least right at first. He'd had
his men build him a crude chair, and he sat in it as if it were a
throne with his eight-year-old daughter, Mayaserana, playing with a
doll at his side.
"That's an Alorn problem."
He rejected our appeal.
"My problem's the Mimbrates." In what had probably been an effort to
distinguish themselves from their countrymen to the south, the
Asturians had discarded the "thees" and thousand "foreasmuches."
"I'm sure you'll have second thoughts about that when you're stretched
out on an altar with two or three Grolims carving out your heart, your
Grace," I told him bluntly.
"That's just a fairy story, Belgarath," he scoffed.
"I'm not gullible enough to believe Alorn propaganda."
"Why don't you let me talk with him, father?"
Pol suggested.
"I know Arends a little better than you do."
"Gladly," I agreed.
"This skeptic's right on the verge of irritating me."
"Please forgive my father, your Grace," she said sweetly to the duke.
"Diplomacy's not one of his strong points."
"I'm no more inclined to accept your horror stories than I am his, Lady
Polgara. Your one-time affiliation with the Wacites is well-known.
You have no reason to love Asturians."
"I'm not going to tell you horror stories, your Grace.
show you what the Angaraks did to Drasnia."
I'm going to
He dismissed her proposal with a shrug.
"No, your Grace. Reality. I speak as the duchess of Erat, and no true
gentleman would question the word of a noblewoman--or have I erred in
assuming that there are gentlemen in Asturia?"
"You question my honor?"
"Aren't you questioning mine?"
He struggled with it.
"Very well, your Grace," he agreed reluctantly.
"If you give me your word of honor that what you propose to show me
really happened, I'll have no choice but to accept it."
"Your Grace is too kind," she murmured.
"Let's go back in time, and north to Drasnia. This is what truly
happened when Kal Torak came down onto the moors." I heard--or
felt--the surge of her Will, and she made a small, curious gesture in
front of his face as she released it.
I didn't see a thing, naturally; but the duke did.
"Why, father," the little girl at his side said when he cried out in
horror, "whatever's the matter?"
He wasn't able to answer her. Polgara held him frozen in place for
about a quarter of an hour. His eyes grew wider and wider, and his
face turned deathly pale. After a few minutes, he was begging her to
But she didn't.
He began to weep, and his daughter stared at him incredulously. I'm
sure he wanted to cover his eyes with his hands, but his limbs were
frozen, and he couldn't move. He groaned. He even screamed a few
times, but Pol refused to relent. She kept him locked in place until
he'd been forced to witness the entire horror.
He fell out of his chair when she finally released him, and he lay on
the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.
"What did you do to my father, bad Lady?"
the little girl demanded.
"He'll be fine in a few minutes, dear," Pol told her gently.
"He just had a nightmare, that's all."
"But it's daytime--and he isn't even asleep."
"That happens sometimes, Mayaserana.
He'll be all right."
It took Eldallan about a half an hour to regain his composure, and when
he did, he was ready to listen.
"I'm not going to insist on a direct meeting between you and the
Mimbrate King," I told him.
"That might be pushing things a bit."
"He's not the king," Eldallan corrected me almost absently.
"He thinks he is, but that's beside the point. My daughter and I'll go
to Vo Mimbre and talk with him. We'll hammer out the details of a
truce between the two of you, and I'll arrange for some Sendars to act
as messengers. Sendars are neutral, and they're honorable people, so
there won't be any danger of trickery. Tell your archers to quit
wasting arrows on Mimbrates. You're going to need every arrow you can
lay your hands on when the Angaraks come."
"It shall be as you say, Ancient One." He was suddenly a very
agreeable fellow. He definitely didn't want Polgara to show him
anything else.
Pol and I went on to the yellow-walled city of Vo Mimbre.
poets have written all sorts of nonsense about their
"City of Gold," but the plain truth of the matter is the fact that the
quarries of the region produce yellow building stones. There wasn't
anything mystic or even significant about it at all.
After the destruction of Vo Astur in 3822, the Mimbrate dukes had taken
to calling themselves "the kings of All Arendia," but that was a
fiction. The authority of that throne in Vo Mimbre stopped at the edge
of the Arendish Forest.
Arends aren't quite as stubborn as Tolnedrans are about certain
peculiar things, so when Pol and I reached Vo Mimbre and identified
ourselves, we were immediately escorted to the throne room of
"King" Alodrigen XII. Aldorigen was a bit older than Duke Eldallan,
and quite a bit bulkier. Mimbrates start wearing full armor when
they're still children, and the sheer dead weight of all that steel
puts muscle on them. It doesn't noticeably add brain capacity,
Once again, I'll resist using the word "coincidence." It just
"happened" that Aldorigen also had a child of about eight years--a son
named Korodullin.
Isn't that interesting?
Aldorigen was no less stubborn than Eldallan had been, so Polgara was
obliged to repeat her performance. The king came around as quickly as
his Asturian counterpart had. The Asturians and Mimbrates have always
claimed that they're completely different from each other. To be
honest with you, though, I've never been able to really tell them
apart, even though Mimbrates still use archaic speech and Asturians
After Polgara'd brought Aldorigen to his senses, I spoke with the
Sendarian ambassador and arranged for several go-bet weens to carry
information back and forth between Mimbre and Asturia, and then Pol and
I proceeded--damply--to Tol Honeth.
Ran Borune's skepticism about Torak's intentions had been evaporated by
what had happened in Drasnia, and he was willing at least to listen to
"I assume the Alorns have a plan," he said after we had explained the
situation to him.
"A tentative one," I replied.
"Kal Torak's invasion of Drasnia taught us not to lock our thinking in
stone. We do know that this is going to be settled one way or another
someplace in Arendia, but we can't be certain which route Torak's going
to take to get there. What he did in Drasnia suggests that he wants to
obliterate the Alorns before he gets to Arendia.
Eldrig expects him to invade Cherek, but I'm not so sure. We do know
that he's going to lay siege to the Algarian Stronghold, but we're not
sure what he'll do before that. He might even try to attack the Isle
of the Winds. That's his ultimate goal, and he might try to go there
and retake the Orb of Aldur before he goes to Arendia."
"I thought you could see the future, Belgarath."
"Sort of," I replied, making a sour face.
"There are a couple of prophecies, but they're very obscure."
"Are your Alorns going to want help in the north?"
"I think they can manage. If Torak does decide to go directly to the
Isle, he'll run head-on into the Cherek fleet, and the entire war could
be settled in the Sea of the Winds. If it happens that way, I know
who's going to win. No navy on earth is a match for Eldrig's
"Are you and Lady Polgara planning to stay here for long?"
"As long as it takes."
"I want to talk with my generals, but we'll need to coordinate our
strategy. Can I offer you the hospitality of the palace here?"
"We appreciate the thought, Ran Borune," Polgara said, "but it might
cause you some problems. The Honethites and Vorduvians would probably
make a very big issue of the fact that you're consorting with "heathen
"I'm the emperor here, Lady Polgara, and I'll consort with whomever I
bloody well please."
"Isn't he a dear man?"
Pol said to me.
"She's right, Ran Borune," I told the emperor.
"We've got enough trouble with Kal Torak. Let's not go out of our way
to pick fights with the other great families. We'll stay at the Cherek
embassy. The ambassador's got a war-boat at his disposal, and I need
to send the Alorn kings a report about what we accomplished in Arendia.
Who's the current Nyissan Ambassador?"
"A reptilian sort of fellow named Podiss," Ran Borune replied with
obvious distaste.
"I'll need to talk with him, as well," I said.
"I want to let Salmissra know that we're coming."
"Why bring her into it at all?"
"She has certain resources I might need later on.
up, I'll get word to you."
If something comes
He smiled faintly.
"My door's always open to you, Belgarath."
Polgara and I went to the Cherek embassy, and I composed a dispatch for
the ambassador's courier ship to take to Riva. Then I went across town
to the Nyissan embassy.
After I returned, Pol and I had a quiet supper and retired for the
night. I was just getting ready for bed when Beltira's voice came at
me from out of nowhere.
He sounded excited.
"Yes, I'm here.
What's happening?"
"Torak's made his move!
He's invading Algaria!"
"Has he committed all his forces?"
"Evidently so. There's a small occupation army holding the ground in
Drasnia--mostly to guard his rear, we think, but the rest of his troops
are marching south."
I breathed a very large sigh of relief. The possibility of Torak
selecting one of his other options had been worrying me more than a
"How far has he penetrated?"
"As far as Lake Atun. It's slow going for him.
been slicing large pieces out of his flanks."
The Algar cavalry's
"Good. Keep an eye on him and let me know if he changes direction.
don't want to commit any troops until I'm sure this isn't a feint."
"I don't think so, Belgarath. We've heard from Beldin, and he says
that the army that invaded Drasnia's only about half of Torak's force.
He's gathered a huge fleet at Dal Zerba on the west coast of the
Dalasian protectorates.
Urvon's in charge there, and Beldin's positive that he's going to ferry
that army across the Sea of the East to march across Southern Cthol
Murgos to attack us from that direction. We've got two armies coming
at us."
I started to swear. Torak had divided his forces, after all, but he'd
done it before he even left Mallorea.
"I'll get back to you," I told Beltira.
"Pol and I'd better go to the palace and let Ran Borune know what's
I went down the hall to Pol's room and knocked on her door.
"It's me, Pol," I said.
"Let me in."
"I'm bathing, father.
Go away."
"You can do that later.
Torak just invaded Algaria."
I heard some splashing and, a moment or two later, Pol opened the door.
She'd thrown on a robe, but her hair was still dripping.
"He what?"
she demanded.
"I just told you.
Torak's on the move, and he's coming south."
"Garel's at the Stronghold, father.
I'd better move him."
"He's safe there, Pol. We know that the Stronghold won't fall, and
Torak can't stay there forever. He's got an appointment he has to keep
in Arendia. There's some other bad news, though. Beldin told the
twins that Urvon's commanding a second Mallorean army. They're
crossing the Sea of the East. They'll be coming at us from southern
Cthol Murgos. Torak's going to try to put us in a vise. We'd better
go back to the palace and alert Ran Borune."
"I'll get dressed."
It was almost midnight when we reached the palace, and it took us a
while to persuade the servants to wake the emperor. He was sleepy-eyed
and tousled when we were finally admitted to his private quarters.
"Don't you people ever sleep?"
he asked in a grouchy tone of voice.
"Only when there's nothing better to do, your Majesty," I told him.
"Torak's invaded Algaria."
That woke him up.
"I'll start the legions north immediately," he said.
"I'd hold off on that, Ran Borune," Pol suggested.
"I think you're going to need them someplace else."
I told him about the second army gathering at Dal Zerba, and it was one
of the few times I've ever heard a Borune swear.
"How many people does that madman have?"
he demanded.
"They don't call it
"Boundless Mallorea" for nothing," I replied.
"What are we going to do?"
"We still have some time, I think," I said.
"Urvon's not going to be able to ferry his army across the Sea of the
East in a single day, and it's a long way across southern Cthol
"What about Kal Torak?
He could be on my eastern frontier in a
"Not very likely, Ran Borune.
He has to get past the Algars first."
"Drasnia didn't slow him down very much."
"There's a world of difference between Drasnia and Algaria," Pol told
"The Algars don't have towns to defend, for one thing, and they've got
the finest horses in the world, for another. Kal Torak's going to find
a trip into Algaria very expensive."
"You do realize that the second Mallorean army means that I won't be
able to lend you a hand in Arendia, don't you?" he said.
"I'm going to have to put my legions on my southern border."
"We were fairly certain you'd feel that way about it," Pol murmured.
I scratched at my beard.
"It's still not a disaster," I told them.
"We probably could use the help of the legions in Arendia, but I'd much
rather they concentrated on keeping that second Mallorean column away
from the battlefield. As I said before, we've still got time. Urvon
won't get here overnight, and Kal Torak's going to have his own
problems in Algaria. I think Pol and I'd better go to Sthiss Tor and
have a talk with the Snake Woman. We don't want her to just open her
borders to Urvon and stand aside while he marches through. I want to
do everything I possibly can to upset Kal Torak's timetable."
"Good luck," the emperor said.
"I'd better summon my generals.
We've got a lot of planning to do."
"And Pol and I'd better leave for Nyissa.
when we get back."
We'll see how things stand
My daughter and I reached Sthiss Tor two days later, long before the
Nyissan Ambassador's message did, so there was a bit of delay before we
were escorted into Salmissra's throne room. The Serpent Woman's
response to our information was profoundly unenthusiastic.
"Why should I involve myself in your war with the Angaraks?"
hardly bothering to take her eyes off her mirror.
she said,
"It's not just our war, Salmissra," Pol told her.
"It concerns all of us."
"Not me, it doesn't. One of my predecessors discovered the folly of
becoming involved in this private feud between the Alorns and the
Angaraks. I'm not going to make that same mistake. Nyissa will remain
"That option isn't open to you, Salmissra," I told her.
"Urvon's army's going to show up on your southern border before very
long, and Nyissa stands between him and Tolnedra."
"He'll march right straight through your country."
She shrugged.
"Let him. I won't do anything to hinder him, so he won't have any
reason to do to Nyissa what Kal Torak did to Drasnia."
"Oh, yes he will," Pol disagreed.
"Issa participated in the War of the Gods, remember?
long memory, and he holds grudges.
Torak has a very
Urvon's army won't just march through. They'll destroy Nyissa as they
go along. You're Issa's handmaiden, so I'd imagine Urvon's going to
take special pains to find you so that the Grolims can cut out your
Salmissra's colorless eyes grew worried.
"He wouldn't do that--not if I don't offer any resistance."
"It's your heart, Snake Woman," Pol replied with a chilling kind of
"What you do is your affair, Salmissra," I told her then.
"We've told you what's coming. Deal with it in any way you see fit. If
you do decide to fight, you might get in touch with Ran Borune. It's to
his advantage to keep Urvon away from his southern border, so he might
just lend you a few legions."
"Would he do that?"
"It wouldn't hurt to ask. Now, if you'll excuse us, my daughter and I
have some business in Maragor."
That turned out to be a complete waste of time. Pol and I flew to Mar
Amon, hoping that the news of Torak's invasion would shake Mara out of
his grief to some small degree, but I don't think the weeping God even
heard us. He refused to listen, and his wails continued to echo from
the mountains surrounding haunted Maragor.
Finally we gave up and went on to Prolgu to talk with the Gorim.
"He'll almost have to cross Ulgoland to reach Arendia, Holy One," I
told the ancient man after Pol and I had explained the situation.
"I know that your people are very religious, and they might be opposed
to shedding blood, but this is an unusual situation."
"I shall consult with Holy UL," he promised.
"The circumstances might prompt him to set aside his distaste for
"That's entirely up to him, Gorim," I said with a faint smile.
"I'm definitely not going to try to tell UL what to do. We'll keep you
advised of what's happening. If you do decide to stay out of it, we'll
give you enough warning so that you can seal up the mouths of your
"I appreciate that, Ancient One."
Then Pol and I went back up through the caves to the ruins of Prolgu.
"Now what?"
she asked me.
I considered it.
"Since we're this close anyway, why don't we fly over and see how far
Torak's managed to penetrate before we go back to Riva?
And I'd also like to get some idea of just how big this army of his
really is."
"Whatever you say, father." It always makes me a little nervous when
Pol agrees with me without any arguments.
It was cloudy over Algaria, but at least it wasn't raining. You have
no idea of how difficult it is trying to fly with wet feathers, and
I've never really been comfortable as a duck. Ducks are probably no
sillier than other birds, but they look so ridiculous.
Beltira had told me that Torak had penetrated as far as Lake Atun in
northern Algaria. That had been almost a week ago, however, and he'd
come quite a bit farther south. He'd crossed the Aldur River upstream
from Aldurford, and his army was spread out on the grasslands of
central Algaria now. They weren't very hard to find, since there were
quite a lot of them.
They weren't moving very fast, however. Pol and I saw a number of
engagements down there. As Beltira had said, Algar cavalry units were
slashing at the flanks of that huge army, and their attacks went quite
a bit farther than simple harassment. Algars are the finest horsemen
in the world, and their long centuries of patient breeding had produced
superb horses. In addition to the Malloreans, Torak's army also
included Murgos, Nadraks, and Thulls, and those were the units that
were bearing the brunt of the Algar attacks.
They weren't very good at it, from what I saw. The Algars were simply
too fast for them. Central Algaria is rolling country, and there are a
lot of hills and grassy ravines that provide cover for the cavalry
units. In most cases, the Angaraks didn't see the Algars coming until
it was too late. Torak's army was moving slowly south, and the trail
behind them was littered with their dead. That didn't mean anything to
Kal Torak, of course, but it did seem to concern his generals. They
weren't moving very fast, and they had whole platoons of scouts ranging
out ahead and along the flanks. From what I was able to see, those
scouts weren't getting very much information back to the generals. Like
all cavalry units the world over, the Algars carried short bows in
addition to their lances and sabers.
A cavalry bow doesn't have the range that the long bows of the Asturian
Arends have, but a man on a fast horse doesn't need range. He can get
close enough to do the job. Not very many Angarak scouts returned.
In effect, what was happening down there was a running battle, and it
was very one-sided. Torak was taking appalling casualties, but he
pressed on firmly. In addition to the scouts, the army had foragers
out, looking for cows to feed that horde. The foragers were having an
even worse time of it than the scouts were, since every herd of cattle
they came across had dozens of Algar bowmen concealed in it. The
Algars also amused themselves by stampeding cattle herds through the
Mallorean ranks, and that slowed the advance even more.
It was going to take Kal Torak a long time to reach the Stronghold.
Those stampedes were effective, I'll grant you, but they goaded Torak's
generals into an action that ultimately caused an economic disaster in
the West. At first, the foragers had gone out to round up the cows,
intending to drive them along as a moving food source. After a few of
those stampedes, though, they started to kill every cow they came
It was a long time after the war was over before the Algarian herds
even reached a fraction of their former numbers. Beef was very scarce
in the west for years.
After we'd seen enough of that slow-moving battle, Pol and I turned and
flew west toward Sendaria and the coast. I wanted to get back to Riva
so that I could have a talk with Cho-Ram. The Mrin clearly stated that
the Stronghold wouldn't fall, but it never hurts to be careful.
was inside that fortress, after all.
It was raining in Riva when we got there. Isn't that a surprise? The
foul weather triggered by that eclipse had been very unusual elsewhere,
but it's always raining in Riva.
Ran Borune had sent word to the Alorn kings about Urvon's army, and
they were very concerned about it.
"Where are they right now?"
Rhodar asked me when Pol and I joined them in our customary conference
"I'm not sure," I replied.
"Pol and I've been moving around quite a bit. The twins always stay in
the Vale, so Beldin usually makes his reports to them. I'll talk with
them about it later, but right now we've got some things to discuss and
a few decisions to make. Then I want to go check out the defenses of
the Stronghold."
"The Stronghold's secure, Belgarath," Cho-Ram assured me.
"You don't have to go there."
"Just a precaution, Cho-Ram.
What kind of a force have you got
"Three clans and the Drasnian pike men we managed to rescue.
There are plenty of people inside to hold it. Besides, the walls are
thirty feet thick, and no scaling ladder in the world could reach the
top of them."
"I think that's what Fleet-foot had in mind when he designed the
place," I told him.
"We know that the Stronghold won't fall, but Torak's probably going to
keep hammering at it for several years before he gives up. That gives
us some time to get ready for his next move. The Mrin says that the
final battle's going to be in Arendia, so it might not be a bad idea
for us to move these sessions to Tol Honeth."
"Why Tol Honeth?"
Brand asked.
"It's closer to the battleground, for one thing, and that's where the
Tolnedran generals are, for another."
"The Tolnedrans aren't going to be much use, Belgarath," Eldrig
"Ran Borune's going to be concentrating on his southern border.
He's not going to send any legions to Arendia."
"We're planning a campaign, Eldrig, and those Tolnedran generals know
just about all there is to know about strategy and tactics. Their
advice could be useful."
"We're not completely incompetent, Belgarath," he objected.
"We've won every war we've ever been in so far, haven't we?"
"That's been pure luck, Eldrig. I don't want to hurt your feelings,
but you Alorns have a habit of just making your wars up as you go
along. Let's do this one professionally--just for the sake of novelty,
if nothing else."
It took Pol and me a little while to persuade the Alorn kings to go to
Tol Honeth to seek the advice to the Tolnedran High Command, but they
eventually agreed. Then my daughter and I left the Isle and flew
across Sendaria, over Ulgoland, and on to the Algarian Stronghold. This
time we didn't really have any choice. We had to use the form of
I've referred to the Stronghold as a man-made mountain, and that comes
fairly close. It looks like a walled city from the outside, but it's
not, since there aren't any buildings inside. Such Algars as live
there have constructed rooms and halls and corridors inside the walls
The open space inside those walls is nothing more than an elaborate
A tragedy, however, had occurred. It was one of those stupid accidents
that crop up from time to time. Garel, heir to the Rivan throne, had
gone out horseback riding, and his horse had stumbled; Iron-grip's heir
fell and broke his neck when he hit the ground. Idiocy! What in the
name of all seven Gods was he doing on a horse?
Fortunately, he'd already secured the succession; the line was still
intact, although Gelane was only five years old. But that was all
Everybody grows up--eventually.
I spoke with the boy and found, that like all the rest, he had
uncommonly good sense. We've been lucky in that. If stupidity had
cropped up in the Rivan line, we'd have been in a great deal of
"Can't I do something, grandfather?"
the earnest little boy asked
"This is my responsibility, after all."
"What did you tell him, Pol?"
That startled me.
I asked suspiciously.
"Everything, father," she replied calmly.
"He's entitled to know what this is all about."
"He doesn't need that information, Poll I thought we agreed to that."
She shrugged.
"I changed my mind. He is the Rivan King, father. If all our
elaborate plans fall apart, he might have to take up the sword."
"He's only a child, Pol.
He couldn't even lift that sword."
"We've got time, father.
Torak hasn't even begun the siege yet."
"The Mrin says that Brand's going to confront Torak.
supposed to get involved."
Gelane's not
"The Mrin's very obscure, father, and sometimes things change.
to be ready for any eventuality."
I want
"I really think I could handle it, grandfather," Gelane assured me.
"I've got an Algar friend who's been teaching me how to use a sword."
I sighed, and then I buried my face in my hands for a while.
There wasn't really very much to do at the Stronghold except to wait
for Torak. I suppose Pol and I could have left at any time, but I
wanted to be absolutely certain that One-eye didn't change direction on
me again.
The invasion of Drasnia had caught me completely off guard, and I
wasn't going to let that happen again. I wanted to make sure that he
was completely committed before I went off and left him to his own
devices. I also wanted to watch the defenders crush the first few
assaults, just to make sure they knew what they were doing.
Riders from the outlying clans came by frequently during the next two
weeks to keep us posted. Torak was still advancing, and he showed no
signs of veering off.
Then, early one morning when dawn was turning the rain silver,
Polgara's voice woke me from my fitful sleep.
"I think you'd better come up here, father."
"Where are you?"
"I can't understand you, father. Just come up to the parapet on top of
the north wall. There's something you'd better have a look at."
I grumbled a bit, but I climbed out of bed and pulled on my clothes.
What was she up to now? The fact that she couldn't understand me was a
clear sign that she'd changed form. I went out into the torch-lit
corridor outside my room and on up those interminable staircases that
lead to the top of the Stronghold.
There was a snowy owl perched on the rain-swept battlements.
"I've asked you not to do that, Pol," I reminded her.
She blurred and shimmered back into her own form.
"I'm sorry, father," she said.
"I'm not doing it to upset you.
I'm following instructions.
I think you'd better look at that," she told me, gesturing toward the
I looked out over the battlements. The clouds overhead were dirty grey
and dawn-stained. The rain had slackened to some degree, so it wasn't
that solid curtain I'd been staring at for the past several weeks. At
first I couldn't really see anything, but then a movement caught my eye
about a mile out on that half-obscured plain. Then, as I looked
harder, a mass of humanity seemed to grow out of the mist, a huge,
faceless mass that stretched from horizon to soggy horizon.
Kal Torak had reached the Stronghold.
"Are you sure Torak's with them?"
slow-moving army.
"Yes, father.
I asked, still staring out at that
I went out and looked.
That iron pavilion of his is right in the center of the crowd."
"You did what?
Polgara, that's Torak out there!
Now he knows you're
"Don't get excited, Old Man. I was told to do it. Torak had no way of
even knowing I was there. He's inside his pavilion, and Zedar's with
"How long has this been going on?"
"Since he left Mallorea, I'd imagine. Let's go alert the Algars, and
then I think we'll have time for some breakfast. I've been up all
night, and I'm positively ravenous."
It was midmorning by the time the Angaraks had completed their
encirclement of the Stronghold and noon before they tried their first
tentative assault. The Algars and the Drasnian pike men stayed out of
sight, and I think that unnerved Kal Torak's generals just a bit.
They'd hauled their siege-engines into place, and they started out by
trying to loft boulders into the city. That didn't work out very well,
because the walls were too high. I could see their engineers
feverishly trying to adjust the catapults to change their trajectory.
Then, more I think to get some sort of response from the defenders than
out of any hope of success, they mounted an attack on the front gate.
They rolled up battering rams, but that wasn't really necessary. The
gate wasn't locked. The first troops through the gate were Thulls.
Thulls always seem to get the dirty jobs in Angarak society.
I'm not even sure that the Thulls realized what they'd encountered when
they burst through the gate. As I've said before, the Stronghold isn't
a city in the usual sense. Those enormous walls don't enclose houses
and public buildings, they enclose an elaborate maze of narrow,
high-walled corridors without a roof in sight. The Thulls rushed in,
and all they found was geometry. They found corridors laid out in
straight lines, in curved lines, in lines so complex that they turned
back on themselves and almost seemed to dissolve off into unimaginable
The defenders allowed the Thulls to mill around inside that maze for
about an hour, and then they rose from their places of concealment atop
those twenty-foot-high interior walls and obliterated the intruders.
And the Mallorean
still hadn't seen
Thullish soldiers
through the gate,
least not through
generals and the kings of the western Angarak nations
a single defender. They didn't see the horde of
again either. They'd sent several thousand men
and not one of them ever came back out again--at
the gate.
During the following night, however, they did start seeing the men they
had ordered inside. The Algar catapultists atop the walls began
lofting dead Thulls into the middle of the Angarak encampment. It's
very hard to get any sleep when it's raining Thulls.
The next day, the second siege got under way. There were three Algar
clans inside the Stronghold. The rest of them were outside. Kal Torak
had encircled the Stronghold, and then the free-roving Algar horsemen
encircled him. They didn't take up positions or dig in fortifications
the way besiegers usually do, because cavalry doesn't work that way.
The Algars kept moving, and Kal Torak's generals and subordinate kings
never knew where or when they'd strike next. It was almost as
dangerous for them outside the walls as it was inside.
After a few days, I concluded that Cho-Ram's tactics were working out
fine, and Pol and I said good-bye to Gelane, his mother, and the Algar
Clan-Chiefs defending the fortress. And then we flew off to the west
through the rainy, wind-swept gloom that seemed to have settled in
perpetually. We had other things to attend to.
With Kal Torak effectively pinned down in Algaria, we had some time to
expand and polish our plans. We moved our discussions from Riva to Tol
Honeth so that we could take advantage of the expertise of the Imperial
War College and the Tolnedran General Staff. I found working with
professional soldiers to be something of a novelty. Despite their
fearsome reputation, Alorns are at best only gifted amateurs, largely
because their rank is hereditary. A man who's born a general doesn't
have nearly the grasp of things a man who's worked his way up through
the ranks has. Tolnedran officers work out contingency plans to deal
with surprises. The customary Alorn approach to a battlefield
emergency is simply to go berserk and kill everything in
sight--including trees and bushes.
Although Ran Borune had by now tentatively--and very reluctantly
--conceded that Pol and I might possibly have capabilities he wasn't
prepared to admit actually existed, she and I remained largely in the
background during those meetings. As I told the emperor,
"There's not much point in distracting your generals by telling them
things they're not philosophically prepared to accept. If we announce
that I'm sneaking up on my seven thousandth birthday, they'll spend so
much time trying to prove that we're lying that they won't be able to
pay attention to what they're supposed to be doing. Let's just tell
them that Pol and I are Rivans and let it go at that."
The thing that baffled us the most was the fact that Urvon wasn't
moving. He'd brought his army across the Sea of the East, right
enough, but then he'd settled down in the Hagga Military District on
the southern coast of Cthol Murgos as if he planned to put down roots.
Finally I sent word to the twins that I needed to talk with Beldin face
to face. You can only do so much at a distance.
My brother arrived a few days later and came to my room in the Cherek
embassy. It wasn't a particularly large room, but I'm a plain sort of
person, so I don't really need luxurious quarters. My first question
to him was fairly simple.
"What's holding him up?"
"The Murgos," he replied.
"What else? That and the fact that he hasn't received his marching
orders from Burnt-face yet."
"What's Ctuchik's problem?"
"He doesn't like Urvon."
"Who does? I don't think even Torak likes him very much. But Urvon's
following orders, and Torak's likely to rip Ctuchik's heart out of his
skinny chest if he interferes."
"You weren't listening, Belgarath," my stumpy brother told me.
didn't say it was Ctuchik who was blocking Urvon.
somewhat more specifically, the Murgo Grolims."
"What's the difference?
It's the Murgos--and
Ctuchik rules Cthol Murgos, doesn't he?"
"That he does, brother, but he's sort of looking the other way at the
moment. Let's see if I can explain it. If Urvon reaches Arendia with
his army, Torak's very likely to promote him to Most Favored Disciple,
or whatever you want to call it. Ctuchik doesn't want that to happen,
but he doesn't dare interfere--at least not overtly. That doesn't keep
him from slipping around behind the scenes, though. He's spent
centuries instilling an obsession with racial purity in the collective
Murgo mind, and Malloreans aren't pure Angaraks. The average
Mallorean's part Angarak, part Karand, part Melcene, with maybe a pinch
of Dal thrown in for good measure. Murgos look on Malloreans as
mongrels, and they don't hesitate to say so."
"Yes, I know all about that, but Murgos take their orders from the
Grolims, and no Grolim alive is likely to do anything to offend
"You don't really know that much about Grolims, I see. Grolim politics
are very involuted. No matter what Torak might think, there's a great
schism in the Angarak religion, and it's based on the hatred that
exists between Ctuchik and Urvon. Ctuchik dropped a few hints to his
Grolims after Urvon landed in Hagga, and his priests have been
spreading wild stories all over southern Cthol Murgos about drunken
Mallorean soldiers breaking into Murgo houses and raping Murgo women.
That's the sort of thing almost guaranteed to make a Murgo go up in
flames. Ctuchik's official position is that he'll help Urvon's army in
any way he can, but his Grolims are out there spreading atrocity
stories for all they're worth. Murgo generals are very polite to
Mallorean officers in the daytime--but every night disorganized mobs of
common soldiers come out of their barracks and butcher every Mallorean
they can lay their hands on. Ctuchik piously sits in Rak Cthol going
"Tsk, tsk, tsk," and pretends that he can't do anything about it, and
all Urvon can do is squat in Rak Hagga wringing his hands while Murgo
lynch mobs decimate his army. I 'know it's an unnatural thing to
suggest, but in this particular situation, Ctuchik might turn out to be
our most valuable ally."
"That'll all come to an end once Torak gives Urvon his marching orders,
won't it?"
"I doubt it. Ctuchik's probably going to obediently order his southern
Murgos to join Urvon's army, but all that'll do is give the Murgos an
opportunity to get in close to the Malloreans--with knives. The trek
across southern Cthol Murgos is likely to be very interesting, and
Urvon'll be lucky if he's got a regiment left by the time he reaches
the southern Tolnedran border."
"What an absolutely beautiful notion."
"I thought you might like it."
"Why don't I take you to the palace and introduce you to the Tolnedran
generals so you can fill them in on this? Oh, incidentally, Pol and I
haven't made an issue of who we really are. I'll just tell them that
you're a Drasnian spy and let it go at that. Let's not upset the
generals just yet."
He shrugged.
"If that's the way you want it," he agreed.
The officer commanding the Tolnedran general staff was named Cerran,
and he was a member of the Anadile family in southern Tolnedra.
The Anadiles had never had sufficient land or power to aspire to the
Imperial Throne, so they usually joined the army. They had
traditionally been closely allied with the Borunes, so when the Borunes
were on the throne, you would normally find an Anadile general in
command of the military. General Cerran was a thoroughgoing
professional in his early fifties. He was a Tolnedran, so he wasn't as
tall as the Alorns, but he was a blocky sort of man with broad
shoulders and large hands. He and Brand got along together very
I'm not really all that competent with the Drasnian secret language,
but I managed to advise Pol and Rhodar that Beldin was posing as a
member of Drasnian intelligence, and Rhodar greeted him warmly and
introduced him as "one of our most valuable agents." Then Beldin
repeated what he'd told me earlier.
"How long would you say it'll take Urvon to march across southern Cthol
Murgos, Master Beldin?" General Cerran asked after my brother had
finished his account.
Beldin shrugged.
"Half a year at least.
riots, I expect."
He'll have to stop every so often to put down
"That tells us one of the things we've needed to know, then. Your
friend and his daughter told us that this Kal Torak of Mallorea has to
be in Arendia on a certain date. As I understand it, it has something
to do with the Angarak religion."
"I suppose you could put it that way, yes.
So what?"
"We don't know what that date is, but Kal Torak does. He'll want Urvon
in place when that date approaches, so as soon as Urvon starts
marching, we'll know that we've got just about a year until we've got
to be ready to meet the Angaraks somewhere in Arendia."
"That's a little imprecise, Cerran," Ran Borune objected.
"It's a lot more specific than anything we've been able to come up with
so far, your Majesty," Cerran replied.
"King Cho-Ram assures us that his Stronghold's impregnable, so Kal
Torak's going to get more and more frustrated as the time for him to be
in Arendia approaches. Eventually he'll be forced to break off his
siege and march west. Angaraks take their religious obligations very
seriously." Cerran rose from his chair and went to the large map
hanging on the wall of the war room.
"An army the size of Kal Torak's won't move very fast," he noted,
"particularly not once it gets up into the mountains of Ulgoland. It's
a hundred and fifty leagues from the Stronghold to central Arendia. At
ten miles a day, it'll take him forty-five days. Give him another
fifteen days to regroup, and we're talking about two months. Our first
signal will come when Urvon marches.
The second will be Kal Torak's abandonment of the siege of the
Stronghold. That's all we really need, isn't it? The Murgos may or
may not try to stop Urvon's Malloreans, but we definitely will. I
rather think that General Urvon's going to be late getting to Arendia.
Kal Torak's a foreigner, so he doesn't know all that much about the
legions. I fully intend to educate him. I'll stop Urvon dead in his
tracks at Tolnedra's southern border."
Now you see why Pol and I insisted that we coordinate our planning with
the Tolnedran generals.
Once we knew that we'd have plenty of warning, we turned our attention
to the campaign in Arendia. General Cerran's staff had carefully
prepared plans for the defense of just about every location in the
country. I'd spoken privately with Brand about that. Very few battles
have ever been won from defensive positions. The methodical
Tolnedrans, however, had compared Torak's numbers with ours and
concluded that our taking the offensive without the legions to help us
was absolutely out of the question, and the legions were going to be
busy somewhere else.
The Tolnedran generals didn't know why the Alorn kings all deferred to
Brand, but they weren't stupid. They recognized respect when they saw
it, and after a few months of those ongoing strategy sessions, they
also recognized Brand's tactical genius. Tolnedrans don't normally
have much use for Alorns, but in Brand they could see an altogether
different sort of man. His genius lay in his ability to assess the
strengths and weaknesses of the various elements that were to be a part
of the army that was going to face Kal Torak when the final battle took
Our decision not to tell the Tolnedran generals that we were basing a
number of our decisions on the ravings of a madman was probably
The least hint of mysticism in an associate makes a Tolnedran
There were times when we had to talk very fast, of course. We knew
that certain things were going to happen, but we couldn't tell the
Tolnedrans how we knew. Rhodar took care of most of that for us. The
skills of the Drasnian Intelligence Service were already legendary, and
after a couple of years, the generals had come to believe that there
were Drasnian agents hidden in just about every element of the Angarak
armies. Every time the inevitable
"How do you know that?" came up, Rhodar would look sly, take out a
piece of paper, and lay it on the table with an insufferably smug
expression. The implications were obvious.
Even Rhodar's cunning was strained to the limit when, after the siege
of the Stronghold had plodded on for an interminable six years, the
twins finally isolated the passage in the Mrin that told us where the
battle was going to take place. The reference was obscure, but that's
normal for the Mrin. All it really said was
"The Child of Light and the Child of Dark shall meet before the walls
of the golden city." The key word in that passage is "golden." Those
of you who've seen Vo Mimbre's yellow walls know where it comes from.
Anyway, we had to lead General Cerran and his colleagues rather gently
until Cerran himself finally made the right decision. Rhodar,
pretending to have received the information from his spies, laid out
Torak's probable invasion route, and the rest of us found all sorts of
things wrong with the other potential battle sites. Finally Cerran
stabbed the map with one blunt finger.
"There," he said.
"You should prepare your forces to meet Kal Torak at Vo Mimbre."
"The ground around there looks to be all right, I guess," King Eldrig
said, trying to sound a little dubious.
I stepped in at that point.
"Isn't it awfully flat?"
I objected.
"Don't we want the advantage of high ground?"
"We don't really need it, Old One," Cho-Ram told me.
"The city itself is high enough to slow Kal Torak's army down. They'll
come down the valley of the River Arend and take up positions around Vo
Mimbre in preparation for another siege. Then we'll hit them from all
sides and grind them up against the walls. General Cerran's right.
It's the perfect place for the kind of battle we want."
Eldrig and I raised a few more feeble objections, then Brand and Rhodar
sided with Cho-Ram, and that settled the matter. It was a cumbersome
way to do business, but we really didn't have much choice.
Polgara came to my room in the Cherek embassy a few nights after we'd
decided where we were going to meet Kal Torak, and she found me
muttering swear words at my copy of the Mrin Codex.
"What is the matter with you, father?"
she asked me.
"You've been as cross as a bear with a sore paw for the past week."
I slammed my fist down on the Mrin.
"This is what's the matter!"
I yelled at her.
"It doesn't make any sense!"
"It's not supposed to. Wasn't that the whole idea? It's supposed to
sound like gibberish. Why don't you tell me about your problem,
Maybe I can help."
I drew in a deep breath.
"All right. Brand's the Child of Light, isn't he--at least in this
particular EVENT? If I'm reading this right, he'll have to be in
several places at the same time."
"Read it to me, father," she said patiently.
"You don't make all that much sense when you start to splutter."
"All right, let's see what} you make of it." I unrolled the scroll,
found the index mark, and read that cursed passage to her.
"And the Child of Light shall take the jewel from its accustomed place
and shall cause it to be delivered up to the Child of Light before the
gates of the golden city."
That clearly implies a paradox, doesn't it?
"I don't see it that way, father.
And paradoxes just don't
How long does one of these EVENTS
"As long as it takes, I suppose."
"Centuries, maybe? Years? Days? Or could it be just a few minutes,
or perhaps even a single instant? How long did it take you to put
Zedar to sleep in Morindland? That was one of these EVENTS, wasn't it?
How long did it really take you, father?"
"Not too long, I guess.
What are you driving at, Pol?"
"I get a strong feeling that the EVENTS are instantaneous. The
Necessities are just too powerful for these confrontations to last for
more than a few seconds at the very most. Any longer might rip the
universe to pieces. The prophecies tell us what we have to do to get
ready, and that can take eons, but the actual EVENT is something as
simple as a decision --or even a single word.
"Yes," maybe, or
"No." The Mrin says that the final confrontation's going to be settled
one way or the other by a choice, and choosing takes only an instant. I
think that the last event's not the only one that's going to involve
choice. I think they all are. When you met Zedar in Morindland, you
chose not to kill him. I think that was the EVENT. Everything else
was just preparation."
Now do you see what I mean about the subtlety of Polgara's mind? It
might be pushing things a bit, but I chose to believe her explanation,
and that turns that little conversation into an EVENT, doesn't it? It
also implies that the EVENTS don't always involve face-to-face
confrontations between the agents of the two Necessities. Now there's
a concept almost guaranteed to give you a perpetual headache.
"I'm going to have to go to Riva," I told her.
"I have to pick up Iron-grip's sword. Brand's going to need it when
the time comes. The Mrin says that the Orb's going to be the deciding
factor, and that means the sword."
"Then you think the passage you read to me means that you're going to
be the Child of Light who's supposed to take the Orb to Brand?"
"It won't be the first time I've been saddled with it."
I shrugged.
"If it turns out that I'm wrong, I won't even be able to get the sword
off that wall. That's the nice thing about dealing with the Orb. It
won't let you do something you're not supposed to do."
I decided not to make an issue of my little errand. No, it wasn't one
of those choices Pol had been talking about. It was based entirely on
a desire not to embarrass myself. If it turned out that I couldn't get
the sword off the wall, I'd wind up looking a bit foolish if I'd been
pompously announcing my intentions. Vanity's ridiculous, but we all
fall prey to it from time to time.
I spoke with the Cherek ambassador and arranged to sail on the next
courier ship to Riva. I suppose I could have gone there on my own, but
if all went well, I'd be bringing something heavy with me when I came
It wasn't a pleasant voyage. I don't like Cherek war boats to begin
with, and the foul weather that had plagued us for all those years
didn't make things any better.
We tied up to the wharf at Riva, and I climbed up those steep, dripping
stairs to the Citadel.
Brand's eldest son Rennig was in charge during his father's absence.
The position of the Rivan Warder was not, strictly speaking,
hereditary, but I was fairly certain that this time it would be passed
on to Rennig. He was as solid and dependable as his father.
He was a bit wild-eyed when I was admitted into Brand's study,
"Thank the Gods!"
he said, rising to his feet.
"You got my message!"
"What message?"
"You mean you didn't?
Why did you come, then?"
"I've got something to attend to. What's happening, Rennig?
seen you this excited since you were a little boy."
I haven't
"You'd better come and see for yourself, Ancient One. I don't think
you'd believe me if I told you. I'll send for the guards who saw it
happen. I'm sure you'll want to talk with them." He led me out into
the corridor, and we went to the Hall of the Rivan King. That hall,
the throne room, hadn't been used much during the centuries since
Gorek's assassination, and it was damp and musty and not very well
lighted. Rennig took a torch from one of the rings set in the wall
just outside the door, and we went inside, marching down past the fire
pits to the throne. As we drew nearer, I could see Iron-grip's sword
hanging point down on the wall, but I could also see that there was
something terribly wrong with it.
"What's going on here, Rennig?"
My Master's Orb was not on the
I demanded.
"Where's the Orb?" "It's over here, Ancient One," he told me. He
pointed at a large round shield leaning against the wall about ten feet
off to the right of the throne. It was a fairly standard Alorn shield,
big, round, and heavy, with those thick steel straps Alorns always
rivet to their shields. What was definitely not standard was the fact
that my Master's Orb was embedded in the exact center of it.
"Who did this?"
My voice was shaking.
"We don't know.
The guards who were here that night had never seen her
A woman did this?"
He nodded.
"I'd have had some doubts about it myself, Belgarath, but I've known
both of those men since childhood. They're honest men, and they'd
never lie about something like this."
"No one can touch the Orb except--" I broke off as that passage in the
Mrin started echoing in my head.
"And the Child of Light shall take the jewel from its accustomed
place--" I'd thought that it meant that this interim Child would take
down the Sword and deliver it to Brand. I'd even believed that the
passage was a set of instructions to me--that I was the one who was
supposed to take it down off the wall and carry it back to Tol Honeth.
But the passage wasn't talking about the sword. This woman, whoever
she was, had removed it and set it in the center of the shield ins