Sandburg Pride February 2016 Newsletter
Sandburg Pride February 2016 Newsletter
PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 ORLAND PARK CA R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L 13300 S. LaGrange Road Orland Park, IL 60462 (708) 671-3100 C A R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R • F E B R UA RY 2 0 1 6 Marching Eagles Represent Illinois in the 2016 AllState Sugar Bowl! What’S ahead at Sandburg The Carl Sandburg High School Marching Eagles recently completed their highly successful 2016 Sugar Bowl Performance and New Orleans Tour over the winter break. While in New Orleans, the Marching Eagles participated in several exciting performances for the 2016 Sugar Bowl. These included performing for thousands in the streets of New Orleans for the Sugar Bowl Parade, and the halftime show of the Sugar Bowl in front of 74,000 fans. The band also took 2nd place in the Sugar Bowl Battle of the Bands Field Show Competition. February 2016 Turnabout dance Saturday, February 6th - 7:00 pm Senior Honors night Tuesday, February 23rd - 7:00 pm PAC IMpoRTAnT dATES Saturday, February 6th - Turnabout Dance, 7:00 pm Wednesday, February 10th - International Fest- 7:00 pm PAC Monday, February 15th - President’s Day - No School Thursday - Saturday, February 18th -20th - Orchesis, 7:00 pm PAC Thursday, February 25th - Band Concert - 7:00 pm PAC Friday, February 26th - Improvorama - 7:00 pm PAC Event Calendar Link GuIdAnCE RESouRCES Registration Information - January 2016 AP Test Registration - Thurs. March 18th Deadline - Ap Registration Link Free College Planning Resource - Financial Fit Link Guidance Link dEAdLInES College Financial Aid - (FAFSA) Class of 2016 begins January 1st, 2016. Awards made until funds are depleted or June 30th. - FAFSA Link SAndBuRG LInkS Athletics Guidance Sandburg Website Sandburg Facebook Sandburg Twitter Event Calendar Link *Live links found at A CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 SCHOOL THOuGHT MEANING ACTION CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 School Calendar Dates to Remember February 15 President's Day - No School (708) 671-3100 | MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL engaged. While Speech, Debate, Wrestling, and Cheerleading are yet to be determined, we are February continues to be a busy time for the music students. In addition to the normal rehearsals, there are spring musical pit orchestra auditions, SWSC Choir and Band Festivals, D230 Choir Fest, the Midwest Music Festival and the Inaugural Jazz Dinner Dance just to name a few of the many things happening in February. proud to announce that Boys Bowling and our Eaglettes will advance to the IHSA State series. We Here is a brief list of dates: Greetings Eagle Families and Friends, We’ll definitely need the extra day this leap year for the many activities in which our Eagles are wish them well in the final competitions of their winter season. We hope you will be following us on Twitter (@SandburgHS or @EaglesAthletics) for timely updates and outcomes. March 3 Parent/Teacher Conferences (no student attendance) 12 PM - 8 PM 4 No School 16 Spring Parent University 6:30 PM 25 No School April 1 Early Dismissal 1:00 PM 4 Spring Break Begins 11 Classes Reconvene 22 No School MUSIC BOOSTERS Feb 1 & 3 Musical Pit Orchestra auditions Feb 11 SWSC Band Festival Symphonic II at Andrew HS Our Student Council presented a wildly successful “Sandburg’s Got Talent” show last month. A Feb 12 Basketball Band with 8th grade step up panel of judges and audience vote crowned “@IV” the winners, which could not have been easy Feb 18 SWSC Choir Fest at Bolingbrook HS Feb 19 Inaugural Jazz Dinner Dance at Orland Pk Civic Center Feb 22 District 230 Choir Fest Feb 25 Mid-Year Band Concerts given the enormous range of talent among contestants. The unique percussive clapping and hand choreography of the a capella foursome provided a wow factor that yielded the 1st place prize to Alyssa Schott, Katie Hull, Abbey Dorey, and Jessi Winston. Student Council now engages the entire student body in Winter Spirit Week beginning February 1st and culminates with our Turnabout Dance on Saturday, February 6th under the theme of Neon. For months, students have been preparing for International Fest that takes place on February 10th and 11th. The event is a great opportunity for our student body to celebrate cultural diversity and Please check the website for the current calendar. The Music Boosters try to include all music information we have on the calendar. If you have information for the calendar, please feel free to email us at [email protected] to have it included on the calendar. Tickets are selling fast for the Inaugural Jazz Dinner on Friday, February 19. Join the family, friends and community for a night of good food, a selfie booth, raffles, dancing and of course the smooth Jazz music provided by all the Sandburg Jazz Bands. Tickets are $35 per person, please contact the Music Boosters at (708) 207-8085 or email [email protected] for ticket availability. THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the Music Boosters first “Pick 3 Raffle”. Winning numbers can be found on the Music Boosters section of While we are still stuck in the winter season we can always “Think Spring”. The spring musical “My Fair Lady” auditions are just about complete and the students are working hard rehearsing for the big show. In addition, spring time brings the Music Boosters 27th Annual Spring Craft Fair on March 12 and 13. The Music Boosters will be looking for help to make this craft fair successful, so watch for information on how you can help. “At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents” (Jane D. Hull). The next Music Booster meeting will be on Tuesday, February 16, at 7:00 pm in Room E113-115. Please join us! ethnic pride communicated and explained through dance and music. The artistry of dance continMay 20, 23-24 Final Exams (Semester 2) 24 Last Day of School (if NO snow days are used) ues into the month with the Orchesis Show on February 18, 19, and 20. Our students choreograph and perform a wide variety of dance numbers and styles - from ballet to hip hop - that amaze and delight us. SENIOR PARTY The Relay For Life Team holds its Kick-Off event on February 22nd. Student event chairs, with their A N16ht to Remember There are only a few months left before GRADUATION and we are in full swing of preparation for PARTY 2016! teacher sponsors, are ready to “Paint D230 Purple!” in their annual effort to raise money to fight cancer. The busy month continues with Senior Academic Recognition Night on February 23rd when we honor seniors in the Top Tenth Percentile, Department Award Winners, PSAE and National Merit Scholars, and outstanding Eagle Award winners. The month culminates with our Band Concert on February 25th and Improvorama on February 26th. Plans for the 2016-17 school year are well underway. By mid-February, registration will be complete for all students, including our incoming freshman students - the Class of 2020 - who will have attended a Pre-Registration Night and Saturday registration event as part of their transition process. Raffle tickets and party information were mailed home in January to all families with SENIORS. The RAFFLE will take place on, Friday, February 26th at the last regular season home basketball game (Senior Night). Tickets are still available for purchase at $10 each. Please remember raffle tickets are NOT just for Senior families - ANYONE can purchase tickets. We will be using course registration numbers to determine the number of sections for each course CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 Richard Nogal, President Melissa Gracias, Vice President Susan Dalton, Secretary Kate Murphy-Peterson Patrick O’Sullivan Denis Ryan Tony Serratore Dr. James M. Gay, Superintendent Deborah D. Baker, Principal Sandburg Pride is published by the Consolidated High School District 230 School Board. that will be offered next year. Course verification letters, which will indicate the classes making up your child’s schedule for the next school year, will be sent to families in April. By that time, Guidance Counselors will have contacted students who registered for courses that may not run due to low enrollment so that they can register for alternative courses. These final edits to registration are necessary for the development of next year’s Master Schedule. Before you know it, graduation will be here, so I take this opportunity to note the graduation schedule this year. Graduation ceremonies will begin at 7:00 P.M. on the following dates: ● Stagg High School – Monday, May 16 ● Sandburg High School – Tuesday, May 17 ● Andrew High School – Wednesday, May 18 The National Weather Service will be used to decide if we need to implement a rain date change. Rain date for Sandburg will be Thursday, May 19, 2016, at 7:00 pm Best wishes and Go Eagles! "An equal opportunity employer" Deborah D. Baker Printed on Recycled Paper 30% Total Recycled Fiber Principal Please return the T-SHIRT order form and PARENT VOLUNTEER form as soon as possible. Remember, if your Senior sold all 10 raffle tickets, they will receive their party ticket for FREE. Therefore, please make sure you include your student’s name when returning raffle tickets and money. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANYTHING TO SANDBURG! Send all forms, raffle tickets and money to: P.O. Box 692, Orland Park, IL 60462. Look for notice of available dates when party tickets will be sold at school. We are still looking for donations of food and prizes for the many activities the students will be participating in the night of the party. If anyone would like to make a food, prize, cash or in-kind donation, please contact Gina Pelegrino at [email protected]. If you have any other questions or are interested in helping out, please attend our monthly meetings or contact Gina Pelegrino at the above email. Check Sandburg’s website under “parent organization” for our meeting dates or to download any of the forms sent home. clude: Prizes in ing + Train bership ing m e in M ra T 6 Month embership + : s s ing e th M r Fitn + Train Charte : 6 Mon Membership s s e ip h n r Fit bers nth Charte th Mem s: 6 Mo Fitnes : 3 Mon ift Card x r le te r p a G Ch ports ) e: $100 Park S rd season outiqu Gift Ca B Orland 0 d 0 n in 2016 1 o $ D B s : B e rt T ly o u r p e q e am ps S an Kimb d Bouti kets: (G urant, Cham ’s Fine Mexic rly Bon ta o Sox Tic s li e u e J Kimbe it R h le ’s ago W pa Joe nt, Unc (4) Chic t Basket: Pa n’s Restaura rbucks a n ll h a ri ple, Sta li r u G u im S ll y ll Resta n & Bar, Ho le House & er or fa astefu Chef, T Kitche quare Celt A n summ d io s re s e e p s r1 Food, S Basket: Pam up lass fo & make 1 free c ality : it p p o s h o s 50 hair H k $ r o d n W a ate nce The Da t certific 150 gif $ : n 2016 lo Sa homas tal Lisa T cts edo ren u prod se: Tux V u o ts h r a We produc en T Men’s ar care c flat scre ” h & s 2 a 3 e c C y u nan 250 Best B mainte halt: $ as auto ite Asp id R l M a e t: S ske ift card are Ba $100 g Card t & if t G e Auto C k 0 s 10 e ba Gas: $ to: Win Mobil Vicina ’s r gift card a 0 c 5 s l & othe ue: $1 France q ti u appare o ift card g C B C 0 ’s 5 V h 1 M a :$ e: Hann utique Colleg h’s Bo munity m o Hanna C y te e Valle ertifica Morain andise 0 gift c 5 h 2 te $ rc a : e m ring ertific rk Floo g: $500 gift c a M d n La orin ark Flo LandM CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | ATHLETIC BOOSTERS Come on out from the cold and watch a game, match or meet. Girls’ Basketball, Boys’ Basketball with the Eaglettes and Cheerleaders performing during half-time, Girls’ and Boys’ Bowling, Girls’ Gymnastics, Boys’ Swimming and Wrestling have all been training hard with the assistance of their Coaches and Athletic Trainers. Regionals and Sectionals are right around the corner. Check out the Athletic website for times / dates. Go Eagles! All teams are doing exceptionally well. We have many talented athletes within our school. The Winter Sports Ad Book is available for purchase at all of the winter sports events so please support your team and school and purchase one. The Spring Sports Ad Book is now accepting ads. Please support the Athletic Boosters and advertise with us. E-mail Michaela Comiskey, Carl Sandburg Athletic Boosters [email protected] to place an ad for our spring book. In the near future we will begin our scholarship process. Please make sure your membership dues are paid to be considered. Please contact your sport rep or Board Member if you have any questions about becoming a member of CSHS Athletic Booster Club. Four years ago freshman class (2011/2012) and from there on out, must have four years in good standing with our club Spring Parent Teacher Conferences to be considered for this award. The student athletes can pick up our application in the Guidance Office starting on February 11th and should be returned no later than March 12th.. Spring tryouts are approaching us quickly. Check with the coaches for dates / times or the athletic website. We are currently looking to fill two positions on our Board. PLEASE get involved. The Booster Club needs parents to volunteer to keep the club an elite organization! Athletic Booster meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Carl Sandburg in Room E113-E115. Please get involved and join us. Contact Mike Probasco at [email protected] The next meeting is February 10th at 7:00 p.m. Come on out, we love your input! Go Eagles! Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 3, 2016 from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Wednesday, March 23rd Mandatory Pre-Prom Parent Meeting 7:00 pm • Eagle Gym Save the date! In order for students to buy prom tickets, their parents are required to attend this informative meeting. This is a great opportunity to discuss with teachers how your student is performing within courses and to discuss opportunities for intervention or enrichment. We will use Skyward Family Access to schedule appointments for these conferences. The Teacher Conference link will be available in Skyward Family Access from 9:00 am on Wednesday, February 24 until 11:59 pm on Tuesday, March 1. If you are unable to access a computer, please call 708-671-3101 for assistance on Wednesday, February 24 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm or Thursday, February 25 from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Phone assistance is available on these two dates only. Step-by-step instructions will be emailed to you as well as posted on the school’s website. PFSA SPIRIT WEAR Reminder: Class of 2020 spirit wear orders are due by February 20th. Order forms were in your pre-registration packet. Thank you to our volunteers who assisted us with sales during the Class of 2020 pre-registration night and Class of 2020 registration day. If you have any questions regarding spirit wear or to volunteer, please email Kim and Laurie at [email protected]. SCHOLARSHIPS – SENIORS We are happy to announce that thanks to your support, the PFSA will once again be awarding scholarships to qualified graduating seniors. There will be two categories – “Academic” and “Exemplary”. While participation in athletics and music are welcome, the PFSA is seeking seniors that have impacted the Sandburg community – i.e. the clubs and organizations your child has participated in and how their participation has made a difference. Applications will be available beginning February 12th and will be due March 11th. Please see the Guidance Department for your application. In order for your senior to be eligible, your family must have been a paying member of PFSA for all years attending Sandburg. With that in mind, we are still accepting MEMBERSHIPS through March 1, 2016. You must complete a membership form and send it to Sandburg’s Main Office along with your $10 annual membership fee. If you have any question about your membership for this year or previous years, please contact [email protected]. MEMBERSHIP Thank you to the many families who have joined our organization this year. Your continued support allows us to award senior scholarships and to contribute to a variety of Sandburg clubs and activities. In order for your student to qualify for a Senior Scholarship, your family must become a member of the PFSA every year your son or daughter attends Sandburg. Membership forms can be found on our website. Annual membership dues are $10 per family, with a deadline of March 1, 2016. Please submit the completed form, along with your payment, to the Main Office or at one of our Spirit Wear sales. If you are unsure if you have already joined, please email [email protected] and we will verify. CONNECT WITH PFSA… PFSA is sharing happenings from our Sandburg community. “Like” us and “Follow” us - @SandburgPFSA. If you are a PFSA Member and have not been receiving emails from the PFSA and would like to do so, please email your contact information to [email protected]. Don’t miss out on information, take time to get connected. VOLUNTEERS Check your calendars and let us know if you are available to help with the annual Staff Appreciation luncheon which will be held on Monday, April 25th. If you are able to help for any part of the day, please contact Tara Davis ([email protected]). We are looking for volunteers for donations, set up, serving, clean up. PFSA BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS There are still several opportunities to serve on committees in PFSA this year. We also will have board and committee positions open for the 2016-2017 school year. Now is a great time to shadow a current member so you can be prepared for next year and see how you can contribute your talents to PFSA. It is both fun and rewarding to be a part of your student’s high school experience. Please feel free to share any ideas, questions, or comments directly with our officers. Their email addresses are: [email protected] (Brigid Carey), [email protected] (Tara Davis), [email protected] (Katie Curtin), and [email protected] (Michelle Armstrong). MEETING DATES Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 8th at 7:00 pm. Please join us in the Community Room. The remaining and final 2015-16 Meeting date is May 3rd. We are always looking for input and volunteers, so please consider attending. It’s a great way to keep up on what’s going on at Sandburg. We look forward to seeing you there! All District 230 Students Must Prove Residency within the District Each Year In the district’s ongoing efforts to be fiscally responsible, all District 230 students need to show proof of residency within the district boundaries on an annual basis, similar to when students first enrolled at the high school. This procedure was put into place to protect the financial interest of taxpayers in District 230 by assuring that the students who receive an education in our schools are legally entitled to do so. A series of dates and times will be held throughout second semester for parents/guardians to provide the necessary documentation: ● Thursday, March 3 noon - 8:00 pm during Parent Teacher Conferences ● Saturday, March 19 8:00 am - noon ● Wednesday, April 13 8:00 am - noon and 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm ● Saturday, May 7 - 8:00 am - noon All families will need to provide one document from Category I and three documents from Category II. All of the documents must be presented at one time, partial paperwork will not be accepted. Category I (one document required) ● Most recent property tax bill and proof of payment, e.g. canceled check or form 1098 (homeowners) ● Mortgage papers (new homeowners) ● Signed and dated lease and proof of last month’s payment, e.g. canceled check or receipts (renters) ● Letter from manager and proof of last month’s payment, e.g. canceled check or receipt (trailer park residents) ● Housing letter (military personnel) ● Letter of residence from landlord in lieu of lease (7:60-E1) ● Letter of residence to be used when the person seeking to enroll a student is living with a District resident (7:60-E2) Category II (3 documents showing proper address are required) ● ● ● ● Driver’s license/state ID card Vehicle registration Voter registration Most recent cable television and/or credit card bill ● Current public aid card ● Current homeowners/renters insurance policy and premium payment receipt ● Most recent gas, electric, and/or water bill ● Current library card with address listed ● Receipt for moving van rental ● Mail received at new residence CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | College-Bound Seniors Reminded to Check College Housing FAFSA Completion Seminar College bound seniors are reminded to review the deadlines for their college housing applications. Not all deposits are fully refundable. Please read your paperwork carefully as each college may have a different policy. Bring your tax information and your W2’s to this seminar where a representative from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission will be available to assist with completing the FAFSA. College Representatives to visit Sandburg This Spring Several college representatives will visit Sandburg in March and April. Please view the calendar of those visits on the Guidance webpage under the “College” tab. To meet with a college representative, you must sign up at least one day in advance on the Guidance webpage. Remember, you must obtain your teacher’s permission to be excused from class. Local Scholarship Applications Available In February For Seniors Sandburg students are fortunate to be offered many scholarships from local community organizations. Details of these scholarships and applications will be available in the Guidance Office beginning Friday, February 12. Applications must be completed and submitted by Friday, March 11 at 3:15 pm. Curriculum Fair This year’s Curriculum Fair was held on Friday, January 8th. With registration upon us, it was a great opportunity for students to see which elective classes are available to them. Teachers from each class set up display tables highlighting the curriculum including projects, samples and handouts. Teachers were available to offer information and answer questions about each course. Many elective courses were represented. Culinary arts, anatomy, psychology, computer maintenance, challenge education, woods, world languages and early childhood education were just a few of the areas represented. Students are strongly encouraged to try some of the amazing elective programs offered here at Sandburg. The Art department displayed some beautiful paintings and drawings. Dance shared video clips of performances. Culinary arts students handed out snickerdoodle puppy chow so students can sample some of the food made in class. Anatomy intrigued students with their dissected cat and the cosmetology program even offered free nail painting and hair styling! February 18, 2016 at 7:00 pm in Room E108 Financial Aid Forms The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available online at Other Helpful Financial Aid Resources Financial Fit Illinois Student Assistance Commission MODEL UN Sandburg Model UN made strides this past December, expanding their knowledge of the international community while acting as delegates in the United Nations at CIMUN (Chicago International Model United Nations Conference) which is a Model UN conference annually hosted in the city by the Model United Nations Development Organization. Sandburg represented nations like Angola, Argentina and Poland, and had members in a mock U.S. Senate and Cabinet of the Russian Federation. Over the course of 4 days students spent over 30 hours in committee, and many more outside, debating issues like the Syrian Civil War, Millennium Development Goals, Reliance on Eastern Europe for Energy, and the South Sudan Crises. With sessions lasting as long as 6 hours and with numerous committees holding emergency 2 am crises meetings, delegates worked around the clock to introduce solutions to the world's problems. After the weekend, several Sandburg delegates walked away with awards: Best Delegates: Erica Rasmussen and Hanna Darwish Lauren Frankenbach and Jack Glynn Bill Kolpak Outstanding Delegates: Alec Cardinal, Zahwa Hajyousif Honorable Mentions: Ayyan Chaudhry, Anthony Arunno Caroline Hegg Conference Award for Best in Simulations: Bill Kolpak Overall, Sandburg performed and placed strongly in what was one of the most competitive Model United Nation's conferences in the nation, with over 60 schools and 1,500 delegates. Nurse’s Office Alert ATTENTION – Incoming Freshmen Class of 2020 Health Packets will be distributed on Saturday, January 30, 2016. Each incoming ninth grade student must have a completed physical with updated immunizations and a pink emergency sheet turned in to the Nurse by May 20, 2016. Students will not be able to receive their class schedule or start school until this information is received by the nurse and in compliance with the State of Illinois requirements. Appointments tend to fill up quickly so please make your doctor or clinic appointment early. Questions can be directed to the Nurse’s Office at 708-671-3118. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO AVOID INFLUENZA... AVOID CLOSE CONTACT – Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, avoid contact with others to protect them from getting sick. STAY HOME WHEN YOU ARE SICK – Stay home from work, school, or day care when you are sick. You will help others from catching your illness. COVER YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE – Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing; it will help to prevent others from getting sick. WASH YOUR HANDS – Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. AVOID TOUCHING YOUR EYES, NOSE OR MOUTH – Germs are often spread when a person touches things that are contaminated with germs and then you touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Other ways to stay healthy during flu season and all year round: ● Get plenty of sleep ● Exercise regularly ● Manage your stress level ● Drink plenty of fluids ● Eat healthy foods These guidelines are recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. ATTENTION Junior Parents/Guardians (Class of 2017) Two doses of Meningococcal vaccine are required for entry to the 12th grade. Only one dose is required if it was given after the 16th birthday. The following action is needed from you at this time: ● If your child has received 2 doses of meningococcal vaccine, please bring your physician verified immunization record to the Nurse’s Office. ● If your child received 1 dose after their 16th birthday, bring your physician verified immunization record to the Nurse’s Office. ● If your child has not had this required vaccine they must have it and bring the verification of having received it to the Nurse’s Office. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Nurse’s office at (708) 671-3118. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | College-Bound Seniors Reminded to Check College Housing FAFSA Completion Seminar College bound seniors are reminded to review the deadlines for their college housing applications. Not all deposits are fully refundable. Please read your paperwork carefully as each college may have a different policy. Bring your tax information and your W2’s to this seminar where a representative from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission will be available to assist with completing the FAFSA. College Representatives to visit Sandburg This Spring Several college representatives will visit Sandburg in March and April. Please view the calendar of those visits on the Guidance webpage under the “College” tab. To meet with a college representative, you must sign up at least one day in advance on the Guidance webpage. Remember, you must obtain your teacher’s permission to be excused from class. Local Scholarship Applications Available In February For Seniors Sandburg students are fortunate to be offered many scholarships from local community organizations. Details of these scholarships and applications will be available in the Guidance Office beginning Friday, February 12. Applications must be completed and submitted by Friday, March 11 at 3:15 pm. Curriculum Fair This year’s Curriculum Fair was held on Friday, January 8th. With registration upon us, it was a great opportunity for students to see which elective classes are available to them. Teachers from each class set up display tables highlighting the curriculum including projects, samples and handouts. Teachers were available to offer information and answer questions about each course. Many elective courses were represented. Culinary arts, anatomy, psychology, computer maintenance, challenge education, woods, world languages and early childhood education were just a few of the areas represented. Students are strongly encouraged to try some of the amazing elective programs offered here at Sandburg. The Art department displayed some beautiful paintings and drawings. Dance shared video clips of performances. Culinary arts students handed out snickerdoodle puppy chow so students can sample some of the food made in class. Anatomy intrigued students with their dissected cat and the cosmetology program even offered free nail painting and hair styling! February 18, 2016 at 7:00 pm in Room E108 Financial Aid Forms The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available online at Other Helpful Financial Aid Resources Financial Fit Illinois Student Assistance Commission MODEL UN Sandburg Model UN made strides this past December, expanding their knowledge of the international community while acting as delegates in the United Nations at CIMUN (Chicago International Model United Nations Conference) which is a Model UN conference annually hosted in the city by the Model United Nations Development Organization. Sandburg represented nations like Angola, Argentina and Poland, and had members in a mock U.S. Senate and Cabinet of the Russian Federation. Over the course of 4 days students spent over 30 hours in committee, and many more outside, debating issues like the Syrian Civil War, Millennium Development Goals, Reliance on Eastern Europe for Energy, and the South Sudan Crises. With sessions lasting as long as 6 hours and with numerous committees holding emergency 2 am crises meetings, delegates worked around the clock to introduce solutions to the world's problems. After the weekend, several Sandburg delegates walked away with awards: Best Delegates: Erica Rasmussen and Hanna Darwish Lauren Frankenbach and Jack Glynn Bill Kolpak Outstanding Delegates: Alec Cardinal, Zahwa Hajyousif Honorable Mentions: Ayyan Chaudhry, Anthony Arunno Caroline Hegg Conference Award for Best in Simulations: Bill Kolpak Overall, Sandburg performed and placed strongly in what was one of the most competitive Model United Nation's conferences in the nation, with over 60 schools and 1,500 delegates. Nurse’s Office Alert ATTENTION – Incoming Freshmen Class of 2020 Health Packets will be distributed on Saturday, January 30, 2016. Each incoming ninth grade student must have a completed physical with updated immunizations and a pink emergency sheet turned in to the Nurse by May 20, 2016. Students will not be able to receive their class schedule or start school until this information is received by the nurse and in compliance with the State of Illinois requirements. Appointments tend to fill up quickly so please make your doctor or clinic appointment early. Questions can be directed to the Nurse’s Office at 708-671-3118. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO AVOID INFLUENZA... AVOID CLOSE CONTACT – Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, avoid contact with others to protect them from getting sick. STAY HOME WHEN YOU ARE SICK – Stay home from work, school, or day care when you are sick. You will help others from catching your illness. COVER YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE – Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing; it will help to prevent others from getting sick. WASH YOUR HANDS – Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. AVOID TOUCHING YOUR EYES, NOSE OR MOUTH – Germs are often spread when a person touches things that are contaminated with germs and then you touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Other ways to stay healthy during flu season and all year round: ● Get plenty of sleep ● Exercise regularly ● Manage your stress level ● Drink plenty of fluids ● Eat healthy foods These guidelines are recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. ATTENTION Junior Parents/Guardians (Class of 2017) Two doses of Meningococcal vaccine are required for entry to the 12th grade. Only one dose is required if it was given after the 16th birthday. The following action is needed from you at this time: ● If your child has received 2 doses of meningococcal vaccine, please bring your physician verified immunization record to the Nurse’s Office. ● If your child received 1 dose after their 16th birthday, bring your physician verified immunization record to the Nurse’s Office. ● If your child has not had this required vaccine they must have it and bring the verification of having received it to the Nurse’s Office. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Nurse’s office at (708) 671-3118. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | ATHLETIC BOOSTERS Come on out from the cold and watch a game, match or meet. Girls’ Basketball, Boys’ Basketball with the Eaglettes and Cheerleaders performing during half-time, Girls’ and Boys’ Bowling, Girls’ Gymnastics, Boys’ Swimming and Wrestling have all been training hard with the assistance of their Coaches and Athletic Trainers. Regionals and Sectionals are right around the corner. Check out the Athletic website for times / dates. Go Eagles! All teams are doing exceptionally well. We have many talented athletes within our school. The Winter Sports Ad Book is available for purchase at all of the winter sports events so please support your team and school and purchase one. The Spring Sports Ad Book is now accepting ads. Please support the Athletic Boosters and advertise with us. E-mail Michaela Comiskey, Carl Sandburg Athletic Boosters [email protected] to place an ad for our spring book. In the near future we will begin our scholarship process. Please make sure your membership dues are paid to be considered. Please contact your sport rep or Board Member if you have any questions about becoming a member of CSHS Athletic Booster Club. Four years ago freshman class (2011/2012) and from there on out, must have four years in good standing with our club Spring Parent Teacher Conferences to be considered for this award. The student athletes can pick up our application in the Guidance Office starting on February 11th and should be returned no later than March 12th.. Spring tryouts are approaching us quickly. Check with the coaches for dates / times or the athletic website. We are currently looking to fill two positions on our Board. PLEASE get involved. The Booster Club needs parents to volunteer to keep the club an elite organization! Athletic Booster meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Carl Sandburg in Room E113-E115. Please get involved and join us. Contact Mike Probasco at [email protected] The next meeting is February 10th at 7:00 p.m. Come on out, we love your input! Go Eagles! Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled to be held on Thursday, March 3, 2016 from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Wednesday, March 23rd Mandatory Pre-Prom Parent Meeting 7:00 pm • Eagle Gym Save the date! In order for students to buy prom tickets, their parents are required to attend this informative meeting. This is a great opportunity to discuss with teachers how your student is performing within courses and to discuss opportunities for intervention or enrichment. We will use Skyward Family Access to schedule appointments for these conferences. The Teacher Conference link will be available in Skyward Family Access from 9:00 am on Wednesday, February 24 until 11:59 pm on Tuesday, March 1. If you are unable to access a computer, please call 708-671-3101 for assistance on Wednesday, February 24 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm or Thursday, February 25 from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Phone assistance is available on these two dates only. Step-by-step instructions will be emailed to you as well as posted on the school’s website. PFSA SPIRIT WEAR Reminder: Class of 2020 spirit wear orders are due by February 20th. Order forms were in your pre-registration packet. Thank you to our volunteers who assisted us with sales during the Class of 2020 pre-registration night and Class of 2020 registration day. If you have any questions regarding spirit wear or to volunteer, please email Kim and Laurie at [email protected]. SCHOLARSHIPS – SENIORS We are happy to announce that thanks to your support, the PFSA will once again be awarding scholarships to qualified graduating seniors. There will be two categories – “Academic” and “Exemplary”. While participation in athletics and music are welcome, the PFSA is seeking seniors that have impacted the Sandburg community – i.e. the clubs and organizations your child has participated in and how their participation has made a difference. Applications will be available beginning February 12th and will be due March 11th. Please see the Guidance Department for your application. In order for your senior to be eligible, your family must have been a paying member of PFSA for all years attending Sandburg. With that in mind, we are still accepting MEMBERSHIPS through March 1, 2016. You must complete a membership form and send it to Sandburg’s Main Office along with your $10 annual membership fee. If you have any question about your membership for this year or previous years, please contact [email protected]. MEMBERSHIP Thank you to the many families who have joined our organization this year. Your continued support allows us to award senior scholarships and to contribute to a variety of Sandburg clubs and activities. In order for your student to qualify for a Senior Scholarship, your family must become a member of the PFSA every year your son or daughter attends Sandburg. Membership forms can be found on our website. Annual membership dues are $10 per family, with a deadline of March 1, 2016. Please submit the completed form, along with your payment, to the Main Office or at one of our Spirit Wear sales. If you are unsure if you have already joined, please email [email protected] and we will verify. CONNECT WITH PFSA… PFSA is sharing happenings from our Sandburg community. “Like” us and “Follow” us - @SandburgPFSA. If you are a PFSA Member and have not been receiving emails from the PFSA and would like to do so, please email your contact information to [email protected]. Don’t miss out on information, take time to get connected. VOLUNTEERS Check your calendars and let us know if you are available to help with the annual Staff Appreciation luncheon which will be held on Monday, April 25th. If you are able to help for any part of the day, please contact Tara Davis ([email protected]). We are looking for volunteers for donations, set up, serving, clean up. PFSA BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS There are still several opportunities to serve on committees in PFSA this year. We also will have board and committee positions open for the 2016-2017 school year. Now is a great time to shadow a current member so you can be prepared for next year and see how you can contribute your talents to PFSA. It is both fun and rewarding to be a part of your student’s high school experience. Please feel free to share any ideas, questions, or comments directly with our officers. Their email addresses are: [email protected] (Brigid Carey), [email protected] (Tara Davis), [email protected] (Katie Curtin), and [email protected] (Michelle Armstrong). MEETING DATES Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 8th at 7:00 pm. Please join us in the Community Room. The remaining and final 2015-16 Meeting date is May 3rd. We are always looking for input and volunteers, so please consider attending. It’s a great way to keep up on what’s going on at Sandburg. We look forward to seeing you there! All District 230 Students Must Prove Residency within the District Each Year In the district’s ongoing efforts to be fiscally responsible, all District 230 students need to show proof of residency within the district boundaries on an annual basis, similar to when students first enrolled at the high school. This procedure was put into place to protect the financial interest of taxpayers in District 230 by assuring that the students who receive an education in our schools are legally entitled to do so. A series of dates and times will be held throughout second semester for parents/guardians to provide the necessary documentation: ● Thursday, March 3 noon - 8:00 pm during Parent Teacher Conferences ● Saturday, March 19 8:00 am - noon ● Wednesday, April 13 8:00 am - noon and 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm ● Saturday, May 7 - 8:00 am - noon All families will need to provide one document from Category I and three documents from Category II. All of the documents must be presented at one time, partial paperwork will not be accepted. Category I (one document required) ● Most recent property tax bill and proof of payment, e.g. canceled check or form 1098 (homeowners) ● Mortgage papers (new homeowners) ● Signed and dated lease and proof of last month’s payment, e.g. canceled check or receipts (renters) ● Letter from manager and proof of last month’s payment, e.g. canceled check or receipt (trailer park residents) ● Housing letter (military personnel) ● Letter of residence from landlord in lieu of lease (7:60-E1) ● Letter of residence to be used when the person seeking to enroll a student is living with a District resident (7:60-E2) Category II (3 documents showing proper address are required) ● ● ● ● Driver’s license/state ID card Vehicle registration Voter registration Most recent cable television and/or credit card bill ● Current public aid card ● Current homeowners/renters insurance policy and premium payment receipt ● Most recent gas, electric, and/or water bill ● Current library card with address listed ● Receipt for moving van rental ● Mail received at new residence CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 School Calendar Dates to Remember February 15 President's Day - No School (708) 671-3100 | MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL engaged. While Speech, Debate, Wrestling, and Cheerleading are yet to be determined, we are February continues to be a busy time for the music students. In addition to the normal rehearsals, there are spring musical pit orchestra auditions, SWSC Choir and Band Festivals, D230 Choir Fest, the Midwest Music Festival and the Inaugural Jazz Dinner Dance just to name a few of the many things happening in February. proud to announce that Boys Bowling and our Eaglettes will advance to the IHSA State series. We Here is a brief list of dates: Greetings Eagle Families and Friends, We’ll definitely need the extra day this leap year for the many activities in which our Eagles are wish them well in the final competitions of their winter season. We hope you will be following us on Twitter (@SandburgHS or @EaglesAthletics) for timely updates and outcomes. March 3 Parent/Teacher Conferences (no student attendance) 12 PM - 8 PM 4 No School 16 Spring Parent University 6:30 PM 25 No School April 1 Early Dismissal 1:00 PM 4 Spring Break Begins 11 Classes Reconvene 22 No School MUSIC BOOSTERS Feb 1 & 3 Musical Pit Orchestra auditions Feb 11 SWSC Band Festival Symphonic II at Andrew HS Our Student Council presented a wildly successful “Sandburg’s Got Talent” show last month. A Feb 12 Basketball Band with 8th grade step up panel of judges and audience vote crowned “@IV” the winners, which could not have been easy Feb 18 SWSC Choir Fest at Bolingbrook HS Feb 19 Inaugural Jazz Dinner Dance at Orland Pk Civic Center Feb 22 District 230 Choir Fest Feb 25 Mid-Year Band Concerts given the enormous range of talent among contestants. The unique percussive clapping and hand choreography of the a capella foursome provided a wow factor that yielded the 1st place prize to Alyssa Schott, Katie Hull, Abbey Dorey, and Jessi Winston. Student Council now engages the entire student body in Winter Spirit Week beginning February 1st and culminates with our Turnabout Dance on Saturday, February 6th under the theme of Neon. For months, students have been preparing for International Fest that takes place on February 10th and 11th. The event is a great opportunity for our student body to celebrate cultural diversity and Please check the website for the current calendar. The Music Boosters try to include all music information we have on the calendar. If you have information for the calendar, please feel free to email us at [email protected] to have it included on the calendar. Tickets are selling fast for the Inaugural Jazz Dinner on Friday, February 19. Join the family, friends and community for a night of good food, a selfie booth, raffles, dancing and of course the smooth Jazz music provided by all the Sandburg Jazz Bands. Tickets are $35 per person, please contact the Music Boosters at (708) 207-8085 or email [email protected] for ticket availability. THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the Music Boosters first “Pick 3 Raffle”. Winning numbers can be found on the Music Boosters section of While we are still stuck in the winter season we can always “Think Spring”. The spring musical “My Fair Lady” auditions are just about complete and the students are working hard rehearsing for the big show. In addition, spring time brings the Music Boosters 27th Annual Spring Craft Fair on March 12 and 13. The Music Boosters will be looking for help to make this craft fair successful, so watch for information on how you can help. “At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents” (Jane D. Hull). The next Music Booster meeting will be on Tuesday, February 16, at 7:00 pm in Room E113-115. Please join us! ethnic pride communicated and explained through dance and music. The artistry of dance continMay 20, 23-24 Final Exams (Semester 2) 24 Last Day of School (if NO snow days are used) ues into the month with the Orchesis Show on February 18, 19, and 20. Our students choreograph and perform a wide variety of dance numbers and styles - from ballet to hip hop - that amaze and delight us. SENIOR PARTY The Relay For Life Team holds its Kick-Off event on February 22nd. Student event chairs, with their A N16ht to Remember There are only a few months left before GRADUATION and we are in full swing of preparation for PARTY 2016! teacher sponsors, are ready to “Paint D230 Purple!” in their annual effort to raise money to fight cancer. The busy month continues with Senior Academic Recognition Night on February 23rd when we honor seniors in the Top Tenth Percentile, Department Award Winners, PSAE and National Merit Scholars, and outstanding Eagle Award winners. The month culminates with our Band Concert on February 25th and Improvorama on February 26th. Plans for the 2016-17 school year are well underway. By mid-February, registration will be complete for all students, including our incoming freshman students - the Class of 2020 - who will have attended a Pre-Registration Night and Saturday registration event as part of their transition process. Raffle tickets and party information were mailed home in January to all families with SENIORS. The RAFFLE will take place on, Friday, February 26th at the last regular season home basketball game (Senior Night). Tickets are still available for purchase at $10 each. Please remember raffle tickets are NOT just for Senior families - ANYONE can purchase tickets. We will be using course registration numbers to determine the number of sections for each course CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 Richard Nogal, President Melissa Gracias, Vice President Susan Dalton, Secretary Kate Murphy-Peterson Patrick O’Sullivan Denis Ryan Tony Serratore Dr. James M. Gay, Superintendent Deborah D. Baker, Principal Sandburg Pride is published by the Consolidated High School District 230 School Board. that will be offered next year. Course verification letters, which will indicate the classes making up your child’s schedule for the next school year, will be sent to families in April. By that time, Guidance Counselors will have contacted students who registered for courses that may not run due to low enrollment so that they can register for alternative courses. These final edits to registration are necessary for the development of next year’s Master Schedule. Before you know it, graduation will be here, so I take this opportunity to note the graduation schedule this year. Graduation ceremonies will begin at 7:00 P.M. on the following dates: ● Stagg High School – Monday, May 16 ● Sandburg High School – Tuesday, May 17 ● Andrew High School – Wednesday, May 18 The National Weather Service will be used to decide if we need to implement a rain date change. Rain date for Sandburg will be Thursday, May 19, 2016, at 7:00 pm Best wishes and Go Eagles! "An equal opportunity employer" Deborah D. Baker Printed on Recycled Paper 30% Total Recycled Fiber Principal Please return the T-SHIRT order form and PARENT VOLUNTEER form as soon as possible. Remember, if your Senior sold all 10 raffle tickets, they will receive their party ticket for FREE. Therefore, please make sure you include your student’s name when returning raffle tickets and money. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANYTHING TO SANDBURG! Send all forms, raffle tickets and money to: P.O. Box 692, Orland Park, IL 60462. Look for notice of available dates when party tickets will be sold at school. We are still looking for donations of food and prizes for the many activities the students will be participating in the night of the party. If anyone would like to make a food, prize, cash or in-kind donation, please contact Gina Pelegrino at [email protected]. If you have any other questions or are interested in helping out, please attend our monthly meetings or contact Gina Pelegrino at the above email. Check Sandburg’s website under “parent organization” for our meeting dates or to download any of the forms sent home. clude: Prizes in ing + Train bership ing m e in M ra T 6 Month embership + : s s ing e th M r Fitn + Train Charte : 6 Mon Membership s s e ip h n r Fit bers nth Charte th Mem s: 6 Mo Fitnes : 3 Mon ift Card x r le te r p a G Ch ports ) e: $100 Park S rd season outiqu Gift Ca B Orland 0 d 0 n in 2016 1 o $ D B s : B e rt T ly o u r p e q e am ps S an Kimb d Bouti kets: (G urant, Cham ’s Fine Mexic rly Bon ta o Sox Tic s li e u e J Kimbe it R h le ’s ago W pa Joe nt, Unc (4) Chic t Basket: Pa n’s Restaura rbucks a n ll h a ri ple, Sta li r u G u im S ll y ll Resta n & Bar, Ho le House & er or fa astefu Chef, T Kitche quare Celt A n summ d io s re s e e p s r1 Food, S Basket: Pam up lass fo & make 1 free c ality : it p p o s h o s 50 hair H k $ r o d n W a ate nce The Da t certific 150 gif $ : n 2016 lo Sa homas tal Lisa T cts edo ren u prod se: Tux V u o ts h r a We produc en T Men’s ar care c flat scre ” h & s 2 a 3 e c C y u nan 250 Best B mainte halt: $ as auto ite Asp id R l M a e t: S ske ift card are Ba $100 g Card t & if t G e Auto C k 0 s 10 e ba Gas: $ to: Win Mobil Vicina ’s r gift card a 0 c 5 s l & othe ue: $1 France q ti u appare o ift card g C B C 0 ’s 5 V h 1 M a :$ e: Hann utique Colleg h’s Bo munity m o Hanna C y te e Valle ertifica Morain andise 0 gift c 5 h 2 te $ rc a : e m ring ertific rk Floo g: $500 gift c a M d n La orin ark Flo LandM PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 ORLAND PARK CA R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L 13300 S. LaGrange Road Orland Park, IL 60462 (708) 671-3100 C A R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R • F E B R UA RY 2 0 1 6 Marching Eagles Represent Illinois in the 2016 AllState Sugar Bowl! What’S ahead at Sandburg The Carl Sandburg High School Marching Eagles recently completed their highly successful 2016 Sugar Bowl Performance and New Orleans Tour over the winter break. While in New Orleans, the Marching Eagles participated in several exciting performances for the 2016 Sugar Bowl. These included performing for thousands in the streets of New Orleans for the Sugar Bowl Parade, and the halftime show of the Sugar Bowl in front of 74,000 fans. The band also took 2nd place in the Sugar Bowl Battle of the Bands Field Show Competition. February 2016 Turnabout dance Saturday, February 6th - 7:00 pm Senior Honors night Tuesday, February 23rd - 7:00 pm PAC IMpoRTAnT dATES Saturday, February 6th - Turnabout Dance, 7:00 pm Wednesday, February 10th - International Fest- 7:00 pm PAC Monday, February 15th - President’s Day - No School Thursday - Saturday, February 18th -20th - Orchesis, 7:00 pm PAC Thursday, February 25th - Band Concert - 7:00 pm PAC Friday, February 26th - Improvorama - 7:00 pm PAC Event Calendar Link GuIdAnCE RESouRCES Registration Information - January 2016 AP Test Registration - Thurs. March 18th Deadline - Ap Registration Link Free College Planning Resource - Financial Fit Link Guidance Link dEAdLInES College Financial Aid - (FAFSA) Class of 2016 begins January 1st, 2016. Awards made until funds are depleted or June 30th. - FAFSA Link SAndBuRG LInkS Athletics Guidance Sandburg Website Sandburg Facebook Sandburg Twitter Event Calendar Link *Live links found at A CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 SCHOOL THOuGHT MEANING ACTION
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