1658735 Sandburg March NL_Sandburg NL
1658735 Sandburg March NL_Sandburg NL
PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 ORLAND PARK CA R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L 13300 S. LaGrange Road Orland Park, IL 60462 (708) 671-3100 http://sandburg.d230.org CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • MARCH 2016 Sandburg Wrestling After finishing as a State Runner-Up as a junior, Louie Hayes capped off his senior season with a State Championship at 113 lbs. In the State Finals, Louie avenged his only 2 losses of the season. He recorded a thrilling last second takedown en route to defeating the defending State Champion 2-1. Among his long list of accomplishments, Louie was a freestyle and greco-roman Jr. National Champion this past summer. Louie finishes his season with a 45-2 record and a team high 29 pins. He will attend the University of Virginia next fall. WhaT’S ahEad aT SandburG March 2016 Parent Teacher Conferences Thursday, March 3rd - 12:00 - 8:00 pm Pre-Prom Parent Meeting Wednesday, March 23rd - 7:00 pm Eagle Gym Rudy Yates finished out his unbelievable career with his 3rd State title and an incredible 168-3 career record. He finished his senior season with a 45-0 record and a State Championship at 132 lbs. Meanwhile, his past two years resulted in back-to-back State Championships with a perfect 91-0 record. In addition, he set an IHSA State record for career technical-falls. Rudy will attend the University of Northern Iowa next fall. iMPorTAnT dATES Empowering Teens to Make Good Choices Tuesday, March 1st - Orland Park Substance Abuse Forum - 7:00 pm PAC Friday, March 4th - Casimir Pulaski Day - No School Friday, March 11th - Winter Recognition Assembly Wednesday, March 23rd - Psychology Fair, 7:00 pm PAC Friday, March 25th - No School Tuesday, March 29th - Almost an Eagle (6th/7th Grade Parents) - 6:00 pm Event Calendar Link GuidAnCE rESourCES Registration Information - January 2016 AP Test Registration - Thurs. March 18th Deadline - AP registration Link Free College Planning Resource - Financial Fit Link Guidance Link dEAdLinES College Financial Aid - (FAFSA) Class of 2016 begins January 1st, 2016. Awards made until funds are depleted or June 30th. - FAFSA Link SAndburG LinkS Athletics Guidance Sandburg Website Sandburg Facebook Sandburg Twitter Event Calendar Link *Live links found at Sandburg.d230.org A CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 SCHOOL THOuGHT MEANING ACTION CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 School Calendar Dates to Remember March 3 Parent/Teacher Conferences (no student attendance) 12 PM - 8 PM 4 No School 25 No School April 1 Early Dismissal 1:00 PM 4 Spring Break Begins 11 Classes Reconvene 22 No School May 20, 23-24 Final Exams (Semester 2) 24 Last Day of School (if NO snow days are used) (708) 671-3100 | sandburg.d230.org MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Greetings Eagle Families and Friends, Sandburg’s student body, including incoming freshmen, has completed course registrations for the 2016-17 school year. Our counselors offered extensive and individualized support during course selection and the registration process. Registration informs all other aspects of the master schedule process. From mid-February, for example, student course requests from registration determine the number of sections needed for each department course that will be scheduled. Once the number of course sections are exacted, staffing is then finalized. By the end of February through the end of April, teacher schedules and individual student schedules are developed within a context of fiscal responsibility and prudent resource allocation. We celebrated the good works of almost two dozen students at our monthly Blue & Gold Breakfast. Staff members join the students whom they recommend and share the inspiring and impressive stories of each individual student. As I told the February honorees, their big hearts and good heads make all of us at Sandburg better people. Speaking of great big hearts, we also congratulate Senior, Brooke Doman, who recently was honored as the first-ever Heart of the Village Student Volunteer recipient by Orland Park Mayor Dan McLaughlin at the State of the Village event that took place at Sandburg in February. Brooke epitomizes the “pay-it-forward” attitude. At our more formal annual Senior Honors Recognition Night on February 23rd, each academic department recognized a senior student who met the established criteria for excellence in that particular content area. In addition, students in the top 1%, top 5%, and 10% were honored for their high academic standing, and we commended our National Merit Scholar Semi-Finalists and Finalist, and Outstanding Eagles. We have posted the program to our website and congratulate these students and their families for these amazing academic achievements. The winter athletic and co-curricular seasons are coming to a close. We congratulate many of our Eagle teams who have concluded their season by qualifying for IHSA State level competition. At the time of writing this letter, Sandburg has proudly sent individuals and teams representing Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Dance, Chess, Wrestling, Boys Bowling, Girls Bowling, DECA, Business Professionals of America, and Speech to compete at the State level. A special congratulations to our Cheerleading Team who took 4th in the State! We are hopeful that other winter athletic and co-curricular team or individual competitions will continue advancing in their respective areas. Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, March 3rd between the hours of noon and 8:00 pm. Information about our parent-teacher conference scheduling process is located within this newsletter and posted on the Sandburg website. CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 Richard Nogal, President Melissa Gracias, Vice President Susan Dalton, Secretary Kate Murphy-Peterson Patrick O’Sullivan Denis Ryan Tony Serratore Dr. James M. Gay, Superintendent Deborah D. Baker, Principal Sandburg Pride is published by the Consolidated High School District 230 School Board. "An equal opportunity employer" Printed on Recycled Paper 30% Total Recycled Fiber Our Freshmen will take the State’s PARCC test over a series of four days during regular school attendance in late March. Details, including a testing schedule, will be mailed home to all freshman families, so that you have a ready resource (a/k/a “fridge sheet”) to keep track of all of the testing dates and attendance information. Please continue to spread the word about the upcoming Empower Teens to Make Good Choices panel and resource fair. Sandburg is hosting this District special event in collaboration with the Orland Park Substance Abuse Forum and our partner school districts. Our own Jessica Nelson, Student Assistance Coordinator, is one of the expert panelists who will present specific ideas to parents on how to help our teens develop the social and emotional skills necessary to navigate life. Best wishes and Go Eagles! Deborah D. Baker Principal MANDATORY PRE-PROM PARENT MEETING On Wednesday, March 23rd at 7:00 p.m., Carl Sandburg will be hosting a mandatory Pre-Prom Meeting for parents of students who plan to attend prom. Information regarding pre- and post-prom activities will be discussed by the Sandburg prom sponsor, school deans and the Orland Park Police Department. Parents must attend and sign an attendance slip in order for their students to purchase prom tickets. No tickets will be sold without proof of attendance. Any parent unable to attend on March 23rd should contact our receptionist at 671-3101 to arrange a time to come to school to view a video of the presentation. ATHLETIC BOOSTERS We'd like to congratulate those individuals and teams within our winter sports programs pursuing excellence through their commitment in Conference, Regional, Sectional and State play. It takes great dedication and focus to achieve the level of performance that we have seen them reach. All the winter sports teams are still competing and doing exceptionally well as they head towards the state finals! A reminder to parents of senior athletes: Please be sure that your student is eligible for one of the twenty $1,000 scholarships awarded from the Athletic Booster Club at the Senior Awards Night held in May. Along with academic eligibility, the athlete's family must be members of the Athletic Booster Club by April 16th. Athletic Booster Club membership forms and fees can be turned in at the Main Office to the attention of the Athletic Booster Club or to your Sports Rep. If you are uncertain of your membership status, please contact your sports representative or MUSIC BOOSTERS our Booster Club secretary, Michelle Gleisner, [email protected]. Spring sports are right around the corner. Check the athletic website for tryout times and dates! Michaela Comiskey has begun preparing our Spring Ad Book. If you or anyone you know would like to place an ad, please contact Michaela at [email protected]. The Booster Club always welcomes parent volunteers, so please join us at our next meeting, Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in Room E113-115. We will be taking nominations for the 2016-2017 Booster Board. We are desperately seeking a board secretary for 2016-2017. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Mike Probasco at [email protected]. Go Eagles! SENIOR PARTY A N16ht to Remember As the anticipation of Senior Party 2016 continues to grow, our efforts to plan the best experience for all the seniors continues as well! Our GRAND RAFFLE took place on Friday, February 26th. Be sure to read next month’s newsletter for information on how the event went as well as a list of all the lucky winners (this newsletter actually goes to press before the event occurs)! Any Senior who sold ALL 10 tickets will receive a FREE party ticket which has a $20 value. We will be selling party tickets during lunch periods sometime in May. There will be representatives from the PARTY committees at the PRE-PROM meeting taking place on Wednesday, March 23rd in the Eagle Gym at 7:00 pm to answer any questions you may have. If you have not already done so, please return your t-shirt order form and volunteer form in the return envelope that was provided or feel free to have your senior bring it to school and take it to our mailbox in the Dean’s Office. In April there will be another mailing going out to all Senior families that will include additional information about the Party. The most important part of that mailing will be the PERMISSION SLIPS! A Senior will not be able to receive their ticket without the permission slip signed by their parent. The mailing will also include a flyer about sale dates at school for the party tickets, Rules and Regulations for the Party as well as a Liability Waiver for the entertainment that will be provided. We are still looking for donations of food and prizes for the many activities the students will be participating in the night of the party. If anyone would like to make a food, prize, cash or in-kind donation please contact Gina Pelegrino at [email protected]. If you have any other questions or are interested in helping out, please attend our monthly meetings or contact Gina Pelegrino at the above email. Check Sandburg’s website under “parent organization” for our meeting dates or to download any of the forms sent home. We will also be inviting any JUNIOR parents who will be interested in running this event next year for PARTY 2017 to our May meeting. SENIOR SCHOLORSHIPS… Applications are due MONDAY, March 28. The Milton Potter Memorial Scholarship for seniors who will be pursuing a Music Major and The Music Booster Excellence in Music Scholarship for seniors who have participated all four years in the Music Department will be awarded at the Senior Scholarship Night on May 2nd. Please email [email protected] if you need an application. March is an extremely busy month for the Music Boosters, two of our main fundraising events take place this month. First up is the Music Boosters 27th Annual Spring Craft Fair held on Saturday, March 12 and Sunday, March 13. Come spend the weekend here at Sandburg looking for that special item made by one of the 130+ local artisans and crafters. The craft fair is the largest fundraiser for the Music Boosters and requires a lot of volunteers to make the weekend successful. Please consider volunteering some of your weekend for the music program. Many positions need to be filled: ticket sellers, concessions, bake sale and parking lot, just to name a few. Please email [email protected] with your availability. The second big event in March is the 2016 Sandburg Winter Guard Competition held on Sunday, March 20. Sandburg will host 36 guard teams from throughout the area. This event likewise requires numerous volunteers to make the Winter Guard Competition successful. We need help from approximately 8 am to 5 pm in many areas including; concessions, admissions, check-in, door monitors and sales of flowers and raffle tickets. Please email [email protected] with your availability. The Music Boosters ask that every music program family volunteer for at least one of the March events. These fundraisers provide the Music Boosters the resources to provide the Music Department with guest clinicians to work with the students, student summer scholarships, additional instruments, music and supplies. Please visit SandburgMusic.org for a calendar to the current events in the music program. Some of the upcoming Music Department events are: 3/2 Band Solo & Ensemble Festival 3/22 Orchestra Solo & Ensemble 3/29 Choir Solo and Ensemble ••• 3/10 Orchestra Concert 3/15 Choir Concert 3/17 Percuss-O-Rama 3/31 Spring Jazz Concert Concerts begin at 7 pm in the Sandburg PAC Each and every music parent can make a significant contribution, please consider volunteering at one of our March events. Your involvement in the Music Boosters is what ensures that our organization remains successful. Please join us for the next Music Booster meeting on Wednesday, March 16, 7 pm in Room E113-115. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | sandburg.d230.org MODEL UN Carl Sandburg Delegates traveled to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in February, to participate in their 29th Simulation of the United Nations. Competing against over 30 other schools and 700 delegates, the conference got off to a strong start when Sandburg's own Bill Kolpak was invited to give a keynote speech at the conference’s opening ceremony. Bill's speech stressed the growing influence communication and advancements in technology are currently having on social, political and economic revolutions. Following that, Sandburg students representing the Russian Federation, Lebanon, Rwanda, The British East India Company, International Press Corp, and the Joint Irish committee went on to debate a variety of topics from Iraq, Syria, Global Mass Surveillance, and Somalia. Overall, Sandburg had a very strong performance as delegates from Sandburg lead in the passing of resolutions in every committee. After four long days of hard work, several Sandburg delegates were recognized for their achievements: Outstanding Delegates: Bill Kolpak Hrishikesh Bhaththiwala Savannah Ayala Honorable Mentions: Alec Cardinal Worldwide Youth In Science And Engineering (WYSE) Sandburg Model UN flew into Philly in February as well to see how they stacked up against some of the best in the Country. Billed as a championship conference, ILMUNC or the Ivy League Model United Nations Conference, boasts over 3000 delegates and 120 schools. After a long weekend representing Chile and debating topics like Security Council Reform, Warfare in the Middle East, Globalized Exchange Rates, International Migration and the Spread of Nuclear Technology, Sandburg took home the Best New Delegation Award. Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering is an academic competition team. The students compete in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Math, Engineering, Computer science and English. The students specialize in one “primary” subject. WYSE is led by Science teachers Ms. Pierce and Ms. Soldan. Our students practice during the fall and winter season and compete in February, March and April. Our team has over 80 members competing in! The teams of subjects are led by Cherish Recera, Ahmad Abuisneineh, Zoe Baker, Jeff Sniederitis, Harsh Khilwani, Zack Marshall, Riddhi Patel and Erin Cygan. In the past eight years, Sandburg has had individuals or teams advance to state at our overnight tournament at the University of Illinois. On February 5th at the University of St. Those individually recognized were: Caroline Hegg Verbal Commendation in Political Security 1963 Tuesday, May 17, 2016; 7:00 pm • Seliga Field Anthony Arunno Verbal commendations in the UN Commission for Asia and the Pacific Each graduating senior will receive 6 graduation tickets at the Senior Picnic. In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be rescheduled for Thursday, May 19, at 7:00 pm. (Seliga Field). The school administration will make the decision to move the ceremony at 2:00 pm on May 17th. Parents will receive phone notification only if the decision to move the date is made. Ghania Chaudry Outstanding delegate in the International Monetary Fund Bill Kolpak Best delegate in the Security Council. MEMBERSHIP Thank you to the many families who have joined our organization this year. Your continued support allows us to award senior scholarships and to contribute to a variety of Sandburg clubs and activities. In order for your student to qualify for a Senior Scholarship, your family must become a member of the PFSA every year your son or daughter attends Sandburg. Membership fees were due by March 1, 2016. VOLUNTEERS Thank you to all our volunteers who helped sell spirit wear at the Class of 2020 events and for those who volunteered at Turnabout for our coat check. We appreciate all your hard work. Please check your calendars and let us know if you are available to help with the annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon which will be held on Monday, April 25th. If you are able to help for any part of the day, please contact Tara Davis ([email protected]). We are looking for volunteers for donations, set up, serving, clean up. Looking for Senior Student Speakers for the 2016 Commencement Ceremony Graduation Alec Cardinal Verbal Commendation in Political Security 1963 If we experience inclement weather on Thursday, May 19th, the decision to move the graduation inside will be made at 2:00 pm, following the same notification procedures. PFSA SCHOLARSHIPS – SENIORS We are happy to announce that thanks to your support, the PFSA will once again be awarding scholarships to qualified graduating seniors. While participation in athletics and music are welcome, the PFSA is seeking seniors that have impacted the Sandburg community – i.e. the clubs and organizations your child has participated in and how their participation has made a difference. All applications will be due March 11th. Please see the Guidance Department for your application. In order for your senior to be eligible, your family must have been a paying member of PFSA for all years attending Sandburg. Francis, Zack Marshall finished 2nd in Math and Harsh Khilwani took 3rd for our division. Josh Reeder took 1st in Engineering Graphics and 2nd in Physics, Lucas Komara took 3rd in Engineering Graphics, Chirag Shah took 3rd in Chemistry, Dylan Violetto took 3rd place in English, Zoe Baker took 3rd in Computer Science. your student’s high school experience. Please feel free to share any ideas, questions, or comments directly with our officers. Their email addresses are: [email protected] (Brigid Carey), [email protected] (Tara Davis), [email protected] (Katie Curtin), and [email protected] (Michelle Armstrong). SPIRITWEAR The next opportunity to purchase spirit wear will be at Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday March 3rd. If there are any questions regarding spirit wear please contact Kim and Laurie at [email protected]. MEETING DATES Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 8th at 7:00 pm. Please join us in the Community Room. The remaining and final 2015-16 Meeting date is May 3rd. We are always looking for input and volunteers so please consider attending. It’s a great way to keep up on what’s going on at Sandburg. We look forward to seeing you there! PFSA BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS There are still several opportunities to serve on committees in PFSA this year. We also will have board and committee positions open for the 2016-2017 school year. Now is a great time to shadow a current member so you can be prepared for next year and see how you can contribute your talents to PFSA. It is both fun and rewarding to be a part of CONNECT WITH PFSA… PFSA is sharing happenings from our Sandburg community. “Like” us Facebook.com/sandburgpfsa and “Follow” us - @SandburgPFSA. If you are a PFSA Member and have not been receiving emails from the PFSA and would like to do so, please email your contact information to [email protected]. Don’t miss out on information, take time to get connected. The indoor graduation ceremony will be held in the Eagle Gym on Thursday, May 19th, with live streaming in the East Gym, Gold Gym, Performing Arts Center and Blue Gym. The tickets distributed to seniors at the Senior Picnic will be color coded allocating two for the Eagle and four for remote locations. If additional tickets are needed, seniors must check with other members of the senior class who may not be using all of their tickets. There will be no additional tickets issued from the Main Office. Graduates will gather at an off-site location and will be bussed to the campus for the ceremony. Off-site parking will be available for families, and a lottery will be held for those requesting parking spaces at Sandburg. More detailed information will be forthcoming in a mailing to senior families in mid-March. We encourage any senior interested in speaking at graduation to submit an original speech for this year’s Commencement Ceremony. The speech should be centered on this year’s theme: “The Need for Story”. Students should also reflect on what it means to be a graduate of Carl Sandburg High School in light of one or more of the following: ● Importance or impact of academics ● Influence of faculty, staff or family ● A significant opportunity offered at/ afforded by Sandburg ● Co-Curricular activities involvement ● Athletic participation ● Community service events ● Sandburg social events ● Other related topics A committee of students, teachers and administrators will review speeches. All submissions are due to Greg Gardner, Assistant Principal, by 4:00 pm on April 1st. Submission information and the Student Agreement form are available on the school website and in the Main Office. News From The Nurse’s Office MARCH IS POISON CONTROL MONTH NURSE’S OFFICE ALERT The Poison Center hotline number is 1-800-222-1222. The phone call is free and it is confidential. The website for information on poison control is: illinoispoisoncenter.org. Attention Junior Parents/Guardians (Class of 2017) Two doses of Meningococcal vaccine are required for entry to the 12th grade. Only one dose is required if it was given after the 16th birthday. The following action is needed from you at this time: This site gives information, first-aid tips, and frequently asked questions as well as presentation information. Attention Incoming Freshmen Health Packets were distributed on January 26 during Freshman Open House. Please call the Nurse’s Office at 708-671-3118 if you have not received a packet. ● If your child has received 2 doses of meningococcal vaccine, please bring your physician verified immunization record to the Nurse’s Office. ● If your child received 1 dose after their 16th birthday, bring your physician verified immunization record to the Nurse’s Office. ● If your child has not had this required vaccine they must have it and bring the verification of having received it to the Nurse’s Office. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Nurse’s office at (708) 671-3118. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | sandburg.d230.org Scholarships Made Available to Graduating Sandburg Seniors: Common Application The following scholarships will use a common application. The Application will be available in the Guidance Office. Applicants who meet the criteria of one or more of these scholarships can submit just one application. A faculty scholarship committee will review the applications and select a recipient for each award. ALL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE DUE IN THE GUIDANCE OFFICE BY FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2016 AT 3:15 pm. All candidates must be graduating seniors at Carl Sandburg High School. All Scholarships listed are estimates. Awards and amounts are subject to change. Special Application These individual applications will be available in the Guidance Office. They must be completed and returned by March 11, 2016 before 3:15 pm. COMMON APPLICATIONS NAME OF SPONSOR Orland Park Kiwanis Club Georgio’s Quality Inn and Suites Scholarship American Sertoma NUMBER OF AWARDS & AMOUNT 5 $2,400 1 $500 Marquette Bank Education Foundation Dr. Kelly E. Ludwig Memorial Scholarship 1 1 $500 Donald Steinhardt Memorial Scholarship Korean War Veterans 1 $2000 1 E LIGIBILITY Primary emphasis should be on a student with a disability or who has overcome a disability, (at least 2 of the 5 scholarships. If that criteria is not met other students will be considered), cocurricular involvement, service to school, 3 .0 GP A , M e m b e r s o f the K ey Club will receive priority. Two scholarships will be reserved for students attending Community College or Trade School Interested in hospitality/restaurant field; shows financial need; community service. Overcame speech or hearing difficulty or helped someone who has. A clear financial need (address in your essay) Scholastic achievement, and community service. Success in Academics, community service, and activities at CSHS. Displays a love of education as demonstrated by Dr. Kelly E. Ludwig Participation in Speech or Drama at Carl Sandburg (minimum of 2 Years), GPA > 2.5, interested in the study of speech or drama. Academic Success, Community Service, Active in School Activities. SPECIAL APPLICATIONS College Visits Encouraged One of the best ways to research a college is to visit the campus you may plan to attend. Visiting the facilities and talking with the staff and students can help in determining how well the college will meet your needs. Contact the college admissions office or check their web site for information about scheduling visits, tours and Open House dates. Visiting colleges during spring break or this summer will help students narrow their choices. National Merit Finalist Named Out of 16,000 Semifinalists named in September 2015, Senior, Tom Brennan, was named a 2016 National Merit Finalist by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. National Merit Finalists will be considered for National Merit Scholarships to be offered in 2016. Orland Park’s Inaugural Orland Park Has Heart Youth Volunteer Of The Year Award Congratulations to Senior, Brooke Doman, who was named Orland Park’s Youth Volunteer of the Year at Mayor McLaughlin’s State of the Village Address on February 9th. Brooke was the judges’ choice from among all of the nominations received last fall. Brooke is involved in several co-curricular activities and has over 450 hours of community service. NAME OF SPONSOR Andrew Family Foundation Scholarship NUMBER OF AWARDS & AMOUNT 2 (1 male/1female) $24,000 Carl Sandburg Athletic Alumni Scholarship 3 $1,000 Orland Park Lions Club 1 $1,500 Orland Park Rotary College Scholarship $3,500 Orland Park Rotary Career Scholarship $1,500 Erin E. Olmsted Memorial Scholarship 1 $5,000 Erin E. Olmsted “open” Memorial Scholarship for Men and Women 2 $2,500 (1 male/1 female) Teachers’ Association Scholarship Sharon Goodman Memorial Mathematics Scholarship 1 $500 1 $1,000 Joseph Dykas Memorial Scholarship PFSA Exemplary Student Award 1 $1,000 PFSA Academic Award $1,000 Carl Sandburg Athletic Booster Club Carl Sandburg Retired Teachers’ Scholarship Richard F Nogal Memorial Scholarship Ryan Nash Memorial Scholarship Jane Caliendo Memorial Scholarship $1,000 $1,000 1 $1,000 $500 (1 Male/1 female) ELIGIBILITY Minimum 3 . 5 G P A through seven semesters; three written recs. (including one from outside CSHS); demonstrated scholarship, leadership, citizenship, role model for peers; potential for excellence in college and life; accepted at accredited 4-year college or university, application deadline may be different from the Sandburg due date, application will be completed online. Participate & varsity letter in the same sport for 2 years or longer, high moral character, determination to succeed in all endeavors, attend college in the fall after graduation, minimum 3 . 0 G P A , not receiving any other college athletic scholarships Student has a significant lifelong disability (i.e. vision, hearing impaired, autism, cerebral palsy, etc.) financial need, upstanding character, letter of recommendation, all area schools are eligible. Academic excellence(3 3 . 2 G P A ), enthusiastic participation in community service and co-curricular activities, financial need, attend 4 year college/university, reside within the boundaries of the OP Rotary Club, o n l y l o c a l s c h o l a r s h i p r e c e i v e d Attend a community college or vocational/training program,G GPA o v e r 2 . 7 , enthusiastic participation in community service and extracurricular activities, financial need, live in the boundaries of the Orland Park Rotary, o n l y l o c a l s c h o l a r s h i p r e c e i v e d . Attend Sandburg High School, be scheduled to graduate in 4 years; 3.0 G P A by mid-term of senior year; female student athlete - participate for 4 years in a sport or sports, earning at least one varsity letter; plan to attend a 4 year accredited college the fall after graduation; must n o t have been awarded any full athletic/or academic scholarships. Attend Carl Sandburg High School, be scheduled to graduate in 4 years, 3 . 0 G P A at mid-term Senior year, plan to attend a 4 year college, participate in 4 years of an extra-curricular activity, must not have been awarded any “full” athletic or academic scholarships. Demonstration of interest in education as a career, demonstrated academic ability through high school grades & test scores, financial nd. Be a graduating Senior at Carl Sandburg; plan to attain 4-year college degree; have a cumulative G P A o f 3 . 5 by the end of 7th semester; have a GPA of 3.5 in math courses; demonstrate active participation in math co-curricular organizations and a love for math and learning Major in Education, display leadership, be a life-long learner, display caring qualities of Mr. Dykas PFSA family membership (for all years the student attended Sandburg), evidence of extraordinary commitment to CSHS through participation in co-curricular activities, contribution of service to the welfare of the school. 3 . 7 6 M i n . G P A PFSA family membership (for all years that the student has attended Sandburg), evidence of being a well-rounded student by contributing to the general welfare of the school in co-curricular activities,, G P A must fall between 3 . 0 a n d 3 . 7 5 . Trainers, stats, Poms, cheerleaders, Athletes, must have participated for 4 years (any combination), attended CSHS for 6 semesters, Min 2 . 7 5 G P A , Member of athletic booster club, demonstrate sportsmanship Major in Education and demonstrate financial need. Demonstrate a commitment to serving the present and future public interest of the Orland Park Community 2 $1,500 Pursue a degree in Mental Health, Social Work, or Counseling 2 $5,000 Awarded to a Carl Sandburg Athlete for the past 3 years who is intending to continue to compete through their undergraduate work. Students must possess the pride, passion, and purpose that define how Coach Jane Caliendo lived. Minimum GPA is 3.0 ART DEPARTMENT Congratulations to all of our Eagle Art Students on the start of a very busy Winter-Spring event calendar! Our first four exhibitions/ competitions began immediately after the winter break. McCord Gallery: travel to New York City, next month, to compete nationally against all other Gold Key winners from throughout the United States. If they win an award there, the work will be nationally recognized at Carnegie Hall this summer. Carl Sandburg students in AP Studio Art and Independent Study exhibited their work in a special show at The McCord Gallery & Cultural Center in Palos Park. McCord’s entire gallery space was reserved for the exhibit, which ran from January13th – February 8th. Students were able to select 2-3 works for the show, in a huge variety of media, content and style. Illinois State Show: Casey Gartlan, Sarah Heidegger, Mady Knaus, Rebecca Kordas, Damien Lee, Alexa Marines, Monica Marsan, Keara Rigg, Brooke Smith and Sarah Zieba presented their work and hosted an opening reception on Sunday, January 24th. The reception was a huge success. Family and friends joined students to celebrate their first formal exhibit at a professional art gallery. Most significantly, students learned a bit about promoting and marketing their own work. Many thanks to Lynne Terr, Director of McCord Gallery, who continues to promote the work of Sandburg students and district art faculty. Lynne chose Sarah Heidegger’s lion painting for the McCord Gallery 2017 Calendar. We have 5 winners this year with 5 winning works! Monica Marsan’s digital work “Monster” won for Drawing. It is a hilarious depiction of a dog being terrorized by a vacuum cleaner. Sarah Heidegger’s incredible “Bold & Brash” won for the Painting category. The Photography category was placed by Lisa Theriault with her photo-collage work entitled “The King of Submarines “. It is a fun parody of Elvis Presley dancing in a submarine. Mady Knaus’s “Tribal” sculpture won for 3D Media and Scott Sharkey took the Graphic Design award for “Red Horizon.” Scholastics: On January 24, 2016, Sandburg art students competed in the West Suburban Chicago Regional Scholastic Arts Awards and Exhibition at the Downers Grove North High School, Downers Grove, Illinois. Sandburg students entered 52 individual works to compete with over 2894 individual entries from 23 other schools in our region. Nine of our students’ works won an award. Jayne Wagner, Madison Christie-Hamre and Sarah Zieba won Gold Keys. Evan Flaherty, Monica Marsan and Sarah Zieba were awarded Silver Keys. Monica Marsan and Sarah Zieba earned Honorable Mentions. Our students winning works spanned the categories of Drawing, Digital Art, Ceramics and Photography. The three Gold Key winning pieces will now Our State competition has been very exciting! 100 schools statewide and 500 students entered the Illinois High School Art Exhibition, in its third year. This competition is sponsored by the Illinois Art Education Association and a consortium of art colleges throughout the United States. All winning works are on display at the Zhou B Art Center at 1029 W. 35th Street in Chicago. Work will be exhibited until March 9th. The opening reception will be held on Sunday, March 6th. Students and families viewed the work of all winners, and were invited to visit the studio spaces of professional working artists. In addition, a host of colleges were on hand for individual conferences with students and parents. The event ended with an awards ceremony honoring all students and their work. display of art from sixteen suburban high schools. Participating students were chosen by Sandburg art teachers to act as representatives of our school, in person, and via their exemplary art work. Sandburg was represented by the art of Justin Arcenal, Mandi Burnison, Evan Flaherty, Olivia Good, Jazmin Hernandez, Grace Lum, Jaden Perez, Taylor Udarbe, Jayne Wagner and Sarah Zieba. The “Best of School” award for Sandburg went to Evan Flaherty for his “Tea Pot”. In the category for “Best of Photography” for the entire exhibit, the award went to Sarah Zieba. Participating students attended the SWSC Arts Festival on February 5th, along with students from our sister schools. Their work was displayed in Governor’s State Art Gallery. After viewing the gallery display, students and faculty adjourned to the auditorium to hear the keynote speaker: artist Graham Owen. Mr. Owen is an accomplished professional artist who offered insights into what it takes to be a professional artist and business person, and how to market your work. Students and faculty participated in a lively question and answer session after the talk. Following the lecture, students attended their choice of breakout sessions, led by Governor’s State professors. The sessions ranged from discussions and demonstrations on material and processes, to hands-on activities and collaborative group projects. Evan Flaherty lent a hand by demonstrating his “throwing” skill on the potter’s wheel. On Saturday, February 6th, friends and family of students were invited to the campus open house to view the student art. The exhibit was on display until February 9th. S.W.S.C.: The South West Suburban Conference Visual Arts Festival was hosted again by Governor’s State University. This year’s conference included a gallery COMING UP SOON: SAVE THE DATE: Sandburg students will compete at the Moraine Valley HS Art Exhibit. Carl Sandburg Annual Spring Art Exhibit, Opening Reception is Thursday evening, April 28th, from 6-8 p.m. The evening reception will be held in the Fine Arts Building on Friday, March 18th, from 6-8 p.m. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | sandburg.d230.org Scholarships Made Available to Graduating Sandburg Seniors: Common Application The following scholarships will use a common application. The Application will be available in the Guidance Office. Applicants who meet the criteria of one or more of these scholarships can submit just one application. A faculty scholarship committee will review the applications and select a recipient for each award. ALL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE DUE IN THE GUIDANCE OFFICE BY FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2016 AT 3:15 pm. All candidates must be graduating seniors at Carl Sandburg High School. All Scholarships listed are estimates. Awards and amounts are subject to change. Special Application These individual applications will be available in the Guidance Office. They must be completed and returned by March 11, 2016 before 3:15 pm. COMMON APPLICATIONS NAME OF SPONSOR Orland Park Kiwanis Club Georgio’s Quality Inn and Suites Scholarship American Sertoma NUMBER OF AWARDS & AMOUNT 5 $2,400 1 $500 Marquette Bank Education Foundation Dr. Kelly E. Ludwig Memorial Scholarship 1 1 $500 Donald Steinhardt Memorial Scholarship Korean War Veterans 1 $2000 1 E LIGIBILITY Primary emphasis should be on a student with a disability or who has overcome a disability, (at least 2 of the 5 scholarships. If that criteria is not met other students will be considered), cocurricular involvement, service to school, 3 .0 GP A , M e m b e r s o f the K ey Club will receive priority. Two scholarships will be reserved for students attending Community College or Trade School Interested in hospitality/restaurant field; shows financial need; community service. Overcame speech or hearing difficulty or helped someone who has. A clear financial need (address in your essay) Scholastic achievement, and community service. Success in Academics, community service, and activities at CSHS. Displays a love of education as demonstrated by Dr. Kelly E. Ludwig Participation in Speech or Drama at Carl Sandburg (minimum of 2 Years), GPA > 2.5, interested in the study of speech or drama. Academic Success, Community Service, Active in School Activities. SPECIAL APPLICATIONS College Visits Encouraged One of the best ways to research a college is to visit the campus you may plan to attend. Visiting the facilities and talking with the staff and students can help in determining how well the college will meet your needs. Contact the college admissions office or check their web site for information about scheduling visits, tours and Open House dates. Visiting colleges during spring break or this summer will help students narrow their choices. National Merit Finalist Named Out of 16,000 Semifinalists named in September 2015, Senior, Tom Brennan, was named a 2016 National Merit Finalist by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. National Merit Finalists will be considered for National Merit Scholarships to be offered in 2016. Orland Park’s Inaugural Orland Park Has Heart Youth Volunteer Of The Year Award Congratulations to Senior, Brooke Doman, who was named Orland Park’s Youth Volunteer of the Year at Mayor McLaughlin’s State of the Village Address on February 9th. Brooke was the judges’ choice from among all of the nominations received last fall. Brooke is involved in several co-curricular activities and has over 450 hours of community service. NAME OF SPONSOR Andrew Family Foundation Scholarship NUMBER OF AWARDS & AMOUNT 2 (1 male/1female) $24,000 Carl Sandburg Athletic Alumni Scholarship 3 $1,000 Orland Park Lions Club 1 $1,500 Orland Park Rotary College Scholarship $3,500 Orland Park Rotary Career Scholarship $1,500 Erin E. Olmsted Memorial Scholarship 1 $5,000 Erin E. Olmsted “open” Memorial Scholarship for Men and Women 2 $2,500 (1 male/1 female) Teachers’ Association Scholarship Sharon Goodman Memorial Mathematics Scholarship 1 $500 1 $1,000 Joseph Dykas Memorial Scholarship PFSA Exemplary Student Award 1 $1,000 PFSA Academic Award $1,000 Carl Sandburg Athletic Booster Club Carl Sandburg Retired Teachers’ Scholarship Richard F Nogal Memorial Scholarship Ryan Nash Memorial Scholarship Jane Caliendo Memorial Scholarship $1,000 $1,000 1 $1,000 $500 (1 Male/1 female) ELIGIBILITY Minimum 3 . 5 G P A through seven semesters; three written recs. (including one from outside CSHS); demonstrated scholarship, leadership, citizenship, role model for peers; potential for excellence in college and life; accepted at accredited 4-year college or university, application deadline may be different from the Sandburg due date, application will be completed online. Participate & varsity letter in the same sport for 2 years or longer, high moral character, determination to succeed in all endeavors, attend college in the fall after graduation, minimum 3 . 0 G P A , not receiving any other college athletic scholarships Student has a significant lifelong disability (i.e. vision, hearing impaired, autism, cerebral palsy, etc.) financial need, upstanding character, letter of recommendation, all area schools are eligible. Academic excellence(3 3 . 2 G P A ), enthusiastic participation in community service and co-curricular activities, financial need, attend 4 year college/university, reside within the boundaries of the OP Rotary Club, o n l y l o c a l s c h o l a r s h i p r e c e i v e d Attend a community college or vocational/training program,G GPA o v e r 2 . 7 , enthusiastic participation in community service and extracurricular activities, financial need, live in the boundaries of the Orland Park Rotary, o n l y l o c a l s c h o l a r s h i p r e c e i v e d . Attend Sandburg High School, be scheduled to graduate in 4 years; 3.0 G P A by mid-term of senior year; female student athlete - participate for 4 years in a sport or sports, earning at least one varsity letter; plan to attend a 4 year accredited college the fall after graduation; must n o t have been awarded any full athletic/or academic scholarships. Attend Carl Sandburg High School, be scheduled to graduate in 4 years, 3 . 0 G P A at mid-term Senior year, plan to attend a 4 year college, participate in 4 years of an extra-curricular activity, must not have been awarded any “full” athletic or academic scholarships. Demonstration of interest in education as a career, demonstrated academic ability through high school grades & test scores, financial nd. Be a graduating Senior at Carl Sandburg; plan to attain 4-year college degree; have a cumulative G P A o f 3 . 5 by the end of 7th semester; have a GPA of 3.5 in math courses; demonstrate active participation in math co-curricular organizations and a love for math and learning Major in Education, display leadership, be a life-long learner, display caring qualities of Mr. Dykas PFSA family membership (for all years the student attended Sandburg), evidence of extraordinary commitment to CSHS through participation in co-curricular activities, contribution of service to the welfare of the school. 3 . 7 6 M i n . G P A PFSA family membership (for all years that the student has attended Sandburg), evidence of being a well-rounded student by contributing to the general welfare of the school in co-curricular activities,, G P A must fall between 3 . 0 a n d 3 . 7 5 . Trainers, stats, Poms, cheerleaders, Athletes, must have participated for 4 years (any combination), attended CSHS for 6 semesters, Min 2 . 7 5 G P A , Member of athletic booster club, demonstrate sportsmanship Major in Education and demonstrate financial need. Demonstrate a commitment to serving the present and future public interest of the Orland Park Community 2 $1,500 Pursue a degree in Mental Health, Social Work, or Counseling 2 $5,000 Awarded to a Carl Sandburg Athlete for the past 3 years who is intending to continue to compete through their undergraduate work. Students must possess the pride, passion, and purpose that define how Coach Jane Caliendo lived. Minimum GPA is 3.0 ART DEPARTMENT Congratulations to all of our Eagle Art Students on the start of a very busy Winter-Spring event calendar! Our first four exhibitions/ competitions began immediately after the winter break. McCord Gallery: travel to New York City, next month, to compete nationally against all other Gold Key winners from throughout the United States. If they win an award there, the work will be nationally recognized at Carnegie Hall this summer. Carl Sandburg students in AP Studio Art and Independent Study exhibited their work in a special show at The McCord Gallery & Cultural Center in Palos Park. McCord’s entire gallery space was reserved for the exhibit, which ran from January13th – February 8th. Students were able to select 2-3 works for the show, in a huge variety of media, content and style. Illinois State Show: Casey Gartlan, Sarah Heidegger, Mady Knaus, Rebecca Kordas, Damien Lee, Alexa Marines, Monica Marsan, Keara Rigg, Brooke Smith and Sarah Zieba presented their work and hosted an opening reception on Sunday, January 24th. The reception was a huge success. Family and friends joined students to celebrate their first formal exhibit at a professional art gallery. Most significantly, students learned a bit about promoting and marketing their own work. Many thanks to Lynne Terr, Director of McCord Gallery, who continues to promote the work of Sandburg students and district art faculty. Lynne chose Sarah Heidegger’s lion painting for the McCord Gallery 2017 Calendar. We have 5 winners this year with 5 winning works! Monica Marsan’s digital work “Monster” won for Drawing. It is a hilarious depiction of a dog being terrorized by a vacuum cleaner. Sarah Heidegger’s incredible “Bold & Brash” won for the Painting category. The Photography category was placed by Lisa Theriault with her photo-collage work entitled “The King of Submarines “. It is a fun parody of Elvis Presley dancing in a submarine. Mady Knaus’s “Tribal” sculpture won for 3D Media and Scott Sharkey took the Graphic Design award for “Red Horizon.” Scholastics: On January 24, 2016, Sandburg art students competed in the West Suburban Chicago Regional Scholastic Arts Awards and Exhibition at the Downers Grove North High School, Downers Grove, Illinois. Sandburg students entered 52 individual works to compete with over 2894 individual entries from 23 other schools in our region. Nine of our students’ works won an award. Jayne Wagner, Madison Christie-Hamre and Sarah Zieba won Gold Keys. Evan Flaherty, Monica Marsan and Sarah Zieba were awarded Silver Keys. Monica Marsan and Sarah Zieba earned Honorable Mentions. Our students winning works spanned the categories of Drawing, Digital Art, Ceramics and Photography. The three Gold Key winning pieces will now Our State competition has been very exciting! 100 schools statewide and 500 students entered the Illinois High School Art Exhibition, in its third year. This competition is sponsored by the Illinois Art Education Association and a consortium of art colleges throughout the United States. All winning works are on display at the Zhou B Art Center at 1029 W. 35th Street in Chicago. Work will be exhibited until March 9th. The opening reception will be held on Sunday, March 6th. Students and families viewed the work of all winners, and were invited to visit the studio spaces of professional working artists. In addition, a host of colleges were on hand for individual conferences with students and parents. The event ended with an awards ceremony honoring all students and their work. display of art from sixteen suburban high schools. Participating students were chosen by Sandburg art teachers to act as representatives of our school, in person, and via their exemplary art work. Sandburg was represented by the art of Justin Arcenal, Mandi Burnison, Evan Flaherty, Olivia Good, Jazmin Hernandez, Grace Lum, Jaden Perez, Taylor Udarbe, Jayne Wagner and Sarah Zieba. The “Best of School” award for Sandburg went to Evan Flaherty for his “Tea Pot”. In the category for “Best of Photography” for the entire exhibit, the award went to Sarah Zieba. Participating students attended the SWSC Arts Festival on February 5th, along with students from our sister schools. Their work was displayed in Governor’s State Art Gallery. After viewing the gallery display, students and faculty adjourned to the auditorium to hear the keynote speaker: artist Graham Owen. Mr. Owen is an accomplished professional artist who offered insights into what it takes to be a professional artist and business person, and how to market your work. Students and faculty participated in a lively question and answer session after the talk. Following the lecture, students attended their choice of breakout sessions, led by Governor’s State professors. The sessions ranged from discussions and demonstrations on material and processes, to hands-on activities and collaborative group projects. Evan Flaherty lent a hand by demonstrating his “throwing” skill on the potter’s wheel. On Saturday, February 6th, friends and family of students were invited to the campus open house to view the student art. The exhibit was on display until February 9th. S.W.S.C.: The South West Suburban Conference Visual Arts Festival was hosted again by Governor’s State University. This year’s conference included a gallery COMING UP SOON: SAVE THE DATE: Sandburg students will compete at the Moraine Valley HS Art Exhibit. Carl Sandburg Annual Spring Art Exhibit, Opening Reception is Thursday evening, April 28th, from 6-8 p.m. The evening reception will be held in the Fine Arts Building on Friday, March 18th, from 6-8 p.m. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL (708) 671-3100 | sandburg.d230.org MODEL UN Carl Sandburg Delegates traveled to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in February, to participate in their 29th Simulation of the United Nations. Competing against over 30 other schools and 700 delegates, the conference got off to a strong start when Sandburg's own Bill Kolpak was invited to give a keynote speech at the conference’s opening ceremony. Bill's speech stressed the growing influence communication and advancements in technology are currently having on social, political and economic revolutions. Following that, Sandburg students representing the Russian Federation, Lebanon, Rwanda, The British East India Company, International Press Corp, and the Joint Irish committee went on to debate a variety of topics from Iraq, Syria, Global Mass Surveillance, and Somalia. Overall, Sandburg had a very strong performance as delegates from Sandburg lead in the passing of resolutions in every committee. After four long days of hard work, several Sandburg delegates were recognized for their achievements: Outstanding Delegates: Bill Kolpak Hrishikesh Bhaththiwala Savannah Ayala Honorable Mentions: Alec Cardinal Worldwide Youth In Science And Engineering (WYSE) Sandburg Model UN flew into Philly in February as well to see how they stacked up against some of the best in the Country. Billed as a championship conference, ILMUNC or the Ivy League Model United Nations Conference, boasts over 3000 delegates and 120 schools. After a long weekend representing Chile and debating topics like Security Council Reform, Warfare in the Middle East, Globalized Exchange Rates, International Migration and the Spread of Nuclear Technology, Sandburg took home the Best New Delegation Award. Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering is an academic competition team. The students compete in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Math, Engineering, Computer science and English. The students specialize in one “primary” subject. WYSE is led by Science teachers Ms. Pierce and Ms. Soldan. Our students practice during the fall and winter season and compete in February, March and April. Our team has over 80 members competing in! The teams of subjects are led by Cherish Recera, Ahmad Abuisneineh, Zoe Baker, Jeff Sniederitis, Harsh Khilwani, Zack Marshall, Riddhi Patel and Erin Cygan. In the past eight years, Sandburg has had individuals or teams advance to state at our overnight tournament at the University of Illinois. On February 5th at the University of St. Those individually recognized were: Caroline Hegg Verbal Commendation in Political Security 1963 Tuesday, May 17, 2016; 7:00 pm • Seliga Field Anthony Arunno Verbal commendations in the UN Commission for Asia and the Pacific Each graduating senior will receive 6 graduation tickets at the Senior Picnic. In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be rescheduled for Thursday, May 19, at 7:00 pm. (Seliga Field). The school administration will make the decision to move the ceremony at 2:00 pm on May 17th. Parents will receive phone notification only if the decision to move the date is made. Ghania Chaudry Outstanding delegate in the International Monetary Fund Bill Kolpak Best delegate in the Security Council. MEMBERSHIP Thank you to the many families who have joined our organization this year. Your continued support allows us to award senior scholarships and to contribute to a variety of Sandburg clubs and activities. In order for your student to qualify for a Senior Scholarship, your family must become a member of the PFSA every year your son or daughter attends Sandburg. Membership fees were due by March 1, 2016. VOLUNTEERS Thank you to all our volunteers who helped sell spirit wear at the Class of 2020 events and for those who volunteered at Turnabout for our coat check. We appreciate all your hard work. Please check your calendars and let us know if you are available to help with the annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon which will be held on Monday, April 25th. If you are able to help for any part of the day, please contact Tara Davis ([email protected]). We are looking for volunteers for donations, set up, serving, clean up. Looking for Senior Student Speakers for the 2016 Commencement Ceremony Graduation Alec Cardinal Verbal Commendation in Political Security 1963 If we experience inclement weather on Thursday, May 19th, the decision to move the graduation inside will be made at 2:00 pm, following the same notification procedures. PFSA SCHOLARSHIPS – SENIORS We are happy to announce that thanks to your support, the PFSA will once again be awarding scholarships to qualified graduating seniors. While participation in athletics and music are welcome, the PFSA is seeking seniors that have impacted the Sandburg community – i.e. the clubs and organizations your child has participated in and how their participation has made a difference. All applications will be due March 11th. Please see the Guidance Department for your application. In order for your senior to be eligible, your family must have been a paying member of PFSA for all years attending Sandburg. Francis, Zack Marshall finished 2nd in Math and Harsh Khilwani took 3rd for our division. Josh Reeder took 1st in Engineering Graphics and 2nd in Physics, Lucas Komara took 3rd in Engineering Graphics, Chirag Shah took 3rd in Chemistry, Dylan Violetto took 3rd place in English, Zoe Baker took 3rd in Computer Science. your student’s high school experience. Please feel free to share any ideas, questions, or comments directly with our officers. Their email addresses are: [email protected] (Brigid Carey), [email protected] (Tara Davis), [email protected] (Katie Curtin), and [email protected] (Michelle Armstrong). SPIRITWEAR The next opportunity to purchase spirit wear will be at Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday March 3rd. If there are any questions regarding spirit wear please contact Kim and Laurie at [email protected]. MEETING DATES Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 8th at 7:00 pm. Please join us in the Community Room. The remaining and final 2015-16 Meeting date is May 3rd. We are always looking for input and volunteers so please consider attending. It’s a great way to keep up on what’s going on at Sandburg. We look forward to seeing you there! PFSA BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS There are still several opportunities to serve on committees in PFSA this year. We also will have board and committee positions open for the 2016-2017 school year. Now is a great time to shadow a current member so you can be prepared for next year and see how you can contribute your talents to PFSA. It is both fun and rewarding to be a part of CONNECT WITH PFSA… PFSA is sharing happenings from our Sandburg community. “Like” us Facebook.com/sandburgpfsa and “Follow” us - @SandburgPFSA. If you are a PFSA Member and have not been receiving emails from the PFSA and would like to do so, please email your contact information to [email protected]. Don’t miss out on information, take time to get connected. The indoor graduation ceremony will be held in the Eagle Gym on Thursday, May 19th, with live streaming in the East Gym, Gold Gym, Performing Arts Center and Blue Gym. The tickets distributed to seniors at the Senior Picnic will be color coded allocating two for the Eagle and four for remote locations. If additional tickets are needed, seniors must check with other members of the senior class who may not be using all of their tickets. There will be no additional tickets issued from the Main Office. Graduates will gather at an off-site location and will be bussed to the campus for the ceremony. Off-site parking will be available for families, and a lottery will be held for those requesting parking spaces at Sandburg. More detailed information will be forthcoming in a mailing to senior families in mid-March. We encourage any senior interested in speaking at graduation to submit an original speech for this year’s Commencement Ceremony. The speech should be centered on this year’s theme: “The Need for Story”. Students should also reflect on what it means to be a graduate of Carl Sandburg High School in light of one or more of the following: ● Importance or impact of academics ● Influence of faculty, staff or family ● A significant opportunity offered at/ afforded by Sandburg ● Co-Curricular activities involvement ● Athletic participation ● Community service events ● Sandburg social events ● Other related topics A committee of students, teachers and administrators will review speeches. All submissions are due to Greg Gardner, Assistant Principal, by 4:00 pm on April 1st. Submission information and the Student Agreement form are available on the school website and in the Main Office. News From The Nurse’s Office MARCH IS POISON CONTROL MONTH NURSE’S OFFICE ALERT The Poison Center hotline number is 1-800-222-1222. The phone call is free and it is confidential. The website for information on poison control is: illinoispoisoncenter.org. Attention Junior Parents/Guardians (Class of 2017) Two doses of Meningococcal vaccine are required for entry to the 12th grade. Only one dose is required if it was given after the 16th birthday. The following action is needed from you at this time: This site gives information, first-aid tips, and frequently asked questions as well as presentation information. Attention Incoming Freshmen Health Packets were distributed on January 26 during Freshman Open House. Please call the Nurse’s Office at 708-671-3118 if you have not received a packet. ● If your child has received 2 doses of meningococcal vaccine, please bring your physician verified immunization record to the Nurse’s Office. ● If your child received 1 dose after their 16th birthday, bring your physician verified immunization record to the Nurse’s Office. ● If your child has not had this required vaccine they must have it and bring the verification of having received it to the Nurse’s Office. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Nurse’s office at (708) 671-3118. CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL 2015-2016 School Calendar Dates to Remember March 3 Parent/Teacher Conferences (no student attendance) 12 PM - 8 PM 4 No School 25 No School April 1 Early Dismissal 1:00 PM 4 Spring Break Begins 11 Classes Reconvene 22 No School May 20, 23-24 Final Exams (Semester 2) 24 Last Day of School (if NO snow days are used) (708) 671-3100 | sandburg.d230.org MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Greetings Eagle Families and Friends, Sandburg’s student body, including incoming freshmen, has completed course registrations for the 2016-17 school year. Our counselors offered extensive and individualized support during course selection and the registration process. Registration informs all other aspects of the master schedule process. From mid-February, for example, student course requests from registration determine the number of sections needed for each department course that will be scheduled. Once the number of course sections are exacted, staffing is then finalized. By the end of February through the end of April, teacher schedules and individual student schedules are developed within a context of fiscal responsibility and prudent resource allocation. We celebrated the good works of almost two dozen students at our monthly Blue & Gold Breakfast. Staff members join the students whom they recommend and share the inspiring and impressive stories of each individual student. As I told the February honorees, their big hearts and good heads make all of us at Sandburg better people. Speaking of great big hearts, we also congratulate Senior, Brooke Doman, who recently was honored as the first-ever Heart of the Village Student Volunteer recipient by Orland Park Mayor Dan McLaughlin at the State of the Village event that took place at Sandburg in February. Brooke epitomizes the “pay-it-forward” attitude. At our more formal annual Senior Honors Recognition Night on February 23rd, each academic department recognized a senior student who met the established criteria for excellence in that particular content area. In addition, students in the top 1%, top 5%, and 10% were honored for their high academic standing, and we commended our National Merit Scholar Semi-Finalists and Finalist, and Outstanding Eagles. We have posted the program to our website and congratulate these students and their families for these amazing academic achievements. The winter athletic and co-curricular seasons are coming to a close. We congratulate many of our Eagle teams who have concluded their season by qualifying for IHSA State level competition. At the time of writing this letter, Sandburg has proudly sent individuals and teams representing Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Dance, Chess, Wrestling, Boys Bowling, Girls Bowling, DECA, Business Professionals of America, and Speech to compete at the State level. A special congratulations to our Cheerleading Team who took 4th in the State! We are hopeful that other winter athletic and co-curricular team or individual competitions will continue advancing in their respective areas. Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, March 3rd between the hours of noon and 8:00 pm. Information about our parent-teacher conference scheduling process is located within this newsletter and posted on the Sandburg website. CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 Richard Nogal, President Melissa Gracias, Vice President Susan Dalton, Secretary Kate Murphy-Peterson Patrick O’Sullivan Denis Ryan Tony Serratore Dr. James M. Gay, Superintendent Deborah D. Baker, Principal Sandburg Pride is published by the Consolidated High School District 230 School Board. "An equal opportunity employer" Printed on Recycled Paper 30% Total Recycled Fiber Our Freshmen will take the State’s PARCC test over a series of four days during regular school attendance in late March. Details, including a testing schedule, will be mailed home to all freshman families, so that you have a ready resource (a/k/a “fridge sheet”) to keep track of all of the testing dates and attendance information. Please continue to spread the word about the upcoming Empower Teens to Make Good Choices panel and resource fair. Sandburg is hosting this District special event in collaboration with the Orland Park Substance Abuse Forum and our partner school districts. Our own Jessica Nelson, Student Assistance Coordinator, is one of the expert panelists who will present specific ideas to parents on how to help our teens develop the social and emotional skills necessary to navigate life. Best wishes and Go Eagles! Deborah D. Baker Principal MANDATORY PRE-PROM PARENT MEETING On Wednesday, March 23rd at 7:00 p.m., Carl Sandburg will be hosting a mandatory Pre-Prom Meeting for parents of students who plan to attend prom. Information regarding pre- and post-prom activities will be discussed by the Sandburg prom sponsor, school deans and the Orland Park Police Department. Parents must attend and sign an attendance slip in order for their students to purchase prom tickets. No tickets will be sold without proof of attendance. Any parent unable to attend on March 23rd should contact our receptionist at 671-3101 to arrange a time to come to school to view a video of the presentation. ATHLETIC BOOSTERS We'd like to congratulate those individuals and teams within our winter sports programs pursuing excellence through their commitment in Conference, Regional, Sectional and State play. It takes great dedication and focus to achieve the level of performance that we have seen them reach. All the winter sports teams are still competing and doing exceptionally well as they head towards the state finals! A reminder to parents of senior athletes: Please be sure that your student is eligible for one of the twenty $1,000 scholarships awarded from the Athletic Booster Club at the Senior Awards Night held in May. Along with academic eligibility, the athlete's family must be members of the Athletic Booster Club by April 16th. Athletic Booster Club membership forms and fees can be turned in at the Main Office to the attention of the Athletic Booster Club or to your Sports Rep. If you are uncertain of your membership status, please contact your sports representative or MUSIC BOOSTERS our Booster Club secretary, Michelle Gleisner, [email protected]. Spring sports are right around the corner. Check the athletic website for tryout times and dates! Michaela Comiskey has begun preparing our Spring Ad Book. If you or anyone you know would like to place an ad, please contact Michaela at [email protected]. The Booster Club always welcomes parent volunteers, so please join us at our next meeting, Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in Room E113-115. We will be taking nominations for the 2016-2017 Booster Board. We are desperately seeking a board secretary for 2016-2017. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Mike Probasco at [email protected]. Go Eagles! SENIOR PARTY A N16ht to Remember As the anticipation of Senior Party 2016 continues to grow, our efforts to plan the best experience for all the seniors continues as well! Our GRAND RAFFLE took place on Friday, February 26th. Be sure to read next month’s newsletter for information on how the event went as well as a list of all the lucky winners (this newsletter actually goes to press before the event occurs)! Any Senior who sold ALL 10 tickets will receive a FREE party ticket which has a $20 value. We will be selling party tickets during lunch periods sometime in May. There will be representatives from the PARTY committees at the PRE-PROM meeting taking place on Wednesday, March 23rd in the Eagle Gym at 7:00 pm to answer any questions you may have. If you have not already done so, please return your t-shirt order form and volunteer form in the return envelope that was provided or feel free to have your senior bring it to school and take it to our mailbox in the Dean’s Office. In April there will be another mailing going out to all Senior families that will include additional information about the Party. The most important part of that mailing will be the PERMISSION SLIPS! A Senior will not be able to receive their ticket without the permission slip signed by their parent. The mailing will also include a flyer about sale dates at school for the party tickets, Rules and Regulations for the Party as well as a Liability Waiver for the entertainment that will be provided. We are still looking for donations of food and prizes for the many activities the students will be participating in the night of the party. If anyone would like to make a food, prize, cash or in-kind donation please contact Gina Pelegrino at [email protected]. If you have any other questions or are interested in helping out, please attend our monthly meetings or contact Gina Pelegrino at the above email. Check Sandburg’s website under “parent organization” for our meeting dates or to download any of the forms sent home. We will also be inviting any JUNIOR parents who will be interested in running this event next year for PARTY 2017 to our May meeting. SENIOR SCHOLORSHIPS… Applications are due MONDAY, March 28. The Milton Potter Memorial Scholarship for seniors who will be pursuing a Music Major and The Music Booster Excellence in Music Scholarship for seniors who have participated all four years in the Music Department will be awarded at the Senior Scholarship Night on May 2nd. Please email [email protected] if you need an application. March is an extremely busy month for the Music Boosters, two of our main fundraising events take place this month. First up is the Music Boosters 27th Annual Spring Craft Fair held on Saturday, March 12 and Sunday, March 13. Come spend the weekend here at Sandburg looking for that special item made by one of the 130+ local artisans and crafters. The craft fair is the largest fundraiser for the Music Boosters and requires a lot of volunteers to make the weekend successful. Please consider volunteering some of your weekend for the music program. Many positions need to be filled: ticket sellers, concessions, bake sale and parking lot, just to name a few. Please email [email protected] with your availability. The second big event in March is the 2016 Sandburg Winter Guard Competition held on Sunday, March 20. Sandburg will host 36 guard teams from throughout the area. This event likewise requires numerous volunteers to make the Winter Guard Competition successful. We need help from approximately 8 am to 5 pm in many areas including; concessions, admissions, check-in, door monitors and sales of flowers and raffle tickets. Please email [email protected] with your availability. The Music Boosters ask that every music program family volunteer for at least one of the March events. These fundraisers provide the Music Boosters the resources to provide the Music Department with guest clinicians to work with the students, student summer scholarships, additional instruments, music and supplies. Please visit SandburgMusic.org for a calendar to the current events in the music program. Some of the upcoming Music Department events are: 3/2 Band Solo & Ensemble Festival 3/22 Orchestra Solo & Ensemble 3/29 Choir Solo and Ensemble ••• 3/10 Orchestra Concert 3/15 Choir Concert 3/17 Percuss-O-Rama 3/31 Spring Jazz Concert Concerts begin at 7 pm in the Sandburg PAC Each and every music parent can make a significant contribution, please consider volunteering at one of our March events. Your involvement in the Music Boosters is what ensures that our organization remains successful. Please join us for the next Music Booster meeting on Wednesday, March 16, 7 pm in Room E113-115. PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 11 ORLAND PARK CA R L S A N D B U R G H I G H S C H O O L 13300 S. LaGrange Road Orland Park, IL 60462 (708) 671-3100 http://sandburg.d230.org CARL SANDBURG HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER • MARCH 2016 Sandburg Wrestling After finishing as a State Runner-Up as a junior, Louie Hayes capped off his senior season with a State Championship at 113 lbs. In the State Finals, Louie avenged his only 2 losses of the season. He recorded a thrilling last second takedown en route to defeating the defending State Champion 2-1. Among his long list of accomplishments, Louie was a freestyle and greco-roman Jr. National Champion this past summer. Louie finishes his season with a 45-2 record and a team high 29 pins. He will attend the University of Virginia next fall. WhaT’S ahEad aT SandburG March 2016 Parent Teacher Conferences Thursday, March 3rd - 12:00 - 8:00 pm Pre-Prom Parent Meeting Wednesday, March 23rd - 7:00 pm Eagle Gym Rudy Yates finished out his unbelievable career with his 3rd State title and an incredible 168-3 career record. He finished his senior season with a 45-0 record and a State Championship at 132 lbs. Meanwhile, his past two years resulted in back-to-back State Championships with a perfect 91-0 record. In addition, he set an IHSA State record for career technical-falls. Rudy will attend the University of Northern Iowa next fall. iMPorTAnT dATES Empowering Teens to Make Good Choices Tuesday, March 1st - Orland Park Substance Abuse Forum - 7:00 pm PAC Friday, March 4th - Casimir Pulaski Day - No School Friday, March 11th - Winter Recognition Assembly Wednesday, March 23rd - Psychology Fair, 7:00 pm PAC Friday, March 25th - No School Tuesday, March 29th - Almost an Eagle (6th/7th Grade Parents) - 6:00 pm Event Calendar Link GuidAnCE rESourCES Registration Information - January 2016 AP Test Registration - Thurs. March 18th Deadline - AP registration Link Free College Planning Resource - Financial Fit Link Guidance Link dEAdLinES College Financial Aid - (FAFSA) Class of 2016 begins January 1st, 2016. Awards made until funds are depleted or June 30th. - FAFSA Link SAndburG LinkS Athletics Guidance Sandburg Website Sandburg Facebook Sandburg Twitter Event Calendar Link *Live links found at Sandburg.d230.org A CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 230 SCHOOL THOuGHT MEANING ACTION
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